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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

13 November - My Yahoo!

An overview of Amman in Jordan, the host cityImage via Wikipedia
The under construction Jordan Gate Towers, Cur...Image via Wikipedia
The Entente in Macedonia.From left to right: a...Image via Wikipedia
Haves and Have Notsby James Corbett
November 7, 2011
A controversial carbon tax is set to pass the Australian Senate this week, even as the Irish government has decided it will put its own climate legislation on the back burner and a new British study finds that after two brutally harsh winters in a row, the Brits are more concerned with heating their homes than meeting their legally-binding emission reduction targets.
Are we witnessing the withering denouement of the whole global warming climate change climate disruption fiasco? If so, it couldn’t have come at a better time; the glitterati of the Hollywood “activist” community are preparing to descend on Durban for COP17, the annual UN self-immolation-fest where carbon eugenicists and Hollywood hypocrites congregate each year to do their thing
Ever since the breaking of climategate, the public at large has increasingly woken up to the agenda, one that was set out in black and white by the Club of Rome in their 1991 book The First Global Revolution:
In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.
And now we have finally arrived at the spot where the politicians are beginning to accept the reality that their long dreamed-of carbon tax power grab is politically viable no more…except in Australia. What Australia hopes to achieve by implementing its own scheme for carbon suicide, a bizarre mish-mash of carbon tax and emissions trading that the majority of Australians are against, is not exactly clear. It has already raised the ire of one chemical company, a methanol producer that would have produced $14 billion in export earnings if it weren’t for the tax, which would cost them $1 billion. Their solution? Move to China, where there is no tax…but emission productions are four times higher.

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