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#Occupy & 350.org Stage "Human Oil Spill" at John Boehner's Office
Climate activists join Occupy Wall Street to protest the backdoor dealings between the oil industry and the GOP leadership.
TreeHugger • 1 hour ago
Obama Marks End of Iraq War: "The Final Work Has Been Done"
President Barack Obama marked the end of the Iraq war today in a speech to U.S. troops in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. He welcomed the troops home and hailed their “extraordinary achievement” in a war that, just a few years ago, appeared to be a quagmire. “I want to speak to you about the end of the war in Iraq,” Obama said. “The final work has been done.” While the work did yield an “extraordinary
(title unknown) • 5 hours ago
Snapseed Is a Robust Photo Editor for the iPad
4 iOS: If you've taken a bunch of photos that you'd like to share with the world but the only tool you have to edit and upload them with is your iPad, Snapseed is a feature-rich photo editor that makes it easy to crop, rotate, adjust, filter, and then share your photos on Twitter, Facebook, or Flickr. More »
Lifehacker • 12 hours ago
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To thine own self be true – Why I won’t be self-publishing
Nothing to do with self-publishing, but hey, it's the holidays I’ll be clear up front. I’ve got nothing against self-publishing per se. I’ve seen examples of kick-ass writers who couldn’t break through the traditional gatekeepers, but who built huge audiences online and either then have continued down that route to a new kind of publishing fame and fortune, or who then have signed blockbuster
Going Ballistic • by Dan O'Shea • 2 days ago
In which I go all poetical on your ass V
I’m not a poet, but from time to time, I like to drop a poetry bomb on ya’ll just to keep you on your toes. Hell, if I string some words together about pretty much anything and I don’t have somewhere else to put them, then they’re going up on the old bloggy-wog. I’m not a blogging machine like Chuck Wendig, so I gotta use any chunk of word buffalo I find lying around just to keep the engine turn
Going Ballistic • by Dan O'Shea • 7 days ago
The Gulf of Mexico is Dying
A Special Report on the BP Gulf Oil Spill By Dr. Tom Termotto It is with deep regret that we publish this report. We do not take this responsibility lightly, as the consequences of the following observations are of such great import and have such far-reaching ramifications for the entire planet. Truly, the fate of the oceans of the world hangs in the balance, as does the future of humankind. The
World Awash In En... • by concernedcitizens... • 12 days ago
Funny pants, breaking par and having a little fun: A cautionary tale for tortured writers
You know what we need? Writing pants. I golf a bit. Not as much as a few years back, but it’s still a good time when I get out. Golf courses are pretty places – flora, fauna, quiet usually. And you walk around or ride around and tell dirty jokes, drink a little beer, hit the occasional good shot. Four hours or so of camaraderie in funny pants. It’s relaxing. Or it is for me. But I know some g
Going Ballistic • by Dan O'Shea • 12 days ago
A plagiarism parable
I read all this plagiarism stuff lately, and I think of this kid I used to know. In fourth grade, the nuns assigned our class our first real paper. Sister Margaret Mary wrote the names of a mess of countries on slips of scrap and dropped them in a box. You owed her five hundred words on whatever country you pulled. I got the Congo. This paper, it was a big deal, maybe half of our Social Studie
Going Ballistic • by Dan O'Shea • 13 days ago • mark as read • save for later
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Grayson on the Fed bailout: “If you’re not a Wall Street bank, you’re screwed”
Bloomberg: Secret Fed Loans Gave Banks $13 Billion By Bob Ivry, Bradley Keoun and Phil Kuntz – Nov 27, 2011 4:01 PM PT Bloomberg Markets Magazine Nov. 28 (Bloomberg) — The Federal Reserve and the big banks fought for more than two years to keep details of the largest bailout in U.S. history a secret. No one calculated until now that banks reaped an estimated $13 billion of income by taking advant
Suzie-Q • by wordgeezer • 15 days ago
Close call for NY City as Muslim Sympathasizer is arrested
by G: Nov. 21, 2011 Here’s the latest news on terrorism in NY. It’s sharing the headlines with the recent demonstrations in Egypt, where, according to the NY Times at least 23 people had been killed and more than 1,500 people had been wounded. It concerns a Muslim sympathizer that the NYPD has had under surveillance for 2 1/2 years. They followed him and an informant to the dollar store and a
Suzie-Q • by wordgeezer • 23 days ago
Republican Party Platform in 2012
Republican Party Platform in 2012: Tax-cuts for the rich Tax hikes for the middle class Deregulate wall street … Unlimited corporate money in elections War with Iran War with Pakistan Trade war with China Stay in Iraq Patriot Act End Social Security End Medicare Increase military spending Defund Planned Parenthood End abortion End birth-control Outlaw gay marriages End EPA End Public School Defun
Suzie-Q • 25 days ago
Suzie-Q • 25 days ago
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Commonsense: Mercury in Fish Ain’t Good for You
Yet EPA’s Plans for New Mercury and Air Toxic Standards Face Sabotage by House Republicans
The EnvironmentaL... • 9 hours ago
Mekong River Commission Postpones Decision on Controversial Dam in Southeast Asia
But it Might be too Early to Celebrate a "Reprieve" for the Mekong River
The EnvironmentaL... • 1 day ago
The Top Environmental Issues of 2011 — and the Year to Come
Challenges to EPA, Ozone Regulations, Mining in Powder River Basin, and Keystone XL Pipeline Among Top Concerns
The EnvironmentaL... • 2 days ago
African Soil in the Blood and Dust of COP17
Last hours of Durban Climate Negotiations Indicate Kyoto Protocol is Set to Lose Its Heart
The EnvironmentaL... • 4 days ago
The EnvironmentaL... • 5 days ago
Who’s Greener? Who Cares?
To be Sustainable, Green Movement Must Embrace Hypocrisy and Halfway Solutions
The EnvironmentaL... • 6 days ago
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Corbett Report Radio 031 – The Ron Paul Trap?
Assuming the rigged polling machines, the smear campaigns and the assassination threats don’t win out, Ron Paul stands a good chance of winning the Republican presidential nomination and even the presidency itself. However, Paul supporters have become accustomed to being sidelined, ignored and written out of the picture for so long, they might not be prepared to win. What if Paul is being set up f
The Corbett Repor... • by Corbett • 11 hours ago
Interview 434 – Donna Laframboise
Donna Laframboise is the editor of a climate blog, NoFrakkingConsensus.com, and the author of a new book, The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World’s Top Climate Expert. She joins us today to discuss the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), how it functions, and who is really behind the production of its coveted Assessment Report, often referred to as the “Climate Bi
The Corbett Repor... • by Corbett • 1 day ago
Interview 433 – Michel Chossudovsky
Michel Chossudovsky of GlobalResearch.ca joins us to discuss the worrying steps toward a greater middle east conflict that threatens to gulf the entire region. From Syria to Iran to Pakistan to Palestine, each situation represents a potential spark that could ignite the powder keg that will lead to World War III. We discuss the implications of this situation and the lack of concern on the part of
The Corbett Repor... • by Corbett • 1 day ago
Interview 432 – Cynthia McKinney
Today we talk to former US Congresswoman and presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney about AFRICOM, the US military’s African Command, and its ostensible mandate to foster “security cooperation” between the US and Africa. We discuss what AFRICOM is really designed to do and look at the example of the US’ recent military intervention in Libya against Gaddafi, a vocal dissenter against AFRICOM’s des
The Corbett Repor... • by Corbett • 1 day ago
Spotlight: Kazakhstan – Geostrategy on the New Silk Road
[NOTE: CLICK HERE to watch the full report on BoilingFrogsPost.com] by James Corbett BoilingFrogsPost.com 13 December, 2011 The large, sparsely-populated nation of Kazakhstan has become in recent years the poster child of a new type of geopolitics: only celebrating its 20th year since declaring independence from the Soviet Union, with a population of just 16 million, this unlikely Central Asian st
The Corbett Repor... • by Corbett • 1 day ago
Corbett Report Radio 030 – Domestic Spying
It’s headlines and open phones tonight as we crack open the files on domestic spying. From drone surveillance to cell phone snooping, the government is watching everything you do and keeping tabs on everywhere you go. So why do so many people go along with it, and what can be done about it? Find out on tonight’s edition of Corbett Report Radio. Works Cited: Episode 176 – 30 Ways You Are Being Spi
The Corbett Repor... • by Corbett • 1 day ago
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Reflections: The Islamic tradition of courtesy
Since I woke up late that morning, I had to rush out without my morning coffee fix and ran toward London's Edgware Road station -- just five minutes away from the apartment where my family has enjoyed many summers. I finally reached the tube station and lined up to buy a ticket, because I did not have the right change for the machine. While I was waiting, I started calculating if a day pass would
altmuslim • 2 days ago
Documentary "The Light In Her Eyes": The spiritual roots of a revolution
Women have been the heart and backbone of Islam from its beginnings. From the courage of Khadija, Prophet Muhammad's first wife and first convert, to the scholarship and fiery independence of his later wife Aisha; from the political genius of Muslim queens such as Egypt's Shajarat al-Dur and India's Nur Jahan to the spiritual wisdom of female saints such as Rabia of Basra, Islam has been shaped an
altmuslim • 9 days ago
Change in Pakistan: Coping with the so-called jihad
“What do you see in your dreams, chacha?” my four-year-old niece asked, with her face resting on her hands and her eyes lit with joy in anticipation of hearing a delightful story, knowing that I take pleasure in satisfying her curiosity. She recently inquired about a souvenir of Tutankhamen’s casket with a wooden mummy wrapped in Egyptian linen inside it that led to I explaining the process of mum
altmuslim • 15 days ago
Thanksgiving 2011: How Muslims have come celebrate this day
Every November 24th, the Thanksgiving turkey dinner is the experimental guinea pig that reminds me that America is the multicultural cooking pot of the world. It’s only fitting this annual holiday primarily takes place in America’s cathedral: the kitchen. This is the universal, sacred, holy place honored by all communities around the world regardless of ethnicity, race, creed or religion. This Th
altmuslim • 20 days ago
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TradeKey.com is the world’s leading and fastest growing online business-to-business (B2B) marketplace that connects small and medium businesses across the globe for international trade.“We want to be one of the world’s biggest companies,” says Junaid Mansoor, the founder and CEO of Tradekey. According to Mansoor, an analysis conducted by a third-party expert valued the company at around $700 milli
Green & White • by Furqan Hussain • 3 days ago
Nokia Care Protect
Karachi -23rd November, 2011: Nokia Care Protect, extended warranty offer was launched at a local hotel today. Adding to consumer convenience, Nokia Care Protect is an extended warranty that can be purchased for nominal charges and offers mobile phone warranty service for additional 12-months after the original Nokia warranty expires. Based on our research, average phone life for a consumer in P
Green & White • by Furqan Hussain • 3 days ago
Stay for the work not the perks
This is a revelation that came to me when I recently quit my comfy corporate job for the second time. If you are below 40 and some one asks you about how is your job going and your answer is not in tune of “I like my job because I love the work”. You need to pause and asses your career, last time I answered this question my answer was “I like the job, because the benefits are good”, and that made
Green & White • by Qazi • 6 days ago
Bloodline wins second runners up at Global Innovation through science & technology
Bloodline, which was a winner of first round of P@SHA Social Fund has also won globally. In the Global Innovation of Science and Technology (GIST) recently being held in Istanbul, Turkey Bloodline has been awarded a 2nd Consolation Prize of USD 5000. Bloodline aims to connect blood donors and people in need of blood through different mediums which include a central call center, mobile apps and fac
Green & White • by Qazi • 8 days ago
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This is a Facebook message I just found hidden in my inbox (sometimes Facebook...
2 This is a Facebook message I just found hidden in my inbox (sometimes Facebook’s habit of hiding messages works out in a person’ favor), from someone named Cameron Baird. I know people usually blot out the names of people who say ignorant things on Facebook. But, so much of my life went on display after Salon picked up my post about my medical abortion that I don’t feel like letting people like
The Angry Black W... • by karnythia • 4 days ago
What Happens When Class Warriors Ignore Race?
8 One of the things I think progressives who ignore history don’t understand is that just like racism is taught, so is distrust. Especially in Af-Am households where our parents & grandparents who have lived through Jim Crow, Cointelpro, Reaganomics, & the War on Drugs (better titled the War on Inner City Communities) talk to us early & often about how to stay out of trouble. My
The Angry Black W... • by karnythia • 18 days ago
On Police Brutality, Living While Of Color, & Why Brutality At OWS isn’t Shocking
6 I’ve seen a lot of posts talking about OWS, police brutality, race, gender, & intersectionality. Many of those posts include links to the famous stories of police brutality. And those stories are important & should be told. But, by only talking about those stories I worry that we’re giving the impression that police brutality is relatively rare in communities of color. I’ve posted in the
The Angry Black W... • by karnythia • 21 days ago
Help Increase Nuanced Racial Representation in The Media
2 If you can spare a few bucks (every dollar helps) please consider kickstarting this great film project! Synopsis Cedric and Tiffany, two college friends, realize their feelings for each other and after an illicit night together, decide to make a pact. They vow to end their respective relationships in order to build one together. When one of them cannot follow through on their promise, the oth
The Angry Black W... • by karnythia • 28 days ago
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“Why Kenya’s doing Bashir’s laundry?” by Nkwazi Mhango
Wrangles evidenced recently between Kenyan Judiciary and the executive over the ruling that Sudanese strong man, Omar Bashir, be apprehended shall he visit Kenya, left many analysts flabbergasted. One judge, Ncholas Ombija, made a historical ruling when ordered the Minister for Internal Security to see to it that when Bashir sets foot on Kenyan soil, he be apprehended and handed over to The Hague
(title unknown) • by asabagna • 6 days ago
(title unknown) • by asabagna • 16 days ago
sat’day riddymz
“Os tambores de Minas, by Milton Nascimento. This song roughly means, the drums of Minas Gerais, Milton Nascimento’s home state, will never be quiet.” Sis Ana. Saludos…
(title unknown) • by asabagna • 18 days ago
Eduardo Galeano Chronicles the History of Human Adventure
“I believe this reading by Eduardo Galeano is very interesting. Eduardo Galeano, the Uruguayan intellectual, writer and novelist, describes himself as being obsessed with remembering and committed to humanity and just causes. I agree with him.” Sis. Ana. Saludos… Click here.
(title unknown) • by asabagna • 18 days ago
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WORLD TRUTH TODAY • by Grace • 10 days ago
WORLD TRUTH TODAY • by Grace • 26 days ago
WORLD TRUTH TODAY • by Grace • 27 days ago
WORLD TRUTH TODAY • by Grace • 28 days ago
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Priorities. They Can Has.
by matttbastard Noted w/o comment: Time Magazine covers – December 5, 2011 h/t
bastard.logic • by matttbastard • 17 days ago
The Troubling Truth About Naomi Wolf’s DHS/OWS Hype UPDATE: Original Source Walks Back teh BS
by matttbastard It’s total bullshit (not to mention batshit). AlterNet’s Josh Holland for teh Fisk: Wolf …offers a classic example of trying to shoe-horn reality into a theory with no factual basis. She set out to write a column indicting Congress for a nationwide crack-down that hasn’t actually been unearthed and, in order to do so, she needs to hopelessly muddle the chain of command… For the te
bastard.logic • by matttbastard • 17 days ago
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Nebraska Sued Over 420 Plate
It always may be 4:20 somewhere, but not on a Nebraska car tag. The director of the state’s department of motor vehicles refused to issue a tag reading “NE 420” to the attorney sponsoring a petition in the Cornhusker state to get marijuana out of the corn rows and into the open with a legalization drive. The director, Beverly Neth, says “420” has lots of evil connotations, there’s the evil weed t
NewsPirates/From ... • by Jim Walrod • 23 days ago
Special Din-Din For Scalia and Thomas Will Influence Health Care Decision?
Justice, as represented by right-wing members of the Supreme Court of the United States, may be blind, deaf nor mute; but Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas are always up for a free meal and some good ole boy butt slapping. When the Crows went behind closed doors to decide if they would hear the challenges to health care reform, these two champions of the far right were busy anticipating
NewsPirates/From ... • by Jim Walrod • 27 days ago
Prescription medication That Is Utilized In Dealing With Nominal To Extreme Suffering
Tramadol, also bought under brands Ultram and Ultram Emergeny room, is usually a narcotic suffering crusher utilized in dealing with reasonable to intense suffering. The extensive-put out (Ser) version is required to relieve continual ache that really needs 24-hr servicing. Furthermore, there might be other functions for medicines.Before you take Tramadol, you will need to consult with your medica
NewsPirates/From ... • by Jim Walrod • 29 days ago
Searching For On-line Insurance Quotes
Whatever perform in your everyday living, insurance policy is generally needed, and probably the most essential insurance coverage we maintain is car insurance policy. Strangely about automobile insurance is that you can effortlessly shop and review for the best insurance cover out there devoid of leaving behind your office or home. The reason behind this is that On-line Insurance Quotes really ar
NewsPirates/From ... • by Jim Walrod • 29 days ago
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Citizens hate copyright, admits EU Commissioner
The EU’s Commissioner for the Digital Agenda, Neelie Kroes, recently gave a speech admitting copyright doesn’t work and citizens hate it: legal enforceability is becoming increasingly difficult; the millions of dollars invested trying to enforce copyright have not stemmed piracy. Meanwhile citizens increasingly hear the word copyright and hate what is behind it. Sadly, many see the current system
Amused Cynicism • by Phil Hunt • 23 days ago
Why I’m not a Labour supporter
I recently said why I’m not a Tory. In the interests of balance, I’ll say why I’m not a Labour supporter. On Liberal Conspiracy I recently posted that: Public spending went up from 36% of GDP in 2000 to 48% of GDP in 2010. If the UK economy grew at an average rate of 2% over those years, that’s an increase of 63%. This is a vast sum of money, and if public services did improve by 63%, I certainly
Amused Cynicism • by Phil Hunt • 25 days ago
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Pots and kettles.
Ah, how quickly things change. Yesterday it looked as though the other papers weren't going to make much of the slight unravelling of the Milly Dowler "false hope" part of the phone hacking story, apparently feeling they had little to gain from picking on the Graun for getting the story right at the time, but wrong once the full timeline of what happened when had been re-examined. Then up popped
Obsolete • by septicisle • 1 hour ago
The knave or fool conundrum continues.
Back when both Murdochs appeared before the media committee, one of the few telling interventions was when Adrian Sanders asked whether James had heard of the term "willful blindness". Having feigned indignant ignorance, Daddy stepped in and said he had and that they most certainly weren't guilty of any such thing.Closely related to willful blindness is the concept of plausible deniability, someth
Obsolete • by septicisle • 1 day ago
A very small carrot.
The Leveson inquiry today gave in to the age old Mazher Mahmood myth. Even though he has never presented an ounce of evidence that his life is in danger, an argument which was swiftly rejected when he sought an injunction to stop George Galloway from spreading the ancient photographs of himself, only his voice rather than his holy visage was today broadcast over the stream. This is doubly helpfu
Obsolete • by septicisle • 2 days ago
In Europe, without influence.
The deal reached in Brussels this morning is on nearly every conceivable level a disaster. It locks the Eurozone countries already struggling into a market imposed strait-jacket of austerity and cuts, without ensuring that the European Central Bank will even now step in to provide the money the stability fund needs to be able to back up Italian debts. There's a close to unbelievable irony in the
Obsolete • by septicisle • 5 days ago
And what's the deal with airline peanuts?
It's far too easy to mock those not so poor souls fighting to be the Republican presidential candidate, so that's exactly what we'll do. For those who thought the "smoking" ad for Herman Cain couldn't be topped, here's the latest effort from Rick Perry:As non sequiturs go, it's close to unbeatable.
Obsolete • by septicisle • 6 days ago
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Lowe’s Facing Backlash for Pulling Ads from Pro-Muslim Reality Show
Avoiding controversy was the stated aim when Lowe’s, the home improvement giant, bowed to pressure from a Florida evangelical group by pulling its ads from a TV reality show that makes Muslims look like ordinary Americans rather than terrorists. But now the chain’s act of enabling bigots has boomeranged into a black-eye controversy, a PR nightmare: [...]
Hatewatch | South... • by Marilyn Elias • 3 hours ago
Anti-Gay Bigot Tackled by Lesbian, Charged with Hate Crime
A 22-year-old man who shouted slurs at a lesbian couple before breaking the windshield of their car soon found himself in a vulnerable position – pinned to the ground by one of the targets of his vitriol. According to police, William Adam Lane confronted two women after seeing them embracing romantically outside a bar early Sunday, [...]
Hatewatch | South... • by Ryan Lenz • 3 hours ago
Nativists Lambast Family of Undocumented Suicide Victim
No one knows for sure what was going through the head of 18-year-old Joaquin Luna Jr. when he committed suicide last month. His family told reporters they suspect he was motivated by despair over the limitations posed by his status as an undocumented immigrant. His suicide note (which the family had not yet seen when [...]
Hatewatch | South... • by Leah Nelson • 4 hours ago
Internet Evangelist: Glenn Beck is a ‘Wolf of Satan’
Even stopped clocks are right two times a day, so why can’t hate group leaders be half as accurate? Internet evangelist Bill Keller, head of the anti-Muslim, anti-gay, anti-Mormon hate group Bill Keller Ministries, spoke the truth exactly once in a press release issued yesterday. Exhorting Christians not to follow Glenn Beck, he observed that the former Fox News entertainer “views himself as a mo
Hatewatch | South... • by Leah Nelson • 10 hours ago
Lowe’s Refuses to Reinstate Ads on Pro-Muslim TV Show
Amid mounting criticism, home improvement giant Lowe’s Cos. Inc. is sticking by a decision to pull its ads from the TV reality show “All-American Muslim,” caving to pressure from the Florida Family Association, a conservative evangelical group that boasts it has persuaded more than 60 companies to cancel their ads too. The weekly show on TLC [...]
Hatewatch | South... • by Marilyn Elias • 11 hours ago
Dead Washington Extremist was to be Arrested on Child Rape Charges
A man with an antigovernment past was going to be arrested on multiple counts of child rape and child molestation a day after he killed two women and turned his southwestern Washington home into a bullet-sprayed inferno. Steven Douglas Stanbary had been told by his attorney to surrender on Dec. 8 to detectives with the Washougal [...]
Hatewatch | South... • by Bill Morlin • 12 hours ago
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Class Consciousness Is Back
Multiple times and on multiple days, my local NPR station actually used the "c" word on the air. No, not that "c" word--it was "class." Yes, that most unmentionable of topics: socio-economic class and how it determines the fate of millions of Americans. Our vernacular obscures the country's very real class divisions, with crippling--even lethal--consequences. The term "middle class" is used capa
In These Times • by Susan J. Douglas • 16 hours ago
Will Latino Groups Choose To Occupy?
NEW YORK--In late October, Tatiana Maur'n made her way to Deutsche Bank's offices at 60 Wall St. She was just one of a few dozen immigrant voices from Colombia, Argentina, Guatemala and Spain attending a weekly Occupy Wall Street (OWS) meeting in Spanish held in front of the bank. Maur'n, 34, was born in Argentina and raised in Venezuela but now lives in Queens, where she runs a small organizatio
In These Times • by Teresa Puente • 1 day ago
Matana Roberts’ Genealogy of Jazz
Music has a unique capacity to remind us of the past. Sounds and melodies jog our memories, evoke long-forgotten times, places and emotions. It’s not surprising, therefore, that some composers draw upon history for their source material. But how does an artist approach the past with the urgency of the present, or pay homage to forebears while retaining a voice that’s true to his or her own era? T
In These Times • by Frances Morgan • 2 days ago
Why Conservatives Can’t Fix Poverty
2 Newt Gingrich's recent utterances about poor children--they "have no habits of working and have nobody around them who works"--reflect not only the inability of conservatives to talk seriously about poverty, but a mean-spiritedness that, unfortunately, largely eludes public scrutiny. Apparently, Gingrich and the approving Iowa crowd have never heard of "the working poor"--folks stuck in low-wage
In These Times • by James Thindwa • 3 days ago
Unequal Rites: Peyote sacraments and the First Amendment
I am sitting in a peace pipe circle of about a dozen people led by a half-Seminole, half-white medicine man named James Mooney. Another man, Jeffrey Bronfman, is shaking black pipe ash into my cupped hands and praying over it as others sit contemplatively, staring at a painted bull skull in the middle of the circle. Mooney blows smoke into the air, and it hovers for a few seconds before floating i
In These Times • by Art Intern • 5 days ago
Marching Off the Cliff
A task of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, now under way in Durban, South Africa, is to extend earlier policy decisions that were limited in scope and only partially implemented. These decisions trace back to the U.N. Convention of 1992 and the Kyoto Protocol of 1997, which the U.S. refused to join. The Kyoto Protocol's first commitment period ends in 2012. A fairly ge
In These Times • by Noam Chomsky • 8 days ago
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The Santa Question, Revisited
(Another seasonal goodie. This one originally appeared in September of 2010. The first version included an introduction featuring Silvio Berlusconi. Who has since been driven into retirement. Which proves that sometimes good things do happen. I’ve excised that Berlusconi bit for this go-round. However, the piece’s original warning still applies: this ditty contains “Hitler humor.” And since some p
red • by bluenred • 7 hours ago
Yet Shall We Be Merry
(And suddenly it is mid-December. So it is time to start hauling out the seasonal goodies. This one originally appeared here in January of 2010. It remains a fave.) Dark wizard Albert Grossman deliberately assembled the folk-singing trio Peter, Paul, and Mary to rake in coin amid the urban folk-revival of the early 1960s. He wanted “a tall blonde, a funny guy, and a good looking guy”: that’s what
red • by bluenred • 17 hours ago
Transparent Tomorrow
On September 19th of this year, two members of the US State Department spoke “on background” with reporters about the Obama administration’s participation in the Open Government Partnership, a program to promote government transparency around the world. Since the briefing was “on background,” that meant the reporters were debarred from identifying the officials who spoke to them. During a “press b
red • by bluenred • 17 hours ago
Do You Hear What I Hear
Bobby Dylan is the most unusual dude I have ever known. You can’t really ever understand him completely. He is so much like a kid in a way. But you don’t think that when you’re around him. You think, “That son of a bitch is doin’ numbers on everybody.” —Kris Kristofferson Once one’s eyes are opened to the thing, it becomes increasingly clear that the number of people, places, and things that are m
red • by bluenred • 19 hours ago
What Child Is This
It is now Known that extraterrestrials are messing with people, having bred and/or assembled a motley crew of pseudo-humans, beings who are even now rolling and raving across the land as if they are Real candidates for the presidency of the United States. As we enter this Christmas season, we must now additionally ask whether that deity who claims to be the dove-form father of Jesus—and, earlier,
red • by bluenred • 4 days ago
Welcome To Walmart
So it seems that today’s Walmarts are so vast and cavernous that denizens of Oklahoma have taken to cooking methamphetamine there, bubbling speedy brew in the friendly Waltonian confines, until their public chemistry experiments are belatedly noted and aborted by party-pooping badge-and-gun people. On Thursday, one Elizabeth Alisha Greta Halfmoon entered a Tulsa Walmart about noon. Six hours later
red • by bluenred • 4 days ago
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Notes & Queries 12/14/11
I normally scan through various news items for the Notes & Queries posts, but in this case I’ve been trying to catch up on my reading. In particular, I’ve been looking at books that could be useful in inspiring young people to get interested in astronomy and engineering. Here’s a look at three titles that more or less fit that bill. The budding rocket scientist will love the revised Zubrin, pa
Centauri Dreams • by Paul Gilster • 8 hours ago
A Path Forward for Beamed Sails
Minimizing the cost of a project is no small matter because, as Jim Benford points out in the paper we’ve been examining over the past several days, cost determines how we decide on competing claims for resources. In the case of a beamed sail mission and its infrastructure, the cost is largely the reusable launcher or ‘beamer,’ which is the beam source and the antennae needed to radiate the beam.
Centauri Dreams • by Paul Gilster • 1 day ago
Obousy Appearance on TV Tonight
Be aware that the History Channel show The Universe will air an episode at 2200 EST tonight (December 13) in which Richard Obousy will discuss interstellar propulsion concepts. The air time will probably vary depending on your cable provider, so be sure to check. Richard, once project leader of the Icarus effort and still actively involved at every stage of the Icarus design, is a Texas-based phys
Centauri Dreams • by Paul Gilster • 1 day ago
Optimizing Interstellar Mission Costs
Although we frequently talk about beamed sails for interstellar missions, the fact is that spacecraft on the scale Robert Forward used to talk about that could take us to Alpha Centauri in 40 years won’t come out of nowhere. The evolution of the solar sail into the beamed sail will involve all kinds of experimentation and a variety of mission concepts developed for use right here in the Solar Syst
Centauri Dreams • by Paul Gilster • 2 days ago
The Case for Beamed Sails
There is a natural path through solar sails, which are now flying, toward beam-driven propulsion, and it’s a path Jim Benford has been exploring for the last eighteen years. In my Centauri Dreams book I described how Jim and brother Gregory ran experiments demonstrating that carbon sails could be driven by microwave beams back in the year 2000. We learned that the theory worked — a sail could inde
Centauri Dreams • by Paul Gilster • 5 days ago
Detecting a ‘Funeral Pyre’ Beacon
Beamed propulsion continues to be a particular fascination of mine, which is why I want to start a discussion tomorrow of Jim Benford’s latest paper on beamed sails and how they might be optimized for both performance and cost. Reading through Benford’s work, however, I also came across Chris Wilson’s recent articles in Slate, which discuss Jim and Gregory Benford’s work on interstellar beacons an
Centauri Dreams • by Paul Gilster • 6 days ago
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A Woman's Realm?
by Eric Martin Below is an excerpt from a truly brilliant piece written by Catherine Connors, which examines on some of the themes and motifs that were prevalent at the TEDWomen conference that she attended last year. With clarity and eloquence, Connors lays bare the ways in which even ostensible celebrations of woman-empowerment can, even if inadvertantly, serve to demean what has been traditiona
Obsidian Wings • by Eric Martin • 10 hours ago
Well, the UK _is_ an island
by liberal japonicus From the Guardian During the UK's 38-year membership of the European Community, and latterly Union, the true believers had, too often in their eyes, to make special exceptions for the "awkward Anglo-Saxons". The "Brits" wielded handbags and threatened vetoes, insisting all the time on remaining at the top table of discussions despite opting out of Euro
Obsidian Wings • by liberal japonicus • 3 days ago
Your 7/8 Sleigh Ride friday open thread
by liberal japonicus Your thread about odd time signatures, holiday music and the War on Christmas, with a video and some meaningless reminiscing below the fold. I'm not sure if this is completely common, but I think that the original song is probably responsible for more people going into music than anything else. Well, maybe not, but when you are in elementary school band and you get to p
Obsidian Wings • by liberal japonicus • 5 days ago
Books of the year
2 by Doctor Science It's that time of year again -- the one where I need to figure out gifts for various friends and relatives. Fortunately, it's also the time of year when critics and reviewers put together "N Best Xs of the Year" lists. Even more fortunately, almost everyone on my list *loves* books. So: I'm going to put up a list of "best or at least most interesting books I've read this year"
Obsidian Wings • by Doctor Science • 10 days ago
welcome to the occupation
2 by russell I'd been wanting to head down to the Occupy Boston site, just to see what was what as much as anything else. Last Friday, I took the day-after-Thanksgiving holiday as my opportunity. I checked the website to see what they were asking for that day. Shopping list in hand, I headed over to my local Dollar Store and loaded up on stuff like snacks, juice, Band-Aids, and baby wipes, hop
Obsidian Wings • by russell • 12 days ago
Your Leveson inquiry friday open thread
by liberal japonicus Just recently, one of the keys to my morning net surfing has been to go to the Guardian's Leveson inquiry page and catch the live blog for the previous day's session. Because of the time difference, I'm getting it after it has finished, so I can read thru the whole thing. Just in case you don't know, the Leveson inquiry is the one that is exploring phone hackin
Obsidian Wings • by liberal japonicus • 13 days ago
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Massive APP greenwash campaign is mostly hogwash, finds new report
Pekanbaru, Sumatra – The Senepis Tiger Sanctuary – a prominent feature of the massive international greenwash campaign of paper giant Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) – is being subject to clear cutting operations by one of the company’s wood suppliers, an investigation by WWF and partners finds. “The truth behind APP’s Greenwash”, a new report released today by Sumatra-based NGO coalition Eyes on the
WWF - Latest News • 17 hours ago
Insurance sector key to China meeting renewable energy targets
Beijing, China – A report published today by WWF and RSA states that China may not be able to tap fully into its renewable energy potential due to lack of an insurance system for the sector. The aim to reduce CO2 emissions by 45% and generate 15% of energy from non-fossil sources by 2020 has positioned China as the fastest growing renewable market in the world. However, the development of China
WWF - Latest News • 17 hours ago
"Our work really starts now..."
Whilst efforts to reach a global consensus on combating climate change continue, the need for effective action at the regional and national level escalates. Such action can no longer wait for global agreement. If people, economic growth, and nature are to coexist in harmony, we must act fast to ensure ecological resilience and economic sustainability. In the Himalayas WWF-UK, WWF-US and WWF-Finl
WWF - Latest News • 2 days ago
Official report confirms massive misuse of EU fisheries funds
Brussels, Belgium - The EU Court of Auditors today published a report damning costly failures to eliminate overfishing in Europe. The report found that the multi-billion euro European Fisheries Fund designed to balance fishing activities at sustainable levels is actually doing the reverse. Loopholes mean that fleet owners are receiving subsidies to increase the capacity and fishing power of the
WWF - Latest News • 2 days ago
WWF: Governments fail on ambition, courage at UN climate change talks
Durban, South Africa -- After two weeks of sparring and a day-long extension, governments once again failed today to provide the inspiration and ambition to tackle climate change and provide hope for hundreds of millions around the world who suffer and will continue to suffer from climate-related impacts. Governments reached a weak agreement that established a Green Climate Fund with little mone
WWF - Latest News • 3 days ago
Indian environmental trailblazer gets top WWF honours
Dr. Ashok Khosla OBE, one of the world’s leading experts on the environment and sustainable development, has been awarded the 2011 WWF Duke of Edinburgh Conservation Medal. A former director in the United Nations Environment Programme, Dr Khosla was also the founding director of the Indian government’s Office of Environmental Planning and Coordination – the first such agency in a developing count
WWF - Latest News • 5 days ago
United Nations takes steps for the world's oceans
WWF - Latest News • 7 days ago
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