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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

19 July - RSS SnapShot! Pt I

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The latest is biodiesel maker RenewableEnergy Group, which on Monday filed to raise up to $100 million in an IPO on the Nasdaq under the symbol REGI. In contrast to the other next-gen biofuel startups that have gone public this year, ...
"My concern is that it (renewable energy) really hasn't been part of our talk of reconstruction," said the now-retired McArdle, who spent a year in northern Afghanistan from 2005 at the end of a diplomatic career, in a telephone conversation. ...
The Associated Press
"Every renewable energy source that has moved into commercial use, such as solar and wind, has always had to depend upon that initial subsidy," he said. A small amount of federal money in tight budget times is now available, but that support depends ...
US Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar has approved four new renewable energy projects on public lands, as well as launching environmental reviews on three others. Salazar has also laid out the next steps in a comprehensive environmental analysis to ...
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The Seattle Times
The Washington Department of Ecology says improvements need to be made now instead of waiting for a plan to clean up PCBs in the Spokane River. The Associated Press No comments have been posted to this article. The Washington Department of Ecology says...
MarketWatch (press release)
MONTCLAIR, NJ, Jul 18, 2011 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- GlobalEcology Corporation (GEC) (otcqb:GLEC) announced today that it is setting up an organic fertilizer/soil amendment processing facility in Florida. Global Ecology Chairman Joseph Battiato said ...
Yakima Herald-Republic
Kittitas County Prosecutor's Office has initiated a criminal investigation into the actions of state Department of Ecologyofficials in connection with the agency making permanent the The DOE's temporary rules, called by some a moratorium on the ...
MarketWatch (press release)
BOISE, ID, Jul 18, 2011 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- US Ecology, Inc. /quotes/zigman/117082/quotes/nls/ecol ECOL +0.69% today announced that it will release financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2011 on Tuesday, August 2, 2011 prior to ...
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Chicago Tribune
The captain of the Chicago Water Taxi the Sunliner spotted a woman who had falled into the South Branch of the Chicago River this morning and the crew, a passenger and firefighters rescued the woman. (Photo courtesy Wendella Boats) By Liam Ford Tribune ...
The Associated Press
JINSHAN CITY, China (AP) — Keri-Anne Payne of Britain won the gold medal in women's 10-kilometer open water swimming at the world championships on Tuesday. Payne finished in 2 hours, 1 minute, and 58.1 seconds to defend the title she won two years ago ...
USA Today
OAKLAND — Mike Trout approached veteran Torii Hunter before Sunday's game and inquired about the start time for chapel service, one of the countless bits of information rookies absorb when they get to the majors. By Victor Decolongon, Getty Images ...
There's plenty of water out at Mohawk reservoir, but looking at the banks you can clearly see plenty of water has been used. "On Saturday we set a record for water usage at 204 million gallons," said Water & Sewer Director Clayton Edwards. ...
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