War tensions around Syria rose alarmingly Thursday night, Dec. 15, when Turkey's top military council convened "to review the armed forces' preparedness for war" in response to the deployment of Syrian missiles, some tipped with chemical warheads, on their common border. debkafile's military sources report the meeting was led by Turkish President Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan.
While the families of US soldiers rejoice this week at the end of operations in Iraq, Thursday night’s debate of potential Republican candidates revealed that just about everyone vying for the GOP nod wants to wage more war.
Ron Paul’s stunning antiwar performance: Iran talk recalls Iraq, ‘a useless war that killed 1 million Iraqis’ and 8000 Americans
I see that Reuters is characterizing Ron Paul's anti-war outcry in the Republican debate last night as an outburst and is saying that his views could alienate Republicans. Well I found his performance riveting. It was a great moral stand and establishes Ron Paul as the Gene McCarthy of this battle, the antiwar outlier.Who else is condemning the use of drones? Who else is condemning the Patriot Act? Who else is talking about our endless wars? Who else is condemning the runup to an Iran war? Who else is saying that terrorists attack us because we're bombing their countries?
( In fact, there is a shortage of proof of terrorists. One might surmise that denying trial protects the state from admitting its wrong at least as much as it hides guilt. The list of Guantanamo suspects released without due process and the need to imprison without review guarantees only dual sided one thing : wrongful imprisonment and real offenders will never be singled out. )
In less than 24 hours Congress could vote to change the Internet forever
Individuals and corporations both large and small are stepping up to fight back against the draconian SOPA legislation and the Senate’s sister legislation, the PROTECT IP Act.
However, there is a significant lobby that is pushing back against the tide of freedom and liberty in an attempt to severely restrict the internet.As the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) pointed out in a Congressional hearing, SOPA will restrict non-infringing online content right along with the infringing content the bill is supposedly aimed at combating.
“By contemplating an order that effectively bars others from gaining access to both infringing and non-infringing content, the proposed statute goes beyond appropriate First Amendment free speech protections,” the ACLU said.
The wildly restrictive SOPA legislation would essentially make it impossible for some of the largest websites on the internet to operate in any way that is remotely familiar to the climate we have known.
Any social media website that allows users to freely post content could be shut down at any time if any infringing content is posted on the site.
Obama Gives the Thumbs-Up on Detention of Domestic Terror Suspects as New World Order Set to Gain Ground
... We are reminding them,' said Tzadik, who gave his real name only as David.... A spate of attacks this week by Jewish right-wing extremists has called into question Israel's definition of the word 'terrorist'...' Sheera Frenkel, McClatchy DC
The U.S. military’s fast-approaching Dec. 31 exit from Iraq, which has no way to defend its airspace, puts Israel in a better place strategically to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities. Iraq has yet to assemble a force of jet fighters, and since the shortest route for Israeli strike fighters to Iran is through Iraqi airspace, observers conclude that the U.S. exit makes the Jewish state’s mission planning a lot easier.
Animal rights activists filed a federal lawsuit on Thursday to challenge the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA), a law they say has violated their First Amendment rights and allows the government to label peaceful protesters as "terrorists."
rt.com Thanks in part to Rand, the United States is one of the most uncaring nations in the industrialized world

The lack of weaponry on the part of the protesters grants them the luxury of opposing riot cops at close quarters, or remaining at long range in a refusal to engage the heavy infantry riot police at all. They have the advantage of the retreat, they can quickly move away, or in any direction, and the heavy infantry riot cops lack the swiftness to respond.
So far, all the occupations have, in a grave tactical error, agreed to engage the riot cops when they march in to clear parks. This has been a show of bravado that has the tactical benefits of providing media coverage of the brutal methods of police and the benefit of draining the resources of the oppressor by forcing them to incur the expense of arresting and prosecuting people for trivial offenses

The battle for the future of the Internet continues as US Congress debates the 'Stop Online Piracy Act.' Programmer and net activist Aaron Swartz says the law tramples over the way the Internet works and is contrary to basic freedom of speech issues.
The US military is doing its best to downplay the effect of Pakistani blockade on US and NATO supplies bound for Afghanistan. You can see Pentagon spokespersons almost every day using a variation of the same theme: ‘Oh it doesn’t affect us’, or ‘we’ve made arrangements’ or ‘important supplies don’t go through that route.’
How Ayn Rand Seduced Generations of Young Men and Helped Make the U.S. Into a Selfish, Greedy Nation
www.alternet.orgEngineered virus which hacks and controls brain: Do you mind?
Today, an average computer user cannot even keep the machine secured. So what will the world look like when hacking your mind becomes as easy as infecting your machine with a computer virus?
Human knowledge on DNA nanotechnology and bio-molecular computing increases exponentially with every passing year. Thus, protecting your own brain from security breaches could become the highest priority challenge of the 21st century.
Last month, an expert panel of the Royal Society of Canada released a report on decision-making at the end of life. The report provides a strong argument for allowing doctors to help their patients to die, provided that the patients are competent and freely request such assistance.
More damage is being dished out to the US intelligence community as sources in Iran admit to hacking the CIA’s lost drone and bringing it down with not much more than computer navigating know-how.
Gov. Scott Walker has collected more than three times the cash of his recall opponents — about half of it
As Governor Scott Walker’s new policies restricting protest in the Wisconsin capitol take effect in advance of the anniversary of 2011's historic labor uprisings, the controversial governor has enlisted a new spokesperson to sell the rules, a 28-year old protégé of Karl Rove and new political appoin...
Occupy Portland Outsmarts Police, Creating Blueprint for Other Occupations
Because of the lack of organization in a crowd of protesters, light infantry cops firing tear gas, etc. has little effect because it just serves to disorganize a group that relies upon disorganization in the first place. All it really does is disorganize the riot cops, who then resort to brutality.The lack of weaponry on the part of the protesters grants them the luxury of opposing riot cops at close quarters, or remaining at long range in a refusal to engage the heavy infantry riot police at all. They have the advantage of the retreat, they can quickly move away, or in any direction, and the heavy infantry riot cops lack the swiftness to respond.
So far, all the occupations have, in a grave tactical error, agreed to engage the riot cops when they march in to clear parks. This has been a show of bravado that has the tactical benefits of providing media coverage of the brutal methods of police and the benefit of draining the resources of the oppressor by forcing them to incur the expense of arresting and prosecuting people for trivial offenses
'That's when I found out [that] I had a warrant for failure to appear in Macoupin County. And I didn't know what it was about.' Sanders owed $730 on a medical bill. She says she didn't even know a collection agency had filed a lawsuit against her. [...]' Marie Diamond, ThinkProgress
If you want to know why the middle class disappeared and where they went, look no further than your local Walmart. People walked in for the low prices, and walked out with a pile of cheap stuff, but in a figurative sense, they left their wages, jobs, and dignity on the cutting room floor of the Hou...
Dina Rasor: There has been a flurry of articles in the defense press Tuesday about an internal Department of Defense (DoD) report on how the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the Pentagon's newest attempt to buy a fighter jet, is skating toward potential mechanical and monetary disaster.
Helping Families Afford Decent Housing
General Motors to produce new Chevy Impala at plant in Oshawa, Ont.
- US Marines deny exaggerating deeds of war hero
- Military marks end to nearly nine bloody years in Iraq
- Retired professor arrested in Oklahoma child porn case
- Comet Lovejoy Survives Fiery Plunge Through Sun, NASA Says
They have huddled together in their makeshift camp through rain, snow and even typhoons - occupying government-claimed land and defying authorities with their art, protest songs, candle-lit vigils and handmade signs. This occupy movement had been in the making for four years before the occupation.
The WTO has officially welcomed Russia as its newest member at a ceremony in Geneva. Ratification scheduled for next summer will put the final dot in the long running story.
RT shared a link.
The black floats are...not something that has been seen on Eastern Pacific beaches before...The floats are included in masses of black blobs supporting huge rafts of debris that include fishing boats, houses and possibly human bodies...' Arwyn Rice, Peninsula Daily News
There is a general media frenzy going on regarding the gulf coast claims even now after almost 2 years have passed since the tragic event. Especially those directly affected by the oil spi..

Insurance News - National Academy of Engineering Finds Critical Offshore Drilling Safety Problems
Cameron International, the maker of the Deepwater Horizon blowout preventer that failed to stop last year's massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, has agreed to pay $250 million to BP under a legal settlement, BP said Friday.
Don't think that because BP is moving from cleanup to restoration with a $1 billion pledge that the southern U.S. coast is clean, wildlife officials said.
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