Monckton on blackbody radiation
Global Warming and Cap-and-Trade
Cap-and-trade legislation is designed to make gasoline and electricity significantly more expensive for consumers. It would have been the largest tax increase in American history, and it would have destroyed jobs and weakened our economy.
Before imposing such harsh financial burdens on American families, Senator Inhofe decided to examine the scientific evidence surrounding global warming closely. At that time, the main argument for cap-and-trade was that the “science was settled,” the “debate was over” and that global warming was manmade and catastrophic; but Senator Inhofe began collecting data from hundreds of credible scientists who rejected this so-called consensus. These findings were published in an EPW minority report entitled, “More Than 700 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims.”
Later, when the scandal known as Climategate broke, Senator Inhofe released a report, “‘Consensus’ Exposed: The CRU Controversy,” which found that many of the world’s leading climate scientists were potentially manipulating data to fit preconceived conclusions; obstructing freedom-of-information requests and dissemination of climate data; and colluding to pressure journal editors against publishing scientific work contrary to their own. Climategate has widespread implications: in testimony before the EPW Committee, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson said that the Agency’s finding that greenhouse gases endanger public health is based on this potentially manipulated science.
In addition to there being no scientific consensus, cap-and-trade would be all economic pain for no environmental gain. EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson admitted before the EPW committee that the United States action alone on global warming would have no impact on global carbon emissions. In fact, as jobs went to places like India, China and Mexico, where they don’t have any emissions requirements, cap-and-trade would actually increase worldwide emissions.
Many speculated that President Obama would sign an international agreement with binding limits on greenhouse gases during the United Nations Conference on Global Warming in Copenhagen in December 2009, but Senator Inhofe attended the conference to be a “one man truth squad.” He informed world leaders that the United States would not support an agreement that would surrender the country’s sovereignty, destroy hundreds of thousands of jobs, and harm the American economy. Even though Democrats had overwhelming majorities in both houses of Congress in 2009, they barely found the votes to get cap-and-trade through the House, and Senate Democrats never even brought it up for a vote.
Cap-and-trade legislation may now be dead, but the fight isn’t over: the EPA is now trying to enact the same kind of energy tax through the back door by regulating greenhouse gases. But Senator Inhofe is fighting back against the Obama Administration’s efforts to achieve through regulation what they could not achieve though legislation. He recently introduced the Energy Tax Prevention Act, a bill that would prohibit the EPA from regulating greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act, thereby stopping cap-and-trade regulations from taking effect once and for all. This bill will put Congress, not Washington bureaucrats back in charge of the nation’s climate policy.
When this Legislation was proposed I did some analysis in a series of Posts at my Home site.
This was in May of 2010.
The legislation was (artfully) titled ‘The American Power Act’, and was 987 pages long.
Notice how Australia followed suit, also creating a diversionary title for its legislation, The Clean Energy Future’.
The really funny thing in the whole U.S. legislation was that the day they were going to use for the implementation of their ETS, and subsequently, every year Day One.
That date was to be, and wait for this, because I’m not just making it up ….. April 1st.
That analysis is at the following link, if any of you wish to have a look.
The Great Big April Fools Day Tax Grab
At the bottom of this Post are links to four further Posts also dealing with the same (now thankfully failed) US legislation, and, er, oddly, the Australian legislation has, er, some similarities to this.
I’m sure Lord Monkton’s mathematical treatment is impeccable. However I have great difficulty accepting that the extremely simplistic model he, along with the climatological industry in general, uses, is a valid representation of the real world. By dividing the radiative flux by four and assuming some sort of steady state equilibrium, the physical model seems to be one of a blackbody earth , entirely surrounded by a weak sun,which is of course ludicrous. Someone in an earlier post remarked along the lines “models should follow the physics, the physics should not be bent to match the mathematics’. I have little doubt that the 33 degree greenhouse effect is essentially a mathematical construct. I have really seen nothing to convence me that it is a physical reality.
The Earth is a rotating oblate spheroid. It receives 1400W/m2 radiation at the Equator and 0W/m2 radiation at the Poles. The albedo varies between 0.1 (water) and 0.85 (fresh snow). The surface temperature varies between -88C to 61C.
The mathematics is correct but the model itself is total garbage.
I have finally figured out how to put into words what it is that bothers me about all this warming hysteria scat.
We know with absolute certainty that if we double CO2 in the atmosphere and it raises temperatures by the amount that the IPCC claim, it will not cause a problem.
First of all, keep in mind that our “pre-industrial” CO2 number is basically a guess of what atmospheric CO2 was at the coldest part of the Little Ice Age. It was likely higher during the Medieval Warm Period.
Now, we know that during the Holocene Climate Optimum temperatures were about 2C higher than they are now and sea levels were about 2 meters higher. We also know that this interglacial period is the coldest one in 400,000 years. The previous 3 interglacials were warmer than this one has been.
Every species that exists today survived the Holocene Climate Optimum … including the Polar Bear. We know that every species that exists today experienced massive cooling and warming during the 8.2ky event. I am talking both cooling and warming of a scale that would pale in comparison to any warming we are creating by CO2. Any warming from CO2 emissions is quite gradual. Nature can change from today’s temperatures to glacial conditions and back again in only a century or so and has. Every single species alive today survived that.
Now if someone has transported an “out of the blue” completely new species here, yes, that species may have a problem. But any new species evolving in the past 6000 years or so is simply an adaptation of a species that existed before that can survive climate changes.
We are to be told that changing climate by a degree or two will be absolutely devastating. About haf of the temperature change that would be expected to occur from a doubling of CO2 from 280ppm has already happened as we are now at 390ppm and the response is logarithmic.
The bottom line is that this rhetoric spouted off about the dangers of climate change is not only false, we absolutely know for a fact that it can not possibly be true. We have already experienced the conditions that they are warning about in the not very distant past. In 6000BC temperatures were pretty much exactly what these people are warning about.
The BIG PROBLEM with oxymoronic climate science is that ‘back radiation’ as measured by a radiometer pointing upwards [at night] is really ‘Prevost exchange Energy’ so can do no thermodynamic work.
It is simply a measure of temperature and emissivity. Read up Hottell’s work on it in the 1950s at MIT. Engineers know this because we have to calculate things accurately. Climate science is essentially propaganda.
My own route to showing climate sensitivity on the IPCC’s figures is ~x4 too high is to show that real present GHG warming is nearer 9K with the rest of the 33K from lapse rate – this is the same as Monckton shows.
However, he fails to account for the third big mistake in climate science, which is the aerosol optical physics. In reality the AIE has reversed sign, slight at the moment, but big in a polar climate. The bottom line is that the IPCC CO2 climate sensitivity is at least 6.7 times too high and could well be slightly negative.
This is because the CO2 IR absorption band near the earth’s surface is saturated. For proof that CO2-AGW is very small look at North Atlantic OHC data: N. Atlantic OHC:
It’s been falling since 2004 because the Arctic biofeedback driven temperature oscillation is now going to the freeze state, showing that it’s reduction of cloud albedo which is dominant for the Earth, not CO2-AGW/GW.
The rider to this is that since 1997, when the direct link between palaeoclimate and CO2 climate sensitivity was broken, climate science has been a clever fraud with multiple routes to the same propaganda answer. Those responsible need to go to jail.
Sorry, but Monckton muffs his equations a bit. It is not accurate to treat the sun-exposed side of the Earth as a disk. The solar radiating ‘surface’ is a hemisphere where the incoming radiation is maximum along the vector to the sun, and dissipates to zero as you hit the day-night terminus. It is therefore not the size of the Earth disk, but probably 2/3rds that size in terms of solar flux.
In addition, the radiating surface is the total globe, not the sun facing hemisphere. These two observations alone will probably require a major re-dp.
Also, the Earth is a fixed amount above zero degrees, since it has a hot molten core. What we see in our ‘temperature’ is the balance between the inner heat dissipating, the solar radiative heating and the dissipation/emission of heat.
To further complicate the equation you need to recall the oceans trap heat during the day and emits it back into the atmosphere at night. Many things can effect this transmission rate, causing the nightly effect not to be at the same rate every night or season – some nights the emissions are more, other less. Think cloud cover for one such trap. Wind and wave action is another, and so on.
Then you can get into the reflective nature of the land/sea surface, atmosphere and clouds – which is also not static. Add in the solar vector to the trapping or reflecting feature (ice, cloud, water, plants) and you realize the simple black body is nothing more than a very crude estimate.
And this is why the GCMs fail, because they are way too simplistic.
Answer to CHIP:
Beware the Pea under the IPCC thimble. There has been systematic misrepresentation since in 1997 it was shown that CO2 rose ~600 years’ after T. The calibration of CO2 climate sensitivity to palaeo-data had to be dropped. Instead it went to post-industrial warming, hence Mann’s fraudulent hockey-stick and the temperature fiddling, the latest being NOAA:
Systemic IPCC fraud.
That was truly brilliant Tristan. To use your analytical principles, I am fairly certain that on a scale of 0 to 10 your logical reasoning skills hover slightly below zero. And to add my two penn’orth, Monckton’s big mistake has been think that the IPCC ‘science’ is based on reality. This comes from his not being trained in the details of the physics.
The fact is, there are four humongous mistakes and to assemble it all together in a plausible format, they simply fake the data. The latest example of this is here:
Thus Monckton’s assessment of the IPCC fraud is way off base. There is now no credence whatsoever in its assessment of CO2 climate sensitivity. Assuming the IPCC’s IR physics is true, it can be no more than ~15% of the median claimed CO2 climate sensitivity. If you correct the IR physics, it’s slightly negative at present but could have been larger in the past.
What he’s doing is to look at the practicalities of heat transport from the earth’s surface. The IPCC consensus is a sophisticated fraud. They assume all that heat transport is by radiation and that about half of that is ‘trapped’ by GHGs and re-radiated downwards.
Both these processes are untrue. Monckton is changing the first to account for thermotranspiration/evaporation and convection thereby reducing the proportion of radiated IR. But this doesn’t account for the second IPCC falsehood: he’s behind the curve because he doesn’t know much heat transport physics.
Let me explain using a thought experiment what the problem is. You’re on the beach, air temperature = 25°C, sand temperature = 30°C. Because it’s a bit cold, you put up a windbreak and in order to maintain constant convection + radiation, the sand temperature rises to 45°C, very nice.
If the IPCC/Monckton claim that back radiation is valid, assuming 85% emissivity, you’ve just increased back radiation by 27 times the IPCC’s claimed net AGW [1.6 W/m^2]. This reductio ad absurdum experiment shows that the IPCC’s case is wrong, pure and simple, and I believe this has been done knowingly by insiders.
So, ignore Monckton’s later findings because he believes too much of the IPCC fake science. He has picked up on part of the fraud which is to assume all heat transport from the Earth’s surface is radiation.
How the IPCC has turned man-made global warming into a 21st century religion
No, Virginia, Cooler Objects Cannot Make Warmer Objects Even Warmer Still (Updated)
I worked for NASA, Apollo, 1967-69. In 1997, I proved using fossil fuel combustion for Earth’s thermostat cannot work because the system is un-measurable, unobservable and uncontrollable.I think the use of historic data to build statistical regression models capable of forecasting, without the underlying relationships of physics and chemistry, mass, energy and momentum conservation and rate laws, is known to be a fundamentally flawed method. It would be like regressing hourly stock market price data for forecasting. If Prof Michael Mann, Univ of East Anglia and UN IPCC can do it for climate, they can do it for investments and retire to Monaco. The HPI abandoned that approach for rigorous engineering models of oil refinery processes by 1970, because empirical regression models do not work in distillation column feedback control systems where accurate extrapolation, not just interpolation, is required. Expert systems are no longer in vogue for similar reasons.
To recap, Spencer did not correctly describe how radiating plates work; how a blanket works or how the atmosphere works. There is no Green House in the sky. Cooler objects cannot make warmer objects even warmer still. QED.
Anyway, that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it, until someone convinces me otherwise. I trust this clears up the controversy. It is hard to translate the language of nature, mathematics, into the language of humans, like English. If it’s all about semantics, get the definitions right. History since Socrates teaches high standards of skepticism are warranted because most speakers and writers are wrong, including scientists. That is why establishing the truth is difficult. Call it wisdom if you please.
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CyberConnect2 is busy. In addition to Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Whatever, Asura's Wrath, parts of SoulCalibur V, and a .hack movie, the company is working on a new .hack game. The latest Famitsu (via Andriasang) reveals a new game in the faux-MMO franchise is on the way, with more details to come following the movie's release on January 21. In an interview with the magazine, CEO Hiroshi Matsuy
Star Wars: The Old Republic launch doc recounts years of development
This week, Star Wars: The Old Republic finally launches after years of development -- and it's those years that are the focus of this eight minute launch documentary. Believe it or not, in eight minutes you can pretty much cover every aspect of a major MMO launch.Star Wars: The Old Republic launch doc recounts years of development originally appeared on Joystiq on Wed, 21 Dec 2011 23:15
Skyrim PC patched, can now claim 4GB RAM
Skyrim has become just a little more cognizant of the money you spent on extra RAM, and the teeny bit of blood lost when you pushed the modules in with enough enthusiasm to cut your fingers. A new incremental patch, bringing the PC version of Skyrim up to 1.3.10, lets the game address up to 4 gigabytes of RAM. A similar performance fix was issued by the modding community shortly after the RPG'
The Truth About Microsoft and CES
Josh Topolsky: It seems like the Cupertino method of choosing the time and place for your product launches has firmly steeped in the mind of the industry, and it raises the question as to whether broader shows such as CES have the long-term staying power compared with more focused events such as E3 or Mobile World Congress. Typical fanboy. ★
Video: I'm Dreaming of a New iPad
To get you in the holiday mood, consumer electronics shopping site has come up with a few tech-related "Nerd Carols" for your listening pleasure. The lyrics were written by Retrevo Director of PR and Social Media Jennifer Jacobson (AKA Retrevo's Resident Poet), and put to the tune of some holiday standards. The multi-talented Jennifer also sings! If you'd like to sing along, the ly
‘Fuck Me? No. Fuck You.’
Did Microsoft leave CES — or vice versa? Get your popcorn. ★
15 Years Ago Today
Apple acquired NeXT. Not a bad move. (Good thing I wasn’t then yet writing DF, or I’d have to eat some claim chowder about their not choosing Be.) ★
Android 3.2.1 Honeycomb Update Now Rolling Out To HTC's EVO View 4G
Sprint's variant of the HTC Flyer - the HTC EVO View 4G - is finally getting a taste of Honeycomb, bringing it up to par with competing Android tablets. Originally launched with a heavily customized version of Android 2.3, the View 4G is now receiving an over-the-air update to Android 3.2.1. As you'd expect, the update brings Honeycomb to Sprint's version of the Flyer, featuring HTC's Sense overla
[Video] Google Sends Out A Big 'Happy Holidays' To The Entire Android Community
The Android team just pushed a video to the Nexus YouTube account wishing everyone in the Android community happy holidays. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, doesn't it? Play from YouTube Back at ya', Android Team! read more
Over 700,000 Android Devices Being Activated Every Day
Intrepid Google+ user and Android head Andy Rubin mentioned yesterday that there are now over 700,000 Android devices being activated every day. Wow. read more
Sony Ericsson LT28at Hits Bluetooth SIG With 720p HD Screen, 13MP Camera and AT&T’s 4G LTE
Oh, sweet Mother Theresa, what is this? It appears that Sony Erics– Er, Sony is finally stepping up to the plate and preparing a superphone of their own, the LT28at for AT&T (I know, it stings). I originally mistook this leak for an American version of Nozomi (LT26i) — which could still very well be the case, given the device’s very similar model numbers but slightly different specs. Spea
do it yourself
Wookie Cookies!
A long time ago in a kitchen far, far away there existed a mysterious group of delicious furry creatures named Wookie cookies. Made of chocolate, chocolate, frosting, and more chocolate, these linguistically inclined individuals were found to be easy to cook and devour. Here is an easy step-by-s...By: greenyouseContinue Reading »
The Making of a Maker: A Tribute to the 1970 Estes Model Rocket Catalog
In a follow up to his rocketry reviews in the Make: Ultimate Kit Guide, Stefan Jones sent us this wonderful backstory on how he got involved in model rocketry. It really brought back memories for me because I was introduced to model rocketry through the same year’s Estes catalog and had a similar reaction. I’m sure many makers of our generation had similar experiences. -Gareth I was set up to bec
Make Your Own Screaming Mandrake!
We recently visited the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando, and our daughter spied an animatronic screaming mandrake plant in one of the store windows. She stood and stared for quite awhile with a big grin on her face. So i decided it would be fun to try to make one for her this Christmas on...By: pezzasaurusContinue Reading »
3D Ornaments at GE Global Research
The folks over at the Additive Manufacturing Lab, GE Global Research, sent us this video about their 3D-printed jet engine Christmas ornament design. They’re looking to see what sorts of other 3D-printed and science-tech-themed tree ornaments makers are creating. If you’ve made any, post them to their Edison’s Desk Facebook page. GE Global Research
Please Allow Me to Get This Small Awkwardness Out of the Way
I know that I haven’t posted much about gardening lately. Frankly, I haven’t posted here in over a week now, period. I have started and stopped many times. I starting working on the follow up to the series on garden writing. And then I backtracked and started a second follow-up post that I have since abandoned. Last week I wrote a piece on the massive bounty of Jerusalem artichoke that I dug up f
Jeff Gillman Is One Of My Favorite People In The World
and you're about to find out why. More on Jeff and his new book, DECODING GARDENING ADVICE, coming soon.
how to help prevent window strikes by songbirds
IDIDN’T WASH MY WINDOWS ALL SPRING AND SUMMER, and though I hated looking out through dust and rain splatters and Jack’s many pawprints, it was part of an experiment to see what—if anything—might help reduce the horrible event of window strikes by songbirds, a leading cause of their death. Now it’s bird-feeding season, and with last night’s snow here and the added reflection it causes, this import
Even when it's already dead—let's spray!
This is the first time I have seen Wilt Pruf sold as an accompaniment to holiday wreaths and other decorative cut evergreens around here. There was no signage, but I am assuming you’re meant to spray it on them as a preservative. I wonder what the point would be—with cold weather impeding their decay, how long do you really need a wreath to last? Mine always look just as good when I take them down

DIY Snowflakes
Sticking with the snowflake theme, there is one more DIY project that I thought was so awesome! Remember back to when you were a kid and you played with those giant craft sticks? Well they're back! These painted craft stick snowflakes we found on the Crafty Nest would give any home or event that rustic/old north winter feeling! Check out the Crafty Nest for more detailed
Seasonal decor inspiration over on Offbeat Home
Over on Offbeat Home, Cat has a roundup of some super inspirational seasonal decor ideas. Of course, I couldn't help but see how PERFECT some of those ideas would be for your winter weddings. Here are three of my favorite ideas: Source: via Offbeat Home on Pinterest How great would these be to make and hang up at your wedding venue? The nerdy amongst you could even do variatio
Rainbow wedding cake :)
Rainbow wedding cake :)
Snowberries Floral Arrangements
Today Honey of a Thousand Flowers is introducing us the cutest little addition to our library of Bridal Blooms: snowberries! They look as whimsical as their name, and versatile like a LBD of florals. We’d love to see them starring in a gorgeous bouquet of muted hues, or in a colorful cheery arrangement! I’ll leave you with the expert, Sarah Winward: From Sarah Winward: Contradictory to their n
world news
Polar à la grecque : un justicier du fisc tue les fraudeurs à la cigüe
Alerte, chaleureux et drôle, Petros Markaris est un vieux monsieur qui, dès qu'il prend la parole, ne fait plus son âge. Il présentait début décembre son dernier livre au Art bar poems'n crimes, la librairie de son éditeur au cœur d'Athènes. Une adresse toute nouvelle où l'intelligentsia athénienne aime à se retrouver pour prendre un verre entourée de romans noirs et de livres de poésie. Dans la s
Ana Botella será la primera alcaldesa de Madrid el día 27
Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón ha presentado a las ocho de la mañana ante el registro del Ayuntamiento de Madrid su renuncia al acta de concejal y al puesto de alcalde, para poder prometer o jurar después como ministro de Justicia del Gobierno de Mariano Rajoy (PP). El vicealcalde, Manuel Cobo, ha asumido el mando municipal, como le corresponde reglamentariamente por ser primer teniente de alcalde, y ha a
Explosions Rock Baghdad Amid Iraqi Political Crisis
A series of explosions shook Baghdad early Thursday, killing at least 63 a day after Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki of Iraq threatened to abandon a power-sharing government created a year ago.
Syrian opposition cites regime 'acts of genocide'
Syria's opposition group condemned Bashar al-Assad's regime for "brutal massacres" this week and urged the U.N. Security Council to protect civilians.