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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

27 July - My Yahoo!


News For You

  • Education Reporting Gets Boost - 5 days agoHard-hitting reporting of higher education has been so abysmal for so long that when newspapers cut back on their coverage of it, readers seldom notice. Too many reporters were inclined to merely pa...
  • AIA DINNER: NO TENURE! WITH NAOMI RILEY - 6 days agoWASHINGTON, July 21, 2011 – Accuracy in Academia is pleased to announce that veteran journalist and author Naomi Riley will discuss tenure in Academia at the next AIA Author’s Night on July 26, 2011. ...
  • Shrinking Academic Bloat - 1 week agoAccording to Derek Bok, a former president of Harvard, “universities share one characteristic with compulsive and exiled royalty; there is never enough money to satisfy their desires.” However, this m...
  • Backlash Against Banzhaf - 1 week agoWhen George Washington University law professor John Banzhaf decided to sue Catholic University over its decision to bring back single-sex dorms, his lawsuit provoked a backlash against commentators w...
  • Class Action Crusader Targets Catholic U - 1 week agoA recent decision by Catholic University president John Garvey to reinstate a single-sex dorm policy at the Washington, D.C. school apparently ruffled some feathers. The most vocal opponent was publi...
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AllBusiness.com - Home Page Top Stories

  • The Danger of a Weak American President - 22 hours agoIt's now clear that the emperor has no clothes. By August 2, President Barack Obama could become largely irrelevant in our domestic politics. But conservatives should not necessarily offer three...
  • Obama's Ineptitude - 22 hours agoAt a critical time in its history, the country has as its president a man unqualified and unable to lead.
  • Boehner's 12 Member Commission Political Game - 22 hours agoPolitical games predicated on the assumption that the American public is stupid
  • Obama's Exit from Relevance, Stage Left - 22 hours agoObama now finds himself well to the left of his party.
  • The Astonishing World to Come - 22 hours agoI've just read one of the most brilliant, most important -- and most optimistic -- books about world politics that's been written in the last hundred years.
  • Libya condemns UK recognition - 5 hours agoTripoli condemns the UK's decision to recognise the rebels as Libya's "sole governmental authority" after similar moves by France and the US.
  • China rail crash 'due to signal' - 46 minutes agoA train crash which killed 39 people near Wenzhou in China was caused by faulty signalling equipment, a rail company official says.
  • Violence flares on Kosovo border - 5 hours agoEthnic Serbs attack and set fire to a security post on Kosovo's northern border after police attempted to take control in a Serb enclave.
  • US Republican pushes debt plan - 2 hours agoHouse Speaker John Boehner presses Republicans to support his budget-cuts plan as the US debt ceiling deadline looms.
  • Norway to probe attacks response - 9 hours agoNorway's PM announces an independent inquiry into Friday's deadly attacks by Anders Behring Breivik, amid questions about the police response.
  • Olympic medals unveiled in London - 7 hours agoThe Princess Royal unveils the London 2012 gold medals as the one-year countdown to the Olympics began.
  • Pupils 'shoe-horned' into EBacc - 3 hours agoThe government should "think again" about the introduction of the English Baccalaureate to secondary schools in England, says a committee of MPs.
  • Train delayed by man on carriage - 7 hours agoA Sussex passenger train is stopped for nearly an hour after a man climbs on top of the carriage.
  • Florist held over fatal stabbing - 9 hours agoA 72-year-old shopkeeper is arrested after a man is stabbed to death in a robbery at a florists in Greater Manchester.
  • Paedophile nursery worker jailed - 9 hours agoA "vile" paedophile who raped a toddler at the nursery where he worked and groomed online 22 other girls from across the UK is jailed for life.
  • Deadlock, durables, dismal earnings hit Wall Street - 5 hours agoNEW YORK (Reuters) - Wall Street suffered its worst day in eight weeks on Wednesday, hit by weak earnings, lackluster economic data and no movement in Washington talks as the deadline for a U.S. defau...
  • Visa rolls out new fee program - 1 hour agoCHARLOTTE, North Carolina (Reuters) - Visa Inc's quarterly profit rose by 40 percent, and the world's largest payment processor said it would introduce a new fee structure for U.S. merchants.
  • Whole Foods boosts 2011 view, shares up - 2 hours agoLOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Upscale grocer Whole Foods Market Inc's quarterly profit rose a larger-than-expected 35 percent and it raised its full-year profit forecast, fueled by robust sales and snat...
  • What cleantech should know about chasm crossing - 2 days agoIf there’s really a significant gulf, as onetime marketer Geoffrey Moore put it, between selling to early adopters and the majority of technology buyers, what does this mean for companies in cleantech...
  • Back to the Future - 1 week agoAs posted previously, one of the big challenges the cleantech community faces is the reliance of many pivotal technologies on rare earth minerals that are mainly located in China and increasingly subj...
  • Solar Parking Canopies – Serious Power, Cool Shade - 1 week agoIt takes a lot of electricity to run Dow Jones, one of the world’s largest publishers and information providers. Dow Jones is now generating 3.6 MW of its own electricity with Solaire Generation Solar...
  • Home Energy Management: Premature Jocularity - 2 weeks agoOne of the hottest cleantech investment segments in recent years has been home energy management (HEM).  HEM technologies enable households to remotely and/or more wisely manage their energy use, enab...
  • Google’s 70 Charging Stations for Employee’s 100 EVs - 3 weeks agoGoogle, Inc. has deployed more than 70 Coulomb Technologies charging stations at its worldwide headquarters in Mountain View, CA. Over 100 employees who own electric cars use the charging stations. Th...
  • Environmental Animism - 2 hours agoThis is from an environmental writer who criticises climate skeptics as being anti-science: I can’t be the only one who thinks about how strange cancer is: It seems sometimes like a giant “dislike” ...
  • I Would Have To Be Pretty Hungry To Hit This Vending Machine - 10 hours agoSeen recently in an airport, but unfortunately I have been to so many I can’t remember which one.  Sacramento, maybe?
  • Why Would Anyone Start a Business in San Francisco? - 1 day agoVia Protein Wisdom: A legislative proposal in San Francisco seeks to make ex-cons and felons a protected class, along with existing categories of residents like African-Americans, people with disabi...
  • The $529 Million Family Car - 1 day agoRay Lane of Kleiner Perkins has helped score hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money from the Obama administration to help subsidize Kleiner investments.  More corporate welfare for billiona...
  • Who is the Tax Evader? - 5 days agoKevin Drum , referencing an article by Christopher Caldwell, says What is Amazon.com’s biggest advantage over its competition? One-click ordering? The ability to go shopping in your pajamas? Its eno...
  • What to do when Stopped by Police (End the Drug War) - 1 day agoWe’ve been told from a young age that the police are there to protect us, and we should do what they say. But should we? It’s easy to be intimidated by cops, they want you to be intimidated by them,...
  • Budget Hero - Balance the Federal Budget and Save America! - 1 week agoBudget Hero Budget Hero is an engaging and journalistically sound game that encourages players to think through the complexities and challenges of the federal budget. It frames the policy debate ...
  • US Ran Fake Vaccine Project in Hunt for Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda - 2 weeks ago US intelligence launched a fake vaccination drive in the Pakistan town where it believed Osama bin Laden was hiding in an effort to gather DNA from members of his family, the Guardian reported Tue...
  • Obama Executive Orders Impose New Gun Rules - 2 weeks agoA few days ago, the Blaze reported on the low-key plans of the Obama administration to increase the penalties for certain gun law violations, and add steps to the background checks for legal gun o...
  • Hangover Cure Contest (21 and Over ONLY!) - 2 weeks ago Expires: 08/25/2011 The morning after parties can be tough: waking-up is hard, even painful; and sometimes comes with promises of "never again". So, how can hangovers be avoided? Mod...
  • Through The Wormhole: Are There Parallel Universes? - 16 hours agoSince the ancient Greeks first speculated that everything they observed in reality was the result of the interaction of tiny particles they called atoms, great thinkers have tried to find a single mat...
  • Blood and Guts: A History of Surgery - 1 day agoDocumentary series looking at the brutal, bloody and dangerous history of surgery. Michael Mosley recounts the history of surgery through its catastrophes and successes. 1. Into the Brain. Just over 1...
  • Ancient Discoveries - 2 days agoAncient Discoveries is a documentary television series that focuses on ancient technologies. The show’s theme is that many inventions which are thought to be modern have ancient roots or in some cases...
  • The Genius of Photography - 3 days agoIn the course of our 170 year relationship, photography has delighted us, served us, moved us, outraged us and occasionally disappointed us. But mainly, it has intrigued us by showing the secret stran...
  • Through The Wormhole: Is there a Sixth Sense? - 4 days agoSight, hearing, smell, taste and touch are the tools most of us depend on to perceive the world. But some people say they also can perceive things that are outside the range of the conventional senses...
  • Drones Week of Action – Briefing Now Available - 12 hours agoGround the Drones:  A Week of Action: 1st – 8th October 2011 Over the past few years we have witnessed the increasing use of unmanned aerial vehicles, commonly known as drones, to undertake armed a...
  • NATO asks US for Drones “to find stuff to blow up” in Libya - 4 days agoNATO commanders have asked the US to send more Predator drones to Libya to enable them to find more targets . After four months of airstrikes, NATO forces are having trouble locating new military targ...
  • TBIJ uncovers civilian deaths in US drone strikes - 1 week agoA man holds a piece of a Hellfire rocket in his hands after five homes were destroyed by US drone strike in August 2010, killing 20 people. Photo: Noor Behram/Reprieve The Bureau of Investigative Jo...
  • Turning away from the drone evolution - 1 week agoResponding to a parliamentary question from Caroline Lucas about the civilian victims of UK drone strikes in Afghanistan last week, David Cameron said “I do not think that the answer is to turn our fa...
  • The search for truth in the war over drones - 2 weeks agoAn  ‘opinion’ piece’ for Defence Management Journal I was asked to write this week :    The news this week that four Afghan civilians had been killed and two injured in a British Reaper UAV strike h...
  • AFL and abuse: there are no winners - 5 hours agoIn the case of Andrew Lovett, we are once again transfixed by the terrible spectacle of another footballer accused of raping a young woman. That this whole sorry episode is more evidence of a hugely p...
  • Everyone deserves a right to privacy - 5 hours agoLast week Justin Quill, a lawyer who has represented, among others, some News Limited papers, warned that a statutory right to privacy would be simply a means for the elite of Australia to protect the...
  • The Greens' warped worldview - 5 hours agoThe defence of a country's autonomy and territorial integrity is the most fundamental responsibility of government. Any credible claim of national sovereignty must necessarily rest upon the abilit...
  • Desperation and disorder in our detention system - 5 hours agoIs firing tear gas and bean bag rounds inside a detention facility an acceptable way of diffusing tension and unrest? Is the use of force, including the assault of detainees by AFP forces, the only so...
  • Economists: making climate change scientists look good - 21 hours agoIf you think the climate scientists are struggling to communicate their views, what about the economists? Since the release of the carbon tax-come-ETS a few weeks ago, we now have a fairly complete pi...
  • Space hall of fame: nominate your technology for 2012 - 12 hours agoNumerous life-changing technologies have emerged from space. Now it’s time to promote European spinoffs to enter the 'Space Technology Hall of Fame' honouring the scientists, engineers, innova...
  • New uses for Space Station - 19 hours agoFor more than a decade, the International Space Station has been a busy orbiting research lab. But it could soon take on a new role as a testbed for ambitious missions deeper into space.
  • First joint European Space Tweetup in Cologne - 19 hours agoThe DLR German Aerospace Center and the European Space Agency are inviting 60 Twitter followers to the first joint European Space Tweetup as part of German Aerospace Day on 18 September in Cologne, G...
  • Enceladus rains water onto Saturn - 1 day agoESA’s Herschel space observatory has shown that water expelled from the moon Enceladus forms a giant torus of water vapour around Saturn. The discovery solves a 14-year mystery by identifying the sou...
  • Horn of Africa drought seen from space - 5 days agoDrought in Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti is pushing tens of thousands of people from their homes as millions face food insecurity in a crisis visible from space. ESA’s SMOS satellite shows tha...
  • Randal Koene joins our blog team - 1 day agoRandal A. Koene joins our blog team with the post "The Darwin Escape".
  • Transcendent Man Live with Ray Kurzweil - 1 day agoJoin Ray Kurzweil in your local movie theater on August 3, 2011 at 8:00pm ET/ 7:00pm CT/ 6:00pm MT and 8:00pm PT as he gives a special presentation on accelerating technology and its effects on our fu...
  • Eight Grand Challenges - 5 days agoRead "One Response to the Eight Grand Challenges" by our Richard Yonck.
  • TEDxSiliconAlley - 1 week agoOur Chris Grayson is organizing TEDxSiliconAlley on October 27th in New York City. TEDxSiliconAlley will give the established leaders, and emerging young leaders, of the NYC Tech scene the opportun...
  • Starting to make SENS - 1 week agoTranshumanist author Eddie Germino joins our Futurists Board. Read "Interview with Ramez Naam, Author of "More Than Human" and "Starting to make SENS".
  • Daily Roundup: July 27, 2011 - 20 minutes agoGoing Once, Going Twice, Jailed:   Environmental activist Tim DeChristopher's act of civil disobedience (disrupting federal oil and gas auctions on BLM land by bidding himself) netted him a two-ye...
  • Wooden You Like to Stop Timber Poaching? - 5 hours agoWhat's a lucrative brown material often smuggled across borders by armed men looking to evade the law? Think you've got it? Here's a twist: Most Americans use it every day. Still stumped? ...
  • Book Review Wednesday: Sense of Place - 7 hours agoEvery Wednesday, we review a selection of new and upcoming books addressing a specific aspect of environmentalism. Today we're recommending  books that tell the complex story of the land in a mult...
  • Green Your Gastronomy: Differentiate Organics - 9 hours agoThe days may be long and sweltering, but your meals can still be light on the stomach — and the Earth. This week's tips will help make your summer fare a bit greener. Tip #3: Investigate! A po...
  • Tracking TrekEast: Week 12 - 9 hours agoJohn Davis's TrekEast adventure from Florida's Everglades to Canada's Gaspe Peninsula has as its goal to raise awareness of the East's remaining wild places, and to inspire people to h...
  • Scripps Receives Record $45 Million For Heart Center - 15 hours agoThe largest philanthropic gift in its history will help Scripps Health in San Diego finance a $456 million cardiovascular center on its Scripps Memorial Hospital campus in La Jolla.
  • Economist Links Higher ER Spending to Lower Mortality - 16 hours agoA Massachusetts Institute of Technology study finds that an increase of about $4,000 in hospital expenditures per cardiac patient leads to a 1.4 percentage-point decrease in the mortality rate. But th...
  • CMS IDs Improper Payments, Top Regional RAC Issues - 16 hours agoThe Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has identified corrections to overpayments and underpayments in excess of $289 million in the Q3 FY 2011 update – more than $100 million more than in the p...
  • CHF Readmission Prevention Efforts Costly for Hospital - 16 hours agoA transitional care intervention program for congestive heart failure patients at a Texas hospital reduced readmissions by 48%, but because Medicare did not pay the average $1,100 cost per patient, th...
  • Oncologist Sentenced in Medicare Drug Scam - 1 day agoA California cancer doctor has been sentenced to 18 months in federal prison for bilking Medicare and other public and private health insurance providers out of up to $1 million for injectable cancer ...
  • A ‘Real Christian’ Boyhood - 17 hours agoAt one point in history, Frank Schaeffer was an heir apparent to Christian Right leadership. As the only son of evangelical kingpin Francis Schaeffer--whose Whatever Happened to the Human Race? (co-wr...
  • The State of the Welfare State - 1 day agoIn July of 1956, my new young husband and I, with two Scottish folksinger friends, were driving south after a year at a New England university. We stopped for gas in Alabama and asked the attendant, f...
  • To Despair or Not to Despair? - 2 days agoWe asked and you answered. In our June issue's cover story, "Despair Not," Sandra Steingraber argued that humans must confront "well-informed futility syndrome" if we are to ov...
  • After Fukushima, New Fears in U.S. - 5 days agoThe catastrophe in Japan caused by an earthquake and tsunami on March 11--one of the worst nuclear disasters since the advent of commercial nuclear power--has drawn attention to the David-and-Goliath ...
  • The Terrorist Threat We’re Ignoring - 5 days agoAccording to the U.S. government, the list of known bogeymen working to compromise American national security is long, and getting longer by the day. By my back-of-the-envelope count, we have shoe bom...
  • Come and be inspired at the Let Nature Feed Your Senses National Conference on Tuesday 6th September - 2 days agoThe Let Nature Feed Your Senses project organises free sensory rich farm visits for people who do not have the opportunity to visit the countryside, because of age, disability or social circumstance. ...
  • Sustainable, Profitable Potatoes - 5 days agoRecently, Philip Case wrote for Farmer’s Weekly on the recent comments from Eric Anderson, senior agronomist at Scottish Agronomy, about the carbon footprint of potato crops. Urging potato growers to ...
  • Valuing Biodiversity - 1 week agoAs increasing pressure is placed on addressing food security, there are growing fears that the environment will lose out. Biodiversity underpins a wide range of services, many of which are currently u...
  • Accolade for LEAF Farmer! - 1 week agoProducing great food with a passion for wildlife and the countryside has always been at the heart of Rob Kynaston’s approach to farming. Earlier this week, he was named as the winner of the RSPB Midla...
  • Tracking Interesting Species on the Farm - 2 weeks agoOne of the most fun aspects of LEAF farming is keeping track of all the interesting species that live on your farm. I spent the first decade of my farming life concentrating on crops and marketing, so...
  • Complete vs Finished (comedy) - 1 week agoCOMPLETE vs FINISHED No English dictionary has been able to explain the difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED in a way that’s easy to understand. Some people say there’s no difference between COMPL...
  • ICC issues Gaddafi arrest warrant - one month agoLibyan leader, his son Saif al-Islam and his spy chief Abdullah Senussi indicted for crimes against humanity. The judges said the indictments and arrest warrants were not proof of guilt, which must be...
  • The Real Truth About the CIA & HAARP - one month agoClick here to visit the Beyond Top Secrets home page and discover a lot more. Filed under: 2012 End of World, Conspiracy, Fact, Fiction, Illuminati Tagged: Conspiracy, High Frequency Active Auroral Re...
  • Comet Elenin JUNE 2011 (Update) By Russian Reports - one month ago1st collector for ELENIN UPDATE JUNE 2011 (RUSSIAN REPORTS WARN C… Follow my videos on vodpod After watching this video, it’s actually then that I realized how serious this stuff really is. At the mom...
  • The Cure to Cancer is now becoming a Business Ordeal. - one month agoThe World and Its Society are now becoming something else. While certain people are fighting for the good and progress of others, the hatters obviously have their negative roles in destroying the good...
  • White-Christian Terrorism"...the media labelled the act in Norway as a product of a mad man, but clearly the culprit gives ample justification making his political motivations clear. It is generally accepted that terrori...
  • Whirlpool of Crazy: A Letter to European Friends"The more dangerous are those in the Republican mainstream who enable these demagogues by encouraging them and often offering endorsements of their bigoted, hate-filled screeds, folks like Newt G...
  • Implications of AKP's third major victory in Turkey"Scoring a strong electoral victory, Erdogan and the AKP have been given a major opportunity in Turkey and the wider Muslim world. If this opportunity is used wisely in times of turmoil as the cu...
  • Christian Jihadi strikes Terror and shoots down Multiculturalism"What the Norwegian massacre illustrates is that the preoccupation of mainstream society to stigmatize Muslims has provided ample opportunity for other marginalized groups to implant their terror...
  • Evil can be any Color"If terrorism is to be condemned, we should do so across the board. Enough of the double standards and stereotypes that put all of us brown, Muslim people in a category we just don’t deserve. Per...
  • 5 Random Things About Blogs & Bloggers That Annoy Me - 13 hours ago Let me get this out in the open right quick: Sometimes I love to complain.  When I’m feeling whiny and insignificant in what I do, nothing beats pointing out what I consider faults in other people’s...
  • WordPress Firewall 2 Adds More Security To Your Blog - 1 day ago I’ve been testing out the WordPress Firewall 2 plugin for a little while now, and so far I think it’s been a good addition to my site. This plugin provides a layer of security to your site by inve...
  • 3 Simple Features Of The Thesis Theme - 2 days agoI often get asked how to do some of the basic setup steps in the Thesis theme.  Some of these questions pop up more frequently than others, so I decided to take 3 of the most frequent questions I rece...
  • How To Create An Easy To Remember URL For Your Google+ Profile - 4 days agoHow do you like the URL to your Google+ profile?  It’s pretty ugly and hard to remember, isn’t it?  Well, you can fix that in a minute to something more personalized and memorable. To do this you’ll...
  • The #1 Reason Why Every Professional Should Be Blogging - 5 days agoIf you were to make a list of reasons why you should be blogging, what would that list consist of?  Some great reasons such as cheap marketing and customer interaction should obviously be mentioned, b...
  • NASA loses two top officials - 3 hours ago NASA is losing its most senior power couple -- a symbol of the poor outlook for the agency. Laurie Leshin, the top scientist in NASA's exploration division, and her husband, Jon Morse, the head o...
  • House Republicans target international climate funding - 5 hours agoRepublican appropriators pushed legislation through a US House subcommittee on Wednesday that would eliminate funding for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change while scaling back money for var...
  • Astronomers spot Earth's first orbital partner - 9 hours agoThe Earth has a very skittish dance partner. Locked ahead of the Earth’s orbit lies a 300-metre lump of rock -- Earth’s first trojan asteroid, astronomers report today in Nature . The points 60 deg...
  • HEP-2011: Higgs hunting at 144GeV - 9 hours agoToday, the two big detectors at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) delivered a plenary at the Europhysics Conference on High-Energy Physics in Grenoble. The results were largely the same as those given o...
  • US judge rules decisively for federal funding of human embryonic stem cell research - 10 hours agoIn a victory for supporters of human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research, a US district judge ruled today that government funding of the research is legal, despite an existing law that prohibits US f...
  • NSA “Declassified” Publicly Available Text on Cryptology - 13 hours agoLast month the National Security Agency announced the declassification of various historic records as evidence of its “commitment to meeting the requirements” of President Obama’s policy on openness a...
  • New FRUS Volume Declassified After Four Year Review - 13 hours agoThe latest volume of the State Department’s Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) series documents U.S. Mideast policy before, during and immediately after the 1973 Arab-Israeli war.  It was p...
  • An Update from the National Declassification Center - 14 hours agoIn the past 18 months, the National Declassification Center has completed processing of less than 5% of the 400 million page backlog of 25 year old historical records that are awaiting declassificatio...
  • DNI Security Official Appointed to be New ISOO Director - 2 days agoIn a step that will shape the future course of U.S. government secrecy policy, President Obama approved the appointment of John P. Fitzpatrick, a security official at the Office of the Director of Nat...
  • Leak Prosecutors Criticize Sterling Subpoena to Senate - 2 days agoGovernment attorneys said last week that a proposal by former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling to subpoena former staff members from the Senate Intelligence Committee to show that they, not he, leaked cla...
  • Green Square: Exposing the Mainstream Media in Libya - 2 days agoThe mainstream media has been hiding the facts and the realities on the ground in Libya. The Libyan people have been gathering in massive rallies across Libya. These rallies demonstrate the widespread...
  • Zero option on the Palestinian track - 2 days agoInternational affairs Editorial: Zero option on the Palestinian track The report that was carried by Haaretz about the inclination of Netanyahu's government to consecrate its control over the occu...
  • Libya: Washington prepares its revenge - 5 days agoNegotiations have intensified between Libya and the United States to reach an agreement on a cease-fire that would allow NATO to save face. But far from giving up its ambitions to reshape North Africa...
  • Violence in Homs a ‘nightmare' while regime says it has seized men and weapons - 6 days agoViolence in Homs a ‘nightmare' while regime says it has seized men and weapons The death toll in Homs climbed to more than 40 in four days and a pro-government daily called for dialogue to end the...
  • The Cost of the "War on Terror" - 1 week agoA US university institute has made a detailed assessement of the cost of the “war against terrorism” for the US alone. It revealed that the actual bill is likely to be three times as high as the amoun...
  • Legal Battle Finally Over for an "American Hero" - 6 hours agoThe NWC is pleased to announce that whistleblower hero Bunnatine “Bunny” Greenhouse has finally won a six-year legal battle against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In 2005, Ms. Greenhouse blew the w...
  • Whistleblower Center in NYC - 2 days agoThe NWC is preparing for a full day of whistleblower events in New York City today. Join the NWC staff and Executive Director Stephen M. Kohn at two events teaching the public about whistleblower rig...
  • NWC seminar on Dodd-Frank a huge success - 1 week ago David Colapinto, Stephen Kohn, Sean McKessy and Michael Kohn. Photo by Lindsey Williams. ...
  • Last Call for July 20th Whistleblower Seminar - 1 week agoThe NWC is gearing up for our special seminar tomorrow in Washington, D.C. at the Willard Intercontinental Hotel, entitled “ The NEW Corporate Whistleblower Protections and Rewards Provisions .” The ...
  • Environmental whistleblowers' options while waiting for the gold standard - 1 week ago My colleague, Lindsey Williams, is today's guest blogger on Bridge the Gulf .  Bridge the Gulf is a citizen journalism project dedicated to saving communities on the Gulf Coast. Today, Lindsey i...
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my yahoo - Yahoo! News Search Results

  • Analysis: Obama's leadership image on the line in debt saga - 7 hours agoWASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's credibility as a leader hangs in the balance along with America's gold-plated credit rating as he strives to break a debt impasse with Republica...
  • Democrats say Obama should invoke 14th Amendment - 7 hours agoHouse Democrats said Wednesday that President Barack Obama should invoke a little-known constitutional provision to prevent the nation from going into default if Congress fails to come up with a plan ...
  • Debt deadlock: What will end this mess? - 9 hours agoIs there any way out of this God-awful mess? That is  the question being asked all over Washington, as Republicans and Democrats trade blame for the breakdown of contentious negotiations to raise the ...