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Image by The Alex Jones Show via Flickr
Image by The Alex Jones Show via Flickr
Image by The Alex Jones Show via FlickrWelcome to the Reading List. Here are all the updates from any blogs you follow and sites you've joined using
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posted by Alison at
Creekside - 6 minutes ago
A magnitude 4.6 earthquake has struck near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan at a depth of 60 km (37.2 miles), the quake hit at 18:53:33
UTC Monday 28th November 2011. The epicenter was 22 km (13.6 miles) Ea...
*"Tracking the Government’s Plans to Save the Economy"* by Bill Bonner "Plan A doesn’t work…neither does Plan Z. Last week ended with a whimper and a bang. Stock markets whimpered. Investors didn’t know w...
A magnitude 4.7 earthquake has struck off the East Coast of Honshu, Japan at a depth of 10km (6.2 miles), the quake hit at 17:56:34 UTC Monday 28th November 2011. The epicenter was 122 km (75.6 miles) East...
Watch live streaming video from occupyphiladelphia at The Anatomy of the NATO-CIA Destabilization of
Syria: Tarpley Interviewed by Hanaa Alsaleh of Syria’s Addounia Television, Damascus.
Judge Andrew Napolitano, astonishingly, on FAUX News.
In case anyone is interested. *Tuesday, Nov. 29* Joint Board of Directors Meeting 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Board Reception/Dinner 6 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. *Wednesday, Nov. 30* Registration 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Hig...
posted by PC at
Not PC - 1 hour ago
It looks like ACT’s Minister of Rhyming Slang knows on which side his bread is buttered, and is intent on keeping the butter flowing no matter who and what he sells out. Because just three days after be...
William Hague has warned Iran that it would face an international backlash if it expelled Britain's ambassador to Tehran after the Islamic regime ratified legislation to downgrade UK ties. Mr Hague said ...
Newt Gingrich: Mr. New World Order. Gingrich: Gov. Should Allow Some Terror Attacks To Remind Us
*"$707,568,901,000,000: How (And Why) Banks Increased Total* * Outstanding Derivatives By A Record $107 Trillion In 6 Months"* By Teotwawki Daily "While everyone was focused on the impending European coll...
Humanitarian concerns "dressing up" the military conquest of Syria. by Tony Cartalucci November 28, 2011 - Wall Street and London's media machine eagerly churned out headlines like BBC's "Syria security f...
Syria said on Monday the Arab League had declared economic war on Damascus by announcing sanctions against its Central Bank, but said it had already withdrawn most funds targeted by a freeze on government ...
Here is the link to the final, fourth episode of Brian Greene's new PBS/NOVA documentary: Universe or Multiverse? I would say that it is inspired both by Greene's second popular book, The Fabric of the...
In virtually all the debates about the eurozone I have been engaged in, someone usually makes the point that it is only when things get bad enough, the politicians finally act – eurobond, debt monetisation...
Online footage of the incident, which occurred earlier this month during an afternoon news bulletin on the privately held REN TV channel, is being avidly viewed in both Russia and the United States. In th...
Days after India and China discussed the issue of oil exploration in the South China Sea, Beijing on Monday warned that it did not want foreign companies engage in activities in the disputed waters, saying...
At the rate homes are going on the foreclosure block in Maryland these days, it would take 21 years -- yes, years -- before the current "pipeline" of homes in danger of foreclosure are all sold. That's ac...
Iran is ready to hit centers of Israeli support if the Islamic republic is attacked by its adversary's military forces, a military chief said. A mid-November explosion at the Aghadir missile base, 25 miles...
Iranian Defense Minister General Ahmad Vahidi said Israel would be attacked with 150,000 missiles if it launches any military action against the Islamic Republic, the Iran Independent News Service reported...
The leaves have come off the Arab Spring, and now we see, perhaps, the colors of an American Fall. The people of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Syria are still poor, still hungry, still imprisoned, tortured and...
The popularity of Facebook, Twitter and text messaging means many girls are now exposed to a 24-hour-a-day barrage of bullying, England’s communications champion warned yesterday. Jean Gross said social m...
Almost a third of schools are failing to provide children with a good standard of education, Ofsted warned today. Inspectors said some 30 per cent of primaries and secondaries in England were no better t...
Women’s pay will overtake men’s within a decade if current trends in the labour market continue, new figures from the Government show. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said that the “gender pay ga...
A draught in Germany has brought water levels in the Rhine to dangerous lows, exposing ships to unexploded Second World War munitions. Bomb disposal experts have already had to blow up an incendiary bomb ...
Shocking new data has revealed that a whole street of New South Wales families lose their home every month. A report by the Australians for Affordable Housing revealed areas where renters and home purchas...
The showdown between Egyptian street demonstrators and the military-led government will likely escalate in the countdown to next week's parliamentary elections despite the military council's pledge Tuesd...
Syria is at war and the country is literally on the verge of disaster as we saw in Libya for eight months. The Syrian conflict has lasted for the same period and now things seem to have come to a boiling p...
My grandmother used to talk about the end times, and would scour current events and the weather for evidence of the Biblical signs foretelling the Earth's final days. I find myself doing the same thing wi...
Don't look for the Pentagon to shut down one side of its famous five-sided building. Don't expect the Education Department to pull back its grants just yet. With the collapse of the deficit-cutting superc...
Britain needs 10 years of austerity to fix its economic problems, a leading think-tank has warned as it questioned Coalition plans to restore growth by unleashing a building boom and urged George Osborne t...
Hungary has returned cap in hand to the International Monetary Fund after kicking out inspectors last year, becoming the first country in Eastern Europe to succumb to contagion from eurozone debt stress. ...
Gunboat diplomacy is in full spate in the Mediterranean and Persian Gulf. Washington is underscoring its military option against Iran's nuclear program, while Russia is demonstrating its resolve to prevent...
As the situation in Syria worsens, the frigate HMCS Vancouver will stay in the Mediterranean Sea until early 2012. "HMCS Vancouver will be tasked, while on Operation Active Endeavour, to take part in such...
The Facebook era and rise of social networks means that people are more closely connected than ever before, with four degrees of separation having become the norm. Since the American social psychologist, ...
The protesters on the front line kept up a rhythmic drumbeat, striking the railings and barricades hastily thrown up on the perimeter of Tahrir Square with stones and planks of wood to fill central Cairo w...
Iran dares Israel to attack, because the retaliation would send the Jewish state to "the dustbin of history," a senior Revolutionary Guards commander said, according to the Fars news agency Monday. "Our g...
Campus police can have many of the same rights and responsibilities of a municipal department - but they serve a more insular community. On Friday, Officer John Pike made international headlines when he sh...
This little blue square can detect and communicate changes in machines or its environment, then let you know with a tweet, text or email.
The head of Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant which suffered the world’s worst atomic accident in 25 years earlier this year has been admitted to hospital, it emerged today. Masao Yoshida, 56, who w...
*President Obama not expected at White House meetings Wednesday and Thursday for Native American leaders* By Brenda Norrell, copyright Censored News The White House told Censored News on Monday that Presi...
*Not so fast!* "Basque separatists end armed battle for independence" October 21, 2011|By Daniel Woolls and Yesica Fisch, Associated Press BILBAO, Spain - After killing more than 800 people across Spain d...
Hi Everyone, Comments will now be moderated before being published, and should appear shortly after (or at the very latest, within the hour) of being reviewed. Please visit the bottom of the About/Contact...
Syrian troops have killed hundreds of children and committed other "crimes against humanity" since unrest began in March, a UN report says. The investigation, conducted by an independent panel, found 256 ...
A magnitude 5.1 earthquake has struck the Myanmar-China Border Region at a depth of 37.1km (23.1 miles), the quake hit at 15:06:52 UTC Monday 28th November 2011. The epicenter was 30 km (18 miles) Southeas...
*I'll give you one gue$$ from whom*: "Portugal’s bonds cut to junk status; Workers strike against tough austerity moves" November 25, 2011|By Barry Hatton, Associated Press LISBON - Portugal’s efforts to ...
A magnitude 5.3 earthquake has struck the New Ireland Region, Papua New Guinea at a depth of 56.3 km (35.1 miles), the quake hit at 14:27:57 UTC Monday 28th November 2011. The epicenter was 137 km (85 mile...
*McHenry's district is suddenly a lot bluer-- and he's about to get schooled by Patsy Keever* Remember when Patrick McHenry tried to humiliate Elizabeth Warren at a committee hearing? I believe Patsy Keev...
*"Fed "Secrecy" Slowly Falls..."* by Karl Denninger "From Bloomberg.... "The Federal Reserve and the big banks fought for more than two years to keep details of the largest bailout in U.S. history a secr...
Kuwait's cabinet has resigned after protesters and opposition deputies demanded that the prime minister step down over allegations of corruption, state-run television has reported. "The prime minister [Sh...
Source: Diario La Capital ( Date: 11.28.2011 Argentina: VISION OVNI - "We're Facing a UFO Flap in Victoria" A "UFO Flap" is drawing researchers from throughout the c...
Looking for a bargain this holiday? Swing by Gizmodo's exhaustive list of Cyber Monday deals.
Prince William took part in the rescue of Russian sailors whose cargo ship sank.
After 8.5-month cruise to Mars, NASA faces "six minutes of terror" with rover's new landing system.
They tell us lies about the economy. One moment the economy is 'sound'; the next moment it is 'in a mess'. *1.* In 2010, Andreas Georgiou, from the IMF, became the head of Greece’s statistics agency. No...
Source: El Diario de Carlos Paz (Carlos Paz, Argentina) Date: 11.22.2011 Argentina: Are UFOs Flying Over the Mountain Ranges? ...
[image: Rice terraces are seen at Matsudai Tanada region in Niigata, Japan, 13 May 2008. Koichi Kamoshida /AFP / Getty Images] *Editor's note: Of the world's 50,000 edible plant species, only a few hund...
[image: A boat vendor waits for customers in a flooded area of Bangkok, 7 November 2011. Reuters] BANGKOK, November 8 (AFP) – The Thai capital, built on swampland, is slowly sinking and the floods curre...
Source: El Intransigente Date: 11.26.11 A triangular UFO was recorded on video at Ituzaingó at ...
An Ohio third-grader who weighs more than 200 pounds has been taken from his family and placed into foster care after county social workers said his mother wasn't doing enough to control his weight. The P...
Late last summer/early fall, I got a great jump start on my annual year-end feature, amassing loads of pictures, links and about two thirds of my dishonorees for 2011. Then I developed a problem with my l...
On Saturday, November 5 2011, members of the Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía (FAO) met by the banks of the El Espinillo creek (Atalaya, Buenos Aires) for a skywatch. The location, known as "one of the 1...
[image: The cooling towers of a coal-powered power plant are seen in the suburbs of Beijing, 22 November 2011. China, the world's top greenhouse gas emitter, said it will push at the UN climate talks in ...
*"Greece would eventually be able to reinvent itself through its ability to print its own currency**"* *Uh-oh!!! Eliminate private central banking and its Ponzi scheme?* *That's the thing that got Abraha...
*It's not surprising; look who **selected him.* *"In dictating Italy’s new national agenda, .... under pressure to quickly reassure financial markets.... full powers to begin drafting his agenda.... a gov...
A mutation may have helped humans learn how to create complex speech and language.
Humans living 40,000 years ago caught fish that are challenging to catch even today.
* Turkey* Dilsat Aktas is a young lady who climbed onto an armoured police-carrier in Ankara, in Turkey. She was protesting against the death of an activist. The police broke Dilsat's hip. Turkey and hu...
As the Public Sector strike draws nigh, a Biased BBC reader generously provides us with the sort of insight which the State Broadcaster conspicuously ignores; *"REAL COST OF PUBLIC SECTOR PENSIONS REVEALE...
Monday and time for a new one of these. The floor is yours, use it wisely! Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.
*Dry River Radical Resource Center hosts speakers for O'odham VOICE Against the Wall* By Dry River Collective Censored News Media Inquiries: Dan Todd, 520-982-1835, lang...
Here's a wonderful example of some BBC dissembling. Remember those deplorable summer riots? Guess who is "to blame"? That's right - the Police! A lack of confidence in the police response to the initial r...
Game Preview: Saints vs. Giants Changed History, Occupy Newcomb Boulevard ~Library Chronicles New Orleans corners hold key to city's future, Mayor Mitch Landrieu says Sat. Dec. 3rd Central City Neighborh...
Whenever I want to mention Richard Feynman's attitude to the foundations of quantum mechanics, I typically point to this four-minute interview with an older Feynman. He says that physics at the fundamental...
Panel discussion on preventing environmental disasters Bonfire Heights 2011from Darius Seddiqui on Vimeo.
[image: Norfolk Constabulary expenditures on the UEA hacker investigation, 2009-2011. The grand total spent by Norfolk police on the investigation since the November 2009 theft is just £80,905.11. desmog...
Ancient stars inherited their gold from an earlier generation.
“Now for a party political broadcast on behalf of Islam.” Not heard in so many words on the BBC, but the strategy of bringing Muslims and Islam into our lives with a series of “they’re just like us” progra...
Listen to internet radio with Brenda Norrell on Blog Talk Radio CENSORED NEWS BLOGTALK RADIO ALCATRAZ -- Listen to Quanah Parker Brightman honor his father Lehman Brightman, who is hospitalized following...
There's a lot of excitement in Liberal land over the latest Nanos poll: CPC 35.6% Lib 28.1% NDP 27.3% Green 3.9% BQ 3.9% As much as I'd love to jump up and down and chant "*suck it Peter Newman*", the re...
By: Duane Craig Barges in the Pine Street Superfund Site.Pine Street Canal Superfund site still active.Old, cleaned up or contained contamination sometimes resurfaces to create new problems. The Pine Stree...
*Just be careful what you **text or say on your phone. * "Hacking reported at more UK papers" by Alan Cowell New York Times /November 15, 2011 Records of *illicit intercepts of phone messages* presented to...
Libya is "gunning" for Syrian opposition- That is gun running Syrian rebels held secret talks with Libya's new authorities (NATO backed government) on Friday, aiming to secure weapons and money (funneling ...
Some people with photosensitive epilepsy should take caution if seeing the latest Twilight movie.
*K Street's sleaziest lobbyist, Gary Andres (l), found the perfect home with Fred Upton* For all I can I can tell, economist and author David Korten may have never heard of Michigan plutocrat Fred Upton. ...
*The plane ran out of gas?* "Passengers on jet asked for fuel money" November 18, 2011|By Associated Press LONDON - Airlines have already begun charging for food, drinks, seat assignments, and baggage. N...
I used to think that I wasn't creative enough to scrapbook. Scrapbooking has always seemed like a long, tedious process of making sure you can cut straight, glue even straighter and add just the right amou...
"After riots, London police move to stem gang violence" November 25, 2011|By Karla Adam, Washington Post LONDON - The * predawn raid* last month was part of the London Metropolitan *Police’s new antigang ...
Sometimes it pays to be odd. Homes with an odd number are worth more than those with an even figure on the front door, a study has revealed. An ‘odd’ home’ is an average of £538 more expensive than an ‘...
Violent video games can alter the brain in just one week and make players more aggressive, according to researchers. A study has found that key areas in the brain suffer reduced activity, and leave it p...
GANSU - A top manager in Northwest China's Gansu province has been suspended from post after 266 workers with his company were found to have excessive cadmium levels in their blood, according to a statemen...
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Milford Bay Trout Farm Inc. are warning the public not to eat Milford Bay Smoked Trout Filet, after discovering the product may be contaminated with the bacte...
Singer Chris Walton is better known by her stage name 'The Dutchess' in U.S states Nevada and California. But her voice is far from the first thing you would notice if you bumped into her in the street....
- Relatives of those suffering from multiple myeloma are four times more likely to develop cancerous cells - First time genes responsible for the disease have been identified A person's g...
*The move would divide Europe -- according to a press report, Germany and the five other strongest euro member nations are considering the issue of so-called "elite bonds." A German government official has...
Tensions among Pakistan, Afghanistan and the United States jumped a notch Monday, with Pakistan's prime minister warning there would be "no more business as usual" with Washington after NATO aircraft kil...
A magnitude 6.4 earthquake has struck the New Ireland Region, Papua New Guinea at a depth of 50.4 km (31.3 miles), the quake hit at 12:26:48 UTC Monday 28th November 2011. The epicenter was 137 km (85 mile...
The Tungurahua volcano in Ecuador is spewing out red-hot rocks and billowing coarse ash. The South American country's Geophysical Institute says the increased activity began Sunday afternoon. It says the ...
A Biased BBC reader notes; "A new article on the BBC website headlined CO2 climate sensitivity 'overestimated' By Jennifer Carpenter, starts off hopefully with the statement; "Global temperatures could b...
Well just as the Occupy jamboree outside St Paul's is disappearing off radar, up pops the BBC to tell us about the Occupy Leeds "camp." Evan Davies takes a remarkably relaxed view of the "aims" of the rabb...
The spread of rioting across England occured because police failed to respond robustly to initial disturbances, a new report has claimed. The *Independent Riots, Communities and Victims Panel* has spent t...
The idea that the unemployment problem is due to lack of effort on behalf of the unemployed rather than a lack of demand is convenient for the moralists, but inconsistent with the facts. The problem is lac...
The International Monetary Fund has poured cold water on market hopes that it is preparing a substantial financial aid package for debt-laden Italy. Following media reports in Italy at the weekend, the IM...
Climate negotiations resume in South Africa today. In the United States, the hot air has yet to stop blowing.
Britain will return to recession next year, and will need to print more money, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development has said. In its semi-annual report on the outlook in its 34 member...
*As the result of the Republican Party’s look for the anti-Romney, Gingrich placed as the Romney substitute. It could be concluded in a well-known position for the GOP. More significantly, it is the type ...
A Black Friday shopper who collapsed while shopping at a Target store in West Virginia went almost unnoticed as customers continued to hunt for bargain deals. Walter Vance, the 61-year-old pharmacist, w...
A magnitude 5.1 earthquake has struck the Puerto Rico Region at a depth of 21.5 km (13.4 miles), the quake hit at 10:35:56 UTC Monday 28th November 2011. The epicenter was 61 km (38 miles) North of Hatillo...
A magnitude 4.6 earthquake has struck the Puerto Rico Region at a depth of 25 km (15.5 miles), the quake hit at 10:35:57 UTC Monday 28th November 2011. The epicenter was 59 km (36 miles) North of Camuy, Pue...
Thousands of angry Pakistanis took to the streets yesterday and burned an effigy of President Barack Obama in protest over the Nato strike that killed 24 soldiers. Demonstrators, who carried anti-Western ...
‘If you have taken what you believed to be MDMA, or any other substance, during this weekend’s events at Alexandra Palace, and are now feeling unwell, I would strongly urge you to attend your nearest hospi...
Demonstrators held their ground in Los Angeles' City Hall Park early Monday morning, defying a 12:01 a.m. deadline to leave the encampment that had been in place for almost 60 days. Protesters encouraged...
In 1986, Alexander Zamolodchikov of the Soviet Landau Institute – whom I know well from my Rutgers PhD student years more than a decade later – proved the so-called "Zamolodčikov \(c\)-theorem": Wikipedia....
A magnitude 6.3 earthquake has struck the Bali Sea, Indonesia at a depth of 617 km (382.5 miles), the quake hit at 09:13:211 UTC Monday 28th November 2011. The epicenter was 154 km (95.4 miles) Northwest o...
British embassies in the eurozone have been told to draw up plans to help British expats through the collapse of the single currency, amid new fears for Italy and Spain. As the Italian government struggl...
Paddy cultivated on hundreds of acres in the district is under water as rain continues in Kanyakumari district for the second successive day on Sunday. The Pazhayaar flood has surrounded several residenti...
A major wind storm blowing through southern Alberta forced Calgary to close its downtown area to traffic, and led to evacuation orders for homes on the outskirts of Lethbridge threatened by grassfires. T...
Flu experts are gearing up their response planning, after an odd new flu virus has been detected, a senior official of the World Health Organization (WHO) said. The virus is currently jumping from pigs t...
A woman in Germany has given birth to the country's heaviest baby and has gone ahead and named him Jihad, local media has reported. According to the doctors at Berlin’s Charité hospital, the baby - weighin...
A Sydney student has been found guilty of murdering his mother's lover in an honour killing. Andrew Iskandar, 21, stood trial in the New South Wales Supreme Court for the murder of Malaysian consulate dr...
A magnitude 4.7 earthquake has struck the Saint Martin Region, Leeward Islands at a depth of 24.9 km (15.5 miles), the quake hit at 05:42:52 UTC Monday 28th November 2011. The epicenter was 52 km (32 miles...
The good news is that the scientistsare finally seeing a light at the end ofthe tunnel in the search for an actual cure for AIDS. The disease was first stabilized almostfifteen years ago and as this ...
I do not know how much consumersrely on the used by dates on food. Ihave always known those dates to have a huge safety factor and that it reallymeans to use discretion. Another trick for meats inpar...
Wading through this speculativealternative historic narrative is a bit much but is worth it for the oralexposition of Credo Matwa. I find theexplanations for alien interest on the basis of gold to be ...
This is a very odd phenomenonthat is also unexpected. One understandsthat mixing occurs, but not this gathering into a streamlet that descends tothe ocean floor and then explodes outward. It is certai...
* * * * *Self Help* * by Samuel Smiles* * Hypertext Meanings and Commentaries from the Encyclopediaof the Self* * by Mark Zimmerman* *Self Help; WithIllustrations of Conduct and Perseverance* *By Samuel S...
* Ali Tarhouni * Ali Tarhouni has been both the oil minister, and the acting prime-minister, in the new Libya. He has now quit. *He says that the new government of Libya represents less than 10% of the L...
“If you choose to use your status and influence to raise your voice on behalf of those who have no voice; if you choose to identify not only with the powerful, but with the powerless; if you retain the ab...
*German medicine manufacturer Merck KGaA has started permissible action next to Facebook following discovering what its attorney described as the "the evident invasion on the Facebook page. Actually the ...
http:// • Uploaded by MrDanbloom on Nov 27, 2011 Hat tip and many thanks to Dan Bloom for this material.
*Be prepared to wait in line. * "More than 2,000 Tunisians marched in favor of a secular state that allows press freedom and other rights. The demonstration was a response to protests and violence by Isla...
UC Davis Pepper-Spray Incident Reveals Weakness Up Top POSTED: November 22, 12:33 PM ET Read more. Was absolutely mesmerized last night watching the viral video of the UC-Davis pepper-spraying. It wa...
The old Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times”, needs an addition: “May you live in interesting times, but be too terrified to notice”. These are extraordinary times in Europe, with the post-...
More than 1300 protesters were arrested as police tried to clear the way for a train carrying nuclear waste from France to continue its journey. *GERMAN police have battled thousands of anti-nuclear protes...
Attack comes hours before Egyptian parliamentary elections set to begin; marks ninth such attack on pipeline this year; security forces and fire trucks race to scene west of El-Arish. CAIRO - Saboteurs bl...
*According to the survey, part of the UK's rarest plants and birds are found in the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads. The study conceded out by UEA is supposed to be the first complete review of precisely what...
A magnitude 4.9 earthquake has struck the Puerto Rico Region at a depth of 20.2 km (12.6 miles), the quake hit at 04:56:20 UTC Monday 28th November 2011. The epicenter was 63 km (39 miles) North of Arecibo...
A blast at a hotel in the southern Philippines on Sunday killed three people and wounded 27, an official said. The explosion took place at the Atilano Pension House in Zamboanga City, said Sheila Covarru...
Today Christine Amanpour had Colin Powell on her ABC-TV show, *This Week*. He sure used the phrase "the 99%" a lot but wasn't really using it the way that's been current of late. In his *Times* column on ...
Vladimir Putin accepted his ruling party's nomination on Sunday to return to Russia's presidency, while accusing foreigners of funding his political opponents in a reminder of the anti-Western rhetoric tha...
A magnitude 4.7 earthquake has struck the Eastern New Guinea Region, Papua New Guinea at a depth of 68.8 km (42 miles), the quake hit at 04:28:40 UTC Monday 28th November 2011. The epicenter was 41 km (25 ...
Iran will bomb Turkey if the U.S. or Israel tries to destroy its nuclear installations, a senior military commander warned today. General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, head of the aerospace division of the powerful ...
[image: Age gap: Kasey Buckles of Notre Dame University lead the study into age gaps between siblings] Kasey Buckles of Notre Dame University lead the study into age gaps between siblings Forget expens...
“It is of the nobility of man's soul that he is insatiable: for he hath a benefactor so prone to give, that he delighteth in us for asking. Do not your inclinations tell you that the WORLD is yours? Do yo...
Britain is drawing up emergency plans for the collapse of the ‘creaking’ Eurozone amid warnings debt-stricken Italy will need a £500 billion bailout involving billions of pounds of UK taxpayers’ money. C...
- Children as young as five being treated in hospital for anorexia Half of girls and a third of boys are willing to take extreme measures to get a perfect body or reach an ideal weight, a study has...
Patients admitted to hospital for emergency treatment at weekends are almost ten per cent more likely to die than those admitted on weekdays. A report suggests mortality rates ‘rise sharply’ for those ad...
*Get a fire going.* "National park in Congo offers views of erupting volcano" November 15, 2011|Associated Press KINSHASA, Congo - A *national park* in Congo best known for its endangered mountain gorill...
The over-50s have been dubbed the ‘generous generation’ after a report found that a third are providing financial support to their children and grandchildren. Saga’s latest quality of life index found t...
Union leaders have declared there is nothing the Government can do to avert the biggest strikes in a generation this week. As the Army is put on standby to secure Britain’s borders, millions of public sec...
*Most of the emergent world's major greenhouse gas emitters are request to impediment discussion on a novel typical weather concurrence. Upward countries will undoubtedly goal wealthy governments such as...
"War is a racket," said Smedley Butler, the legendary and heroic American General. War in the nuclear age is futile and stupid. A war between Israel/America and Persia hasn't started yet, but we can alre...
A magnitude 4.9 earthquake has struck the Mid-Indian Ridge at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles), the quake hit at 03:33:34 UTC Monday 28th November 2011. The epicenter was 550 km (341 miles) Northeast of Ile Rod...
A magnitude 4.9 earthquake has struck South of the Fiji Islands at a depth of 506.8 km (314.9 miles), the quake hit at 01:44:17 UTC Monday 28th November 2011. The epicenter was 456 km (283 miles) SSW of Nd...
A magnitude 4.9 earthquake has struck the Mid-Indian Ridge at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles), the quake hit at 03:33:34 UTC Monday 28th November 2011. The epicenter was 550 km (341 miles) Northeast of Ile Rod...
A magnitude 4.7 earthquake has struck the Bougainville Region, Papua New Guinea at a depth of 146.3 km (90.9 miles), the quake hit at 01:24:53 UTC Monday 28th November 2011. The epicenter was 95 km (59 mil...
*"A Warning from the Ancestors-* * Psychopaths in Folklore and Fairy Tales"* Thomas Sheridan "Recently, I received a message from a someone who read "Puzzling People"and they asked me this question: "Why a...
A magnitude 4.6 earthquake has struck near the Coast of Ecuador at a depth of 56.7 km (35.2 miles), the quake hit at 23:53:56 UTC Sunday 27th November 2011. The epicenter was 53 km (32 miles) NNW of Machal...
"Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand- and melting like a snowflake..." - Marie Beyon Ray
*Most accomplished appliance yet built to earth on top of Mars, NASA has launched. Amazing cartridge in use from the upper-stage of the missile showed it wandering off into the space. Nicknamed inquisiti...
* “Of Pumpkins And Velvet Cushions”* by Chet Raymo "Art is I; science is We," said the great French physician Claude Bernard. Which says a lot in six words. Science is consensus, and because of that it i...
*I don't know what Gale Gand plans to put in those ramekins, but whatever it is, please, please save one for me.* *by Ken* One nice thing about the long weekend was being home on the two weekdays, and dis...
“The most distant object easily visible to the eye is M31, the great Andromeda Galaxy some two and a half million light-years away. But without a telescope, even this immense spiral galaxy - spanning over ...
War with Iran from parstimes on Vimeo. The US and Iran from parstimes on Vimeo.
Political cartoon by Joshua Brown / The Rag Blog / September 18, 2011.[Joshua Brown is the executive director of the Center for Media and Learning/American Social History Project, The Graduate Center, The Ci...
Awhile back - I put out a request for someone to debunk the American Legislative Exchange council report "Rich States Poor States". Tonight while I was surfing I found this on the Progressive States Networ...
“Faith and doubt belong together; they govern each other like inhaling and exhaling.” - Hermann Hesse, "The Glass Bead Game"
*INTERNATIONAL ANARCHIST MOVEMENT:* *LIBERTARIAN SOLIDARITY WITH THE STRUGGLE IN EQYPT:* The following is a document sign by a number of libertarian socialist organizations reiterating their suppo...
The world is being pushed towards rule by a single global authority. Many of the powers behind that drive are known as Jews by race or religion, and the undeniable association of internationalism and org...
Stephen M. Walt, who coauthored the book 'The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy' with John Mearsheimer, says America's problem is not a rising China but the moral collapse in Washington and the lack of ...
I'm guessing most Americans have forgotten every they ever knew about Rhodes beyond, *maybe* the Colossus of. I went for a visit once... hated it. I'm guessing it's a much cooler place to go during the s...
Mannford, Oklahoma, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
*“Study: Guilt May Be A Top Factor In PTSD”* by Gregg Zoroya "A leading cause of post-traumatic stress disorder is guilt that troops experience because of moral dilemmas faced in combat, according to pre...
*"That Rocky Road to Damascus"* Pepe Escobar "The trillion-dollar question in the "Arab Winter" is who will blink first in the West's screenplay of slouching towards Tehran via Damascus. As they examine t...
posted by laura k at
wmtc - 23 hours ago
Naomi Wolf in *The Guardian*: US citizens of all political persuasions are still reeling from images of unparallelled police brutality in a coordinated crackdown against peaceful OWS protesters in cities ...
Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Part 5: Part 6: Part 7: Part 8: Part 9: Part 10: Part 11:
posted by PC at
Not PC - 1 day ago
*[image: _McGrath001]Libz leader Dr Richard McGrath looks at who really won on Saturday night.* Let's check out the real result of Saturday night. Total number of eligible voters by 5 p.m. Friday 25 Nov...
A storm ravaging southwestern Sweden has cut off the electricity supply to some 12,000 homes and has disrupted ferry services between Sweden and Germany. Ferry operator Scandlines said Sunday it has cance...
A magnitude 5.3 earthquake has struck the Molucca Sea, Indonesia at a depth of 25.3 km (15.7 miles), the quake hit at 19:59:38 UTC Sunday 27th November 2011. The epicenter was 145 km (90 miles) NNW of Tern...
Durban, South Africa will be hosting another annual two-week gathering of the global warming activists and lobbyists. The proceedings will begin tomorrow. Fortunately, the nations of the world will only...
A magnitude 5.2 earthquake has struck near the Coast of Central Peru at a depth of 29 km (18 miles), the quake hit at 19:56:38 UTC Sunday 27th November 2011. The epicenter was 52 km (32 miles) Southwest of...
A magnitude 5.1 earthquake has struck the Santa Cruz Islands at a depth of 54.9 km (34.1 miles), the quake hit at 17:48:02 UTC Sunday 27th November 2011. The epicenter was 199 km (123 miles) South of Lata,...
To D-fox: if you're reading this, please contact us at It's important -- we believe.
Let us all extend our sympathies to the Spanish people. They face the greatest national emergency since the Civil War yet their vote for drastic change is palpably useless, even if democracy has in this ca...
They drive cars, but seldom new ones. They earn paychecks, but not big ones. Many own homes. Most pay taxes. Half are married, and nearly half live in the suburbs. None are poor, but many describe themselv...
The thylacine, the dodo, the great auk, the passenger pigeon, the golden toad: these species have become symbols of extinction. But they are only the tip of the recent extinction crisis, and according to a...
A new phrase is entering the culinary lexicon: “ration-book meat cuts”. After decades relegated to pet food and canny ethnic butchers, offal and other more obscure bits of calf, sheep and pig are finding t...
View the entire photo gallery here.
Unlike the student revolutionaries of the Sixties, the protesters at Zuccotti Park and St Paul's Cathedral have no clear political objectives, apart from vague attacks on the current economic system. Some...
The cracks in the euro have created fissures in the whole European project of 'ever closer union'. There has been a fundamental change in the way the European Union is thought about – and the change has h...
As mainland Chinese discover expensive wines and luxury cars from the west, so too grows the demand for illegal drugs such as cocaine. And this booming trade uses Hong Kong as a conduit between Latin Ameri...
It does not make for pleasant dinner conversation. But we have a global sanitation crisis. More than 40% of the world's population does not have access to a toilet. These 2.6 billion people, most living in...
Economists are warning of dire consequences if US politicians fail to make progress this weekend in tense talks aimed at reducing America's massive deficit ahead of a Wednesday deadline. The bi-partisan c...
BRITAIN will soon be forced to scrap the pound and join the euro, one of Germany’s most senior figures said yesterday. In a chilling threat to UK sovereignty, German finance minister Wolfgang Schauble pre...
The Duke of Edinburgh has made a fierce attack on wind farms, describing them as “absolutely useless”. In a withering assault on the onshore wind turbine industry, the Duke said the farms were “a disgrac...
Current and former US intelligence officials estimate that any Israeli attack on nuclear sites in Iran would go far beyond airstrikes from F-15 and F-16 fighter jets and likely include electronic warfare a...
Ron Paul with Sean Hannity discussing the economy and the election. Paul talks about the lack of attention he receives, if he is not ignored altogether. Paul says he and his staff were "annoyed" by the f...
Climate change will make drought and flooding events like those that have battered the United States and other countries in 2011 more frequent, forcing nations to rethink the way they cope with disasters, ...
( BTW While I may rant about co2 temperature change scaremongering ; albedo changes and cloud formation from particulate air pollution - and increased respiratory diseases - is a different question altogether when considering ground temperatures and wind generation from internal thermal differentials in the atmosphere. The lady at Desdemona Despair and I disagree less than it would seem on the surface : especially when it comes to loss of plant life. For that there is a list : monoculture agriculture, forest loss, GM 'crops' with animal DNA generating more toxins, ozone, nitrogen cycle pollution from fertilizer, barium and aluminum from prolonged chemtrail spraying , pesticides and agricultural chemicals, proliferation of chemical agents - especially toxic germicides,water pollution from hydrofracking, etc. etc. )
Tens of thousands of Somalis have died and the UN has warned that three quarters of a million more are at risk of dying before the end of the year.
November 28, 2011
November 23, 2011
November 22, 2011
November 21, 2011
November 18, 2011
November 17, 2011
November 16, 2011
November 15, 2011
November 14, 2011
November 11, 2011