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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Friday, November 4, 2011

4 November - RSS SnapShot!

Worldwide Renewable energy, existing capacitie...Image via Wikipedia

To Do

Huffington Post (blog)
These developments have tongues wagging -- some see it as a symbol of government excess while others repeat the old myth that renewable energy just can't work. These critics are overlooking one important fact -- if our strategy for building new energy ...
Journal and Courier
Sessions will be in Ivy Hall, Rooms 1106 and 1112 , from 9 am to 3 pm Porter was chairman of the energy technology program at Ivy Tech and a partner at ECI Wind and Solar, a Fairmount company that installs solar, wind and other renewable energy ...
David Cameron has endorsed an expert report that warned Alex Salmond's plan for a renewable energy revolution would increase the average household power bill by £875 in an independent Scotland. By Simon Johnson, Scottish Political Editor The Prime ...
Community Impact Newspaper
By Blake Rasmussen Friday, 04 November 2011 PFLUGERVILLE — WindData, a high-tech renewable energy data company, plans to open a five-building, $210 million data center in Pflugerville after the Pflugerville Development Community Development Corp. ...
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Human Habitat

Access Washington
OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) and the Puget Sound Partnership (Partnership) have released the latest look at what's known about toxic chemical pollution in the Puget Sound region. The report, titled “Assessment of Selected ...
US Ecology (ECOL) announced its quarterly results on Tuesday. The company reported $0.33 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the Thomson Reuters consensus estimate of $0.28 by $0.05. The company's quarterly revenue was up 52.7% on a ...
Bend Bulletin
Cotton farmer Kailash Himmitrao Mahalle uses drip irrigation to water half of his 15-acre farm in Shelu, India. The drip system, installed with advice from the Better Cotton Initiative, spreads water and fertilizer more evenly than traditional pumping, ...
Access Washington
OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) invites the public to weigh in on proposed increases in dam inspection fees and fees charged to review new dam construction in Washington state. The 2011 Legislature directed Ecology to raise dam ...
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Water Power

Fox News
AP Fresno, CA – California's long-running water wars typically pit farmers against environmentalists, but this time the state's growers are facing off against each other about plans to build a massive water system in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River ...
They were also much more likely to say their neighbors used canal water to irrigate their lawns than other non-infected residents, researchers say. That doesn't mean Texans should avoid canal water altogether, they added -- just that they should take ...
Sydney Morning Herald
Rancid brown water has gushed into fields near Lat Krabang estate, which accommodates more than 50 factories employing tens of thousands of people. Seven other large industrial estates have already been swamped in a disaster that has killed more than ...
Houston Chronicle
Investigators will try to determine the impact of large-scale water withdrawals, aboveground spills of drilling fluids, and the fracturing process itself on water quality and quantity in states where tens of thousands of wells have been drilled in ...
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