IPS - Inter Press Services
- U.S.: Homeless Play Key Role in Occupy MovementHomeless people make up a significant proportion of participants in the Occupy Movement in cities across the United States, from Los Angeles to Atlanta, where at times they comprise an estimated third of the occupiers.
- Indigenous Peoples Call for REDD MoratoriumA new coalition of indigenous peoples and local communities called for a moratorium on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) programs, a key part of the negotiations for a new international climate treaty that took place over the last two weeks in South Africa.
- KENYA: Thirsty Eucalyptus Good for Absorbing C ...On a steep slope of land in Thangathi village in Central Province, Kenya, Peter Nyaga surveys his four-year-old eucalyptus woodlot. He calculates the value of every tree on his two-hectare piece of land at maturity in three years.
- BELARUS: Fight Against Death Penalty Gets TougherA petition signed by 250,000 people calling for an end to capital punishment has been turned away by Belarussian authorities as the regime continues to harden its stance on the death penalty.
- ISRAEL: Togetherness Takes WingsHasn't anyone dreamt once of taking refuge under the shelter of a bird's wings, coiled up in its feathers, catching a bird's eye view of what looks from above like paradise?
My AntiWar
- At Least 80 Killed in Three Days of Syrian Vio ...
- Senior Israeli: Arabs Not Ready for Democracy
- Interior Ministry: Afghanistan on Track to Clo ...
- Blackwater Gets an Even Bigger Makeover
- US ‘Virtual Embassy’ Is Espionage ...
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- "Nuclear Option" Against Iran's Economy Paves ...Summary: Iran's Central BankThe Senate could vote as early as today on what is now the Kirk-Menendez amendment to sanction Iran's Central Bank. Call your Senators at our toll-free number: 1-877-429-0678 and ask your Senator to vote against the Kirk-Menendez amendment to the military authoriz ...
- Help Stop New Iran Sanctions!Summary: Kate Gould, Legislative Associate for the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL), discusses her article “End of ‘Brown Rice Diplomacy’ with Iran?” that refers to the 45 total minutes spent in direct talks with Iran in the past 30 years; how Congress bill H.R. 1905 makes war ...
- IRAN, AMERICAN DRONES, AND THE INTERLINKED CRI ...Summary: It is clear to us that the Islamic Republic does not want a military confrontation with the United States. But Tehran is not going to surrender to Washington’s continuing assertion of its hegemonic prerogatives in order to avoid such a confrontation. The United States can start a w ...
- US backed MEK assassinated Iranian ScientistsSummary: Former CIA officer Philip Giraldi discusses his article “Washington’s Secret Wars;” Obama’s newly signed “findings,” authorizing covert operations to destabilize the Iranian and Syrian governments; how the US and Israel use the Baluch Jundallah, Kurdish PJAK and MEK groups to commit ...
- The war debate: Abbas Edalat and Malcolm RifkindSummary: Former UK foreign minister Malcolm Rifkind fears Iran wants to develop nuclear weapons. Not so, says campaigner Abbas Edalat, who thinks western hawks want war source: The Guardianread more
The Daily Galaxy
- EcoAlert: NASA Monitoring Yellowstone --The Pl ...Yellowstone National Park's caldera, which covers a 25- by 37-mile (40- by 60-kilometer) swath of Wyoming, is an ancient crater formed after the last big blast, some 640,000 years ago. The simmering volcano has produced major eruptions—each a thousand times...
- The Milky Way's Two Billion Earthlike Planets: ..."Aliens could have been pointing their antennas at Earth for 4.6 billion years, without picking up a signal. Maybe the inhabitants [of a Twin Earth] are at the level of the classical Romans ... or maybe trilobites. We need to...
- Superclusters Flow Towards a Mysterious Unseen ...The reality of superclusters was not apparent until the 1980s, when new telescopes and sensors could produce three-dimensional maps of the Universe. Superclusters are typically seen as long and thin strands of clusters and galaxies, intracluster gases and, presumably, "dark...
- Image of the Day: Sunrise on Mars --A Haunting ...
- From the 'X Files' Dept: Could Newly Discover ..."We hypothesize that the advanced civilizations may live safely inside the supermassive black holes in the galactic nuclei being invisible from the outside." Vyacheslav Dokuchaev --Moscow's Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences Astronomers report that they...
Natural News
- Red alert: Fukushima nuclear reactor 4 possibl ...(NaturalNews) After enduring many months of total information blackout on the situation, an intelligence source connected with NaturalNews has just informed us that Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor 4 may now on the verge of collapsing, and that mass evacuations in northern Japan could be necess ...
- Exposing the hidden epidemic of crippling, pai ...(NaturalNews) The adverse reactions from a certain specific class of antibiotics resemble the crippling adverse reactions of the vaccine injured. But there is much less notoriety among these agonized and debilitated victims of the Medical Mafia, except for one PBS Nightly News special from June ...
- Epilepsy Foundation warning shows that televis ...(NaturalNews) Rapidly flashing lights and other fast-moving visual effects in movies, television, and video games can trigger sudden epileptic seizures and other neurological disorders in humans, and a recent warning by an epilepsy group confirms this. According to the Baltimore Sun, the Marylan ...
- Did you know? Microwave popcorn gives off a to ...(NaturalNews) You might be reassured to learn that the buttery flavor in microwave popcorn typically comes from a chemical actually found in butter, but you shouldn't be. This chemical, called diacetyl, is so toxic that it commonly destroys the lungs of workers in microwave popcorn factories, af ...
- Artificial Sweetener Disease; a new breed of s ...(NaturalNews) Artificial Sweetener Disease (ASD) is sweeping across America, affecting tens of thousands of consumers, and Western medicine calls it anything but what it really is, so that doctors can prescribe expensive pharmaceuticals and set up "check up" appointments for the following weeks. ...
Threat Level
- Senator Wants Answers from DHS Over Domain Nam ...A day after federal authorities returned a music-review site it seized a year ago, dajaz1.com was back online, greeting visitors with a powerful message about proposed web-censorship legislation. The site's attorney said he was never afforded an opportunity to challenge the seizure for an entire ...
- Occupy DC Prepares for Its Valley ForgeDC authorities have made no moves to evict Occupy encampments in Washington, DC -- setting the stage for the movement to confront both the weather and what it will become.
- Spy Firm Videos Show How to Hack WiFi, Skype a ...runMobileCompatibilityScript('myExperience1316965421001', 'anId'); brightcove.createExperiences(); What better way to sell your wares than to produce a marketing video showing exactly how your product works? Even if that product is spyware, marketed to oppressive re ...
- Four Romanians Indicted for Hacking Subway, Ot ...Four Romanian nationals have been charged with hacking card-processing systems at more than 150 Subway restaurants and 50 other unnamed retailers, according to an indictment unsealed Thursday.
- Government Opposes Bradley Manning Defense Wit ...The government is seeking to block Bradley Manning's attorney attempt to call nearly 50 defense witnesses at a pre-trial hearing next week over the private's alleged leaking of hundreds of thousands of U.S. government documents to WikiLeaks.
PERRspectives : Blog
- GOP Cuts to Unemployment Insurance Hit Red Sta ...So the GOP's petulance has come to this. Opposition by House Republicans to any payroll tax cut extension began to fade last week only after President Obama issued a veto threat against a GOP bill tying the continued relief for working Americans to approval of the controversial Keystone XL pipe ...
- The Difference Between Newt Gingrich and GodWhat's the difference between Newt Gingrich and God? God doesn't think he's Newt Gingrich. In a Republican presidential contest in which most of the major contenders, including Gingrich, claimed God "called" them to run, Newt alone worships at his own alter. Even after burning through three r ...
- GOP Commits Tax Fraud for the Wealthy. Again.When House Speaker John Boehner denounced Democratic proposals to fund a payroll tax cut extension through a surtax on millionaires as a "job-killing tax hike on small businesses," he might have wanted to check with some first. As NPR revealed yesterday, the Congressional Republicans they consu ...
- Introducing Newt Gingrich's 2-2-2 PlanIf nothing else, former House Speaker and new GOP front-runner Newt Gingrich is all about keeping his options open. After all, Newt has gone through three religions and three wives. As it turns out, when it comes to Medicare, Social Security and the tax code, President Gingrich wants Americans ...
- The Epic Failure of Republican Trickle Down Ec ...When President Obama on Tuesday declared that decades of Republican trickle-down economics "never worked," conservatives were predictably apoplectic. But for all of their protests of "class warfare", "socialism" and worse, Obama was being kind to the Republican ideologues. After all, as the hi ...
Blackspot News Feed
- How The Higgs Boson Spells Universal Death (Maybe)Tomorrow, there’s to be an announcement concerning the Higgs Boson. The viXra log has an amusing little take on the implications should the “God Particle” turn up in an awkward range: It has been known for about twenty years that for a low Higgs mass relative to the top quark mass, the qua ...
- AMERICAN MASTODONwhat in the name of god just happened to my eyes and my brain my poor poor brain someone just @warrenellis ‘d this to me on the twitters and i clicked the link and now i can taste time itself
- The Art Of Kilian EngA Swedish artist that someone pointed me at a few weeks ago. He has a tumblr, and his work is sold here: you can see more of his stuff at both places.
- ABC Show, 'Work It,' Finds 'Humor' at Expense ...A new comedy on ABC makes light of the real discrimination faced by transgender people.
- Leymah Gbowee, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberi ...On Saturday, the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize was presented to three female activists and political leaders for "their nonviolent struggle for the safety of women and for women's rights." The trio of laureates follow only a dozen other women among 85 men, as well as a number of organizations, to have ...
Consortium News
- The NYT’s New Contra Lies
- GOP Clowns Take Over the Circus
- Is Obama’s TR Rhetoric Just Talk?
- The Warning in Gary Webb’s Death
- John Hull’s Great Escape
- Congress Must Debate the Libya WarThe US is now at war in a third Muslim country, according to the "official tally" (that is, counting Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, but not Pakistan or Yemen, for example.) But Congress has never authorized or debated the US military intervention in Libya. (A sharply disputed claim holds ...
- News in Brief: Daniel Ellsberg, Col. Ann Wrigh ...Daniel Ellsberg, Col. Ann Wright Among 30 Arrested for Protesting Against Abuse of Bradley Manningread more
- In This Nuclear World, What Is the Meaning of ...In a nuclear crisis, life becomes a nightmare for those people trying to make sense of the uncertainties. Imaginably, the questions are endless. Radiation is invisible, how do you know when you are in danger? How long will this danger persist? How can you reduce the hazard to yourself and famil ...
- Richard D. Wolff: "Personal Debts" (Video)read more
- Charmed Into Battle: How a Volunteering Vacati ...About to turn thirty, Conor Grennan planned a year-long trip around the world. He started his trip with a three-month stint volunteering in the Little Princes Orphanage in war-torn Nepal. What was supposed to be just a three-month experience changed Conor's life, and the lives of countless other ...
- Greenland’s Bedrock Underwent Significant Upli ...The year 2010 saw an unusually high melting season in Greenland which subsequently impacted the amount of ice weighing down the bedrock of the island causing it to lose 100 billion tonnes of ice and uplift by as much as 20 millimetres. These findings come courtesy of nearly 50 GPS stations that ...
- Newest EPA Report Confirms Fracking Fluids Con ...In what is sure to be a pivotal finding in the future regulation of the hydraulic fracturing industry in this country, the Environmental Protection Agency published a 120 page report today concluding that the process known as ‘fracking’ does indeed cause contamination of water supply ...
- Night-time Lights Track Disease Outbreaks from ...Such migratory populations are notoriously difficult to track and this makes developing an intervention strategy — such as a large-scale vaccination program — extremely challenging. Key to determining where an outbreak is likely to occur (and thus where to initiate a vaccinati ...
- Climate Talks Leading Us to 4° (Catastrophe-He ...Following up on my other two posts today on the UN climate change negotiations currently taking place in Durban, South Africa, and adding to what I said in both, here’s the WWF on how bad things are looking: Sam Smith ahead the closing COP17 from WWF on Vimeo. by WWF Durban, South A ...
- Greenpeace Executive Director & Activists Occu ...Here’s a wrap up of the end-of-the-day events in Durban. As you might have guessed, not much has changed from this ‘step back and look at the big picture’ piece. But there was a lot of activity, something like hamsters running on a hamster wheel, perhaps,.. and being int ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- The Bazaar TruthHarpers Bazaar Magazine published by Hearst Magazines is a leading women’s fashion magazine. Since b
- Water Purification Protects LifeWhile home water purification systems can improve the quality of your water, we have to acknowledge
- “The National Drinking Water Database.”Since 2005 the Environmental Working Group has published a searchable online database of tap water q
- Medical waste, bad for your health and bad for ...A new UN report says the international community has to date paid little attention to the growing pr
- iPhone App Monitors Water Quality in your AreaIBM has now created an iPhone app which can help concerned citizens monitor the quality of the water
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Occupy Wall Street - On the strategy and tacti ...by Fazal Rahman, Ph.D. Guest Writer Dandelion Salad November 12, 2011 Image by Ann Douglas via Flick
- IAEA's "Soviet Nuclear Scientist" Never Worked ...Updated: Nov. 12, 2011; added another interview; Nov. 11, 2011; added a video with Gareth Porter. by
- Occupy America by Michael Parentiby Michael Parenti Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Michael Parenti Blog www.michaelparenti.org Nov.
- Finding Freedom in Handcuffs by Chris Hedgesby Chris Hedges Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Truthdig Nov. 7, 2011 Image by 200MoreMontrealStenci
- Southeast Asia: U.S. Completing Asian NATO To ...by Rick Rozoff Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Stop NATO Stop NATO-Opposition to global militarism N
Axis of Logic
- Show your face or ... ? - World NewsBurqa wearing banned in Canada for those taking citizenship oath Ban on face and full body veils during immigration ceremony is 'matter of deep principle', says citizenship minister Muslim women will no longer be able to cover their faces as they t ...
- Canada pulls out of Kyoto - Wanna buy some fil ...Canada is formally withdrawing from the Kyoto accord, Environment Minister Peter Kent said Monday. The decision to do so will save the government an estimated $14 billion in penalties, Kent said. The Conservative government says it has no choice given the economic situation. Blaming an ...
- CIA prison exposed in Romania - World NewsJournalists from the Süddeutsche Zeitung and the German television magazine “Panorama” have uncovered the location of one of the chain of notorious secret torture prisons run by US Central Intelligence Agency in Europe. The prison is situated in a residential area of the Romanian capital, Buchar ...
- Pearl Harbor: 70 Years on, Is Iran the New Jap ...Is Iran the new Japan – 70 years after the Pearl Harbour incident that led to a US declaration of war and an unspeakable nuclear nightmare? Two concurrent articles on Global Research deserve close reading because taken together they suggest that history is in danger of repeating ...
- Hugo at the birth of Jesus - World NewsCARACAS—In the Bible, shepherds and wise men paid homage to the newborn baby Jesus. In Venezuela, it seems Hugo Chavez turned up at the manger, too. A Nativity scene in Caracas showing the socialist president standing before the traditional crib-in-a-manger has stirred up a pre-Christmas co ...
They Gave Us a Republic
- We're Rationing People, Not HealthcareBy @KYYellowDog America-hating repugs can force the departure of one of President Obama's recess appointees, but they can't erase what he accomplished. Steve Benen: It wasn't long before Berwick, an internationally-renowned expert in improving quality care and lowering health care costs, startin ...
- Unusual Cruelty for Kentucky's JuvenilesBy @KYYellowDog Think Newt Gingrich is cruel for suggesting that poor children should clean the toilets in their schools? That's nothing - in Kentucky, if poor kids so much as look cross-eyed at an authority figure, we jail the little fuckers. From the Courier: Twice during Alan Hack's sen ...
- Run for Office, Dammit! Yes, I'm Talking to YouBy @KYYellowDog In 2012, Kentuckians will elect 100 members of the state House and 19 of the 38 members of the state Senate, plus local officials in all 120 counties and more than 200 cities and towns. That's fiscal court magistrates, county executives, city council members, mayors, sheriffs, ja ...
- Pay Millions to Lobbyists to Avoid Billions in ...By @KYYellowDog It's not true that corporations who don't pay taxes are just sitting on their massive profits of the last three years instead of investing in the economy to create jobs. They're spending that money on lobbying Congress to prevent any efforts to force them to pay taxes. Think Prog ...
- At Least Newtie Is A Thorough AssholeI'm just finding myself up and around and able to sit at the keyboard long enough to type more than a one liner on Twitter or a smartassed status update on Facebook and what do I see? I see Newt Gingrich leading the field in the Republican race to see who's going to get their asses kicked ...
Care 2
- Psychedelic gecko, "Elvis" monkey in new Mekon ...A wildly-colored gecko, a fish that looks like a gherkin, and a monkey with an Elvis-like hairstyle are among the more than 200 new species discovered in the Greater Mekong region last year, environmental group WWF said Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to Animals | Note-it! ...
- Bull Kills Bullfighter If Im Dying, Im Taking ...This sport is ugly! It taunts & tortures the Bull. Submitted by Barbara W. to Animals | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- BIRD MIGRATIONS: Togetherness Takes WingsISRAEL--HULA VALLEY--During both high seasons, birds rest, eat, in the Promised Land, before they take off again, setting out on a hazardous, adventrous journey, covering thousands of kilometres from northern Europe to Africa. Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to Animals | Note-it ...
- Wild Tigers in India on the Rise - Animal News ...Tigers have been making a comeback in India despite a rise in poaching. The latest census figures, announced today, count 1,706 tigers, a 20 percent increase over 1,411 tigers counted in the last census in 2007. Submitted by Janaki Jiban Patnaik to Animals | Note-it! |&n ...
- 100 Worst Cars of All TimeIf there weren't bad cars, how could the world appreciate the good ones? Every manufacturer has produced some truly awful vehicles. Some of them were fragile. Many were dynamically iffy. A lot were underpowered. And a few would melt into a pile of rust be Submitted by Kellie Strickland to Green ...
Smirking Chimp
- Folks! Please don't "wait around to see how th ...
- Mr. President, Stop Protecting Bankers From Th ...
- Their Bread, Our Circus: How to Turn Election ...
- Cartoon for December 12th, 2011: Flash in the Pan
- New, Previously Suppressed Grand Jury Testimon ...
Paul Krugman
- Unpivoting ObamaJobs and inequality should be the issues.
- Debasing The Dollar, NotCommodities and Paul Ryan.
- No Draghi Ex MachinaThe ECB is not coming.
- CheeseburgersThe important stuff.
- Central European ShadowsBad moon on the rise.
No Quarter
- Are Dollars Citizens?They might as well be, after the Supreme Court Decision allowing unrestricted and secret campaign spending by corporations. Senator Bernie Sanders (Independent from Vermont) wants to do something about that, and this has just proposed a Constitutional Amendment to overturn that ruling that effec ...
- Sunday News Briefs and Open ThreadSome quick headlines for your Sunday. Of course, there was the big debate Saturday night, and you can check into Bronwyn’s piece to see discussion on who said what, who scored, and who missed. As usual, there were a few missteps, but also some points scored. Here’s a story that made ...
- The Delusional Economic World of Newt GingrichThere is no denying that Newt is an articulate, effective communicator. But, true to his Irish roots, he is full of the blarney. He is lucky that Mitt Romney and Ron Paul are an ineffective counterpunchers. Check out Newt’s defense of his consulting work with Freddie Mac: I suspect most of ...
- ABC’s GOP Debate Tonight + Open Thread (UPDATE ...(The Gingrich update is at the end and, yes, it’s about his remarks on Palestine.) Tonight’s debate airs on ABC at 9 p.m. ET with all candidates except former governors Jon Huntsman, Gary Johnson and Buddy Roemer, because their poll numbers are deemed too low. 2nd UPDATE at 8;30 P.M. ...
- Obama Feels Your Pain—NOT!I resurrected this toon from 2008 because, again, the President earns an award for not giving a damn about his own people. While millions who have little to be cheery about this holiday season struggle to make the best of it, the President will spend 17 (expensive) days in Hawaii. Never mind tha ...
- A chat with Eric DrexlerNot over coffee and cakes, sadly, but you take what you can get in this crazy world, AMIRITEZ? So when I got the chance to email Eric Drexler – yup, the nanotech guy – with some follow-up questions responding to his inaugural lecture at Oxford Martin College last month, I jumped in w ...
- Skyrim and the Quest for MeaningLithium I’m old enough to remember when video games were comparatively simple things. For example, I remember the side-scrolling video game adaptation of Robocop (1988). Relatively short, Robocop had you shooting and jumping your way from one side of the world to another. Once you got to the end ...
- Long Term and Long Distance ThinkingLast month, I wrote about the government. I asserted that we need to get business interests out of government or we’ll keep making decisions based on next quarter’s profits instead of the health of the next decade. This month, I want to talk about a whole industry that seems to be falling victim ...
- Demon’s Souls and the Meaning and Import of Vi ...Bad is Good and Good is Bad The problem with video game writing is that it tends to be written by fans of video games. The corruption and stupidity of games journalism are not isolated quirks of the system but symptoms of a flawed approach to the medium. Fans, by their nature, approach th ...
- The Grand LieMost of my day-to-day life is good to great. A little too much stress, a few challenges with weight and sleeplessness, but I’m living my dreams about writing and I’ve got a job that pays the bills and leaves a bit extra behind for electronics. I’m usually optimistic. At the core, I suppose I sti ...
Therapy News
- Do People Misestimate Their Future Reactions?When someone is asked to predict their emotional reaction to a future, hypothetical event, they usually underestimate how they will respond, according to previous research. However, a new study, led by Heather C. Lench of the Department of Psychology at Texas A&M University, suggests otherwi ...
- Therapist Self-Disclosure Decreases Stigma of ...One of the primary reasons people neglect to seek treatment for their mental health problems is because they are concerned about the external and internal stigmas associated with mental illness. Public stigma is the external belief that one is defective if they receive therapy for their problems ...
- GoodTherapy.org Weekly Inspirational ThoughtsNovember 23, 2011 – As we approach Thanksgiving, the day that reminds us to be thankful for those around us, we present Ghandi’s belief in the unity of all living things. Keep this in mind as you care for your loved ones this weekend and for those who are less fortunate. Happy Thanks ...
- Can Negative Attributions Predict Marital Diss ...Engaged couples form patterns of positive and negative behavior that can predict their marital satisfaction. “Serious marital dissatisfaction predicts increased risk for a major depressive episode, even when controlling for history of depression,” said Rebecca E. Osterhout of the New Mexico Vete ...
- Three Steps for Dealing with Panic AttacksPanic attacks are usually initiated by a triggering thought or collection of thoughts that are anxiety-provoking in nature. These thoughts then cause an overly exaggerated anxiety response in the body (choking sensations, dizziness, tightness, tingling, etc). These physical sensations are then o ...
Mountaintop Removal
- Ordinary Citizens Fight Big Coal in The Last M ...Ordinary Citizens Fight Big Coal in The Last Mountain Huffington Post Those fighting tooth and nail to halt mountaintop removal have deep roots in the area. Bo Webb's father was a coal miner. His family's property on the banks of Coal River was homesteaded in the 1830s by previous genera ...
- Occupy Wall Street spreads to Princeton - Fier ...Occupy Wall Street spreads to Princeton FierceFinance According to the school paper, protestors at the JP Morgan event, "cited lending practices that 'helped crash our economy,' eviction of 'struggling homeowners while taking their tax money' and support of 'mountaintop ...
- The One Percent Revolt: Princeton Students Pro ...ThinkProgress The One Percent Revolt: Princeton Students Protest JP Morgan And Goldman Sachs ... ThinkProgress They then read off grievances against the bank, including its predatory lending practices and bankrolling of mountaintop removal, finally concluding with saying they don't want to b ...
- an award-winning documentary on mountaintop re ...National Council of Churches USA an award-winning documentary on mountaintop removal National Council of Churches USA The award winning film, produced by the Center for Investigative Reporting, was shown as part of the National Council of Churches long-standing campaign against mountaintop remov ...
- Climate-science deniers join forces against NC ...Facing South Climate-science deniers join forces against NC renewable-energy program Facing South He also dismissed concerns about mountaintop removal, saying mining companies leave the sites in good condition -- when in fact scientific studies have found that mountaintop removal causes severe e ...
- Gingrich Calls For Romney To Return All The Mo ...Pat Garofalo / ThinkProgress: Gingrich Calls For Romney To Return All The Money He Made ‘Bankrupting Companies And Laying Off Employees’ — 2012 GOP presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich has been taking a lot of heat for receiving $1.6 million from Freddie Mac, the gov ...
- 12/11: Gingrich Outpaces Romney by 19 Percenta ...Marist Poll: 12/11: Gingrich Outpaces Romney by 19 Percentage Points in South Carolina — Newt Gingrich has skyrocketed to the top of the Republican field among likely Republican primary voters in South Carolina. He currently leads his closest competitor, Mitt Romney, by ...
- DNC chair: Unemployment didn't go up under Oba ...Ed Morrissey / Hot Air: DNC chair: Unemployment didn't go up under Obama! — Denial — it ain't just a river in Egypt. Appearing on Fox News this morning, DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz insisted that unemployment didn't go up in Barack Obama's term of office, a h ...
- Why the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Failed ...Michael J. Crosbie / The Atlantic Online: Why the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Failed—and How to Fix It — The design vision was strong, and the artist accomplished, but a couple of key changes were made between conception and execution — Nearly 15 ye ...
- Glenn Beck: I'd consider Ron Paul as third par ...The Right Scoop: Glenn Beck: I'd consider Ron Paul as third party over Newt Gingrich — Glenn Beck said this morning on his radio show that if Newt Gingrich is the nominee and Ron Paul runs third party, he'd consider voting for Ron Paul over Newt Gingrich, and he hates Ron Paul ...
Energy & Environment News
- Green Blog: Learning How to Kill TreesScientists find evidence that the water distribution systems of aspens in Colorado were damaged during a drought, suggesting that they died of thirst rather than a lack of carbohydrates linked to a halt in photosynthesis.
- Green Blog: Auditor Faults Overcapacity of Eur ...European spending on modernizing fleets has actually increased fishing capacity at a time when official policy demanded a reduction, a report says.
- Green Blog: On Our Radar: An Environmental Wat ...Republican attempts to weaken the Environmental Protection Agency top a list compiled by faculty members and law students at Vermont Law School .
- Green Blog: Rethinking the 'Timeless' Colorado ...The looming forces of what is expected to be a drier and even more arid future have combined to create a place in motion, with more dust up and swirling.
- Green Column: Using Oil to Reduce Carbon EmissionsEnhanced oil recovery could give new life to the field of carbon capture and storage, which is one solution to the global emissions problem.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.0, Sakhalin, RussiaMonday, December 12, 2011 09:28:43 UTC Monday, December 12, 2011 07:28:43 PM at epicenterDepth: 24.90 km (15.47 mi)
- M 5.1, Bougainville region, Papua New GuineaSunday, December 11, 2011 21:56:02 UTC Monday, December 12, 2011 07:56:02 AM at epicenterDepth: 85.20 km (52.94 mi)
- M 6.2, South Sandwich Islands regionSunday, December 11, 2011 09:54:55 UTC Sunday, December 11, 2011 07:54:55 AM at epicenterDepth: 115.50 km (71.77 mi)
- M 5.4, south of the Fiji IslandsSunday, December 11, 2011 05:30:58 UTC Sunday, December 11, 2011 05:30:58 PM at epicenterDepth: 560.30 km (348.15 mi)
- M 6.5, Guerrero, MexicoSunday, December 11, 2011 01:47:26 UTC Saturday, December 10, 2011 07:47:26 PM at epicenterDepth: 64.90 km (40.33 mi)
China Dialogue
- Battle of the blue skiesCompeting claims about air quality in Beijing have propelled Steven Q Andrews's research into the centre of a public debate about smog. Olivia Boyd and Meng Si look at the fallout.It’s a beautiful day in Beijing. That’s to say, the sky is a greyish blue and it doesn’t feel like ...
- Jump starting forest financeTo halve deforestation within a decade, a multibillion dollar injection is needed now, write Donald P Kanak and Andrew W Mitchell. As Durban draws to a close, they explain how it could be done.Those puzzling over how to finance a means to reduce deforestation – which contributes the same a ...
- Rise of the Chinese nimbyLocals fighting infrastructure projects in their neighbourhoods signal new conflict in China’s urbanisation process, writes Cui Zheng. Could they help push for greater openness? Early this year, Lin Yong and his wife Wei Hua (not their real names) bought a three-bedroom apartment in the L ...
- Mongolia’s mega-minesIn the southern Gobi, extraction of coking coal, copper and other resources is likely to transform the economy, nomads’ lives and one of the world’s great wilderness areas. Jonathan Watts reports. After a 16-hour drive under the piercing blue skies of Mongolia’s southern G ...
- Mongolian herders show the way (1)Climate change and overgrazing have had negative impacts on pastoralist communities in central Asia, writes Ronnie Vernooy. But co-management schemes point towards a solution.Mongolia is the country of endless plains and eternal blue skies. Eighty percent of the land area is covered by grassland ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- Amid The Architecture Of Declining Capitalism: ...Cross-posted from Tikkun Daily. by Phil Rockstroh The recent pepper spraying “incident” at the University of California at Davis represents more than an opportunity to create a cleverly photoshopped, viral meme. The act is part and parcel of a larger collective mindset-a proclivit ...
- The “Psychological Projection” of ...Well, it seems that David French over at the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) has his panties in a wad over the issue of the Camp Pendleton cross. In an article yesterday on the ACLJ website, specifically going after Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), French puts the ‘ ...
- Virgin Diaries: TLC’s Latest Cringe-Wort ...Written by Martha Kempner for RH Reality Check. This diary is cross-posted; commenters wishing to engage directly with the author should do so at the original post. TLC’s early forays into reality television included entries like A Baby Story, A Wedding Story, and A Dating Story. These half-hou ...
- Hey, GOP: Give the 99 Percent Some Lovin’MTV needs to stop giving that creepy vampire guy and moony human girl in the “Twilight” series the “best kiss” prize in its annual movie awards because it’s Republicans who truly earned the trophy for the big wet smooches they lay on the 1 percent. Just think of the GOP lovin’ that went into the ...
- Arizona Outrage at Latest Sheriff Arpaio Fiasc ...Less than two weeks after Citizens for a Better Arizona announced their intent to form the nation’s first ever “Citizens Posse” to hold infamous Sheriff Joe Arpaio accountable for gross abuses of power and civil rights violations, an alarming new investigation just released by ...
Threat Level
- Senator Wants Answers from DHS Over Domain Nam ...A day after federal authorities returned a music-review site it seized a year ago, dajaz1.com was back online, greeting visitors with a powerful message about proposed web-censorship legislation. The site's attorney said he was never afforded an opportunity to challenge the seizure for an entire ...
- Occupy DC Prepares for Its Valley ForgeDC authorities have made no moves to evict Occupy encampments in Washington, DC -- setting the stage for the movement to confront both the weather and what it will become.
- Spy Firm Videos Show How to Hack WiFi, Skype a ...runMobileCompatibilityScript('myExperience1316965421001', 'anId'); brightcove.createExperiences(); What better way to sell your wares than to produce a marketing video showing exactly how your product works? Even if that product is spyware, marketed to oppressive re ...
- Four Romanians Indicted for Hacking Subway, Ot ...Four Romanian nationals have been charged with hacking card-processing systems at more than 150 Subway restaurants and 50 other unnamed retailers, according to an indictment unsealed Thursday.
- Government Opposes Bradley Manning Defense Wit ...The government is seeking to block Bradley Manning's attorney attempt to call nearly 50 defense witnesses at a pre-trial hearing next week over the private's alleged leaking of hundreds of thousands of U.S. government documents to WikiLeaks.
Equality Trust
- Act Local = Reduce the GapFind out more about our new campaign: Act Local = Reduce the Gap
- We work in partnership with One SocietyVisit the website of One Society which works in partnership with The Equality Trust. One Society draws on a wealth of research which shows that large divides in income at the top and bottom of society – beyond ‘proportional rewards’ – are damaging to our economy and society, not just for those ...
- Among Equals: read our newsletterRead the latest edition of our supporter newsletter
- Action for HappinessAction for Happiness is a new movement for positive social change, founded by Richard Layard, Geoff Mulgan and Anthony Seldon. They aim to bring together people from all walks of life who want to play a part in creating a happier society for everyone. Their vision of a better future inc ...
- Traduction des preuves en FrançaisLes preuves en Français Preuves à l’appui: une introduction Preuves à l’appui: la santé physique Preuves à l’appui: la santé mentale Preuves à l’appui: la toxicomanie Preuves à l’appui: l’éducation Preuves à l’appui: la population carcérale
- Wikiarguments: A Practical Plan to Get Big Mon ...Wikiarguments: A Practical Plan to Get Big Money Out of Politics By Carmen Yarrusso There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.”–Henry David Thoreau Clearly, our government ...
- IOT: Healthcare for All Jan CallCall – Healthcare for All IOT Date – Jan 18, 2011 Agenda: 1. Introductions—Dr. Bill Honigman, PDA Healthcare for All IOT coordinator and California State Coordinator 2. National Single Payer Movement—Katie Robbins, Healthcare-NOW! 3. States Single Payer Movement–Chuck Pennacchi ...
- PDA Weekly Field Report 1/7/2011 – 1/18/2011Little Victories! Field Site: onenationpda.org California ADEM elections: Congratulations to all our PDA California friends and allies who completed a sweep up and down at the state at the recent CA Democratic Party Delegate elections. This will put the ...
- War is a Crime: Join In For JusticeWarIsACrime.org JOIN IN FOR JUSTICE! 1/17/11 Washington, D.C., and Quantico, Va. Protest of FBI Raids and Bradley Manning Imprisonment http://www.defendingdissent.org/action/Events.htm 1/18/11 Washington, D.C. Panel with Rep. Rush Holt, Emily Berman from the Brennan Center for Justice, Shah ...
- An American Suicide TerroristWilliam John Cox The shooter of Congresswoman Gifford acted as a domestic suicide terrorist on the political “battleground” of American politics. His YouTube postings and “goodby” phone messages are ominously reminiscent of the traditional farewell videos ...
Marler Blog
- 22 Intrastate Bacterial and Viral Outbreaks of ...I remember being at a international food safety conference last year and talking to someone from the EU Food Safety Authority about the difficulty of coordinating foregin states in foodborne illness outbreaks. We do have the same problems - at times - here in the US with at least 50 Minist ...
- Food Safety Top Food Story of 2011Cantaloupe Listeria Outbreak Tops List in Annual Survey Commissioned by Hunter Public Relations According to Hunter Public Relations, Food safety tops the list of its annual survey asking Americans to choose the most significant food story of 2011. Even in a year when global food prices hit r ...
- CDC Outbreak Response Team - 2011 was a Busy YearWhile many of us have been wondering what the Kardashians will do next, or who will be cut from dancing with the stars, or what silly thing the Republican Presidential race will bring next, The CDC’s Outbreak Response Team has been busy protecting us, or at least figuring out what happened ...
- If you are going to eat cookie dough raw, do n ...I was casually reading my copy of the Journal of Infectious Disease (I know, why not People Magazine) and found this article – “A Novel Vehicle for Transmission of Escherichia coli O157:H7 to Humans: Multistate Outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 Infections Associated With Consumption of Rea ...
- Note to Self - Do not Castrate Sheep with your ...Germ Girl (a.k.a. Maryn McKenna) posted this dire warning yesterday. Apparently, the Wyoming Department of Health was notified of two laboratory-confirmed cases of Campylobacter jejuni enteritis among persons working at a local sheep ranch. During June, two men had reported onset of symptoms co ...
- Video: Aptera employees smash vehicles after c ...Filed under: Coupe, Etc., Safety, Videos, Specialty, Electric, MISC Four videos have surfaced showing what is understood to be the destructive aftermath following news of Aptera's closure last week. Without knowing for certain what's happening, the videos appear to depict employees (or former ...
- Report: House to hold investigative hearings o ...Filed under: Hybrid, Government/Legal, Safety, Hatchback, Chevrolet, Electric Regular readers probably know the story of the Chevrolet Volt NHTSA post-crash fire by heart, but here are the important details as a refresher: The original car that triggered the investigation was crash tested by ...
- Breaking: Aptera pulls the plugFiled under: Hirings/Firings/Layoffs, Electric Just over a month ago, Aptera was promising rebirth with Aptera 2.0. The promise will not be kept. Today, the company announced it is closing its doors, effective immediately. In an email to supporters, president and CEO Paul Wilbur wrote, "We ...
- Official: GM will loan free cars to Chevy Volt ...Filed under: Sedan, Chevrolet, GM, Electric GM may have designed the Chevrolet Volt to cancel out potential "range anxiety," but the company is responding to a new type of worry today: fear that the Volt's battery will catch fire. The problem? A Volt that had been crash tested in May ca ...
- Official: 2013 Chevy Mailbu Eco will start at ...Filed under: Hybrid, Sedan, Chevrolet Who will want to buy a brand-new, nicely equipped 2013 Chevy Malibu Eco for $25,995? If you peruse General Motors' press release, then you may think it's people who are cross-shopping a Volkswagen Passat TDI or a Hyundai Sonata Hybrid, a Toyota Camry Hybr ...
Rafe's Radar
- Startup Secret No. 5: Know when to walk awayThe first of what will doubtless be many, "Take the money and run," tips. ...
- Reporters' Roundtable: The car as app platformThe most interesting mobile platform today? The car. On this Roundtable, we discuss what's going into cars and how it's getting there. Will your next car have an app store? Who is building the best in-car technology? Or are manufacturers just going to lean on smartphones for all the cool new te ...
- Startup Secret No. 4: I've got the brains, you ...The entrepreneur/funder relationship is not one of two equals. Use that to your advantage. ...
- Twitter, Facebook, Google+: Three-way brand pa ...What's a marketer to do when faced with three competing, customizable social platforms? ...
- Startup Secret No. 3: Support is productA great product isn't an end in itself.
Camera Obscura
- No title
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigo ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmin ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of ...
Democracy Now!
- "Listen to the People, Not the Polluters" By A ...High above the pavement, overlooking Durban’s famous South Beach and the pounding surf of the Indian Ocean, and just blocks from the United Nations Climate Change Conference, where up to 20,000 people gathered, seven activists fought against the wind to unfurl a banner that read “Listen to the ...
- CREDO members -- vote for Democracy Now! today!If you’re a CREDO member, you only have four more weeks to vote on how to distribute the 2011 donations funding. This year, Democracy Now! is on the ballot and we need your votes more than ever! Voting is easy! Just click here and select Democracy Now! (You’ll find us li ...
- Amy Goodman on MSNBC's "Up with Chris Hayes" f ...Amy Goodman appeared on MSNBC’s "Up with Chris Hayes" on Sat. Dec 3rd, 2011, live from Durban, South Africa, site of the UN’s climate change conference. Watch the full interview here: http://upwithchrishayes.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/12/03/9192590-amy-goodman-on-glob ...
- Mohawk Youth Activist Jessica Yee on Why She i ...Johannesburg, South Africa — Democracy Now! speaks with Mohawk youth activist Jessica Yee about what brings her to attend the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Durban, South Africa. In this interview, Yee describes how South Africa based the legal framework for apartheid on U.S. and Canadian ...
- Amy Goodman on MSNBC's Up with Chris Hayes 12/ ...Democracy Now!’s Amy Goodman will appear live from Durban, South Africa on MSNBC’s Up with Chris Hayes on Saturday, December, 3rd at 7am EST to discuss the UN Climate Change Summit Global Day of Action.
- Grayson on the Fed bailout: “If you̵ ...Bloomberg: Secret Fed Loans Gave Banks $13 Billion By Bob Ivry, Bradley Keoun and Phil Kuntz – Nov 27, 2011 4:01 PM PT Bloomberg Markets Magazine Nov. 28 (Bloomberg) — The Federal Reserve and the big banks fought for more than two years to keep details of the largest bailout in U.S. ...
- Close call for NY City as Muslim Sympathasizer ...by G: Nov. 21, 2011 Here’s the latest news on terrorism in NY. It’s sharing the headlines with the recent demonstrations in Egypt, where, according to the NY Times at least 23 people had been killed and more than 1,500 people had been wounded. It concerns a Muslim sympathizer& ...
- Republican Party Platform in 2012Republican Party Platform in 2012: Tax-cuts for the rich Tax hikes for the middle class Deregulate wall street … Unlimited corporate money in elections War with Iran War with Pakistan Trade war with China Stay in Iraq Patriot Act End Social Security End Medicare Increase military spending ...
- Operation Protect and Shield
- Alex Jones on Homeland Security infiltrating OWS
- Peter Dale Scott on Deep Politics and the War ...By Catherine Austin Fitts This Thursday evening on The Solari Report (6pm PT/9pm ET) I will be speaking with former diplomat, professor, historian and poet, Peter Dale Scott. Peter is the author of numerous books on American political history and “deep politics.” I recently reviewed ...
- Money & Markets – Week of 12.11.11Large Endowments Grab Healthy Portfolio Gains Pensions&Investment (12 Dec 11) Collecting Debts Owed by the Dead Becomes Big Business The Trust Advisor (11 Dec 11) What’s Next for Offshore Accounts? The Wall Street Journal (10 Dec 11) The Gold “Rehypothecation” Unwind Be ...
- Geopolitical – Week of 12.11.11Indefinite Military Detention for U.S. Citizens Now in the Hands of a Secretive Conference Committee OpenCongress (8 Dec 11) Indefinite Detention of American Citizens: Coming Soon to Battlefield U.S.A. RollingStone (9 Dec 11) AP Exclusive: Inside Romania’s Secret CIA Prison ajc (8 Dec 11)
- Food & Health – Week of 12.11.11E.P.A. Links Tainted Water in Wyoming to Hydraulic Fracturing for Natural Gas The New York Times (8 Dec 11) YouTube (9 Dec 11)
- Sir James Goldsmith in 1993You are an opponent of the project for single currency. Why? The effects of a single currency go far beyond the economy. They would transform the political structure of Europe as well as the stability of its societies. A currency is both an economic tool and a reflection of the economic and soci ...
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Times ScareISLAMABAD–The apparent links between Pakistan and Faisal Shahzad are certainly cause for concern, but let’s not lose site of things here. The attack in Times Square was a fizzle. The rush to claim credit is a bit embarassing for the TTP and looks like it was — like the attack itself — a rush job ...
- Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban. ... and more »
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in AfghanistanSri L ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United P ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more »
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more »
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- ABC Show, 'Work It,' Finds 'Humor' at Expense ...A new comedy on ABC makes light of the real discrimination faced by transgender people.
- Obama Administration Continues to Abuse State ...The State Department response to the ACLU's FOIA requests for WikiLeaks' cables reveals the absurd abuses of state secrecy.
- Moyers: Why 'We The People' Must Triumph Over ...Bill Moyers reminds us that repairing American democracy begins with reasserting that corporations do not have the same constitutional rights as citizens.
- Police Commissioner's Order Was Not Enough: NY ...While arrests have dropped ever so slightly since Police Commissioner Kelly issued his order, the NYPD is still using stop-and-frisk to make thousands of unwarranted pot arrests.
- Regulators Crack Down on Micro-Dairies, But Sm ...From Maine to California, regulators are trying to push laws meant for mega-dairies and agribusiness on small farmers, but the farmers have another idea.
Sideways News
- Could you be a 10:10 community champion?The Guardian Newspaper and Franny Armstrong, through the Guardian 10:10 campaign, challenge organisations and individuals to cut their carbon footprint by 10%.
- Brit mums strict about eco-choresFamilies in the UK are increasingly likely to be nagged about doing eco-chores, a new study conducted on behalf of the Energy Saving Trust has revealed.
- UK venue offers rainforest weddingsGetting married in a luscious rainforest has never been easier or more eco-friendly, according to the Eden Project.
- Battery recycling 'too difficult'The European Recycling Platform (ERP) reports that while only a third of households at present recycle batteries, four out of five said they would do so if it was made easier.
- 10 green resolutions to save you moneyBy taking green steps at home, you can save money and make life easier. Being smart about waste, consumption and resources won't only win you the thanks of forthcoming generations: you'll feel the financial benefit immediately. 1. Make money from old electronics As your electronic goods become o ...
Fabius Maximus
- Explaining the gold standard, the Euro, Defaul ...Summary: As Europe’s governments (and perhaps the US as well) repeat the economic policies of 1929-32, this guest post by Andres Drobny (see bio at the end) warns of the consequences. Government leaders back then did the best they could with the economic theory then available; today̵ ...
- Explaining the gold standard, the Euro, Defaul ...Summary: As Europe’s governments (and perhaps the US as well) repeat the economic policies of 1929-32, this guest post by Andres Drobny (see bio at the end) warns of the consequences. Government leaders back then did the best they could with the economic theory then available; today̵ ...
- Old Corps? New Corps? It Doesn’t Matter as Lon ...Summary: Looking at the long road ahead that leads to reclaiming America, and perhaps to a Third Republic, can inspire depression or even despair. What can motivate us to undertake this great task? Love of nation. Love of our children, leaving them a nation as good as that left to us (the bo ...
- Old Corps? New Corps? It Doesn’t Matter as Lon ...Summary: Looking at the long road ahead that leads to reclaiming America, and perhaps to a Third Republic, can inspire depression or even despair. What can motivate us to undertake this great task? Love of nation. Love of our children, leaving them a nation as good as that left to us (the bo ...
- Question time on the FM website – chapter 15Ask any question about geopolitics, broadly defined. We — and others reading the FM website — will attempt to answer it in the comments. All answers welcomed! Like Jeopardy, your comments must be in the form of a question! Please use the REPLY button when replying to a previous com ...
Open Your Eyes News
- Vatican kicks out Roma on EasterPress TV – About 150 Roma gypsies were barred from participating in the Easter vigil of the basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls on Sunday, after temporarily taking shelter there on Good Friday, The Telegraph reported. Local and foreign pilgrims, who had gathered to attend the vigil, ...
- Euro strikes 16-month high against dollarBreitbart – The euro struck a 16-month high against the dollar and the Swiss franc notched a record high versus the US unit Tuesday amid heightened investor nerves over this week’s busy economic calendar. The European single currency hit $1.4653 in morning trade, the highest point si ...
- British pound devalues by 94% in 50yrsPressTV – A new survey shows that the value of money in the UK has dropped by 94 percent over the past 50 years, which means an 18-time increase in retail prices. The survey carried out by BM Savings has found that almost £1,800 is needed to match the buying power of £100 in 1960, [...]
- Peru suffers an ‘environmental tragedy’IOL – The rising price of gold has multiplied by six the pace of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest in the Peruvian region of Madre de Dios in recent years, a study published on Tuesday said. Illegal gold searches using primitive techniques in the years 2003-9 led to the destruction of ...
- Next step humans? Every new pet dog in Britain ...Daily Mail – Every new pet dog will be microchipped under sweeping Government regulations to combat dangerous animals. Each puppy born and dog sold will have an electronic chip implanted under the skin. Details will then be placed on a national database accessible by police and the RSPCA. ...
The Progressive Realist
- Yes, Virginia, Afghanistan IS Strategically Ir ...So I tweeted the following last week: Simple proposition: anyone who does not realize Afghanistan is an irrelevant strategic backwater has no business doing national strategy. This got me a lot of push back from various sources. There were several responses: (1) It is important for NATO. I have ...
- Huntsman: Iranians have ‘Already Decided’ that ...Speaking on the CNN Sunday show GPS with Fareed Zakaria, GOP presidential hopeful and former Utah governor Jon Huntsman was asked about Iran’s nuclear program. In response to a direct question about using an attack to impede Iran’s progress — something he’s raised before ...
- The New US “Blueprint” for National Cyber SecurityTwo and a half years since President Obama announced that “America's economic prosperity in the 21st century will depend on cybersecurity,” the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is finally launching their new cybersecurity strategy. A companion to similar documents from the ...
- Fearless in UgandaEver wondered what it would feel like to be hunted and hated for your sexuality? Read Mac McClelland's indispensable report in Mother Jones on being out and gay in Uganda. It's a brilliant portrait, simultaneously intimate, terrifying, and inspirational. Mac makes it impossible to see these men ...
- Turkey and Europe: Implications for the USTurkey’s courting of Europe was pathetic while it lasted. For years the so-called sick man of Europe tried to prove itself worthy of joining the European Union. No sooner were requirements set and all but fulfilled than the goal posts were moved. Former Soviet satellites (much of their territ ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Upright and AlrightRick Perry finally found a sense of vigor and cowboy swagger when he took the debate stage at Drake University this weekend. In previous debates, the Texas governor either stumbled his way through inept and forgetful answers, or would just assume a sleepy gaze during the second half with nothin ...
- Trading PlacesI missed this last week, but a recent Gallup survey shows the public’s disdain for the current Congress and its members: A whopping 76 percent of Americans do not believe that most members of Congress deserve to be reelected. This is in addition to Congress’ historically low approval ratings — ...
- Fearless in UgandaEver wondered what it would feel like to be hunted and hated for your sexuality? Read Mac McClelland's indispensable report in Mother Jones on being out and gay in Uganda. It's a brilliant portrait, simultaneously intimate, terrifying, and inspirational. Mac makes it impossible to see these me ...
- Were the Debates a Mistake?If you can get past the attacks on President Obama, the disregard for actual economic conditions, and the assertion of “philosophical decreptitude” in American liberalism, you’ll find a smart point about the GOP presidential debates in Fred Barnes’s latest op-ed for The Weekly Standard. For you ...
- The New PopulistsIn the month before the destruction of the encampment in Zuccotti Park, I got in the habit of biking across the Brooklyn Bridge each night to talk with the Wall Street Occupiers and wander among the tents. There was always work to behold—bigger tents going up, new volunteers welcomed, the kitch ...
- The Green Economy and the Redefinition of Supe ...JACQUELINE MARCUS FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT While the U.S. oil and military oligarchs have deteriorated the U.S. economy over the last decade to the crumbling level of the Great Depression occupying Middle Eastern countries for oil, devastating their countries with military force, and leaving ou ...
- Government is Not a BusinessBody There is a body of opinion that maintains if only we ran the government like a business the country would be in better shape- - our debt would vanish, our trade would balance and voters would be forced to make better decisions about their life-style and investment strategies. P ...
- Rick Perry Takes Homophobia and Dominionism to ...BILL BERKOWITZ FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT The Texas Governor's failing presidential campaign throws up a desperate 30-second advertisement in Iowa replete with homophobia, hatred and fear mongering. To paraphrase a popular English proverb, and please excuse the simultaneous bastardization of the ...
- GOP Urged To Curb Personal Attacks On PresidentTONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT Guys, it's just a little late for that --- If you mean it, then why did you take up So much time with Hitler moustaches On Obama along with Joker make-up? http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/yahoo-exclusive-republicans-disclose-private-call-too-dangerous-1 ...
- Sen. Bernie Sanders Files ‘Saving American Dem ...SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT WASHINGTON, Dec. 8 - Warning that "American democracy in endangered," Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today proposed a constitutional amendment to overturn a Supreme Court ruling that allowed unrestricted and secret campaign spending by corporations o ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- The DOJ's escalating criminalization of speechMuslims continue to be targeted for prosecution for expressing political views the government dislikes
- Facts and myths in the WikiLeaks/Guardian sagaA series of accidental events led to the publication of 251,000 diplomatic cables in unredacted form
- Top CIA official: Obama "changed virtually not ...A new Frontline from PBS features a "revelation" that is anything but, though it offers an important added detail
- Celebrating the fall of a dictatorReports about thankful citizens are being used to justify a pro-war argument -- but we've seen this before
- A tweet that explains everythingThe nation's watchdog news outlets deploy to cover a Wednesday vs. Thursday scheduling conflict
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- Resident Evil, Uroboros and the benzene ringThe Ouroboros or Uroborus is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent eating its own tail. From the Greek meaning tail eater. The Ouroboros is commonly used to represent self-reflexivity or cyclicality, and other psychobabble nonsense. But, for chemists, it has far greater, more truly physical rele ...
- Robert Noyce Google DoodleRobert Norton Noyce (December 12, 1927 – June 3, 1990) co-founder of Fairchild Semiconductor (1957) and Intel (1968) was known as “the Mayor of Silicon Valley” decades before that FourSquare nonsense came into being. He is also credited (together with Jack Kilby) for the invention of ...
- Attenborough: World is wonderful shockA spoken rendition of a classic and poignant song by the wonderful David Attenborough. Right, said Fred, he’s 85, you know? First spotted this on Ed Y’s G+ page. More science news and views:Scientists, normal people? You bet! I'm a Scientist - The Film. Imperial College protein cryst ...
- Grant a pardon to Alan TuringA new petition is now online seeking a pardon from the UK government for mathematician Alan Turing. In 1952, he was convicted of ‘gross indecency’ with another man, under an archaic law that no longer exists. He was given so-called “organo-therapy” (chemical castration) a ...
- Soft soap solution for motorwaysThe Steiner problem, or as it is also known colloquially, the motorway problem , is a perennial favourite in mathematics with real-world applications. How do you get from A to Z via any number of intermediate towns and cities covering the least number of total miles? Mathematicians and computer ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- Governor LePage Undermines Maine’s Green-Build ...Maine’s Governor, Paul LePage, signed an Executive Order last week permitting the use of unsustainably-harvested wood in the construction of green buildings. LePage’s action undermines the state’s growing green building and sustainable forestry industries, according to the Natu ...
- Gas Drilling DoublespeakGas drilling companies routinely warn their investors of a litany of possible disasters – such as leaks, spills, explosions, bodily injury and even death – but regularly fail to mention these risks when persuading landowners to sign leases for drilling rights, an Environmental Workin ...
- Thousands of Sugarcane Workers Die While Autho ...In most of the world, chronic kidney disease – CKD – is a manageable illness that primarily affects the elderly. But in Central America the condition is instead devastating whole communities, according to a new investigation by the International Consortium of Investigative Jour ...
- Civil Rights Groups Again Ask Government to Bl ...A coalition of civil rights and advocacy groups has again asked the U. S. Department of Justice to block a South Carolina law that would prevent registered voters from casting ballots at the polls on Election Day unless they have government-approved photo identification. read more
- Civil Rights Groups Again Ask Government to Bl ...A coalition of civil rights and advocacy groups has again asked the U. S. Department of Justice to block a South Carolina law that would prevent registered voters from casting ballots at the polls on Election Day unless they have government-approved photo identification. read more
Common Dreams-Views
- Are Privatized Water Utilities in Cahoots With ...Rich Bindell On one hand, we have shale gas companies who have been rushing into various regions of the country to extract gas using a dangerous extraction process that involves toxic chemicals potentially contaminating our drinking water. ...
- On Complaints over Iran Nuclear Weapon Claims, ...Robert Naiman Has your hometown newspaper drunk the Kool-Aid on claims that "the debate is over," and everyone now knows that Iran is pursuing the acquisition of a nuclear weapon? Help is on the way. On Sunday, Washington Post Omb ...
- Occupy: You Can’t Evict an Idea Ruth Rosen As snowstorms and freezing rain announce the arrival of winter, it’s hard to remember that the Occupy Wall Street movement emerged just a few months ago, in September. Enraged by the government bailout of Wall Street, but n ...
- A Tale of Two Deficit ChartsDean Baker Not long after I first came to Washington 20 years ago I was at a conference dealing with Social Security privatization. One of the panelists used a number for the administrative costs of private accounts that was far lower than ...
- What a Difference an Occupation MakesLaura Flanders It was never a genuine question. Money media prattled on about Occupy Wall Street’s supposedly ineffable demands the same way they batted aside the end capitalism signs to wonder what the Seattle protesters had on their ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- The Costs of WarHASH(0x9061ce8)
- NATO to lose its supply route through Pakistan?HASH(0xaac03c0)
- Your “Oh Shit” Moment for a Saturday MorningHASH(0xbb277b8)
- The pace of violenceHASH(0xbc58d98)
- COIN's Clauswitzian disconnectHASH(0xbc94080)
Water Wars
- Work of local water association praisedThe Kings Basin Water Authority doesn't usually grab the spotlight.
- Another View: Klamath agreements benefit Calif ...Jill K. Duffy, an environmental analyst for the Humboldt County Public Works Department assigned to the Klamath Restoration Agreements, is responding to Dan Walters' Nov. 25 column "A huge gift to Buffett, Oregon." The column stated, "the bottom line is that, with interest on the bonds, it's a h ...
- Study: Water wars likely in Middle EastLONDON, Dec. 7 (UPI) -- Using water from the Dead Sea means it's drying up, a resource loss that scientists said could destabilize an already tense Middle East political situation.
- Cinema now just a product: Shekhar KapurNew Delhi, Dec 5 (IANS) Acclaimed filmmaker Shekhar Kapur hasn't directed a Hindi film since 'Bandit Queen' in 1994, and he blames the increased focus on marketing cinema as a product for it.
- EPD director nominee is veteran of water warsATLANTA - Gov. Nathan Deal has nominated the executive counsel for his predecessor as the next director of the state Environmental Protection Division... a man who is a veteran of the water wars with Florida and Alabama.
WordPress | Economics
- Poor Economics (Part Two)When I last left off with Banerjee and Duflo’s book the two were finished describing the private liv
- Equal Money: the end of Internet research for ...In our current economic system our activities are centred on the making and consuming of goods and s
- South Shields' girls in X Factor win!Little Mix chased the dream. Exactly two years ago I used this video to illustrate this particular p
- Class WarfareClass Warfare What is class warfare? Is it when the rich and successful get together and go out to
- Christmas Led Lights White WireRecommended reading stories in Christmas Led Lights White Wire, Deals Christmas Led Lights White Wir
Electronic Intifada
- No miracle yesterday in Nabi Saleh: Mustafa Ta ...Linah Alsaafin The Electronic Intifada Ramallah Linah Alsaafin witnessed the murder of Mustafa Tamimi at the hands of the Israeli army who had invaded Nabi Saleh village.
- Israel's threat to cut Gaza water supply would ...Eva Bartlett The Electronic Intifada Gaza City On 26 November, Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon threatened to cut Israeli electricity, water and ties to Gaza’s infrastructure serving the 1.6 million residents of the Gaza Strip.
- Eviction stalled in East Jerusalem; family awa ...Nadia Walid Somrein The Electronic Intifada Silwan The postponement of an Israeli eviction order in East Jerusalem has spared the Somrein family from being made homeless — for the time being.
- New Pappe book highlights plight of forgotten ...Asa Winstanley The Electronic Intifada Historian Ilan Pappe addresses the plight of Palestinians who remained in the new State of Israel following the Nakba in The Forgotten Palestinians. The Forgotten Palestinians: A History of the Palestinians in Israel Manufacturer: Yale Universit ...
- Photostory: The brighter side of GazaSami Kishawi The Electronic Intifada Photographs taken by The Electronic Intifada contributor Sami Kishawi this summer show the color of everyday life in Gaza.
The Wonk Room
- In Amy Waldman’s ‘The Submission, ...As someone who likes politically engaged art, I very much wanted to like Amy Waldman’s The Submission, a novel about the jury for a memorial to the victims of the September 11 attacks who find themselves embroiled in controversy after choosing a design that turns out to have been submitted ...
- Obama Administration Can’t Quit That Mou ...Government’s Support for the Fossil Fuel Contradicts Its Pledge to Reduce Global Warming Pollution A shovel prepares to dump a load of coal into a 320-ton truck at the Black Thunder Mine in Wright, Wyoming, located within the state’s Powder River Basin. The administration has recently hand ...
- Report: Cable News Continues To Provide Platfo ...Hate group leader Tony Perkins of the Family Research made 27 appearances on MSNBC and Fox News since receiving the designation from the Southern Poverty Law Center in November 2010, Equality Matters’ Carlos Maza reports. The group regularly defames gays and lesbians and has suggested that ...
- Huntsman: Iranians Have ‘Already Decided ...Speaking on the CNN Sunday show GPS with Fareed Zakaria, GOP presidential hopeful and former Utah governor Jon Huntsman was asked about Iran’s nuclear program. In response to a direct question about using an attack to impede Iran’s progress — something he’s raised before ...
- Sebelius: Decision To Limit Morning After Pill ...HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius assured reporters today that her decision to overrule scientists at the Food and Drug Administration and prohibit the morning after bill from being available over the counter to women of all ages was not politically motivated and said that the manufacturer — ...
thwap's schoolyard
- I'm Picturing Rick Perry Gettin' It On With Ch ...Because I'm a sick fuck that's why!!! I watched shit-head Texas governor Rick Perry's "Strong" commercial the other day. Jaw-dropping stupidity. Every time that I think the "conservative" movement has hit bottom, totally discredited itself, and that the moral regeneration of US and Canadian cul ...
- Hey Peter MacKay! I'm Spartacus!I'm with The Sixth Estate (and no doubt, many other bloggers) on this one. In response to the buffoonery of Peter MacKay threatening legal action against the MPs who said he lied about the reason for his helicopter trip, I'm saying the following: Defense Minister Peter MacKay lied when he said ...
- The Canada Wheat Board RulingAll that I have time for today is to discuss the strange little ruling against the harpercons' bill to abolish the Canada Wheat Board. The ruling says that the Agriculture Minister's introduction of the bill is illegal. This was a little troubling given that "sean in ottawa" on page 8 of this ...
- The First Nations Unwilling to Tolerate harper ...Yesterday I wrote: harper is driving the First Nations peoples into a major confrontation and it would behoove all of us non-scum, non-harpercon Canadians to prepare ourselves to support them. Today, the CBC reported: A regional chief who represents Attawapiskat says that a number of his coun ...
- thwap's News Round-upSo, in Afghanistan, were we debased our values as a country (complicity in torture and spitting on democracy to cover it up), sacrificed over one-hundred of our soldiers' lives while wounding, maiming and traumatizing hundreds more, and spent billions of dollars, we have yet another mainstream j ...
on Government Oversight
- Morning Smoke: Madoff Slams SEC for Focusing o ...HASH(0xa63f248)
- Watch Danielle Brian's TEDx TalkHASH(0xa662550)
- Morning Smoke: Complaint About Nuclear Waste F ...HASH(0xa244658)
- Influential Senators Want Safe Joint Strike Fi ...HASH(0xbad5958)
- Investors Allowed Inside Access to Medicare Of ...HASH(0xb763220)
Digital Journal
- Life possible on 'large part of Mars' says studyLife is possible on a “large part” of Mars, said Australian scientists who modelled conditions on Mars to examine how much of the red planet was habitable.
- Obese passengers to file lawsuit against Air C ...Obese passengers who were charged for two seats on Air Canada flights, prior to a 2008 ruling that allowed those disabled by obesity to have two seats and just pay for one, may now sue Air Canada to recover the costs they incurred.
- Canadian government to impose face veil ban du ...Canadian Immigration Minister Jason Kenney announced Monday that the government is imposing a face veil ban for people swearing their oath of citizenship. This move will prohibit face coverings, such as burkas and niqabs.
- Oil giant Suncor pulls out of SyriaOil giant Suncor Energy has suspended operating in Syria as violence escalates throughout the country as the nine-month old civil war continues.
- Controversial crisis over Attawapiskat housing ...The Red Cross has declared an emergency in Attawapiskat, while Chief Theresa Spence and the town's leaders are begging to be evacuated before winter hits. Yet...the only one refusing to respond adequately is Canada itself.
End Homelessness | Change.org
- Mississippi Launches Plan To End Child Homeles ...Fulfilling the wishes and happiness of children is at the heart of the holiday season. So, now seems particularly timely for Mississippi to launch a new plan to end child homelessness (pdf) in the state. What better way to set the season of giving in motion than by committing to finding safe an ...
- Thanksgiving 2.0: Food, Poverty and Telling th ...This Thanksgiving, most of us around the country shared a bountiful harvest feast with friends and family. We celebrated all that we are thankful for by gorging ourselves right into a food coma. It's the American way. Unfortunately, it's also the American way to be thankful for all that we have ...
- Homeless People Wanted: Must Be Open to Demean ...What are they thinking? People obviously don't see the homeless as human or they wouldn't attempt to hire them to do most of the insane, demeaning and illegal jobs out there. Here's a small sampling: Rob dead bodies. The Aokigahara forest at the base of Mt. Fuji in Japan is the site of 50 to 100 ...
- LA Plans to Make Homelessness Go the Way of th ...Instead of pretending homelessness doesn't exist, creating new laws to make it illegal to sit or sleep in public, or sending homeless residents on a one-way trip out of town, Los Angeles County may attempt to actually do something about ending homelessness. And the county is setting the bar high ...
- Don't Let Violence Against the Homeless Go Unp ...Despite its economic troubles, Detroit is not known for being kind to the homeless. That's too bad, since there are nearly 10,000 homeless people living there. In October, police say that Steven James Diponio, 54, became so enraged at Charles Duncan, 42, who was homeless and sleeping behind a sc ...
- Copeland on Canada’s turn away from internatio ...Former Canadian diplomat Daryl Copeland laments the Canadian government’s retreat from an internationalist foreign policy (Daryl Copeland, “A retreat from the world stage,” Ottawa Citizen, 5 December 2011): From the late 1940s through to early in this century, Canada enjoyed a ...
- Pardy on Canada-U.S. border dealFormer Canadian diplomat Gar Pardy critiques the Canada-U.S. border deal announced on December 7th (Gar Pardy, “How the U.S. blackmailed Canada,” Ottawa Citizen, 8 December 2011): Prime Minister Stephen Harper and President Barack Obama announced Wednesday a 32-point plan establishin ...
- Senior DND officials hid costsThe renovation of the former Nortel campus for the Department of National Defence has become the subject of controversy following the discovery that senior officials hid the price of the project from not only the public, but also the media and parliamentarians (David Pugliese, “Defence off ...
- Study says military spending not effective for ...Dollar-for-dollar, money spent on domestic spending priorities such as healthcare, clean energy, and education creates a greater number of jobs than defence spending, according to a study done by the University of Massachusetts’ Political Economy Research Institute. Researchers Robert Poll ...
- Pentagon’s F-35 director says production shoul ...The U.S. Department of Defense’s top officer on the F-35, Adm. David Zenlet, has recommended that deliveries of the aircraft be delayed because of the discovery of cracks and “hot spots” during fatigue testing and analysis (Gloria Galloway, “Tories face fresh hurdle with ...
Kevin Trudeau Show
- Federal Debt Tops $15 TrillionNovember 17, 2011 The Washington Times By Stephen Dinan “Can you imagine what would happen if we all handeled our finances like the US government? We’d not only be bankrupt, but we’d probably be in jail.” –KTRN The Treasury Department said Wednesday that the federal ...
- F.D.A. Revokes Approval Of Avastin As Breast C ...November 18, 2011 The New York Times By: Andrew Pollack The commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration on Friday revoked the approval of the drug Avastin as a treatment for breast cancer, ruling in an emotional issue that pitted the hopes of some desperate patients against the statistics o ...
- Subway Nutrition Information – It May Not Be A ...November 18, 2011 Natural News By: Tara Green Subway presents itself as a healthy alternative to eating burgers. Compared to most fast food restaurants, the Subway franchises offer more menu choices which are lower in calories, carbs, fats and sodium. Also, the company website offers more comple ...
- Ron Paul Doesn’t ExistNovember 18, 2011 Personal Liberty Digest By: Bob Livingston Listening to the mainstream government propaganda arm corporatist media, one would think Ron Paul doesn’t exist; or, if he does, there’s no way he’s going to be the Republican nominee. But something happened on the way to the media bla ...
- The Coming U.S. Financial Crisis By The Number ...November 18, 2011 The American Dream The United States is drowning in a sea of red ink from coast to coast and most Americans have absolutely no idea what is about to happen. Hopefully you have started to prepare for the coming U.S. financial crisis. If not, hopefully this article will be a wake ...
Armies of Liberation
- Yemen Air Forces bombs soldiers, kills 240The Yemeni Air Force bombed the al Samaa Republican Guard garrison in the Arhab district of Sanaa today, deliberately killing 240 guardsmen. The attack came after the troops refused to attack pro-revolution tribesmen with artillery. “The government did not stand quiet when the guards refused ord ...
- Yemenis protest against al QaedaIn a direct rebuke to the terror group, residents of Taiz held a major protest against al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) on Thursday evening after prayers. Protesters held signs denouncing AQAP that said, “Your racism will do nothing but make us stronger.” Taiz is the largest city in Yeme ...
- اوباما يفقد السيطرة على اليمنMy article from PJM at al Mostakela: اوباما يفقد السيطرة على اليمن تخاطر الولايات المتحدة بتمكين القاعدة في اليمن وتنفير الشعب اليمني عن طريق إحباط تغيير النظام هناك كتبت – جين نوفاك يعتبر اليمن بلد معقد، فقد ظل يرزح تحت وطأة اضطرابات كبيرة، كما أن فهم اليمن يخبرنا الشيء الكثير عن الشرق ال ...
- Yemen’s CT chief accused of war crimesAfter Yemen’s Republican Guard killed and dismembered tribal prisoners Thursday, Arhab tribesmen issued a statement Friday demanding the immediate arrest and prosecution of General Ahmed Saleh as a war criminal. Ahmed Saleh heads the Republican Guard containing US funded counter-terror units and ...
- Yemen protesters announce boycott of US, Saudi ...Protesters in Yemen announced a boycott today of US and Saudi products, a largely symbolic move in light of Yemen’s grave humanitarian crisis. Protesters allege that the Obama administration has thwarted their efforts for regime change. Millions across Yemen have demanded the end to the 33 year ...
Dark Politricks
- Nat Defense Authorization Act Confirms Battlef ...By Allen L RolandMonday, December 12th, 2011 by Allen L Roland With the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA), America takes another giant step toward tyranny.It was the White House that wanted this bill applied to U.S. Citizens with minor modifications as Ameri ...
- Commissioner battling nuclear regulatory chair ...One of the commissioners upset with the behavior of Gregory Jaczko, chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), served as a consultant for the Japanese company that owns the Fukushima nuclear power plant, according to the Huffington Post. The five-member NRC regulates the 104 nucle ...
- Economists Support Occupy MovementEconomists Support Occupy Movement By WashingtonsBlogwashingtonsblog.com 367 Economists (And Counting) Support Occupy Movement In October, I started gathering a list of economists who support the Occupy movement. Now, Econ4.org has gathered 367 signatures (and counting) of economists from a dive ...
- 2012 Armageddon ReduxBy SARTREMonday, December 12th, 2011 Before the hype about the forthcoming of the end of the world inundates the ether zone, it is best to examine the paranoia about the paranormal that is prophesied about 2012. One fact is indisputable. No one can prove what will happen until the time comes for ...
- Unannounced Verizon Emergency Alert Causes Pan ...Scared citizens flood 911 boards with anxious calls Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Monday, December 12, 2011 An unannounced test of a soon to be mandatory emergency alert system caused panic in New Jersey today after Verizon customers received text messages warning them that a “civil ...
Dandelion Salad
- Anthony Arnove and Noam Chomsky Honor Howard Z ...In honor of Howard Zinn Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Dec. 8, 2011 “But remember, this power of the people on top depends on the obedience of the people below. When people stop obeying, they have no power.” — Howard Zinn RocRizzo on Dec 5, 2011 A presentation at SUNY New Palt ...
- For the Radical Left: Audacity, More Audacity ...http://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/ Crossposted with permission from www.socialistproject.ca/bullet/ by Samir Amin Socialist Project | The Bullet Dec. 6, 2011 The historical circumstances created by the implosion of contemporary capitalism requires the radical left, in the North as well as ...
- Pearl Harbor: 70 Years on, Is Iran the New Jap ...by Finian Cunningham Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Ethiopia 9 December 2011 Is Iran the new Japan – 70 years after the Pearl Harbour incident that led to a US declaration of war and an unspeakable nuclear nightmare? Two concurrent articles on Global Research deserve close reading because taken ...
- Sources in a World of Information by Sean Fenleyby Sean Fenley Featured Writer Dandelion Salad The Anything and Everything December 6, 2011 “It’s amazing how much the Internet has changed our lives. People get emails that make accusations without foundation and they are circulated around the country within seconds and suddenly become topics o ...
- Tom Barry’s Border Wars, reviewed by Gua ...by Guadamour Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Dec. 9, 2011 In his important book, Border Wars (MIT Press, 2011) Tom Barry writes: I found that the border security push has injected new life into the war on drugs by reconfiguring those failed policies as vital components of national security. Imm ...
Your New Reality
- No titleOfficial : Predator Drones Now Flying American Skies By Darryl Mason When I first started writing here 5 years ago about how unarmed and armed drones (or Flying Killer Robots) were being tested in warzones for later deployment in the skies above the United States, it was Crazy Conspiracy Theor ...
- No titleGrow Your Own Food And Save Your Town You change the world by starting in your hometown. The idea of famine in the United States, or England, was pure science fiction until only a few years ago. It's not now. Undernourished American children may well replace child obesity as an extreme problem ...
- No titleFirst The Prisons, Then The Street Corners So here we go. A robot prison guard that can detect dangerous behaviour in prisoners, and deal with them. Time Magazine : In prisons of the future, watchtowers and barbed wire may be just a formality. South Korea is debuting robot wardens with the ...
- No titleOccupy Horror : Police Attack Kids Trying To Rescue Injured Marine Incredible. Those Oakland, California kids were rescuing Scott Olsen, a fallen, brain injured Marine when a cop threw a potentially-deadly flash bomb amongst them. Mind-boggling. Oakland police saw a US Marine standing guard, wo ...
- No titleI wonder how fewer lights there will be when a fly-over happens in 2015, or 2020?
Wired - Science
- Isaac Newton’s Personal Notebooks Go DigitalThe largest collection of Isaac Newton's papers has gone digital, committing to open-access posterity the works of history's greatest scientist.
- Why Political Leaders, Neo- and Xenophobians S ...We all know the stories when watching the news. The climate summit this is year in Duban is stalemate as usual, the financial crisis sparked by greed and egocentric minds is still going strong and countries fight for religion, oil and general mistrust creating physiological or real borders of co ...
- Watch Now: Live Total Lunar Eclipse WebcastStarting at 5:00 am PST, viewers can check out the above webcast to view the last total lunar eclipse until 2014.
- How to Spot a Moon Around an ExoplanetAs researchers get ever closer to finding an Earth-like exoplanet, some scientists are starting to think about how to spot smaller things, like exomoons.
- Watch a Live Feed of Saturday’s Lunar EclipseThe moon will be turning a vivid red color to viewers in western North America during a total lunar eclipse on Saturday, Dec. 10.
Israeli Occupation Archive
- Hassan Jabareen: The right contextThe disingenuity of the Israeli government's international comparisons is evident when one compares politicians' rhetoric for audiences within Israel with the diplomatic discourse abroad. The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in i ...
- Jonathan Cook: Is Britain plotting with Israel ...The real concern among [UK] government officials is that Fox, Werritty and Gould were conspiring in a “rogue” foreign policy – opposed to the British government’s stated aims – that was authored by... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian la ...
- Who Profits: Veolia owns, operates Tovlan land ...Veolia is not only still involved in the illegal Israeli tram project connecting Israeli's colonies to Jerusalem, it also owns and operates (through its subsidiaries), the infamous Tovlan landfill... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lan ...
- Right-wing group mapping Jerusalem businesses ...Jerusalem anti-Arab activist: "A booklet with a list of places that employ Arabs will be published soon. That will be followed by hanging up posters and signs with these lists in the streets - just... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian la ...
- Yitzhak Laor: NGO bill aims to create a democr ...We must not dismiss the NGO Bill - it truly intends to create a democracy for Jews only; if it were passed, no Arab - whether resident of the territories or Israeli citizen - would have access to the... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian ...
Ria Novosti - Military
- Russia’s Special Forces get 30 Austrian sniper ...More than 30 Austrian-manufactured sniper rifles have been adopted for service with Russia’s Airborne Forces special task units, Defense Ministry spokesman Col. Alexander Kucherenko said on Friday.
- Moscow sees ‘no military component’ in Iran’s ...There is no military component in Iran’s nuclear program, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Friday.
- Georgia becomes NATO aspirant state – deputy PMGeorgia was named a NATO aspirant country for the first time on Thursday, the country’s deputy premier said.
- Russian army officer jailed for spying for GeorgiaA former Russian Army major was given a 12-year prison term on Wednesday for spying for Georgia, a RIA Novosti correspondent reported from the courtroom.
- Russian arms trader to raise exports by 11% in ...Russian state arms trader Rosoboronexport will increase arms exports by 11% year-on-year to $9.7 billion in 2011, a deputy head of the company said on Wednesday.
- UIowa Hawkeye Poll: Gingrich Leads Caucus Race ...Newt Gingrich is still the frontrunner in Iowa, but his support in the state may be declining, according to a University of Iowa Hawkeye Poll released today.
- The Paradox of Gift Giving: More Not BetterGift givers follow a "more-is-better" logic; recipients evaluate the overall package.
- Two-Faced Leukemia?One kind of leukemia sometimes masquerades as another, according to a study in the Journal of Experimental Medicine.
- How Brain Tumors InvadeScientists have pinpointed a protein that allows brains tumors to invade healthy brain tissue, according to work published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine.
- Exercising Harder--and Shorter--Can Help Type ...Exercising harder, but for a shorter period, may have significant benefits for some with type 2 diabetes.
Natural Health News
- Should Boys Be Given the HPV Vaccine? The Scie ...Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that Merck’s vaccine against the human papilloma virus (HPV), Gardasil, be given to all 11- and 12-year-old boys. One key part of the recommendation is the claim that reducing HPV in men will reduce transmission to girls ...
- How to Purify the Air in Your HomeMost people spend 90% of their time indoors. But indoor air quality can be up to five times worse than that of outdoor air. Indoor air pollution can threaten your health. In The Daily Green, the American Lung Association offers 25 tips on how to keep the air in your home healthy. He ...
- Health Canada Admits Studies on Cell Phones Co ...Health Canada is proposing to adopt a precautionary approach and guidelines for limited cellphone use. Canadians are being encouraged to limit cellphone call length and to text message or use a hands-free device whenever possible. The change in policy follows a World Health Organization ...
- A Mother's Touch May Protect Against Drug Crav ...A new study shows that mothers who are attentive and nurturing may be helping their children resist drug use. A study in rats found that a rat mother's attention in early childhood actually changes the immune response in the brains of her pups. High-touch mothering increased producti ...
- Has A New Natural Solution for Inflammatory Bo ...A recent study sought to evaluate the effects of krill oil on inflammation. Rats with and without induced colitis were divided into three groups, one of which was given krill oil. The rats were then examined for weight and disease activity index, colon length, levels of selected cytokines ...
- Dean of science…suggesting rising seas t…Dean of science…suggesting rising seas this next century of up to 100 metres, or Al Gore six metres. When I see things like that I know these are false. You mentioned the IPCC report; that suggests, at worst on best scenarios, 59 centimetres. http://www.google.com
- ABC science presenter Robyn Williams seeks mor ...ABC science presenter Robyn Williams who in 2007 believed seas could rise 100 meters, seeks more truth from scientists after Climategate.
- How to avoid your own Climategate scandalWhat are the lessons of Climategate? More honesty and transparency in science? Not according to attorney Alan Nelson in the Guardian UK today. To him, the lesson is how not to get caught next time. So how do universities and academics ensure that their correspondence does not become the “ ...
- What is the “likelihood” that the 2007 IPCC Re ...A very interesting analysis of the IPPC Assessment and has some important questions that invite others to help him answer. Please read his article and let him know what conclusions you draw.
- Schools call for a “balanced teaching of globa ...USA Today reports that US schools are finally calling for both sides of global warming to be taught, because it is after all, a theory -- not a fact:
Opinio Juris
- Supreme Court Takes Review of Arizona’s SB 107 ...by Peter Spiro by Peter Spiro The Supreme Court announced a grant this morning in the SB 1070 case. I don’t know why the Court took the case. It could easily have ducked. There are other cases working their way through the pipeline from copycat states (Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina). ...
- 2012 ASIL Annual Meeting: Confronting Complexityby Harlan Cohen by Harlan Cohen As Peggy mentioned in her introduction, I’ve had the honor of working with two extraordinary co-chairs, Chiara Giorgetti and Cymie Payne, and an incomparable group of Program Committee members, including OJ’s own Chris Borgen, in planning the 106th Annual Meetin ...
- The negotiations that would not dieby Dan Bodansky by Dan Bodansky In the early morning hours of Sunday morning (after two all-night negotiating sessions), climate negotiators at the Durban Conference reached a deal that some are already calling historic. The decisions call for a new commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol ...
- Nobel Laureates “Unite in Sisterhood to Turn o ...by Roger Alford by Roger Alford Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Leymah Gbowee, and Tawakkol Karman delivered their Nobel Lectures today in Oslo. It was a great day of celebration for the cause of gender equality and democracy. You should read all three lectures in their enti ...
- Codifying Customby Harlan Cohen by Harlan Cohen Reading Dan Bodansky’s accounts of the difficulties inherent in reaching a new climate agreement, I’m reminded of a terrific new paper forthcoming in Penn Law Review, “Codifying Custom,” by my colleague, Tim Meyer. Tim demonstrates that the types of ...
Public News Service
- Battle Over "Internet Censorship" Bills Heats Up Battle Over "Internet Censorship" Bills Heats Up Phoenix, AZ – A bill before Congress that's supposed to crack down on copyright infringement could result in Internet censorship and the shutting down of web sites without due process. That's the warning from an alliance of groups and compa ...
- Coping with Cancer During the HolidaysCoping with Cancer During the Holidays Phoenix, AZ – Holidays are supposed to be filled with cheer, but sometimes it's difficult for a person diagnosed with an illness. Because much of our holiday celebration is centered around meals, it takes just a little bit of extra care to make sure l ...
- AZ Task Force Gets Final Input on Child-Welfar ...AZ Task Force Gets Final Input on Child-Welfare Reform Phoenix, AZ – A state task force holds its third public meeting today (Wednesday) to hear testimony and public comments on how the state’s child-welfare system can be improved. Their recommendations are due by the end of the mont ...
- Fake vs. Real Christmas Trees? You Might Be Su ...Fake vs. Real Christmas Trees? You Might Be Surprised at This Answer Phoenix, AZ – Real Christmas trees help the environment, according to conservationists who say they also provide a billion dollar boost to the U.S. economy. Most fake trees come from abroad and carry environmental costs. ...
- Western Public Lands Touted as Economic EngineWestern Public Lands Touted as Economic Engine Phoenix, AZ – More than 100 economists and academics have sent a letter to President Obama expressing their belief that protected public lands in the West are essential to the region’s economic future. They say the lands not only promote ...
Center for Food Safety
- “Big 6″ Guilty of Human Rights Vio ...Citing Systematic Human Rights Violations, International Court Hands Down Verdict to Six Largest Pesticide Manufacturer After an intensive public trial covering a range of human rights violations, jurors issued a scathing verdict to the six largest pesticide and biotechnology corporations, urgin ...
- Help CFS Demand Labeling of GMO FoodFiled under: GE Animals, GE Crops, GE Food, Legal Actions, Politics and Policy, Take Action
- Talking Turkey: Stuffing, Cranberries, Sweet P ...Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy and Center for Food Safety Petition FDA to Eliminate Toxic Arsenic Residues in Meat Photo by: D Sharon Pruitt Nearly 88 percent of Americans surveyed by the National Turkey Federation eat turkey at Thanksgiving, but most will be blissfully unaware of wh ...
- California Ballot Initiative Filed to Require ...Yesterday, a ballot initiative that would require the labeling of all genetically engineered (GE) foods sold in California was submitted to the Attorney General’s office. The initiative has the support from a coalition of consumer groups and organic food companies – this coalition is expected to ...
- Lawsuit Aims To Halt Genetically Engineered Cr ...Public Interest Organizations Challenge Blanket Approval of Pesticide-Promoting Crops on 54 Refuges Across 8 States Latest Case In Successful Series A lawsuit filed today in federal court against the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) seeks to end cultivation of genetically engineered (GE) c ...
Angry Indian Op-Eds
- Israel evicts Palestinians from their Jerusale ...Israel evicts Palestinians from their Jerusalem home to give it to Jewish settlers: A Jerusalem human rights centre has revealed that the Israeli occupation authorities have forced a Palestinian family out of their home in order to give it to illegal Jewish settlers. Hussein Hajoo and his family ...
- Poverty kills in Texas | SocialistWorker.orgPoverty kills in Texas | SocialistWorker.org ACCORDING TO the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Texas had the second-highest percentage of households suffering from food insecurity in 2010. Remember that the next time Gov. Rick Perry tries to say that Texas is recession-proof. More than 3. ...
- Oh Fa Chrissake... - The Final Indignity, the ...Oh Fa Chrissake... - The Final Indignity, the Last Insult, the Real America By William Rivers Pitt t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed Friday 09 December 2011 Let's start here. The Air Force dumped the incinerated partial remains of at least 274 American troops in a Virginia landfill, far more than the ...
- BBC TV - George Orwell's 1984 (1954)
- Craig Murray - Ten Per Cent for FreedomCraig Murray � Blog Archive � Ten Per Cent for Freedom: From now until the referendum, I shall give ten per cent of my income to the campaign for Scottish Independence. My income is both meagre and unreliable, and I can’t really afford it, but people have died for freedom willingly, and this is ...
- Siri, AI and TV CollideImagine talking to your TV, and having it answer you. Such a scenario is what the editors at the MacRumors website are suggesting Apple will soon unleash to the world. In this article, they say the Siri, the iPhone 4S virtual assistant, will be coming to television soon. Once Apple enters the Sm ...
- Bon Voyage, Steve JobsThere isn’t much I can say about Steve Jobs. I never met him, personally, but his influence was felt from my childhood. Like many reacting to the news of his passing, I am doing so on a device he was involved in designing. He has inspired me greatly, as with countless others. The official ...
- New Media Animation Roasts New FacebookI love the 1984 and Matrix references in this video. The animators at Taiwan’s New Media Animation, have once again produced a delicious roast of the news of the day. By the process described in detail in the Mashable tech blog, I have already started trying out the timeline. It seems perf ...
- Facebook Timeline: A Google+ Killer?This app turns Facebook into a virtual scrapbook of your life. The current model for profiles is an image of your current self, not how you have changed throughout your life. By adding the fourth dimension to the profile, Facebook explodes the potential of the profile exponentially. I read Ben P ...
- You Tube Launches New Video EditorYouTube has had a very basic video editor for some time, and has now updated and relaunched it. To me this was the next logical step for YouTube: to own the customer journey from the beginning. I have a further idea which is my Capstone project for my master’s degree, and since very few if ...
Green Times
- Broome Flash Mob ProtestFlash Mob Protest in Broome, Western Australia 2011 On 31st October 2011, members of the Broome Community took to the streets against the State governments plan to compulsorily acquire the coast line around James Price Point.For more information please look at savethekimberley.com (savethe ...
- Environmental News 23/11/2011Environmental News You Shouldn't Miss
- Organic JamInstead of buying regular food, consider buying organic food (glossary/food-drink/organic-food.html)! No pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics or hormones are used to produce organic food which makes it so much better for the environment, and for you too! Photo by: Alexandra Meusel
- The Story of BrokeStory of Stuff Project takes on [US] government subsidies in a new online movie; calls for investments in a clean, fair economy
- Environmental News 22/11/2011Environmental News You Shouldn't Miss
The Briefing Room | Investigate
- Key’s cabinet lineup revealedHASH(0xbd08c20)
- Nats and Maori Party sign agreement to governHASH(0xa776508)
- Durban climate treaty draft packs world govern ...HASH(0xb775980)
- NZ, Australia sleepwalk to climate suicideHASH(0xaf76738)
- Immigration scandal sinks David Cunliffe’s lea ...HASH(0xa2c1208)
Israel-The Only Democracy in the Middle East?
- Updated: A year bookended by the death of unar ...On January 3rd, 2011 protester Jawaher Abu Rahmah was killed by a tear gas inhalation at an earlier march in Bil’in. At the time, the Israeli Army made some bizarre claims that her death was caused by cancer, which they later retracted. Now almost a year later on December 9th, another nonv ...
- “Law Enforcement” Destroys Prayer ...Last Thursday, November 24, employees of the Israeli company “E.T. Legal Services”, hired by the deceptively named “Civil Administration” arm of Israel’s military Occupation regime in the West Bank, demolished a mosque. Among other things. To add insult to injury, ...
- Statement of the Palestinian Freedom RidersAs of now, 6 Palestinian Freedom Riders are about to be arrested just inside Jerusalem. Read why the Palestinian human rights activists boarded segregated buses below. My name is Hurriyeh Ziadah. I am the media spokeswomen for the Palestinian Freedom Rides campaign. Thank you all for being here ...
- New Sheikh Jarrah Video from Just VisionJust Vision, the folks I interned for last spring, are out with, “Home Front is a new series of four video portraits chronicling the resolve of a neighborhood, and the support it receives from the most unexpected of places.” It documents different Israelis and Palestinians involved i ...
- Villages Group: South Hebron Hills UpdateDear friends and supporters, About one month ago we reported to you on the state of the local schoolhouse in Palestinian Susiya as its second school year opened. Visiting the school on Thursday November 2nd, 2011, we witnessed an impressive development in the construction of the school’s p ...
Politics in the Zeros
- Bernie Sanders. Petition to save democracySen. Bernie Sanders proposes a constitutional amendment that would overturn the Supreme Court decision in a case called Citizens United vs. FEC. The Saving American Democracy Amendment states that: Corporations are not persons with constitutional rights equal to real people. Corporations are su ...
- Where is Mr Conservative when we need him?I’ve been waiting with baited breath to see just how mondo-bizarro the Republican race for the presidential nomination could get. It started at the bottom and has been working its way down ever since. It is so strange that it makes me long for a comeback by a “Mr. Conservative” in the mol ...
- Mentos and Diet Coke-powered car goes 239 feet!
- Railroad ties and bridges from 100% recycled m ...Axion makes the ties from plastic bottles and landfill waste and says they are cost-effective. ECOTRAX™ simply outperform traditional railroad ties. They are virtually impervious to the elements; will not rust, splinter, crumble, rot, absorb moisture or leach toxic chemicals into the environmen ...
- Protect Bryce Canyon from Big CoalBig Coal and the City of Los Angeles are threatening Bryce Canyon National Park. They’ve proposed building a 3,500 acre coal strip mine right next to the park to extract coal to power L.A. If built, the mine would turn southern Utah into an industrial zone — jeopardizing the park, t ...
- Yediot’s Plocker: Thank you Mossad for r ...On Sunday (January 9 2011), Yediot’s Itamar Eichner reported [emphasis mine; full translation here]: Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is furious with outgoing Mossad Director Meir Dagan because of the briefing Dagan gave journalists last Thursday. In the course of that briefing, Dagan sha ...
- “Rejectionist front”: Maariv detai ...As Israel’s diplomatic position erodes and the Palestinian Authority’s campaign for the unilateral recognition of a state in the 1967 borders gains ground, the demand for “direct negotiations” has become a central talking point of Israeli government spokespeople. Here ...
- New Yorker editor David Remnick to Yediot:  ...On December 24 2010, Yediot’s Friday Political Supplement ran an interview with New Yorker editor David Remnick by Adi Gold. Most of the interview was dedicated to his new biography of Barack Obama. Gold did ask a political question on Israel and Reminck’s response was very blunt. No ...
- Breaking the Silence’s landmark new book ...Breaking the Silence has just published a landmark collection of soldier testimonies from the Occupied Territories spanning the period 2000-2010. The 432 page book can now be browsed, downloaded and embedded here. If you read nothing else, take the time to look over the first to pages of the int ...
- Following local pressure, Adidas reconsiders s ...This Maariv article [full translation below] from Friday is particularly badly written and repetitive, so I’ll summarize. Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat decides to hold the first Jerusalem International Marathon in March 2011. He gets Adidas to sponsor the event. An Israeli runner registers an ...
Deadline Live
- TV / Radio personality Adam Carrola goes off o ...Adam Carolla breaking down the current occupy Wall Street movement in simple terms for everyone to understand. He dives into the cultural reasons that lead us into this situation, as well as the solution to our problems…
- DHS debuts Spanish terror warning: Se Habla el ...Do you speak FEAR? Snitching on your well meaning neighbors is definitely something that can cross all language barriers. The question is… Do Immigrants understand why this is wrong? Thankfully the Illegals wont be calling the police or DHS – LOL… In fact they even sheltered me ...
- Holy Hypocrite! “Rev” Al Sharpton ...Al Wants the richest 1% to pay their “Fair” share? Maybe this hypocrite should spend more time practicing what he “preaches” – Guess all that mirror time has not worked to make him a Humble man of “god”…. NY Post The Rev. Al Sharpton’s ̶ ...
- Police to test laser that ‘blinds rioter ...A shoulder-mounted laser that emits a blinding wall of light capable of repelling rioters is to be trialled by police under preparations to prevent a repeat of this summer’s looting and arson. London Telegraph The technology, developed by a former Royal Marine commando, tempo ...
- Drones “Officially” Take Flight Fo ...Predator B drone Michael Edwards Activist Post It is a sign of just how fast the police state is advancing that drones in American skies have gone from conspiracy theory to admitted fact in about a year. In a precedent-setting event, local law enforcement in North Dakota nabbed three su ...
The Air Vent
- Business as UsualDespite its now obvious flaws, Steig et al. (S09) appears destined for a prominent role in the upcoming AR5 report. We are told a lot of things by climate scientists, one being publish your results because blogs are not peer reviewed. It turns out that even when you publish your results, the ...
- IPCC Chapter 10 ZOD LeakedChapter 10 ZOD released! The advocacy in this one is a bit much….
- The MessageThe Air Vent hasn’t been as much fun lately. Sure there have been leaks but there has been little discussion of interest outside of the insane climategate garbage. Who wants to listen to a bunch of leftists complain in their emails about governments not repressing industry enough anyway? T ...
- Cracking at the SeamsAt WUWT: freeinfo says: December 10, 2011 at 12:49 pm http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TF234DCZ Chapter 4 ZOD – Assessment report 5
- HistoryThe following paragraph is from the zero order draft of the IPCC on the controversial topic of polar amplification. The topic is only controversial because one of the two poles is doing a poor job of cooperating with climate models. Of course some of the pro’s will tell you different, b ...
Focal Point
- Spencer Soper Wins Sidney Award for Exposing B ...Business reporter Spencer Soper of The Morning Call has won the October Sidney Award from the Sidney Hillman foundation for his expose of Dickensian conditions in Amazon.com's warehouse in Pennsylvania. Temperatures inside the "fulfillment center" soared to over 100 degrees over the summer ...
- Spencer Soper Wins Sidney Award for Exposing B ...Business reporter Spencer Soper of The Morning Call has won the October Sidney Award from the Sidney Hillman foundation for his expose of Dickensian conditions in Amazon.com's warehouse in Pennsylvania. Temperatures inside the "fulfillment center" soared to over 100 degrees over the summer ...
- Bachmann's Anti-Vaccine Rhetoric is Bad Scienc ...Hey, Michele Bachmann, you know who was really, really pro-vaccination? The Founding Fathers. Read all about it in my new article at The Nation. George Washington argued for mandatory inoculation of citizens against smallpox and mandated the inoculation of the Continental Army, under the . ...
- Bachmann's Anti-Vaccine Rhetoric is Bad Scienc ...Hey, Michele Bachmann, you know who was really, really pro-vaccination? The Founding Fathers. Read all about it in my new article at The Nation. George Washington argued for mandatory inoculation of citizens against smallpox and mandated the inoculation of the Continental Army, under the .. ...
- Confessions of a Pro-Social Psychopath Neuroscientist James Fallon is fascinated by the brains of murderers, especially in light of his own family history. His father's side of the family was full of notorious murderers. So, he compared his family's PET scans to those of known psychopathic killers: "And I took a look at ...
Inside Facebook
- Please Welcome Brittany DarwellInside Facebook is pleased to announce Brittany Darwell as our new lead writer. She joins us to focus on the products and business of Facebook and its developer and marketer ecosystems. Brittany brings several years’ worth of experience in social … Continue reading →
- Featured Facebook Campaigns: BeKnown, Starz, L ...BeKnown explains their strategy for helping users and companies leverage Facebook to find job matches this week in our featured Facebook campaigns. There was also Starz’s new game to generate excitement for the premiere of “Spartacus,” Lexus’ charity campaign, Starbucks’ … Continue reading ...
- Calendars, Quizzes, Spotify, Christmas, The In ...Calendar applications were popular on our list of apps growing by monthly active users this week. There were also some quiz apps, Spotify, a Christmas app, The Independent newspaper, photos, tabs and JibJab. The titles on our list gained the … Continue reading →
- This Week’s Headlines From Across Inside NetworkA roundup of all the news Inside Network brought you between December 5th and 11th. Inside Mobile Apps Tracking the convergence of mobile apps, social platforms and virtual goods. Monday, December 5th PBS Kids, WGBH’ New Augmented Reality Math App … Continue reading →
- New This Week on the Inside Network Job Board: ...The Inside Network Job Board is dedicated to providing you with the best job opportunities across social and mobile application platforms. Here are this week’s highlights from the Inside Network Job Board, including positions at BLiNQ Media, JibJab Media Inc., Acquinity Interactive, 24MAS Group, ...
Truthout - Tweets
- truthout: #USDA #GMO Project: "the equivalent ...truthout: #USDA #GMO Project: "the equivalent of letting BP do their own Environmental Assessment of a new rig." #Monsanto http://t.co/x5icF0gX
- truthout: #FOIA Reveals: USDA's "objective of ...truthout: #FOIA Reveals: USDA's "objective of ensuring the US leads the world in...biotech crop exports." http://t.co/x5icF0gX #GMO #Monsanto
- truthout: Some 2011 highlights: a story .@jaso ...truthout: Some 2011 highlights: a story .@jasonleopold broke in Aug forces the Air Force to change a 20-year-old training policy http://t.co/ezZuEju3
- truthout: EXCLUSIVE: Under Industry Pressure, ...truthout: EXCLUSIVE: Under Industry Pressure, USDA Works to Speed Approval of #Monsanto's Genetically Engineered Crops http://t.co/x5icF0gX
- truthout: Short Tales From Bizarro World: The ...truthout: Short Tales From Bizarro World: The GOP Primaries Edition: http://t.co/R4WVmDp1 #WillPitt #GOP
ReDress News
- The choice for US voters in November 2012: rui ...Lawrence Davidson views the participants in the freak show of ignoramuses and bigots contending the US Republican presidential nomination and argues that the stark choice facing American voters in next year's presidential election is either to ruin the Republican Party or their own country.
- An idiot's overview of why Western capitalism ...Alan Hart argues that neglect of the impoverished 80 per cent of the world's population - potentially a huge market for the West's consumer capitalism - by the richest nations, coupled with the shortsightedness, greed and stupidity of banking chiefs and deregulation of the banks and financial ma ...
- Crippling Iran: questions for UK Foreign Secre ...Stuart Littlewood asks British Foreign Secretary William Hague pertinent questions about his inexplicable hostility to Iran, and argues that if Hague's aim "is to help preserve the balance of power in the Middle East so that a lawless, racist regime - Israel - remains the dominant threatening mi ...
- The whistleblower as heroLawrence Davidson argues that in the contemporary environment where editors and reporters value the prestige of being associated with important centres of power more than the truth and where media enterprises put profit ahead of factual accuracy, the role of the whistleblower has become essential.
- An America that’s never wrongPaul J. Balles argues that "not only do Americans display a belief in their superiority over other countries, but their leaders' actions reveal an arrogant pre-eminence over the masses of the American public".
Amazon Rainforest
- World’s largest beef company signs Amazo ...The world’s largest meat processor has agreed to stop buying beef from ranches associated with slave labor and illegal deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, according to the public prosecutor’s office in the state of Acre. The deal absolves JBS-Friboi from 2 billion reals ($1.3 bill ...
- World’s largest beef company signs Amazo ...The world’s largest meat processor has agreed to stop buying beef from ranches associated with slave labor and illegal deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, according to the public prosecutor’s office in the state of Acre. The deal absolves JBS-Friboi from 2 billion reals ($1.3 bill ...
- Peru suffers an environmental tragedy!The rising price of gold has multiplied by six the pace of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest in the Peruvian region of Madre de Dios in recent years. Illegal gold searches using primitive techniques in the years 2003-9 led to the destruction of 7,000 hectares of virgin and extremely divers ...
- Earth’s Living Treasure- Celebrating Forests f ...United Nations declared 2o11 as the International Year of Forests (Forests 2o11), and why Forests are the theme of the International Day for Biological Diversity on 22 May 2o11. In this special year, the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) are ...
- Belo Monte hydroelectric dam construction work ...The company leading the dam project, Norte Energia, announced that infrastructure work on roads that will provide access to the region started on Monday morning. The £7bn Belo Monte dam on the Amazon’s Xingu river is scheduled to start producing energy on 31 December 2014 and would be the ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
- BFP Exclusive- Developing Story: Hundreds of U ...Report: Foreign Troops Begin to Spread Near the Villages of Al-Mafraq According to first-hand accounts and reports provided to Boiling Frogs Post by several sources in Jordan, during the last few hours foreign military groups, estimated at hundreds of individuals, began to spread near the villag ...
- Syria: The Not So Long Ago Cherished US Partne ...Another Case of Convenient US Media Amnesia as War Propagandists For the past few months on a daily basis we have been forced to read, watch and listen to the awful deeds of select dictators here and there, but not everywhere. Our war-drummer TV networks suddenly found an atrocious dictator in L ...
- Podcast Show #70The Boiling Frogs Presents Richard Moore This is Part IV of our interview series on the New World Order. You can listen to the previous interviews in this series here: Part I, Part II, Part III , and Part IV. Richard Moore shares with us his unique perspective on the working of the political wor ...
- BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December ...BFP Nightly Quote “The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.” – Thomas Jefferson International Newsworthy Iran Displays Purporte ...
- The EyeOpener- Meet the Shanghai Cooperation O ...The Geopolitical Paradigm of the 21st Century When The Shanghai Five held its first presidential summit in China in 1996, this innocuous group hardly registered as a blip on the geopolitical radar. Within just five years, however, the loose-knit cooperative organization of China, Kazakhstan, Kyr ...
Afro Spear
- “Why Kenya’s doing Bashir’s ...Wrangles evidenced recently between Kenyan Judiciary and the executive over the ruling that Sudanese strong man, Omar Bashir, be apprehended shall he visit Kenya, left many analysts flabbergasted. One judge, Ncholas Ombija, made a historical ruling when ordered the Minister for Internal Security ...
- The Al Jazeera slavery debate
- sat’day riddymz“Os tambores de Minas, by Milton Nascimento. This song roughly means, the drums of Minas Gerais, Milton Nascimento’s home state, will never be quiet.” Sis Ana. Saludos…
- Eduardo Galeano Chronicles the History of Huma ...“I believe this reading by Eduardo Galeano is very interesting. Eduardo Galeano, the Uruguayan intellectual, writer and novelist, describes himself as being obsessed with remembering and committed to humanity and just causes. I agree with him.” Sis. Ana. Saludos… Click here.
- sat’day riddymzFrom Sis. Ana Panamanian national, Basilio Fergus went to Spain to study medicine and realized his true calling was composing songs and singing. With his rich angelic voice, he became an international star troughout the Spanish speaking world. Cisne Cuello Negro-Black Necked Swan, a song that ta ...
Expose the BNP
- Expose the BNP: activists’ meetingOver the summer we have seen the extreme right enter parliament in Sweden and racist deportations of Roma people from France. Here at home the EDL have continued to target cities with Muslim communities, while the police are bringing trumped-up charges against anti-fascists. November 6 sees a na ...
- Rotherham fascist leads secret double lifeA BNP activist is living a secret double life, desperate to prevent his employers from finding out about his extremist views – despite having stood as a candidate in last month’s election. Tom Holmes (25) received 715 votes in the recent elections for Rotherham Council but has managed to keep hi ...
- Nick Griffin humiliated in Barking defeatThe British National Party have suffered a humiliating defeat in the general election when Nick Griffin failed to gain a Westminster seat for the East London ward of Barking. Labour MP Margaret Hodge secured the seat with a 16,000 majority, with Griffin trailing third after the Conservative cand ...
- Ten questions that expose Nick GriffinOn the day that the BNP launches its election manifesto, Expose the BNP has researched 10 questions for journalists to put to the BNP leader, the answers to which reveal him to be a deeply racist, anti-Semitic Holocaust denier who boasts about his criminal past. 1. In which year did you stop den ...
- Workshy Griffin left his parents pennilessOn yesterday’s Today programme, BNP leader Nick Griffin told the Radio Four audience that “Liberal economics … have utterly bankrupted this country.” The truth is that Nick Griffin was himself declared bankrupt in 1991. Over several years thereafter he destroyed his parents’ finances as we ...
Ode Magazine
- Sonic boonA search for the healing power of sound I’m lying in A bed that’s as hard as nails with a series of strings along the sides and two gongs above my head. It’s known as a gong bath, and Gwen de Jong, a practitioner of sound healing at Spirit Connection in Amsterdam ...
- The secret’s in the sauceWhat my father’s recipe for pasta marinara says about the future of capitalism As the daughter of a Neapolitan, I grew up eating pasta with marinara sauce. My father didn’t always make it from scratch, but he did so often enough for me to follow his recipe through memories. Fr ...
- Clean water, clean energyIn the prosperous West, we generally only get worked up about clean water and electricity when the bill arrives in the mail, and we discover that once again, we’ve been showering too long and leaving the lights on too often. But in many parts of the world, people can only dream ...
- Blocking CO2 to beat malariaMosquitoes are so difficult to elude because they pursue us via the CO2 exhaled in our breath. That’s annoying when we’re relaxing outside on a summer evening, but it’s devastating for the 200 to 300 million people who contract malaria annually. More than 1 millio ...
- A winter’s taleCelebrating the return of the bald eagle In the Iowa winter, as the poet Robert Hass wrote, “a farmer’s dreams are narrow,” and autumn can inspire me with a kind of dread as I work in the garden that will soon be buried under snow. But this coming winter, as the ...
OpEd News
- 30 Years!Robert Meeropol reflects on the 30th anniversary of the wrongful incarceration on death row of Mumia abu-Jamal, and on that case's complex relationship with the anti-death penalty movement.
- Labor Not Represented in Management of 'The Pe ...The Penn State scandal has brought to light much about the workings of the 94,000 student system, especially its administration and trustees. In this article, award-winning journalist Walter Brasch, a Pennsylvanian, looks at how the state universities exclude the working class from policy making.
- Michigan Can Be a Leader in Dealing With Clima ...The opportunity to pull Michigan out of its economic slump and deal with climate change is right in front of us. But leaders are dithering.
- The Hidden Agenda within the Hidden AgendaAs a Christian myself, I often wonder what America conservative Christians live in, and why it is so different from the America I find myself in.
- The Yellow Brick Road to Wealth in America is ...Recent news has six heirs to the Wal-Mart fortune enjoying more wealth than a thirty percent slice of the entire population of the United States.
- Mineral owner in West Virginia observes reckle ...Amy Mall, Senior Policy Analyst, Washington, D.C. Howard Clark is a mineral owner in Marion County, West Virginia who writes: "Although I am an avid supporter of the use of our natural resources, it must be done in an environmentally responsibl ...
- GE Brings Green Lights to LifeRocky Kistner, Communications Associate, Washington, DC At GE’s historic 90-acre Nela Park in Cleveland--home to America's first industrial park and to GE Lighting--a light bulb revolution is underway that could help s ...
- How cities are like tomatoesKaid Benfield, Director, Sustainable Communities, Washington, DC This is going to be one of the easiest posts I have ever written, because all I need to do is quote my cyber-friend and fellow writer Ben Brown, and then send you to his own c ...
- Important Progress at Global Warming Negotiati ...Jake Schmidt, International Climate Policy Director, Washington, DC As Nelson Mandela famously said*: “It always seems impossible, until we are done.” That is exactly how it seemed at the United Nations COP-17 climate negotations ...
- What New Coal Plants?Dave Hawkins, Director of Climate Programs, Washington, D.C. As EPA prepares the first-ever national standards for carbon pollution from new fossil fuel powerplants, the coal industry is embarking, predictably, on its latest dis-information campaign ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
- Keep Chuckin’ Those FactsClearly, anyone who is more concerned with arbitrary executive authority than Ben Wittes must be lying.
- Rape Culture (And Athletic Privilege) IIThis analysis of the Devil Ray’s signing of Josh Lueke should be read in its entirety, not least for this QOTD: Distilling events like this to “he said, she said” has its appeal for many people, mostly men and usually idiots. As a case in point, he links to this terrific and de ...
- An early Christmas present for the prospective ...I’ve been looking at some of the discussion threads at Top-Law-Schools.com, which advertises itself as “created to provide you with the necessary information to successfully navigate you through the law school application process and find the ideal law school, so that your next three years can b ...
- A NoteNormally, when icing the kicker “works” God kills twenty kittens. But if the Cowboys lose, She saves them instead. Garrett must have been disappointed he couldn’t do it himself.
- The Most Clutch Player There Absolutely Ever WasSo what do people think was the most amazing of Tim Tebow’s many amazing plays today? Tebow kicking a 59-yard field goal Tebow ordering the Bears secondary to play no particular attention to sideline routes late in the 4th quarter against a team trailing by a touchdown with no timeouts Teb ...
Desert Research Institute
- Radiation Levels in Real Time? There's an App ...Gamma radiation levels in the southern Nevada area will soon be accessible around the world at the touch of a finger. Makers of the cell phone application EcoData: Radiation are expanding their global network of radiation monitoring stations to include up-to-date readings from the Community Envi ...
- Truckee River Fund Supports DRI’s Integrated W ...DRI Scientists receive $318,000 from Truckee River Fund and the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection for the development and implementation of an integrated water quality monitoring program for the Truckee River from Tahoe City to Marble Bluff dam (just upstream of Pyramid Lake).
- Dilworth students participate in Mission Antar ...Students at Dilworth STEM Academy join a team of scientists in Antarctica as they study the molecular biology, and evolution of microscopic organisms. The work has implications for understanding impacts of climate change and the ecology and evolution of organisms in the Southern Ocean.
- Communicating Science with AnimationDerek Norpchen calls his work eye candy. “I take the data that the scientists gather in the field and turn it into animations and visualizations so that the projects sponsors and the public can better understand the science behind the issue.”
- ASCENT Connecting women in atmospheric sciencesAtmospheric Science Collaborations and Enriching Networks (ASCENT) is a program focusing on women in atmospheric science/meteorology. It’s designed to initiate positive professional relationships among female faculty of different ranks and postdoctoral researchers.
Earth Techling
- Green Gadget Gift ReviewenergyNow!, in this video segment, offers up some cool clean tech gadget gift ideas for helping you shop green this holiday season.
- Solar Panoply Powers Arizona CampusArizona Western College in Yuma has commissioned its landmark 5-megawatt solar power system that uses five different PV technologies.
- Nismo Amps Up Leaf To Blow You AwayNissan's Motorsports division, Nismo, gives the electric Leaf a performance tune up that includes body mods, new rims, low-profile tires, LED lighting and more.
- Zeus Concept Gives Energy Insight At A GlanceThe Zeus Energy Monitoring System concept marries electrical outlet and solar power monitors with a slim display that offers easy energy info and automation.
- Streetlight Illuminates The LED FutureRoyal Philips Electronics and designers from the Netherlands have come up with a streetlight alternative that uses LEDs and is carbon neutral.
National Law Journal | U.S.
- Yoga poses can't be copyrighted, says U.S. off ...A copyright official's opinion that yoga poses can't be copyrighted will likely change yoga guru Bikram Choudhury's litigation posture in three copyright cases against yoga studios and their owners.
- Law school, a ticket to economic security? Bet ...You've graduated from law school. You've landed a job as an attorney. Now you want to buy a house and cement your status in the professional class. But can you afford it? Probably not — unless you can count on earning three times your annual tuition.
- With immigration case, Court takes on another ...Once again raising the stakes in what may be an historic term, the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday agreed to decide whether Arizona's tough anti-immigration law can be enforced or is in fatal conflict with federal immigration law.
- ANTITRUST: DOJ's suit against AT&T: rhetoric v ...From a traditional antitrust analysis, it would be hard to see how the government can lose this one in court.
- IN-HOUSE COUNSEL: In law departments, spending ...Survey indicates a majority of chief legal officers increased internal and external budgets in the past year.
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
- Shale Gas Drilling PhotosThe below link will take you to public web album with photos from folks who live in areas where the gas drilling is happening. Click the link and see what the truth looks like. https://picasaweb.google.com/chec.pitt/ShaleGasDrilling
- Marcellus Shale case appealed to Pa. Supreme C ...By DONALD GILLILAND, The Patriot-News A court case that many believe has the potential to upend 100 years of case law and God knows how many Marcellus gas leases in Pennsylvania hinges on what the everyday definition of “minerals” was in 1836. Attorneys at Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney who app ...
- Learn the FACTS about Marcellus ShaleThurs. Nov. 3rd at 7 PM GAS TRUTH OF YORK is sponsoring the YORK MARCELLUS SHALE FORUM so that you can learn what you need to know about Shale Gas drilling in Pennsylvania. In South Central PA we do not have Marcellus Shale drilling but the Oil & Gas Industry is affecting our water, land, ...
- Gas Truth of Central Pennsylvania Wants to Hea ...Give Your Testimony to the CITIZENS MARCELLUS SHALE COMMISSION GAS TRUTH is giving support to the CITIZENS MARCELLUS SHALE COMMISSION that has been formed by 8 organizations that want to get out the truth about the effect of Shale Gas drilling on Pennsylvania. Governor Corbett formed his Gas in ...
- GASLAND and Josh Fox Come to York, PAWed. Sept. 21st at 6:30 PM HACC York Campus is sponsoring a special outdoor screening of the Emmy award-winning film, GASLAND. GASLAND’s Director, Josh Fox will answer questions following the film. GASLAND is the story of the effect of Fracking for Natural Gas on families and communities ...
News Blaze
- Corruption Leads to Unequal Land Distribution ...The report, jointly produced by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Transparency International, found that in more than 61 countries weak governance has increased the likelihood of corruption in land occupancy and administration, inte
- Unemployment Rate Soars 'High' in West BankThis means the rate of unemployment among refugees is now at 27.4 per cent, about five points higher than the wider West Bank rate, which has declined.
- NASA Launches New Custom Internet Radio Statio ...Third Rock also will help partner companies fill high-tech job openings in the engineering, science and IT fields. In addition to the NASA Web Portal, the station will be available online in the future at the radio tab of Apple's iTunes and other s
- New Talent Management Center Helps Poly Studen ...The goal of the expansion is to engage students in not only thinking about their careers early but also in taking active steps in assessing their career choices and job options.
- Large Voter Turnout in Presidential Elections ...She stressed the United States stands with the Congolese people in their quest to advance peace and democracy in their country.
environment 360
- Increased Bicycling Will Help EU Meet Climate ...If all Europeans bicycled as much as the people of Denmark, the European Union could achieve up to one-quarter of its target for carbon emissions reductions in the transportation sector by 2050, a new report says. According to the European Cyclists’ Federation, the average Dane cycles about 2.6 ...
- Durban Yields Little As Climate Deal is Again ...Delegates at UN-sponsored climate talks in Durban, South Africa, agreed to extend the Kyoto climate accords for another five years and promised to forge some sort of legally binding treaty — due to take effect in 2020 — to slow global warming. But for the second time in as many years, representa ...
- In Australia’s New Carbon Tax, A Host of Misse ...The Australian government will begin imposing a tax on carbon emissions in mid-2012. But large giveaways to industry mean Australia’s scheme doesn’t go nearly far enough in reducing the nation’s CO2 emissions or providing economic stimulus. BY RICHARD DENNISS
- Exploring Humanity's Place In the Journey of t ...Mary Evelyn Tucker has been one of the innovators in the study of the connections between ecology and religion. In an interview with Yale Environment 360, she talks about her work and about a new film she co-produced that points to the spiritual dimension of responding to the world’s environment ...
- ‘Merging Tsunami’ Doubled Destructive Power Al ...A detailed analysis of satellite data shows that the devastating tsunami that struck the coast of northeastern Japan last March doubled in intensity because two wave fronts generated by an undersea earthquake merged before making landfall. Researchers Click to enlarge NASAFormation of the ‘doub ...
Red Ice Creations
- Russian scientists to attempt clone of woolly ...Scientists from Russia and Japan are undertaking a Jurassic Park-style experiment in an effort to bring the woolly mammoth out of extinction. The scientists claim that a thigh bone found in August contains remarkably well-preserved marrow cells, which could form the starting point of the experiment.
- Chinese 2,485 year tree ring study shows shows ...A blockbuster Chinese study of Tibetan tree rings by Lui et al 2011 shows, with detail, that the modern era is a dog-standard normal climate when compared to the last 2,500 years. The temperature, the rate of change - it’s all been seen before. Nothing about the current period is "abnormal", ind ...
- Antarctic’s hidden world revealedEver wondered what Antarctica would look like without all that ice? Scientists have produced the most detailed map yet of the White Continent’s underbelly - its rock bed. Called simply BEDMAP, this startling view of the landscape beneath the ice incorporates decades of survey data acquired by pl ...
- Gun company ownership is being centralized by ...Cerberus Capital Management could cut off all gun and ammunition sales in the US. Many Americans are totally unaware that Cerberus has for the past decade acquired nearly every gun and ammunition maker in the United States and consolidated them into a holding company called The Freedom Group. Th ...
- Are Psychopaths "Brain Damaged"?We all have a ghoulish fascination with the Hannibal Lecters of this world. That’s because many of the most-publicized stories about psychopaths can be quickly banged into a Hollywood script. One of the most absorbing accounts that I’ve come across recently, however, was in an advance reading co ...
Russia Today
- Iran ready to clone US droneIran is set to produce its own drones modeled on a US spy craft intercepted over its territory. Experts are at the final stages of decoding the US RQ-170 Sentinel drone and are to copy it using reverse engineering...
- Lock, Stock and Laser? UK police go high-techWhile Britain’s increasingly militarized police forces have relied on tear-gas, batons, and rubber bullets to keep rioters at bay, a new 007-style laser weapon may soon repel rioters with a dazzling wall of light.
- Pakistan to down American drones, US promises ...The Pakistani military are under orders to take down any UAV they locate in the country’s air space. So far, the only drones making incursions into Pakistani skies have been US Predators used to attack Taliban...
- US farm drama: Predator drone assists an arrestA US family has been arrested with the help of a Predator drone, after a search for a missing cow did not go to plan.By “drone” we do mean military reconnaissance and assault flying machine used by the US Army and the...
- US betrayal of Palestine puts damper on Arab S ...While the Arab Spring has brought winds of positive change, the destiny of the whole region now hangs on the issue of Palestine, insists politician Mustafa Barghouti, a Palestinian MP and the president of the...
Not My Tribe
- On #D12 #OccupyCS takes on Walmart, company st ...OCCUPIED COLORADO SPRINGS- Showing the flag today on the Occupy corner of Acacia Park in advance of tomorrow’s 12/12 WALMART BOYCOTT. You might well ask why we passed on a sunny, pre-Chrismas shopping weekend to picket the 8th Street Walmart on a MONDAY. Easy. Our boycott is timed with oth ...
- Did Obama middle class speech strike a chord? ...OBAMA STRIKES A CHORD WITH MIDDLE CLASS SPEECH. What a fantasmic bit of populist fable-telling. President Obama delivered a speech in Kansas yesterday appearing to speak up for America’s middle class, as if he wasn’t the most red-handed fox in the hen house. Once again President Hope ...
- Death in the Afternoon. On Wall Street. Chargi ...Full story at yeslab.org/bull. Music: You Will See by Lole Y Manuel.
- Patrick Henry’s pastor recommended: Give ...Some juxtaposition, don’t you think? Patrick Henry’s call to arms mashed with the Serenity Prayer. Give me liberty or give me death versus God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. I ...
- One night in a Catholic-run hospital…Funny story? I was bidding goodnight to a friend in the hospital, standing over her bed in my long coat, scarf and black stockinged cap, when two nurses burst into our near-black room to announce the shift-change. At once they leaped into each other’s arms in fright! When we’d all re ...
Debunking the Debunkers
- 9/11 Truth Versus The BBCMy video editing software hasn't been working for months, then all of a sudden it inexplicably came to life about three weeks ago (although it's still really slow), so I decided to finish a video that I started literally over a year ago. I thought it was time to go back to my roots and make ano ...
- 9/11 Truth Movement Trying to Co-opt the Occu ...Please spread to individual Occupy movement supporters, affiliated groups, websites, and forums. This is a plea for the Occupy movement to drop any preconceived notions about, and take careful consideration of, forming an alliance with the 9/11 truth movement, specifically the OccupyBuilding7.o ...
- Corbett Report Radio 011 – Occupy Building 7 w ...September 11, 2001 - the day our country was hijacked and a permanent war was launched that will not end in our lifetime unless we the 99% stop it. Ten years later the War on Terrorism has diverted trillions of dollars from more important uses and sunken our country into debt. 15 NOV 2011 Pod ...
- Thermite Has Never Been Used in Building Demol ..."Thermite has never been used in building demolition." - [9/11] Critical Thinking For Dummies - Controlled Demolition by "Juniversal" at the JREF Forum Popular Mechanics Ignores Its Own Historical Records of Thermite Demolition: Destruction of Skyride Towers, Reichstag Dome Set Incendiary Prece ...
- The Trapping of Screw Loose ChangeNovember 3, 2011 by Jeffrey Strahl 911truth.org Dear Readers, Please submit your comments on this article at the link at Amazon, here, as provided below by Mr. Strahl. 911Truth.org published this article; the author is not available to be reached through email to this site. We look forward to ...
- HCG Diet Slapped by FDA, FTCEating just 500 calories a day and injecting a hormone found in pregnant women’s urine. That’s the HCG diet. It is growing in popularity, but raising concerns with government health officials. HCG stands for Human chorionic gonadotropin. It is produced in the placenta during pregnanc ...
- The Squash That You Need To TryThis is a guest post by Lisa Cain, PhD, a.k.a Snack-Girl Snack Girl must confess to a certain dislike of squash. The season is NOW and the fresh squash is rolling in around here so I am trying to change my ‘tude. Acorn, butternut, delicata, spaghetti, calabaza, and kabocha, are names of sq ...
- Do Something New: The Sane Approach to Solving ...This is a guest blog post by Dr. Dina R. Rose If you want your children to change how they eat, you’re going to have to change how you interact with them around food. That might sound like the most obvious statement you’ve ever heard, but I can’t tell you how many parents I mee ...
- Reminder: Many Cereals are Sweeter than DessertThe Environmental Working Group, a non-profit advocacy group, has published a not-so-surprising study concerning the sugar content of children’s cereal. They reviewed 84 popular brands and checked out their sugar content. The most offensive product, Kellogg’s Honey Smacks, is 56% sug ...
- Why is There Soy in My Hain Celestial Tea?We recently got an email from Amy, a fooducate community member: I drink a lot of tea. Often, the ingredients list says “natural flavors” at the end, then says “Contains: Soy.” I assume it is warning about soy because something in the natural flavors contains this potenti ...
- Twitter Step by StepTwitter management can be a daunting task. There are a lot of articles telling you the do's and don'ts of Twitter, however it can still be difficult to pin down exactly what you should be doing each day step by step. If you are having a hard time getting organized and keeping up with everything ...
- SEO Tips For Your Blog and BusinessWhen was the last time you thought about your site beyond adding content? It is probably time to take a look at how things are organized. When you started the site you had certain goals, ideas and experiences, now as time has passed it is a good idea to take another look at those goals [...]
- How To Choose KeywordsEvery day millions of searches are performed on the internet and all of those search terms are saved and provided to us to peruse at our discretion. Unfortunately, on the other hand, there are millions of searches performed every day on the internet and ALL that data is saved and provided to us ...
- Why Social Media Isn’t Working For YouSo you took the first step and signed yourself up for some social media sites and started marketing yourself and now you're waiting for the traffic to start rolling in. You've done your research about social media marketing and everyone tells you to find followers, engage them and turn them into ...
- How Do I Tweet – Writing the $6 Million Dollar ...Twitter recently made claims that they had reached 100 million users. A fairly impressive feat to be sure, and that is reflected in the pull people give to twitter as a social media outlet. Great tweets can make you a star as fast bad ones can kill your image. Most of the time tweets just pass ...
Survival International
- Paraguay to hand over indigenous landEnxet child in the Chaco region of northern Paraguay. © Jonathan Mazower/Survival The Paraguayan government has this week signed an agreement with Enxet Indians to hand back 1,000 hectares of their ancestral land. The decision comes after a long legal battle between the indigenous people ...
- Survival reveals ten hidden abuses against tri ...Xoroxloo Duxee died of dehydration after the Bushmen's water borehole was disabled. © Survival Survival is releasing ten tribal rights abuses ahead of UN Human Rights Day this Saturday, to expose violations that still pass largely unnoticed. Signed 63 years ago, the Universal Declara ...
- UNESCO calls for ‘urgent safeguarding’ of Amaz ...Fish are a crucial part of the Enawene Nawe's diet © Fiona Watson/Survival An Amazonian tribe’s fishing ritual has been recognized by UNESCO as one of humanity’s priceless treasures. The UN body has added the Yãkwa ritual of the Enawene Nawe Indians to its list of ‘intangible cultural ...
- Brazilian gunmen brandish tribal hit list in w ...Guarani leader Nísio Gomes was murdered by gunmen. © Survival © Survival Gunmen in Brazil are brazenly intimidating indigenous communities with a hit list of prominent leaders, following the high profile murder of Nísio Gomes last month. Reportedly employed by powerful landowners in Mato G ...
- Crackdown fears peak in West Papua 50 years af ...Pro-independence protesters march in t-shirts bearing the 'Morning Star' flag © West Papua Media/Survival Pro-independence Papuans are planning widespread rallies this Thursday to mark 50 years since they first raised their symbolic ‘Morning Star’ flag. A climate of fear surrounds ...
Greg Palast
- The Cheese Smelled FunnyAMAZONIA, ECUADOR, 2009 - (Greg Palast, VulturesPicnic.org) Ricardo and I were dumped off at the end of a jeep track on a riverbank in a downpour to wait for our riverboat, which I assumed would be something like the steamer Humphrey Bogart piloted down the Ulanga River in The African Queen. T ...
- A Rick Perry Christmas Prayerby Greg Palast Rick Perry's right when he says, "Something's wrong when gays can serve openly in the military but kids can't pray openly in school." What's wrong is that they're missing their copies of Vultures' Picnic. In fact, once my twins took a copy of Vultures' Picnic to school, all the ...
- Greenpeace poisoned meby Kert Davies, Research Director, Greenpeace USA Read the Greenpeace blog and listen to the Greenpeace Radio Podcast with Greg Palast, author of Vultures' Picnic: In pursuit of petroleum pigs, power pirates and high-finance carnivores. Then read this. It's my soul on a plate. Then pass it o ...
- Palast Tonight Live on C-Span BookTVGoldfinger the Vulture is going to hate this. Tonight: Greg Palast breaks through America's Electronic Berlin Wall with a LIVE stream on C-SPAN BookTV.org, 7pm Eastern. Palast be bringing the People's Mic directly to the halls of power in Washington DC for one night - telling the sordid sec ...
- Romney's Billionaire ThreatensBBC Investigativ ...by Greg Palast for Truthout/Buzzflash Palast is the author of Vultures' Picnic: in Pursuit of Petroleum Pigs, Power Pirates and High-Finance Carnivores. See Palast live on stage in New York, DC and other cities. Last Monday, a call came in to BBC Television Centre, London, from the office o ...
How Can I Recycle This ?
- Impact of advertising on Recycle This – ...Recycle This turns six in April 2012 and from day one, it has included advertising. I started the site when I was in the process of quitting my job for a “career break”, which turned into self-employment. The idea was that I’d have advertising on the site for as long as I neede ...
- How can I reuse or recycle the plastic spoons ...Tabitha has asked: How can I recycle the plastic spoons you get in children’s medicine bottles? Thanks ;oD A great question! I can’t take tablets so have to take liquid medicine instead – and as a result, I end up with lots of these little suckers. There is no way to reject them real ...
- Book review: Garden Eco-Chic by Matthew LevesqueA few weeks ago, I was sent a couple of gardening books by Timber Press to review here and on The Really Good Life. This is the first one – Garden Eco-Chic by Matthew Levesque. The subtitle of this book is “reusing found objects to create decks, paths, containers, lanterns and more&# ...
- How can I reuse or recycle novelty Christmas j ...I got this email from Edie a few weeks ago but I thought I’d keep it until people were thinking a little more festive-ly — I hope it’s not too late for Edie now though! I love silly Christmas jumpers but not to wear, god, not to wear! I’m thinking of getting some to make ...
- How can I reuse or recycle baby cot mattresses?We’ve had an email from Maggie: I’m due to have my second baby in January but everyone has screamed at me when I mentioned reusing the cot so I’m going to get a new mattress. What can I do with the old one? I don’t have kids so I’m not exactly knowledge but from wha ...
Age of Autism
- Hysteria, Autism, and the Durability of Sheer ...By Dan Olmsted Events have conspired this year to bring attention to psychiatry as it relates to autism and other disorders that we believe share environmental roots. The focus is not at all flattering. There’s the American Psychiatric Association’s re-jiggering...
- ABC News flunks ABC's of Autism in ReportingBy Anne Dachel I was amazed at an investigative series that ABC News just aired. It was all about how the U.S. government allows psych drugs to be used on children in the foster care system. It’s stunning to watch...
- Major ProductionBy Cathy Jameson In the midst of holiday shopping I had to go back to a Big Box store to make a simple return. I noticed an overcharge on my receipt when I got home. The cashier had tried to...
- Post-Gardasil Syndrome in Quebec Followed Vacc ...Read Full Article here......http://sanevax.org/victims-2/ After much research and discussion, my daughter and I had both signed the required form to refuse the Gardasil vaccine currently being administered in Quebec. In order to assure there would be no problem, I also...
- Age of Autism Contest Win You Are My Star By J ...Thank you to AofA reader Joanna McGowan for giving us a copy of her beautiful children's book called You Are My Star for one lucky reader. You can personalize the first page to tell YOUR child he/she is your star....
Global BDS Movement
- Invitation: Third National BDS ConferenceThe Palestinian Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) cordially invites you to the “Third National BDS Conference” in Hebron, West Bank
- Veolia blows it again through normalization sp ...Supporting a “Race for Peace” is not the way to support peace in the Middle East. A better way for Veolia would be to end immediately its involvement in all Israeli activities in the occupied West Bank
- UK student body slams university’s Ahava linkIn the NUS’ National Executive Council meeting, a motion demanding the “immediate end” of KCL’s research project with Ahava was passed with no votes against
- Rho City Council approves resolution condemnin ...The Italian company condemned for involvement in the Israeli high-speed railway that crosses the occupied Palestinian territories
- Palestinian Trade Union Coalition for BDS (PTU ...Solidarity from Occupied Palestine with UK public sector strike Occupied Palestine, November 29 – The Palestinian Trade Union Coalition for Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions (PTUC-BDS), the largest coalition of the Palestinian trade union movement, stands in solidarity with the millions ...
Farm Wars
- Coexistence: This graphic says it all…Coexistence between GMO and organic crops - a graphic representation.
- Call to Action: Researchers Needed for Non-GMO ...Help Farm Wars compile a list of clean seed suppliers with no connections to the likes of Monsanto!
- Passage of S.1867: Our enemy is withinI have to wonder if at some point if other countries will band together and declare the US a terrorist organization, guilty of crimes against humanity, war crimes, human rights violations and a threat to world peace.
- Major Organic Seed Company Owned By Pro-GMO Group!One of the largest organic seed producers is owned by a company that supports GMOs. Does anyone see a conflict of interest? Does anyone think there might be a problem?
- One Straw Revolution in FarmingJapanese Permaculture Legend: Masanobu Fukuoka shows how to farm naturally, without modern agricultural methods.
Open Your Eyes News
- Cristina Fernandez sworn in for second term as ...Reuters – An emotional Fernandez breaks with protocol as daughter presents her with presidential sash. Read article
- ’18 killed’ in fresh Syria clashes ...BBC – At least 18 people are reported to have died in clashes in Syria as opposition activists called a general strike. 11 of the deaths were in the cities of Homs and Hama, the opposition Local Co-ordination Committees (LCC) said. Two people also died in clashes between troops and deserte ...
- Peru’s Humala picks ex-army officer to l ...Reuters – President Ollanta Humala replaced his prime minister on Saturday with a former army officer who was his instructor in the military in an unexpected Cabinet shake-up that stunned Peru. Read article
- Afghan bicycle bomb kills two, injuriesReuters – Two people are killed, including a former militant, as a wave of attacks continues in Afghanistan. Andrew Raven reports.
- Rare gene variant implicates vitamin D in caus ...Medical Xpress – A rare genetic variant that appears to be directly and causally linked to multiple sclerosis (MS) has been identified by Oxford University researchers. Importantly, the mutation in the CYP27B1 gene affects a key enzyme which leads people with the variant to have lower leve ...
L.A. Times - Greenspace
- Advocacy group's extreme weather map brings cl ...A new map published today by the Natural Resources Defense Council makes it plain that extreme weather attributable to climate change isn’t something that only happens in other parts of the world. Chances are, you’ve had your own Hurricane Irene, or drought, or something like it, in your own bac ...
- New Cook Islands Shark Sanctuary proposedActivists in the Cook Islands in the South Pacific are proposing a huge new shark sanctuary in the face of fishing pressures and the continued massive drop in shark numbers over the last decade worldwide. The Pacific Islands Conservation Initiative, or PICI, is working with local fisheries autho ...
- San Diego water deal upheld, Salton Sea fight ...A three-judge panel of the 3rd District Court of Appeal overturned a 2010 ruling by a Sacramento Superior Court judge that the deal was improper because the Legislature had essentially signed blank-check to repair damage done to the Salton Sea.
- Sen. Barbara Boxer seeks climate-change action ...Senator Barbara Boxer stepped up today to deliver an appeal for action at the mostly lackluster UN Climate Change Conference, which wraps up this week in Durban, South Africa. Her speech was delivered to an almost-empty Senate TV/Radio gallery, which is indicative of the low priority given ongoi ...
- Inupiat whaling, drilling at stake in recent A ...Independent photojournalists Will Rose and Kajsa Sjölander were on Alaska’s North Slope in November to document traditional whaling by the native Inupiat people, and found themselves at the height of a highly charged mayoral election season, with whaling and a gargantuan new Shell oil drilling p ...
- Caterpillar Foundation partners with Water.orgCaterpillar Foundation Partners with Water.org to Expand WaterCredit in India, Indonesia More than 218,000 people to obtain access water and sanitation facilities PEORIA, Ill.—Caterpillar Inc. (NYSE:CAT) today announced that the Caterpillar Foundation and Water.org announced a $3 million partner ...
- Christiane Amanpour interviews Damon & White (ABC)Actor Matt Damon’s Clean Water Mission (ABC This Week with Christiane Amanpour) - Actor Matt Damon is on a mission to improve access to one of the world’s most precious resources: water. “It’s really hard for people like us to relate to it, because it’s just never b ...
- Water.org, innovators using social media (BosI ...It’s Not Actually About You: How Innovators Are Using the Web For Social Action (Boston Innovation) – Water.org uses technology to help people get access to water. And together, they’re all trying to get people to change their behavior. Too often, people don’t donate to a cause or promote ...
- Matt Damon, Gary White on Huffington PostSafe Water and a Toilet — Is That Too Much to Ask… for 2.5 Billion People? By the time you finish reading this paragraph, one more child will have died from something that’s been preventable for over a century. Nearly 40 percent of the world’s population is still unable ...
- Dan Bena of PepsiCo interviewed about waterChrissy Coughlin of Nature of Business interviews Dan Bena Fabulous conversation with Senior Director of Sustainability at the PepsiCo about strategic partnerships, leadership, the future of water, their dedication to the farmer and the future of agriculture and much much more. Listen to the int ...
Before It's News
- Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner: American ...
- ‘I’ve been forward to Shen Yun for years!’ Say ...
- Arkansas Storms: Tornadoes Wreak Havoc Across ...
- Eats on Feets
- Introducing "Canadas Alex Jones", Dr. Judy Janzen
Energy Probe - Nuclear Power,Utility Reform
- The Deniers on CBC Radio's 'Ideas'The science is settled - is now the mantra of climate change activism? Those who disagree are either in denial or in the pay of an oil company. But long time environmentalist and energy activist Lawrence Solomon says no, the science is not settled on global warming. Ideas producer David Cayley b ...
Margaret's News
- The Shocking Ways the Corporate Prison Industr ...The private prison system has rebounded, growing dramatically, and making big bucks with huge help from the Feds, as large numbers of immigrants are incarcerated. Submitted by John Cause to US Politics & Gov't | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Occupy Black Friday: An Antidote to the Guns, ...Because of the mind set that 'lost leaders' are one day only bargains - Americans have forgotten common decency. Black Friday has deteriorated from a shopping day to mob rule, by force, for items no one needs. Submitted by Kit B. to Business | Note-it! | Add ...
- Ungodly DisciplineFairhaven Baptists under scrutiny by CNN for child abuse - see video and interviews about using god for excusing beating children. Submitted by Kit B. to Society & Culture | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Occupy Everywhere: Michael Moore, Naomi Klein ...In a Democracy Now! special broadcast, we bring you excerpts from a recent event that examined this question and much more. "Occupy Everywhere: On the New Politics and Possibilities of the Movement Against Corporate Power," [vedeo] Submitted by Kit B. to Society & Culture | &nb ...
- White House Urges Egypts Military to Yield PowerMost importantly, we believe that the full transfer of power to a civilian government must take place in a just and inclusive manner that responds to the legitimate aspirations of the Egyptian people, as soon as possible. Submitted by Kit B. to World | Note-it! |& ...
Solar Energy / Energy Boom
- APS Signs Power Purchase Agreements For Two Ne ...Duke Energy Corporation and the Arizona Public Service Compay (APS) have signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) for electricity generated at two recently acquired Duke Energy photovoltaic (PV) solar installations in Arizona. read more
- SolarReserve Entering Photovoltaic Market?California-based solar developer SolarReserve announced it has been awarded preferred bidder status by the South Africa Department of Energy for two solar farms. read more
- First Solar Finds A Buyer For Its 550 MW Topaz ...First Solar Inc. said Wednesday that MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company has agreed to purchase the Topaz Solar Farm. read more
- New NREL Lab Helps Utilities Smooth Renewables ...Called the Energy Systems Integration Facility, or ESIF, the laboratory is located at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colorado. The NREL is one of 17 laboratories managed by the U.S. read more
- Hawaii's Sunetric Enters Mainland U.S. Solar M ...Kailua-based Sunetric, one of Hawaii's leading solar installation companies, last week began its push into the continental United States with the opening of offices in Washington, D.C., Pittsburg and solar-friendly Denver. read more
News Blaze
- Corruption Leads to Unequal Land Distribution ...The report, jointly produced by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Transparency International, found that in more than 61 countries weak governance has increased the likelihood of corruption in land occupancy and administration, inte
- Unemployment Rate Soars 'High' in West BankThis means the rate of unemployment among refugees is now at 27.4 per cent, about five points higher than the wider West Bank rate, which has declined.
- NASA Launches New Custom Internet Radio Statio ...Third Rock also will help partner companies fill high-tech job openings in the engineering, science and IT fields. In addition to the NASA Web Portal, the station will be available online in the future at the radio tab of Apple's iTunes and other s
- New Talent Management Center Helps Poly Studen ...The goal of the expansion is to engage students in not only thinking about their careers early but also in taking active steps in assessing their career choices and job options.
- Large Voter Turnout in Presidential Elections ...She stressed the United States stands with the Congolese people in their quest to advance peace and democracy in their country.
- MS Dhoni greets Yuvraj Singh, Rajinikanth ...Chennai: Dec 12, 2011 India cricket captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni on Monday wished Yuvraj Singh and actor Tamil superstar Rajinikanth, both of whom are celebrating their birthdays. While addressing the media in Chennai...
- BCCI refuses IPL fees payment to Sunil Ga ...By Kushan Sarkar New Delhi: Dec 12, 2011 The BCCI working committee on Monday again unanimously shot down former India captain Sunil Gavaskar's demand of a whopping USD 1 million fee (Appr 5 crore) per season...
- Many Afghan women forced to give birth at ...An Afghan woman can expect to have an average 5.1 babies in her lifetime, the highest fertility rate in Asia. That makes giving birth a common and frequent experience -- but mothers say it is too often also hard, lonely and frightening. At the Ahmad Shah Baba hospital, which Médecins Sans F ...
- Anil Kumble resigns from post of NCA chai ...New Delhi, Dec 12, (PTI): Monday, December 12, 2011 --> In a surprise development, former Indian captain Anil Kumble today tendered his resignation from the chairmanship of the National Cricket Academy (NCA), almost two months after a controversy broke out over an appararent conflict of inte ...
- Bayern Munich offer Danijel Pranjic to Ha ...With Euro 2012 approaching, the Croatia international could leave the Allianz Arena in order to boost his chances of first team football Sign up with 188BET for a FREE bet up to £25 – Great Prices, Every Game Sign up with William Hill for a free bet up to £25 Sign up with bet365 for a ...
Alex in Wonderland
- Report: Active-Duty Army PSYOPS Soldiers Embed ...To better manufacture consent, U.S. Army soldiers are embedded as intern and fellows at local TV affiliates, along with previously reported newspapers and national outlets.
- Military Welfare Budget Won’t Thin Any T ...Ivan Eland sat with RT to discuss the astronomical political clout held by the welfare queens of the military-industrial complex that will thwart any translation of the Pentagon's rhetoric into actual policy
- Afghan Elections Rigged on Video? (Video)Yes, people videotaped it and Al Jazeera broke the story.
- Fuckin’ Oil, Where Did It Went?With 90% of up to 4.4 million barrels of oil 'unaccounted for', it's now... still unaccounted for.
- U.S. Troops ‘Killing for Sport’ in Afghanistan ...Taped interrogations of four soldiers charged in theatrically slaying numerous Afghan civilians were obtained by CNN and ABC. CNN's report includes the soldiers' rampant drug abuse and a before unreported case of staging the murder of an Afghan civilian.
MY Daily Apple
- Acidic oceans threaten fishStocks could suffer as seas soak up more carbon dioxide.
- UN climate talks heading to dealAt the UN climate talks, nations appear to be edging their way to agreeing that a process towards a new carbon-cutting deal should start in the New Year.
- South Africa: Presidency Investigating Heath R ...The Presidency has noted media reports on the concerns of former President Thabo Mbeki about the utterances of the newly-appointed head of the Special Investigating Unit, Willem Heath. (Source: AllAfrica News: Health and Medicine)
- Bayer CEO eyes falling margins in drugs, plasticsFRANKFURT (Reuters) - Bayer expects to see falling profit margins in drugs and plastics as the euro debt crisis sends tremors through economy, chief executive Marijn Dekkers told a German newspaper. (Source: Reuters: Health)
- Hemophilia B Gene Therapy BreakthroughHemophilia B is the first well-known disease to appear treatable by gene therapy, a technique with a 20-year record of almost unbroken failure.
Common Dreams
- Newburgh Four: Poor, Black, and Jailed Under F ...Imam Salahuddin Muhammad could hardly miss Shahed Hussain when he first appeared three years ago at his mosque in the dilapidated town of Newburgh, just 60 miles up the Hudson River from New York. Hussain was flash, drove expensive cars and treated people to gifts of cash and food. He also had r ...
- Blackwater 3.0: Rebranded ‘Academi’ Wants Back ...So much for naming your mercenary company after an obscure element from the periodic table. read more
- High Court Will Look at State Immigration LawsWASHINGTON – The Supreme Court announced Monday that it will take up a dispute over an Arizona law that requires police to check the status of people stopped or arrested if officers suspect they are here illegally. An undocumented immigrant prepares to board a deportation flight to Guatema ...
- Local Bookstores Ask Customers To Boycott Amaz ...Should people boycott Amazon? Increasing numbers of retailers and publishers have been daring to ask the question, in the face of aggressive tactics by the book industry leader. read more
- Protests Boost Sales and Fears of Sonic BlasterQUANTICO, Va.—Police deployment of sonic blasters at Occupy Wall Street and G-20 protest rallies is fueling both sales and criticism of the devices, which emit beams of sound with laser-like intensity. More U.S. police and emergency-response agencies are using the so-called Long-Range Aco ...
The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos
Examine Religion - Tweets
- ExamineReligion: God and Time http://t.co/uTFgmgQKExamineReligion: God and Time http://t.co/uTFgmgQK
- ExamineReligion: The Religion of No Religion h ...ExamineReligion: The Religion of No Religion http://t.co/WDhnVG7V
- ExamineReligion: Christmas is the greatest sea ...ExamineReligion: Christmas is the greatest season because of this one thing http://t.co/7wYbhaYZ
- ExamineReligion: From inside your garage out t ...ExamineReligion: From inside your garage out to the world http://t.co/k02x95ip
- ExamineReligion: Free market system under atta ...ExamineReligion: Free market system under attack http://t.co/Q26FV8mZ
Energy Collective
- Archive: "How to Save a Planet On a Budget" Pa ...This third hour focuses on the venture capital environment for cleantech. Cleantech VC Environment, Moderated by Jesse Jenkins Featuring: Will Coleman, Scott Edward Anderson & Dan Shugar Will began with "cleantech investing 101", and explained how the macr ...
- Bad Blood Boils Over At The NRCFour commissioners write to the House Oversight Committee blaming Chairman Gregory Jaczko about a toxic atmosphere
- Are Durban Outcomes Historic or Hollow? (1)This is the first of two posts on COP17, the Durban-based UN climate change talks: this summarises the accords reached and others' reactions; the next post following immediately i
- Durban - How Big a Deal?Only time will tell whether the Durban climate talks produced an historic breakthrough. It’s possible. What’s clear for now is that the Durban deal keeps the global climate effort intact and moving – however incrementally – in the right direction. The deal is delicately poised between two ...
- Why Some Republicans are Delusional About Oil ...Two Sides of a Coin
Green House - USA Today
- Climate change affects each U.S. state, Web to ...How badly is climate change affecting your state? A new Web tool allows users to see how vulnerable their area has been to drought, flooding and heat extremes as well as the health problems that go along with them.
- What's in your child's car seat? Study finds t ...What's a parent to do? You buy a car seat to keep your child safe but then find out, as a new study reports, that 60% of these products contain dangerous chemicals. The good news: some seats were found to be almost toxic-free.
- U.S. cities require buildings to disclose ener ...Worried that the apartment you like could be an energy hog? Help is on the way as U.S. states and cities begin this year to require that commercial buildings measure and disclose their energy use.
- Study: Climate change imperils Himalayan glaciers Two of three Himalayan glaciers -- both in humid areas of eastern Nepal -- could disappear if present climate change patterns continue, a study predicts.
- Environmentalists cheer Obama's fuel economy hikePresident Obama's plan to double fuel efficiency standards for cars and light-duty trucks by 2025 received applause from environmentalists who had pressed for such action.
Prior Art
- With $4.5 Billion Bid, Group Led by Apple and ...HASH(0xa1dc540)
- Hangover Cure: Warner Bros. Settles Copyright ...HASH(0x4aa6940)
- This Week in IP: Apps, Tats, and Patent Reform ...HASH(0x5fdc098)
- App Backwards: Lodsys, Texas Troll, Targeted i ...HASH(0x4a616f8)
- Supreme Court Rules Against Microsoft in i4i CaseHASH(0x4a53730)
Peoples Voice
- Bailouts, Bondage and Political BankruptcyBy Stephen Lendman Europe and America perhaps face their gravest ever economic crisis. Growing millions are impoverished, unemployed, and out of luck. Hunger and homelessness are increasing. So is unaddressed anger over handouts to bankers, not people facing crushing hardships. Economis ...
- Central Bank Intervention: Much Ado About NothingBy Stephen Lendman On November 30, the Fed, ECB, Bank of England, Bank of Japan, Bank of Canada and Swiss National Bank acted together to cut the rate on dollar liquidity swap arrangements by 50 basis points. Markets surged. Irrationally trumped reason. What, in fact, was accomplished? Swa ...
- US/Pakistan’s Toxic AllianceBy Stephen Lendman Partnering with America has a price. Pakistan's paid dearly. Post-9/11, it's been harmed economically, politically, and strategically. Has its military now had enough and want out? More on that below. At issue is the latest November 26 incident involving NATO for ...
- A Dangerous Woman: Indefinite Detention at Car ...By Susan Lindauer Some things are unforgivable in a democracy. A bill moving through Congress, authorizing the military to imprison American citizens indefinitely, without a trial or hearing, ranks right at the top of that list. I know—I lived through it on the Patriot Act. When Congress ...
- Wall Street is at it Again! This Time its France!By Timothy V. Gatto I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately. Now I’m no economist, but I’ve learned enough in the past few years that convince me that we are all getting screwed royally. The other day I wrote an article about Bernie Sanders (I-VT) who was introducing a Bill i ...
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- Pooled plans won’t solve pension crisis A new CCPA report finds that the government's proposed Pooled Registered Pension Plan (PRPP) program will do nothing to solve Canada’s pension crisis. The report, by Monica Towson, concludes that rather than proposing yet another voluntary savings scheme, the government should instead focus on e ...
- OECD: Canada's income gap is at a record highA new OECD report on income inequality among 34 industrialized nations asserts what CCPA research has long revealed: Canada's income gap is at a record high. As the Globe and Mail reports in this story , "Two factors explain Canada’s growing gap: a widening disparity in labour earnings between h ...
- Political Paralysis and Disaster Budgeting: Le ...As the City of Toronto considers a budget proposal that would result in drastic public sector job cuts, economist Hugh Mackenzie weighs in with a sobering observation: between October 2010 and October 2011, the entire Toronto Census Metropolitan Area lost 8,500 jobs. Mayor Rob Ford's intent to e ...
- Canadian fossil fuel exports threaten climateA new CCPA report finds that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions embodied in Canadian exports of fossil fuels in 2009 were 15% greater than the emissions from all fossil fuel combustion within Canada, and almost four times the emissions from extracting and processing fossil fuels in Canada. The study ...
- Holiday gifts to enlighten, engage, and inspireThis holiday season, why not give a unique gift? CCPA has gift ideas that will enlighten, engage, and inspire. Celebrate the upcoming holiday season by supporting the CCPA's work. You can do this in several ways: give a gift membership; make a donation; or give a calendar. Visit our holiday gift ...
World Wide Hippies
- Hippie TV News and Stuff w/Winston Smith and t ...In Depth News with a Difference. A Little Truth From Winston Smith. Dr. Woody; Cookie Crumbs Hippy Woman “Slightly Relevant” Mikel K Poet; The Mikel K Minute This Week; China syndrome in Japan, The doc is in, Ed croft Weatherman or Shaman, Mike check in Durban, The Mikel K minute, Ju ...
- Child sex abuse scandal rocks Orthodox Jewish ...By DAILY MAIL REPORTER - An Orthodox Jewish community has had to face up to claims of child sex abuse after 83 men and two women were arrested. An initiative was set up to encourage victims to come forward despite pressure from the close-knit religious society to hush up the crimes. Some 117 mal ...
- Going green with Milly the dog and Molly the goat.By KIMBERLEY ROTHWELL,stuff.co.nz – Perhaps it’s the brilliantly orange nasturtiums scrambling up fences. It could be the infant formula tins that have been painted with bright flowers and butterflies, hanging from an old washing line. Maybe it’s the circular garden plots, some ...
- Fukushima Daiichi Disaster: At Ghost Town NamieJapan’s Nuclear Refugees After the disasters of March 11, tens of thousands were ordered to leave their homes in the vicinity of the damaged nuclear plant, their footprints now frozen in the mud. An exclusive look at the land they reluctantly left behind. By Lucille Craft Photograph by Dav ...
- Worldwide Hippies Occupy Updates; No time to shopAnti-Wall Street activists look to block West Coast ports By Laird Harrison | Reuters – OAKLAND (Reuters) – Anti-Wall Street protesters, hoping to briefly cripple a key supply chain of American commerce and re-energize their movement, plan to attempt to block major West Coast po ...
- The BP spill in the Gulf: One year later(NaturalNews.com) - It's been called the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history, and rightfully so, if for no other reason than because, one year later, the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is like the nightmare gift that keeps on giving, some experts are saying. The Deepwater ...
- US space junk falls in South America
- Chernobyl in the Gulf of MexicoBP Spill Released Dangerous Amounts of Radioactive Material Into the Gulf Cross posted here. It’s been more than a year since BP’s runaway Macondo Well began filling the northern waters of the Gulf of Mexico with more than 200 million gallons of sweet crude, fouling shorelines from L ...
- Revealed: the secret battle for the riches of ...Leaked cables show how nations are carving up pristine wilderness By Shaun Walker in Moscow The melting of the polar ice has been disastrous for wildlife but opens up new opportunities to exploit natural resources .firstcolumn { font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; border-bottom: 5px so ...
Crisis Maven
- The End Game or: How the Dupes were Duped or: ...The Euro was probably the most hyped-in currency the world may have ever known. That fact alone should have been reason for suspicion. In this article we contrast some of the eulogies heaped on the Euro back in around 2001/2002 when it was introduced as a tangible currency with these past weeks& ...
- Neutrinos, Physics, Meteors and the Survival o ...As you may have noticed, CrisisMaven recently dabbled in speculative thought about the role of a universe-wide encyclopedia cum news service. The reason this came about was that recently at the Large Hadron Collider around Geneva/Switzerland and crossing under the French border a team of scienti ...
- Archaeology, the Internet and NeutrinosOr: Space and the Universe are a Palimpsest . Most recently Israeli archaeologists unearthed a crusader’s inscription believed to be around 800 years old and, which is why it makes headlines, written in Arabic. For those who have followed archaelogical progress over several decades (and re ...
- Updated Statistical, Economic and Historical R ...We have updated our References section and, for the first time, also published our References ordered by Subjects – probably the most comprehensive trove on Statistical, Economic, Monetary and Historical Data etc. … References by Subject References – General and Applied Statistics Re ...
- Why Our Future Must Be Solar As Our Past Once WasWhen you put a pot on the hot plate on your stove and switch on the heat – do you not expect the pot to get hot? When you add energy on the earth’s surface to what the sun and geothermal influences already provide would you not expect the earth respectively the atmosphere to get [...]
Capital Flow Analysis
- Stock buybacks are bad for investors: Further ...In the working paper “The Buyback Monitor - July 2009: Corporate Stock Buyback Profits of 273 Firms from 2000 into 2009“, published on the Social Sciences Research Network, M.A. Gumport, CFA, provides further evidence that stock buybacks are not as good for investors as often touted ...
- Why Obama’s healthcare scheme portends stagfl ...The trillion-dollar Obama health care plan increases the odds that US economic recover will be delayed, and that unemployment and inflation will increase. The main thrust of the Obama plan is to increase taxes on individuals earning more than $250,000 a year, while forcing all but the tiniest ...
- How long would it take to work off the US trad ...The rest of the world holds $16.8 trillion in US financial assets, according to Federal Reserve release Z.1, as of Q1 2009. [...]
- Why Bernanke’s flawed “exit strategy” policy p ...In a lead op-ed editorial in the Wall Street Journal on July 21, 2009, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke revealed the Fed’s exit strategy with regards to the inflationary effects of the Obama “spending is stimulus” packages and other government measure to contain the curren ...
- Stocks surge on spurious earnings reports: Q2 2009No one knows for sure the real earnings of American corporations. In Q1 2009, according to the Federal Reserve flow of funds table F.102, after-tax profits of US non-financial, non-farm corporations, on an annual basis, were about $589.9 billion. However, about 50% of these after-tax earnings ...
R-Squared Energy Blog
- Why Some Republican are Delusional About Oil a ...Join the forum discussion on this post Two Sides of a Coin In a recent video blog about energy politics, I stated that in my opinion each of the major political parties in the U.S. only gets half of the energy picture. Democrats tend to demonize oil usage, with many believing that we can shift ...
- R-Squared Energy TV: Episode 4 – Energy Effici ...Join the forum discussion on this post This week’s episode of R-Squared Energy TV answers the following viewer questions: Which industry sectors could gain significantly from a drive for energy efficiency? What are some books that you recommend on the energy industry? In this episode I w ...
- China to Embrace Fracking In an Effort to Ramp ...Join the forum discussion on this post The following is a guest post from OilPrice.com. The subject — China’s foray into hydraulic fracturing — was also the topic of an energy roundtable I participated in this past summer: Roundtable on China’s Energy Future. My view is that ...
- Rank the Top 10 Oil Stories of 2011Join the forum discussion on this post Platts’ annual survey of the Top 10 Energy Stories of 2011 is now open: The top 10 oil stories of 2011: cast your vote now They listed about 40 stories; below are the ones that I voted into the Top 10 from the list they had put together: Keyston ...
- R-Squared Energy TV: Episode 3 – Joule Unlimit ...Join the forum discussion on this post This week’s episode of R-Squared Energy TV considers the following viewer questions: What do you think about the company Joule Unlimited? Who are the best politicians on energy policy? Who are the worst? In this episode I explain the single-most im ...
Discovery Educator Network
- Blog post #curation is next #socialmedia kingComments:I invite you also to comment and add your favorite social media curation tools in 2011 on our page : on facebook http://goo.gl/8Fx02 or/and Google Plus http://goo.gl/ZmeL6 . Join free and collaborate in this free global #edtech20 #socialmedia #curation project http://goo.gl/W ...
- Free Technology for Teachers: Shelfster - A Ne ...Comments:Free application that provides users the ability to document resources, bookmark sites, provide annotation, and has iOS app option too. No Safari bar option available. - Dean MantzTags: freetech4teachers, research, organizing, teachers, shelfster, notetakingby: Dean Mantz
- ClassroomDeskArrangement.comTags: classroom_mgmtby: Cheryl Lykowski
- http://hubforteachers.com/media/pdf/EDU_HUB_TR ...Comments:Great poster for junior high and elementary students using "Transformers" as a concept to explain metamorphosis, energy transformation, and adaption. PDF poster curtesy of Discovery Education and HUB. - Dean MantzTags: hub, transformers, science, educationby: Dean Mantz
- Friendly Advice For Teachers: Beware Of Facebo ...Tags: advice, teachers, facebookby: Jackie Gerstein
Rodale News
- Will the FDA Finally Ban BPA? Come March of next year, the toxic chemical bisphenol A, used in the linings of cans and other types of food packaging, may make its curtain call. Or not. On March 31, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will finally announce whether it will ban the chemical from all uses in food packaging, ...
- 3 Ways Companies Trick You with Food ColoringYou may have heard that food coloring chemicals are bad for health, toxic to brain cells, and culprits of sparking hyperactive fits in kids. While there do appear to be health risks associated with certain artificial coloring agents, scientists are still trying to definitively figure out exactl ...
- The 10 Best Ways to Prevent CancerGetting active and cutting excess body fat are two of the best ways a woman can dramatically slash her breast cancer risk—the science is clear. However, obesity, along with genetics, contributes to just 30 percent of the breast cancer diagnoses women get every year. What isn't so clear is what ...
- The Most Dangerous Thing You Do Every DayIt's no longer just texting behind the wheel. Fiddling with DVD players and GPS systems, even putting on makeup, while driving have become Standard Operating Procedure for U.S. drivers, a new Harris Interactive/HealthDay poll has found. The online poll surveyed more than 2,800 U.S. adults, all ...
- Who Eats the Most Fast Food? Hint: It's Not Wh ...Conventional wisdom has long held that income levels and obesity go hand in hand: Those with lower incomes have higher obesity rates, their diets filled with the plethora of cheap foods that are unhealthy and heavily processed, while wealthier people have healthier weights because they can affo ...
big think
- Obama's Foreign Policy: Democratic Realism, no ...What's the Latest Development? For some time after he took office, President Obama rarely spoke out for human rights or used the word 'democracy'. It seemed that the administration decided that, in light of the war in Iraq, too much 'democracy' talk might be a bad thing. Instead, Ob ...
- Candidates Face New Risks on YouTubeCandidates recognize the importance of creating videos for YouTube. A good video can go a long way towards marketing the campaign and building name recognition. But with this amazing opportunity comes risk. Of course we all know about the risk engendered by Senator George Allen when he went on h ...
- Behind Kremlin's Thaw on TV Coverage of ProtestsWhat's the Latest Development? Amid the biggest antigovernment protests in more than a decade–sparked by allegations of widespread fraud in the recent parliamentary elections–the Kremlin has, at least for now, softened its hard line against opponents. But some speculat ...
- Big Idea for 2012: Adults should sign a "no hu ...As we count down to the New Year, Big Think is surveying the ideas that will have the greatest impact in 2012. This idea was suggested by Big Think Delphi Fellow Mitch Horowitz: What's the Big Idea? Attention is rightly focused today on the problem of bullying among school kids. ...
- Is There Any Great Sex in Literature?Once again the Literary Review has announced the winner of its annual Bad Sex in Literature Awards, and once again I’m left strangely unsatisfied. What began as a novel exploration of a special kind of bad prose has become repetitive, tame, even exhausting. After a while all bad sex scene ...
Information Liberation
- Doug Casey - Is This the End of Western Civili ...On July 30, 2011, Doug Casey spoke on the topic of "Is This the End of Western Civilization?" at the Capitalism & Morality Seminar in Vancouver Canada...
- UBS' Advice On What To Buy In Case Of Eurozone ...Three months ago, Zero Hedge presented the first of many narratives that started the thread of explaining the "unmitigated disaster" that would ensue should the Euro break up, which in the words of authors Stephane Deo and Larry Hatheway, would leads...
- Bloomberg News Responds to Bernanke CriticismFederal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said in a letter to four senior lawmakers today that recent news articles about the central bank*s emergency lending programs contained *egregious errors.* While Bernanke*s letter and an accompanying four-p...
- Did FDR Provoke Pearl Harbor?On Dec. 8, 1941, Franklin Roosevelt took the rostrum before a joint session of Congress to ask for a declaration of war on Japan. A day earlier, at dawn, carrier-based Japanese aircraft had launched a sneak attack devastating the U.S. bat...
- Jim Rogers on Freedom Watch 12/06/11...
Be Responsible - Be Free!
- The Non-ConferenceIt’s all I can think of calling it. The MSM aren’t touching it; you even have to search WUWT carefully to find much mention of it. Perhaps it’s because of the sadly damp weather in Durban at the moment (in … Continue reading →
- Parliament On A Knife Edge Part IV – The Rise ...And on it goes. The Gillard government clearly believes it was about to lose its one-seat parliamentary majority, either with this bloke making good with his threat to withdraw support, or this one being carted off to jail. It’s the … Continue reading →
- Agree Or ElseI thought I had better post another discussion point for those who haven’t read Ayn Rand; so how about this article, by the Sydney Daily Telegraph’s Miranda Devine, to which Dr Dave and CommonSenseMajority alerted us the other day. Basically, … Continue reading →
- Life Imitating ArtWhile on my recent road trip, I took the opportunity in my spare time to re-read Atlas Shrugged. It’s been quite a while—over thirty years, in fact—since I first picked up Ayn Rand’s magnum opus, and was struck by how accurately … Continue reading →
- A Whisper In The EarOK, so now the people of the Hellenic Republic won’t have a referendum on the Big Fat Greek Bailout. PM George Papandreou has done a remarkable backflip in the last couple of days. Reading his rhetoric of four days ago, … Continue reading →
Sciencebase - Breaking Science News
- Resident Evil, Uroboros and the benzene ringThe Ouroboros or Uroborus is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent eating its own tail. From the Greek meaning tail eater. The Ouroboros is commonly used to represent self-reflexivity or cyclicality, and other psychobabble nonsense. But, for chemists, it has far greater, more truly physical rele ...
- Robert Noyce Google DoodleRobert Norton Noyce (December 12, 1927 – June 3, 1990) co-founder of Fairchild Semiconductor (1957) and Intel (1968) was known as “the Mayor of Silicon Valley” decades before that FourSquare nonsense came into being. He is also credited (together with Jack Kilby) for the invention of ...
- Attenborough: World is wonderful shockA spoken rendition of a classic and poignant song by the wonderful David Attenborough. Right, said Fred, he’s 85, you know? First spotted this on Ed Y’s G+ page. More science news and views:Scientists, normal people? You bet! I'm a Scientist - The Film. Imperial College protein cryst ...
- Grant a pardon to Alan TuringA new petition is now online seeking a pardon from the UK government for mathematician Alan Turing. In 1952, he was convicted of ‘gross indecency’ with another man, under an archaic law that no longer exists. He was given so-called “organo-therapy” (chemical castration) a ...
- Soft soap solution for motorwaysThe Steiner problem, or as it is also known colloquially, the motorway problem , is a perennial favourite in mathematics with real-world applications. How do you get from A to Z via any number of intermediate towns and cities covering the least number of total miles? Mathematicians and computer ...
RFF Library
- Investigation of Ground Water Contamination ne ...US EPA. Office of Research and Development, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Ada, OK (EPA 600/R-00/000) http://www.epa.gov/region8/superfund/wy/pavillion/index.html [Fuelfix.com] The Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday linked hydraulic fracturing with groundwater contaminat ...
- Homeowners and Gas Drilling Leases: Boon or Bust?New York State Bar Journal (Nov/Dec 2011) / by Elisabeth N. Radow http://bit.ly/t9HJM6 [From the Public Citizen Consumer Law and Policy Blog] Homeowners who sign gas leases to permit hydraulic fracturing for shale gas in Maryland, New York, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and other states may be def ...
- The Inclusion of Aviation in the EU Emissions ...International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development / by Jasper Faber and Linda Brinke http://ictsd.org/downloads/2011/09/faber_web2gp2.pdf [Abstract] The paper scrutinizes the upcoming climate regulation of aviation transport from an environmental and economic perspective. In addition t ...
- Managing the Growing Impacts of Development on ...United Nations Univ., Institute for Water, Environment and Health / by Hanneke Van Lavieren, John Burt, David A. Feary, Geórgenes Cavalcante, Elise Marquis, Lisa Benedetti, Charles Trick, Björn Kjerfve and Peter F. Sale http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3960397/UNU-INWEH%20Policy%20Report.pdf [From an art ...
- America’s Biggest Mercury Polluters: How ...Environment America http://bit.ly/t9jFOw [From an E&E Daily article by Jeremy Jacobs, sub. req'd] Texas, Ohio and Pennsylvania release the most mercury air emissions in the country, and just five companies account for more than one-third of all mercury emissions in the United States, accor ...
Scientific American - News
- Brominated Battle: Soda Chemical Has Cloudy He ...MARIETTA, Ga. It's Monday night at the Battle & Brew, a gamer hangout in this Atlanta suburb. The crowd is slumping in chairs, ears entombed in headphones, eyes locked on flat-screen monitors and minds lost in tonight s game of choice: "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim." To help stay a ...
- Climate Talks Consensus: All Countries Should ...DURBAN, South Africa--For the first time, all major nations--developed and developing--have agreed to a roadmap that would combat climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions via an "outcome with legal force" that would not come into effect before 2020. The 194 countries negot ...
- EPA: Natural Gas Fracking Linked to Water Cont ...In a first, federal environment officials today scientifically linked underground water pollution with hydraulic fracturing , concluding that contaminants found in central Wyoming were likely caused by the gas drilling process. [More]
- Contagion: Controversy Erupts over Man-Made Pa ...It’s a rare kind of research that incites a frenzied panic before it’s even published. But it’s flu season, and influenza science has a way of causing a stir this time of year. [More]
- Spam Hits Lowest Point Since 2008Global spam levels have dropped to their lowest point in three years, and now make up just 70.5 percent of all emails, according to Symantec's new Intelligence Report .This is a significant decline from July 2010, when Symantec detected 230 billion spam messages in daily circulation, a number t ...
First Truths
- "Crisis of the State"From Simon Clark's Keynesianism, Monetarism, and the Crisis of the State: However this structural crisis was not the result of the changing functional requirements of changes in the labour process, but of the tendency for capital accumulation to take the form of the overaccumulation and uneven d ...
- "Aspects of the Post-Ricardian Literature"Interesting and thought-provoking passage from Samuel Hollander's Economics and Ideology: Aspects of the Post-Ricardian Literature (1979): It was Marx's position, as we have mentioned, that while the labor writers of the 1820s drew upon Ricardo's value theory to reach their conclusion regarding ...
- "Integrated Geographies"From Anthony Ince's Whither Anarchist Geography?:It has been said that anarchism combines a socialist critique of liberalism and a liberal critique of socialism. Its refusal to focus merely on "economics" or "freedom" or "culture," and so on, means that anarchism is inherently multifaceted and a ...
- Colbert on AtheistsI enjoyed this passage from Stephen Colbert's I Am America (And So Can You!): AtheistsThese No-goodnik no-Godniks are growing in numbers and power in America. It makes me wonder how a God could exist Who'd allow people to piss me off so much.Luckily, a recent survey published in the American Soc ...
- Tucker on Anarcho-CommunismFor your consideration (and entertainment), the always pugnacious Benjamin Tucker railing against anarchists of the communist sort:Were I now to say, as I think, that the dead revolutionists knew nothing of the principles of scientific Anarchism, freely advocated Archistic and despotic m ...
Media Co-Op
- The Great Climate COP-outIn the next few minutes, I'm going to be closing my computer and leaving the International Conference Centre in Durban, with no plans of ever coming back. The negotiations won't officially be over, I won't know if there is an a ...
- Dene youth delegate speaks out about Canada's ...Daniel T'seilie is in Durban with the Canadian Youth Delegation. A Dene youth from Fort Good Hope, Northwest Territories, he was slated to speak at the closing plenary of the Kyoto Protocol negotations. Because the negotations have dragged out for a day longer than expected, he won't be ...
- Climate Justice Now: Time is running outActivists from around the world deliver urgent message in dying hours of COP17 On Friday night, in what we all assumed to be the final hours of COP17, Climate Justice now held a press conference to give their assessment of where the negotat ...
- Police attack pipeline protesters VANCOUVER - Police attacked environmental activists outside the offices of Apache Pipeline in downtown Vancouver today. People protesting Apache's stake in the proposed Pacific Trails pipeline at a midday rally were punched, shoved and kicked as Vancouver police locked down the office tower. ...
- Canada wins "Colossal Fossil" on final day of ...Canada has been wracking up Fossil of the Day awards in Durban, South Africa. The award, given out daily during the COP17 conference, is given to countries who have done the most to stymie negotiations in the past 24 hours. Going into COP1 ...
David Seaton's News Links
- Russia: be careful what you wish forDavid Seaton's News Links I think one should always be careful what one wishes for.. We've already seen it ourselves, how all the a la page Egyptian bloggers and tweeters and facebookies simply opened the door for the Islamists. Think about it for a moment.... What is the biggest party i ...
- Occupy Wall Street: Plan - BDavid Seaton's News LinksForeclosure is a national tragedy and a relentless drag on economic growth. Jobs can’t be created until demand increases, and demand won’t increase until consumers get out of debt, and housing is the biggest obstacle. If we had healthy institutions, the White House, both ...
- EgyptDavid Seaton's News LeaksThe first round of voting in Egypt shows a strong showing for the Islamic parties, both the Muslim Brotherhood and the more extreme Salifist party Al-Nour. At this point the Islamists appear to have taken two thirds of the vote. This first round took place in urban ...
- The magnificent quest for ShinolaDavid Seaton's News LinksShinola, take a whiff Watching the antics of Romney, Santorum, Bachman, Paul, Cain and Perry and contemplating the mere possibility that someone who should only be handled with forceps like Newt Gingrich could now lead a party once led by Abraham Lincoln or Dwight Eis ...
- The Nicholas Brothers: a slow motion tributeDavid Seaton's News Links The Nicholas Brothers were probably the best dance act of the Golden Age of Hollywood and only Jim Crow could have kept them from being as famous as Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire. I hope you enjoy this slow motion tribute to their art. DS
MoJo - Kevin Drum
- Quote of the Day: the Durban Climate AgreementFrom Kate Sheppard, explaining how the Durban climate conference managed to avoid catastrophe and forge a last-minute agreement: In the end, it came down to a single turn of phrase: changing "legal outcome" in the earlier draft to "an agreed outcome with legal force under the convention app ...
- Yet Another Press-Driven Feeding FrenzyLadies and gentlemen, I give you politics in America: Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney’s baffling decision to propose a $10,000 bet with Texas Gov. Rick Perry over a disagreement on health care policy during Saturday night’s Republican presidential debate dominated the ...
- Newt Gingrich, IntellectualWhy are Republicans so thrilled with Newt Gingrich? The obvious answer, of course, is that they aren't. They just don't like Mitt Romney much, and after speed dating Donald Trump, Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, and Herman Cain and finding them all wanting, Gingrich is all that's left. But that ...
- What Me Worry?Nick Baumann is in Germany and has spent the last week talking with German journalists. Across the political spectrum, he says, they all share a similar view on the euro crisis: rote opposition to both inflation and the idea that German taxpayers might have to pay to cover Spanish or Italian d ...
- Why Italy is BrokeThe Guardian reports today on Tommaso, the world's richest cat. We've seen stories like this before, so it's all a bit ho hum. But check this out: In a handwritten will, signed on 26 November, 2009, Tommaso's mistress — the childless widow of a successful builder — gave her lawy ...
Insanity Report
- IC 290: The Sam Bowie of White WomenTopics: Jennifer Aniston the Hottest Woman of All Time? Steve Harvey’s book becomes a movie Kris Humphries does an interview with his mom Yet another GOP Debate Why is Newt Gingrich leading? Kriss figures out who created the Men’s Health Magazine List Share with your friends:
- IC 289: PeanutsTopics: Kriss buys an iPhone Siri…the side piece in your pocket Corporate Douchebags Political Correctness Gone Wild The problem with Comic Book Movies Law & Order: Penn State update Ginger White is still talking A 200 lbs 8 year old Share with your friends:
- IC 288: The ‘Fuck I’t GeneTopics: Getting pulled over by the cops The joys of speed cameras Kwanzaa…the Iotas of the Holidays Easily offended people The Fuck-it Gene The Side Piece contract Herman Cain suspends his campaign Newt Gingrich thinks poor kids don’t work Sandusky gives another bad interview Share w ...
- FacePalm of the Week: Newt Gingrich and Poor KidsOn the latest edition of “Anybody But Mitt”, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has taken the lead in the GOP Primary. It’s pretty absurd when you think about it. I’m no fan of Mitt Romney, but I’ll take Romney everyday over Gingrich. Remember, Newt Gingri ...
- Conrad Murray Shouldn’t be Going to JailAs often happens, I have once again found myself on the opposite side of public opinion on a topic. I find this happening more often now. I tried for a bit to be more PC and censuring what I said but I’ll be 30 in a few months and I’m basically on some “fuck it” [...]
Simple Climate
- Greenhouse focus confirms humans’ warmin ...Reto Knutti and Markus Huber from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich find just a one-in-twenty chance that natural variability has contributed more than a quarter of the warming seen since 1950, supporting previous studies that used a different method.
- Ice age data cools down warming rateMeasurements from the last ice age suggest we can expect a 2.3°C temperature increase every time atmospheric CO2 concentrations double rather than 3°C – but given how much of the world was covered by ice when temperatures were just 2°C cooler, that's no let-off, says Andreas Schmittner from Oreg ...
- Controls needed to avoid waste in $100B climat ...To ensure the money pledged to the Green Climate Fund is used wisely, its spending rules should be regularly reassessed, spending programs should be independently audited, and a scientific approach to spending decisions should be adopted, says geographer Simon Donner, from the University of Brit ...
- Climate benefit from trees depends on location21 scientists including Xuhui Lee from Yale University find that while planting trees near the equator both cools local temperatures and absorbs CO2, planting in northern regions could be self-defeating.
- Teeming tropical seas face exodus to cooler waterSome of the world's most biodiverse environments, in particular equatorial oceans, are will be most threatened by the speed of climate change find Michael Burrows from the Scottish Marine Institute in Oban and 18 other researchers from eight different countries.
e!Science News
- Tapping the brain orchestraResearchers at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB) have developed a new method for detailed analyses of electrical activity in the brain. The method, recently published in Neuron, can help doctors and researcher to better interpret brain cell signals. read more
- 10 years after attacks on World Trade Center, ...The World Trade Center disaster exposed nearly half a million people to hazardous chemicals, environmental toxins, and traumatic events. According to research published in the December 2011 issue of Elsevier-published journalPreventive Medicine, this has resulted in increased risk of developing ...
- Penn study points to novel way to improve outc ...A new method to boost the number of immune cells in umbilical cord blood prior to cord blood transplants for cancer patients appears to lead to a quicker rebuilding of a new immune system in the patient's body than with a conventional cord blood transplant procedure, according to new research fr ...
- Breast cancer survivors struggle with cognitiv ...A new analysis has found that breast cancer survivors may experience problems with certain mental abilities several years after treatment, regardless of whether they were treated with chemotherapy plus radiation or radiation only. Published early online in Cancer, a peer-reviewed journal of the ...
- Breast cancer patients face increasing number ...Breast cancer patients frequently undergo imaging like mammograms or ultrasounds between their first breast cancer-related doctor visit and surgery to remove the tumor. Evaluations of these scans help physicians understand a person's disease and determine the best course of action. In recent yea ...
- U.S. Stumbles At U.N. Climate Change ConferenceDespite dire planetary consequences, America shows weak leadership (Earthjustice attorney Erika Rosenthal represented the organization at U.N. climate talks that ...
- Obama's Historic Chance To Control Coal PollutionFirst-time rules for coal-power toxics are due Friday How tough will President Obama be on coal plant pollution? This Friday, the Obama administration has the ...
- Obama Filling The West’s Stocking With CoalBut there’s still a chance for one big present under the tree Aerial view of the Alton coal strip mine near Bryce Canyon. Photo (c) Ray Bloxham, Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance. ...
- Will World's Nations Use Road Map To Fixing Cl ...U.N. conference agrees on path but worries whether nations will take it (Earthjustice attorney Erika Rosenthal is attending the 17th Conference of the Parties (C ...
- Friday Finds: New Mexico’s Dairy Industry Step ...Tiny plastic problems, “green” tanning, dry-clean druggies New Mexico's dairy farms must clean up their act. (USDA) New Mexico dairies forced to clean up the ...
Brave New Climate
- The Guardian questions: thorium, shale gas, of ...The Guardian newspaper’s Environment Facebook page recently put the following to their readers: Ask the Global Energy Prize‘s expert panel your toughest energy questions and they’ll be back here on Friday with their answers. What should power our cities, homes and industry in t ...
- Open Thread 20The previous Open Thread has gone past is running of the recent posts lists and getting tough to find, so it’s time for a fresh palette. The Open Thread is a general discussion forum, where you can talk about whatever you like — there is nothing ‘off topic’ here — within reason. So get up ...
- Feeding 10 billion on a hotter planet (Part II)Guest Post by Geoff Russell. Geoff is a mathematician and computer programmer and is a member of Animal Liberation SA. His recently published book is CSIRO Perfidy. His previous article on BNC was: Feeding the billions in 2050′s sauna (Part I) —————— Welcome to Part II of my presumptuously ...
- Solar combined with wind power: a way to get r ...Guest Post by Jani-Petri Martikainen. Jani-Petri is a theoretical physicist doing fundamental research in the field of ultracold quantum gases. Most of his current research activities are computational and involve bosonic or fermionic atoms in optical lattices. He has a lively interest on enviro ...
- Summary of China’s fast reactor programmeChina is looking seriously at a range of nuclear options. From the commercial side of things, the country is building over 25 light water reactors, including four of the new US-designed AP1000. The Chinese are also pursuing a range of advanced reactor programmes, including gas-cooled pebble-bed ...
Indigenist Opinion
- Israel evicts Palestinians from their Jerusale ...Israel evicts Palestinians from their Jerusalem home to give it to Jewish settlers: A Jerusalem human rights centre has revealed that the Israeli occupation authorities have forced a Palestinian family out of their home in order to give it to illegal Jewish settlers. Hussein Hajoo and his family ...
- Poverty kills in Texas | SocialistWorker.orgPoverty kills in Texas | SocialistWorker.org ACCORDING TO the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Texas had the second-highest percentage of households suffering from food insecurity in 2010. Remember that the next time Gov. Rick Perry tries to say that Texas is recession-proof. More than 3. ...
- Oh Fa Chrissake... - The Final Indignity, the ...Oh Fa Chrissake... - The Final Indignity, the Last Insult, the Real America By William Rivers Pitt t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed Friday 09 December 2011 Let's start here. The Air Force dumped the incinerated partial remains of at least 274 American troops in a Virginia landfill, far more than the ...
- BBC TV - George Orwell's 1984 (1954)
- Craig Murray - Ten Per Cent for FreedomCraig Murray � Blog Archive � Ten Per Cent for Freedom: From now until the referendum, I shall give ten per cent of my income to the campaign for Scottish Independence. My income is both meagre and unreliable, and I can’t really afford it, but people have died for freedom willingly, and this is ...
Republicans are a Disease
- The Answer To America’s Problems Is SimpleNo, I am not kidding. America is a rich country and can easily solve most major problems. The main problem is simply the fact that most of America’s wealth and power is in the hands of a few individuals. The system is currently set up to where only they profit from “our” labo ...
- Joe Walsh Tired Of Media Protecting #occupyWalsh claims “Your profession, not you, but the media, has been protecting and boosting this Occupy Wall Street stuff ever since it began,” he told Fox Business host Eric Bolling. “And I’m tired of it.” Mr. Walsh never had one single objection to Fox News (Lies) hosts headlining tea bagger eve ...
- Megyn KellyIs Megyn Kelly the dumbest blonde in the world? No, I mean really…..
- Chris Wallace Claims Americans Are Fed Up With ...Folks, you have to understand. Fox Lies tells it’s lemming viewers what they are supposed to think so they can repeat the same Fox lies around water coolers. Anyone who watches Fox is already brainwashed and lives in some alternate universe where giving billionaires all the breaks help ...
- Pssst CNN… Why Ask Condi About Anything ...Dear CNN. The only question you should be asking Condi is when does she think her treason trial will begin. To ask her opinion about anything else is a disservice to all the brave soldiers who died looking for Saddam’s WMD’s (err… oil). As far as asking her about world affairs, ...
Appalachia Rising
- Day of Action and Conference Vision StatementsAppalachia Rising: Day of Action September 25 – 27, 2010, Washington DC Appalachia Rising is a mass mobilization in Washington DC on September 27, 2010 calling for the abolition of mountaintop removal and surface mining. It is a culmination of the national movement against surface mining and a f ...
- Press Conference to be Held on June 15Thousands to March in DC Calling for the Abolition of Mountaintop Removal Press Conference June 15 in Charleston, WV Announces Mass Mobilization Appalachia Rising WHEN: June 15, 10:00 AM WHERE: WV State Capitol Back Steps Near Fountain, Charleston, WV CONTACTS: West Virginia Bo Webb – 304- ...
- Press InquiriesAll media inquiries should be sent to Bo Webb webb.bo@gmail.com Set up interviews via email. Previous Press Releases and Media Public Launch Press Conference Report Back, with video Press Conference Held on June 15 Announces Appalachia Rising Video June 15 Appalachia Public Launch Press Conferen ...
- New Flier for Appalachia Rising
- Appalachia Rising Uniting Celebrities, Appalac ...Appalachia Rising Uniting Celebrities, Appalachians, and Scientists for the Abolition of Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Ashley Judd, Woody Harrelson, Gloria Reuben, Kyra Sedgewick, Kevin Bacon, Ed Begley Jr., Kathy Mattea, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, James Hansen, and Darryl Hannah rallying behind co ...
Amped Status
- Get Ready for OWSnews.orgApologies for the lack of updates lately. We are currently busy working on a new website specifically dedicated to aggregating and producing news reports on the OWS 99% movement. The site will not be announced for another few days, but you can check it out here: http://OWSnews.org/. An amazing ...
- Does Obama Care About the 99%? David DeGraw on ...
- Aftermath of the Police Raid on #OccupyOaklandBy Ken Knabb This seven-minute video gives a pretty good brief impression of what happened in Oakland yesterday, following the police destruction of the Occupy Oakland encampment at Frank Ogawa Plaza. Among other things, I call your attention to a poignant interaction around 4:45 where a ...
- Marine Down in Oakland – “We’ ...Marine Scott Olsen made it through two tours in Iraq without an injury, but back home in the United States he was critically wounded by a police riot. Heavily-armed police injured Olsen and other unarmed citizens on Oct. 25 when they attacked the non-violent Occupy Oakland. Olsen, 24, had his sk ...
- #OccupyOakland: Riot police fire tear gas, fla ...Defiant Occupy Oakland protesters vow to return to plaza On Tuesday night and into Wednesday, police clashed with hundreds of protesters whom they’d dislodged from an encampment outside City Hall. More than 100 people were arrested, police said, as officers used tear ...
- Major Negev NGO offices burned down over the w ...Security cameras captured a masked assailant set fire to the offices of one of the most important NGOs in the Negev, hours before a major protest for the rights of the Bedouins. The Beer Sheva offices of the Arab-Jewish Centre for Equality, Empowerment and Cooperation (AJEEC), were gutted by fi ...
- Bibi backs law to ban loudspeakers at mosques ...“We don’t have to be more liberal than Europe,” says Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. Believe it or not, Bibi wants to prohibit mosques from using loudspeakers to broadcast the muezzin’s daily calls to prayer - which, as everyone knows, is the identifying sound of the ...
- Bedouin protest Israel’s relocation plan ...Between 3000 and 4000 protesters gathered outside of the Prime Minister’s office in Jerusalem yesterday to demonstrate against the Prawer Report–Israel’s plans to relocate tens of thousands of Bedouin from their homes in the Negev to impoverished townships. Bedouin and Palest ...
- Soldier who shot unarmed protester to death: I ...The IDF has launched an investigation into the circumstances which led to the death of Mustafa Tamimi (28) of Nabi Saleh during a demonstration against the takeover of his village’s lands by the nearby settlement of Halamish, in the West Bank. Haaretz reports: Figures in the army’s C ...
- Eyewitness describes Mustafa Tamimi’s la ...Ibrahim Bornat, artist and activist from Bil’in, was standing next to Mustafa Tamimi when Tamimi was shot in the face with a tear gas canister at close range by an Israeli soldier. Speaking through a translator to Ben Lorber of the Alternative Information Center, Bornat describes the moments bef ...
Sustainability,water,etc - Oz gov't
- Biodiversity Fund opens for Australia's farme ...Applications for funding under a key part of the Gillard Government's strategy to cut carbon pollution and secure a clean energy future will open today.
- Applications open for Suburban Jobs program Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Tony Burke, today announced the opening of applications for the Suburban Jobs program.
- Liberals make excuses for violence at sea Tony Abbott should reprimand his Opposition Environment spokesperson Greg Hunt for absolving whalers and whaling protestors of their responsibility for safety in the Southern Ocean.
- North-East Irrigation Scheme opened The Federal Minister for Water Tony Burke and the Minister for Primary Industries and Water Bryan Green today officially opened the first water scheme in the North-East under Tasmania's irrigation development plan.
- Improving groundwater knowledge in Victoria Parliamentary Secretary for Sustainability and Urban Water, Senator Don Farrell and Member for Ballarat, Catherine King, congratulated Southern Rural Water on today’s launch at Bungaree of its new groundwater atlas.
Matt Weidner Blog
- UC Davis Pepper Spray, Administrative Wage Gar ...Pepper Spray, that’s what I’ve been obsessing about over the weekend. If you have not yet seen the video, you must watch the entire video of University of California, Davis police officers spraying pepper spray on PEACEFUL student protesters like they are cockroaches. (SEE VIDEO HER ...
- OUTRAGE! Paramilitary Forces Pepper Spray Stud ...College campuses are supposed to be places where young people go to learn and express themselves right? And is there any venue more appropriate for PEACEFUL, NON-VIOLENT protest than a college campus? I mean, I hear all the comments complaining about Occupy and how they’re interrupting bus ...
- Hey I Know, Let’s Throw People Into The ...Rats Replace Homeowners In Foreclosed Homes Scridb filter
- America Died in 2000…And We’re Dyi ...I remember, not so many years ago that America was a proud and strong and honest and hard working and free and just nation. Really, we were. Honestly, it’s true. Entire nations and people all around the world looked towards America with envy and longing and hope. In the allegory that w ...
- LISTEN TO 84 YEAR OLD NAZI SURVIOR COMPARE OCC ...I have been criticized for using the specter of Nazi persecution and totalitarian persecution to describe what is sweeping across this country….I’ve been quoting the poem: First they came for the communists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a communist. Then they c ...
abelard - news
- what we, the uk, are outside of | politics eu ...EU delusions that the Eurozone will actually work with new rules that are the old rules rehashed.
- the morning after the night before | politics ...And reality clocks in, no doubt, EU still have gnormous debts to pay. From whom will they try to cadge some money next?
- what just happened in the eu | politics eu new ...Britain refuses to allow the City be used to fund EU bad debtors. Merkosy stamps their foot.
- churchill in parliament, 24 may 1944, on spain ...Britain's greatest 20th century statesman acknowledges the Spanish, positive contribution to helping defeat Hitler.
- is this the end of another fascist 'new' labou ...'New' Labour bowed to the EUSSR, submitting the UK to the madness of the European Arrest Warrant. Now this legal attack on civil liberties is being unravelled.
The Parallel Parliament
- This Business of CitizenshipIn a recent Harvard Business Review, one of the bibles of American entrepreneurship, Rosabeth Kanter mulled about taking business to …Continue reading »
- The New Star of BethlehemWe forget that one of the key characteristics shared by all great faiths was that they were marginalized in their …Continue reading »
- Time to Occupy Parliament?This blog post appeared as a London Free Press article on December 10, 2011 The media’s ongoing reporting of the …Continue reading »
- When Santa Comes EarlyThis week’s news of how our food bank numbers have crept up to 3500 families a month – our highest …Continue reading »
- How the Grinch Stole the Food Bank ChristmasIt’s hard when the Grinch personally arrives and attempts to steal your Christmas spirit, but that’s just what happened at …Continue reading »
Vaccine Awakening
- Vaccine Wake Up Call for Parents: Your Childre ...by Barbara Loe Fisher Every mother has had the nightmare. We dream our child, who we love more than we thought we could love anyone, has been taken away by strangers and cannot be found. The cold fear rises up from our stomach into our throats as we search, endlessly, to find the child we would ...
- The Health Liberty Revolution & Forced Vaccination“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” – Abraham Lincoln by Barbara Loe Fisher In America today, there is an unprecedented assault on the human right to exercise informed consent to medical risk-taking ...
- What You Should Know About Meningococcal Disea ...by Barbara Loe Fisher Today, pediatricians give American babies as many as 33 doses of 13 different vaccines by 12 months of age.1, 2 Now, federal public health officials are considering recommending that doctors give four more doses of a new vaccine – meningococcal vaccine – to babies between ...
- Vaccines & Liberty: Let Freedom Ringby Barbara Loe Fisher My country, ’tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing: Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrims’ pride, From every mountain side, Let freedom ring.[1] What is liberty? Webster’s Dictionary defines Liberty as “the quality or state of being free,” ...
- In Memoriam: Infant Deaths & Vaccinationby Barbara Loe Fisher Memorial Day is for remembering those, who have fought and died to defend America and preserve our civil liberties, including freedom of thought, speech, religious belief and conscience. So every Memorial Day I remember the children, who have died after receiving state man ...
2020 Science
- Nanotechnology prominent in percieved 21st cen ...This image from the first US National Science and Engineering Festival attracted my attention this morning: It’s a wordle constructed from responses to the question “What will be the greatest discoveries and advancements science and engineering will bring us in the 21st century?̶ ...
- International Handbook on Regulating Nanotechn ...Back in the mists of time, I was approached with a crazy proposition – would I help co-edit a book on nanotechnologies regulation! In a moment of weakness I said yes, and a little more than two and a half years later, the book is finally about to hit the shelves. I actually think the [... ...
- Lost in the MaizeA weekly reflection on life in academia Note to self: Try not to fall asleep before important interviews with smart journalists. It’s been a tough week. My gift from last week’s meeting in San Francisco was a lovely ripe cold – something of an occupational hazard these days be ...
- Tenure track faculty positions in risk science ...Just thought I’d circulate this on the 2020 Science network – please feel free to pass on the information to anyone who might be interested. We have finally started the process of looking for two junior faculty to join the Risk Science Center at the University of Michigan School of P ...
- Basic research and personal responsibilityDan Sarewitz has a rather provocative commentary in Nature this morning, where he suggests that proposals to increase basic research may be good politics, but questionable policy. The headline alone is probably enough to get some science-advocates’ blood boiling, whether they go on to read ...
Reader Supported News
- Top Five Legal Stories of 2012Toobin begins: "With 2011 just about behind us, it's time, once again, to look ahead to the coming year's big legal stories." In August 2010, the federal district court in San Francisco declared Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage, unconstitutional. (photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Ima ...
- EPA Finds Hydrofracking Chemicals Contaminate ...Intro: "So much for the oil and gas industry claim that the practice of hydraulic fracturing has never polluted a drinking water well. On Thursday, the Environmental Protection Agency officially threw that claim in the waste pit. It announced that an investigation of water contamination in Pavil ...
- EPA Finds Hydrofracking Chemicals Contaminate ...Intro: "So much for the oil and gas industry claim that the practice of hydraulic fracturing has never polluted a drinking water well. On Thursday, the Environmental Protection Agency officially threw that claim in the waste pit. It announced that an investigation of water contamination in Pavil ...
- FOCUS: Obama, a Class Warrior?Intro: "Most Presidential speeches don't mean much. Tuesday in Osawatomie was different..." President Obama speaking in Osawatomie, Kansas, 12/06/11. (photo: Mandel Ngan/Getty Images) {rsnslider}{wrap height="4300" scrolling="no"}http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/johncassidy/2011/1 ...
- FOCUS: Obama, a Class Warrior?Intro: "Most Presidential speeches don't mean much. Tuesday in Osawatomie was different..." President Obama speaking in Osawatomie, Kansas, 12/06/11. (photo: Mandel Ngan/Getty Images) {rsnslider}{wrap height="4300" scrolling="no"}http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/johncassidy/2011/1 ...
War Resisters League
- “The Friday of Occupation’s Defeat ...As the US military withdrawal from Iraq approaches its deadline of December 31st, 2011, the Popular Movement to Save Iraq‘s Uday al-Zaidi, released a statement calling for celebration, vigilance, and a new front “to resist the second face of the … Continue reading →
- Stop Militarization of Our Communities in the ...[The following statement originated from activists in the San Fransisco Bay Area. For further information, contact: bay2egypt@gmail.com ] As 2011 gives way to 2012, people’s movements for justice are met with unprecedented global militarization. From Oakland to Egypt, people are demanding ̷ ...
- Occupation: Liberation-Building Sustainable Re ...by Matt Meyer [This article was originally published on 'New Clear Vision' on November 28th, 2011.] Just as police were attacking Occupy spaces in Oakland, Portland, New York City, and elsewhere, and various mainstream (and even some left-leaning) pundits were … Continue reading →
- Welcome Home: Building an Inclusive Movement f ...[This article was originally published on the Fellowship of Reconciliation Blog on Thursday, November 17, 2011.] By Randall Amster I’m on a number of email lists across the activist spectrum, and have noticed an increasing tendency toward what might be … Continue reading →
- Message of Solidarity to Occupy Wall Street fr ...[This statement was originally published in the e-zine Jadaliyya on November 3rd, 2011, by OWFI President Yanar Mohammed* and WRL national field organizer Ali Issa.] Dear Occupy Wall Street, The people of the world are watching you, following your … Continue reading →
Center for a Livable Future
- Corn Ethanol: How Much Energy Are We Actually ...When you consider all the aspects of ethanol’s life cycle—from growing the feedstock, producing the fuel, transporting it to the point of sale, to burning the fuel in your vehicle—are we actually gaining energy?
- Sweetening the Deal for CAFOs: Hidden Subsidie ...How are concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) profiting from Farm Bill subsidy programs targeted at U.S. crop farmers? How are these “hidden subsidies” for industrial farm animal production (IFAP) hurting more sustainable food animal producers?
- “Not Some Rump Group”: CLF Cited in Congressi ...In making much ado about farm dust, Republicans have been making much ado about nothing.
- Healthy Farms, Healthy People: You Can’t Have ...The Coalition brings together stakeholders from the health, agricultural, anti-hunger, environmental and economic development communities, whose diverse expertise is necessary to make such reforms to the food system a reality.
- USDA People’s Garden Grant Awarded to Baltimor ...The $60,000 award will be divided among existing community organizations within Cherry Hill, who will partner to plant community and school gardens, and deliver education programs that promote gardening and healthy eating.
k2p blog
- Strong winds in Scotland – wind turbine ...High winds caused a wind turbine to burst into flames at the Ardrossan Wind Farm in Scotland
- Climategate 2.0: What’s in the encrypted ...Climategate 1 and 2 emails have so far revealed the mediocrity of the climate scientists and the biased reporting of gullible journalists engaged in promoting global warming. But politicians, bureaucrats and carbon traders can be expected to be the subject of the 200,000 emails waiting to be dec ...
- Light blogging for 2 weeksI am on an assignment in India and blogging will be light for a couple of weeks. In a rainy and cool Bangalore where I haven’t seen the sun in 4 days — but traffic is horrendous:
- “the objective impartial (ho ho) BBC tha ...An email exchange between Alex Kirby of the BBC and Phil Jones of CRU exposes the BBC's blatantly biased reporting.
- Guttenberg buys his way out of prosecution for ...Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg has paid 20,000 euros to avoid prosecution on charges of plagiarism. With the case dismissed, Guttenberg could stage a political comeback.
Left Foot Forward
- Cameron turns Britain from an outlier into an ...Cameron’s EU decision must be seen as an opportunity in opposition to both lead and win a debate on the twin issues of the future of multilateralism and Europe.
- More grim news: Economists predict UK will be ...Alex Hern reports on the projection that the British economy will fall into recession in 2012.
- Five reasons to oppose the welfare billThe welfare reform bill will penalise the disabled, those working class communities who live in inner cities and second-earners who work over 16 hours a week.
- Women’s work – an opportunity for growth we ca ...James T. Plunkett looks at why increased participation in the workforce by women may be the key to growth that this government needs.
- Nazi party Tory is sorry you were offendedAlex Hern covers the fallout from Tory MP Aidan Burley’s attendance of a Nazi-themed stag party.
- Shoplifter Stabs Walmart Security Employee In ...Something odd must be in the water at a Walmart in Georgia. At the very same store where syringes were turning up in clothing, an employee was stabbed over the weekend after confronting an accused shoplifter in the parking lot. The employee told cops that the shopper stabbed him when he and an ...
- AT&T Mulling Over Revisions To T-Mobile Deal T ...We're guessing that when AT&T announced it was going to buy T-Mobile USA for $39 billion that it didn't expect the deal would receive such jeers from the regulators at the Justice Dept. or the FCC. But with the former ready to go to trial to block the merger and the latter saying it will hold i ...
- Would Capping Credit Card Interest Rates Help ...Many Americans are carrying more than $10,000 in revolving credit card debt, some with an APR of over 20%. But while the idea of putting a more reasonable ceiling on these rates might seem like a way to help get these folks out of debt and back in the black, some say it would likely have no pos ...
- Treat Yourself: Holiday Self-Gifting Is The Ne ...Don't want to make excuses as to why you're not wearing that sweater your Aunt Dolores gave you for Christmas? Avoid that whole mess with one simple idea -- skip gift exchanges and just give yourself what you want for the holidays. Time.com says surveys of holiday shoppers indicate self-giftin ...
- Here's How To Avoid Getting Stuck With Counter ...Oh, that terrible moment when you show up for the much-anticipated concert/sporting event and the ticket taker scans your ticket and... nothing. It's a fake and you're now poorer and without a ticket. If you've ever been tricked into buying a counterfeit ticket, there are ways you can minimize ...
Whistleblogger - GAP
- Corruption at the Inter-American Development B ...The Inter-American Development Bank.It seems that the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is holding an accountability gala (invitation here) this week called "Leveraging Transparency and Integrity as a Condition to Sustainable Development." There will be a transparency carnival conducted by T ...
- Defense Suggests Bradley Manning Faced Multipl ...Courtesy of Flickr user Fibonacci BlueBaltimore Sun: Defense Suggests Accused WikiLeaker Was Troubled Soldier Summary: The pre-trial hearing of Bradley Manning – the soldier accused of giving classified documents to WikiLeaks – is set to start Friday. Papers filed by Manning’s attorney suggest ...
- Clean up the Development Banks before New BailoutWorld Bank headquarters in Washington, DC.So, the big banks are back in Congress with their multiple hands out looking for donations from US taxpayers. But we're not talking about the Goldmans and the Sachs again – the current banks begging are the "development" banks – the World Bank and its re ...
- DOJ Official Takes Heat Over 'Fast & Furious,' ...Another Reason Lanney Breuer Should Resign: The Tom Drake Case Summary: Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) has called for the resignation of Department of Justice Criminal Division head Lanney Breuer for his previous denial of knowing details of the “Fast & Furious” operation. GAP N ...
- Another Reason Lanney Breuer Should Resign: Th ...Senior Republican Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) called for the resignation of Justice Department Criminal Division head, Lanney Breuer, after Breuer denied knowing details of the controversial "Fast and Furious" operation. The Washington Post reports: The “Fast and Furious” program ...
UK Progressive
- Bishop Eddie Long Takes a SabbaticalBishop Eddie Long has announced that he will be taking a sabbatical. This announcement, reported in the Associated Press, comes days after his wife Vanessa announced that she had filed for divorce — only to retract that announcement within hours of making it. This strange sequence of events come ...
- The Monday Line: 19 Days to Genocide in Camp A ...Ironic that Egypt’s pro-democracy demonstrators fought and freed a nation from a brutal dictator in 18 Days, yet in just 1 more day’s length 3,400 people in Camp Ashraf may be condemned to die in the middle of the Iraqi desert because of apathy and inaction. These 3,400 have been the subject of ...
- Why No Financial Crisis Prosecutions? Ex-Justi ...It’s an issue we and others have noted again and again: Years after the financial crisis, there have still been no prosecutions of top executives at the major players in the financial crisis. Why’s that? Well, according to a now-departed Justice Department official who used to be in charge of in ...
- Monsanto & Other BioTech Giants Deeply Entrenc ...Monsanto, the multinational agricultural biotech giant, is also the world’s largest producer of genetically engineered seeds. Notorious for its aggressive and heavy handed business tactics, and questionable ethics, Monsanto is deeply entrenched in our political system, having spent $2 million on ...
- Britain Wants To Lead EU… Yet Be Free Of Its RulesBritain’s Prime Minister has ‘taken a bold decision’ according to Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne. Yup, bold… We’ve gone our own way and stand isolated against our biggest global trading partners and sit on the verge of irrelevance ‘in’ and possibly threatened with being kicked ‘out o ...
- Khan Academy Goes to Rural MongoliaCo. Exist
- Indiana Democratic Party Head Resigns as Fraud ...Fox News
- Repeal of ObamaCare Is Overwhelmingly PopularThe Weekly Standard
- Corzine's Romance With Risk That Brought on a ...The New York Times reports:Soon after taking the reins of MF Global in 2010, Jon S. Corzine visited the Wall Street firm’s Chicago offices for the first time, greeting the brokers, analysts and sales staff there. One broker, Cy Monley, caught Mr. Corzine’s eye. Unknown to MF Global’s top manage ...
- Newt Flashback 2008: ‘I Did Fair Amount Of Wor ...Breitbart T.V.
- Durban: Wild ambit fails, but money flows.  ...Good news. The talented strategists left the UNFCCC team before COP17 in Durban. The A-graders saw the trainwreck coming and moved on. Everyone knows it’s a herculean task to get 190-odd countries to sign anything, and with a typical pragmatical approach the UN drafting team have gone for ...
- Councils become climate experts too. (Now Big- ...The answer seems so bleeding obvious. Local governments are ruling on what people can do with their own land if it happens to be near seas recorded as rising at a frightening 1mm per year. Home owners are losing options and home value, not because of the rising water, but because of rising nonse ...
- Chinese 2,485 year tree ring study shows shows ...A blockbuster Chinese study of Tibetan tree rings by Lui et al 2011 shows, with detail, that the modern era is a dog-standard normal climate when compared to the last 2,500 years. The temperature, the rate of change — it’s all been seen before. Nothing about the current period is  ...
- Influential people are getting the message: Gi ...Cover: Australian Resources and Investment Dec 2011 The key messages are not lost on the bright and influential, and even if the mass-media avoid the evidence, the facts are quietly storming their way through the echelons of power. For the future historians, here’s a glimpse of how informa ...
- Skeptics leap from planes to see if zombie med ...What do skeptics have to do to break the spell of government appointed experts? Many journalists are apparently trapped in a fit of ideological blindness — they can’t acknowledge emails leaked from their favourite scientists. What do you do when your religious idol turns out to be a ...
ReNew America
- Supreme Court will hear Arizona immigration case(Washington Times) - The Supreme Court announced Monday it will take the case of Arizona's tough immigration crackdown law, adding yet another contentious clash between the Obama administration and the states to its docket. The case, which has attracted national attention, pits Arizona against t ...
- Kagan recuses herself from Arizona immigration ...(Associated Press) - The Supreme Court agreed Monday to rule on Arizona's controversial law targeting illegal immigrants, setting the stage for an election-year decision on an issue that is already shaping presidential politics...
- What would you do differently from Obama (if y ...(Wes Vernon, RA analyst) - The Occupy Wall Street (OWS) crowd (with White House ties) is the natural outgrowth of several generations of classroom Marxist indoctrination. Foremost has been the hate-America "history" taught in writings of the late Communist Party member Howard Zinn...
- Obama's war on decency(Robert Knight) - Three incidents in recent days tell us all we need to know about the Obama administration's "values." On Dec. 1, the story broke that Bethesda-based Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, where wounded veterans convalesce, apparently had banned visitors from bringing in ...
- In Kansas, Obama emulates Dorothy: 'Lions and ...(David Limbaugh) - President Obama's much-ballyhooed speech in Osawatomie, Kan., was his best effort to put a happy face on class warfare. Though some were elated, fantasizing that he might be getting his messianic mojo back, even his reliable cheerleaders recognize there's no substance beneath ...
Truth Offering
- The False Flag Cyber Attack Takedown of the In ...Here are some of today's top shock headlines: "Army of hackers targets the Swedish government, Sarah Palin and credit card giants in WikiLeaks 'Operation: Payback'" - The Daily Mail "Hackers Rise for WikiLeaks" - Wall Street Journal "WikiLeaks backers hit MasterCard and Visa in cyberstrike" - R ...
- S. 510: The Death of Food Freedom ActIn the world of liberty lovers and food freedom fighters, there's been a ton of attention lately on Senate bill S.510 -- the deceitfully-named, "Food Safety Modernization Act [1]." But in the mainstream media, there's been but a whimper; a pathetic trickle of occasional, fleeting and understated ...
- Politicians and the Voting Public: A Toxic Rel ...At TruthOffering.com, we've written much about what's known as the Liberty to Tyranny cycle. The reason we've focused so much attention on this cycle is that we believe in it completely. That is to say, since every civilization has followed this cycle's projection, it's reasonable to suspect the ...
- Education v. Conditioning: Wundt, Rockefeller ...John D. Rockefeller, Sr. / Wilhelm WundtSince reading "the deliberate dumbing down of america" by Charlotte Iserbyt, I've been trying to find other people out there who have also noticed the ruining of education in the United States. To be honest, it's hard to find information on this subject ou ...
- TruthOffering's Matt Gordon on LA Talk Live's ...Have a listen to Matt Gordon from TruthOffering.com chatting with Hip-hop connoisseur, D-Bracks, on LA Talk Live. Topics range from economics and politics to international banksters and chemtrails. Be sure to drop a comment and let us know what you think of Matt's perspective:
2012 Blog
- Antioxidants Protect from RadiationHeath nuts tend to be keen on antioxidants, and there are plenty of products out there that mention the benefits in their advertisements. They now seem to be of potential value to survivalists – taking ...Antioxidants Protect from Radiation is a post from: 2012 Blog Related posts:Fr ...
- Morphic Resonance and EvolutionI have a lot of respect for Rupert Sheldrake, and his work is scientifically valid, yet it is mostly mentioned in the realms of New Age. This is a shame because I feel he could ...Morphic Resonance and Evolution is a post from: 2012 Blog Related posts:Risk Distribution Law For Evolution ...
- In Brief: Sea Levels & Supervolcano: EruptionApocalyptic warnings that islands such as the Maldives will sink beneath the waves are far-fetched, said Nils Axel-Morner, former head of the Paleogeophysics and Geodynamics department at Stockholm University. He says that any ...In Brief: Sea Levels & Supervolcano: Eruption is a post f ...
- Earthquake Alert: Lunar Eclipse on SaturdayAccording to my research, the five days either side of a lunar eclipse are twice as likely to have a major earthquake – the type that cause deaths and appear on the evening news. We ...Earthquake Alert: Lunar Eclipse on Saturday is a post from: 2012 Blog Related posts:Central Lunar ...
- Switzerland: Secret Base of the Mysterious Elders?My beloved Mysterious Elders, who I hypothesize were behind the construction of pyramids around the world, and were quite likely a different race or species to ourselves, probably had a base. If these elders survive ...Switzerland: Secret Base of the Mysterious Elders? is a post from: 2012 Blog ...
Facing South
- States will fight environmentalists over feder ...
- How Art Pope helped bring you Herman Cain
- HB 56 reigniting civil rights movement in Alabama
- Could Florida's war on voting change the outco ...
This ...
- Fred Shuttlesworth: God saved him to fight
One News Page
- Robin Williams - Robin Williams Rules Out Mrs ...Robin Williams says there will be no Mrs Doubtfire sequel because writers couldnt make it work The comic actor admits the possibility of a follow-up to the 1993 film - in which he played a divorced dad who impersonates a female housekeeper to s...
- Scarlett Johansson Glad She Married Ryan ReynoldsSCARLETT Johansson claims marrying Ryan Reynolds was the “best thing” she ever did. The 27-year-old actress wed the Green Lantern star in 2008, and although they split in December 2010, Scarlett is not regretful as she felt it was “instinct” to set up a home with him. “It was the best ...
- 'Amazing Race' recap: 'We Are Charlie Chaplin'The final four race from Belgium to Panama City on the penultimate leg.
- Miss India Hasleen Kaur detained at airportMiss India Earth Hasleen Kaur 2011 detained at airport with Rs 1.9 lakh booty.
- Khloe Kardashian -- Down to Relocate If Lamar ...Filed under: Khloe Kardashian, Kim Kardashian, Lamar Odom, TMZ Sports, TV *Khloe Kardashian* is already preparing herself in case *Lamar Odom* gets traded out of Los Angeles ... and a source close to the family tells TMZ she's open to moving out of L.A. to be with her hubby. Odom was ...
Global Research TV
- US Covert Ops may be First Phase of War on Iran
- Earth: Alive, Beautiful, Finite, Hurting
- US Government Ignores Imprisoned Palestinian P ...
- Russia Slams Clinton Over Election Criticism
- Italy's Welfare Minister In Tears Over Austeri ...
Daily Tech
- Ford is First Automaker to Conduct Large On-Th ...Employees will be eager guinea pigs to MyFord Touch Upgrade build
- NHTSA Proposes Standardized "Emergency Stop" P ...NHTSA wants a half second press to turn off a vehicle
- Quick Note: SandForce SF-2481 SSD Processor is ...Processor offers more reliability and speed for cloud environments
- LightSquared Wireless Service Signals Interrup ...U.S. officials say no additional testing is needed to prove the existence of harmful interference
- Report: DoD Could "Stretch Out" F-35 Lightning ...Final value of the contract will be determined in 2012
Oriental Review
- Smashing Greater Central Asia (III)Part I Part II Representatives from all of the secret agencies of the Stans, except for Turkmenistan, have come together in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan to identify a common threat in Central Asia, emanating from a non-existent terrorist underground (SEE: Secret services say about the presence in Central ...
- International Rating Agencies Back Up US DollarStandard and Poor’s is warning that a credit rating downgrade might loom on the horizon for the EU as a whole, which is predictable news considering that 15 Eurozone countries have already ended up on the agency’s review list. The current round of hammering Europe is taking from the ...
- US Drug War Against Russia Waged From the Asia ...The US intelligence community launched its first drug attacks against Russia in the early 1990s, an epoch when drastic reforms were bleeding Russia’s law enforcement agencies and the borders of the formerly insulated country became easy to cross for envoys of Western drug cartels. The Russ ...
- Karzai’s Loya JirgaPresident Karzai and his government hailed the Loya Jirga, a 2030 strong assemblage of parliamentarians and notables from across the country, as a great success. Certainly it could be deemed a success that the Taliban despite the threats they held out were not able to prevent participation nor w ...
- Egypt After «Revolution of January 25»The first round of parliamentary elections in Egypt has been completed. The elections to the Egyptian parliament (the lower house or People’s Assembly and the upper house or the Shura Council – the Senate) are held in three rounds. First round: from November 28 till December 5, second round: fro ...
- The Men I've Loved: A HistoryIt was 1983. I was four. And I was in love. He was charming. He came from a good family. And my, could he sing. I recall so well his falsetto rendition of Jesse’s Girl. He’d take the lead and his brothers handled backup. That was my Al. Never upstaged. His flair for disorde ...
- Why I Won't Let My Child Watch The Muppets, To ...So DH and I headed out to see The Muppets. I just wanted to make sure it was OK for kiddo, because you always want to pre-screen these things whenever possible, just in case of objectionable content, and ... Um, OK, no. I wanted to see The Muppets. Because I grew up on The Muppet Show reruns. ...
- Simple Steps for Staying Organized Through the ...Question: The holidays make me so anxious! How can I stay organized this year? Short Answer: A small amount of pre-planning (and printing) can go a long way. Read on to learn qu ...
- Make Your Own Fabric Ornament [Editor's Note: V and Co. is chocked full of fun how-to tutorials. Did you really think blog author Vanessa Christenson was going to let Christmas pass without a project? Dust off the old sewing machine and get ready to trim your tree with festive handmade fabric ornaments. -Jen]Fabric OrnamentV ...
- Scientifically Proven for Female Pleasure? Wha ...KY's ad campaign featuring everyday couples putting a bit of spice into their sex lives is deserving of praise. In KY's ads, the use of the lubricant isn't trumpeted -- KY's ads say the use of sex aids are perfectly normal, rather than deviant or a fix for defectiveness -- the problem is what th ...
Health Freedom Alliance
- 8 Dangers of Diet SodaYou’ve probably noticed I mention diet soda quite often as something you need to eliminate from your diet as quickly as you can. It is a huge peeve of mine (along with a ...
- Medical experts warn of unhealthy buzz touting ...You don’t have to look far to get recent energy drink-related news. They are consistently a controversy in the news. The public touts all sorts of concerns – ranging from tooth decay to ...
- Coconut Oil Health BenefitsThere is no better source of saturated fat than coconut oil. Unlike other saturated fats, it contains medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA’s). Other sources of saturated fat contain long-chain fatty acids. Some of ...
- Peanut Butter – Is It Healthy? Is It Goo ...Research shows that peanut butter is effective in combatting diseases. A number of studies have shown that niacin rich foods like peanut butter protect against Alzheimer’s disease and age-related cognitive decline. ~ Health Freedoms In addition, ...
- Hidden Dangers of Soy: Soy Product DangersIf you have been hearing all about how excellent soy products are for you, and how much the soybean can benefit your health on so many levels, then you might be very surprised ...
Live News Wire
- Editorial: As The Country Mourned, Tucson Need ...Those who criticized the reaction of the crowd at Wednesday night's memorial have it ingrained that a perfect memorial is one with candles, flowers and tears. The citizens of Tucson and the American people have mourned for five days. Wednesday's event was not a time to mourn some more. It was a ...
- Police Made Visits To Loughner Home Before Sho ...The Tucson, Arizona family home of 22-year-old Jared Loughner had been visited by authorities before the shooting of a congresswoman and 18 others last Saturday, new information by the New York Times revealed Wednesday. It's unclear what the visits were about or what prompted the call to author ...
- Criminal Charges Filed Against Congresswoman’s ...Newly-released court documents offer a glimpse into the motive behind Jared Loughner's attempted assassination of Tucson Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords on Saturday. Recovered from Loughner's home was a letter addressed to Jared Loughner from Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Giffords mailed a ...
- “Unbelievable Tragedy:” Congresswoman Shot By ...At least fifteen gunshots rang out shortly after 10:10am Arizona Time Saturday, bullets fatally striking a Federal Judge and injuring a prominent Congresswoman. Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) of Arizona's Eighth District was wounded at a public meet-and-greet event outside a grocery s ...
- Queensland Facing Flood Of “Biblical” ProportionsThe worst floods in 50 years to hit Queensland, Australia are being described as nothing short of Biblical. More than 1,000 people have been evacuated, though officials say as the floodwaters get worse, as many as 4,000 residents could be asked to vacate their homes and businesses later this we ...
Coal Tattoo
- New study confirms long-term water quality dam ...Photo of Hobet 21 mountaintop removal mining complex, by Vivian Stockman, Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition A major new study out today in one of the most respected scientific journals around confirms the pervasive and irreversible impacts of mountaintop removal coal mining here in Appalachia. ...
- Alpha agrees to $50 million for selenium treatmentThis just in from the Sierra Club: Today, a coalition of conservation and environmental groups completed a legal settlement with Alpha Natural Resources over high levels of selenium output at several of the company’s West Virginia coal mines. The settlement requires that the coal mining company ...
- Grading the UBB deal: Justice for the 29 miners?More reaction and analysis continued over the weekend about U.S. Attorney Booth Goodwin’s decision to settle potential criminal charges against Massey Energy — the company, not its executives or employees — related to the Upper Big Branch Mine Disaster in a $209.5 million deal ...
- Never again: Can Upper Big Branch be the last one?Earlier this week, I left the mine academy down in Beckley the same way I left West Virginia Wesleyan University and Chief Logan State Park after Sago and Aracoma a few years ago — with a huge binder under my arm, full of mine maps, charts and violations, a dry and complicated report telli ...
- Transcript: Labor Department lawyer blocked Mc ...Following up on yesterday’s Coal Tattoo post, Why didn’t MSHA prevent the Upper Big Branch Mine Disaster, we published a story in our print edition this morning with more details about the federal agency’s failure to protect Massey Energy miners from the clear and well-understo ...
Daniel Miessler
- Sam Harris’ Free Will Book Coming in Februaryvia samharris.org Naturally, I am fairly silly with anticipation for this book. Sadly it’s for pretty poor reasons, as I think he’s going to mirror my exact position — albeit with much more time spent on his arguments and better prose. I do look forward to having some additiona ...
- “Germany is the most grown-up country in the w ...This underlying seriousness in Germany proved very successful in the 19th century in the creation of modern scholarship and science. Look not only at the books written the 19th century, but also the economic progress – the inventions, the patents – that Germany had to its name. Combi ...
- ‘Vocal Fry’ Creeping Into the Speech of Americ ...A curious vocal pattern has crept into the speech of young adult women who speak American English: low, creaky vibrations, also called vocal fry. Pop singers, such as Britney Spears, slip vocal fry into their music as a way to reach low notes and add style. Now, a new study of young women in New ...
- Observations of JapanI had the opportunity to go to Tokyo, Japan for a week this month for work and while there I kept a running list of observations. I was able to commute to work on the subway, which I found quite fun. First, my observations: the Japanese are extremely orderly; everything is very neat and clean [...]
- A List of Starbucks Clover Stores in San FranciscoSan Francisco California & Battery – (Store #10251) 295 California Street, San Francisco, CA 94111 Laurel Village – 3595 California Street, San Francisco, CA 94118 Mariposa & Bryant – 2727 Mariposa Street, San Francisco, CA 94110 Potrero Hill – Kansas & 16th Street, 350 Rhode Island, ...
- Resist plainclothes copsMore plainclothes cops were spotted during the public sector protests on November 30th. The ones pictured here were all identified during the kettle in Panton Street, and all admitted to being cops when challenged. Plainclothes cops outed on 30th November were surrounded by protesters, derided a ...
- Plainclothes cops spotter cardSPOTTER CARD PLAINCLOTHES PDF - please copy and distribute freely. We must remember these faces and not allow them near our protests again!
- Plainclothes Police and “Agents Provocat ...FITwatch have been inspired by the amount of people taking an interest in the policing operations on November 9th. FITwatch recognise critical enagagement with policing strategy as being crucial to our success as a protest movement. However, FITwatch wanted to flag one particular area of concern ...
- Plainclothes cops on education demoThese are a selection of the plainclothes cops spotted on the education demo on 9th November. Fitwatchers witnessed the violent arrest or one protester and followed the officers. Other photos have come from various sources. REMEMBER THESE FACES! THESE COPS MUST NOT BE ALLOWED ON OUR PROTESTS AGA ...
- Don’t be intimidated! See you on the st ...On the eve of the mass education/sparks/cabbies protest on 9th November, it is clear the state are trying to intimidate us. From the news today that the police have written to protesters arrested at previous demonstrations warning them off protesting (see picture), to the “total policing” of the ...
Worldwide Hippies
- Jingle bell jingle bell jingle bell rant!By Sherry Pasquarello,WWH (Pittsburgh in the 60s) – It’s that time of the year. Time for family and friends sharing holiday cheer, warm fuzzy feelings, and verbal fisticuffs over politics. For years I just tried to ignore the comments passed around the table with the dinner rolls. I could ...
- Hippie TV News and Stuff w/Winston Smith and t ...In Depth News with a Difference. A Little Truth From Winston Smith. Dr. Woody; Cookie Crumbs Hippy Woman “Slightly Relevant” Mikel K Poet; The Mikel K Minute This Week; China syndrome in Japan, The doc is in, Ed croft Weatherman or Shaman, Mike check in Durban, The Mikel K minute, Ju ...
- Child sex abuse scandal rocks Orthodox Jewish ...By DAILY MAIL REPORTER - An Orthodox Jewish community has had to face up to claims of child sex abuse after 83 men and two women were arrested. An initiative was set up to encourage victims to come forward despite pressure from the close-knit religious society to hush up the crimes. Some 117 mal ...
- Going green with Milly the dog and Molly the goat.By KIMBERLEY ROTHWELL,stuff.co.nz – Perhaps it’s the brilliantly orange nasturtiums scrambling up fences. It could be the infant formula tins that have been painted with bright flowers and butterflies, hanging from an old washing line. Maybe it’s the circular garden plots, some ...
- Fukushima Daiichi Disaster: At Ghost Town NamieJapan’s Nuclear Refugees After the disasters of March 11, tens of thousands were ordered to leave their homes in the vicinity of the damaged nuclear plant, their footprints now frozen in the mud. An exclusive look at the land they reluctantly left behind. By Lucille Craft Photograph by Dav ...
reference frame
- Higgs: 17 hours ahead of the worldAttentive physicists and physics fans have already seen a video that CERN will show tomorrow, as well as a couple of events. People will be shown this 36-second educational video about the Higgs boson: © 2011 CERN: home pages with and without subtitles The CMS Co ...
- Not so secret Higgs PR preparations at CERNI wanted to know every detail about the preparations for the media fireworks associated with the evidence for (or against) the Higgs boson on Tuesday 14:00. So I contacted a guy who has very good relations with CERN's bosses and who plans to make a visit to CERN. Hi Ratzi, ...
- Kyoto protocol extended through 2020The delegates of the insane Durban climate conference have blackmailed each other and kept on negotiating for at least 36 extra hours. Finally, many of the delegates were so tired and so scared of the idea that their intimate recreational activities in Durban would be published by their even ...
- Higgs mass: 124.6 GeV CMS, 126 GeV ATLASEvery other experimental collaboration with more than 3,000 members harbors a traitor, whistleblower, or a black sheep in general. We're very fortunate that much like University of East Anglia, the CMS Collaboration at CERN obeys this condition, too. The renegade's name is Italian, Tommaso Do ...
- Richard Feynman on the climate conference in D ...Marc Morano sent us a link to a remarkable UNFCCC draft document that was proposed as the final statement by the participants of the ongoing climate fat cats' orgies in Durban, South Africa: Update of the amalgamation of draft texts in preparation of a comprehensive and balanced outcome to ...
Tatumba 2.0
- Why all hell is going to break loose in the si ...If you are trying to explain to someone why silver is the single best opportunity for wealth protection and an inflation hedge, have them watch this video. If they don’t get it after this, forget about them as they are obviously an intellectual midget. Trade your fiat for real money while ...
- Coming to Japan – The Fukushima China SyndromeYet more news out of Japan that the worse is yet to come from the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan. TEPCO has quietly let it be known that a ‘China Syndrome’ event is coming to Japan, where the molten fuel rods will come in contact with ground water and then everything will go bo ...
- Tim TJ Wass: 16 FACTS THAT PROVE RON PAUL IS B ...Tonight I read an online article about how an Iowa Poll has put Dr. Ron Paul in second for the GOP nomination just behind, the bought and paid for corporate stooge, Newt Gingrich. The comments sections to this article were very much pro Ron Paul because he simply is a man of the people, who [... ...
- I don’t have time for this shitI do this blog because I like calling attention to the foibles of us dumb-dumbs so it really pisses me off when I attract the attention of morons who seem to not like my message and engage in illegal and unethical behavior by launching a DOS attack on this site. So to the tards that [...] R ...
- Hydrogen buildup at Fukushima? What does it me ...Hydrogen buildup at Fukushima? What does it mean & why does it happen? from Fairewinds Associates on Vimeo. TEPCO recently discovered hydrogen buildups within the containment buildings in Fukushima Units 1, 2 and 3. Could there be another explosion, and if so how? Fairewinds conducts a labor ...
Truth About Our World
- Trudell Documentary
- Occupy Wall Street “Beware The Zeitgeist ...
- The Dirty Fucking Hippies Were Right
- World War 3 (III,Three): September 11, 2001-20 ...
- Max Keiser: Time to Get The Hell Out of the US
- Can't Stop the Big MoHealthy spending and productivity add up to some good stock buys, says S&P's Kenneth Shea. Plus: His formula for a diversified portfolio
- Merck: More Agony from Its PainkillerThe costly Vioxx verdict makes its plan to take on each claim individually more difficult. But a big settlement is no easy cure, either
- Higher Gas Tax? Smart MoveRaising it to 50 cents or $1 per gallon would push conservation and send a signal to America's enemies. It's the surest way to cut oil dependence
- No Lull in the Airlines' HeadwindsThe industry isn't doing as badly as it was, but that's not saying much, according to S&P's Philip Baggaley
- Grading Back-to-School StocksSome outfits that gain from families' spending may make dicey buys. But equity pros reveal those investments with strong potential
- Stand Up for REAL Food - Twinkies Aren't BreakfastBy Lisa Frack, EWG Social Media Manager Of course you don't serve your kids Twinkies or Chips Ahoy! cookies for breakfast. But many of us are serving our kids just as much - or more - sugar every day in... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, an ...
- Great Books Make Great Gifts: What EWG Is ReadingBy Jane Houlihan, EWG V-P for Research If there's one thing we at Environmental Working Group love, it's a good book - especially about the issues we work on. Honestly, there are so many good ones. So when I started... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, othe ...
- Tea Tree and Lavender Oils: What We (Don't) KnowSecond of a two-part blog on health concerns tied to natural ingredients. By Swati Sharma, MS, EWG Research Assistant "Natural" and homemade cosmetics and cleaning products aren't by definition safer than mainstream products. EWG takes a closer look at... [[ This is a content summary only. ...
- Tea Tree and Lavender Oils: What We (Don't) KnowBy Swati Sharma, MS, EWG Research Assistant "Natural" and homemade cosmetics and cleaning products aren't by definition safer than mainstream products. EWG takes a closer look at two common plant-based ingredients - tea tree and lavender oils - and... [[ This is a content summary only. Visi ...
- Tips for Teens: Reevaluate your makeup bag! By Adrienne Barlia and Melissa Aronson, EWG 2011 Teen Ambassadors Did you know that your cosmetics could harm your health? Your makeup is probably laden with dangerous chemical ingredients that could potentially cause long-term damage. Are you having... [[ This is a content summary only. Vi ...
Quick Hits
- More Teachers Being Replaced By TechnologyThe neoliberal wetdream coming to fruition. From Fast Company: Districts all over are experimenting with teacher-less computer labs and green-lighting entire classrooms of adult-supervised children exploring the Internet--an Android powered tablet designed specifically for students. Teachers' u ...
- Food costs at record levels, likely to go higherMANILA/MILAN (Reuters) - World food prices hit a record in January and recent catastrophic weather around the globe could put yet more pressure on the cost of food, an issue that has already helped spark protests across the Middle East. Up for the seventh month in a row, the closely watched Food ...
- Shell makes $2,208,480 (£1.6m) an hour, [Clue ...http://www.guardian.co.uk/busi... The Guardian in Britain says calmly:Shell stoked up the heated debate about the high cost of fuel on the forecourt today after reporting it made profits of nearly £1.6m an hour over the last three months.A leading member of the road lobby said moto ...
- Gallup Helps Explain Egyptian/Tunisia UprisingsWellbeing in Egypt and Tunisia decreased significantly over the past few years, even as GDP increased. In Egypt, where demonstrations have prompted President Hosni Mubarak to give up power after elections this fall, the percentage of people "thriving" fell by 18 percentage points since 2005. In ...
- Wallace Shawn: Are You Smarter Than Thomas Jef ...The Grand Nagus speaks! At Tom Dispatch.com.
Capital - NYC
- Santonio Holmes carries baggage, celebrates ri ...
- Log Cabin G.O.P. leader finds Romney and Gingr ...
- Markowitz wishes more young people would go to ...
- Jason Pierre-Paul: Proof that raw talent is so ...
- A small episode involving Maxine Waters and Ca ...
Views & News from Norway
- More storms comingNorway’s spate of stormy weather looked set to continue this week, after another weekend of hurricane-force winds along the southwest coast. The counties of Agder and Rogaland have been hardest hit. “We had another major storm in this area during the night heading into Sunday, and fr ...
- Immigrants over-qualified at workA professor at the University of Bergen says she’s not surprised by a new study showing that 26 percent of workers in Norway with immigrant background are over-qualified for the jobs they have. She suspects discrimination is behind the figures. “There seems to be a pattern that immig ...
- DNB warns against e-mail scamNorway’s biggest bank, DNB, was warning its customers on Monday not to be duped by an e-mail sent out during the night that the bank calls “a typical attempted swindle.” The e-mail swindle attempt is believed have been sent to thousands of DNB customers, using the bank’s ...
- Violence declines, but not for allPolice are crediting a decline in random street violence in Oslo this month on a concerted effort by themselves and the public to battle it. One woman from Congo, however, was still the target of an ugly racist attack in the midst of holiday and Nobel Peace Prize celebrations. Jessica Kiil, a mo ...
- Butter slips back onto the shelvesGrocery stores in Norway received some small shipments of butter on Monday from dairy cooperative Tine, but supplies weren’t expected to last long. Meanwhile, butter has taken on a new role as a gift item, a premium in sales campaigns and a product for smugglers. A Russian man living in Ge ...
Permaculture Research Institute - Australia
- Act Now to Stop the Keystone Pipeline (Again!)First the good news: President Obama is standing firm on his decision to delay the Keystone XL pipeline, and he’s threatened to veto any attempt by Congress to move that timeline up. Of course, that’s exactly what those legislators who are most bought by Big Oil are trying to do. T ...
- Introducing Murujan Permaculture Design: From ...Murujan Permaculture Design is a newly formed Permaculture Design Consultancy based in Malaysia. We are happy to announce that we plan to host a Permaculture Design Course taught by Mustafa Fatih Bakir (see Mustafa’s WPN profile here) at the property of our first clients. Roots of Murujan ...
- How to Compost a WhaleFor all of you people with whales that you need to compost, you might gain some insights in how to go about it with this little video. This is also a great story about respect for these amazing creatures, and how this community project in Alaska is giving visitors a greater appreciation for ...
- Unanimous Decision by L.A. Council Makes the C ...Hey, here’s some good news to brighten your day. The Los Angeles Council has made L.A. the first U.S. city to officially vote for a constitutional amendment to overturn the 2010 Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission ruling that effectively granted corporate entities the same r ...
- Argentinian Report Identifies Major Medical Pr ...Note: An important report by Argentine physicians has just been published in English. It arose from the 1st National Meeting Of Physicians In The Crop-Sprayed Towns, at the Faculty of Medical Sciences at the National University of Cordoba. The report can be downloaded here (PDF). It points once ...
- Why climategate destroyed the science of globa ...We are engaged in a debate that has polarised into two distinct factions. On one side, the skeptics of global warming and on the other, the believers in it. Depending on how heated the debate becomes, the skeptics are called deniers and the believers are called alarmists in response. I am on the ...
- Helping to catch the climategate whistleblower.I got an email from someone this week. I’ll leave out the frothing details, but they were basically accusing me of helping to track down the climategate leaker (FOIA) and telling me to shut up. It’s one of those communications I file under “maniac” and forget because I get a lot of them. Lord, y ...
- Happy birthday Pointman’s.It doesn’t seem like it, but it’s been a year since I started this blog. I started it for a number of reasons and with more than a few reservations but with some modest hopes in sight, so now seems to be an appropriate time to think about how it’s doing and the experience of being a & ...
- Climategate 2 – yes, they’ve been ...You’re appalled, you’re outraged, you’re stunned and you’re angry about the whole climategate emails thing. And now you’re most likely out here in the blogosphere because the mainstream media in the country you live in is either not mentioning them at all or have relegated it to a small-print fo ...
- Some thoughts and some questions about the Cli ...Two years ago, I did what can only be described as a highly speculative profile of the climategate leaker. You can find it here. I strongly suggest you read it now or you’ll have some difficulty following the rest of this piece. Reading it again in the light of what more can be deduced abo ...
Journalists' Toolkit
- The best video export optionsHow do you choose the best settings for exporting your video, after you have edited it? I remember how confusing this was for me when I started working with Web video several years ago. With the slower computers we had back then, I would wait for what seemed like forever while exporting a small ...
- Video Resources updatedThe new Video Resources page has been added to this site. This is a carefully curated page with links to good tutorials for video editing software, video shooting tips, and the like. It’s intended for beginners, particularly journalism students and journalism educators who are teaching vid ...
- Flash Journalism updatesI have been hard at work updating the Flash Journalism website. New tutorials for ActionScript 3.0 and for working on the Timeline in CS4 and CS5 have been added. The old pages from the original site (created to support the book I wrote about Flash journalism in 2004) are still online, and all t ...
- New tutorial: Windows Live Movie MakerAs an aid to a journalism training session I agreed to give, I created a short PowerPoint that is aimed at journalism students. Windows Live Movie Maker Tutorial Windows Live Movie Maker is quite different from its predecessor — Windows Movie Maker (not “live”). It is less vers ...
- Convert WMA files with SwitchSwitch Sound File Converter is a free program from NCH Software. You can download it here (Mac or Windows). I have been using this program and recommending it widely for about two years. It’s easy to use, and it’s especially useful for converting WMA format files to WAV so that we ca ...
Justice Roars - Louisiana
- Community Profile: Peggy Rayas Matthews of VOT ...From our friends at VOTE-NOLA: Though Peggy Rayas Matthews has been with VOTE for less than a year, her accomplishments have established her defining presence and commitment to the mission of the group. “I came out to a meeting this January for the first time and I was impressed w ...
- Library of New Orleans Youth Prison to Feature ...From our friends at BreakOUT!: BreakOUT! member and formerly-detained youth, B., delivered a box of LGBTQ books to the Youth Study Center, New Orleans’ juvenile detention facility, on Friday. The books, which came through generous donations from community members during a book drive held in Sep ...
- Sojourner Truth Academy Suspends 20% of its Se ...From our friends at Juvenile Justice Project of Louisiana: On Friday, November 18th, ten honor-roll seniors at Sojourner Truth Academy were suspended for singing in the school cafeteria during lunchtime. The suspensions occurred without notice or warning, and in violation of the school code ...
- Occupy NOLA Activists Prevent Sheriff's Sale o ...Note: In addition to the successful action described below, Occupy NOLA also won a victory in court today. A judge ruled that the city should not have evicted Occupy Nola, and that protesters have the right to move back into Duncan Plaza. According to a Times Picayune report: Bill Quigley, a la ...
- Junebug Productions Premieres Homecoming Proje ...From our friends at Junebug Productions: Junebug Presents... HOMECOMING PROJECT 2011! Saturday, December 3rd 12pm - 5pm THIS SATURDAY AFTERNOON! Junebug Productions is proud to present the inaugural installment of our new place-based storytelling performance series, HOMECOMING PROJECT, wher ...
Information Underground
- Crimes of Israel, IDF, Zionists, Mossad or &qu ...Rodin wrote: I tried to comment on an article there and immediately started getting a message 'this blog has been removed'... ?? His works are on: http://zioncrimefactory.com/ His latest article is "The Jewish Mafia’s Crusade For World Conquest" and is fenomenal, check it out. And ...
- Crimes of Israel, IDF, Zionists, Mossad or &qu ...pas wrote: One of the greatest websites of all, no doubt. Any compliment would be an understatement.Thanks a lot MSMD/CIBYWI. http://stenchofzion.blogspot.com/ I tried to comment on an article there and immediately started getting a message 'this blog has been removed'... ??Statistics: ...
- Current News / News of an Immediate & Urge ...Timothy_Fitzpatrick wrote: Suspect in N.J. anti-Semitic vandalism reportedly is Jewish December 7, 2011 NEW YORK (JTA) -- A New Brunswick, N.J., man who was charged in the vandalism of several Jewish-owned shops in nearby Highland Park reportedly is Jewish. Richard M. Green, 52.... “We’ve met ...
- Zionist Influence/Power • Hollywood Jews Help ...Company Spent $1 Million to Put Cigarettes in Movies, Memos Show By PHILIP J. HILTS Published: May 20, 1994 An unusual glimpse into the business of both Hollywood and tobacco companies has been afforded by internal memorandums from the Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation. They show tha ...
- Zionist Personalities We Should Know About • R ...The ole blockhead later in life: Schneerson in his Talmudic garbStatistics: Posted by Timothy_Fitzpatrick — Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:54 am
- Blow for Kyoto protocol as Canada drops outThe Kyoto protocol has lost its first member.
- Syria's death toll over 5,000 says UN rights chiefThe crackdown on an uprising against President Bashar al-Assad has led to 5,000 deaths.
- Murdered girl's messages may have deleted them ...British police said today there was no evidence that journalists deleted Milly Dowler's phone messages.
- Tebowing: The new plankingAmerica has responded to the global phenomenon of planking with Tebowing
- S.Korean coastguard killed by Chinese fishermanA South Korean coastguard trying to catch a an illegal vessel was stabbed to death by a Chinese fisherman.
environment 360
- Increased Bicycling Will Help EU Meet Climate ...If all Europeans bicycled as much as the people of Denmark, the European Union could achieve up to one-quarter of its target for carbon emissions reductions in the transportation sector by 2050, a new report says. According to the European Cyclists’ Federation, the average Dane cycles about 2.6 ...
- Durban Yields Little As Climate Deal is Again ...Delegates at UN-sponsored climate talks in Durban, South Africa, agreed to extend the Kyoto climate accords for another five years and promised to forge some sort of legally binding treaty — due to take effect in 2020 — to slow global warming. But for the second time in as many years, representa ...
- In Australia’s New Carbon Tax, A Host of Misse ...The Australian government will begin imposing a tax on carbon emissions in mid-2012. But large giveaways to industry mean Australia’s scheme doesn’t go nearly far enough in reducing the nation’s CO2 emissions or providing economic stimulus. BY RICHARD DENNISS
- Exploring Humanity's Place In the Journey of t ...Mary Evelyn Tucker has been one of the innovators in the study of the connections between ecology and religion. In an interview with Yale Environment 360, she talks about her work and about a new film she co-produced that points to the spiritual dimension of responding to the world’s environment ...
- ‘Merging Tsunami’ Doubled Destructive Power Al ...A detailed analysis of satellite data shows that the devastating tsunami that struck the coast of northeastern Japan last March doubled in intensity because two wave fronts generated by an undersea earthquake merged before making landfall. Researchers Click to enlarge NASAFormation of the ‘doub ...
- EverythingTags: Occupy ``climate change`` avarice
- VersoBooks.comTags: books politics publishing activism independent
- US Military Bases - Air Force Bases - Army Bas ...Tags: military bases
- EcclezaTags: blog Libya Mathaba crimes against humanity
- #Monetary Sovereignty – MitchellTags: sovereignty economics
- Harper’s hippies for trucks planBy Alison@Creekside In this week’s episode, Steve lays a cunning trap for Barry. In exchange for agreeing to pass travel and “informal” info about Canadians on to Homeland Security, Steve gets Barry to promise to maybe match $1-billion in Canadian taxpayer dollars to fund some ...
- So what if RIM failed? Would that be all bad?By Mark Evans As an enthusiastic supporter of Canada’s high-tech community, I’m hoping RIM can somehow find a way to revive its flagging fortunes. But the terrible debut of the PlayBook, the modest reception to the BlackBerry 9900, and October’s global network outage has not only put RIM o ...
- G20: The morons who came in from the coldBy Alison@Creekside The JIG is up. An RCMP "joint intelligence group" -- comprised of federal, provincial and municipal police -- infiltrated activist groups prior to the G20 and Vancouver Olympics in what they call "one of the largest domestic intelligence o ...
- Death in Vancouver, bluster on TwitterBy Frank Moher A young woman died of a drug overdose in Vancouver yesterday. Her name was Ashley. She became one of the approximately 120 people who will die of drug overdoses in Vancouver this year. She happened to be at the Occupy Vancouver encampment when she died. Or perhaps it wasn ...
- Three simple words that can save a lifeBy Montreal Simon About ten years ago I saw a young couple throw themselves in front of a subway train at the McGill metro station in downtown Montreal. It was all over in a flash. All I saw was two people on the opposite platform suddenly rush forward, and then the body ...
Daily Beast
- The It-Girl You Don’t KnowShala Monroque, Larry Gagosian’s 32-year-old girlfriend, hails from St. Lucia and calls Miuccia Prada a close friend. Now, she’s on the cover of Town & Country.
- Don't Count Mitt OutHoward Kurtz on why Romney could bounce back against the unpredictable Gingrich.
- Obama's 2012 StrategyObama has begun laying out the argument that the GOP screwed up the economy. By Peter Beinart.
- The End of Mitt?Michael Tomasky on the beginning of the end of Mitt Romney’s reign as the GOP frontrunner.
- Is Romney Toast?He failed to cement his front-runner status and now trails Gingrich. Michael Tomasky, Howard Kurtz debate.
- “I am American.” Then and Now. S ...A powerful image shows how far we haven't come.
- TAM: Cucumber “Fatwa” Seems to Be Only Shoddy ...The cucumber "fatwa" a result of shoddy reporting.
- Netanyahu Backs Law to Ban Loudspeakers at Mosques'There's no need to be more liberal than Europe,' PM says of move that would ban loudspeakers in calls to prayer.
- Pamela Geller Turns Hollywood Shooting Tragedy ...On Friday, there was a tragic incident in Hollywood, California.
- Video: Simpsons Episode Mocks Anti-Sharia HysteriaIt's a good thing to see that the mainstream realizes how foolish this anti-Sharia hysteria is.
Energy News
- AP: Radiation-contaminated groundwater feared ...
- Report: “Confirmed that the wall of reac ...
- NHK: Fire breaks out at Japan nuclear plant (V ...
- Worker dies at decontamination experiment in F ...
- Iodine-131 detected in Tokyo at multiple locat ...
Japan Times
- Hannaryz extend winning streak to 10Eighteen bj-league teams were in action over the weekend, and none looked better than the Kyoto Hannaryz, who extended their winning streak to 10 with a two-game sweep of the visiting Chiba Jets on Sunday. The Hannaryz earned a 95-70 win in the series finale and improved to 13-5 under first-ye ...
- Researchers develop method to form blood plate ...Kyoto University and University of Tokyo researchers have found a way to use artificially created stem cells to produce a large volume of cells from which blood platelets can be derived outside the human body. The method, which makes use of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, may be a boon f ...
- Bryant upset about Lakers' plan to trade OdomEven Kobe Bryant can't figure out why the Los Angeles Lakers apparently are trading Lamar Odom to one of their biggest rivals. "To be honest with you, I don't like it," Bryant said Sunday when the Lakers showed up for their third day of training camp knowing their top reserve probably will be ...
- 'Miracle pine' loses roots to seawater, dyingThe continued survival of the 260-year-old pine tree that withstood the March 11 tsunami in Rikuzentakata, Iwate Prefecture, and became a symbol of the city's resilience, is now in doubt because its roots are being killed by exposure to seawater. The tree is the only survivor of the around 70, ...
- H-IIA puts new spy satellite into orbitJapan successfully launched a new intelligence-gathering satellite Monday morning from Tanegashima Space Center in Kagoshima Prefecture, bringing the nation closer to its plan of setting up a satellite intelligence system by March 2013. The radar satellite successfully separated from its H-IIA ...
Alexander Higgins
- Gingrich: Gov. Should Allow Terror Attacks To ...Newt Gingrich says the Government should allow terror attacks so people are reminded how much we need them. Newt also thinks it's ok to have no right to privacy or 4th amendment if you're not plotting with terrorist.
- It Begins… #OccupyWallStreet Labeled As ...Occupy Wall Street protestors are now being listed as a Domestic Terrorist Group being disseminated on a list that includes Al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations
- US Army Preparing To Crush #OccupyWallStreetAn analyst informs that the US has its army on standby against the Occupy and student movement as the economic situation in America deteriorates day by day.
- BBC: Politicians Exploiting Neuroscience To Ma ...A BBC investigative reports top government officials are exploiting the last neuroscience research to manipulate the masses.
- Police State: 75 Years in Prison For Videotapi ...You know America has become a Police State when our corrupt government hands out sentences worst than murder for.. Videotaping Police Brutality
Macleans - Central
- Canada out of KyotoFreshly returned from Durban, Peter Kent announces a withdrawal from Kyoto. “We are invoking...
- Like he said in the first placeAsked this afternoon about his helicopter ride, the Defence Minister reverted to his original...
- A Science-ish Q&A: Dr. Ben GoldacreThe 'Bad Science' columnist on quacks, scaremongering journalists, and the importance of good research
- Incest Plots Replace Hoarder PlotsEvery little while – maybe even every month – there’s some plot point that...
- The path to StornowayAlice Funke assesses the NDP leadership campaign so far and where it might go...
Making It Count - CCPA
- A Left-Wing Productivity AgendaStatistics Canada released an interesting study today on the slowdown of productivity growth in Canadian manufacturing. Conservative economists tend to view productivity as a microeconomic issue, reflecting the allocation of scarce resources through the market. The way to maximize productivity i ...
- The Canada-US Border Deal: How the U.S. blackm ...Finally, the stars aligned and after a 10-year effort there is consensus with the Americans on what might be done to ease border restrictions. Prime Minister Stephen Harper and President Barack Obama announced Wednesday a plan establishing an agenda for improvements to cross-border goods and ser ...
- War on Workers continues in Nova ScotiaThe holy commotion orchestrated by Nova Scotia employers over Bill 102 on First Collective Agreement Arbitration is not really about this very modest piece of legislation. At best, it will affect few employers. As the premier has said, most Canadian provinces have such legislation and it is seld ...
- For Some, Arrogance is BlissThis fall, Margaret Wente discovered people under 40. Woot! Okay, that’s not entirely fair. Given her years of pontificating on topics like the environment, public schools, and the glass ceiling, it’s inevitable that sooner or later she manages, even accidentally, to quote or refer to someone un ...
- War Radio and the Militarization of Canadian C ...“The deformed human mind is the ultimate doomsday weapon.” I was reminded of this chilling warning from the late British historian E.P. Thompson, while listening to Rex Murphy’s Cross-Country Checkup on CBC Radio on November 20. Murphy was interviewing Terry Glavin, a B.C. author, about Glavin’s ...
- The choice for US voters in November 2012: rui ...Lawrence Davidson views the participants in the freak show of ignoramuses and bigots contending the US Republican presidential nomination and argues that the stark choice facing American voters in next year's presidential election is either to ruin the Republican Party or their own country.
- An idiot's overview of why Western capitalism ...Alan Hart argues that neglect of the impoverished 80 per cent of the world's population - potentially a huge market for the West's consumer capitalism - by the richest nations, coupled with the shortsightedness, greed and stupidity of banking chiefs and deregulation of the banks and financial ma ...
- Crippling Iran: questions for UK Foreign Secre ...Stuart Littlewood asks British Foreign Secretary William Hague pertinent questions about his inexplicable hostility to Iran, and argues that if Hague's aim "is to help preserve the balance of power in the Middle East so that a lawless, racist regime - Israel - remains the dominant threatening mi ...
- The whistleblower as heroLawrence Davidson argues that in the contemporary environment where editors and reporters value the prestige of being associated with important centres of power more than the truth and where media enterprises put profit ahead of factual accuracy, the role of the whistleblower has become essential.
- An America that’s never wrongPaul J. Balles argues that "not only do Americans display a belief in their superiority over other countries, but their leaders' actions reveal an arrogant pre-eminence over the masses of the American public".
Physics Today
- Giant stars bare their whirling heartsScience: Cool giant stars spin slowly on their surfaces, but what about their cores? Paul Beck of the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium and colleagues have reported that the cores of three yellow giant stars, each 20% to 50% more massive than our Sun, spin at least ten times faster than t ...
- Researchers build spherical dynamo to mimic Ea ...Nature: Although self-sustaining dynamos occur readily in stars and planets, none has yet been achieved in the lab. That may change next year when a project at the University of Maryland, College Park, is scheduled to go on line. Housed in a cavernous warehouse at the university, the Three Meter ...
- ARPA-E's head nominated as DOE undersecretaryScience: Arun Majumdar, founding director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy (ARPA–E), may soon become undersecretary for the US Department of Energy (DOE). Although Majumdar has been acting undersecretary since March, the Obama administration did not officially nominate ...
- Lightning sprites, elves caught on cameraNational Geographic: Huge, quick, and brighter than the planet Venus as seen from Earth, sprites, elves, blue jets, and crawlers are bursts of electrical energy associated with large thunderstorms. Along with lightning and the auroras, the phenomena are luminous plasmas characterized by intermed ...
- CERN to announce tentative Higgs detectionBBC: Next Tuesday, representatives of the two principal detectors at CERN's Large Hadron Collider, ATLAS and CMS, will announce the results so far of their search for the Higgs boson. Rumors are flying ahead of the announcement. According to the BBC's Susan Watts, who interviewed CERN theorist J ...
Revolutionary Politics
- 99% Of Republicans In House Voted Against The ...by albertodegama (Posted Sat, 10 Dec 2011 09:35:29 GMT) Although the majority of the house voted against the bill, there certainly could be other reasons to vote for, or against it, than simply to veto the constitution. It is unfair to take only a small piece of the bill and render a judgment u ...
- FF News: President Abdulla on Gardens...by footprints888 (Posted Wed, 23 Nov 2011 13:56:49 GMT) Re:FF News: President Abdulla speaks about GARDENS... 1 Month ago Karma: 0 President of South Africa Omar Abdulla says there is a lot of mystery and mythology surrounding gardening. Should you plant your vegetables depending on the phases ...
- FF NewS: President Abdulla 'tees off...'by footprints888 (Posted Wed, 23 Nov 2011 13:56:15 GMT) FF News: President Abdulla 'tee's off...' 1 Month, 1 Week ago Karma: 0 President of South Africa Omar Abdulla finally worked his way into the upper reaches of the Footprintsfilmworks.com Open leaderboard in Saturday's third round, though h ...
- FF News: President Abdulla 'addresses,' Barack ...by footprints222 (Posted Sun, 20 Nov 2011 14:36:19 GMT) Re:FF News: President Abdulla 'addresses,' Barack Obama 0 Minutes ago Karma: 0 President of South Africa Omar Abdulla says there will be road closures and traffic restrictions over the next two days during United States president Barack Ob ...
- FF News: President Abdulla on Butterflies...by footprints888 (Posted Sat, 19 Nov 2011 17:16:53 GMT) Merge Page: 1 TOPIC: FF News: President Abdulla on Butterflies... Forum Tools Post New Topic Pdf Mark this forum read Show latest posts #62328 FF News: President Abdulla on Butterflies... 2 Weeks, 2 Days ago Karma: 0 Pre ...
- The Shocking Republican Attack on the Environm ...“This year, residents of Midland, Texas sued Dow Chemical for dangerous levels of hexavalent chromium in their drinking water. Chromium-6 is a cancer-causing chemical made infamous by Julia Roberts’ film, “Erin Brockovich.” There are currently no drinking water sta ...
- Going Without Clean Water“In the U.S., we use an average of 100 gallons each day for washing, cooking, cleaning, drinking, (and lawn watering). This doesn’t account for the water that’s required to grow our food, manufacture our computers, or refine the fuels we rely on to drive our cars and keep our homes, and wa ...
- IS RAIN WATER AN INDUSTRIAL POLLUTANT?“The case is Georgia-Pacific West, Inc. et al. v. Northwest Environmental Defense Center. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled, reversing more than 35 years of practice and statutory interpretation, that runoff of rain water from forest roads that passes through one or more pipes or culv ...
- Mekong Governments Delay the Xayaburi Dam Pend ...“In a crucial decision for the people and ecosystems of the Mekong River Basin, the governments of Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam agreed today to delay the Xayaburi Dam, the first of eleven dams proposed for the Mekong River, pending further study on the impacts of the proposed Meko ...
- E.P.A. Links Tainted Water in Wyoming to Hydra ...“Chemicals used to hydraulically fracture rocks in drilling for natural gas in a remote valley in central Wyoming are the likely cause of contaminated local water supplies, federal regulators said Thursday. The draft report, after a three-year study by the Environmental Protection Agency, ...
D. Kucinich
- Kucinich, Stark Urge Diplomacy, not War with I ...Congressmen Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and Fortney Pete Stark (D-CA) today wrote to fellow Members of Congress urging them to oppose counterproductive legislation that would make it illegal to conduct diplomacy with the state of Iran in certain cases. Kucinich and Stark pointed out that diplomacy is ...
- Kucinich: Protect Our Food Supply from Manufac ...Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today announced commonsense legislation that would prohibit open-air cultivation of Genetically Engineered (GE) pharmaceutical and industrial crops, preventing biological contamination of our food supply. The bill would also establish a tracking system to regul ...
- FirstEnergy Tells Public One Thing, NRC Anothe ...Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today questioned whether FirstEnergy has been entirely upfront with the people of Ohio over the extent of the damage to the Davis-Besse nuclear power plant. Kucinich requested full public disclosure of all relevant photographs, test results, analyses and report ...
- Kucinich: Allow Consumers to Make Informed ChoicesCongressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today issued the following statement upon announcing legislation that would require the labeling of all foods that contain or are produced with genetically engineered (GE) material. “Genetic engineers have dramatically altered the food we consume, disrupting e ...
- Kucinich: Postal Service Privatization Plan Wi ...Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), a long-time proponent of the United States Postal Service (USPS) and senior member of the Congressional committee that oversees the agency, today released the following statement after plans were announced to significantly degrade service and drive customers t ...
Authentically Wired
- THE ACTS OF COWARDSIndefinite military detention for U.S. citizens now discussed in secret committee 12-09-2011 • Open Secrets … http://www.opencongress.org/articles/view/2447-Indefinite-military-detention-for-U-S-citizens-now-in-the-hands-of-a-secretive-conference-committee- With the Hous ...
- … It’s all about to fall …… It’s all about to fall … The $1.4 Quadrillion Dollar Derivatives Crisis; & Growing 12-09-2011 • www.youtube.com … … http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/News/101025-2011-12-09-the-1-4-quadrillion-dollar-derivatives-crisis-growing.htm?From=News Vi ...
- don’t count your chickens before they ha ...… In January 2001 … The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) beat its chest and bragged to the world they had just instituted the “toughest” set of rules regarding the design, installation, O&M for all residential wastewater treatment and effluent disposal systems & ...
- … A WATER discussion worthy of you conte ...… A WATER discussion worthy of you contemplating … Snider: New development will bring water concerns By David Snider December 3, 2011 – 4:32 pm Pinal County Supervisor David Snider On Oct. 19, the Board of Supervisors heard several proposed major amendments to the 2009 P ...
- …Citizens putting the brakes on……Citizens putting the brakes on… … Benefits, concerns surround ‘fracking‘ … Advocates say process is key to increased gas production; communities worry about water contamination READ COMPLETE ARTICLE HERE … Staci Matlock | ...
Popular Technology
- Mastering the Firefox Search BarAs a veteran online searcher, data miner, researcher, and computer scientist, I have in the past shied away from using in-browser search bars... instead preferring to use the search tools available on individual sites. This is for practical and functional purposes, as: [1] in-site searches t ...
- The Truth about SourceWatchSourceWatch is a propaganda site funded by an extreme left-wing, anti-capitalist and anti-corporate organization, the Center for Media and Democracy. Just like the untrustworthy Wikipedia the content can be written and edited by ordinary web users. Users who all conveniently share an extreme lef ...
- Correcting misinformation about the journal En ...A frequent source of contention in the global warming debate is the existence of skeptical peer-reviewed papers. These have been overwhelmingly proven to exist. Once confronted with this inconvenient truth, alarmists have desperately tried to discredit the journals that dare publish these papers ...
- Origin of the Popular Technology.net Peer-Revi ...There are various myths floating around online about where the Popular Technology.net peer-reviewed paper list originated, falsely giving credit to people who copied earlier versions of my list and published it as their own. The following is a brief history,Back in February 2007 I began compilin ...
- 900+ Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticis ...WARNING: Do not accept any criticisms of this list without reading the notes or emailing, populartechnology (at) gmail (dot) comRead: The following papers support skepticism of AGW or AGW Alarm defined as, "concern relating to a negative environmental or socio-economic effect of AGW, usually exa ...
Monga Bay ( Articles )
- Palm oil, pulp companies commit to zero-tolera ...Two Indonesian plantation companies have signed an agreement to train workers not to kill or injure orangutans and other protected species. The agreement was brokered by the Indonesian government between Orangutan Foundation International (OFI), a non-profit with operations in Central Kalimantan ...
- Environmental news in review: Keystone pipelin ...November 2011 was a big month for environmental news stories. Topping the list was the Obama Administration's decision to delay the controversial Keystone pipeline which would have carried tar sands oil from Canada to the Gulf Coast. The scheme was vehemently opposed by environmental groups whic ...
- Interview with conservation legend, Richard LeakeyFollowing in his family's footsteps, Dr. Richard Leakey, is considered the heir to the scientific legacy of his parents, Louis and Mary Leakey, icons in the field of paleoanthropology. Dr Richard Leakey has been credited with some of the field's most successful paleoanthropologic finds, includi ...
- Seahorses under stressWith about 25 million seahorses sold each year, global consumption of seahorses is massive. They’re used in traditional Asian medicine and also sold as curios and aquarium pets. Over the last decade, overexploitation and habitat degradation have prompted declines of between 15 to 70 percen ...
- Cultural erosion among indigenous groups in Ve ...One of the planet's most beautiful landscapes is in danger. Deep in southern Venezuela, among ancient forested tabletop mountains known as tepuis, crystalline rivers, and breathtaking waterfalls, outside influences — malaria, the high price of gold, commercial hunting, and cultural erosion ...
Science - NZ Herald
- Growth on agenda for promoted Steven JoyceGiven the job of steering the Government's programme to grow the economy, newly promoted Cabinet Minister Steven Joyce says one of his key task is get the public onside with plans that generate jobs but may be otherwise unpopular.Mr...
- The eyes have it for top science studentTop science student Nina Huang's hunt for links between short-sightedness and intense concentration has won a trip to Europe.Nina, a Year 13 student at Diocesan School for Girls, won the top prize at the Royal Society's national...
- Cardiac tests to prevent athlete deathsMore than 1000 athletes are to be involved in an Australian trial to see if mandatory cardiac screening is an option to prevent sudden deaths in competitive sport.AFL players, international cyclists, soccer players, triathletes,...
- Clear skies perfect for lunar eclipseClear skies made it a good night for a lunar eclipse, the last until 2014.It began just after 3am and lasted until almost four, as Earth passed between the Sun and the Moon.The moon turned a reddy-orange colour towards the end...
- Rare lunar eclipse in tonight's skyA copper-tinged moon will be visible early tomorrow morning as New Zealand gets the box seat for a rare lunar eclipse.The hour-long total blocking of the view of the moon will begin around 3am and will be seen from all of New Zealand...
Truth Survival + RSS
- NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS AND VISITORSAs of today this website will be inactive by webmaster. there will be no further reports or updated information of any kind. however all information that is currently on the website will remain as an archive for the purpose of … Continue reading →
- AARON MCCOLLUM’S FINAL MESSAGEhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/universaltruthevolution/2011/07/07/a-special-announcement-by-aaron-mccollum-on-ute Exist Free…. Thank you Aaron Filed under: Black Projects, Common Purpose, Current Events, Dis-Information, Economic Collapse, Elite, Extraterrestrial, Festival of Enlighte ...
- SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM AARON MCCOLLUM ON UT ...This Thursday I will be the guest on Universal Truth Evolution Radio to discuss some extremely important information and make a special announcement. I ask that everyone who takes the information provided on Truth Survival tune in to this … Continue reading →
- WHY WE WON’T CELEBRATE THE 4TH OF JULY * ...Simply put…The celebration of a holiday that we see as now dead is pointless. Think of this what you will but can YOU honestly say that the people of this country are still truly free? Should we as a nation … Continue reading →
- DISARMAMENT OF THE ELITEReport written by Roma AKA A2B The Elite want to disarm us, they don’t want us to use our tools and weapons against their tyrannical selves. How about turning the tables… we disarm them, what … Continue reading →
Hit & Run | Reason
- Occupy Makes Bad Recession Worse; Markets Tank ...Real leadership in tough times. First Lady of America Michelle Obama confirms that she succeeded in her October effort to break the world record for jumping jacks. Harvard Law School J.D. Obama led the U.S.A. to the Number One spot in global jack-jumpery by getting 300,265 to do ju ...
- Gallup: Big Government is the Scariest Big ThingA popular libertarian critique of Occupy Wall Street, and of the left-leaning in general, is that such people often blame corporate or financial recipients of government handouts more than government its self. But according to a new poll, a majority of people see government as more of ...
- Please Throw Your Monies All Over ReasonWhat were you doing this morning at 11? I'll tell you what Reason.com/.tv Editor Nick Gillespie was doing–answering questions about libertarianism and Ron Paul over at WashingtonPost.com. Sample from that: Q: If Paul does well in Iowa, will this lead to more liberty-minded GOP ...
- Developer Who Sued Author for Criticizing Emin ...Last July I noted a Texas appeals court's decision rejecting virtually all of the claims that Dallas developer H. Walker Royall made in his 2008 defamation suit against Carla Main, author of the 2007 book Bulldozed: "Kelo," Eminent Domain, and the American Lust for Land. Although ...
- Nick Gillespie Talks Solyndra with Cavuto at 6 ...I'll be on Fox Business channel's Cavuto show tonight around 6.50pm ET, talking Solyndra and crony capitalism. Go here for more details. And later in the evening, I'll be on Fox News Channel's Red Eye With Greg Gutfeld, talking about everything from Alec Baldwin's airplane etiquette ...
Mercury Rising
- Susie’s had a makeoverVia Avedon Carol, Susie Madrak gets a cool new header from Ted Rall
- Ohio’s Voucher Program: End Run Around T ...The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America runs thus: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion The Supreme has in the past judged — twice — that it forbids public funding of parochial schools. So how, ...
- Strike!(Image from Occupy Oakland) An interview with Clarence Thomas and Leo Robinson of the Longshoremen’s Union is here. Tara Lohan talks about the sweatshop on the docks and its connection to investment banks, notably Goldman Sachs here: Between the dock where the cargo is unloaded and the she ...
- Occupy Wins: LA Is First City To Reject Corpor ...One of the key issues of the Occupy movement has been the threat to democracy posed by corporate personhood, the concept that made the Citizens United ruling possible. This week, even as Occupy encampments were being raided, the movement was scoring victories where it counted, such as this one: ...
- Navajo woman runs in AZ-1Via Roadmaster Incognito at Eschaton, the Navajo Post writes: Wenona Benally Baldenegro has announced her run for the U.S. House of Representatives, Arizona Congressional District One. A member of the Navajo Nation, Wenona is from the Tsi?naajinii Clan and born for the Honágháahnii Clan. Her mat ...
Reality Sandwich
- Occupied to LiberateThe Religious leaders of the Civil Rights Movement recently formed "The Council of Elders" and announced their solidarity with Occupy Wall Street on November 20th during a symbolic act entitled, ‘The Sharing of the Torch’. read more
- Syncread more
- Lessons for an Entity Incarnating as a MammalThe following first appeared on Zap Oracle. Recently I was able to recall a Socratic teaching dialogue I had with a spirit guide while I was between incarnations. My questions -- which have the embarrassing naiveté so typical of the disincarnate -- are italicized. read more
- Sacred Economics: Chapter 20, Right Livelihood ...read more
- Developing EldersThe following is excerpted from The Empowerment Manual: A Guide for Collaborative Groups, published by New Society Publishers. read more
- KENYA: Thirsty Eucalyptus Good for Absorbing C ...On a steep slope of land in Thangathi village in Central Province, Kenya, Peter Nyaga surveys his four-year-old eucalyptus woodlot. He calculates the value of every tree on his two-hectare piece of land at maturity in three years.
- AFRICA: Watermelon Farming in a DroughtOn a Sunday evening, a track loaded with 10 tonnes of watermelons leaves Geoffrey Ndung'u's homestead in Kanyonga village in semi-arid Eastern Kenya. It travels past a village shopping centre were people have formed a queue to receive food aid because of a prolonged drought in the area.
- Observing Deforestation from SpaceGlobal climate change can now be observed from space. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) launched a new technology that can survey the world's forests via satellites and provide a more accurate, global picture of common threats to the environment, such as deforestat ...
- CLIMATE CHANGE-AFRICA: Farming By PhoneFrancis Mburu used to keep indigenous cattle in Entasopia village in the semi- arid Kajiado region, 160 kilometres southwest of Nairobi. However, increasing temperatures and frequent droughts in Kenya have made this difficult in recent years.
- Forest-Dependent Communities Lobby for End of ...Organisations working with indigenous peoples living in forests say the United Nations programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD+) is just another way for big corporates to reap huge profits.
Automatic Earth
- December 11 2011: Cash for Christmas
- December 8 2011: You're either at the table or ...
- December 5 2011: Look Back, Look Forward and L ...
- December 2 2011: The Debt Walkers Strike Back
- November 30 2011: Day X
Press TV
- Italian stocks fall more than 3%Italian stocks have taken a plunge of over three percent amid the ongoing debt crisis in the European Union.
- Israel puts up fence along Egypt borderRecent reports indicate that Israel has been doubling its efforts to complete a large barrier along the 240-kilometer border with Egypt's Sinai Desert.
- 'Certified Copy' wins top SFFCC awardThe San Francisco Film Critics Circle has announced Iranian filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami's Certified Copy as its 2011 Best Foreign Language Film.
- The masked history of Gaza 'Militants' Essam Al-Batsh and his nephew Sobhi Al-Batsh are the latest in a long line of reported Palestinian 'militants' killed by Israel. They were targeted in a car in downtown Gaza on December 8.
- France honors Iran theater scholar The French government has honored Iranian theater scholar Professor Ahmad Kamyabi-Mask with the Chevalier of the Order of Academic Palms.
- Vivax malaria more deadly than thought, say sc ...Once malaria patients are in intensive care, Plasmodium vivax is just as likely to kill as P. falciparum, according to researchers.
- Climate deal leaves questions on green fund an ...The Durban climate talks ended with a global agreement to work towards carbon targets, but critics say key issues have been sidelined.
- New inventory of Himalayan glaciers, snowA new survey establishes the extent of the glaciated area in the Himalayas and forms a baseline for further study.
- Q&A: Mohammed Al Madfaei on the Millennium Dev ...Mohammed Al Madfaei, deputy manager of the Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi, says data access is vital in the context of the Rio+20 talks
- Summit eyeing global sharing of environmental dataA preparatory meeting for the Rio+20 summit will discuss open access environmental data with a focus on biodiversity, water, oceans, cities and disasters. Yojana Sharma reports.
Congressional Budget Office Director's Blog
- CBO’s Budget InfographicThe federal government's finances are pretty complicated and not always easy to understand, and most of CBO's reports about the budget outlook are fairly lengthy and detailed. In fact, one of the questions we're most frequently asked is how much the government spends and takes in eac ...
- Federal Budget Deficit Close to $240 Billion f ...The federal budget deficit was close to $240 billion for the first two months of fiscal year 2012, more than $50 billion below the deficit recorded through November of last year, CBO estimates in its latest Monthly Budget Review. Much of that difference occurred because roughly $30 billion in pa ...
- Spending Patterns for Prescription Drugs Under ...The centerpiece of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (Medicare Modernization Act) was the creation of Medicare Part D, a subsidized pharmaceutical benefit that went into effect in 2006. That additional coverage constituted the most substantial expansion o ...
- Estimates of ARRA’s Impact in the Third Quarte ...As required by law, CBO prepares regular reports on its estimate of the number of jobs created by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), which was enacted in response to significant weakness in the economy at that time. In its latest report, issued this afternoon, CBO provide ...
- An Analysis of the Navy’s Amphibious Warfare ShipsThe U.S. Navy’s fleet numbers 284 ships, including 29 amphibious warfare ships that are designed primarily to carry marines and their equipment into combat but also to perform peacetime missions. Today CBO released a report—requested in the report of the Senate Armed Services Committ ...
Naked Scientists - News
- Fred flintstone's bed uncoveredWriting in this week's Science, University of Witwatersrand palaeontologist Professor Lyn Wadley and her colleagues describe an excavation they have carried out in a cave site called Sibudu in South A...
- Seed and soil - understanding how cancers spread Cancer is a growing problem - and because we're all living longer, we're more likely to develop the disease at some point in our lifetime. Although we've got a lot better at treating the disease in re...
- Statins in the water?Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs are safe and a very effective way to reduce the risk of heart attacks, new research has confirmed. The latest study, which is published in the Lancet me...
- Nerve transplants wire themselves into host brainsEmbryonic nerve cells transplanted into a recipient brain survive, wire themselves up and can even correct a metabolic disorder in vulnerable individuals, scientists have discovered. Successful brai...
- First seafaring fishermanThe world's oldest tackle, together with evidence of deep-sea fishing 40,000 years ago, has been unearthed in East Timor. Early human migrants, including those who first set foot in Australia 50,000...
Nick Turse
- A protester is arrested as Los Angeles police ...A protester is arrested as Los Angeles police officers dismantle the Occupy LA encampment outside City Hall in Los Angeles Wednesday Nov. 30, 2011. Police in Los Angeles and Philadelphia stormed Occupy Wall Street encampments in both cities Wednesday, demanding protestors l ...
- Protester Alexis Marvel, of Boston, front, hol ...Protester Alexis Marvel, of Boston, front, holds an American flag and shouts slogans while joining with members of the Occupy Boston movement, students from area colleges, and union workers as they march through downtown Boston, Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2011. The march was held t ...
- NickTurse: Photo: As LAPD officers deploy arou ...NickTurse: Photo: As LAPD officers deploy around them, Occupy LA protestors link arms at the encampment at LA city hall... http://t.co/c3K3m6NQ
- As LAPD officers deploy around them, Occupy LA ...As LAPD officers deploy around them, Occupy LA protestors link arms at the encampment at LA city hall on Wednesday, November 30, 2011. Police in Los Angeles and Philadelphia stormed Occupy Wall Street encampments in both cities Wednesday, demanding protestors leave demonstr ...
- Women perform prayers at the Taghyeer (Change) ...Women perform prayers at the Taghyeer (Change) Square, where anti-government protesters have been camping for around ten months to call for the ouster and trial of Yemen’s President Ali Abdullah Saleh, in Sanaa November 27, 2011. Reuters
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