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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Monday, November 14, 2011

14 November - RSS SnapShot! Pt I

A Tulalip family in front of their home on the...Image via Wikipedia

To Do

AZ Central.com
15, 2011 12:00 AM The Grand Canyon Trust is offering $1 million for renewable-energy projects on tribal lands across Arizona through a settlement with the utilities that expanded the Springerville Generating Station coal-fired plant in 2009. ...
National Geographic
Andreas Demmelbauer, Flickr Creative Commons By Ezra Drissman In a slow economy during a time when people are looking to save money, renewable energy can provide a dual solution. The two biggest expenses for most businesses are labor and utilities. ...
Renewable Energy Focus
Despite the international economic crisis and the reduction of Government incentives, renewable energy is continuing to have a growing impact on the world energy market. Experts from Lahmeyer International and the Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum ...
North American Windpower
by NAW Staff on Monday 14 November 2011 The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has ordered Southern California Edison (SCE) to stop construction work on segments 4-11 of the Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project (TRTP). ...
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Human Habitat

Access Washington
TULALIP RESERVATION – The Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology), US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), US Coast Guard and Tulalip Tribe are monitoring a tank leaking ammonia on Tulare Beach on the Tulalip Indian Reservation. ...
Cedar Valley Daily Times
Dr. Foster's Wartburg ecology class visited Eisenach Villages' lake Tuesday, Oct. 25, to study the aquatic life and measure water quality. Students measured the clarity of the lake using a Secchi disc; a black and white disk lowered until it is no ...
However, recycling is not all the Ecology Club has to offer; according to Raven, members of the club “make new friends and fun memories. It's a good place to come and chill out.” Many different types of students from all walks of high school life come ...
Nov 10 (Reuters) - SOCIAL ECOLOGY PROJECT CO LTD CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (in billions of yen unless specified) 6 months ended 6 months ended Full year to Full year ended Sep 30, 2011 Sep 30, 2010 Mar 31, 2012 Mar 31, 2011 LATEST YEAR-AGO ...
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Water Power

Washington Post
NEW YORK — R&B diva Patti LaBelle hurled curses — and half a bottle of water — at a woman and her 18-month-old daughter after a dust-up over parenting in an apartment building lobby, according to a lawsuit filed Monday and the family's lawyer. ...
Fox News
| AP Supercomputer maker Cray said the forthcoming Blue Water supercomputer will be made up of more than 235 Cray XE6 cabinets. CHAMPAIGN, Illinois – The University of Illinois says Seattle-based Cray Inc. will take over construction of the stalled ...
By Deborah Zabarenko, Environment Correspondent ATLANTA (Reuters) - Oil and water may not mix, but managing water -- moving it, filtering it, recycling it and ultimately exhausting it -- is one of the fastest growing sectors of the oil and gas industry ...
The Japan Times
By KAZUAKI NAGATA Tokyo Electric Power Co. has fought an eight-month battle to decontaminate the massive amounts of radioactive water in the reactor basements of the Fukushima No. 1 plant, and the struggle is far from over. ...
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