Life Support System
Bike Share Bikes Around the World: 10 of the Sleekest Designs
Occupy for Jobs
The US eviction of Occupy encampments is in coordination with the country’s corporate media which just treat the Occupy movement as if it no longer exists, an activist tells Press TV.‘But those who are participants in the Occupy movement are learning a lot … about the role of the police and the role of the corporate media and what their own potential is … to develop alternative means and to take direct action …
RebelCapitalist Retirement saving destroyed, homes are now liabilities, only low-wage/no health insurance jobs available. Nice system.Imposing Political Correctness
djpoptartCrystal Kile ‘Wall Street has destroyed the wonder that was America,’ says 75 yo former Lehman partner. In Newsweek. #OWS #winning
gonnarain RT @OccupyWallStNYC: $34 billion over 10 years for riot gear & pepper spray. And we’re firing teachers..…
Aakash32017 RT @iain2008: If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor: Desmond Tutu.
FBI Entrapment: Weatherman to Accused Terrorist
To Rockwood, the plot involving targeted assassinations and bombs was a "pure fantasy" created by a government agent he thought was his friend, a common refrain in the nation's burgeoning number of "home-grown" terrorism plots prosecuted since the Sept. 11 attacks.
Rockwood concedes that he drew up a list of people. He thought they should be punished.
"But ... it was all talk," Rockwood said
Cyber war leads to capture of CIA spy in Iran
Overseas media reported over the weekend that Amir Mirza Hekmati, a 20-something American man of Iranian heritage, was abducted by Iranian forces, to whom he confessed that he has been in cahoots with the Central Intelligence Agency.According to a taped confession offered up by Hekmati, the spy was apprehended by Iranian intelligence after being dispatched into the country from a US base in neighboring Afghanistan. The spy says he had been working out of Bagram near the country’s border with Iran in preparation for a CIA-led mission that has been years in the making, but despite assurance from American authorities that his cover would not be blown, Iranian intelligence intercepted him and is now holding him captive.
US' Fifth Fleet threatens Iran over Strait of Hormuz
cikjazzer December 29, 2011, 03:23
Bah, the US will stage yet another false flag 'terrorist attack' inside their boarders (while the country is a buttoned up like a police state, lol) to justify a corporate war for yet more control of resources and another middle eastern country losing their sovereignty (and ALL social programs become for profit corporate ran).I mean, it's been the same story with the US since the end of the Korean War in the 1950's...agitate a country with resources, put in the CIA Jackals (look it up) to promote a false "uprising" for the mainstream media which justifies a conflict to promote 'democracy' (a hem, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Iraq, etc). Rinse and repeat.
War and Marshall Law is coming next year America - why do you think there are now 800 FEMA concentration camps set-up, SOPA, and the insane new Denver airport murals illustrating it all in plain view (Google it).
"Those who forget the past, are doomed to repeat it."
opit December 29, 2011, 03:47 quote
Let's keep this thread from degenerating into the usual nonsense. The U.S. military thinks Iran can block a ship channel by the simple expedient of declaring it a free fire zone - which insurance companies will not test.
The question of Iranian nuclear weaponry is nonsense promoted to excuse economic warfare.
Iran Defense Minister: Israeli strike would be a suicide mission
...Deputy Iranian Defence Minister Martyred in Israel's Jail-Sahar
Report: Iranian Ex-Deputy Defense Minister, Missing 4 Years, in Israeli Jail
Urdu Military Space News, Nuclear Weapons, Missile Defense (from page 6) hours ago – Turkey won't join in any Western intervention in Iran over Tehran's disputed nuclear program, .Russia - which supplies fuel and technology for Iran's power generating nuclear utilities - would suffer business losses if the West was allowed to interfere with power station supply...and has warned an attack on Iran's nukes would be treated like an attack on Russian utilities ! Hm.They are not the Phantom Menace.
Alex Jones: US government spies on everybody
The Secret Extra-Judicial Killing Program Paid for By Our Tax Dollars
By engaging in a more aggressive covert war strategy than his predecessor, Obama has pushed to the right of Republicans while muting criticism from Democrats who don’t want to give their party leader a hard time, as long as there are no terrorist attacks.Greg Miller reports on the signature element of this new American way of war, the unending drone strikes against Administration-designated enemies.
We simply do not wrestle with the fact that this Administration has asserted a right to kill from a robot plane in the sky anyone they designate as a terrorist, without restrictions or checks on that authority. What’s more, they have put in place the infrastructure to carry out this alleged right, and once governments put in place that infrastructure, they usually feel obligated to use it.
What’s more, this secret war completely blurs the lines between the covert operations of the military and the covert operations of the CIA, as Miller discusses. The Pentagon becomes an impossibly large front organization for the real war games hiding in the shadows, without oversight, without publication.
Hundreds of people have been wrongly imprisoned inside the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department jails in recent years, with some spending weeks behind bars before authorities realized those arrested were mistaken for wanted criminals, a Times investigation has found.
The wrongful incarcerations occurred more than 1,480 times in the last five years. They were the result of a variety of factors, including officials’ overlooking fingerprint evidence and working off incomplete records.
The errors are so common that in some years people were jailed because of mistaken identity an average of once a day.
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