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How Amazon is cheating in its fight against your local bookstore
I don’t have a book on the market yet, so I don’t officially have a dog in the Amazon-versus-independent booksellers fight yet. But I like to think I will someday, so maybe I have dog fetus. You’ve heard the basic arguments, I suppose. Independent booksellers are the guardians of our reading culture – local businesspeople who care deeply about the titles they stock, staffed with book lovers that
To thine own self be true – Why I won’t be self-publishing
Nothing to do with self-publishing, but hey, it's the holidays I’ll be clear up front. I’ve got nothing against self-publishing per se. I’ve seen examples of kick-ass writers who couldn’t break through the traditional gatekeepers, but who built huge audiences online and either then have continued down that route to a new kind of publishing fame and fortune, or who then have signed blockbuster
In which I go all poetical on your ass V
I’m not a poet, but from time to time, I like to drop a poetry bomb on ya’ll just to keep you on your toes. Hell, if I string some words together about pretty much anything and I don’t have somewhere else to put them, then they’re going up on the old bloggy-wog. I’m not a blogging machine like Chuck Wendig, so I gotta use any chunk of word buffalo I find lying around just to keep the engine turn
The Gulf of Mexico is Dying
A Special Report on the BP Gulf Oil Spill By Dr. Tom Termotto It is with deep regret that we publish this report. We do not take this responsibility lightly, as the consequences of the following observations are of such great import and have such far-reaching ramifications for the entire planet. Truly, the fate of the oceans of the world hangs in the balance, as does the future of humankind. The
Christmas Is No Time to Talk About War and Peace
Christmas Is No Time to Talk About War and Peace truthout Sunday 25 December 2011 by: , When I heard the president speak to returning troops last week, my mind flashed back to an article I once wrote for our local newspaper. Each week, a different member of the local clergy would write a column, and I had been asked to write the piece for Christmas. That year, all I could hear was the drumbeat l
Newt Gingrich Calls For Moving U.S. Embasy in Israel to Jerusalem
Well, it’s anther Christmas in Hooland and “The Grinch” just can’t stand it. With copious amounts of unpremeditated gall, he re-affirms his alliance with AIPAC, and CUFI “Christians United for Israel, Reverand John Hagee’s religious empire that has heavy ties with the occupation of Jerusalem. The old Grinch has decided to go sledding again, and we better be ready for him…G% OpEdNews December 22,
The Dictator
The Great Dictator is a comedy film by Charlie Chaplin released in October 1940. Like most Chaplin films, he wrote, produced, and directed, in addition to starring as the lead. Having been the only Hollywood film maker to continue to make silent films well into the period of sound films, this was Chaplin’s first true talking picture as well as his most commercially successful film.[1] More import
The Republicans: They Are Who We Thought They Were
Addicting Info December 16, 2011 By Bryian Revoner After watching this latest Republican Debate on Fox News, one thing becomes clear, and that is the very real split between the insane and the reasonable. For whatever reason, there just does not seem to be any middle-ground in this GOP nomination grouping or the conservative trademark overall. This is why the conservative voters have had such a
Sweden’s Forestry Industry Not So Green After All
Logging Companies Routinely Abuse Country’s “Freedom with Responsibility” Forestry Framework
Returning to Our Roots in Farming Can Help Tackle Climate Change
Agricultural Soil Across the World Can Reduce CO2 Levels by 13 Percent, Says Expert
Commonsense: Mercury in Fish Ain’t Good for You
Yet EPA’s Plans for New Mercury and Air Toxic Standards Face Sabotage by House Republicans
Mekong River Commission Postpones Decision on Controversial Dam in Southeast Asia
But it Might be too Early to Celebrate a "Reprieve" for the Mekong River
The Top Environmental Issues of 2011 — and the Year to Come
Challenges to EPA, Ozone Regulations, Mining in Powder River Basin, and Keystone XL Pipeline Among Top Concerns
Food World Order on Corbett Report Radio – December 22, 2011
Uploaded by wikiworldorder on Dec 28, 2011 audio/notes here: on thursday nights, media monarchy joins corbett report radio live on republic broadcasting to go over all the latest stories from the world of food, environment and health … this week we go over north korea crises, fanta santa, the good food news of 2011 and more…
Arab League in Syria: A pre-ordained conclusion December 28, 2011 The Syrian government has released 755 detainees as Arab League monitors continue their mission to stop nine months of violence that has killed thousands. However, doubts remain on both sides that the observers can provide a neutral verdict. The release of the detainees Wednesday follows the three-pronged Arab League plan that will see Damascus withdrawal government troop
Corbett Report Radio 039 – Canada vs the New World Order
It may be Christmas Eve eve, but the New World Order never stops and so neither does The Corbett Report. Join us on this edition of “Friday Night Highlights” as we dip into The Corbett Report archives for important interviews on Canada’s role in the New World Order, and examples of people who are fighting back. Works Cited: The Globalization of War – GRTV Backgrounder Dr. James Beck on The Corbett
The Globalization of War – GRTV Backgrounder
by James Corbett December 23, 2011 A series of steps toward open confrontation with Iran, Syria and Pakistan have been making headlines for months now in both the alternative and mainstream media. Covered as essentially separate stories, however, few have so far connected these supposedly isolated incidents into a larger story about the creation of a zone of instability that is in fact eng
Corbett Report Radio 038 – Don’t Trust the Media
We often make the point on Corbett Report Radio that the corporate media is not to be trusted; they spin, lie, deceive, dissemble and confuse to further the political agenda of the powers that shouldn’t be. But that doesn’t mean that the alternative media is always right. Join us on tonight’s broadcast as we confront the corporate media lies about “Ron Paul’s Racist Newsletters” and correct a fals
New World Next Week – 2011/12/22
Welcome to – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week: Story #1: The Changing Face of Pyongyang – Hereditary Succession Under Close Scrutiny of Elite US Policy Makers Related: Kim Jong-il Is Dead, Long Live Kim Jong-un! U
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