Land Grabs Threaten World's Poor Even More Than Previously Thought
Food is not the main focus of the land deals. Out of the 71 million hectares in deals that the authors could cross-reference, 22% was for mining, tourism, industry and forestry and three-quarters of the remaining 78% for agricultural production was for biofuels.Land grabs have been called out for what they are over the last couple years, but the ILC report finds that rich national investors are driving the trend more forcefully than previously thought.
The report, which looks at almost 30 case studies, concludes that large land deals create problems for the poorest populations, largely by diminishing their access to land—often the most fertile land a region has to offer. See, a family growing food for subsistence or to sell to a local market needs the same thing that a plantation for biofuel crops needs: arable land and healthy soil.
Half of Brazilians in Fear of War Over the Amazon
According to the results of a new poll, half of all Brazilians surveyed are either certain, or strongly believe that within the next 20 years an attack will be waged on their homeland for control of the resource-rich Amazon rainforest. But who would do such a thing? Well, 37 percent say the United States is a likely aggressor.
The survey, conducted by the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA), found that out of the 3,796 Brazilians questioned, there are underlying concerns about the state of their nation's resources. All told, 50 percent of respondents were seriously concerned about attacks pertaining to the Amazon; 45 percent believed that access to Brazil's pre-salt resources could lead to an attack.When asked which nation they feared was most likely to attack, 37 percent said the United States. Meanwhile, only 32 percent perceived the United States as an ally.
It seems entirely possible that future international conflicts will be spurred not by the traditional triggers, but by a lack of water, arable farmland, or fossil fuels.
We Are Aborting our Childrens Future
Kids in the United States are suing their federal government and several state governments for lack of action on climate change.
‘Brutal logic’ and climate communications
In which Roberts ponders the Overton Window as necessary to push action. From where I sit, that strategy has been applied for years.
We are returning to a pre-1990 military stance in the Gulf
scaling back of the U.S. military presence in the Gulf was part of the administration's strategy to "demilitarize" U.S. foreign policy and shift to an approach that favored counter-terrorism tactics. He also said the end of the war in Iraq -- and eventually the war in Afghanistan -- proved that large military deployments are not necessary to deny terrorists safe haven in foreign countries.
PreElection timing
100 Reasons Why You Should Start Putting Signs On Freeways
The "Pro-Israel" Right Loses It
It has been over a week since the lobby that deems itself "pro-Israel" began its recent effort to suppress the views of those of us it considers Israel haters, self-hating Jews or -- in a most ridiculous twist given that most of us are Jews -- "anti-Semites."The effort to silence us now stems from (1) the determination to defeat President Obama, and (2) the need to intimidate us as the lobby and its congressional acolytes cowboy up for a bombing campaign against Iran.
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- posted by Crystal Entertainment at You Will Read News - 16 minutes ago- Jyoti Amge crowned world shortest woman at just 62cm tall - She weighs only 12lbs - just 9lbs more than she did at birth Celebrating your 18th birthday is a momentous occasion for anyone, but...
- posted by Crystal Entertainment at You Will Read News - 23 minutes agoIF you spend hours deliberating over something as trivial as a new jumper, then beware. Scientists say that makes you a ‘maximiser’ – and it could lead to a lifetime of misery. A study has revealed two...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 27 minutes ago*The Nutcracker Suite segment of Walt Disney's Fantasia -- with, of course, Leopold Stokowski conducting the Philadelphia Orchestra* *by Ken* It didn't really occur to me when I devoted a recent post, "T...
- posted by Crystal Entertainment at You Will Read News - 36 minutes agoBetter pick up the pace before you’re pushing up daisies. A new study out of Australia sought to prove the speed it takes to outpace the Grim Reaper - the personification of Death - and found it’s about ...
- posted by Crystal Entertainment at You Will Read News - 44 minutes agoElderly people whose eyesight is failing can improve their balance and avoid dangerous falls by practising tai chi, according to a study. Experts say the gentle martial art builds strength and also impr...
- posted by Raed Jarrar at In the Middle - 1 hour agoFrom AFSC 60% is the percentage of the president’s *proposed 2012 discretionary budget * targeted for military spending. This does not include all the budgeted spending, just the programs that get approv...
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 hour ago"This complex of beautiful, dusty reflection nebulae lies in the constellation Scorpius along the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy. Its overall outline suggests a horsehead in profile, though it covers a much...
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 2 hours agoFortaleza, Ceara, Brazil. Thanks for stopping by.
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 2 hours ago"Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide...
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 2 hours ago"Human history can be viewed as a slowly dawning awareness that we are members of a larger group. Initially our loyalties were to ourselves and our immediate family, next, to bands of wandering hunter-gat...
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 2 hours ago*"The Bank Of Time" * "Imagine there is a bank account that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening the bank deletes whatever part of the...
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 2 hours ago"We have looked first at man with his vanities and greed and his problems of a day or a year; and then only, and from this biased point of view, we have looked outward at the earth he has inhabited so bri...
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 2 hours ago*"The Limits of Growth: Nothing Grows Forever"* by Clive Thompson "Peter Victor is an economist who has been asking a heretical question: Can the Earth support endless growth? Traditionally, economists ha...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours agoNotorious Texas closet queen Rick Perry hasn't been officially outed yet. His day will come though. Meanwhile he's using the childish tactics of covering up his self-loathing by screaming the loudest-- w...
- posted by Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 4 hours agoSix minutes of sanity in a world ruled by insane murderers:
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 4 hours ago[image: The global debt clock, screen capture on 14 December 2011. Economist Intelligence Unit /] (The Economist) – The clock is ticking. Every second, it seems, someone in the world t...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 5 hours ago*Has been for a while.* "Professor derides Iowans’ fitness to caucus and stirs a storm " December 16, 2011 Political notebook --*NOMORE*--" "US journalism professor derides Iowa, faces fury University ...
- posted by Rufus at News From Atlantis. - 5 hours agoAfrica is a troubled continent. From the time of the recent European Empires, it has been economically ravaged. Much has been written of the African Slave Trade, with blame for the human suffering being...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 5 hours ago*Never made my printed paper:* "Ron Paul argues for small government in New Hampshire PETERBOROUGH, N.H. - Texas Representative Ron Paul said tonight that he was not worried that government bureaucrats wo...
- posted by Jesse Emspak at Discovery News - Top Stories - 5 hours agoInteractivity comes to plain sheets of paper.
- posted by Sarah Simpson at Discovery News - Top Stories - 5 hours agoNeanderthals had bigger noses than we do, but tracking a scent was never one of their specialties.
- posted by Christina Ortiz at Discovery News - Top Stories - 5 hours agoThis rotary phone just got turned into one huge Bluetooth headset.
- posted by Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 5 hours ago"Judge" George B. Daniels, "a United States federal judge for the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York." (Wikipedia). He holds the record "for the most delayed decisions," of...
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 5 hours ago*I said it **once**, I said it twice**.... * "*Democrats may back off* demand for *taxing rich* *Strike three, your out! * *So ignore all that campaign rhetoric you are going to hear for the next year....
- posted by Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 5 hours ago
- posted by Trace Dominguez at Discovery News - Top Stories - 6 hours agoThis Week in Discovery News it's all about Norway's butter and Egypt's pyramids!
- posted by Rocker at MSM Monitor - 6 hours ago*If you like divisive distortions, war promotion, obfuscations, and outright lies.* "State’s jobless rate dips to 7%; Jobless rate at its lowest in years Level is lowest since late 2008 More employers pla...
- posted by Tim Wall at Discovery News - Top Stories - 6 hours agoNine years after a boat mangled a coral reef near Key West, Florida, the reef is back and thriving.
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours agoAnd so it is... - CP
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor...
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago*“System Abuse”* by Ulysse "There is a dream in which everyone lies. A world of wonderful secret realms of fantastic fiat money and wealth. From this dream every night you wake up. You then explore the r...
- posted by jurassicpork at Welcome Back to Pottersville - 7 hours agoChristopher Hitchens died yesterday and, in a special, rarified irony seemingly peculiar to or reserved by a (gasp) malicious Higher Intelligence for the high and mighty, he also died the same exact day w...
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago*"NDAA: The Terror Is Nearer Than Ever"* RIP American Democracy: 1776-2011. By David Seaman "It turns out that destroying the American democratic republic was easy to accomplish, historians will write som...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 7 hours ago*Mike Malloy talks about the demise of San Francisco's Green 960, and a parallel development in Sacramento -- and the late stages of the right-wing corporate capture of American radio.* *by Noah* The Pl...
- Buenos Fiestas! Click image to see movie! John
- posted by PC at Not PC - 8 hours ago[image: image] "My own opinion is enough for me, and I claim the right to have it defended against any consensus, any majority, anywhere, any place, any time. And anyone who disagrees with this can pic...
- posted by Irene Klotz at Discovery News - Top Stories - 9 hours agoAfter six-year journey, probes would have a week to assess conditions for life on Jupiter's ocean-bearing moon.
- posted by at CENSORED NEWS - 9 hours ago*PIE IN THE SKY* *By Mohawk Nation News* MNN Dec. 16, 2011. Can civilization based on the violent hierarchical system and the natural world exist side by side? No! ...
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago* “$29 TRILLION?* *More Upside for Gold as Government* * Spending Continues Unabated”* by Bill Bonner “Have yourself a merry little depression. Dow up 45 points. Gold down $9. We’re still waiting for a ma...
- posted by Jay Allbritton at Jay Allbritton - 9 hours agoToday is the day that Bill Hicks would have turned 50. Here's the time he went for the righteous indignation dollar. That's a big dollar.
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago*“50 Economic Numbers From 2011 That Are * *Almost Too Crazy To Believe”* by Michael Synder “Even though most Americans have become very frustrated with this economy, the reality is that the vast majority...
- posted by Suzan at Welcome to Pottersville 2 (Blogging Against Fascism!) - 10 hours agoWriting on Iran war plans back in 2005, Philip Giraldi disclosed in The American Conservative magazine, "The plan includes a large-scale air assault on Iran employing both conventional and tactical nuclear...
- posted by éminence grise at Cherchez la Verite - 11 hours ago**Countdown with Keith ...: Rep. Jerrold Nadler decries Obama for not vetoing National Defense Bill* Published on Dec 15, 2011 by Current Keith and Rep. Jerrold Nadler (...
- posted by jurassicpork at Welcome Back to Pottersville - 11 hours ago(By American Zen's Mike Flannigan, on loan from Ari.) It's extremely important to distinguish the difference between a mere culture war, which suggests some parity, from an actual War on Culture. If what...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 11 hours agoBy now you probably heard about the Pew Research poll showing how angry voters are with Congress-- and mostly blaming the Republicans for a body that isn't working for the people at all. They actually con...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours agoA cargo ship on the French Atlantic coast became trapped in high winds, causing some of its 220 tons of fuel to leak towards a local beach. The TK Bremen ran aground 100 meters from Erdeven beach in southe...
- posted by Emily Sohn at Discovery News - Top Stories - 11 hours agoAfter an extended off-season due to a four-month lockout, professional football players tore their Achilles tendons at unprecedented rates.
- posted by Sarah Simpson at Discovery News - Top Stories - 11 hours agoRemoving sulfur from jet fuel doesn't just improve air quality around airports, it can help cool the climate too.
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours agoLarge black floats are the first remnants of Japan's devastating earthquake and tsunami to begin washing up on the American coastline. The debris traveled 4,500 miles on Pacific Ocean currents, pushed by ...
- posted by David Preiser (USA) at Biased BBC - 11 hours agoAs everyone here knows by now - but people who rely on the BBC for their information will not - the US Justice Department has collaborated with the Norfolk Constabulary and Metropolitan Police to seize com...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours agoThis dancing Tube passenger was unceremoniously pushed through the doors and onto the platform as the train prepares to pull away from Leytonstone, East London. A video of the hilarious incident which ha...
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 11 hours ago[image: The unfinished replica of the tower at the entrance to Disneyland rises from empty fields in China’s abandoned fake Disneyland, 14 December 2011. David Gray / Reuters] [Longtime readers will rec...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoImage: 2008 Rio Grande do Sul Hail Storm A hailstorm last night affected several farms in southern Brazil. In the major grapevine region of Brazil, about 80% of the crop was lost in 20 minutes of hail. F...
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 12 hours agoUS forces held a formal ceremony to lower the flag in Iraq ahead of their withdrawal from the country nearly nine years after the controversial 2003 invasion.
- posted by Jesse Emspak at Discovery News - Top Stories - 12 hours agoA robot exhibit engages people with robots, raising the related social implications.
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoTwo men who murdered British honeymoon couple Ben and Catherine Mullany in Antigua have each been given three consecutive life sentences. Kaniel Martin and Avie Howell were found guilty of shooting the co...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoA magnitude 5.0 earthquake has struck the Nicobar Islands, India Region at a depth of 60 km (37.2 miles), the quake hit at 15:47:28 UTC Friday 16th December 2011. The epicenter was 85 km (52 miles) ESE of ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoA magnitude 4.8 earthquake has struck the Nicobar Islands, India Region at a depth of 46.5 km (28.9 miles), the quake hit at 15:12:45 UTC Friday 16th December 2011. The epicenter was 87 km (54 miles) ESE o...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoExpanded Russian military and diplomatic support for the Assad regime was underscored by the deployment Friday, Dec. 16, of advanced Moscow-supplied Yakhont (SSN-26) shore-to-sea missiles along Syria's Med...
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 12 hours ago[image: Leakage of highly radioactive water from the sampling line of the Evaporative Concentration System 3C, at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, 12 December 2011. TEPCO] By arevamirpal::laprimav...
- posted by Kate Prengaman at Discovery News - Top Stories - 12 hours agoA "hit prediction equation" assesses the likelihood of a song making it into the U.K.'s Top 5.
- posted by David Vance at Biased BBC - 12 hours agoI will be interviewed on BBC5 Live tonight at around 10.05pm concerning this story. London bus drivers were today accused of holding passengers to ransom as they threatened to strike during next summer's ...
- posted by David Vance at Biased BBC - 13 hours agoOK, another week goes by and I offer you this to take us all off into the weekend! Enjoy. Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.
- posted by The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 13 hours agoIf Stephen Harper is going to be constrained by his opposition, they're going to have to "take it outside" Parliament and fight Harper in the streets.
- posted by David Vance at Biased BBC - 13 hours agoAn astute B-BBC reader asks; "Have you watched the 4 programme series called "Thats Britain". The 'Wall' records the "hates" of people in the UK. It is noticeable that, for Progs 1,2,3 and 4, 'wind tu...
- posted by David Vance at Biased BBC - 13 hours agoA Biased BBC readers advises; On Tuesday's 6 o'clock news on R4 there was a report about a religious school in Pakistan which had been brutalising its young pupils. Orla Guerin solemnly intoned a list of ...
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 13 hours ago[image: A dead grove of trembling aspen in Colorado’s Grand Mesa National Forest. William R.L. Anderegg] By JUSTIN GILLIS 12 December 2011 Scientists trying to understand the future of forests on a warm...
- posted by Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 13 hours agoThe way the western main stream media represents the news. I shake my head. Your perception carefully managed, everyday, your entire life. Think about it! The western media is reporting that Russia is aban...
- posted by Christina Ortiz at Discovery News - Top Stories - 14 hours agoThe EV hatchback will have an onboard charger that can be used in homes with 240-volt outlets.
- posted by Jesse Emspak at Discovery News - Top Stories - 14 hours agoAn insole infused with a sugar substitute can make your feet feel cooler during a workout.
- posted by Trace Dominguez at Discovery News - Top Stories - 14 hours agoVote for your favorite space story of 2011!
- posted by thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 14 hours agoGeorge Whitman at Shakespeare & Company. Image from Oh, by the way...The timeless joy of GeorgeWhitman’s Shakespeare & CompanyEyeing me suspiciously, George asked if I was a writer. I said I’d been a college...
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 14 hours ago[image: The cover of the 2011 Conference of Mayors report, 'Hunger and Homelessness Survey'.] WASHINGTON, December 15 (Reuters) – A growing number of families in the United States are strug...
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 15 hours agoBy now you've probably heard about the "All-American Muslim" TV show vs. Lowe's Home Improvement vs. Florida Family Association craziness. I know "The Daily Show" has been tracking the story (of course the...
- posted by thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 15 hours agoEleanor Roosevelt viewed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as her greatest achievement. Image from Creative Commons.The State of Indiana vs. theUniversal Declaration of Human RightsBy Harry Targ / Th...
- posted by New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 15 hours agoToday is arraignment day for Aaron Broussard and company! ~Slabbed ~Aaron Broussard to be arraigned in federal court West bank levee-raising won't take toll on east bank, corps officials say ~Mark Schleifst...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 15 hours agoIt’s radioactive, it’s carrying toxic fuel, it’s out of control – and it’s heading straight back to Earth at break-neck speed. The stricken Russian probe Phobos-Ground was supposed to travel to Phobos, on...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 15 hours ago*NeoCons are nervous for some reason* The war is kind of coming to a grinding halt. A million Americans fought there. Early Thursday morning Progressive Caucus co-chair Keith Ellison was tweeting about ho...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 15 hours agoA magnitude 4.8 earthquake has struck Oaxaca, Mexico at a depth of 18.7 km (11.6 miles), the quake hit at 13:02:24 UTC Friday 16th December 2011. The epicenter was 177 km (109 miles) SSW of Huajuapan de Leo...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 15 hours agoAstronomers fully expected Comet Lovejoy to meet a fiery death – and with good reason. After all, it was about to fly through the Sun’s atmosphere where temperatures reach a staggering 1.1millionC. But th...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 15 hours agoRadioactive material was found in the luggage of a passenger bound for Iran - at Moscow's Sheremetvevo international airport. Russia's Federal Customs Service made the discovery, recently but on an unspec...
- posted by Pippa at Pippa's Place - Environmentally Speaking - 15 hours agolondon's pleasure gardens/promo image London's 2012 Olympics are taking part in the east end of the city. One of the goals, and benefits, of the Games is the regeneration of this dingy, post-industrial, ...
- posted by Pippa at Pippa's Place - Environmentally Speaking - 15 hours agoTouching wine glasses dates back to a custom when medieval hosts were worried their drinks might have been poisoned. They not only touched glasses; but, a small amount of wine was exchanged and everyone t...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours ago*A cargo ship ran aground and spilled oil into the sea off the coast of France's northwestern region of Brittany early on Friday as a storm battered the region, officials said.* An oil slick was reported...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours agoA magnitude 5.5 earthquake has struck off the Coast of Aisen, Chile at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles), the quake hit at 12:54:25 UTC Friday 16th December 2011. The epicenter was 327 km (203 miles) West of Co...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours agoPhilippine disaster officials say at least three people have been killed in a flash flood as a late season tropical storm blew through the southern Mindanao region. Zamboanga del Norte provincial disaster...
- posted by Alyssa Danigelis at Discovery News - Top Stories - 16 hours agoA new artificial intestine developed in the lab could help people missing a piece of their gut.
- posted by Jennifer Viegas at Discovery News - Top Stories - 16 hours agoThe world's biodiversity is declining at an unprecedented rate. As a result, more extinctions than usual are predicted for the coming year.
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 16 hours agoToday begins the "Article 32" hearing for accused whistleblower Bradley Manning, the first time in 18 months of incarceration that Manning will face a judge. Tonight there's a vigil outside Ft. Meade, Mary...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours agoCrew on board a Russian-flagged fishing boat which hit an iceberg in Antarctica's Ross Sea, are frantically trying to remove water from the vessel and repair a hole in its hull. It could take several day...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours agoA total of 1,074 inmates received treatment after falling ill from food poisoning at Osaka Prison in Sakai, Osaka Prefecture, from Tuesday night through Wednesday, prison and local health officials said Th...
- posted by Gail at Wit's End - 16 hours agoI was planning to avoid mention of the staggering destruction to trees from the Santa Ana winds in Southern California...never mind suggest it could be even partially due to damage from air pollution - bec...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours agoPolice specialists raided large clandestine methamphetamine labs in Vancouver and Surrey Thursday believed to be linked to the Hells Angels biker gang. And Sgt. Bill Whalen, of the Combined Forces Special...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours agoNearly 7,800 BC Hydro customers were left in the dark because of a power outage in several areas throughout East Vancouver and Burnaby Thursday evening, according to reports. Power in certain areas faile...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours agoA heavy blizzard hit Maytas fetch, in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, on Thursday night, trapping 27 vehicles and stranding 135 passengers, the local road bureau said. The blizzard blo...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours ago*Atlanta (CNN)* -- More than one in three women have experienced sexual assault, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner during their lifetime, according to a Centers for Disease Control and P...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours ago*VIETNAM says an outbreak of hand, foot and mouth disease has killed 156 people, mostly children, and sickened more than 96,000. * An official at the Ministry of Health says the average number of weekly ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours ago*THOUSANDS of Victorian nurses are poised to resign in an escalation of their industrial dispute with the state government. * A mass meeting of 1500 Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) members today unan...
- posted by Pippa at Pippa's Place - Environmentally Speaking - 16 hours agoMethane bubbles trapped in Arctic ice. Photo courtesy: Yahoo!News Russian scientists have discovered hundreds of plumes of methane gas, some 1,000 meters in diameter, bubbling to the surface of the Arctic ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours agoA magnitude 5.2 earthquake has struck off the Coast of Aisen, Chile at a depth of 9.9 km (6.2 miles), the quake hit at 12:02:57 UTC Friday 16th December 2011. The epicenter was 314 km (195 miles) West of C...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoThe death toll from a mass poisoning in eastern India caused by toxic home-brewed alcohol climbed to 170 Friday, as police made more arrests and destroyed dozens of illegal distilleries. "We now have 170 ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoSyrian security forces opened fire on anti-government protests after Friday prayers at several locations around the country while the army sent reinforcements into the tense south where military defectors ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoHundreds of demonstrators in Baghdad are urging the government to abide by an end-of-year deadline to expel Iranian exiles from Iraq and close their camp here. The Iranian group won refuge in Iraq decade...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoBanks are unlikely to come to the aid of debt-ridden eurozone countries, with many planning to ignore political pressure to use cheap money from the European Central Bank to fund purchases of sovereign bon...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoA man and a woman have been found dead in a car on farmland, police have confirmed. The bodies were discovered in Martlesham, Suffolk, by a member of the public this morning. Officers were called at just...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoIreland's economy shrank 1.9% in the third quarter, almost four times more than was expected. New figures from the Irish Central Statistics Office show that after growing in the first two quarters of 201...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoTwo Sunderland footballers - Lee Cattermole and Nicklas Bendtner - have reportedly been arrested on suspicion of causing criminal damage to cars. The Premier League duo were held by Northumbria Police on ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoTwo Sunderland footballers - Lee Cattermole and Nicklas Bendtner - have reportedly been arrested on suspicion of causing criminal damage to cars. The Premier League duo were held by Northumbria Police on ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoPolice have issued a warning to homeowners after finding a note written by a burglar as a blueprint of which houses he should rob in Oldham. The raider penned *his ''to do'' list* of when, how, where and ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoI have relatively few political heroes, but one is Elizabeth Filkin, who briefly served as parliamentary commissioner for standards a decade ago. She was appointed to her post in the wake of a wave of noto...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoStunned motorists were forced to brake sharply to avoid the falling fruit, believed to be swept up by a vortex caused by freak weather conditions in Coventry. An avalanche of more than 100 apples rained ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoFirst lady Michelle Obama’s separate voyage to Hawaii promises to cost taxpayers tens of thousand in extra dollars, as her separate entourage and hefty flying costs pile on the costs. The military jet fli...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoIn an exclusive interview, an engineer working to unlock the secrets of the captured RQ-170 Sentinel says they exploited a known vulnerability and tricked the US drone into landing in Iran. Iran guided th...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoFacebook has changed the way many people communicate with family and friends — but some believe it’s not always for the better. The social networking site’s recent changes — spotlighting what you’re hear...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoIf you’ve pulled the trigger on a new firearm this holiday season, join the club. As in your neighborhood shooting club, because faster than a speeding bullet, guns are going out the door. Well, not rig...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoThe White House is signing off on a controversial new law that would authorize the U.S. military to arrest and indefinitely detain alleged al Qaeda members or other terrorist operatives captured on Ameri...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoItaly risks a "social explosion" over the government's austerity measures and unions plan more protests against them, the head of the country's largest labor federation CGIL said on Wednesday. CGIL leade...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoDefence chiefs are drawing up plans to cope with the potential military fallout from the eurozone crisis, according to General Sir David Richards. It is understood that Armed Forces planners are looking a...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoThe proportion of adults who are married has plunged to record lows as more people decide to live together now and wed later, reflecting decades of evolving attitudes about the role of marriage in society...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 17 hours agoLos Angeles-based Scott Sternberg Productions is behind the proposed interview show, which multiple networks have passed on pursuing. A Los Angeles-based TV producer is shopping the first interview with *...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoU.S. trade officials are “very disappointed” in China’s decision to impose new import tariffs on several U.S. auto manufacturers, including Ford, GM and Chrysler, a spokesperson for the U.S. Trade represen...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoA stand-off between thousands of villagers and authorities in southern China continued Thursday, amid protests over illegal land seizures. One resident told CNN that local officials were driven out of W...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoAn Anglican church in Auckland, New Zealand, is courting controversy again with a Christmas billboard depicting a shocked Virgin Mary looking at a positive pregnancy test. The vicar of St. Matthew-in-the...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoRCMP in southern Alberta were expected to release more details Friday on how four people were killed, and another badly injured, in an apparent murder-suicide along a busy Alberta highway. Two Prince Edw...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoCanadians in Syria are being told to get out now by Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird, who announced a voluntary evacuation on Thursday. Baird's warning came as the UN Security Council held an emergency...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoFitch Ratings on Wednesday downgraded the debt ratings for five major European commercial banks and co-operative banking groups, citing the eurozone crisis and stronger headwinds facing the banking sector....
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoCanada's independent prisons ombudsman has launched an inquiry into a 50 per cent spike in the proportion of black offenders filling federal jails over the last 10 years. Howard Sapers, the federal corre...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoIMF head Christine Lagarde has said the world economic outlook is "gloomy" and no country is immune from rising risks. She said all nations, starting with Europe, needed to head off a crisis with risks o...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoAt least 143 people are now known to have died after consuming toxic alcohol in India's West Bengal state. Residents of 12 villages in the South 24 Parganas district fell ill after drinking the alcohol. ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoNearly 20% of women in the US are raped or suffer attempted rape at some point in their lives, a US study says. Even more women, estimated at 25%, have been attacked by a partner or husband, the Centers ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoA tense stand-off between villagers and local authorities is continuing in southern China's Guangdong province. A BBC reporter in Wukan says villagers held a fresh rally there on Thursday and that both p...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoSyrian soldiers said their commanders told them to stop anti-government protests "by all means necessary", Human Rights Watch has said. The group spoke to dozens of defectors who said they had understood...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoDemocrats and Republicans in the US Congress have agreed a compromise spending bill to avoid a government shutdown. The deal averts the possibility of US federal agencies shutting down because of a lack ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoA Tennessee couple helplessly watched their home burn to the ground, along with all of their possessions, because they did not pay a $75 annual fee to the local fire department. Vicky Bell told the NBC a...
- posted by Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 18 hours ago*Blackberry phones has announced a delay to the launch of its new Blackberry 10 by explore in movement.*RIM has also taken a charge of $356m for unsold Playbook tables, which were launched with much hype...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoGreater numbers of students in England are turning to prostitution to fund their education, the National Union of Students (NUS) claims. The NUS also says students are turning to gambling and taking part ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoBanks stand to lose millions of dollars in debt repayments if the biggest municipal bankruptcy in American history is allowed to proceed. But the real victims of the financial collapse in the US state of ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoAs more details emerge of the shooting spree and grenade attack in Belgium in which five people died, the BBC News website takes a look at other recent incidents in Europe - and the effect they have had on...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoConditions at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant are far worse than its operator or the government has admitted, according to freelance journalist Tomohiko Suzuki, who spent more than a month working underc...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoLawmakers on Thursday reached a tentative deal to fund an array of government agencies through September 30 and avert shutting down many of Washington's operations starting this weekend. Democratic Senat...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoThe company that owns Victoria's Secret vowed a full investigation Thursday after a report said cotton used in some of its products is grown using child labor. "We are very concerned," parent company Lim...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoBahraini pro-democracy activist Zainab Alkhawaja has been arrested, her sister told CNN. Maryam Alkhawaja said from London early Friday that her sister is at the public prosecutor's office and expects to...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 18 hours agoRussian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin accused U.S. drones and special forces of involvement in the death of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in comments Thursday. He also attacked U.S. Sen. John McCain over...
- posted by Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 19 hours ago*Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda over and done with the notice at a nuclear task-force meeting. Other than the management says it will get decades to take to pieces it totally*. Engineers have brought the ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoThousands of residents gathered in Wukan village in southern China on Friday morning to mourn the loss of a fellow villager who died under police custody amid protest over land seizures. Residents and fa...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours ago... Well we did sort of figure that one out for ourselves. Question: If any country sent drones in over America, England or any European Country, would this be seen as a ACT OF WAR? Does that mean we Do n...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoViolence between pro-democracy activists and Egyptian security forces escalated in central Cairo Friday as they threw Molotov cocktails, rocks and glass at each other. Bricks and cement blocks rained dow...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoRussia's new draft for a Security Council resolution on the Syrian crisis is "insufficient" but could be improved, Germany's U.N. ambassador said Thursday. Russia's ambassador insisted that the resolut...
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 19 hours agoAs I suggested in the article about the solution of the Hydrogen atom using the \(SO(4)\) symmetry, one of the reasons why almost no people properly learn the "foundations of quantum mechanics" is the te...
- posted by Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 19 hours ago*A US rights for self-driving cars has been awarded to Google. The logical human rights tell to a technique to button a vehicle from a human-controlled manner into the state anywhere it takes indict of t...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoAs Christian Bale approached an impromptu checkpoint leading to this tiny village in eastern China, four men blocking the narrow path started marching toward him in menacing unison. "I am here to see C...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoA female Mexican gray wolf that was released into the wild earlier this year in hopes that she would become a mate for another lone wolf has been shot by federal wildlife managers, marking the latest blow ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoScientists studying Kilauea believe the Big Island volcano is surging toward a violent future. Volcanologist Don Swanson collected samples of ash and rock dating back 2,500 years. They show a pattern. ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoCold lava flow risk from Mount Gamalama in Indonesia's North Maluku province rises following heavy rainfall on the top of the volcano, according to China's Xinhua news agency. The volcano that erupted on ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoRuling out any possibility of volcanic eruptions in the vicinity of the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KNPP) site in Tamil Nadu as well as dangers of a tsunami, a central government appointed expert pan...
- posted by Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 19 hours ago*A playing field trial of LED light fixtures in social accommodation says the new knowledge can send huge energy savings; decrease costs and makes inhabitants feel safer. The EST supposed it accepted ou...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoThe National Institutes of Health on Thursday suspended all new grants for biomedical and behavioral research on chimpanzees and accepted the first uniform criteria for assessing the necessity of such rese...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoEngineers have brought the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant to a "cold shutdown condition", nine months after the earthquake and tsunami, Japan has confirmed. Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda made the annou...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoBritish officials are to take part in discussions on plans for a new European Union fiscal pact - despite David Cameron refusing to sign up to the agreement. The Prime Minister agreed the move in a phone...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoA magnitude 4.8 earthquake has struck near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan at a depth of 71.2 km (44.2 miles), the quake hit at 06:12:02 UTC Friday 16th December 2011. The epicenter was 28 km (17 miles) ES...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoA magnitude 4.8 earthquake has struck near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan at a depth of 34.2 km (21.3 miles), the quake hit at 05:27:30 UTC Friday 16th December 2011. The epicenter was 109 km (67 miles) E...
- posted by arclein at Global Warming & Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours agoThis work has the advantage ofbeen utterly unambiguous in that it is a region that has no direct human impactat all that would ever be measurable. Thus a strengthening of the vegetative cover indicates...
- posted by arclein at Global Warming & Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours agoThis likely does not mean a lot except that it provides NATOboots on the ground close by the developing situation in Syria whichstill appears to be Assad’s fight to lose. It is not as if he is Gadhafi w...
- posted by arclein at Global Warming & Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours agoPerhaps this helps us grasp thecomputing power available to us now and what we have been waiting for. My own needs are for one billionconverging equations in each cycle in order to properly simulate th...
- posted by arclein at Global Warming & Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours agoThis is at least a nice sourcefor the related statistics. Somehow I do not see this as a practical objectiveanyway although I do believe that it can be a practical possibility withoutrelying of brute ...
- posted by Debra at Housewife Eclectic - 21 hours agoimage source I confess that we have a stuffed Grinch at our house. My daughter keeps calling him a dinosaur. I am sure he would be very grinchy about that. I confess I am feeling very grinchy about listen...
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 21 hours ago*"The Optimism of Uncertainty" * by Howard Zinn "In this awful world where the efforts of caring people often pale in comparison to what is done by those who have power, how do I manage to stay involved...
- posted by Anon at aangirfan - 21 hours ago*South of France* You can't live properly on $16 an hour. "The Center for Automotive Research ... said it expected the Detroit automakers to hire 14,750 hourly employees in the next four years. "They...
- posted by Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 22 hours ago"I know the capacity that is there to make tyranny total in America," warned Senator Frank Church in 1975. His warning was not heard. A country either survives or dies based on one condition: if the man ...
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 23 hours ago"As nightfall does not come all at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be aware o...
- posted by Crystal Entertainment at You Will Read News - 23 hours agoMany people find it easier to empathise with animals and even cars than they do with homeless people and drug addicts, a new study has claimed. And the findings by Duke University in North Carolina and ...
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 23 hours agoThis speech is from the film "Judgement at Nuremberg," made in 1961. Consider the principles discussed here, and how far from them we've strayed... "Judge's Delivery of Janning's Sentencing by the Court"...
- posted by Crystal Entertainment at You Will Read News - 23 hours ago[image: Research: New findings reveal that widowers who remain single for years after their partners¿ death are more likely to succumb to mental illness] New findings reveal that widowers who remain sing...
- posted by Crystal Entertainment at You Will Read News - 23 hours agoIf you struggle to lose weight or to say no to an extra helping of pud, don’t blame your willpower - blame your parents. A person’s attitude towards food and exercise is largely set by the tender age o...
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 23 hours ago*"Indefinite Military Detention Measure Passes On Bill Of Rights Day"* by Michael McAuliff "The Senate passed a defense bill Thursday that authorizes indefinite detentions of American terrorism suspects, ...
- posted by Crystal Entertainment at You Will Read News - 23 hours ago[image: Stub it out: Doctors are urging men to quit smoking if they want to have a child (posed by model)] Stub it out: Doctors are urging men to quit smoking if they want to have a child (posed by mode...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoA ten-year-old boy and a 13-year-old girl who shot themselves may have intentionally pulled the trigger, police said today. Kameron Asgari, ten, died from his injuries on Tuesday and the girl, who has not...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoIt looks as if they End Of Days has come to northern China. But in fact the real cause of this river turning such a gruesome red was dye being dumped into the storm drain network of the city it runs thro...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day agoYesterday the *L.A. Times* ran an interesting year in review editorial: Congress' 10 Biggest Enemies of the Earth. For a Republican-owned and slanted newspaper it was shockingly on the money. The 10 bigge...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoThe chill winter wind is whistling through the streets, but in the protest camp that surrounds St Paul’s, the hot air continues to rise. In a marquee outside the cathedral, three activists hold an imprompt...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoA newlywed who went on an arson spree dodged a prison sentence after he told a court the 'culture shock' of getting married had driven him to it. Graham Dearing, 56, set wheelie bins ablaze outside three p...
- posted by Ian O'Neill at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoComet Lovejoy -- a "sungrazer" -- defied all the odds, diving deep into the solar corona, only to reemerge from behind the sun apparently intact.
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoA heroin addict who subjected her toddler son to a shocking catalogue of neglect before leaving his corpse in his cot for months is facing life in prison after being convicted of his murder. Kimberley Hai...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoAn asylum seeker who raped a woman and dumped her on a rubbish tip when he was 'finished' has been freed despite Home Office attempts to deport him. Alphonse Semo, 54, was jailed for eight years for the ra...
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 1 day ago[image: Preparing for the winter storms, a bulldozer piles up a protective bank on the north shore. The coastline has become increasingly vulnerable to erosion as the sea ice retreats. More open water al...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoThe world is heading for a new Great Depression, the head of the International Monetary Fund warned yesterday. In an apocalyptic assessment of the debt crisis, Christine La;garde said the disaster in the ...
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 1 day ago[image: A dead ironwood tree (Prosopis africana) in Senegal, West Africa, is one of many trees that have died due to climate change. Patrick Gonzalez]By Sarah Yang, Media Relations 12 December 2011 B...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoNick Clegg and Lib Dem Cabinet ministers are today accused of plotting to persuade business leaders to undermine David Cameron’s historic stand against a new EU treaty. In an email leaked to the Mail, the...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoA magnitude 4.0 earthquake has struck Kyrgyzstan at a depth of just 1 km (0.6 miles - Poorly Constrained), the quake hit at 03:14:41 UTC Friday 16th December 2011. The epicenter was 37 km (23 miles) West o...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoA magnitude 4.4 earthquake has struck offshore Bio-Bio, Chile at a depth of 21.5 km (13.4 miles), the quake hit at 00:58:49 UTC Friday 16th December 2011. The epicenter was 49 km (30 miles) West of Concepc...
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago"Most people quickly forget car types, brand names, and whether or not you could throw a Frisbee, but forever remember the broadly smiling, animal talking, tree hugging eccentrics they befriended. Go for ...
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago*“The Christmas Truce of 1914”* by Simon Rees “You are standing up to your knees in the slime of a waterlogged trench. It is the evening of 24 December 1914 and you are on the dreaded Western Front. Sto...
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago"We work in the dark. We do what we can to battle with the evil that would otherwise destroy us. But, a man's fate is defined as not a choice but a calling. Yet sometimes the weight of this burden causes ...
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago“Far beyond the local group of galaxies lies NGC 3621, some 22 million light-years away. Found in the multi-headed southern constellation Hydra, the winding spiral arms of this gorgeous island universe are...
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago"I Wish You Enough" by Bob Perks "I never really thought that I'd spend as much time in airports as I do. I don't know why. I always wanted to be famous and that would mean lots of travel. But I'm not fa...
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 1 day ago[image: Americans can be arrested on home soil and taken to Guantánamo Bay under a provision inserted into the bill that funds the US military. John Moore / Getty] By Chris McGreal in Washington,
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago"Cahokia: Human Sacrifice on the Mississippi" by George Pawlaczyk "Human sacrifice! Victims buried alive! Read all about it in "Cahokia- Ancient America's Great City on the Mississippi." According to this ...
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago"Better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness." - Chinese Proverb
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 1 day ago[image: Juan Morena sits on a Los Angeles, Calif., sidewalk as he waits for the St. Francis Center soup kitchen to open on 13 Sept 2011. Kevork Djansezian / Getty Images, file] WASHINGTON, December 15 (...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago*Former French President Jacques Chirac has been meted out a stern judicial finger-wagging for his role in two counts of corruption dating back to 1995 and before, when he was still mayor of Paris and mere...
- posted by Jay Allbritton at Jay Allbritton - 1 day agoThankfully, today the occupation of Iraq has officially ended. Over the course of nearly eight years, 4,485 Americans were killed as well as hundreds of thousands of Iraqis in the wake of one of the worst ...
- posted by Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day agoThe Face of A Crazy Demon: John McCain belongs in a mental hospital, not the Senate. Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Russian television that former Republican presidential candidate John McCain ...
- posted by jurassicpork at Welcome Back to Pottersville - 1 day ago"They want to touch you, feel you, and sniff on ya." - Rick Perry "I will hug him and pet him and squeeze him." - Hugo the Abominable Snowman.
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day agoTerrace, British Columbia, Canada. Thanks for stopping by.
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow.” - Mary Anne Radmacher
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago*“Being Human”* by Chet Raymo “I've been thinking a lot about hands lately. Or, rather, a hand. Specifically my right hand, which has developed an annoying tremor. I never paid much attention to my hands ...
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago"Nothing in the world is permanent, and we're foolish when we ask anything to last, but surely we're still more foolish not to take delight in it while we have it. If change is of the essence of existence...
- posted by Jesse Emspak at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoYour next device could be powered by the paper you throw away.
- posted by Nic Halverson at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoScientists developed a neurofeedback method of learning eerily similar to the famous movie franchise.
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago*“Grand Delusion: * *Resisting the Siren Song of Specialness”* by Chris Floyd "The U.S. presidential campaign is now in full swing. (In truth, it never actually ends; the savage grasping and grappling ...
- posted by Mark Thompson at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoSo you want to fly to another planet? Well, you'd better prepare for a roller-coaster ride.
- posted by Gail at Wit's End - 1 day agoOn Tuesday, a dear little bird landed in my email inbox and told me that the author Christopher Hedges would be speaking at Occupy Princeton last night. I deserted the annual Oldwickian ladies' Christmas ...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day agoThis isn't another post about the plethora of Republican closet queens-- from semi-"out" freaks like Lindsey Graham, Aaron Schock and David Dreier to the hysterical sociopaths who do everything anti-gay ...
- posted by BAL at WPB/NYC and Anything Else - 1 day agoPRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 14, 2011 #OccupyCleveland Media Coordinator: Katie Steinmuller P: 440-799-5560 Email: #OccupyCleveland Media Coordinator: Renee Douglas P...
- posted by at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago*Censored News Person of the Year: The Indigenous Woman* *By Brenda Norrell* *Censored News* Who made a difference this year? The Indigenous Person of the Year, selected ...
- posted by PC at Not PC - 1 day ago[image: 2010-12-17[5]] Those cunning secularists, perverting the “reason for the season”! We hear the same complaints every year, from Fox News to the Vatican, that "Christ is being taken out of Christ...
- posted by David Vance at Biased BBC - 1 day agoHi Folks. Let's take on Paxo and the Newsnight gang - live here at 10.30pm. Fancy a bit of lively debate? Come along and join in the fun as we stuff Newsnight in time for Christmas! If you survive that,...
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoChimpanzees should hardly ever be used for medical research, a panel of influential medical experts said.
- posted by Rossella Lorenzi at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoA hoard of Viking jewelry found by a stonemason with a metal detector includes a coin that may refer to a previously unknown ruler.
- posted by éminence grise at Cherchez la Verite - 1 day ago------------------------------ * the**REALnews Permalink* * * *Bradley Manning Heads for Trial; No One Charged for Murdered Ci...
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago* * *"In Less than 24 Hours Congress Could Vote * *To Change The Internet Forever"* By Madison Ruppert "Tomorrow the House Judiciary Committee is going to vote on H.R.3261, the Stop Online Privacy Act, or ...
- posted by (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago*"Our Decade From Hell Will Get Worse In 2012"* by Paul B. Farrell "Fasten your seat belts: 2011 was far worse than expected. Our earlier predictions for America’s Worst Decade just got worse. As financia...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoA section of a major Los Angeles freeway could be closed for days after a tanker erupted into flames and burned to the pavement. The force of the explosion caused structural damage to the underpass above,...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoPresident Barack Obama faced a civil liberties backlash today after he signed a law that will allow terror suspects to be held indefinitely- even raising the prospects of U.S. citizens being sent to Guanta...
- posted by Big Dan at Big Dan's Big Blog - 1 day ago(let me be clear, too: rightwing media is NOT "CONSERVATIVE", they are "CORPORATE" and ESTABLISHMENT REPUBLICAN, Rush Limbaugh is a BA-JILLIONAIRE who HATES YOU as he says "ADVANCED CONSERVATIVE STUDIES") ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoRussian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has given an incendiary TV interview accusing protest organisers of working to weaken Russia on orders from the West. Putin, whose authority has been rocked by recent...
- posted by Tim Wall at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoA 500-pound bear found a cozy spot for the night in New Jersey basement.
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoWARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT Note: These are people fighting our wars, supposed to protect innocents..... does this not include helpless animals? People that kill animals in such a evil way are classed as so...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoEmployees at the Dimona nuclear reactor told an Israeli court that they were sickened with cancer and other illnesses due to radioactive leaks. During a hearing Wednesday in Petach Tikvah District Court, ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoIn a worrying development, hundreds of crows have died in Jharkhand due to bird flu, a government official said Thursday. The crows first started dying mysteriously last month in Jamshedpur district. Thi...
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 1 day ago[image: Oceanographer Jim Ingraham answers questions about the islands of debris from the March 11 Japan tsunami that are slowly floating toward the Pacific Northwest, 13 December 2011. Behind him is a f...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoPolice arrest 71-year old Czech man heading ‘pensioners club’ that sought to sell radioactive material here and in Slovakia. A gang of “pensioners” who sought to sell highly radioactive materials in the C...
- posted by jurassicpork at Welcome Back to Pottersville - 1 day ago(By American Zen's Mike Flannigan, on loan from Ari Goldstein.) *“Shall Life renew these bodies? Of a truth All death will he annul, all tears assuage? Or fill these void veins full again with youth And wa...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoA Chinese actor who played a detective in a television drama has been arrested after spending 13 years on the run from the police. Ji Siguang is accused of attacking a policeman in the city of Qiqihar in ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoScores of people have been rescued after a fire ripped through two 482ft-high buildings in Vietnam. Thick black smoke from the blaze at the 33-storey EVN Centre For Telecommunications Information Manage...
- posted by Kieran Mulvaney at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoMoscow has been asked to send an icebreaker to free 100 beluga whales trapped by ice in far eastern Russia.
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoThe Czech Republic and Hungary have said they will not sign the new European Union pact unless tax harmonisation plans are dropped. The announcement comes less than one week after the EU summit hailed as ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoEight years after the fall of Saddam Hussein, Iraq is veering towards a "Lebanonisation" of its political system, with power permanently distributed along strict ethnic and sectarian lines, experts say. F...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoTwo South African banks are the biggest "climate killers" among African banks, environmental activists said on Wednesday. Standard Bank was the biggest culprit, while Nedbank, which claimed to be a carbo...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoMillions of Chinese went online on Tuesday to vent their anger over the thick smog that has blanketed Beijing in recent days, raising health fears and causing hundreds of flights to be cancelled. Sales of...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoResearchers in Chile released a series of time-lapse photos Wednesday showing the dramatic retreat of a glacier in Patagonia. The Jorge Montt Glacier is shrinking faster than any other in Chile, with its ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoBedbugs aren't just sleeping with you. They're sleeping with each other. Researchers now say that the creepy bugs have a special genetic gift: withstanding incest. It turns out that unlike most creatures,...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day agoLately, there's no end to Boehner and his House cronies inveighing against the regulatory system. A constant thread is that regulations kill jobs and that particular lie predates Boehner by many decades. ...
- posted by Emily Sohn at Discovery News - Top Stories - 1 day agoTo ensure a safe descent, Lonnie Dupre will carry 250 bamboo wands to mark the route he takes.
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoSoon after the ill-fated Phobos-Grunt spacecraft stalled in Earth orbit, a former Russian official implicated "powerful American radars" in Alaska. Is there a basis to the claim, or is it just scapegoating...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoThe latest research shows that climate talks must lead to more aggressive action to avoid the catastrophic effects of global warming. By 2020, human activity could produce some 55 billion metric tons of g...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoTests have found signs of Asian carp in the Mississippi River north of a key physical barrier keeping the invasive species of fish from spreading into many of the state's most popular lakes, officials said...
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