First noted by geopolitical analyst and historian Dr. Webster Tarpley, some suspicious similarities could be seen between the Egyptian unrest and another, known US-backed uprising in Serbia. Serbia's Otpor, or the "resistance," was funded to the tune of millions by the US National Endowment for Democracy. Its signature clenched fist logo adorned flags, signboards, and t-shirts carried by the US State Department-laid astro-turf until the ousting of Slobodan Milošević in 2000.
The exact same logo would turn up 11 years later across the Mediterranean Sea in the streets of Cairo, illustrating further the preposterous, foreign-backed nature of the Egyptian uprisings. Could it just be just a coincidence and Dr. Tarpley's take mere speculative conjecture? Not even close.
Centre for Applied NonViolent Action & Strategies - CANVAS.
Kerry Teens Attack Fluoride Myth
A group of 4th year teens at Mercy Mounthawk High School in Tralee, are demanding an end to this mass-medication experiment using them as the guinea pigs. They have taken a look at the published studies linking fluoride with cancer, osteoporosis/arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, thyroid dysfunction, dental fluorosis and lowered IQs in children.
“Would You Pay For Poison” was chosen as the name of the project by the class. With the government intending to charge for water soon, the teens felt it was time to question the idea of paying to be drugged against their will with the hazardous chemical, Hydrofluorosilicic Acid, which is the toxic waste of the phosphate fertiliser and aluminium industries.
While genetically modified foods are continually being banned in other countries, the US is slow to follow the very necessary trend. The USDA has chosen to step back and give Monsanto even more power over GMO seeds, and now some states are taking similar action. A bill which could be passedin Lansing, Michigan could make Michigan the 15th state to allow for the expansion of GMO seed use, causing Michigan farms to be plagued with disease-riddled, genetically modified crops.
Lord Monckton to pursue fraud charges against Climategate scientists: Will present to police the case for ‘numerous specific instances of scientific or economic fraud’
Until now, those of us who have dared to question how much “global warming” a doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentration this century may cause have been altogether too nice to lodge a criminal complaint with our local police precinct. That must now change. This note proposes a way forward.What offenses have been committed? Serious frauds, that’s what. Some of the most prominent Climategate emailers appear, on the face of the evidence in the emails, to be engaged with each other and with others in an elaborate series of connected deceptions calculated to enrich themselves and their associates, impoverish everyone else and destroy key industries and national economies wholesale by systematically and often greatly exaggerating the supposed threat and costs of anthropogenic “global warming”, the certainty of the science that underlies the IPCC’s claims, and the effectiveness of the various methods proposed for the attempted mitigation of anthropogenic “global warming”, while correspondingly understating the benefits of that warming and the costs of its attempted mitigation.
If we explain to the police how the various frauds evident in the Climategate emails work, and how they are connected to each other and to additional frauds designed artificially and dishonestly to magnify the supposed threat of “global warming” in the IPCC’s documents and to minimize the egregiously disproportionate cost of trying to make “global warming” go away, they will understand and – more importantly – they will act, for that is what the law requires them to do.
Each fraud that we allege, therefore, must be a clear, demonstrable instance of a specific deception by an identifiable person that contributes to the overall deception.
Without Economic Changes, America Can't Contain China
The problem with military planners is that all they know is military stuff. The Pentagon may harbor some of the best strategists who ever gazed at a globe, but they seldom have much grasp of economics or demographics or cultural trends. So when a new threat arises, their natural inclination is to figure out how military force can be applied to deter or defeat it. Read More...
28 Signs That US Public Schools Are Rapidly Being Turned Into Indoctrination Centers And Prison Camps
The E.U. and IMF Gang Watch in Horror as Everything Goes to Hell in Hungary
Hungary just approved a new central bank law, to the dismay of the International Monetary Fund and European Union. It's the same law that caused the two international organizations to withdraw their support for Hungary's bailout earlier this month. The law changes the way Hungary's central bank is managed, in a way the E.U. and IMF have argued will to compromise its independence from politics. Read More...
Year in Review: Arms Race Escalates in South Asia Region
Rapid militarism across South Asia is likely to continue in the New Year and beyond as simmering tension between its two larger member states -- nuclear rivals India and Pakistan -- persists. The Indian Army is raising two mountain divisions for deployment along the Chinese border while the Government is concentrating on strengthening and building roads and bridges along the frontier. To counter China's "string of pearls" strategy of clinching regional defense and security agreements to secure its mounting fuel requirements, enhance its military profile from the Gulf to the South China Sea and expand its presence in the Indian Ocean region, the Indian Navy is growing "longer sea legs" by acquiring aircraft carriers, tankers and troop ships. China is developing Gwadar Port on Pakistan's western Makran coast: a move that could seriously endanger vital Indian and U.S. shipping routes in the Gulf in addition to firming up defense-related ties with Bangladesh, Cambodia, Burma and Thailand. Beijing also has shadowy security ties with the Maldives, Sri Lanka and the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean. Read More...
Michael Ignatieff: Intellectual hypocrisy |
As Canada's Liberal leader, the intellectual- turned-politician became an uncritical supporter of Israeli aggression. Ignatieff came to Canadian politics after a long career as a public intellectual in the United Kingdom and the United States. Although he was a high profile supporter of war and empire, prior to returning to Canada his work still featured occasional, but sharp critiques of Israeli occupation. As Liberal leader, he became an uncritical supporter of Israel, even joining in the now routine attempts by the Harper government to demonise and criminalise Palestine solidarity activism in Canada. ( At an interesting time Liberals, NDP and Bloc sign coalition pactThe opposition parties signed a deal today to form a coalition government and advised the Governor General that they're ready to take over from the Conservatives. (Dec. 1, 2008)Harper to shut down ParliamentPrime Minister Stephen Harper has shut down Parliament for two months, killing a pesky inquiry into Afghan detainees, stalling government bills and allowing the Conservatives to take control of the Senate. Mr. Harper has now prorogued Parliament twice since he won a second minority government in October, 2008, the first time occurred when he shut down the House in December, 2008, to avoid a no-confidence vote.Liberal Party of Canada leadership election, 2009As a result of the 2008 Canadian parliamentary crisis, culminating in Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper's successful appeal on December 4, 2008, to Governor General Michaëlle Jean to prorogue Parliament until January 26, 2009, there were calls by a number of prominent Liberals, including Michael Ignatieff and Bob Rae, for the leadership election process to be accelerated, so that there would be a new permanent leader in place by the time that Parliament resumed. Former Deputy Prime Minister and former Finance Minister John Manley, writing in The Globe and Mail on December 6, 2008, called for Dion to resign immediately.[2] Dion issued a statement on December 8 agreeing to move up his resignation.Dr Ignatieff's CoalitionIn an op/ed appearing in today's Globe and Mail, Tom Flanagan writes about musings that the Liberal party may attempt to force a fall election. Flanagan notes that, after his refutal of the Liberal/NDP coalition, defeating the government may require Ignatieff to reassemble and reanimate that very coalition. "Mr Ignatieff can't force an election by himself," Flanagan rightly notes. "He needs the votes of the New Democrats and the Bloc Québécois to defeat the Conservatives on a vote of no-confidence. In other words, he has to reactivate the coalition with the socialists and separatists against which Canadians reacted so strongly last fall." But because Ignatieff's decision to abandon the proposed coalition so deeply offended Jack Layton and the NDP --* Layton accused Ignatieff of abandoning opposition in favour of simply backing the government -- the NDP and Bloc Quebecois' will to defeat the government has to exceed the diminished good will between themselves and the Liberals. * Pure and simple, hm ? The nonpartisan tyranny really showed its true colours there.) While Western journalists eagerly relay the war propaganda against Syria, another reading of the events is emerging in countries where the press is not required to adjust to the editorial line dictated by the Empire. In the wake of the "Arab Spring" and NATO interventions, both official and secret, Qatar seeks to impose Islamist leaders wherever possible. This strategy has led it not only to fund the Muslim Brotherhood and to hand Al-Jazeera over to them, but also to support Al Qaeda mercenaries, who will henceforth oversee the Free Syrian Army. However, this new scenario raises serious concerns in Israel and among the supporters of the "clash of civilizations." According to James Fetzer, the progressive erosion of civil rights in the United States started with "Operation Paperclip" and the recruitment of criminal Nazi scientists for employment by U.S. intelligence. The further trashing of the Bill of Rights under the Patriot Act, in the wake of 9/11, has now been surpassed by a Gestapo-like bill that legalizes arrest, indefinite detention, torture and interrogation of U.S. citizens without any charge or trial. On the back of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, the U.S. government may be taking its citizens down the road to tyranny. |
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