Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Nevada, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas. These include 19 sites where coal ash appears to have contaminated groundwater with arsenic or other pollutants at levels above Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCL). All but two have also measured concentrations of other pollutants – such as boron, molybdenum, and manganese – above EPA-recommended Health Advisories for children or adults. In addition, our report includes new information about 7 previously recognized damage cases, including stunning evidence of groundwater more toxic than hazardous waste leachate.
The Derivative Debt Bubble: “Ghost Financial Assets” and the Widespread Discounting of Western Public Debt
15,000 billion in ghost assets have gone up in smoke since last July
Blue America PAC
The Political One Percent of the One Percent
A Sunlight Foundation examination of data from the Federal Election Commission and the Center for Responsive Politics reveals a growing dependence of candidates and political parties on the One Percent of the One Percent, resulting in a political system that could be disproportionately influenced by donors in a handful of wealthy enclaves
Timeline: The Best Government Money Can Buy
Canadian households getting poorer and taking on more debt: StatsCan
- Talk-show host offers Newt Gingrich $1 million to drop out
- Duggars Plan Memorial Service For Baby Jubilee Shalom; Michelle Hospitalized
- Amnesty says Saudi beheading for sorcery "shocking"
- Iran army declines comment on MP's Hormuz exercise remarks
- U.S. lawmakers freeze $700 million to Pakistan, ties strained
- Rival gangs in north Toronto lead police to massive Canada-wide dragnet
- Dutch architects apologize for 9/11 blast look-alike design
Are there any winners in the Iraq war? |
As the US prepares to pull out the last of its troops, our guests discuss the future of US-Iraqi relations. "[Iraq] is in a much better situation than it was as recently as five years ago. It is a democracy; it is at peace with its neighbours." Mark Kimmit, a former US military spokesman |
Whistleblower activist Sibel Edmonds reported on Sunday that “foreign military groups, estimated at hundreds of individuals,” have taken up positions in the city of al-Mafraq in northern Jordan on the Syrian border.
Bernie Sanders - News
Is President Obama really likely to veto a Senate bill that passed the Senate that allows for the military to indefinitely detain Americans?

Some pro-business federal judges have shockingly approved a constitutional right for big companies to avoid revealing product dangers on labels.
a new experiment has shown how scientists could someday implant new skills or memories in the waking life — without people even being aware of what they're learning.
a new experiment has shown how scientists could someday implant new skills or memories in the waking life — without people even being aware of what they're learning.
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Insects have bugged human beings for a long time. Via Discover: In a South African cave, researchers have uncovered traces of the oldest known human bedding,
Scientist creates lifelike cells out of metal
Researcher says he has created living cells made of metal instead of carbon — and they may be evolving.
Eczema and Gluten
Guernica notes that while recent uprisings in Egypt, Syria, et cetera received plenty of sympathetic press coverage, the third rail seems to be Saudi Arabia,

View all 11 FUTURESTATES episodes at: http://www.futurestates.tv/
Seed by Hugo Perez In an industry dominated by genetically modified seeds, a poor farmer st...
Seed by Hugo Perez In an industry dominated by genetically modified seeds, a poor farmer st...

Transocean Ltd. said it can’t be forced to pay federal fines or penalties for oil spilled below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico in the Deepwater Horizon incident because of an indemnity contract with BP Plc.
County hiring oil spill lawyers, new union has first labor contract approved, and poll says Commissioner Wilson Robertson losing race.
Heady with successfully blocking trucks at busy ports up and down the West Coast, some Occupy Wall Street protesters plan to continue.
Heady with successfully blocking trucks at busy ports up and down the West Coast, some Occupy Wall Street protesters plan to continue.

Wikipedia may temporarily blank out its pages in self-sacrifice to draw attention to the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act. Remember how we all used to read the actual hardcover encyclopedias?
( That's a pretty clear appeal for support against 'disappearing the internet' )

WikiLeaks, 4Chan and Anonymous are examples of how rogues can thrive against the will of empire.
The state of international law makes corporate responsibility difficult to quantify.
A disturbing report issued by the Russian General Staff to President Medvedev warns today that the North American Security Zone agreement signed this past week between US President Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is a defacto merging of these two nations and allows the Americans to begin building one of the largest gulag systems (forced labor camps) in modern human history.
Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis recently testified before the House Oversight Committee that, "green industries" will allow "individuals to get good jobs, and to keep and advance in those jobs over the long term" and are a key part of the economic recovery.
Evidently, Secretary Solis and the president have ignored the findings from a new report released by the Labor Department's Inspector General revealing some sobering realities that cannot be ignored.
Equipped with $500 million to fund "green" worker training for 124,893 people, the IG found they have only trained 52,762 (42 percent of the target), and only 8,035 actually got jobs (10 percent of the target). Of those, only 1,033 (two percent of the target) have kept their jobs longer than 6 months.
The Inspector General reported that "grantees have expressed concerns that jobs have not materialized and that job placements have been fewer than expected...."

Durban could be a wake-up call for those who believed that Brazil would become a catalyst for environmental change.
Lies, Green Lies and Statistics
Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis recently testified before the House Oversight Committee that, "green industries" will allow "individuals to get good jobs, and to keep and advance in those jobs over the long term" and are a key part of the economic recovery.
Evidently, Secretary Solis and the president have ignored the findings from a new report released by the Labor Department's Inspector General revealing some sobering realities that cannot be ignored.
Equipped with $500 million to fund "green" worker training for 124,893 people, the IG found they have only trained 52,762 (42 percent of the target), and only 8,035 actually got jobs (10 percent of the target). Of those, only 1,033 (two percent of the target) have kept their jobs longer than 6 months.
The Inspector General reported that "grantees have expressed concerns that jobs have not materialized and that job placements have been fewer than expected...."
CFNE - Cultural Foundation Native Expressions - Press Release – For Immediate Release UN Will Conduc
www.cfne.orgPress Release – For Immediate Release UN Will Conduct Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women in Canada | December 13 2011
Facebook launches suicide prevention hotline
The Movie - An unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world
www.thrivemovement.comTHRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers...

Should your college education help you organize and participate in social movements? Should your college experience help you become an agent of social change? What is, and what can be, the relationship between higher education and attempts to change the world?
http://www.facebook.com/IlluminatiDesignMasonicArchitectureAndOccultPlaces Mysterious Monuments: Encyclopedia of Secret Illuminati Designs A sinister and curious Architectural Colossus is exploding across planet earth. Are mysterious monuments part of a Grand Design? Are the Illuminati elite using satanic architecture and magic to seduce men's minds and catapult humanity into a New Order of the Ages?
Page: 376 like this
The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty was devised in 1996 by the UN General Assembly to put an end to nuclear testing, but nine states have still not ratified it. The CTBT has already done much good, but, until it enters fully into force, the future is at risk.
Ex-Salt Lake Mayor Rocky Anderson, Former Democrat, Launches Third Party 2012 Bid Against Obama, GOP
www.democracynow.orgA new political party has entered the fray as an alternative to Democrats and Republicans ahead of the 2012 elections. On Monday, former Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson announced will run for president with the newly formed Justice Party. Although hailing from a solidly Red state, Anderson has b...
( If you check alternative/ignored history, I'm fairly sure you'll find the last leader of a third party...was assassinated.
Canadians noting the recent passing of a revolutionary NDP leader don't seem suspicious about the public explanation. The timing makes it suspect to me. )
In February, we told you about the lawsuit filed against WOT in Florida.
( Although I use and recommend WoT, there are times I seriously doubt their ability to insulate themselves from being used as a tool of censorship )
Why the Higgs Boson Announcement Matters
the Higgs will have the opposite meaning of relativity. One consequence of Einstein’s theory was that there was no need to imagine an “aether” that permeates the fabric of the cosmos. But the “God particle” will confirm the aether is alive and well, and it’s called the Higgs field.
Favorite publications, tuned for your tablet and smartphone.
How to Pick an Ereader This Holiday Season
Microsoft Releases New All-In-One Tag, QR and NFC Reader
10 New Google Analytics Features You Need to Start Using
Topsy Launches Realtime Search Engine For Mobile Devices
How the Arab Spring Moved Citizen Journalists to Use Maps, HTML5 Instead of Text
No Calls in Cars, Even Hands-Free: NTSB Wants U.S.-Wide Cellphone Ban
( Distracted Driving is not affected by using device as much as listening to it. So how did we survive CBs and radios? )Turning Social Data Into Real-Life Connections [VIDEO]
RussiaToday uploaded 5 hours ago
Delusion, Trick & Fraud: 'Global warming nonsense lobby to collapse'
Canada has pulled out of the 1997 anti-global warming Kyoto protocol, saying the treaty is 'not working'. The departure comes a day after further c...
RussiaToday uploaded 6 hours ago
Liege Rampage: Deadly grenade & gun attack in Belgium kills 3
At least three people have been killed and up to 75 injured in a hand grenade and gun assault on a crowd in the Belgian city of Liege. Police say t...
RussiaToday uploaded 8 hours ago
Belgium grenade attack: First video of Liege city center after tragedy
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Amateur video courtesy: Remy Hespel
A dead...
RussiaToday uploaded 11 hours ago
'Bankers & bosses drive EU down Great Depression road'
The blame game continues in Europe over who's responsible for the high level split over a new EU fiscal agreement. The British Prime Minister, who ...
RussiaToday uploaded 11 hours ago
Keiser Report: World Currency War I (E222)
Every week Max Keiser looks at all the scandal behind the financial news headlines. This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss virtua...
RussiaToday uploaded 11 hours ago
Drone-Spotting: Google exposes secret US base in Nevada
Internet giant Google has been accused of seriously compromising U.S. national security. On its Maps web page it revealed to the public a restricte...
RussiaToday uploaded 13 hours ago
Weaned Off War: Iraq in withdrawal ahead of US pullout
The war in Iraq is coming to an end, says Barack Obama with the withdrawal of U.S. troops, set to conclude within weeks. He was speaking at a joint...
RussiaToday uploaded 15 hours ago
Occupational Hazard: OWS targets West Coast ports
Some of the largest yet Occupy protests have erupted across America - paralyzing its West Coast. From the blocked port of Oakland to the shipping h...
RussiaToday uploaded 1 day ago
Bullets & bombs 'humanitarian aid' to help Syria?
In Syria, violence intensifies as clashes between government forces and army defectors spread. This Sunday, 23 people have reportedly been killed i...
RussiaToday uploaded 1 day ago
Tinned goods, gold & guns: UBS meets Alex Jones?
Watch the full Keiser Report E222 on Tuesday. This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss virtual dollars and American plots and tinne...
RussiaToday uploaded 1 day ago
Billionaire Strikes Back: Prokhorov picks fight with Putin
Candidates have been throwing their hats into the ring ahead of the Russia's upcoming presidential run-off. One of the world's richest men, Russian...
RussiaToday uploaded 1 day ago
CrossTalk: CIS Thy Neighbour
After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, most of the former republics of the USSR joined the CIS. Commonwealth of Independent States. What i...
RussiaToday uploaded 1 day ago
Bankster Banquet: Eurocrats to size up Greek gifts
International lenders and EU inspectors are in Greece today to thrash out a new 130 billion Euro bailout with the government. There's an air of spe...
RussiaToday uploaded 1 day ago
Hack'n'Slash Economics: 'Europe made fit one-size bed'
Efforts by European leaders to shoe-horn a range of diverse countries into a rigid financial cage are doomed to fail. But that's all part of a long...
RussiaToday uploaded 1 day ago
Big Apple, Big Divide: Where super-rich don't see the super-poor
One of the main demands from Occupiers is the closure of the gap between those living the high life and those for who struggling in a tough economy...
RussiaToday uploaded 1 day ago
Eviction Addiction: OWS vs drones, LRADs & undercover agents
The US police continue to play cat and mouse with the Occupy movement, having torn down the last remaining Occupy Wall Street camp in San Francisco...
RussiaToday uploaded 2 days ago
'EU uses euro collapse threat to blackmail taxpayers'
As Europe's leaders roll up their sleeves and prepare to slug it out for the euro's very survival, German parliamentarian Frank Schaeffler explains...
RussiaToday uploaded 2 days ago
'Syria intervention proxy attack on Iran'
Western diplomacy regards the Syrian president as a lost cause, so since he has close ties with Iran, toppling Assad would be a major blow to Tehra...
RussiaToday uploaded 2 days ago
Caught on CCTV: Tanker explodes at gas station
One person was injured on Sunday when a petrol tanker exploded in the south-eastern suburbs of the Australian city of Melbourne. The driver was off...
RussiaToday uploaded 2 days ago
Indian Ivy League: Challenge too tough?
India is one of the world's few growth countries, with a burgeoning middle class to match. They are keen to get a top-notch education for their chi...
RussiaToday uploaded 2 days ago
Stabbing the Empire: Last Day of Soviet Union
On December 8th, 1991, the three leaders of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus signed the document which marked the end of the Soviet empire. The fate of ...
RussiaToday uploaded 2 days ago
Iran Pre-war: 'Israel is an American military base'
The Arab Spring will not bring democracy, former Deputy Secretary General of the Arab League Adnan Omran warns. He tells RT that slogans brandished...
RussiaToday uploaded 2 days ago
Spain Brain Drain: Eurozone crisis forces brightest abroad
To get a firm grip on Europe's debt, member states have imposed strict austerity measures, with southerners suffering most. As millions of unemploy...
RussiaToday uploaded 3 days ago
Thousands Strong: Biggest rally in years hits Moscow
25 thousand people have given voice to a peaceful opposition rally in the heart of the Russian capital. The call to arms was issued after Sunday's ...
RussiaToday uploaded 3 days ago
Video: Tens of thousands gather for Moscow 'vote fraud' protest
The biggest opposition rally in recent Russian history has taken place in the capital. The protest against the results of Russia's December 4 parli...
RussiaToday uploaded 3 days ago
Keiser Report: Gold-for-Bonds & Debts-for-What?! (E221)
This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss central banks and governments 'saving the day' and hostage taking paper silver markets and...
RussiaToday uploaded 3 days ago
Mumia vs US Justice: 30 years of struggle
On the thirtieth anniversary of former journalist and Black Panther movement Mumia Abu-Jamal's incarceration, RT's Anastasia Churkina reports on on...
RussiaToday uploaded 3 days ago
War-torn Libya shelters jobless Gazans
Israel's blockade of Gaza has left thousands jobless with two in three locals living in poverty. The situation is so desperate that even Libya, fre...
RussiaToday uploaded 3 days ago
Disposable Culture: Black Friday rules the day?
In the follow-up to Black Friday, the biggest day of the year for discount shopping, America's crazy Christmas sales are in a full swing. But isn't...
RussiaToday uploaded 3 days ago
Occupy Suspects: Police brand campers a terror threat
Narco-terrorists, suicidal jihadists, and Occupy London? While few would see any connection between peaceful British activists protesting economic ...
RussiaToday uploaded 4 days ago
Max Keiser: Crazy Cameron suicidal with knife in Euro gunfight!
The Euro's future has been dealt a severe blow at eleventh hour talks in Brussels, as the UK refused to sign up to new EU treaties, leaving the res...
RussiaToday uploaded 4 days ago
EU Isolation: 'Merkozy will punish UK'
The Euro's future has been dealt a severe blow at eleventh hour talks in Brussels, as the UK refused to sign up to new EU treaties, leaving the res...
RussiaToday uploaded 4 days ago
Which country's debt is 1000% of GDP?
Watch the full Keiser Report E221 on Saturday. This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss central banks and governments 'saving the d...
RussiaToday uploaded 4 days ago
'Strike on Iran will not stop its nuclear program'
On Thursday, US President Barack Obama said he's "considering all options on Iran". RT's Reema Abu Hamdieh talks to former U.S. State Department sp...
RussiaToday uploaded 4 days ago
Break-EUp? UK rejects Merkozy fiscal power grab
The Euro's future has been dealt a severe blow at eleventh hour talks in Brussels, as the UK and Hungary refused to sign up to new EU treaties. Mar...
RussiaToday uploaded 4 days ago
CrossTalk: Arabs in League?
The Arab League was established in 1945. Yet for most of its existence, even its own members have doubted the organization's usefulness. Has all th...
RussiaToday uploaded 4 days ago
Gaza Under Fire: Israel air assault claims civilian lives
The latest Israeli bombing of Gaza has left at least one Palestinian civilian dead, and dozens wounded. Tel Aviv is stepping up its assault on Hama...
RussiaToday uploaded 4 days ago
Slavic Spring? Sorry, Johnny, we had Tahrir 20 years ago
Foreign observers are viewing Russia's post-election protests as a Slavic version of the Arab Spring. But domestic analysts say Russia had its pro-...
RussiaToday uploaded 4 days ago
Nigel Farage: Escape Euro Prison!
It's D-Day for the euro, with intense talks among EU leaders in Brussels suffering its first setback. Britain and Hungary refused to accept EU-wide...
RussiaToday uploaded 5 days ago
Iran shows downed US drone: First video of RQ-170 Sentinel
Video courtesy: Press TV
Days after the Pentagon first denied and then admitted that it lost touch with a high-tech drone aircraft, authorities in...
RussiaToday uploaded 5 days ago
Keiser Report: Economics is the New Rock'n'Roll (E220)
This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss Hank 'Baldface' Paulson, liquidity shortfalls and Joe Pot of Marmite. In the second half ...
RussiaToday uploaded 5 days ago
'Chaos, collapse & catastrophe in EU next week'
It's the latest day of reckoning for the single currency, as Europe's leaders are set for a key two-day summit in Brussels that will decide the reg...
RussiaToday uploaded 5 days ago
'West builds coffin to bury Russia's reputation'
President Dmitry Medvedev says a thorough investigation into Sunday's parliamentary election is needed, but called the rallies that followed a sign...
RussiaToday uploaded 5 days ago
Riot Wrong: FOX fakes Moscow protest with Athens clashes
Read more: http://on.rt.com/uwjuim
News bulletins around the world have been following Russia's election rallies. But one channel stands out - Ame...
RussiaToday uploaded 5 days ago
Right to Rally: Putin defends protests, slams Clinton
Vladimir Putin has called for the opposition to open dialogue saying they have every right to hold rallies - if they are held within the law. But t...
RussiaToday uploaded 5 days ago
'End of euro road in 48 hours if no summit solution'
The euro's survival is about to be determined as European leaders gather for a key summit later on Thursday. They'll examine proposals from the Fre...
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