- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 3 minutes ago*You can read this while you wait.* "Experts urge cholesterol tests for 9- to 11-year-olds" by Deborah Kotz Globe Staff / November 12, 2011 In a sweeping set of new guidelines designed to protect children...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 7 minutes agoPolice are checking a property for harmful chemicals or gases after the discovery of four bodies. Emergency services were called to the property in the Pudsey area of Leeds at 5.30pm on Sunday and found ...
- posted by Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 7 minutes ago*The amazing vision, astrophysical eclipse have been enjoying by Sky watchers, the last entire astrophysical eclipse until 2014. On some points, circuitous daylight still illuminated the Moon, revolving it...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 minutes agoA magnitude 4.8 earthquake has struck near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan at a depth of 117.5 km (73 miles), the quake hit at 02:34:22 UTC Monday 12th December 2011. The epicenter was 19 km (12 miles) ESE...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 13 minutes agoABC excluded Jon Huntsman from last night's Iowa debate because he isn't polling 5% in the state or nationally. Instead, he was in New Hampshire-- throwing stones: "They're engaging in another evening o...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 20 minutes agoA magnitude 5.1 earthquake has struck the Bougainville Region, Papua New Guinea at a depth of 85.2 km (52.9 miles), the quake hit at 21:56:02 UTC Sunday 11th December 2011. The epicenter was 78 km (48 mile...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 hour ago*"WalMart Heirs Have Same Net Worth As the * *Bottom 30 Percent Of Americans"* by Pat Garofalo "Income inequality in the U.S. is currently the highest its been since the 1920s, with the 400 richest Americ...
- posted by PC at Not PC - 1 hour agoOnce upon a time there was a boy called John Banks. When he was a very, very young boy he was in a gang with ‘Piggy’ Muldoon. He was one of Piggy’s favourites. Sometimes when Piggy would smile at him ...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 hour ago“I apologize because of the terrible mess the planet is in. But it has always been a mess. There have never been any ‘Good Old Days,’ there have just been days. And as I say to my grandchildren, ‘Don’t lo...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 hour ago“Sooner or later, fate puts us together with all the people, one by one, who show us what we could, and shouldn’t, let ourselves become. Sooner or later we meet the drunkard, the waster, the betrayer, the...
- posted by calgarygrit at CalgaryGrit - 2 hours agoDaniel Paillé, the man Stephen Harper trusted to investigate the Liberal Party, is the new leader of the Bloc Quebecois. However, the media attention has not been on Paillé, but on the anemic total of 14,0...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 2 hours ago*Hactivists become heroes of the voiceless* Censored News http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com The hacktivists at AntiSec are becoming the heroes for the voiceless, the only place to turn for those who are b...
- posted by The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 2 hours agoEarly American stealth technology, the F-117 kind, relied heavily on angled plates and special paint to prevent radar waves from being returned to enemy receivers. The current stealth technology relies ...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago*On Tuesday NYS Gov. Andrew Cuomo (who may or may not be some relation to a person identified as "Popular Reformer Cuomo") stalked the halls of the Capitol after he, the Republican-controlled Senate, and t...
- posted by PC at Not PC - 4 hours agoThe left: Your life belongs to society. The right: Your life belongs to god. Ayn Rand: Your life belongs to you. - Yaron Brook, from his talk “Ayn Rand and the Tea Party: A Recipe for Cultural Change” ...
- posted by PC at Not PC - 6 hours agoAfter several weeks of their primary contest, the Labour Party caucus is about to choose a new leader. The choice for their next Prime Minister appears to be between a blunt pencil* and a vicious bragga...
- posted by Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 6 hours ago"In January 2007, a headstone was erected in The Grange, Edinburgh Cemetery, where Cook is buried, bearing the epitaph: "I may not have succeeded in halting the war, but I did secure the right of parliamen...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago“Why were the statues on Easter Island built? No one is sure. What is sure is that over 800 large stone statues exist there. The Easter Island statues, stand, on the average, over twice as tall as a person...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago"I should dearly love that the world should be ever so little better for my presence. Even on this small stage we have our two sides, and something might be done by throwing all one's weight on the scale ...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 7 hours agoPersonal responsibility is a cornerstone of conservative thinking, right? Well, yes-- for anyone not in the club. If you're part of the 1% the laws and mores of society dictate that you will almost never ...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago"What can we know? What are we all? Poor silly half-brained things peering out at the infinite, with the aspirations of angels and the instincts of beasts.” - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ● But, by God, for all...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago*"Away Above The Chimney Pots"* by Chet Raymo "So Oz finally became home; the imagined world became the actual world, as it does for us all, because the truth is that once we have left our childhood plac...
- posted by PC at Not PC - 7 hours agoThe Law Commission has been dreaming up ways to “regulate” bloggers, and new ways to regulate mainstream news. Their proposal includes a new “code,” and an “independent regulator.” “Independent” in th...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago"We meet ourselves time and time again in a thousand disguises on the path of life." ~ Carl Jung
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago* "Man's Search For Meaning" * Viktor Frankl “In attempting this psychological presentation and a psychopathological explanation of the typical characteristics of a concentration camp inmate, I may give...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago*"The Hound In The Kennel"* by John James "In my experience most of us take whatever frightens us or makes us uncomfortable and push it out of sight. This puts it into the unconscious. It does not disa...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago*“Synchronicity and Magical Thinking”* By Synchrosecrets.com “Synchronicity and magical thinking are close friends. They may even be Siamese twins who share a common heart. But what is magical thinking? E...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours agoEdmond, Oklahoma, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago"This is the nineties, Bubba, and there is no such thing as paranoia. It's all true." - Hunter S. Thompson ● And that was then... lol. - CP
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours agoBeech Grove, Indiana Folks, decide for yourself, as always, what makes sense in all this. Just don't be so closed minded that you chant endlessly, "That could never happen here, that could never happen h...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours agoA magnitude 4.8 earthquake has struck the Banda Sea, Indonesia at a depth of 145.2 km (90.2 miles), the quake hit at 20:18:17 UTC Sunday 11th December 2011. The epicenter was 235 km (146 miles) NNW of Saum...
- posted by PC at Not PC - 8 hours agoWhat’s going on in Europe economically is impossible to understand without getting your head around what’s happening in Europe politically. And it’s virtually impossible to understand what’s happening in...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago*“FEMA Camps On 72 Hour Notice AND Military Authorized To Arrest- VERIFIED” * by dutchsinse "For the record, I said months ago that I did NOT believe that there was a REAL plan to round up American/US ci...
- posted by PC at Not PC - 8 hours agoThe government is spending more than it takes in. It’s spending a *lot *more than it takes in, at a time when it has a lot less. It is spending a lot more at a time when it has a lot less because some ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours agoA vigilante mob burned down a gipsy camp after an Italian teenager allegedly claimed she had been raped by two Romany men – only to confess later that she had invented the entire story. The 16-year-old r...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours agoFrench foreign minister says he believes roadside bomb which injured 5 French UNIFIL peacekeepers in southern Lebanon carried out by Hezbollah at Syria's urging. France's Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 8 hours agoA magnitude 4.8 earthquake has struck near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan at a depth of 31.8 km (19.8 miles), the quake hit at 19:51:11 UTC Sunday 11th December 2011. The epicenter was 41 km (25 miles) ES...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours agoArmy defectors in southern Syria battled loyalist forces backed by tanks in a major armed confrontation Sunday near the Jordanian border, as up to 18 people were killed in nationwide violence. Residents a...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 9 hours agoAt least 18 people are reported to have died in clashes in Syria as opposition activists called a general strike. 11 of the deaths were in the cities of Homs and Hama, the opposition Local Co-ordination ...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago*"A Letter from Mitt Romney: Your Chance to Win $10,000"* by Andy Borowitz DES MOINES (The Borowitz Report) – “Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney today issued the following open letter to America: ...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoTo D-fox: if you're reading this, please contact us at thecomingcrisis@gmail.com. It's important -- we believe.
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoThe euro project was flawed from the start and the current generation of European leaders has failed to address its fundamental problems, Jacques Delors, the architect of the single currency, declares toda...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoEnough is enough. Please stop defaming Germany out there in the blogosphere. The Germans are not engaged in a mercantilist conspiracy to subjugate and milk southern Europe. They are not conducting “warfare...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoWhile most attention focused on this week's disclosure that everyone born after 1960 will have to work one year longer before receiving their state pension, an apparently technical statement sneaked out on...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoUS firearms sales reached a record 129,166 during last week's Black Friday that kicked off the holiday shopping season, a 32 percent increase from the previous all-time high, officials said. The FBI confi...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoThe Arab Spring uprisings and Occupy-style US protests have inspired a new genre of serious videogames designed to help activists develop strategy -- all in the safety of cyberspace. Games like "People Po...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoAs the Arctic warms, greenhouse gases will be released from thawing permafrost faster and at significantly higher levels than previous estimates, according to survey results from 41 international scientist...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoThe FBI has released a new gang assessment announcing that there are 1.4 million gang members in the US, a 40 percent increase since 2009, and that many of these members are getting inside the military (vi...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoSyria placed long-range missiles equipped with chemical warheads on high alert after an attack on a Syrian nuclear plant in 2007, WikiLeaks documents obtained by Yedioth Ahronoth indicate. In March 2008,...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoAs the tour bus moves from central Seoul to the city outskirts, the seamless transition from one of the world's biggest and most vibrant cities to the world's most heavily armed border is as surreal as it ...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoThe viral video of Lt John Pike casually pepper-spraying a line of peacefully seated student protesters has deep resonance for the Civil Rights generation. It's impossible to escape comparisons to Bull Con...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoFrom the Arab Spring to a global economic crisis to the killing of Osama bin Laden, 2011 has been defined by historic and dynamic events that will shape the world in the years ahead. A revolt across the M...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoCrowded, gritty, and poor, Metro Manila can be a tough place to live for just about anyone; but when you stand three feet 10 inches the odds are seriously stacked against you. "I come from the provinces s...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoWhen an old widower from the central Chinese city of Wuhan went into hospital last summer because of a persistent high fever, he was diagnosed with the AIDS virus -- and made national news. The man, in hi...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoThe euro project was flawed from the start and the current generation of European leaders has failed to address its fundamental problems, Jacques Delors, the architect of the single currency, declares toda...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoEnough is enough. Please stop defaming Germany out there in the blogosphere. The Germans are not engaged in a mercantilist conspiracy to subjugate and milk southern Europe. They are not conducting “warfare...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoWhile most attention focused on this week's disclosure that everyone born after 1960 will have to work one year longer before receiving their state pension, an apparently technical statement sneaked out on...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoNearly 1 million undocumented immigrants could live and work openly in California with little or no fear of deportation under an initiative unveiled Friday by a state legislator and others. Assemblyman Fe...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoAlready unhappy with the Obama administration’s handling of illegal immigrants in the U.S., liberal lawmakers on Friday asked the government to go even further and make American aid to Mexico based on that...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoWhen you are a kid on Christmas morning, it’s all about volume. But when you are a parent, cruising the aisles of the toy-store in December, it’s about trying to balance a happy holiday with a reasonable...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoCanada, the country furthest from meeting its commitment to cut carbon emissions under the Kyoto Protocol, may save as much as $6.7 billion by exiting the global climate change agreement and not paying for...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoAs a new Channel 4 documentary reveals the shocking extent of Britain's homelessness crisis, an innovative charity could provide a solution. Anna Tyzack reports Shivering in his sleeping bag on a park ben...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoHouse prices could soon start to fall around the world as a result of the credit crunch and eurozone crisis, one of the biggest global estate agents has hinted. Knight Frank, which operates in 43 countrie...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoSir Mervyn King’s words today are chilling. The eurozone crisis is “extraordinarily serious and threatening” the Governor of the Bank of England said, and the UK’s central bank was drawing up contingency p...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoFor more than 20 years, Beijing’s Underground City, a bomb shelter just beneath the ancient capital’s downtown area, has been virtually forgotten by local citizens, despite being well-known amongst foreign...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoSeven out of 139 people arrested at a demonstration in central London over the elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo have been charged with various offences. A Scotland Yard spokesman said three ...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago“It’s only after you’ve lost everything that you’re free to do anything. The things you own end up owning you. We are defined by the choices we make. If you wake up at a different time, in a different pla...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoTens of thousands of people were left without power during the coldest night of the winter so far as engineers struggled to fix damage caused by storms earlier in the week. Engineers worked through the n...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoA magnitude 4.0 earthquake has struck near the East Coast of Kamchatka, Russia at a depth of 130 km (80.6 miles), the quake hit at 16:54:29 UTC Sunday 11th December 2011. The epicenter was 146 km (90.5 mil...
- posted by jurassicpork at Welcome Back to Pottersville - 10 hours agoBecause nothing says populism and nothing strikes a chord with blue collar voters like two old multimillionaire Republican white guys betting each other $10,000 on national television. That $10,000, by th...
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 10 hours ago[image: Projected change in consecutive dry days, 2046-2100. This graph shows projected annual changes in dryness assessed from change in annual maximum number of consecutive dry days (CDD, days with pre...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours agoWe'd like to thank our American readers for providing the most help yesterday in regards to the big flashing banner up top. We greatly appreciate the fact they took 5 seconds out of their day to fulfill ou...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 11 hours ago*Luciano Pavarotti as Nemorino sings "*Una furtiva lagrima*" in Act II of Donizetti's Elixir of Love, with Nicola Rescigno conducting at the Met in 1981. The first-stanza major-mode switcheroo -- on the l...
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 11 hours ago[image: Coral destruction in Maldives. Photo: NIOS via Sea Shepherd]By Captain Locky MacLean 10 December 2011 When one thinks of world-class diving, the tiny Republic of the Maldives immediately comes t...
- posted by David Preiser (USA) at Biased BBC - 11 hours agoFirst, let's celebrate the fact that Mark Mardell has actually linked to two conservative publications in one blog post! Must be a new record, and probably takes care of his quota for the next six months...
- posted by KRandle at A Different Perspective - 11 hours agoOver the decades, a few documents relating to the Roswell UFO crash (or the Roswell events if you wish to remove UFO from the discussion) have been found. One of those developed after Army Brigadier Genera...
- posted by The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 12 hours agoHarper promised that His Canada would punch above her weight on the global scene, and he was right. Oh sure he got us ramped up on a futile, inconclusive foreign war, but our true behemoth status is in gr...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoA magnitude 4.1 earthquake has struck Northern Iran at a depth of 8 km (5 miles), the quake hit at 15:21:27 UTC Sunday 11th December 2011. The epicenter was 11 km (6.8 miles) Northeast of Azad Shahr No Repo...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoAs European leaders unveil their latest plan to solve the debt crisis, economists and market experts aren't convinced they'll actually be successful. At least one group says there are one too many obstacl...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoAmong the tens of thousands of people happily enduring the freezing temperatures in Moscow's Bolotnaya Square is Alexey, an international lawyer. He tells me he's never protested before. "I'm not a poli...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoThe Syrian government has warned protesters in the city of Homs that it has a 72-hour deadline to stop demonstrations, hand in weapons and surrender defecting military members -- or face bombardment, Lt. C...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 12 hours agoPhoto Shayne Robinson/Greenpeace*COP17 succumbs to Climate Apartheid* *Antidote is Cochabamba Peoples' Agreement* By Climate Justice Now! Posted at Censored News DURBAN, South Africa -- Decisions resultin...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 13 hours agoSexual content on television is strongly associated with teen pregnancy, a new study from the RAND Corporation shows. Researchers at the nonprofit organization found that adolescents with a high level of ...
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 13 hours agoIt's time for the yearly retrospectives on 2011, and we're kicking them off with 2011’s most-viewed stories on Desdemona. It won’t surprise anyone to see that the triple meltdown at the Fukushima-Daiich...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 13 hours ago*And goodbye, Boston Globe. * "For Occupy saga, an orderly close; Protest highlighted global cause, but what will linger?" by Mark Arsenault Globe Staff / December 11, 2011 The tent city occupation of Dew...
- posted by Suzan at Welcome to Pottersville 2 (Blogging Against Fascism!) - 13 hours agoNice, easy-to-understand chart on your economic future (which the folks in charge of the Austerity Regime hope you don't know) at Asymptosis. So much for ever getting a truly unbiased analysis from these g...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 13 hours agoI*t was before the debate even though he was asked about it.* "Palestinians assail Gingrich remarks; In an interview, candidate refers to ‘invented’ people" by Diaa Hadid Associated Press / December 11, 2...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 14 hours ago"Lunar eclipse seen in West; Moon-gazers view a rare event" by Associated Press / December 11, 2011 [image: The moon as it appeared above San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge yesterday in a total eclipse.] ...
- posted by Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 14 hours agoSyria's President Bashar Assad Sets ABC News Senior Propagandist Barbra Walters Straight. by Tony Cartalucci December 11, 2011 - Before watching this full 46 minute interview by ABC News with Syrian Pres...
- posted by Nic Halverson at Discovery News - Top Stories - 14 hours agoA wind turbine in Scotland bursts into flames after the region is hammered by Atlantic storm.
- posted by Christina Ortiz at Discovery News - Top Stories - 14 hours agoThese earbuds house two microphones that cancel out background noise.
- posted by Jesse Emspak at Discovery News - Top Stories - 14 hours agoA brainwave monitor helps train people to pay attention and boosts performance.
- posted by Nic Halverson at Discovery News - Top Stories - 14 hours agoA wind turbine in Scotland bursts into flames after the region is hammered by Atlantic storm.
- posted by jurassicpork at Welcome Back to Pottersville - 14 hours agoNow that Herman Cain has "suspended" his campaign so he can spend more time with his attorneys and the GOP field once again bleached to its usual levels, the differences between the candidates become less...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 14 hours ago*All he needed was a pill.* "Obama, in Kansas, forcefully argues for equality in economy" December 07, 2011 OSAWATOMIE, Kan. - Infusing his speech with the type of populist language that has emerged in t...
- posted by New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 14 hours agoSaints at Titans: Broadcast Information ~Video: Hokie & Deke break down Saints-Titans ~Hat Tweet @thecajunboy~My friend Terry used duct tape & PVC pipe to rig a flagpole to hang our Saints flag from at our ...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 15 hours ago*Time to close it.* "Newark mayor to campaign for Obama in New Hampshire; Booker aiming to reinvigorate young voter base" by Shira Schoenberg Globe Correspondent /December 9, 2011 Mayor Cory Booker of New...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 15 hours agoIt's always very sad to be writing about Guatemala-- sad and, as an American, shameful. What we've done to the people of that country is beyond conceivable and probably damns every single one of us to a ...
- posted by Debra at Housewife Eclectic - 15 hours ago*I want to thank Megan from Kitschy Suburbia for sharing her Christmas traditions with us today. I want to come celebrate with her, who doesn't want a three day celebration!* A big Merry Christmas to all ...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 15 hours ago"Biden to target 3 battleground states in ’12 campaign" November 26, 2011|By Julie Pace, Associated Press WASHINGTON - With just under a year until Election Day, Democrats are crafting a campaign strategy...
- posted by Crystal Entertainment at You Will Read News - 15 hours ago- Most drink-fuelled shopping is done between 11pm and 1am - One in seven admit they wouldn't have bought their drunk purchase if sober [image: Almost half of Brits have shopped online aft...
- posted by Crystal Entertainment at You Will Read News - 15 hours ago- Smoking triggers nearly 20% of cancers, new study reveals - 2,700 cancers could be avoided if women breastfed [image: Deadly drag: Smoking is the biggest cause of cancer, triggering more t...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 15 hours agoThe lava flow from the latest eruption of Puu Oo crater has stalled, for now, on its way to the ocean and bypassed the home of Jack Thompson, the only remaining resident in the Royal Gardens subdivision ne...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours ago*Emergency services are cautioning motorists in Gothenburg in western Sweden to take care as a recent wave of winter weather has left a number of roads in the city's road flooded. *Due to the flooding, ac...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours agoA magnitude 4.6 earthquake has struck the Gansu-Qinghai Border Region, China at a depth of 20.9 km (13 miles), the quake hit at 12:38:58 UTC Sunday 11th December 2011. The epicenter was 341 km (212 miles) ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours agoTwo explosions were reported at the Pasadena Refining Systems, Inc. plant before 7:30 p.m. Saturday. The plant is located at the 100 block of Traffic Circle at REd Bluff. According to a plant spokesperso...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours agoANGOURIE surfer Steve King has a much-greater appreciation of the phrase "in a split second", as that was all there was between losing a leg and having one with a few puncture wounds after the shark that b...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours agoKyushu Electric Power Co. said Saturday that 1.8 tons of coolant water containing radioactive materials had leaked within a purification system at an idled reactor at its Genkai nuclear power plant in Saga...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours agoA magnitude 4.6 earthquake has struck the Molucca Sea, Indonesia at a depth of 62.7 km (39 miles), the quake hit at 09:40:10 UTC Sunday 11th December 2011. The epicenter was 190 km (118 miles) WSW of Terna...
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 16 hours agoLiberia's president, a fellow Liberian "peace warrior" and a Yemeni activist were awarded the prize on Saturday in Oslo.
- posted by Jennifer Ouellette at Discovery News - Top Stories - 16 hours agoCarbon nanotubes could act as the perfect "cloaking" material to hide tanks. The Universe may also naturally produce the stuff to hide entire planets... and stars!
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 16 hours agoLiberia's president, a fellow Liberian "peace warrior" and a Yemeni activist were awarded the prize on Saturday in Oslo.
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoA gun battle broke out overnight when armed men in the vehicles of Libya's new national army tried to take control of Tripoli's international airport from a powerful militia, the commander of the airport's...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoPolice arrested three Chinese nationals after authorities uncovered about 100 snakes, 70 tortoises and 20 neon-colored frogs in their hotel room in western Germany, according to a police spokesman. The d...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoAll U.S. forces have vacated a military base in Pakistan, meeting a deadline set by Islamabad after a NATO airstrike killed dozens of soldiers, local military officials said Sunday. Pakistan requested U....
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoSix hospital managers arrested on negligence charges are in custody for questioning after a hospital blaze killed 91 people in eastern India, authorities said Sunday. A local court sent the six to 10-day...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoA magnitude 4.5 earthquake has struck Fiordland Region, New Zealand at a depth of 80 km (49.6 miles), the quake hit at 09:57:25 UTC Sunday 11th December 2011. The epicenter was 70 km (43.4 miles) West of T...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoIran will not return an unmanned American stealth plane that it says it has, one of Iran's top generals said, according to the semi-official Fars news agency on Sunday. "No nation welcomes other countrie...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoAmong the tens of thousands of people happily enduring the freezing temperatures in Moscow's Bolotnaya Square is Alexey, an international lawyer. He tells me he's never protested before. "I'm not a pol...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoPolice swooped on Boston’s Dewey Square early Saturday, evicting hundreds of Occupy Wall Street protesters and tearing down their tents. It brought an end to the ten-week occupation of the city centre spac...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoTwo former players say the longtime CEO of the Amateur Athletic Union, which oversees more than half a million children, sexually abused them when they were teenage boys. The two accusers claim the molest...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoA magnitude 6.2 earthquake has struck the South Sandwich Islands Region at a depth of 115.5 km (71.8 miles), the quake hit at 09:54:55 UTC Sunday 11th December 2011. The epicenter was 104 km (64 miles) Nor...
- posted by Anaconda at PhoeniCIA2phoenix - 18 hours ago** ** *أراك تبتسم يا ايلي... أحلامُك صارت واقعاً * *مسا الخير، مسا الحرية مسا، الوزير الراحل شهيدنا البطل الرئيس ايلي حبيقة ... * *ما أصعبَها لحظة... لحظة أفتقدُ فيها الأخَ الوفيّ، رفيقَ النضال ومحفّز...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoDavid Cameron has received overwhelming support from British voters over his historic decision to veto changes to the EU Treaty. The first poll conducted since the acrimonious Brussels summit shows that a ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoNick Clegg is said to be privately furious with David Cameron over his decision to veto the new EU treaty, saying the result has left Britain as the "lonely man of Europe". It comes as a poll shows the m...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoA magnitude 4.8 earthquake has struck Java, Indonesia at a depth of 80 km (49.6 miles), the quake hit at 06:34:22 UTC Sunday 11th December 2011. The epicenter was 60 km (37.2 miles) South of Banjar, Indones...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoA magnitude 4.9 earthquake has struck Maule, Chile at a depth of 81.5 km (50.6 miles), the quake hit at 08:31:02 UTC Sunday 11th December 2011. The epicenter was 72 km (44 miles) Northeast of Chillan, Bio-B...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 19 hours ago*"5 Ways to Make Banks Pay for Their Secret $7 Trillion** Free Ride"* by Eliot Spitzer *"The CEOs of major banks maintained they were in good financial shape. Meanwhile, they secretly borrowed massive amo...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoA magnitude 4.9 earthquake has struck off the East Coast of Honshu, Japan at a depth of 24.4 km (15.2 miles), the quake hit at 05:04:31 UTC Sunday 11th December 2011. The epicenter was 273 km (169 miles) S...
- posted by David Vance at Biased BBC - 19 hours agoThe BBC has one dominant running narrative since Cameron rightly vetoed the latest Merkozy plot. It's all about the UK being "isolated". It's news bulletins have been loaded with this theme and even this...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoA magnitude 4.4 earthquake has struck offshore El Salvador at a depth of 65.7 km (40.8 miles), the quake hit at 03:34:36 UTC Sunday 11th December 2011. The epicenter was 53 km (32 miles) Southwest of San M...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 19 hours ago*"Ayn Rand’s ‘Death of the Soul of Capitalism’"* by Paul B. Farrell “Atlas Shrugged” is Ayn Rand’s most popular work. A mysterious rebel leader John Galt saves America from economic ruin. But before we ri...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 19 hours ago*"Everything Happening Now Was Planned Before 9/11"* by Washingtons Blog "Special preface to my friends in the military, law enforcement and intelligence and other government servants: You are sworn to de...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 19 hours ago*“Incarcerate Corzine”* By Eric Fry “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride, according to a 16th century British proverb. Continuing that logic, if wishes were *$1.2 billion* of missing client assets ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoA magnitude 4.5 earthquake has struck Kepulauan Barat Daya, Indonesia at a depth of 172.3 km (107.1 miles), the quake hit at 01:10:25 UTC Sunday 11th December 2011. The epicenter was 238 km (147 miles) ENE...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoA magnitude 5.0 earthquake has struck the Eastern New Guinea Region, Papua New Guinea at a depth of 74.6 km (46.4 miles), the quake hit at 21:12:36 UTC Saturday 10th December 2011. The epicenter was 103 km...
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 20 hours agoI wanted to know every detail about the preparations for the media fireworks associated with the evidence for (or against) the Higgs boson on Tuesday 14:00. So I contacted a guy who has very good relatio...
- posted by Anon at aangirfan - 20 hours ago*The three "who sold Libya to NATO". 1. General Souleiman Mahmoud al-Obeidi 2. General Abdel Fateh Younès 3. General Ahmed Kaddaf ad-Dam.* http://www.algeria-isp.com/actualites/politique-libye/201112-A7421...
- posted by Anon at aangirfan - 20 hours ago*Website for this image** * According to Adrian Salbuchi, at Global Reasearch, 9 December 2011, there is a plan to create a global currency. *Demise of the Euro: Part of a Long-term Plan for a Global "Supe...
- posted by Robin Horbury at Biased BBC - 20 hours agoRichard Black is very happy this morning. The thousands of fatcat eco freaks at the Durban boondoggle have reached an "agreement" that will lead to £100bn being transferred from the urban poor in the devel...
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 21 hours agoThe delegates of the insane Durban climate conference have blackmailed each other and kept on negotiating for at least 36 extra hours. Finally, many of the delegates were so tired and so scared of the id...
- posted by mollymew at Molly'sBlog - 21 hours ago*PERSONAL* *MOLLY DEBATES THE INSANE* Most of Molly's "action" is now over at her Facebook site. Over there there is an interesting "debate" if you can call it such. The substance concerens the "torch...
- posted by Crystal Entertainment at You Will Read News - 22 hours ago- High-endurance activities can scar right ventricle - Increased risk of reduced performance - a cardiac 'over-training' syndrome - or arrhythmia [image: Marathon runners such as Paula Ra...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 22 hours agoA magnitude 5.6 earthquake has struck South of the Fiji Islands at a depth of 560.3 km (348.2 miles), the quake hit at 05:30:58 UTC Sunday 11th December 2011. The epicenter was 463 km (287 miles) Southwest...
- posted by Jay Allbritton at Jay Allbritton - 23 hours agoLouis CK is circumventing the usual distributing suspects and selling his wares directly to the masses in the form of a new stand-up show called *Live from the Beacon Theater.* It can be downloaded for $5....
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 23 hours ago*"Invictus"* "Out of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried a...
- posted by éminence grise at Cherchez la Verite - 23 hours ago*US Drone Lost Over Iran Was On CIA Operation* IamBabcock Original here. Cherchez la Verite
- posted by Crystal Entertainment at You Will Read News - 23 hours agoIt is the dilemma faced by thousands of shoppers when searching for a new gadget for the home. Whether buying a camcorder or coffee maker, a DVD player or dishwasher, is it a good idea to plump for the ...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 23 hours ago“This colorful cosmic skyscape features a peculiar system of galaxies cataloged as Arp 227 some 100 million light-years distant. Swimming within the boundaries of the constellation Pisces, Arp 227 consists...
- posted by Crystal Entertainment at You Will Read News - 23 hours agoWomen wondering whether or not to take the next step with a new man in their life should heed the advice of Russian scientists - and take a deep whiff. Sniffing a potential partner’s scent could tell i...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 23 hours agoPakistan, in a bid to bolster its border with Afghanistan, has installed anti-aircraft guns and radars to monitor air activity, a senior Pakistani military official told CNN. "We had to do it after being ...
- posted by Crystal Entertainment at You Will Read News - 23 hours agoThe flowers a man gives to his wife and the back rubs she doles out in return could be the key to a happy marriage. Couples with above-average generosity in their marriages reported that they were five ...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day agoEarlier today we witnessed the largest and most impassioned demonstrations in Russia since the breakup of the Soviet Union. Aside from the big one-- over 50,000 people-- in Moscow, there were over a doze...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoA 6.5-magnitude earthquake struck in Mexico's western Guerrero state Saturday night, shaking buildings and causing panic in the nation's capital and the Pacific resort of Acapulco. There were no reports of...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoThe $16 million a public servant allegedly stole from Queensland Health was destined for charity. Hohepa Morehu-Barlow, also known as Joel Barlow, is wanted for questioning over the transfer of a small fo...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoA magnitude 6.5 earthquake has struck Guerrero, Mexico at a depth of 64.9 km (40.3 miles), the quake hit at 01:47:26 UTC Sunday 11th December 2011. The epicenter was 42 km (26 miles) Southwest of Iguala, G...
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 1 day agoThis photo is used in James Gleick's *The Information*, in which I am currently engrossed. The building is Bell Labs, the hottest of hot spots for engineering and technology for decades, in one of its mo...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 1 day ago*And it's not Newt**. * "Gingrich could benefit most from Cain departure; Others in GOP also courting his followers" December 05, 2011|By Shira Schoenberg, Globe Correspondent On CNN’s “State of the Unio...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoA magnitude 5.8 earthquake has struck the Ryukyu Islands, Japan at a depth of 27.9 km (17.3 miles), the quake hit at 01:22:44 UTC Sunday 11th December 2011. The epicenter was 270 km (167 miles) Northeast o...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 1 day ago*Which is where my copies of the Globe are soon headed.* "Gingrich could benefit most from Cain departure; Others in GOP also courting his followers" December 05, 2011|By Shira Schoenberg, Globe Correspon...
- posted by Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day agoDefinition of schizophrenia: "A situation or condition that results from the coexistence of disparate or antagonistic qualities, identities, or activities." After a decade into the criminally conceived ...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 1 day ago*From immigration to Israel.* "Romney once advocated softened immigration stance; Position in ’06 nearly identical to Gingrich’s" November 29, 2011|By Matt Viser and Michael Levenson, Globe Staff WASHING...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 1 day ago*Globe leaves me cold. * "Huntsman praised by N.H.’s Democratic governor CONCORD, N.H. - Republican Jon Huntsman, the former governor of Utah, has *struggled to gain traction in the polls*, consistently g...
- posted by Lori Haskell at Adventures with Kurt and Lori - 1 day agoWas so happy Kurt got home! :). The pugs were as well. They seemed shocked when he walked in the door, as that is the longest the pugs and I have been at home without Kurt in 15 years! Anyway, his trip w...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 1 day ago*She mentioned that right at the top of her remarks (and closed with them) in the debate. * "Gingrich could benefit most from Cain departure; Others in GOP also courting his followers" December 05, 2011|B...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 1 day ago*Rick, Rick, Rick.* "In a reminder of the gaffes that have plagued his campaign, Perry initially struggled to remember Sotomayor’s name — “not Montemayor,’’ he said — and also misstated the number of just...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 1 day ago"In a heartbreaking situation and running near the back of the pack in the polls, Rick Santorum, the Republican presidential hopeful, said the campaign has been “incredibly hard’’ on his family. He has giv...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago*by Ken* Last night I raised the question: "Is Buddy Roemer any worse a candidate than "Brokeback Rick" Perry? (Probably not, but is he any BETTER?)" This was in response to Eli Saslow's *Washington Pos...
- posted by Debra at Housewife Eclectic - 1 day agoTraditions are part of what makes us who were are. We have traditions from my husband's family, my family and ones we have made up on our own. Over the next week, some of my favorite people from around the...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 1 day ago*I'm ashamed to say I may give it a look-see*: "GOP candidates face off in ABC debate tonight The Iowa Republican Party and ABC News are sponsoring a debate at 9 p.m. tonight for six Republican presidenti...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 1 day ago*Just about dinner time, too.* "Ban lifted on funding horse meat inspections; Could open door to slaughterhouses" December 03, 2011|By Justin Juozapavicius, Associated Press TULSA, Okla. - *Horses* could ...
- posted by jurassicpork at Welcome Back to Pottersville - 1 day agoNo one got Scott Walker's official Christmas card last year after he found out it was going to be printed by a union shop. The NRA's official 2011 Christmas card says, "Here's hoping for a *very*white Ch...
- posted by éminence grise at Cherchez la Verite - 1 day agoPULLING BACK THE CURTAIN ON THE WALL STREET MONEY MACHINE Ellen Brown December 7, 2011 www.webofdebt.com/articles/pulling.php On November 27, Bloomberg News reported the results of its successful ca...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 1 day ago*Globe gave me a loser*: "Across US, lotteries being revamped to boost revenue; 26 states saw sales increase in traditional games" by Amanda J. Crawford Bloomberg News /December 9, 2011 After total lott...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 1 day ago*They hope it's a lucky Valentine. * "Bobby Valentine is the choice of the Red Sox, emerging from a long and convoluted search to become the 45th manager in franchise history.... The fiery and opinionated...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 1 day ago*They did need a place to stay for the night.* "Protesters turn to foreclosures; Occupy movement tries to reclaim empty homes" December 07, 2011|By Manuel Valdes, Associated Press SEATTLE - The Occupy Wal...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago*Carol is running a powerful grassroots race against mindless right-wing zombie Frank Guinta. We're trying to help her raise contributions here so after you read the piece beelow, please consider kicking ...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day agoWellington, New Zealand. Thanks for stopping by.
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago*"A Magical Mind: Wish"* by The DailyOm "When we wish for something our consciousness opens to receiving it like a flower unfolding its petals to receive a bee. From blowing dandelion seeds into the air ...
- posted by noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago*"Journey"* "The mouth of the river may be beautiful. It doesn't remember the womb of its beginning. It doesn't look back to where it's been or wonder who ahead of it polished the rough stones. It is foll...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago*Dry River Radical Resource Center hosts speakers for O'odham VOICE Against the Wall* By Dry River Collective Censored News http://www.bsnorrell.blogspot.com Media Inquiries: Dan Todd, 520-982-1835, lang...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoA lodger has been charged with murdering his landlady and her mother at a house in Southport. Barry Morrow, 51, is accused of killing Angela Holgate, 54, and 75-year-old Alice Huyton and is due to appear...
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 1 day agoBlack man. White murder victims. No physical evidence. Sentenced to death despite very compelling doubts about guilt. If this sounds like Troy Davis 2.0, that's because Troy Davis was not an anomaly. His d...
- posted by 2old2care at Because I Can - 1 day agoExcerpt – Read the whole thing >>>here<<< Late last month, Wyoming state Rep. Bob Nicholas (R) *was arrested*following an incident where he kicked and beat his disabled son outside of a restaurant: Nichol...
- posted by Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day agoThis is a great interview. Real straight talk.
- posted by 2old2care at Because I Can - 1 day agoOne of things that pisses me off about most privately owned corporations is they have NO CUSTOMER SERVICE SKILLS. Their main concern is profit and maintaining costs - if a customer is inconvenienced they ...
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11 December - Blogs I'm Following II
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