US Deaths Tied to Fukushima Disaster Fallout
the actual death count here may be as high as 18,000, with influenza and pneumonia, which were up five-fold in the period in question as a cause of death. Deaths are seen across all ages, but we continue to find that infants are hardest hit because their tissues are rapidly multiplying, they have undeveloped immune systems, and the doses of radioisotopes are proportionally greater than for adults.
Articles Expert
Alternative Insight
The Drum
Pilger : The Courage of Julian Assange
The Two-Party System is a Charade
neither the U.S. government, nor the corporate oligarchy (forgive the redundancy), is interested in formulating and carrying out solutions to the problems facing the world: poverty, inadequate health care, meaningful education at affordable prices, world peace, environmental protection, sustainability and justice
Nation Editor Katrina vanden Heuvel on Normon Solomon and other 99 percent candidates who could help Occupy Wall Street in Congress.
(Washington, DC) – US President Barack Obama’s apparent decision to not veto a defense spending bill that codifies indefinite detention without trial into US law and expands the military’s role in holding terrorism suspects does enormous damage to the rule of law both in the US and abroad, Human Rig...
Law enforcement can already beat protesters with batons, spray subversive chemicals into their eyeballs, shoot rubber bullets at a speed of around 100 yards-per-second and blast deafening sound bursts.
Hold A Congressional Hearing Concerning the Continuing Health Effects from the BP Deep Water Oil Cat
www.thepetitionsite.comPlease help the people of the Gulf Coast find justice for the over 2400 confirmed cases of health issues since the 2010 (254 signatures on petition)
This picture was taken near Grand Isle, La a few days ago by local shrimpers. For 6 months now, shrimp have been found to have no eyes. Many shrimp people bu...
Chemtrails: some possible answers - The Shield Project.
The Boulder County commissioners voted unanimously Tuesday to allow some genetically modified organisms to be grown on county-owned open space land.
Less than a year after Frito-Lay announced plans to make half their products without “any artificial or synthetic ingredients,” the $13 billion company was sued last week in f...
Kate Sheehy reports for PRI's The World: In the western lowlands of Nicaragua, in a region of vast sugarcane fields, sits the tiny community of La Isla.The
Pakistani police have found children chained up, beaten, and tortured in a Pakistani boarding school.
( Canada 50 years ago )
Another Week of GW News, December 18, 2011
AGW Observer
What is Scientism?
Postmodern Views of Reality in Modern Science Fiction
a postmodern view of reality, commonly called constructivism or relativism. These terms mean that reality is a human construct that is relative to each individual's experiences and personality. According to relativism, reality is not a concrete thing that is knowable through human perception, a belief that has long been the most accepted theory. As constructivist Walter Truett Anderson wrote, disagreement now is "not merely conflict between beliefs, but conflict about belief itself"
Potential Biases in Feedback Diagnosis from Observational Data:PDF
Roy Spencer’s Great Blunder, Part 1
In his latest book, The Great Global Warming Blunder, Roy Spencer lashes out at the rest of the climate science community for either ignoring or suppressing publication of his research. This research, he claims, virtually proves that the climate models used by the IPCC respond much too sensitively to external “forcing” due to changes in greenhouse gas concentrations, variations in solar radiation, and so on. Instead, Spencer believes most climate change is caused by chaotic, natural variations in cloud cover. He and a colleague published a peer-reviewed paper in which they used a simple climate model to show that these chaotic variations could cause patterns in satellite data that would lead climatologists to believe the climate is significantly more sensitive to external forcing than it really is.
Spencer’s two main claims are as follows. First, “the climate system is much less sensitive to our greenhouse gas emissions than the experts claim it to be” (p. vii). Second, “the climate system itself is probably responsible for most of the warming we have seen in the last 100 years or so. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a change in the sun or a volcanic eruption or pollution by humankind to cause global warming or cooling” (p. viii).
It is well known that weather is chaotic, meaning that slight fluctuations in one part of the system can cause large and unpredictable fluctuations in another part of the system.
Climate (which refers to the long-term average of weather) is not necessarily thought to be chaotic, however, except over fairly short time periods. Over these shorter periods, there are many modes of climate variability, usually involving semi-structured oscillations in sea surface temperatures, like the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, the Arctic Oscillation, and so on. In turn, random fluctuations in sea surface temperature due to ocean circulation patterns, etc., might cause concomitant changes in cloudiness, which would affect the radiation balance, and hence the temperature. (If you keep reading, however, you will find that Spencer thinks the causality is the other way around. Random variations in sea surface temperature are caused by random variations in cloudiness, which are caused by who-knows-what.)
( In the past theologians have amused themselves with disputing how many angels could dance on the head of a pin. How mankind has progressed ! This for a math model criticized as oversimplified and lacking essential and unknowable processes, inputs and measurements....not to mention alternating between cooling and heating results. Meanwhile the hamsters run around their exercise wheel. )
Peer Review is F**ked Up
Congressional Climate Briefing to Push “End of Climate Change Skepticism”
Papers of Willi Dansgaard
Validity of the temperature reconstruction from water isotopes in ice cores – Jouzel & Dansgaard et al. (1997) “Well-documented present-day distributions of stable water isotopes (HDO and H2 18O) show the existence, in middle and high latitudes, of a linear relationship between the mean annual isotope content of precipitation (δD and δ18O) and the mean annual temperature at the precipitation site. Paleoclimatologists have used this relationship, which is particularly well obeyed over Greenland and Antarctica, to infer paleotemperatures from ice core data. There is, however, growing evidence that spatial and temporal isotope/surface temperature slopes differ, thus complicating the use of stable water isotopes as paleothermometers.
Evidence for general instability of past climate from a 250-kyr ice-core record – Dansgaard et al. (1993) “RECENT results from two ice cores drilled in central Greenland have revealed large, abrupt climate changes of at least regional extent during the late stages of the last glaciation, suggesting that climate in the North Atlantic region is able to reorganize itself rapidly, perhaps even within a few decades.
Climatic Oscillations 1200−2000 AD – Johnsen & Dansgaard et al. (1970)
Frozen Annals Willi Dansgaard’s book about Greenland ice sheet research (freely available).
Calls to censor details of potential killer flu
Topless protesters 'kidnapped, stripped' by KGB
The blog-o-sphere is boiling at the cruel beating of a female protester by Egyptian military police, who continued battling protesters in Tahrir Square on Su...
US: End CIA Drone Attacks | Human Rights Watch
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - After 10 months of secret dialogue with Afghanistan's Taliban insurgents, senior U.S. officials say the talks have reached a critical juncture and they will soon know whether a breakthrough
Clarisse Kambire’s nightmare rarely changes. It’s daytime. In a field of cotton plants that burst with purple and white flowers, a man in rags towers over her, a stick raised above his head. Then a voice booms, jerking Clarisse from her slumber and making her heart leap. “Get up!”
The following is my question/statement to the Committee: