Monsanto War on Farmers
You simply cannot take a seed, put pesticides in the seed genetically and claim you have rights to the whole seed you made. The only patent Monsanto has is on the pesticide chemical which is Round Up.Round up is now used in foods such as: GMO corn, GMO sugar beets, GMO soy, GMO alfalfa, and any genetically modified plants. They are deadly, they cause allergic reactions, they contain carcinogens and they are to be banned universally to protect human health.
Farmers have found that GMO seed causes more harm to regular crops and will destroy the US farmers putting them out of business and encourages large corporate farms to produce GMO foods.
The false premise that the world has food shortages is false, there is plenty of agricultural land in most all of the world’s countries.
Hydroponic food supply is much more acceptable, cleaner, natural and can produce vast quantities of organic foods for mankind.
The courts in the European Union are quickly banning Monsanto’s GMO seed as illegal.
Farm Wars is just beginning.
The courts in Europe have ruled that Conventional breeding of seeds cannot be patented except for in the Supreme Court of the United States which proves where the corruptions is coming from in the so called justice system of America.
According to the Supeme Court of the United States the air can be patented, water can be patented and seeds can be patented in a ridiculous environment where corporate interests are buying up the judicial system that once had integrity and that once stood for justice.
Not in 2011.
Monsanto is now attempting to patent GMO melons in Europe, however their patent is a violation of patent law.
They would have to own and claim rights to the organic melon which they do not possess, for that belongs to nature.
The patent laws exclude all plants that are natural and therefore the patent should be rejected completely. Monsanto holds no legal rights to any seeds that came from natural sources nor does breeding a seed constitute exclusive rights, patent rights and claims to own the seeds entirely. The effects of Monsanto round up seeds are a terrorist threat to Americans, to human health, to the farming industry and to children raised on pesticide foods.
The basic flaws in Monsanto’s patent claims are many but here is one major flaw:
Monsanto does not own proprietary rights to the original melons - they just put a cosmetic change on the plants -they do not own a monopoly on the original seed of the melon- that is the illegal farce to their claims to patent seeds. This claim has been legally argued and tainted courts have ruled in favor of it.
Monsanto-Resistant Weeds Take Root, Raising Food Prices
... steep (and unabated) climb in the number of weeds resistant to multiple types of herbicides. Super-strains of plants like pigweed--which grows three inches a day and is tough enough to damage farm machinery--have emerged, which may dramatically reduce the options for farmers to control them. The alternatives are usually more dangerous chemicals or plowing and mulching fields, undermining many of the environmental benefits biotech crops are supposed to offer. It's "the single largest threat to production agriculture that we have ever seen,” claims Andrew Wargo III, president of the Arkansas Association of Conservation Districts.
Monsanto, which once allegedly led farmers to believe its Roundup Ready crops would not cause weed resistance, has since come around to evidence and is now talking about prevention by diversifying chemical applications and crop rotation.
Massive Ice Flow Break off of Laborador
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10:13 PM (seconds ago)
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10:13 PM (seconds ago)
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Jun 7, 2011 11:05 PM
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IMF Gives 3 Billion Bailout to Mubarak's Henchmen
Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
Jun 7, 2011 7:06 PM
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Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
June 7, 2011 Gaga Slips out of Bra At the CFDA Fashion Awards in NY City -Gaga has another wardrobe malfunction last night and slips out of her bra. Oh My …Gaga…Your Slipping At the after party wrap up, Gaga dressed down and left the Boom Boom Room with a see thru mesh dress and [...]
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Jun 7, 2011 7:06 PM
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Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
June 7, 2011 Obama Slips in the Polls President Obama is taking a hit in the polls since Mitt Romney announced his candidacy for President of the United States and based on the economy, it is the main reason why people are losing their confidence in the Democratic President. If an election were to be [...]
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Jun 7, 2011 7:06 PM
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Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
Tiger Woods Quit US Open due to a damaged knee and Achilles Tendon in his left leg which has not healed properly. Doctors advised him to take some rest, but he entered the US Open as still showing signs of the injury.
Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
Jun 7, 2011 4:55 PM
Is Viagra Causing More Rapes?
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Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
Is Viagra causing more rapes and is it being used as a weapon of war, in Afghanistan, Libya. Increasing evidence that Viagra induces rape, sexual aggression against women and young girls in the Middle East? Did the CIA play a part in Viagra induced rapes?
Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
Jun 5, 2011 1:09 PM
Fucushima Nuclear Plants Still Leaking Radiation
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Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
May 29, 2011 Fucushima nuclear plants still leaking radiation. Since March 11, 2011 for three months now, the Japanese government has allowed the continuous emission of radioactive material into the atmosphere from the Fucushima reactors. The reason is due to the fact that the government is a shareholder of TEPCO, the Tokyo Electric Power Company [...]
Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
Jun 4, 2011 10:39 PM
National Debt Forces US Credit Downgrade
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Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
June 4, 2011 National Debt Forces US Credit Downgrade The National Debt and economic regression is causing the Credit Rating of the United States to slip further if the country does not pay its bills. The House of representatives with a republican majority is threatening to vote down raising the debt ceiling which will cause [...]
Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
Jun 4, 2011 10:48 AM
The Fight Against Monsanto
The Fight Against Monsanto in the courts, Monsanto is losing claim over patents on original seed, contaminating the food supply with pesticides. The damage has spread to US food exports as other countries will not by tainted, pesticide ridden food and stock thanks to the USDA Tom Vilsack.
Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
The Fight Against Monsanto in the courts, Monsanto is losing claim over patents on original seed, contaminating the food supply with pesticides. The damage has spread to US food exports as other countries will not by tainted, pesticide ridden food and stock thanks to the USDA Tom Vilsack.
Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
Jun 3, 2011 10:55 PM
Global Strike Planned 2011
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Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
Friday June 3, 2011 Global Strike Planned 2011 A global strike is planned by Anonymous and the announcement first appeared on the social networks Twitter and Facebook late last night. The Global Strike calls for a series of disruptions in the North American version of the Arab Revolution that was spawned in January starting [...]
Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
Jun 2, 2011 7:23 PM
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Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
We've been busy moving at Politicol News-due to our tremendous popularity in the field of politics news online, we had to get a bigger server. We welcome you to join us to celebrate our new digs....
Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
May 29, 2011 11:06 PM
Sarah Palin-Loves the Smell of Them Emissions
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Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
May 29, 2011 Sarah Palin-Loves the Smell of Them Emissions as she kicks off a cross country mayhem bus tour but today she rode a motorcycle dressed in black leather like a Hell’s Angel’s moll. The words do however speak for themselves: I love the Smell of Them Emissions and we believe she has been [...]
Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
May 29, 2011 5:12 PM
Funniest Russian News Video-Politicol News
Funniest Russian News video as reporter tries not to laugh at a Canadian news story of a marijuana grow op, guarded by 13 bears, a raccoon and a pig. Hilariously funny.
Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
Funniest Russian News video as reporter tries not to laugh at a Canadian news story of a marijuana grow op, guarded by 13 bears, a raccoon and a pig. Hilariously funny.
Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
May 29, 2011 3:14 PM
Amanda Knox-Italy’s Failed Evidence
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Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
Amanda Knox-Italy's failed evidence brought to light in appeal case reveals evidence is inconclusive, contaminated or non-existent as experts weigh in on the verdict of guilty. Perugia's prosecutor brought up on abuse of power charges himself. Italian government calls for inquiry.
Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
May 26, 2011 4:36 PM
Peter Fonda On Traitor-President Obama
Peter Fonda the Premiere of The Big Fix at Cannes for 2011 commented on his feelings about President Obama. Fonda said he was training his grandsons to shoot long range rifles and mentioned Barack Obama which some interpret as a death threat. The Film documents the deal that Obama made with BP, the lobbying he makes deals with and the corruption in his govenrment.
Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
Peter Fonda the Premiere of The Big Fix at Cannes for 2011 commented on his feelings about President Obama. Fonda said he was training his grandsons to shoot long range rifles and mentioned Barack Obama which some interpret as a death threat. The Film documents the deal that Obama made with BP, the lobbying he makes deals with and the corruption in his govenrment.
Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
May 26, 2011 4:36 PM
Tornadoes Hit Oklahoma Again
More Updates on yesterday's series of Tornadoes that hit Oklahoma and Alabama with the strength of 175 mile per hour winds and was the strongest category EF 5 ever recorded.
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More Updates on yesterday's series of Tornadoes that hit Oklahoma and Alabama with the strength of 175 mile per hour winds and was the strongest category EF 5 ever recorded.
Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
May 26, 2011 11:58 AM
President Having a Guinness Beer
President Obama enjoying a Guinness beer in Ireland sparks The Slut Wars with Ed Schultz and Laura Ingraham as they battle out who drank beer in the White House, and why can't Obama just enjoy a beer without criticism.
Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
President Obama enjoying a Guinness beer in Ireland sparks The Slut Wars with Ed Schultz and Laura Ingraham as they battle out who drank beer in the White House, and why can't Obama just enjoy a beer without criticism.
Politicol News - Politicol News Updates
May 25, 2011 8:44 PM
New Mac O/S Lion Features
May 25, 2011 New Mac O/S Lion Features Apple is set to launch their new operating system Lion this summer with features that include the best of iPad including the new Mac App Store. Launch Pad The limitless choice of apps to install in one step from Launchpad which is the launch portal to thousands [...]
for more like this: http://www.PoliticolNews.com
May 25, 2011 New Mac O/S Lion Features Apple is set to launch their new operating system Lion this summer with features that include the best of iPad including the new Mac App Store. Launch Pad The limitless choice of apps to install in one step from Launchpad which is the launch portal to thousands [...]
for more like this: http://www.PoliticolNews.com
May 25, 2011 3:42 PM
Tornado Devastates Joplin
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Corporate Accountability International
Pharmaceutical giant Merck has become the most recent multinational corporation to endorse the United Nations CEO Water Mandate, an initiative that was awarded the Public Eye Greenwash Award. Public Eye described the Mandate as a club of corporations that profit financially from water as a primary resource while exhibiting "irresponsible and damaging behavior." Merck is just the latest corporation to join the ranks of Nestlé, Coca-Cola, Dow Chemical, and a host of other environmental offenders.
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for more like this: http://www.PoliticolNews.com
Corporate Accountability International