"We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent." --James Warburg, powerful international investment banker, February 17, 1950, as he testified in hearings before the Committee on Foreign Relations during the Eighty-First Congress, United States Senate Commission on Foreign Policy (U.S. Printing Office, page 494). His father was Paul Warburg, who was also a powerful international investment banker and Rothschild agent, who conspired to create the private for profit Federal Reserve Banking System, during a secret meeting on Jekyll Island, in 1910. Paul Warburg became the Fed's second Vice Chairman, as well as the Director of the Council on Foreign Relations, upon its founding in 1921. Paul Warburg's brother, Max Warburg, who, with the Oppenheimers, was the principal backer of the "Nazis", along with George Bush's Grandfather, Senator Prescott Bush, Director of Brown Brothers Harriman, whose assets were seized in 1942, under the Trading with the Enemy Act "The Dulles brothers were later to play crucial roles in setting up the Hitler regime in Germany, preparing the way for World War II, and respectively as Secretary of State and founder of the CIA in the postwar period. Allen Dulles remained a director of the Schroder Bank, which handled Hitler's personal funds; Dulles consigned many millions of dollars to the Schroder as "covert" funds for the CIA." --Eustace Mullins, "The Curse Of Canaan: A Demonology Of History", (1987) Even though Allen Dulles, the Director of the CIA, was fired by President John F. Kennedy, President Lyndon Baines Johnson (L.B.J.) appointed Dulles as one of the seven commissioners of the Warren Commission to oversee the investigation of the assassination of President Kennedy.
Watch in HD / full screen - Rendered in true High Definition with 5.1 Dolby surround sound. Let's wake 'em all up !
Post publishing note Monckton on Black Body radiation
Since evapo-transpiration and thermal convection increase with temperature, and evapo-transpiration does so three times faster than the models predict, one could adopt Kimoto’s approach and come to an approximation of the right answer by including the non-radiative transports And that would give you a climate sensitivity less than a quarter of the IPCC’s central estimate
Post publishing note Monckton on Black Body radiation
Since evapo-transpiration and thermal convection increase with temperature, and evapo-transpiration does so three times faster than the models predict, one could adopt Kimoto’s approach and come to an approximation of the right answer by including the non-radiative transports And that would give you a climate sensitivity less than a quarter of the IPCC’s central estimate
Emission Temperature of Planets
Global Warming
Magnetosphere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The internal field of the Earth (its "main field") appears to be generated in the Earth's ... (and unexpected) radiation belt around Earth, held by its magnetic field. ...Earth's core | The Energy Library(from page 6)
Energy from the Earth's core produces the planet's magnetic field that shields ... gravitational contraction of the Earth's interior, and (3) the radioactive decay of ...Earth - Danielle's Garden(from page 10)
The Earth's interior is a heat engine fueled by radioactivity and producing geothermal heat. This internal heat drives convection cells in the mantle below the ...radioactive heat production in the Earth – FREE radioactive heat ...
www.encyclopedia.com › ... › January 2000
radioactive heat production in the Earth Heat from the Earth's interior is leaking out to the surface at a rate of about 40 000 gigawatts (4 × 10 13 W) in total. ...Black Body Radiation and the Greenhouse Effect
A standard elementary argument for the occurrence of a greenhouse effect for the Earth assumes zero net-power, corresponding to an energy balance appropriate to a use of Stefan's radiation law. The argument ignores coupling between the Sun and Earth. It also ignores the fact that Stafan's radiation law is a result valid only for in vacuo black body radiation, where all wavelengths are present.The traditional view that a greenhouse effect for the Earth follows from Stefan's radiation law has been criticised, most recently by Gerlich and Tscheuscher [1].
Simple Earth Climate Model
© Physics and Astronomy Outreach Program at the University of British ColumbiaWe will develop a simple model that explores the physical properties that are important in determining the Earth's mean surface temperature, and its level of stability.
Useful pedagogical simulations:
- Black-body radiation
- Earth's greenhouse effect
- Heat and Thermo Interactive Simulations
- Glacier Interactive Simulation
- Earths_Power_Out_Spreadsheet.xls
- Plancks_Law_Spreadsheet.xls
- Carbon_Dioxide_Emissions_per_Capita_Spreadsheet.xls
- Earths_Surface_Temperature_Spreadsheet.xls
- The mean surface temperature of Earth (14.5°C)1 is ideal for supporting life. Where does this particular temperature come from and why is it constant over long periods of time? Defined, temperature is a measure of the internal energy that an object possesses. The natural question to follow then is, where does the energy that heats Earth up come from?
- ...If our atmosphere was modelled as a single-layer perfect greenhouse, Earth would be in danger of heating up so much that it would be uninhabitable at a surface temperature of 30°C. Fortunately, it is not a perfect greenhouse due to numerous reasons and rather acts as an imperfect greenhouse, producing a surface temperature of 23°C (if the model still uses a single-layer atmosphere). While the refined model up to this point illustrates how different variables effect Earth's surface temperature, it does not develop further than deriving a surface temperature of 23°C. A model of a multi-layered atmosphere is needed.
- The process we followed is the process of consecutive approximation in modelling. Very often we start with a very simple model and progress to more complicated ones getting (hopefully) closer and closer to reality. While this model begins to show why Earth's surface temperature is 14.5°C1 , it also shows that very small changes in the variables effecting Earth's temperature can cause drastic changes to the temperature of the Earth. This will be explored more fully in the problem sets. It is, however, suffice to say that Earth's climate is not stable, and that this stability can be seen on the decade scale.
If you are interested in viewing notes about more refined models, see:
Simple Earth Climate Model: Single-Layer Perfect Greenhouse Atmosphere
Simple Earth Climate Model: Single-Layer Imperfect Greenhouse Atmosphere
For a related article, see Little Ice Age.
Physics Teaching for the 21st Century
Physics Teaching for the 21st Century is a resource for teachers who are interested in teaching physics concepts in real world contexts.
The great problems of the 20th century were solved by a few incredibly smart people. The great problems of the 21st century will have to be solved by billions of moderately smart people. This is where teachers come in...
In this website you will find:
How Volcanoes Work - Earth's Internal Heat, Energy, and Interior ...
Geothermal gradient - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
80%). ...
Radioactive decay is key ingredient behind Earth's heat(from page 2)
Earth's radiation balance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Earth Still Retains Much of Its Original Heat - ScienceNOW
symmetry breaking » Blog Archive » Earth's interior heating ...
, measurements with a global array of geo-neutrino detectors ...
Causes of climate change - Encyclopedia of Earth(from page 7)
Astronomy 1 – Winter 2011(from page 5)
Solar energy. – Rotational Energy of the Earth and the Earth-Moon system, though tidal forces. – Internal residual heat of the Earth. – Radioactivity in the Earth's ...
Internal and External Energy - eTAP(from page 5)
The IPCC explains... Earth's Climate System | Climate System ...(from page 8)
Rad Handbook Introduction(from page 5)
Geoneutrinos keep us warm? Measuring radioactive sources of ...(from page 5)
The great problems of the 20th century were solved by a few incredibly smart people. The great problems of the 21st century will have to be solved by billions of moderately smart people. This is where teachers come in...
In this website you will find:
- articles that clearly explain the physics concepts in a real world context
- take-home experiments that can be done by students or by teachers as demonstrations in class
- lecture notes in the form of power point presentations
- multiple choice questions to use as a quick test of understanding during lectures, and as a way to stimulate critical thinking.
- problem sets and exam questions that would interest students (including solutions)
- data sheets with realistic numbers and information
- videos further explaining physics concepts in real world contexts
How Volcanoes Work - Earth's Internal Heat, Energy, and Interior ...
www.geology.sdsu.edu/how_volcanoes.../Heat.html - United States
The Earth's internal heat source provides the energy for our dynamic planet, ... of the Earth's interior, and (3) the radioactive decay of unstable isotopes. ...Geothermal gradient - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Earth's internal heat comes from a combination of residual heat from planetary accretion (about 20%) and heat produced through radioactive decay (Radioactive decay is key ingredient behind Earth's heat(from page 2)
2 Aug 2011 – Nearly half of the Earth's heat comes from the radioactive decay of ... geologists understand a model for the earth's interior," Horton-Smith said. ...Earth's radiation balance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Earth's radiation balance is the equation of the incoming and outgoing thermal ... the various internal and external factors influencing the radiation balance. ...Earth Still Retains Much of Its Original Heat - ScienceNOW
news.sciencemag.org › News › ScienceNOW › July 2011
17 Jul 2011 – Earth's internal radioactivity and its primordial heat will both diminish in future years, Stevenson says. The planet is now cooling about 100°C ...symmetry breaking » Blog Archive » Earth's interior heating ...
11 Mar 2010 – Although radioactivity can account for a significant part of the earth's internal heat[PDF] Health effects of radiation(from page 3)paksnuclearpowerplant.com/.../Radiation%20Health%20Effects.pdf File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View0.01 mSv. Main sources and average values of radiation dose of the Earth's population. It can be observed that crustal origin internal dose is one hundred times ... |
The Relation of Radioactivity to Vulcanism(from page 5)
www.jstor.org/stable/30063451by GD Louderback - 1906 - Cited by 4 - Related articles
desirable to consider first the relationship of radioactivity to the general thermal condition of the earth's interior. Since Major. Dutton's paper was prepared, R. J. ...(S-7) The Energy of the Sun(from page 3)
www-istp.gsfc.nasa.gov/stargaze/Sun7enrg.htmAs it turned out, it was this energy, from radioactive elements in rocks, that provided the internal heat of the Earth. Radioactivity also allowed new estimates of the ...
Causes of climate change - Encyclopedia of Earth(from page 7)
Internal variations in the Earth's climatic system may be caused by changes in ... cyclic events vary the amount of solar radiation that is received on the Earth's ...Astronomy 1 – Winter 2011(from page 5)
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTMLSolar energy. – Rotational Energy of the Earth and the Earth-Moon system, though tidal forces. – Internal residual heat of the Earth. – Radioactivity in the Earth's ...
Internal and External Energy - eTAP(from page 5)
Internal energy is used to renew the surface of the Earth and to drive the movement of plates in the Lithosphere. It is also emitted as radiation. Radiation from the ... The IPCC explains... Earth's Climate System | Climate System ...(from page 8)
IPCC Frequently Asked Question 1.1: What Factors Determine Earths Climate? ... the incoming solar radiation (e.g., by changes in Earth's orbit or in the Sun itself); ... The climate system evolves in time under the influence of its own internal ...Rad Handbook Introduction(from page 5)
External radiation sources include cosmic (beyond the Earth's atmosphere) and terrestrial (the Earth's contribution) radiation. Internal radiation sources include ...[PPT]
Natural and Man-Made Radiation Sources(from page 10)
Natural Background Radiation. Cosmic Radiation. Terrestrial Radiation. Internal Radiation. Cosmic Radiation. The earth, and all living things on it, are constantlyPhysicsLAB: Thermodynamics(from page 8)
Environmental Physics - Sloan Career Cornerstone Center: Careers ...(from page 9)
Age of the Earth(from page 6)
GG101 The Restless Planet(from page 6)
Page 5 - Canadian Guidelines for the Management of Naturally ...(from page 8)
Natural and Man-Made Radiation Sources(from page 10)
File Format: Microsoft Powerpoint - Quick ViewNatural Background Radiation. Cosmic Radiation. Terrestrial Radiation. Internal Radiation. Cosmic Radiation. The earth, and all living things on it, are constantly
PhysicsLAB: Thermodynamics(from page 8)
But geological evidence indicated an older earth. This puzzle wasn't solved until the discovery of radioactivity. Then it was learned that the interior was kept hot ...Environmental Physics - Sloan Career Cornerstone Center: Careers ...(from page 9)
Scientists often consider factors that have an impact on the Earth's air, water, and land ... to monitor radioactivity in the development of new clean-up technologies. ... of physical phenomena in the study of the Earth and its internal composition, ...Age of the Earth(from page 6)
Unknown at the time was that the Earth has an internal heat source (radioactive decay). In 1899, John Joly (Irish) calculated the rate of delivery of salt to the ...GG101 The Restless Planet(from page 6)
This particular one is a physical model, and it strips the Earth of all but its ..... It's largely due to internal radioactivity that the Earth is as geologically active planet. ...Page 5 - Canadian Guidelines for the Management of Naturally ...(from page 8)
7 Feb 2008 – Life on earth has always been exposed to natural radiation from the .... the natural radioactivity at the earth's surface; and internal radiation. ... Geoneutrinos: for a big view of inner Earth, catch a few ... - Free ...(from page 10)www.thefreelibrary.com › ... › Science News › January 17, 2009 Estimates are that radioactivity, mainly from uranium and thorium but also from potassium, accounts for at least 40 to 60 percent of Earth's interior heat. ... |
Geoneutrinos keep us warm? Measuring radioactive sources of ...(from page 5)
that flows from the interior of the Earth is the decay of radioactive isotopes in the mantle and crust. Scientists using the KamLAND neutrino detector in Japan ...www.youtube.com

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