Some of the regional governments, clinging to the hope that cooperation with the US and its allies, and the implementation of their plans will help them stay in power, have been ensnared in a trap, which will finally lead to their downfall at the hands of the US .
Ahmadinejad referred to the fate of former Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak and pointed out that Mubarak was in cahoots with America for over three decades and recognized Israel in an attempt to curry favor with the US; however, Washington asked him to step down in the end.
The Iranian president pointed out that the global hegemonic powers need to respect the rights of nations and stop propping up Israel if they seek to be salvaged.
US, Israel to blame for attacks: Syria
UK war on free speech
Yemenis calls for prosecution of US ambassador
London Evening Post
Now that NATO has overthrown Qadhafi, the West can exult
The Libyan war has become the stage of the most forceful deployment of the capitalist apparatus, the quintessential example of imperialism as the last stage of capitalism. The almighty market has bombed its way through an unwilling, recalcitrant regime; it will not stop until it has penetrated its deepest recesses. The ruthless exercise of geo-economic leverage by Western powers has once more advanced ‘rationalised imperialism’; as Amilcar Cabral would say, it has extended the militarised conquest of economic resources.
Democracy and liberation are merely hollow concepts, misused and abused by their proponents who have found a new way of instituting them in ‘rogue’ states through ‘strategic’ bombings and proxy wars. Western propensity for and obsession with bombing weaker countries with minimal harm to their own populations has caused unspeakable bloodshed, distress, trauma, and deep resentment in Afghanistan, Iraq and will in Libya.
Libya War: Want to Overthrow A Regime? Dial Nato!
Paid mercenaries have always spelled trouble for regimes in the third world but today, if someone is to campaign for regime change
NATO exposed: Al Qaida terrorists that helped to overthrow Libya, moving to Syria funny, cause the source and writer are Western. Dont know how they let em write these things.
( Parliament and Free Press - corporately owned and dictating what will be covered - do not find it useful to suppress all dissent .... but encourage self exposure ...including what happens in the House. It`s less troublesome that way and enhances the illusion of fruitful activism. Then the law suddenly becomes of no consequence as the state seeks retribution. )
Basil Al-Sayed, Who Chronicled The Syrian Uprising, Is Dead
More SA drug mules nabbed
OK. I admit I wasn't really paying attention. But when did we become a leading exporter of drug-mules? draws criticism after U-turn on antibiotics in animal feed
DAbitty Dee
RT @GuitarCheron: FDA draws criticism after U-turn on antibiotics in animal feed via @guardian // RIghtly so!
Environmental groups dismayed after agency drops long-held plan to regulate use of human antibiotics fed to healthy animals
The FDA first acknowledged in 1977 that the overuse of antibiotics in healthy livestock for growth promotion and disease prevention was unsafe and could promote antibiotic resistant bacteria that could infect people. An advisory committee at the time recommended that the FDA immediately withdraw approval for two drugs, penicillin and tetracycline, for subtherapeutic uses of the drugs in livestock.Last week, in a statement in the Federal Register, the FDA says it plans instead to allow the industry to self-regulate and "focus its efforts for now on the potential for voluntary reform and the promotion of the judicious use of antimicrobials in the interest of public health".
Kar believes the move is an attempt to get around a lawsuit filed by the NRDC to force the FDA to withdraw approval for the practice of mixing human antibiotics into animal feed. The lawsuit, filed in May, asked the court to declare that the FDA had violated federal law by failing to withdraw approval of using penicillin and tetracycline in animal feed when animal health is not at stake.
"This action by the FDA is a response to our lawsuit" said Kar. "The findings in 1977 were included in the notice for opportunity for a hearing, and they think they can get around the lawsuit by withdrawing the notices for opportinuties for a hearing. But we will not allow the FDA to ignore public health."
A Startling Revelation from the Wasilla Project
Something that BOTH Conservative and Liberal bloggers can agree on, SOPA must be stopped now!
The Coming Collapse of China: 2012 Edition
Why has China as we know it survived? First and foremost, the Chinese central government has managed to avoid adhering to many of its obligations made when it joined the WTO in 2001 to open its economy and play by the rules, and the international community maintained a generally tolerant attitude toward this noncompliant behavior. As a result, Beijing has been able to protect much of its home market from foreign competitors while ramping up exports.
First, there were Deng Xiaoping's transformational "reform and opening up" policies, first implemented in the late 1970s. Second, Deng's era of change coincided with the end of the Cold War, which brought about the elimination of political barriers to international commerce. Third, all of this took place while China was benefiting from its "demographic dividend," an extraordinary bulge in the workforce. Yet China's "sweet spot" is over because, in recent years, the conditions that created it either disappeared or will soon
US calls into question DRC election results( Really.....ironic )
Proof of voter fraud in the USA - from the horse's mouth - YouTube | | Jan 2008 - 9 min - Uploaded by Oallos1 Proof of voter fraud in the USA - from the horse's mouth. Oallos1. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe ... ACORN Fined Maximum in Nevada Voter Fraud Scheme(from page 6) 10 Aug 2011 – Thank you, Mr. Vadum, for keeping your eye on this and reporting faithfully here to us. Voter fraud in America is HUGE. And it is not just ...Election Fraud Continues in the 13 Aug 2005 – Election Fraud Continues in the US New Data Shows Widespread Vote Manipulations in 2004. By Peter Phillips. In the fall of 2001, after anEvidence of Electoral Fraud in the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election: A ... |
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