What is Earth Magic?
It is a trend
Looks like the sound construction practices expected from military contracts has once again come to pass:FDLAn American military drone which had been used to monitor piracy off the East African coast has crashed at an airport on the island nation of Seychelles during a routine patrol, officials said.
The world is "too too big to fail" but the "Durban Platform" turned out to be a bailout of the developed countries by the developing countries . This brinkmanship of putting the world into a panic button mode and asking for binding agreement is akin to blackmail. The leadership of EU was commendable but the pressure was on the wrong party. India stood for a just principle but could not argue properly; India was not necessarily objecting to a legally binding treaty as was evident finally rather the Indian side was amenable to a treaty conditional upon inclusion of equity and CBDR into the roadmap but the way we articulated it or the western media portrayed it in such a manner that was unsavory, to say the least. Apart from that we did not do our homework to provide a credible alternative roadmap that could have deflected EU pressure and cornered US and its likes as the biggest obstacle to any agreement. The whole world is held hostage, on climate change, by the American right wing.
from: Debashis Senapati
Posted on: Dec 13, 2011 at 06:59 IST People and industries talk about green, not knowing what it means to environment. Industries take full page advertisement on newspapers how they protect the environment. Three decades ago one paper company advertised on TV that they are "tree growing" company, not telling the viewers that they cut a very large number of trees for producing paper products. India should ban polyethelene bags as major corporations and cities burn them along with trash on their streets. Rivers are polluted with effluent from dyeing and tanning industries. India failed to develop infrastructure before producing millions two, three and four wheelers on the road. Idling cars produce more carbon than the industries. Agriculture lands were converted into industries and townships. States compete each other to bring in industries to provide jobs for their people, not realizing the farm sector is slowly vanishing. In a country of one billion plus people, farm labour is hard to find.
from: Vijay
Posted on: Dec 13, 2011 at 18:23 ISTIf floating ice melts, the level of water falls. So if floating arctic
ice cap melts there will be no rise of sea level. If the ice on
Antarctica and Greenland melts, then humans can colonise Antarctica
and Greenland whether or not sea levels rise. Global warming by CO2 is
a fallacious theory by scientists requiring more funds for their
survival. Mr.Rajendra Pachauri, Chairperson of IPCC, admitted a
glaring mistake on Himalyan glaciers melting by 2035. Europe must
become vegetarian and stop hunting whales, if they are serious about
global warming. Ninety percent of Indians are vegetarian. The world
must stop using oil driven cars and start using electric cars. These
measures are more important than any binding contracts done to prevent
so-called climate change. Dubai has built islands in the ocean like
Palm tree project by using rocks and sand with help of European
companies, where celebrities are supposed to live. Don’t they
understand global warming ?
from: SM
Posted on: Dec 13, 2011 at 19:21 IST Reportedly Canada has withdrawn from the Kyoto protocol...
from: Sadasivan
Posted on: Dec 13, 2011 at 19:37 IST Meeting the demands of the growing population has resulted in depletion of our natural wealth. It is very unfortunate to see that the most populous countries of the world are not much interested in cutting down emissions.
from: Amit Kanwar
Posted on: Dec 14, 2011 at 01:00 IST India and China can't gang up together and expect the rest of the world to put up with their intransigence for much longer. This was amply evident at Durban when the AOSIS and LDC group of countries sided with the EU, which assumed a leadership role admirably. If we're not ready for a legally binding treaty/agreement yet, when will we ever be. Also Jairam Ramesh was no more flexible than Jayanthi Natarajan, and I mean this in a bad way. I remember Jairam Ramesh taking great pains to convey to the parliament that he wasn't going to agree to anything legally binding. This has always been the stance of the UPA govt. Clearly that has to change and India together with China have to yield before it's too late.
from: HK
Posted on: Dec 14, 2011 at 01:18 IST LOL I didn't even get a chance to make my own submission to become lost
There are other 'elephants in the room'. Australians, for instance, are now faced with the realization that they have inflicted upon themselves a disincentive to trade which will drive away investment. This is unpopular enough in a time of economic recession : to do so while leaving the instigating nations at a competitive advantage is folly. Nor is the carbon credit business anything less than a way for polluters to evade modernization - and a scam to boot. Courts have prosecuted fraud starting in 2005 over trading in an illusion.
All this is predicated on the representation that there is a 'scientific concensus' on the 'science of climate change'. Yet this was so flawed that India found it necessary to set up its own studies of ice changes in the Himalayas...as moisture aloft and wind direction were ignored in the original IPCC / UN scaremongering !
More links to questioning of 'changing the future' as 'science'
All this is predicated on the representation that there is a 'scientific concensus' on the 'science of climate change'. Yet this was so flawed that India found it necessary to set up its own studies of ice changes in the Himalayas...as moisture aloft and wind direction were ignored in the original IPCC / UN scaremongering !
More links to questioning of 'changing the future' as 'science'
Hong Kong named world's financial hub
Do women rule Bulgaria?
Holding the Line |
An extraordinary portrait of ordinary citizens at war. Disconnect can affect all participants in conflict, just as it did in 1917 when the 24-year-old soldier/poet Wilfred Owen aptly referred to it as "the old lie". |
US and Russia at odds over UN stance on Syria
US urges intransigent Russia to back Security Council action against Syria as activists report dozens more deaths. ( Our new anonymous/bogus 'tipsters' ? )
US death squads caught on video terrorizing Syrians
crowdsourced documentary film "life in a day
The White Privilege Iceberg
Dafna Linzer's year-long ProPublica investigation into the factors surrounding supposedly color-blind presidential pardons from 1998 to 2008 is certainly one of the more important articles of the year. The bottom line is that white pardon seekers were four times more likely to be granted a pardon than blacks.
A recent critique of Gingrich’s inconsistencies is “so obviously about herself,” said Andy Ferguson, a senior editor at the Weekly Standard. “Her ( Huffington ) accusing him of opportunistic flip-flopping is like being called ugly by a frog.”
Holder Declares War on Vote Suppression
Mr. Holder also laid out a case for replacing the “antiquated” voter registration system by automatically registering all eligible voters; for barring state legislators from gerrymandering their own districts, and for creating a federal statute prohibiting the dissemination of fraudulent information to deceive people into not voting.
We now have a decade's worth of evidence that vote fraud, of the type that involves unregistered people voting or people voting multiple times, is so rare as to be inconsequential, while reports of voter suppression (almost all by Republicans) have over the same period been epidemic.
- The BRAD BLOGbradblog.com/5 hours ago – BRAD BLOG SPECIAL REPORT: A forensic analysis of Venango ... GOP VOTER SUPPRESSION BILL PLACED ON HOLD IN OHIO, ON ...
- It's Official! OH's GOP Voter Suppression Law Now ... - The Brad Blogwww.bradblog.com/?p=89824 days ago – It's Official! OH's GOP Voter Suppression Law Now On Hold, Will Face Referendum on 2012 Ballot.
- The BRAD BLOG : Huckabee 'Jokes' (Again) About Voter Suppressionwww.bradblog.com/?p=884617 Oct 2011 – Video Exposes Koch Brothers' Role In GOP Voter Suppression Laws · UC Davis ... THE BRAD BLOG'S RECOMMENDED #OWS 'DEMAND' ...
The BRAD BLOG : GOP Voter Suppression Shifts Into High Gear in ...
www.bradblog.com/?p=852923 May 2011 - 4 min
GOP Voter Suppression Shifts Into High Gear in State After State as 'Tea Party' Shell Game Exposed.- The Brad Blog: It's Official! OH's GOP Voter Suppression Law Now ...protectourelections.org/index.php?q=node/6493 days ago – OH's GOP Voter Suppression Law Now On Hold, Will Face Referendum on 2012 Ballot · The Brad Blog: State Rep. Dennis Baxley Admits No ...
- The BRAD BLOG : GOP Voter Suppression Toon of the Moment ...digg.com/.../the_brad_blog_gop_voter_suppression_toon_of_the_m...GOP Voter Suppression Toon of the Moment: 'Apply Liberally'
- It's Official! OH's GOP Voter Suppression Law Now On Hold, Will ...www.democraticunderground.com › Discuss35 posts - 30 authors - Last post: 4 days agoSource: BRAD BLOG It's Official! OH's GOP Voter Suppression Law Now On Hold
, Will Face Referendum on 2012 Ballot Congrats to all voters ... - The BRAD BLOG : It's Official! OH's GOP Voter Suppression Law ...www.newsvine.com/_.../9348196-the-brad-blog-its-official-ohs-gop-...3 days ago – The BRAD BLOG : It's Official! OH's GOP Voter Suppression Law Now On Hold, Will Face Referendum on 2012 Ballot. Seeded on Sat Dec 10, ...
- The BRAD BLOG : Voter Suppression 'Wiki' Created to Track New ...m.current.com/.../89341336_the-brad-blog-voter-suppr... - United StatesThe BRAD BLOG : Voter Suppression 'Wiki' Created to Track New, Incoming GOP Assaults on Democracy. bradblog.com/?p=6412. "Beyond the point of gettin' mad, ...
- Brad Blog continues the coverage of voter suppression at WI DMV's ...wisconsinwave.org/.../brad-blog-continues-coverage-voter-suppressi...Brad Blog continues the coverage of voter suppression at WI DMV's. General · Wisconsin. July 28, 2011. By: Brad Friedman. GOP Photo ID Restrictions & Video ...OccupyOregon OCCUPY OREGONWar is a business. See how your tax dollars fuel the biggest war machine the world has ever known: youtu.be/kFeduoDWKj4OccupyOregon OCCUPY OREGON
@BigSkitzo Did you know that protest is considered terrorism by the Department of Defense? Even@FoxNews covered it: is.gd/S5ITwUOccupyOregon OCCUPY OREGON#NDAA authorizes detainment of US Citizens until "hostilities" end. We are at war with "terrorism," a TACTIC of asymmetrical warfare. So...OccupyOregon OCCUPY OREGONSultanAlQassemi Sultan Al QassemiCharges of inciting protest & gathering illegally dropped from detained blogger@Alaa yesterday bit.ly/sUrr0fDobroyeutro George MappMorning Security Brief: Domestic Drone Use, Blackwater Gets Another Name Change, Base Revealed on Google Maps, and More bit.ly/v1isApOccupyOregon OCCUPY OREGONIf you participate in a#twitterbomb#youmightbeaterrorist.OccupyOregon OCCUPY OREGON#NDAA 2012 might eliminate Amendments 4 – 10. is.gd/Qn7iDFan0nyc nycRiseUp_#NDAA I saw something. Now im saying something. I took a pic of these terrorists.@mikebloomberg#YouMayBeATerrorist pic.twitter.com/T4x46u8lOccupyOregon OCCUPY OREGONThank the Senators who voted against it! RT@KeithEKreb: Shaming time - twitters of Senators who voted for#NDAA: is.gd/xsMalIstanleyrogouski Stanley RogouskiI just spent 37 hours in jail (The Tombs) for taking photographs at the Occupy Wall Street demo at the Winter Gardender_bluthund Anonymous WatcherAll those congress critters and senators who voted for the#NDAA have committed High Treason against the American People and Constitution.OccupyOregon OCCUPY OREGONDefault on US debt would be inevitable, were it not for the dollar's status as the world reserve currency. Oh wait: is.gd/dfwDZa
S. 1867 (National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 ) Measure Title: An original bill to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2012 for military activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes.
Hong Kong named world's top financial hub |
"Milestone" for Asia as Chinese city beats New York and London in influential annual survey of world financial centres. |
What happens when you attempt a cold shutdown of one of the biggest debt spirals that the world has ever seen? Well, we are about to find out. The politicians in Europe have decided that they are going to "take their medicine" and put strict limits on budget deficits. They have also decided that the European Central...See More