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The Intelligence Daily
- The Second Denialby Dave Pollard, How to Save The World Over the past decade, a significant proportion of the...
- Why Democracy Is Public: The American Dream Be ...by George Lakoff and Glenn W. Smith, Truthout Democracy, in the American tradition, has been...
- The Coming Global Instability, Part IIby Charles Hugh Smith Part I: The Coming Global Instability, Part I Systemic causes of global...
- Kenya’s Consumers Soon to be Forced to Use Sol ...By Charles Kennedy According to Kenya’s Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC), heavy domestic and...
- Air Force Cites New Testament, Ex-Nazi, to Tra ...by Jason Leopold, Truthout The United States Air Force has been training young missile officers...
My AntiWar
- Call for Megrahi to Have ‘Open Door̵ ...
- 120 Killed as Syria Tanks Storm City of Hama
- Afghan Blast Kills 12 Policemen, One Child
- Rival Rebel Factions Clash in Libya, 4 Dead
- Mystery Surrounds Loss of Records, Art on 9/11
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- U.S. missile shield may be precursor for Iran ...Summary: "The missile defense system is not purely a defensive system," envoy Dmitry Rogozin said. "There are serious and authoritative experts in Russia and in other countries who fear that the creation of a European missile defense system, officially assigned the task of blocking a threat ...
- U.S. SANCTIONS AND CHINA’S IRAN POLICYSummary: The Financial Times reports that Iran and China are “in talks about using a barter system to exchange Iranian oil for Chinese goods and services, as U.S. financial sanctions have blocked China from paying at least $20 billion for oil imports”. According to the story, Tehran and Bei ...
- US Accuses Iran of ‘Secret Deal’ With al-QaedaSummary: Fresh off of weeks of accusing the Iranian government of secretly backing Iraqi Shi’ite militias against the US occupation force there (without any evidence) the Obama Administration is now accusing the Iranian government of having entered into a “secret deal” with al-Qaeda. sourc ...
- Iran to discuss Russia N-bid in MoscowSummary: Ali Akbar Salehi Iran's Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi says he will discuss a proposal by Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov regarding Tehran's nuclear program in a future visit to the Russian capital, Moscow. source: Press TVread more
- Murdering Iranian ScientistsSummary: U.S. and Israeli intelligence agencies have basked in their apparent success using a computer virus to sabotage Iran’s nuclear program. But a darker side of this disruptive operation may be the assassinations of the scientists themselves, reports Lawrence Davidson. source: Consort ...
The Daily Galaxy
- Weekend Feature: NASA Finds Volcanoes on Dark ...According to a recent discovery by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, scientists now have photos showing silicate volcanoes on the far side of the moon. Silicate volcanoes are a type that do not ooze magma; deeming them “dead” by scientists. Hhe...
- Image of the Day: The Unbearable Beauty of the ...Astronomers Bania and Loren Anderson of the Astrophysical Laboratory of Marseille in France have discovered about 450 hidden stellar nurseries in the Milky Way where rare colossal stars many times bigger than the sun are being born. The discovery doubles...
- News Flash: NASA Climate Data Challenges Globa ...NASA satellite data show the Earth’s atmosphere is allowing far more heat to be released into space than alarmist computer models have predicted, according to a new study in the peer-reviewed science journal Remote Sensing. Data from NASA’s Terra satellite...
- Milky Way Apolocalypse! Did a Small Black Hole ...New reserach shows that the Milky Way's supermassive black hole fueled a massive firery pagent of activity including the sustained emission of some of the highest energy radiation in the universe when a smaller black hole from another galaxy smashed...
- Are Invisible, Primordial Black Holes Harborin ...Despite a decade spent searching for dark matter with experiments costing tens of millions of dollars from experiments at the bottom of iron mines in Minnesota to the Ice Cube project in Antarctica, nobody has laid eyes on the stuff....
Natural News
- Another one bites the dust: Alabama's most hig ...(NaturalNews) In what is shaping up to become the nation's largest-ever municipal insolvency, Jefferson County, Ala., officials recently hired a major law firm to tackle the county's approaching Chapter 9 bankruptcy filing. A federally-mandated sewer upgrade project plunged the county into sever ...
- Big Pharma looks to capitalize on success of v ...(NaturalNews) With an incredible success rate for vitamin D in treating a myriad of health conditions, it is no wonder that some drug companies are looking for new ways to capitalize on this natural, inexpensive nutrient.Biopharmaceutical giant Rockwell Medical recently announced that it has acq ...
- Health Ranger interviews Julie Bass - all char ...(NaturalNews) Thanks to the help of NaturalNews readers and the alternative media, Julie Bass has achieved victory against the Oak Park, Michigan city planner's office that threatened to throw her in jail for 93 days for the "crime" of growing cucumbers and tomatoes in her front yard. All charge ...
- Playing chicken with the nation: The U.S. debt ...(NaturalNews) For the last few decades, it all seemed so simple for the USA: We'll spend other people's money, and when we run out, we'll just borrow from yet more people. It worked for a while... until all those "other people" (foreign central banks) got sick of buying U.S. debt. So lately, Ben ...
- NPR poll: Majority of Americans prefer organic ...(NaturalNews) When it comes down to pure consumer preference, the majority of Americans prefer organic food over conventional food, according to the results of a new poll released by NPR. Most Americans also prefer to obtain produce from either a farmers market or from a home garden rather than ...
Threat Level
- Researchers Say Vulnerabilities Could Let Hack ...Vulnerabilities in electronic systems that control prison doors could allow hackers or others to spring prisoners from their jail cells, according to researchers.
- Feds Defend Seizure of WikiLeaks Supporter’s L ...The Justice Department on Thursday fired back against a lawsuit filed by a WikiLeaks supporter and friend of accused leaker Bradley Manning over the warrantless seizure of his laptop, arguing that they held onto the machine for a lengthy 49 days only because he refused to provide the password, ...
- Document: FBI Surveillance Geeks Fear, Love Ne ...Can’t wait for 4G to become the ubiquitous standard for mobile communication? On the edge of your seat for the unveiling of Microsoft’s secret Menlo Project and Greenfield application? You’re not the only one watching the growth of these and other new technologies with rapt attention. According ...
- Rogue Academic Downloader Busted by MIT Webcam ...Hacker and activist Aaron Swartz faces federal hacking prosecution for allegedly downloading millions of academic documents via MIT’s guest network, using a laptop hidden in a networking closet. Swartz, 24, faces 35 years in prison and a $1 million fine under the indictment, announced last week ...
- Scotland Yard Busts Suspected LulzSec SpokesmanThe London Metropolitan Police on Wednesday arrested a 19-year-old Shetland Islands man who they say is "Topiary," the most visible figure in LulzSec.
PERRspectives : Blog
- The Republican Debt Orgy in Pictures"In Washington more spending and more debt is business as usual," House Speaker John Boehner declared on Monday before warning, "I've got news for Washington - those days are over." The days, Boehner should have explained, before Barack Obama took the oath of office. As Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI ...
- GOP Threatens Economic 9/11 over Debt Ceiling"The people who are threatening not to pass the debt ceiling are our version of al Qaeda terrorists.," former Bush Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neilldeclared in April, adding, "They're really putting our whole society at risk by threatening to round up 50 percent of the members of the Congress, who ...
- Why They FightOn Thursday, House Republicans will vote on John Boehner's debt plan. But whether they follow his order to "get your ass in line" or not (and 23 have already gone on record saying they won't), Republican hostage takers on Capitol Hill will continue to threaten the United States with default - a ...
- This Tea Party Sides with the BritishFrom the beginning, the Tea Party has had it wrong on virtually every matter of fact - and history. Far from being Taxed Enough Already, over 95% of working Americans received relief from President Obama even as the total federal tax burden as a percentage of the U.S. economy plummeted to its l ...
- Welcome to Jonestown on the PotomacThe cult members have gathered. They've drunk the Kool-Aid. The poison already flowing through their veins, they are hallucinating and lashing out against the unbelievers. But this time, the death spasms aren't their own, but their nation's. Unless they get what want, Congressional Republica ...
Blackspot News Feed
- Amazon.com: Culture Jam: How to Reverse Americ ...Amazon.com: Culture Jam: How to Reverse America's Suicidal Consumer Binge--And Why We Must (9780688178055): Kalle Lasn: Books
- Israeli MK: "anti-Boycott Law Threatens Democracy"Parliament member Dov Khenin and many on Israeli left warn new anti- Boycott law violates freedom of speech
- Assange & Žižek in conversationThis conversation is great, and not just because it’s revealed Žižek watched the last season of 24 for the same reasons and reached the same conclusions as I did (more on that later.) But amongst everything else to also hear them talk about the power of Murdoch‘s “Evil Empire”, News Internati ...
- Muslim Victim of Post-9/11 Hate Crime Calls on ...In Texas, a hate crime victim is attempting to save the life of a convicted murderer who shot him in the face at close range after 9/11. Rais Bhuiyan is suing Governor Rick Perry in order to stop the execution of death row prisoner Mark Stroman scheduled for Wednesday. Stroman shot Bhuiyan in 20 ...
- Ralph Nader's Solution to Debt Crisis: End Cor ...As negotiations continue on a debt deal, we ask longtime consumer advocate Ralph Nader for his solution. Nader says, “Now we have the situation with the deficit and the debt and spending and jobs. And it's not that difficult to get out of it. The first thing you do is you get rid of corporate we ...
Consortium News
- Wrestling Over the Debt Ceiling
- God, Palin and Politics
- Putting Israel’s Interests First
- The Big Fat GOP Budget Lie
- How the Rich Won the Class War
- Congress Must Debate the Libya WarThe US is now at war in a third Muslim country, according to the "official tally" (that is, counting Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, but not Pakistan or Yemen, for example.) But Congress has never authorized or debated the US military intervention in Libya. (A sharply disputed claim holds that the ...
- News in Brief: Daniel Ellsberg, Col. Ann Wrigh ...Daniel Ellsberg, Col. Ann Wright Among 30 Arrested for Protesting Against Abuse of Bradley Manningread more
- In This Nuclear World, What Is the Meaning of ...In a nuclear crisis, life becomes a nightmare for those people trying to make sense of the uncertainties. Imaginably, the questions are endless. Radiation is invisible, how do you know when you are in danger? How long will this danger persist? How can you reduce the hazard to yourself and famil ...
- Richard D. Wolff: "Personal Debts" (Video)read more
- Charmed Into Battle: How a Volunteering Vacati ...About to turn thirty, Conor Grennan planned a year-long trip around the world. He started his trip with a three-month stint volunteering in the Little Princes Orphanage in war-torn Nepal. What was supposed to be just a three-month experience changed Conor's life, and the lives of countless other ...
- Cat Hugs Dragon, Baby Hippo Dances Under Water ...Here are some of the top animal stories and videos of the week (videos first). Enjoy! These first three are totally funny & cute...
- Earth (Tribute Video)This is a beautiful music video a friend on Google Reader recently shared with me. It includes some of the most beautiful photos of natural landscapes I've seen. And the music is beautiful as well. And they are nicely synced. Here's more from the YouTube page (and credits at the end as well): " ...
- Stripping for Nike and AdidasOver 600 people across 10 countries coordinate an international striptease to bring awareness to environmental pollution by large clothing manufacturers, including Adidas and Nike.
- Urban Agriculture – Creating Greener CitiesUrban agriculture produces food right where it is needed most, inside our densely populated cities. There are a number of social, economic, and environmental benefits to growing more locally.
- The Adventures of George Global (Book)I recently ran across a cool children's book on environmental issues and action, The Adventures of George Global, via a friend on Facebook. I'm a sucker for these -- love them. I know that books like this one and information I received as a kid on environmental topics were a big part of what mad ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- Beach Water Quality Declining - Post-TribuneBeach water quality declining – Post-Tribune.
- France Becomes First Nation To Ban Frackingby Gina-Marie Cheeseman July 6, 2011 Care2 France became the first nation to ban the use
- Unnatural Gas, Or The Wrong Way to DenverIt wouldn’t have done to close my eyes while driving I-70 through Garfield County. But I was tempted
- Down the Creek Without a PaddleThis past Sunday was the first day of spring (I think!), and a wonderful day to be paddling on Bryan
- BirdsI’ve been bird watching around Pond A at UniverCity, Burnaby located north-west of the roundab
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Foriegn Aid and the Economic Crisis By Timothy ...By Timothy V. Gatto Featured Writer Dandelion Salad liberalpro.blogspot.com June 27, 2011 From The H
- What about a National Policy Referendum and a ...by William John Cox Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.thevoters.org June 27, 2011 VotersEvolt on J
- In This New World Lies Will Become True by Chr ...by Chris Hedges Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Truthdig June 27, 2011 Image by alancleaver_2000 via
- “The 15% Solution,” Serialization, 17th Instal ...Note: The Preface and Chapters One through Fifteen can be found here: The 15% Solution. by Jonathan
- The Day the Earth Stood Nil by Rand Cliffordby Rand Clifford Featured Writer Dandelion Salad June 26, 2011 Image by SandoCap via Flickr Could hu
Axis of Logic
- Wealth Gap Between Minorities and White Americ ...// // JUAN GONZALEZ: A new analysis of U.S. Census data reveals a gaping wealth gap between whites and people of color. According to the Pew Research Center, the economic crisis has essentially wiped out much of the economic progress made by people of color over the past 20...
- House panel approves bill forcing ISPs to log ...Editor's Comment: If such a law as the one reported below were passed by Asamblea Nacional (AN) in Venezuela, the private opposition media here and corporate media abroad would go wild. Newspapers El Universal, El Nacional, Globovision TV and the NYT, WP, the BBC and others abroad would begin by ...
- Smart ALEC: How corporations screw you over be ...The Nation and the Center for Media and Democracy recently blew the lid off a creepy corporate-backed group called the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, which has been feeding biz-friendly legislation to conservative state legislators for decades. Since 1973, corporations like Exxo ...
- U.S. - New Clean Air Rules Force Some Coal Pla ...ATLANTA, Georgia, Jul 29, 2011 - Utility companies across the U.S. have announced plans to shut down and retire several coal-fired power plants following a new rule published by the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) intended to reduce emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. ...
- What A Way To Go: Life at the end of Empire - ...A Manifesto for Axis of Logic ... for us all ... 2 hours requires too much of your time? After watching this documentary, you will understand that 2 hours from your life is really ... much less than a millisecond!...
They Gave Us a Republic
- No Virtue, Only Lots of Danger in CentrismNothin' in the middle of the road but yellow stripes and dead armadillos. � � - Jim Hightower That was true 30 years ago when Hightower first made the saying famous, and the "middle of the road" represented the halfway point between liberals and conservatives. And it's even more true today when ...
- Obama's Fateful DecisionWhen the history of this administration is written, even if it ends in January 2017 with widespread national and global acclaim for Barack Obama, the accounts will highlight one enormous blunder that will rank high on any list of presidential unforced errors. David Kurtz at TPM: Revised governme ...
- Does Beshear Have Enough Time to Blow a 24-poi ...You betcha. The Courier: Gov. Steve Beshear holds a commanding 24-point lead over his challenger, Senate President David Williams, in Kentucky's governor's race, according to the latest Courier-Journal/WHAS11 Bluegrass Poll. The poll found that Beshear leads Williams 52 percent to 28 percent and ...
- The Flying Spaghetti Monster Joins the ArmyBecause a sense of humor will almost always save your ass. Rock Beyond Belief: Why the Flying Spaghetti Monster was bigger than Jesus in boot camp. There are strict rules about what non-military texts you can posses during boot camp. They only allow one book, and it must be a holy book from your ...
- The Nightowl NewswrapOh, goody: an our-oil-supply-is-threatened excuse to invade yet another desert hellhole. "Syrian forces have killed at least five civilians when tanks shelled the eastern city of Deir ez-Zor, as government forces intensified a pre-Ramadan crackdown against protests, activists said. Deir ez-Zor, ...
Care 2
- United Steelworkers Report Offers Six Ways To ...A new report spearheaded by the United Steelworkers and the New America Foundation lays out a commonsense plan for fixing the economy.Submitted by Kit H. to Business �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- The One Thing We Didnt Need: Sarah Palin Thre ...The backseat driver from Alaska has repeatedly reared her head in the debt ceiling debate, attempting to capture the attention of the press to no avail. Let�s face it, Sarah Palin is the one voice we simply don�t need in a serious crisis.Submitted by Carrie B. to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-i ...
- California acts to limit pollutant targeted by ...The California Environmental Protection Agency has issued the nation�s first public health goal for hexavalent chromium, the cancer-causing heavy metal made infamous after activist Erin Brockovich sued in 1993 to prove it had contaminated groundwater in tSubmitted by Cal Mendelsohn to Environmen ...
- ACTION ALERT: Rodeo insults the Great Country ...PLEASE SIGN/SHARE THIS PETITION TO HELP THE CHINESE KEEP CRUEL RODEOS OUT OF CHINA! Submitted by Simone D. to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Australia: Speak for the animalsFORMER Adelaide cop Lyn White had to find her own voice so she could fight against cruelty. ...."I will be your voice," she promises. Submitted by Jill Vickerman to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Smirking Chimp
- The Kabuki Play On Capitol Hill Comes Right Be ...
- What is the government doing to us?
- Slumping back into Recession
- The War on You
- Congressman Joe Walsh, Tea Party Patriotism, a ...
Paul Krugman
- When People Pay You To Take Their MoneyMoney for nothing and your jobs from free -- but we say no.
- More About the Reagan Non-miracleThink of the families.
- Very Serious SuckersOnly insiders failed to see the truth
- Head, TalkingHow to ruin a Sunday morning.
- The Malevolent Ex-MaestroGreenspan, still doing damage.
No Quarter
- Republicans Helping Sink the EconomyWhen politics trumps reason and common sense you are in trouble. And we are in big trouble. I have spent enough time in previous posts assigning blame to both Republicans and Democrats for their libertine spending. George W. Bush dropped almost $1 trillion in starting a war in Iraq that was unne ...
- Funding 0.0% * Open ThreadEditor’s Note: Larry Johnson joins Sunday’s experts panel on John Batchelor’s Show @ 9:30 or 10:30 p.m. ET. Listen via iTunes or NYC anchor WABC (scroll to “Listen Live“). The show airs nightly, 9 p.m.-1:00 a.m. ET. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : [...]
- Iran Viewed with Startling Distrust by its Nei ...While the absurd Kabuki theatre continues in Washington, look at James Zogby’s latest poll, which reveals that inhabitants throughout the Middle East view Iran with rapidly growing suspicion. From Zogby’s Huffington Post article, “Iran’s Freefall“: Iran’s favorable ratings are in a “freefall” ac ...
- Have The Left Wheels Come Off the Obama Train?A compendium of articles are circulating from liberal legislators and thinkers questioning President Obama’s democratic credentials, appalled at his actions, some demanding he be challenged for the Democratic nomination next year. Glenn Greenwald, typically writing for Salon, recently published ...
- The “Great Negotiator” * Weekend Open ThreadSomething’s gotta give. Somebody’s gotta give. Or somebody’s gotta resurrect Henry Clay (1777-1852), the “great negotiator” who Abraham Lincoln extolled as “my ideal of a great man” and, in 1957, was named one of the U.S. Senate’s five greatest senators. From No Labels’ Web site: A few weeks ago ...
- Personal Information: episode 24Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness! Share and Enjoy:Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness!
- Arguments against life extensionVia Michael Anissimov, here’s a spectacularly empty diatribe against “deathhackers” by TechCrunch‘s Paul Carr. Carr objects to the idea of radical life extension as advocated by transhumanists, which is fair enough, but as written here most of his objections seem to boil down to personal distate ...
- Daddy, where does innovation come from?Plenty of folk have been linking to this excerpt from Matt Ridley’s new book The Rational Optimist, and with good reason – it’s a provocative piece that plays to advocates (and opponents) of free trade, open exchange, copyright reform and much more. The basic thesis? The one persistent factor th ...
- Replacement arms: mechanical or biological?Prosthetic limbs are still in their infancy, but there’s a lot of progress being made: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is working with Darpa (who else?), and has a research grant for trying out their mind-controlled modular prosthetic arm on five test subjects over the next couple of ye ...
- How to be a futuristThe irrepressible Scott “Basic Instructions” Meyer has the lowdown if you’re thinking of a career in futurism: Click through for the whole thing. But take it from me, being a futurist is a lot of work for no money. Or maybe that’s just the way I do it… and I’ve never been featured in a [...]Foll ...
Therapy News
- Psychotherapy News Weekly Round-UpA GoodTherapy.org Psychotherapy News Weekly Round-Up Happy weekend! Enjoy this week’s top news :-) Trend May Help Explain Decline in Marriage Rate, Particularly Among Young Adults Amy Winehouse Loses Battle with Drug Addiction How the Brain Keeps Track of What We’re Doing Words May Predict Treat ...
- How to Move Beyond Anxiety to Make Major DecisionsImagine you have just been offered a promotion at work. This is great news, right? You’ll be making more money, have more status and prestige within your industry and have a whole team of people working under you. Of course, you’ll have to relocate to a new state, pulling your partner and chi ...
- Trust in YourselfIf hope is the thing with feathers, as Emily Dickenson said, then trust floats on gossamer wings. Most people lose that child-like trust with the end of a first love, but not all. I have known a handful of souls who maintained it until death, or appeared to, but it’s certainly not the norm. Life ...
- Specific Factors Identified that Increase Vete ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline New research suggests that some veterans from Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF)/Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) had risk factors for post-traumatic stress symptomatology (PTSS) that were similar to those risk factors found in veterans of Vietnam. The researchers from ...
- New Research Suggests Parent’s Mood Mimics tha ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Raising a child with ADHD can cause anxiety and stress for mothers, according to a new study. The research suggests that mothers of children with ADHD are more attentive to the moods of their children and often their moods shift based on the behaviors their childr ...
Mountaintop Removal
- EPA finally doing its job in coalfields - Lexi ...Lexington Herald Leader EPA finally doing its job in coalfields Lexington Herald Leader Last September, I joined a few thousand men and women in the nation's capital for an anti-mountaintop removal march from Lafayette Park to the White House. Our route led us past the Environmental Protection ...
- West Virginia Mountains Flattened to Retrieve ...ABC News West Virginia Mountains Flattened to Retrieve Coal ABC News "The only reason you see mountain top removal happening in this country is because people don't know about it...nobody would allow this to happen." With mountaintop removal mining, the trees, soil and land from a few hundred f ...
- Extra 60000 Cancer Cases from Mountaintop Remo ...Care2.com Extra 60000 Cancer Cases from Mountaintop Removal Care2.com Researchers from West Virginia University studied cancer rates in counties of West Virginia where mountaintop removal is practiced for coal mining. In these areas they found a higher cancer rate, “There are 1.2 million people ...
- 'Tree-sitters' take up residence to fight stri ...'Tree-sitters' take up residence to fight strip mining Beckley Register-Herald In recent years, the southern coalfields of West Virginia have seen an increase in the practice, most notably to oppose mountaintop removal. This past January, five protesters likewise occupied trees on the Bee Tree ...
- For Judy Bonds: Historic Tree-Sit on Coal Rive ...For Judy Bonds: Historic Tree-Sit on Coal River Mountain Enters 10th Day AlterNet (blog) Since the passing of the the 2003 Goldman Prize-winning hero from Coal River Valley in West Virginia in January, devastating mountaintop removal operations have continued to destroy her beloved Coal River M ...
- Sure Cure for the Debt Problem: Economic Growt ...Catherine Rampell / New York Times: Sure Cure for the Debt Problem: Economic Growth — NOT so long ago, the National Debt Clock, perched above the Avenue of the Americas, a block east of Times Square, was running backward. — It seems remarkable now, with all the End Times talk of debt ceili ...
- Caution on Capitol Hill: 'Nothing Is Agreed to ...The Note: Caution on Capitol Hill: ‘Nothing Is Agreed to Until Everything Is Agreed to’ — ABC News' Jonathan Karl reports: — There is caution on Capitol Hill about a tentative deal being reached. — As the mantra here goes, “nothing is agreed to until everything is agreed to.”
- Tempest in a Tea Party (Maureen Dowd/New York ...Maureen Dowd / New York Times: Tempest in a Tea Party — SO I was chatting with Chris Coons, the new Democratic senator from Delaware who had a rare win over the Tea Party when he beat loony Christine “I've Dabbled in Witchcraft but I Am Not a Witch” O'Donnell in the midterms. — Coons is a s ...
- A deal comes together (Jennifer Rubin/Washingt ...Jennifer Rubin / Washington Post: A deal comes together — Two senior Republican offices have confirmed that while the outlines of a debt-ceiling deal are in place, no “paper” has been exchanged. The agreement would take the country through the 2012 election, but the Boehner bill two-step cut ...
- White House, Republicans Said to Reach Tentati ...Heidi Przybyla / Bloomberg: White House, Republicans Said to Reach Tentative Deal on U.S. Debt Ceiling — The White House and congressional Republicans have found the framework of an agreement to increase the nation's debt ceiling that would raise borrowing authority through the next presiden ...
Energy & Environment News
- Coming Together to Pray, and Also to Find Redu ...Washington congregations are discovering ways to cut bills and support renewable power.
- Regulators Seek Records on Claims for Gas WellsThe subpoenas reflect interest in determining whether companies are overstating how their gas wells perform and how much gas can profitably be extracted over the long term.
- Chevron Helped by Oil Prices and Better Refine ...Chevron released numbers showing a 43 percent jump in its quarterly profit, as the highest oil prices in nearly three years helped offset weaker output.
- Obama Reveals Details of Gas Mileage RulesThe new automobile fuel-efficiency standards requiring an average 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025 could end up in the low 40s after incentives and discounts.
- Green: How to Pick a Site for a Nuclear Waste DumpA blue-ribbon commission recommends a new process for choosing a permanent repository for the nation's nuclear waste based on sound science and local consent.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 6.4, near the east coast of Honshu, JapanSaturday, July 30, 2011 18:53:52 UTCSunday, July 31, 2011 03:53:52 AM at epicenterDepth: 43.50 km (27.03 mi)
- M 5.4, Guam regionSaturday, July 30, 2011 17:48:52 UTCSunday, July 31, 2011 03:48:52 AM at epicenterDepth: 123.80 km (76.93 mi)
- M 5.0, off the east coast of Honshu, JapanSaturday, July 30, 2011 13:21:35 UTCSaturday, July 30, 2011 10:21:35 PM at epicenterDepth: 39.00 km (24.23 mi)
- M 5.1, off the east coast of Honshu, JapanFriday, July 29, 2011 14:53:21 UTCFriday, July 29, 2011 11:53:21 PM at epicenterDepth: 32.70 km (20.32 mi)
- M 6.7, south of the Fiji IslandsFriday, July 29, 2011 07:42:23 UTCFriday, July 29, 2011 07:42:23 PM at epicenterDepth: 521.70 km (324.17 mi)
China Dialogue
- Hard slog to greener banksChina’s financial behemoths are still providing key support to major polluters, writes Yuan Ying. They have a long way to go to meet global green standards. At the end of April, Chinese environmentalist Yu Xiaogan ...
- Losses at seaCoastal pollution is back in the public eye thanks to the latest oil spill in the Bohai Gulf. Xia Jun looks at three maritime lawsuits, and what they tell us about environmental litigation in China.Editor’s note: this summer’s oil spill in the Bohai Sea has once again brought the issue of marine ...
- Back in the flowChina’s polluted, drought-ridden Yellow River once struggled to reach the sea. Now the “mother river” is being restored to health, writes Jonathan Watts, but for many the benefits remain to be seen.On one wall of the control centre, a mosaic of TV screens flickers back and forth between the late ...
- Eight cases that matteredFrom a successful challenge to Beijing’s planning authorities to damages for mass tadpole deaths, the 2000s were full of turning points for green law in China. Here, chinadialogue presents its picks of the decade.Chinese people are coming to an ever-graver understanding of the dual changes of ec ...
- Shaping China’s green lawsBeijing may have drawn on global knowledge to write its pollution legislation, but the product is uniquely Chinese, writes Charles McElwee in a summary of the story so far.American, European and Japanese environmental experts will find familiar elements in China’s environmental laws. China has b ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- Democrats Seek Permanent Repeal of Global Gag ...Written for RHRealityCheck.org by Editor-in-Chief Jodi Jacobson. This diary is cross-posted; commenters wishing to engage directly with the author should do so at the original post. Yesterday, Congresswoman Nita Lowey introduced the Global Democracy Promotion Act of 2011, a bill that would perma ...
- Developing New Birth Control Methods for Men, ...Written by Martha Kempner for RHRealityCheck.org. This diary is cross-posted; commenters wishing to engage directly with the author should do so at the original post. I wonder if Bill OâReilly would be so worried about alcohol getting in the way of contraception if men were responsible for birth ...
- Breaking: New Study Links Mountaintop Removal ...Among the 1.2 million American citizens living in mountaintop removal mining counties in central Appalachia, an additional 60,000 cases of cancer are directly linked to the federally sanctioned strip-mining practice. That is the damning conclusion in a breakthrough study, released last night in ...
- A Vision for Economic Renewal – An Amer ...Written with Leo Hindery Jr., chair of the Smart Globalization Initiative at the New America Foundation America is facing a catastrophic jobs crisis. Not since the Great Depression has official unemployment hovered above nine percent – where it is today – for more than 20 months. Millions of Ame ...
- News Corp: a study in the failure of corporate ...What is the main lesson learned in the Murdoch scandal? That corporate conglomerate power run unregulated causes great public harm and lacks the checks and balances required for there to be any accountability. Given this, what would be the best way to investigate the criminal wrongdoings of such ...
Threat Level
- Researchers Say Vulnerabilities Could Let Hack ...Vulnerabilities in electronic systems that control prison doors could allow hackers or others to spring prisoners from their jail cells, according to researchers.
- Feds Defend Seizure of WikiLeaks Supporter’s L ...The Justice Department on Thursday fired back against a lawsuit filed by a WikiLeaks supporter and friend of accused leaker Bradley Manning over the warrantless seizure of his laptop, arguing that they held onto the machine for a lengthy 49 days only because he refused to provide the password, ...
- Document: FBI Surveillance Geeks Fear, Love Ne ...Can’t wait for 4G to become the ubiquitous standard for mobile communication? On the edge of your seat for the unveiling of Microsoft’s secret Menlo Project and Greenfield application? You’re not the only one watching the growth of these and other new technologies with rapt attention. According ...
- Rogue Academic Downloader Busted by MIT Webcam ...Hacker and activist Aaron Swartz faces federal hacking prosecution for allegedly downloading millions of academic documents via MIT’s guest network, using a laptop hidden in a networking closet. Swartz, 24, faces 35 years in prison and a $1 million fine under the indictment, announced last week ...
- Scotland Yard Busts Suspected LulzSec SpokesmanThe London Metropolitan Police on Wednesday arrested a 19-year-old Shetland Islands man who they say is "Topiary," the most visible figure in LulzSec.
Equality Trust
- We work in partnership with One SocietyVisit the website of One Society which works in partnership with The Equality Trust. One Society draws on a wealth of research which shows that large divides in income at the top and bottom of society – beyond ‘proportional rewards’ – are damaging to our economy and society, not just for those ...
- Among Equals: read our newsletterRead the latest edition of our supporter newsletter
- Action for HappinessAction for Happiness is a new movement for positive social change, founded by Richard Layard, Geoff Mulgan and Anthony Seldon. They aim to bring together people from all walks of life who want to play a part in creating a happier society for everyone. Their vision of a better future in ...
- Traduction des preuves en FrançaisLes preuves en Français Preuves à l’appui: une introduction Preuves à l’appui: la santé physique Preuves à l’appui: la santé mentale Preuves à l’appui: la toxicomanie Preuves à l’appui: l’éducation Preuves à l’appui: la population carcérale
- Response to criticism of The Spirit LevelFind our full response to criticism of The Spirit Level here.
- Wikiarguments: A Practical Plan to Get Big Mon ...Wikiarguments: A Practical Plan to Get Big Money Out of Politics By Carmen Yarrusso There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.â–Henry David Thoreau Clearly, our government ...
- IOT: Healthcare for All Jan CallCall – Healthcare for All IOT Date – Jan 18, 2011 Agenda: 1. IntroductionsâDr. Bill Honigman, PDA Healthcare for All IOT coordinator and California State Coordinator 2. National Single Payer MovementâKatie Robbins, Healthcare-NOW! 3. States Single Payer Movement–Chuck Pennacchio, Healthcare ...
- PDA Weekly Field Report 1/7/2011 – 1/18/2011Little Victories! Field Site: onenationpda.org California ADEM elections: Congratulations to all our PDA California friends and allies who completed a sweep up and down at the state at the recent CA Democratic Party Delegate elections. This will put the ...
- War is a Crime: Join In For JusticeWarIsACrime.org JOIN IN FOR JUSTICE! 1/17/11 Washington, D.C., and Quantico, Va. Protest of FBI Raids and Bradley Manning Imprisonment http://www.defendingdissent.org/action/Events.htm 1/18/11 Washington, D.C. Panel with Rep. Rush Holt, Emily Berman from the Brennan Center for Justice, Sha ...
- An American Suicide TerroristWilliam John Cox The shooter of Congresswoman Gifford acted as a domestic suicide terrorist on the political “battleground” of American politics. His YouTube postings and “goodby” phone messages are ominously reminiscent of the traditional farewell videos ...
Marler Blog
- "Dead Milk" 23, "Magic Milk" 202So, who is winning? I was asked to talk with Sally Fallon Morrell on the Kojo Nnamdi show on WAMU Public Radio in D.C. last week in what the host determined to be the “Raw Milk Wars.” The producer who called me said that she had tried to find someone, anyone, in public health to go on the show ...
- More Campylobacter Cases Reported from Point M ...I was off to Wisconsin (I think it still is the dairy state) this morning for the IAFP conference when another raw milk issue landed in my inbox – I need to update my chart at www.realrawmilkfacts.com. Alaska state health officials updated the June report of Campylobacter illnesses on what appe ...
- Salmonella Heidelberg Linked to Ground TurkeyWe have seen them before: Minnesota Restaurant Ground Turkey 2000 Multistate Private Home Ground Turkey 2008 Jenny-O-Turkey Burgers 2010 The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is issuing a public health alert due to concerns about illnesses ca ...
- Has Salmonella Agona on Papayas Sickened over ...The CDC has reported that a total of 99 individuals infected with the outbreak strain of Salmonella Agona have been reported from 23 states between January 1 and July 22, 2011. The number of ill persons identified in each state with the outbreak strain is as follows: Arkansas (1), Arizona (3), C ...
- Fresh Cut Papaya added to Salmonella Recall ListA Houston company is recalling products made with fresh cut papaya in connection with the multistate outbreak of Salmonella Agona. GHSW of Houston said it was notified that papayas used in its products were associated with the Agromod Produce recall. On July 23, Agromod announced a recall of ...
- Official: 2025 CAFE target set at 54.5 mpg; ev ...Filed under: Government/Legal Following the official announcement this morning that the new 2025 Corporate Average Fuel Economy standard would be set at 54.5 miles per gallon, our email box overflowed with something we rarely see: near-unanimous support. Everyone from the automakers to the Un ...
- Report: White House lowers 2025 CAFE target to ...Filed under: Government/Legal What's the difference between 56.2 and 54.5 miles per gallon? Way more than 1.7 mpg, that's for sure. The Detroit News is reporting that the Obama White House is dialing down the proposed 2025 fuel economy requirement to 54.5 mpg. Earlier, we had heard that 62 ...
- Official: NYC fleet adds 70 plug-in vehicles, ...Filed under: Hybrid, Minivan/Van, Truck, Work, Hatchback, Chevrolet, Ford, Police/Emergency, Electric NYC Chevy Volt Police Car - Click above for high-res image gallery As much as the average driver doesn't really have to worry about "range anxiety" during a normal driving day, we will gran ...
- Official: Toyota issues recall for Highlander, ...Filed under: Recalls, Safety, Crossover, Lexus, Toyota Lexus RX 400h - Click above for high-res image There's a problem with some 2006 and 2007 model year Toyota Highlander Hybrid and Lexus RX 400h vehicles. Today, Toyota announced that it will voluntarily recall 45,500 Highlander Hybrid an ...
- Video: New Prius rap video takes to cruising W ...Filed under: Hybrid, Etc., Videos, Hatchback, Toyota, Humor Whole Foods Parking Lot - Click above to watch video after the jump Turns out, you can spin the whole "cashed up greenie" bit into a few minutes of enjoyable parody rap. Don't believe us? Check out "Whole Foods Parking Lot," the fi ...
Rafe's Radar
- Roger McNamee: Apps will rescue Web from GoogleAt a Silicon Valley conference, the often-hyperbolic Roger McNamee explains how the app experience spells danger to indexed search. And by that he means Google. ...
- Basis strong-arms other wearable body sensorsWristwatch-like heart-rate and wellness sensor collects more data about your body than competing products.
- Jumio turns cameras into credit card readersNew video technology can tell a forged card from a real one.
- Why there's no grown-up Quicken for OS X LionNew head of Quicken at Intuit talks about company's neglect of loyal Mac customers.
- Moon Express sees money in moon rocksAngel-funded, 13-person company is building a robotic lunar lander.
Camera Obscura
- No title
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigo ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmin ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of ...
Democracy Now!
- "A Victory In The War Against Profiteering." B ..."War is a racket," wrote retired U.S. Marine Major General Smedley D. Butler, in 1935. That statement, which is also the title of his short book on war profiteering, rings true today. One courageous civil servant just won a battle to hold war profiteers accountable. Her name is Bunnatine "Bu ...
- New York Set to Close School for Troubled Teen ...As Congress considers spending cuts to reduce the deficit, critics warn that reduced education, healthcare and other social services will disproportionally impact low-income communities of color. This is the case in New York City, where a high school that provides drug treatment to former gang ...
- The British Watergate: A Backgrounder on the M ...The London-based journalist Richard Gizbert, host of the Al Jazeera program "The Listening Post," chronicles how the Murdoch phone hacking scandal has shaken the British government, media system and public. A must-watch interview on how the scandal has unfolded and what it means for people in t ...
- VIDEO: Rebekah Brooks Testimony Raises More Qu ...Former News International executive Rebekah Brooks testified before the British Parliament July 19 as the phone hacking scandal engulfing the Murdoch media empire continues to grow. Media mogul Rupert Murdoch and his son James Murdoch also testified at the same hearing. Click here to watch the ...
- "Rupert Murdoch Doesn’t Eat Humble Pie." By Am ...“People say that Australia has given two people to the world,” Julian Assange told me in London recently, “Rupert Murdoch and me.” Assange, the founder of the whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks, was humbly dismissing my introduction of him, to a crowd of 1,800 at East London’s Troxy theater, in ...
- Debt Ceiling Deadline Looms (LATEST UPDATES)AP/The Huffington Post First Posted: 7/27/11 09:52 PM ET Updated: 7/29/11 10:19 AM ET Neither the House nor the Senate has a clear path forward for must-pass legislation to allow the government to continue to borrow to pay its bills, putting lawmakers and financial markets alike on edge less tha ...
- Another House Committee To Consider Global Gag ...� � � Earlier this month, the House Foreign Affairs Committee passed an amendment that would restore and expand the so-called global gag rule, a provision prohibiting foreign organizations receiving U.S. development assistance from using their own funds to perform abortions or provide women with ...
- With Default Seven Days Away, House GOP Fixate ...� � While the rest of the country focuses on the looming deadline to raise the nation�s debt ceiling, House Republicans are taking advantage of their distraction to repeal environmental regulations and pass the most severe environmental budget cuts in 35 years. Republicans are pushing a bill tha ...
- Alan Grayson explains… “Why Boener ...This went out in an email to previous supporters of Alan Grayson this morning.� Dear Linus, I know why House Speaker John Boehner walked out of debt ceiling talks with President Obama on Friday. It�s because Boehner can�t deliver. It doesn�t matter what terms the President offers. It�s that simp ...
- How Murdoch’s Times of London and Fox News Coo ...By David Fiderer, a lawyer who covers the energy industry for several global banks in New York. This is an OpEdNews.com repost. If you wondered whether Murdoch’s various news outlets operate in sync when they misrepresent the facts about climate change, consider the deceitful reporting done by ...
- Catherine Austin Fitts on How to Really Find a ...In the second installment of our 2-part interview with investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts, we hear her advice for both the young and young at heart in navigating today’s job market. Catherine remembers how she had to reinvent herself during a professional crisis of her own several years ...
- The Cost of US University[click on the image for a larger version] By Michael Feldstein Continue reading the article . . .
- Quote du Jour“Opportunities multiply as they are seized.” ~ Sun Tzu Related reading: Sun Tzu Wikipedia Solari Report Blog Commentaries: The Art of War (19 Aug 10)
- Fed President Hints at Broad Money-market FixBy Ross Kerber A senior Federal Reserve official is prescribing sweeping medicine to stabilize the $2.5 trillion money market mutual fund industry, which would be rattled by potential downgrades of the government securities that are among its key holdings. Boston Federal Reserve President Eric R ...
- ‘Super Congress’: Debt Ceiling Neg ...By Ryan Grim Washington – Debt ceiling negotiators think they’ve hit on a solution to address the debt ceiling impasse and the public’s unwillingness to let go of benefits such as Medicare and Social Security that have been earned over a lifetime of work: Create a new Congress. This “Super Cong ...
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Times ScareISLAMABAD–The apparent links between Pakistan and Faisal Shahzad are certainly cause for concern, but let’s not lose site of things here. The attack in Times Square was a fizzle. The rush to claim credit is a bit embarassing for the TTP and looks like it was — like the attack itself — a rush job ...
- Stepping up - University at Buffalo The SpectrumStepping up University at Buffalo The Spectrum The president of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari, recognized the direness of the situation and began to mobilize military forces to combat the Taliban. ... and more��
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in AfghanistanSri Lank ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United P ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more��
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more��
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- Shocking New Report: Safest Place To Be a Blac ...A new study says the "big house" is the safest place to be a black man.
- Protesters Face Trial on One-Year Anniversary ...Among those facing misdemeanor civil disobedience charges is Rev. Peter Morales, who discusses why he was arrested and the troubling raids of Latino neighborhoods.
- Beware of the "Coordinated Strategy" ...The Center for Constitutional Rights' Michael Ratner discusses his new book, and the North America-wide strategy to take away the right to mass protest.
- White Families Have 20 Times the Wealth of Bla ...The economic crisis has hit most families hard--but since many black families had less wealth to start with, its impact on them has been nothing short of disastrous.
- 10 Things I'd Say to the Anti-Choice Fanatics ...Here are ten realities pro-choicers should throw in the face of opponents of choice they have the misfortune to get into arguments with.
Sideways News
- Could you be a 10:10 community champion?The Guardian Newspaper and Franny Armstrong, through the Guardian 10:10 campaign, challenge organisations and individuals to cut their carbon footprint by 10%.
- Brit mums strict about eco-choresFamilies in the UK are increasingly likely to be nagged about doing eco-chores, a new study conducted on behalf of the Energy Saving Trust has revealed.
- UK venue offers rainforest weddingsGetting married in a luscious rainforest has never been easier or more eco-friendly, according to the Eden Project.
- Battery recycling 'too difficult'The European Recycling Platform (ERP) reports that while only a third of households at present recycle batteries, four out of five said they would do so if it was made easier.
- 10 green resolutions to save you moneyBy taking green steps at home, you can save money and make life easier. Being smart about waste, consumption and resources won't only win you the thanks of forthcoming generations: you'll feel the financial benefit immediately. 1. Make money from old electronics As your electronic goods become o ...
Fabius Maximus
- Rao RespondsOn the blog he created to discuss ideas from the book: http://www.tempobook.com/2011/07/24/chet-richards-review-of-tempo-on-fabius-maximus/ You may also be interested in following him at his personal blog: http://www.ribbonfarm.com/ �
- Book Review: TempoTempo: Timing, Tactics and Strategy in Narrative-Driven Decision-Making by Venkatesh Rao (Ribbonfarm, 2011; 154 pages) Reviewed by Chet Richards July 24, 2011 A good book is read more than once while accumulating copious notes in its margins and on the blank pages that the publisher has thoughtf ...
- Book review: The Next Wave: On the Hunt for A ...Summary:  A review of The Next Wave: On the Hunt for Al Qaeda’s American Recruits by Catherine Herridge. Reviewed by “GI” Wilson (Colonel, USMC, retired). When reading Catherine Herridge’s smashing investigative work on terrorism, The Next Wave, the lyrics from Jimmy Buffet’s “Trouble on ...
- Attritionist Letter #2 — our military se ...Summary:   With US forces engaged around the world in six conflicts (and many small ones), each the day our media paint a picture of the armed services. News, articles, books, movies — seldom have we been so well informed about our mechanized high-tech defense professionals — the very model ...
- Today’s tea party propagandaSummary: The Tea Party movement provides a picture of the increasingly dysfunctional OODA-loop (Observe-Orient-Decide-Act) of American society, where outlandish statements are accepted unquestioningly by true believers. In this environment we can work 24-7 correcting these misrepresentaions (and ...
Open Your Eyes News
- Vatican kicks out Roma on EasterPress TV – About 150 Roma gypsies were barred from participating in the Easter vigil of the basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls on Sunday, after temporarily taking shelter there on Good Friday, The Telegraph reported. Local and foreign pilgrims, who had gathered to attend the vigil, calle ...
- Euro strikes 16-month high against dollarBreitbart – The euro struck a 16-month high against the dollar and the Swiss franc notched a record high versus the US unit Tuesday amid heightened investor nerves over this week’s busy economic calendar. The European single currency hit $1.4653 in morning trade, the highest point since mid-Dece ...
- British pound devalues by 94% in 50yrsPressTV – A new survey shows that the value of money in the UK has dropped by 94 percent over the past 50 years, which means an 18-time increase in retail prices. The survey carried out by BM Savings has found that almost £1,800 is needed to match the buying power of £100 in 1960, [...]
- Peru suffers an ‘environmental tragedy’IOL – The rising price of gold has multiplied by six the pace of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest in the Peruvian region of Madre de Dios in recent years, a study published on Tuesday said. Illegal gold searches using primitive techniques in the years 2003-9 led to the destruction of 7,000 ...
- Next step humans? Every new pet dog in Britain ...Daily Mail – Every new pet dog will be microchipped under sweeping Government regulations to combat dangerous animals. Each puppy born and dog sold will have an electronic chip implanted under the skin. Details will then be placed on a national database accessible by police and the RSPCA. A conf ...
The Progressive Realist
- In Defence of Flawed GiantsOK, its confession time. I don't really agree with them much, but I loved reading the post-Cold War 'blockbusters' of Samuel Huntington, Francis Fukuyama and John Mearsheimer, (all beautifully surveyed a little while ago by Richard Betts). I was psyched to read Fukuyama's prophecy that with the ...
- Debt Brinksmen Are Encouraging American DeclineCAP's Nina Hachigian surveys the world's reaction to the manufactured crisis surrounding American debt, and comes to some staggering conclusions. On the signal this episode sends for democracy as a form of government: For the Chinese, this has to be a rich but unsettling role reversal. The ...
- Turkish Military Leadership Resigns and What I ...Media reported in Turkey late on July 29 that the Chief of the Turkish General Staff (TGS), General IÅık KoÅaner, and the military service chiefs under him at Land Forces, the Air Force and the Navy have all submitted their resignations. This comes just ahead of meetings of Turkey’s Supreme Mi ...
- An Open Letter to the Rest of the WorldDear onlookers around the world, As politics in my country becomes dominated by a reckless tantrum over the simple matter of paying our debts, many of us are all too conscious of the doubts and concerns this is raising for the rest of you. Speaking as someone who has spent an entire career ad ...
- World Reacts to Debt Ceiling Debacle: "Irrespo ...Our guest blogger is Ken Sofer, special assistant with the National Security and International Policy team at the Center for American Progress. The rhetoric over raising the debt ceiling has become increasingly harsh as Democratic and Republican congressional leaders trade barbs back and forth. ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- For Whom the Pell TollsThe Hill reports�that Pell Grants have become a sticking point between the freshman GOP and John Boehner for the passage of his debt-ceiling compromise plan. Representative Denny Rehberg described the right's grievances with the program on a talk show in April: "So you can go to college on Pell ...
- Will the Kids Be Alright? Throughout the debt-ceiling negotiations, funding for the Federal Pell Grant Program, which gives low-income students access to higher education through need-based grants that don�t have to be repaid, has been tossed around as a bargaining chip. Though the bulk of Pell spending is discretionary, ...
- Obama's Approval Continues Its Downward TrendThese new results from Gallup’s survey of presidential approval make me a lot less bullish about President Obama’s chances for re-election: Last week, I noted the extent to which the public still holds President Bush and the Republican Party responsible for the current state of the economy. A ...
- Today at the ProspectJamelle Bouie explains how even if Boehner gets the votes for his debt-ceiling plan, the fight won't end. Jennifer Mascia laments that Amy Winehouse's life (and death) romanticized mental illness. Gershom Gorenberg writes of Israelis protesting a dearth of affordable housing.
- An Indefensible DefenseEducators and activists opposed to the high-stakes testing that has come to dominate education reform have reason to be concerned, but they may have picked a losing strategy to make their point. More than 450 teachers and activists are gathering in Washington for the Save Our Schools March and ...
- The GOP Lies: 97% of Small Businesses Would No ...Recently, BuzzFlash at Truthout talked about how Republican Congressional "deficit reduction" and tax cuts for the rich and corporations don't help and even hurt small businesses in America, because the actual policies facilitate large companies in crushing small business competitors. But anoth ...
- Why is GOP Hypocrisy So Brazen and Audacious? ...MARK KARLIN, EDITOR OF BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT For many years, BuzzFlash offered a GOP hypocrite of the week award. The problem was not in finding someone who fit the "honor," it was selecting one from a teeming cauldron of candidates. In some ways, hypocrisy is a built-in component of being an ...
- "Heil Hitler" Buchanan Defends Norway Mass Mur ...TONY PEYSER FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT Why go out on a limb & bother To take the time to co-opt him? He doesn't like his dad, Pat --- Why don't you just adopt him?read more
- GOP in DC Kills Jobs and Helps Squash Small B ...MARK KARLIN, EDITOR OF BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUTJohn Boehner's alleged American/global corporation "job creators" are actually job killers in the United States. It's another example of how the GOP uses Frank Luntz's focus group-molded message points that transform the opposite of the truth into "per ...
- The White, Christian Blue-Eyed Terrorist Attac ...DANNY SCHECHTER FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT Move over Osama bin Laden. I know you already have in the physical sense - but you now have an emulator who borrows your tactics and inverts your ideology. Anders Behring Breivik, is Norway's candidate for the new world's top living evil-doer and terror ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- Democratic politics in a nutshellReport: Dems don't worry about angry liberals -- they'll just scare them into submission with pictures of Bachmann
- Obama's whistleblower war suffers two defeatsThe DOJ's intimidation efforts are proving to be legally baseless, but that does not mean they are failing
- An un-American response to the Oslo attackThe country's political leaders refuse to exploit the tragedy to create a Surveillance State and secrecy regime
- The transformation of Anwar al-AwlakiIn 2001, the Washington Post and Pentagon presented the preacher as the face of moderation. What happened?
- Al Sharpton, MSNBC and journalistic standardsThe reported new nighttime host publicly vowed never to criticize the President
The BiPartisan Report
- Sex, lies and ‘edited’ videotape
- Nihilism 1 American People Nil
- Sheldon Whitehouse brings truth to the Senate ...
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- Headless zombie squid and dead frogs dancingIt is possible to re-animate dead appendages with a little salt, either table salt or in solution form as soy sauce. Be warned, this may put you off your breakfast. In the first video (which seems to have first appeared on the web a couple of years ago but a variant of which went viral [...]Head ...
- Wear sunscreenRemember that speech that led to that Baz Luhrmann hit, “Everybody’s free to wear sunscreen“? It was good advice and still is. Here, my friend Kat Arney, blogger, broadcaster, cancer expert and harpist, explains the ins and outs of sun protection. It perhaps should also be mentioned that you can ...
- Higgs glimpse?Higgs glimpse? – Lots of hype going on around the possibility of having spotted a glimpse of the Higgs boson that, in theory, endows matter with mass. Of course, despite the press conferences and hype, the physicists are still stressing that it is far too early to know whether the signals they h ...
- Rosalind Franklin Google DoodleRosalind Elsie Franklin (25 July 1920 – 16 April 1958) was a British X-ray crystallographer who made pioneering contributions to the understanding of the detailed molecular structures of the genetic code with her data from DNA and RNA as well as viruses, coal and graphite. She died prematurely a ...
- Periodic table of rock and metalWhat if the whole of the Periodic Table were all rocks and metal? And what if it were created in 1987 by Jesus, he of the Roadside as a tribute to Guns ‘n Roses? It is obviously a concept whose time has come, because there are several others around that attempt to knock out the [...]Periodic tab ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- “Medicare Is the Answer, Not the Problem”MARGARET FLOWERS, M.D.,� mdpnhp at gmail.comread more
- “The American People Do Not Want Us to Burn Do ...Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today delivered the following speech on the floor of the House of Representatives. See video here. “Here’s how we can take a couple steps back from the brink of default: “First, raise the debt ceiling until December 31, 2012, without it being contingent on cuts ...
- Divided Appeals Court Rules That Companies May ...In a 2-1 decision, a federal appeals court today partially reversed a lower court’s ruling in a case challenging patents on two human genes associated with hereditary breast cancer and ovarian cancer. The court ruled that companies can obtain patents on the genes but cannot patent methods to com ...
- One Year after Arrest and Detention, CCR Legal ...Last night, a year after Sunita Patel, a civil rights attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights, was arrested while documenting law enforcement activity during protests against Arizona’s racist SB1070 immigration law, CCR and Patel jointly filed a lawsuit in federal court in Arizona again ...
- Across the Country Americans Demand Debt Ceili ...Like a broken record Republicans in the House and Senate are willing to wreck our economy by refusing to compromise and insisting on their radical plan to balance the budget on the backs of seniors and the middle class by slashing Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security while giving tax breaks to ...
Common Dreams-Views
- Obama's Whistleblower War Suffers Two DefeatsGlenn Greenwald The Obama administration's unprecedented war on whistleblowers suffered two serious and well-deserved defeats.� The first occurred in the prosecution of NSA�whistleblower Thomas Drake, who was accused of multiple acts of es ...
- Time to Reset Our Moral CompassNorman Mathews Progressives are suffering from debilitating cognitive dissonance. Incapable of reconciling President Obama’s rhetoric with his actions, they have created an elaborate, but flimsy, structure of rationales to harmonize this d ...
- The Kabuki Play On Capitol Hill Comes Right Be ...Danny Schechter Oh, the gnashing of the teeth, Oh, the flamboyant tactics. Oh, all the breaking news excitement on cable news as the debt ceiling countdown saga went down to the wire with an intense political confrontation of a kind we hav ...
- In the Wake of Oslo Attacks, a Path Forward fo ...Michelle Chen “For all dead comrades, not a minute's silence, but a life of struggle." —Olav Magnus Linge, Norway's Socialist Youth The labor movement has always derived its power from its ability to mobilize people as a collective whole. ...
- Mainstream Reporters: Too Close to the Field a ...Jeff Cohen If you were a spectator in a sky box seat looking directly down on the Washington debt debate, you’d be seeing a contest both narrow and off to one edge of the field -- like watching a football game being played entirely between ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- The U.S. Has Created The Next Afghan Civil WarHASH(0xa33fa28)
- Karzai's Strongman Brother Killed In The Potte ...HASH(0xa03eca0)
- Swimming In A Sea Of Night RaidsHASH(0xa2ef660)
- 2 notes on Afghanistan and the failure of COINHASH(0x9dab938)
- 225,000 Lives, Over 4 Trillion Dollars - For What?HASH(0x9d6b628)
Water Wars
- In Western Water Wars, Fighters and, Yes, Peac ...In the world of western water politics, most people are known for the way they fight. Tom Clark, who led California's Kern County Water Agency, had infighting and negotiating skills but was a peacemaker, too.
- Green: In Western Water Wars, Fighters and, Ye ...In the world of western water politics, most people are known for the way they fight. Tom Clark, who led California's Kern County Water Agency, had infighting and negotiating skills but was a peacemaker, too.
- Viewpoints: State's water quality, fisheries i ...California's clean water is about to take a major hit. If you think the state's so-called "water wars" are creating disastrous public consequences, then brace yourself for what Congress is trying to inflict on the rivers and streams that provide us with this irreplaceable life source.
- Tri-state water wars: Agreement surely within ...Tri-state water wars: Agreement surely within reach
- Tri-state water wars: Water agreement surely w ...Tri-state water wars: Water agreement surely within reach
WordPress | Economics
- Concepts of National IncomeThe various concepts of national income as follows- 1) Gross National Product (GNP):- Gross national
- Yochai Benkler: Open-source economicsOne of the problems of writing, and working, and looking at the Internet is that it’s very har
- SBU investigates Ukrgasbank for misappropriati ...Good grief! A criminal investigation into a bank? Is Ukraine so far removed from how things are done
- A Tentative Debt Deal?ABC News is reporting a few details of a possible debt ceiling agreement that has yet to be confirme
- Gaddafi threatens assassination of Italy's Ber ...Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. © REUTERS/ Zohra Bensemra. MOSCOW, July 30, 2011 (RIA Novosti)
Electronic Intifada
- New moves to curb criticism of Israel in US an ...Kristin SrzemskiThe Electronic Intifada A number of new initiatives to curtail freedom of speech by conflating opposition to Israeli crimes with anti-Semitism are underway in the United States and�Canada.
- Palestinian Christians protest Anglican chief' ...Sarah IrvingThe Electronic Intifada Comments by Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury and leader of the Anglican and Episcopalian churches worldwide, have aroused anger among Palestinian�Christians.
- Israel's prison walls cannot keep us apartFidaa ElaydiThe Electronic IntifadaDallas Fidaa Elaydi’s uncle has been imprisoned in Israel for more than twenty years, and his family in Gaza have not been able to visit him for the past six.
- The sham solidarity of Israel’s Zionist leftBudour Youssef HassanThe Electronic Intifada Recent marches in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv raise urgent questions about the true meaning of joint�struggle.
- Trauma of Palestinian children increasing, say ...The Electronic IntifadaRamallah The number of Palestinian children with post-traumatic stress disorder and other anxiety disorders including depression has increased, according to Médecins Sans Frontières and Palestinian organizations specializing in mental�health.
The Wonk Room
- Compromise In The WorksThe rumored deals flying around Washington today all sound pretty bad. And how could they not be? The White House started with a position that: 1. Failure to raise the debt ceiling is unacceptable. 2. The country should enact substantial deficit reduction in 2011. 3. Any deficit reduction packag ...
- Steve Milloy, Anti-Science Tobacco Apologist, ...By Sam Parry, Director, Online Membership and Activism, EDF In a falsehood-filled Washington Times op-ed, Steve Milloy attacks the EPA and EDF for supporting tough new clean air standards for coal-fired power plants. Asking EPA to “show us the bodies,” Milloy questions public health estimates th ...
- Exports, Federal Spending Are All the Economy ...By Matthew Cameron Looking at the details of Friday’s report from the Bureau of Economic Analysis largely reinforces what we already knew about the state of the economy. Namely, exports are on the rise and the federal government is holding steady in part because national defense is a relatively ...
- The Crisis Of GovernabilityMuch commentary on current events in the United States could be improved upon by adopting a more comparative perspective. For example, in his 2000 essay on “The New Separation of Powers” (PDF) Bruce Ackerman grants that the American system of government has served the USA well enough but argues ...
- Matt Damon: Stop The War On TeachersThinkProgress filed this report from the Save Our Schools March in Washington, D.C. Actor and activist Matt Damon spoke at the Save Our Schools rally today. Before he spoke, Damon granted ThinkProgress an exclusive interview. We asked him about how teachers unions are being demonized in much of ...
thwap's schoolyard
- The Growth of EntitlementsI was reading the comments section to this Royson James article, wherein he points out that Ford obviously lied about how he could find a billion dollars worth of "gravy" at City Hall and eliminate it without having to cut services. As a result of his threatened service cuts and library closings ...
- Post For The DayA YouTube Clip
- More Disgusting Bullshit From Rob "Lying Sack ...So, it turns out that the lying, cowardly prick is unimpressed with the lack of suggestions coming from the citizenry: During the interview, which was recorded in the morning or early afternoon, he [Ford] was asked by Cybulski to identify the best suggestion he had heard during the meeting. H ...
- Un-Fuck You Rob FordSo, the liar, the coward, ... during his insulting marathon communication strategy has decided to lie about his father's legacy, and the legacy of his father's chief, the murderously incompetent Mike Harris, and to obscure their role in impoverishing Toronto and smashing together the discordant ...
- Rob Ford's "Core Service Review" ConsultationsThey're today and I hope the lying, shameless doofus gets an ear full for his bullshit. Him and his stupid asshole brother, and all the other lying dorks who cluster around them hoping to score some post-politics swag and to beat-up on the poor and the weak. Ford lied. For LIED. Ford LIED when ...
on Government Oversight
- FOIA Friday: Are Nuclear Regulators Adequately ...HASH(0x9fdc648)
- Report: Dire Need for Congressional Overhaul o ...HASH(0x9edada0)
- Comment of the Week: A Defense Contractor Will ...HASH(0x9bc1fa8)
- Congress to Chief: Curtail Concealment of Cont ...HASH(0x9f6e9e0)
- Morning Smoke: Cuts to Wasteful Spending Key t ...HASH(0x9e74fb0)
Digital Journal
- The Beach in Toronto makes for a beautiful Sat ...It's a beautiful Saturday in Toronto, a day for playing and hanging out at the beach. Toronto's parks provide residents with the perfect backdrop for a fun day with little cost.
- Toronto Police searching for shooting suspectThe sound of a handgun sent area residents to their phones calling 9-1-1 in Toronto this afternoon. Police quickly flooded Bishop Tutu Blvd. looking into the matter.
- Faith to live, SPCA denies euthanasia rumors a ...The pit bull named Faith was never going to be euthanized and was in no danger of dying, says the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) of Canada.
- Behind the scenes of Toronto Police's social m ...Being one of the firsts in the world means flying by the seat of your pants at times without a model. That is the case for the Toronto Police Department as they embark on new ground with social media.
- One Toronto alleyway: graffiti versus artOn an alleyway in Toronto garage doors tell a tale. Some of the doors are beautiful pieces of art while others are just snippets of graffiti tags.
End Homelessness | Change.org
- Mississippi Launches Plan To End Child Homeles ...Fulfilling the wishes and happiness of children is at the heart of the holiday season. So, now seems particularly timely for Mississippi to launch a new plan to end child homelessness (pdf) in the state. What better way to set the season of giving in motion than by committing to finding safe a ...
- Thanksgiving 2.0: Food, Poverty and Telling th ...This Thanksgiving, most of us around the country shared a bountiful harvest feast with friends and family. We celebrated all that we are thankful for by gorging ourselves right into a food coma. It's the American way. Unfortunately, it's also the American way to be thankful for all that we have ...
- Homeless People Wanted: Must Be Open to Demean ...What are they thinking? People obviously don't see the homeless as human or they wouldn't attempt to hire them to do most of the insane, demeaning and illegal jobs out there. Here's a small sampling: Rob dead bodies. The Aokigahara forest at the base of Mt. Fuji in Japan is the site of 50 to 10 ...
- LA Plans to Make Homelessness Go the Way of th ...Instead of pretending homelessness doesn't exist, creating new laws to make it illegal to sit or sleep in public, or sending homeless residents on a one-way trip out of town, Los Angeles County may attempt to actually do something about ending homelessness. And the county is setting the bar high ...
- Don't Let Violence Against the Homeless Go Unp ...Despite its economic troubles, Detroit is not known for being kind to the homeless. That's too bad, since there are nearly 10,000 homeless people living there. In October, police say that Steven James Diponio, 54, became so enraged at Charles Duncan, 42, who was homeless and sleeping behind a sc ...
- Pat Stogran calls $2 billion promised to veter ...Last September, amidst outrage by soldiers and reports in the media critical of the government’s treatment of veterans, the Harper government promised $2 billion in increased benefits. It was announced at the time that the money would go to “increased financial support for seriously injured Vet ...
- Talks collapse in BahrainBahrain, a Persian Gulf nation that has been the site of pro-democracy protests over recent months, is entering a new, uncertain phase after the collapse of talks between the main Shiite opposition party and the ruling Sunni elite (Associated Press, “Shiite Party in Bahrain Leaves Talks With Rul ...
- How much would you give to stop Harper’s steal ...Would you give $7 each month to stop Harper's stealth fighters? Go to https://www.ceasefire.ca/donate/donate.php
- Ceasefire.ca volunteers send letters to 2500 s ...A photo of our team of volunteers sending letters to 2500 Ceasefire.ca supporters.
- Canada makes the wrong move at Conference on D ...Cesar Jaramillo, program officer at Project Ploughshares, argues against the recent decision to boycott the UN Conference on Disarmament (Cesar Jaramillo, “Canadaâs disarmament conference boycott is ill-advised,” Kitchener-Waterloo Record, 14 July 2011): Canadaâs newly elected Conservative major ...
Kevin Trudeau Show
- Hedge Fund Manager Found Guilty On 14 Counts O ...May 13th, 2011 The Huffington Post In what has been a heavily-watched insider trading case, Galleon Group hedge fund manager Raj Rajaratnam has been found guilty on all 14 counts of securities fraud and conspiracy, according to multiple reports. The announcement was made in a lower Manhattan fed ...
- Most People Have No Idea What’s Actually In Th ...May 13th, 2011 Natural News By: Jonathan Benson If you asked the average person what active ingredients are found in their favorite over-the-counter (OTC) painkiller drugs, most would be unable to properly identify them — even if they personally use them. A new study published in the American Jo ...
- Facebook Loses Much Face In Secret Smear On GoogleMay 13th, 2011 TechCrunch By: Michael Arrington Facebook secretly hired a PR firm to plant negative stories about Google, says Dan Lyons in a jaw dropping story at the Daily Beast. For the past few days, a mystery has been unfolding in Silicon Valley. Somebody, it seems, hired Burson-Marsteller, ...
- The Kevin Trudeau Show: 5-13-11Today, Kevin explains how illegal aliens are hurting America’s economy and what the government should do about it. Plus, find out how well Dr. Theresa Dale’s colon cleanse really works! Self Help: A Weight Loss Program That Works! Take A Stand With Kevin Trudeau! Health: “Top 7 Diets” According ...
- The Kevin Trudeau Show: 5-14-11Today, find out where your food is really being made, who holds the reins on what you hear on the news, and what you can to do eliminate the fungus that is affecting every possible aspect of your health! Guests: Dr. Josh Axe Andrew Breitbart Dr. Jeff McCombs Everything Kevin: Become An Insider! ...
Pambazuka News
- Caribbean: Civil society demands Haiti debt ca ...Organizations representing Caribbean civil society organizations and social movements have written to G8 finance ministers, the World Bank, and the IMF, to demand an immediate and unconditional cancellation of Haiti's external debt....
- US: System owes Troy Davis another day in courtIt is wrong to execute an innocent man. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit will now consider whether it is constitutional. Troy Anthony Davis, convicted of murder, is asking the courts to hear evidence that key government witnesses have r...
- Haiti: Open Letter to Barack Obama - pre-electionWe - citizens of Haiti, political militants and unionists of the grassroots movement for democracy in our country - solemnly address ourselves to you on the eve of the election that will most likely make you the next president of the United States....
- Brazil: The high price of clean, cheap ethanolBrazil hopes to supply drivers worldwide with the fuel of the future - cheap ethanol derived from sugarcane. It is considered an effective antidote to climate change, but hundreds of thousands of Brazilian plantation workers harvest the cane at slave...
- Global: Guadeloupe paralyzed by widespread strikesRiot police from mainland France have arrived on the French Caribbean islands as protests threaten to paralyse tourism and spread further afield. Strikes on Guadeloupe and Martinique have closed shops and schools and the reinforcements will help loca...
War in Context
- ‘Full-on warfare by the Syrian government on i ...Al Jazeera reports: Syrian forces have killed nearly 140 people, including 100 when the army stormed the flashpoint protest city of Hama to crush dissent on the eve of Ramadan, activists have said. Rights groups said it was one of deadliest days in Syria since demonstrators first took to the s ...
- David Yerushalmi: the White supremacist lawyer ...The New York Times reports on the driving force behind the anti-Shariah movement that has drummed up hysterical opposition to the proposed Islamic center near “ground zero” in New York City and inspired the passage or consideration of anti-Muslim laws in several states. [The movement] is the pr ...
- Pamela Geller’s ties to violence in NorwayCharles Johnson reveals: In June 2007, âcounter-jihadâ blogger Pamela Geller posted the following Email from Norway, from a reader who sounds a lot like the Oslo terrorist, Anders Behring Breivik. Geller’s post began: I am running an email I received from an Atlas reader in Norway. It is deva ...
- Islamists flood Tahrir Square in Cairo in show ...Anthony Shadid reports: Tens of thousands of Egyptian Islamists poured into Tahrir Square on Friday calling for a state bound by strict religious law and delivering a persuasive show of force in a turbulent country showing deep divisions and growing signs of polarization. The shape of Egypt fi ...
- Activists vow daily Ramadan protests in SyriaThe Guardian reports: A sweep by government forces has seized one person every hour during the five-month Syrian uprising and detained them in secret, leaving their families no way to locate them, says a human rights group. The group, Avaaz, claims 2,918 people have been “forcibly disappeared” ...
Watts Up With That?
- What do sea measurements reveal about Earth ...From the AGU highlights Despite the fact that average temperatures on land have been increasing from year to year, globally averaged surface temperatures from 2000 to 2010 have shown only moderate warming. This is because sea surface temperatures over the … Continue reading →
- The Parthenon of ClimateI can’t improve on the description offered by Steve McIntyre on the most recent taxpayer funded %&#@^*! from NOAA: their sponsorship of the display Pillars of Climate at the recent American Meteorological Societyâs Applied Climatology and Climate Change Adaptation conference … Continue reading →
- Connecticut’s new short lived all time h ...The recent heat wave in the Midwest and the eastern United States has been characterized by all sorts of exaggerated claims. One even made it into Wikipedia as an “official” all time high record. From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._state_temperature_extremes Dr. Roy Spencer alerted … Continue ...
- Fallout from Our Paper: The Empire Strikes Backby Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. LiveScience.com posted an article yesterday where the usual IPCC suspects (Gavin Schmidt, Kevin Trenberth, and Andy Dessler) dissed our recent paper in in the journal Remote Sensing. Given their comments, I doubt any of … Continue reading →
- Carbon Tax needs a sunset clauseSunset Clause for the C-Tax? Letter to the Editor Watts Up With That? 30 July 2011 Australians must insist that the monstrous carbon dioxide tax legislation has a sunset clause which is triggered by global cooling. This whole tax extravaganza … Continue reading →
Dandelion Salad
- Let Them Eat Cake! By Gary CorseriBy Gary Corseri Featured Writer Dandelion Salad July 28, 2011 The people of Somalia are not like us. Their skin is black and gray and parched by sun. They carry their babies on bony hips, Walking for miles for a little water. Even their babies are resigned to death, Hollow-eyed, fly-covered, wit ...
- Ex-PM Says Taliban Offer Talks For Pullout Dat ...by Gareth Porter Featured Writer Dandelion Salad crossposted at IPS 28 July, 2011 KABUL, Jul 28, 2011 (IPS) – The Taliban leadership is ready to negotiate peace with the United States right now if Washington indicates its willingness to provide a timetable for complete withdrawal, according to ...
- The Left has lost its way over Libya By Willia ...by William Bowles Featured Writer Dandelion Salad williambowles.info 26 July, 2011 In an essentially excellent piece Sarah Flounders’ âLibya: Demonization and Self-determinationâ, near the beginning under the sub-head âWhat should be the response to this terror?â she writes: âUnfortunately, a m ...
- Gravity Breakthrough: Springing into a Gravita ...By Roland Michel Tremblay Featured Writer Dandelion Salad The Marginal 27 July, 2011 Gravity is one of the most familiar everyday phenomena, yet it has mystified scientists and laymen for centuries. Even today, although the current official position on gravity is a continual âspace-time warping ...
- The US and the New Middle East: The GulfDandelion Salad AlJazeeraEnglish on Jul 26, 2011 Fault Lines’ Seb Walker travels to the Gulf to look at US policy in the region, and to explore why the United States has taken an interventionist policy in Libya, but not in Bahrain, where there has been a brutal crackdown on protesters. Why doe ...
Your New Reality
- No titleHow Rupert Murdoch Conned British MPs By Playing The Sad, Pathetic Old Man Card By Darryl Mason Rupert Murdoch, at first, refused to appear before British MPs to answer questions about News International's involvement in phone hacking, spying, blackmail and police corruption. But so furious wa ...
- No titleThe Rupert Murdoch Hacking And Spying Scandal has given competing media companies, independent news agencies, bloggers and tweeters enormous opportunities to feast on, mock and profit from Murdoch's legal problems. Now it's time for advertising agencies to get their share of the cash-in from the ...
- No titleOne of the reasons I love Twitter is it forces people to say what they want to say in as few a words as possible. Sure they can tease with a line and then link to a 1000 word essay, but it's much better when the truth of the matter is nailed then and there in one or two tweets. Like this double ...
- No titleEx-Murdoch Editor Claims Phone Of Dead Girl Hacked Only To Help Police One of the most bizarre explanations for journalists spying on victims of crime and why Rupert Murdoch journalists at the News Of The World paid investigators to hack into the phone of a missing 13 year girl, of course it co ...
- No titleThe worst famine the world has seen in decades is killing tens of thousands of people in Somalia. So Rupert Murdoch's The London Times decides this human tragedy is as good a means as any to try and steer attention away the ongoing hacking and spying scandal that continues to engulf the Times pa ...
Wired - Science
- Your Genome Structure, Not Genetic Mutations, ...A new look at the human genome suggests that unappreciated variations in its fundamental architecture, rather than point-by-point mutations, may be responsible for most genetic difference among people. Point-by-point mutations, called single nucleotide polymorphisms, involve simple changes to D ...
- Spaceflight Psychology And The New “Right Stuff”With arguably the coolest job on or off the planet, astronauts need nobody’s pity of no one. Nonetheless, theirs is a life of extraordinary psychological demands: leadership, technical proficiency, split-second decision making and ironclad focus. And beyond fulfilling the “hero” requirements, a ...
- Sheer Numbers Gave Early Humans Edge Over Nean ...By Kate Shaw, Ars Technica Between 35,000 and 45,000 years ago, Neanderthals in Europe and Asia were replaced by the first modern humans. Why and how this transition occurred remains somewhat controversial. New research from the journal Science suggests that sheer numbers may have played a larg ...
- The Big Crunch: Physicists Make Time EndThis is the way the world ends: not with a bang but a higher harmonic generation. The same researchers who used exotic substances called metamaterials to make a benchtop Big Bang have mimicked the end of time, also known as the Big Crunch. Light traveling through metamaterials is described math ...
- Children Play Like Scientists WorkBy Katie Scott, Wired UK Young children play like scientists work, according to a new research project at MIT and Stanford University. The findings, which were published in the journal Cognition, reveal how four- and five-year-olds approached games methodically. They were given a specially des ...
Israeli Occupation Archive
- Ahmed Tibi: A strike against free speechBecause I believe in ending the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory, equal rights for Palestinians and Jews, and the right of return for Palestinian refugees forced from their homes and lands... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian ...
- Gideon Levy: The tent protesters must graduate ...The time has come to stick their hand in the fire and fight for all the issues they have steered clear of so far - the security budget, the settlements, the occupation, the breaches of democracy and... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian l ...
- Israel to bill Bedouins for razing their homesIsraeli authorities are suing residents of a makeshift Bedouin village for the cost of repeatedly evicting them and razing "illegal structures" where they live, an official said on Wednesday... An... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian la ...
- Michal Shamir: More political than politicsFor Israel's housing protest to succeed, it must be defined as political - and it must be translated into political acts. The issues it raises must be placed at the center of Israel's democratic... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lands ...
- Dror Etkes: If only Rothschild were a settlementSix governments preferred to encourage Israelis to go and live on settlements rather than in the periphery of the country. This had a critical effect on the level of supply in various regions, and... The Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA) covers Israel's military occupation of Palestinian lan ...
Ria Novosti - Military
- Chinese warships participate in Russian Navy D ...Two Chinese navy ships are taking part in the festivities dedicated to the celebration of the Russian Navy Day in the Far Eastern port of Vladivostok, a spokesman for Russia's Pacific Fleet said on Sunday.
- Russian airborne forces to get state-of-the-ar ...Russian airborne forces will accept for service new state-of-the-art self-propelled artillery guns in 2013, Lt. Gen. Nikolai Ignatov said on Saturday.
- Russian inspectors to make aerial surveillance ...A group of Russian air inspectors will make an aerial observation flight over the territory of the United States in line with the Open Skies Treaty, Russia's Defense Ministry said on Saturday.
- Russian Black Sea Fleet to receive 6 new diese ...Russia's Black Sea Fleet will be strengthened with six Kilo class diesel-electric submarines in the next few years, Navy Commander Adm. Vladimir Vysotsky said on Friday.
- Polish Defense Minister Klich resignsPolish Prime Minister Donald Tusk on Friday accepted the resignation of Defense Minister Bogdan Klich.
- National Asthma Genetics Consortium Releases F ...A new national collaboration of asthma genetics researchers has revealed a novel gene associated with the disease in African-Americans, and study confirmed the significance of four gene associations reported by a European asthma genetics study.
- Caving for ClimateScientists are descending into caves on a small island in the middle of the South Pacific to try and gain a better understanding of weather patterns occurring as far back as 10,000 years ago.
- ACR and SBI Statement on BMJ Article Regarding ...A recent report in the British Medical Journal claims there is no evidence that mammography served a direct role in reducing breast cancer deaths in European countries where screening has been implemented. The American College of Radiology and the Society of Breast Imaging say these conclusions ...
- LVAD: A Second Lease on Life for Levindale PatientWhile waiting for a new heart, a 52 year old Baltimore man can enjoy the little things in life thanks to a Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD). An LVAD is a mechanical heart, which is surgically attached to a patient's own weak heart to help blood pump at a normal rate or take over the pumping ...
- Former American Sociological Association Presi ...J. Milton Yinger, a former President of the American Sociological Association (ASA), died on July 28, at the age of 95. A prolific author and a distinguished professor of sociology at Oberlin College, Yinger was honored by his profession by being elected to serve as ASA President in 1977.
Natural Health News
- Is Eating More Fat One of the Keys To Overcomi ...During times of stress, many people start eating fatty or sugary foods.� But little is understood about how those foods affect your emotions. ��According to a new study, hormones in your stomach may communicate directly with your brain. While most research on food and emotion has looked at the ...
- Are GMO Crops Used for Bio Fuel Ruining Enviro ...A new study assessed the environmental impacts of large scale bioenergy crops. The researchers looked at daily pesticide concentration data for a study area consisting of four large watersheds located in Michigan. The results were used to predict the possible long-term implications that large-s ...
- GMO's Are Not the Only Way that Monsanto is Ra ...The residents of the town of Anniston, Alabama, live close to a Monsanto plant that manufactured polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from 1929 to 1971. The people who live there are all relatively heavily exposed to the chemicals. A recent study sought to determine the relationship between blood p ...
- Why Are Prescriptions Up 70 Percent in the UK?In Britain, more prescription drugs than ever are being given out; the number being dispensed has increased almost 70 percent over the past ten years. According to figures from the NHS Information Centre, the highest number of drugs dispensed last year was for heart conditions, followed by pain ...
- New Ways Drug Companies are Manipulating Your ...Free smartphone apps from Epocrates are used by nearly half of the U.S. doctors to look up information on drug dosing, interactions and insurance coverage.� But calling them �free� may be a bit misleading -- �to use the apps, doctors must first see marketing messages for prescription drugs. The ...
- Dean of science…suggesting rising seas t…Dean of science…suggesting rising seas this next century of up to 100 metres, or Al Gore six metres. When I see things like that I know these are false. You mentioned the IPCC report; that suggests, at worst on best scenarios, 59 centimetres. http://www.google.com
- ABC science presenter Robyn Williams seeks mor ...ABC science presenter Robyn Williams who in 2007 believed seas could rise 100 meters, seeks more truth from scientists after Climategate.
- How to avoid your own Climategate scandalWhat are the lessons of Climategate? More honesty and transparency in science? Not according to attorney Alan Nelson in the Guardian UK today. To him, the lesson is how not to get caught next time. So how do universities and academics ensure that their correspondence does not become the “smoki ...
- What is the “likelihood” that the 2007 IPCC Re ...A very interesting analysis of the IPPC Assessment and has some important questions that invite others to help him answer. Please read his article and let him know what conclusions you draw.
- Schools call for a “balanced teaching of globa ...USA Today reports that US schools are finally calling for both sides of global warming to be taught, because it is after all, a theory -- not a fact:
Opinio Juris
- Guilfoyle on the Mavi Marmaraby Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller I want to call readers’ attention to Douglas Guilfoyle’s article “The Mavi Marmara Incident and Blockade in Armed Conflict,” which is forthcoming in the British Year Book of International Law. (Subscription required.) It’s absolutely superb — compreh ...
- Punishment for Terrorism in Norwayby Roger Alford by Roger Alford Professor Cecilia Marcela Bailliet of the University of Oslo has a very useful post over at IntLawGrrls on possible criminal punishment for right-wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik. Contrary to what has been reported elsewhere, according to Bailliet it is pos ...
- Consular Convention Implementing Legislation: ...by Peggy McGuinness by Peggy McGuinness Though it produced hardly a ripple in the news (given all the other drama on Capitol Hill this week), Senator Leahy held a hearing yesterday on the legislation he has introduced to enforce the notification provisions of the Vienna Convention on Consular ...
- Col. Morris Davis on the Political Prosecution ...by Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller David Hicks is back in the news here in Australia, because the DPP has announced that it intends to seize any royalties he receives from the sale of his book, Guantanamo: My Journey. The DPP’s decision has received a great deal of criticism, for a vari ...
- Col. Morris Davis on the Political Prosecution ...by Kevin Jon Heller by Kevin Jon Heller David Hicks is back in the news here in Australia, because the DPP has announced that it intends to seize any royalties he receives from the sale of his book, Guantanamo: My Journey. The DPP’s decision has received a great deal of criticism, for a vari ...
Public News Service
- New Promises to Children: Campaign Kicks Off i ...New Promises to Children: Campaign Kicks Off in Arizona Phoenix, AZ – A promise to children: An opportunity for healthy brain development, school preparation, and nurturing environments. That’s the basis of the “National Movement for America’s Children” to encourage everyone to get involved to i ...
- Number of Children with Food Allergies on the RiseNumber of Children with Food Allergies on the Rise Phoenix, AZ - About eight-percent of children in the United States may have a food allergy, according to a new study (from Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine). Comments from allergist Dr. Allan Stillerman with Minnesota-based ...
- Ending Wilderness Protection for AZ Forests?Ending Wilderness Protection for AZ Forests? Phoenix, AZ - More than a million acres of potential wilderness in Arizona’s national forests would lose protection under a bill being heard today in a U.S. House committee. The Wilderness and Roadless Area Release Act would open up so-called roadless ...
- Help With Energy Bills Still Available for Low ...Help With Energy Bills Still Available for Low-Income Arizonans Phoenix, AZ – High summer energy bills can be especially painful for low-income Arizonans, sometimes threatening their ability to remain in their homes. But help is available from several sources. Comments from Arizona Community Act ...
- Consumer Groups Hail New Federal Protection BureauConsumer Groups Hail New Federal Protection Bureau Phoenix, AZ – Today (Thursday), is the first day of operations for the new federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Consumer advocates say while Wall Street banks oppose the new bureau, it’s an idea that the public is solidly behind. Commen ...
Center for Food Safety
- U.S. Congress Turns Up The Heat On Genetically ...23 Members of Congress say “GE fish would not be in the public interest” NEWLY PUBLISHED STUDIES HIGHLIGHT ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS OF ESCAPED GE FISH Members of Congress turned up the heat on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last Friday, sending strongly worded, bipartisan letters calling ...
- U.S. House Of Representatives Passes Amendment ...Sixty-Seven Organizations and Businesses Endorse Amendment; CFS Calls upon FDA to Reject Approval of GE Salmon The Center for Food Safety (CFS) applauds the U.S. House of Representatives for its decision yesterday to prohibit the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from approving genetically eng ...
- FDA temporarily suspends use of some arsenic i ...Center for Food Safety and Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy urge continued action to remove all arsenic from animal feeds permanently The federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today announced that Alpharma, a division of the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, has agreed to stop sellin ...
- Family Farmers Amplify Complaint Against Monsa ...Monsanto’s Failure to Provide Binding Legal Covenant To Protect Family Farmers Threatened by GMO Contamination Necessitates Amended Complaint New threats by Monsanto have led to the filing of an amended complaint by the Public Patent Foundation (PUBPAT) in its suit on behalf of family farmers, s ...
- Environmental Groups Petition Federal Governme ...FDA poised to take action on the first-ever application to market a genetically engineered salmon without adequate consideration of environmental risks and public input Earthjustice, on behalf of Ocean Conservancy, Friends of the Earth, Center for Food Safety, Food & Water Watch, the Center for ...
Angry Indian Op-Eds
- CopWatch (2002)Winner: 2003 Media That Matters - Media Activism Award (Guerrilla News Network) American television audiences have long been accustomed to the celebration of rawkus police action via the Fox Network's signature exploitation, COPS. And while, for many, the show is a tell-tale sign of ...
- 2 Spirits: Native Lesbians and Gay Men : Osa H ...2-Spirited people (Native lesbians and Gay men) from the Bay Area share their experience of overlapping gender, ethnic and cultural identities as they explore and define their visions of utopia. Coordinating Producer: Osa Hidalgo de la Riva for Royal Eagle-Bear Productions (Oakland, CA )
- Colombia: Play Democracy, Hide the Corpses - A ...Colombia: Play Democracy, Hide the Corpses - Anarkismo Not a week goes in Colombia without reports of assassinations and persecution of labor and political activists. Ana Fabricia Cordoba, gender activist and leader of displaced peasants, was shot dead on June 7th inside a street bus, after she ...
- Jews sans frontieres: Why write about Jews?Jews sans frontieres: Why write about Jews? Beware – a publicity blurb about a book follows. The book is mine – Jewish Identity and Palestinian Rights – and it analyses diaspora Jewish opposition to Israel. There'll be a description of what the book is about over at Mondoweiss. There’s another d ...
- Mathaba: Ethnic Cleansing of Black LibyansMathaba: Ethnic Cleansing of Black Libyans Black Star News Editorial The "rebels" in Misrata in Libya have driven out the entire Black population of the city, according to a chilling story in The Wall Street Journal today under the headline Libya City Torn by Tribal Feud." The "rebels" now e ...
- Plot Device, Allegro Non “Trope”-oThis is a showcase of post-processing more than of acting; the effects overwhelm it. After all, it is a viral commercial for Red Giant Software. Yet, this witty short film is hilarious in exposing the over-use of movie tropes by lazy (or cowardly?) script writers who are filling movie theaters, ...
- What is Google+?I’ve been testing out Google+ for the past few weeks, and although I’m not leaving Facebook anytime soon, I like the selectiveness of being able to share to different circles or everyone. Let me know in the comments if you’d like a Google+ invite. Related posts:Why Google Buzz? Your Web Alphabet ...
- Paul Bloom: The origins of pleasureThis fascinating TED conference reveals research into the psychology of pleasure and pain. Pleasure and pain are increased or decreased by what we believe about them. Sometimes I wish I could hypnotize myself and change what I believe about my life. I’m conscious that much of my misery comes fr ...
- Pensieve Gets a New LookI decided to give the blog a much-needed face lift. I decided on this theme because it needed the least amount of tweaking (so I thought). I ended up having to code myself through the installation, sadly, in order to keep my old posts and be able to show the thumbnails you can see if [...] Re ...
- Impeachment: an Overdue Constitutional AmendmentPhoto by codepinkhq After skimming over the Truth Commission’s report, I found that one of their recommendations is to introduce an impeachment mechanism to the Honduran Constitution. An impeachment mechanism would have been sufficient to achieve the goal the Congress and Supreme Court wanted in ...
Green Times
- The world experienceAs this signs shows, the world is huge, and cities and places to see are innumerable. Travelling is such a unique and amazing experience, not just to contemplate beautiful landscapes but also to learn and share different cultures. Although most forms of travel produce carbon emissions (gl ...
- Go Green Tips ~ to Save EnergyLooking for tips and tricks to help live a more environmentally-sensitive lifestyle? Try out some of our favourite tips to help you save energy…
- Environmental News 29/07/2011Environmental News You Shouldn't Miss
- WOW!How to save a humpback whale! Humpback whales are an endangered species (wildlife/endangered-species.html), and are still a target for the whaling "industry". Since the whaling moratorium was introduced in 1966, their population has partially recovered; however, entanglement in fishing g ...
- Environmental News 28/07/2011Environmental News You Shouldn't Miss
The Briefing Room | Investigate
- BREAKING SILENCE: what the Coroner was not all ...HASH(0x9bd6b60)
- BREAKING SILENCE news releaseHASH(0x9f3d338)
- News release on Ian Wishart's Kahui case book, ...HASH(0x9baa900)
- News release from Ian Wishart: Book will be pu ...HASH(0xa005290)
- Sea-level study released - yawnHASH(0x4ad7370)
Israel-The Only Democracy in the Middle East?
- Israeli Army ambushes Freedom TheaterSoldiers have stormed the Freedom Theatre of Jenin, whose co-founder Juliano Mer-Khamis was slain earlier this year. URGENT PRESS RELEASE From The Freedom Theater Foundation, Jenin, Palestine 04.46 (gmt+2), July 27, 2011 Special Forces of the Israeli Army attacked the Freedom Theater in Jenin Re ...
- For Israeli army, Palestinians having guests i ...Video of the Jully 22nd protest in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh. Part 1 of an account of that day’s protest from our source A. is here. Her story continues… After a while, my paramedic friend and a young man from the village led me once again through back-roads and fields back to Leila’ ...
- For Israeli army, Palestinians having guests i ...Here is the  video of the Nabi Saleh protest from Friday. We received this account from the same protest our anonymous  source A., an international activist living in Palestine.  She explains: This account is edited from a chat conversation describing events that took place on July 21st dur ...
- For Lieberman, human rights = terrorismWell, this sums it up well. Though Israel declined to follow up the anti-Boycott bill by passing a law calling for the investigation of human rights organizations, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman was not “blasted ministers for refusing to probe” From Ha’aretz, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberm ...
- More from the Salem Music Center: Q&A with the ...The Villages Group continues to work closely with Salem’s Music Center, leading to ever-expanding relationships between the Center and the music-education community in Israel. Below (in reverse chronological order) are descriptions of two visits from Tel Aviv to Salem that took place over the p ...
Politics in the Zeros
- Kucinich on the national debtI completely agree with Kucinich on ending the wars, having public works projects, and green jobs incubators. But why the insistence that the debt ceiling should be increased with no strings attached? This akin to homeowners six years ago who thought prices would go up forever hence they could ...
- Dimbulbs in DC about to bring forth a mouseAnd kick the can down the road yet again. $1.2 trillion in cuts over 10 years? Chump change. Plus a ‘Super Congress’ which must act on up to $1.6 trillion more in cuts by November which Congress must approve else mandated cuts happen. Since those mandated cuts include defense, you can be sure ou ...
- “Days, not weeks”, eh? Libya quaqmire worsensEarlier this week Britain, in an obvious sign of desperation, said they might accept Gaddafi remaining in Libya if he stepped down. A few days ago, the rebel’s military chief was assassinated by Islamist militia members. A Gaddafi spokesperson says this shows the rebels aren’t capable of governi ...
- Trinidad Scorpion “Butch T” now world’s hottes ...It rates at an insanely hot 1,463,700 Scoville units (Jalapenos are 5,000-7,000, Habaneros 500,000 or so) And yes, someone eats one whole in a few seconds in the video (then starts hopping around the house, eating bread and drinking milk to counter its fearsome effects)
- Google directoriesGoogle blogs. They have over 160 blogs covering everything from renewable energy to their mutitude of products as well as hardcore developer stuff. Google Twitter accounts Google Facebook Pages Google YouTube channels
- Yediot’s Plocker: Thank you Mossad for r ...On Sunday (January 9 2011), Yediot’s Itamar Eichner reported [emphasis mine; full translation here]: Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is furious with outgoing Mossad Director Meir Dagan because of the briefing Dagan gave journalists last Thursday. In the course of that briefing, Dagan shared wi ...
- “Rejectionist front”: Maariv detai ...As Israel’s diplomatic position erodes and the Palestinian Authority’s campaign for the unilateral recognition of a state in the 1967 borders gains ground, the demand for “direct negotiations” has become a central talking point of  Israeli government spokespeople. Here’s the latest example, fro ...
- New Yorker editor David Remnick to Yediot:  ...On December 24 2010, Yediot’s Friday Political Supplement ran an interview with New Yorker editor David Remnick by Adi Gold. Most of the interview was dedicated to his new biography of Barack Obama. Gold did ask a political question on Israel and Reminck’s response was very blunt. Note that th ...
- Breaking the Silence’s landmark new book ...Breaking the Silence has just published a landmark collection of soldier testimonies from the Occupied Territories spanning the period 2000-2010. The 432 page book can now be browsed, downloaded and embedded here. If you read nothing else, take the time to look over the first to pages of the int ...
- Following local pressure, Adidas reconsiders s ...This Maariv article [full translation below] from Friday is particularly badly written and repetitive, so I’ll summarize. Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat decides to hold the first Jerusalem International Marathon in March 2011. He gets Adidas to sponsor the event. An Israeli runner registers and the ...
Deadline Live
- Pirates of Savannah, A Book ReviewI must admit, I am a tad bit jealous of Tarrin Lupo. He is a man of many talents, not the least of which is his ability to tell a story. His book, “Pirates of Savannah,” is a well crafted historical fiction that recounts a time nearly forgotten and hardly ever mentioned in the study [...]
- DEADLINE LIVE EXCLUSIVE: Norway Terrorist Purc ...By Mario Andrade DeadlineLive.info July 31, 2011 Anders Behring Breivik, the terrorist responsible for last week’s Oslo attacks purchased what’s known as ‘CIA Caltrop’ tire spikes from a Mexican security firm. In his manifesto, Breivik provides the name and address of the firm, which is Prosperi ...
- After terror attacks, Norway’s Labour Pa ...AFP Norway’s ruling Labour Party, which was the target of the bloody twin attacks on 22 July, has seen its popularity soar since the massacre, a poll published Sunday showed. Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg’s party received 41.7 per cent support in a Synovate poll of 500 people carried out betwe ...
- Judge orders Nixon’s secret Watergate testimon ...WASHINGTON (Reuters) – More than 36 years later, the secret grand jury testimony of President Richard Nixon in the Watergate scandal was ordered released on Friday by a federal judge because of its significance in American history. U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth granted a request by histo ...
- Larry Flynt on the American Justice System, an ...
The Air Vent
- Polarbear Science Mysteries Exposed?Don’t kid yourself, they want the bears to drown. Check this out at WUWT, AKA the center of the internet. Inspector generalâs transcript of drowned polar bear researcher being grilled
- A repy to Dr. Jim BouldinI’ve been gone for a while working on other things. MikeN called my attention to a criticism by Jim Bouldin, of my ‘probing’ of the hockey stick CPS methods. Since the Air Vent wouldn’t even be a climate blog, if it weren’t for Mann 08, it does seem important to address the criticisms by Jim ...
- Roman M’s anomaly combination incorporat ...As long time readers know, I’m a fan of Roman’s temperature combination method which doesn’t require a base period window to offset individual station anomalies in global temperature averaging.  Steve Mosher has incorporated Roman’s work into his own code for R. Roman’s Method – Steve Mosher
- Introduction to RghcnV3 – Steve MosherSteve has put together a high quality series of algorithms for combining surface station data in R. He has combined methods from a wide variety of sources with the following example incorporating ideas from my favorite blog by Tamino. This is the kind of science I like, open source, nothing hi ...
- Subsampled Confidence Intervals – ZekeSub-sampling is hard to argue with. Zeke has done a post on global temperatures at the Blackboard taking 500 stations at a time and looking at the extremes of averages. It presented a set of very tight error bars based on weather variance, sampling errors, and any other random events which af ...
Focal Point
- How Many Swastikas Does a Guy Have to Tattoo o ...Here's a strange story: Erica Herrera plans to marry Curtis Allgier, even though he's an incarcerated alleged murderer with white supremacist tattoos all over his face and she's not white. (Full-sized image) Herrera attempts to explain her decision to the Associated Press in terms of kind of . ...
- New York Owl Felled By HerpesCity investigators have determined that a great horned own found dead in Inwood Hill Park last month succumbed to avian herpes. The virus is not transmissible to humans. [Photo credit: Great horned owl by Vicki's Nature, Creative Commons.]Read More
- Cat Food Central: Boehner's Budget Proposal Wo ...John Boehner's budget proposal would cause the greatest increase in poverty in U.S. history, according to an analysis from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: House Speaker John Boehner’s new budget proposal would require deep cuts in the years immediately ahead in Social Security ...
- Trypophobia Does this picture of a harmless lotus pod give you the howling fantods? I'll admit, it squicks me a little. Jennifer Abbasi reports on the Popular Science blog that there's something of a grassroots movement afoot to recognize "trypophobia," an irrational aversion to the sight of clustered hol ...
- Born to Run: Poll Shows NJ Voters Evenly Split ...I've been trying to draft the Boss for years. Finally, a survey by Policy Policy Polling shows that New Jerseyans are as likely to support Bruce Springsteen for governor (42%) as they are to back incumbent Republican governor Chris Christie (42%), with 16% undecided. Springsteen isn't even run ...
Inside Facebook
- New This Week on the Inside Network Job Board: ...The Inside Network Job Board is dedicated to providing you with the best job opportunities across social and mobile application platforms. Here are this week’s highlights from the Inside Network Job Board, including positions at ngmoco , lolapps, Context Optional, Pontiflex, Electronic Arts, Ka ...
- Facebook Roundup: Prineville, Ceglia, Seattle, ...Facebook Set for Another Oregon Datacenter – Facebook announced this week that it would build another data center on its Prineville, Oregon campus. Construction is set to begin in October. Facebook to Expand in Seattle – Facebook is currently looking for more office space in Seattle, according t ...
- Facebook White Hat Program Now Offers Bounty f ...Facebook has added a bounty system to its white hat program today that rewards security researchers for privately and responsibly informing the company of site vulnerabilities. Researchers can make $500 or more for disclosing bugs that could endanger users, such as cross-site scripting (XSS), or ...
- Facebook Test Lets Users Tag Family Members by ...Facebook users can now tag a family member in a post by typing in how they are related, rather than their name. For example, typing in “Cousin” will open the typeahead and display any friend the user has confirmed as their cousin through the Family & Friends tab in the profile editor. The new wa ...
- Webtrends Expands From Apps and Analytics to F ...Webtrends this week released a end-to-end Facebook Page management and tab application suite called Webtrends Social, which can manage Pages, build apps, and track ad conversions. Originally a web analytics company, Webtrends acquired custom social app developer and do-it-yourself app building p ...
Truthout - Tweets
- truthout: The Wisconsin Workers Uprising (Part ...truthout: The Wisconsin Workers Uprising (Part 2) http://t.co/eAoCqgM #p2 #p2b #tpot
- truthout: Spain: "Indignant" Demonstrators Mar ...truthout: Spain: "Indignant" Demonstrators Marching to Brussels to Protest Effects of Crisis http://t.co/RPUCR4s #p2 #p2b #tpot
- truthout: Senate Delays Vote on Debt Bill as 1 ...truthout: Senate Delays Vote on Debt Bill as 11th-Hour Talks Gain Ground http://t.co/zhcIbS0 #p2 #p2b #tpot
- truthout: $35 Billion of Oil Plus an "Uncontac ...truthout: $35 Billion of Oil Plus an "Uncontacted" Tribe Equals Coverup http://t.co/RqG60GI #p2 #p2b #tpot
- truthout: Freedom From Fear Awards: Arizona St ...truthout: Freedom From Fear Awards: Arizona Student Fights for DREAM Act http://t.co/uGO9dpG #p2 #p2b #tpot
ReDress News
- Israel and the American Jewish voterLawrence Davidson analyses the bizarre phenomenon of a Democratic and a Republican candidate fighting a congressional election in a New York district not over national or local issues, but over which of the two is more loyal to Israel.
- Norwegian mass murderer Breivik's ideological ...Gilad Atzmon considers Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik's ideological and spiritual soulmates in Britain: pro-Israel advocate Melanie Phillips and the equally pro-Israel racist far right, such as the English Defence League and the neo-conservative Zionist blog Harry’s Place.
- Death and contradiction: the case of Iran’s nu ...Lawrence Davidson considers two contradictions underlying US policy towards Iran: on the one hand an anti-Iranian, anti-Muslim and pro-Israel worldview manifested in, among other things, the murder of Iranian nuclear scientists on the pretext that Iran represents a nuclear threat, and on the oth ...
- Norway's monster and the poison of Zionist pro ...How much was the mind of Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik conditioned and warped by Zionist propaganda as peddled with the assistance of Christian fundamentalism by much of the Western mainstream media and many websites?
- Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik's fello ...Gilad Atzmon views an article by Zionist writer and former Trotskyite David Horowitz, written on the eve of the Utoeye Island massacre in Norway, "which could well have provided mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik with all the motivation he needed to commit his crime".
Amazon Rainforest
- World’s largest beef company signs Amazo ...The world’s largest meat processor has agreed to stop buying beef from ranches associated with slave labor and illegal deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, according to the public prosecutor’s office in the state of Acre. The deal absolves JBS-Friboi from 2 billion reals ($1.3 billion) in pote ...
- World’s largest beef company signs Amazo ...The world’s largest meat processor has agreed to stop buying beef from ranches associated with slave labor and illegal deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, according to the public prosecutor’s office in the state of Acre. The deal absolves JBS-Friboi from 2 billion reals ($1.3 billion) in pote ...
- Peru suffers an environmental tragedy!The rising price of gold has multiplied by six the pace of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest in the Peruvian region of Madre de Dios in recent years. Illegal gold searches using primitive techniques in the years 2003-9 led to the destruction of 7,000 hectares of virgin and extremely divers ...
- Earth’s Living Treasure- Celebrating Forests f ...United Nations declared 2o11 as the International Year of Forests (Forests 2o11), and why Forests are the theme of the International Day for Biological Diversity on 22 May 2o11. In this special year, the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) are ...
- Belo Monte hydroelectric dam construction work ...The company leading the dam project, Norte Energia, announced that infrastructure work on roads that will provide access to the region started on Monday morning. The £7bn Belo Monte dam on the Amazon’s Xingu river is scheduled to start producing energy on 31 December 2014 and would be the seco ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
- Boiling Frogs Post: The Coming ChapterWhat we have been doing & what we will be doing It’s been a very busy month for Boiling Frogs Post. The ‘busy’ includes what you’ve been reading, watching and listening to here, and also what’s been taking place behind the scene invisible to you all. Let me start with what we have been doing [...]
- Fethullah Gulen Foundations in US on Our Tax D ...Gulen US Charter Schools: Where is Your Money Going?! This site depends exclusively on readers’ support. Please help us continue by contributing directly and or purchasing Boiling Frogs showcased products.
- BFP Select Nightly News & EditorialsSenators Want Secret Warrantless Wiretap Renewal, Censorship of War Casualties in US, First Presidential Campaign Finance Report, The Harrowing Drone Damages in Pakistan, US Accuses Iran of “Secret Deal” with Al-Qaeda, DOD Full-Spectrum Cyberspace Budget Lunacy, The Coming Partition of Libya? & ...
- Jamiol Presents
- BFP Select Nightly News & EditorialsThe Moral Bankruptcy of American Spooks, US Missile Shield May Be Precursor for Attack on Iran, Al-Qaeda Leader Hails Syrian Protestors, Ford Takes US Taxpayers Bailout & Deserts Sinking Ship, Feds to Grab Land for Homeland Security, Hidden Hegemony: Canadian Mining in Latin America, What is a D ...
Afro Spear
- Niggazz are Wannaa-bee GangstazzFootball is a violent sport. No doubt it plays into the gladiator blood sport mythos of days gone by. It’s also BIG business. I’ve heard that the current labour dispute between the owners and players is at the root, really about how to divvy up $9 billion is yearly revenue… basically the owner ...
- “Ralph Nader Is Tired of Running for Pre ...Click on image for article
- the Lupe Fiasco fiasco“My fight against terrorism, to me, the biggest terrorist is Obama in the United States of America. I’m trying to fight the terrorism that’s actually causing the other forms of terrorism. You know, the root cause of terrorism is the stuff the U.S. government allows to happen. The foreign policie ...
- A Sunday Sermon
- sat’day riddymzWOW!! It’s hard to fathom that it’s been 2 years ago today already that MJ died. I for one have come to appreciate his music more and more.
Expose the BNP
- Expose the BNP: activists’ meetingOver the summer we have seen the extreme right enter parliament in Sweden and racist deportations of Roma people from France. Here at home the EDL have continued to target cities with Muslim communities, while the police are bringing trumped-up charges against anti-fascists. November 6 sees a na ...
- Rotherham fascist leads secret double lifeA BNP activist is living a secret double life, desperate to prevent his employers from finding out about his extremist views – despite having stood as a candidate in last month’s election. Tom Holmes (25) received 715 votes in the recent elections for Rotherham Council but has managed to keep hi ...
- Nick Griffin humiliated in Barking defeatThe British National Party have suffered a humiliating defeat in the general election when Nick Griffin failed to gain a Westminster seat for the East London ward of Barking. Labour MP Margaret Hodge secured the seat with a 16,000 majority, with Griffin trailing third after the Conservative cand ...
- Ten questions that expose Nick GriffinOn the day that the BNP launches its election manifesto, Expose the BNP has researched 10 questions for journalists to put to the BNP leader, the answers to which reveal him to be a deeply racist, anti-Semitic Holocaust denier who boasts about his criminal past. 1. In which year did you stop den ...
- Workshy Griffin left his parents pennilessOn yesterdayâs Today programme, BNP leader Nick Griffin told the Radio Four audience that âLiberal economics … have utterly bankrupted this country.â The truth is that Nick Griffin was himself declared bankrupt in 1991. Over several years thereafter he destroyed his parentsâ finances as well. Gr ...
Ode Magazine
- Three creative ways people are bringing hope a ...By: Anne Thomas Even though the initial intensity of the March 11 disaster has subsided, many people still feel a deep tugging to help Japanese disaster victims. Since that subtle pull is strong and persistent, people are finding very creative ways to bring hop ...
- Saying goodbye to David Servan-SchreiberBy: Ode Ode columnist David Servan-Schreiber died on the evening of Sunday, July 24. He was 50. A professor of psychiatry in the US and France, Servan-Schreiber wrote the bestselling Anticancer: A New Way of Life and The Instinct to Heal, both read around the w ...
- Meditating on Pema Chödrön's 'Dusk on the River'By: Anne Thomas Although my main job is in a university, I also teach privately. My favorite of those lessons is an advanced English class for adults. I have been teaching them for many years, so we have become good friends. Since they are well educated and tal ...
- Women broadcasting peace in BrazilBy: PeaceCorso So of course you know how once something enters your conscious awareness, you see it everywhere. You will not be surprised that Brazil is showing up all over my reality. Here’s a wonderful story about women in a shantytown in Rio de Janeiro broad ...
- Imai Sensei’s vivid picture of SendaiBy: Anne Thomas My friend Imai Sensei is a Baptist preacher who runs a homeless center here in Sendai. He has been helping victims of the recent earthquake and tsunami. He is my hero through and through. Recently he asked me to edit an article he was sending ou ...
OpEd News
- The Time to Challenge the Two-Party SystemWhat is needed is a national progressive electoral organization. We therefore call for running a progressive candidate of national stature in next year's Presidential election. This campaign is to run to the end regardless of the effect that it may have on Obama's re-election chances, and it wi ...
- Waking Up From the DrillWe cannot continue to depend on oil to fuel our transportation sector, making our nation vulnerable to OPEC's interests. Instead, we must invest in alternative energy options to secure our nation's independence. By simply drilling more domestic oil, we will continue to pay high global oil prices ...
- FBI Director's Term Extension Ensures Neo-COIN ...The Obama Administration and Congress effectively made legitimate all the operations of the FBI since FBI Director Robert Mueller took over the agency one week before the September 11th terror attacks. No senators had a problem with granting this extension, despite the fact that it would establi ...
- The Media Should Be RestrainedImmediately after any incidence of terrorist activity, the mainstream media's immediate reaction - pointing the finger towards Muslim extremist groups - shows the media's inherent bias against the Muslims.
- Shades of Gray Going AwayWe have been slowly losing the shades of gray in life, both in the content we receive, and in our ability to cognize and process it. Studies begun in the late 60s in T--bingen show that modern people distinguish far fewer shades of gray or green, and recognize fewer sounds than folks from 15 or ...
- Proposed EPA Budget Cuts Will Hurt Environment ...Al Huang, Senior Attorney, Environmental Justice This past week, the full House of Representatives began consideration of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, FY 2012 (H.R. 2584). As many of my colleagues have alrea ...
- Twisted Sisters: of Whitebark Pine and MacbethLouisa Willcox, Senior Wildlife Advocate, Livingston, Montana Upon reading last week’s finding by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) that whitebark pine is so threatened it warrants endangered species protections, somehow I found myself re ...
- Price Matters - Water Conservation and the Cal ...Barry Nelson, Senior Policy Analyst, Water Program, San Francisco In today’s San Jose Mercury News, Paul Wenger, of the California Farm Bureau Federation issues a caution about the limits to agricultural water conservation, citing rising prices in ...
- Gas Mileage Gains Move the Country ForwardPeter Lehner, Executive Director, New York City Today my colleague Luke Tonachel and I represented NRDC at the Washington ceremony where President Obama announced a triumph of American leadership, the single largest step we can take to break our c ...
- Latin America Climate, Energy and Environment ...Amanda Maxwell, Latin America Advocate, Washington, DC Regional The Inter-American Bank (IDB) will lend US$128 million to Brazil for the hydroelectric sector. The funds will be used to increase energy production, lower maintenance costs and add ...
Lawyers,Guns,& Money
- I used to be disgustedNow I try to be amused. The deal they were discussing, this person said, resembled the bill that Mr. Boehner won approval for in the House on Friday more than it did the one that Mr. Reid had proposed. It would immediately raise the debt ceiling by about $1 trillion, accompanied by a similar ran ...
- CNN gives its readers a wide range of views on ...Ranging from a former GOP senator, to another former GOP senator, to another former GOP senator, to another former GOP senator, to a former GOP congressman, to Ronald Reagan’s budget director. All balanced out by this guy . . . sorry, this guy.
- Favorite album coversAs we slouch toward the Eve of Destruction, it fills me with a certain melancholy to contemplate the passing away of many features of a once-great civilization. One in particular, first severely wounded by the scale of the digital compact disc, and then slain altogether by the mp3 player, is the ...
- KlinsmannIt took less than a day, but LGM called for his hiring, and the US FA took note and duly responded. Â Correlation, or causality? Â You be the judge. Â And for our next trick, we’ll solve the manufactured debt ceiling crisis. Considering how swift the appointment was made, especially in light of ...
- QOTDThe heart of the matter: Some of us have long complained about the cult of “balance,” the insistence on portraying both parties as equally wrong and equally at fault on any issue, never mind the facts. I joked long ago that if one party declared that the earth was flat, the headlines would read ...
Desert Research Institute
- DRI and UNR Scientists Help Agencies Preserve ...DRI and The University of Nevada have highly cooperative, productive and ongoing research programs across a variety of topics in the Lake Tahoe Basin that are doing their best to provide quality science to inform basin managers and policymakers.
- Storm Peak Lab Celebrates the 4th of July and ...There is nothing like a small-town parade on the 4th of July. The scientists and volunteers at the DRI Storm Peak Lab (SPL) in Steamboat Springs, Colo. participated in this year’s Steamboat Springs Fourth of July Parade. The parade theme was the “Greatest Summer on Earth.”
- In Memoriam: DRI President Dr. James V. TaranikPresident of DRI in 1987, Dr. James V. Taranik was internationally known for his research in aerospace remote sensing, and his professional career had already included senior positions with NASA, the U.S. Department of the Interior, the Iowa Geological Survey, and the University of Iowa.
- DRI Researcher Earns Grant to Study the Season ...A DRI researcher will lead a team that is heading to Antarctica to study the molecular biology, and evolution of microscopic organisms.
- Abnormal SpringIf you're new to Northern Nevada, you've probably already asked yourself this question: is this a normal spring? The calendar says we're three weeks from the start of summer, but winter still holds us in its grip. It leads us to wonder if something bigger is a foot, Dr. Kelly Redmond explains.
Earth Techling
- Ohio Walmart Jumps Onto EV Charging WagonEcotality has announced the installation of Blink Level 2 charging stations at a Walmart location in Columbus, Ohio in a test for that local market.
- Hybrids Quietly Drive Into World RecordHybrid cars set a new world record with the quietest parade ever as over 200 hybrids silently marched around Madison, Wisconsin recently.
- A Wind Turbine Manufacturer’s TaleOne wind turbine manufacturer talks about turbine efficiency and how wind power will be a necessity for Americans in coming years.
- Smart Meter Privacy Rules Adopted By Calif.The California Public Utility Commission has adopted a set of rules that attempt to protect ratepayer's data gathered by smart meters.
- Biofuels Without Eco-Damage Is EU’s AimThe European Union gives its stamp of approval on guidelines intended to ensure biofuels production doesn't end up trashing rainforests or natural grasslands.
National Law Journal | U.S.
- HEALTH CARE LAW: A SPECIAL REPORTThe Affordable Care Act enshrines a hope — that doctors, hospitals and other providers will team up to improve patient care and reduce costs. But there's also a fear — that doctors, hospitals and other providers will team up to stifle competition and raise prices instead.
- OPINION: Law school confidentialA new dean's advice for prospective students and those who love them.
- I can't talk to my client? Give me a breakJurisdictions differ as to whether witnesses and their lawyers may have privileged exchanges during deposition recesses.
- For Chinese-Americans, a chance for an apologyCovington & Burling's Martin Gold is leading an effort to pressure Congress to approve resolutions expressing regret for passing laws that discriminated against the Chinese.
- Top British law firms navigating D.C. watersTwo more British giants appear to be dipping their toes in the Potomac, hoping that they can leverage their global client base to build Washington-based regulatory practices.
How Shall We Do The Mountain ?
- Waterdog Training August 11thBelow is note from Erica about the upcoming Waterdog training at Ives Run. Hello Everyone I just wanted to remind everyone that we are hosting another Advanced Waterdog Training on August 11th at Ives Run from 5-9 pm. Please let me know if you can make it and also please feel free to share it [...]
- PennFuture files federal lawsuit against Marce ...Harrisburg, PA (July 21, 2011) – Citizens for Pennsylvania‟s Future (PennFuture) filed a lawsuit today in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania against Ultra Resources, Inc., for air pollution at its Marcellus Shale drilling sites, which violates the federal Cl ...
- Advanced Waterdog Training in AugustAn advanced Waterdog training will take place on August 11th. Details from the flyer are below. Hello Waterdogs, I wanted to invite all of you to our Advanced Waterdog Training on August 11 from 5:00—9:00. This training will only be for people who have already attended the initial training. We w ...
- A Substitute for Tears…Two fellows that have had profound effects on the music in my life have each written songs about the gas drilling and want to preserve the beauty and purity of places they have come to know and love in Pennsylvania. Check out Van Wagner’s tune here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Trxrh_FmPeI&fea ...
- Marcellus Shale on This American LifeIf you missed this program, it is well worth listening to. http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/440/game-changer
News Blaze
- UFC Immortal Joey 'The Mexicutioner' BeltraneThe U.F.C. fighters come from all walks of life.One of these MMA Immortals is Jose Beltrane, aptly nicknamed, the 'Mexicutioner,' one can only imagine how he got the name, probably because of his fearless attitude, skill and heart in the ring.
- Morocco Celebrates Its National DayShe congratulated King Mohamed VI and the Moroccan people on the peaceful constitutional referendum held on 1st of July, and welcome it as an important step toward democratic reform.
- Shumenov Explodes in 9th Round TKO Win vs. San ...Shumenov (12-1, 8 KOs) systematically broke-down a game Santiago (31-5-1, 19 KOs), WBA No. 15, using his jab and going to the body in the early rounds. 'It definitely wasn't like I expected,'
- Congressman Jim Schneller Files Petition In Su ...Schneller Campaign files Petition with Supreme Court of United States Appealing from Decisions of the Federal Communication Commission and the Third Circuit Court of Appeals over Exclusion from October 2010 debate by WCAU10.
- City of Reno Honors Hindu Statesman Rajan ZedReno Mayor Robert A. Cashell, Sr., (left) handing over the Proclamation to religious statesman Rajan Zed
environment 360
- New Fuel Economy Standard Agreed to by White H ...The Obama administration and U.S. automakers have agreed on a new fuel economy standard that would require cars and light trucks to achieve an average of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025, a target that officials say will reduce U.S. fuel consumption 40 percent below today’s levels and cut greenhous ...
- ‘Land Grab’ in Africa Threatens Continent’s Fo ...China, India, Libya, Saudi Arabia and other countries are buying up vast amounts of farmland in Africa, threatening the food security of millions of impoverished people on the continent, according to a new study. The Worldwatch Institute reports that to ensure the food security of their own peo ...
- UK Offshore Wind Sector is Fastest-Growing in ...The vast majority of new offshore wind turbines built in European waters this year have been installed in the UK, according to the European Wind Energy EWEA Association. Of 108 new turbines installed off the European coast during the first half of 2011, 101 were built in the UK. But so far only ...
- Warming Arctic Temperatures Cause Release of L ...Warming temperatures in the Arctic are causing the release of toxic pollutants long trapped in the region’s ice, snow, and ocean waters, a new study says. In an analysis of air-monitoring data collected at sites in Norway’s Svalbard archipelago and the Canadian province of Nunavut, researchers s ...
- Arctic Blog: A Place for Wildlife In the Natio ...In the third in a series of blogs from the Arctic, biologist Steve Zack, of the Wildlife Conservation Society, explains how he and other scientists are assessing key Steve Zack blogs from the Arctic for Yale e360. The third in a series. wildlife habitats within the 23-million-acre National ...
Red Ice Creations
- Norway killer Anders Behring Breivik recruited ...Remember that the hearings was closed to the public and the media. Classic Scandinavian style - an "open society" right. The judge ordered that 32-year-old Andres Behring Breivik is to be detained without access to letters or visitors, apart from his lawyer. He’s getting four weeks in isolation. ...
- 2,000-year-old bell found in Jerusalem rings again2,000-year-old bell in Jerusalem: a 2,000-year-old bell has been discovered by Israeli archaeologists and rang for the first time in as many years. 2,000-year-old bell found by Israeli archaeologists in Jerusalem, Monday. The bell, dating back to the Second Jewish Temple period, was discovered i ...
- Norway police lower youth camp death toll to 68Norwegian police said Monday that the double-counting of bodies in the chaotic aftermath of a shooting spree may have contributed to a dramatic overestimate of the number of people slain, but they offered few other details about the error. The sharp reduction in the death toll, from 86 to 68, ad ...
- Norway massacre: Anders Breivik "Surprised" He ...Geir Lippestad Mr Lippestad said it was "too early" to say if his client was mad, but added: "The whole case has indicated that he is insane." He said his client had taken drugs before going on the rampage "to be strong, efficient and awake" and was "sorry that he had to do this but it was neces ...
- Media Now Links Breivik to British "Extremists ...The Norwegian fanatic has been in close contact with hundreds of British right-wing extremists for two years, it emerged last night. He chatted about "tactics" on social networking sites with hundreds of members of the English Defence League (EDL) and the British National Party (BNP) and attende ...
Russia Today
- Breivik used eBay to prepare deadly Norway att ...Anders Behring Breivik, who has confessed to carrying out two deadly terror attacks in Norway, reportedly bought the equipment and materials needed to carry them out via the popular shopping site eBay.
- Deadly tornado hits city in Russia’s Far East One person has been killed and twenty eight others injured as a powerful tornado hit the Russian far-eastern city of Blagoveshchensk.
- US Senate blocks Democrats’ debt planIn Sunday’s session in the Senate the Democrats’ debt plan - which included $ 2.2 trillion in spending cuts - fell just ten votes short of being approved as a possible means of dealing with the country’s tottering...
- Navy Day in RussiaRussian sailors are celebrating Navy Day this Sunday, July 31. The event has already seen festivities at the country's major ports with warship parades and theatre productions.
- Ukraine in mourning for 37 dead minersUkraine mourns the victims of two coal mine incidents that claimed 37 lives in Lugansk and Donetsk regions where the first funerals have already been held.
Not My Tribe
- Ikea factory workers organized by AIM, who wil ...Ikea factory workers in Danville, Virginia, voted to unionize. Did they do it alone? No, they joined the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. If Ikea retail employees follow suit, maybe there’s hope for organizing the poverty-wage employees of America’s largest private ...
- Border wars of the drug cartels, oursSo, on Telemundo the “Border War” rhetoric took some serious hits which I cheerlessly predict the Minutemen, Tea Party and other klan groups are going to spend a lot of time, corporate money and hot air trying to patch. La Migra admitted that they are losing the border, contrary to what the Repu ...
- Cedar Point Consolidated Wagon Trail along Big ...Halfway point between Cheyenne Wells and Denver City.
- Tetra Farries and her family feel blunt trauma ...For all the haters who condemn Ms. Farries, who so far is convicted of NOTHING, you should feel a deep sense of shame, but I know you don’t, for building a corrupt social order, using words like “God” and “Liberty” and “Equality” and “Justice” with absolutely no intent of living up to such might ...
- English, language of self-enslavementOne of the best outcomes of having grown up in a Hispanic dominated culture, El Paso, Texas, having Hispanic and Mexican (from Mexico) friends and family, and speaking the language… is that I can spot and counter all the pure BULLSHIT that racist organizations like the “TeaBags” and their sponso ...
Debunking the Debunkers
- 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out, ...This is the trailer for the expert-packed feature length documentary by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth - which premiers the week prior to September 11, 2001 around the world.
- About "They Hate Our Freedoms"http://truthaction.org/forum James Dorman AKA jimd3100 Fri Jul 29, 2011 4:13 am Screw loose change blog comments on my prior post on the motives of the fruitcake asshole hijackers and how they didn't attack us because they hate our freedom like Bush would have you believe ...of course he wi ...
- Debunking Jonathan Kay, his book Among the Tru ...Updated 6-16-11 Thanks to James Hufferd of 911grassroots.org for assisting me with some research for this article. James recently responded to Kay's book, to which Kay retorted, and this is my end-all be-all response to Kay. In Frank Moher's review of National Post writer Jonathan Kay's new ...
- Van The BSer Romero: We Called It!Awhile back, Pat Curley of the Screw Loose Change blog posted an entry entitled "Jesse The BSer Ventura: I Called It!" criticising Ventura for deceptive editing on the first 9/11 episode of his show Conspiracy Theory when it was revealed that he cut off the end of an experiment by explosives exp ...
- Kevin Ryan: The NIST WTC 7 Report is FalseThis presentation describes some of the ways in which the 2008 WTC 7 report from the National Institute of Standard and Technology is false and unscientific. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Because of the 911 lie we have all been plunged into an en ...
- Top 10 Healthy “Convenience” FoodsThis a guest blog post by Sharon Palmer, RD Drive-thru hamburgers, microwavable pizza pockets and bags of chips—these are the foods that probably come to mind when you think of convenience. For busy people on the run, convenience usually means fast food fare, pop in the microwave processed foods ...
- 5 Ways the Nutrition Field Hinders Its Own Pro ...This is a guest blog post by Andy Bellatti, MS, RD. It originally appeared on his blog Small Bites I often write about the external factors that pose a threat to the nutrition field, including (but not limited to) Big Food’s egregious advertising budgets, deceptive claims seen on food packaging, ...
- 8 Things to Know About Corn SyrupCorn syrup is used abundantly in our food industry. You’ve probably seen it as an ingredient on many products at the grocery store. You can actually buy corn syrup as a product for your recipes. But what exactly is it? 1. Corn syrup is a liquid sweetener derived from corn starch (or maize). 2. C ...
- McDonald’s Happy Meal Makeover: A (Small) Step ...McDonald’s announced yesterday that the Happy Meal is changing: 1. The amount of french fries will more than halve from 2.4 oz to 1.1. 2. 5 Apple slices will be added to each Happy Meal. 3. Low fat chocolate milk will be listed as an option instead of soda. The change is being rolled out [...]
- Could Food Diversity be Causing Obesity?Here’s an interesting theory on the cause for rising obesity rates. Researchers have conducted experiments to assess the validity of their theory that the abundance of food choices promotes, in some people, excess consumption: In the study out of the State University of New York at Buffalo, scie ...
- Four Pre-Writing Exercises for Inspired BloggersRebecca Chelsey's recent post on ways to spark our creativity got me thinking about the next step: how to take that creativity and turn it into meaningful sentences on the page. In other words, what we do with that spark of inspiration will determine the success or setbacks we face when we blog. ...
- 8 Simple Sources of Creative InspirationAs a creative person, I've noticed that creativity and creative ideas tend to present themselves whenever they see fit, and rarely otherwise. This is an especially unfortunate habit for my creativity to have because I am in the field of design. Over the years I've researched and stumbled upon ei ...
- Culture Vulture: Social Strategies for Differe ...Social media campaigns are becoming more integrated into the overall online marketing mix. And as with anything on the Web, you need to think global to succeed in the long term. To succeed with social media marketing for different cultures, you need to familiarise yourself with what’s happening ...
- Internet Marketing and Social Media Degree Pro ...Guest post by Brian Jenkins Over a billion and a half people use the Internet, and this has created a plethora of opportunities for talented Internet marketers. Specialized knowledge in Internet marketing and social media is vital for many businesses. Yes, there are successful, self-taught Inte ...
- How to Find Great Communities, Forums, and Blo ...To market your company effectively, you need to find out where your target audience is. In this post I’ll show you how you can do this. I like using examples, so in this case, I’ll assume you sell Star Wars merchandise.
Survival International
- Griff Rhys Jones models for SurvivalGriff Rhys Jones modelling Jimmy Pike T-shirt for Survival © Survival Comedian, actor, presenter and author Griff Rhys Jones models Survival’s new T-shirt by internationally acclaimed Aboriginal artist Jimmy Pike, saying, ‘I am delighted to support Survival and their urgent work for threat ...
- Malaysia’s King at eco awards as Sarawak’s for ...Deforestation caused by loggers in a Penan region in Borneo, Malaysia. © Andy and Nick Rain/Survival The King of Malaysia and HRH the Prince of Wales attended a reception in London yesterday on behalf of The Earth Awards. The event was hosted in partnership with START, an initiative of the ...
- Progress Can Kill – Peru’s new government warned Survival's 'Progress Can Kill' highlights the dangers of forcing 'development' on tribal peoples. © Survival Peruâs new government will take office today having received a stark warning of the imminent dangers faced by its countryâs indigenous population. Survival has sent copies of two ...
- Brazil to ‘do to Indians what Australia did to ...A Kayapó indigenous man. The Kayapó tribe is one of many whose livelihoods will be devastated by the Belo Monte dam. © Antonio Bonsorte/Amazon Watch A Brazilian government official has suggested that Brazil will treat its indigenous peoples like Australia treated the Aboriginals. Curt Tren ...
- Vedanta: time to give up on Niyamgiri mine Vedanta's AGMs have seen numerous protests against the planned bauxite mine. © Survival FTSE100 company Vedanta Resources will face vocal protests tomorrow from Survival and other groups telling the company to give up on their notorious Niyamgiri mine in Orissa, India. Vedanta was denied ...
Greg Palast
- Who killed "Stieg" Larsson?I asked my daughter if she would like to add her own recollections about JK Rowling and the "alternative" Harry Potter endings Jo Rowling told us when we were hanging out in the Green Room at BBC Television Centre. (I provide investigative stories for the BBC current affairs program Newsnight.) ...
- It's Not Default of Obama:Jail GOP Deadbeats f ...by Greg Palast exclusive for Truthout/Buzzflash.com Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist gave debtors' prison a bad rap. Too bad. I'd say that locking away GOP Majority Leader Eric Cantor in a penitentiary for deadbeats seems like a darn good idea. Bush reads from My Pet BudgetLet's talk about how w ...
- Harry Potter: Jo’s Other EndingBy Jo (J.K.) Rowling as told to Greg Palast and the Palast twins [18 July 2011] Some of you may recall that, years ago, when I lived in England, writing for The Guardian, when I shared the bestseller list with Jo Rowling (she at the pinnacle, me in the valley), we became buds through my twins ...
- Drowning Fish?by Greg Palast June 30th, 2011 July 3 would have been my parents' 67th Anniversary. 67 years. Maybe it was the triumph of Hope over Reality (still have that Obama 2008 poster?). Or maybe something else, something that those of us who haven't walked that far down the path can't imagine. My D ...
- ZD Roberts Has Something to SayI just wanted to send a thanks to all those who have donated to the Gil Palast Memorial fund over the past couple of months. I know Gil would have been happy to see that so many people still believe in the power of journalism. Back in 2008 I got to meet Greg's Dad — he [...]
How Can I Recycle This ?
- What can I reuse or recycle to make a bird bath?Annetta has emailed with two great questions. Here’s the first: Any ideas on making a bird bath out of recycled [things from] around the house? I think it depends on whether you want something pretty, quirky or just something practical for the birds to use, looks be damned. I’d love to hear idea ...
- How can I reuse or recycle precious photo albums?Joan left a question on the “suggest an item” stage: A deceased good friend’s photo albums need to be disposed of. Mainly of family, friends and her cats, loathed to just chuck them in a bin, other than that, what do I do? Helpâ¦.. I’m sorry to hear about your friend, Joan. The Photos I’m [...]
- How can I reuse LOTS of florists’ ribbon?Nicky has emailed to ask how she can recycle: Almost 100 kilometres of 2″ wide yellow florists ribbon. Unravelled and of varying lengths â very long to short pieces. Currently in 5 large industrial bags. Wow, that’s a fair bit of ribbon! My first thought would be to offer it to a local scrap sto ...
- How can I reuse or recycle Leylandii/conifer b ...We’ve had an email from Jennifer (sorry it’s taken a few weeks to feature it, Jennifer!): We hacked down a couple of huge nasty Leylandii conifer trees from our garden this weekend and don’t know what to do with the wood and branches. It’s far too much for our own compost bin, fear for the [...]
- How can I reuse or recycle Stax potato chip cans?Tammy Gary has asked: Would love ideas to reuse the Stax potato chip cans. We don’t have Stax over here in the UK but my friend Google tells me they’re like Pringles, but packed in a plastic tube instead of waxed cardboard. Some of the Pringles ideas will still apply: they’re great for storing k ...
Age of Autism
- Dream On By Cathy Jameson “If you are alive in 2011, no matter what your age, you have been part of one of the largest and worst experiments in history. No matter how carefully you eat or drink or watch your exposure...
- Time To Revisit Deer Part 3By Martin Hewitt This is the third part of an analysis of Brian Deer’s (in photo) claims that Dr Andrew Wakefield fixed the findings in the 1998 Lancet paper 'Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia' (Lancet, 1998; vol. 351, p.637), a small clinical case...
- An Elaborate Fraud, Part 4: News Analysis -- T ...By Mark Blaxill If you go to the web-site of the British Medical Association you will find the BMA’s tag line prominently displayed: “Standing up for doctors.” It’s a position most notable for what they do not stand up for:...
- Dr. Amy Yasko To Host Autism Treatment Confere ...Holistic Health International is proud to host Dr. Amy Yasko’s conference in Los Angeles, CA- October 7-9, 2011. Our conference in Boston last summer was a resounding success for both newcomers and veterans of the protocol. This year we look...
- Age of Autism Contest from OurKidsASD and Lee ...Dog days of summer got you down? How about a very cool contest? Our sponsor Lee Silsby is giving away two bottles of 150 mg 150 capsule ENHANSA Enhanced Absorption Curcumin Supplement plus two containers of ASD Vitamin Mineral SCD...
Global BDS Movement
- Map testView Global BDS Day of Action 2011 in a larger map
- BDS campaigners force Ahava shop to moveThe central London flagship store of Ahava, an Israeli cosmetics company whose products come from stolen Palestinian natural resources in the occupied West Bank, and are produced in the illegal settlement of Mitzpe Shalem, has been forced to move … Continue reading →
- Rawabi remains settler-colonial sub-contractorUri Davis writes on the ongoing links between the Rawabi project and the Jewish National Fund.
- Stop the Wall release new report on Brazil’s m ...Notwithstanding its recent recognition of the Palestinian State and its long tradition of supporting Palestinian rights and upholding international law, the Brazilian government has signed contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars with Israel’s arms industry.
- Trade UnionsThe global trade union movement has consistently demonstrated its courage and commitment to human rights by adopting concrete, ground-breaking labour-led sanctions against oppressive regimes in a show of effective solidarity with oppressed peoples around the world. Adopting BDS measures has … Co ...
Farm Wars
- Incompetence Sets A Precedent – GE AlfalfaContemporary law is no longer based on the Constitution and common law, but has been replaced by case law precedents. The GE alfalfa case (Forage Genetics and Monsanto v Geertson Seed Farms) is disturbing because it appears that a dangerous precedent has been set.
- Genetically engineered maize with synthetic to ...This maize was approved for usage in food and feed by the EU Commission on 17th of June. It produces a combination of three different insecticidal toxins, one of which is synthesised artificially. Further, the plants are made tolerant to the herbicide glyphosate (known as Roundup).
- Smart Meters – You don’t have to get one!VIDEO explaining what Smart (Spy) Meters actually do, and how to make sure that you do not get one of these.
- Feds to Grab Land for Homeland SecurityH.R. 1505: Another Federal land grab, with exemptions from environmental regulations, and a few more just for good measure. And just who has the authority over these lands? Why Homeland Security, of course.
- USDA Attacks Rural America with Smart MetersOn June 9, 2011, the Obama Administration Established the “White House Rural Council to Strengthen Rural Communities” via Executive Order. “Strengthening Rural Communities” is the spin. The real issue is control. Rural communities are where food is grown, and control of food is a main priority f ...
Open Your Eyes News
- Internet Freedom Under Attack – ‘I ...Daily Mail – Facebook’s marketing director has called for an end to on-line anonymity, saying internet users would ‘behave a lot better’ if everyone had to use real names when surfing or posting on the internet. Randi Zuckerberg, Facebookâs marketing director and sister of multi-millionaire foun ...
- Australia – House prices fall for the si ...The Age – Home values continued to drop in June as consumers worried about rising interest rates and the state of the global economy. RP Data-Rismark Hedonic’s latest home value index for capital cities fell by 0.2 per cent in June, the sixth straight monthly fall in capital city home values. Re ...
- Sun-Free Photovoltaics: Materials Engineered t ...ScienceDaily â A new photovoltaic energy-conversion system developed at MIT can be powered solely by heat, generating electricity with no sunlight at all. While the principle involved is not new, a novel way of engineering the surface of a material to convert heat into precisely tuned wavelength ...
- Giant Solar Energy Tower Headed to ArizonaMultisource political news, world news, and entertainment news analysis by Newsy.com
- Zionists behind Oslo terror: Iran Cmdr.PressTV – Top Iranian commander Hassan Firouzabadi says Zionists are behind recent Norway terrorism as they fuel rightist sentiments and foster terrorism for personal gain. Read article
L.A. Times - Greenspace
- California acts to limit pollutant targeted by ...The California Environmental Protection Agency has issued the nation’s first public health goal for hexavalent chromium, the cancer-causing heavy metal made infamous after activist Erin Brockovich sued in 1993 to prove it had contaminated groundwater in the Southern California town...
- Green energy: California poll finds overwhelmi ...A new statewide survey of environment issues conducted by the Public Policy Institute of California found more residents favor climate change policy, want to cut greenhouse gas emissions and believe they are already experiencing the effects of global warming. “This...
- Urban power like rooftop solar dominates Brown ...It may not be quite the renewable energy powerhouse that Germany and China are, but California will be well on its way once it speeds up installations of smaller, urban projects, Gov. Jerry Brown said Monday. At a UCLA conference...
- More big Yellowstone fires predicted with clim ...Rising temperatures associated with climate change are expected to dramatically increase wildfire in and near Yellowstone National Park, transforming the landscape by 2050.
- EPA Chief Lisa Jackson speaks at NAACP convent ...U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson spoke to the NAACP National Convention at the Los Angeles Convention Center on Sunday about the impact of pollution on minority communities, an issue that will be also be explored during a Monday...
- Gary White talks water on MSNBCWorld faces a water crisis (MSNBC) – Gary White interviewed by Martin Bashir June 30, 2011 Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
- Leadership wisdom from Water.org (Fast Company)Leadership Wisdom from Water.org (Fast Company) 30 second MBA video series: Part 1 – Gary White – Executive Director and Cofounder, Water.org Part 2 – Matt Damon – Cofounder, Water.org
- Matt Damon’s bold yet sane plan (Fast Co ...Can Matt Damon Bring Clean Water To Africa? (Fast Company) – The inside story of Matt Damon’s bold yet sane plan to use his celebrity and smarts to help attack one of the globe’s great crises. Once upon a time, Matt Damon went for a long walk in rural Zambia. The devoted family man and method [...]
- Interview with Water.org’s April Rinne (GGT)INTERVIEW: Water.Org’s April Rinne (Green Global Travel) – While other charities may have similar goals, Water.org’s WaterCredit program is unique in that it is works in partnership with microfinance institutions to establish markets in which there is fair access to affordable loans for everyone ...
- You’re Invited: June 1st Conference CallWednesday, June 1 The 45-minute call begins at 9 p.m. ET Call in number: 978-964-0049 Participant code: 449749# Not everyone who needs water should have to wait for charity to find them. Learn how Water.org is putting microfinance tools and partnerships to use in helping people get safe water ...
Before It's News
- Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner: American ...
- ‘I’ve been forward to Shen Yun for years!’ Say ...
- Arkansas Storms: Tornadoes Wreak Havoc Across ...
- Eats on Feets
- Introducing "Canadas Alex Jones", Dr. Judy Janzen
Energy Probe - Nuclear Power,Utility Reform
- The Deniers on CBC Radio's 'Ideas'The science is settled - is now the mantra of climate change activism? Those who disagree are either in denial or in the pay of an oil company. But long time environmentalist and energy activist Lawrence Solomon says no, the science is not settled on global warming. Ideas producer David Cayley b ...
Margaret's News
- Boehner Limp Again, McConnell Walks AwaySee 1st commentSubmitted by TomCat S. to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Open Thread - 7/30/2011Personal news, a Jig Zone puzzle, three short takes, and a homemade animated cartoon (shown).Submitted by TomCat S. to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Open Threadâ7/29/2011Personal News, a Jig Zone Puzzle, 3 short takes including three videos and a homemade cartoon (shown).Submitted by TomCat S. to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- If Republicans Push Us Over the CliffSee 1st commentSubmitted by TomCat S. to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Open Thread - 7/27/2011Personal news, a Jig Zone puzzle, 3 short takes, and a homemade cartoon (shown).Submitted by TomCat S. to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Solar Energy / Energy Boom
- Third Party Ownership Blossoming: SunPower and ...Installing rooftop solar panels is about to become much easier for homeowners in several states.� SunPower Corp. and Citi have announced a new $105 million fund for residential solar lease projects. read more
- First Solar Sets Another Solar Cell Efficiency ...First Solar Inc. (Nasdaq: FSLR), billed as the “world’s most valuable solar company”, has announced a new efficiency record for its cadmium telluride (CdTe) photovoltaic (PV) solar cell. read more
- Vermont's Largest Solar Installation Now OnlineRenewable energy developer AllEarth Renewables has announced that Vermont's largest solar array is now online. read more
- SunPeak Solar Receives $77.4 Million Loan to D ...The North American Development Bank (NADB) has granted solar developer SunPeak Solar, LLC a US$77.4 million loan to construct a solar farm in California. read more
- Solar Panels Offer Passive Energy BonusesAccording to a report soon to be published in Solar Energy, the official journal of the International Solar Energy Society, solar photovoltaic (PV) panels on roofs are also doing a surprisingly good, if unexpected, job of keeping ho ...
News Blaze
- UFC Immortal Joey 'The Mexicutioner' BeltraneThe U.F.C. fighters come from all walks of life.One of these MMA Immortals is Jose Beltrane, aptly nicknamed, the 'Mexicutioner,' one can only imagine how he got the name, probably because of his fearless attitude, skill and heart in the ring.
- Morocco Celebrates Its National DayShe congratulated King Mohamed VI and the Moroccan people on the peaceful constitutional referendum held on 1st of July, and welcome it as an important step toward democratic reform.
- Shumenov Explodes in 9th Round TKO Win vs. San ...Shumenov (12-1, 8 KOs) systematically broke-down a game Santiago (31-5-1, 19 KOs), WBA No. 15, using his jab and going to the body in the early rounds. 'It definitely wasn't like I expected,'
- Congressman Jim Schneller Files Petition In Su ...Schneller Campaign files Petition with Supreme Court of United States Appealing from Decisions of the Federal Communication Commission and the Third Circuit Court of Appeals over Exclusion from October 2010 debate by WCAU10.
- City of Reno Honors Hindu Statesman Rajan ZedReno Mayor Robert A. Cashell, Sr., (left) handing over the Proclamation to religious statesman Rajan Zed
- Hepatitis B vaccine for infants is crucia ...Babies currently have a five-in-one jab at two months to protect against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio and Hib. Now Ministers are considering adding a vaccine for hepatitis B to this. Each year about 325,000 Britons are diagnosed with the virus – which can cause liver cancer – ...
- Beat loneliness - to avoid a stroke: Why ...Loneliness is as bad for your health as smoking. It seems astonishing, I know, but scientific research suggests that social isolation, in the long term, is as damaging as a 15-a-day cigarette habit or being an alcoholic. Other studies have found that those with a poor social network are at ...
- YouTube spoofs may become legal in move t ...The latest internet craze of creating parodies of famous films, songs and television programmes on websites such as YouTube could really take off soon after a proposed change in the law. The controversial move would mean that the spoofs would no longer be subject to UK copyright legislation ...
- 5 Things Google+ Does Better Than Faceboo ...Google+ has only been active for a month, and tech enthusiasts can’t seem to get enough of it. While Google is still trying to figure out exactly how to approach social correctly, the network has built enough buzz to attract a reported 20 million users. While this doesn’t compare to Faceboo ...
- Somali refugees brave fighting in Mogadis ...Despite continued fighting in Mogadishu, thousands of refugees from Somali's drought-hit south are arriving in the capital. Above, refugees queue for food in a camp in the suburbs. Photograph: Mustafa Abdi/AFP/Getty Images Hit by the worst drought in 60 years, tens of thousands of people ar ...
Alex in Wonderland
- Report: Active-Duty Army PSYOPS Soldiers Embed ...To better manufacture consent, U.S. Army soldiers are embedded as intern and fellows at local TV affiliates, along with previously reported newspapers and national outlets.
- Daily Briefing—15th-16th Sept 2010News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire
- Report: U.S. Troops ‘Still Killing Civilians’ ...A U.S.-Iraqi night raid results in the deaths of eight civilians weeks after U.S. combat operations were announced as over.
- Military Welfare Budget Won’t Thin Any T ...Ivan Eland sat with RT to discuss the astronomical political clout held by the welfare queens of the military-industrial complex that will thwart any translation of the Pentagon's rhetoric into actual policy
- Because the System’s Not Rigged Enough for Cop ...Kevin Carson on the criminal injustice system 'shrills' pushing the narrative that the letter of the law aides criminals against so-called 'crime fighters'.
MY Daily Apple
- OMCX (Octinoxate) Liquid [DKSH North America, ...Updated Date: Jul 29, 2011 EST
- PREVAIL (Ethyl Alcohol) Gel [Duane Reade]Updated Date: Jul 26, 2011 EST
- Pollinators 'lured away by farms'A study challenges the idea that areas like farmland provide pollinating insects with a "corridor" between fragmented habitats.
- PEBS Neuroethics Roundup (JHU)Last Edition's Most Popular Article: Erased Memories and Spotless Minds, BBC Radio 4 In The Popular Press: Test Tube DNA Brain Gets Quiz Questions Right, Discovery News Amy Winehouse: Why is there so little understanding of addiction?, Guardian Comment is...
- [Editorial] Cigarettes and plain packaging: th ...On July 6, 2011, Australia became the first country to send a bill to their parliament on plain packaging for cigarettes. The legislation aims to reduce the number of current and new smokers by increasing the effectiveness of the health warnings and also by reducing the appeal of the product. I ...
Common Dreams
- US Judge Orders Nixon's Secret Watergate Testi ...Thirty-six years after Richard Nixon testified to the Watergate grand jury, a federal judge yesterday ordered the first public release of the transcript about the break-in that drove him from the presidency. The 297-page transcript will not be available immediately but will be held until the gov ...
- Groups Quit Egypt Rally Saying Hijacked by Isl ...CAIRO� - More than 30 political parties and movements withdrew from a rally on Friday that was organized to send a united message to the ruling army about reform, saying the event was hijacked by Islamist groups. "Islamic law above the constitution," read banners in Cairo's Tahrir Square that wa ...
- Fukushima Teacher Muzzled Over RadiationAs temperatures soared to 100 degrees Fahrenheit on a recent July morning, school children in Fukushima prefecture were taking off their masks and running around playgrounds in T-shirts, exposing them to a similar amount of annual radiation as a worker in a nuclear power plant. ...
- ‘Tree-Sitters’ Take Up Residence to Fight Stri ...When she climbs to the top of the oak tree that also currently functions as her home, Catherine-Ann MacDougal sees a wall of rock where half a hillside has been stripped away. She can hear a stream below, which she says sometimes runs gray and orange. Other than that, her view is of a mature for ...
- Iraq 'Less Safe Than a Year Ago': US WatchdogIraq is a less safe place than it was one year ago as security deteriorates, an American watchdog warned on Saturday, just months ahead of a US withdrawal from the country. The assessment by Stuart Bowen, the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, contrasts markedly from the more opt ...
The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos
Examine Religion - Tweets
- ExamineReligion: Ramadan - a Christian perspec ...ExamineReligion: Ramadan - a Christian perspective http://exm.nr/p1KPtC
- ExamineReligion: Sex crimes prevalent in Twin ...ExamineReligion: Sex crimes prevalent in Twin Cities; can we minimize by honoring relationships? http://exm.nr/qzcXjO
- ExamineReligion: Happiness http://exm.nr/qCYGAtExamineReligion: Happiness http://exm.nr/qCYGAt
- ExamineReligion: God’s will and the colo ...ExamineReligion: God’s will and the color of your socks http://exm.nr/rt45Bh
- ExamineReligion: Science Museum and Chinasaurs ...ExamineReligion: Science Museum and Chinasaurs Exhibit http://exm.nr/q48iK8
Energy Collective
- The Economics of EV Battery ReuseThe challenge of repurposing EV batteries should not blind the industry to the important nature of that challenge. Maximizing EV battery residual value is critical to reducing battery costs and making EV’s attractive to the average automobile consumer. Producing a battery that can capture maxim ...
- A Dolphin's Dilemma for Fishermen in the GulfLouisiana shrimp buyer Dean Blanchard has seen plenty of crazy things during his�life in�the bayou. But his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets�the day he watched a mother dolphin pushing her dead baby calf �towards him�as he�stood on the�commercial dock of his once thriving seafood business ...
- Germany’s Grand Energy Experiment�
- Costs and Hazards of Unconventional Natural Ga ...
- Distributed Power Is The Best Way To Relieve E ...I just attended a presentation by Marlene Grundstrom, who works with the Stockholm Environment Institute on energy access and energy poverty.
Green House - USA Today
- Environmentalists cheer Obama's fuel economy hikePresident Obama's plan to double fuel efficiency standards for cars and light-duty trucks by 2025 received applause from environmentalists who had pressed for such action.
- Solar panel options expand, help cool buildingsAs solar energy continues to expand, and companies such as SunPower announce new leasing options, there's other positive news: rooftop panels can not only help power a home or building, they can also cool it.
- Eco-friendly cigarette ads make tobacco foes fumeA green cigarette? Is that possible? A tobacco company that uses renewable energy and hybrid vehicles has a new magazine ad for an additive-free, organic cigarette that uses the term "eco friendly." Tobacco foes are fuming.
- Gingrich regrets climate change ad with PelosiHow times change! In 2006, former GOP House Speaker Newt Gingrich jointly urged action to address climate change with then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a liberal Democrat from San Francisco. Now, as he launches a 2012 presidential bid, he says he regrets the commercial, paid for by an environment ...
- Green House takes brief hiatusThis Green House community will take a hiatus until August, because its moderator, Wendy Koch, is on medical leave. Please check back in a few weeks for environmental news and updates on her journey in green living.
Prior Art
- With $4.5 Billion Bid, Group Led by Apple and ...HASH(0xa1dc540)
- Hangover Cure: Warner Bros. Settles Copyright ...HASH(0x4aa6940)
- This Week in IP: Apps, Tats, and Patent Reform ...HASH(0x5fdc098)
- App Backwards: Lodsys, Texas Troll, Targeted i ...HASH(0x4a616f8)
- Supreme Court Rules Against Microsoft in i4i CaseHASH(0x4a53730)
Peoples Voice
- The War on YouBy Michael Collins Let the word go forth from Washington! The corporate rulers occupying our nation's capital have declared war on just about every citizen. Have no doubt: those in the upper ranges of the top 1% of wealth in this country (aka The Money Party) want to kick you to the curb. ...
- Political Washington Fiddles While Rome Burnsby Stephen Lendman With an approaching August 2 deadline, Paul Craig Roberts assessed the state of things accurately like he always does, saying in his new article headlined, "Disastrous Outcomes From An Orchestrated Crisis:" "Americans need desperately to ask themselves why they put in ...
- Organized Political Terrorism: The Norwegian ...James Petras “So let us fight together with Israel, with our Zionist brothers against all anti-Zionist,s against all cultural Marxists/Multiculturalists”. Anders Behring Breivik’s Manifesto “. . . two more cells exist in my organization”. . . Ander Behring Breivik in police custody (Reuters ...
- Abdul Fatah Younis Killing: War Death or Assas ...by Stephen Lendman On July 28, New York Times writer David Kirkpatrick headlined, "Death of Rebel Leader Stirs Fears of Tribal Conflict," saying: The killing of Libya's National Transitional Council (NTC) military commander, Gen. Abdul Fatah Younis (Gaddafi's former Interior and Defense ...
- Tea Party Horror ShowWhat sort of person would deliberately ignore the obvious fundamental reality of any budget? By Numerian It’s hard to say if the Tea Party has an acknowledged leader, but someone who professes to be just that has chosen a very opportune moment to trash Speaker John Boehner’s attempts to craf ...
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- The cost of poverty in BC is way too highIglika Ivanova did the math: it costs less to reduce poverty than to allow it to continue and pay for the consequences: poor health, lower literacy, poor school performance for children, more crime, and greater stress. Reducing poverty and easing human suffering is the right thing to do, and it ...
- Conference Board Weighs in on the Growing GapThe Conference Board of Canada has released a report tracking 33 years of worsening income inequality in Canada. In this Toronto Star story, board President Anne Golden says: "While the poor are minimally better off in an absolute sense, they are significantly worse off in a relative sense. And ...
- Video Debate Series: Role of Manufacturing in ...In this four-part short video series at the Globe and Mail, CCPA's own senior economist Armine Yalnizyan faces off with Mike Moffatt, an economist, consultant and lecturer in the Business, Economics and Public Policy group at the Richard Ivey School of Business on the future of manufacturing in ...
- CCPA-Manitoba launches POLICY FIXWe now have a BLOG aptly named POLICY FIX.�� Check it out at www.policyfix.ca!
- Hennessy's Index: Canada vs. the OECDHennessy's Index is a monthly listing of numbers, written by the CCPA's Trish Hennessy, about Canada and its place in the world. This July, Hennessy's Index looks at the Organisation for Economic and Co-operation and Development (OECD) and how Canada fairs compares to other members on a number o ...
World Wide Hippies
- Protests mar Rio, World Cup Partybreakingnews.ie -Brazil’s 2014 World Cup party began in earnest today but against a background of bickering between organisers and the government, concerns over preparations and a protest by those who claim the tournament is adversely affecting the livelihoods of thousands. A crowd of several hu ...
- No end to pot free-for-allChico Enterprise-Record – Our view: Caught between the feds and marijuana users, local government just can’t win. There are a couple of stories in Friday’s newspaper that provide a wonderful snapshot of the situation that has afflicted California since the passage of the incredibly vague Proposi ...
- This is just callous cruelty.Sister Lee, WWH – Because it’s Sunday almost 8AM, I turned on Fox instead of MSNBC. I know I should be in some house of worship instead, praying for our very souls. Surprising me, a Democratic Congressman is on with one of the Fox media readers. Suffice it to say they each had their talking [...]
- Marley’s music, message recalled at Peop ...Gary Soulsman The News Journal – WILMINGTON — âItâs hot and makes you feel like youâve arrived in Jamaica.â Jarvis Berry of Coatesville, Pa., felt that way today after ducking into some shade at the Peoplesâ Festival at Tubman-Garrett Riverfront Park. He thinks reggae star Bob Marley, who was a ...
- About Time Man! – Statue honors music le ...By JIM SALTER,(AP) â The image is timeless Americana: Chuck Berry hunched over, ready to launch into his famous Duck Walk, picking his Gibson guitar and wailing a song. It’s the image captured in the statue of the man considered by many to be the father of rock and roll, dedicated Friday in the ...
- Military Debris Threaten OceansBANGALORE, Apr 14, 2011 (IPS) - Military debris dumped into the world’s oceans are hazardous to coral ecosystems, reefs, fish and marine wildlife, say experts, who also warn - in light of the recent tragedy in Japan - that earthquakes and tsunamis could disturb this debris and even wash it ashor ...
- Ocean Garbage: Floating LandminesNo matter where you travel on the Canada's West Coast, no matter how remote or seemingly untrammelled and pristine the fiord or inlet, a piece of plastic, Styrofoam or other garbage has been there before you. God knows how it got there: Dumped recklessly off a vessel, swept down a river or throu ...
- Fight Against Marine Garbage Runs Into Plastic ...HONOLULU, Hawaii, U.S., Mar 28, 2011 (IPS) - Every day, billions of plastic bags and bottles are discarded, and every day, millions of these become plastic pollution, fouling the oceans and endangering marine life. No one wants this, but there is wide disagreement about how to stop it. "Every ti ...
- Florida spring breakers find the oil (VIDEO)
Crisis Maven
- Why Our Future Must Be Solar As Our Past Once WasWhen you put a pot on the hot plate on your stove and switch on the heat â do you not expect the pot to get hot? When you add energy on the earth’s surface to what the sun and geothermal influences already provide would you not expect the earth respectively the atmosphere to get [...]
- Why Our Future Must Be Solar As Our Past Once WasWhen you put a pot on the hot plate on your stove and switch on the heat â do you not expect the pot to get hot? When you add energy on the earth’s surface to what the sun and geothermal influences already provide would you not expect the earth respectively the atmosphere to get [...]
- Update: Greenpeace measures Caesium 40 miles f ...… and hence in areas not yet evacuated though they should obviously have been. Map of Radiation Measurements by Greenpeace team See also: Call for further evacuation around Fukushima Now, if nothing should happen, those within these areas and of course also further beyond, even in adjacent count ...
- How to protect your garden patch or field agai ...Do you own a garden, a patch of land, a field where you plant, esp. for human food or animal feed? Then you should prepare against letting the radioactive fall-out from Japan into your soil, where it will remain and contaminate your plants and e.g. livestock for probably decades. Here’s the advi ...
- Politicians of all countries, recollect yourse ...Dear politicians, there’s no alternative to forever turning our backs on nuclear energy and fast. Sure, the nuclear industry will protest vigorously and will see profits dwindle but they will survive without much problem – as opposed to many Japanese. It is but a question of time until another c ...
Capital Flow Analysis
- Stock buybacks are bad for investors: Further ...In the working paper “The Buyback Monitor - July 2009: Corporate Stock Buyback Profits of 273 Firms from 2000 into 2009“, published on the Social Sciences Research Network, M.A. Gumport, CFA, provides further evidence that stock buybacks are not as good for investors as often touted. The follo ...
- Why Obama’s healthcare scheme portends stagfl ...The trillion-dollar Obama health care plan increases the odds that US economic recover will be delayed, and that unemployment and inflation will increase. The main thrust of the Obama plan is to increase taxes on individuals earning more than $250,000 a year, while forcing all but the tiniest ...
- How long would it take to work off the US trad ...The rest of the world holds $16.8 trillion in US financial assets, according to Federal Reserve release Z.1, as of Q1 2009. [...]
- Why Bernanke’s flawed “exit strategy” policy p ...In a lead op-ed editorial in the Wall Street Journal on July 21, 2009, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke revealed the Fed’s exit strategy with regards to the inflationary effects of the Obama “spending is stimulus” packages and other government measure to contain the current crisis. This ar ...
- Stocks surge on spurious earnings reports: Q2 2009No one knows for sure the real earnings of American corporations. In Q1 2009, according to the Federal Reserve flow of funds table F.102, after-tax profits of US non-financial, non-farm corporations, on an annual basis, were about $589.9 billion. However, about 50% of these after-tax earnings ...
R-Squared Energy Blog
- The Return of the American Diesel CarJoin the forum discussion on this post The following guest essay is by Paul Nash, a regular reader here at R-Squared. Paul is an Australian who now lives near Vancouver, Canada. He is an environmental engineer who specializes in doing municipal water and energy efficiency projects, and has ha ...
- PEMEX and the Long Road to PrivatizationJoin the forum discussion on this post The following guest post is from OilPrice.com. ——————————– Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) is the state-owned oil company (and natural gas) of México, which since the 90’s has been discussed for privatization like many other state-owned companies in Méx ...
- The SPR as a National Piggy BankJoin the forum discussion on this post I was strongly opposed to the recent decision to release oil from U.S. and international strategic petroleum reserves. I have covered the reasons for my opposition many times, but the single biggest reason I oppose these sorts of releases is that the funda ...
- Book Review: Energy, Convenient SolutionsJoin the forum discussion on this post I read two books on my recent trip to Europe. The first was Cracking the Carbon Code by Terry Tamminen. l reviewed that book here, and indicated that while I disagree with the notion that we will come up with a viable solution to rising carbon emissions, s ...
- Renewables 2011 Global Status Report ReleasedJoin the forum discussion on this post The Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century has just released their annual Renewables 2011 Global Status Report. I was one of the reviewers of the draft report, and therefore got to read and comment on it prior to publication. The report provi ...
Discovery Educator Network
- September 11: Teaching Contemporary HistoryComments:On Wednesday, August 3 and Thursday, August 4, 2011, the National Museum of American History, National September 11 Memorial & Museum, Pentagon Memorial Fund, and Flight 93 National Memorial, will offer a FREE online conference, September 11: Teaching Contemporary History, for K-12 teac ...
- Teaching with Wikis - homeComments:Teaching with Wikis by Erin Misegadis - Carolyn RainsTags: teaching, wikis, DENby: Carolyn Rains
- TweetGrid - by jazzychadTags: twitter, tweetgridby: Cheryl Lykowski
- Cybraryman Internet CatalogueTags: wordle, wordcloud, wordcloudsby: Cheryl Lykowski
- Apps for ELLsTags: no_tagby: Heather Hurley
Rodale News
- Farmer's Markets Innovations Make Healthy Food ...RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—There's often a throwback feel to farmer's markets, where you can seek out the same heirloom vegetable varieties your great-grandmother adored. Old-school, heritage-breed chicken eggs? Yep, a true farmer's market probably offers them. And while the farmer's market is a p ...
- The Nickel Pincher: DIY Wedding Favor Ideas RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—At the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, the guests all left with luxurious wool scarves, sporting the Union Jack in various colorful prints, that cost about $75 each. Chances are, you haven't budgeted that amount of money into your next soiree. And do ...
- Organic Farmers Win Another One: Court Calls P ...RODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—The Minnesota Court of Appeals recently ruled in favor of organic farmers, marking another case where pesticide drift read more
- Even Tobacco Sellers Want to Be OrganicRODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—More and more people are coming to understand the importance of choosing organic. read more
- Americans Ditch Sugary SodasRODALE NEWS, EMMAUS, PA—A recent survey put out by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows a decrease in the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages in the U.S. read more
big think
- Despite Introspection, We Are Strangers to Our ...What's the Latest Development? There are many examples of people offering grossly incorrect analysis of common physical phenomena. Eye witnesses to crimes have notoriously fallible memories about who or what they saw; it is common for two people who experienced the same event to have different ...
- More Studies That Show Democracy Isn't What We ...However you feel about the right way out of the U.S. government's struggles over its debt ceiling, I think we can all agree that the week past has not been a good advertisement for representative democracy. What it has been, though, is a fine illustration of the gap between real human behavior a ...
- Human Reasoning Is a Mixed BlessingWhat's the Latest Development? When given a logic puzzle,�individuals are more apt to arrive at the wrong answer than if they are working in a group of people. History abounds with examples: Newton dedicated himself as much to alchemy as he did to developing his physical laws;�Napoleon's�decis ...
- Wanted: New Employer Thinking for an Older Wor ...An older workforce is a new world for employers. An endless supply of young workers and the social construction of ‘retirement ’ kept the average worker age relatively young. That was yesterday. Today many regions of the United States, and in all other industrialized nations, there is a drop in ...
- Is 16th Century Teaching the Future of Educati ...Education moved from a bespoke craft to a more industrial approach. [...] Still, one-to-one tutoring is the learning method proven time and again to sharply improve a student’s measured performance. A good human tutor can deliver a “home run,” educationally and statistically, explained ...R ...
Information Liberation
- What Is Money?Nielsio * May 12, 2010 * Division of Labor and Money (by Hans-Hermann Hoppe) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIxd6e... Business Cycle Theory (by J*rg Guido H*lsmann) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bxq_mh... Theory and History (by Hans-Her...
- The Seven-Lesson Schoolteacher - By John Tayl ...Call me Mr. Gatto, please. Twenty-six years ago, having nothing better to do at the time, I tried my hand at schoolteaching. The license I hold certifies that I am an instructor of English language and English literature, but that isn't what I do at ...
- "From Each According to His Ability, To Each A ...Well, there was something that happened at that plant where I worked for twenty years. It was when the old man died and his heirs took over. There were three of them, two sons and a daughter, and they brought a new plan to run the factory. They let u...
- Two-Time 'Officer of the Year' Charged With At ...In 2008, he was the Mt. Rainier Police Department Rookie of the Year. In 2009, he was named the department*s Officer of the Year. Last year, he was Officer of the Year again. Today, Gene Gillette is an attempted murder suspect. [...] Hall said h...
- Cop pulling DARE trailer charged with DUISALEM, IN (WAVE) * A police officer is facing drunk driving charges in Washington County, Indiana and the arresting officers say he was carrying a message about drug abuse education at the time. [...] "It said DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education...
Be Responsible - Be Free!
- Is There Really Such A Thing As National Chara ...I found myself asking this question after reading GE’s thought-provoking essay in Notting Hill Editions. In it, James contrasts what he sees as different national traits of America with those of his homeland. He finds himself concluding that the positives … Continue reading →
- Right-Wing Nut Cases Are Every Bit As Reprehen ...I’ve said before many times on this blog, the left-right divide is a fiction. The real differentiation in politics is between Libertarianism and Totalitarianism. Left-wingers and right-wingers merely squabble over what freedoms they choose to repress first: economic or personal. … Continue reading →
- Parliament On A Knife EdgeA few thoughts while I’m still working on my next main article. You’ve heard me mentioning in the last thread the tenuous situation currently existing on the Australian parliament’s Lower House, the House of Representatives. Of the 150 seats, Labor … Continue reading →
- MSM – A MonocultureJust a quick post today, as we’re all still recuperating from the ‘flu down here. I guess we can’t ignore the goings on in the British media; James is on the case, so I thought I’d give you all a … Continue reading →
- Style Versus SubstanceIn May this year, Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic Corporation created space travel history by achieving the first “feathered” re-entry of its experimental craft, SpaceShipTwo. Oversize stabilizers mounted on the wingtips rotated upwards by 65°, giving the craft the geometry … Continue rea ...
Sciencebase - Breaking Science News
- Headless zombie squid and dead frogs dancingIt is possible to re-animate dead appendages with a little salt, either table salt or in solution form as soy sauce. Be warned, this may put you off your breakfast. In the first video (which seems to have first appeared on the web a couple of years ago but a variant of which went viral [...]Head ...
- Wear sunscreenRemember that speech that led to that Baz Luhrmann hit, “Everybody’s free to wear sunscreen“? It was good advice and still is. Here, my friend Kat Arney, blogger, broadcaster, cancer expert and harpist, explains the ins and outs of sun protection. It perhaps should also be mentioned that you can ...
- Higgs glimpse?Higgs glimpse? – Lots of hype going on around the possibility of having spotted a glimpse of the Higgs boson that, in theory, endows matter with mass. Of course, despite the press conferences and hype, the physicists are still stressing that it is far too early to know whether the signals they h ...
- Rosalind Franklin Google DoodleRosalind Elsie Franklin (25 July 1920 – 16 April 1958) was a British X-ray crystallographer who made pioneering contributions to the understanding of the detailed molecular structures of the genetic code with her data from DNA and RNA as well as viruses, coal and graphite. She died prematurely a ...
- Periodic table of rock and metalWhat if the whole of the Periodic Table were all rocks and metal? And what if it were created in 1987 by Jesus, he of the Roadside as a tribute to Guns ‘n Roses? It is obviously a concept whose time has come, because there are several others around that attempt to knock out the [...]Periodic tab ...
RFF Library
- The Tragedy of the Risk-perception Commons: Cu ...Yale University Law School via SSRN / by Dan M. Kahan, Maggie Wittlin, Ellen Peters, Paul Slovic, Lisa Larrimore Ouellette, Donald Braman and Gregory Mandel http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1871503 [Abstract] The conventional explanation for controversy over climate change emp ...
- Regional Climate Consequences of Large-scale C ...Environmental Research Letters, July 2011 v6 p034001+ (9 pages); doi:10.1088/1748-9326/6/3/034001) http://iopscience.iop.org/1748-9326/6/3/034001/ (open access article) [From Press Release] While cool roofs and pavements have been found to cool the planet by preventing energy from being radiat ...
- Will Electric Cars Transform the U.S. Vehicle ...Belfer Center, Kennedy School, Harvard Univ. / by Henry Lee and Grant Lovellette http://bit.ly/obhg4n [Summary] For the past forty years, United States Presidents have repeatedly called for a reduction in the country’s dependence on fossil fuels in general and foreign oil specifically. Stronger ...
- Program on Technology Innovation: Integrated G ...Electric Power Research Institute http://my.epri.com/portal/server.pt?Abstract_id=000000000001022782 [From Green Car Congress] The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) released a report, Integrated Generation Technology Options on the cost, performance, and technology status for eight centr ...
- Big Chicken: Pollution and Industrial Poultry ...Pew Environment Group http://bit.ly/qGmIn9 [From the Baltimore Sun's B'More Green blog]Â Â A new report says the industrialization of poultry farming over the last several decades is a major source of pollution fouling the Chesapeake Bay and other waterways around the country. “Big Chicken,” re ...
Scientific American - News
- Presidential Commission Seeks Volunteers to St ...Nestled more than half a kilometer deep in a salt mine, the plutonium slowly decays, taking some 250,000 years to become uranium. As the U.S. debates what to do with the nuclear waste produced by its fleet of 104 reactors, the radioactive legacy of decades of nuclear bomb-making sits entombed ...
- Space Station Puts Out Welcome Mat for Private ...MOFFETT FIELD, Calif. -- Despite the grounding of NASA's storied space shuttle fleet, American spaceships are expected to make three trips to the International Space Station in the coming months. [More]
- Gout on the Rise as Americans Gain WeightThe "disease of kings" has now reached the masses. In the past half century the prevalence of gout in the general U.S. population has more than doubled. Once thought of only for the privileged few who had the means to overindulge in food and drink, gout now afflicts more than eight million Ame ...
- Sound Tracking: Harmonics Enable Bat to Focus ...After an echolocating bat locks on to an insect with its sonar beam, it can keep track of its prey despite receiving a slew of echoes from other objects--leaves, vines and so on. How does it separate echoes bouncing off its target from echoes bouncing off the surrounding clutter, especially when ...
- First Asteroid Companion of Earth Discovered a ...The first in a long-sought type of asteroid companion to Earth has now been discovered, a space rock that always dances in front of the planet along its orbital path, just beyond its reach.The asteroid, called 2010 TK7, is nearly 1,000 feet (300 meters) across and currently leading the Earth by ...
First Truths
- F.Y.I.Some among those reading this may already have heard the sad news that, at the end of this month, I'll be leaving C4SS, a decision required by strains on my schedule that no longer permit the volume of writing I've taken on for the past year or so. It's been an indescribable honor to be a part o ...
- L. Susan Brown on PowerI found this passage in Reinventing Anarchy, Again�(edited by Howard J. Ehrlich): To speak of power as a thing or phenomenon that can exist independent of human consciousness is to profoundly misunderstand the whole problem of power itself. Power exists as a relationship between individual human ...
- Weir's "Anarchy & Culture"From David Weir's Anarchy & Culture: The Aesthetic Politics of Modernism: Of the principal anarchists Proudhon seems most typical of the transfer of the romantic-Enlightenment mixture of ideas from social to aesthetic theory. Proudhon's aesthetic ideas are especially contradictory, although such ...
- Miscellaneous Thoughts on Law SchoolThe meaning of the word �logical� that laypeople use when they�re debating politics with family members in the living room�the word�s colloquial use�is nothing at all like the �logical� that law school expects you to be. The logic that law school will test, the sort that�s set out in Gordian for ...
- New Left Revisionism and the Crisis Tendencies ...The following excerpt from International Encyclopedia of Economic Sociology�(eds. Jens Beckert and Milan Zafirovski)�will be of interest for left libertarians: Rothbard's view of the relationship between big business and government in the rise of American 'statism' draws additionally from the wo ...
Media Co-Op
- WikiLeaks Task Force - DFAITThe Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade created a WikiLeaks Task force, and this was first reported by the king of ATIP, Ken Rubin. Given the fact that Mr. Rubin didn't release the source material didn't really help matters, since we couldn't pick apart the document, see which agencies were ...
- Victories over Ontario and BC HighwaysFights Continue in Montreal and Vancouver This week the government of Ontario cancelled the controversial $6 billion Niagara to Toronto freeway. A broad coalition of groups vigorously opposed the highway across the Niagara escarpment, and ...
- Tree-Sit Halting Blasting on Coal River Mounta ...Sitters Call for End of Strip Mining in Coal River Watershed Marfork, W.Va. – Catherine-Ann MacDougal and Becks Kolins, two protesters associated with the RAMPS Campaign, continue to occupy trees on the Bee Tree surface mine, where they ha ...
- Why not write for The Dominion this month?Hello to all our members, As we do every month, in August we will pay two contributors for news features to be published in *The Dominion*. We prioritize solutions-oriented news pieces with a Canadian angle, including photo essays and video pitches. Pitches are welcome from anyone; priority for ...
- Off the Hour: California Hunger Strike Solidarity July 16th Solidarity Demonstration in Montreal Coverage of the July 16th Solidarity Demonstration with California Prisoner's on Indefinite Hunger Strike. As of July 1st, Prisoner's in the Pelican Bay Supermaximum prison have been on hunger ...
David Seaton's News Links
- From Utoya Island to Capitol HillDavid Seaton's News LinksDefinition of DECLASSTransitive verb: to remove from a class; especially to assign to a lower social status It is ridiculed by poets and libertines; idolized by moralists; the target of speeches by politicians, popes and all others who climb into the pulpit to recruit vo ...
- Norway: a taste of the magmaDavid Seaton's News LinksMagma (from Greek μάγμα "paste") is a mixture of molten rock, volatiles and solids that is found beneath the surface of the Earth, and may also exist on other terrestrial planets. Wikipedia The Norwegian right wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik, who killed at least 7 ...
- A tribute to Amy WinehouseThis is a reprint of something I wrote in July of 2008: I admit that I had thought that Amy Winehouse was just another one of the media grotesques, a sort of Paris Hilton with a beat. I thought that her big hit "Rehab" was a catchy update of the Stax/Atlantic sound, sung in blackface. I sa ...
- Somalia FamineDavid Seaton's News Links According to the UN, more than six out of every 10,000 people are dying of hunger every day in some parts of the Bakool and Lower Shabelle regions of Somalia, with more than half the children there suffering from acute malnutrition. This is far above the normal fami ...
- The Murdoch Turkey ShootDavid Seaton's News Links (Britain's politicians) had been pushed into taking a stand by the overwhelming public revulsion that greeted the discovery that the mobile telephone of Milly Dowler, the murdered Surrey schoolgirl, had been hacked. Even so, it was a dramatic show of political will. �T ...