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Congressmembers Implicated in Insider Stock Trading on TransCanada, Keystone XL Pipeline is.gd/aeA0FW
The Brutal Logic of Climate Change
this is where we're at: stuck between temperatures we can't possibly accommodate and carbon reduction pathways we can't possibly achieve. A rock and a hard place. Scylla and Charybdis. JoyfulC
I think you assume too much. First, I am not an atheist. Atheists believe there is no god -- which, in my view is not much different from believing that there is a god. I'm an agnostic. And by that I mean that I acknowledge that there is something greater, but it's beyond my comprehension, and I don't wish to toss in with any lot that embraces a humanoid vision of god which conveniently happens to share their prejudices and preferences.
It's true what you say about money -- but every person who resists climate change, or merely doesn't see the point in being worried about it -- does so out of greed. Most do out of ignorance. Religion is about controlling masses of people, keeping them in line, keeping them manageable, and concentrating power in the hands of a few. Religion has been used to justify the majority of atrocities committed by mankind, and has often blinded adherents to their folly.
I'm not suggesting that we have atheist governments (typical straw man argument), but rather secular ones. The US and Canada are supposed to have secular governments. We aren't theocracies. Are you suggesting that we will fail because of this?
"every person who resists climate change, or merely doesn't see the point in being worried about it -- does so out of greed."
This is the same lie which shows the group characterization of 'deniers' violates scientific method : which requires all possibilities be pursued. It also shows Roberts pushing the meme which the BBC has pioneered for 3 decades now : that notwithstanding the impossibility of proving predictions of future conditions based on 'modeling' simulations using limited parameters of information...that we understand what is happening.
This pushes Strawman Argumentation - a logical fallacy and propaganda technique - to Poison the Well to alternative thought.
There is no 'rational discussion' : merely constant reiteration that disagreement is disloyal to the human race and paid propaganda. It must be because of Koch, etc., right ?
Wrong. It's a big world. Identifying liars who oppose your story does not make you right, wise, or truthful.
North of the 49th the joke is more like Stevie is a Bu$h 'Mini Me' But even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Industry is not going to volunteer to tax itself by setting up where people are fool enough to enact a trade disadvantage for themselves.
Canadian banks were not exempted from regulatory controls. That did wonders for not thinking assets and mortgages violated good business practice and scrutiny for repayment.
Anthropogenic global warming is sold with the full panoply of nonsense about people with a different analysis 'denying' their vision for the future as corporate tools and fools. Grist does a wonderful job of plugging the nonsense promoted by the BBC for over 3 decades now : we can predict future conditions without understanding and measuring processes or allowing for ignorance...and with records for the past only available by inference from the math games in play.
Anyone who denies our wonderful revelation is unscientific and hates the planet !
With a line like that no wonder water pollution and resource depletion are not looked at too closely.
The Just Label It petition drive to compel the FDA to require labeling of GMO contaminated foods in the US has been picking up steam and support. Over 400,000 people have now signed the petition.
3 Aug 2011 – Meet the Right-Wing Hatemongers Who Inspired the Norway Killer. Why were America's Islamophobes able to avoid accountability for so long? ...
6 Sep 2011 – It also notes that right-wing Norwegian murderer Anders Breivik ... With CIA Help, New York Police Secretly Monitored Mosques, Muslim .... politically correct falsehood that is taught everywhere, that Islam is a religion of peace ...
30 Jul 2011 – Ander Behring Breivik in police custody (Reuters 7/25/11) ... The Mass Media and the Rise of Rightwing Terrorism: ... allowing the 'respectable' hate-mongers to hypocritically condemn him… after the .... The Labor Youth martyrs of Utoeya Island should be cherished and their ideals taught in all the schools. ...
7 Aug 2011 – Its new report focuses on "The Right Wing Playbook on Anti-Muslim ... other right-wing hatemongers claim US judges must follow Sharia law, ...
I put a quick list of three ways that speaking out on this issue is not only the right thing to do, but to the benefit of atheist activists.
1) Hated religious minorities should stick together.
2) To show that there's a difference between ideas and people.
3) Increased understanding of different religions is good for atheism.
( I strongly suspect it's good for people )
I am an atheist, and one of my best friends is a woman who wears hijab. Also, I work with a group of men and women who are deeply religious (exonerated death row survivors), and do active outreach to the faith-based community. The progressive Evangelicals I work with are kick-ass, and have no problem with my atheism. I do get a bit of “weird” from the death row survivors, but not much (for many of them, they truly believe it was their faith that kept them from committing suicide when family, friends and wives either died or abandoned them while on death row, and when the torture and solitary confinement became too much to bear.) I also used to work closely with Muslim students at an Ivy League. Never a peep out of them about my beliefs, and I am still good friends with some of them.
I do believe this is because we view each other and have gotten to know and care about each other as individuals and as real live human beings. So yeah, that is what these hateful assholes are truly afraid of - actually seeing Muslims (and, gasp, Muslim Arabs) in the U.S. as individuals. And they can’t have that, because then where would their hate go? Gotta have that hate on to be the real Xtians and ‘Murkins, and that cognitive dissonance would make their bigoted pinheads explode.
'The rhetoric of Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin and Rick Perry about the 'real America' is not imagined: They and those who oppose them live in different Americas, embodying different ideals and meaning different things to their loyalists.
How we reached this impasse is a fascinating question. The answer to it raises profound doubts and questions about how - and whether - we can move forward as 'one nation, indivisible.'' Theo Anderson, In These Times
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I've been 'around' for a few years now, pursuing the shifting goal of a sharable home-made surfers resource site focused on ease of use and variety of mostly adult ( whoa : I didn't say prurient ) content.