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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

31 July - Overnight News Picks

More Problems With The American Wastewater Reconstruction Project In Iraq’s Fallujah

The largest remaining U.S. reconstruction project in Anbar is known, and that is the Fallujah Wastewater Treatment plant. It was supposed to be a model for the entire province, but it may never operate, marking the disappointing reconstruction legacy the Americans are leaving behind in Iraq. 

'Water - Wealth and Power' contains a link to a Common Dreams piece on infrastructure destruction - Iraqi water supply - caused by sanctions. But 'reconstructing Fallujah' is wry for another reason  

from the 'Uranium' file....DU munitions. Here's a new - and ugly - recap. Meanwhile Turkey has dammed the rivers and restricted water flow...during drought.

Study: Fallujah’s health fallout ‘worse’ than Hiroshima, Nagasaki

A 2007 study by Chemical Research in Toxicology similarly found depleted uranium particles to be cytotoxic and clastogenic to lung cells in particular.
It was first introduced on the battlefield during the Gulf war in 1990, and has been used in U.S. armor and munitions ever since. It was widely suspected as the culprit in the numerous cases of Gulf War syndrome. According to USA Today, soldiers reported becoming "unusually fatigued, and others said that their joints ached. They experienced headaches, rashes and hair loss, and their memories occasionally failed them. In some cases, the symptoms were severe enough to require hospitalization."


http://bit.ly/rcmU5i Oil-spill victims and officials say BP drags its feet paying out $20B

We can save $78 billion by ending oil and gas subsidies

what does all that money go toward? And aside from a broken climate and oil spills, what exactly does it buy?  ( Pollution. )

Fossil-energy companies get tax exemptions, free access to drill on public land, special accounting rules to hide profits, protection from foreign competition through import tariffs and regulations ... and the list goes on. We give so many favors to oil and gas companies that it's hard to keep track. Luckily, the determined wonks at Taxpayers for Common Sense have done it for us. The charts below tease out the biggest oil and gas subsidies hidden in various laws and accounting rules for 2011-2015. With more than $55 billion in targeted benefits for the industry and nearly $23 billion in general business subsidies, it's nothing to sneeze at.

Companies have stepped up layoffs to a level not seen in nearly a year, squeezing the job market and revealing fears about the pace of the economic recovery.

Most Viewed

Don’t dam Atlantic fisheries to extinction

 Over at The Atlantic, writer Paul Greenberg (of Four Fish fame) touts another alternative: dismantling the long-standing network of prominent river dams that have far outlived their usefulness.

If this sounds familiar, it's because the Clinton administration began a dam-destroying campaign back in the '90s (you know, back when anything seemed possible!). That effort led to the dismantling of 430 dams since 1999, according to this New York Times 2009 editorial.

Greenberg quotes a Connecticut state official who refers to these centuries-old dams as "ticking time bombs" susceptible to destruction by powerful hurricanes, which are happening more often in our warming climate. Taking these dams down would actually improve public safety. 

( You won't catch me arguing. The idea of catastrophic release is one of the basics of Hydraulic Warfare

Obama Libyan lies exposed! African Activist from Joryan and Brothers'. New hard truths; why NATO and D.C. lies about Gaddafi! Great video.

Iraq War Really Because of PetroDollar vs PetroEuro!

forexforums.com › ... › GENERAL FOREX DISCUSSIONS - Cached
10 Apr 2011 – This is the greatest explanation for the war in Iraq I've ever heard, Saddam threatened to start selling oil in Euro's instead of dollar's, ...


The Petro-Dollar is About Out of Gas « Adask's law

adask.wordpress.com/2010/01/.../the-petro-dollar-is-almost-out-of-g... - Cached
12 Jan 2010 – The petro-dollar scheme began to unravel in 2000 when Saddam Hussein started selling Iraqi crude for euros. By doing so, Saddam threatened ...

China, Russia Drop Dollar As Reserve Currency U.S. Threatens War ...

www.thegaymanifesto.com/.../china-russia-drop-dollar-as-reserve-c... - Cached
26 Nov 2010 – Because the dollar is the global reserve currency countries buy our ... When Saddam Hussein threatened to start selling Iraqi oil in euros ...


Cannabis plant extracts can effectively fight drug-resistant bacteria.

The compounds, called cannabinoids, appear to be unaffected by the mechanism that superbugs like MRSA use to evade existing antibiotics. Scientists from Italy and the United Kingdom, who published their research in the Journal of Natural Products last month, say that cannabis-based creams could also be developed to treat persistent skin infections. 

What the USDA Doesn't Want You to Know About Antibiotics and Factory Farms

A single antibiotic-resistant pathogen, MRSA—just one of many now circulating among Americans—now claims more lives each year than AIDS.

A USDA researcher delivers a blistering review of antibiotic research—only to see it stepped on from above. 

Aug 2009 : 2 posts outlining the dead-end of unsustainable petroleumculture pharming subject to catastrophic failure...a factor in the Home Project water expose also sharpened by Monsanto GM Terminator seeds and RoundUp

Dear skeptics: Here is more climate data than you can handle

 ( You wish. Don't you love the updated 'computer graph' model crystal ball ? )

Who's a Climate Extremist ?


Roger Pielke Jr. Says:
July 28th, 2011 at 7:29 am One thing I have learned about Tobis is his unwillingness to actually read analyses that he might find challenging, but this doesn’t stop him from disparaging those analyses.  Both The Hartwell Paper and The Climate Fix (the latter in explicitly quantitative fashion) discuss stabilization targets, and these are part of the background to the analyses he now, incorrectly describes as without a target.

Here even is a widely-cited paper that explains quantitatively why the current approach cannot work with respect to the exact same targets:

Nuclear Power in the USA

King’s College London, Newcastle University and Warwick University, pictured, were granted licences to carry out the research after the 2008 Human Fertilisation Embryology Act came into force. 

Would Your Child Pass a Social Media Background Check?

The FTC ruling authorizes companies to provide reports on an individual's online actions by reviewing up to seven years worth of publicly available records. These records include everything from what your child might say and post on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, to Craigslist ads and personal blog posts.  

Diane Ravitch : How testing and choice are undermining education 

Perhaps all is not lost for the republic's economic future, even as its leaders let this nation hurtle toward the abyss of the Great Depression II. An immensely successful, sensible and practical solution is being signaled by increasingly thunderous shout-outs from prominent people: pundits Paul Kru

Diane Says

 7 Ways to Cleanse Your Body After Quitting Cigarette Smoking


More than 800 researchers from 48 countries have gathered in Halifax for a week-long conference to examine ways of limiting the effects of mercury
A year after Enbridge's 41-year-old pipeline was shut down and the spill contained, local residents and U.S. authorities are taking stock of the toll

 Speedup : Working More, Earning Less

 The Santa Delusion: Why 'Religion Is Useful' Is a Terrible Argument For Religionhttp://www.alternet.org/belief/151833/the_santa_delusion%3A_why_%27religion_is_useful%27_is_a_terrible_argument_for_religion


Australian police shut down the Sydney offices of environmental group Greenpeace on Thursday after its activists destroyed a genetically modified wheat crop at an experimental farm run by the government.
The National Labor Relations Board has recommended the cancellation of the results of an election last year between two unions to represent 43,000 employees in California’s largest hospital chain, Kaiser Permanente. The giant Service Employees International Union, or SEIU, beat out the much smaller 

PALO ALTO, CA –Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook will be shut down in March of 2012. Managing the site has become too stressful.
ANONYMOUS is not a group, it is an idea. Born as a little spark on the internet, it made its way to real life and evolved to a global movement. In order to keep growing, it is necessary to spread the idea as far as possible. And here Youtube comes into pl...ay. It is one of the largest and wellknown websites for sharing news and personal opinion with millions of people from all over the world. ANONYMOUS knows this and for that reason, it uses Youtube since the early days of the movement. The goal is to reach those willing to educate themselves, those being sick of their governments telling lies and misusing their power, those willing to defend free speach around the internet and of course, nontheless those who just want to know more about this mysterious thing they heard about on the news or read about in newspapers or blogs. So please help us spread the word by sharing this page and post every video related to ANONYMOUS, their operations and/or useful guides or tutorials (internet-security, protesting, creative stuff, etc). Get involved. Share, discuss and help the idea become even more powerful. Be part of the revolution...! We are ANONYMOUS... We are LEGION... We do NOT forgive... We do NOT forget.... EXPECT US...! See More
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‎*I love and respect myself. I see my authentic self, and I love what I see. I see the magnificence of my presence. I see the perfection in me, and this breaks any doubt that anyone else ever put in my head* Don Miquel RuiZ * One Love *VV*US*HE*SUS !
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The real meaning of the ancient Blessings
None of these images are photoshopped even if they look so unreal that you simply can’t believe it. So what’s the case? The answer is the consequences of one of the biggest earthquakes in New Zealand’s recorded history that scored 7.0 on Richter scale.
‎(AP) -- A federal wildlife biologist whose observation in 2004 of presumably drowned polar bears in the Arctic helped to galvanize the global warming movement has been placed on administrative leave and is being investigated for scientific misconduct, possibly over the veracity of that article.
More than two weeks of floods in Pakistan have left well over 1,000 people dead and more than 20 million displaced. And the country is set for more troubled ...
As 13 million in the Horn of Africa seek food assistance, aid workers are facing unique political and logistical challenges in helping an estimated 3.7 Somalis facing the threat of malnutrition and starvation. While international organizations such as UNICEF and UNHCR, the U.N.
HOW TO TELL THE TRUTH AND GET IN TROUBLE I am a fourth-generation dairy farmer and cattle rancher. I grew up on a dairy farm in Montana, and I ran a feedlot ...
Try exporting goods to Americans who can’t or won’t pay.
The U.S. media landscape is dominated by massive corporations that, through a history of mergers and acquisitions, have concentrated their control over what we see, hear and read. In many cases, these giant companies are vertically integrated, controlling everything from initial production to final
In a region of northern Italy, the author of 'Diet For a Small Planet' discovered a cooperative approach to living that actually enhances human dignity.
Chronicling the Crisis of the Working Class
It is hard to conceive of a less likely person to be involved in drug trafficking than Janet Goodin, 66, a retired girl scout registrar and grandmother of 12, who lives in a trailer park in Warroad, Minn., pop. 1,781.

A team of researchers has observed electrons moving through a crystal of bismuth metal behaving like light. The discovery may enable powerful new electronic devices that exploit the principles of quantum mechanics to compute and communicate.
Graphene is, in many ways, a simple substance. Made of a single atomic layer of graphite, graphene has emerged as a material providing many surprises and having immense scientific and industrial potential. In 2010, scientists Andre K. Geim and Konstantin S. Novoselov received the Nobel Prize in Phys
On Tuesday the Palestinian leadership will call on the world to recognise Palestine as a state. Over 120 countries are supporting, but the US and Israel are opposing, and Europe is still on the fence. Click here to join the global call to European leaders to support the legitimate statehood bid now!
The late Polish pianist Władysław Kędra (1918-1968) performs Chopin's Rondo a La Krakowiak, Op. 14. Witold Rowicki conducts the Warsaw National Philharmonic ...
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"There exists in this country a plot to enslave every man woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot."
- President John F. Kennedy 7 days before his assassination.
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Rolling out across vast skies, weathermen might have trouble finding words to describe this stunning cloud formation.
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YES WE CAN! REAL HOPE FOR AMERICA! http://campaignforliberty.com/
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