Water News via Spiders at Bottom
The Intelligence Daily
- “The Arts Of Life They Changed Into The Arts O ...by Phil Rockstroh As of late, Pat Robertson has been waxing apocalyptic regarding mankind’s...
- Spillionaires Revisited: Gov’t Official’s Asso ...by Kim Barker, ProPublica Last month, Craig Taffaro Jr., the president of Louisiana’s St....
- Running Rupert to Ground – Vox Populi, Vox DeiBy Michael Collins How will they get rid of Rupert Murdoch and his toxic enterprises? July 4, 2011...
- Nigerian-Chinese Trade SoarsBy Charles Kennedy, Deputy Editor OilPrice.com Nigeria’s total trade investments with China...
- China to Keep Rare Earths Export Quota at 2010 ...by Joao Peixe, Oil Price Seeking to quell fears among its trading partners, Beijing has announced...
My AntiWar
- Pakistan, Iran become ‘natural allies’Summary: The participation by Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari in the two-day conference on terrorism held at Tehran on June 25 was invested with political symbolism as a mark of displeasure towards the United States. But Zardari’s return to Tehran within three weeks on a second visit on Sat ...
- Iran Opens Oil Bourse – Harbinger of Tro ...Summary: So, while Washington prepares to commit political hara-kiri, Iran is preparing to take away a little of the capitalist glow from New York and London. If the Chinese decide to start paying for their Iranian purchases strictly in yuan, expect the trickle away from the dollar in energy pr ...
- Pakistanis Seek Arrest of Ex-CIA Legal Chief O ...
- Justice Department Lawyers Contradict FBI Find ...
- Cousin Admits Role in NYC Subway Terror Plot
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- Iran Opens Oil Bourse - Harbinger of Trouble f ...Summary: So, while Washington prepares to commit political hara-kiri, Iran is preparing to take away a little of the capitalist glow from New York and London. If the Chinese decide to start paying for their Iranian purchases strictly in yuan, expect the trickle away from the dollar in energy ...
- Pakistan, Iran become 'natural allies'Summary: The participation by Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari in the two-day conference on terrorism held at Tehran on June 25 was invested with political symbolism as a mark of displeasure towards the United States. But Zardari's return to Tehran within three weeks on a second visit on ...
- Iran urges US, Russia to meet commitments on e ...Summary: Iran’s ambassador to the Netherlands has called on the United States and Russia, as the countries that have the largest stockpiles of chemical weapons, to fulfill their commitments based on the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and meet the deadline of April 29, 2012 for the eradica ...
- Former CIA Official: Israel Will Bomb Iran in ...Summary: A longtime CIA officer who spent 21 years in the Middle East is predicting that Israel will bomb Iran this fall, dragging the United States into another major war and endangering U.S. military and civilian personnel (and other interests) throughout the Middle East and beyond. sour ...
- AMERICA GOES FROM BAD TO WORSE IN THE MIDDLE ...Summary: Egypt protestsThe latest methodologically serious poll of Arab public opinion—the “Arab Attitudes, 2011” survey, see here, conducted by IBOPE Zogby International for the Arab American Institute Foundation—should (but probably won’t) be read in the White House as a wake-up call about ...
The Daily Galaxy
- The Faint Red Dot --Is This the Most Distant K ...A deep optical image of the afterglow of the gamma-ray burst GRB 090429B, arguably the most distant object known in the universe.The light from this object has been traveling towards us for about 13.2 billion years, or 96% of the...
- Supermassive Black Holes in the Centers of Gal ...This past spring, two UK astronomers have found that the supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies are on average spinning faster than at any time in the history of the Universe. Dr Alejo Martinez-Sansigre of the University of...
- Was Earth's Original Water Delivered via Extra ...\ Contrary to preconceived notions, the atmosphere and the oceans were perhaps not formed from vapors emitted during intense volcanism at the dawning of our planet. Francis Albarède of the Laboratoire des Sciences de la Terre (CNRS / ENS Lyon...
- Have Earth's Pandemics Originated in Outer Space?An alternative theory to the origin of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) suggests that the disease may have originated in outer space. Chandra Wickramasinghe from Cardiff University, UK, and colleagues described how around a ton of bacteria is deposited on...
- A Mars Impact Basin Deep Enough to Swallow Mou ...An impact basin deep enough to swallow Mount Everest and surprising slopes in Valles Marineris highlight a global map of Mars showing four hemispheric views at 90 degree intervals. Colors correspond to elevations measured by the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter...
Natural News
- Pharmageddon: Prescription drugs are killing A ...(NaturalNews) No parent wants to lose a child, but when one dies from something that should be very preventable, the heartbreak and tragedy is compounded. Such is increasingly the case with prescription drugs - they're killing our youth.Sarah Shay and Savannah Kissick, of Morehead, Ky., best fri ...
- The Gerson Tapes reveal secrets for healing di ...(Natural News) An extensive course packed with cancer-preventing wisdom organized into 14 individual lessons is now being published on NaturalNews.TV and NaturalNews. Each lesson delivers a full-hour's worth of life-saving knowledge. The course is based on a collection of 14 tapes which contain ...
- US pediatrician suggests government should tak ...(NaturalNews) A pediatrician in Boston named David Ludwig has been sharply criticized over the past week for suggesting that obese children might be taken away from their parents by state authorities for their own safety. In his article, published in the Journal of the American Medical Associati ...
- Japan radiation specialists accuses TEPCO of t ...(NaturalNews) Reports continue to surface about Japan's tsunami-caused nuclear disaster at the Fukushima complex, and this time Japanese radiation specialists say the plant's owner, Tokyo Electric Power Company, is engaged in a number of cover-ups and misinformation campaigns.One specialist, Nis ...
- Interview with Dr. John Cannell on benefits of ...(NaturalNews) Mike Adams recently interviewed the Executive Director of the Vitamin D Council, Dr. John Cannell, MD, in order to obtain more information about the nutrient which has been gaining ground as a proven necessity for cancer protection, good overall health, and a strong immune system. ...
Threat Level
- LulzSec Defaces Murdoch Paper With Mogul’s Fak ...They're back. The hacker gang LulzSec declared retirement last month, but cracked the Rupert Murdoch-owned New Times on Monday and used it to host a fake news story declaring that the embattled media mogul had been found dead at his home.
- Judge Grants Google ‘Street View’ Wiretap AppealA federal judge sided with Google on Monday, granting the search giant the right to appeal his ruling that packet-sniffing on non-password-protected Wi-Fi networks is illegal wiretapping.
- Judge Fines Righthaven $5,000A Las Vegas federal judge has sanctioned copyright troll Righthaven to the tune of $5,000 for making misrepresentations to the court. U.S. District Judge Roger Hunt of Nevada last month ordered Righthaven explain why Hunt should not sanction it for trying to “manufacture standing.” (.pdf) Standi ...
- Court OKs Airport Body Scanners, Rejects Const ...A federal appeals court on Friday unanimously declined to block the government from using intrusive body scanners across airports nationwide, saying it is “not persuaded by any of the statutory or constitutional arguments” against them. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Cir ...
- Deadline Looms for Online Gamblers to Petition ...Tens of thousands of U.S.-based internet gamers lost their bankrolls on Black Friday: April 15, the day the federal government seized the finances and domains of the world's largest offshore, online gambling sites.
PERRspectives : Blog
- GOP Will Vote to Criminalize ReaganIf nothing else, you have to hand it to Congressional Republicans for sheer "choot-spa" when it comes to the national debt. Not content to destroy the U.S. economy rather than raise a dime of revenue from the wealthiest Americans, Republicans will vote Tuesday for the "Cut, Cap and Balance Act" ...
- Either Way, Washington Prepares to Bring the P ...Whatever the resolution to the Republican hostage-taking of the U.S. debt ceiling, it's becoming increasingly clear it will a painful one. Failure to boost the $14.3 trillion limit by August 2nd, as even some of the GOP extortionists are only now beginning to understand, would produce what Spea ...
- From Political to Pathological: Republicans an ..."The chief consequence of the conservatives' unrelenting faith in the badness of government," Thomas Franks wrote three years ago in The Wrecking Crew, "is bad government." But would happen if virtually every article of that faith were wrong or, much worse, a blatant lie? Then you'd have somet ...
- The Republicans' Constitutional Con JobAs the GOP hostage-taking drama over raising the debt limit appears headed towards a final showdown, Republican Congressmen, Senators and presidential candidates alike are pushing the "Cut, Cap and Balance" pledge. While Mitch McConnell's "Plan B" would see Republicans yield on boosting the $14 ...
- Republican Secrets of the DebtOn the same day that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Wall Street rating agencies joined the ever-louder chorus of voices warning Republicans that failure to raise the U.S. debt ceiling would result in "calamity," Speaker John Boehner announced that at leas ...
Blackspot News Feed
- Culture jamming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaCulture jamming, coined in 1984,[1][2][3] denotes a tactic used by ... Culture jamming is usually employed in opposition to a perceived appropriation of public ...
- Culture JamCulture Jam is the innovative social media technology company behind PromoJam, the ground breaking social marketing platform, and upcoming technologies ...
- Nome, Dagny: Culture JammingFor some, culture jamming is more or less anything that mixes art, ... Finally, I will discuss whether culture jamming as a countercultural movement can aspire ...
- Wooster Collective: Culture Jamming ArchivesPosted by marc at 7:00 AM in Culture Jamming | add to del.icio.us. add to digg. add to ... marc at 7:59 AM in Culture Jamming | add to del.icio.us. add to digg ...
- Culture jamming - Definition | WordIQ.comCulture jamming, or sniggling, is the act of using existing mass media to comment on those very media themselves, using the original medium's communication method. ...
Consortium News
- Not Looking in the MirrorAt Consortiumnews.com, Lawrence Davidson questions America's flattering self-image, July 17, 2011
- The Rise of Pro-Democracy JournalismAt Consortiumnews.com, Nozomi Hayase sees hope in Internet journalism, July 18, 2011
- Neocons Fume Over Gaza BoatAt Consortiumnews.com, Ray McGovern responds to neocon attacks on Gaza flotilla, July 16, 2011
- Mixed Signals on US Troops in IraqAt Consortiumnews.com, Gareth Porter notes mixed signals from key Iraqi on US troops, July 16, 2011
- New Gift Offer for Fund DriveAt Consortiumnews.com, a premium gift of a Martin Sheen-narrated film for a $50 donation, July 14, 2011
- Congress Must Debate the Libya WarThe US is now at war in a third Muslim country, according to the "official tally" (that is, counting Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, but not Pakistan or Yemen, for example.) But Congress has never authorized or debated the US military intervention in Libya. (A sharply disputed claim holds that the ...
- News in Brief: Daniel Ellsberg, Col. Ann Wrigh ...Daniel Ellsberg, Col. Ann Wright Among 30 Arrested for Protesting Against Abuse of Bradley Manningread more
- In This Nuclear World, What Is the Meaning of ...In a nuclear crisis, life becomes a nightmare for those people trying to make sense of the uncertainties. Imaginably, the questions are endless. Radiation is invisible, how do you know when you are in danger? How long will this danger persist? How can you reduce the hazard to yourself and famil ...
- Richard D. Wolff: "Personal Debts" (Video)read more
- Charmed Into Battle: How a Volunteering Vacati ...About to turn thirty, Conor Grennan planned a year-long trip around the world. He started his trip with a three-month stint volunteering in the Little Princes Orphanage in war-torn Nepal. What was supposed to be just a three-month experience changed Conor's life, and the lives of countless other ...
- Loss of Predators Is Our Greatest Impact"The loss of apex consumers is arguably humankind's most pervasive influence on the natural world,” argue the authors of a new report published in the journal Science, which looked at the decline of large predators and other ‘apex consumers’ at the top of the food chain.
- The Painted Desert From Space [Photo of the Day]The Painted Desert in northern Arizona, US, lies between the Grand Canyon and northwest of the Petrified Forest National Park, and is captured here in two beautiful images taken by the Thematic Mapper on the Landsat 5 satellite.
- Toys Discussing Rainforest Destruction… and Ni ...Greenpeace investigation shows Mattel, Disney, Hasbro, and Lego are all participating in rainforest destruction. Who's willing to change?
- 2011 Gulf Dead Zone Could Be Biggest EverResearchers from Texas A&M University who have just returned from a visit to the Gulf of Mexico to explore the scope and size of this year's dead zone have measured it to be currently around 8,500 square kilometres; approximately the same size as the states of Delaware and Rhode Island combined. ...
- Disturbing Anti-Coal Plant Ads Take Over D.C. ...Starting July 12th, the Sierra Club started taking over all of the ad space inside Washington, D.C.'s Farragut North Station. They are sharing their message about the dangers of air pollution from coal-fired power plants and the related health risks. Around 80 metro cars have carried similar ads ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- Take a Look at Lake Mead...Posted June 19, 2011� Long-term drought on the Colorado River, a major supply for San Diego, has drawn down Lake Me
- Concerned about our areas waters? Here's the ...National Ag Experts to Address Water Concerns The public is encouraged to attend the Minnesota Ag Wa
- What Would You Do? Man urinates in water, city ...Because a 21-year-old man was caught on a security camera urinating into a city reservoir, Oregon
- Day 40: Water Monitoring Seneye.comThis is ultra cool – in a geeky monitor chemicals in the water sort of way  Basically, seneye
- Rep. Mica introduces bill that would rewrite t ...Representative Jon Mica (R-Tampa) introduces bill that would rewrite the Clean Water Act. (Washingto
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Two Capitalisms by Joel S. Hirschhornby Joel S. Hirschhorn Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.foavc.org June 19, 2011 Image by Metro Cen
- Happy Father's Day… **** Happens! by Philip A. ...Image by Dandelion Salad via Flickr by Philip A. Farruggio Featured Writer Dandelion Salad June 18,
- NATO Incorporates Libyan Experience For Global ...by Rick Rozoff Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Stop NATO Stop NATO-Opposition to global militarism J
- Rise Up To The Occasion… It Could Very Well Ha ...by Sibel Edmonds Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Originally published by Boiling Frogs Post June 17,
- Bilderberg 2011: The Rockefeller World Order a ...by Andrew Gavin Marshall Featured Writer Dandelion Salad June 18, 2011 To say we were striving for a
Axis of Logic
- Venezuela’s Chavez Seeks to Combat Inflation, ...Merida, July 15th 2011 (Venezuelanalysis.com) – Yesterday Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez used his standing legislative authority to sign into law a new price control mechanism aimed at putting an end to speculation and hoarding. The newly enacted Law for the Protection and Defense of Econom ...
- The madness continues in the US Police State: ...On the website, The American Dream, Michael T. Snyder, writes: Police Shut Down Lemonade Stands And Cookie Stands Run By Kids All Over America – Is There Anything We Are Still Free To Do Without Government Permission? If you plan on using the bathroom before you get done reading this...
- Murdoch scandal spreads. Britain’s police chie ...18 July 2011 Britain’s senior police officer, Sir Paul Stephenson, has been forced to resign in the latest turn in the expanding scandal over phone hacking and other illegal acts by British media outlets owned by Rupert Murdoch. Stephenson stepped down after the arrest of Neil Walli ...
- Chavez: Chemotherapy Preventive in 2nd Stage o ...Caracas, Jul 17, 2011 (Prensa Latina) Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is in Cuba to begin the second stage of his medical treatment and recovery from surgery for a cancerous tumor, including chemotherapy that he described as preventive. Various rumors about oncological conditions and the sup ...
- Divesting From Private Prisons - World NewsA new coalition of immigrant and labor groups tries to shame the nation’s largest investment firms On May 16, just four days after demonstrations against the private prison industry in cities across the country—part of the National Prison Industry Divestment Campaign—Pershing Square Cap ...
They Gave Us a Republic
- Recent Assaults by Right Show We Can't Take De ...Those beguiling Norman Rockwell images of pious public school children, hands across hearts, reciting the Pledge Allegiance to our Republic and the liberty and justice for which it stands, has lured too many of us into a false sense of security that acceptance of democracy as the preferred form ...
- Compromising Ourselves Into OblivionThe Wars Against the Firebaggers demand that I open this post with the disclaimer that I do not in any way endorse primarying Barack Obama, no matter how tempting the prospect or fabulous the candidate. What I do endorse is using the lessons of this presidency to kill DINO-ism wherever it exists ...
- The Nightowl NewswrapIf Goodwill were going to accept donations of weed, Lawrence, Kansas (the Berkley of the Plains) would be our very first guess as to where the policy originated. "A surprise has appeared among the donations at a Goodwill store in Lawrence. ... The Lawrence Journal-World reported that a worker fo ...
- Sacrifice Not SharedThe Rude Pundit nails it: A Scene From Our Unshared Sacrifices: The old lady at the pharmacy counter obviously wore an adult diaper. That tell-tale sharp urine scent half-masked by sweet-smelling chemicals emanated from her, and the Rude Pundit stood right behind her yesterday, waiting to pick u ...
- About that "Texas Miracle"There is a huge difference between a miracle and an illusion created by smoke and mirrors and sleight of hand. Care to guess which one really happened in Texas? Rick Perry like to pretend like Texas is some sort of economic utopia where they don't pass debts on to future generations and do just ...
Care 2
- GOOD NEWS! Blue iguana back from the deadThe lizard went from an abundant population that roamed the island freely to practically assured extinction. Thanks to great local efforts, the iguana population is bouncing back.Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- GOOD NEWS! Hundreds of Critically Endangered ...While scientists are celebrating the find, they are concerned that this new population is imperiled by road development from Vietnam to Laos. The roads would fragment important habitat and bring an influx of people. Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- ACTION ALERT: Create a Public Registry for An ...Please ask Animal Welfare Board of India - AWBI and Animal Welfare Division to Prepare Nation's First Public Database Tracking Animal Cruelty Offenders in the interest of animals because with out this database, all concerned enforcement agencies are failSubmitted by Simone D. to Animals �|� �No ...
- The MEDIA-RIGHT-STORMSo we have had what should have been a great tool to educate the masses about how things should be working for all of mankind. Its been around for 60 or more yearsSubmitted by Michael Dewey to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Open Thread - 7/17/2011Personal notes, a Jig Zone puzzle, three short takes, and a homemade cartoon (shown)Submitted by TomCat S. to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Smirking Chimp
- Blowhards and Real Americans
- No, We Won't End Up Like Greece: 5 Reasons Con ...
- Tomgram: Stephan Salisbury, How Muslim-Bashing ...
- Why Can't Presidents and News Media Tycoons Ju ...
- Making Mountain Top Removal Real: The Last Mou ...
Paul Krugman
- Texas TalesWhat's the model, Rick?
- Reaganite DelusionsThe invisible post-1980 boom.
- Lats of LuckSome role model.
- Herbert Hoover Was HooveresqueAnd so are we.
- Murdoch Most FoulEvildoing, here too.
No Quarter
- A Dump Obama Primary?Is there a Dem revolt in the air? Or another tea party in the making? I found this article Dump Obama: a Primary Focus (see excerpts below) at FDL (FireDogLake.com). Besides the obvious point that they are slow learners regarding dem party corruption and who Obama really is. And it is nice to ...
- “Nothing in his life/ Became him like the lyin ...Is this the end of the Press Lords Murdoch? The answer looks more and more to be affirmative. The latest bulletins from London, thanks to live blogs being kept by both the Daily Telegraph and the Manchester Guardian, point to massacres, dagger thrusts, lawyering up, prisoner’s dilemma (sell him ...
- Priorities * Open ThreadQuestions. I have questions. Why did the U.S. Department of Justice and a cadre of U.S. Attorneys spend $10 million to indict baseball great Roger Clemons? Why are U.S. Attorneys going after Lance Armstrong? As Mike Barnicle said on Morning Joe today, each sport has its own organizations dedicat ...
- Fixing the Economy, Solving the Housing Glut* Bumped Up * The wrangling over the Federal Budget is a long term issue and, as I have written previously, does nothing to get the economy up and running. The key is housing. Consider the following. In communities across the nation, but especially in Florida, Arizona and California, people find ...
- Guess Who Hates Us Even More Now Than When Bus ...The French? Well, they might, but no, that’s not who I mean. The British? Well, most likely, especially they way Obama has dissed them (like sending back the bust of Churchill, and that is the mere tip of the iceberg)? Nope. The Arab World. Yep, that’s right, even after Obama’s bowing and scrapi ...
- Personal Information: episode 24Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness! Share and Enjoy:Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness!
- Arguments against life extensionVia Michael Anissimov, here’s a spectacularly empty diatribe against “deathhackers” by TechCrunch‘s Paul Carr. Carr objects to the idea of radical life extension as advocated by transhumanists, which is fair enough, but as written here most of his objections seem to boil down to personal distate ...
- Daddy, where does innovation come from?Plenty of folk have been linking to this excerpt from Matt Ridley’s new book The Rational Optimist, and with good reason – it’s a provocative piece that plays to advocates (and opponents) of free trade, open exchange, copyright reform and much more. The basic thesis? The one persistent factor th ...
- Replacement arms: mechanical or biological?Prosthetic limbs are still in their infancy, but there’s a lot of progress being made: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is working with Darpa (who else?), and has a research grant for trying out their mind-controlled modular prosthetic arm on five test subjects over the next couple of ye ...
- How to be a futuristThe irrepressible Scott “Basic Instructions” Meyer has the lowdown if you’re thinking of a career in futurism: Click through for the whole thing. But take it from me, being a futurist is a lot of work for no money. Or maybe that’s just the way I do it… and I’ve never been featured in a [...]Foll ...
Therapy News
- Psychotherapy is Sought More When Optimism is ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Being pessimistic does not always lead someone to psychotherapy. But according to a new study conducted by a group of Finnish researchers, dips in optimism are linked to an increase in people seeking psychotherapy treatment for depressive symptoms. Personality is ...
- Is Just Saying “I’m Sorry,” Enough?Mercer Mayer authored a series of children’s books entitled The Little Critter Series. I used to read these wonderful and inspiring books to my children when they were young, and was able to draw profound life lessons from them to share with my budding adults. They learned the art of sharing, ho ...
- Getting to Know (and Esteem) YourselfCan you fall in love with someone you don’t even know? If you’re like most of us, at some point in your life you had a mad crush on someone you barely knew. It might have been a rock star, an actor, or a super-cute neighbor. Whoever it was, you were totally into them even [...]
- Premature Birth Linked to Mental Health Issues ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Several mental health issues, including obsessive compulsive behaviors, depression, tic disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity, have been linked to abnormal white and gray matter in adolescents as was a result of their premature birth. According to a new st ...
- Bulimia May Lower the Brain’s Reward SystemA GoodTherapy.org News Headline Bulimia nervosa is an eating and food issue that affects millions of people, particularly women, each year. It is characterized with binge eating and radical weight loss behaviors that include extensive use of laxatives, extreme exercise or repeated self-induced v ...
Mountaintop Removal
- Fracking in New York: The real cost - GlobalCo ...Fracking in New York: The real cost GlobalComment.com Mountaintop removal coal mining tears apart the West Virginia mountains; a recent study has connected mountaintop removal with a rise in birth defects. Coal industry lawyers responded by blaming the defects on incest. Oil drilling in the Gul ...
- Big Coal Lawyers Blame Inbreeding for Problems ...AllGov Big Coal Lawyers Blame Inbreeding for Problems Caused by Mountaintop Removal AllGov But the coal company vowed to continue its quest for a mountaintop removal permit and earlier in July the House of Representatives passed a bill that impairs the EPA from enforcing federal water pollution ...
- Making Mountain Top Removal Real: The Last Mou ...Making Mountain Top Removal Real: The Last Mountain Huffington Post (blog) It's easy for Mountain Top Removal to seem abstract to those who don't live in coal country. I just saw the powerful documentary The Last Mountain, about Mountain Top Removal and it brings the issue home like no other po ...
- Capital Fringe Festival: 'Cry of the Mountain' ...Capital Fringe Festival: 'Cry of the Mountain' Washington Post It's a verbatim drama conceived and performed by Adelind Horan based on interviews she conducted about the hazards of coal mining, with a particular interest in the technique known as mountaintop removal. Horan plays a dozen people ...
- EPA concerned about MTR link to birth defects ...EPA concerned about MTR link to birth defects Charleston Gazette Federal environmental regulators are looking closely at a new scientific study that found Appalachian residents who live near mountaintop removal mine sites face an increased risk of birth defects. US Environmental Protection Agen ...
- Stress-related condition 'incapacitates' Bachm ...Jonathan Strong / The Daily Caller: Stress-related condition ‘incapacitates’ Bachmann; heavy pill use alleged — In late July 2010, Rep. Michele Bachmann's then-communications director, Dave Dziok, told his boss that he planned to take a new job with the public relations firm Edelman. — Dzio ...
- The Wisconsin Voter - The Journal Sentinel's C ...JSOnline: The Wisconsin Voter — The Journal Sentinel's Craig Gilbert explores political trends in a purple state. — The ad wars heat up in the Wisconsin recall campaigns — By Craig Gilbert of the Journal Sentinel — Three things are obvious from the ad wars that are quickly escalating in ...
- BREAKING: Senate confirms first out gay male t ...Chris Johnson / Washington Blade: BREAKING: Senate confirms first out gay male to federal bench — J. Paul Oetken (Blade file photo by Michael Key) — The U.S. Senate made history on Monday by confirming for the first time ever an openly gay male to serve as a federal judge. — By a vote of ...
- The scramble for South Carolina (Kasie Hunt/Th ...Kasie Hunt / The Politico: The scramble for South Carolina — GREENVILLE, S.C. — In the first two presidential states, the GOP picture is clear enough: Mitt Romney and Michele Bachmann top the polls in Iowa and Romney is the candidate to beat in New Hampshire. — As for South Carolina, the o ...
- Kinnock: Murdoch facing his 'nemesis' (BBC)BBC: Kinnock: Murdoch facing his ‘nemesis’ — Former Labour leader Lord Kinnock has said that he hopes that in the wake of the phone hacking scandal, no politician will seek to “fawn upon” owners of influential papers. — Speaking to John Humphrys, he said that the influence of media organisa ...
Energy & Environment News
- Radiation-Tainted Beef Spreads Through Japan&# ...Contaminated meat, which officials attribute to cattle that ate hay stored outside and exposed to radiation, has made its way to supermarkets and restaurants across Japan in recent weeks.
- Green: Western Pine Merits Protection, Agency SaysThe United States Fish and Wildlife Service finds there is cause to list the fast-dying whitebark pine of the Northern Rockies as a threatened or endangered species, but not enough money to act.
- Green: A Climate Hazard, Medium Rare, PleaseA study calculates the cradle to grave of 20 different types of protein, including meat, cheese, seafood, beans, nuts and lentils.
- Green: N.R.C. Chief Plans Quick Response to Po ...It may take years to act on recommendations for shoring up safety at American nuclear plants, but the N.R.C. hopes to give strong guidance on necessary steps within three months.
- Dot Earth: Battling Energy Waste in Hot, Rich ...Some of the world's richest cities leave the windows open with the air conditioning on.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.2, south of the Fiji IslandsTuesday, July 19, 2011 07:15:54 UTCTuesday, July 19, 2011 07:15:54 PM at epicenterDepth: 552.20 km (343.12 mi)
- M 5.1, Ionian SeaTuesday, July 19, 2011 07:13:18 UTCTuesday, July 19, 2011 10:13:18 AM at epicenterDepth: 13.60 km (8.45 mi)
- M 5.0, near the north coast of Papua, IndonesiaTuesday, July 19, 2011 03:18:41 UTCTuesday, July 19, 2011 12:18:41 PM at epicenterDepth: 34.80 km (21.62 mi)
- M 5.1, Kermadec Islands, New ZealandTuesday, July 19, 2011 02:20:38 UTCTuesday, July 19, 2011 02:20:38 PM at epicenterDepth: 34.80 km (21.62 mi)
- M 5.2, Kermadec Islands regionMonday, July 18, 2011 16:03:50 UTCTuesday, July 19, 2011 04:03:50 AM at epicenterDepth: 47.40 km (29.45 mi)
China Dialogue
- Green litigation in China todayDespite ambitious top-down environmental policies, there are still many obstacles to public supervision through the courts, writes Alex Wang, opening a special series on Chinese law.Environmental litigation is difficult business in China. Even as the country enters its 12th Five-Year Plan period ...
- A dog fight in ChinaIn a culture in which views of canines can be contradictory, animal-protection activists’ recent rescue of over 500 dogs bound for slaughter has ignited controversy. Meng Si examines the dispute.The “April 15th Incident” -- when a group of animal-lovers halted and rescued a truck-load of dogs bo ...
- Scientists and scepticsOn climate change, vaccine safety and other issues, science is under attack from increasingly vocal critics. Researchers are fighting back, but will they be able to change minds? Andrew Jack reports.Emily Shuckburgh spends much of her time wrapped up against the cold on the far side of the world ...
- Slideshow: Living on scrapsBeijing’s informal recyclers – often new arrivals from the countryside – make a priceless, though unacknowledged, contribution to the city. Here, Chen Liwen introduces a series of photos depicting their way of life.Recycling has a very long history in China. The beginning of the founding era of ...
- Connecting the green dotsOften overlooked, grid operators are at the frontlines of climate change. As Germany embarks on an ambitious plan to scale up renewables, Letha Tawney looks at the challenge of transmission. In renewable-energy circles, there is a real excitement about Germany’s latest plans to move away fro ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- 6 Secrets About Men's Sexual Needs and DesiresThere are a lot of frustrating myths that get tossed around about how men think and feel about sex.
- We Don’t Live on the Moon Or Have Flying ...Something different for the weekend… As a ghetto nerd, I love some good science fiction. As a ghetto nerd military history buff grognard I am a sucker for a good counter-factual or “what if?” scenario. Much of the latter is pure pablum–although I have to admit that I have a soft-spot for Harry T ...
- The 13 Best Hacker Attacks Against Military Se ...Hackers have declared war on anyone or anything that threatens to censor the Internet or its citizens. Here are some of their wildest targets.
- 7 Winning Issues for Democrats (If They Only H ...It's not enough for progressives to count on Republicans to lose in 2012. Democrats need to find some issues to fight for. Here's a few suggestions.
- Worse Than a Low Wage Job? A Low Wage Job with ...“They Pretend to Pay Us And We Pretend to Work” used to be attributed to the employment situation in the former Soviet Union. But in today’s “jobless recovery,” US workers are also performing low-wage jobs with no benefits, future and, sometimes, purpose. Jobs whose main perks are air-conditioni ...
Threat Level
- LulzSec Defaces Murdoch Paper With Mogul’s Fak ...They're back. The hacker gang LulzSec declared retirement last month, but cracked the Rupert Murdoch-owned New Times on Monday and used it to host a fake news story declaring that the embattled media mogul had been found dead at his home.
- Judge Grants Google ‘Street View’ Wiretap AppealA federal judge sided with Google on Monday, granting the search giant the right to appeal his ruling that packet-sniffing on non-password-protected Wi-Fi networks is illegal wiretapping.
- Judge Fines Righthaven $5,000A Las Vegas federal judge has sanctioned copyright troll Righthaven to the tune of $5,000 for making misrepresentations to the court. U.S. District Judge Roger Hunt of Nevada last month ordered Righthaven explain why Hunt should not sanction it for trying to “manufacture standing.” (.pdf) Standi ...
- Court OKs Airport Body Scanners, Rejects Const ...A federal appeals court on Friday unanimously declined to block the government from using intrusive body scanners across airports nationwide, saying it is “not persuaded by any of the statutory or constitutional arguments” against them. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Cir ...
- Deadline Looms for Online Gamblers to Petition ...Tens of thousands of U.S.-based internet gamers lost their bankrolls on Black Friday: April 15, the day the federal government seized the finances and domains of the world's largest offshore, online gambling sites.
Equality Trust
- We work in partnership with One SocietyVisit the website of One Society which works in partnership with The Equality Trust. One Society draws on a wealth of research which shows that large divides in income at the top and bottom of society – beyond ‘proportional rewards’ – are damaging to our economy and society, not just for those ...
- Among Equals: read our newsletterRead the latest edition of our supporter newsletter
- Action for HappinessAction for Happiness is a new movement for positive social change, founded by Richard Layard, Geoff Mulgan and Anthony Seldon. They aim to bring together people from all walks of life who want to play a part in creating a happier society for everyone. Their vision of a better future in ...
- Traduction des preuves en FrançaisLes preuves en Français Preuves à l’appui: une introduction Preuves à l’appui: la santé physique Preuves à l’appui: la santé mentale Preuves à l’appui: la toxicomanie Preuves à l’appui: l’éducation Preuves à l’appui: la population carcérale
- Response to criticism of The Spirit LevelFind our full response to criticism of The Spirit Level here.
- Wikiarguments: A Practical Plan to Get Big Mon ...Wikiarguments: A Practical Plan to Get Big Money Out of Politics By Carmen Yarrusso There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.â–Henry David Thoreau Clearly, our government ...
- IOT: Healthcare for All Jan CallCall – Healthcare for All IOT Date – Jan 18, 2011 Agenda: 1. IntroductionsâDr. Bill Honigman, PDA Healthcare for All IOT coordinator and California State Coordinator 2. National Single Payer MovementâKatie Robbins, Healthcare-NOW! 3. States Single Payer Movement–Chuck Pennacchio, Healthcare ...
- PDA Weekly Field Report 1/7/2011 – 1/18/2011Little Victories! Field Site: onenationpda.org California ADEM elections: Congratulations to all our PDA California friends and allies who completed a sweep up and down at the state at the recent CA Democratic Party Delegate elections. This will put the ...
- War is a Crime: Join In For JusticeWarIsACrime.org JOIN IN FOR JUSTICE! 1/17/11 Washington, D.C., and Quantico, Va. Protest of FBI Raids and Bradley Manning Imprisonment http://www.defendingdissent.org/action/Events.htm 1/18/11 Washington, D.C. Panel with Rep. Rush Holt, Emily Berman from the Brennan Center for Justice, Sha ...
- An American Suicide TerroristWilliam John Cox The shooter of Congresswoman Gifford acted as a domestic suicide terrorist on the political “battleground” of American politics. His YouTube postings and “goodby” phone messages are ominously reminiscent of the traditional farewell videos ...
Marler Blog
- Non-O157 E. coli in Beef - How does FSIS justi ...Presently the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is holding hostage FSIS's desire to move forward with deeming certain other non-O157 E. coli's adulterants. I will forgo arguing that FSIS did not in fact need to ask OMB's permission, or that it should have been done years ago, but WE are whe ...
- Tucker Adkins Raw Milk Dairy linked to as many ...The FDA is working with officials in North Carolina and South Carolina to investigate an outbreak of campylobacteriosis in three people who consumed raw milk from Tucker Adkins Dairy in York, S.C. The three confirmed cases and another five probable cases are from three different households and e ...
- 500 Pennsylvania Inmates Sickened by SalmonellaAccording to the AP, the Pennsylvania Department of Health has confirmed a suspected outbreak of salmonella poisoning at a federal prison in northeastern Pennsylvania, that has reportedly sickened more than 500 inmates and guards. The Health Department's director of communications, Christine Cr ...
- Testing for non-O157 E. coli - "American consu ...In response to Obama Administration inaction, Congresswoman Rosa L. DeLauro issued a statement today following the announcement by Beef Products, Inc. (BPI) that it will begin testing for an additional six strains of E. coli currently not required by the U.S. Department of Agriculture: … We kno ...
- Chronology of the E. coli O104:H4 Outbreak Inv ...According to the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, as of today, the cumulative number of probable and confirmed STEC cases in the EU/EEA is 3,867 (not including six in the United States, including one death). This includes 762 HUS STEC cases and 3,105 non-HUS STEC cases. In tot ...
- Official: NYC fleet adds 70 plug-in vehicles, ...Filed under: Hybrid, Minivan/Van, Truck, Work, Hatchback, Chevrolet, Ford, Police/Emergency, Electric NYC Chevy Volt Police Car - Click above for high-res image gallery As much as the average driver doesn't really have to worry about "range anxiety" during a normal driving day, we will gran ...
- Official: Toyota issues recall for Highlander, ...Filed under: Recalls, Safety, Crossover, Lexus, Toyota Lexus RX 400h - Click above for high-res image There's a problem with some 2006 and 2007 model year Toyota Highlander Hybrid and Lexus RX 400h vehicles. Today, Toyota announced that it will voluntarily recall 45,500 Highlander Hybrid an ...
- Video: New Prius rap video takes to cruising W ...Filed under: Hybrid, Etc., Videos, Hatchback, Toyota, Humor Whole Foods Parking Lot - Click above to watch video after the jump Turns out, you can spin the whole "cashed up greenie" bit into a few minutes of enjoyable parody rap. Don't believe us? Check out "Whole Foods Parking Lot," the fi ...
- Report: Glenn Beck goes off on GM's Akerson ov ...Filed under: GM, Electric Glenn Beck on the gas tax - Click above to watch video after the jump If there's one thing that is fast becoming true about the Chevy Volt, it's that right-wing political pundits really, really don't like it. So, we will admit up front that this story comes straigh ...
- Official: Mitsubishi sets Canadian i-MiEV pric ...Filed under: Car Buying, Budget, Hatchback, Mitsubishi, Canada, Electric $32,998. That's the price that Mitsubishi Motors has announced for the i-MiEV in Canada when the little space egg goes on sale there later this year. (That's $33,891 U.S. at today's exchange rate). Yes, Canada will ge ...
Rafe's Radar
- SwiftKey X Android keyboard is too cheap--and ...A new keyboard for the Android upstages the built-in keyboard(s) on your phone or tablet. But is it worth it?
- Google+ makes me happier than FacebookGoogle+ splits the difference between Facebook and Twitter, and the result is a new social network that actually works.
- Is Reddit the new Twitter? 'Redditor' reports ...Instead of tweeting her harrowing experience waiting for the police to clear a murderer from a nearby apartment, New Jersey resident takes to Reddit. ...
- Spotify promo downs Klout. Was it avoidable?Klout CEO Joe Fernandez speaks about how the rush to check his company's site for free Spotify accounts was too much to handle.
- Jawbone launching Up, a fitness braceletThe maker of Bluetooth headsets and speakers is extending its line to include health and wellness products.
Camera Obscura
- No title
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigo ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmin ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of ...
Democracy Now!
- Watch Live: Rupert Murdoch Testifies Before Br ...Live Streaming at 9:30 a.m. EDT Media mogul Rupert Murdoch, his son James Murdoch, and former News International executive Rebekah Brooks are testifying before the British Parliament today as the phone hacking scandal engulfing the Murdoch media empire continues to grow. Watch the heari ...
- Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan: "The Questions ...By Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan To accuse Rupert Murdoch of shedding crocodile tears, with his head-in-hands apology to the family of Milly Dowler and his widely printed apology at the weekend, would be an insult to honest crocodiles everywhere. A more fitting comparison would be to Lewis ...
- Sharif Abdel Kouddous: "Five Months of Waiting ...*The following is from a new article Democracy Now! correspondent Sharif Abdel Kouddous has just published in 'Foreign Policy' * Five months after the fall of Hosni Mubarak, Tahrir Square has, once again, been transformed into a mass protest encampment and the epicenter of the struggle for ...
- Book Excerpt: "Haiti: After the Earthquake," B ...Read the first chapter of Haiti after the Earthquake, the new book by Paul Farmer, renowned physician and social justice advocate. On Thursday’s show we will talk to Farmer about his book, and his experience working with Special Envoy for Haiti Bill Clinton in post-earthquake recovery efforts ...
- Soldier Suicides and the Politics of President ...President Barack Obama just announced a reversal of a long-standing policy that denied presidential condolence letters to the family members of soldiers who commit suicide. Relatives of soldiers killed in action receive letters from the president. Official silence, however, has long stigmatized ...
- Murdochs face grilling by MPsMPs to quiz Murdochs over hacking BBC, 19 July 2011 News Corporation chiefs Rupert and James Murdoch and former executive Rebekah Brooks will be quizzed by MPs later about the phone-hacking scandal. The Murdochs agreed to appear before the Commons media committee after it issued a summons for th ...
- The President’s Meeting with His Holiness the ...The White House Blog Posted by Kori Schulman on July 17, 2011 Yesterday morning President Obama met with His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama in the Map Room of the White House. Here’s the statement from the Press Secretary on their meeting: The President reiterated his strong support for the preserv ...
- White House welcomes Dalai Lama, China irkedRawstory By Reuters Saturday, July 16th, 2011 WASHINGTON/BEIJING (Reuters) – China accused the United States on Saturday of “grossly” interfering in its internal affairs and damaging relations after President Barack Obama met exiled Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama at the White House. Oba ...
- Neocons Fume Over US Boat to Gazaopednews.com July 16, 2011 By Ray McGovern My co-passengers and I of the U.S. Boat to Gaza have now gone from “High-Seas Hippies,” according to the right-wing Washington Times, to participants in a flotilla full of “fools, knaves, hypocrites, bigots, and supporters of terrorism,” says Alan Dersh ...
- Murdoch lieutenant Hinton quits Dow JonesBy Paul Thomasch and Yinka Adegoke NEW YORK, July 15 (Reuters) – Les Hinton, the top executive of Rupert Murdoch’s Dow Jones & Co, resigned on Friday after becoming a target of criticism for the phone-hacking scandal that occurred when he oversaw News Corp’s British newspapers. Hinton stepped do ...
- Scott Tips on Codex: The Global Scheme to Cont ...By Catherine Austin Fitts This Thursday evening on the The Solari Report I interview Scott Tips, president of the National Health Federation. Scott is an attorney and an expert on Codex Alimentarius. He will be speaking with us from Paris. Codex Alimentarius are international standards, codes o ...
- Treasury To Stop Funding Its Market Manipulati ...Update: As Previously Announced, Treasury to Employ Final Extraordinary Measure to Extend U.S. Borrowing Authority Until August 2 Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury released the following statement from Jeffrey Goldstein, Under Secretary for Domestic Finance, regarding the use of the las ...
- Quote du JourâI’ve found that you don’t need to wear a necktie if you can hit.â ~Ted Williams Related reading: Ted Williams Wikipedia Biography on Ted Williams The Wall Street Journal (16 July 09)
- Announcing Paul Levy’s New BookPaul Levy’s Wetiko: The Greatest Epidemic Sickness Known to Humanity From the Foreword by Catherine Austin Fitts: “My search to understand evil and its transformation is what attracted me to Paul Levy’s invaluable work…In helping us understand and face the lies that weave through our lives, Pau ...
- Money & Markets – Week of 7.17.11Retirement Accounts & The Coming Tax Code Revolution Daniel Amerman (2011) A $100 Million ATM Receipt Yahoo Finance (30 June 11)
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Times ScareISLAMABAD–The apparent links between Pakistan and Faisal Shahzad are certainly cause for concern, but let’s not lose site of things here. The attack in Times Square was a fizzle. The rush to claim credit is a bit embarassing for the TTP and looks like it was — like the attack itself — a rush job ...
- Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban. ... and more��
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in AfghanistanSri Lank ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United P ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more��
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more��
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- As Nelson Mandela Turns 93, a Discussion with ...Kasrils has just written a book about his wife Eleanor, a Scottish South African anti-apartheid activist, with whom he organize inside and outside South Africa for three decades.
- The Fight for WI Workers Is Still On: Activism ...Nine recall elections over the next six weeks will help gauge the strength of the resistance effort against Scott Walker, and how long it will take to reverse his course.
- 30 Years in Prison For Saying the Wrong Thing? ...The FBI, under considerable pressure to produce results, has resorted to unjust measures to create villains of domestic terror.
- How the FBI Is Entrapping US Citizens to Show ...The FBI, under considerable pressure to produce results, has resorted to unjust measures to create villains of domestic terror.
- 16% Think It's OK for a Man to Hit His Wife? 5 ...A new report reveals that some Americans still think it’s okay for a man to hit his wife, the insane wage gap between women of color and white men, and other disturbing trends.
Sideways News
- Could you be a 10:10 community champion?The Guardian Newspaper and Franny Armstrong, through the Guardian 10:10 campaign, challenge organisations and individuals to cut their carbon footprint by 10%.
- Brit mums strict about eco-choresFamilies in the UK are increasingly likely to be nagged about doing eco-chores, a new study conducted on behalf of the Energy Saving Trust has revealed.
- UK venue offers rainforest weddingsGetting married in a luscious rainforest has never been easier or more eco-friendly, according to the Eden Project.
- Battery recycling 'too difficult'The European Recycling Platform (ERP) reports that while only a third of households at present recycle batteries, four out of five said they would do so if it was made easier.
- 10 green resolutions to save you moneyBy taking green steps at home, you can save money and make life easier. Being smart about waste, consumption and resources won't only win you the thanks of forthcoming generations: you'll feel the financial benefit immediately. 1. Make money from old electronics As your electronic goods become o ...
Fabius Maximus
- Book review: The Next Wave: On the Hunt for A ...Summary:  A review of The Next Wave: On the Hunt for Al Qaeda’s American Recruits by Catherine Herridge. Reviewed by “GI” Wilson (Colonel, USMC, retired). When reading Catherine Herridge’s smashing investigative work on terrorism, The Next Wave, the lyrics from Jimmy Buffet’s “Trouble on ...
- Attritionist Letter #2 — our military se ...Summary:   With US forces engaged around the world in six conflicts (and many small ones), each the day our media paint a picture of the armed services. News, articles, books, movies — seldom have we been so well informed about our mechanized high-tech defense professionals — the very model ...
- Today’s tea party propagandaSummary: The Tea Party movement provides a picture of the increasingly dysfunctional OODA-loop (Observe-Orient-Decide-Act) of American society, where outlandish statements are accepted unquestioningly by true believers. In this environment we can work 24-7 correcting these misrepresentaions (and ...
- Attritionist Letter #1 – the tides turn, ...Summary:   With US military forces engaged around the world in the long war, with three conflicts burning at once (on very different scales), the doctrines we choose may have a large effect on American history. This, the first of the Attritionist Letters, describes the issues and the sta ...
- Attritionist Letter #1 – the tides turn, ...Summary:   With US military forces engaged around the world in the long war, with three conflicts burning at once (on very different scales), the doctrines we choose may have a large effect on American history. This, the first of the Attritionist Letters, describes the issues and the sta ...
Open Your Eyes News
- Vatican kicks out Roma on EasterPress TV – About 150 Roma gypsies were barred from participating in the Easter vigil of the basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls on Sunday, after temporarily taking shelter there on Good Friday, The Telegraph reported. Local and foreign pilgrims, who had gathered to attend the vigil, calle ...
- Euro strikes 16-month high against dollarBreitbart – The euro struck a 16-month high against the dollar and the Swiss franc notched a record high versus the US unit Tuesday amid heightened investor nerves over this week’s busy economic calendar. The European single currency hit $1.4653 in morning trade, the highest point since mid-Dece ...
- British pound devalues by 94% in 50yrsPressTV – A new survey shows that the value of money in the UK has dropped by 94 percent over the past 50 years, which means an 18-time increase in retail prices. The survey carried out by BM Savings has found that almost £1,800 is needed to match the buying power of £100 in 1960, [...]
- Peru suffers an ‘environmental tragedy’IOL – The rising price of gold has multiplied by six the pace of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest in the Peruvian region of Madre de Dios in recent years, a study published on Tuesday said. Illegal gold searches using primitive techniques in the years 2003-9 led to the destruction of 7,000 ...
- Next step humans? Every new pet dog in Britain ...Daily Mail – Every new pet dog will be microchipped under sweeping Government regulations to combat dangerous animals. Each puppy born and dog sold will have an electronic chip implanted under the skin. Details will then be placed on a national database accessible by police and the RSPCA. A conf ...
The Progressive Realist
- Herman Cain Would Attack Iran if it ‘Messes wi ...Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain told reporters and editors at the hawkish Washington Times that he would attack Iran if the Islamic Republic “mess(ed) with Israel.” Cain was responding to a question as to whether he agreed with former Ambassador John Bolton that the U.S. should preem ...
- The Libya Intervention in RetrospectWe probably don't have enough intramural debate here at DA, so let me take this opening. Eric aims his critique of the Libya intervention mainly at Shadi. But since I too supported the move, let me say it was for different reasons than the ones Eric hammers in his post. He points out that the N ...
- Language Cuts Endanger USOn May 1, after more than a decade, the search for Osama bin Laden came to an end. It took patience and perseverance. And it took not only military prowess, but also intelligence that depended on a solid understanding of that region of the world and capabilities in a number of foreign languages ...
- The Strange Ethical Paradox of Mass Slaughter ...The July-August issue of The National Interest carries a good review by Richard Overy of Martin van Creveld's most recent book, which I mentioned a few weeks ago. This passage was particularly striking: [N]o Allied commander would have sent his troops into Hamburg with orders to machine-gun thi ...
- Obama's Strategic Failure in Syria Threatens W ...Over the weekend, the Washington Post “reported”, see here, that the Obama Administration remains incapable of coherent strategy regarding Syria and the broader balance of power in the Middle East. Senior Administration officials want to treat Syria, like Iran, as the object of an ongoing comp ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- There Is No Guarantee Against BacklashTo follow up on my article about the passage of legislation granting same-sex marriage rights in New York, Thomas Kaplan has an excellent article noting the ongoing mobilization against same-sex marriage in the Empire State. Particularly instructive is how the president of the anti-LBGT Nationa ...
- Little Picture: America Has Changed in 45 YearsThe Republican "cut, cap and balance" plan caps federal spending at 18 percent of the previous year's gross domestic product. Federal spending has not been at that level since 1966. This chart, courtesy of the Center for American Progress, explains how the world has changed since then.
- Every Major Credit Agency Prepares to Downgrad ...Just in case Moody's and S&P didn't frighten you enough, Fitch credit agency has added itself to the list of groups planning to downgrade the United State's triple-A rating if the debt ceiling is not raised by August 2. Per The Hill: First, the rating would be placed on Credit Watch Negative - ...
- Time Running Out for Debt-Ceiling DealAugust 2 looms large as congressional leaders continued to scramble over the weekend, hoping to find a solution to the months-long negotiation. The Washington Post reports that talks are centered around a proposal from Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell to cut spending by $1.5 trillion over the next ...
- Shorter Republican Party: "CFPB Delenda Est"That former Ohio attorney general Richard Cordray has a smaller public profile than Elizabeth Warren is irrelevant when Republicans have already pledged to oppose anyone nominated to head the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: Republicans made it clear on Sunday that they were no mor ...
- Hunger Strike: California Prison Inmates Prote ...BILL BERKOWITZ FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT "What else can the powerless, the weak and disenfranchised offer up to the world but their own soft bodies? The frailty of that body is contrasted with the might of authority." -- Sharman Apt Russell, author of Hunger: An Unnatural History Life in prison ...
- Would the DC Republicans Really Prefer to Have ...STEVEN JONAS, MD, MPH FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT The GOP faces a major dilemma in the upcoming presidential election. Before I get into that, let's define what I mean by "The GOP." First, I don't mean most of their public figures. Their elected officials for the most part are bought and paid f ...
- The Rich Do Increase Employment, For Wealthy L ...WILL DURST FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUTPity the poor rich.Allow me to offer up a few words in defense of one of the most maligned groups in America today. Citizens, who through a simple twist of fate, are routinely subjected to some of the most scathing condemnation and slanderous stereotyping in t ...
- The GOP to the Working Class is Like Colonel S ...STEPHEN PIZZO FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT I was there when it happened, but I'm still not entirely clear why it happened. I am speaking of the late 1970s when working Americans became Reagan Democrats... Democrats who voted for Republican Ronald Reagan, and have since largely voted for GOP candida ...
- Why McConnell BlinkedROBERT CREAMER FOR TRUTHOUTSenate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has blinked. His proposal late last Tuesday afternoon to give President Obama the power to raise the Federal Debt Ceiling -- without the previously demanded budget cuts -- is the beginning of the Republican collapse in their sta ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- The War on Terror, now starring Yemen and SomaliaThe U.S. continues to spawn the very Terrorism problem it claims to combat, with the media helpfully in tow
- How the U.S. government uses its media servant ...A vital investigative report by Jeremy Scahill is first ignored, and then maligned, by subservient media outlets
- Wired publishes the full Manning-Lamo chat logsCompare the claims Wired magazine made about what it concealed to what it was actually hiding
- US more unpopular in the Arab world than under ...A new poll confirms prior ones: anti-American sentiment is now at dangerously - even unprecedentedly - high levels
- America's creditor identifies its budget problemChina to the U.S.: shouldn't you be spending less on your military and more on social programs?
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- UK cancer trendsUK cancer trends – The media has been all over the Cancer Research UK announcements on cancer rates. Specifically, the focus was on middle-aged people and the increases seen between 1979 and 2008. NHS Choices, as ever, provides some rational words following the media frenzy and cites a few of th ...
- Caricatures and face recognitionCaricatures and face recognition – The “Ugly, pretty girls” post and video I blogged the other day got lots of interest. It seems face recognition and perception of faces is a fascinating subject for many people. Not surprising, really. Even in this digital age, face to face still beats any elec ...
- Edible cat litter for drug deliveryEdible cat litter for drug delivery – Having published a bog about bulldogs and cats, seems quite apt that I was also writing recently about kitty litter the main component of which is the absorbant mineral sepiolite. Sepiolite has been known since Roman times when it was used to filter and puri ...
- 10 things you maybe didn’t know about rainbowsI am currently reading the most excellent “The Sun’s Heartbeat” by astronomy writer Bob Berman. It’s the kind of book I’d love to be able to write, informative, entertaining, engaging and witty. In it, Berman explains the solar things you may always have wondered about from total eclipses (far m ...
- New nuclear power stationsNew nuclear power stations – The UK government is/has approved the building of 8 nuclear power stations in the UK at Hartlepool; Sellafield, Cumbria; Heysham, Lancashire; Wylfa, Isle of Anglesey; Sizewell, Suffolk; Bradwell-on-Sea, Essex; Oldbury, Gloucestershire and Hinkley Point in Somerset. P ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- NLRB Hearing Exposes Corporate Attacks on Work ...After the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) held its first day of hearings about a proposed rule that would potentially remove frivolous litigation and delays in union elections, Mary Kay Henry, President of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), issued the following statement:rea ...
- Now It’s Personal: Why Latino Voters Care So M ...New public opinion analysis by Latino Decisions demonstrates that immigration remains salient and motivating for Latino voters in the United States due to their personal connection to the debate. As the polling makes clear, the rise in deportations and ongoing inaction on comprehensive immigrat ...
- Wall Street Succeeds at Torpedoing Warren; Sen ...Elizabeth Warren was the obvious best choice to run the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Wall Street and the Big Banks did not want her to get the job. President Barack Obama decided to succumb to those interests, rather than fight for the American people.read more
- Major Trade Legislation ExpectedDow Jones reports: “The Senate Finance committee plans Thursday to make another attempt to start informal debate on proposed trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama, after Republicans on the panel boycotted last week’s meeting.”read more
- Protest Filed to Save California Watersheds Fr ...The Center for Biological Diversity, Sierra Club and Los Padres ForestWatch filed a formal protest today to stop the Bureau of Land Management from leasing out 2,600 acres of environmentally sensitive land in Monterey and Fresno counties for oil and gas development. The leasing of this federal m ...
Common Dreams-Views
- Over 2000 People Will Say No Cuts to Social Se ...Jane Hamsher The threats to Social Security and Medicare benefits right now are very real. And anyone who says “wait until we know more” is trying to keep you inactive while you’re fattened up for the slaughter. They intend to drop this th ...
- Over 2000 People Will Say No Cuts to Social Se ...Jane Hamsher The threats to Social Security and Medicare benefits right now are very real. And anyone who says “wait until we know more” is trying to keep you inactive while you’re fattened up for the slaughter. They intend to drop this th ...
- The War on Terror, Now Starring Yemen and SomaliaGlenn Greenwald There is a concerted campaign underway to ensure that the War on Terror bonanza continues unimpeded in the wake of Osama bin Laden's death, and even despite Leon Panetta's acknowledgment that Al Qaeda has a grand total of " ...
- The War on Terror, Now Starring Yemen and SomaliaGlenn Greenwald There is a concerted campaign underway to ensure that the War on Terror bonanza continues unimpeded in the wake of Osama bin Laden's death, and even despite Leon Panetta's acknowledgment that Al Qaeda has a grand total of " ...
- The Corporate Supreme CourtRalph Nader Five Supreme Court Justices--Scalia, Thomas, Roberts, Alito and Kennedy are entrenching, in a whirlwind of judicial dictates, judicial legislating and sheer ideological judgments, a mega-corporate supremacy over the rights and ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- The U.S. Has Created The Next Afghan Civil WarHASH(0xa33fa28)
- Karzai's Strongman Brother Killed In The Potte ...HASH(0xa03eca0)
- Swimming In A Sea Of Night RaidsHASH(0xa2ef660)
- 2 notes on Afghanistan and the failure of COINHASH(0x9dab938)
- 225,000 Lives, Over 4 Trillion Dollars - For What?HASH(0x9d6b628)
Water Wars
- Shekhar Kapur's 'Paani' to focus on water warsThe film is all set to be shot in India and Singapore
- Shekhar Kapur's 'Paani' to focus on water warsFilmmaker Shekhar Kapur will begin shooting his new mega production 'Paani' (Water) in November.
- TRAVPR.COM ASIAROOMS.COM - WATER WARS HELD AT ...TRAVPR.COM UK - July 7th, 2011 - Seoul Land is hosting a series of Water Wars over the next two months for people who want to cool down in the summer heat and have fun at the same time.There are four different types of battles offered until August 28th and the water guns can be rented from the t ...
- Georgia's water wars now turns on Corps of Eng ...Georgia's water wars now turns on Corps of Engineers
- PHOTO: Water warsWho needs water balloons when you have fire hoses? Area firefighters spend Friday evening engaging in a water fight competition in Newark.
WordPress | Economics
- Lessons from past Sovereign Debt CrisisTime works against you in environments of crisis, fear, uncertainty and contagion effects. Public bi
- Laissez-Faire Shrugged - Atlas WeptWhen I was in junior high I read a lot. I read books I didn’t understand  (Fear and  Trembli
- U.S. Spies Can't Stop Buying Fake Microchips f ...The U.S. miltary has known for quite some time that they have a quality control problem with the mic
- More Competition for Apple?Amazon.com is about to launch another competitor for the iPAD using the Android operating system, an
- A Matter of Economic or Financial Literacy?It’s a fact: there is no requirement that members of Congress (Senate and/or House of Representative
Electronic Intifada
- UK court releases Raed Salah as government cas ...Asa WinstanleyThe Electronic IntifadaLondon After nearly three weeks in British jails, influential Palestinian activist and religious leader Sheikh Raed Salah was conditionally released�today.
- "EU must do more than pay lip-service": Narima ...Linah AlsaafinThe Electronic IntifadaNabi Saleh Nariman Tamimi must not be characterized as just the jailed grassroots activist Bassem’s wife. Linah Alsaafin interviews for The Electronic Intifada.
- Export bans - the other half of Israel's siegeEva BartlettThe Electronic IntifadaGaza City Despite Israel’s declared “easing” in June 2010 of the total siege on Gaza, manufacturers there are hurting badly. In June 2011 the World Food Programme (WFP) reported that “only 5 percent of the pre-blockade export volume was reached from November 20 ...
- Where are the Palestinians?Mairav ZonszeinThe Electronic IntifadaTel Aviv Amid all the sensational scenes of recent confrontation between Israeli authorities and Western “pro-Palestinian” activists (including Israelis), what became apparent was that Palestinians themselves could not be seen or heard.
- Israeli propaganda festival finds few fans in ...Stephanie WestbrookThe Electronic IntifadaMilan Palestine solidarity activists in Milan held vibrant protests against an Israeli propaganda festival in the city center last month, highlighting Italian complicity with the Israeli�occupation.
The Wonk Room
- The Morning Pride: July 19, 2011Welcome to The Morning Pride, ThinkProgress LGBTâs 8:45 AM round-up of the latest in LGBT policy, politics, and some culture too! Hereâs what weâre reading this morning, but let us know what youâre checking out too. - The Department of Justice has filed an additional brief in the Log Cabin Repub ...
- Regulating Quality in Children’s TelevisionMost of the debates about government involvement in the arts center around funding questions. But there are, of course, other ways that government can influence what art gets created and what it looks like other than providing funding for it. Among them is the Children’s Television Act of 1990, ...
- Breakfast Links: July 19, 2011â The sharing economy. â Like President Obama, I can never get a universal remote control to work. â Bill Clinton says he’d use the 14th Amendment option. â It sounds insane, but I’ve come to believe that Section 31 § 5112 clause (k) of the US Code authorizes Tim Geithner to mint platinum coins ...
- Econ 101: July 19, 2011Welcome to ThinkProgress Economyâs morning link roundup. This is what weâre reading. Have you seen any interesting news? Let us know in the comments section. You can also follow ThinkProgress Economy on Twitter. An AP investigation found that “mortgage industry employees are still signing docume ...
- Justiceline: July 19, 2011Welcome to Justiceline, ThinkProgress Justice’s morning round-up of the latest legal news and developments. Remember to follow us on Twitter at @TPJustice. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) thinks he has the unprecedented power to unilaterally block a judicial nominee who was named before he even became a ...
thwap's schoolyard
- Come on Lefties!So, ... Rob Ford campaigned that there wouldn't be any cuts to services because there was so much easily discernible waste at City Hall that cleaning it up would uncover hundreds of millions of dollars in annual savings. Turns out that was complete bullshit. So, ... decades of assaults on the ...
- A Great Summary of the Hollow Core of Rupert M ...Jeff Sparrow: "The Phony Populism of Rupert Murdoch": Consider the United States, where, after decades of the neoliberalism that Murdoch has unceasingly championed, an extraordinary ten per cent of the total personal income goes to the top 0.1 per cent of the populace, a disparity only rivall ...
- Politics Costs MoneyAnd we don't have it. In the 1970s, the government started to fund groups to provide alternative analysis. They don't do that anymore. Because alternative analysis is dangerous. From the 1950s to today, the trade unions are a huge source of funding for lefty initiatives. However, under decades ...
- Did they find those WMDs yet?Seriously? Oh, ... and when did Rob Ford decide that some of Toronto's library branches were part of the "gravy train" of "waste" he's been screeching about? Everything our opponents believe seems to turn out to be a big pile of garbage. Given their demonstrated contempt for democracy, when c ...
- Would Any Canadian Government Recognize Palest ...So, the stupid, lying, pathetic closet-case who pretends to be Canada's Foreign Minister says that Canada won't recognize Palestine's right to exist. Having just torn apart Rosie DiMoron's incoherent, rambling gibberish that was her attempt to defend Canada's involvement in Afghanistan, I reali ...
on Government Oversight
- Army Psy-Ops Whistleblower Files Lawsuit for A ...HASH(0x9d4dc78)
- A Grimm Proposal for WhistleblowersHASH(0x9d74850)
- Morning Smoke: Aerospace Companies Now Get to ...HASH(0x9e3b8c0)
- The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: the Chamber ...HASH(0x9f08390)
- Taxpayers Still Paying the Price for Virtual F ...HASH(0xa20a370)
Digital Journal
- Cash Cab production vehicle hits, kills 61-yea ...Vancouver Police Department officials have confirmed that a production vehicle used in the filming of the Canadian version of the Cash Cab series was involved in a one-car accident that claimed the life of a pedestrian.
- Beating the summer heat in TorontoThe summer's heat often calls for a break. Swimming, going out for ice cream, or waiting until the sun has gone down to take a leisurely stroll are just a few options to stay cool. And the soaring temperatures are staying for a while.
- Severe storm collapses stage at Ottawa BluesfestTalk about Rock the House Down! No sooner did Cheap Trick start performing at Ottawa’s Bluesfest before an audience of 15 to 20 thousand strong, when a strange storm started brewing, and high winds caused the stage to collapse, severely injuring one man
- Somali-Canadians launch humanitarian appeal on ...Shocked by the unfolding humanitarian disaster that is afflicting their war-torn nation, Somali-Canadians are taking action to help alleviate the ongoing suffering in Somalia.
- Riverdale's Cabbagetown Regent Park MuseumLong before Cabbagetown in Toronto was known for affluent residents it was home to factory workers who had recently come to Canada.
End Homelessness | Change.org
- Mississippi Launches Plan To End Child Homeles ...Fulfilling the wishes and happiness of children is at the heart of the holiday season. So, now seems particularly timely for Mississippi to launch a new plan to end child homelessness (pdf) in the state. What better way to set the season of giving in motion than by committing to finding safe a ...
- Thanksgiving 2.0: Food, Poverty and Telling th ...This Thanksgiving, most of us around the country shared a bountiful harvest feast with friends and family. We celebrated all that we are thankful for by gorging ourselves right into a food coma. It's the American way. Unfortunately, it's also the American way to be thankful for all that we have ...
- Homeless People Wanted: Must Be Open to Demean ...What are they thinking? People obviously don't see the homeless as human or they wouldn't attempt to hire them to do most of the insane, demeaning and illegal jobs out there. Here's a small sampling: Rob dead bodies. The Aokigahara forest at the base of Mt. Fuji in Japan is the site of 50 to 10 ...
- LA Plans to Make Homelessness Go the Way of th ...Instead of pretending homelessness doesn't exist, creating new laws to make it illegal to sit or sleep in public, or sending homeless residents on a one-way trip out of town, Los Angeles County may attempt to actually do something about ending homelessness. And the county is setting the bar high ...
- Don't Let Violence Against the Homeless Go Unp ...Despite its economic troubles, Detroit is not known for being kind to the homeless. That's too bad, since there are nearly 10,000 homeless people living there. In October, police say that Steven James Diponio, 54, became so enraged at Charles Duncan, 42, who was homeless and sleeping behind a sc ...
- Canada makes the wrong move at Conference on D ...Cesar Jaramillo, program officer at Project Ploughshares, argues against the recent decision to boycott the UN Conference on Disarmament (Cesar Jaramillo, “Canadaâs disarmament conference boycott is ill-advised,” Kitchener-Waterloo Record, 14 July 2011): Canadaâs newly elected Conservative major ...
- Barbara Yaffe, Council on Hemispheric Affairs: ...Citing a newly published paper by the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, Vancouver Sun columnist Barbara Yaffe is calling on the Canadian public to “familiarize itself with the ongoing debate over the purchase of the F-35s” (Barbara Yaffe, “The F-35 is the wrong plane for the job in Canada, Washing ...
- Wounded Soldier, ex-Ombudsman challenging CF ‘ ...Cpl. Ryan Elrick, a Canadian soldier who lost his legs in Afghanistan, is taking the federal government to court, saying the policy known as Universality of Service is discriminatory and unconstitutional. Elrick spent three years training as an intelligence officer following his wounding but has ...
- “Crown jewel” of Canadian peacekeeping closing ...The Pearson Peacekeeping Centre (PPC) has announced that it is shutting down its operations in Cornwallis, Nova Scotia (David Pugliese, “Cash-strapped peacekeeping centre closing Nova Scotia office,” Ottawa Citizen, 10 June 2011). The organization is attempting to cut costs after having been adv ...
- Layton, Harris criticize timing of document dumpOpposition leader Jack Layton has accused the Harper government of taking a “very cynical” approach in its release of documents on the Afghan detainee file. The release of 4000 pages worth of documents came just as MPs are gearing down for summer recess. â[The Government] chose a date that will ...
Kevin Trudeau Show
- The Kevin Trudeau Show: 5-17-11Find out why the mainstream media news anchors are nothing more than actors and puppets! PLUS, Dr. Marc Sorenson joins the show and explains where you can get your Vitamin D3 and why it is so essential to your health and your body! Health: Chocolate Better Than Aspirin For Heart Attacks Orange J ...
- Vaccines Lower ImmunityMay 23rd, 2011 NaturalNews.com By: Paul Fassa Vaccinations are even worse than what most have thought. Vaccine injuries that can happen to anyone randomly amongst the vaccinated are not the only issues. Some experts claim vaccines lower immunity for everyone who receives them. The increased dise ...
- Does Drinking Lots of Coffee Really Help to Pr ...May 23rd, 2011 NaturalNews.com By: Ethan A. Huff Coffee addiction may not be the detriment to health many people think it is, according to a new study published in the journal Breast Cancer Research. Postmenopausal women over 50 who drink five or more cups of coffee every day may be as much as 5 ...
- The Kevin Trudeau Show: 5-23-11Suzanne Somers exposes the truth about how to improve your health to avoid and cure cancer without the use of chemotherapy! Click here to purchase her new book, Knockout. PLUS, Dr. Cal Streeter tells you how to lose 100 pound in 5 months and what it was like to go to prison for standing up [...]
- Natural Cure For A Sunburn‘Tis the season for sunburns! Here are some natural remedies that may help alleviate your pain! Aromatherapy: Spray the affected area with lavender and chamomile. To prevent blistering, also massage two to three drops of lavender oil directly into the affected area. Herbs: Apply cool aloe vera ...
Pambazuka News
- Honduras: Implications of coup for Afro-descen ...Currently, the country of Honduras in Central America is experiencing its worst political crisis in decades. In the aftermath of the military coup that forcibly removed President Manuel Zelaya Rosales, there have been various developments that have r...
- Global: It takes a VillagerOwino Odhiambo left his tiny Kenyan village less than a decade ago to immerse himself completely in American culture. Equipped with American citizenship, two degrees, and five years experience working as a dedicated graphic designer in New York City,...
- Brazil: Bloggers on why there is still racism ...Two weeks ago, Global Voices Online reported the story of Januário Alves de Santana, a black man who had been beaten and punched by security guards of one of the largest international retailers in Brazil. He was waiting for his family in the car park...
- USA: Black coalition to protest expanding U.S. ...A newly-formed Black coalition has announced a rally and march on the White House to take place November 7, 2009 beginning in Washington, D.C.’s historic Malcolm X Park. The rally and march are to protest the expanding U.S. wars and other policy ini...
- Global: New murders and fumigations in ancestr ...In only two weeks, four Afro-Colombian leaders have been murdered, and several subjected to death threats. Fumigations have caused the internal displacement of more than 100 Afro-Colombians. The violation of Afro-Colombian fundamental rights continue...
War in Context
- Standard & Poor’s warns of possible News Corp. ...The Los Angeles Times reports: With fallout from the News of the World phone hacking scandal far from contained, corporate ratings firm Standard & Poor’s on Monday said that it was putting Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. on its “CreditWatch” list, which could result in a possible credit downgrade. ...
- The Sun and News International sites hacked, L ...TechCrunch reports: The web site of The Sun newspaper, part of News International which has been embroiled in the phone hacking scandal in the UK, has been hacked, apparently by hacker group Lulzsec, which tweeted “@LulzSec: We have owned Sun/News of the World – that story is simply phase 1 – e ...
- The CIA’s secret sites in SomaliaJeremy Scahill writes: Nestled in a back corner of Mogadishu’s Aden Adde International Airport is a sprawling walled compound run by the Central Intelligence Agency. Set on the coast of the Indian Ocean, the facility looks like a small gated community, with more than a dozen buildings behind la ...
- The boycott law and bullshitCarlo Strenger writes: MK Zeev Elkin, who initiated the boycott law that was passed by the Knesset this Monday, said that the law was not meant to silence people, but to “protect the citizens of Israel.” Elkin’s statement would, in and of itself, not carry much interest, if it didn’t highlight ...
- Gaza-bound ship carrying pro-Palestinian activ ...Amira Hass reports from somewhere in the East Mediterranean. On Saturday evening a Gaza-bound boat left Greek territorial waters. Its 10 participants regard themselves as representatives of the entire abortive flotilla to Gaza, and are determined to exhaust all possibilities in order to reach t ...
Watts Up With That?
- Clinton’s solution for the jobs crisis & ...Yep, that’s the big plan. Paint your roofs white. From the Atlantic: I have no problem with saving energy, especially in the summer when power drain is excessive due to A/C load. California now requires most flat-roofed buildings to be … Continue reading →
- Overpeck says 3 feet, real world sea level dat ...From high and dry University of Arizona, home of the world famous parking lot USHCN weather station, we have word via Eurekalert that a simulation says it will be bad as “sea levels are expected to rise by up to … Continue reading →
- Breaking news! Trees store carbon!Who would have ever guessed trees store carbon by utilizing the gas of plant photosynthesis, carbon dioxide, and in an “immense, profound” way? From the Institute of Arctic Biology, where they seem to see no positive benefit to this, but … Continue reading →
- CERN: “Don’t interpret the CLOUD e ...From the Register and Nigel Calder’s blog via bunches of people who submitted in Tips and Notes, hints of a new project, the RCC (Real Climate Collider) /sarc. CERN ‘gags’ physicists in cosmic ray climate experiment What do these results … Continue reading →
- New NASA paper contradicts Kaufmann et al sayi ...It seems that there’s a paper (from JeanPaul Vernier at NASA) out that contradicts the findings of Kaufmann et al 2100, where they blame Chinaâs increasing coal consumption for lack of warming in the past decade saying coal use is … Continue reading →
Dandelion Salad
- America’s Disappeared by Chris Hedgesby Chris Hedges Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Truthdig July 18, 2011 Dr. Silvia Quintela was “disappeared” by the death squads in Argentina in 1977 when she was four months pregnant with her first child. She reportedly was kept alive at a military base until she gave birth to her son and then, ...
- A Response to David Brooks’ NT Times Column “D ...by Michael Lyon Guest Writer Dandelion Salad July 17, 2011 A Response to David Brooks’ NT Times Column “Death and Budgets” It’s clear now that business and government want healthcare “reform” to control costs, not provide everyone with comprehensive, affordable healthcare. Yet business and gover ...
- Gore Vidal on Noam Chomsky + Full Interview: I ...Dandelion Salad MetrazolElectricity on Jul 17, 2011 Gore speaks of his old ally Professor Chomsky and how he and Noam have perennially been persecuted by the establishment. Gore Vidal on Noam Chomsky *** Full interview (3 hours): In Depth with Gore Vidal C-SPAN Video Library Oct. 1, 2000 Mr. Vid ...
- Dandelion Salad is Going WeeklyDandelion Salad July 17, 2011 I’ve decided to publish once a week instead of daily. Â I’ll save the submissions received during the week and choose from those the best ones to publish probably on Monday every week. Most of the readers don’t come here for “breaking news” but for commentary and an ...
- Canadian Citizen Tortured in Bahrain… But Harp ...by Finian Cunningham Featured Writer Dandelion Salad July 17, 2011 Belfast, Ireland A young Canadian man suffering from a serious heart condition has been abducted and tortured by the Bahraini regime – yet the government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper has maintained a steadfast silence over hi ...
Your New Reality
- No title9/11? What's That? Murdoch Media Is The Real Victim Of This Hacking Scandal Two utterly mind-blowing, brain-boggling moments from Rupert Murdoch's American propaganda channel, in the same week. What happened on September 11, 2001? People don't realise that Rupert Murdoch is the real victim ...
- No titleStarring Steve Coogan As Steve Coogan A trailer for the first movie based on the Rupert Murdoch HackGate scandal has been released, and it's got an all star cast : I really would love to see UK Labour leader Ed Miliband played by Rowan Atkinson. Amazing, isn't it? The biggest story of media ...
- No titleThe new show from the creators and actors of Trailer Park Boys looks utterly demented. As we hoped :
- No titleRupert Murdoch's Massive Spying Operations Finally Exposed Police Paid By Murdoch Execs To Spy On Celebrities, Politicians And Terror Victims Murdoch Faces Spying And Hacking Probe In US Rupert Murdoch cries for himself, not his victims By Darryl Mason It's been a long time coming, but the ...
- No title'Fox News' Announces President Obama Has Been Shot And Killed By Darryl Mason Ten hours, that's 10 fucking hours, after a series of fake tweets announcing President Barack Obama had been shot twice in a restaurant and subsequently died from the wounds, this shocking (but fake) news remains the ...
Wired - Science
- Neanderthals Mated With Humans Outside of AfricaBy Katie Scott, Wired UK It has been a long held belief that our human ancestors came into contact with Neanderthals, and recent findings not only confirm this, but also suggest exactly how “close” this contact was. Damian Labuda of the University of Montreal’s Department of Pediatrics and the ...
- Solar-Charged Nanotube Fuel May Replace BatteriesBy Yun Xie, Ars Technica Since the 1970s, chemists have worked on storing solar energy in molecules that change state in response to light. These photoactive molecules could be the ideal solar fuel, as the right material should be transportable, affordable, and rechargeable. Unfortunately, s ...
- Astronaut Captures Fantastic Shot of Aurora Fr ...A crewmember floating inside of the International Space Station snapped this long-exposure photo of the Southern Lights dancing through Earthâs atmosphere on July 16. Such light shows occur when high-energy solar particles corralled by Earth’s magnetic field slam into atmospheric gas near the ...
- Wild Parrots Get Names From ParentsBefore a green-rumped parrotlet is even able to chirp and squawk, mom and dad teach it a distinct series of sounds used by parrots to recognize a specific individual. In short, they give their nestling a name. Researchers have observed captive parrots using so-called contact calls to identify m ...
- Watch the World’s Largest Shark Tank on Live W ...Live Videos by Ustream From now until Aug. 7, you can swim with sharks from your desk, thanks to a live webcam embedded in the world’s largest shark tank. To get excited for Shark Week, the Discovery Channel teamed up with the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta to place a live streaming peephole in the ...
Israeli Occupation Archive
- Israel suspends MP for opposing Gaza blockadeMs Zoabi, a vociferous critic of Israeli policies towards the Palestinians, was a passenger on the Mavi Marmara, attracting fury in Israel. She was branded a traitor by colleagues and stripped of... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian land ...
- Lia Tarachansky: Israeli MK – “anti-Boycott La ...On July 11th the Israeli parliament passed the controversial anti-boycott law. The law was written in response to the mounting global movement of Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) against... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands ...
- Jonathan Cook: The method in Netanyahu’s madnessIsraeli MP Ahmed Tibi: “What is a peace activist or Palestinian allowed to do to oppose the occupation? Is there anything you agree to?” The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands, now in its fifth decade. Go to the IOA website for much mo ...
- Noam Sheizaf: Everything you (never) wanted to ...Basically, the anti-boycott law allows all those who feel they have been harmed by a boycott, whether against Israel or an Israeli institution or territory (i.e. the settlements in the West Bank) to... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian l ...
- Amnesty International: Israel anti-boycott law ...Amnesty International's Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa Philip Luther: "Despite proponents’ claims to the contrary, this law is a blatant attempt to stifle peaceful dissent and... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian la ...
Ria Novosti - Military
- Israeli marines board Gaza-bound boatIsraeli marines boarded a French yacht headed for the Gaza Strip on Tuesday and forced it to change course and go to the Israel port of Ashdod, an Israel Defense Forces spokesman said.
- Israeli Navy orders Gaza-bound boat to change ...Israeli marines ordered the crew of a French yacht headed for the Gaza Strip on Tuesday to change course and leave the area, an Israel Defense Forces spokesman said.
- UAV crashes near oil refinery in Pakistan city ...A Pakistan Navy Uqab unmanned air vehicle (UAV) crashed on Tuesday in Pakistan’s largest city, Karachi, according to local television, quoting Navy sources.
- Ukraine sold $1 billion worth of weaponry in 2 ...Ukraine's arms exports in 2010 reached almost a billion dollars with the bulk of weaponry sold to African countries, the Kommersant-Ukraine newspaper said on Monday.
- Russian police arrest businessman in nuclear c ...Police in northern Russia have detained a businessman suspected of swindling the Defense Ministry out of more than 265 million rubles ($9.4 mln) through an illegal contract on repairs of the Pyotr Veliky nuclear-powered cruiser.
- The Johns Hopkins Hospital Ranked Number One A ...For the 21st year in a row, The Johns Hopkins Hospital has taken the top spot in U.S.News & World Report's annual rankings of American hospitals, placing first in five medical specialties and in the top five in 10 others.
- Teen Well-Being Spills Over Into Young Adult H ...A new study finds that teens with a positive sense of well-being are more likely to report being healthy in young adulthood.
- Hydrogen May be Key to Growth of High-Quality ...A new approach to growing graphene greatly reduces problems that have plagued researchers in the past and clears a path to the crystalline form of graphite's use in sophisticated electronic devices of tomorrow.
- Columbia University Medical Center Receives $3 ...A Columbia University institute, whose goal is to accelerate the pace of translating science into real-life treatments for patients, received $38.9 million from the National Institutes of Health to expand its work over the next five years.
- Single Traumatic Brain Injury May Prompt Long- ...In a new study, researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania suggest that Alzheimer's disease-like neurodegeneration may be initiated or accelerated following a single traumatic brain injury, even in young adults.
Natural Health News
- Will You Get Bigger and Bulkier if You Lift We ...This question comes up a lot from my female clients. And the answer is, no, most likely you will not. In fact, gaining more muscle through resistance exercises is an integral part of any well rounded fitness / fat loss program. Having more muscle on your frame is the best “fat burning friend ...
- Does Loving Yourself Help You Stick Better to ...Over a third of adults in the U.S. are obese. Obesity increases your risk of diabetes and heart disease, and can significantly shorten your life expectancy. But new research shows that improving your body image can enhance the effectiveness of weight loss programs. Researchers enrolled overweig ...
- Is Your Metal Water Bottle Leaching BPA?Many people have traded in their plastic water bottle for a metal one to limit exposure to BPA. But according to a recent study, this might not solve the problem. Some metal water bottles leach even more BPA than similar bottles made from plastic. The BPA in such cases comes from an epoxy-resin ...
- Why Americans Can't Afford to Eat HealthyThere�s a common belief that healthy food is inherently more expensive, and thus can only be for the wealthy. But in fact, healthy food could easily be more affordable for everyone, if not for agribusiness CEOs, their lobbyists and the politicians in their pockets. Lawmakers whose campaigns are ...
- Are Synthetic Thyroid Drugs, Like Synthroid, A ...The thyroid drug Synthroid (levothyroxine sodium), as the name implies, is anything but natural. It is not bio-equivalent to the natural hormone thyroxine, but is instead a synthetic, hormone-like substance with very different properties. In conventional medical treatment for hypothyroidism, on ...
- Dean of science…suggesting rising seas t…Dean of science…suggesting rising seas this next century of up to 100 metres, or Al Gore six metres. When I see things like that I know these are false. You mentioned the IPCC report; that suggests, at worst on best scenarios, 59 centimetres. http://www.google.com
- ABC science presenter Robyn Williams seeks mor ...ABC science presenter Robyn Williams who in 2007 believed seas could rise 100 meters, seeks more truth from scientists after Climategate.
- How to avoid your own Climategate scandalWhat are the lessons of Climategate? More honesty and transparency in science? Not according to attorney Alan Nelson in the Guardian UK today. To him, the lesson is how not to get caught next time. So how do universities and academics ensure that their correspondence does not become the “smoki ...
- What is the “likelihood” that the 2007 IPCC Re ...A very interesting analysis of the IPPC Assessment and has some important questions that invite others to help him answer. Please read his article and let him know what conclusions you draw.
- Schools call for a “balanced teaching of globa ...USA Today reports that US schools are finally calling for both sides of global warming to be taught, because it is after all, a theory -- not a fact:
Opinio Juris
- The Battle in the U.S. Over the Law of the Sea ...by Julian Ku by Julian Ku Having just returned from Asia, which is awash in disputes over territorial sea rights and exclusive economic zones, the U.S. domestic debate over ratification of the Law of the Sea Convention seems almost quaint. Unlike pretty much every country in East Asia, the U ...
- The Ever-Expanding “Provisional Measures ...by Julian Ku by Julian Ku The International Court of Justice issued a “provisional measures” order today in a dispute between Thailand and Cambodia over a World Heritage temple located near or on the boundary between the two nations. Â The request for provisional measures was brought by Cambod ...
- Did the U.S. Stretch International Law In Orde ...by Julian Ku by Julian Ku The U.S. government has recently announced it will recognize the Benghazi authority as the “legitimate” government of Libya. Â But is it departing from international practice or the international law relating to statehood and recognition in order to do so? I have to a ...
- Less is More?by Roger Alford by Roger Alford Toby Landau, one of the leading arbitrators in the world, gave the keynote address at the recent ITA Workshop in Dallas and, as always, he was entertaining and provocative. One of the central themes of his discussion was how arbitration counsel fail to present a ...
- The Supposed “Errors” in the NYT W ...by Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller As part of his ongoing war against the New York Times, Ben Wittes has a post today entitled “Seven Errors in Today’s New York Times Editorial.” I occasionally agree with Wittes’ criticism of the NYT; the paper sometimes misstates the law when it critic ...
Public News Service
- Congress Threatens to Slash Funding for Succes ...Congress Threatens to Slash Funding for Successful Farm Programs Phoenix, AZ – One of the largest sources of funding for land conservation in Arizona and across the country would be slashed under the proposed agriculture appropriations bill. Four programs that offer land owners financial incent ...
- AARP Arizona: "Fuera manos" de Social Security ...AARP Arizona: "Fuera manos" de Social Security y Medicare Phoenix, AZ – El director y presidente estatal de la AARP Arizona se reunió con representantes de AARP de todo el país en Washington, D.C. esta semana, en un encuentro con las delegaciones de los congresos estatales. Su mensaje: mantenga ...
- AARP Arizona: “Hands Off” Social S ...AARP Arizona: “Hands Off” Social Security and Medicare Phoenix, AZ – The director and state president of AARP Arizona joined AARP representatives from around the country in Washington, D.C. this week, meeting with state congressional delegations. Their message: keep discussions about Social Secu ...
- In Search of More "Elbow Room" for Arizona Chi ...In Search of More "Elbow Room" for Arizona Chickens Washington, DC – Two national groups have formed an unlikely partnership to push Congress for new standards for egg producers. If they get their way, all hens will get bigger and better living quarters, and consumers will have more information ...
- Tucson Forum Set on Alleged Abuse of Detained ...Tucson Forum Set on Alleged Abuse of Detained Immigrants Tucson, AZ – Allegations of human and civil rights abuses against immigrants detained in Arizona will be the focus of a Tucson community forum tomorrow (Tuesday) evening. A new two-year study from ACLU-Arizona finds that thousands of immig ...
Center for Food Safety
- U.S. Congress Turns Up The Heat On Genetically ...23 Members of Congress say “GE fish would not be in the public interest” NEWLY PUBLISHED STUDIES HIGHLIGHT ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS OF ESCAPED GE FISH Members of Congress turned up the heat on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last Friday, sending strongly worded, bipartisan letters calling ...
- U.S. House Of Representatives Passes Amendment ...Sixty-Seven Organizations and Businesses Endorse Amendment; CFS Calls upon FDA to Reject Approval of GE Salmon The Center for Food Safety (CFS) applauds the U.S. House of Representatives for its decision yesterday to prohibit the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from approving genetically eng ...
- FDA temporarily suspends use of some arsenic i ...Center for Food Safety and Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy urge continued action to remove all arsenic from animal feeds permanently The federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today announced that Alpharma, a division of the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, has agreed to stop sellin ...
- Family Farmers Amplify Complaint Against Monsa ...Monsanto’s Failure to Provide Binding Legal Covenant To Protect Family Farmers Threatened by GMO Contamination Necessitates Amended Complaint New threats by Monsanto have led to the filing of an amended complaint by the Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT) in its suit on behalf of family farmers, s ...
- Environmental Groups Petition Federal Governme ...FDA poised to take action on the first-ever application to market a genetically engineered salmon without adequate consideration of environmental risks and public input Earthjustice, on behalf of Ocean Conservancy, Friends of the Earth, Center for Food Safety, Food & Water Watch, the Center for ...
Angry Indian Op-Eds
- 4 Republican congresspeople ‘pledge’ to hold W ...4 Republican congresspeople ‘pledge’ to hold West Bank: [mondoweiss.net] "According to a rightwing Israeli news site, settler lobbyist David Ha'Ivri met with four Republican congresspeople and got them to 'pledge' to support settlements in the West Bank (language is vague). The congresspeople in ...
- Murdoch scandal: hypocritical warmongers expos ...Murdoch scandal: hypocritical warmongers exposed | Green Left Weekly: "By Tony Iltis Murdoch-owned tabloid gloating over the sinking of Argentine ship ARA General Belgrano during the Falklands War in 1982. More than 300 lives were lost in the attack. The scandal engulfing Rupert Murdoch and his ...
- Dr. Fidel Castro: Lo que debe demandarse a Est ...Lo que debe demandarse a Estados Unidos | Cubadebate: "Costa Rica's meeting did not lead or could lead to peace. The people of Honduras are not at war, only use weapons coup against him. They should demand an end to its war against the people. Such a meeting between Zelaya and the coup would onl ...
- Producer Profile: Shelley Niro | NAPTProducer Profile: Shelley Niro | NAPT: "By Ben Kreimer In Shelley Niro’s debut feature film, Kissed by Lightning, a Mohawk woman works through the grief surrounding the death of her husband by painting the stories he used to tell. Mavis Dogblood, played by Kateri Walker (Chippewa of the Thames ...
- Korean Resisters to New U.S. Navy Base Arreste ...Korean Resisters to New U.S. Navy Base Arrested | War Is A Crime .org I have very tragic news to report from Jeju Island South Korea. At the crack of dawn on Thursday, undercover police officers came to Gangjeong village and arrested three major leaders of the peaceful resistance: Village Chie ...
- Impeachment: an Overdue Constitutional AmendmentPhoto by codepinkhq After skimming over the Truth Commission’s report, I found that one of their recommendations is to introduce an impeachment mechanism to the Honduran Constitution. An impeachment mechanism would have been sufficient to achieve the goal the Congress and Supreme Court wanted in ...
- Official Truth Comission Report now AvailablePhoto by OEA – OAS The Honduran Commission for Truth and Reconciliation, (CVR in Spanish), created in the wake of the 2009 removal of Manuel Zelaya from the Presidency, has made its report available on its website. Apparently this is the full version, complete and underacted. As soon as I read ...
- Protection or Truth?Photo by OEA – OAS An argument in favor of secrecy is that secrecy protects people. In places like Afghanistan, or Honduras, the government is powerless to protect those implicated in international intrigues or scandals. Informants and victims may be targeted for retaliation if they lead to nega ...
- For Everyone Else…there’s WikileaksWhat Does it Cost to Change the World? from WikiLeaks on Vimeo. The ingenious ad above highlights the plight of Wikileaks after the US Government either directly, or indirectly, pressured businesses like PayPal and MasterCard to block all their donations. The US and other secretive nations despi ...
- Mountains of Santa CatarinaI am working at a factory well outside of Monterrey, which is backed by some of the most amazing mountains I have ever seen. Devoid of trees because of lack of moisture, they show the tortured formations of the earth that thrust them up. Lit by a setting sun after a summer shower, they were [... ...
Green Times
- Environmental News 04/07/2011Environmental News You Shouldn't Miss
- Priority to natureA road divided for a tree in New Zealand, what a funny and beautiful gesture to support environmental preservation (climate-change/environmental-preservation.html)! In a world where human activity and needs are becoming a priority, natural environment (glossary/categories/lifestyle/natural-envi ...
- Take a breathTaking a breath in a green environment is so pleasant after a busy week! And look how beautiful this green Kiwi landscape is! But, what is the future of this natural beauty if we don't take care of it? So, environmental preservation (climate-change/environmental-preservation.html) and pro ...
- Environmental News 01/07/2011Environmental News You Shouldn't Miss
- Environmental News 30/06/2011Environmental News You Shouldn't Miss
The Briefing Room | Investigate
- News release on Ian Wishart's Kahui case book, ...HASH(0x9baa900)
- News release from Ian Wishart: Book will be pu ...HASH(0xa005290)
- Sea-level study released - yawnHASH(0x4ad7370)
- Where's my global warming dude?HASH(0xa1fbd10)
- Prepare for global cooling - it's officialHASH(0x9f70e80)
Israel-The Only Democracy in the Middle East?
- Israeli democracy makes form of protest illegalThere’s a ton of resources on the Israeli anti-boycott law, thanks to the groups in American and Israel who have condemned it across the political spectrum. But I will post groups we have featured on website before. First, Boycott from Within, the Israeli group most targeted by the law issued a ...
- Meanwhile in gender: Israel hosts men only eco ...While our attention is rightly on the new anti-boycott law , this development reminds us of the other inequalities in Israeli society. While not the keystone oppression like that of Palestinians, conditions for women seem to be worsening, as they often do in both situations of conquest and relig ...
- Julia Chaitin: First They Came for the BoycottersInstead of blogiating myself about the wonderful new “Boycott the Boycott” Law the democratic geniuses in the Knesset have just cooked up, I am crossposting what Dr. Julia Chaitin just wrote on her blog. Julia (bio) is a lecturer in psychology at the Sapir College in Sderot. She specializes in ...
- Greece does U.S. and Israel’s bidding, d ...By now you have probably heard that the U.S.Boat to Gaza, the “Audacity of Hope” made an attempt to set sail and was turned back by the Greek Coast Guard. Read Jewish Voice for Peace’s alert as it was happening here. Here is a roundup of Democracy Now! breaking coverage of the U.S. boat’s attemp ...
- Following Barrier’s Rerouting, Residents ...From the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee VIdeo of the victory celebrations, warning contains LOTS of car honking! This Friday, as part of the weekly demonstration, residents of Bil’in will commence the construction of a new neighborhood of the village, ‘Bil’in West”, on lands returned to ...
Politics in the Zeros
- Latest on phone hacking and MurdochRumors are that Rupert Murdock may be replaced at News Corp CEO. Maybe. But will he go gently? And if he’s still Chairman of the Baord and his CEO replacement is a long-time aide, then what has changed? Not much that I can see. Interestingly, Rupert Murdoch has been doing rather badly during tes ...
- CEOs claim California is worst state for businessCalifornia ranked dead last in a poll of 556 CEOs asking which state is the best place to do business. While CEOs are certainly not an unbiased lot, they also have considerable say in where to open new facilities. And it appears they would rather be hung upside down than do business in Californi ...
- Google+. Google gets social networking right t ...Google had two abortive attempts at social networking, Buzz and Wave. Both got a bit of buzz then disappeared beneath the waves. Google+ is different. It’s fun to use, powerful, has features Twitter and Facebook don’t, and perhaps most importantly, shows no sign of slowing down a few weeks after ...
- Another top police official resigns in Murdoch ...Mr. Yates is a high profile officer who had been involved in earlier inconclusive police investigations of the scandal.
- Why hitting debt limit may mean Social Securit ...The money in the Social Security accounts are just bookkeeping entries. The government long ago “restructured” Social Security, taking the accumulated and current savings and spending it on the usual guns-and-butter, leaving the Social Security Trust (and apparently most inside-the-beltway types ...
- Yediot’s Plocker: Thank you Mossad for r ...On Sunday (January 9 2011), Yediot’s Itamar Eichner reported [emphasis mine; full translation here]: Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is furious with outgoing Mossad Director Meir Dagan because of the briefing Dagan gave journalists last Thursday. In the course of that briefing, Dagan shared wi ...
- “Rejectionist front”: Maariv detai ...As Israel’s diplomatic position erodes and the Palestinian Authority’s campaign for the unilateral recognition of a state in the 1967 borders gains ground, the demand for “direct negotiations” has become a central talking point of  Israeli government spokespeople. Here’s the latest example, fro ...
- New Yorker editor David Remnick to Yediot:  ...On December 24 2010, Yediot’s Friday Political Supplement ran an interview with New Yorker editor David Remnick by Adi Gold. Most of the interview was dedicated to his new biography of Barack Obama. Gold did ask a political question on Israel and Reminck’s response was very blunt. Note that th ...
- Breaking the Silence’s landmark new book ...Breaking the Silence has just published a landmark collection of soldier testimonies from the Occupied Territories spanning the period 2000-2010. The 432 page book can now be browsed, downloaded and embedded here. If you read nothing else, take the time to look over the first to pages of the int ...
- Following local pressure, Adidas reconsiders s ...This Maariv article [full translation below] from Friday is particularly badly written and repetitive, so I’ll summarize. Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat decides to hold the first Jerusalem International Marathon in March 2011. He gets Adidas to sponsor the event. An Israeli runner registers and the ...
Deadline Live
- Dire Straits – Money For Nothing
- Barack Obama accused of crime against humanity ...Barack Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize-winning president who ordered the Seal Team Six to kill Osama bin Laden, is now being accused of committing a crime against humanity for the act that sent countless people to the streets to celebrate. Daniel Fiol, a Spanish lawyer, submitted a written complain ...
- Justice Department trying to shield officials ...Reporting from Washingtonâ The Justice Department is trying to protect its political appointees from the Fast and Furious scandal by concealing an internal “smoking gun” report and other documents that acknowledge the role top officials played in the program that allowed firearms to flow illegal ...
- Rupert Murderoch? : News Of The World Hacking ...HuffPo Sean Hoare, a former reporter for the News of the World who was the first to go on the record about Andy Coulson’s alleged knowledge of the phone hacking there, has been found dead, according to the Guardian. He was found by police at his London home. Hoare was known to have problems [...]
- It Happened again in “liberal” SF ...Via DomasJefferson.com On Saturday, July 16th, the San Francisco Police shot and killed an unarmed 19 year-old man for allegedly not paying his Muni train fare. Witnesses say the shooting happened after the suspect de-boarded the T-Third Muni train and was confronted by police for not having a t ...
The Air Vent
- Introduction to RghcnV3 – Steve MosherSteve has put together a high quality series of algorithms for combining surface station data in R. He has combined methods from a wide variety of sources with the following example incorporating ideas from my favorite blog by Tamino. This is the kind of science I like, open source, nothing hi ...
- Subsampled Confidence Intervals – ZekeSub-sampling is hard to argue with. Zeke has done a post on global temperatures at the Blackboard taking 500 stations at a time and looking at the extremes of averages. It presented a set of very tight error bars based on weather variance, sampling errors, and any other random events which af ...
- Chugging AlongSteve Mosher has continued his work on GHCN station global temperature reconstruction package in R. The most recent version is documented in his blog here. He has developed an elegant set of commands for computing global temperatures in R and is working on release of an R library package for t ...
- Decisions we don’t need your help withOne of the several ignorant things that president Bush did was sign a law banning incandescent lights. Yes it came from a liberal House and Senate but he did sign it. It looks like the House will send a repeal of it up for vote shortly but it won’t likely get past our anti-economic growth presi ...
- Uncertainty in Air TemperaturesPat Frank has a new article recently published in E&E on the statistical uncertainty of surface temperatures. He has requested an open venue for discussion of his work here. This is an opportunity for readers to critically asses the methods and understand whether the argument/conclusion is s ...
Focal Point
- Jose Antonio Vargas wins Sidney Award for Acco ...One of the best parts of my job at the Sidney Hillman Foundation is working on the monthly Sidney Awards for excellence in journalism. I was very excited to learn that our judges had selected Jose Antonio Vargas for his New York Times Magazine piece, "My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant," in ...
- Frank Bruni Comes Out as Poseur, Explains Enti ...When Frank Bruni was hired as an op/ed columnist for the New York Times, I doubted that he was qualified. His latest column puts those doubts to rest. Bruni is totally unqualified. The piece reads like a livejournal rant. In a nutshell: Bruni's glad there won't be any more Harry Potter movies ...
- Attention, Space Cadets: Do Not Proposition Wo ...In a recent vlog, Skepchick Rebecca Watson had some friendly advice for male skeptics seeking to make women feel comfortable and welcome at skeptical gatherings. She mentioned, offhandedly, that during a recent conference in Dublin, a guy followed her into the elevator at 4:00am and invited her ...
- Lindsay Beyerstein Joins Sidney Hillman Founda ...This week, I joined the Sidney Hillman Foundation as the lead blogger for the Hillman Blog. The Hillman Foundation was founded to honor Sidney Hillman the late founder and president of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union. The foundation's mission is to promote excellence in journalism. The ...
- DSCC Hits Up Koch Industries for Cash, As Usua ...An official with the arch conservative Koch Industries delivered a stinging rebuke to Sen. Patty Murray of the DSCC for attempting to solicit a contribution: For many months now, your colleagues in the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee leadership have engaged in a series of disparag ...
Inside Facebook
- Facebook for Android 1.6.1 Lets You Post to, S ...Facebook recently updated its Android native mobile app, adding several ways to interact with Pages in version 1.6.1. Users can now see a list of Pages they’re an administrator of, and post updates as these Pages, allowing the app to be used as a Page management tool. All users can now see a l ...
- Platform Update: Graph API Management of Pages ...In the latest Platform Updates to the Facebook Developer Blog, the company announced the ability to manage Pages, change their wall settings, and install tab applications via the Graph API. This should make it easier for developers who manage multiple Pages. Facebook added a referral attribute t ...
- Facebook Opens Viral Growth Channel for Pages, ...Facebook now allows Page administrators to send their friends invites to Like their Page that appear as notifications, opening a new viral channel that could assist Page growth. Because these invites generate Facebook and email notifications, they are much more noticeable and could have a higher ...
- Featured Facebook Campaigns: HP, Stella Artois ...Contests, giveaways and free downloads were what the brands on our weekly roundup of Facebook campaigns used to grow their Pages and gain network exposure this week. We’ve excerpted two of the campaigns below. You can see the full week’s coverage in the Facebook Marketing Bible, which also inclu ...
- 60 Photos, Mobile, Pages, MyCalendar and Band ...Applications all about a user’s Facebook friends were popular on our list of the top 20 growing by monthly active users this week, in addition to a few pertaining to mobile and Page tabs. Other notable apps included Yahoo, Bandsintown, and a birthday calendar. The titles on our list gained the m ...
Truthout - Tweets
- truthout: Robert Reich | The Dangerous Hi-Jink ...truthout: Robert Reich | The Dangerous Hi-Jinks of the GOP's Juveniles http://bit.ly/oLsfFv
- truthout: Our Love Affair With Fish Is Unsusta ...truthout: Our Love Affair With Fish Is Unsustainable http://bit.ly/o9gcyY
- truthout: President Obama's Big Deal: Cuts for ...truthout: President Obama's Big Deal: Cuts for Social Security, but No Taxes for Wall Street http://bit.ly/roEkdT
- truthout: Koch Brothers' ALEC Tentacles Creep ...truthout: Koch Brothers' ALEC Tentacles Creep Into Your State http://bit.ly/pMpKmq
- truthout: Reading the Debt Ceiling Tea Leaves ...truthout: Reading the Debt Ceiling Tea Leaves to Predict the Future http://bit.ly/q5eeu0
ReDress News
- Method in Netanyahu's madness: Israel rules ou ...Jonathan Cook argues that by outlawing non-violent protest against the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and the siege of Gaza and leaving only violence as a mode of resistance, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his supporters believe that they can "safeguard the legitima ...
- Americans: facing the world and facing ourselvesLawrence Davidson explains why most Americans "neither see themselves as others see them nor look honestly into their own faces", and in consequence, "are led to collectively act in self-destructive ways".
- Herem law in the context of Jewish past and pr ...Gilad Atzmon looks into the traditional Jewish herem culture underlying the law recently passed by the Israeli parliament criminalizing calls for the boycott of Israel or the illegal Jewish settlements.
- US Congress loves being lied to about the Isra ...Stuart Littlewood reminds Israel's stooges and other ignoramuses in the US Congress of a few basic facts about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict - the sheer injustice suffered by the Palestinians at the hands of Israel and its US supporter - and concludes: "There is only one thing worse than bein ...
- Israeli thugs - organized criminalsPaul J. Balles compares Israel to a thug who knows he has protection and asks: "How long can Israel's thugs keep getting away with the travesty of justice that's no better than organized crime in America?"
Amazon Rainforest
- World’s largest beef company signs Amazo ...The world’s largest meat processor has agreed to stop buying beef from ranches associated with slave labor and illegal deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, according to the public prosecutor’s office in the state of Acre. The deal absolves JBS-Friboi from 2 billion reals ($1.3 billion) in pote ...
- World’s largest beef company signs Amazo ...The world’s largest meat processor has agreed to stop buying beef from ranches associated with slave labor and illegal deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, according to the public prosecutor’s office in the state of Acre. The deal absolves JBS-Friboi from 2 billion reals ($1.3 billion) in pote ...
- Peru suffers an environmental tragedy!The rising price of gold has multiplied by six the pace of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest in the Peruvian region of Madre de Dios in recent years. Illegal gold searches using primitive techniques in the years 2003-9 led to the destruction of 7,000 hectares of virgin and extremely divers ...
- Earth’s Living Treasure- Celebrating Forests f ...United Nations declared 2o11 as the International Year of Forests (Forests 2o11), and why Forests are the theme of the International Day for Biological Diversity on 22 May 2o11. In this special year, the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) are ...
- Belo Monte hydroelectric dam construction work ...The company leading the dam project, Norte Energia, announced that infrastructure work on roads that will provide access to the region started on Monday morning. The £7bn Belo Monte dam on the Amazon’s Xingu river is scheduled to start producing energy on 31 December 2014 and would be the seco ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
- BFP Select Nightly News & EditorialsIsrael-Made Weapons in Karachi, The Criminalization of the British Media, Former Senator: 9/11 âMajor Cover Upâ, Has America Become a Nation of Psychotics?, Do Banksters Run American Foreign Policy? & More Newsworthy Arrest of Ex-CIA Lawyer Sought Over Drone Use Crackdown, Intimidation & Torture ...
- BFP Select Nightly News & EditorialsFreedom of Speech in the age of Wikileaks, Pepe Escobar: Why US Wonât Leave Afghanistan, The Story Behind Permanent War, CIA Lies: TWA, Shadow Government in Yemen, Expansion of Drone Wars, Bipolar Federal Courts & More! Newsworthy Democracy in Steep Decline around the World Pepe Escobar: Why US ...
- Happy Birthday to My Girl; My SunshineWishing you a long happy life with love & liberty
- Gimme a Break: The CIA Asset Turned Taliban Bo ...Spin the Spin to Get the Spun Story Un-Spun I said I was not going to waste time writing about the Ahmed Wali Karzai assassination story and let the stenographers in our media spread the preapproved nonsense. I wrote my piece and provided you with my own humble two cents, and I was ready to [...]
- BFP Select Nightly News & EditorialsMore Planes & Bombs for Libya, Libya in Pictures, the Covert War in Yemen, the Staggering Price Tag for Iraq-Afghan Wars, Budget Cut=Return to the Draft?, Echelon Incest, The Silent Liquidity Freeze & More Newsworthy NATO Calls for More Planes to Bomb Libyan Targets Libya in Pictures: What the M ...
Afro Spear
- Niggazz are Wannaa-bee GangstazzFootball is a violent sport. No doubt it plays into the gladiator blood sport mythos of days gone by. It’s also BIG business. I’ve heard that the current labour dispute between the owners and players is at the root, really about how to divvy up $9 billion is yearly revenue… basically the owner ...
- “Ralph Nader Is Tired of Running for Pre ...Click on image for article
- the Lupe Fiasco fiasco“My fight against terrorism, to me, the biggest terrorist is Obama in the United States of America. I’m trying to fight the terrorism that’s actually causing the other forms of terrorism. You know, the root cause of terrorism is the stuff the U.S. government allows to happen. The foreign policie ...
- A Sunday Sermon
- sat’day riddymzWOW!! It’s hard to fathom that it’s been 2 years ago today already that MJ died. I for one have come to appreciate his music more and more.
Expose the BNP
- Expose the BNP: activists’ meetingOver the summer we have seen the extreme right enter parliament in Sweden and racist deportations of Roma people from France. Here at home the EDL have continued to target cities with Muslim communities, while the police are bringing trumped-up charges against anti-fascists. November 6 sees a na ...
- Rotherham fascist leads secret double lifeA BNP activist is living a secret double life, desperate to prevent his employers from finding out about his extremist views – despite having stood as a candidate in last month’s election. Tom Holmes (25) received 715 votes in the recent elections for Rotherham Council but has managed to keep hi ...
- Nick Griffin humiliated in Barking defeatThe British National Party have suffered a humiliating defeat in the general election when Nick Griffin failed to gain a Westminster seat for the East London ward of Barking. Labour MP Margaret Hodge secured the seat with a 16,000 majority, with Griffin trailing third after the Conservative cand ...
- Ten questions that expose Nick GriffinOn the day that the BNP launches its election manifesto, Expose the BNP has researched 10 questions for journalists to put to the BNP leader, the answers to which reveal him to be a deeply racist, anti-Semitic Holocaust denier who boasts about his criminal past. 1. In which year did you stop den ...
- Workshy Griffin left his parents pennilessOn yesterdayâs Today programme, BNP leader Nick Griffin told the Radio Four audience that âLiberal economics … have utterly bankrupted this country.â The truth is that Nick Griffin was himself declared bankrupt in 1991. Over several years thereafter he destroyed his parentsâ finances as well. Gr ...
Ode Magazine
- The peace of radiant healthBy: PeaceCorso How do you explain a miracle? The short answer is: you don’t. As you know, if you read these pages, I went to São Paulo, Brazil a month ago to have metabolic surgery to cure Type 2 Diabetes. It worked. I no longer have it. A bona fide m ...
- Trekking to bring literacy to women in the Nep ...By: BrigitteMuir After you've climbed the world's highest mountains, including the mother of them all - Mount Everest - what on Earth is there left to do? If you’re Brigitte Muir, OAM, the first Australian to climb the highest peak on every continent - an ...
- Turn conflict into connection and collaborationBy: JohnKinyon In my last post I described the language and skills that give us power to return to presence and centeredness when we are in conflict; we can turn conflict into understanding and connection within ourselves and with others. From a place connectio ...
- Finding harmony through conflictBy: TrishLay When I was three years old, my adoptive mother was holding me as we stood in line at the grocery store. A gentleman in front of us turned and said what a pretty little girl I was. I then replied with, "No I’m not…I’m adopted." Being adopted we ...
- How language connects and resolves conflictBy: JohnKinyon Dear Ode readers, I want to share with you a language of connection for resolving conflicts. I have found it leads to clarity, ease and effectiveness, in work and personal life. It is not a foreign language, but a human language. It helps u ...
OpEd News
- Israel Terrorizing Palestinians LawlesslyIsraeli state terror
- Rahm Emanuel: Chicago's War Criminal/Anti-Labo ...anti-labor
- Coming in 2012: Genetically modified front law ...If this GMO grass is planted on lawns across America, it will spur the widespread use of Roundup herbicide (made by Monsanto), which will devastate the soils and contaminate the streams and rivers downstream. We are talking about potentially dumping tens of millions of gallons of RoundUp into th ...
- Japan Takes The gold After Sawa's Amazing Equa ...Homare Sawa's amazing equalizer goal with less than six minutes to play in extra time took the air out of a highly favored American team and set the stage for an improbable and classic world cup victory for Japan: Allen L Roland
- 'Let 'Em Eat Peas': An Elitist Mantra for Our AgeThe elite of this nation have largely forgotten the rest of us. We've already sacrificed. There was no sharing of peas or anything else. Wall Street was bailed out; Main Street was sold out. And the march goes on to call for "shared sacrifice." It's a ruse of the most horrible kind, and it disho ...
- It's Official: Whitebark Pine Trees are Endang ...Matt Skoglund, Wildlife Advocate, Livingston, Montana A sea of dead and dying whitebark pine trees in the Northern Rockies in Montana. Today, in response to a petition we filed in December 2008, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service found tha ...
- News from London: First-ever greenhouse gas r ...Rich Kassel, Senior Attorney and Director, Clean Fuels and Vehicles Project, New York City On Friday, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted the first-ever greenhouse gas regulations for new ships. This is the first industry-wide, ...
- Will Science Trump Politics when Protecting En ...Zak Smith, Attorney, Marine Mammal Protection Project, Santa Monica One of the questions underlying decision making at this year's meeting of the CITES Animals Committee is the extent to which decisions will be driven by scientific evidence on the ...
- Physicians and Advocacy Groups Demand Cleaner ...Adrian Martinez, Project Attorney, Southern California Air Team, Santa Monica It’s been slightly more than 60 days since we, along with Physicians for Social Responsibility-Los Angeles and environmental justice groups filed a letter of intent to s ...
- NRDC in the News 7/18: Lightbulb efficiency, c ...NRDC News, NRDC News Team, NRDC Offices Worldwide In a McClatchy Newspapers piece, David Goldston explained the cost and energy efficiency savings of using more efficient light bulbs, and called House Republican efforts to repeal the light bulb st ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
- Sad, if PredictableMy favorite of the soulless corporate bookstore chains will be closing up shop.
- No one would attend them if I could.SEK is meeting with a FORMER STUDENT at his apartment complex to discuss a letter of recommendation. Â Because SEK’s porch occupies his office while his complex paints his porch, FORMER STUDENT and SEK decide to take advantage of the weather and discuss medical applications out by the pool. SEK: ...
- Shocking“The death is currently being treated as unexplained, but not thought to be suspicious. Police investigations into this incident are ongoing.” Apparently the local constabulary has a rather narrow definition of “suspicious.”
- Left Neo-Liberalism vs. Grassroots LiberalismOver at Crooked Timber, Henry has a really interesting commentary to this Doug Henwood piece attacking the neoliberal left. Henry: Neo-liberals tend to favor a combination of market mechanisms and technocratic solutions to solve social problems. But these kinds of solutions tend to discount poli ...
- Meritocracy in ActionIn some vaguely rational universe, the Global Risk Officer for Lehman Brothers from 2002-7 would be working at a Burger King somewhere, and not in a management position. Needless to say, that’s not what happened. UPDATE: In fairness, as a couple commenters point out, she seems to have been more ...
Desert Research Institute
- Storm Peak Lab Celebrates the 4th of July and ...There is nothing like a small-town parade on the 4th of July. The scientists and volunteers at the DRI Storm Peak Lab (SPL) in Steamboat Springs, Colo. participated in this year’s Steamboat Springs Fourth of July Parade. The parade theme was the “Greatest Summer on Earth.”
- In Memoriam: DRI President Dr. James V. TaranikPresident of DRI in 1987, Dr. James V. Taranik was internationally known for his research in aerospace remote sensing, and his professional career had already included senior positions with NASA, the U.S. Department of the Interior, the Iowa Geological Survey, and the University of Iowa.
- DRI Researcher Earns Grant to Study the Season ...A DRI researcher will lead a team that is heading to Antarctica to study the molecular biology, and evolution of microscopic organisms.
- Abnormal SpringIf you're new to Northern Nevada, you've probably already asked yourself this question: is this a normal spring? The calendar says we're three weeks from the start of summer, but winter still holds us in its grip. It leads us to wonder if something bigger is a foot, Dr. Kelly Redmond explains.
- What effect do clouds have on climate?What is the climate effect of tiny particles such as aerosols, soot, and dust, in the atmosphere? Dr. Eric Wilcox, a world-class sailor and researcher, is exploring the answers to these questions linking the ever-changing composition of Earth’s atmosphere and climate change.
Earth Techling
- Green Jobs In Atlanta See Funding BoostThe EPA will award $6.2 million in national environmental workforce development and job training grants across 20 US states, including in the Atlanta, GA area.
- Concept Solar Powered Bike Bus Travels LinkedA designer from Seoul, South Koren has posted his idea for a hybrid vehicle that carries passengers on bicycles to different tourist locations around the city.
- Big Solar, Wind Projects Backed By U.S.Interior Department's Ken Salazar approves two solar plants and a wind project on public lands – plus a major transmission line to tie in solar plants.
- Green Tech Chatter: Brownfields And CleantechThis week we take a look at how brownfields, thought by many to be useless, polluted land, are turning into opportunities for cleantech projects.
- Renault Unveils EV Concept for FamiliesRenault has released images and details of its latest electric vehicle concept called the Frendzy that looks to incorporate ideas of the working family.
National Law Journal | U.S.
- The art of the impasseAs our political leaders fall short in resolving the disputes relating to raising the debt ceiling, changing the negotiating process to one favored by mediators might be the best next step.
- Washington in St. Louis Law teams up with Aust ...Washington University in St. Louis School of Law is partnering with the University of Queensland's TC Beirne School of Law in Brisbane, Australia, to launch a new, four-year joint juris doctor and master of laws program.
- Microsoft's Brad Smith meets with 50 law stude ...Brad Smith, chairman of the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity's Pipeline Committee, speaks to NLJ about the many challenges to diversity in the legal profession and the council's plans to improve diversity.
- In a first, Senate confirms judge who is openl ...The U.S. Senate voted overwhelmingly on Monday to confirm J. Paul Oetken as a district court judge, making him the first openly gay man appointed to the federal bench.
- A shift to magistrate judgesIn 2010, a civil case in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia lasted on average about eight months, from filing to disposition. Not bad, considering the national average is about the same time, but Chief Judge Royce Lamberth wants to speed things up.
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
- Marcellus Shale on This American LifeIf you missed this program, it is well worth listening to. http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/440/game-changer
- Drilling Strains 911 Resposes at Tioga Court HouseBeing that I now live in south central PA, I listen to the WITF radio station on my way to work and back. They have been doing bits and pieces here and there about the Marcellus drilling and this month they have introduced a program called “State Impact Pennsylvania”. So far this program seems ...
- Water Dog Training in JulyI wanted to let everyone know they are planning another basic waterdog training on July 14th from 7-9 at the Tokishi Building in Wellsboro. Please pass this on to others that may be interested. There is also going to be another Advanced Training in August. (I will pass on more information as I ...
- Forced Pooling: When Landowners Can’t Say No t ...by Marie C. Baca, Special to ProPublica May 19, 2011 As the shale gas boom sweeps across the United States, drillers are turning to a controversial legal tool called forced pooling to gain access to minerals beneath private property–in many cases, without the landowners’ permission. Forced poo ...
- Gas industry no longer must comply with stric ...Deadline for policy reversal looms TAKE ACTION TODAY The facts: In December, 2010, a policy document was put in place by DEP, advising air quality professionals responsible for permitting of gas industry compressors and other sites to consider the aggregation (total toxic accumulation) of air em ...
News Blaze
- Lisa Blue Swimwear Creator Shares 'Lessons' on ...Lisa Blue Swimwear is headquartered in Byron Bay, Australia. It claims to represent the girl of the future who can be sexy, beautiful, powerful and environmentally aware at the same time.
- Close-Up Image of Asteroid Vesta Captured By N ...NASA's Dawn spacecraft has returned the first close-up image after beginning its orbit around the giant asteroid Vesta. On Friday, July 15, Dawn became the first probe to enter orbit around an object in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupit
- US-India Strategic Dialogue: Hostage to Order ...Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will hold a structured strategic dialogue with India's foreign minister in New Delhi. Both countries have a vested interest in the well-being of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
- US and Greece Sign Cultural Memorandum of Unde ...Ms. Clinton stressed that it will be illegal to import protected items from Greece into the United States unless they have been certified by the Greek authorities.
- NASA says 'Happy Birthday' To Astronaut John GlennNASA commemorates the 90th birthday of astronaut John Glenn. The pioneering explorer was the first U.S. astronaut to orbit the Earth and also was the oldest person to fly to space when he launched on the space shuttle in 1998.
environment 360
- The World at 7 Billion: Can We Stop Growing Now?With global population expected to surpass 7 billion people this year, the staggering impact on an overtaxed planet is becoming more and more evident. A two-pronged response is imperative: empower women to make their own decisions on childbearing and rein in our excessive consumption of resource ...
- Forests Absorb One-Third of Fossil Fuel Emissi ...Forests play an even greater role in Earth’s climate system than previously known, according to the most comprehensive assessment yet of the carbon storage potential of the world’s wooded areas. Between 1990 Wikimedia Commons and 2007, the planet’s tropical, temperate, and boreal forests absor ...
- Loss of Large Predators Has Sweeping Impact on ...The loss of top predators in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine environments has had a major impact on ecosystems worldwide, leading to changes in vegetation, more wildfires, a decline in water quality, and an increase in infectious diseases and invasive species, according to a study publish ...
- Population of Snow Leopards Discovered in Afgh ...Researchers say they have discovered a population of endangered snow leopards in the remote mountains of northeastern Afghanistan, a promising development for View photos WCSSnow leopard photographed by a camera trap a species whose numbers have plummeted in recent decades. Using camera traps ...
- Key CO2 Capture Project Is Suspended by Major ...The U.S.’s most ambitious project to capture and sequester carbon from a coal-fired power plant has been shelved by a large utility company, which says that the lack of climate legislation and support from state governments has rendered the $668 million project financially untenable. American El ...
Red Ice Creations
- 12,000 Drones, Lethal Cyborg Insects, See-Shoo ...Last week, William Wan and Peter Finn of the Washington Post reported that at least 50 countries have now purchased or developed pilotless military drones. Recently, the Chinese had more than two dozen models in some stage of development on display at the Zhuhai Air Show, some of which they are ...
- Final News of the World hits stands as scandal ...The last edition of the News of the World hit stands Sunday morning, as Britain's best-selling newspaper shuts down in the face of a scandal over illegal eavesdropping and bribery that has outraged Britain and rattled the foundation of the nation's political establishment. Plastered with a monta ...
- Israel: Unearthed 'Bible's Bad Guys'At the remains of an ancient metropolis in southern Israel, archaeologists are piecing together the history of a people remembered chiefly as the bad guys of the Hebrew Bible. The city of Gath, where the annual digging season began this week, is helping scholars paint a more nuanced portrait of ...
- Ethics of British press to be probed after pho ...The ethics and practices of the UK press have come under suspicion after a phone-hacking scandal led to the closing of the British tabloid The News of the World. Prime Minister Cameron has promised a full inquiry into the details of the scandal. A public inquiry into the phone hacking by the New ...
- Insider reveals: "PR men would think up a stor ...There was fury at News International when journalists discovered that the 200 staff of the News of the World were to be sacrificed to save the career of Chief Executive Rebekah Brooks. Here one Murdoch insider, whose identity is known by The Mail on Sunday but who has been guaranteed anonymity, ...
Russia Today
- Current consumption levels unsustainable – UN ...It has been 20 years since the UN convened its Earth summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Now the countries of the world are preparing to get together yet again in 2012 to talk about how they can “green” the world economy...
- Greeks seek rural salvation from crisisMost populations today surge into cities in search of jobs and money, but in Greece it seems the countryside is where fortunes can be furrowed. Greeks are moving out of the metropolis in a bid to survive the financial...
- Bulgaria tragedy threatens to sink waterways i ...The Bulgaria disaster that caused the death of 114 people, with 15 more missing, presumed dead, has become one of Russia's worst-ever shipping tragedies. And today it is raising serious questions about the country's...
- Fears of something rotten in Scotland YardUK police are enduring their worst crisis in years, with senior officers resigning over being intertwined with implicated News Corporation staff. A number of incidents over the years have called the integrity of law...
- The mess around Murdoch’s media empire becomes ...The former News of the World reporter who was the first person to blow the whistle about the underhand tactics used by the tabloid to get exclusive stories has been found dead at his home in Watford, UK.
Not My Tribe
- Dignite Al Karama nears Gaza waters, reconnoit ...Sole remaining vessel of the “Say Human” Freedom Flotilla II, Dignite Al Karama, is expected to approach Gazan waters Monday July 18. The French leisure craft left yesterday without unanimous approval of flotilla steering committee, but carries passengers from multiple international delegations. ...
- Destitute Detra Farries tried to prevent her v ...COLORADO SPRINGS– Uh oh, news at six. I chanced upon District 17, room S380 today where Detra Farries is accused of dragging a tow-truck driver to his death earlier this year. The mother of eight was trying to prevent her vehicle, filled with all the family’s belongings, from being towed from an ...
- Crimes of News of the World belong to Rupert M ...The issue of Rupert Murdoch’s lawless news empire isn’t about phone hacking to break news, it’s about surveillance used for the same purposes as intelligence agencies, to control political climates, to effect outcomes based on what you have on the players. Does the FBI have to find evidence of m ...
- Knesset makes BDS movement illegal, says boyco ...Following their no hamfisted holds barred blocking of the Gaza aid flotilla, Israel yesterday declared illegal the rising domestic support for the BDS movement. The free speech ban extends even to non-Israelis in the occupied territories. Suggesting it’s not going to be BDS activistists who ulti ...
- Find the Michele Bachmann inside youSo Michele Bachmann was a tax collector. Sarah Palin was an oil industry stooge. The media didn’t conjure these villainesses from whole or rare cloth. Most politicians are corporate functionaries before they bill the public to do it. If they haven’t dedicated their lives expressly to destroying ...
Debunking the Debunkers
- Politicians Really Are PuppetsHere British Labour leader Ed Miliband gives pretty much exactly the same scripted response to five successive questions with the same vocal inflections and everything. It's as if he's some kind of robot! Presenting Ed Milibot: The interviewer's thoughts: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/bfensm
- Unnecessary Freefall Revisit #2038046179007145309Thanks to 'Charlie Gate', many truthers, particularly in the UK, have been brushing up on their 9/11 knowledge, and there has been fierce debate on YouTube about things like the freefall of WTC7. The apologists for NIST have been claiming that WTC7's 2.25 seconds of free fall can be explained ...
- Chris Mohr's "respectful rebuttal" smells like ...Chris Mohr is uploading 'respectful rebuttal' videos of Gage's presentations. I've just quickly looked at this one ... I may watch the others later. Some thoughts... One minute in Mohr states that Gage does not acknowledge the differences in construction between the twin towers and the other ...
- Charlie Veitch Parroting Outdated Official Cla ...In recent interviews justifying his sudden U-Turn on 9/11, Charlie Veitch has made some incorrect claims about WTC7. He says he spoke to an expert who told him that 25% of WTC7 was scooped out. This is an old claim that even NIST have abandoned. The claim was made in Appendix L to their 2004 pr ...
- Another Balzac Vitry VerinageThis is another Verinage demolition of an apartment building in the same area (Balzac Vitry-Sur-Seine) as the other one. This demolition was in June of last year. And here's a speed time plot... Can't get much clearer than that really!
- Cheesy Poofs: From Southpark to Wal-MartWe talk a lot about fake food being sold to consumers. But today’s post is about a fake fake food that has been brought to life as a real fake food. It’s hard to believe, but Southpark is celebrating its 15th season. While our favorite character (guess who) has been gone for many seasons, the [...]
- Fooducate for Android (v 1.0) is AvailableA month after our beta release of the Fooducate Android App and we are happy to announce version 1.0 is live on the Market. New in this version: Textual Search – Many of you have asked for this feature . You can now search for products by name or keyword. Just type in a name [...]
- Well Done Massachusetts! New Regulations for H ...The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is the first to enact nutrition guidelines for “competitive foods” in schools on a statewide level. Kudos! “Competitive foods” are NOT the federally subsidized foods served during breakfast or lunch. Rather they are items sold in vending machines, a la carte i ...
- How Much Water do We Really Need to Drink Each ...Interesting piece from ABC news debunking the so called 8 glasses of water a day myth. According to recent research – there is no medical proof our bodies need that much water. Our take, as long as plain water is your hydration choice for the 5,8, or 15 glasses a day, you’re doing good. Get [...]
- What a Letdown: Campbell’s Zigzag on Sodium in ...Folks, the chart tells it all. After several years of promoting and pushing low sodium salts, Campbell’s Board of Directors has decided the strategic and widely publicized move was a mistake. Sales of the core soups have been slumping, and the missing salt has been deemed the culprit. So with a ...
- Four Pre-Writing Exercises for Inspired BloggersRebecca Chelsey's recent post on ways to spark our creativity got me thinking about the next step: how to take that creativity and turn it into meaningful sentences on the page. In other words, what we do with that spark of inspiration will determine the success or setbacks we face when we blog. ...
- 8 Simple Sources of Creative InspirationAs a creative person, I've noticed that creativity and creative ideas tend to present themselves whenever they see fit, and rarely otherwise. This is an especially unfortunate habit for my creativity to have because I am in the field of design. Over the years I've researched and stumbled upon ei ...
- Culture Vulture: Social Strategies for Differe ...Social media campaigns are becoming more integrated into the overall online marketing mix. And as with anything on the Web, you need to think global to succeed in the long term. To succeed with social media marketing for different cultures, you need to familiarise yourself with what’s happening ...
- Internet Marketing and Social Media Degree Pro ...Guest post by Brian Jenkins Over a billion and a half people use the Internet, and this has created a plethora of opportunities for talented Internet marketers. Specialized knowledge in Internet marketing and social media is vital for many businesses. Yes, there are successful, self-taught Inte ...
- How to Find Great Communities, Forums, and Blo ...To market your company effectively, you need to find out where your target audience is. In this post I’ll show you how you can do this. I like using examples, so in this case, I’ll assume you sell Star Wars merchandise.
Survival International
- Peru’s ‘final attempt’ to stamp out uncontacte ...Raya, a Nahua elder. More than half his people were wiped out after their land was opened up for oil exploration. © Johan Wildhagen/Survival Peru’s Indian Affairs Department has revealed plans to open up uncontacted tribes’ reserves to oil companies – just days before the country’s new gove ...
- Brazilian Indians receive death threatsAlmir Surui, Surui indigenous spokesman © Marc Cowan/Survival Indians of the Surui tribe in the Brazilian Amazon, who are campaigning for their land to be protected, have received death threats from loggers. Almir Surui is one of the Surui affected. He has been told, ‘We know who is agains ...
- Victory for Borneo tribe over oil palm GoliathA Penan man in the Borneo rainforest. © Robin Hanbury-Tenison/Survival A small group of Borneo hunter-gatherers have scored a major victory over a giant oil palm firm that was targeting their rainforest. Survival revealed last month that the Malaysian firm Shin Yang was clearing forest and ...
- Santander Bank admits dam funding to continue The Santo Antonio dam threatens to devastate the forest home of numerous tribal peoples © João Zinclar Europe’s largest bank, Santander, has admitted that its controversial financing of the notorious Santo Antonio dam in the Brazilian Amazon is set to continue, despite earlier saying that i ...
- Brazilian Indian killed next to roadside campGuarani woman from Apyka'y community, camped on the roadside © Fiona Watson/Survival A Guarani man in Brazil has been run over and killed by a bus on the highway next to which his community has been camped for almost a decade. The Guarani of Apyka’y community are living in appalling condit ...
Greg Palast
- Harry Potter: Jo’s Other EndingBy Jo (J.K.) Rowling as told to Greg Palast and the Palast twins [18 July 2011] Some of you may recall that, years ago, when I lived in England, writing for The Guardian, when I shared the bestseller list with Jo Rowling (she at the pinnacle, me in the valley), we became buds through my twins ...
- Drowning Fish?by Greg Palast June 30th, 2011 July 3 would have been my parents' 67th Anniversary. 67 years. Maybe it was the triumph of Hope over Reality (still have that Obama 2008 poster?). Or maybe something else, something that those of us who haven't walked that far down the path can't imagine. My D ...
- ZD Roberts Has Something to SayI just wanted to send a thanks to all those who have donated to the Gil Palast Memorial fund over the past couple of months. I know Gil would have been happy to see that so many people still believe in the power of journalism. Back in 2008 I got to meet Greg's Dad — he [...]
- Ce soir ! Achtung! BP en eaux troubles + Die B ...Tonight! 28 June. On ARTE, in French and German — in France, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, Holland and (check listing for French Canada) … BP: In Deep Water — The first of Greg Palast’s investigative reports on BP, the Bribery & Pollution company masquerading as an oil company. La M ...
- Strauss-Kahn Screws Africaby Greg Palast for The Guardian Now that I've dispensed with the obvious and obnoxious teaser headline, let's drop the towel and expose Dominique Strauss-Kahn's history of arrogant abuse. The truth is, the grandee of the IMF has molested Africans for years. On Wednesday, the New York Times r ...
How Can I Recycle This ?
- How can I reuse or recycle Leylandii/conifer b ...We’ve had an email from Jennifer (sorry it’s taken a few weeks to feature it, Jennifer!): We hacked down a couple of huge nasty Leylandii conifer trees from our garden this weekend and don’t know what to do with the wood and branches. It’s far too much for our own compost bin, fear for the [...]
- How can I reuse or recycle Stax potato chip cans?Tammy Gary has asked: Would love ideas to reuse the Stax potato chip cans. We don’t have Stax over here in the UK but my friend Google tells me they’re like Pringles, but packed in a plastic tube instead of waxed cardboard. Some of the Pringles ideas will still apply: they’re great for storing k ...
- How can I reuse or recycle a LOT of pinback bu ...(Ooops, sorry for the absence – I was busy then ill because I’d been busy and also ill because I ate some tasted-fine-but-actually-bad out of date sausages. Yes.) Right then, Nicole has been in touch asking about “pinback buttons”: I have thousands of pinback buttons from a failed work campaign. ...
- How can I make sure a spray bottle is really c ...We’ve had lots of suggestions over the years on how to reuse spray bottles from commercial cleaning products and the like but Nancy has just emailed a related question: First I want to comment that this is a fantastic website! Everyone in the world should be accessing it. My question is this: I’ ...
- How can I reuse/recycle foil bag linings to ma ...We’ve had an email from long-time commenter Melinda: I’ve recently been struck with the foil linings of snack bags, and even dog food bags. Has anyone used these to create something solar, such as a cooker? What items have been put to solar use and how? Making a solar cooker is on my to-do list ...
Age of Autism
- SmartVax: Creating an Individualized Vaccine S ...By Scott Laster, SafeMinds SafeMinds has launched a new website, SmartVax, to change the discourse on vaccines in a manner that will create a positive environment where consumers are empowered and scientists are encouraged to pursue the necessary research on...
- Kerry, Brown, Lynch Announce Fire Grant for Ma ...KERRY, BROWN, LYNCH ANNOUNCE FIRE GRANT FOR SOUTH NORFOLK COUNTY ARC Senators John F. Kerry and Scott Brown and Representative Stephen F. Lynch announced that the South Norfolk County Arc (SNCARC) has been awarded a Fire Prevention and Safety Grant...
- IACC Autism Meeting Tuesday 7/19Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) Full Committee Meeting Reminder: Please join us for an IACC Full Committee meeting that will take place on Tuesday, July 19, 2011 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET in Bethesda, MD. Onsite registration will...
- Autism, Acceptance and Accountability for An E ...Managing Editor's Note: Most of us are not willing to gamble that complete accommodation and acceptance are realistically possible, let alone enough for our kids, which is why we work so hard for them. By Anne Dachel July 12, 2011,...
- Researcher Asks: Are 36 Doses of Vaccine by 2 ...Managing Editor's note: This is fromThe Baltimore Sun, We don't know enough about childhood vaccines Researcher asks: Are 36 doses of vaccine by age 2 too much, too little, or just right? Feel free to click into the article and...
Global BDS Movement
- Map testView Global BDS Day of Action 2011 in a larger map
- BDS campaigners force Ahava shop to moveThe central London flagship store of Ahava, an Israeli cosmetics company whose products come from stolen Palestinian natural resources in the occupied West Bank, and are produced in the illegal settlement of Mitzpe Shalem, has been forced to move … Continue reading →
- Rawabi remains settler-colonial sub-contractorUri Davis writes on the ongoing links between the Rawabi project and the Jewish National Fund.
- Stop the Wall release new report on Brazil’s m ...Notwithstanding its recent recognition of the Palestinian State and its long tradition of supporting Palestinian rights and upholding international law, the Brazilian government has signed contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars with Israel’s arms industry.
- Trade UnionsThe global trade union movement has consistently demonstrated its courage and commitment to human rights by adopting concrete, ground-breaking labour-led sanctions against oppressive regimes in a show of effective solidarity with oppressed peoples around the world. Adopting BDS measures has … Co ...
Farm Wars
- GMO Deregulation: An Act of WarThe fiction of GMO oversight created by the USDA to deceive the public was designed to disintegrate over time so that GMOs could be completely deregulated.
- Alternative Markets, Barter Systems, and Local ...We can sit around on our asses and complain about the terrible state of the world, or we can take it upon ourselves to clean up the mess. That’s all there is. If you are afraid to take action, then I suggest you consider what will happen if you don’t. I see far more danger in complacency and fea ...
- Truth Squad Radio: GMO Deregulation and Agenda 21Scotts' GE Kentucky Bluegrass will not be regulated as either a plant pest or noxious weed, and these are the ONLY two ways that GMOs can be regulated by the USDA. Join us as we discuss this issue of the year!
- Codex Commission – Voluntary GMO Labeling Okay ...Codex has capitulated on the GM labeling issue after a battle spanning approximately 20 years, stating that it will allow countries to label GMOs and the WTO will not legally challenge them for it.
- GMO Rice is On It’s Way to a Store Near YouShort, fun video about a very serious subject - GMO rice.
Open Your Eyes News
- Spelman fires starting gun on badger cullThe Independent – Badgers will be shot in a bid to limit the spread of TB in cattle, the Government is expected to announce today. Groups of farmers will be licensed to organise the widespread shooting of badgers in the West Country, the worst-affected region, where nearly a quarter of all cattl ...
- Thai-Cambodian troops ‘must leave Preah ...BBC – The UN’s highest court has ordered Thailand and Cambodia to withdraw troops from a disputed border region near an ancient temple complex.Read article
- Taliban in Pakistan ‘police killing̵ ...BBC – Footage appearing to show the execution-style killing of 16 policemen in the restive north-west of Pakistan has been released by the Taliban. The video shows policemen lined up on a hillside with their hands tied behind their backs in front of gunmen who berate them and then open fire on t ...
- Spelman fires starting gun on badger cullThe Independent – Badgers will be shot in a bid to limit the spread of TB in cattle, the Government is expected to announce today. Groups of farmers will be licensed to organise the widespread shooting of badgers in the West Country, the worst-affected region, where nearly a quarter of all cattl ...
- UN mission accuses Sudan of shelling and tortu ...Guardian – The full horror of the campaign of violence that the government in Khartoum has unleashed against the black African Nuba people of Sudan has been laid bare in two confidential reports by the UN peacekeeping force that the Observer has obtained. The accounts of “devastating” daily aeri ...
L.A. Times - Greenspace
- Triclosan: Is Bath & Body Works' new soap harm ...Health and environmental groups have mounted a campaign against Bath & Body Works, urging the retailer to stop selling its line of “Summertime Scent” soaps that contain triclosan, a chemical categorized as a pesticide. Scientific studies have linked triclosan to...
- Whitebark pine in perilWhitebark pine can live for hundreds of years in the West's harsh alpine environments, but it may not survive disease, bugs and climate change. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced Monday that the tree was in such widespread decline...
- L.A. smog: Public health groups file suit agai ...Environmental and public health groups filed suit against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Monday in an effort to spur a crackdown on smog in the Los Angeles region. Under the federal Clean Air Act, Congress established a one-hour standard...
- Meat Eater's Guide ranks foods by environmenta ...Lamb, beef and cheese generate the most greenhouse gases of 20 popular meat, fish, dairy and vegetable proteins, according to a new study from the Environmental Working Group. The Meat Eater's Guide, released by the Washington-based environmental research firm, used...
- Water conservation: Sierra Club rates L.A. and ...Nearly half of of the water conservation programs in 122 Los Angeles and Orange county cities fell into the “poor” or “worst” categories, in a new survey released this week. The Sierra Club Los Angeles Chapter unveiled a scorecard grading...
- Gary White talks water on MSNBCWorld faces a water crisis (MSNBC) – Gary White interviewed by Martin Bashir June 30, 2011 Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
- Leadership wisdom from Water.org (Fast Company)Leadership Wisdom from Water.org (Fast Company) 30 second MBA video series: Part 1 – Gary White – Executive Director and Cofounder, Water.org Part 2 – Matt Damon – Cofounder, Water.org
- Matt Damon’s bold yet sane plan (Fast Co ...Can Matt Damon Bring Clean Water To Africa? (Fast Company) – The inside story of Matt Damon’s bold yet sane plan to use his celebrity and smarts to help attack one of the globe’s great crises. Once upon a time, Matt Damon went for a long walk in rural Zambia. The devoted family man and method [...]
- Interview with Water.org’s April Rinne (GGT)INTERVIEW: Water.Org’s April Rinne (Green Global Travel) – While other charities may have similar goals, Water.org’s WaterCredit program is unique in that it is works in partnership with microfinance institutions to establish markets in which there is fair access to affordable loans for everyone ...
- You’re Invited: June 1st Conference CallWednesday, June 1 The 45-minute call begins at 9 p.m. ET Call in number: 978-964-0049 Participant code: 449749# Not everyone who needs water should have to wait for charity to find them. Learn how Water.org is putting microfinance tools and partnerships to use in helping people get safe water ...
Before It's News
- Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner: American ...
- ‘I’ve been forward to Shen Yun for years!’ Say ...
- Arkansas Storms: Tornadoes Wreak Havoc Across ...
- Eats on Feets
- Introducing "Canadas Alex Jones", Dr. Judy Janzen
Energy Probe - Nuclear Power,Utility Reform
- The Deniers on CBC Radio's 'Ideas'The science is settled - is now the mantra of climate change activism? Those who disagree are either in denial or in the pay of an oil company. But long time environmentalist and energy activist Lawrence Solomon says no, the science is not settled on global warming. Ideas producer David Cayley b ...
Margaret's News
- Spencer Critchley: Behind Michele Bachmann's T ...And they highlight what I think is one of the main forces driving Bachmann and the right wing on their flight into irrationality: the fear of complexity.Submitted by Margaret Mayer to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Violent dispersal of a demonstration in a-Nabi ...This is what the most moral military in the world does. Only from the only democracy in the Middle East.Submitted by Margaret Mayer to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- IDF officer: Yeshiva in West Bank settlement h ...GOC Central Command Avi Mizrahi said Saturday that the yeshiva in the West Bank settlement of Yitzhar must be shut down since it functions as a source of terror that must be dealt with. Submitted by Margaret Mayer to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Flotilla placed Palestinian struggle in global ...The real intention of the flotilla has always been less about physically transporting humanitarian aid and geared more towards political subversion of the Israeli blockade. Submitted by Margaret Mayer to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Liberal American Jews negotiate away the right ...For those 60-odd years, Jews have had a law of return under which any Jew anywhere has a right to become a citizen of a land from which 100s of thousands of Palestinians were expelled and to which they were not allowed to return. Submitted by Margaret Mayer to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Com ...
Solar Energy / Energy Boom
- Ex-Im Bank to Provide $25 Million to Support U ...The Export-Import Bank of the United States announced that it will provide loans to support the export of thin-film solar photovoltaic modules from both First Solar read more
- U.S. BLM Approves Four Projects Use of Public ...The United States Department of Interior's Bureau of Land Management approved four new projects to run transmission lines through public land to transport electricity from large-scale renewable energy projects to the power grid. re ...
- Solar Gen 2 to Supply California with Green EnergySolar Gen 2 LLC, a Greenwich, Conn.-based privately-held solar development firm focused on North American projects, on Monday announced the signing of a 25-year, 150-megawatt power purchase agreement with San Diego Gas & Electric Co ...
- United States: Companies Making Solar Power Ac ...For years one of the biggest deterrents for consumers and power companies to implement solar generating systems has been cost. Coupled with lack of information or streamlined infrastructure, for many, the hassle and money have outwe ...
- San Diego Gas and Electric Adds More Renewable ...San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), a Sempra�Energy (NYSE:�SRE) subsidiary, recently announced that it has signed two power read more
News Blaze
- Lisa Blue Swimwear Creator Shares 'Lessons' on ...Lisa Blue Swimwear is headquartered in Byron Bay, Australia. It claims to represent the girl of the future who can be sexy, beautiful, powerful and environmentally aware at the same time.
- Close-Up Image of Asteroid Vesta Captured By N ...NASA's Dawn spacecraft has returned the first close-up image after beginning its orbit around the giant asteroid Vesta. On Friday, July 15, Dawn became the first probe to enter orbit around an object in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupit
- US-India Strategic Dialogue: Hostage to Order ...Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will hold a structured strategic dialogue with India's foreign minister in New Delhi. Both countries have a vested interest in the well-being of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
- US and Greece Sign Cultural Memorandum of Unde ...Ms. Clinton stressed that it will be illegal to import protected items from Greece into the United States unless they have been certified by the Greek authorities.
- NASA says 'Happy Birthday' To Astronaut John GlennNASA commemorates the 90th birthday of astronaut John Glenn. The pioneering explorer was the first U.S. astronaut to orbit the Earth and also was the oldest person to fly to space when he launched on the space shuttle in 1998.
- Contador eager to make his move PIOULENC, France - Alberto Contador knows he is running out of time to close the gap on his Tour de France rivals. The Spaniard's bid for a fourth Tour title has yet to get going as the race enters its final week, a combination of bad luck and a nagging knee injury conspiring to make it dif ...
- 'Harry Potter' faces steep drop after rec ...2011-07-19 11:38:18.0'Harry Potter' faces steep drop after record startharry potter,drop box office1159104Movies2@webnews/enpproperty--> LOS ANGELES - Harry Potter finished his Hogwarts school days with box-office highs around the world. The question is whether the young wizard can continue ...
- Clinton in Delhi for 2nd round of Indo-US ...New Delhi, July 19, 2011 (PTI) Tuesday, July 19, 2011 --> US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived in New Delhi on Monday night to attend the second round of Indo-US strategic dialogue from today. The situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan and cooperation in counter-terrorism in the bac ...
- Phone-hacking: MPs to quiz Murdochs and R ...News Corporation chiefs Rupert and James Murdoch and former executive Rebekah Brooks will be quizzed by MPs later about the phone-hacking scandal. The Murdochs agreed to appear before the Commons media committee after it issued a summons for them. The MPs have said they have...
- Lulz Security hackers target Sun website A group of computer hackers has tampered with the website of News International-owned The Sun's website. At first, readers were redirected to a hoax story which said Rupert Murdoch had been found dead in his garden. A group of hackers called Lulz Security, which has previously targeted comp ...
Alex in Wonderland
- Report: Active-Duty Army PSYOPS Soldiers Embed ...To better manufacture consent, U.S. Army soldiers are embedded as intern and fellows at local TV affiliates, along with previously reported newspapers and national outlets.
- Daily Briefing—15th-16th Sept 2010News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire
- Report: U.S. Troops ‘Still Killing Civilians’ ...A U.S.-Iraqi night raid results in the deaths of eight civilians weeks after U.S. combat operations were announced as over.
- Military Welfare Budget Won’t Thin Any T ...Ivan Eland sat with RT to discuss the astronomical political clout held by the welfare queens of the military-industrial complex that will thwart any translation of the Pentagon's rhetoric into actual policy
- Because the System’s Not Rigged Enough for Cop ...Kevin Carson on the criminal injustice system 'shrills' pushing the narrative that the letter of the law aides criminals against so-called 'crime fighters'.
MY Daily Apple
- [Comment] Natalizumab for multiple sclerosis: ...Natalizumab—a therapeutic monoclonal antibody—was approved in 2004 for treatment of patients with the relapsing form of multiple sclerosis (MS). Its arrival was welcomed by affected individuals and their doctors because this agent substantially reduces MS relapses and new inflammatory MS lesions ...
- [Review] Natalizumab treatment for multiple sc ...SummaryNatalizumab, a highly specific α4-integrin antagonist, is approved for treatment of patients with active relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). It is generally recommended for individuals who have not responded to a currently available first-line disease-modifying therapy or who h ...
- [Comment] Another dopamine agonist for treatme ...Restless legs syndrome is a disease with known pathophysiology and distinct clinical features that effects 5–10% of Europeans and North Americans. The core symptom is an overwhelming and distressing sensation in the legs of the urge to move (akathisia); the symptom is worse at night and is trigg ...
- [In Context] Understanding demyelinating disor ...Demyelinating disorders of the CNS are a group of diseases that can have a huge effect on the lives of children. Demyelination can be caused by a wide variety of infectious, genetic, metabolic, and other disorders, with similar clinical and paraclinical presentations challenging the differential ...
- Good dogs: The listHere's a rundown on why dogs are man's best friend. A rundown on why dogs are man's best friend.
Common Dreams
- Arms Trade Treaty May Bypass Anti-Riot WeaponsUNITED NATIONS - When weeklong negotiations on the control and regulation of the global arms trade were concluded last week, there was one missing link in the proposed treaty: riot control equipment used recently against peaceful demonstrators in the streets of Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, Syria, Yeme ...
- Elizabeth Warren to 'Think' About Senate Run A ...Elizabeth Warren, the Harvard law professor tapped by President Obama to set up the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), said Monday she would think about running for Sen. Scott Brown's (R-Mass.) seat in 2012. In response to a question, Warren told MSNBC that she needed to go home an ...
- Debt Talks and Little Else on Washington's AgendaWASHINGTON — The debt showdown isn't just the dominant issue in Washington this summer — it's virtually the only one getting any attention in the nation's capital. From the White House to Congress, the negotiations over raising the U.S. debt limit have overshadowed or halted work on everything f ...
- News of the World Phone-Hacking Whistleblower ...Sean Hoare, the former News of the World showbiz reporter who was the first named journalist to allege Andy Coulson was aware of phone hacking by his staff, has been found dead, the Guardian has learned. Hoare, who worked on the Sun and the News of the World with Coulson before being dismissed f ...
- Shot by San Francisco Police Department, 19-Ye ...[Warning: graphic video] read more
The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos
Examine Religion - Tweets
- ExamineReligion: Proverbs: The Wisdom of Kabb ...ExamineReligion: Proverbs: The Wisdom of Kabbalah Revealed http://exm.nr/qmUirK
- ExamineReligion: The Face of God - A Devotion ...ExamineReligion: The Face of God - A Devotion http://exm.nr/n77mZR
- ExamineReligion: Change is required for person ...ExamineReligion: Change is required for personal improvement http://exm.nr/o8ZnnW
- ExamineReligion: Evangelicals apply their unco ...ExamineReligion: Evangelicals apply their unconstitutional religious test to Mitt Romney http://exm.nr/rg3ofM
- ExamineReligion: Pastor Herb Swanson rationali ...ExamineReligion: Pastor Herb Swanson rationalizes his cowardice http://exm.nr/otJ5j5
Energy Collective
- Mayor Bloomberg Draws The Line Against Closing ...Governor Andrew Cuomo won't give up on his obsessive quest
- Recovering Appalachia: A Transition From Coal ...I had such a great response to my recent commentary that I thought it would be worth the time to take an in depth look at the implications of the massive undertaking of transitioning Kentucky to solar.�
- The U.S. Military Targets Fossil Fuel AddictionThe U.S. military uses more energy than any single organization in the world, at a cost of $15 billion a year for operations across the globe, with almost all those dollars going to fuel costs. But that dependence has a human cost. More than 3,000 U.S. soldiers or contractors have been killed or ...
- Renewable Energy Keeps Growing: Rio Earth Summ ...Several new reports released over the past few days show that renewable energy keeps growing, with more countries implementing policies or incentives to spur renewable energy deployment.� The studies found that renewable energy accounted for $211 billion in new investments in 2010 � an increase ...
- Natural Gas Shift Requires $205 Billion In New ...Bill Loveless of Platts Energy Week recently interviewed Don Santa, President and CEO of INGAA (Interstate Natural Gas Association of America), about a study that his organization commission from ICF International. According to the study, the shifts in natural gas supply areas combined with shif ...
Green House - USA Today
- Green House takes brief hiatusThis Green House community will take a hiatus until August, because its moderator, Wendy Koch, is on medical leave. Please check back in a few weeks for environmental news and updates on her journey in green living.
- My green house is finally, almost, done"It's surreal," my husband Alex said about living in our new home a few days after moving in last month. Indeed, it is. We've nurtured the project so long on paper that actually being inside it felt odd or dream-like.
- U.S. national parks suffer from climate change ...America's national parks are suffering as wildlife such as gray wolves disappears, air quality deteriorates and many waterways are polluted, an upcoming report will reveal.
- Fastest sea-level rise in 2,100 years linked t ...The sea-level is now rising faster along the U.S. Atlantic coast than at any time in the past 2,100 years, and this surge is linked to increasing global temperatures, an international research team reports.
- Supreme Court backs EPA over states on climate ...The Supreme Court unanimously rejected Monday a lawsuit by six states that were suing five major power companies for emitting greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change.
Prior Art
- With $4.5 Billion Bid, Group Led by Apple and ...HASH(0xa1dc540)
- Hangover Cure: Warner Bros. Settles Copyright ...HASH(0x4aa6940)
- This Week in IP: Apps, Tats, and Patent Reform ...HASH(0x5fdc098)
- App Backwards: Lodsys, Texas Troll, Targeted i ...HASH(0x4a616f8)
- Supreme Court Rules Against Microsoft in i4i CaseHASH(0x4a53730)
Peoples Voice
- Washington's Ongoing Libya Terror Bombingby Stephen Lendman On July 14, Mossad-connected DEBKAfile headlined, "The Libyan War ends. Obama makes Moscow peace broker. NATO halts strikes," saying: "Bar the shouting, the war in Libya ended Thursday morning, July 14, when (Obama) called Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to hand Mosc ...
- Ontario Cops Gone Wild: False arrests, beating ...By Rady Ananda Ontario police have a penchant for brutality, sexual assault and false arrest, the latest example exposed during a civil lawsuit filed last month. During preparations for the G20 Summit last year, Sean Salvati was arrested in Toronto for saying, "Well, good luck on Saturday." “ ...
- Running Rupert to Ground – Vox Populi, V ...By Michael Collins How will they get rid of Rupert Murdoch and his toxic enterprises? July 4, 2011 may turn into the people's Independence Day. On that day, stellar journalist Nick Davies of the Guardian released his story; Missing Milly Dowler's voicemail was hacked by News of the World. ...
- 9/11: STARTING OVER WITH THE TRUTH - PART ONEBy Susan Lindauer, 9/11 Whistleblower and author of "Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq," Dedicated to TJ Bronco and Eddie Sengola—Semper fi When I recall the summer of 2001 and our last days of innocence before the 9/11 attack, I of ...
- REVOLT OF THE GRANNIESby Mary Pitt The President tells us that we may not get our Social Security checks if Congress doesn't act. Obviously, he wasn't nurtured by the grannies who will revolt if they find that they must live on the streets and eat from other people's garbage cans because a flock of grown men haven't ...
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- BC's unfair tax system means wealthy pay lower ...Today the CCPA-BC released a new report that reveals how ten years of tax cuts and changes have created an unfair system in which the wealthy pay lower taxes and the public treasury is starved for funds. Not only are BC's wealthiest 20% of households paying the lowest tax rate, tax cuts have led ...
- Job posting: Online Communications OfficerThe CCPA National office is seeking an Online Communications Officer to join our communications team in Ottawa to support and expand the CCPA’s ongoing communications and outreach efforts. The deadline for applications is August 19, 2011. Click here for the full job posting.
- Linda McQuaig in Regina and Saskatoon!� Award-winning journalist and best-selling author Linda McQuaig will speak in both�Regina and Saskatoon on Wednesday October 19th and�Thursday October 20th. Linda will discuss her new book, The Trouble with Billionaires, �which critically examines how extremes of wealth undermine both our qua ...
- Cashing in: Canada’s CEO salary surgeMaclean's magazine focuses on Canada's highest paid 50 CEOs and finds their take-home pay increases to be "astronomical". Macleans writes: "In the past 12 years, there’s been a 444 per cent salary increase for Canada’s top CEOs." Read more here.
- Where the millionaires liveThe Globe and Mail created an interesting infographic that breaks down millionaires by where they live in the world. It shows Canada as home to 282,000 millionaires. See it here.
World Wide Hippies
- “Whites Only” Sign; What year is this?By Alix Bryan,.richmond.com – A local organization, Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Virginia (HOME) conducted an investigation into a “whites only” for rent sign posted in Henrico County. HOME received a call on June 30 about the for rent sign, which was posted at the intersection of Gayton ...
- GOP accusations fly over obscure Medicare boardWASHINGTON (AP) â So long death panels. Hello “rationing” board. An independent panel authorized by President Barack Obama’s health care law to control excessive Medicare cost increases is drawing heavy fire from Republicans. Nearly every health industry lobbying group is pushing for its repeal, ...
- Cordray to Lead Consumer Agency: Obama Throws ...By Matt Stoller,nakedcapitalism.com – Obama vs. Elizabeth Warren Last week, I caught some of the grilling of Elizabeth Warren by GOP Congressmen during the House Oversight Reform Hearing. At one point, a Republican Congressmen asked Warren if she was ârunning a campaignâ to convince people of th ...
- As Arctic Ice Shrinks, Pacific Species Invade ...Michael Ricciardi,planetsave.com – The largest species invasion in over 2 million years is now underway as Arctic ice cover melts and shrinks, permitting a freer exchange of species between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans; dire and dramatic consequences for Atlantic biodiversity are predicted. F ...
- Hippie TV News and Stuff, with Joe McEvoy (Win ...This Week :Fallout from fukushima, Beer a powerful motivator, Obama keeps the protesters away,N Dakota should get a huge refund, Pe nolan with her report. Assho;e of the week and more. PLEASE SHARE. WWH- Worldwide Hippies brings you news and commentary, to inform you and move you to action. Worl ...
- Military Debris Threaten OceansBANGALORE, Apr 14, 2011 (IPS) - Military debris dumped into the world’s oceans are hazardous to coral ecosystems, reefs, fish and marine wildlife, say experts, who also warn - in light of the recent tragedy in Japan - that earthquakes and tsunamis could disturb this debris and even wash it ashor ...
- Ocean Garbage: Floating LandminesNo matter where you travel on the Canada's West Coast, no matter how remote or seemingly untrammelled and pristine the fiord or inlet, a piece of plastic, Styrofoam or other garbage has been there before you. God knows how it got there: Dumped recklessly off a vessel, swept down a river or throu ...
- Fight Against Marine Garbage Runs Into Plastic ...HONOLULU, Hawaii, U.S., Mar 28, 2011 (IPS) - Every day, billions of plastic bags and bottles are discarded, and every day, millions of these become plastic pollution, fouling the oceans and endangering marine life. No one wants this, but there is wide disagreement about how to stop it. "Every ti ...
- Florida spring breakers find the oil (VIDEO)
Crisis Maven
- Why Our Future Must Be Solar As Our Past Once WasWhen you put a pot on the hot plate on your stove and switch on the heat â do you not expect the pot to get hot? When you add energy on the earth’s surface to what the sun and geothermal influences already provide would you not expect the earth respectively the atmosphere to get [...]
- Why Our Future Must Be Solar As Our Past Once WasWhen you put a pot on the hot plate on your stove and switch on the heat â do you not expect the pot to get hot? When you add energy on the earth’s surface to what the sun and geothermal influences already provide would you not expect the earth respectively the atmosphere to get [...]
- Update: Greenpeace measures Caesium 40 miles f ...… and hence in areas not yet evacuated though they should obviously have been. Map of Radiation Measurements by Greenpeace team See also: Call for further evacuation around Fukushima Now, if nothing should happen, those within these areas and of course also further beyond, even in adjacent count ...
- How to protect your garden patch or field agai ...Do you own a garden, a patch of land, a field where you plant, esp. for human food or animal feed? Then you should prepare against letting the radioactive fall-out from Japan into your soil, where it will remain and contaminate your plants and e.g. livestock for probably decades. Here’s the advi ...
- Politicians of all countries, recollect yourse ...Dear politicians, there’s no alternative to forever turning our backs on nuclear energy and fast. Sure, the nuclear industry will protest vigorously and will see profits dwindle but they will survive without much problem – as opposed to many Japanese. It is but a question of time until another c ...
Capital Flow Analysis
- Stock buybacks are bad for investors: Further ...In the working paper “The Buyback Monitor - July 2009: Corporate Stock Buyback Profits of 273 Firms from 2000 into 2009“, published on the Social Sciences Research Network, M.A. Gumport, CFA, provides further evidence that stock buybacks are not as good for investors as often touted. The follo ...
- Why Obama’s healthcare scheme portends stagfl ...The trillion-dollar Obama health care plan increases the odds that US economic recover will be delayed, and that unemployment and inflation will increase. The main thrust of the Obama plan is to increase taxes on individuals earning more than $250,000 a year, while forcing all but the tiniest ...
- How long would it take to work off the US trad ...The rest of the world holds $16.8 trillion in US financial assets, according to Federal Reserve release Z.1, as of Q1 2009. [...]
- Why Bernanke’s flawed “exit strategy” policy p ...In a lead op-ed editorial in the Wall Street Journal on July 21, 2009, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke revealed the Fed’s exit strategy with regards to the inflationary effects of the Obama “spending is stimulus” packages and other government measure to contain the current crisis. This ar ...
- Stocks surge on spurious earnings reports: Q2 2009No one knows for sure the real earnings of American corporations. In Q1 2009, according to the Federal Reserve flow of funds table F.102, after-tax profits of US non-financial, non-farm corporations, on an annual basis, were about $589.9 billion. However, about 50% of these after-tax earnings ...
R-Squared Energy Blog
- Book Review: Energy, Convenient SolutionsJoin the forum discussion on this post I read two books on my recent trip to Europe. The first was Cracking the Carbon Code by Terry Tamminen. l reviewed that book here, and indicated that while I disagree with the notion that we will come up with a viable solution to rising carbon emissions, s ...
- Renewables 2011 Global Status Report ReleasedJoin the forum discussion on this post The Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century has just released their annual Renewables 2011 Global Status Report. I was one of the reviewers of the draft report, and therefore got to read and comment on it prior to publication. The report provi ...
- Barack Obama: A Mediocre PresidentJoin the forum discussion on this post In 2008, I believed all year long that Barack Obama would win the presidency. Even when Hillary Clinton was still the favorite to win the nomination, I thought Obama’s charisma would ultimately win him the Democratic nomination, and then the presidency. Th ...
- What Happened at Choren?Join the forum discussion on this post If you have not heard by now, Choren Industries has begun bankruptcy proceedings. For those who don’t know, since 2009 I have worked as the technology advisor for the major investor and primary funding source for Choren’s day-to-day operations. I have just ...
- Chinese Energy Policies Harming NeighborsJoin the forum discussion on this post The following guest post is from OilPrice.com. âââââââââââ China’s omnivorous energy requirements have been attracting increasing attention as of late, as Beijing attempts to secure any and all sources of power for its growing industrial base. Nowher ...
Discovery Educator Network
- Training Videos - Google Apps Learning CenterTags: google, googleapps, tutorials, googledocs, tutorial, education, videosby: Dean Mantz
- Google+: The Complete GuideComments:Mashable has developed this complete guide to Google+ - Dean MantzTags: Google+, guide, google, technology, Mashableby: Dean Mantz
- Twitter Reaches 200 Million Accounts [INFOGRAPHIC]Comments:Another nice infographic to visually illustrate history of Twitter. - Dean MantzTags: Twitter, infographics, infographicby: Dean Mantz
- How to Use New-Media Tools in Your Classroom | ...Comments:7 video tips from great educators regarding the use of "New Media" in the classrooms. - Dean MantzTags: technology, education, edutopiaby: Dean Mantz
- 28 Tech Tools to Bring Out the Story in Histor ...Tags: history, tools, socialstudies, technology, resources, education, KellyTenkelyby: Dean Mantz
Rodale News
- Farmer's Markets Innovations Make Healthy Food ...RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—There's often a throwback feel to farmer's markets, where you can seek out the same heirloom vegetable varieties your great-grandmother adored. Old-school, heritage-breed chicken eggs? Yep, a true farmer's market probably offers them. And while the farmer's market is a p ...
- The Nickel Pincher: DIY Wedding Favor Ideas RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—At the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, the guests all left with luxurious wool scarves, sporting the Union Jack in various colorful prints, that cost about $75 each. Chances are, you haven't budgeted that amount of money into your next soiree. And do ...
- New Tick-Carried Disease is on the Rise...and ...RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—Lyme disease is complicated. Hard to reliably diagnose with lab tests, the tick-borne disease can cause a wide range of symptoms that often wax, wane, and migrate, confusing doctors and patients alike. (In fact, many doctors don't even acknowledge that chronic Lyme exist ...
- Mobile Phone–Cancer Link Still Elusive, Story ...RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—Despite having been declared a "probable human carcinogen" by the World Health Organization's International Agenc read more
- Want Summer Flavor to Last All Year? Use a Sol ...RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—Food dehydrators serve as a gift from the garden gods for anyone who loves indulging in homegrown, seasonal produce year-round. Tomatoes in December? No problem. Local blueberries in February? Okay. Apples and pears from your backyard trees in the middle of a winter snow ...
big think
- Battleground:Education - Who's 'The Decider' f ...This article is part of Battleground:Education, an ongoing series on educational innovation. In a recent big think profile, New Jersey’s Acting Commissioner of Education Christopher Cerf observed that consensus “is not the highest value in this world” and th ...
- 523 - Iran, A House Divided?This rudimentary map, showing an Iran crudely cut in two, is currently making the rounds of social media in that country. Its message, as clear as it is simple, is that Iran is a house divided (1). More particularly, it is also a stark repudiation of controversial measures for ever stricter g ...
- How to Think About the War Against Death1. So my post on Brooks and death got (for me) big ratings and a lot of fine criticisms--both here on BIG THINK and elsewhere. 2. I pretty much agree with many of the criticisms, although I thought my post did too.� So I thought about whining that my critics just don't� understand me.� Instead ...
- Jose Antonio Vargas wins Sidney Award for Acco ...One of the best parts of my job at the Sidney Hillman Foundation is working on the monthly Sidney Awards for excellence in journalism. I was very excited to learn that our judges had selected Jose Antonio Vargas for his New York Times Magazine piece, "My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant," in ...
- Egypt's New Cabinet Met With ProtestsWhat's the Latest Development? After the expulsion of President Hosni Mubarak by popular revolt, Egypt's�new ministers�will take the oath of office on Monday in front of Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, the leader of the military council that took control of Egypt after Mubarak's resigna ...
Information Liberation
- Teen makes joke after cop steps in dog doo, co ..."It smells like doo-doo," he remembers saying and then immediately regretting when he saw a uniformed cop scraping his shoe clean. "I was like, 'Oh, man - why did I say that?'"Davis said. At that point, he said other officers in an unmarked van...
- It Ain't Money If I Can't Print It!I have been forecasting with near certainty that QE2 would not be the end of the Fed's money-printing program. My suspicions were confirmed in both the Fed minutes on Tuesday and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's semi-annual testimony to Congress yeste...
- Report: Denver police officers getting away wi ...DENVER -- Denver's Independent Police Monitor will release a report Thursday, criticizing Denver Police for giving "preferential treatment" to off-duty officers pulled over for driving drunk. In the report, Richard Rosenthal notes that since monit...
- Speeding police officer kills two teenagers in ...WICHITA FALLS * An initial report from the Texas Department of Public Safety reveals a Wichita Falls police officer involved in a fatal accident June 30 was driving his police cruiser in "at a very high rate of speed" above the posted 45 mph speed li...
- Final Ruling Confirms 'Pirate' Sites Act Lawfu ...Lawyers defending a file-sharing site say a new legal victory provides final confirmation that sites providing links to copyright works act lawfully in Spain. In a complaint filed during 2009, SGAE claimed that Index-web.com violated its rights but i...
Be Responsible - Be Free!
- MSM – A MonocultureJust a quick post today, as we’re all still recuperating from the ‘flu down here. I guess we can’t ignore the goings on in the British media; James is on the case, so I thought I’d give you all a … Continue reading →
- Style Versus SubstanceIn May this year, Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic Corporation created space travel history by achieving the first “feathered” re-entry of its experimental craft, SpaceShipTwo. Oversize stabilizers mounted on the wingtips rotated upwards by 65°, giving the craft the geometry … Continue rea ...
- The Australian Labor Party – A Dying BrandThe Australian Labor Party does not even call itself a socialist party. Actually it is a liberal-bourgeois party. V.I. Lenin, 1913 Democracy in Australia in 2011 stands at a crossroads. The Australian Labor Party, Australia’s oldest political party and traditional … Continue reading →
- Beware Of Greeks Demanding GiftsI’ve just been reading what I regard as the most comprehensible article (to a non-economist) I’ve read covering the causes of the current PIIGS financial crisis in Europe. Have a look and let me know what you think. One paragraph … Continue reading →
- Give ‘Em Hell, JamesIt would be remiss of me not to wish our God-Emperor all the best on his current American promotional tour of his new book, Watermelons. I just heard him being interviewed here (H/T FergalR) on Ron Smith’s WBAL Radio show. I’m … Continue reading →
Sciencebase - Breaking Science News
- Latest Alchemist from ChemWebLatest Alchemist from ChemWeb – Some unusual chemical news this week, beginning with the discovery of hydrogen peroxide in interstellar space by European astronomers, while British chemists hint that organic life might have had a start in an inorganic shell. German analysts are hoping to track d ...
- UK cancer trendsUK cancer trends – The media has been all over the Cancer Research UK announcements on cancer rates. Specifically, the focus was on middle-aged people and the increases seen between 1979 and 2008. NHS Choices, as ever, provides some rational words following the media frenzy and cites a few of th ...
- Caricatures and face recognitionCaricatures and face recognition – The “Ugly, pretty girls” post and video I blogged the other day got lots of interest. It seems face recognition and perception of faces is a fascinating subject for many people. Not surprising, really. Even in this digital age, face to face still beats any elec ...
- Edible cat litter for drug deliveryEdible cat litter for drug delivery – Having published a bog about bulldogs and cats, seems quite apt that I was also writing recently about kitty litter the main component of which is the absorbant mineral sepiolite. Sepiolite has been known since Roman times when it was used to filter and puri ...
- 10 things you maybe didn’t know about rainbowsI am currently reading the most excellent “The Sun’s Heartbeat” by astronomy writer Bob Berman. It’s the kind of book I’d love to be able to write, informative, entertaining, engaging and witty. In it, Berman explains the solar things you may always have wondered about from total eclipses (far m ...
RFF Library
- EPA Health Risk Assessments: Sustained Managem ...Government Accountability Office http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-11-824T This testimony discusses our prior work on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) program and database…We are currently undertaking a review of EPA’s revised 2009 IRIS assessme ...
- Abandoned Mines: Information on the Number of ...Government Accountability Office http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-11-834T The General Mining Act of 1872 helped foster the development of the West by giving individuals exclusive rights to mine gold, silver, copper, and other hardrock minerals on federal land. However, miners often abandoned mine ...
- Sizing the Clean Economy: A National and Regio ...Brookings Institution, Metropolitan Policy Program http://www.brookings.edu/reports/2011/0713_clean_economy.aspx (website) http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/Programs/Metro/clean_economy/0713_clean_economy.pdf (report) “Sizing the Clean Economy: A National and Regional Green Jobs Assessment” ...
- “Putting It All Together: The Real World ...Harvard Univ., Kennedy Center, Belfer Center / by Craig A. Hart http://bit.ly/oN6ZT3 The Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships (RCSP) program of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is the United States’ leading effort to assess the performance, cost and risks of geologic carbon capture and ...
- Trophic Downgrading of Planet EarthScience (July 15 2011; v333 n6040 p301-306; DOI: 10.1126/science.1205106 ) / by James A. Estes et al. (This article is available to RFFers onsite. Please contact the library if you have trouble with full-text access.) http://www.sciencemag.org/content/333/6040/301.abstract [From a Science Daily ...
Scientific American - News
- Hot and Cold: Long-Suspected Antarctic Underse ...Iceland is known as the "land of ice and fire," but new findings suggest that the South Sandwich Islands in the southern Atlantic Ocean could easily take over that title. In addition to the seven volcanic islands that make up this Antarctic archipelago, the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) recen ...
- NASA Spacecraft Enters Orbit Around Asteroid V ...An unmanned NASA probe made history 117 million miles from Earth on Saturday (July 16) when it arrived at the huge asteroid Vesta, making it the first spacecraft ever to orbit an object in the solar system's asteroid belt.The Dawn spacecraft entered orbit around Vesta after a four-year chase a ...
- Piece of Mind: Is the Internet Replacing Our A ...Has the Internet dumbed down society or simply become an external storage unit that enhances the human brain's memory capacity? With Google , Internet Movie Database and Wikipedia at our beck and call via smart phones, tablets and laptops, the once essential function of committing facts to ...
- Space Toilet Gives Astronauts Smelly Time in OrbitHOUSTON -- Even soaring high above Earth on a high-tech space station doesn't excuse astronauts from the most mundane household chores … especially when you're dealing with a smelly space toilet.The 10 astronauts on the International Space Station today (July 13) tackled the daunting chore of un ...
- NASA Chief to Congress: Save the James Webb Sp ...NASA chief Charlie Bolden went to bat for the agency's imperiled next-generation space telescope Tuesday (July 12), telling members of Congress that the instrument has greater potential for discovery than the iconic Hubble Space Telescope.A proposed congressional budget bill announced last week ...
First Truths
- F.Y.I.Some among those reading this may already have heard the sad news that, at the end of this month, I'll be leaving C4SS, a decision required by strains on my schedule that no longer permit the volume of writing I've taken on for the past year or so. It's been an indescribable honor to be a part o ...
- L. Susan Brown on PowerI found this passage in Reinventing Anarchy, Again�(edited by Howard J. Ehrlich): To speak of power as a thing or phenomenon that can exist independent of human consciousness is to profoundly misunderstand the whole problem of power itself. Power exists as a relationship between individual human ...
- Weir's "Anarchy & Culture"From David Weir's Anarchy & Culture: The Aesthetic Politics of Modernism: Of the principal anarchists Proudhon seems most typical of the transfer of the romantic-Enlightenment mixture of ideas from social to aesthetic theory. Proudhon's aesthetic ideas are especially contradictory, although such ...
- Miscellaneous Thoughts on Law SchoolThe meaning of the word �logical� that laypeople use when they�re debating politics with family members in the living room�the word�s colloquial use�is nothing at all like the �logical� that law school expects you to be. The logic that law school will test, the sort that�s set out in Gordian for ...
- New Left Revisionism and the Crisis Tendencies ...The following excerpt from International Encyclopedia of Economic Sociology�(eds. Jens Beckert and Milan Zafirovski)�will be of interest for left libertarians: Rothbard's view of the relationship between big business and government in the rise of American 'statism' draws additionally from the wo ...
Media Co-Op
- Why Kai Nagata quit his job, and why I don't care.I usually complain about things over at http://demarchy.tumblr.com --- About a week ago, one headline proclaimed that the Canadian media was shaking in its boots. Why? Because Kai Nagata was on the job. Or, rather, he wasn’t. The 24 year old former journalist based out of Quebec City for CTV wa ...
- Play Ball! Dykes Beat Divas, 13-10, In Halifax ...In a hard-fought battle under cloudless skies, the no-nonsense Dykes were too much for the flashy Divas, and defeated them 13-10 in Halifax's Pride Classic. The game took place in front of an over-capacity crowd, which spilled joyously into the outfield.� The event was unlike any slow-pitch soft ...
- Torontonian's Smash Ford's Anti-Tax AgendaConsultation Shows Public Wants Services Before Tax Cuts The results of a public consultation with Torontonians released last week has dealt a blow to Mayor Rob Ford's agenda. The Core Service Review - Public Consultation released by the C ...
- G20 Documents explore surveillance and underco ...Intelligence Gathering for the G8 and G20 Summits included Event Monitors who infiltrated crowds, Surveillance teams who followed buses or other vehicles travelling to Toronto for protests and a Covert Operations Team, that conducted undercover operations, according to a� document released by th ...
- Once More to Tahrir.Once more I return to Tahrir Square to further my education in peaceful revolution. If there is one lesson to take home from this night, it in is the making of space for different expressions of the same over-arching goal. There are rock concerts, and political rallies, side by side. There are h ...
David Seaton's News Links
- The Murdoch Turkey ShootDavid Seaton's News Links (Britain's politicians) had been pushed into taking a stand by the overwhelming public revulsion that greeted the discovery that the mobile telephone of Milly Dowler, the murdered Surrey schoolgirl, had been hacked. Even so, it was a dramatic show of political will. �T ...
- Is the world run by Psychopaths?Charming, materialistic, aggressive, self-centred, Machiavellian, thrill-seeking alpha males with little respect for rules who eat stress for breakfast � sound like a banker you know? If so, think again: it is a summary of the traits of psychopaths. Financial Times There is a class of individua ...
- Murdoch... Beyond ParodyThis misreading of the political mood has been the thread through News International’s bungled response to the phone-hacking affair. Odd really when one recalls that Rupert Murdoch was once the most politically-attuned and ruthless media proprietor in living memory. Phillip Stephens - Financial ...
- Marine Le Pen is no Sarah PalinMarine Le Pen David Seaton's News LinksMarine Le Pen is the leader of� France's National Front. Right now polls show her probably eliminating Nicholas Sarkozy in the first round of France's next presidential elections and facing a lackluster, Socialist, Martine Aubry, running as a hurried replac ...
- Sign of the Times: Glenn Beck to address the K ...David Seaton's News LinksWe do live in a society in which things have become almost inscrutably complex. (...) I think the rise in autism diagnosis has a lot to do with children coming into a society that no longer makes much sense socially and contains within all the incentives for behavioral m ...
EWG - Environmental Working Group
Empty newsfeed.
Dr. Mercola Natural Health
- Should You Ever Take Tylenol?A recent recall of over-the-counter Tylenol has left many consumers wondering whether it's safe to buy a replacement bottle or whether it's time to turn to other options. The recall is just the latest in a series of Johnson & Johnson product recalls over the past few years, including other formu ...
- If You had a Ten-Year Safe Would You Put in On ...Gold has retained value throughout history. It is still an attractive alternative to cash today -- investors, central banks and the astute are buying gold. � Ron Paul asked Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke on July 13, 2011 whether or not he watches the price of gold and if he thinks gold is money. ...
- Is Your Shampoo Making You Fat?Paula Baillie-Hamilton, an expert on metabolism and environmental toxins, was one of the first to make a link between the obesity epidemic and the increase in environmental chemicals. Baillie-Hamilton argued that exposure to chemicals can damage your body's natural weight-control mechanisms. She ...
- The "Golden Beef" that Contains 3 to 5 Times M ...A study done a few years ago found that ex-vegetarians outnumber current vegetarians by a ratio of three to one. This suggests that 75 percent of vegetarians lapse. A survey shows that most former vegetarians are women (as many vegetarians are) who had been vegetarians for an average of nine ye ...
- Just 1 TBSP a Day: An Easy Way to Lower Your C ...By Dr. Mercola What if consuming a tablespoon or two per day of a simple food could drastically lower your chances of developing cancer, heart disease or stroke, or of contracting a life-threatening virus such as HIV? Would your interest be piqued? There is a unique freshwater plant that h ...
- Price Gouging? [Capitol Health Call]
- Ad Moratorium [Capitol Health Call]
- Lobbying Efforts Questioned [Capitol Health Call]
- Progress Toward Interruption of Wild Polioviru ...
- Cigarette Package Health Warnings and Interest ...
Survival - tribal peoples
- Peru’s ‘final attempt’ to stamp out uncontacte ...Raya, a Nahua elder. More than half his people were wiped out after their land was opened up for oil exploration. © Johan Wildhagen/Survival Peru’s Indian Affairs Department has revealed plans to open up uncontacted tribes’ reserves to oil companies – just days before the country’s new gove ...
- Brazilian Indians receive death threatsAlmir Surui, Surui indigenous spokesman © Marc Cowan/Survival Indians of the Surui tribe in the Brazilian Amazon, who are campaigning for their land to be protected, have received death threats from loggers. Almir Surui is one of the Surui affected. He has been told, ‘We know who is agains ...
- Victory for Borneo tribe over oil palm GoliathA Penan man in the Borneo rainforest. © Robin Hanbury-Tenison/Survival A small group of Borneo hunter-gatherers have scored a major victory over a giant oil palm firm that was targeting their rainforest. Survival revealed last month that the Malaysian firm Shin Yang was clearing forest and ...
- Santander Bank admits dam funding to continue The Santo Antonio dam threatens to devastate the forest home of numerous tribal peoples © João Zinclar Europe’s largest bank, Santander, has admitted that its controversial financing of the notorious Santo Antonio dam in the Brazilian Amazon is set to continue, despite earlier saying that i ...
- Brazilian Indian killed next to roadside campGuarani woman from Apyka'y community, camped on the roadside © Fiona Watson/Survival A Guarani man in Brazil has been run over and killed by a bus on the highway next to which his community has been camped for almost a decade. The Guarani of Apyka’y community are living in appalling condit ...
Montreal Gazette
- Municipal-contracts probe: good news for taxpayersNews that the Canada Revenue Agency has won permission from the Federal Court of Canada to look for irregularities in contracts awarded by 62 towns and cities across Quebec came like a gift out of the blue.
- The Gazette's view, in shortSo very sad to see the passing of the landmark Madrid resto-bar-motel - and uniquely sideways experience - on Highway 20 between Quebec City and Montreal. It's been reassuringly there for decades at the halfway point on that otherwise tiresome stretch of Le Vingt.
- ATV safety is only a matter of common senseTootling around on an all-terrain vehicle can be lots of fun. The attraction of ATVs is attested to by their steadily growing popularity. Over the last decade their number in this province has nearly doubled; there are now going on 400,000 in circulation.
- Cold beer, sunscreen, Bixis ... and parkasAh, finally, summer in Montreal! Long lazy days by the pool. Hot days, cool nights. The festivals downtown. Lunch on the terrasse. Hamburgers on the barbecue. Sunscreen. Bixis. Cold beer. Parkas.
- Great neighbourhoods revive Montreal's spiritThe transformation of a long stretch of de Maisonneuve Blvd. from an "ugly, gloomy concrete canyon," as The Gazette's Peggy Curran called it this week, to a pedestrian-and bike-friendly street lined with outdoor terrasses, high-end stores and public art, should convince Montrealers that even the ...
Food World Order
- 'my dog eats better than i do': pets join in o ...from latimes: When Gabriel, a 10-year-old rescue cat from Chinatown, tucks into his morning meal, you won't see any Friskies or Meow Mix in his bowl. Ahi tuna and duck are more the ticket. "I think there's more than enough pesticides and chemicals and that kind of stuff in human food," says Gabr ...
- 7/14 binge & purge: gardens, floodgates & play ...record 1 in 6 now on food stamps as depression escalates* 12 signs that the world is running out of food* police state in action: woman faces 93 days in jail for planting vegetables in her front yard* bureaucrats in michigan threaten woman with jail time for vegetable garden* food fi ...
- genetically modified food labels don't sit wel ...agreement on labeling probably won't have much effect in US from latimes: Activists rejoiced last week when a hard-fought battle over international standards for labeling genetically modified food came to an end — finally — after decades of debate. But the agreement, which many say opens the ...
- major grocer albertsons getting rid of self-ch ...chain to replace computers, wants more human contact from msnbc: One of the nation's major grocery store chains is eliminating self-checkout lanes in an effort to encourage more human contact with its customers. Albertsons LLC, which operates 217 stores in seven Western and Southern states, w ...
- 7/7 binge & purge: fatty needs a fixwonder why americans are so fat?: 777-pound burger in california takes guinness record on july 4th* as commodity prices soar, so does demand for wood pulp - cellulose use increases as a 'food extender'* don't tell your kid, but there's cauliflower in his mac & cheese* it's not all ...
- The changing face of the churchsource: Deccan chronicle, July 13, 2011 Its a well-documented fact that people adopt aspects of other cultures around them. The churches in Andhra Pradesh are following this custom and Indianising some of practices. At St Andrews Orthodox Church, West Marredpally, a Dwaja Stambam has bee ...
- Pastors wife accuses him of sexual abuse of m ...source: Bangalore Mirror, June 17, 2011 � In her police complaint, Priyalatha has charged Shantaraju, pastor of Bethel Church and Bethel Student Centre, with having sex with young girls and getting them to abort � S Shyam Prasad �
- Pastor arrested for murdering minor girlsource: MSN India, 30 June, 2011 � Guntur (AP), Jun 30 (PTI) A local pastor was arrested for allegedly murdering a teenager after she became pregnant with his child, police said today. The victim, identified as Monica (17) from Nadendla village in the district was working ...
- Conversation with a Convertsource: The Undercurrent, 26 March, 2011 Somewhere in Tamil Nadu The cab was waiting at the end of the road waiting to take us to our destination. The driver was a 50 something man and there was a picture of the Christian prophet Jesus on his dash board. After a few kilometeres of dr ...
- Study suggests 'born-again' believers have sma ...source: USA today, May 24, 2011 DURHAM, N.C. � For decades, mainline Protestants have been beset by bad news: declining numbers, aging membership, waning cultural influence.A new study from Duke University Medical Center, however, gives these Protestants one reason for cheer: they seem ...
Whole Truth Coalition
- Vox Populi, Methods of ManipulationCOTO Report and Megan ‘Verb’ Kargher are proud to present Vox Populi, Methods of Manipulation. It has become increasingly evident that large portions of the planet are descending with alarming speed into Orwellian police states. What is the New World Order and what are their plans for mankind? H ...
- The Big Awakening Conference 2011Click here for more information …
- Lawfull Rebellion - Roger Hayes challenges Liv ...“Wirral Council is taking Roger Hayes to Birkenhead county court for non-payment of council tax. Mr Hayes, chairman of The British Constitution Group, claims the council tax is illegal and imposed without his consent. His stand has won support from all over the country, and demonstrators travel ...
- COTO Report This Ain’t Oz an Interview w ...COTO Report and Megan Kargher are pleased to bring you a special two day interview with Freeman of freemantv, the freeman perspective and the free zone http://www.youtube.com/user/Freemantv… http://thefreemanperspective.blogspot… http://freemantv.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6JLgar45sU
The Economic Collapse
- 18 Signs That Global Financial Markets Smell B ...Can you smell it? There is blood in the water. Global financial markets are in turmoil. Banking stocks are getting slaughtered right now. European bond yields are absolutely soaring. Major corporations are announcing huge layoffs. The entire global financial system appears ...
- Too Big To Fail?: 10 Banks Own 77 Percent Of A ...Back during the financial crisis of 2008, the American people were told that the largest banks in the United States were "too big to fail" and that was why it was necessary for the federal government to step in and bail them out. The idea was that if several of our biggest bank ...
- If The U.S. Government Loses Its AAA Rating It ...For decades, the U.S. government has had a AAA rating. On the scales used by the big three credit rating agencies, that is the highest credit rating that a government can get. Moody's scale actually uses lettering that is a little different from the other two big agencies ("Aa ...
- 15 Examples That Show Many Americans Have Beco ...More Americans than ever are desperate for money and many of them will do just about anything to get it. The crumbling U.S. economy has pushed millions of ordinary Americans to the brink of utter desperation. When it comes time to choose between being able to survive or breaki ...
- Outcasts: Tonight Tens Of Thousands Of Formerl ...Economic despair is beginning to spread rapidly in America. As you read this, there are millions of American families that are just barely hanging on by their fingernails. For a growing number of Americans, it has become an all-out battle just to be able to afford to sleep und ...
- The New Austerity and the EROI SqueezeEric Zencey explains why it would be wise to pay proper attention to energy return on investment.
- The Role of Regulation in a Steady State EconomyBrent Blackwelder recognizes and respects the righteous role of regulations.
- Happy (Oil) Independence Day!Rob Dietz celebrates Independence Day in style.
- Geo-engineering or Cosmic Protectionism?Herman Daly exposes the absurdity of geo-engineering as a solution to climate change.
- Ecosystem Services: The Traveling Salesman and ...Valuation of ecosystem services is an important, but insufficient, step toward achieving a sustainable economy.
The Talking Clock
- And while the Hackgate fire rages, the UK bank ...Well, yesterday was fascinating. The two most senior cops in Britain said 'Hullo, hullo, hullo' for the final time and one of them was immediately replaced by a woman on whose watch Brazilian electrician Jean Charles de Menezes was gunned down by a lawless armed mob at Stockwell tube station. ...
- Apologies, Recriminations, Investigations, Res ...Perhaps like most British people, this blogger has watched the varying developments in the phone hacking mediastorm with varying responses from bemusement to repulsion. We've seen a 168 year old newspaper close down, editors arrested, top cops resigning... followed by the unsavoury sight of E ...
- Sunday Paper Review: 17th July 2011It was with some trepidation that we started with this week's Sunday newspaper review. How many 'Hackgate' stories can one possibly cope with? Would it not be simpler just to conclude that the entire top tiers of British society and influence are corrupt to the core? The media owners, the pol ...
- Campaign To Make the EU Flag HistorySometimes, we're a little bit slow on the uptake, we Brits. For years, our own sense of justice and fair play, our consideration for other people's feelings have been - to our cost - exploited and played. Such sensitivity on our part and exploitation by those with unfathomable agendas led, ...
- Quote of the Day: 16th July 2011"The wellbeing of millions of Europeans is being sacrificed by an out-of-touch, self-serving political elite, and what’s shocking is that our politicians are going along with it." - Douglas Carswell It's called 'treason', Douglas. But we're all watching and knitting; in us all, the spirit ...
Facing South
- VOICES: Using a Civil War-era law to hold BP a ...By Lindsey Williams, Bridge the Gulf As President Obama said during his campaign, "Workers are the eyes and ears of enforcement." They are the ones who see companies dump toxic chemicals into the water, misuse oil rigs in ways that ruin the blow-out preventer or ignore fire hazards. Employees ...
- Could Rep. Cantor's debt default brinksmanship ...House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) raised eyebrows in Washington last week when he scuttled House Speaker John Boehner's (R-Ohio) efforts to reach a compromise with President Obama to raise the U.S. debt ceiling by the Aug. 2 deadline. Early in the week, Cantor rejected a budge ...
- Texas oil giant behind spill off China's coastAn oil spill covering over 1,600 square miles has occurred off the northeast coast of China, with the contamination coming from a joint operation of Texas-based oil giant ConocoPhillips and China National Offshore Oil Corp. The disaster began unfolding in early June but was first reve ...
- VOICES: Farmworkers' latest victory against to ...By Joe Atkins, Labor South Last summer Farm Labor Organizing Committee activist Diego Reyes Jr. (left in photo, with his father Diego Reyes Sr.) told me he was hopeful about the future for migrant labor in North Carolina and elsewhere in the South despite all the odds. "I believe there is go ...
- Rick Perry's Army of GodBy Forrest Wilder, Texas Observer On September 28, 2009, at 1:40 p.m., God's messengers visited Rick Perry.On this day, the Lord's messengers arrived in the form of two Texas pastors, Tom Schlueter of Arlington and Bob Long of San Marcos, who called on Perry in the governor's office inside t ...
- Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Association with The Soufan Group Man Dies After Questioning in Mumbai Attacks A man brought in for questioning in connection with last weekâs Mumbai attacks died in an Indian hospital Sunday after complaining of feeling ill, according to reports. … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Association with The Soufan Group U.S. Asks for Return of Classified Detention Document Given to ACLU The U.S. government accidentally gave the ACLU a classified document describing criteria it uses to hold detainees at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan, … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Association with The Soufan Group Three Bombs Strike Mumbai; 18 Are Killed Three coordinated bombings struck Mumbai, India, at rush hour on Wednesday evening, killing 18 people and wounding 131 in the worst terror attacks there since the 2008 … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Association with The Soufan Group Head of ISI Heads to U.S. for Talks Ahmed Shuja Pasha, the head of the ISI, Pakistanâs spy agency, is headed to the United States Wednesday for talks with his U.S. counterparts on intelligence … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Association with The Soufan Group Brother of Hamid Karzai Killed in Kandahar The half brother of Afghan President Hamid Karzai was killed at his home in Kandahar Tuesday. Initial reports suggested he had been shot dead by a bodyguard, … Continue reading →
Short Sharp Science
- Large and active: new volcanoes found beneath ...The British Antarctic Survey has found a chain of 12 volcanoes beneath the Southern Ocean, one as large as Italy's Mount Etna
- Moon gains two 'recycled' satellitesTwo aurora-studying probes that were doomed to die in Earth orbit have been given a new lease on life around the moon
- Dawn captures first orbital image of asteroid ...After slipping into orbit around the giant asteroid this weekend, NASA's Dawn probe has sent back an image that reveals grooves and a mountain
- Today on New Scientist: 18 July 2011All today's stories on newscientist.com, including: The search for language's missing link, a flying car, and a robot film festival
- Space stuff of the future put to the testLooking like a game of space Connect Four, the MISSE-8 experiment aboard the ISS hopes to find the materials that will take space flight into the future
Tech Drive In
- Top 10 FPS Games for LinuxAs part of our effort in giving Linux games category its due share, here is our second post featuring some really good games for�Linux. If it was about top RTS games for Linux before, now its time for some fast paced first-person shooter(FPS) games for Linux. Quick collection of 10 FPS games for ...
- We are still in the very early stages of what ...Google CEO Larry Page has just dropped a bombshell. Along with the quarterly earnings report, co-founder and the new CEO of Google, Larry Page, presented a huge cache of statistics and data that are literally mind blowing. And he have even published the whole report as a status update in his�Goo ...
- Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot Alpha 2 Review, Sc ...Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot Alpha 2 is released already and the changes we expected to see in Ubuntu 11.10 is slowly starting to show up. Among other things, the most important change is the arrival of GNOME 3.0 stack. Ubuntu is not based on GNOME 2.x anymore. Most of the default Ubuntu themes h ...
- Netbook Optimized Ping-Eee OS ReviewMost of you must have heard about PinguyOS already, one of my favourite among Ubuntu derivatives. Now, they have released another version of PinguyOS called Ping-Eee OS which is supposedly optimized for small screen netbooks. Interestingly, the release coincided with my purchase of Linux pre ins ...
- DAISHO Productivity Software for LinuxDAISHO is a good productivity software for Windows, Mac and Linux. There is a free version called Daisho Basic for Windows and Mac, but many advanced features requires you to buy DAISHO Professional edition. But Daisho for Linux is completely free of charge. DAISHO Productivity Software for ...
Case About Bird Flu
- PEOPLE POWER IN GERMANY WRECKS HAVOC WIT ...* ECB, EU and IMF increase preasure on Germany to agree to EU treasury, debt pool and tax collection *Widespread popular opposition in Germany to the eurozone bankster bailouts has reached critical mass: German financial expert predicts end of the euro currency bloc brought about by popular upri ...
- German financial expert predicts popular upris ...Great interview in German with German financial expert Dirk Müller on the inevitability of the end of the euro currency bloc in its current form: either the markets or an uprising by the people against the tax burden they have to pay to fund interest payments to banks will bring about an end to ...
- The Great Global Debt Depression: It’s All Gre ...Andrew Gavin Marshall Infowars.com July 17, 2011 Introduction In late June of 2011, the Greek government passed another round of austerity measures, ostensibly aimed at getting Greece “back on track” to economic progress, but in reality, implementing a systematic program of ‘social genocide’ in ...
- IMF REPORT SHOWS IRELAND IS SINKING INTO DEBT ...*IMF report confirms Ireland is sinking into the same debt death spiral as Greece;Â second bailout virtually certain *Ireland’s national debt could reach 151% of GDP by 2016, says IMF *Tax revenues have collasped by a third, unemployment is soaring *Irish banks increeasingly insolvent and depend ...
- ITALIAN DEBT CRISIS SPELLS ENDGAME FOR THE EUR ...Even Germany’s mass circulation Bild newspaper has finally acknowledged that the euro is on the verge of collapse. It reported that the endgame for the euro has begun now that Italy has fallen into the sights of speculators. http://www.bild.de/geld/wirtschaft/italien-krise/schuldenkrise-in-ital ...
Invisible Opportunity
- Dog Poet Transmitting The ApocalypseBy Les Visible ‘Some dogs sleep easy where angels fear to tread’ Do you think that there was someone around on the day that Arch-Duke Ferdie was killed, or near Fort Sumter, overlooking any other example or maybe today, who said, “I think it’s time to get out of Dodge”? It’s probably so then as ...
- Gordon Duff De-Mystifies Rupert Murdoch
- New Solar Cells Can Now be Printed on PaperWritten by Brian Westenhaus Friday, 15 July 2011 15:19 It’s not a joke, MIT’s Miles C. Barr, Jill A. Rowehl, Richard R. Lunt, Jingjing Xu, Annie Wang, Christopher M. Boyce, Sung Gap Im, and Vladimir Bulovi? led by Karen K. Gleason are printing photovoltaic cells on regular paper. Moreover, the p ...
- Colo. woman accused of groping TSA agent in Ar ...Authorities say a Colorado woman who allegedly groped a female Transportation Security Administration agent at Phoenix’s international airport is facing a felony count of sexual abuse. Phoenix police say 61-year-old Yukari Mihamae is accused of grabbing the left breast of the unidentified TSA ag ...
- Ex-Murdoch aide Brooks arrested; Police chief outAn intensifying voicemail hacking and police bribery scandal cut closer than ever to Rupert Murdoch and Scotland Yard on Sunday with the arrest of the media magnate’s former British newspaper chief and the resignation of London’s police commissioner. Though the former executive, Rebekah Brooks, ...
Veterans Today
- History Always Repeats With Government/Oil/Ban ...The following Appeared in Newsreal Magazine in summer of 1977, and was taken from an earlier article in the Christian Science Monitor.
- U.S. Department of Defense Contract Awards for ...ITT Systems Corp., Colorado Springs, Colo., was awarded a $267,918,208 cost-plus-award-fee contract. The award will provide for the modification of an existing contract to provide base operations and security support services in support of the military troops and equipment moving through the co ...
- Gulf War Veterans’ IllnessesA prominent condition affecting Gulf War Veterans is a cluster of medically unexplained chronic symptoms that can include fatigue, headaches, joint pain, indigestion, insomnia, dizziness, respiratory disorders, and memory problems.
- Murdochgate: Now its “Trashgate” ...Brooks's husband, Charlie, arrived and tried to reclaim it. He was unable to prove the bag was his and the security guard refused to release it.
- Japan Takes The Gold After Sawa’s Amazin ...In Japanese, Homare means Noble Honor and yesterday Homare Sawa had the noble honor of bringing a Japanese team back from the precipice of a certain World Cup defeat in the final minutes of extra time with one of the greatest pressure goals in World Cup history ~ counting both men and women.
electric politics
- The Art of CourageA little voice in your conscience tells you something. You listen. You start to think maybe you're right and everybody else is wrong. You do something about it. Next thing you know you're in a life and death struggle against evil forces bent on world domination. Well, maybe that's a slight exag ...
- The Wild DollarBecause the public hasn't had what's happening properly reported, the Republicans think that, in the debt ceiling standoff, they can trample democratic norms and perhaps even go so far as to trigger another collapse of the world economy. What a bizarre strategy to pursue (supposedly) on behalf ...
- Göbekli TepeAt what point does an original idea engender action? And to what extent does that action set a lasting course? We can examine the social history of an idea, written, as it were, in stone, at G�bekli Tepe, an archeological site approximately 11,500 years old (or perhaps even older) in southern T ...
- The Athenian ZephyrNeoliberal bankers wants to turn the Greek public into chattel. The Greek public objects. It's a theoretically long-predicted fork in the road for the European Union: either Greece defaults (it could have been any one of certain member states) and the European debt crisis spreads — possibly/pro ...
- Forgetting VietnamAmerica's final retreat from Vietnam could have been a whole lot worse. Ambassador Graham Martin, mistakenly thought to be on the last chopper out, didn't follow through on the fact that he left a final contingent of Marine Security Guards on the Embassy's rooftop. Higher-ups in the military ch ...
PR News
- Netflix unswayed by customer criticismLOS GATOS, CA: Despite backlash from unhappy customers about its recent pricing changes, Netflix plans to proceed with the new pricing model and confirms it will not change its communications strategy.
- Dow Jones' Larsen steps up, no word yet on com ...NEW YORK: Dow Jones & Company president Todd Larsen has stepped up to run the company after CEO Les Hinton's sudden departure late Friday. However, it remains unclear how the company's succession plan will play out.
- Social media motivates Aircell rebrandingITASCA, IL: Aircell, a company that provides Wi-Fi services for airlines across the country, has rebranded itself as Gogo after observing consumers' affinity for the in-flight title on social media networks.
- Juniper Networks account goes to EdelmanSUNNYVALE, CA: Juniper Networks confirmed that it is the process of switching agencies from Weber Shandwick to Edelman.
- W Technologies branches off with SoMoLAS VEGAS: W Technologies has created new subsidiary company SoMo Technologies to specialize in social media and mobile marketing.
The Story Behind the Story
- Murd – Och = Mur – Der = Genocide!Murdoch and Vaccines: Exposure of Crimes Reveals a Much Larger Story By William Newton “… the evidence of sleazy and scandalous behavior of the Murdoch papers has expanded geometrically.” Michael Collins Rupert Murdoch’s news empire faces intense media and legal scrutiny. Current revelations fo ...
- Ritual Murder – MUST WATCH VIDEO!!!Ritual Murder is not just a “Jewish” problem. It is a Mormon problem, and a Roman Catholic “Problem” as well. On July 19, 1990, a “General Authority” of the LDS “Mormon” Church named Glen Pace wrote a memo that he eventually leaked to the Utah Media concerning Satanic Ritual Abuse. In this m ...
- Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?? Kapparot ...Animal Sacrifice is clearly a precept and mainstay of the Khazarian “Jewish Religion”.   Is it just animals such as chickens and goats that are “sacrificed” in this obviously Satanic ritual, or do the Khazarian “global elite” prefer human beings – especially children for their bloody sacri ...
- FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation, o ...Horowitz and Kane, by their own admission, have publicly declared that they have been actively soliciting the San Francisco FBI Office to “investigate” A. True Ott as a dangerous subversive, hate-mongering, anti-semitic, anti-government, murdering “domestic terrorist Satanist” with a large organ ...
- MORE TRUTH EXPOSING SATANIC CULT PRACTICES!Horowitz and Kane have the “chutzpah” to say my posts concerning Jewish lies and extremism are “hateful” when all they do is tell the unvarnished truth???  Try telling that to the PARENTS of little 8-year old Leiby Kleitzy Mr. Horowitz NPD. This innocent little lad had the terrible misfortu ...
k2p blog
- New uranium finds help fuel India’s nucl ...The civil nuclear program in India is heavily dependent upon import of nuclear fuels. Nevertheless new finds of low-grade uranium ore in India provide comfort for the continuing nuclear program in the wake of Fukushima.
- Were Stephenson, Hayman, Yates and Wallis all ...In the phone hacking scandal the particularly "chummy" relationships between media and police seem exactly like those between members of an exclusive club where all members are charged with providing succur and assistance to each other,
- 3-D printing!! CoolAdvanced 3D printing technologies yield models that can serve as product prototypes.
- Ahluwalia is no longer at University of East L ...The University of East London has parted company with Jatinder Ahluwalia following revelations that he was found guilty of research misconduct at two previous universities.
- The difference between a scientist and an engineerThe difference between a scientist and an engineer is that the scientist describes what is whereas an engineer uses what is to create artefacts.