Water Power
Scoop - NZ
- The Recruitment BubbleWhat started its life as a facilitation service has become a dog eat dog eat industry where inter and intra company rivalries have reached dizzying heights .. A recent poll revealed that within the M25 there are 19 000 recruitment companies. To put that in perspective, the M25 is a 188km ring r ...
- Ron Paul: 'Glee' in administration after 9/11Ron Paul isn’t backing down from his position that the U.S. has provoked terrorists through foreign military occupation and that officials tried to capitalize on Sept. 11 attacks. “Think of what happened after 9/11, the minute before there was any assessment, there was glee in the administratio ...
- Hutton: "an act of crass stupidity - rarely eq ...There might have been a case for David Cameron to veto the use of the EU treaties for the eurozone bailout if Britain's national interests had really been threatened. But they were not. Much of British finance in whose name Cameron exercised his veto – routine banking, insurance and accounting – ...
- Image Analysis: RQ-170 We were first to post the story yesterday by almost an hour, thanks to some fantastic international patrons of aviationintel.com, and I have yet to find any in-depth analysis of the evidence presented by the Iranian Government of what appears to be an RQ-170 Sentinel displayed in a basketball gy ...
- Vacancy: Aviation Advisor, AfPak BorderBarely two weeks after a NATO helicopter disaster killed 24 Pakistani troops, the skies above the Afghanistan-Pakistan border may get even more dangerous. The State Department’s Islamabad embassy is hiring a contractor to coordinate air operations along the border to stop the flow of drugs and ...
Independent - London
- Europe needs Britain, says SarkozyThe French President Nicolas Sarkozy has said that Europe "needs Britain" and a British departure from the European Union was "not on the agenda". Trying to heal some of the wounds created by the "Britain vs the Rest" split over the new eurozone fiscal pact last week, Mr Sarkozy added that he w ...
- Data 'extracted from US drone'Military experts are in the final stages of recovering data from a US spy plane captured by Iranian troops, it was reported yesterday.
- Billionaire to stand against Putin – but whose ...One of Russia's richest oligarchs has thrown his hat into the ring for upcoming presidential elections in an unexpected move that some protesters feared was part of an elaborate Kremlin plot to defuse mounting discontent in the country.
- 'Witch who sold cures' beheadedA woman convicted of practising magic and sorcery was beheaded by Saudi authorities yesterday.
- Gunmen fire on trucks stranded by Nato blockadeTwo boys stand beside fuel trucks which were set ablaze in the Bolan district of Pakistan's Balochistan province. Police and witnesses said gunmen on motorcycles opened fire on nine fuel trucks, setting them on fire and killing one driver. Hundreds of loaded trucks have been stranded in Pakista ...
Rogue Government.com
- Ben Bernanke Makes Insane Comments On Gold Ben Bernanke who today was testifying in front of a Congressional Committee made the assertion that gold is not money during an exchange with Congressman Ron Paul. He even went as far to say that central banks only hold gold because of tradition
- UK Energy bills ‘to double in five years’ as ...Energy bills are likely to double within five years as the Government drives a move to green power and building nuclear power stations, it is claimed.
- ATF’s Fast and Furious Seems Colored With Sha ...The acting head of ATF (the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) has seemingly blown the cover of both DEA and FBI informant operations in order to spare his own neck and to deflect blame away from a badly flawed operation undertaken by his own agency.
- China aims high with space program ambitions As the U.S. winds down its space shuttle program, and with the International Space Station set to shut down in 2020, eyes are turning to China and its ambitious yet mysterious plans for the final frontier.
- Analyst: Even Dollar Stores Struggling In ‘Ob ...More stores across the U.S. that offer deeply-discounted products are seeing their sales decline after years of growth amid America’s “Great Recession” — and one analyst said on Monday it’s another sign of even deeper downturn.
Innovation Canada
- Innovative, naturallyFor the first time this past winter, the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) launched the Emerging Science Journalists Award (ESJA). The award was created to support Canada’s talented young science writers. Below is one of the winning entries by Roslyn Dakin, doctoral candidate in the Departm ...
- A very gourd ideaIt’s been known for years that plants can take up and store trace amounts of hazardous metals like nickel, arsenic and cadmium from contaminated soil in a process called phytoremediation. Until recently, however, scientists assumed that plants weren’t capable of taking up a class of toxic chemic ...
- Johne’s happensTrudging through a dairy farm to collect manure samples isn’t exactly glamorous work, but the odorous task is starting to have a big impact on the health of dairy cattle in Atlantic Canada — and it will save the dairy industry millions of dollars each year. Technicians at the University of Princ ...
- Gait crasherFor most people, walking is as natural as breathing. But for those with mobility issues, it can be extremely challenging, even impossible. That’s where University of New Brunswick (UNB) kinesiologist Vicky Chester comes in. Specializing in clinical gait analysis — the study of the mechanics of a ...
- Better wine, one yeast cell at a timeHennie J. J. van Vuuren is among the 30 percent of adults around the world who exhibit allergic reactions to young red wines — something that has inspired the University of British Columbia (UBC) wine biotechnologist to create a new yeast strain capable of eliminating the allergens altogether. “ ...
Signs of the times
- WISE Images Supernova's RoseAbout 3,700 years ago, people on Earth would have seen a brand-new bright star in the sky. It slowly dimmed out of sight and was eventually forgotten, until modern astronomers later found its remains, called Puppis A. In this new image from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), Pupp ...
- How We Assign Blame for Corporate CrimesWhether the public blames Wall Street or its bankers for bad decisions depends a lot on the group's level of cohesion as well as its mindfulness, or ability to "think," suggests a new study. The researchers wanted to find out how people choose to blame large collectives, such as a major corpora ...
- Pakistan to Down American Drones, US Promises ...The Pakistani military are under orders to take down any UAV they locate in the country's air space. So far, the only drones making incursions into Pakistani skies have been US Predators used to attack Taliban insurgents. In a speech to troops on the border, Pakistan's Chief General Ashfaq Perv ...
- Swiss government is preparing for a collapse o ...The Swiss government is preparing for a collapse of the euro, according to Swiss Finance Minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf. She told parliament that a work group was studying the imposition of capital controls and negative interest rates to protect Switzerland from the capital flight that a euro ...
- C.I.A. Leaves Base in Pakistan Used for Drone ...Islamabad, Pakistan - The Central Intelligence Agency has vacated an air base in western Pakistan that it had been using for drone strikes against militants in the country's tribal areas, the Pakistani military said on Sunday. Pakistan had ordered the C.I.A. to leave the Shamsi air base in p ...
The Galloping Beaver
- Baaaaaaa!USE CAUTION WHEN USING TEETH TO CASTRATE LAMBS. Sounds like good advice. According to Marc Abrahams at io9, "On June 29, 2011, the Wyoming Department of Health was notified of two laboratory-confirmed cases of Campylobacter jejuni enteritis among persons working at a local sheep ran ...
- Order to go . . .MAYBE STEVIE SHOULD ORDER CHINESE. Seems like we need new army trucks. China builds army trucks. With Cummins diesels, too. According to AUTOBLOG, Built by Wuhan-based Xiaolong Automotive, the XLW2090 is one of a dozen or so configurations the company builds on an adaptable chassis. The three- ...
- The poor, their power brakes, their power stee ...All assets possessed by the poor whom Margaret Wente stunningly suggests are much better off than we are led to believe. The column is worth reading if only to give you a feel for the callousness of Wente and the constituency she represents. One of the commenters to the online column described i ...
- The Face of honor . . .AT LEAST, that's what Mo thinks he has, according to Tim Appleby at the Globe, in an article covering the trial, "Daughters deserved to die, Shafia testifies at Kingston trial". “My honour is important to me,” Mr. Shafia replied, alternately sorrowful and truculent, speaking in his native Dari ...
- Hard Times . . .THE AMERICAN WAY by Margaret Bourke-White (1937) IN THE LAND OF PLENTY. There is a fine, sagacious financial site called The Daily Reckoning. One of their majors, Bill Bonner, has a disturbing piece, "By the Numbers: A Closer Look at the Real Wealth of US Households". Compared to the typical J ...
Media Matters for America
- Fox News Trumpets Rick Perry's "Dog Whistle" ...Fox News is amplifying a Rick Perry attack ad claiming that President Obama has launched a "war on religion" -- a claim that Politico has called "one of the most audible dog whistles so far this cycle about President Obama."Perry Ad Accusing Obama Of Waging "War On Religion" Called A "Dog W ...
- Conservative Media Mock Obama For Pointing Out ...Right-wing media figures are attacking President Obama for claiming that extending unemployment benefits and the payroll tax cut will create more jobs than the Keystone XL pipeline. In fact, economists say that unemployment benefits and payroll tax cuts will put money in people's pockets and th ...
- Fox's Eric Bolling Doesn't Want To Break Up Fa ...Claiming he does not "want to break up families," Fox host Eric Bolling again voiced support for mass deportation -- even endorsing the idea of going into public schools to round up undocumented immigrants. In fact, experts warn that deportations result in broken families, often those of Americ ...
- Fox Still Pushing Discredited Keystone XL Pipe ...Fox anchor Martha MacCallum is clinging to the discredited claim that the Keystone XL pipeline would create at least 20,000 jobs. In fact, even the pipeline owner acknowledges that the total jobs created by the pipeline would be far fewer, and an independent report has found that the project co ...
- Fox Responds To Obama's Speech On Inequality B ...Fox responded to President Obama's December 6 speech on inequality in America by once again accusing Obama of engaging in class warfare as well as promoting socialism and -- in the words of Peter Johnson Jr. -- "smooth jazz liberation theology."Fox Responds To Obama's Speech: "Class Warfare" .. ...
Global Research.ca
- America's Covert War Against Iran. Do 'All Opt ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- VIDEO: US Covert Ops may be First Phase of War ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- The Derivative Debt Bubble: "Ghost Financial ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- #Occupy4Children: The Illegal and Immoral US-l ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Pakistan: U.S. Challenged As NATO Surrounds IranFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- The Euro And The Wealth Of NationsAs euro leaders struggle to save the zone, and global hedge fund managers reckon whether the Merkel-Sarkozy fix--so dramatically announced (and, I may add, superbly reported) yesterday--will work or actually prove a five foot leap over a six foot pit, the unresolved question most economic journa ...
- Where's my friend?My friend is Walid Abu Rass. He is the Finance and Administration Manager for the Health Work Committees (HWC, at www.hwc-pal.org), one of the largest community health service providers in the occupied Palestinian territory. HWC serves over 500,000 patients/beneficiaries per year! More on HWC in ...
- Presented By:
- Crony Capitalism in the AirAfter trying to push it through as part of the debt ceiling debacle, then in the super committee, Republicans are now trying to attach spectrum auction provisions to the payroll tax holiday bill. Their bill is about as clear an example of why Congress's approval rating are in the single digits. ...
- Guess Who Obama Was Channeling in KansasYou really can't get more egg on your face than Barack Obama's neoliberal Washington apologists have after his big speech in Kansas. That's because a portion of the speech reads as if he were channeling the pundits' nemesis, the political psychologist and consultant Drew Westen. Last August 7 ...
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- In Israel, the life of a Palestinian is cheap ...The IDF Spokesman's Office said in response that "the army is looking into the incident." But one needs to wonder about the use of the term "looking into." A report published last week ...
- Funeral of Mustafa Tamimi, killed while protes ...
- Eyewitness describes Mustafa Tamimi's last mom ...Mustafa pushed me down, and one canister that was aimed for me flew over my head. The second one hit Mustafa, but I didn't know it hit him at first because I thought 'for sure they wont ...
- Israeli soldiers clash with mourners at funera ...Of the six arrested in the clashes, four were Israelis and two were foreign activists. Several people were injured, including the prominent Israeli activist Jonathan Pollack, who fainte ...
- Thousands mourn protester killed at Nabi Saleh ...Thousands of Palestinians gathered in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh on Sunday to mourn a man who died after being hit in the head by an Israeli tear gas canister. Mustafa Tamimi's ...
Water - AlterNet
- Feds Link Water Contamination to Fracking for ...The agency's findings could be a turning point in the heated national debate about fracking.
- The Shocking Republican Attack on the Environm ...Ensuring that Americans have clean water has been an effort with strong bipartisan support for four decades. But not anymore.
- Welcome to Peak Water: Scientists Say Time Is ...A Peruvian watershed has likely passed 'peak water,' dropping river flows 30 percent. New lakes are draining the Himalaya, and say good-bye to Rocky Mountains' glaciers.
- New York Should Become the First State to Ban ..."We believe that the pillars of the 21st century are clean water and air, alternative energy, and economic justice," Gomer said upon receiving the Advocacy Award from Common Cause.
- The Greatest Water Crisis in the History of Ci ...Think of the coming Age of Thirst in the American Southwest and West as a three-act tragedy of Shakespearean dimensions.
Public Citizen in Texas
- US environmental authorities have declared for ...A draft finding by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) could have a chilling effect on states trying to determine how to regulate the process. Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, involves pumping pressurised water, sand and chemicals underground to open fissures and improve the flow of ...
- Radioactive waste dump seeking amendment to it ...Waste Control Specialists LLC (WCS) is seeking several amendments to its Radioactive Material License # R04100 from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Five of the amendments request design changes to the Compact Waste Disposal Facility (CWF) and the Federal Waste Facility (FW ...
- 2011 – A year of billion dollar weather disastersAs 2011 winds to a close, the Weather Channel reports that it has been a volatile year of weather across the United States and the tally of weather-related disasters exceeding a billion dollars set a record for the most billion-dollar weather disasters in a single year earlier this year and now ...
- Rerouting Keystone XL: From Poisoned Aquifers ...This is a guest blog by departing Public Citizen intern Chantelle B. In recent months, Nebraska’s government has taken a strong stand against the Keystone XL Pipeline’s route, which currently passes through the ecologically fragile Sandhills region and North America’s largest aquifer – the ...
- Fishing: A great pasttime, but you may not wan ...One of the great things about living in Texas is our winters are mild enough that many outdoor activities are year round activities, including fishing. BUT . . ., before you eat that fish, be sure to check out the mercury advisories for the state’s waterways on the Texas Department of Hea ...
Unexplained Mysteries
- German court orders release of UFO reportA man in Germany has won a court case acknowledging his right to view a government UFO report. The Bundestag has appealed the verdict, meaning that th...
- Excitement mounts over LHC announcementScientists are expected to reveal key findings in the hunt for the highly coveted Higgs boson particle. The findings are set to be revealed on Tuesday...
- 80-year-old woman charged for feeding ducksClaire Butcher faces a possible jail sentence for bringing food to her local park to feed the animals. Officials had previously warned the 80-year-old...
- World's oldest wine is 1,650 years oldThe ancient bottle was discovered in 1867 and has been kept at the Pfalz Historical Musuem. Historians are swithering whether or not to open the bottl...
- Voyager 1 reaches edge of solar systemAfter three decades Voyager 1 is still going strong at the very fringes of our solar system. Since its launch in 1977, Voyager 1 has travelled to a di...
- Report from Durban: UN negotiators ignore Peop ...gri_partners_in_durban.jpg As UN negotiators sat in their air conditioned rooms during the last official day of the United Nations climate negotiations, I had a chance to visit a community in Pateque, Mozambique. I spoke with members of the ...
- Evaluating Social ChangePrevious Publication Info Previous publication: Funder News: International Human Rights Funders Group Outside Link: In Focus: Evaluating Social Change ...
- Breaking Barriers to Human Rights: Occupy Wall ...right_to_freedom_bir_nabella-small.jpg read more
- On Human Rights Day, POHDH, Celebrates 20 year ...2784574649_7f4f1da5db_m.jpg On December 10, 2011, the Platform of Haitian Human Rights Organizations (POHDH) will celebrate 20 years of human rights promotion and defense in Haiti. A partner of Grassroots International, POHDH is a non-parti ...
- Janaina Stronzake, Youth Activist: Growing up ...Janaina Stronzake is a youth leader within Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement (MST) – the largest peasant movement in Latin America with over 1.5 million members.read more
- Energy Department Threatened by Cyber Attacks, ...Source: The Hill The Energy Department is "routinely threatened with sophisticated cyber attacks" and has not taken the necessary steps to protect itself, according to a report made public Monday.
- NASA to Launch New Earth-Observing SatelliteSource: AP After a five-year delay, an Earth-observing satellite will be launched to test new technologies aimed at improving weather forecasts and monitoring climate change.
- Global Warming: 'Melting Glaciers Can Cause Ma ...Source: The Express Tribune Experts in Pakistan believe that the fast melting of glaciers combined with the heavy monsoon rains caused last year's massive floods that affected around 20 million people and destroyed 1.6 mil ...
- Russian Heat Wave Statistically Linked to Clim ...Source: Wired News A new method of crunching climate data could make it possible to put a figure on climate change's contribution to freak weather events, something tha's been difficult to do with empirical precision.
- 'Disasters' Strain FEMA's ResourcesSource: USA Today The federal government is turning hundreds of relatively low-cost storms into federal disasters — draining billions of dollars in scarce FEMA aid and tying up millions more for years.
- Why Are There Brominated Flame Retardants in S ...A chemical that has been used in some soda products for decades -- and which is perfectly legal under FDA regulations -- has been known to cause skin lesions, memory loss and nerve disorders, according to a new exposé.
- Are There Public Composting Toilets in San Fra ...A local activist has proposed that the city test several composting toilet models outdoors and in public buildings to determine if it is feasible to deploy the units citywide.
- 5 Lessons from AirDye on Building a Strong Gre ...Efforts by the firm AirDye to sharply reduce the water used by the textile industry in coloring fabrics offer marketing lessons to any company than wants to build a green brand.
- Is Water High Enough on the Agenda in Durban?With Africa likely to face the first and most severe impacts from climate-related water shortages, it's fitting to raise the issue at COP17. But research shows neither businesses nor governments are taking the crisis seriously enough.
- Avon's CSR Report Gives Its Paper, Water & Ene ...The cosmetics giant's third sustainability report shows how it is trying to drive up its energy efficiency, improve resource optimization, and chop down its waste.
Duly Noted
- Winning the battle, losing the war; the US and ...After the NATO airstrikes, the political discourse within Pakistan is narrowing as religious nationalism gains ground
- Capturing the Punjabi imagination: drones and ...A short work of fiction about drones may tell us more about the way these are imagined than how they are experienced in Pakistan's tribal areas.
- India-Afghan strategic pact:the beginnings of ...A strategic pact between India and Afghanistan has drawn muted response from Pakistan. If anything Islamabad has pressed on with peace moves with India.
- Europe can’t put out the blazeAs Italy surpasses Greece as the biggest threat to the euro zone, European finance ministers meeting in Brussels struggle to put out the spreading flames.
- Democracy and Chaos are both GreekIt's not exactly ???? (chaos) out there, but Greek Prime Ministers Papandreou's experiment in ?????????? (democracy) has sent the whole euro zone project into a new, risky phase.
Booman Tribune
- It Sucks to be the Speaker Brian Beutler is too polite. He accurately describes Speaker Boehner's harebrained idea for passing an extension of the payroll tax holiday and unemployment benefits, but he treats it too seriously. The bottom line is that Boehner doesn't have the votes in his own caucus to pass the extensions ...
- Romney Using KKK Slogan?Steve Benen flags this from Mitt Romney's stump speech (emphasis added): "There are people in this room who are informed and who care about this election, who recognize that this is a defining time for America," he said. "We have on one side a president who wants to transform America into a E ...
- Betraying the Sith LordThings are getting a little weird with conservative radio shock-jock Michael Savage offering Newt Gingrich a million bucks to drop out of the race and Glenn Beck saying that Gingrich is a progressive and the tea partiers are racist for opposing Obama's reelection. Meanwhile, the actual tea par ...
- Most Incumbents Win or Lose Big When sitting presidents get reelected, they frequently get elected resoundingly. In the post-war era, six sitting presidents have been reelected. Four of them won in landslides. In 1956, Eisenhower improved on his 1952 totals (55%) by racking up 57% of the vote. In 1964, Lyndon Johnson earne ...
- His Big Mouth Could Get People Killed Let's just assume for a moment that Newt Gingrich is going to be the Republicans' nominee for president. Is it a good thing that, when it comes to the Palestinians, he is "at odds with the opinion of all but the most extreme elements of Israeli society." He's so extreme in his hatred of the Pa ...
Environmental Graffiti
- 15 Rare Old Photographs of Far Eastern Opium A ...Smoking opium was a craze in the 19th century that spread from China via South East Asia to the Western world... This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- 10 Hottest Links of the Week A crab that cultivates and consumes its own bacteria and nine other awesome (and slightly less icky!) links... read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- 10 Coolest Links of the WeekAn American islands that's off-limits to outsiders? What could be cooler than that? Competitive snowball fighting? Okay, maybe... This and more... read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- 7 Creepiest Abandoned Zoos on Earth Explore seven abandoned zoos around the world that are more than a little eerie... This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- The Murderous Secrets Massachusetts's Abandone ...Metropolitan State Hospital in Massachusetts was the site of a grisly murder in 1980. Pieces of the victim have never been found. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
Foreign Policy in Focus
- MEK May Be a Terrorist Organization, But It Do ...The MEK has been stranded in Iraq by the United States.
- Ratcheting up the Rhetoric on IranThe Democratic Party has tried to out-hawk Republicans since the early days of the Cold War.
- IT Systems Are Just as Important to Flow of Oi ...The oil industry becomes more susceptible to sabotage every day.
- Democratic Speed Bumps in Latin AmericaAttitudes toward democracy are on the decline in Latin America, and U.S. foreign policy isn't helping.
- Does Israel Believe Downed Drone in Iran Conta ...In the U.S. refusal to track down the downed drone in Iran, Iran finds yet another cassus belli.
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there will b ...
- President European Commission Advocated World ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International A ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Curre ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in th ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare pr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’ ...
Al Jazeera
- Former dissident becomes Tunisian presidentMoncef Marzouki was Ben Ali's bete noire throughout his political career and was forced to live in exile in France.
- US asks Iran to return downed drone"We have asked for it back. We'll see how the Iranians respond," says Obama during a news conference with Iraqi PM.
- Obama affirms post pullout commitment to IraqUS president declares war's end and warns neighbours against interfering in Iraq after troops depart.
- Israel approves houses in illegal settlementForty new units to be built in an illegal settlement as EU and US voice disappointment.
- 'Several killed' in Libya fightingReports say rival groups in south-west of the capital Tripoli exchange gunfire, leaving four people dead.
Green Inc. - NYT
- Rethinking the 'Timeless' Colorado PlateauThe looming forces of what is expected to be a drier and even more arid future have combined to create a place in motion, with more dust up and swirling.
- On Our Radar: An Environmental Watch ListRepublican attempts to weaken the Environmental Protection Agency top a list compiled by faculty members and law students at Vermont Law School .
- Fighting Poor Recycling in Other CountriesWe need to ask more about how our castoffs are processed, especially lead batteries that are sent out of the country.
- A Different Kind of Container StoreStarbucks experiments with a portable store made of abandoned steel shipping crates.
- On Our Radar: A European Warning to Big EmittersA proposal supported by the European Union at climate talks would give participating countries five months to convert pledges made last year into a legally binding target to be formally adopted in 2012.
Dot Earth News
- Young Voices Reverberate at Indeterminate Clim ...Young people press delegates as the latest round of climate talks grinds to an end.
- Naomi Klein's Inconvenient Climate ConclusionsA critic of capitalism argues that climate progress can only come through a global economic reboot.
- Gingrich on Climate – The 2007 VersionNewt Gingrich's 2007 "prudence" principle on carbon and climate.
- In Nepal, Farmers Struggle as City Dwellers Fi ...A look behind Nepali fears over Monsanto seed.
- More on the 'Sensitive' Climate QuestionCan studies of Earth's cold times help clarify what lies ahead as greenhouse gases build?
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- Thank you for supporting Minneapolis productio ...It has been a wild month in NYC. Our work in New York City to help bring you live footage from the Occupy movement, as well as help get other occupation livestream teams set up and rolling, would not have been possible but for generous small contributions from some folks that stepped up basicall ...
- Support Global Revolution.tv and the Minneapol ...Heyo... so unexpectedly I've dedicated the vast majority of my time in the last 22 days to the Occupy Wall Street phenom and specifically editing the video stream for Global Revolution TV. For about a year until August, I worked at an Internet startup which abruptly laid me off, owing a bunch of ...
- #occupywallstreet makes total lolOur comradez in NYC are running live feeds and I am helping coordinate affairs. We are kickin on irc.indymedia.org #occupywallstreet and also you can hit that on http://chat.indymedia.org via webs. Here is the live video embed... you can use the Contact form above if you want to hit me up. It i ...
- 9-11 FBI Foreknowledge Nibbles with Ali Soufan ...Ah so it's been a decade eh comrades? The skrewing over of emergency personnel has gone almost unnoticed. FDNY member on 9/11 Truth “I support you guys” | We Are Change -- some new stuff has been trickling out -- pretty solid stuff, at that. The glorious official narrative got its booster shot, ...
- Review: "Contagion": Minneapolis faces instant ...SPOILER ALERTS! -- Plagued man (lower left) staggers off bus at Lake & Lyndale; Paltrow croaks at Fairview University Medical Center; MDH painted as buffoons; Matt Damon defends saddest Minnesota XMas ever w/ shotgun & sweaters! Snagged advance tickets to Steven Soderbergh's A-List dis ...
Daily Censored
- Misrepresenting Finland: Seeing What We Want t ...With the publication of Pasi Sahlberg’s Finnish Lessons, the education reform debate in the U.S. is moving into a second round of Finnish envy—the first being the corporate reformers’ distorted claims about international comparisons and the new being calls to examine the full and com ...
- NYT: Dept. of Defense Less Strict than Dept. o ...“Military Children Stay One Step Ahead of Public School Students,” according to a recent report in the New York Times, based on a 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress study, which found that students growing up on military bases outperformed their civilian counterparts in fourth thro ...
- They eat kids, don’t they? Destroying th ...This is from Larry Miller’s blog out of Wisconsin. Not only are Walker’s policies destroying the teacher’s union and the desire on behalf of teachers to teach, but with all this he is destroying the lives of both the children ‘born’ (of which he has nothing but contempt) and the ‘unborn’ (whom ...
- Judge says blogger is not a journalist: action ...Jeff Barnard of the Associated Press published in the Boston Globe today, December 8th, the following which should be of concern to all of us who do alternative media and especially those of us who do investigative journalistic work. Deep pockets can bankrupt an average person looking to ...
- Helen Thomas Denounces DC Greed, Fear, War-MongersPioneering White House correspondent Helen Thomas told a National Press Club audience this week that the country is endangered by what she called government leaders' greed, fear, and subservience to war-mongers.
AlterNet's Breaking News
- Once called Blackwater, firm changes name again
- "Don't Kill Africa": Climate Activis ...
- Obama challenges rivals on US income inequality
- Romney gambles on Freddie Mac attack
- Get Ready for Battle: Supreme Court Will Take ...
Institute for Policy Studies
- Open Letter to World Bank Officials on Pacific ...Pacific Rim is suing El Salvador for up to hundreds of millions of dollars under the U.S.-Central America Free Trade Agreement for not approving a mining license. Since Canada isn't part of this agreement, Pacific Rim opened a subsidiary in Reno, Nevada.
- The Lineup: Week of Dec. 12-17, 2011This holiday season, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to OtherWords.
- The 10 Greediest Americans of 2011Whether they manage football pageants or Ford Motor Co., these guys remind us how much needs to change, economically and politically, in 2012 and beyond.
- Durban Diary: Climate Reality CheckWhat we need in Durban is a commitment to complete the mandate that already exists. Countries must deliver a renewed Kyoto Protocol, and effective Green Climate Fund, and substantial money to fill it.
- Durban Diary: The Waiting GameAs the doors on government meetings swing shut, Janet ponders whether our future will be one of ecological stability or planetary chaos.
- News you may have missed #647Albanian ex-spy chief on the run in Britain. Secret CIA black site discovered in Romania. CIA leaves drone base in Pakistan.
- Newspaper reveals name of Russian ‘spy’ expell ...In December of 2010, the British government quietly ordered the expulsion of a diplomat from the Russian embassy in London, whom it accused of “activities incompatible with his diplomatic status” —technical terminology implying espionage. Moscow quickly responded with an expulsion of a British d ...
- News you may have missed #646American citizen admits he took Pakistan spy money. Russian site snubs FSB request to block opposition networking. Reorganizing Colombia's disgraced spy agency.
- Iran shows video footage of captured CIA surve ...Iranian state television has aired pre-recorded footage of a surveillance drone that looks similar to the stealth RQ-170 Sentinel, which the US Central Intelligence Agency admitted it was missing earlier this week. One Iranian news outlet quoted anonymous military sources in Tehran, which said t ...
- News you may have missed #645Polish authorities arrest retired spy. Are China's hotel rooms bugged? Ex-spy chief says Saudi Arabia may join nuke arms race.
War is a Crime.org
- Flotilla to Cuba Gets US Protection, Flotilla ...U.S. Protects Free Speech for U.S. Citizens on Flotilla to challenge human rights violations in Cuba, but wants to prosecute those on Gaza Flotilla to challenge Israeli human rights violations By Ann Wright I guess considering the U.S. policy toward Cuba over the past 50 years, it should come as ...
- US vacates Pakistan base amid drone debate Departure comes after ultimatum from Islamabad prompted by the death of 24 of its soldiers in NATO air raid. Al Jazeera: The US has vacated the Shamsi air base in Pakistan's Balochistan province after a 15-day ultimatum given by Islamabad, prompted by the deat ...
- Wrecking Europe to Fix ItWrecking Europe to Fix It - by Stephen Lendman From inception, Eurozone monetary union was an idea doomed to fail. Nonetheless, it was engineered fraudulently to look workable. In 1979, Europe's Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) was introduced as part of the European Moneta ...
- Treating Palestinians LawlesslyTreating Palestinians Lawlessly - by Stephen Lendman December 11 marks the 63rd anniversary of UN Resolution 194, mandating that: read more
- National :Defense Authorization Act: Indefinit ...Yesterday the Senate passed a bill, the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2012 (S. 1867) that makes a suitable matching pair for the prior day’s forcible police action evicting the last remaining large occupation, Occupy LA, and that of the Occupy encampment in Philadelphia. This bill re ...
Grist - News
- Totally plausible water solution: Collect ice ...by Jess Zimmerman. Look, it's very simple. All you need to solve the water shortage is a giant metal leaf that you put in the desert and it uses solar power to grow ice. Then you drink the ice. How is this difficult? Okay, this is not completely for real. The leaf's creators d ...
- Amazing green building looks like it’s m ...by Jess Zimmerman. The new design for the Taiwan Tower (which will be built in, where else, Taiwan) is based on the banyan tree, but it looks more like a super-complex cat's cradle. The openwork building, designed by Japanese firm Sou Fujimoto Architects, will house a "semi-out ...
- Your mom was right: Don’t eat raw cookie ...by Jess Zimmerman. I know, I know, it's so good. But a study of a 2009 E. coli outbreak, led by CDC researchers and state health officials, has traced the contamination back to prepackaged raw cookie dough. Turns out ready-to-bake is not the same as ready-to-not-bake-and-get-right-t ...
- The most bare-chested grocery-bag video you ...by Jess Zimmerman. This is maybe not the most complex Tim Minchin song I've ever heard, but you have to admit it imbues canvas grocery bags with some much-needed rock star cachet. At least by the time the giant fan comes out. (Hat tip to Umbra reader Jake!)
- Brits make disused landfill into wildlife sanc ...by Sarah Laskow. There are a few options of what to do with an old landfill: cover it over and leave it alone; turn it into a field for solar panels; convince people to play soccer on top of it. One town in England is going a step further and returning a decommissioned landfill to nature. ...
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- The Duggar's to Bury First BabyThey look to God for help in their lives to survive this tragedy.
- Big Data and Next Generation AnalyticsBig data and next generation analytics for the construction industry
- Apple iPad 3 Launch Spring 2012, Tablet Race H ...The Apple iPad 3 launch gets more interesting after sources say launch will be spring 2012
- ASUS Transformer Prime Delay Just a Rumor Says ...ASUS Transformer Prime delay has been commented on by an ASUS spokesperson
- Tim Tebow's Light Shines Before Men and the NFLFacing persecution for his football and his faith in Jesus Christ, he continues to be the winning quarterback.
Time - Top Stories
- Transgender People: The Next Frontier in Civil ...Being fired for "gender non-conformity" is a violation of the constitution, an important court recently found
- Surprising Twist in News of the World Hacking ...*
- Evangelicals for Mitt: 'Grassroots' Group Has ...Indeed, what is perhaps most interesting about Evangelicals for Mitt is how apparent its links to Romney Central are.
- Fracking and Earthquakes: How Bad Could It Get?Environmentalists are already worried about the risk of water contamination and air pollution from fracking and shale gas drilling -- do we need to fear quakes as well?
- Nationwide 4G Plan Derailed By Mass GPS Interf ...The idea of a nationwide, open-access wireless 4G broadband network may be a great thing in theory, but in practice, it turns out that there may be one rather big problem with it
Digg Green
- Razor-Toothed Meat-Eater Was Mammal AncestorWith its saw-like teeth and sleek body, this voracious predator was equipped to rip flesh from prey.
- Chemically Scrubbing CO2 From the Air Too Expe ...While it is possible to chemically scrub carbon dioxide from Earth's atmosphere in order to lessen the severity of global warming, the process is prohibitively expensive for now. Best to focus on controls for coal-burning power plants, say researchers.
- Space worms: The key to human survival on Mars?A normally Earthbound wriggler could become the interstellar version of a canary in a coal mine
- APOD: 2011 December 12 ? An Unusual Vein of De ...A different astronomy and space science related image is featured each day, along with a brief explanation.
- xkcd: Cryogenics
Invisible Opportunity
- Mystery Babylon and the Coming Darknessby Les Visible It’s a ball of confusion these days. Despite the manufactured chaos of the near wholly owned, Zionista press, there’s what we see at the blogs here that are the real indicators to me. People want different things, including complicated reassurances. Some people want fi ...
- The Enemy of Humanity is going to their GraveBy Les Visble This is The Apocalypse. This is the time of revelation and summing up. However true the truth about the darkness may be, we have more to fear from ourselves that we do from Sauronstein, which might translate into the rock of shapeless evil. We are the enemy of our own freedom and [...]
- The Enemy of Humanity is going to their GraveBy Les Visble This is The Apocalypse. This is the time of revelation and summing up. However true the truth about the darkness may be, we have more to fear from ourselves that we do from Sauronstein, which might translate into the rock of shapeless evil. We are the enemy of our own freedom and [...]
- Eight Warning Signs Of Junk ScienceBy Armed and Dangerous I’ve written before about scientific error cascades and the pernicious things that happen when junk science becomes the focus or rationale of a political crusade. The worst example of this sort of thing in my lifetime, and arguably in the entire history of science, has bee ...
- Eight Warning Signs Of Junk ScienceBy Armed and Dangerous I’ve written before about scientific error cascades and the pernicious things that happen when junk science becomes the focus or rationale of a political crusade. The worst example of this sort of thing in my lifetime, and arguably in the entire history of science, has bee ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware.George Green will be a featured speaker.September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CAClick here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to pu ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging C ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-op ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to fo ...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- When the Cop Is the Criminal: Preying on Drug ...Patrick J. Sullivan's experience as a cop is making him an exception when it should make him an example. The former "Sheriff of the Year" has a very shady past.
- Police Commissioner's Order Was Not Enough: NY ...While arrests have dropped ever so slightly since Police Commissioner Kelly issued his order, the NYPD is still using stop-and-frisk to make thousands of unwarranted pot arrests.
- Selling the Drug War for $3 Billion? How the P ...In part of a move to transfer tactics from the "war on terror" to the "war on drugs", the Pentagon is paying private security firms millions to fight the drug war internationally.
- Seven Diseases Big Pharma Hopes You Get in 2012Supply-driven marketing not only turns the nation into pill-popping hypochondriacs, it distracts from Pharma's drought of real drugs for real medical problems.
- Why Are Cops Losing Their Jobs for Questioning ...Police and Border Patrol officers around the country are being punished for criticizing the devastating war on drugs and supporting drug decriminalization.
Twilight Earth
- Cartoon caption contestTake a look at the cartoon below and enter your caption idea in the comment section (more ifo on prize, etc. below the cartoon). Eligible captions will be those posted on my site, Elephant Journal, Wend Magazine, PlanetSave, Eco-Snobbery Sucks, Ecolutionist, Ecopolitology, and Twilight Earth. Wi ...
- Exposed: Why the GOP wants to eliminate Clean ...Whether we can believe this see-through-elephant-trunk footage or not, the possibility that elephants have a triple fitration system within their trunks has to have some credence. Otherwise, why on earth would leading Republicans try to make it easier for big polluters to further pollute the air ...
- Apples may lose trees [cartoon]The rest of Joe Mohr’s cartoons, and cartoon updates and other green news on Twitter @GreenCartoons. Related posts:The Aging Activist Monsanto Gets Beat–May Lose Beets (cartoon) Eco-Snobbery Sucks: The Cartoon Related posts:The Aging Activist Monsanto Gets Beat–May Lose Beets (cartoo ...
- Mixed message from USDA chief Vilsack [cartoon]US Ag Secretary, Tom Vilsack tells us to eat more natural foods a few days after fully deregulating GMO alfalfa…I’m confused. Confused as well? Read the links below and try to figure out this mess. From The New York Times: Government’s Dietary Advice: Eat Less From Elephant Journal: ...
- BREAKING: Deleted Monsanto cartoon panel, leaked!Unlike the former Monsanto cartoon on this subject, this version shows a bit more clearly who surrendered the future of organic agriculture to Monsanto. There’s been a lot of talk from both sides (organic and biotech) about compromise. That is misleading and almost laughable (read: cryable ...
- World’s Smallest Working Heat Engine is the Si ...German physicists have just announced the creation of the world’s smallest heat engine! Research teams from the University of Stuttgart and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems have joined forces to build a super tiny laser powered engine that is only a few micrometers wide  ...
- Art Strong Reusable Bags Protect Your Artwork ...Right on the heels of this month’s Art Basel Miami, Art Strong bags are making their debut, offering a reusable solution for transporting artwork. Packaging artwork can be expensive and wasteful, with layers of bubble wrap and plastic being discarded once the painting has been transported to its ...
- Reverse Sunglasses Outfitted with LED Lights C ...With winter slowly closing in, grey skies are on the horizon – and we should all watch out for signs of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Now three guys from Denmark think they’ve got the solution for SADness – they’ve invented a pair of reverse sunglasses that promise t ...
- The Cloud: MVRDV’s Twin Towers Look Eerily Sim ...Read the rest of The Cloud: MVRDV’s Twin Towers Look Eerily Similar to The World Trade Center Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: "sustainable architecture", eco design, eco skyscraper, eco tower, green architecture, Green Building, green design, green roof, korea, l ...
- Montreal’s 780 Brewster is a Mixed-Use LEED Si ...Read the rest of Montreal’s 780 Brewster is a Mixed-Use LEED Silver Complex Renovated From an Industrial Factory Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: 780 brewster, adaptive reuse, canada, eco design, factory renovation, green architecture, Green Building, green design ...
Pogue's Posts
- Jawbone Recovers Goodwill After TumbleJawbone is offering all buyers of its Up fitness device a refund. If there were ever a way to go about recovering goodwill and standing by your customers, this is it.
- Nook's Advertising Is CorrectedBarnes & Noble has eliminated all references to "HD" video and the new Nook on its Web site. But there's not a shred of doubt: The Nook Tablet's Netflix video looks a lot better than Amazon Fire's.
- Nook's Specs Are Exaggerated, AgainBarnes & Noble says that the new Nook Color Tablet plays high-definition video. It is stretching the truth.
- Apple's AssistiveTouch Helps the Disabled Use ...Somebody at Apple took the challenges of the disabled seriously enough to write a complete, elegant and thoughtful feature that takes down most of the physical barriers to using an app phone.
- Amazon Lights the Fire With Free BooksAmazon is giving away books, including New York Times bestsellers, for the Kindle if you're an Amazon Prime member. It is a delightful surprise to people who signed up for Prime.
WIRED Magazine | Science
- Isaac Newton’s Personal Notebooks Go DigitalThe largest collection of Isaac Newton's papers has gone digital, committing to open-access posterity the works of history's greatest scientist.
- Why Political Leaders, Neo- and Xenophobians S ...We all know the stories when watching the news. The climate summit this is year in Duban is stalemate as usual, the financial crisis sparked by greed and egocentric minds is still going strong and countries fight for religion, oil and general mistrust creating physiological or real borders of co ...
- Watch Now: Live Total Lunar Eclipse WebcastStarting at 5:00 am PST, viewers can check out the above webcast to view the last total lunar eclipse until 2014.
- How to Spot a Moon Around an ExoplanetAs researchers get ever closer to finding an Earth-like exoplanet, some scientists are starting to think about how to spot smaller things, like exomoons.
- Watch a Live Feed of Saturday’s Lunar EclipseThe moon will be turning a vivid red color to viewers in western North America during a total lunar eclipse on Saturday, Dec. 10.
- Lindsey Williams: U.S./NATO To Incite War With ...Alex talks with Lindsey Williams, who as an ordained Baptist minister went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary working for the oil giants. His insider sources in the industry have predicted a number of critical events with startling accuracy. Mr. Williams and Alex will talk about oil and the emerg ...
- America’s Covert War Against Iran. Do ‘All Opt ...Legendary investigative journalist I.F. Stone famously observed: "All governments lie, but disaster lies in wait for countries whose officials smoke the same hashish they give out." Amongst Washington elites and the courtier press, it appears that more than a pipe or two has been passed aroun ...
- The Great War Tour : America’s “Repositioning” ...At the Pentagon, it is call it "repositioning" of military forces. In fact, this is the great war tour, whose choice spots are in Asia and Africa. There are U.S. troops departing from Iraq. Immanuel Wallerstein qualifies this departure as a "defeat comparable to that suffered in Vietnam," becaus ...
- Building a Pretext to Wage War on Syria: NATO’ ...On December 2, the Geneva-based UN Watch welcomedthat day’s “strong condemnation” of Syria by a UN Human Rights Council emergency session, and its establishment of a special rapporteur to monitor the situation therefollowing what it called“a global campaign to create the post by a coalition of p ...
- Japan is DyingAsia has long been a site for intense social engineering experiments conducted by the Illuminati. The ultimate goal of these experiments has been twofold: first, to observe how far a society can be pushed into inhuman and counter-reproductive behaviors; second, to enhance applied techniques ...
Andy Worthington
- Lawyer Laments the Death of Habeas Corpus for ...Two weeks ago, I wrote an article entitled, “As Judges Kill Off Habeas Corpus for the Guantánamo Prisoners, Will the Supreme Court Act?” in which I covered the latest grim news from the US courts regarding the Guantánamo prisoners’ habeas corpus petitions (see “Guantánamo ...
- Terrorists as Warriors: The Fatal Confusion at ...Last week, when the Senate voted, by 93 votes to 7, to pass the latest National Defense Authorization Act (PDF), they passed legislation that not only approved a budget of $662 billion in military spending for the next fiscal year, but also demanded mandatory military custody for all terror susp ...
- Write to the Forgotten Prisoners in Guantánamo ...A year and a half ago, two Facebook friends, Shahrina J. Ahmed and Mahfuja Bint Ammu, drew on my research about Guantánamo for a letter-writing campaign, in which they asked their friends and others on Facebook to volunteer to write to each of the remaining prisoners in Guantánamo. Shahrina anno ...
- Quarterly Fundraiser: End of Week Appeal for $ ...Please support my work! Thanks to the generosity of 20 friends and supporters over the last four days, I have raised $1000 of the $2500 I was hoping to raise to support my research and writing on Guantánamo — and all of the other topics that make up my palette of interests — over the ...
- London Vigil for Shaker Aamer, the Last Britis ...This Saturday, December 10, which is UN Human Rights Day, I’ll be attending a vigil for Shaker Aamer, the last British resident in Guantánamo, outside Downing Street. The event, arranged by the Save Shaker Aamer Campaign, runs from 12 noon to 3 pm, and at 1 pm speakers — myself inclu ...
Environment _ National Geographic
- Bible Accounts Supported by Dead Sea Disaster ...New evidence suggests the salty lake once dried out completely—and might support a range of biblical disaster accounts.
- Mongolia Bids to Keep City Cool With "Ice Shie ...Mongolia hopes to beat global warming by boosting river ice to lower temperatures—but some experts are skeptical.
- Beam It Down: A Drive to Launch Space-Based Solar The first demonstration of long-awaited space-based solar power technology could come in the next decade, experts say. Likely early use: Disaster relief energy.
- 2011 Among Hottest Years, Marked by Extreme We ...This year also marked by extremes—including floods, droughts, and the hottest year on record for Texas—a new report says.
- Chilean Wind Farm Faces Turbulence Over WhalesA wind farm project on the Chilean island of Chiloé raises concerns over risk to the endangered great blue whale.
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- Don't Turn Your Back on the Bankers for Even a ...The ink on the legislation is still drying and, already, the mortgage mill industry is trying to gut the little things that might help to hold them accountable for their bit part in the complete economic collapse of this nation: Dodd-Frank requires that lenders retain five percent of every loan ...
- Sarah Palin: Mayor of New Milford?Is this a parody or real life? You decide. Citizens of New Milford: I want you to know that I'm on the job 24/7. Twenty four hours a week, seven months a year. But even with this strict time commitment, I can't be expected to keep up with everything going on in this vast metropolis. That's why ...
- Much like the "conservative" GOP...The conservative Blue Dogs acted as Bush's domestic poodles, helping to move a dangerous right wing agenda. They were owned by the right wing and corporations and there is no big surprise why more than half of the Blue Dog caucus (28 of 54 members) were slaughtered in the 2010 elections. So f ...
- Stop Drinking and Start Doing, Dem Dumb DumbsSober up, Dems. You started sucking suds when you captured the Congress in 2006. Since 2008 you've been binge drinking with Congress and the Prez. You even nibbled on some hot wings and pub nuts. Burp! And now the bartender just cut your drunk, lazy, liberal, progressive, leftie ass off. Y ...
- The People Have Spoken. And Their Message Is ...So. What the heck happened last night? The GOP picked up 60 seats in the House, effectively reversing their losses there from 2006 and 2008, and returning control of that body to them. The GOP picked up some 6 seats in the Senate, but the Democratic Party retains control there. The GOP picked u ...
SPL Center
- ‘Patriot’ Paranoia in OverdriveThe federal government is spying on Americans stockpiling food and asking U.S. soldiers if they will detain American citizens when the time comes. In job advertisements, the government is seeking jackbooted New World Order thugs to staff secret domestic prison camps. An examination of archival ...
- Skin Who Punched Victim Before Reading Pleads ...Round 2 for the racist skinhead who didn’t read the fine print before assaulting a black man went like this: A no-contest guilty plea to a felony charge of malicious harassment. In Round 1, as you may recall, Daren Christopher Abbey was laid out flat last summer, complete with a black eye, outsi ...
- The Down-Low President?Over the last few months, the question has been coming up again and again in the comments sections of right-wing websites: Why is the mainstream media putting Herman Cain’s and other Republicans’ sex lives under a microscope while the president gets a free pass on his gay escapades? It’s true th ...
- Imprisoned Cult Leader Warren Jeffs Predicts E ...Now that he has a whole lot of time on his hands, self-described prophet Warren Jeffs is claiming to be the “mouthpiece” of an angry God. And judging from the sound of things, there’s going to hell to pay for daring to lock up the racist cult leader for raping a 12-year-old “celestial” child bri ...
- Anti-Abortion Extremist Now Attacking Gay-Frie ...The Rev. Donald Spitz has a message for gay-friendly churches, and the murder-endorsing anti-abortion crusader is not mincing words. In E-mails sent in recent days to an unknown number of churches listed on GayChurch.org, he wrote: “To accept sexual deviancy as normal is a sin. You put your soul ...
change: org.
- If Up to New Mexico’s Governor, Undocume ...A haunting but ultimately uplifting story out of New Mexico has been making the rounds in newspapers and TV reports across the country. A 6-year-old girl in Albuquerque was abducted as she walked home on a suburban street. The kidnapper pulled her into his van, parked near a rock hiding packing ...
- Victory! NJ Gov. Signs Bill So Survivors Won't ...In late June, a vital bill to support rape survivors landed on New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's desk. The bill, which had strong bipartisan support in both legislative houses, was to bar rape survivors from being charged for their own rape kits -- collections of forensic evidence after a sex ...
- Teen Leads Safe Crosswalk Campaign in Wake of ...The shock and grief over a young person's tragic death can be paralyzing. Not for Kimiko Nishitsuji. Her friend's sudden death last month after being hit by a car at an intersection long known to be dangerous for pedestrians instead spurred her to action and mobilized a community. Kimiko created ...
- Major Progress: Administration to Grant Deport ...Wow. Just weeks ago, UCLA graduate and award-winning Dreamer David Cho posted a petition on Change.org commemorating the ten-year anniversary of the federal DREAM Act and asking President Obama and the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to do everything in their power to stop deporting tal ...
- Robert Segwanyi Spared Deadly Deportation to U ...Robert Segwanyi was scheduled for deportation on August 18, from the United Kingdom's Heathrow airport. The UK was sending Robert back to Uganda, where he was tortured with molten plastic and imprisoned for being gay. Robert was spared from deportation at the very last minute according to ...
Common Dreams -News
- Newburgh Four: Poor, Black, and Jailed Under F ...Imam Salahuddin Muhammad could hardly miss Shahed Hussain when he first appeared three years ago at his mosque in the dilapidated town of Newburgh, just 60 miles up the Hudson River from New York. Hussain was flash, drove expensive cars and treated people to gifts of cash and food. He also had r ...
- Blackwater 3.0: Rebranded ‘Academi’ Wants Back ...So much for naming your mercenary company after an obscure element from the periodic table. read more
- High Court Will Look at State Immigration LawsWASHINGTON – The Supreme Court announced Monday that it will take up a dispute over an Arizona law that requires police to check the status of people stopped or arrested if officers suspect they are here illegally. An undocumented immigrant prepares to board a deportation flight to Guatema ...
- Local Bookstores Ask Customers To Boycott Amaz ...Should people boycott Amazon? Increasing numbers of retailers and publishers have been daring to ask the question, in the face of aggressive tactics by the book industry leader. read more
- Protests Boost Sales and Fears of Sonic BlasterQUANTICO, Va.—Police deployment of sonic blasters at Occupy Wall Street and G-20 protest rallies is fueling both sales and criticism of the devices, which emit beams of sound with laser-like intensity. More U.S. police and emergency-response agencies are using the so-called Long-Range Aco ...
- Unresponsive Flash, Siri Annoyances, and Andro ...Readers offer their best tips for killing plugins like Flash when they become unresponsive, using Siri's Rase to Speak feature, and getting more life out of your Android battery. More »
- Your Facebook Has Two Inboxes, and You've Prob ...Facebook only notifies you about messages from your friends, which means you have a whole separate inbox of messages from pages you like and people on Facebook you aren't yet friends with. Here's how to make sure you haven't missed anything im ...
- Remains of the Day: The FBI May Be Using Carri ...The FBI denies the release of information about their use of Carrier IQ, Wikipedia founder asks for input about a site-wide blackout, and the Kindle Fire will get a pre-Christmas software update to improve performance. More » ...
- Snapheal Performs Complex Photo Touch Ups and ...Mac OS X: You're probably well aware that you can use Photoshop to perform touch ups and remove objects, but that comes with the obvious disadvantage of a hefty price tag. Snapheal is a new Mac app that's designed to handle just about every ...
- iTunes Updates to Version 10.5.2, Fixes iTunes ...Today Apple released the latest update to its popular audio and video behemoth to improve performance with their iTunes Match service and general audio glitches experienced by some users. The update is available for download right now, so jus ...
Water Privatization
- Audience expresses anger about privatization p ...The idea of privatizing Grand Island's wastewater treatment plant to a multinational corporation didn't set well with nearly 50 people attending an informational meeting Wednesday.
- Audience expresses anger about privatization p ...The idea of privatizing Grand Island's wastewater treatment plant to a multinational corporation didn't set well with nearly 50 people attending an informational meeting Wednesday.
- K-Water’s 'expensive' Angat bid turns off poss ...MANILA, Philippines — The US$440.8 million winning bid of Korea Water Resources Corporation (K-Water) for the Angat power facility has been its biggest impediment in tapping a local partner because the purchase offer is being viewed as ‘exorbitant’. “We have talked to various parties but it is d ...
- Audience expresses anger about privatization p ...The idea of privatizing Grand Island's wastewater treatment plant to a multinational corporation didn't set well with nearly 50 people attending an informational meeting Wednesday.
- Audience expresses anger about privatization p ...The idea of privatizing Grand Island's wastewater treatment plant to a multinational corporation didn't set well with nearly 50 people attending an informational meeting Wednesday.
- Syria: 5,000 dead in violence, says UN human r ...Navi Pillay says at least 300 children are among the dead as US ambassador Susan Rice urges security council to actMore than 5,000 people have died in the nine-month-long Syrian uprising, UN human rights chief Navi Pillay said on Monday.Pillay, the UN high commissioner for human rights, told rep ...
- Severe weather warnings extended to cover the ...Gales, snow and heavy rain forecast with transport disruption and floods expected in Scotland and northern EnglandMore storms are predicted to batter Britain this week, with severe weather warnings extended to cover the whole of Britain by Thursday.Gales, snow and heavy rain have again hit ...
- Labour's lax regulation of the City contribute ...FSA says Labour leadership had encouraged it to take a 'light touch' on banks and must take share of blame for financial crisisLabour's lax regulation of the City contributed to the collapse of Royal Bank of Scotland and allowed the former bosses of the bank, including Sir Fred Goodwin, to walk ...
- EU summit veto recriminations mount within coa ...Nick Clegg refuses to sit beside David Cameron during PM's statement to parliament Recriminations broke out in Whitehall over Britain's isolation in Europe as it emerged that the Foreign Office felt excluded from the No 10 negotiating strategy and that senior Lib Dems claimed David Cameron went ...
- Burqa wearing banned in Canada for those takin ...Ban on face and full body veils during immigration ceremony is 'matter of deep principle', says citizenship ministerMuslim women will no longer be able to cover their faces as they take Canadian citizenship after the country's immigration minister announced a ban on anyone wearing the niqab – th ...
- Business groups see some benefits for U.S. in ...WASHINGTON — The U.S. government and some major business groups say the climate talks that just wrapped up in Durban, South Africa, were a success for the United States, though some environmentalists voiced disappointment.
- Community colleges recognized for excellenceWASHINGTON — It was a high-profile day for a low-profile local institution: the community college, with ten community colleges around the country honored Monday at the National Press Club as part of the competition for the first $1 million Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence.
- Kansas families have one question: Was Iraq wo ...A young Marine absorbs the shock of losing four buddies in an instant.
- Ron Paul is striking chords with Iowa GOP votersWAVERLY, Iowa — Iowa Republican voters are taking Ron Paul very seriously.
- Seasonal niche: decorating houses for the holidaysSome people enjoy dragging boxes of Christmas decorations down from the attic or up from the basement to transform their homes into winter wonderlands.
Afghanistan Sun
- Many Afghan women forced to give birth at homeAn Afghan woman can expect to have an average 5.1 babies in her lifetime, the highest fertility rate in Asia. That makes giving birth a common and frequent experience -- but mothers say it is too ...
- UK’s ‘Secret Cinema’ group s ...The group has built up a following in Britain by showing critically acclaimed films in unusual locations, creating a fun atmosphere for film buffs and, crucially, keeping the name of the movie ...
- Giving birth is a battle for survival in Afgha ...Suffering from seizures and high blood pressure, she died soon after at the Herat Maternity Hospital in western Afghanistan, one of the thousands of women who die in the country each year from ...
- Pakistani government denies talks with TalibanProtesters burn an image of U.S. President Barack Obama, along with the U.S. flag, during an anti-American demonstration in Peshawar December 11, 2011. (REUTERS/Khuram Parvez) Pakistan’s ...
- Pakistan Denies Holding Talks with Taliban...
- A chat with Eric DrexlerNot over coffee and cakes, sadly, but you take what you can get in this crazy world, AMIRITEZ? So when I got the chance to email Eric Drexler – yup, the nanotech guy – with some follow-up questions responding to his inaugural lecture at Oxford Martin College last month, I jumped in w ...
- Skyrim and the Quest for MeaningLithium I’m old enough to remember when video games were comparatively simple things. For example, I remember the side-scrolling video game adaptation of Robocop (1988). Relatively short, Robocop had you shooting and jumping your way from one side of the world to another. Once you got to the end ...
- Long Term and Long Distance ThinkingLast month, I wrote about the government. I asserted that we need to get business interests out of government or we’ll keep making decisions based on next quarter’s profits instead of the health of the next decade. This month, I want to talk about a whole industry that seems to be falling victim ...
- Demon’s Souls and the Meaning and Import of Vi ...Bad is Good and Good is Bad The problem with video game writing is that it tends to be written by fans of video games. The corruption and stupidity of games journalism are not isolated quirks of the system but symptoms of a flawed approach to the medium. Fans, by their nature, approach th ...
- The Grand LieMost of my day-to-day life is good to great. A little too much stress, a few challenges with weight and sleeplessness, but I’m living my dreams about writing and I’ve got a job that pays the bills and leaves a bit extra behind for electronics. I’m usually optimistic. At the core, I suppose I sti ...
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
- Most Americans would use Dodd-Frank whistleblo ...The New York City law firm of Labaton Sucharow released a survey yesterday that finds that 78% of Americans would report wrongdoing in the workplace if it could be done anonymously, without retaliation and result in a monetary award. These are precisely the conditions established by the ne ...
- IRS Tax Court Upholds Whistleblower AnonymityThe IRS tax court issued a very important decision yesterday in Whistleblower 14106-10W vs. Commissioner of Internal Revenue regarding confidential and anonymous whistleblower claims through the IRS. The court’s first-ever decision on this matter upholds whistleblowers’ right to file ...
- Whistleblowers Handbook, Second Edition, is re ...The NWC is proud to announce the release of the second edition of The Whistleblower’s Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Doing What’s Right and Protecting Yourself. This second edition includes a new 20–page checklist on the procedures for obtaining Dodd-Frank Act rewards from t ...
- Whistleblowers Handbook, Second Edition, is re ...The NWC is proud to announce the release of the second edition of The Whistleblower’s Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Doing What’s Right and Protecting Yourself. This second edition includes a new 20–page checklist on the procedures for obtaining Dodd-Frank Act rewards from t ...
- This Week on Honesty Without FearTune in tomorrow at 1:00pm EDT to Honesty Without Fear on Progressive Radio Network. In the first half hour, Steve Kohn discusses the PFC Bradley Manning case and what rights national security whistleblowers currently have. Jeff Paterson, Project Director for Courage to Resist, shares insight a ...
Science Express
- Fermi maps an active galaxy's 'smokestack plumes'If our eyes could see radio waves, the nearby galaxy Centaurus A (Cen A) would be one of the biggest and brightest objects in the sky, nearly 20 times the apparent size of a full moon. What we can't see when looking at the galaxy in visible light is that it lies nestled between a pair of giant r ...
- Pollution from Asia circles globe at stratosph ...The economic growth across much of Asia comes with a troubling side effect: pollutants from the region are being wafted up to the stratosphere during monsoon season. The new finding, in a study led by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, provides additional evidence of the ...
- After growth spurt, supermassive black holes s ...Supermassive black holes found at the centers of distant galaxies undergo huge growth spurts as a result of galactic collisions, according to a new study by astronomers at Yale University and the University of Hawaii. Their findings appear in the March 25 edition of Science Express.
- Research team finds structure of 'swine flu' virusA team of scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and other institutions has solved the structure of a key protein from the virus that caused last year's "swine flu" influenza epidemic. The structure reveals that the virus shares many features with influenza viruses common in the early 20 ...
- New approach precisely tracks evolution's foot ...(PhysOrg.com) -- Fossils may provide tantalizing clues to human history but they also lack some vital information, such as revealing which pieces of human DNA have been favored by evolution because they confer beneficial traits - resistance to infection or the ability to digest milk, for exampl ...
- DailyDirt: Measurements That Make You Go Hmmmm...Replicating experiments is an important part of science. If you can't repeat an experiment, then whatever you observed could just be a fluke. But even if measurements can be repeated reliably, it doesn't mean that they can be explained easily. Here are just a few examples of some weird measurem ...
- Wikipedia Considers Blackout To Protest SOPAAs more and more internet operations recognize the horrors of SOPA, they're stepping up to do stuff about it. The latest is that Wikipedia is considering a blackout on the site in protest -- a move that might actually catch Congress' attention because people in Congress actually use Wikipedia a ...
- The Very Real Risk Of Overly Broad Censorship ...The more people look at the details of SOPA, the worse it looks. Alexander Macgillivray, much more widely known as amac, is Twitter's General Counsel, and has taken to his personal blog to discuss one of the many troubling aspects of SOPA: the fact that if it's deemed a rogue site because "any ...
- Lamar Smith Proposes New Version Of SOPA, With ...In preparation for his attempt to rush SOPA through Congress, Rep. Lamar Smith has put forth an updated version of the bill (pdf link and embedded below) as a "manager's amendment," which will be used for the markup, to be held on Thursday. The markup process, in theory, allows for amendments a ...
- TSA Continues To Embarass The Elderly With Unn ...The TSA is, once again, defending its screening procedures after reports came out of degrading and embarrassing searches performed on three different elderly passengers at JFK, each of which involved passengers with medical equipment that it appears the TSA did not know how to handle in a reason ...
- Three Vaccine Myths That Will Make Your Head E ...A fully vaccinated child should be one of the healthiest children in the world. Why are American children so unhealthy?
- Will Vaccine Teams Come To Your Home And Vacci ...Just imagine this: Health officials coming to your house and force-vaccinating your children. This Public Law gives the CDC the authority to do it.
- Vaccines Verse and Worse!Wherever there's vaccine propaganda around, the vaccine critics are sure to be found!
- How to Discover Criminal Organizations Selling ...Vaccines are known to harm children. Discover for yourself how vaccine manufacturers have been criminally charged. Are we supposed to trust these companies with our children's well-being???
- 8 Stories Indicating U.S. Parents Getting Savv ...Parents are seeing the vast amounts of children being injured by vaccines. Below are 8 stories indicating parents are waking up and getting savvy to the damage vaccines are causing to children. Anti-vaccine movement grows in many states The News Tribune ...
- Things You Might Have MissedLet me start off with the things that I missed – your comments. Seemed a bit strange that I didn’t get any comments for a month, but I thought maybe I had been gone so long that you forgot about me. But no, it is just that I am technologically incompetent. So I changed my [...]
- Occupy DC’s Sunday StandoffYou have surely heard about the standoff yesterday (pics below), but just in case you have been trapped under something heavy or in a 48 hour bong hit haze… Saturday night, DC occupiers built a structure to keep them out of the elements for general assemblies and teach-ins. I can only imag ...
- Occupy DC Targets Wells Fargo and the Prison I ...Yesterday, the criminal justice committee of Occupy DC organized on action targeting Wells Fargo’s involvement in private prisons through their investments in the GEO Group. Pics of the march and pre-march are below. I loved this action for a whole lot of reasons: The injustice system is o ...
- Who is Responsible?If somebody stabs another person to death, are they responsible? Are they the only ones responsible? What if another person asked them to do it or paid them to do it? Then is the stabber the only one responsible? What if the stabber belonged to a group or community that demonized the victim for ...
- Occupy, Unions, NGOs and the Perils of DC ActivismI moseyed over to Occupy K Street last night for the general assembly and the action committee meeting. Not much to say about the GA – except maybe to mention that there was a serious shortage of women. Of the two that spoke, one offered to take notes and the other was reporting back from ...
Executive Intelligence Review - LaRouche
- Lavrov Calls for End to Ultimata against SyriaEIR News Service press release.
- ‘Draft Hillary’ Movement Taking Shape To Dump ...EIR News Service press release.
- U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff on War-Avoidance Mo ...EIR News Service press release.
- Medvedev’s Nov. 23 Address to the Nation: A St ...EIR News Service press release.
- Former Iranian Diplomat: British Empire Is Beh ...EIR News Service press release.
War in Context
- Predator drones employed by U.S. policeThe Los Angeles Times reports: Armed with a search warrant, Nelson County Sheriff Kelly Janke went looking for six missing cows on the Brossart family farm in the early evening of June 23. Three men brandishing rifles chased him off, he said. Janke knew the gunmen could be anywhere on the 3,000- ...
- Increased U.S. drone strikes questioned
- U.S.-Pakistan relations deteriorateAl Jazeera reports: The US has vacated the Shamsi air base in Pakistan’s Balochistan province after a 15-day ultimatum given by Islamabad, prompted by the deaths of at least 24 of its soldiers in a NATO air raid last month. Sunday’s withdrawal was completed when the final flight carr ...
- Why ‘we the people’ must triumph over corporat ...Bill Moyers writes: Rarely have so few imposed such damage on so many. When five conservative members of the Supreme Court handed for-profit corporations the right to secretly flood political campaigns with tidal waves of cash on the eve of an election, they moved America closer to outright plut ...
- Depression and democracyPaul Krugman writes: It’s time to start calling the current situation what it is: a depression. True, it’s not a full replay of the Great Depression, but that’s cold comfort. Unemployment in both America and Europe remains disastrously high. Leaders and institutions are increasingly discredited. ...
Watts Up With That?
- More ursus bogus – this time with fake s ...Readers may recall using photoshopped images of polar bears on CGI ice floes. Here we go again. Via the GWPF: Frozen Planet Fakery Row: Polar Bear Filmed In Zoo Using Fake Snow Monday, 12 December 2011 17:48 Euan Stretch, Daily … Continue reading →
- Weekly Climate and Energy News RoundupQuote of the Week: Sherlock Holmes: “It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts”. From: “Scandal in Bohemia” A. Conan Doyle. [H/t … Continue reading →
- Tisdale on Climate Models Confirming Or Contra ...Part 2 – Do Observations and Climate Models Confirm Or Contradict The Hypothesis of Anthropogenic Global Warming? Guest Post by Bob Tisdale OVERVIEW This is the second part of a two-part series. There are, however, two versions of part 1. The … Continue reading →
- Climate change blamed for dead trees in Africa“Rainfall in the Sahel has dropped 20-30 percent in the 20th century, the world’s most severe long-term drought since measurements from rainfall gauges began in the mid-1800s,” said study lead author Patrick Gonzalez, who conducted the study while he was … Continue readin ...
- Pielke Junior on: The climate debate is ‘over’I have removed this guest post [by Shub Niggurath] because it has been brought to my attention that it is unfair and has caused inflamed reactions [especially in comments] that were unintended. It was my mistake for posting it without … Continue reading →
- Toronto's Public Library Collect More Fines th ...It took Environment Canada more than 20 years to collect $2.4-million in fines under CEPA. In comparison, the Toronto Public Library collected $2.6-million in fines for overdue books in 2009 alone.
- 6 Species Proving Humans Aren't the Only Intel ...Humans pride themselves on their intelligence but a growing body of research is showing that animals, too, posses some of the ingenuity once thought unique to Homo Sapiens
- What Our Sugar & Ethanol Habits Are Doing to C ...Kidney failure is killing sugarcane workers in Central America who supply sugar for both our sweet tooth and demand for ethanol.
- NH2: New Holland Unveils a 'Farm Ready' Hydrog ...Thanks to on-site production of hydrogen, this fuel cell tractor could make farming greener, but at what cost?
- Builder Magazine's Top Design Trends Of 2011 C ...The economy and the green movement are beginning to take green design ideas mainstream.
- How DNA is Packaged
- Obese Monkeys Given Miracle Weight Loss PillDo we finally have a miracle weight loss drug? I mean, for real this time? The data seems to support such a claim, at least for overweight monkeys that simply can’t drop those extra pounds no matter what they try. After receiving the drug for just four weeks, the monkeys lost between 7 and 15 [...]
- Simulating How Proteins Self-Assemble, Or FoldSimulating How Proteins Self-Assemble, Or Fold – YouTube.
- Gene tweak creates supermouse – and prevents d ...Faster, longer, further… fatter? Knocking out a particular gene in muscle lets mice run twice as far as normal. Knocking out the same gene in fat cells allows the animals to put on weight without developing type-2 diabetes.The discoveries could lead to new treatments for diabetes or for invigora ...
- Scientists trains computer to evaluate breast ...Since 1928, the way breast cancer characteristics are evaluated and categorized has remained largely unchanged. It is done by hand, under a microscope. Pathologists examine the tumors visually and score them according to a scale first developed eight decades ago. These scores help doctors assess ...
- The clear-cutting facts about the rainforestAre we really losing one football field every minute?
- New predictions of warming lack scientific basisWorst-case scenairos do not paint accurate picture of climate
- Cloudy days ahead for global climate modelsComputers still not reliable in predicting climate
- Corn dogs: A New Eco-Villain?Controversy is latest in biotech battle
- Examining China's emissions claimsEvidence suggests China not cutting greenhouse emissions
Ria Novosti Online News
- Main news of December 12
- Three militants killed in DagestanThree militants were killed in a shootout with police on Monday in Makhachkala, the capital of Russia’s North Caucasus republic of Dagestan, a police source told RIA Novosti.
- Deeper Than Oil: Moscow protest fatigueAfter seven days of protests, counter rallies, more protests and yet more counter rallies here in Moscow, I finally came down today with demonstration fatigue.
- U.S. hails Russia poll protestsAnti-government protests staged in Russia over the weekend are a “positive sign” for democracy in the former Soviet republic, Washington said on Monday.
- Mikhail Prokhorov: a billionaire bachelor with ...Russian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov announced on Monday that he had made “the most serious decision” of his life; to challenge Russia's powerful Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in the March 2012 presidential elections.
Ria Novosti - Science & Technology
- Russia to launch ESA satellites from French Gu ...A Russian launcher will put several European Space Agency (ESA) satellites into orbit from the Kourou space port in French Guiana on December 17, Russia’s Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) said on Monday.
- Russia to launch two telecoms satellites on SundayA Proton-M carrier rocket with two telecommunications satellites onboard will blast off from the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstavn on Sunday.
- Phobos-Grunt expected to fall back to Earth Jan. 9Russia’s troubled Phobos-Grunt spacecraft will fall back to Earth on January 9, the United States Strategic Command said.
- Russia could join ExoMars as full partnerRussia could become a full partner in a planned U.S.-European Mars exploration project, a European Space Agency (ESA) spokesman has said.
- Russia to put two more Glonass satellites into ...Two more Glonass navigation satellites will be up and running before the end of the year, Russian space officials said on Thursday.
Pruning Shears
- Weekend WrapupNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this postOur image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims.Combat operations have concluded for:Army Spc. Thomas J. Mayberry, 21, of Springville, CA.Army Spc. Ryan M. Lumley, 21, of Lakeland, FL.Arm ...
- Slightly new look for the siteNo post this week because I’ve been upgrading the front end. I’ve tried to keep the look and feel as similar as possible to the old one; please leave any feedback in the comments!
- Weekend WrapupNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this postOur image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims.We killed lots of people in Somalia this week:US drone raid kills 9 Somali civiliansUS terror drone kills 18 in SomaliaUS terror drones kil ...
- 2012 will be more about actual problems than p ...It’s funny that professional left now describes those who have been too critical of Democrats. To the extent that such a thing - a well funded, fully staffed and perennially active infrastructure presuming to be a liberal standard bearer - exists, it is the province of the think tanks (Ce ...
- Occupy Charlottesville: Background and What's NextThis is my first post on this site. As background information, I’m finishing up my JD at UVA Law in Charlottesville, and so most of what I can cover from an on the ground angle for the time being is in Cville, or occasionally around VA or the DC area. Charlottesville is a fairly liberal ci ...
Organic Consumers.org
- French Farmer Sues Monsanto after Inhaling Wee ...Farmer Paul François is suing US biotech giant Monsanto after he inhaled weedkiller Lasso at work. The trial opens in the French city of Lyon on Monday. Click here to read this article
- Under Industry Pressure, USDA Works to Speed A ...For years, biotech agriculture opponents have accused regulators of working too closely with big biotech firms when deregulating genetically engineered (GE) crops. Now, their worst fears could be coming true: under a new two-year pilot program at the USDA, regulators are training the world's big ...
- Seeds of Destruction: It's not Just about FoodWhen I first became aware of the notion of modifying food by inserting foreign genetic material, I inclined in favor of it. After all, changing the genes of a plant to cause it to yield more, resist pests, and altogether serve us better sounded like a pretty good idea. How attractive it must b ...
- Occupy Your Food Supply: Radical Farmer's Marc ..."I have a confession to make," said Jim Gerritsen, an organic seed farmer from northern Maine, "This is my first time in New York City. I had no good reason to come until today."Click here to read this article
- Food Giants Fight Proposed Nutrition GuidelinesAn effort by four federal agencies to limit marketing of junk food to children has provoked a fight between the packaged food industry and public health groups as intense as the cigarette wars of the 1980s.Click here to read this article
Center for a Livable Future
- Corn Ethanol: How Much Energy Are We Actually ...When you consider all the aspects of ethanol’s life cycle—from growing the feedstock, producing the fuel, transporting it to the point of sale, to burning the fuel in your vehicle—are we actually gaining energy?
- Sweetening the Deal for CAFOs: Hidden Subsidie ...How are concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) profiting from Farm Bill subsidy programs targeted at U.S. crop farmers? How are these “hidden subsidies” for industrial farm animal production (IFAP) hurting more sustainable food animal producers?
- “Not Some Rump Group”: CLF Cited in Congressi ...In making much ado about farm dust, Republicans have been making much ado about nothing.
- Healthy Farms, Healthy People: You Can’t Have ...The Coalition brings together stakeholders from the health, agricultural, anti-hunger, environmental and economic development communities, whose diverse expertise is necessary to make such reforms to the food system a reality.
- USDA People’s Garden Grant Awarded to Baltimor ...The $60,000 award will be divided among existing community organizations within Cherry Hill, who will partner to plant community and school gardens, and deliver education programs that promote gardening and healthy eating.
Investigate - Breaking News
- Key’s cabinet lineup revealedKey’s cabinet lineup revealed. Key’s cabinet lineup revealed
- Nats and Maori Party sign agreement to governNats and Maori Party sign agreement to govern. Nats and Maori Party sign agreement to govern
- Durban climate treaty draft packs world govern ...Durban climate treaty draft packs world government punch. Durban climate treaty draft packs world government punch
- NZ, Australia sleepwalk to climate suicideNZ, Australia sleepwalk to climate suicide. NZ, Australia sleepwalk to climate suicide
- Immigration scandal sinks David Cunliffe’s lea ...Immigration scandal sinks David Cunliffe’s leadership hopes. Immigration scandal sinks David Cunliffe’s leadership hopes
My Care2 Picks
- The Electric Car Paradox : Can We Switch to El ...The simple answer is no - and the complicated answer is also no. Submitted by John Farnham to Science & Tech | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Propaganda for punishing 'the enemy'Collected stories on the history of Iran, relations with the U.S.. nuclear technology, the NPT and how Iran is restrained from abridging it ( while others claim it should,IAEA is defunded and overworked,etc. history of Middle East nonproliferation failure Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics ...
- The Gulf Oil Spill: the Other Shoe DroppingHeres the real story of the BP oil spill. It unfolds like a murder mystery. But its realand were all the victims. Submitted by Walter L Bradley Jr to US Politics & Gov't | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Iran takes up the nuclear cudgelThe second international conference on nuclear disarmament hosted by Tehran gets barely a mention in the Western media, despite featuring delegates from 40 nations the United Nations and the IAEA 40 years of conventions produced no progress in West Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & ...
- CO2 emitted by the poor nations and absorbed b ...If the evil modern polluters were producing more CO2 wed see higher levels of CO2 there.Highest emissions are in China, and central Africa.The methane picture is remarkably similar.CO2 From the Evil Western Polluters meme has a serious hole in it Submitted by John Farnham to Science & Tech ...
Angry Indian News
- Venezuela’s Chavez Establishes Presidential Co ...Venezuela’s Chavez Establishes Presidential Commission to Draft New Labour Law | venezuelanalysis.com Mérida, 11 December 2011 (Venezuelanalysis.com) – A Presidential Commission to draft a new labour... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- China: Strikes spread amid economic slowdownChina WorkerVincent Kolo, chinaworker.infoAround 400 workers at Singapore-owned Hi-P International, an electronics manufacturer, are continuing their strike in the Pudong district of Shanghai. With... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- New Pappe book highlights plight of forgotten ...New Pappe book highlights plight of forgotten Palestinians :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-1] After the Nakba, Israel’s 1948 ethnic... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Another Filipino executed in China, OFW group ...Another Filipino executed in China, OFW group calls for ‘Zero Remittance Day’ on Dec. 18 - Bulatlat: BUSTILLOS CHURCH, Manila — Shortly after noon, Vice President Jejomar Binay confirmed the... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- I CARE - ITALY: BLOOD AND HONOUR FASCISTS FORM ...I CARE - News - Internet Centre Anti Racism Europe: The news that Blood and Honour have opened their first branch in Italy has come as a surprise, but only because the neo-nazi organisation was... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- Coexistence: This graphic says it all…Coexistence between GMO and organic crops - a graphic representation.
- Call to Action: Researchers Needed for Non-GMO ...Help Farm Wars compile a list of clean seed suppliers with no connections to the likes of Monsanto!
- Passage of S.1867: Our enemy is withinI have to wonder if at some point if other countries will band together and declare the US a terrorist organization, guilty of crimes against humanity, war crimes, human rights violations and a threat to world peace.
- Major Organic Seed Company Owned By Pro-GMO Group!One of the largest organic seed producers is owned by a company that supports GMOs. Does anyone see a conflict of interest? Does anyone think there might be a problem?
- One Straw Revolution in FarmingJapanese Permaculture Legend: Masanobu Fukuoka shows how to farm naturally, without modern agricultural methods.
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- The stupidity of crowds helps kill a planet - ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- Sex, death, and the noble American toad - Scot ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- How to save a fishery: owning, renting, and ex ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ‘Gossip Girl’ unethical because of threesome? ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ()Noted by user deleted on December 31, 1969 7:12 PM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- Google chairman says online piracy bill would ...ShareThisGoogle chairman says online piracy bill would 'criminalize' the Internet 12 Dec 2011 An online piracy bill in the House would "criminalize linking and the fundamental structure of the Internet itself," according to Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt. Schmidt said the controversial S ...
- Police employ Predator drone spy planes on hom ...ShareThisPolice employ Predator drone spy planes on home front --The previously unreported use of its drones to assist local, state and federal law enforcement has occurred without any public acknowledgment or debate. 10 Dec 2011 (ND) Local police say they have used two unarmed Predators based a ...
- US forces set fire to equipment before leaving ...ShareThisUS forces set fire to equipment before leaving Pakistan airbase --Pakistan set Dec 11 deadline for US to vacate airbase 12 Dec 2011 US personnel set fire to all their redundant equipment before vacating Pakistan's Shamsi airbase that had been used to launch drone attacks, an official sa ...
- Iran to take US aggression to intl. bodiesShareThisIran to take US aggression to intl. bodies 11 Dec 2011 Iran's foreign minister says Tehran will complain to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) about the recent violation of Iranian airspace by an American reconnaissance drone. Speaking at a ...
- 'Strip search' claims prompt call for advocate ...ShareThis'Strip search' claims prompt call for advocate at US airports 11 Dec 2011 Two New York lawmakers want to place a passenger advocate at airports to immediately act on complaints from passengers about security screenings. U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer and state Sen. Michael Gianaris, both Dem ...
Daily Loaf
- 5 books that are sure to heat up your kitchen lifeI like to read — a lot. I could make lists counting the hundreds of books that make great reads. Unfortunately, we don’t have the time and you may not have the attention span for that. To keep it short and sweet, here’s a list of five books that I feel add depth and meaning [...]
- Beer Review: Victory Hop Devil/Victory Hop WallopVictory Brewing Company opened up fifteen years ago in Downingtown, Pennsylvania, but only recently entered the Florida market. With such beers as their highly touted Prima Pils and Storm King Stout, Victory has earned a rightful place among the respected craft brewers in the United States. St ...
- D’s nuts: Rays’ crazy defense feeds hitting, p ...Tampa Bay took the series victory against the Chicago with the win, getting back to .500 and improving to 2 games back in the American League East division. Rays look for sweep tomorrow.
- Interview with Michael Foley about the Florida ...The Florida Dance Festival provides a springboard for raw talent and fresh ideas.
- Just plain cheesy: Celebrate National Grilled ...April is National Grilled Cheese Month: an entire four weeks devoted to the American classic. The following sandwich recipe is from cheese expert and author Laura Werlin’s book, Great Grilled Cheese.
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- VRM: The Flu ReportThe Flu Vaccine deception ranks as one of the great cover-ups & swindles of the last century perpetrated against the general population. Not only has the public been systematically lied to by their elected Government for generations (in league with the World Health Organization & a Vacc ...
- VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5B – ...Article continued from VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5A – Detoxification & Restoration of The Body Replenishing the vital mineral base We must look to children with Autism to determine the full extent of “vaccine toxicity” derived nutrient deficiencies incurred in th ...
- VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5A – ...Article intended to be read in conjunction with VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 4 – Primary Aspects of Vaccine Toxicity Affecting The Body The Long Road To Recovery There are unfortunately no shortcuts to restoring natural, optimal health levels in the body, no quick fix sol ...
- VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 5 – ...
- VRM: The Problem With Vaccines Part 4 – ...Vaccines, by their composite nature, inherently damage & disrupt the body’s delicate neurological network; hindering the complex functioning of the brain in maintaining all systems of operation (circulatory, digestive, endocrine, immune, lymphatic, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respirator ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- You Know You're Getting Old When...A few weeks back we received our new high-efficiency front loading LG washer and dryer set and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed by them. The set was only around $1000 (on sale) but I felt like I'd gone from a Chevette to a Cadillac when compared to our old set. A cute little luxur ...
- Control Your Home Thermostat On the Internet!Today a fellow from our natural gas company came by to install a new thermostat as part of the Peaksaver program that we signed up for. If you haven't heard of Peaksaver, basically what it does is allow the Ontario government electricity provider to turn off your central air conditi ...
- Happy Day!: The Water Bill Arrived!After being shocked a few months ago with a water bill of over $240 I decided to do a few things to cut down on our water use We converted our main toilet to a dual-flush and installed a water saving device on the second (haven't switched it over to a dual yet). We also installed a new ...
- Strawberry PickingOur family went strawberry picking this morning, it's a fun thing to do once in a while and I think it's a good way to help our 3-year old daughter realize where food comes from. While my wife picked berries with our oldest I went for a walk around the farm with our youngest in the stroller ...
- Pioneer Solar: PV System For Free?I received a flyer from Pioneer Solar in the mail the other day which claims to help people get a solar system installed on their house, farm, or business for free. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, like most things there's good and bad points about it and what might be a good deal fo ...
Michael Yon
- Michael Yon Alert11 December 2011 This weekend I spoke for several hours with a retired Special Forces Soldier. Much of the numerous conversations revolved around the terrible Army policy of sending unarmed Dustoff helicopters into combat. These helicopters are emblazoned with Red Crosses. The ...
- Embarrassed Army09 December 2011 Since I’ve started writing about the Dustoff problems, the Army has practically put a bounty on my head. A theater wide alert has gone out that I am to be denied access to ISAF bases in Afghanistan, and that my movements are to be reported. This went out through cla ...
- The AfterWar8 December 2011 4-4 Cav on Mission in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan The Soldiers were on a mission. One day had become the next and they had moved into an Afghan family compound until the morning. The moon crept along, shadows tracing arcs, the shine so strong it caused one to won ...
- Slippery Stuff: CASEVAC vs. MEDEVAC7 December 2011 If you ask ten service members “What is the difference between CASEVAC and MEDEVAC,” you might get six answers. Five might answer, “I don’t know.” The other five will surely give five different answers. I’ve asked dozens and never gotten the same answer twice. ...
- Soldiers' Angels December Newsletter 2011To view the entire newsletter click here.
The Killing Train
- The regressive politics of the Iranian-Canadia ...[This article, by Shourideh Molavi and myself, was first published in The Bullet - version with links is there]. The regressive politics of the Iranian-Canadian Khevari petition Shourideh Molavi and Justin Podur November 11, 2011 On October 12, members of the Iranian-Canadian community sent a pe ...
- An interview for occupy TorontoActivist and comedian Jesse Owens interviewed me for the #occupyto.org website, way back in ancient occupy toronto history (ie., October 26). For posterity, I am also reproducing it here. Thanks Jesse... --- read more
- Some thoughts on Whiteness and the 99%I have some disagreements with Joel Olson's article, "Whiteness and the 99%", but I will start with some agreements. I agree that "biologically speaking, there's no such thing as race." read more
- The Logic of Occupy Wall Street for CanadaThe Occupy Wall St. Movement and the Occupy Together movements that are inspired by it actually have a simple premise: society shouldn't be run for the unrestricted benefit of the wealthiest. The immediate grievance is the 2008 banking crisis, in which the US banks engaged in fraudulent and crim ...
- The Housing Crisis in HaitiThere are at least 595,000 Haitians living in camps around Port au Prince (1). President Martelly has a program, called 16-6, which proposes to resettle residents of 6 large camps in 16 neighbourhoods in Port-au-Prince. In total, if the program succeeds, it will touch 5000 families, or 4% of the ...
- Toronto's Public Library Collect More Fines th ...It took Environment Canada more than 20 years to collect $2.4-million in fines under CEPA. In comparison, the Toronto Public Library collected $2.6-million in fines for overdue books in 2009 alone.
- 6 Species Proving Humans Aren't the Only Intel ...Humans pride themselves on their intelligence but a growing body of research is showing that animals, too, posses some of the ingenuity once thought unique to Homo Sapiens
- What Our Sugar & Ethanol Habits Are Doing to C ...Kidney failure is killing sugarcane workers in Central America who supply sugar for both our sweet tooth and demand for ethanol.
- NH2: New Holland Unveils a 'Farm Ready' Hydrog ...Thanks to on-site production of hydrogen, this fuel cell tractor could make farming greener, but at what cost?
- Builder Magazine's Top Design Trends Of 2011 C ...The economy and the green movement are beginning to take green design ideas mainstream.
Democratic Voice of Burma
- Burma orders end to attacks on rebelsPresident Thein Sein reportedly tells 'all military commands' to stop offensives against Kachin Independence Army rebels
- Cautious hope for Burma’s ‘second-class citizens’Burma's recent accession to the Convention on the Rights of Disabled People is a sign that the government may finally begin to address the needs of the disabled, including the thousands of landmine victims
- UN gains access to Kachin rebel territoryBurma government allows UN team to bring aid to thousands of Kachin refugees who have been holed up in the town of Laiza
- Suu Kyi marks 20 years as Nobel laureateEvent organised in Rangoon by students who 20 years ago were arrested for protesting opposition icon's spell under house arrest
- Jailed ex-army captain appeals verdictNay Myo Zin, who became the first political prisoner of the new Burmese government, takes appeal to Supreme Court in Naypyidaw
Telegraph - Climate Change
- Frozen Planet: David Attenborough stumbles on ...Charles Moore reviews the final episode of Frozen Planet, BBC1.
- Sir David Attenborough says geo-engineering so ...Sir David Attenborough, the wildlife presenter, has described high-tech "geo-engineering" solutions to climate change as "fascist" because they put too much power in the hands of advanced nations.
- Climate change conference: Durban deal gives t ...Climate change negotiators confounded sceptics as a new global alliance was formed , reports Geoffrey Lean.
- Climate change conference: Durban deal gives t ...Climate change negotiators confounded sceptics as a new global alliance was formed , reports Geoffrey Lean.
- Durban climate change conference: Big three of ...A new deal to "save the planet" will force the world's three biggest emitters the US, China and India to cut carbon emissions for the first time, although scientists fear it will come too late to stop global warming.
National Geographic | Environment
- Bible Accounts Supported by Dead Sea Disaster ...New evidence suggests the salty lake once dried out completely—and might support a range of biblical disaster accounts.
- Mongolia Bids to Keep City Cool With "Ice Shie ...Mongolia hopes to beat global warming by boosting river ice to lower temperatures—but some experts are skeptical.
- Beam It Down: A Drive to Launch Space-Based Solar The first demonstration of long-awaited space-based solar power technology could come in the next decade, experts say. Likely early use: Disaster relief energy.
- 2011 Among Hottest Years, Marked by Extreme We ...This year also marked by extremes—including floods, droughts, and the hottest year on record for Texas—a new report says.
- Chilean Wind Farm Faces Turbulence Over WhalesA wind farm project on the Chilean island of Chiloé raises concerns over risk to the endangered great blue whale.
Jurist - Legal Research
- Supreme Court strikes down deportation discret ...[JURIST] The US Supreme Court [official website] ruled [opinion, PDF] Monday in Judulang v. Holder [SCOTUSblog backgrounder; JURIST report] that the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) [official website] policy for deciding when resident aliens may apply to the Attorney General for relief from de ...
- Supreme Court to hear Arizona immigration law ...[JURIST] The US Supreme Court [official website] granted certiorari order list, PDF] Monday in Arizona v. United States [docket; cert. petition, PDF] to determine whether Arizona's controversial immigration law [SB 1070 materials; JURIST news archive] is preempted by federal law. SB 1070 crimina ...
- Noriega extradited to Panama[JURIST] Former Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega [Al Jazeera profile; JURIST news archive] was extradited from France to Panama Sunday to face charges of human rights violations for crimes allegedly committed during his 1981-1989 rule. He was already convicted on three counts of human rights v ...
- US lawmaker proposes amendment limiting corpor ...[JURIST] Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) [official website] on Thursday introduced a constitutional amendment that would exclude a corporation's First Amendment [text] rights to spend money on political campaigns. Named the Saving American Democracy Amendment [text, PDF] the proposal would make cl ...
- Alabama governor working to revise state immig ...[JURIST] Alabama Governor Robert Bentley [official website] announced [press release] Friday that he would work with House Speaker Mike Hubbard and Senate President Pro Tempore Del Marsh [official profiles] to make Alabama's new immigration law [HB 56 text] more effective. Bentley assured that t ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- U.S. Drone That Went Down in Iran Was High-Tec ...The drone that Iran claims to have shot down was a stealth RQ-170 "Sentinel" The RQ-170 "Sentinel," a stealth unmanned U.S. drone / Wikimedia Commons The super-secret drone that Iran claims to have recovered was on a CIA "Focal Point" mission, gathering intelligence and likely crash ...
- A Hot Flash in the Cold War With PakistanA NATO attack kills 24 Pakistani soldiers and Pakistan responds by closing U.S. supply routes into Afghanistan. Is the relationship between Washington and Islamabad about to disintegrate? The relationship between Pakistan and the United States is, for both sides, like a raw nerve that keeps g ...
- Mitt Romney Ramps Up Attacks on ObamaJudging by his latest barrage of criticism, the former Massachusetts governor is already running against the president -- sort of First there was the television advertisement in New Hampshire, which received widespread condemnation from the media elite for taking President Obama's wor ...
- Newt's Gift to Obama: A GOP Immigration RiftWith his "humane" argument, the former House speaker has put the president's chief rival, Mitt Romney, in a difficult spot MORE FROM NATIONAL JOURNAL: The Return of Imperial Newt Did Gingrich Walk Into an Immigration Minefield? Presidential Debate Timeline Duri ...
- Why Did Perry Get Into the Race, Really?Republican consultants at loose ends and looking for work sold the Texas governor a bill of goods about his prospects So I have this theory about why Gov. Rick Perry decided to run for president, despite what appeared to be his instincts telling him that the job just wasn't for him. There ca ...
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] WikiLeaks on Canada in Iraq War - coat
- [COAT] CANSEC Arms Bazaar Protest, June 1, Ott ...
- [COAT] Put a SNAG in CANSEC: Spring Nuremberg ...
- [COAT] WikiWeapons Cda Exposes 18,888 Export C ...
- [COAT] Latest on Cda's Arms Exports & CANSEC r ...
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- 404 Not FoundHASH(0xc146138)
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious b ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's en ...
Tikun Olam
- Major Explosion at Iranian Steel Plant, Israel ...An Iranian steel plant used for production of military equipment and originally built by Russia suffered a major explosion that killed seven, including “foreign nationals” as reported in Iranian media. Iran has been attempting to produce its own tanks and armored vehicles and itR ...
- Adelson’s Yisrael HaYom Doing for Gingrich Wha ...Sheldon Adelson, in effect, contributes $36 million every year to support the election and rule of Bibi Netanyahu. No, you won’t find that figure in any public donation record because he doesn’t give this money directly to Bibi. This is the amount of his subsidy of Yisrael Hayom, I ...
- Israeli Hasbara Minister Edelstein Patrols Par ...…We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and if, which I do not for a moment believe, this island or ...
- Bank Leumi, Faced With Prospect of Im Tirzu Wi ...A few days ago Israeli customers of Bank Leumi raised a furor over the inclusion of the far-right nationalist group Im Tirzu within a supposed non-political charity competition designed to promote the work of Israeli NGOs. The winning prize money totaled $500,000. After customers began removin ...
- Lieberman’s Specialty: Whitewashing Shady Russ ...Akiva Eldar writes (in Hebrew, and a related English story) about Avigdor Lieberman’s annoying tendency to whitewash some of the most anti-democratic world leaders including lately Ukraine’s Victor Yanukovitch and Vladimir Putin. After meeting personally with the Russian leader in t ...
If Americans Knew
- A moment of truth: A word of faith, hope and l ...We, a group of Christian Palestinians, after prayer, reflection and an exchange of opinion, cry out from within the suffering in our country, under the Israeli occupation, with a cry of hope in the absence of all hope, a cry full of prayer and faith in a God ever vigilant, in God's divine provid ...
- NPR Watch: Linda Gradstein Has Done It Again o ...NPR's reporter Linda Gradstein has done it again. She has managed to take a "must report" story on Israeli-Palestinian relations -- the new report by B'Tselem on the non-combatants, including children, killed by the Israeli military during the Israeli attack on Gaza -- and report it in a manner ...
- Documentary Video: Shooting the MessengerThis documentary on the deliberate killing and intimidation of journalists in conflict zones, examines how international reporters became targets.
- Impressions of Israeli Executions in the West BankMuch planning had gone into our family vacation in Israel-Palestine. We could spare only the last two weeks of 2009, and so had developed an uncompromising itinerary for each day, allowing a mere half-day to recover from jet lag from our trip from California. After devoting most of the first wee ...
- Calling Bono: Your Palestinian Gandhis Exist . ...In your recent column in the New York Times, "Ten for the Next Ten," you wrote: "I'll place my hopes on the possibility -- however remote at the moment -- that...people in places filled with rage and despair, places like the Palestinian territories, will in the days ahead find among them their G ...
David J. Gregory
- What side are you on?As a Thanksgiving deadline nears for action by the powerful congressional committee on deficit reduction, Bernie sounded an alarm over reports that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid may be cut. "The American people have been very clear. They understand how important Social Security, Med ...
- Listen to Art Bell’s Coast to Coast HAAR ...This is an (CLICK HERE FOR THE SHOW) encore presentation of a show that aired in 2005. It’s revealing because it discusses the secret facility in Alaska that manipulates the ionosphere with possible devastating results. Listen to scientists working on it then and their reluctance to speak about ...
- Official 9/11 Fable To Become Part Of School C ...Government-supported effort to ‘encourage critical thinking’ actually encourages obedient regurgitation of lies Paul Joseph Watson Rest of Story on Prison Planet.com Tuesday, September 6, 2011 “We don’t need no education….we don’t need no thought control.” In a week where the establishment is de ...
- EOC Eye On Citrus Radio: Pre 9-11-2001 Tenth A ...(661) 449-9342 The Tenth Anniversary of the most despicable act every perpetrated on a people by elements of its own government in the history of mankind is just around the corner. The evidence is apparent, it’s been shown and revealed over and over, yet the public doesn’t rise to ar ...
- " Flip Flopped"Dear Editor, The Chronicle on 8/22/11, stated that the Crystal River City Council was going to have the "first reading" on 8/22/11 of an ordinance that the council voted on at a previous meeting "to change flag displays to an unlimited number". How can flying ...
Unsuitable Blog
- You’re Not Taking “Radical” ...On Monday 5th December, 2011, Bill McKibben, author and figurehead-leader of 350.org wrote the following in the Daily Kos: You think OWS is radical? You think 350.org was radical for helping organize mass civil disobedience in DC in August against the Keystone Pipeline? We’re not radical. Radica ...
- Strikes vs Royal WeddingsThere is going to be a strike in Britain on Wednesday. The UK Government are condemning it. This is starting to appear all over Facebook: When the government decide we can have a day off for the royal wedding it doesn’t damage the economy, but when the workers decide to strike for a day it ...
- WWF Denies Palm Oil is the Problem, then Count ...It seems there is no depth to which the corporate world’s own favourite NGO, WWF, will not sink. An article in this week’s Guardian was happy to give WWF some free publicity, implying that the group actually give a stuff about the wildlife they were apparently set up to protect (or s ...
- Ready the Fire Extinguishers: The Coca-Cola Ol ...The Olympic torch relay does not have an auspicious history. The modern torch relay, as a symbol of local pride enmeshed in the Olympic ideal, was introduced in 1936 to herald the opening of the Berlin Olympics. It was nothing less than a propaganda exercise to show the world the superiority of ...
- Greenloons: Ecotourism is the New BlindfoldNow that the Unsuitablog is taking a more occasional view of ethical hypocrisy (short for, “I really don’t have the time for all this!”) it takes a very special email or advert to make it to the blog. Most of them end up in my junk folder, but some of them sneak into my inbox, ...
Subalternate Reality
- Forget The Wealthy. How Do We Tax The Lucky?A few weeks ago, the Washington Post ran a lengthy, above-the-fold piece looking into what impact capital gains tax rates were having on wealth inequality in America. “Most of the richest Americans pay lower overall tax rates than middle-class Americans do,” the reporters noted, adding that duri ...
- Muslim-Baiters Don’t Want To Be Treated ...Over the weekend, I posted the following message on Twitter: “When a Muslim commits terror, every Muslim in the world somehow shares responsibility. When it’s a white Christian, he’s always a lone wolf.” I wasn’t commenting on the tendency of commentators to use different words to de ...
- Keith Ellison’s Tears And Epistemic ClosureRep. Peter King’s hearings looking into the “radicalization” of the American Muslim community, and the suggestion that the community doesn’t cooperate with law enforcement, was largely a waste of time and tax dollars. The affair didn’t produce a single insight into the actual and urgent issue of ...
- Praying On Qasr al-NilOne of the more memorable scenes of the Egyptian revolution will surely be that of ordinary Egyptian’s praying on Cairo’s Qasr al-Nil Bridge as members of Egyptian state police direct their water cannons at them. Truly a remarkable sight. via Al Jazeera Filed under: Middle East Tagged: Al-Jazeer ...
- “I Support Democratization, But…&# ...The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg – one of the key proponents of the disastrous invasion of Iraq – has some serious misgivings about the fledgling pro-democracy movement that’s taken over the streets of Egypt. “I support democratization, but,” he cautions, “the democratization we saw in Gaza (cour ...
Idea Lab | Technology
- SwiftRiver Throws a Lifeline to People Drownin ...There's a problem that constantly plagues us in this day of information overload, and that is the ability to sift the stream of incoming information into the bits that are valuable from those that aren't. It's a tough issue that we've been working on at Ushahidi for a while now. Our solution is ...
- Mapping the Story of Climate ChangeFor this week's climate meetings in Durban, the World Bank released a series of maps showing the predicted impact of climate change on the world between now and 2100. The data is dismal. If climate change continues unmitigated as it has for the past century, temperatures around the world wil ...
- PANDA Project Releases Alpha 2 (and Needs Your ...Last Friday, we closed out our eighth iteration of PANDA Project development and published our second alpha. We've added a login/registration system, dataset search, complex query support and a variety of other improvements. You can try out the new release now by visiting our test site here. ...
- SocMap.com's Location-Based Data Maps Becoming ...SocMap.com is pleased to announce that we've launched the "tweets" and "places" features on our site, and we hope to debut "local initiatives," "local questions," and a city-planning game on February 1st. SocMap, a 2010 Knight News Challenge winner, is building a map-based interface for loca ...
- How Spending Stories Spots Errors in Public Sp ...This article was co-written by Martin Keegan, project lead for Spending Stories. How public funds should be spent is often controversial. Information about how that money has already been spent should not be ambiguous at all. People arguing about the future will care about the present, and if ...
Cutting Edge News
- Obama and Israel - Administration Excoriates I ...Enduring spiteful swipes against America’s most loyal ally in the Middle East. “Let every eye negotiate for itself and trust no agent,” says the deceived Claudio in Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing. However cynical it sounds, there are times when a maxim like this one rightly guides the affa ...
- Mideast on Edge - Mideast Water Shortages Thre ...At Cairo's posh Gazeera Club, workers leave the showers running as they sit nearby drinking tea and chatting. Large quantities of water pour down the drain as water pipes around the city and its suburbs run dry. For inhabitants of Cairo’s poor neighborhoods, water only infrequently arrives via g ...
- Iran's Nukes - Israeli Officials Slam Obama as ...Despite maintaining a veneer of happy collaboration, Israeli officials are deeply unhappy with the Obama administration's approach to the Iranian nuclear program. It has long been assumed by observers that this is the case, but thus far there has been no public confirmation of it. That changed o ...
- Oil Addiction - Lobbyists go to battle over Ke ...At least 42 lobbying firms, associations and companies have lobbied on the Keystone XL pipeline since 2009, Senate records show. Lobbying on the controversial project accelerated this year as the pipeline became a hot-button political issue. Of the 42 entities that have lobbied since 2009 on Key ...
- Latin America on Edge - Big Hopes for CELAC, b ...The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) held its first summit on December 2 and 3 in Caracas, Venezuela. The group’s purported purpose is to create a deeper relationship among the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, one that is able to function free of the all-perv ...
High Country News
- Land trusts thrive despite, and because of, th ...The recession has afforded a unique opportunity for land trusts to protect more of the West’s private open land through direct acquisitions and, increasingly, conservation easements.
- The man beneath the hat: Ken Salazar's search ...Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, a twelfth-generation Latino-American, works politely and quietly but stubbornly to protect the West’s environment in polarized times.
- What is that dead deer thinking about, and why ...A close encounter with a deer head on the wall of an inn leads to musings on death, immortality, ancient Egypt, Lenin and Trigger the Wonder Horse.
- Tribes try selective fishing to boost catch wi ...Washington's Colville Tribes experiment with selective fishing techniques and bring home more salmon than before.
- Water-quality standards unfairly burden rural ...The plight of a small water and sewer association in rural Mora, N.M -- caught in a tangle of federal and state clean water rules it can’t afford to meet -- echoes experienced by other rural communities around the West.
- Set Title HereEnter Text Here
- Fear And Loathing In The Housing Market- The G ...By William Hicks Continuing the recent run of bad economic news, an S&P/Case Shiller report on Tuesday confirmed that U.S. home prices in most major markets have resumed falling after stabilizing for a couple of years
- Disastrous US Jobs Report Points To Deepening ...By Barry Grey US payrolls grew by a paltry 54,000 in May and the official unemployment rate rose to 9.1 percent, an increase of 0.3 percent since March, according to the monthly employment report released Friday by the Labor Department
- A State For JewsBy William James Martin Why are we providing almost incalculable support and sustenance to a state - Israel- which is a state for Jews, and exclusively for Jews, at the expense of the indigenous native Palestinians
- Israelis Rush For Second PassportsBy Franklin Lamb Several studies in Israel and one conducted by AIPAC and another by the Jewish National Fund in Germany show that perhaps as many as half of the Jews living in Israel will consider leaving Palestine in the next few years if current political and social trends continue. A 2008 s ...
Contagious Love Experiment
- Kill Team: The Bigger PictureSorry to have been slacking on the blog. Here’s an article I wrote and forget to post… better late than never! Kill Team: The Bigger Picture http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/04/06-8
- Dear Mr. Beck, I Shook Hands with the AntichristDear Mr. Beck: I Shook Hands with the Antichrist Earlier this week, Michael Lind wrote an article for Salon about the misplaced energy in demeaning alarmists like Glenn Beck.1 Having friends and family who often revere the inflammatory rhetoric of Beck, Palin, Limbaugh, and others as a light in ...
- Practicing Peace in the New YearA friend, Frank Swift, that I met on my first journey has passed along some great practical steps towards peace for the new year. Frank has written a children’s book to help young people see an alternative to the competition and forcefulness that can too easily get instilled in our young p ...
- Sharing the writing of another StieberMy younger brother, Zack, has been fascinated by the Chinese practice of Falun Gong and is hoping that this post could be used to spark a further discussion about it. Thoughts on Falun Gong by Zack Stieber Most of us are aware that in China things work differently then here. The ma ...
- Article in FORThe following is the rough draft for an article I wrote, reflecting on the war in Iraq, that was published in the recent edition of the Fellowship of Reconciliation’s magazine. For more info on getting the full magazine, check out: http://forusa.org/fall-2010-renewing-movement Rheto ...
Yid With Lid
- Another Mystery Explosion Hits Iran, Third in ...For a country who's president claims to have God on his side, Iran has has sure had a wave of lousy luck. Every two weeks a new Iranian City has a Mystery Explosion. First it was the missile test facility in Bidganeh, a town southwest of Tehran. Then there was the boom in the ...
- Make Way for the Muslim Brotherhood International!By Barry Rubin “Arise, you prisoners of starvation! Arise, you wretched of the earth! For justice thunders condemnation: A better world's in birth!” So begins the Internationale, the theme song of Communism. So far it is perfectly acceptable for Islamists though some later v ...
- Gingrich's Palestinian "Invented People" Comme ...Republican Candidate Newt Gingrich made headlines this week with his comment made on the Jewish Channel, that “We have had an invented Palestinian people who are in fact Arabs,” His statement was criticized by fellow candidate Mitt Romney, by ...
- I'll Bet You $10,000 That Romney Lost The Nomi ...When it is all said and done historians may look back on this GOP primary season and conclude that Mitt Romney lost his chance at the nomination on a bet. During last night's debate Texas Governor Rick Perry challenged Romney on a passage in his first book, claiming an early edition said t ...
- It's that Stupid, Politically Correct Holiday ...In less than two weeks Jews across the world will begin celebrating the minor holiday of Hanukkah, Chanukah and/or חנוכה the Jewish holiday that is spelled a hundred ways in English. Along with the joy of the holiday is the sadness that this minor holiday is continually hijacked by the ACLU and ...
The Real Agenda
- Ron Paul Exposes Gingrich’s past of Corr ...by Luis R. Miranda The Real Agenda December 12, 2011 Republican presidential candidate and Texas House Representative Ron Paul has once again taken it to a new level when it comes to unmasking the travesty that is the candidacy of Newt Gingrich. In a new video ad, one that borrows resources from ...
- UN’s “Green Climate Fund” to keep Poor Nations ...Editor’s Note: The only arguable point is that it is not the rich nations per se the ones wanting to prevent the third world from developing, but the corporate interests that pull the strings behind those nations. Many of those corporate interests are also in control of the UN. by Marc Mor ...
- Esterilização Forçada: O Segredo Mais Escuro d ...Uma investigação sobre se o governo de Alberto Fujimori realizou esterilizações forçadas em massa na década de 1990 foi reaberto. Estas atrocidades foram apoiadas pelas Nações Unidas e a USAID. Tradução Luis Miranda The Real Agenda 12 dezembro 2011 O rosto da Victoria Vigo não mostra nenhuma emo ...
- When Sea Level Change is NOT Sea Level Changeby Dr. Timothy Ball Science&Public Policy December 12, 2011 Many claim sea level is rising because of global warming and point to changes along the Gulf of Mexico coast. Sea level has risen since the end of the last Ice Age (Figure 1), but it has slowed dramatically in the last few hundred y ...
- Obama was who requested that Americans were &# ...Senator Levin revealed – It was Obama who required the Indefinite Detainment Bill INCLUDE U.S. Citizens as part of the wording! by SerriQuestioningAll December 11, 2011 Well now we know, for those who have been holding out “hope” that Obama will veto the 1031 Indefinite Detainm ...
Wind Watch
- Wind turbine bursts into flames as hurricane-f ...The turbine in a North Ayrshire wind farm caught fire on Thursday afternoon. Fire engines attended the blaze which died out after a matter of minutes at the wind farm situated above Ardrossan at around 3.40pm. Ardrossan resident Stuart McMahon said the turbine had not been in operation due to th ...
- GMP wind: Protesters halt construction, are ar ...Police arrested six protesters on the Kingdom Community Wind construction site in Lowell Monday morning after the protesters blockaded the ridgeline road and stopped construction. They also arrested a journalist who said he was at the site to cover the arrests. Among those arrested were: Dr. Ron ...
- Murray abandons wind energy siting billSupporters’ hopes for a long-awaited wind energy siting bill dimmed last week when Senate President Therese Murray, D-Plymouth, announced she does not support the measure. Murray mentioned the controversial Falmouth turbine and sided with those concerned the siting bill would take away loc ...
- Ontario watchdog warns on green energy costsThe high cost of Ontario’s green energy plan may drive up electricity bills significantly in the province in the future, the government’s auditor general said in his annual report on Monday. He also said wind and solar projects launched under the province’s green energy plan ha ...
- Area to lose major tax revenue from wind devel ...BAD AXE — County officials learned this week that the State Tax Commission lowered the amount of personal property taxes developers pay for wind developments — resulting in the area losing more than a quarter of a million dollars next year. Huron County Board of Commissioners Chairman Ron Wruble ...
Tippers News
- Three men helped starve kids, court tolThree men helped starve five children in Adelaide until they looked like they had came from a famine-affected Third World country, a court has been told. Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- DNA testing a proven weapon in fight against h ...DNA testing is a proven aid in solving child trafficking cases in the country, a well-known international research institute says. Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Be a Voice for Coastal Louisiana's Wildlife ! ...Coastal Louisiana provides habitat to hundreds of wildlife species, including sea turtles, migratory birds, and manatees. But unfortunately, right now Louisiana is also experiencing the highest rate of land loss in the United States Submitted by Cher C. to Environment | Note- ...
- Tiger killing 'a crime against nature'Three people have been sentenced to a total of eight and a half years in prison for trying to smuggle tiger skins and bones across the Russian border. And for the first time in this kind of case, a charge of 'ecological damage' might be brought for the Submitted by Maria Oniga to Animals   ...
- Dog Beating Charge Sends Key Largo Man To JailA witness said Bubba upset Mitchell when he tried to run away. Mitchell caught the dog by the collar, the witness said, and dragged him so violently inside he damaged the dog's neck and esophagus. Then Bubba grabbed a steak from the kitchen counter. Submitted by Maria Oniga to Animals |& ...
The Freeman
- New York Politicians Want Air Passenger Advocate“Two New York lawmakers have called for a passenger advocate at airports to immediately act on complaints by passengers over security screenings.” (Washington Times) A private competitive market would make this unnecessary. FEE Timely Classic “On Airports and Individual Rights& ...
- San Francisco Decrees $10 Minimum Wage“Come New Year’s Day, . . . San Francisco makes history by becoming the first city in the nation to scale a $10 minimum wage. The city’s hourly wage for its lowest-paid workers will hit $10.24, more than $2 above the California minimum wage and nearly $3 more than the working w ...
- Negotiations Lead to European Agreement“Leaders of 26 European countries, including the 17 nations that use the euro, agreed Friday to a new pact with strict caps on government spending and borrowing to shore up the foundations of the currency, with only euro-skeptic Britain rejecting the pact.” (Washington Post) But will ...
- States Extend Generous Pension Benefits“Special retirement benefits once reserved for police, firefighters and others with dangerous jobs are now being given to tens of thousands of state workers employed as park rangers, foresters, dispatchers, coroners, even highway laborers, museum guards and lifeguards.” (USA Today) A ...
- Fearing HayekHayek was important for teaching that markets provide the only way for human beings to overcome their individual deficiencies in knowledge, which would otherwise keep them from flourishing through social cooperation and the division of labor.
Teaching Online Journalism
- Classroom helpers for j-schoolIn the fall, when the new school year begins in the northern hemisphere, older posts on this blog find a new life. I’m so happy to see that people are finding useful things here! These are some of the top posts from the past week: How to shoot video interviews Getting started with Wor ...
- 10 Rules for Visual StorytellingFor some people, “visual storytelling” means photographs. For others, it means film or video. An epic movie such as the Lord of the Rings trilogy may spring to mind — and few would disagree with that as a fine example of visual storytelling. In journalism writing classes, stud ...
- Getting that first job in journalismInternships. Portfolio. Real work (not work assigned in a class). Not necessarily paid work — but journalism work that some respectable organization saw fit to publish, with your name on it. Lacking these, a new journalism graduate is behind the curve. There are not so many jobs out there ...
- 5,000 followers on TwitterSure, I’m no Andy Carvin (NPR’s social media guy), but I do feel a little thrill when the zeros turn over. The screen capture above is from yesterday, July 31, 2011. See my recent posts about Twitter and journalism. Sure, I’m no Andy Carvin (NPR’s social media ...
- 6 Proposals for Journalism Education TodayI’ve spent a huge amount of time this year thinking about and working on journalism curriculum. From developing and teaching a four-week program to train journalism educators in Africa in the practice of online journalism, to helping with a major overhaul of the undergraduate curriculum in ...
Facing South
- States will fight environmentalists over feder ...
- How Art Pope helped bring you Herman Cain
- HB 56 reigniting civil rights movement in Alabama
- Could Florida's war on voting change the outco ...
This ...
- Fred Shuttlesworth: God saved him to fight
Worldpress - Africa
- Fighting for Rights of the Disabled in AfricaDisabled people in countries like Burundi and the Congo face harsh discrimination, but organizers are advocating for their rights and advancement.
- Kenya's Incursion in SomaliaWhile the exact motives of all the players involved are hard to discern, many people are being endangered as Kenya chases al-Shabaab in Somalia.
- Congo: Holding Its BreathElections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are expected to be deeply flawed, and a number of situations could lead to further violence and unrest in the war-torn country.
- Progress in Sierra Leone, but Not for the YouthPresident Koroma has improved electricity supply, healthcare and roads in Sierra Leone, but the country's young people have not received the education or opportunities they need.
- Land Grabs and the World BankFarmers in developing countries are seeing their land taken from them and sold off to investors, and the World Bank is playing a hand in the deals.
Telegraph UK - oil
- The owl who flew 2,000 miles - but finally arr ...Exhausted and a hundred miles from land, a migrating owl made a wise move - he landed on a North Sea gas rig.
- Industrial scars: aerial photographs of pollut ...Industrial scars: aerial photographs of pollution by J Henry Fair.
- New Zealand: oil leaks and cargo topples off s ...Fears stricken cargo ship may break up and cause environmental disaster.
- Oil leak from container ship Rena is New Zeala ...Oil leak from container ship is New Zealand's worst maritime disaster.
- Libya: the minister, the Tory donor and a cont ...An oil firm whose chief executive has bankrolled the Conservatives won exclusive rights to trade with Libyan rebels during the conflict, following secret talks involving the British Government.
Ian Welsh
- There’s a hardly a “progressive” alive who isn ...Seriously, listening to all the progressives either supporting the payroll tax rebate extension (an attack on Social Security) or saying that Cameron should have signed on to a forced austerity pact, I am reminded how mind numbingly stupid and partisan these people are. Scum. Evil. Stupid. I ...
- Perhaps the Only Thing Cameron Will Ever Do Th ...was to tell Merkel to take a long leap of a short pier, and refusing to sign on board for European control of member state’s fiscal policies. Such control in the current context (forced austerity) is a recipe for outright, extended depression. Cameron may be throwing Britain into depress ...
- Why MF Global CollapsedBecause the Fed cut them off. That is all. Yes, they were doing shady things, but no more shady than many other companies that didn’t get cut off. If you are a financial firm, you need the essentially free money the Fed provides. With it, you can make money, without it, you can’t. ...
- How to lie with headlines – NY Times editionSo, I’m browsing the NY Times and a title leaps out at me: Albany Tax Deal to Raise Rate for Highest Earners The URL says Cuomo, governor of New York. Odd, I think. I wouldn’t expect Cuomo to raise taxes on rich people. Maybe I’ve misjudged him? Maybe he isn’t just a u ...
- The blindingly obvious about the proposed fisc ...What it means is German control over other countries budgets. What that means is semi-permanent austerity. What that means is semi-permanent depression. I somehow doubt that this will be accomplished, if it is accomplished, through referenda. I doubt any major party will stand against it. So ...
Media Consortium
- New Voices: What Works
- The Media Consortium » The Big Thaw
- Corporations Are Not People -- In These TimesHASH(0xbc586f0)
- Private prison company’s growth went hand-in-h ...HASH(0xbe94238)
- Montana AG warns of return to rampant corporat ...HASH(0xbc06d70)
Reality Asserts Itself
- Drug Wars in Juarez Fuels Boom in El PasoMy colleague Malak Behrouznami recently returned from Juarez Mexico where she grew up as a child. She as a wonderful heritage - her father is Iranian and her Mother is Mexican. She went Juarez for family and journalistic reasons. One of her objectives was to find out why Juarez has become a terr ...
- PALESTINIAN-ISRAELI NEGOTIATIONS TO NOWHERE NO ...A few months ago when shooting a documentary in the Middle East, we met Zeina, a 13-year-old Palestinian living in a Beirut refugee camp. She was traumatized as she watched the Israeli Gaza war on television. It changed her life. She now thinks of revenge and cannot understand the Israeli childr ...
- FROM JOE McCARTHY TO GLEN BECK – TIME TO END F ...I listened to Glen Becks "Restoring Honor" speech today hoping to find something of substance to write about. I found a stringing together of such empty phrases it does not bear discussion. The more important issue is why a man whose megalomania seems to have no bounds can become ...
- PAKISTAN FLOODS AND A FAILED POLICY - UN Sec. ...Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, says of the flooding in Pakistan "The world has never seen such a disaster. It's much beyond anybody's imagination". At least 20 million people have lost their homes, more than 1600 have died, and disease and hunger will c ...
- China and the end of the end of historyMany economists and political analysts think the current recovery, as it's being called, is a rather temporary phenomenon. Many expect the recession to kick back in, and perhaps within a few years get much more serious. What does that mean in terms of the future of the world economy and worl ...
Great Beyond ( Nature )
- Gene therapy success for haemophiliaFour patients with haemophilia B have been successfully treated with gene therapy, scientists at University College London and elsewhere reported on 10 December in the New England Journal of Medicine and on 11 December at the American Society of Hematology meeting in San Diego, California. Th ...
- Simple tools speed up quake warningsResearchers have developed a new technique for quickly assessing the magnitude of large earthquakes, cutting down the time required in the case of the recent quake in Japan, for example, from about 20 minutes to just 2-3 minutes. Those critical minutes would have helped with tsunami warnings and ...
- Climate negotiators huddle for a dramatic deal ...On 11 December 1997 nations of the world gathered in Japan to sign a legally binding instrument intended to begin the long task of reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. Today, as Kyoto Protocol celebrates its fourteenth birthday, questions about its future pushed the United Nations climate t ...
- Climate negotiators huddle for a dramatic deal ...On 11 December 1997 nations of the world gathered in Japan to sign a legally binding instrument intended to begin the long task of reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. Today, as Kyoto Protocol celebrates its fourteenth birthday, questions about its future pushed the United Nations climate t ...
- Hole in the ground available for hireWhen researchers drilled a hole into California's San Andreas fault, they dropped a string of instruments down into its depths in 2008 that they hoped would take readings of seismic and magnetic activity for years. But that experiment, called the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth, failed ju ...
new geography
- Durban, Reducing Emissions and the Dimensions ...The Durban climate change conference has come to an end, with the nations of the world approving the "Durban Platform," (Note 1) an agreement to agree later on binding greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets by 2020. The New York Times reported: "Observers and delegates said th ...
- Wanted: Blue-Collar WorkersTo many, America’s industrial heartland may look like a place mired in the economic past—a place that, outcompeted by manufacturing countries around the world, has too little work to offer its residents. But things look very different to Karen Wright, the CEO of Ariel Corporation in Moun ...
- Tilting at (Transit) Windmills in NashvilleAs in other major metropolitan areas in the United States, Nashville public officials are concerned about traffic congestion and the time it takes to get around. There is good reason for this, given the research that demonstrates the strong association between improved economic productivity a ...
- Which States Are Growing More Competitive?By Hank Robison and Rob Sentz. Illustration by Mark Beauchamp. In many ways, individual U.S. states are like 50 laboratories where differing public policy, industry focus, and economic development strategies are tried and tested. Different approaches yield different results and some state ...
- Illinois: State Of EmbarrassmentMost critics of Barack Obama’s desultory performance the past three years trace it to his supposedly leftist ideology, lack of experience and even his personality quirks. But it would perhaps be more useful to look at the geography — of Chicago and the state of Illinois — that nurtured his ...
GM Watch
- GM speeding up the tech-pesticide treadmillEXTRACT: *Are farmers on a faster technology-pesticides treadmill on account of GM technology? GDS: Of course. Farmers didn't really start adopting Bt cotton until around 2005, and within five years we have gone from one genetic construct to four. We have gone from terrible problems with Americ ...
- Poison from the skyPoison from the Sky Marcela Valente IPS, Dec 9 2011 http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=106159 *Studies show that people in rural areas in Argentina face risks from glyphosate spraying. BUENOS AIRES - Argentina's soy boom has been a major source of foreign exchange. But the other side of t ...
- Kucinich seeks consumer protection and choice1.Kucinich: Protect Our Food Supply From Manufactured Crises 2.Kucinich: Allow Consumers to Make Informed Choices --- --- 1.Kucinich: Protect Our Food Supply From Manufactured Crises eNews Park Forest, December 9 2011 http://t.co/nCHu1UNb WASHINGTON - Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today an ...
- Monsanto denies superinsect problem, despite e ...Monsanto (Still) Denies Superinsect Problem, Despite Evidence Tom Philpott Mother Jones, December 8 2011 http://motherjones.com/tom-philpott/2011/12/superinsects-monsanto-corn-epa Back in August - as I reported here - something strange began to happen in isolated Iowa corn fields: Otherwise h ...
- Monsanto denies superinsect problem, despite e ...Monsanto (Still) Denies Superinsect Problem, Despite Evidence Tom Philpott Mother Jones, December 8 2011 http://motherjones.com/tom-philpott/2011/12/superinsects-monsanto-corn-epa Back in August - as I reported here - something strange began to happen in isolated Iowa corn fields: Otherwise h ...
- Serious journalists *heart* slebs for censorshipWhy those who normally abhor celebrity culture are cheering the likes of Hugh Grant and Steve Coogan against the celeb-obsessed tabloids.
- The forgotten history of Pearl HarborESSAY: Japan’s attack on the US 70 years ago was not a surprise, but rather the culmination of imperial rivalry.
- Fiskalunion? Nein Danke!The long-running drive to give Brussels greater power over EU member states is anti-growth and anti-democratic.
- Getting the rioters to do their dirty workThe Guardian’s study of the August riots is pure advocacy research, designed to harness the power of riotous menace to chattering-class causes.
- When it comes to abortion, why wait?Women who choose to terminate a pregnancy have a moral obligation to do it as early as possible.
- UK PMs Internet Censorship Insinuation Receive ...Via: ZeroPaid: You know your internet censorship plans are too strict when China praises you for it. I’ll say this right off the bat, if someone told me one month ago that I would end up writing a headline like that, I would have told them they were insane. I am simply stunned that it [...]
- Hugo Chavez Orders $11 Billion of Gold Home Fr ...Via: Bloomberg: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez ordered the central bank to repatriate $11 billion of gold reserves held in developed nations’ institutions such as the Bank of England as the metal rises to record levels behind a weakening U.S. dollar. Venezuela, which holds 211 tons of its 365 ...
- Single Seat Electric Vehicle Sets 1,000 Miles- ...Via: PhysOrg: An experimental electric vehicle called “Schluckspecht” (“boozer,” or “tippler” in German) has set the record for achieving the longest drive in a battery-powered vehicle on a single battery charge. Its record-breaking distance was 1,013.8 miles ...
- Long Beach Police Department Claims Authority ...The U.S. horror show is plumbing new depths of fascism now. This one will definitely cause you to skip a beat. Even I had to pause and re-read this one in disbelief. Via: Long Beach Post: Police Chief Jim McDonnell has confirmed that detaining photographers for taking pictures “with no app ...
- Who—and What—Are Behind the “ ...I just included a tiny piece of this. Click through, but be ready to for a lengthy and careful meditation on total absurdity of this fabricated spectacle. Via: Who What Why: The establishment media just keep getting worse. They’re further and further from good, tough investigative journalism, an ...
The Economic Collapse
- The Tim Tebow Comeback Story Continues But The ...Never in the history of the NFL has there ever been anything like this. Today, Tim Tebow engineered yet another miraculous 4th quarter comeback. Almost everyone has been expecting this unprecedented string of comebacks to come to an end, yet Tebow just keeps pulling off miracle ...
- Shocking Charts And Statistics That Prove That ...How do you decide whether you are wealthy or not? Do you determine that by how much money you spend at the stores? Of course not. You can tell if you are wealthy or not by comparing your assets (the money in your bank account, equity in your home, etc.) to your liabilities (yo ...
- What Is The Best Country In The World For Amer ...Millions of American citizens have already left the United States in search of a better life. As the economy continues to crumble and as our society slowly falls apart, millions of others are thinking about it. But moving to another country is not something to be done lightly. ...
- 20 Signs That The Culture Of Government Depend ...More Americans are financially dependent on the government than ever before. For a variety of reasons, there are now tens of millions of Americans that would not be able to survive without government assistance. As I wrote about the other day, the insane economic policies of ou ...
- The Worst In The World – The U.S. Balanc ...Did you know that we buy about a half a trillion dollars more stuff from the rest of the world than they buy from us? The U.S. balance of trade is not only mind-blowingly bad - it is the worst in the world. It is being projected that the U.S. trade deficit for 2011 will [...]
- IT resources and ‘hands-on’ scienc ...Read at : http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/12/111209123108.htm New Solar-Powered Classroom Brings Science to Schools in Developing Countries ScienceDaily (Dec. 9, 2011) — An innovative project led by a chemistry academic at the University of Southampton is using solar generators to prov ...
- Increase in the amount and extent of shrubs an ...Read at : http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/12/111208152021.htm More Shrubbery in a Warming World ScienceDaily (Dec. 8, 2011) — Scientists have used satellite data from NASA-built Landsat missions to confirm that more than 20 years of warming temperatures in northern Quebec, Canada, have ...
- Drought management strategies (Google / Oman D ...Read at : Google Alert – desertification http://main.omanobserver.om/node/75273 Spotlight on drought management strategies By Abdulaziz al Jahdhami – MUSCAT — The First International Conference on Drought Management Strategies in Arid and Semi Arid Regions kicked off yesterday under ...
- 12 billion trees worldwide (UN NEWS Centre)Read at : http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=40664&Cr=trees&Cr1= UN-led campaign that planted 12 billion trees worldwide starts new phase A United Nations campaign that has overseen the planting of more than 12 billion trees around the world has been handed over to a youth-led ...
- Watermelon farming in a drought (African Agric ...Read at : http://www.africanagricultureblog.com/2011/12/climate-change-adaptation-watermelon.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+africanagricultureblog%2FNaEx+%28African+Agriculture%29 Climate change adaptation: watermelon farming in a drought by Isaiah Esipis ...
The Paper Trail
- And now, left-wing Mitt Romney, out of context ...A new political ad, entitled “French Mitt Romney,” shows a video of the presidential candidate speaking in French, poorly, promoting the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics.But the subtitles are a bit off – actually they don’t mention the Olympics at all.
- FACT CHECK: Soft on Anti-SemitismGOP presidential candidates Michele Bachmann and Mitt Romney claim that the U.S. ambassador to Belgium “justified” and “downplayed” anti-Semitism and blamed it on “Israel’s actions toward the Palestinians.” We find that to be a one-sided interpretation of what was actually said.
- Brominated battle: Soda chemical has cloudy he ...It's Monday night at the Battle & Brew, a gamer hangout in this Atlanta suburb. The crowd is slumping in chairs, ears entombed in headphones, eyes locked on flat-screen monitors and minds lost in tonight’s video game of choice: "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim."
- MethodologyOur analysis of the toll from chronic kidney disease (CKD) in Central America is based on mortality data from the World Health Organization.
- About this projectThousands of men working in the Pacific Coast sugarcane fields of El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and neighboring countries have been dying of chronic kidney disease, an ailment that in most parts of the developed world is a manageable condition.
- Harper’s hippies for trucks planBy Alison@Creekside In this week’s episode, Steve lays a cunning trap for Barry. In exchange for agreeing to pass travel and “informal” info about Canadians on to Homeland Security, Steve gets Barry to promise to maybe match $1-billion in Canadian taxpayer dollars to fund some ...
- So what if RIM failed? Would that be all bad?By Mark Evans As an enthusiastic supporter of Canada’s high-tech community, I’m hoping RIM can somehow find a way to revive its flagging fortunes. But the terrible debut of the PlayBook, the modest reception to the BlackBerry 9900, and October’s global network outage has not only put RIM o ...
- G20: The morons who came in from the coldBy Alison@Creekside The JIG is up. An RCMP "joint intelligence group" -- comprised of federal, provincial and municipal police -- infiltrated activist groups prior to the G20 and Vancouver Olympics in what they call "one of the largest domestic intelligence o ...
- Death in Vancouver, bluster on TwitterBy Frank Moher A young woman died of a drug overdose in Vancouver yesterday. Her name was Ashley. She became one of the approximately 120 people who will die of drug overdoses in Vancouver this year. She happened to be at the Occupy Vancouver encampment when she died. Or perhaps it wasn ...
- Three simple words that can save a lifeBy Montreal Simon About ten years ago I saw a young couple throw themselves in front of a subway train at the McGill metro station in downtown Montreal. It was all over in a flash. All I saw was two people on the opposite platform suddenly rush forward, and then the body ...
- Report on the recent days of struggle of the N ...8-12.jpeg As I wrote a few days ago, the NO TAV movement was planning a huge day of mobilisation on December 8, for the anniversary of what has become known as “The Battle of Venaus” in 2005, where ac ...
- Report on the Free Mumia Abu Jamal Protest in ...Report on The Free Mumia Abu Jamal Protest in London on 9th December 2011. Free Mumia Now ! Action called by Free Mumia Abu Jamal Defense Campaign UK: Sixty people protested outside the US Embassy 5- 7 pm, to demand the immediate and ...
- Report on the Free Mumia Abu Jamal Protest in ...Report on The Free Mumia Abu Jamal Protest in London on 9th December 2011. Free Mumia Now ! Action called by Free Mumia Abu Jamal Defense Campaign UK: Sixty people protested outside the US Embassy 5- 7 pm, to demand the immediate and ...
- Solar Powered Cappucino at COP 17 in DurbanBenjamin Fogel on the COP 17 fiasco in Durban, South Africa. COP 17 drags on. Everybody would rather be somewhere else. When last Saturday’s protest march of around 10,000 people reached Durban’s ICC, the venue of the UN environmental ...
- EDL/Infidels Latest! Read All Abaht It! EDL/Infidels Latest! http://malatesta32.wordpress.com/
Free Range International
- THE DIVERSITY PLATOONEditors Note: This post is the first (of what I hope to be many) posts from my father Major General J.D. Lynch Jr. USMC (Ret.) The Current Situation Forty years ago, the American military was held in great contempt by the public it served. The feeling was returned in roughly equal measure. We ...
- EFP’sDuring our last trip to Zaranj we had one more task to complete before we went home. The after action report on the ambush of Haji Nematullah, reported they seized three large buckets of Home Made Explosives (HME) and three Explosively Formed Penetrator (EFP) mines. EFP’s were a big prob ...
- Everybody Was Kung Fu FightingMuch has transpired since my visit to Zaranj last month. I learned just this morning that the Surge apparently did not work and we are now, according to our esteemed Secretary of State, switching tactics too. The new counterinsurgency tactic will be “Fight, Talk, Build” and if you ...
- Sanctuary Denied?Last week I received and heads up from Mullah John that General Allen and Ambassador Crocker were on 60 Minutes and was able to watch the show on AFN. The one thing I noticed when watching General Allen was the emotion clearly evident as he discussed the truck bomb has had asked the Pakistani m ...
- Free Ranging BalochistanI’m back in my compound after attending a bunch of ceremonies in Zaranj marking the end of our efforts in Nimroz Province. When we flew in last week the skies were dark and it rained that night. The next morning was clear as a bell making for excellent photography and perfect weather for ...
The Story Behind the Story
- It’s the ECONOMY — DUH!!!For whatever reason, the subject of the FEDERAL RESERVE and MONEY CREATION FOR PROFIT is not being “debated” on the political front by the Khazar “Puppets” masquerading as GOP Presidential “Candidates”. The machinations of TOO BIG TO FAIL BANKS and the ECONOMY ...
- Batle Hymn – Put on the WHOLE ARMOR of God.Before you read this – listen to this SCHOOL CHOIR perform “Battle Hymn of the REPUBLIC!” What a wonderful job! http://www.greatdanepro.com/Battle%20Hymn/index.htm This pretty much sums things up folks. Remember it was written back in 1972. Put on the Whole Armor of God Novem ...
- Freedman’s 1954 Letter to Fellow “ ...This lengthy letter, written back in 1954, is absolutely vital in understanding the “Big Lie” – and uncovering the “Synagogue of Satan” – the “Hidden Hand” controlling world events today. Facts are indeed FACTS – and The Truth Shall Set Us ...
- The ACLU Get One RightEvery so often, even the ACLU lines up correctly. This is one such instance: http://www.aclu.org/blog/national-security/senators-demand-military-lock-american-citizens-battlefield-they-define-being/ Senators Demand the Military Lock Up American Citizens in a “Battlefield” They Define as Being R ...
- “Newt” Gingrich Surges in New Hamp ...Americans seem to either have a very short memory, or they are being hypnotized. Over the weekend, key “polls” reported Newt Gingrich actually leading the GOP field for the 2012 Presidential nomination. Perhaps “Illuminati Appointment” is more appropriate. Never mind tha ...
du la bab - Now is the Time
- Life in a carbon neutral world…There’s a great Story from the New York Times / International Herald and Tribune about a 28 year old product designer from Luxembourg attempting to live a carbon neutral life in Barcelona, Spain. Her story is at certainly inspiring, although sometimes uncomfortable to read about… who ...
- BPA, Phthalates, Toxic Plastic Bottles, Sippy ...Content has been moved – please visit www.jacobbarrocas.com
- Green Spring Cleaning!Content has been moved – please visit www.jacobbarrocas.com
- Food Miles – how far your food travels & ...Content has been moved – please visit www.jacobbarrocas.com
- Getting real about energy production & reductionHere’s a great video from a Cambridge University Physicist David Mackay. He’s discussing practical ways of measuring domestic power consumption, ways of producing energy, and he debate about replacing traditional fossil fuels based methods of producing electricity with more sensible ...
Mansbridge One on One - CBC
- Alison Redford, Premier of Alberta (Nov. 19)Premier of Alberta, Alison Redford discusses her hopes for the province's future and the challenges she faces in the Keystone pipeline project.
- Samantha Nutt, doctor and author (Oct 22, 2011)Dr. Nutt discusses the challenges of delivering aid effectively.
- Dr. Ann McKee, Neuropathologist, Bedford VA Me ...Peter is in the lab with Dr. Ann McKee, one of the key researchers in degenerative brain disease, and finds out what she's learning from the head trauma suffered by fallen former athletes.
- Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of Canada (O ...Peter sits down with Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney about the growing concern over the financial crisis in Europe and what it could mean for Canada.
- Brendan Shanahan, NHL VP, Player Safefty (Oct ...He played 21 years in the NHL, now, Brendan Shanahan is the league's senior VP of player safety, and he's making his mark in a way that may change the very way the game is played.
Scotts Contracting
- Recycling is not just for CansEarlier this year I was asked to replace a leaking roof on a Patio of an Investment Property. The job consisted of Removing the existing Mound City Clay Roof Tiles from the Porch Roof and replacing with Certain Teed 3 Tab-Shingles (Energy Star Rated). Rather than dispose of the Clay Roof Tiles ...
- Green Home Renovation Tips for Fire Safety-Green Home Renovation Tips for Fire Safety Guest Post by: Ms Sally Davison When it comes to sustainable home construction and renovation, fire safety should also be a concern. Preventing fires is a green practice in itself, because fires present a serious threat to the environment in terms of e ...
- CSP-design with Heat Recovery Unit for added E ...UPDATE: Concentrated Solar Power Design with Added Heat Recovery Unit Seeking Assistance to bring this design to market. Please use Contact Form Below and Scotty, Scotts Contracting will reply to your message ASAP. Updated Concentrated Solar Power Photovoltaic Design with Added Automatic Heat ...
- Repair It-Don’t Replace It-Concrete StepsRepairing Concrete Steps instead of Replacing-Job Notes, Suggestions, and Hints. Whether it is downturn of economy or people choosing to save money, many of my clients are choosing to “Repair rather than Replace” the materials used in the construction of their home or business. If yo ...
- Poll-How can I help you Save Money on your Win ...POll-How can I help you Save Money on your Winter-Time Heating Bills? [contact-form] [/contact-form] Related articles Reduce your heating bill this winter (moneysaversdirect.com) CAD Detail Heat and Cold Loss-2×4 Wall (scottscontracting.wordpress.com) Fall Weatherization Services Offer (scottsco ...
The View From Abroad
- Washington Should Follow Laissez-FaireIf I didn't know better I'd swear Washington is out to destroy Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.
- The More Things Change, the More They Stay the ...NATO's invasion of Libya was about corporatism, not the safety of the Libyan people.
- Why Was al-Awlaki Denied His Constitutional Ri ...Everyone understands that Anwar al-Awlaki was denied his constitutional rights as an American citizen. The question is, why?
- A Return to the Gold Standard is a MustThe gold standard is not only constitutional, it is necessary to cure what's ailing our economy.
- Revisionism is Alive and WellIn the final analysis, Ronald Reagan was a big government liberal.
Foreign Policy in Focus - Military (US)
- Does Israel Believe Downed Drone in Iran Conta ...In the U.S. refusal to track down the downed drone in Iran, Iran finds yet another cassus belli.
- Coalition Forces Won't Take Training Wheels Of ...The administration defense policy shop Center for a New American Security calls for ending counterinsurgency in Afghanistan.
- New Nuclear Weapons Facility: "Gateway to a Bl ...The fight to stop a facility dedicated to nuclear pits -- where the chain reaction occurs -- is finally experiencing some success.
- Australia RemilitarizesAustralia is rapidly re-posturing in the face of a militarized East Asia.
- Israel May Be as Threatened by a Rational Iran ...Israeli war hawks and the Americans who enable them are refining their justification for attacking Iran.
- Latest Chevron Outtake: 'They're All Corrupt!'Donziger muses 'The judicial system is so utterly weak' in Corporate Counsel's latest release of outtakes from the documentary Crude.
- Minus Kagan, Supreme Court Lets 'Don't Ask' Po ...In an order Friday, the Supreme Court denied a motion aimed at allowing a worldwide ban on enforcement of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays in the military to take effect.
- MGA Loses Effort to Stall Trial in Fee Fight W ...A Los Angeles judge issued a tentative ruling Friday denying toymaker MGA Entertainment's efforts to stay a lawsuit that was filed by its former lawyers at O'Melveny & Myers.
- Proskauer and English Firm End Their Merger Di ...Proskauer Rose and SJ Berwin said Friday they had decided against merging, putting to an end months of speculation about a possible trans-Atlantic tie-up between the two law firms. The firms in a joint statement said "we recognized that the timetable necessary to reach the agreements that would ...
- IRS Throws In Towel on Closely Watched Interna ...
- پرتاب کفش به سوی احمدینژاد در مراسم سالگرد عل ...ههنگام برگزاری دومين سالگرد درگذشت علی کردان، وزير کشور سابق، گروهی در ميان سخنان محمود احمدینژاد شعارهايی دادند و به سوی وی کفش پرتاب کردند. به گزارش منابع خبری ايران، محمود احمدینژاد، رئيس جمهور ايران، امروز دوشنبه ۲۱ آذرماه همچون سال گذشته در مراسم سالگرد درگذشت علی کردان، وزير سابق کشور د ...
- دیدار اعضای ستاد بزرگداشت حماسه 9 دی با رهبر ا ...حضرت آیتالله خامنهای با یادآوری وقایع تلخ فتنه 88 افزودند: این فتنه، صرفا منحصر به حضور عدهای افراد در خیابانها نبود، بلكه ناشی از یك بیماری بود كه با اقدامات سیاسی و امنیتی قابل دفع شدن نبود، و به یك حضور عظیم مردمی نیاز داشت، كه چنین هم شد.
- اجراي حد قطع پا و دست در زندان عادلآباداجراي حد قطع پا و دست دو سارق در زندان عادلآباد؛ دادستان شيراز: دستگاه قضايي فارس در اجراي حدود الهي مصمم است
- هشدار به ایرانیان مسافر به خارج از کشوروزارت امورخارجه آمادگي مجدد خود براي ارائه مشورت به شهروندان ايراني و راهنمايي آنها در همه زمينه ها بويژه درخصوص اينگونه مشکلات را اعلام مي نمايد.
- سگ کشی بیرحمانه در تبریز Warning: Graphic pictures این حیوانات زبان بسته با روش های بسیار فجیع مانند ضربه به جمجمه توسط لوله های فلزی و کوبیدن سر آن ها به دیوار و یا حلق آویز شدن کشته می شوند... سگ کشی بیرحمانه در تبریز read more
Most Revolutionary Act
- The V-WordDebating the Government Monopoly on Violence It will be instructive over coming months to watch the response of OWS protestors to the orgy of militarized police violence that has all but shut down the major public occupations. In just two months, the Occupy movement has used the combined tools ...
- The Wikipedia Revolution – Part IIBook Review (Part II) The Wikipedia Revolution By Andrew Lih (Aurun Press Ltd 2009) Andrew Lih The Birth of Wikipedia In 2000, Y2K enthusiast Larry Sanger joined BOMIS, bringing a large number of followers from his on-line Y2K digest. The Y2K movement was an informal network of programmers ...
- The Wikipedia Revolution – Part IBy Andrew Lih (Aurun Press Ltd 2009) Book Review (I have divided this review into two parts. Part I describes Open Source innovations that were integral to the creation of the world’s most famous and popular encyclopedia. Part II describes the Wikipedia project itself.) Lih’s Wilki ...
- The 2011 New Zealand ElectionsGreen Party co-leaders Russel Norman and Metiria Turei Owing to a longstanding conviction that true political power rest in corporate boardrooms, prior to coming to New Zealand I viewed electoral politics as a waste of time. For the best part of 30 years, I have devoted my limited leisure time t ...
- Paying the Piper(This is the last of four posts debunking the myths we are told about the global economic crisis.) The Solution to the $100 Trillion Global Debt There seems to be broad agreement among both classical corporate economists and latter day non-corporate ones that the $100 trillion global debt is s ...
Michael Moore - Must Read
- Taxes (and Pepper Spray) Are for the Little Pe ...The New York Daily News reported on December 5th, 2011 that Brookfield Properties -- taking its cue from Leona Helmsley -- owes New York City $139,000 in back taxes. Brookfield is the owner of Zuccotti Park, site of the original Occupy Wall Street encampment, and one of the main forces behind it ...
- Meet Scott Walker, Sultan of WisconsinWisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's administration has announced changes to the rules for demonstrations in the state. According to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, these are some of the new policies: Groups of four or more people must obtain permits for all activity and displays in state buildings ...
- Convicted Felon Dennis Levine on the Only Way ...In 1986 Dennis Levine, then a managing director at Drexel Burnham Lambert, pleaded guilty to insider trading. The federal investigation into his crimes later led to convictions of many others, including Ivan Boesky and Michael Milkin. In Ron Suskind's book Confidence Men: Wall Street, Washington ...
- How the Librarians Beat Rupert MurdochFrom the introduction to Dude, Where's My Country? by Michael Moore I'm lucky, I guess, that I even get to write these words you are reading. Not just because I get to live in the most wonderfulest country in the whole wide world, but because after 9/11, my former publisher, Regan Books (a divi ...
- From 'The Revolutionary,' by Walter Russell Me ...Link to original article in full ... The [Bush senior administration] official pointed out fatwas from Osama that cited the effects of sanctions on Iraqi children and the presence of U. S. troops as a sacrilege that justified his jihad. In a real sense, September 11 was part of the cost of ...
- When Obama underestimated NewtOne of the most unsettling moments of 2008 campaign came when Barack Obama told an interviewer, "I come from a new generation of Americans; I don't want to fight the battles of the '60s." What an oddly cavalier thing to say. Obama's presidential campaign, in fact, most of his career, would not h ...
- Raid ends longest standing occupation campThe longest-standing occupation camp in the country folded early this morning when Boston cops pounced in the wee hours, arresting at least three dozen protesters on trespassing charges.Half of the 300-strong group of on-site and off-site occupiers had struck camp voluntarily 24 hours before whe ...
- The Wall Street-climate change connectionThink “climate change” and the companies that come to mind are oil giants like Exxon Mobil or BP – not JP Morgan or Bank of America.But a new study by Urgewald, a German environmental organization, establishes a strong link between large multinational banks and the coal industry, one of the bigg ...
- The slick shtick of Americans ElectThere’s an increasing amount of buzz around Americans Elect, a peculiar Internet-based effort to shake up presidential politics. But dig a bit beneath the surface and there’s reason to be deeply skeptical of the endeavor.The basic pitch of Americans Elect goes like this: We’ll go through the exp ...
- The assault on Israeli women’s rightsJERUSALEM — The subject of a women’s place in public dominated Israel’s headlines this week after a series of incidents highlighted what some say is the growing repression of Israeli women.The Israeli army, in which women have served since the establishment of the state, has been the focal point ...
SMB News
- Indonesian volcano rumbles as president visits ...For SMB News Indonesian volcano rumbles as president visits camps PURWOBINANGUN: Indonesia’s Mount Merapi volcano spewed more deadly heat clouds Wednesday as President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono visited some of the 50,000 evacuees in shelters. Searing gas billowed from the crater of the 2,91 ...
- Kasaba throws spit on the camera\Kasaba throws spit on cameraMUMBAI: Ajmal Kasaba webcam spit on Tuesday during a hearing in the Bombay High Court for confirmation of the death penalty, which led the court strictly tell him to behave properly. Judjes a warning when they Kasaba altercation with the police and spit at the camera ...
- K’taka Speaker disqualifies 16 MLAsFor SMB News KBANGALORE: Hours ahead of the trust vote for beleaguered Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa in the Assembly, Speaker K G Bopaiah disqualified sixteen rebel MLAs, including eleven from ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), legislative sources said on Monday. Bopaiah signed the ...
- Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8For SMB News Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8 KARACHI: Eight people including two children were killed and over 65 others suffered injuries when two suicide bombers blew themselves up outside Abdullah Shah Ghazi’s shrine in Clifton, official sources said here Thursday. Two heads, beli ...
- Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakeFor SMB News Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakes’ LONDON: Former president Gen. (Retd.) Pervez Musharraf Friday admitted that political mistakes were committed in the twilight years of his regime and sought apology from Pakistani nation for the same. “These mistakes caused damage ...
Toronto Star - Editorials
- Toronto’s rainy day is nowThe Ford administration is backing away from taking food from the mouths of hungry children. But why did it try in the first place?
- Citizenship and bigotryThe Harper government's decision to ban women from wearing veils when becoming citizens may be popular, but it is wrong-headed.
- Let’s not pay them too muchTen of Ontario’s 13 highest-paid civil servants are hospital executives, all earning more than $600,000 a year.
- Ruining a good thing Toronto Conservation Authority should rethink jarring speed bumps targeting cyclists on the Leslie Street Spit.
- More unequal, less complacent In its Growing Unequal report, the OECD sounds the alarm about rapidly increasing inequality in Canada.
Energy Collective
- Archive: "How to Save a Planet On a Budget" Pa ...This third hour focuses on the venture capital environment for cleantech. Cleantech VC Environment, Moderated by Jesse Jenkins Featuring: Will Coleman, Scott Edward Anderson & Dan Shugar Will began with "cleantech investing 101", and explained how the macr ...
- Bad Blood Boils Over At The NRCFour commissioners write to the House Oversight Committee blaming Chairman Gregory Jaczko about a toxic atmosphere
- Are Durban Outcomes Historic or Hollow? (1)This is the first of two posts on COP17, the Durban-based UN climate change talks: this summarises the accords reached and others' reactions; the next post following immediately i
- Durban - How Big a Deal?Only time will tell whether the Durban climate talks produced an historic breakthrough. It’s possible. What’s clear for now is that the Durban deal keeps the global climate effort intact and moving – however incrementally – in the right direction. The deal is delicately poised between two ...
- Why Some Republicans are Delusional About Oil ...Two Sides of a Coin
EU Times
- Obama insists on indefinite detention of AmericansThink that President Obama will stand by his word and veto the legislation that will allow the government to detain American citizens without charge or trial? Think again. The Obama administration has insisted that the president will veto the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 20 ...
- Italians to go on strike over budget cutsTens of thousands of Italian workers plan a general strike against the imposition of the government’s harsh austerity measures aimed at saving the country from financial ruin. Leaders of Italy’s three biggest unions have called for a three hour strike on Monday afternoon and a rally ...
- Russians do not need another revolutionExperts continue to comment the meeting, which took place in Moscow on Saturday, December 10. Some say that the meeting against the results of the parliamentary elections was a political flashmob. Other say that it was a normal element of democracy, which demonstrated that Russia was no differen ...
- Obama Asks Iran to Give Back Captured US Spy DroneFollowing days of silence on the American spy drone captured and unveiled by Iranian armed forces, US President Barack Obama says Washington has asked Tehran to return the US reconnaissance drone. “We’ve asked for it back. We’ll see how the Iranians respond,” Obama said in a news con ...
- Americans Leaving US in Record NumbersEver dream of leaving it all behind and heading out of America? You’re not the only one. A new study shows that more US citizens than ever before are living outside of the country. According to statistics from the US State Department, around 6.4 million Americans are either working or studying o ...
Stonecipher News
- Symptoms and Treatments of Diabetes InsipidusDiabetes Insipidus ( or DI ) is a health condition that is often distinguished by extreme thirst along with excessively diluted urination . DI is similar in characteristics to untreated Diabetes ( or Diabetes Mellitus) but without the onset of blood glucose elevation. One of the major differ ...
- Natural Acne RemediesThere are several health conditions that hinder many people’s lives and outlook everyday. Acne is a condition which can affect your self esteem and your life. I’ve known several friends and family members with terrible cases of acne. They would purchase expensive remedies prescribed by docto ...
- Linguistic Observations: Mendoza's Gang Girls ...Homegirls by Norma Mendoza Denton is a fascinating, and yet, perplexing, view of gangs in the San Francisco Bay area. Over the course of the next few weeks, I'll be providing you incites on the inner workings of the gangs, symbolism of certain material items, and other such related details. ...
- Normal Structure and Function of the Musculosk ...Mr. Ghaz says: Muscular dystrophies refer to a group of more than 30 genetic diseases which are characterized by progressive weakness and degeneration of the skeletal muscles..Studies and estimation show that after sustaining a hip fracture (as a result of osteoporosis) 20% of patients die withi ...
- Reasons to Donate BloodHave you ever donated blood? If you have why did you do it? It may have been for a loved one or a friend. It could have been for the free coupons and gift certificates blood centers provide for donations. Maybe you’re required to donate blood being that you’re in the medical field. In actua ...
Liquida : Worldwide News & Opinion
- Prepaid iPhone 4S kits from Globe get pricedJournalist and blogger Tonyo Cruz recently shared pricing info for Globe’s iPhone 4S prepaid kits, which the telco will launch along with postpaid options this Friday, December 16. Sighted on Facebook : “Report: Prices of #GlobeiPhone4S prepaid kits – P30k+ (16gb), P35k+ (32gb), P44k+ (64gb)”. ...
- Bankers Should Pay for Bank Failure. You Donât ...Bankers should be made to pay dearly if their bank fails , is one of the rather underwhelming and self-evident conclusions of the U.K. financial services regulatorâs long-awaited probe into the 2008 failure of Royal Bank of Scotland
- DeLong Smackdown Watch: Jim Henley Provides a ...Jim Henley thinks that Nick Clegg drew the wrong conclusions from his time spent as an intern at the Nation : Oh Right â Needs a Title § Unqualified Offerings : Brad DeLong was implicitly puzzled last week why British Lib-Dem leader Nick Clegg sticks in coalition with the Tories, ensuring the ...
- Robert Noyce Google DoodleRobert Norton Noyce (December 12, 1927 â June 3, 1990) co-founder of Fairchild Semiconductor (1957) and Intel (1968) was known as “the Mayor of Silicon Valley” decades before that FourSquare nonsense came into being. He is also credited (together with Jack Kilby) for the invention of the integr ...
- Israel Takes Action On The Flood Of Illegal Wo ...Over the last five years, the tiny Nation of Israel has been flooded with illegal workers, mostly from the African Nations of Sudan and Eritrea. Over 50,000 desperate human beings, fleeing war, famine and religious persecution, have crossed Israel’s border from Egyptâs Sinai desert. They enter ...
- Samsung's Cell Phone Sales Surpass 300 MillionSamsung recently bested rival Apple, Inc. by 65 percent in calendar Q3 2011 unit sales to seize the global lead. But it is the company's greater phone lineup, which primarily consists of so-called "feature phones" (i.e., traditional cell phones), that Samsung was celebrating in a recent press ...
- Nook Color gets new streaming contentBarnes & Noble is doing well with the new Nook Color as the fastest selling product it offers. The company has announced a software update for the tablet that adds more than 100 different new features and enhancements to the device. The software update is free and brings the ability to strea ...
- HP Made the Right Move on webOS, but What's Next?Either way HP decides to move, webOS becoming a nonprofit-status entity will serve as a tax break for HP. It's now up to the lawyers as to which of two scenarios will provide the better tax shelter: a one-time spinoff write-off or a continuing in-house write-off.... "This is potentially a signif ...
- The Download.com Debacle: What CNET Needs to D ...But the company still has a long way to go. First, as several developers immediately pointed out, that "re-check" apparently wasn't too thorough. There is still adware in some open-source installs. Second, the re-check only applied to open-source software - too bad if you are a commercial devel ...
- HP Leaves webOS Wounded, Not Even DeadAndroid is open source too and it's very popular. Not to say there isn't room for more than one open source mobile OS because I'm sure the market would be happy to have something in place to put a check on Google, but I'm having a really hard time picturing how this is going to end even reasonab ...
- Chris Morris Discusses the New Wolrd Order: 12 ...Keelan talks Climate Gate 2.0 emails, and is then joined by Chris Morris author of The Anglo-American Establishment and the Emerging Global Corporate State.
- November 21, 2011, WideShut WebcastKeelan discusses the arrest of Gaddafi's son, the Euro Crisis, Global Warming alarmism, Monsanto and more.
- Flu Jab Secrecy: 11/07/2011 WideShut WebcastThis week: The secrecy surrounding the seasonal flu jab and its contents, and Miliband jumps on Occupy.
- Israel Poised To Strike IranDespite no evidence that Iran is seeking nuclear weapons, Israel is poised to launch an attack and the West is ready to go along with it.
- Euro Crisis, China, Occupy: 10/31/2011 WideShu ...Keelan discusses the EU crisis, China & the New World Order, the latest from Occupy and more.
Politics in the Zeros
- Bernie Sanders. Petition to save democracySen. Bernie Sanders proposes a constitutional amendment that would overturn the Supreme Court decision in a case called Citizens United vs. FEC. The Saving American Democracy Amendment states that: Corporations are not persons with constitutional rights equal to real people. Corporations are su ...
- Where is Mr Conservative when we need him?I’ve been waiting with baited breath to see just how mondo-bizarro the Republican race for the presidential nomination could get. It started at the bottom and has been working its way down ever since. It is so strange that it makes me long for a comeback by a “Mr. Conservative” in the mol ...
- Mentos and Diet Coke-powered car goes 239 feet!
- Railroad ties and bridges from 100% recycled m ...Axion makes the ties from plastic bottles and landfill waste and says they are cost-effective. ECOTRAX™ simply outperform traditional railroad ties. They are virtually impervious to the elements; will not rust, splinter, crumble, rot, absorb moisture or leach toxic chemicals into the environmen ...
- Protect Bryce Canyon from Big CoalBig Coal and the City of Los Angeles are threatening Bryce Canyon National Park. They’ve proposed building a 3,500 acre coal strip mine right next to the park to extract coal to power L.A. If built, the mine would turn southern Utah into an industrial zone — jeopardizing the park, t ...
TVNZ - Top Stories
- One dead in truck crash in Hawke's BayOne person is dead and another is in a serious condition after a truck accident tonight.
- Power cut to thousands in Christchurch after s ...Around 12,000 Christchurch households were plunged into darkness tonight.
- Gun held to employee's head in Wellington arme ...Wellington police are hunting two men who robbed an Indian restaurant and held a gun to an employee's head
- Aussies outraged after Kiwi tourist throws bri ...A New Zealand tourist almost killed a crocodile after he threw bricks into its enclosure at an Alice Springs reptile centre, the centre's owner says
- Dozens evacuated in Hawke's Bay as wild weathe ...Dozens of people have been evacuated as the North Island continues to be battered by strong winds and rain.
Just World News
- Syria, Myanmar, South Africa, Libya...Just a quick note from an airport here... How come that western publics who applauded the negotiated transition to democracy in South Africa and who applaud the current openings in the same direction in Myanmar/Burma, generally seem so unwilling to pursue a similarly negotiated transition in Syr ...
- Further thoughts on Syria, Turkey, and democracyThis Monday, Nov. 28, I'll be speaking at a 2pm symposium in Washington DC on the topic "The Future of Syria: Political Turmoil and Prospects of Democracy". It is organized by SETA-DC, the Washington DC branch of the Ankara-based SETA (Foundation for Economic, Political and Social Research.) Als ...
- Palestine 1948 at the University of VirginiaOn Saturday, I was delighted to attend the first two sessions of a half-day conference held at the University of Virginia on the topic '1948 in Palestine.' The main speakers at those sessions were Susan Akram of Boston University Law School and Rochelle Davis of Georgetown University. Both tho ...
- Making sense of SyriaI have so many questions swirling around my head about what's been happening in Syria. One is why the AK government in Turkey didn't take my great advice and play a leadership role in trying to broker a serious, negotiated transition to democracy in Syria, but instead has been giving ever strong ...
- World history at warp speedSo the Arab world is not the only place where history has been speeding up a lot in recent months and years... (Whatever happened to Mr. Frank 'End of History' Fukuyama? We don't hear a lot from him these days, do we?) This week, the Mediterranean Basin has seen three very significant gathering ...
- General debate, December 13, 2011
- Catching up with AustraliaNew Zealand is finally catching up with Australia – at cricket! Australia 136 and 233 (Warner 123*, Bracewell 6-40) lost to New Zealand 150 and 226 by seven runs. Pity we can't do this with wages too, but the Government's policies will result in that gap widening.
- Survey shows we can turn around low voter turnoutThe final election results were released over the weekend bringing with them some good news and some bad news. The good news: the Greens achieved a record result, including our bonus 14th MP Mojo Mathers. The bad news: official voter turnout was only 74.21%, the lowest in over 100 years. This re ...
- John Key’s new Cabinet announcedPrime Minister John Key announced his new Cabinet this morning. The line-up is pretty predictable, but some of the portfolio allocations and rankings are interesting: The big winners are Steven Joyce and Hekia Parata, moving up 10 and 13 places respectively in the Cabinet ranking. Parata replace ...
- New report on ‘New Media’The Law Commission have today called for submissions on their latest issue paper The News Media Meets ‘New Media’. The paper is a thorough look at the state of how media, blogs, social media, and such are currently regulated, what the loopholes are, and it gives suggestions for where the Governm ...
Patronus Analytical
- Greek aid worker kidnapped in Pakistan
- Aid worker killed in Iraq
- Update on kidnapped Greek aid worker
- NGO worker beaten to death in Dhaka
- Canadian aid worker murdered in Honduras
J Kozy
- The Why of Not Doing the Right Thing: The Amer ...The unfairness of American society is being recognized by many. Eighty-nine percent of Americans say they don't trust their government; Congress has a mere 9% approval rating; America's financial institutions are widely considered to be corrupt; the Occupy movement has emerged, some are seek ...
- The Triumph of Capitalism: Jobless NationsThe Obama administration is intent on applying supply side principles to get the American economy out of the present recession, but supply side principles are based on the belief that if the government cuts taxes on the wealthy, they will invest their savings in new factories, that newly hired w ...
- America's Descent to DepravityThe Protestant ethic once defined the American character. It was held to be responsible for the success of Capitalism in Northern Europe and America by sociologists, but the Protestant ethic and Capitalism are incompatible, and Capitalism ultimately caused the Protestant ethic to be abandoned. A ...
- The Shamans among us: A World of Perpetual Con ...Economic models are mere policy proposals; they are not the consequences of any economic system based on "natural law or even good theory, " they are not scientific; they are merely ad hoc. Furthermore, deleterious consequences often result from these models. Economists also routinely simpli ...
- Disintegrating Economic RecoveryThe word 'recover' always has the connotation of "getting back." But who is going to get back what when the economy "recovers"? Few at most. So what does an economic recovery look like? No one knows. The word 'recovery' can not be applied to objects willy-nilly. A sick person goes into the ...
Dr. Mercola Natural Health
- U.S. Congress Says Pizza is a VegetableBy Dr. Mercola In case you weren't aware, you can eat a few slices of pizza and a couple of orders of fries and reach your daily requirement of vegetables! Of course, I kid, although it's really not a laughing matter. Earlier this year the U.S. Department of Agriculture proposed guidelines ...
- Eat These 2 Foods Only if You Want to Age Fast ...By Dr. Mercola Paul Jaminet, PhD is an astrophysicist from MIT and Berkley with a strong interest in health and diet which began after he experienced personal health challenges, that did not respond to conventional medicine. He and Dr. Ron Rosedale, M.D. have recently been having a ...
- Some Call It the World's Best Antioxidant -- P ...By Dr. Mercola Rudi Moerck, who has advanced training in biological sciences, is an expert on fats and antioxidants. Astaxanthin is recognized as one of the most potent and exciting antioxidants to emerge, and is backed by extensive and compelling evidence. Extracted from marine algae, as ...
- Stunning New Way to Flush Away Skin CancerBy Dr. Mercola Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. In fact, the incidence of skin cancer cases each year is higher than all other cancer combined, and has risen more than 300 percent since 1992. There are now more than 3.5 million nonmelanoma skin cancer ca ...
- The Hidden Epidemic Destroying Your Gut FloraBy Dr. Mercola Dr. Don Huber is an expert in an area of science that relates to the toxicity of genetically engineered (GE) foods. (Alternative terms for GE foods include genetically modified (GM), or "GMO" for genetically modified organism.) His specific areas of training include soil-bor ...
- Appendectomy [JAMA Patient Page]
- The Unknown Technology in Homer [Book and Medi ...
- Kaplan's Cardiac Anesthesia: The Echo Era [Boo ...
- The Comprehensive Treatment of the Aging Spine ...
- Oxford Textbook of Medicine [Book and Media Re ...
Survival - tribal peoples
- Paraguay to hand over indigenous landEnxet child in the Chaco region of northern Paraguay. © Jonathan Mazower/Survival The Paraguayan government has this week signed an agreement with Enxet Indians to hand back 1,000 hectares of their ancestral land. The decision comes after a long legal battle between the indigenous people ...
- Survival reveals ten hidden abuses against tri ...Xoroxloo Duxee died of dehydration after the Bushmen's water borehole was disabled. © Survival Survival is releasing ten tribal rights abuses ahead of UN Human Rights Day this Saturday, to expose violations that still pass largely unnoticed. Signed 63 years ago, the Universal Declara ...
- UNESCO calls for ‘urgent safeguarding’ of Amaz ...Fish are a crucial part of the Enawene Nawe's diet © Fiona Watson/Survival An Amazonian tribe’s fishing ritual has been recognized by UNESCO as one of humanity’s priceless treasures. The UN body has added the Yãkwa ritual of the Enawene Nawe Indians to its list of ‘intangible cultural ...
- Brazilian gunmen brandish tribal hit list in w ...Guarani leader Nísio Gomes was murdered by gunmen. © Survival © Survival Gunmen in Brazil are brazenly intimidating indigenous communities with a hit list of prominent leaders, following the high profile murder of Nísio Gomes last month. Reportedly employed by powerful landowners in Mato G ...
- Crackdown fears peak in West Papua 50 years af ...Pro-independence protesters march in t-shirts bearing the 'Morning Star' flag © West Papua Media/Survival Pro-independence Papuans are planning widespread rallies this Thursday to mark 50 years since they first raised their symbolic ‘Morning Star’ flag. A climate of fear surrounds ...
Montreal Gazette
- Quebecers should shake off the stinginess trad ...With Christmas just two weeks away, charities are in overdrive. From burly firefighters lined up at street corners holding out pails for loose change, to office colleagues organizing food and toy drives, everyone knows this is prime time for charitable giving.
- Newcomers' guide: A little common sense, pleaseHere's some advice for any municipality tempted to publish a how-to-fit-in guide for newcomers to Canada: don't do it.
- Talking about climate changeOn Wednesday, readers took part in an online chat with award-winning Gazette investigative reporter William Marsden, author of the just-published book Fools Rule: Inside the Failed Politics of Climate Change (Knopf Canada). You can read their questions and comments and Marsden's answers:
- What to do about bullying in schools"" Given the growing suicide toll from bullying, the time is now to start making changes, not just talking about them. Legislation is wonderful, but what happens to the bullies who are expelled? They go on to torment another school.
- The Conservatives' dirty tricks against Irwin ...The Conservative Party of Stephen Harper has much in hand with which to legitimately commend itself to the Canadian public.
Food World Order
- #seattle school board may ease ban on #junkfoodseattle schools want back in the junk-food-dealing racket* from seattle times: The Seattle School Board is considering relaxing its ban on unhealthful food in high schools amid complaints from student governments that the policy has cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars in vending-machin ...
- rural farmers unite to feed #occupy protestorsfrom brasscheck tv: We missed this story a while back, but it's such an inspiring story it's worth going back. How rural farmers, an unemployed chef and a protestor named Heather are getting 1,000 dinners served at Occupy Wall Street every night.
- federal agents raid mormon food storage facilityfrom natural news: As was the plan all along, the so-called "War on Terror" has officially devolved into a war on the American people. This was clearly illustrated by the recent traitorous passage of the egregious National Defense Authorization Act by the US Congress. But in order to fully imple ...
- dollar stores win customers with more food, be ...from dayton daily news: Dollar stores are a growing force in discount retailing, a new study shows. The combined number of stores operated by the four top chains — Dollar General, Dollar Tree, Family Dollar and 99 Cents Only — has surpassed that of the three biggest national drugstore chains — W ...
- asheville, nc food trucks prepping downtown pa ...from citizen-times: One of the city’s newest culinary trends could be rolling into downtown by the end of the month. Food trucks that were banned from downtown for more than two decades until a September City Council vote are working to ready a parking lot south of Patton Avenue, said Marni Grav ...
- The Bait of Christian Fundamentalism in Africasource: Huffington Post, 8/24/2011 Michael Mungai Co-founder, Dagoretti 4 Kids I grew up in the hovels of Dagoretti, an impoverished suburb in the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya. Raised by an unemployed single mother, my two siblings and I would take turns missing school to babysit our ...
- Puttur: Four Arrested for Forcing Religious Co ...source: Daijiworld, Aug 29, 2011 Puttur, Aug 29: Four persons, reportedly belonging to a Christian sect, were handed over to the police by the residents of Boodujal of Nedle village near Uppinangady on Sunday August 28. The locals, including some dalits, accused K J Kunhimonu (30) from Mun ...
- Andhra Pradesh: Church priest rapes minor girl ...source: India today, July 1, 2011 A Christian priest has been arrested for raping a 16-year-old girl and setting her ablaze in his house at Nadendla village of Guntur district in Andhra Pradesh.
- The changing face of the churchsource: Deccan chronicle, July 13, 2011 Its a well-documented fact that people adopt aspects of other cultures around them. The churches in Andhra Pradesh are following this custom and Indianising some of practices. At St Andrews Orthodox Church, West Marredpally, a Dwaja Stambam has been ...
- Pastors wife accuses him of sexual abuse of mi ...source: Bangalore Mirror, June 17, 2011 In her police complaint, Priyalatha has charged Shantaraju, pastor of Bethel Church and Bethel Student Centre, with having sex with young girls and getting them to abort S Shyam Prasad
Whole Truth Coalition
- Vox Populi, Methods of ManipulationCOTO Report and Megan ‘Verb’ Kargher are proud to present Vox Populi, Methods of Manipulation. It has become increasingly evident that large portions of the planet are descending with alarming speed into Orwellian police states. What is the New World Order and what are their plans fo ...
- The Big Awakening Conference 2011Click here for more information …
- Lawfull Rebellion - Roger Hayes challenges Liv ...“Wirral Council is taking Roger Hayes to Birkenhead county court for non-payment of council tax. Mr Hayes, chairman of The British Constitution Group, claims the council tax is illegal and imposed without his consent. His stand has won support from all over the country, and demonstrators t ...
- COTO Report This Ain’t Oz an Interview w ...COTO Report and Megan Kargher are pleased to bring you a special two day interview with Freeman of freemantv, the freeman perspective and the free zone http://www.youtube.com/user/Freemantv… http://thefreemanperspective.blogspot… http://freemantv.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O ...
The Economic Collapse
- The Tim Tebow Comeback Story Continues But The ...Never in the history of the NFL has there ever been anything like this. Today, Tim Tebow engineered yet another miraculous 4th quarter comeback. Almost everyone has been expecting this unprecedented string of comebacks to come to an end, yet Tebow just keeps pulling off miracle ...
- Shocking Charts And Statistics That Prove That ...How do you decide whether you are wealthy or not? Do you determine that by how much money you spend at the stores? Of course not. You can tell if you are wealthy or not by comparing your assets (the money in your bank account, equity in your home, etc.) to your liabilities (yo ...
- What Is The Best Country In The World For Amer ...Millions of American citizens have already left the United States in search of a better life. As the economy continues to crumble and as our society slowly falls apart, millions of others are thinking about it. But moving to another country is not something to be done lightly. ...
- 20 Signs That The Culture Of Government Depend ...More Americans are financially dependent on the government than ever before. For a variety of reasons, there are now tens of millions of Americans that would not be able to survive without government assistance. As I wrote about the other day, the insane economic policies of ou ...
- The Worst In The World – The U.S. Balanc ...Did you know that we buy about a half a trillion dollars more stuff from the rest of the world than they buy from us? The U.S. balance of trade is not only mind-blowingly bad - it is the worst in the world. It is being projected that the U.S. trade deficit for 2011 will [...]
- Could Obama Be the First Steady-State President?Obama probably understands the impossibility of infinite growth on a finite planet -- he just needs the mandate to do something about it.
- Storage NationIs there a more surreal industry than self storage when viewed from the steady-state perspective?
- A Mindful Path to a Steady State EconomyRick Heller explains how to substitute mindfulness for greed in the transition to a new economy.
- Ten Turkeys for ThanksgivingBrent Blackwelder urges you to carve up a Golden Fleece Turkey or two.
- Wealth, Illth, and Net WelfareGood and bads, wealth and illth -- economic growth produces them all. But how big are the bads and how damaging is the illth?
The Talking Clock
- "Little Englanders" and our arguments are supp ...For those of you who only get your news from the EU's very own Pravda - the BBC - you'll miss out on viewpoints aired on that more reliable and genuinely Russian-linked broadcaster, RT. While "the left" and their British mainstream media cheerleaders prefer to ignore British MAJORITY public o ...
- LibDems attack Britain and democracy... on day ...Nick Clegg - often the target of derision on this blog - finally committed political suicide this morning. Talking to Pravda the BBC, Clegg declared that Britain would be a "pygmy" without the European Union. So, now you know what the EU-placeman who has dedicated his life to serving his E ...
- What Britain is "isolated" from: Case #1 - SpainDon't panic! Britain is "isolated", apparently. There's a relief!
- Music for a Saturday night: One man's "isolate ...The mainstream media have had a forty eight hour mantra of "Britain, isolated." We haven't a clue why they should see that as a bad thing. We think it's a jolly good thing. In fact, it's so jolly good, we're cracking out the Lulu records at the mere thought of it: See also: Fraser Ne ...
- David Cameron finally finds a spine and says " ...It's only 8am and we've been up for an hour, glued to events in Brussels already as David Cameron refused to agree treaty changes that form part of the latest EU power grab. Lots of detail and analysis will still come - by the avalanche full - this morning. Yet, on initial reaction, we mus ...
Facing South
- States will fight environmentalists over feder ...
- How Art Pope helped bring you Herman Cain
- HB 56 reigniting civil rights movement in Alabama
- Could Florida's war on voting change the outco ...
This ...
- Fred Shuttlesworth: God saved him to fight
- Search for new executive director of Center on ...Karen Greenberg, executive director of NYU Law’s Center on Law and Security (CLS), announced she is leaving to pursue other career opportunities. Greenberg’s tenure as executive director began with the founding of the Center in 2003. Under her stewardship, CLS … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsToday’s Terrorism News post will be the last one for the summer. Along with the staff here at the Center on Law and Security, and with particular thanks to The Soufan Group for its generous support and to Carolyn O’Hara … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Association with The Soufan Group At Radicalization Hearing, Rep. King Says al Shabab Poses Threat Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) held a third congressional hearing on Islamic radicalization in the United States Wednesday, this one focused on the threat of … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Association with The Soufan Group Four Indicted for Drug Trafficking to Benefit Terrorism Federal prosecutors in New York unsealed indictments Tuesday against four men they say conspired to sell drugs and buy weapons for Hezbollah and the Taliban in … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Association with The Soufan Group In Arkansas, Man Accused of Killing Soldier Strikes Plea Deal A man on trial for shooting two U.S. soldiers, one of whom was killed, outside of a military recruiting station in 2009 reached a … Continue reading →
Short Sharp Science
- Today on New Scientist: 12 December 2011All today's stories on newscientist.com, including: Durban climate talks, peer-to-peer citizen banking, SpaceX's first docking mission to the ISS, and more
- Durban talks go into extra time over contradic ...A draft deal issued late Friday night recognises the urgent threat of climate change but fails to do much about it; the talks could extend into Sunday
- Today on New Scientist: 9 December 2011All today's stories on newscientist.com, including: the missing Higgs boson and the latest from Durban
- Photos reveal the secrets of snowflakes' shapesIridescent close-up photos of tiny snowflake crystals reveal their varying shapes and how they form
- Durban 2011: Can Europe salvage a deal on climate?As climate talks in Durban enter the final stretch, Europe is having some success at brokering a deal with big developing nations
Tech Drive In
- Android Market Celebrates 10 Billion App Downl ..."One billion is a pretty big number by any measurement. However, when it’s describing the speed at which something is growing, it’s simply amazing," wrote Eric Chu, director of Android Developer Ecosystem, in a recent blog post. According to official Google statistics, 1 billion apps are being ...
- Creative Ubuntu Unity TV Mockups You Must SeeAmong other big ticket announcements during recently concluded Ubuntu Developer Summit(UDS) was the news of Ubuntu Unity's foray into Mobile and TV space. This was an exciting development to everyone in the community and user-contributed design mockups have been pouring in ever since. We had f ...
- World of Goo for Android Phones, Tablets Released!We had informed you about the imminent arrival of award winning World of Goo puzzle game for Android based smartphones and tablets few weeks back. Now it's here and it is already getting some rave reviews from users and reviewers alike. World of Goo for Android is Here! ...
- Linux Mint 12 Lisa Review: Magnificent is the ...Linux Mint, the venerable Ubuntu based Linux distro, is in the news again. Linux Mint 12 codenamed "Lisa" is finally released. It based on GNOME 3.0 and runs GNOME Shell with some ingenious tweaks of its own. Detailed review of Linux Mint 12 "Lisa" OS. Read on. Linux Mint 12 Rev ...
- SwipePad: A Must Have App for Every Android DeviceSwipePad is a simple application that lets you launch any app with a single swipe action from within any other app. Upon being recommended by a friend of mine, SwipePad was one of those applications I installed immediately after receiving my first Android phone. Since then, SwipePad has become ...
Case About Bird Flu
- GERMAN TV CRIME SERIES FOCUSES ON KAMPUSCH CASEGermany’s most popular police TV series “Tatort” focussed on the crime of paedophila in its Sunday episode – and so was sure to have resonated with viewers in Austria, where a new parliamentary investigation into the kidnapping of Natasha Kampusch has begun amid fresh allegations of ...
- THE FOURTH EMPIRE – READ THE BACKGROUND ...*HISTORICAL SPLIT IN EUROPE *EUROZONE CURRENCY ON BRINK OF COLLAPSE *DEMOCRACY IN THE EUROZONE ABOUT TO BE EXTINGUISHED Financial forces are re-shaping the political landscape in Europe and the eurozone. To understand what is really going on, read the financial thriller The Fourth Empire. Read t ...
- “THE FOURTH EMPIRE” : ORDER YOUR C ...It’s ready! The political thriller “The Fourth Empire” explains the secrets of how our financial system really works, and it is ready for you to order today. The book strips back the veil to show you how finance is being used by a global elite to drive the people of Europe, the USA and [...]
- “THE FOURTH EMPIRE” : ORDER YOUR C ...It’s ready! The political thriller “The Fourth Empire” explains the secrets of how our financial system really works, and it is ready for you to order today. The book strips back the veil to show you how finance is being used by a global elite to drive the people of Europe, the USA and [...]
Invisible Opportunity
- Mystery Babylon and the Coming Darknessby Les Visible It’s a ball of confusion these days. Despite the manufactured chaos of the near wholly owned, Zionista press, there’s what we see at the blogs here that are the real indicators to me. People want different things, including complicated reassurances. Some people want fi ...
- The Enemy of Humanity is going to their GraveBy Les Visble This is The Apocalypse. This is the time of revelation and summing up. However true the truth about the darkness may be, we have more to fear from ourselves that we do from Sauronstein, which might translate into the rock of shapeless evil. We are the enemy of our own freedom and [...]
- The Enemy of Humanity is going to their GraveBy Les Visble This is The Apocalypse. This is the time of revelation and summing up. However true the truth about the darkness may be, we have more to fear from ourselves that we do from Sauronstein, which might translate into the rock of shapeless evil. We are the enemy of our own freedom and [...]
- Eight Warning Signs Of Junk ScienceBy Armed and Dangerous I’ve written before about scientific error cascades and the pernicious things that happen when junk science becomes the focus or rationale of a political crusade. The worst example of this sort of thing in my lifetime, and arguably in the entire history of science, has bee ...
- Eight Warning Signs Of Junk ScienceBy Armed and Dangerous I’ve written before about scientific error cascades and the pernicious things that happen when junk science becomes the focus or rationale of a political crusade. The worst example of this sort of thing in my lifetime, and arguably in the entire history of science, has bee ...
Veterans Today
- America: The Government That Fears Its Own Mu ...The FBI was responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing. Why? They had been turned into radical extremists. A real potential for changing America's poltical system A real potential for being exploited by what we call the globalist banking conspiracy
- Treating Palestinians LawlesslyDecember 11 marks the 63rd anniversary of UN Resolution 194, mandating that the (Palestinian) refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbors should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date.
- Gingrich’s Brilliant Insight About Pales ...The good news is that Newt Gingrich has solved the Middle East problem. The bad news is the upcoming genocide in New England.
- Billy Graham Reveals the Source of Bible AuthorityIn the November 13, 1995 issue of Christianity Today, page 31, we read, "Questions about the authority of Scripture had been troubling the young preacher (Billy Graham) for weeks.
- Marine’s Murder Ignored by ‘Scient ...by Brian Burnett Convincing evidence in a scientific paper by two forensic experts of the murder of Colonel James E. Sabow rejected by leading forensic journals. (SAN DIEGO, CA) – This is Part III of the story of the forensic evidence supporting the murder of Marine Colonel James E. ...
electric politics
- Seeking Economic TruthJohn Maynard Keynes understood that economics describes human beings, a fact that modern mainstream economics — the applied theory of "rational expectations" — effectively assumes away. Keynes' biographer, Lord Robert Skidelsky, reminds us that our economic priorities should extend b ...
- Accelerated IdeasWhen a retired four star Admiral provides support for nuclear arms control and a few other commendable things, the proper interrogatory is "yes." Or "yes, Sir." A gentleman with a friendly disposition and a cautious but lightning fast mind, Admiral Bobby Ray Inman (Ret.) reasonably assesses the ...
- CodebreakerIn celebration of Veterans Day, here's a question: What if the U.S. had lost the battle of Midway? Mercifully, we'll never know. But the U.S. victory could not have happened without the codebreaking skill and the unflinching courage — a relentless determination to be heard — of Joe R ...
- Made in AmericaSince elected officials don't seem so interested, around the country local groups are organizing to promote the reindustrialization of America. One of these is SFMade. Robin McRoskey Azevedo is on the board of SFMade and is also President and owner of the McRoskey Mattress Company of San Francis ...
- The Illusion of Free MarketsLet's take the long view. We're unconsciously mired in unexamined 18th century beliefs that color our perceptions in unexpected — and exceedingly harmful — ways. Take one, for example: as Dr. Bernard Harcourt suggests, our notion of a "free market" is the direct intellectual descenda ...
PR News
- California urged to keep rail communications i ...SACRAMENTO, CA: The California High-Speed Rail Authority's in-house communications management has recommended the organization not award its statewide outreach and communications contract to an outside agency.
- Boyle hires 14 associatesMCLEAN, VA: Boyle Public Affairs has expanded its services by hiring 14 senior-level associates.
- Intelaplay debuts experiential campaign ST. PETERSBURG, FL: Recently launched travel website Intelaplay is integrating consumers' photos and reviews into a brand marketing campaign.
- Burson promotes Stafford to Hong Kong CEOHONG KONG: Burson-Marsteller has promoted Matt Stafford to CEO and market leader of the firm's Hong Kong operation.
- GS Schwartz adds five accountsNEW YORK: GS Schwartz & Co. has been hired by five clients, including Reader's Digest and accounting firm Citrin Cooperman.
A special project of Foreign Policy and the New America Foundation
- Leaving AfghanistanSeven Afghanistan experts review the president's plans for ending the war.
- Raging at RawalpindiAmerican leaders are furious with Pakistan’s military in the wake of Osama bin Laden’s killing. But twisting arms will only backfire.
- The FP Salon: Peter Bergen's The Longest WarAn FP round-table discussion on counterterrorism expert Peter Bergen's latest book. A decade after 9/11, is the war on terrorism a war we can win?
- Crazy Like a FoxIn a fit of anger, Hamid Karzai axes his director of intelligence, Amrullah Saleh. But is there method to his madness?
- Addicted to ContractorsThe United States is hooked on privatized warfare in Afghanistan. And it's more costly than you think.
Field Notes - Alberta Environment
- Earth Day Canada Hometown Heroes Award ProgramDeadline: 30 Mar 2012 (All day) Organization: Earth Day Canada Do you know of any craf ...
- Walmart – Evergreen Green GrantsDeadline: 31 Jan 2012 (All day) Organization: Evergreeen Walmart Canada and Evergreen have comb ...
- Earth Day Scholarship ProgramDeadline: 31 Jan 2012 (All day) Organization: Earth Day Canada Scholarship invests in future en ...
- Job Opportunity: Executive Director, Sierra Cl ...Position: Executive Director Organization: Sierra Club Prairie ...
- Call for Proposals: Under Western Skies Enviro ...Organization: Mount Royal University Initiative: Under Western Skies 2: Environment, Community, and Culture in Nort ...
- Stop NATO news: December 12, 2011==== Pakistani Forces Take Control Of Air Base As U.S. Troops Evicted NATO Commander: No Guarantee New Pakistan Attacks Won’t Occur Pakistan To Shoot Down U.S. Drones: Government Official Two NATO Soldiers Killed In Eastern Afghanistan Afghan War: U.S. Commander Defends Night Raids Iran Su ...
- William Collins: Ode to PeaceAnti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts William Collins From Ode to Peace (1747) O Thou, who bad’st thy Turtles bear Swift from his Grasp thy golden Hair, And sought’st thy native Skies: When War, by Vultures drawn from far, To Britain bent his Iron Car, And bad h ...
- Stop NATO news: December 10, 2011==== U.S. To Wage Future War In Space, Cyberspace, Air And Sea Simultaneously Pakistan Upgrades Air Defenses On Afghan Border Against NATO NATO-Pakistan Conflict Widens Pakistan’s NATO Blockade Enters Third Week NATO To Be Involved In Afghanistan For At Least 24 Years French Soldiers Admit ...
- Federico García Lorca: War goes crying with a ...Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts Federico García Lorca From Ode to Walt Whitman Translated by Rick Rozoff Agony, agony, dream, ferment and dream. This is the world, friend, agony, agony. The dead decompose under the clock of the cities, war goes crying with a million g ...
- James Thomson: Peace is the natural state of m ...Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts James Thomson From Coriolanus (1745) I glory… To own myself an advocate for peace. Peace is the natural state of man; War his corruption, his disgrace. … Why should we purchase with the blood of thousands, What may be gained ...
Before It's News
- Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner: American ...
- ‘I’ve been forward to Shen Yun for years!’ Say ...
- Arkansas Storms: Tornadoes Wreak Havoc Across ...
- Eats on Feets
- Introducing "Canadas Alex Jones", Dr. Judy Janzen
Intel Hub
- Establishment Tea Party Activist Supports Romn ...Kurt Nimmo Infowars.com December 12, 2011 A prominent activist for the hijacked Tea Party in New Hampshire has declared he will support Mitt Romney’s bid for president. Tom Thompson is the son of the late Meldrim Thomson, former governor of New Hampshire and an anti-tax activist. Tom Thompson is ...
- Red Alert: Fukushima Nuclear Reactor 4 Possibl ...Natural News By Ethan Huff December 11, 2011 After enduring many months of total information blackout on the situation, an intelligence source connected with NaturalNews has just informed us that Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor 4 may now on the verge of collapsing, and that mass evacuations in ...
- Wash. State Military Units Prepare for Cyber WarKomoNews.com December 12, 2011 JOINT BASE LEWIS-McCHORD, Wash. (AP) – In the next war, one of the battlescapes is likely to include a brick building shaded by fir trees, not far from Interstate 5, north of Olympia. The two-story building, with office space downstairs and shared computer wo ...
- UN Calls For Eco-Fascist World Government At D ...“International Climate Court of Justice” would force western nations to pay “climate debt” Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com UPDATED Sunday December 11, 2011 UPDATE: World Government Climate Deal Fails In Durban Bureaucrats at the UN Climate Summit in Durban have outlined plans for the most dracon ...
- BREAKING: Reports Claim US Troops Deploying on ...The Intel Hub December 12, 2011 According to reports by James Corbett of the CorbettReport as well as an exclusive report on Boiling Frogs Post, U.S.-NATO troops have begun massing on the border between Jordan and Syria. According to first-hand accounts and reports provided to Boiling Frogs Post ...
- Prison industry is one of the fastest growing ...December 11, 2011 http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=8289 Human rights organizations, as well as political and social ones, are condemning what they are calling a new form of inhumane exploitation in the United States, where they say a prison population of up to 2 million ...
- Prison industry is one of the fastest growing ...December 11, 2011 http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=8289 Human rights organizations, as well as political and social ones, are condemning what they are calling a new form of inhumane exploitation in the United States, where they say a prison population of up to 2 million ...
- The Guardian (UK)–India’s Maoist L ...Suvojit Bagchi spent over a month in Maoist hideouts in the forests of south Chhattisgarh. SUVOJIT BAGCHI 27th November, 2011 CAMP IN THE FOREST After walking for eight hours in a forest that possibly had more hillocks and rivulets than trees, without any long pause, by early evening we entered ...
- The Guardian (UK)–India’s Maoist L ...Suvojit Bagchi spent over a month in Maoist hideouts in the forests of south Chhattisgarh. SUVOJIT BAGCHI 27th November, 2011 CAMP IN THE FOREST After walking for eight hours in a forest that possibly had more hillocks and rivulets than trees, without any long pause, by early evening we entered ...
- The Guardian (UK)–India’s Maoist L ...In the second of a three-part series, Suvojit Bagchi meets the ‘eyes and ears’ of the Maoist and state militias. SUVOJIT BAGCHI, 4th December 2011 During my stay in Dandakaranya’s Maoist-dominated areas that lasted five weeks, I saw hundreds of young boys and girls with staleness in their ...
Ken O'Keefe
- Igniting & Uniting – Working with Occupy ...Have just got off the phone with Occupy Movement representatives including OMC (Occupy Marines), we are officially working together. Have had contact with Anonymous recently and the same is true. I will work with any and all who are serious about showing the powers that be that their time is run ...
- Dale Farm (a video poem) Read by the HereticAs I look over Dale Farm today I see the inevitable world envisioned by the 1% A toxic, scarred, inhospitable landscape, a terrestrial hell suitable for Satan himself.
- FOR THE RECORD – INTERNATIONAL NOTICE &# ...WHEREAS, citizenship is synonymous with Allegiance, I have absolutely no Allegiance to the UNITED STATES of AMERICA; WHEREAS, citizenship is synonymous with Residence, I maintain no Residence in the UNITED STATES of AMERICA; WHEREAS, citizenship is synonymous with paying taxes, I pay no ...
- Slander vs. Sanity – Pathological Liars ...UPDATE - For the idiots who bought the lies and slander of Catherine Myles (aka Soraya Fitzgerald), Saeb Shaath, Jez Cuthbert, Cath Jenkins, Allison Hubbard (aka Vera Lynn), Sammi Coulthard (aka Saja Rana & Maitreyi Atmaja), Mary Rizzo, Mary Shepherd, Miri Wood, Jo Ann Westcott and court jes ...
- Truth & Lies – Why Dale Farm Matters  ...Here it is, please share this film and support the more than 90 families facing eviction in any way you can. TJP, Ken Produced, Directed and Edited by Ken O’Keefe Contact for Dale Farm Residents Association dale.farm@btinternet.com T: +44 7888 699256 or +44 1206 523528 Contact for D ...
- Life is change and change is lifeAnd here is proof: The Courant's parent company, Tribune, is backing away from maintaining this particular blog format -- Movable Type -- in favor of another blog platform, one that is unworkable here. Namely, the new format allows blog comments to go online unapproved, and -- I say th ...
- Maybe CEO salaries need a Buffett rule"Peer benchmarking" helps move compensation for CEOs ever higher. Perhaps one of the high-dollar bosses should take a page from Warren Buffett, who in August suggested in a New York Times essay that the rich don't carry their weight in taxes. Meanwhile, Buffett, himself, has refined his earlier ...
- De-pinkifying breast cancerThere's a growing movement that seeks to turn the pink ribbon upside down. You can read more here. Flickr photo
- Why the occupation?You can see more Mother Jones charts here. You can read about Hartford's budding Occupation here, with a planning meeting set for 8:30 a.m. Wednesday at Bushnell Park, and again at 5 p.m.
- Cleansing after Yom KippurYom Kippur starts at sundown on Friday and here's one man's take on it. Flickr photo
Associated Content
- '64 or '68? Which Republican Presidential Race ...The 2012 Republican Presidential race is shaping up into a contest that fuses elements of two previous watershed campaign seasons, 1964 -- which saw Barry Goldwater come out on top -- and 1968, which saw the triumph of the new NixonContributor: Jon C. Hopwood Published: Dec 11, 2011
- Adele Named Billboard's Top Artist with Failed ...Adele- of heartbreak-inspired "21"- is named Billboard's top artist.Contributor: Jaclyn Berger Published: Dec 11, 2011
- Ron Paul Would Not Do Well as a Third-Party Ca ...George Will, the venerable Washington Post columnist and fixture as the lone conservative voice on ABC’s “This Week” posits what he suggests is a nightmare scenario, a Ron Paul third party candidacy.Contributor: Mark Whittington Published: Dec 11, 2011
- Ashton Kutcher Already Moving on with Costar L ...Ashton Kutcher and Lea Michele co-star in the romantic comedy, "New Year's Eve." Has Kutcher already moved on from his six year marriage to actress Demi Moore?Contributor: K.C. Dermody Published: Dec 10, 2011
- Anti-Putin Protests Show Spirit of Democracy i ...The UK Telegraph is covering massive demonstrations that have been ongoing against Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who is expected to run for President of Russia next year. The protests are the largest held in Russia in 20 years.Contributor: Mark Whittington Published: Dec 10, 2011
Popsci - Science
- The World's Smallest Stirling Engine is a Sing ...At the University of Stuttgart and the nearby Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, researchers are taking the notion of smaller, more compact engines to a micro-machinery extreme. Their new power generator is a single particle--just 3 mircrometers wide--that functions like a Stirling en ...
- A Significant Portion of Mars Could Be Friendl ...Now that we have slam-dunk evidence that Mars was once a wet and likely temperate place, astrobiologists are pondering the implications for ancient Martian life. One new study says the Red Planet has even more habitable space than Earth — albeit underground. Led by Charley Lineweaver at the Aust ...
- Ulcer Treatment Could Lead to New Anti-Obesity ...In the 1980s, doctors noticed that chronic-ulcer patients who received a “vagotomy”—cutting the vagus nerve that controls the stomach—lost their ulcers and ended up with an intriguing side effect: They lost weight. The vagus nerve is the main route for signals between the stomach and the brain, ...
- Driving a London Cab (or Just Studying for the ...Unlike here in New York, where telling a cabbie to take you to even some of the most common intersections often result in a response of "Okay, how do I get there?", London cabdriver tests are notoriously difficult and complete. You don't just pass the test--you earn "The Knowledge," or the ins a ...
- Images of the Week, December 5-9, 2011
Veterans Today
- America: The Government That Fears Its Own Mu ...The FBI was responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing. Why? They had been turned into radical extremists. A real potential for changing America's poltical system A real potential for being exploited by what we call the globalist banking conspiracy
- Treating Palestinians LawlesslyDecember 11 marks the 63rd anniversary of UN Resolution 194, mandating that the (Palestinian) refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbors should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date.
- Gingrich’s Brilliant Insight About Pales ...The good news is that Newt Gingrich has solved the Middle East problem. The bad news is the upcoming genocide in New England.
- Billy Graham Reveals the Source of Bible AuthorityIn the November 13, 1995 issue of Christianity Today, page 31, we read, "Questions about the authority of Scripture had been troubling the young preacher (Billy Graham) for weeks.
- Marine’s Murder Ignored by ‘Scient ...by Brian Burnett Convincing evidence in a scientific paper by two forensic experts of the murder of Colonel James E. Sabow rejected by leading forensic journals. (SAN DIEGO, CA) – This is Part III of the story of the forensic evidence supporting the murder of Marine Colonel James E. ...
War is Business
- Federal Prosecutors Bust Defense Official For ...New details in a corruption case involving a former civilian official at the U.S. Army Special Operations Command now sitting in federal prison.
- A Reminder That The Post-9/11 Decade Wasn̵ ...Since 9/11, FLIR Systems' revenues have increased sixfold, to $1.4 billion last year. And consider FLIR’s profitability: from a $29 million loss in 2000 to a $56 million profit last year.
- Inside Look At Yet Another Religious Group Wit ...If the state of Oregon believes the board of Akal Security is led by untrustworthy people, then why do the departments of Defense and Homeland Security continue to award contracts to the company?
- China-Pakistan Port Deal Another Sign Of Wanin ...Buy Baluchistan Buy Baluchistan • Read more at WSJ.com: World News
- Temptations Of The Flesh: GOP Freshmen CanR ...Sell promises Sell promises • Read more at National Security on iWatch News
Hudson's Weather & Climate
- Winter storm set to batter BritainMuch of the UK looks set to be battered by severe gales through tomorrow, as an area of low pressure in the Atlantic undergoes explosive development in the next 24 hours. At 6am this morning, the central pressure of the area of low pressure heading our way was 1006mb; by tomorrow afternoon it' ...
- Second warmest Autumn on recordAutumn has turned out to be the second warmest on record, beaten only by autumn 2006 on a Met Office dataset that dates back to 1910. November itself was also narrowly pushed into second place, only beaten by November 1994. More impressively, based on the much longer CET dataset, which has run ...
- A stormy end to NovemberThe pattern of weather that is now establishing itself, dominated by westerly winds, is common across the UK in winter. Vigorous depressions are likely to develop in the coming days, and the strength of the wind is likely to catch the headlines. This weekend looks particularly stormy, with wi ...
- End in sight to extraordinary November weatherIt is turning out to be a remarkable November, with mean temperatures way above what would normally be expected at this time of the year. If temperatures were to remain at these elevated levels then it would become the mildest November ever recorded on the Central England Temperature (CET) mea ...
- Is the solar sector facing collapse?The recent proposal by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) to halve the Feed in Tariff (FIT) available for solar installations registered after the middle of next month has sent shock waves through the industry. Already two energy giants, British Gas and EON, have stopped new ap ...
Internat'l Political Economy
- CSR in Iran? My Way or the Huawei (Router Mfg)There's an interesting article in the WSJ on the recent pullback of Chinese router manufacturer Huawei from doing business with Iran. Given the perceived willingness of Chinese firms to go where Western MNCs dare not roam due to limitations on investing in certain bogey nations alike (yes) Iran, ...
- Multilateralism Ain't Dead: A Climate Deal in ...Well here's a pleasant surprise: while the fine print remains to be hammered out and non-ratification by the countries concerned remains a distinct possibility, the broad outlines of a multilateral climate deal are in place. While many economics and even IPE blogs do not cover climate change, it ...
- Obama, Bushite Climate Obstructionist or Hero?It's Christmastime, there's no need to be afraid...or is there? One thing for sure is that there will be no snow in Africa this Christmas. Or maybe even a partial deal on combating global warming, for that matter. For the third year running, the end-of-year multilateral agenda is dominated by cl ...
- Yes, the Main Beneficiary of the Euro Was...the UKProbably one of the major irritants in always tense "UK in the EU" relations is the former's ability to corner a lot of the market in trading the currency as well as other euro-denominated instruments. Both are quite interdependent; I would say that London is Europe's financial casino. One obser ...
- 'China's Reserves Have Fallen 3 Months In a Row'Well here's a very positive development from my point of view and perhaps nearly everyone else's. China having an unfathomably huge $3.2 trillion in foreign exchange reserves may prove to be the apotheosis of a supremely wasteful activity. It is, to me, the largest financial folly in world histo ...
Economic Collapse Blog
- The Tim Tebow Comeback Story Continues But The ...Never in the history of the NFL has there ever been anything like this. Today, Tim Tebow engineered yet another miraculous 4th quarter comeback. Almost everyone has been expecting this unprecedented string of comebacks to come to an end, yet Tebow just keeps pulling off miracle ...
- Shocking Charts And Statistics That Prove That ...How do you decide whether you are wealthy or not? Do you determine that by how much money you spend at the stores? Of course not. You can tell if you are wealthy or not by comparing your assets (the money in your bank account, equity in your home, etc.) to your liabilities (yo ...
- What Is The Best Country In The World For Amer ...Millions of American citizens have already left the United States in search of a better life. As the economy continues to crumble and as our society slowly falls apart, millions of others are thinking about it. But moving to another country is not something to be done lightly. ...
- 20 Signs That The Culture Of Government Depend ...More Americans are financially dependent on the government than ever before. For a variety of reasons, there are now tens of millions of Americans that would not be able to survive without government assistance. As I wrote about the other day, the insane economic policies of ou ...
- The Worst In The World – The U.S. Balanc ...Did you know that we buy about a half a trillion dollars more stuff from the rest of the world than they buy from us? The U.S. balance of trade is not only mind-blowingly bad - it is the worst in the world. It is being projected that the U.S. trade deficit for 2011 will [...]
Infoshop - Alt Media
- Radical Online Magazine Launched: The PrecariousWhen we set out to launch the online magazine The Precarious, we saw so many of us ...
- October 2011 Kate Sharpley Library bulletin onlineKSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library No. 68, October 2011 has just been posted on the site. You can get to the contents or read the full p...
- New Issue of Ireland's anarchist paper Workers ...June last saw another massive Pride in Dublin with approximately 25,000 people taking part. While Pride has very much become more of a social an...
- November issue of Freedom anarchist newspaper outFreedom newspaper, the only regular anarchist newspaper published in the UK, has recently changed to a monthly publication, giving us the opport...
- Want to get your zine, pamphlet, or poster out ...Welcome to Olympia SDS, we've been throwing down since 2006, played a pivotal role in Port Militarization Resistance, and occupied the offices o...
E U Times
- Obama insists on indefinite detention of AmericansThink that President Obama will stand by his word and veto the legislation that will allow the government to detain American citizens without charge or trial? Think again. The Obama administration has insisted that the president will veto the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 20 ...
- Italians to go on strike over budget cutsTens of thousands of Italian workers plan a general strike against the imposition of the government’s harsh austerity measures aimed at saving the country from financial ruin. Leaders of Italy’s three biggest unions have called for a three hour strike on Monday afternoon and a rally ...
- Russians do not need another revolutionExperts continue to comment the meeting, which took place in Moscow on Saturday, December 10. Some say that the meeting against the results of the parliamentary elections was a political flashmob. Other say that it was a normal element of democracy, which demonstrated that Russia was no differen ...
- Obama Asks Iran to Give Back Captured US Spy DroneFollowing days of silence on the American spy drone captured and unveiled by Iranian armed forces, US President Barack Obama says Washington has asked Tehran to return the US reconnaissance drone. “We’ve asked for it back. We’ll see how the Iranians respond,” Obama said in a news con ...
- Americans Leaving US in Record NumbersEver dream of leaving it all behind and heading out of America? You’re not the only one. A new study shows that more US citizens than ever before are living outside of the country. According to statistics from the US State Department, around 6.4 million Americans are either working or studying o ...
Voiceless Victim
- Translating Church-speakThe Catholic Church hierarchy used to be able to manipulate and hoodwink their local populace by speaking, writing, singing, praying and conducting business in Latin. A simple but very effective means to disempower a local populace, especially when coupled with the impossibility of any but the r ...
- State Gives Church A Beginners Lesson In MoralityThe recent revelations that football coaching staff and their supervisors at Penn State University have been up to the Catholic Church’s old tricks has devastated victims of Catholic Church enabled child rape as much as the community directly affected by the crimes and their repercussions. ...
- Catholics Sit On Hands While Kids Are Raped Bu ...Catholic spokespersons, including the repulsive child rape apologist Bill Donohue, have called Hollywood actress Susan Sarandon obscene for an off the cuff reference to the Paedophile Protector in Chief, Joseph Ratzinger, also known as Pope Benedict XVI. She called His Greediness a nazi. Determi ...
- 8 Simple Actions to Change Pope From Liar to L ...The Catholic hierarchy, from Pope on down, are liars. They pretend, and regularly claim, to be “doing everything possible” to help victims of their widespread and systematic child rape and other abuses, to protect children and to bring offenders to justice. In reality they are doing ...
- Pope responsible for crimes against humanityLast week the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) lodged documents with the International Criminal Court in The Hague detailing the widespread and systematic campaign of sexual violence and exploitation of many, many thousands of children worldwide by the Catholic Church. I am on ...
WL Central
- Mosaic theory, universal surveillance and unl ...Tweet‘“Mosaic theory” describes a basic precept of intelligence gathering: Disparate items of information, though individually of limited or no utility to their possessor, can take on added significance when combined with other items of information.’ [1] Mosaic theory was what caused intelligen ...
- Bradley Manning: Hearing the Word of the ProphetsTweet Image Credit - alliance.rationalreview.com Prophets have existed since ancient times. Religions and cultural traditions from time immemorial have acknowledged their existence. Traditionally, prophets were seen as those who play a role of forecasting epochal change in society through thei ...
- 2011-12-06 #WikiLeaks News: Updates on Julian ...Tweet Fast-track extradition in the EU is based on a leap of faith. It is based on an assumption that all European justice systems are of a decent standard. That assumption is a sham. - Dominic Raab This is a "WikiLeaks News Update", a news update of stories relating directly to WikiLeak ...
- 2011-12-04 #WikiLeaks News: Pres. Obama, Sec. ...Tweet What we ask for is humble — the right to not be shipped off to foreign lands without formal charges or the presentation of even the most basic evidence. - Julian Assange This is a "WikiLeaks News Update", a news update of stories relating directly to WikiLeaks and also freedom of i ...
- On January 7, demand JusticeTweetAs we take December 10 to remember the human rights and freedoms we are entitled to, it is impossible to not feel how far we have fallen from our ideals of 63 years ago. The 11th of January 2012 is the tenth anniversary of the opening of the Guantanamo Bay black hole, a place that has incar ...
U N News
- Honduras: UNESCO chief deplores slaying of ano ...The head of the United Nations agency tasked with defending press freedom today voiced outrage at the murder of a radio journalist in Honduras, where at least 17 reporters have been slain since the start of last year.
- Honduras: UNESCO chief deplores slaying of ano ...The head of the United Nations agency tasked with defending press freedom today voiced outrage at the murder of a radio journalist in Honduras, where at least 17 reporters have been slain since the start of last year.
- Argentina must improve living conditions for i ...A United Nations expert urged Argentina to strengthen its measures to protect the human rights of indigenous groups as well as their rights to land ownership and education, adding that a mechanism to establish dialogue between them and the Government is urgently needed.
- UN agencies condemn violence against Mexican p ...Two United Nations agencies have strongly condemned the recent murder of a Mexican peace activist and the attempted killing of the chief of a women's rights organization in the same country and called on the Government to investigate and prosecute those responsible.
- Heeding UNICEF's calls, Mexico makes progress ...Thousands of children from indigenous communities in the southern Mexican states of Chiapas and Oaxaca received birth certificates after sustained calls from the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) for free birth registration.
Conspiracy Reality TV
- The Magic WeedHemp growing doesn't need any weed killing, no pesticide. Its raw material grows naturally and it doesn't need chemical intervention.
- Blood ColtanBlood coltan still exists. I'm holding a mobile phone. And I know that the microprocessor it contains uses coltan. And if this coltan has been obtained at the massacre of 10 or 20 villagers through slave labor, the suffering of children forced to work in the mines by the armed militia. This is i ...
- CAMP FEMA 2: Enemy of the StateSome state governments passed measures to forcibly quarantine residents, incarcerate those who refuse to be vaccinated, and to forcibly vaccinate your children. Legislation like this passed during the much hyped H1N1 flu outbreak.
- Hangar 18: The UFO WarehouseNot only was debris from many UFO crashes allegedly shipped to the base, but from the late 1940s until the end of the late 1960s, all reports regarding UFOs were conducted at Wright-Patterson for the military's official UFO investigation Project Blue Book.
- HAARP – Everything You Wanted to Know – Nick B ...You might be surprised at all of the constructive uses HAARP could be used for, but will be even more surprised by its focus on weapons and military applications, such as weather modification, geological disruption such as triggering earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and perhaps most controver ...
Rewilding Institute
- Around the Campfire with Uncle Dave – The Year ...This is a fundraising plea. I write to ask you to once again or for the first time send as big a check or PayPal donation as you can to The Rewilding Institute. Because you are getting this plea from The Rewilding Institute: It is the only plea for donations you will get from The [...]
- Save the Great Arctic Refuge Wilderness! Aroun ...Today, the National Wilderness Preservation System has 757 Wilderness Area units totaling 109,512,959 acres. Each Wilderness Area has great worth, but some stand out. Among those, the Wilderness Area that to me is the Flagship of the National Wilderness Preservation System is the Arctic Nation ...
- The Wolf is Back!
- Around the Campfire with Uncle Dave – “Shark”(NOTE: Slowly, too slowly, as in glacially slowly—wait: glacially doesn’t work for slowly anymore, does it? Not with self-crafted curse of greenhouse gases, it doesn’t. Well, nonetheless, I have been working on a memoir called “Wildeor: My Wild Life” now and then, when I find a littl ...
- Around the Campfire with Uncle Dave – A Few Th ...Lisa Hymas, senior editor at Grist, features an excellent series on human overpopulation. Look for her nicely done summary of Man Swarm and the Killing of Wildlife, “Stop the ‘man swarm,’ save the wild world” appearing in Grist’s “7 Billion” series. “A F ...
Asia Sentinel
- Xayaburi Dam Stopped for Now• (http://twitter.com/share) Could lightning strike again after the Myitsone cancellation
- Osaka's Bombshell Mayoral Vote• (http://twitter.com/share) Vote Points to Political Realignment in Japan
- Staying Alive with the Khmer Rouge• (http://twitter.com/share) Escaping murder by fixing bicycles and watches
- Thailand's New Academic Victim • (http://twitter.com/share) Lecturer in Buddhist studies taken into custody
- Opinion: Vietnam's Democratic Future• (http://twitter.com/share) Any hope for democracy lies with the US.
We Know the Lies
- U.S. is NOT in Any Position to Criticize Russi ...* What’s the reaction there to the Russian elections? We’ve heard a lot of statements that I think are way out of line from the US State Department, in particular Hillary Clinton. What’s your opinion of those statements? ~ John Robles read more
- SINGAPORE Armed Forces Stage Complex War Game ...Within mere minutes of spotting a car travelling on a dusty track in the United States’ south-western desert, the Republic of Singapore Air Force’s (RSAF) latest and most lethal “smart” bomb found and hit its target. read more
- Kentucky... London Families Feel Impact of Ira ...On Veteran's Day 2011, Timothy Jackson, a former sailor in the U.S. Navy and the son of a man who was the same, visited a small, unfinished gravesite on a hilltop alongside a winding road. It belonged to Timothy Matthew Jackson, who went by Matt and had himself been a Marine. In three ge ...
- H.R. 3554... 'Protect Our Food Supply from Gen ...Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today announced commonsense legislation that would prohibit open-air cultivation of Genetically Engineered (GE) pharmaceutical and industrial crops, preventing biological contamination of our food supply. read more
- Fukushima Radiation... Is It Being Used As 'Fe ...The human body and all plants, animals and even bacteria are able to transmute one element into another. Transmutation is always happening. Radioactive isotopes are also transmuted. ~ See Related Articles - Audio read more
- UK’s Cameron Plays Trojan Horse Against ...Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. PressTV December 9, 2011 [download video]
- Psychotic US-UK Ruling Elites Push Russia, Chi ...Webster G. Tarpley on the Alex Jones Show Infowars December 7, 2011 [download audio]
- Seventy Years Ago Tonight: The Stimson-Marshal ...Webster G. Tarpley on INN World Report Radio I.N.N. World Report December 6, 2011 [download audio]
- Tarpley on Pravda: U.S. Journalist denounces s ...Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. Pravda December 4, 2011 Posted on Pravda.ru December 1, 2011 From Damascus, U.S. journalist denounces the CIA, Mossad and M16 operating together in Syria Western countries are doing everything possible to disrupt civil peace in Syria, denounced the writer and American j ...
- To Defend British Pensions, Impose a 1% City o ...Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. PressTV November 30, 2011 [download video] [download audio]
Modern Survivalism
- US Navy Pays $26 a Gallon For BioFuelThe departments of Agriculture and the Navy announced plans to buy 450,000 gallons of biofuel at a cost of about $26 per gallon, totaling $12 Million in what will be the largest federal purchase of biofuel in U.S. history. This new purchase, at first, will cost $26 per gallon, or $1,092 per barr ...
- Liberty vs White House Plan For Homegrown Extr ...The White House has unveiled a new strategy (Strategic Implementation Plan) “to fight homegrown terrorism”, named, the “Strategic Implementation Plan for Empowering Local Partners to Prevent Violent Extremism in the United States”. “The plan outlines enhanced coordi ...
- When Is Ice Safe?When is ice safe? There really is no sure answer. Ice should never be considered safe. You can’t judge the strength of ice just by its appearance, age, thickness, temperature, or whether or not the ice is covered with snow. Strength is based on all these factors — plus the depth of w ...
- Winter Thermostat Money SavingsDuring the winter, a great opportunity to save some money is by reducing your heating bill. How? By turning down your thermostat! Simple enough, right? Even better is to utilize a programmable digital thermostat – the type that can be set with multiple programs to automatically adjust the ...
- A Great Threat To American Civil LibertiesThe 2012 National Defense Authorization Act. A new law passed by the Senate (93 – 7) will open the door for trial-free, indefinite detention of anyone, including American citizens, so long as the government calls them terrorists. The law would place domestic terror investigations and inter ...
Fast Company
- Former Bing Product Lead: Why Personalized Soc ...The future of search is social. Google and Microsoft have tied their rival engines to social, mining data from various networks (Twitter, Facebook) to deliver personalized results based on what your friends and followers recommend, rather than some lifeless algorithm. Google even launched its ow ...
- "The People's Skype" And Occupy Wall Street Ha ...Academics and researchers sympathetic to the #Occupy movement have created a "People's Skype" and participated in a multinational hackathon that took advantage of a massive social media archive.Months after the first protesters arrived in Zuccotti Park, Occupy Wall Street continues to fuel tech ...
- Buddy Media's Michael Lazerow Makes People (Ac ...For companies in any industry, it's adapt or die when it comes to social media. "The world is reorganizing around people, and companies need to reorganize around people," says Michael Lazerow, the founder and CEO of New York-based Buddy Media, which helps companies develop, manage, and ...
- Ariel Zwang Wields Private-Sector Tactics To C ...Safe Horizon, the largest nonprofit provider of domestic-violence aid services in the U.S., is thriving under executive director Ariel Zwang, thanks to shrewd tactics she's taken from her experience in the private sector. Ariel Zwang, the executive director of Safe Horizon, the nation's leading ...
- Seriously, Bro: Mark Cuban Invests Big In Brotips Brotip #1202: If you can't think of a badass idea, take an old idea and do something badass with it. Here's how to build a new media empire in "Entourage" nation.Brotip #1314: If it seems like you're going through an uphill struggle, just think about the view from the top. "We were talking abo ...
- Bahrain's Past and Present: An Interview with ...During the period of the 1940s through the 1960s, regime forces and oil company private security contractors violently crushed anti-colonial and anti-imperialist protest movements in places like Saudi Arabia and Bahrain (among many others), with the explicit approval of and material supp ...
- Q&A: Emad El-Din Abdel Ghafour, Chairman of th ...Al-Nour Party chief gives Salafist perspective on ‘secular’ vs. ‘civic’ state; political reform; international relations; future of tourism; and women’s rights. For months after the January 25 Revolution, Salafists have done little to alter their image as Islamic hardliners. Moreov ...
- Salafists Ideas Are Dated: Egyptian Bloc LeaderMohamed Abul-Ghar, head of the Egyptian Social Democratic Party and member of the Egyptian Bloc, responds to Islamist attacks on secular forces and predicts confrontation in new parliament. The head of the Egyptian Social Democratic Party (ESDP), Mohamed Abul-Ghar, opened fire on Salafi ...
- Salafist Party Vows to Ban Alcohol, Beach Tour ...Unlike Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Nour Party promises blanket-ban on alcohol and beach tourism in event it takes power following polls. The Salafist Al-Nour Party would enforce a ban on serving alcohol to foreigner nationals and Egyptian citizens alike if it came to power, party s ...
- NEWTON Authors Rochelle Davis and Alan Mikhail ...We are very happy to report that two authors whose books were recently featured in New Texts Out Now (NEWTON) were recipients of prestigious awards at the 2011 Middle East Studies Association convention. Rochelle Davis, whose book Palestinian Village Histories: Geographies of the Displa ...
- Evidence suggests NoW did not delete Dowler me ...Dominic Ponsford / Press Gazette: Evidence suggests NoW did not delete Dowler messages — New evidence has emerged suggesting that News of the World journalists were not responsible for the deletion of mobile phone messages which gave Milly Dowler's family false hope she was al ...
- Mazher Mahmood to give evidence (Guardian)Guardian: Mazher Mahmood to give evidence — Full coverage as News of the World's former chief reporter, investigations editor and executive editor appear at the inquiry — 10.23am: The private session is now over so we expect the inquiry to open in about five ...
- Executives at Struggling OWN Consider Changing ...D.M. Levine / Adweek: Executives at Struggling OWN Consider Changing Course — Executives at OWN think they may have found a way to salvage Oprah Winfrey's struggling network: by catering more to an African-American audience. That may help ratings, but it would mean a dra ...
- BuzzFeed Adds Politico Writer (Brian Stelter/M ...Brian Stelter / Media Decoder: BuzzFeed Adds Politico Writer — BuzzFeed, a site where the editors and algorithms sift the Web in search of viral articles elsewhere, has decided that it needs articles of its own. — In a move that is sure to surprise the politi ...
- When Truth Survives Free Speech (David Carr/Ne ...David Carr / New York Times: When Truth Survives Free Speech — Last week, a story came across my desk that seemed to suggest that a blogger had been unfairly nailed with a $2.5 million defamation award after a judge refused to give her standing as a journalist. A busines ...
Chemtrail News
- CHEMTRAIL AND UFO SIGHTING, PORIRUA, NZ ...I suspected it of being a Chemtrail and therefore pulled out the video camera to film it. Many planes went by during the shooting, more than any other time I have ... https://chemtrailsnorthnz.wordpress.com/.../chemtrail-and-ufo-...
- Maui residents craft legislation to ban geo-en ...Maui residents craft legislation to ban geo-engineering 'chemtrails' www.naturalnews.com/033691_chemtrails_Maui.html
- 10 mile long chemtrail 1 Videoprobably longer. denver,co 9/23/11 Author: Boondox681 Keywords: denver ten mile long chemtrail Added: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 00:33:25. vodpod.com/watch/15460352-10-mile-long-chemtrail-1
- ChemTrail Pilot Admits to 'Domestic ...Headlines ChemTrail Pilot Admits to 'Domestic Terrorism'! ... Chemtrails: The Consequences of Toxic Metals and Chemical Aerosols on Human Health · Heavy ... www.davidicke.com/.../53899-chemtrail-pilot-admits-to-dome...
- Chemtrail Rainbow - YouTubeChemtrails caused rainbow....no rain. ... I have several (which I think are ... www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcOyMeW0xpU
World News - Top Stories
- MS Dhoni greets Yuvraj Singh, Rajinikanth ...Chennai: Dec 12, 2011 India cricket captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni on Monday wished Yuvraj Singh and actor Tamil superstar Rajinikanth, both of whom are celebrating their birthdays. While addressing the media in Chennai...
- BCCI refuses IPL fees payment to Sunil Ga ...By Kushan Sarkar New Delhi: Dec 12, 2011 The BCCI working committee on Monday again unanimously shot down former India captain Sunil Gavaskar's demand of a whopping USD 1 million fee (Appr 5 crore) per season...
- Many Afghan women forced to give birth at ...An Afghan woman can expect to have an average 5.1 babies in her lifetime, the highest fertility rate in Asia. That makes giving birth a common and frequent experience -- but mothers say it is too often also hard, lonely and frightening. At the Ahmad Shah Baba hospital, which Médecins Sans F ...
- Anil Kumble resigns from post of NCA chai ...New Delhi, Dec 12, (PTI): Monday, December 12, 2011 --> In a surprise development, former Indian captain Anil Kumble today tendered his resignation from the chairmanship of the National Cricket Academy (NCA), almost two months after a controversy broke out over an appararent conflict of inte ...
- Bayern Munich offer Danijel Pranjic to Ha ...With Euro 2012 approaching, the Croatia international could leave the Allianz Arena in order to boost his chances of first team football Sign up with 188BET for a FREE bet up to £25 – Great Prices, Every Game Sign up with William Hill for a free bet up to £25 Sign up with bet365 for a ...
no frakking consensus
- ‘Delinquent Teen’ Press ClippingsReviews of my book continue to appear in Switzerland, South Africa, the UK, and the US.
- When Your Paycheque Depends on a Climate CrisisThere is now a small army of experts, activists, and bureaucrats whose economic lives depend on there being a climate crisis. Without such a crisis their jobs, their travel to exotic places, and their moments in the media spotlight would all disappear.
- Pachauri’s Green Torch BearersThe Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is supposed to be a neutral and impartial body. But its chairman is encouraging business students to be green activists.
- My Own Josh CartoonThe IPCC has, so far, ignored my book. But perhaps I'm having an impact nevertheless.
- Inside the IPCC: the Climategate E-MailsNewly released e-mails shed an unkind light on internal IPCC politics.
Anna's News
- Now it's 4D film: The high-tech cinemas which ...Hollywood is converting blockbuster films into 4-D because cinemagoers are shunning pricey multi-dimensional 3-D versionsBut the experience has left some fans feeling sick, damp and pummeled after watching movies like Kung Fu Panda 2 and the latest ...... Submitted by Anna Smith to Science & ...
- 10 Best British Open PerformancesRory McIlroy's Tiger-esque performance at Congressional has many golf fans wondering what the 22-year-old has in store for Royal St. George's, one of the most difficult courses in the Open Championship rotation. Past winners Walter Hagen, Sandy Lyle and.. Submitted by Anna Smith to World ...
- Tiny snails survive digestion by birdsSnails are able to survive intact after being eaten by birds, according to scientists.Japanese white-eyes on the island of Hahajima, Japan feast on tiny land snails. Submitted by Anna Smith to Animals | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- National Parks at Risk: PhotosNational parks represent our country's last stronghold of wilderness. But the large majority of parks are suffering, too.Ninety-five percent of parks assessed in a recent study have lost key species that once helped define them. Meanwhile, 91 percent .... Submitted by Anna Smith to Animals &nbs ...
- Suicide rates in Europe 'linked' to financial ...The financial crisis "almost certainly" led to an increase in suicides across Europe, health experts say.The analysis by US and UK researchers found a rise in suicides was recorded among working age people from 2007 to 2009 in nine of the 10 nations...... Submitted by Anna Smith to Health & Well ...
Medical Marijuana
- 12/05/11 - Did You Know?israelipalestinian.procon.org - UPDATED: Did You Know? - The Old City of Jerusalem contains three of the holiest site for Christians (Church of the Holy Sepulchre), Jews (Temple Mount), and Muslims (Al-Aqsa Mosque). The Old Testament mentions Jerusalem over 650 times. The Israeli-Palestinian co ...
- 12/05/11 - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Deaths ...israelipalestinian.procon.org - UPDATED: Deaths, 1987-2011 - See our chart estimating casualties from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from the First Intifada (Dec. 9, 1987) through the present day.
- 12/05/11 - 2012 Presidential Candidates Quiz2012election.procon.org - UPDATED: 2012 Presidential Candidates Quiz - Take our compatibility quiz to find out which candidate is the best match for you. We've updated the questionnaire with 10 new questions on education, gay marriage, immigration, infidelity, Occupy Wall Street, oil subsidies, ...
- 12/05/11 - Herman Cain Suspends Campaign2012election.procon.org - Herman Cain Suspends Campaign - Cain announced on Dec. 3, 2011 that he was suspending his presidential campaign. Read his full statement, and see his biography and views on 35 issues.
- 12/01/11 - 2012 Presidential Candidates' Views ...2012election.procon.org - NEW: Read 10 Republican candidates' and Barack Obama's responses to the question - "Is the Tea Party movement good for America?"
Truth About Our World
- Trudell Documentary
- Occupy Wall Street “Beware The Zeitgeist ...
- The Dirty Fucking Hippies Were Right
- World War 3 (III,Three): September 11, 2001-20 ...
- Max Keiser: Time to Get The Hell Out of the US
Gyrovague's Raves
- Blogger not eligible for media shield law, hit ...Timothy B. Lee An Oregon judge has ruled that a Montana blogger is not eligible for the legal protections afforded to journalists, letting stand a $2.5 million defamation verdict. The blogger, a Montana woman named Crystal Cox, had become a thorn in the side of an attorney named Kevin Padrick. P ...
- The Most Dangerous Over-the-Counter DrugHint: It’s not Plan B. Brian Palmer Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius overruled the FDA’s recommendation that emergency contraception be made available over the counter to patients of all ages on Wednesday. Her argument was that its effects on 11-year-olds have no ...
- Do thoughts have a language of their own?What is the relationship between language and thought? The quest to create artificial intelligence may have come up with some unexpected answers Robert Kowalski THE idea of machines that think and act as intelligently as humans can generate strong emotions. This may explain why one of the most i ...
- Earliest human bedding didn’t let the be ...Michael Marshall After a hard day hunting and gathering, humans 77,000 years ago could count on a good night’s mosquito-free sleep on a comfy bed of grass and leaves. Archaeologists have discovered the oldest evidence of humans using plant bedding, 50,000 years before it appears anywhere e ...
- Ostrich Penis Clears Up Evolutionary MysteryOverlooked bird organ is similar to, but separate from, that of reptiles and mammals. By Adam Marcus of Nature magazine A long-running question about how the largest species of birds achieve erect penises seems to have been settled. In a study published this week in the Journal of Zoology, resea ...
In Verbena | Royal Society
- Transparent Government, not Transparent Citize ...The Index on Censorship held a debate asking if transparency is bad for science on Tuesday evening. Two of the Royal Society’s ‘Science as a Public Enterprise’ working group were on the panel: Sir Mark Walport FRS and Baroness Onora O’Neill FRS. Onora mentioned a useful report by Kieron O’Hara ...
- Discovery Reinvented? The Promise of European ...Next Thursday, the Policy Centre is holding an event in Brussels… Chaired by Martin Porter, Managing Director, Edelman | The Centre & Geoffrey Boulton FRS, University of Edinburgh Wednesday, December 14, 2011 from 12.00 to 17.30, followed by a drinks reception The Centre is hosting ...
- An African science base: what would it take fo ...From Richard Kirby, Marine Institute Research Fellow, Marine Institute, University of Plymouth A couple of weeks ago, I chaired an inspirational panel discussion at the Royal Society involving an audience of the leaders of most of the African science academies and a panel comprising 6 early care ...
- 7 billion: can we count on it?FROM ROBERT STIFF IN THE SCIENCE POLICY CENTRE On 31st October 2011 the world population is projected to reach a landmark 7 billion people, according to UN estimates. A great deal of debate has surrounded the importance of this figure and what it means for the planet and its many inhabitants. Th ...
- Research careers – opening the discussionFROM LAURA DAWSON IN THE SCIENCE POLICY CENTRE On Wednesday 26 October, the Royal Society’s President, Paul Nurse, and the Minister for Universities and Science, David Willetts, hosted a roundtable discussion on research careers. The aim of the meeting was to start a discussion on the issues tha ...
NAU Resistance
- The Pretext For A North American Homeland Secu ..."Any deal which gives the Department of Homeland Security more personal information poses a serious risk to privacy rights"
- Welcome To Fortress North America! NAU-Phase OneWe knew that there was nothing “new” at all to be found in this "new border vision"
- Paving The Way For A North American UnionBy: Press For Truth (http://www.pressfortruth.ca) Release Date: 11/9/11 The agenda for a North American Union is underway and a new security perimeter deal will blur the lines at the border and further erode the sovereignty of Canadians and Americans. On November 13th Stephen Harper, Barack Ob ...
- U.S. Halts Inspection Of Buses And Trains Ente ...“An organism which cannot control its borders — whether economic or physical – is not sovereign“ By: NAURESISTANCE A recent CTV News/The Associated Press article dated 28th October 2011, reports on a radical policy shift being implemented along the Canada-U.S. border. This announce ...
- The Sovereignty Strategy To Regain Control Of ...Essentially, we must engage in a strategy which will move our political process from a "Representative" to a Popular Democracy - a sovereignty strategy which will move power from the parties and the vested interests, to the people.
Gaea Times
- Karnataka crisis: High Court to decide rebel M ...BANGALORE - The Karnataka High Court will hear the petition of eleven BJP rebel MLAs after a division bench gave a split verdict on it on October 18. The rebel MLAs were disqualified by Speaker KG Bopaiah a under the provision of the anti-defection law on October 10. The two-judges bench on ...
- Fans garner signatures in support of Kings XI ...CHANDIGARH - Dejected over the ouster of Kings XI Punjab (KXIP) from the Indian Premier League (IPL), fans of the team here have started a signature campaign to garner public support against the decision. They have constituted a group called Fans of Kings XI Punjab, consisting of students and ...
- Even turtles and wasps need a little play timeWASHINGTON - Watching kids and dogs play is not an alien sight. However, what about a turtle or even a wasp? Well, it seems they play, too. Gordon Burghardt, a psychology professor at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, has discovered that many animals-not just dogs, cats, and monkeys-need ...
- Oz PM Gillard says trade union official?s 9/11 ...CANBERRA - Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has dismissed as “stupid and wrong” a senior union official’s belief that the 9/11 attacks were a conspiracy, but refused to discipline him. Kevin Bracken, the president of the Victorian Trades Hall and secretary of the Mari ...
- Turmeric boosts effect of chemo drug in head a ...WASHINGTON - Researchers with UCLA’s Jonsson Cancer Center have found that curcumin, the major component in the spice turmeric, when combined with the drug Cisplatin enhances the chemotherapy’s suppression of head and neck cancer cell growth. In India, women for years have been usi ...
TruthNews Australia
- Interview: Craig Isherwood of the CECTonight we welcome to the show Craig Isherwood, National Secretary of the Citizens Electoral Council. Craig describes the CEC as a "philosophical" political party with similarities to "old Labor" in the spirit of Curtin and Chifley. During our discussion, we examine some of the main concerns o ...
- Highlights from Skid Row Radio with Hereward, ...Today we bring you highlights from the Workers Radio breakfast show on Radio Skid Row 2RSR 88.9 FM Sydney, from 1 December 2011. You can tune in to the show every morning from 6-9 AM, and if you're outside Sydney you can listen via the web stream here. I am joined on air by the show host Jack ...
- Kim Bax gets a Supreme Court injunctionKim Bax, webmaster of Women for Schapelle, reported that she had received a Supreme Court injunction (post since removed), which threatens her with severe consequences if she mentions certain "serious allegations" about the Seven Network. These allegations are connected to the disclosures ...
- Spread the word: Occupy Building 7 Next WeekendNovember 19 and 20, 2011. In front of the rebuilt World Trade Center Building 7. DEMAND an investigation into the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 and the Twin Towers September 11, 2001 - the The United States was hijacked and a permanent war was launched that will not end in ou ...
- The Green Wave by Joanne Nova
- Marine Monday: Blue ButtonsBlue buttons are just one of the many small critters that live in the oceans. They are often mistaken for jellyfish or colored plastic when they wash up on beaches, but they are actually free-floating colonies of hydrozoa. Blue buttons have two main parts: the central disk, which is about an ...
- Congress Chips Away at Overfishing ProgressWe’ve made a lot of progress in curbing overfishing in the past few decades – but that progress could be unraveled if several dangerous new bills make it through Congress. On December 1, the House Natural Resources Committee held a hearing to examine eight pending fisheries bills, many of whi ...
- Thursday Trivia: PuffinsAn Atlantic puffin. © Oceana/Concha Martinez Puffins are curious and charismatic birds that live in the North Atlantic ocean, where their orange beaks and feet make for a colorful sight. Atlantic puffins can swim as well as fly. Like a plane taxiing for take-off, a puffin runs along the ...
- New Climate Report: Hot, Sour & BreathlessMatt Huelsenbeck is a marine scientist at Oceana. Oceana has teamed up with several top scientific institutions in creating a report called "Hot, Sour & Breathless – Ocean Under Stress" which has been released this week at the United Nations climate negotiations in Durban, South Africa. ...
- Marine Monday: Mediterranean Monk Seal A Mediterrean monk seal. [Image via Wikimedia Commons.] The Mediterranean monk seal, like its cousin the Hawaiian monk seal, is one of the most endangered mammals in the world. Estimates suggest that they number around 400 total, with the largest populations in Greece and Morocco. Mediterran ...
Civilian Military Intelligence Group
- The Arc Of Instability.The Daily Beast featured an article about the United State’s involvement all over the map in tiny wars of insurgency, in a geographic arc described as the “arc of Instability”. This is another cryptic neo-con term that secretly adumbrates a gigantic swath of the globe that includes about half of ...
- The First Parasite Plane Concept.The Felixstowe Porte baby was a massive flying boat built specifically to be an airborne aircraft carrier. It featured a huge Rolls Royce engine at the nose, its dimensions were appropriately bug. It was 25 feet tall, was 63 feet long and boasted a wingspan of 124 feet. It could climb to ...
- Rifleman Edward Vakabua From 4th Battalion, “T ...“Vaka embodied the proud, honourable and long tradition of Fijians serving in the British Army. These remarkable men from literally the other side of the world are the best possible ambassadors for their beautiful country that Fiji could hope for. Tough, proud, independent, strong-w ...
- The 335 Year War. The Longest War Ever Not Fought.In 1651, a war broke out between the Netherlands, and the Isles of Scilly, a small group of islands off the cSouthwest coast of the United Kingdom. After the Treaty of Munster which guaranteed Dutch Independence from the Spanish Empire, the Isles of Scilly allied with the Royalists under ...
- Boneyard Russian SubsWhen the Berlin Wall came down in 1989, the Soviet Union collapsed. And with the government that disappeared went the budgets to maintain the vast and rather modern nuclear attack submarines. So these submarines were sent to dry dock to basically rot. One might think that this does not me ...
Taylor Marsh
- 12-12 Port Shutdown and the “vampire squid”Joyce L. Arnold, Liberally Independent, Queer Talk, equality activist, writer. “Shutdown the Port” actions began early this morning, and continue. You can check out what’s happening via OWS, where you will find a livestream link. The purpose of the Port Shutdown, from Occupy SF: We Are Protestin ...
- A Little Love Over to Rocky Anderson & the Jus ...Pres. Obama’s getting a challenger from his left today when Rocky Anderson announces the creation of the Justice Party at 2:00 p.m. No one thinks it will challenge Obama in a serious way for election results, but it might give some Democrats, progressives and liberals a way to vote that won’t re ...
- Pres. Obama: ‘Our war in Iraq ends this month.’Meanwhile, interesting tidbit on Pres. Obama in South Carolina in the latest NBC News/Marist poll: In South Carolina — a reliable Republican state in presidential contests — Obama’s approval rating stands at 44 percent, and he holds narrow leads over Romney (45 to 42 percent) and Gin ...
- One Reason Why Newt is Clocking Romney in the ...Romney team demands Newt give back money from Freddie Mac. Gingrich schools him on how it’s done. In the sound bite game, Romney’s an amateur compared to Gingrich.
- Steve Ratner Reveals Obama Administration’s Vi ...Going back to 2006, my opinion of Steve Ratner is on the record (cross-posted at Huffington Post at the time), because he’s part of the problem with the Democratic Party. He was a Lieberman Democrat as well. Ratner’s also a big favorite of the “Morning Joe” team. Today Mr ...
Hudson New York
- Muslims Intimidate Their Way Across EuropeA mob of some 20 Islamists stormed a debate in Amsterdam that was featuring two Muslim liberals, the Canadian writer and Muslim feminist Irshad Manji and the Dutch-Moroccan Green Left MP Tofik Dibi. Muslim extremists belonging to the group
- Gingrich Gets It RightIn an interview yesterday, Newt Gingrich put some reality into the surreal discussion of the Middle East conflict and (as he put it) the delusional nature of the current "peace process." The Palestinians are indeed an "invented people" — invented by the
- The Islamic Interpretations of Human RightsSeif al-Islam al-Qadaffi, the second son of Libya's late leader, Colonel Muammar al-Qadaffi, was captured in Southern Libya -- or so CNN International announced as breaking news at noon Eastern European Time on November 19. In Libya's capital, Tripoli,
- Double Standards Under British LawIs it appropriate for a judge to suspend a sentence of a convicted, violent criminal – so that he can walk free instead of serving time – if the criminal is "religious"? In early 2010 Cherie Blair Q.C., wife of Prime Minister Tony Blair, suspended the
- Tensions Escalate Along Turkish-Syrian BorderTensions have grown on the Turkish-Syrian border, where Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's army has reportedly deployed tanks as reinforcements. The reports of reinforcements on the Syrian side of the border, which appeared in the Turkish media, came
Urban Survival
- A Second Russian Revolution?A person looking for a cataclysmic end to Life on Earth doesn’t have to go far to look up meaningful candidates these days. Why, just in the past week, or so, there have been images of protesters in the street, … Continue reading →
- Coping: Treading LightlyI have turned into an exercise fanatic with the arrival last week of a treadmill, which eats up enough of my office space that a WW II era submarine seems spacious in comparison. No worries: I hope to get over … Continue reading →
- A One Day Nosebleed?Party on dudes – a nifty fity up at the open? The stock market is going to rally like crazy this morning after dropping almost 200-points on Thursday. But it may be only a technical bounce on the open since … Continue reading →
- Coping: With The Food Crisis of 2012Dear Santa: I get it! I know what all the linguistics seem to be pointing to and how all the hints are lining up in the headlines…you’ve got a Food Crisis in store for us in 2012, don’t you old … Continue reading →
- The ONLY Thing that MattersReally, all the Geithner and Euro dudes & dudettes meeting means nothing, not really, in the big Economic Stew Pot. All that matters is that the money keeps circulating – and the more that circulates, the more we “recover” – … Continue reading →
Trends & Forecasts
- ONCE UPON A TIME THERE WAS A COUNTRY CALLED AM ...What happened in Freetopia? Once upon a time... [[ Please visit http://geraldcelentechannel.blogspot.com for the full story ]]
- Links for 2011-12-11 [del.icio.us]Gerald Celente : Economic Martial Law 2012 | Gerald Celente Trends Blog Lindsey Williams - Radio Liberty 09 December 2011 | Lindsey Williams The Energy Non Crisis Lindsey Williams - Radio Liberty 09 December 2011 | Lindsey Williams The Energy Non Crisis Jim Rogers likes Ron Paul but wan ...
- Future of Consumerism: The Shifting of Values ...Futurist Andy Hines from the Futures Studies... [[ Please visit http://geraldcelentechannel.blogspot.com for the full story ]]
- Gerald Celente : Economic Martial Law 2012Gerald Celente - Mark Carbonaro - 09 December... [[ Please visit http://geraldcelentechannel.blogspot.com for the full story ]]
- Webbot Clif High : 2012, the Mayan Calendar an ...George Ure ~ TMRN Time Monk Radio Interviews... [[ Please visit http://geraldcelentechannel.blogspot.com for the full story ]]
Radical Chic
- THE BILDERBERG GROUPSome of you may be aware of the fact that there is a small and select group of people that control the world. When you are first confronted with this prospect your initial thoughts may be to dismiss this claim as another one of those conspiracy theories; but if you probe further, you are likely ...
- DEAD AND STILL DYINGI’m dying slowly. Each day I can feel my end slowly approaching, and I will never know when that end truly is. All I know is that there is one. One day the essence I call life will cease to exist, and even now it slowly fades away before my eyes. It is difficult to hide [...]
- SEXUAL INCOMPATIBILITY – By: Femi JobThe topic being addressed is a very controversial topic for adults. I ask that you tell the kids to go to their rooms, and if you are a kid, you need to leave this page. Let us wait for about 2 minutes before we read on (to allow the kids to leave this page). While [...]
- FLASH FICTION: ‘Dutiful Husband’ & ...Elsie had been in a bad mood all week. Geoff had noticed, so he thought he would do the dutiful husband thing. On Friday he left work unusually early, and bought a huge bouquet of red roses. As he came out of the flower shop and crossed the road, he saw the man with [...]
- WHY DO ROYAL FAMILIES EXIST?What does a family need to do to become royal? I mean, aren’t they just an expensive welfare family? Let’s face it, I would be in a royal family too if the rest of society was paying for my upkeep. Don’t worry about it, ill buy a crown and put some jewels on it, ill [...]
Boston Blog ( Nature Network)
- Tattoos, movies, and commies: Sciencey stuff t ...Much to do here even as the semester winds down in Boston and Cambridge. On Monday, science writer Carl Zimmer meets Terry Gilliam, so to speak. Zimmer will be the speaker at the Coolidge Corner Theatre's "Science and Screen" airing of Gillam's 12 Monkeys. In a future world devastated by di ...
- Sat. is last chance to see "Prints and the Pur ...Artist Brian Knep has a lab on Longwood Avenue -- not a studio. He's not a scientists; he's the Harvard Medical School artist-in-residence. Knep says he looks to science for "metaphors about life, about change, about healing." So, when he led group through the Prints and the Pursuit of Knowledge ...
- New Kendall Square restaurant set up to host b ...When new drug development company H3 decided to throw a party to launch the opening of Kendall Square labs and offices, organizers didn't have to go very far. They took the elevator downstairs. Last week, local researchers, bio boosters and lots of men in dark suits from the Japanese drug comp ...
- BU's biolab makes it to level-2, still seeking ...Massachusetts environmental regulator recognized that there is a big difference between TB and Ebola. So, last week, they granted Boston University permission to begin using their new biolab to work on bio safety level-2 materials. From the Globe: For years, the National Emerging Infectious ...
- Sunday's Chef Adrià talk at Harvard' sells outMost of Harvard's Science and Cooking Lectures are first come, first served, so to speak. But, you needed a ticket for Tuesday's return of superstar Spanish chef and modernist Ferran Adrià of elBulli, who talked about "The New Culinary Think Tank - el bulli 2.0." And they were scooped up a few d ...
NRDC Switchboard
- New Energy-Saving Bulbs Are Coming -- Here's H ...Noah Horowitz, Senior Scientist and Director of the Center for Energy Efficiency, San Francisco, CA Come January 1st, a new light bulb standard goes into effect that gradually phase out the 125-year-old inefficient incandescent bulbs. The old 100W b ...
- More Pollution or We Will Shutdown the Government?Scott Slesinger, Legislative Director, Washington, DC In their `Pledge to America’’ after taking over the U.S. House of Representatives last year, Republicans vowed to end the practice (at page 33) of packing unpopular bills with must-pa ...
- Impressively low bids from the second batch of ...Vignesh Gowrishankar, Sustainable Energy Advocate, New York Could solar power be starting to come of age on a larger scale? The lowest winning bid was just Rs. 7.49 /kilowatthour (kWh), or about 15 US cents /kWh, in the second batch of Phase 1 of In ...
- Mineral owner in West Virginia observes reckle ...Amy Mall, Senior Policy Analyst, Washington, D.C. Howard Clark is a mineral owner in Marion County, West Virginia who writes: "Although I am an avid supporter of the use of our natural resources, it must be done in an environmentally responsibl ...
- GE Brings Green Lights to LifeRocky Kistner, Communications Associate, Washington, DC At GE’s historic 90-acre Nela Park in Cleveland--home to America's first industrial park and to GE Lighting--a light bulb revolution is underway that could help s ...
Injustice Everywhere
- Down this weekendSorry folks, no recap for this weekend. Between being at work for 20 hours this weekend and a raging toothache I was only able to track three reports so I figured I’ll add those to Monday’s count for a three-day recap tomorrow night. Sorry for the delay on the review.
- National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Reca ...Here are the 15 reports of police misconduct tracked in our National Police Misconduct News Feed for this Friday, December 9, 2010: New Orleans LA cop convicted of obstruction & perjury for lying about Katrina shooting incident, other cop acquitted[0] abcn.ws/vGRvz2 Minneapolis MN settles su ...
- National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Reca ...Here are the 16 reports of police misconduct tracked in our National Police Misconduct News Feed for this Thursday, December 8, 2011: Aurora CO settles suit for $215k to man left partially paralyzed in officer-involved shooting that violated policy [0] bit.ly/tgsLex Lake Co CA deputy pleads guil ...
- National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Reca ...Here are the 15 reports of police misconduct tracked in our National Police Misconduct News Feed for this Wednesday, December 7, 2011: 2 RCMP officers in Manitoba have been sentenced for assaulting a 19-year-old. The first received a 4-month jail sentence and the other got a 4 month conditional ...
- National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Reca ...Here are the 28 reports of police misconduct tracked in our National Police Misconduct News Feed for this Tuesday, December 6, 2011: 6 North Chicago IL cops suspended during probe, accused of pattern of abuse by family of man who died after allegedly beaten and tasered. [3] bit.ly/sAoRY0 Santa A ...
Total Collapse
- Iranian army to practise closing Strait of HormuzA member of the Iranian parliament’s National Security Committee said on Monday that the military was set to practise its ability to close the Gulf to shipping at the narrow Strait of Hormuz, the most important oil transit channel in the world, but there was no official confirmation. The l ...
- Iran to use advanced electronic warfare equipm ...Deputy Navy Commander Gholam Reza Khadem-Bigham announced on Wednesday that advanced domestically manufactured electronic warfare equipment will be used in a major naval war game, codenamed Velayat 90, which will be held in the near future. The naval war game is planned to be held in the Sea of ...
- Obama Orders Arctic Death Camps Built To Hold ...A disturbing report issued by the Russian General Staff to President Medvedev warns today that the North American Security Zone agreement signed this past week between US President Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is a defacto merging of these two nations and allows the Americans ...
- Report: Syria arms missiles with chemical warheadsThe Syrian regime, which has endured nine months of civil unrest spurred by the Arab Spring as it swept across the Middle East, has armed its medium-range missile arsenal with chemical warheads. According to a report published by the Sabah daily Sunday, Damascus armed 600 one-ton chemical warhea ...
- NATO to Halt Iraq Mission at Year-EndNATO will withdraw its Iraq training mission at year-end after Baghdad refused to grant it legal immunity, Iraq’s top security adviser said on Sunday, mirroring the nearly-complete pullout of US forces. But a NATO official in Brussels denied that any decision had been taken. Iraq said the ...
Daily Dose
- Google Maps now gives you a 45° view on 21 mor ...There’s something lovely about the 45° view on Google Maps. Rather than just seeing things from the top down, the angled view helps you to get a better idea of...
- Google begins to roll out Google+ features for ...Back in October, Blogger started letting select users choose to display their Google+ profile with their blog, instead of the original boring Blogger profile. That feature has been made available...
- Apple releases iTunes 10.5.2, improving iTunes ...Apple has today released iTunes 10.5.2, which brings improvements to the iTunes Match service.
- Screenshot of TextMate 2 alpha is the “m ...A screenshot of the alpha release of the unicorn app that is TextMate 2 is the most Tweeted photo on Instagram today, according to co-founder Mike Krieger. The photo was...
- Apple’s glitch reveals plans to launch i ...Could Brazil be the first country outside the US to get iTunes Match? This is what an apparent glitch seems to show. Uncovered by a reader of the Brazilian tech...
Beyond Zero Emissions
- Renewable Energy Lifeline for Australian Manuf ...By Matthew Wright Coal’s days are numbered. The transition to renewable energy is now well underway. It will put an end to the adverse health impacts coal mining and combustion now has on the health of Australian families such as those in the Hunter Valley. The increased rates of asthma, respir ...
- New Milestone in Renewable Energy Investment - ...The journey to a 100 percent renewable energy economy reached a major milestone as investment in renewables has overtaken investment in fossil fuel energy for the first time. A new report by Bloomberg New Energy Finance demonstrates that a massive $187 billion was invested in wind, solar, ...
- CSG Needs a Long, Hard LookMatthew Wright, November 24: The contentious issue of coal seam gas has become a federal government concern in the dying days of the 2011 parliamentary sitting year. To gain the backing of independents Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor for the minerals resource rent tax, the Labor government ...
- Trophies and Titles - BZE awarded for climate ...The determination and enthusiasm of Beyond Zero Emissions and its members has been acknowledged with two prestigious awards over the last month. The honours build on BZE's momentum leading into 2012 with the anticipated launch of the visionary Zero Carbon Australia plans for the buildings and tr ...
- WorleyParsons has publicly promulgated a false ...Media Release 18 Nov 11 WorleyParsons has publicly promulgated a falsehood in relation to BZE. WorleyParsons state in their media release dated 10 November 2011: "Beyond Zero Emissions (BZE) engaged Worley Parsons to prepare a report to analyse the life cycle GHG emissions for Australian gas co ...
Monga Bay ( News )
- New species of frog sings like a bird If you're trudging through the high-altitude rainforests of northern Vietnam and you hear bird song, you might want to check the trees for frogs. Yes, that's right: frogs. A new species of tree frog has been discovered in Vietnam that researchers say has a uniquely complex call that makes it sou ...
- NGOs call for arrest of Malaysian leader for c ...A coalition of Malaysian and international NGOs are calling for the arrest of Sarawak chief minister Abdul Taib Mahmud and 14 family members for alleged abused of power, corruption, and money laundering, reports the Bruno Manser Fund, a group that has signed the letter urging action.
- Using palm hearts sustainably in Colombia Long eaten by indigenous populations, palm hearts have also popular abroad, usually in fine dining establishments. However, palm hearts are cut-out of the inner core of various palm tree species, in some cases killing the tree. A new study published in mongabay.com's open access journal Tropical ...
- Locals key to saving primate-rich wetlands in ...Saved from being converted into a vast palm oil plantation by PALM-CI in 2009, the Ehy Tanoé wetlands and forest in the Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) is home to three gravely endangered primates and as well as many other species. Since 2006, a pilot community management program has been worki ...
- Madagascar tree diversity among the highest wo ...In terms of biodiversity, the hugely imperiled forests of Madagascar may be among the world's richest. Researchers estimate that the island off the coast of Africa is home to at least 10,000 tree and shrub species with over 90 percent of them found no-where else in the world. With little baselin ...
Sierra Express
- Obituary – Sesay Frederick JohnThe families and friends of Sesay regret to announce the death of their son, SESAY FREDERICK JOHN, born in Freetown, Sierra Leone, who died in a car accident on the 9th December, 2011 at Masingbi, in the northern part of Sierra Leone. Sesay, aged 39 years old, is survived by his sister, uncle, ...
- 2011 Nobel Peace Prize awarded in OsloThe 2011 Nobel Peace Prize has been presented to three women at a ceremony in the Norwegian capital,Oslo. (Photo: The three women share an award worth $1.5m ) This year’s award was won jointly by Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the president of Liberia, Leymah Gbowee, the Liberian peace activist, a ...
- President Koroma invited to the home of Al-Jaz ...The Emir of the State of Qatar has invited Sierra Leone’s President to attend the Forum on the Fourth United Nations Alliance of Civilizations to be held in the capital, Doha, home of the Al-Jazeera News Network, from 11-13th December, 2011. In his letter of invitation, His Majesty Sheik Hamad b ...
- Musa Tarawally, Diana, JB Dauda snubs and VP S ...Battle linking Ministers, Councilors, and certainly Parliamentarians of the governing APC part - for running mate – gives the impression of a snub to all and Vice President Sam Sumana is President Koroma’s choice come 2012. The Minister of Internal Affairs, Musa Tarawally, Minister o ...
- Missing cheque… Minister, Mayor to account for ...The sum of Le 880 million offered Sierra Leone government for the construction of a contemporary market for traders in Freetown is reportedly missing; and two officials- the Minister of Works and the Mayor of Freetown are to account. (Photo: l-r Minister of Works Alimamy P Koroma, and Mayor Geo ...
Dairy Industry - NZ Herald
- Dairy prices up 2.6pc in overnight auctionAverage prices of dairy products rose to the highest level since July overnight, with gains in both whole and skim milk powder, the biggest products on offer.The GDT-TWI Price Index rose 2.6 per cent, the second increase in a row...
- Business Leader of the Year Finalist: Andrew F ...Fonterra's former chief executive, Canadian-born Andrew Ferrier, rode the wave of a boom year before he stepped down in September.Records tumbled at the dairy giant including production, exports and revenue, which was up 19 per...
- Heavyweight joins Fonterra auctionFonterra's twice-monthly online dairy auction has landed its third supplier in Australian heavyweight Murray Goulburn Co-operative.Murray Goulburn will start offering lactose products in April on the GlobalDairyTrade sales platform,...
- Commodity prices extend decline for sixth mont ...New Zealand commodity prices fell for a sixth month in November, led by declines in the price of butter, cheese and aluminium.The ANZ Commodity Price index fell 1 per cent to 284.6 last month, though a sharp fall in the New Zealand...
- Dairy futures trading hits 10,000 markTrading in NZX dairy futures passed the 10,000-lot mark today for the first time since its inception.The exchange says the milestone means the market is well on the way towards reaching critical mass.Futures markets allow buyers...
The Bovine
- Handel’s Messiah with the cows in the ba ...
- Setting the stage for violence in the U.S.From Paul Joseph Watson on The Alexander Higgins blog: “In a response to a question asked by Infowars correspondent Robert Wanek at Iowa State University during the recent Ames straw poll, Ron Paul said that the federal government was preparing … Continue reading →
- Carlsbad Springs man says apology is not enoug ...BY DAVID GONCZOL, THE OTTAWA CITIZEN “OTTAWA — A Carlsbad Springs man will be seeking financial compensation from the Ontario government for what he says is a two-year “malicious prosecution” after he and a member of his church jointly bought … Continue reading →
- VIDEO: Raw Milk Freedom Riders take Chicago (f ...
- And in the spirit of the season, here’s ...
Mish's Global Economic Trends
- Hussman as Short-Term Bearish as He Gets; What ...I cannot recall a time when fund manager John Hussman as short-term bearish as he is now. The title of his recent article says it all: Hard-Negative With the exception of extreme market conditions (see Warning- Examine All Risk Exposures , and Extreme Conditions and Typical Outcomes ), I ...
- Will Sarkozy Survive the First Round in French ...French elections are done in two rounds. The top two candidates by popular vote square off in round two. Things do not look good for French president Nicolas Sarkozy, especially for round two. However, he may not make it that far. Le Parisian has the results of the latest French Election Po ...
- Hell Will Freeze Over Before Finland Signs Tre ...Reader Janne from Finland claims "hell will freeze over" before Finland signs the Merkozy deal as it is structured right now. Janne also claims Finland will "loan" money to the IMF and it will not be in the budget. From Janne .... Hello Mish My collection and translation of news s ...
- Nigel Farage: Escape Euro Prison!When it comes to humor from politicians (in a good sense), Nigel Farage is right at the top of the list. His opening line had me laughing out loud. Link if YouTube video does not play: Escape Euro Prison! Partial Transcript RT: Britain has no to tighter controls leavin ...
- It's So Secret, Even the Fed Does Not Know Who ...Some might think the Fed would care where dollar swaps to Europe go. However, if the Fed cares, it doesn't know. Bloomberg reports No One Telling Who Took $586 Billion in Swaps With Fed Condoning Anonymity. For all the transparency forced on the Federal Reserve by Congress and the courts ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
- House of Mirrors Part III- Making the Irration ...The Neoconized Just War Doctrine By Paul Fitzgerald & Elizabeth Gould More than one policy pundit has scratched their head at the strange, increasingly irrational nature of what guides American and European foreign policy. In November of 2010, commentator William Pfaff resorted to the term “ ...
- BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- November ...BFP Nightly Quote “We can choose to use our growing knowledge to enslave people in ways never dreamed of before, depersonalizing them, controlling them by means so carefully selected that they will perhaps never be aware of their loss of personhood.”– Dr. Carl Rodgers International Newsw ...
- Podcast Show #67The Boiling Frogs Presents William Engdahl This is Part II of our interview series on the New World Order. For the Part I interview with Andrew Gavin Marshall click here. William Engdahl joins us to discuss the geopolitics behind the phony US war in Afghanistan, how the real purpose of US milita ...
- House of Mirrors Part II- Living the FantasyHow Guilt, Innocence & Facts Are Made Irrelevant By Paul Fitzgerald & Elizabeth Gould As the U.S. becomes more and more the kind of country it has traditionally opposed, the answer to where we are headed may lie more in the arcane traditions of a dim past than in a bright future. On the ...
- BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- November ...BFP Nightly Quote “Intellect annuls Fate. So far as a man thinks, he is free….The revelation of Thought takes man out of servitude into freedom.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson International Newsworthy Pentagon Dismisses Karzai’s Call to End Night Raids Afghanistan Turns to ...
bloody crossroads
- Is Obama a Fraud?The debt deal is yet another sign that hope and change has been a fiction from the start: Like many, I was extremely hopeful when Obama won in 2008. And like many I’ve become totally disillusioned with the president and … Continue reading →
- Today’s StoriesGood politifact piece on how Social Security functions and its solvency How the state is revoking our civil liberties by imprisoning people, in some cases for up to 15 years, for recording police brutality with smart phones Economist Dean Baker … Continue reading →
- The Tyranny of American HealthcareFor those who read this on Splice, be sure to re-read the unedited version… Why are we trying to prop up a broken system?: Do you realize how badly you’re being screwed by the health insurance corporations? Let me give … Continue reading →
- Today’s StoriesPolitifact on how entitlements have lifted millions out of poverty Must read: scientists have recently concluded that a once in a tens of millions of years mass extinction is now underway, mainly in the ocean, because of global warming and … Continue reading →
- Today’s StoriesPolitifact on how entitlements have lifted millions out of poverty Must read: scientists have recently concluded that a once in a tens of millions of years mass extinction is now underway, mainly in the ocean, because of global warming and … Continue reading →
- Strong Winds, Storms Prove Troublesome for Som ...By JD, Somalia Report The number of pirate attacks off the Somali coast has declined considerably in recent weeks due to strong winds and storms with pirates reporting that at [...]
- South Korean Coast Guard Officer Fatally Stabb ...The captain of a Chinese fishing vessel has been arrested for fatally stabbing a South Korean Coast Guard officer who was trying to stop the ship in South Korean waters [...]
- Marad Says Nearly $10 Million in Federal Fundi ...The U.S. Maritime Administration has announced that $9.98 million in federal funding is now available to qualified small shipyards in the U.S. Marad says the grants are to help enhance [...]
- Maersk and U.S. Navy Collaborate on Biofuel Te ...Maersk and the U.S. Navy said today that they are collaborating on a R&D program that will test the use of algae-based biofuel on ships with the goal of learning [...]
- Caterpillar Animates their New Dual Fuel Marin ...Want to know how a Dual Fuel Engine works? Caterpillar Marine put together a pretty cool video recently to show all the bits and pieces that go into their new [...]
Blogging Canadians
- Letter From LifeCanada to PEI Health MinisterNatalie Hudson Sonnen, executive director of LifeCanada writes to Douglas Currie, PEI Minister of Health and Wellness, responding to the resent barrage of demands to bring abortion back to PEI: Dear Minister Currie, I am writing to you on behalf of our 84 member groups across Canada regarding t ...
- Carleton University Applies To Strike Pro-Life ...Censorship case at Carleton University heats up: December 8, 2011. Carleton University has brought a second motion to strike the lawsuit against them put forward by two pro-life Carleton students, Ruth (Lobo) Shaw and John Nicholas McLeod in February 2010. In October 2011, Carleton University ha ...
- Sisterwives reframes the polygamy debateIt is always easier to dispel some characterization when it is given absolutely; not just as a generalization, not just as something that exists for some people, but as something that is always true. In this case, one merely needs to find a single counterexample to di ...
- A note on Mitt Romney's MormonismGOP front runner Mitt Romney In the GOP presidential nomination contest, the long standing front-runner, Mitt Romney, has never managed to really break out of the low to mid twenties in national polls, and now faces considerable competition for the nomination from a surging Newt Gingrich ...
- "The United States Government"The National Defense Authorization Act needs to be stopped. It declares war on the American people. by "Anonymous" As originally posted on: www.cyberguerrilla.info December 8, 2011 The National Defense Authorization Act passed a few nights ago. With it, the United States government declares ...
Press TV - Middle East
- Israel puts up fence along Egypt borderRecent reports indicate that Israel has been doubling its efforts to complete a large barrier along the 240-kilometer border with Egypt's Sinai Desert.
- Syria rejects link to UNIFIL attackThe Syrian Foreign Ministry has denied accusations that Damascus was behind a bomb attack targeting the UN peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon.
- Israeli killed during weapon testingAn Israeli civilian has been killed during testing of a weapon at a military base in northern occupied territories, a report says.
- Bahrain's King Hamad visits UKBahrain's King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa is visiting the United Kingdom for talks with British Prime Minister David Cameron.
- 'Iraq's intent to expel MKO unyielding'The Iraqi ambassador to Tehran has reiterated that the Baghdad government is firm in its plans to expel members of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) by the end of 2011.
CUNY SPS Community Blog
- To Boldly Go Where No Human Has Gone BeforeBack in the 60′s, the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo missions were exciting and we all watched Walter Cronkite or Huntley and Brinkley report all the details from launch to splash down. Beginning with Alan Shepard’s 15 minute sub-orbital flight in 1961 and culminating with the Apollo 11 ...
- What Is So Scary About Occupy Wall Street?“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” So states ...
- Enough With the Sleazy Reality Shows!I just don’t understand the fascination with Teen Moms, Hoarders, the Housewives, Jersey Shore and the myriad other sleazy reality shows on TV. The supreme franchise, however, has got to be those Kardashians. Are you kidding me? Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy reality shows where people ...
- What’s Your Story?I ran onto the bus just as the driver was about to shut the doors. I reached into my jacket pocket and pull out my Metro Card, only to find out there was not enough money on it to pay my fare. Sigh. I looked at the driver, and gave him the please don’t embarrass [...]
- Network Like a ProI recently attended an SPS Career Services workshop and networking seminar lead by career expert Arlene Newman. Newman is the President of Career Bound Success and has an extensive background in Human Resources across multiple industries. Newman emphasized the importance of networking in career ...
Dissident Voice
- Imperialism through the Looking GlassHow are Westerners to make sense of human precepts that espouse the goodness of sharing with those less fortunate while western corporations plunder the wealth from the land of those in dire need? How is it that Westerners can make sense of the professed desire for peace and love for fellow huma ...
- Slouching Towards Disaster: America’s Co ...Legendary investigative journalist I.F. Stone famously observed: “All governments lie, but disaster lies in wait for countries whose officials smoke the same hashish they give out.” Amongst Washington elites and the courtier press, it appears that more than a pipe or two has been pas ...
- Occupy is Not Just About OccupyingWith encampments being closed across the country it is important to remember the end goal is not to occupy public space, it is to end corporate rule. We seek to replace the rule of money with the rule of people. Occupying is a tactic but the grand strategy of the Occupy Movement is to weaken [...]
- I Ain’t Got No HomeCan we truly be at home in the marketplace? What kind of place is the marketplace, anyway, and how is it related to places like our communities, our homes, and the places we love in the natural world? Has the marketplace effectively replaced these physical/mental places by becoming the great pro ...
- A Dangerous Woman: Indefinite Detention at Car ...Some things are unforgivable in a democracy. A bill moving through Congress, authorizing the military to imprison American citizens indefinitely, without a trial or hearing, ranks right at the top of that list. I know. I lived through it on the Patriot Act. When Congress decided to squelch the t ...
- Obama Administration Demanded Power To Indefin ...Despite reports that Obama is planning to veto the National Defense Authorization Act, Senator Carl Levin has revealed it was the administration itself that lobbied to remove language from the bill that would have protected American citizens from being detained indefinitely without trial. “Th ...
- U.S. Proposes Unmanned Border Entry With MexicoThe bloody drug war in Mexico shows no sign of relenting. Neither do calls for tighter border security amid rising fears of spillover violence. This hardly seems a time the U.S. would be willing to allow people to cross the border legally from Mexico without a customs officer in sight. But i ...
- Paul wins online polls after Iowa Debate; Crus ...Six presidential candidates attended the ABC GOP presidential debate Saturday night, Dec. 10 on Campus of Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann, and Rick Santorium engaged in what the Des Moines Register called “a Saturday night ...
- Army Posts Job for “Internment Specialist” Fol ...Following our report on December 6 documenting KBR’s outfitting of FEMA internment camps in the United States, Business Insider posted an article entitled The US Army Now Offers A Prison Guard Specialty Securing ‘Civilian Detainees.’ “Every soldier that enlists in the Army chooses a Military ...