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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

31 July - iGoogle


Blog of Rights - ACLU
Who Owns Your Genes? The Case Continues…

BP/Deepwater Horizon/Gulf spider
Deep Water Horizon oil still affects Gulf Coast environment ...
Preventable Disasters: The BP Spill and Dispersants | Astrology ...
The cost of poverty in BC is way too high
Video Debate Series: Role of Manufacturing in the Canadian Economy
Circle of Blue - Water News
Coal Conversion in the Rust Belt: Will It Be a Diamond for Small Ohio River Town?
U.S. House Passes Bill to Accelerate Decision on Tar Sands Keystone XL Pipeline
Road Trip Pic of the Day, 7/31: What is this?
Porsche's Exclusive customization shop
Common Dreams
Cry (Lame) Liberty
Clergy Arrested Praying for Equitable Debt Ceiling Deal
Daily Bell
Pat Gorman on How to Protect Your Wealth, Invest for Success and Protect Your Family
IMF: Turning Crises Into Opportunity
Daily Galaxy
Weekend Feature: NASA Finds Volcanoes on Dark Side of the Moon 
News Flash: NASA Climate Data Challenges Global Warming Alarms 
Are Invisible, Primordial Black Holes Harboring Dark Mass of the Universe? 
Milky Way Apocalypse! Did a Small Black Hole Crash Into the Core Supermassive Black Hole a Few Million Years Ago? 
Found! Voracious Black Hole 2 Billion Times Size of the Sun 
Dean 2016
a humble suggestion for balancing the budget and eliminating the debt
GOP weakness in 2012 means a strong field in 2016
Democracy Now!
Protesters Face Trial on One-Year Anniversary of Arizona's Anti-Immigrant Law, SB 1070
Norway's Johan Galtung, Peace & Conflict Pioneer, on How to Stop Extremism that Fueled Shooting
Simultaneously Charge Tablet and Smart Phone in Car
Dual USB charger quickly powers up high and low-current devices at once.
Pint-Sized Snowboarder Shreds It Up
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Syrian troops attack Hama - Sydney Morning Herald
SYRIAN soldiers backed by tanks stormed the city of Hama yesterday, killing at least 62 people, Al Arabiya television reported. Dozens of people were wounded, the television network said, citing human rights activists it didn't identify. ...
Shane Bauer, left, and Josh Fattal, center, are shown on trial at the Tehran Revolutionary Court in the Iranian capital in February. Tehran, Iran (CNN) -- An Iranian court is scheduled to issue a verdict within a week in the case of a group of American ...
BENGHAZI, Libya: Libya's opposition has ordered all militia to disband and come under their control after the killing of one of the top military commanders in the rebellion against Muammar Gaddafi. ''The time has come to disband these brigades. ...
KASHI, Xinjiang, July 31 (Xinhua) -- Four suspects were shot dead by police in the city of Kashi (or Kashgar) in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Sunday afternoon. Four others were caught, while police are hunting for the rest four ...
EVEN as he languishes in solitary confinement in a prison that was once a Nazi concentration camp, Anders Behring Breivik continues to wage his war against Islam. Having murdered 77 people (some pictured above) he is now entering the propaganda phase ...
By OLIVIA KATRANDJIAN The broken fuselage of a Caribbean Airlines' Boeing 737-800 is seen after it crashed at the end of the runway at Cheddi Jagan International Airport in Timehri, Guyana, Saturday July 30, 2011. (Jules Gibson/AP Photo) The jet, ...
Eight people drowned and one person was missing Sunday after a pleasure boat collided with a barge and sank in Moskva river here, the emergencies ministry said. "Another body has been recovered. The fate of one person is still unknown," the ministry ...
July 31, 2011 10 Police, Child Killed in Southern Afghanistan VOA News Officials in Afghanistan say a suicide car bombing Sunday in southern Helmand province has killed 11 people and wounded a dozen more. A provincial spokesman says 10 police officers ...
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        from Politicol News

        Let the word go forth from Washington! The corporate rulers occupying our nation's capital have declared war on just about every citizen. Have no doubt: those in the upper ranges of the top 1% of wealth in this country (aka The Money Party) want to kick you to the curb.
        They want to reduce your social security and make you go broke paying for medical care.
        They want to lower your wages and trash your retirement.
        They ignore the clear facts that we've had negative job growth since 2000 and the situation is just getting worse.
        They want to ship jobs, factories, and entire businesses overseas and give companies that do that a big fat tax credit for doing so.
        They've been given so much for nothing for so long. Now, they're ready to take it all. It's their time!

        The most recent assault is the ridiculous debate about raising the debt ceiling. There should be no debate. Failing to raise the ceiling right now means deliberate default on debts, refusing to pay bills the government can pay. It's called fraud.
        The pressing need to fix the budget is a separate issue. Reduced spending and increased revenues should come through broad public involvement and open debate. It mandates that the rulers behave like adults.
        But this crisis isn't about putting together a real budget. It's about creating a budget that punishes you, your family, and friends. It's about taking your attention away from your vital interests to maximize income and control by The Money Party.
        Were the leaders on either side of the debate serious, the Bush era tax cuts would be restored. These cuts on the top 1% were temporary. Guess what? Congress lied. When the temporary tax breaks ran out a few months ago, they were revived and renewed just when we had the greatest need for revenues.
        The Money Party won't give up its wars either. Iraq and Afghanistan have added $4 trillion to the national deficit of $14 trillion. Why not stop the wars? How hard is that to figure that out?
        Getting rid of Bush tax cuts for the super-rich, ending the wars, and moving out of the recession/depression would be huge steps toward balancing the budget. But that won't happen with this Congress and this president. Why? That would cost the financial elite money for taxes and lost income for all those weapons they sell to support the wars.
        The Attack on You Began in Earnest Just Years Ago
        Congress repealed Depression era banking regulation that kept your banks from risky investments in 1999.
        Congress enacted legislation in 2000 that allowed extremely risky investments in real estate and other derivatives, illegal for nearly a century.
        In 2001, the big banks and Wall Street celebrated its newly purchased freedoms with a decade-long binge of fraud and risky investments. Like a greedy con artist, they took everything they could from people here and around the world until there was no more to take. We have now hit the wall thanks to them.
        The outrageous expenses of wars based on lies caught up with us and shoved the deficit to new heights. The tax cuts for the top 1% took away revenues needed to balance the budget.
        The money they steal from the Social Security surplus is no longer enough. They want to keep the tax in place for us and take an even bigger rake-off.
        This crisis is manufactured by the ongoing greed of The Money Party. It is funded by the US Treasury. You pay for it, all of it.

        This article may be reproduced with attribution of authorship and a link to the article.
        The Money Party RSS

        Martial Law in North America Represents The Total Destruction of Freedom

        Saman Mohammadi Jul 30, 2011 11:26 PM - Show original item
        Martial is coming to America and Canada in slow motion. The train left the station a long time ago. And the cunning conductors are not going to lose their nerve as their train of evil approaches the final destination: mass detention of activists, violent government crackdowns on protests, and slavery for the people.

        Corporate fascism, government oppression and private banking tyranny didn't suddenly creep up on America and other Western countries. The crisis of freedom in America and Western civilization was foreseen years ago both by people within government (John F. Kennedy) and by people outside of government.

        What blind and arrogant people don't want to admit is that "conspiracy theorists" like Alex Jones, Ron Paul, Jesse Ventura and countless other truth-tellers are the Paul Reveres of this generation.

        While the people were sleeping, the same old treacherous banking tyrants that the American founding fathers and colonists defeated in the War of Independence were back to their old tricks and busy re-enslaving the people of the New World.

        II. The Show Won't Go On Because The Myth Cannot Hide The Reality Forever

        The charade that is taking place in Washington makes for good television drama, but you won't learn anything about what's in store for America and the global economy by paying attention to those clowns. The sad fact is that the American people have already been robbed of their future, their savings, and their country.

        Trillions of dollars have been mismanaged, stolen, and treacherously misused to help pay for unnecessary wars in the Middle East and the bailout of Wall Street banks that committed fraud and cheated the public. And the U.S. military will take over American streets, standing alongside riot cops to crush pro-freedom protests, once the American people fully realize that the funds in Social Security and Medicare have been robbed by treacherous bankers and politicians.

        On July 20, Catherine Austin Fitts, the former Assistant Secretary of Housing, said on Financial Survival Radio that the fiscal crisis is being used to cover up a much more profound political crisis, saying:
        We have four trillion dollars missing from the federal accounts. Depending on who you talk to, we have 12 to 17 trillion dollars extended or given to the banks as a gift.

        This is not a fiscal crisis, this is a political crisis because we're having a financial coup d'etat. In other words, if you can steal money every year and then say "our problem is we do not have no money," - No, our problem is not that we do not have no money and we're not living financially responsible, the problem is you're stealing.