- FDA Approves Prostate Cancer Drug Zytigahe FDA has approved the Johnson & Johnson pill Zytiga for use in combination with the steroid prednisone to treat a certain type of late-stage prostate cancer in men who have already been treated with chemotherapy. The medication is to be used to treat patients with metastatic, castration-resist ...
- Priming the Body to Tackle CancerMelanoma, one of the most common cancers, is usually treated with surgery and aggressive chemotherapy. In a new, preliminary study, Dr. Marcus O. Butler, of Boston’s Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, suggests a kinder, gentler way of treating melanoma, and perhaps other cancers, using the body’s own ...
- Electrical Oscillations Found to be Critical f ...Biologists at UC San Diego have discovered that electrical oscillations in the brain, long thought to play a role in organizing cognitive functions such as memory, are critically important for the brain to store the information that allows us to navigate through our physical environment. The sci ...
- Origami: Not just for paper anymoreWhile the primary job of DNA in cells is to carry genetic information from one generation to the next, some scientists also see the highly stable and programmable molecule as an ideal building material for nanoscale structures that could be used to deliver drugs, act as biosensors, perform artif ...
- Fantastic embryonic stem cell animation
- Not much pop to corn controversy
- The icky problem of sewage treatment
- CEI's Chris Horner on White House lawsuit
- Eco-Lifestyles becoming a regular part of campus
- Interview: House Resources on Healthy Forests
Ria Novosti Online News
- Wildfires rage in Siberia, summer camp evacuatedWildfires raging in Russia's Siberian republic of Yakutia prompted evacuation of children from a summer camp and approached regional capital Yakutsk on Wednesday.
- Floods in Brazil leave ten dead, thousands hom ...Ten people were killed and more than13,000 left homeless in floods in two northeastern Brazilian states.
- Weather forecast favorable for last shuttle la ...Weather forecasts are favorable for the last landing under the Space Shuttle program.
- EU approves new nuclear waste storage regulationsThe EU Council of Ministers has approved a new regulations for nuclear waste management, which allow nuclear waste storage in non-EU countries, including Russia.
- FBI nabs dozen of WikiLeaks-linked hackersFBI arrested hacker-activists from the group Anonymous, which earlier claimed responsibility for attacking MasterCard and Visa websites to assist WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
Ria Novosti - Science & Technology
- Weather forecast favorable for last shuttle la ...Weather forecasts are favorable for the last landing under the Space Shuttle program.
- U.S. shuttle Atlantis set for last voyage from ISSThe U.S. shuttle Atlantis will undock for the last time from the International Space Station on Tuesday, NASA said.
- Companies to join Skolkovo nuclear technology ...
- Reactor in Japan's Fukui prefecture shut down ...A reactor at the Kansai nuclear power plant in Japan's Fukui prefecture has been halted due to a problem with its cooling system, Kyodo quoted the plant's operator as saying on Saturday.
- Atlantis crew leaves historic flag aboard ISSSpace shuttle Atlantis astronauts brought with them a historic U.S. flag that flew aboard shuttle Columbia on America's first shuttle flight, STS-1 in 1981, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) said on Saturday.
Pruning Shears
- GOP Booze Cruise Protest FlotillaOn Sunday night, the Walworth County, WI GOP held a fundraiser/rich guy boat party in Lake Geneva. In attendance were Rep. Paul “Medicare Vouchers” Ryan and WI Lieutenant Governor Rebecca “Gay Marriage Is Like People Marrying Their Furniture” Kleefisch. So, of course, also in attendance were ab ...
- Weekend wrapupNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this postOur image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims. Also: Giving fake vaccines to poor people breaks the Evil Meter.And Reuters, you do not have to call the people getting killed suspected ...
- Taking Wisconsin nationwide: The Rebuild The A ...No Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this postWhen the protests in Wisconsin erupted over the winter I remember having an exchange with Athenae. She had been holding her breath every single day because she was sure at any moment it would fall apart. There was good reason to ...
- Weekend wrapupNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this postOur image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims.Combat operations have concluded for:Army Spc. Preston J. Suter, 22, Sandy, UT.Army Spc. Jordan C. Schumann, 24, Port Saint Lucie, FL.Army ...
- 'No On SB 5': The summer pauseLast Wednesday We Are Ohio dropped off 1,298,301 signatures at the Secretary of State’s office to put the citizen veto of SB 5 on the ballot. For the time being that puts activists in a bit of a holding pattern. Enough signatures need to be validated to put it on the ballot in November, and si ...
- Keystone XL Pipeline Would Screw Over Farmers, ...The other morning I took a call, like so many other calls I've taken over the last four years, from another Dakota farmer wondering how his land may be affected by the Keystone XL pipeline.Click here to read this article
- The Theft of Health Rights: Can It Be Stopped?We're losing the right to manage our own health. Even the right to choose our food is being stolen. We can stop it, but only by ending the basis on which it's being done-not by addressing each action. Click here to read this article
- Nader Blasts Obama Bypassing Warren for Consum ...AP reports: "Reigniting a partisan fight over banking regulations, President Barack Obama intends to nominate former Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray to lead a consumer protection bureau that was a central feature of a law overhauling the rules that govern the financial sector.Click here to ...
- Taking Back Our Food - Dealing With Hunger And ...The housing crisis -- foreclosures, homelessness, renters cutting rents, disappearance of credit, slowdown in construction and home-buying -- has gotten much more attention than the food crisis.Click here to read this article
- Monsanto's Roundup Resistant Weeds Leave Farme ...As effectiveness of herbicides wanes, some try mixtures of older, more toxic chemicals, others pay itinerant workers to weed by hand. Click here to read this article
Center for a Livable Future
- Carnivores and Climate ChangeYou know what you ate this week—but do you know how it will affect climate change and the planet? As of today, you can use the Environmental Working Group (EWG)’s newly launched website to get information on food carbon footprints.
- Hen Party: Historic Agreement to Promote Stand ...United Egg Producers (UEP) has partnered with the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), agreeing to work together toward legislation of national standards to be used in egg production.
- TIME Magazine: Spotlight on IFAP and “Conceale ...When looked at through the lens of public health, the abuse that we see in the Mercy for Animals video constitutes not only cruelty to animals, but cruelty to humans as well, including the dehumanizing influence on workers forced to labor under conditions that ultimately breed contempt for the a ...
- Focus on Food Day: The Consequences of MeatEarlier this week, CLF’s Robert S. Lawrence, MD, and Keeve Nachman, PhD, kicked off the Center for a Livable Future’s countdown to Food Day with a webinar, “Industrial food animal production and the high-meat American diet: health and environmental consequences.” (Audio; slides). October 24, 20 ...
- Puget Sound Food Network Connects Locally Grow ...June 9-12, Amanda Behrens and I journeyed to Missoula, Montana for the joint annual meetings of the Agriculture Food and Human Values Society (AFHVS), Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS) and the Society for Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (SAFN). The conference, entitled Food ...
Investigate - Breaking News
- News release from Ian Wishart: Book will be pu ...NEWS RELEASE FROM IAN WISHART Major bookstore chains have today been forced to cancel orders for the explosive new book on the Kahui twins murders, BREAKING SILENCE In response, Author and publisher Ian Wishart has confirmed the book will go...
- News release on Ian Wishart's Kahui case book, ...NEWS RELEASE FROM IAN WISHART The Facebook page on Macsyna King is dishonest. They have known all along that Macsyna has neither sought nor been offered any money or compensation for the book Breaking Silence by Ian Wishart. Still, the...
- Sea-level study released - yawnMann, Ramstorf and other 'usual suspects' have released their 'it's worse than we thought' sea level "study". Newspaper paraphrases: Looking back in history, the researchers found that sea level was relatively stable from 100 BC to AD 950. Then, during...
- Where's my global warming dude?Temperature trend from HadCRUT for the past decade says it all, really: Hat tip: Steve Goddard
- Prepare for global cooling - it's officialTo coincide with the release of Air Con Climategate Edition on Kindle, there's been a stunning announcement today that we appear to be seeing major changes in the Sun, of a type that heralded the Little Ice Age. The full...
My Care2 Picks
- An Assault on the Clean Water Act"This is by far the most concerted, aggressive attack on public health and environmental protections since Congress enacted modern environmental laws in the 1970s."Submitted by John Farnham to Health & Wellness �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Secrets of the RAND CORP ExposedAlex Jones video Infowars / Prison PlanetSubmitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Global Climate Change QuestionnaireThe following questions on global climate change are designed to determine the scope of public opinion on the subject. Please see the previous post explaining why I am doing this.Submitted by John Farnham to Society & Culture �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Stranded: The stateless HaitiansMany descendants of Haitian workers living in the Dominican Republic could face deportation to Haiti or be forced to live outside the law, with no legal status in the country.Submitted by John Farnham to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Rain Making Experience, Stunning RevelationsSomatic problems in the lower parts of the body, such as feet, legs, buttocks and the lower vertebrae of the spine, usually indicate a lack of connection to earth....may even occur because one has an exceptionally good connection.Submitted by John Farnham to Offbeat �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Com ...
Angry Indian News
- People's Tribunal against the Criminalization ...People's Tribunal against the Criminalization of Protest in Ecuador [] During three days in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador, hundreds of representatives from several Latin American... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Costa Rica: Private security guards evict Brib ...Costa Rica: Private security guards evict Bribri families on behalf of Italian businessman: Security guards working for the Italian businessman, Idolo Augustine Mastronei, have violently evicted a... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Reject Rep. Peter King's hatredReject Rep. Peter King's hatred: ( - New York Republican Peter King is consistent in efforts to smear and destroy the good work of the Nation of Islam. In the 1990s, he led a witch hunt... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Lives on the line at Pelican Bay | SocialistWo ...Lives on the line at Pelican Bay | Karen Stewart reports on a hunger strike by California prisoners that has been going on for more than two weeks--and the inhumane conditions... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Syrian army swoops on new town in anti-protest ...Syrian army swoops on new town in anti-protests campaign | Jordan Times: "DAMASCUS (AFP) - The Syrian army on Sunday set its sights on the town of Zabadani near the Lebanon border as it pressed ahead... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- GM Crops Farmer to Farmer – The Truth about GM ...
- The Great Gulf Coast Holocaust Pt 3there is good evidence that the holocaust in the Gulf is just beginning and is now moving up the food chain and has already made its way into your local supermarket. And if you think you can dodge the obvious danger by merely avoiding the Gulf seafood, think again, as this catastrophe is permeat ...
- GMO Deregulation: An Act of WarThe fiction of GMO oversight created by the USDA to deceive the public was designed to disintegrate over time so that GMOs could be completely deregulated.
- Alternative Markets, Barter Systems, and Local ...We can sit around on our asses and complain about the terrible state of the world, or we can take it upon ourselves to clean up the mess. That’s all there is. If you are afraid to take action, then I suggest you consider what will happen if you don’t. I see far more danger in complacency and fea ...
- Truth Squad Radio: GMO Deregulation and Agenda 21Scotts' GE Kentucky Bluegrass will not be regulated as either a plant pest or noxious weed, and these are the ONLY two ways that GMOs can be regulated by the USDA. Join us as we discuss this issue of the year!
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- The stupidity of crowds helps kill a planet - ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- Sex, death, and the noble American toad - Scot ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- How to save a fishery: owning, renting, and ex ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ‘Gossip Girl’ unethical because of threesome? ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ()Noted by user deleted on December 31, 1969 7:12 PM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- Bill Clinton: I would raise the debt limit and ...ShareThisBill Clinton: I would raise the debt limit and "force the courts to stop me" [Right, but Obusha is a Wall Street/GOP troll, so that won't happen.] 19 Jul 2011 Former President Bill Clinton said he would raise the nation's legal borrowing limit on his own if he had to and "force the cour ...
- 'Gang of Six' Plan Cuts Corporate Taxes, Socia ...ShareThis'Gang of Six' Plan Cuts Corporate Taxes, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid [Thanks, Obusha!] 19 Jul 2011 The "Gang of Six" returned to life today in the U.S. Senate, unveiling a plan for $3.7 trillion in budget savings over 10 years, breathing new life into the drive to reach a bipart ...
- FBI arrests 16 in Anonymous hacking investigationShareThisFBI arrests 16 in Anonymous hacking investigation 19 Jul 2011 Sixteen people were arrested in the United States today in connection with hacking attacks by the Anonymous group of online activists, as well as one person in the U.K. and four people in the Netherlands, the U.S. Department ...
- 'Someone's coming to get me': Terrified phone- ...ShareThis'Someone's coming to get me': Terrified phone-hacking whistleblower feared for his life before he was found dead --Police probing former showbiz reporter's 'suicide' 19 Jul 2011 The man who launched the entire phone hacking scandal... believed someone was out to get him, a friend has re ...
- Stress-related condition 'incapacitates' Bachm ...ShareThisStress-related condition 'incapacitates' Bachmann; heavy pill use alleged 19 Jul 2011 Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann (R) frequently suffers from stress-induced medical episodes that she has characterized as severe headaches. These episodes, say witnesses, occur once a week on average a ...
Daily Loaf
- 5 books that are sure to heat up your kitchen lifeI like to read — a lot. I could make lists counting the hundreds of books that make great reads. Unfortunately, we don’t have the time and you may not have the attention span for that. To keep it short and sweet, here’s a list of five books that I feel add depth and meaning [...]
- Beer Review: Victory Hop Devil/Victory Hop WallopVictory Brewing Company opened up fifteen years ago in Downingtown, Pennsylvania, but only recently entered the Florida market. With such beers as their highly touted Prima Pils and Storm King Stout, Victory has earned a rightful place among the respected craft brewers in the United States. ...
- D’s nuts: Rays’ crazy defense feeds hitting, p ...Tampa Bay took the series victory against the Chicago with the win, getting back to .500 and improving to 2 games back in the American League East division. Rays look for sweep tomorrow.
- Interview with Michael Foley about the Florida ...The Florida Dance Festival provides a springboard for raw talent and fresh ideas.
- Just plain cheesy: Celebrate National Grilled ...April is National Grilled Cheese Month: an entire four weeks devoted to the American classic. The following sandwich recipe is from cheese expert and author Laura Werlin’s book, Great Grilled Cheese.
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- VRM: Gardasil/Cervarix Part 2 – Demyelination, ...Article is intended to be read in conjunction with Part 1: VRM: Gardasil/Cervarix â A Legacy Of Shame Vaccines, by their composite nature, inherently damage & disrupt the body’s delicate neurological network; the complex functioning of the brain in maintaining all systems of operation ...
- VRM: “One For All” Universal Flu V ...Part 2: Dissecting the Universal Flu Vaccine (continued from Part 1: Dissecting the Seasonal influenza Vaccine) To fully unravel the Biondvax Universal Flu Vaccine scandal, a top down approach is necessary. Professor Ruth Arnon, Ph.D, is the official “inventor of BiondVaxâs innovative synthetic ...
- VRM: “One For All” Universal Flu V ...Part 2: Dissecting the Universal Flu Vaccine (continued from Part 1: Dissecting the Seasonal influenza Vaccine) To fully unravel the Biondvax Universal Flu Vaccine scandal, a top down approach is necessary. Professor Ruth Arnon, Ph.D, is the official “inventor of BiondVaxâs innovative synthetic ...
- VRM: “One For All” Universal Flu V ...“The first century or two of the new millennium will almost certainly be a golden age for eugenics. Through application of new genetic knowledge and reproductive technologies the major change will be to mankind itself. Techniques such as genetic manipulations are not yet efficient enough t ...
- VRM: “One For All” Universal Flu V ...“The first century or two of the new millennium will almost certainly be a golden age for eugenics. Through application of new genetic knowledge and reproductive technologies the major change will be to mankind itself. Techniques such as genetic manipulations are not yet efficient enough t ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- You Know You're Getting Old When...A few weeks back we received our new high-efficiency front loading LG washer and dryer set and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed by them. The set was only around $1000 (on sale) but I felt like I'd gone from a Chevette to a Cadillac when compared to our old set.� A cute little luxury fe ...
- Control Your Home Thermostat On the Internet!Today a fellow from our natural gas company came by to install a new thermostat as part of the Peaksaver program that we signed up for.�If you haven't heard of Peaksaver, basically what it does is allow the Ontario government electricity provider to turn off your central air conditioner ...
- Happy Day!: The Water Bill Arrived!After being shocked a few months ago with a water bill of over $240 I decided to do a few things to cut down on our water use We converted our main toilet to a dual-flush and installed a water saving device on the second (haven't switched it over to a dual yet). We also installed a new ...
- Strawberry PickingOur family went strawberry picking this morning, it's a fun thing to do once in a while and I think it's a good way to help our 3-year old daughter realize where food comes from. While my wife picked berries with our oldest I went for a walk around the farm with our youngest in the stroller ...
- Pioneer Solar: PV System For Free?I received a flyer from Pioneer Solar in the mail the other day which claims to help people get a solar system installed on their house, farm, or business for free. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, like most things there's good and bad points about it and what might be a good deal f ...
Michael Yon
- Left of Bang14 July 2011 A few years ago, a British officer said to me they want to get as far left of bang as possible.� The farther left of bang, the better.� Right of bang is a crater and a memorial service. A main goal in staying left of bang is to disrupt enemy bomb-making cells.� In the early days ...
- Iraq: Inside the Inferno – Foreword by CSM Jef ...13 July 2011 Below is the Foreword that Command Sergeant Major Jeff Mellinger wrote for INFERNO. Jeff is a true warrior. We met in 2005 as I wrote about in the dispatch series, WALKING THE LINE. Since then, CSM Jeff Mellinger and I have traveled thousands of miles together across some rough Ir ...
- Rule of LawPartners in Law 13 July 2011 Kandahar, Afghanistan Most Afghans hate warlords.� Most Afghans hate the Taliban.� When the warlords ruled Afghanistan it was lawless, and so many people welcomed the Taliban who beat back the warlords and installed crude justice.� Soon, the Taliban, staggered by t ...
- Naval STEM
- IJC: Change of CommandAnd a Few Thoughts IJC INVITES MEDIA TO ISAF Joint Command Official Change of Command Ceremony KABUL, Afghanistan (July 9) � Media are invited to attend the change of command ceremony when Lt. Gen. David M. Rodriguez will welcome Lt. Gen. Curtis M. Scaparrotti as the new commander of ISAF Join ...
The Killing Train
- Tories would rather shut down the CBC than ans ...This is a video that should be watched widely. These are Harper voters.
- Watch out for election day fraudFrancis Fox Piven (who has had her own experiences recently with Harper's US mentors) and Richard Cloward wrote a very interesting book called "Why Americans Don't Vote", which showed how a key electoral strategy in the US has always been demobilizing opposing voters, a strategy just as importan ...
- Today's election thoughtsToday's election thoughts, and a couple of photos. Jon Elmer sent me this amusing Vintage Voter site. Vincent Pang sent me this photo album of protests against Harper's second proroguing back in 2010. read more
- 36% is apparently a majority, but not for a wh ...The daily polling is suspicious. Every day the media publishes what the electoral outcome is going to be. And every day it changes. They keep saying there's going to be a Harper majority. Saying it won't make it so, but it might contribute to it. Earlier today I saw an article on throu ...
- Canadians are annoyed - deliberation vs. engin ...Pollsters now get people to press buttons about how they are feeling as they watch debates, and have discovered that Canadians are annoyed. This then feeds back to politicians, who try to, presumably, be less annoying, or, perhaps, try to blame other politicians for the annoyance. read more
- Live In A Small US City? Get Ready To Train, P ...Cutting the budget with a Paul Bunyan-style axe. Image credit:Wikipedia, Akeley MN Paul Bunyan sculpture. DELTA Airlines has announced it will stop serving twenty four (24) small US cities. With fuel costs so high, these small, rural airports with passenger "load factors" between 12% and 63 ...
- We Are An Intrinsic Part Of Nature, Not Separa Joe Stump/Creative Commons The following post is part of an ongoing series of posts briefly outlining how the world's major religions have traditionally viewed the environment and are putting those beliefs into practice today. For many TreeHugger readers Buddhism is probably the p ...
- Business Lobbies Unite to Fight for More SmogInterest groups, the Business Roundtable chief among them, are attempting to capitalize on an anti-regulatory sentiment popular amongst American conservatives by lobbying hard against incoming Clean Air rules that would limit smog output from industry. They argue that asking major polluters ...
- Weekday Vegetarian: Polenta with Tomato Chickp ...Photo Credit: Kelly Rossiter I have always been a proponent of healthy eating, and I've done a lot of cooking of legumes and vegetables over the past few years, but all caution has been thrown to the wind on my trip to France. Who can resist walking down to the boulangerie every morning for ...
- The Late, Great Climate Scientist Dr. Schneide ...Dr. Stephen Schneider, one of the giants of climate science, passed away last year to the day. Over at Dot Earth, Andy Revkin celebrates his life's work by featuring this truly remarkable video, in which Schneider single-handedly takes on a room full of climate skeptics in a round of civil, ...
Democratic Voice of Burma
- Does Australia’s ‘war criminal’ testify ...Narratives of human rights abusers allow little space to explore the conditions that create our most heinous criminals, but we would benefit from a degree of empathy
- Martyrs’ Day invite promising, says Suu KyiPoliticans and activists yesterday marched en masse in Rangoon in the largest public gathering of Burma’s opposition since 2007
- Doubts over Australia ‘war criminal’ claimsAcquaintances of Htoo Htoo Han in Australia say claims that he committed war crimes are false and part of an anti-govt strategy
- Martyrs’ DayView Photo Album Aung San Suu Kyi was among Burmese civilians and government officials who today travelled to the Martyrs’ Mausoleum in Rangoon to mark the assassination of Suu Kyi’s father, Burmese independence hero General Aung San, who was killed in 1947. The inviation for Suu Kyi to attend ...
- Thai army helicopter crashes in BurmaHelicopter carrying 9 people goes down inside Burmese border whilst on a mission to retrieve victims of similar helicopter crash
Telegraph - Climate Change
- Horn of Africa drought: African desperationTelegraph View: In the 1980s rich nations reacted far too slowly to mass starvation in Ethiopia. The same mistake must not be repeated.
- Queensland floods and Russian heatwave will be ...Chris Huhne's 'carbon saving' measures could double energy bills within nine years - so Australian floods might help to wash down the British voter's bitter pills, says Christopher Booker.
- The Phoenix dust storm shows that, whatever th ...Rain or shine, drought, flood or dust-storm, the warmist faith decrees that all 'freak weather events' are man-made, says Christopher Booker.
- £50 trillion needs to be spent on going green ...Almost £50 trillion must be spent on green technology over the coming decades if the world is to avert a "major planetary catastrophe", the United Nations has claimed.
- Man-made climate change evidence 'hidden' by s ...Cutting down on pollution from Chinese coal plants could actually make the earth become warmer, according to a new study.
National Geographic | Environment
- Giant Undersea Volcanoes Found Off AntarcticaLarge undersea volcanoes off Antarctica—some Mount Fuji-size—were recently discovered via sonar, scientists say.
- War Game Exposes Grim Reality: Few Oil Crisis ...Former U.S. government officials struggle to game out solutions in a mock oil crisis with its roots in today’s headlines.
- To Curb Driving, Cities Cut Down on Car ParkingCities worldwide find that managing parking is an effective, if indirect, means of addressing energy, traffic, and climate change concerns.
- New Pit Viper Found—One of World's SmallestDubbed a "surprise gift" by scientists, a new snake species found in China is one of the littlest pit vipers in the world.
- Photos: 4 Natural Wonders Added to World Herit ...NoneIt's not hard to see why these sites were added this year to the UN's list of global natural treasures. Plus: sites on the rebound—and the decline.
Jurist - Legal Research
- Federal judge rules Florida courthouse must re ...[JURIST] A federal judge on Friday ordered [text, PDF] Florida's Dixie County Courthouse to remove the Ten Commandments monument [JPG] displayed on the front steps of the courthouse. The American Civil Liberties Union of Florida (ACLUFL) [advocacy website] filed the lawsuit in early 2007, arguin ...
- Philippines military committing human rights a ...[JURIST] The Philippine government has failed to investigate and prosecute extrajudicial killings tied to the country's military, Human Rights Watch (HRW) [advocacy website] announced [press release] Tuesday. In a report [text, PDF] entitled "No Justice Just Adds to the Pain: Killings, Disappear ...
- Reproductive rights group challenges North Dak ...[JURIST] The Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR) [advocacy website] on Monday filed a complaint [text] challenging a North Dakota law [HB 1297 text] that effectively bans non-surgical abortions [JURIST news archive] in the state. The law restricts the use of mifepristone, misoprostol [FDA backg ...
- Federal judge allows Google to appeal Street V ...[JURIST] A judge for the US District Court for the Northern District of California [official website] on Monday ruled that Google [corporate website; Bloomberg backgrounder] could appeal a decision permitting a wiretapping lawsuit against the company to proceed. Judge James Ware granted [Bloombe ...
- Pakistan civilians seek arrest of ex-CIA legal ...[JURIST] Three Pakistani men filed a complaint on Monday seeking to arrest former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) [official website] legal counsel for authorizing unmanned predator drone strikes [JURIST news archive]. The complaint alleges [Reuters report] that former General Counsel to the CI ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- How to Think About the 'Gang of 6' HypeCapitol Hill practically erupted this morning with news that Sen. Tom Coburn had rejoined the bipartisan group of senators known as the "Gang of 6" -- Coburn had previously quit the gang, so his sudden unexpected return was, to Washington budget types, sort of like if Roger Waters had rejoined P ...
- Senate Okays Gay Judge, But Native Americans S ...In the nation's history, only two Native Americans have ever been confirmed by the Senate for a job on the federal bench The United States Senate was quick to congratulate itself and accept the congratulations of others Monday evening before, during, and after it confirmed by an 80-13 vote the ...
- Elizabeth Warren Makes It PersonalRelieved from the day to day responsibilities of running the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, she seems to be embracing a newfound freedom Elizabeth Warren is ready to name and shame. After 10 long months spent crafting a brand-new federal agency in her image and likeness, years before t ...
- Shouty Wisconsin Recall Elections Preceded by ...All over but the shouting? Not in the Badger State, where the second round of contentious recall voting is today. On Sunday, July 17, the Republican Party of Walworth County, Wisconsin, held a pleasant cruise and fundraiser aboard Lake Geneva's "Lady of the Lake" steamboat. The heat was not ...
- Obama Supports Repeal of Gay-Marriage BanPresident Obama is throwing his support behind the Respect For Marriage Act - the bill to repeal the 1996 Defense Of Marriage Act, which banned the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriage even for couples married under state law. The president has "long called for a legislative ...
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] WikiLeaks on Canada in Iraq War - coat
- [COAT] CANSEC Arms Bazaar Protest, June 1, Ott ...
- [COAT] Put a SNAG in CANSEC: Spring Nuremberg ...
- [COAT] WikiWeapons Cda Exposes 18,888 Export C ...
- [COAT] Latest on Cda's Arms Exports & CANSEC r ...
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious b ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's en ...
- More tritium found at Vt. Yankee, NRC plans cl ...
Tikun Olam
- Israeli Judge to Israeli Media: You May Tell I ...Few other ostensibly democratic countries have as strange a judicial system as Israel when it comes to gag orders and the veil of secrecy they cast on matters of public interest. Â Witness yesterday’s decision by Tel Aviv Judge Benny Sagi to partially lift the gag order protecting the identity o ...
- Knesset Stifles Voice of Israeli-Palestinian MKThe Only Democracy in the Middle East™ is once again showing its true colors by further stripping parliamentary privileges from its only female Israeli-Palestinian member, Haneen Zoabi. As a result of Knesset action today, she will no longer be allowed to address the Knesset or vote in committe ...
- Israel Project Puts Another High-Powered Far-R ...I reported here a few years ago about The Israel Project’s “Hasbara Handbook,” created for it by Republican master strategist, Frank Luntz. Â He was paid handsomely for his work, earning over $200,000 from the group in 2009. Â Apparently, TIP is strengthening its ties to the Republican far-right ...
- Site Outage, Access Restored (I Hope)I apologize to my readers for the site being mostly inaccessible for the past 24 hours. Â The Israeli Channel 10 TV news program ran a story about my Gideon Sa’ar post and it apparently caused a massive server load. Â This caused Hostgator, my web host, to suspend my site. Â I didn’t find out ab ...
- Israeli Education Minister, Gideon Sa’ar, Rumo ...Word is just beginning to break inside Israel about a possible sex scandal involving a “senior Israeli political figure.” Â Several days ago, Maariv political affairs correspondent Shalom Yerushalmi was interviewed on Channel 10Â (just prior to 6:00 mark) about stories that were too hot to handl ...
If Americans Knew
- Denying Nazi-Zionist collusion: The Sacramento ...In an inversion of journalistic ethics, the Sacramento Bee reported on opposition to an event before and after it took place, but didn't cover the event itself. It featured an entire report on accusations against a flier, but didn't include a response from the flier's authors.
- Media omissions on Itamar: Murdering babies is ...US media widely and repeatedly reported on the horrific March 11th murder of three small Israeli children and their parents. While no one yet knows who committed this grotesque act, reports presume that the murderers were Palestinian, and for this reason the incident is receiving major attention ...
- Critical Connections: Egypt, the US, and the I ...Minimally explored in all the coverage of the momentous Egyptian uprising taking place over the last 10 days [Jan-Feb 2011] are the Israeli connections.
- Gabrielle Giffords, Tom Hurndall and Palestini ...Alison Weir, CounterPunch - There is something particularly horrifying when someone is shot in the head. Perhaps it's the gruesome image, the destruction of the brain, the clear intent to kill. The recent shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is made even more nightmarish by the l ...
- As Israel kills and maims, Outrage is directed ...Whenever Israel commits yet another atrocity, its defenders are quick to redirect public attention away from the grisly crime scene. Currently, there are headlines about allegedly anti-Semitic comments made by senior White House correspondent Helen Thomas. Pundits across the land evince outrage ...
David J. Gregory
- Help to overcomeSIGLER/Chronicle David Gregory has a condition that causes him to need a van equipped with a chair lift so he can access it from the driver’s seat of his vehicle. The van he currently uses is in poor shape, so he is in need of a new van. Friends have opened a bank account to [...]
- USA PATRIOT Act: The Myth of a Secure European ...The U.S. is home to the world's largest technology companies, offering cloud services from simple storage to complex web applications to users across the world. But data held even in European datacenters, protected by strict European data laws, may still be vulnerable to inspection by U.S. autho ...
- FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PLEASE REPOSTby David Gregory on Tuesday, June 14, 2011 at 1:56pm For those who may not know, my name is David Gregory, I have Osteogenesis imperfecta (O.I.), a brittle bone disease. I use a Jazzy electric wheelchair and a 1993 Ford van. Both the chair and especially the van are on the last legs of years [...]
- My PredicamentFor those who may not know, my name is David Gregory, I have Osteogenesis imperfecta (O.I.), a brittle bone disease. I use a Jazzy electric wheelchair and a 1993 Ford van. Both the chair and especially the van are on the last legs of years of service. Unfortunately, because I work I do not quali ...
- High Time in the Old town TONIGHT, MAYBE/O.K., most of you have heard of all the doomsayers that have been around the last few years and all have heard in one form, or another, about the 2012 Mayan prophecy, so you put it all in a sack and shake it up. What do you get? Well, whether, or not, any of these [...]
Unsuitable Blog
- Why So Few Unsuitablogs?I’ve been looking at the main page at pondering on the lack of recent posts. There is a reason for this – not the pondering, but the lack of posts – and it stems from the tension that arises between the part of an activist that writes about what is going on with the world [...]
- Money for Nothing and Your Soul for FreeWe, the media and I, have an interesting relationship. They leave me alone for the most part, and I give them hell because for the most part they are an industry dedicated to anti-life propaganda. Sometimes, though, they will contact me for a quote, an interview and some advice on how to keep th ...
- Lush’s Dirty Laundry [by Cory Morningstar]In an unlikely alliance, Lush Cosmetics joins the Indigenous Environmental Network against the Canadian tar sands. The Lush campaign targets the tar sands, yet the CEO of Lush fails to target his own family’s dynasty built on the continued exploration of oil, gas and mining. Today, the environme ...
- Dispatches: Conservation’s Dirty SecretsJUST-WATCH-THIS… Dispatches reporter Oliver Steeds travels the globe to investigate the conservation movement and its major organisations. Steeds finds that the movement, far from stemming the tide of extinction that’s engulfing the plane ...
- I’m On The RunActually I’m not. It would have been quite exciting to have been writing a blog from an internet cafe somewhere, or hijacking a wireless connection outside an office building, but it seems I am safe and snug in my home completely bereft of law enforcement officers hammering at my door demanding ...
Subalternate Reality
- Keith Ellison’s Tears And Epistemic ClosureRep. Peter King’s hearings looking into the “radicalization” of the American Muslim community, and the suggestion that the community doesn’t cooperate with law enforcement, was largely a waste of time and tax dollars. The affair didn’t produce a single insight into the actual and urgent issue of ...
- Praying On Qasr al-NilOne of the more memorable scenes of the Egyptian revolution will surely be that of ordinary Egyptian’s praying on Cairo’s Qasr al-Nil Bridge as members of Egyptian state police direct their water cannons at them. Truly a remarkable sight. via Al Jazeera Filed under: Middle East Tagged: Al-Jazeer ...
- “I Support Democratization, But…&# ...The Atlanticâs Jeffrey Goldberg â one of the key proponents of the disastrous invasion of Iraq â has some serious misgivings about the fledgling pro-democracy movement thatâs taken over the streets of Egypt. âI support democratization, but,â he cautions, âthe democratization we saw in Gaza (cour ...
- All That Happens In The Middle East Can’ ...Uncertainly rules the day in Tunisia. Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, the countryâs strong-armed and authoritarian ruler since 1987, is in Saudi Arabia while the interim government struggles to restore some semblance of order. âConfusion, fear and horror in Tunisia as old regime’s militia carries on ...
- Newt Comes Out As A Muslim-BaiterEarly this week, disgraced former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich warned that “a commitment to religious freedom and God-given rights is being replaced by a secular oppression…” Just hours after those words appeared on Human Events, Gingrich issued a statement forcefully opposing the constr ...
Idea Lab | Technology
- How Social Networking Can Help Neighbors Durin ...Can social-networking sites be used by neighbors to help each other during disasters, as well as with more pedestrian issues the rest of the time? NPR recently covered political scientist Daniel Aldrich's work looking at how neighbors help each other during disasters. From NPR: Aldrich's ...
- Stop Yammering and Start Hammering: How to Bui ...Over the next four weeks, a very interesting experiment is going to unfold. The most exciting part about it is that it’s entirely open source: You can observe it, interact with it, and improve it. We’re calling this experiment the “learning lab.” It’s the second stage of the Knight-Mozill ...
- How TileMill Improved Ushahidi Maps to Protect ...In May I worked with Plan Benin to improve its Violence Against Children (VAC) reporting system. The system uses FrontlineSMS and Ushahidi to collect and visualize reports of violence against children. Ushahidi develops open-source software for information collection, visualization and interacti ...
- When Moral Systems Miss the Point in NewsgamesIn "Newsgames: Journalism at Play," we argue that the news quiz "is an incredibly simple type of game, but one that nevertheless can transmit factual information in a refreshing way." Perhaps our favorite example is an op-ed suite from The New York Times called "Turning Points, 2008 Edition," wh ...
- MIT Lesson: Change Happens Everywhere; Activis ...I attended last Thursday's afternoon plenary "Civic Media Mobilization," at the 2011 Knight Civic Media conference, expecting to hear discussion about specific activist technologies and techniques. I was also anticipating some juicy political friction between the Tea Party consultant and the imm ...
Cutting Edge News
- The Edge of Hate - Distinguished Senator Resig ...After denouncing several grave anti-Semitic incidents at the Free University of Brussels (ULB), Dr. Jacques Brotchi – a member of Belgium’s Senate and an internationally renowned neurosurgeon – resigned from the UCB board. Brotchi, who also holds an honorary professorship at the Brussels-based i ...
- The 2012 Vote - Candidate Cain says he Would N ...Outspoken Republican presidential contender Herman Cain said in an interview with the Washington Times that if he were in President Obama’s place, he would not “”sit back and wait” for United Nations permission to retaliate in case of an attack by Iran upon Israel.A Baptist minister and business ...
- Egypt after Mubarak - Egypt’s Enduring Challen ...The U.S.-Egypt bilateral relationship developed rapidly following the 1978 Camp David Accords. While the ties spanned many fields, the foundation of the contact was the military relationship. As a memo from the U.S. embassy in Cairo explained in 2009:President Mubarak and military leaders view o ...
- The Obama Edge - America’s Heavy-handed Foreig ...The Obama administration is withholding $800 million of the $2 billion in current aid to Pakistan, angry over the (limited) level of Pakistani pursuit of Taliban elements attacking U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan. The United States believes intelligence information provided to Pakistan has b ...
- Liberia on Edge - Univ. of Maryland Professor ...The American professor at the center of what is becoming a pre-election scandal in Liberia says he played no role in preparing a pre-election analysis for the ruling Unity Party of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. The Online Liberian publication FrontPage Africa reported over the July 9-10 weeke ...
High Country News
- Rocky Mountain wolf recovery leader was not yo ...An interview with Ed Bangs, who recently retired from heading the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's gray wolf recovery program
- Leadville, an old Colorado mining town, may re ...As prices soar, Freeport McMoRan ponders reviving the town's Climax molybdenum mine
- Montana's top gun-rights advocate has a nation ...Gary Marbut's case for state rights in gun regulations is spreading from Montana to the West and beyond.
- Justice delayed but finally deliveredAfter 15 long years, Elouise Cobell's class action suit over missing Indian trust fund accounts has been settled.
- Going down the road feeling badLife in the rural West is wonderful, unless you find yourself in need of serious medical care.
- Set Title HereEnter Text Here
- Fear And Loathing In The Housing Market- The G ...By William HicksContinuing the recent run of bad economic news, an S&P/Case Shiller report on Tuesday confirmed that U.S. home prices in most major markets have resumed falling after stabilizing for a couple of years
- Disastrous US Jobs Report Points To Deepening ...By Barry GreyUS payrolls grew by a paltry 54,000 in May and the official unemployment rate rose to 9.1 percent, an increase of 0.3 percent since March, according to the monthly employment report released Friday by the Labor Department
- A State For JewsBy William James Martin Why are we providing almost incalculable support and sustenance to a state - Israel- which is a state for Jews, and exclusively for Jews, at the expense of the indigenous native Palestinians
- Israelis Rush For Second PassportsBy Franklin Lamb Several studies in Israel and one conducted by AIPAC and another by the Jewish National Fund in Germany show that perhaps as many as half of the Jews living in Israel will consider leaving Palestine in the next few years if current political and social trends continue. A 2008 s ...
Contagious Love Experiment
- Kill Team: The Bigger PictureSorry to have been slacking on the blog. Here’s an article I wrote and forget to post… better late than never! Kill Team: The Bigger Picture
- Dear Mr. Beck, I Shook Hands with the AntichristDear Mr. Beck: I Shook Hands with the Antichrist Earlier this week, Michael Lind wrote an article for Salon about the misplaced energy in demeaning alarmists like Glenn Beck.1 Having friends and family who often revere the inflammatory rhetoric of Beck, Palin, Limbaugh, and others as a light in ...
- Practicing Peace in the New YearA friend, Frank Swift, that I met on my first journey has passed along some great practical steps towards peace for the new year. Frank has written a children’s book to help young people see an alternative to the competition and forcefulness that can too easily get instilled in our young people. ...
- Sharing the writing of another StieberMy younger brother, Zack, has been fascinated by the Chinese practice of Falun Gong and is hoping that this post could be used to spark a further discussion about it. � Thoughts on Falun Gong by Zack Stieber � Most of us are aware that in China things work differently then here. The main thing o ...
- Article in FORThe following is the rough draft for an article I wrote, reflecting on the war in Iraq, that was published in the recent edition of the Fellowship of Reconciliation’s magazine. For more info on getting the full magazine, check out:Â Rhetoric and Re ...
Yid With Lid
- Newsbusted Exclusive: Michelle Obama To Counse ...They sure make things big in Texas.� Eleven days ago, Janet Johnson gave birth to a baby boy weighing 16 pounds, more than double the average weight of a newborn. Baby JaMichael was reportedly the largest child ever born in the Lone Star State. According to an exclusive report by� Newsbusted ...
- Sudan’s “Two-State Solution”�by Barry Rubin Good news from the Middle East is that rarest of all things. Solutions (however imperfect or even temporary) to conflicts there is equally rare. That�s why the creation of a new country, South Sudan, is so significant after years of strife between the northern and southe ...
- A Beginners Guide To The Debt Ceiling DebateThe Talmud says: "One should not extravagantly distribute more than one fifth of one's income to charity." Are the sages saying there�s a ceiling cap on giving charity? Yes they are, because if everyone were to give too much away there would be too many mouths to feed. If you have been gett ...
- Congress Gets Tough on Palestinian Authority; ...By Barry Rubin The Associated Press reports: “American aid to the Palestinians is in jeopardy over their ties to the terrorist group Hamas, unwillingness to restart negotiations with Israel and push for statehood at the United Nations over U.S. resistance, congressional Republicans and D ...
- Poor Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Is Too S ...To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, "Well, there she goes again!" Sheila Jackson Lee, the woman who, every day tries to show that Barbara Boxer is only the second dumbest person in Congress,� made another really dumb comment.� This time she says that the GOP is only pushing this debt ceiling debate ...
The Real Agenda
- GM crops, Pesticides Cause Deadly DiseaseNaturalNews July, 2011 The recent upswing in crop failures and spontaneous animal miscarriages appears to be the result of a deadly new plant disease, suggests a prominent researcher. According to ongoing research being conducted by Emeritus Professor Don Huber from Purdue University in Indiana, ...
- Previdência Privada do Chile ProsperaPor Luis R. Miranda The Real Agenda 20 de Julho de 2011 Um exemplo de como a Previdência Privada funciona no mundo real e a experiência chilena de 30 anos que conseguiu superar as expectativas. Em vez de criar um déficit enorme para financiar o velho sistema “PayGo”, o governo adotou um siste ...
- What does a Food Monopoly Look Like?by Luis R. Miranda The Real Agenda July 20, 2011 This is something that is always in my head, especially when I read Monsanto’s ideas to enhance and perpetuate their control of the food supply. Those ideas include the monopoly of every single form of food that exists; vegetable, animal, artifici ...
- The Gagged Cosmic Ray ExperimentBy Andrew Orlowski The Register July 19, 2011 The chief of the world’s leading physics lab at CERN in Geneva has prohibited scientists from drawing conclusions from a major experiment. The CLOUD (“Cosmics Leaving Outdoor Droplets”) experiment examines the role that energetic particles from deep ...
- Top Chefs: End GMO Trials, ProductionLeading chefs Neil Perry and Martin Boetz have launched a major public attack against the development of genetically modified food in Australia. Hospitality CWDaily July 19, 2011 In a column that appeared today on The National Times website, Perry and Boetz urge the Australian government to “put ...
Wind Watch
- Pennsylvania wind turbines deadly to bats, cos ...The butterfly effect suggests the flapping of a tiny insect’s wings in Africa can lead to a tornado in Kansas. Call this the bat effect: A bat killed by a wind turbine in Somerset can lead to higher tomato prices at the Wichita farmers market. Bats are something of a one-species stimulus program ...
- Vast wind energy proposal could kill endangere ...The Obama administration is evaluating a plan to allow a 200-mile corridor for wind energy development from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico that would allow for killing endangered whooping cranes. The government’s environmental review will consider a permit sought by 19 energy developers that would ...
- Pentagon: Nueces, Duval County wind farms coul ...CORPUS CHRISTI â A proposed wind farm in the Chapman Ranch area is one of 20 projects that could cause problems for the military, according to a nationwide review of renewable energy projects conducted by the Department of Defense. The finding, announced Thursday, could cause delays or threaten ...
- Wind farm cleared by state panel; Regulators o ...Construction on a wind farm slated for the Fletcher and Tenney mountain ridges in Groton is going forward after approval by state regulators. The state Site Evaluation Committee late last week rejected an appeal by Groton and Rumney residents to stop the project and approved the proposal submitt ...
- Consultant will begin study of options for mit ...Selectmen made no definitive decision regarding the future of the town�s two wind turbines last night, but will have the town�s consultant Weston & Sampson investigate a range of options that could mean taking down both machines and selling them to another community on one end of the spectrum to ...
Tippers News
- Three men helped starve kids, court tolThree men helped starve five children in Adelaide until they looked like they had came from a famine-affected Third World country, a court has been told.Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Chinese sex traders challenge verdictThe three Chinese nationals who were jailed by an Accra Circuit Court for transporting 10 Chinese girls into the country and engaging them in sex trade have appealed against the verdict. Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- DNA testing a proven weapon in fight against h ...DNA testing is a proven aid in solving child trafficking cases in the country, a well-known international research institute says.Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Be a Voice for Coastal Louisiana's Wildlife ! ...Coastal Louisiana provides habitat to hundreds of wildlife species, including sea turtles, migratory birds, and manatees. But unfortunately, right now Louisiana is also experiencing the highest rate of land loss in the United States Submitted by Cher Away C. to Environment �|� �Note-it! �|� �Ad ...
- About Us,,,You may want to lisent...interesting!Interesting Information that you may find interesting With Love... Evelyn (:Submitted by Evelyn J. to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
The Freeman
- The Greatest Commercial Ever?I can’t resist sharing this classic Coca Cola commercial. It brings a tear to my eye. Watch the men’s faces closely. The spot says so much — far more than Coke intended, I’m sure — without a word spoken. HT: Roderick Long
- The Lurking Urge to Applaud Gay MarriageThe expansion of entitlements is the expansion of injustice and a step in the wrong direction.
- Job Security High in Federal Government“Federal employees’ job security is so great that workers in many agencies are more likely to die of natural causes than get laid off or fired, a USA TODAY analysis finds.” (USA Today) Now if only they can eliminate death as a cause of job loss. FEE Timely Classic “Government Workers Are America ...
- “Cut, Cap & Balance” Goes to House Vote Today“House Republicans are prepared for a Tuesday vote on their signature debt-reduction plan that calls for a balanced-budget constitutional amendment, despite Democratic opposition and a White House veto threatâ¦. The House Republicansâ âcut, cap and balanceâ plan would raise the debt ceiling $2.4 ...
- Debt Controversy Lacks Consensus Among Economists“The politicians grappling over how to pay the nationâs debts have been contributing to the heat of summer with back-and-forth charges that their opponents are disregarding the laws of economics. Such laws, unfortunately, do not exist. Economists agree that federal borrowing must be reduced, but ...
Teaching Online Journalism
- Getting a journalism degree, getting a journal ...This is an endorsement I like to see: I have never once regretted studying journalism. And I am not alone. That comes from Elana Zak, writing at 10,000 Words on June 24. According to her post, she received a journalism degree in June 2007, got a job three months later, and has “been gainfully ...
- Journalists, take another look at TumblrFor a long time I had trouble appreciating Tumblr, but I think I finally understand its strengths — and I must not be the only one. Tumblr is now one of the top 25 websites in the U.S., according to data from Quancast, as reported in a new article at TechCrunch. It gets close to 5,000 pagevie ...
- Branding: Should journalists build a personal ...If you’re teaching journalism today, you must be aware of the discussion that surrounds branding. If you’re a young journalist, or someone planning to enter the field of journalism, you need to understand what personal branding means. On June 23, Washington Post columnist Gene Weingarten wrote ...
- Journalists: How to get started with TwitterIf you haven’t yet found any value in using Twitter, here’s what you should consider. On the topic of WHY to get started, John Robinson (the editor of the News & Record, in Greensboro, North Carolina) wrote a very good piece for ASNE this week. If youâre not on Twitter, youâre making your job ...
- Tune up your skills this summerLooking over my Google Analytics data today, I found that these are some of the most-visited pages on this blog: How to shoot video interviews Why does anyone major in journalism? A few words about digital audio recorders Recording phone calls: For reporters Now printable! Reporterâs Guid ...
Facing South
- Spillionaires revisited: Gov't official's asso ...By Kim Barker, ProPublica Last month, Craig Taffaro Jr., the president of Louisiana's St. Bernard Parish, lambasted a ProPublica story while testifying before a congressional committee. The story, published in April, described how some local powerbrokers and ...
- Feds' own data raise questions about effort to ...There was an outpouring of anger from fishermen at a public meeting held in Mississippi last week to discuss federal plans for addressing a dramatic increase in deaths of endangered sea turtles. The government is considering requiring all shrimpers with skimmer boats to use turtle-excluder devic ...
- VOICES: Using a Civil War-era law to hold BP a ...By Lindsey Williams, Bridge the Gulf As President Obama said during his campaign, "Workers are the eyes and ears of enforcement." They are the ones who see companies dump toxic chemicals into the water, misuse oil rigs in ways that ruin the blow-out preventer or ignore fire hazards. Employees ...
- Could Rep. Cantor's debt default brinksmanship ...House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) raised eyebrows in Washington last week when he scuttled House Speaker John Boehner's (R-Ohio) efforts to reach a compromise with President Obama to raise the U.S. debt ceiling by the Aug. 2 deadline. Early in the week, Cantor rejected a budge ...
- Texas oil giant behind spill off China's coastAn oil spill covering over 1,600 square miles has occurred off the northeast coast of China, with the contamination coming from a joint operation of Texas-based oil giant ConocoPhillips and China National Offshore Oil Corp. The disaster began unfolding in early June but was first reve ...
Worldpress - Africa
- Living with Disabilities in UgandaThe plight of persons with disabilities in Uganda and other parts of Africa is exacerbated by the fact that PWD are discriminated against and not protected by the law.
- Women's Struggle in Sierra LeoneThe struggle for equal opportunities for women in all aspects of Sierra Leone's socio-economic life is as crucial for our country's future as it is for women.
- South Sudan: Safeguarding IndependenceThe world's newest nation has reason to look positively as its future, but South Sudan must work hard to safeguard its hard-won independence.
- AIDS at 30: Lessons LearnedFor the last 30 years, the battle against AIDS is one that we have been both winning and losing on a global scale.
- Nigeria: Ten Unavoidable IssuesOver the next four years, Nigeria's leaders have an opportunity to address a host of issues that have plagued the country both domestically and in terms of foreign policy.
Telegraph UK - oil
- Hope for motorists as oil price tumblesDrivers can finally expect some relief at the petrol pump, after the price of oil dropped sharply.
- Oil refinery blast: Chevron site has excellent ...The safety record at the Chevron oil refinery in Pembroke has been praised following the fire and explosion which killed four contractors.
- Petrol retailers told to help motorists as oil ...Petrol retailers are under pressure to cut the cost of motoring after oil prices plummeted on the world market.
- Chris Huhne needs a lesson in economicsPlundering the profits from North Sea oil will only hold back Britain's recovery, argues Jeremy Warner.
- The Gulf of Mexico is not as clean as they sayAssessing the true toll of the Deepwater Horizon blow-out is only starting, says Geoffrey Lean.
Ian Welsh
- Marcy Wheeler, aka. Emptywheel, has a new homeYou can find Marcy’s new home here. Her goodbye post from FDL is here. Bmaz is going with her. I have added their new home to my blogroll. If you haven’t read Marcy in the past, you should start, she’s able to dig down into stories and find what matters. Bmaz’s legal analysis is also [...]
- So, compared to McCain, was Obama actually the ...I thought so at the time, but I’ve been wondering for a while. As I’ve pointed out, frequently, Bush failed to slash Social Security. Obama is probably going to do so soon. I doubt McCain, any more than Bush, could have done so. Of course, on the negative side McCain might have gone to war ...
- Stirling Newberry and Ian Welsh on Virtually S ...You can listen live here. (Same link will probably work for listening after the fact, will update if not.)
- On Social Security CutsFebruary 9, 2009: Then we’re going to get entitlement “reform.” Since Obama is promising this to Blue Dogs, this isn’t going to be anything you’re going to like. January 4, 2010: So you’re far more likely to see Medicare and Social Security gutted, than you are to see the military budget cut in ...
- Deserve: the deadliest wordI hate the word “deserve” because lord save us all from what we “deserve”, but lately I find it hard to remember that one good person is worth saving, or that most people are just weak, not evil. The world will burn, in war, and famine, and revolution, and climate change and it will burn [...]
Media Consortium
- Top 6 Mistakes to Avoid in Mobile Usability | ...Mobile applications are important for providing users with an alternate means of accessing your web page, as well as keeping connected anywhere and at any time. The programs are an integral part of staying competitive within your market, so they should be created wisely.
- 1.4 million fans can’t be wrong: NPR’s Faceboo ...But Carvin also emphasized the importance of audience expectations. “They still see our site as mainly dedicated to consuming news,” he said. Facebook, on the other hand, is a web venue in which people are used to chatting with their family and friends. ..NPR’s Facebook page is a complement to, ...
- The Newsonomics of 2011 news metrics to watch ...
- Gallery: 15 iPad news appsThinking about creating an iPad app for your newsroom? Want to see what other news media have come up with? Below are screengrabs of several news apps from newspapers, magazines radio, television, and online-only news websites.
- Five Months on Tumblr as Seen Through Pummelvi ...
Reality Asserts Itself
- Drug Wars in Juarez Fuels Boom in El PasoMy colleague Malak Behrouznami recently returned from Juarez Mexico where she grew up as a child. She as a wonderful heritage - her father is Iranian and her Mother is Mexican. She went Juarez for family and journalistic reasons. One of her objectives was to find out why Juarez has become a terr ...
- PALESTINIAN-ISRAELI NEGOTIATIONS TO NOWHERE NO ...A few months ago when shooting a documentary in the Middle East, we met Zeina, a 13-year-old Palestinian living in a Beirut refugee camp. She was traumatized as she watched the Israeli Gaza war on television. It changed her life. She now thinks of revenge and cannot understand the Israeli childr ...
- FROM JOE McCARTHY TO GLEN BECK – TIME TO END F ...I listened to Glen Becks "Restoring Honor" speech today hoping to find something of substance to write about. I found a stringing together of such empty phrases it does not bear discussion. The more important issue is why a man whose megalomania seems to have no bounds can become such a phenome ...
- PAKISTAN FLOODS AND A FAILED POLICY - UN Sec. ...Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, says of the flooding in Pakistan "The world has never seen such a disaster. It's much beyond anybody's imagination". At least 20 million people have lost their homes, more than 1600 have died, and disease and hunger will claim many, many mo ...
- China and the end of the end of historyMany economists and political analysts think the current recovery, as it's being called, is a rather temporary phenomenon. Many expect the recession to kick back in, and perhaps within a few years get much more serious. What does that mean in terms of the future of the world economy and world po ...
Great Beyond ( Nature )
- Marc Hauser resigns from Harvard UniversityProminent evolutionary psychologist Marc Hauser has resigned from Harvard University effective 1 August. Last year the university found that Hauser had committed eight counts of scientific misconduct. On 7 July, Hauser wrote to Michael Smith, dean of Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences to ...
- Progress comes slowly at FukushimaIt has been just over four months since an earthquake and tsunami caused a triple meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station in Japan. Today, the Tokyo Electric Power Company, which runs the plant, released an update of its efforts to bring the troubled reactors under control. Th ...
- British badger culling plans stagger onA scientifically and politically controversial cull of badgers in England will initially be allowed only in two pilot areas, the UK’s environment secretary Caroline Spelman announced today. Badgers can carry the bovine TB virus, and farmers have long pushed for a widespread cull of the anima ...
- Clinical trial of farmed HIV drug finally gets ...After years of regulatory wrangling, a first-of-its kind trial of an HIV prophylactic churned out by GM tobacco plants is underway in the UK. The phase I trial, which began in June, will test the safety of a vaginally-applied antibody called P2G12 in 11 healthy women, with preliminary resu ...
- Studies confirm that antiretroviral drugs offe ...Posted on behalf of Priya Shetty AIDS vaccine research was given a boost last year by the discovery of super-antibodies that can vanquish most strains of HIV. But just as the field celebrated this breakthrough, the finding that antiretroviral drugs can be startlingly effective prophylactics a ...
new geography
- The Evolving Urban Form: ChicagoLooks can be deceiving. No downtown area in the western world outside Manhattan is more visually impressive than Chicago. Both the historic Loop and the newer development north of the Chicago River, especially along North Michigan Avenue have some of the most iconic structures outside of eme ...
- Are Millennials the Solution to the Nation’s H ...During his Twitter-fed Town Hall, President Obama admitted that the housing market has proven one of the “most stubborn” pieces of the economic recovery puzzle to try and fix. The President --- as well the Congress and the building industry --- should consider a new path to a solution for ...
- A Most Undemocratic RecoveryUnemployment over nine percent, the highest rate this far into a “recovery” in modern times, reflects only the surface of our problems. More troubling is that over six million American have been unemployed for more than six months, the largest number since the Census began tracking their n ...
- A Divided Vietnamese Community in France and I ...Several countries with the largest Vietnamese populations today – United States, Canada and Australia – did not have such communities until after the Vietnam War. France, the largest non-English speaking community in the Vietnamese diaspora with about 300,000 strong, illustrates a much more com ...
- Let's Face It, High Speed Rail Is DeadAdvocates were ecstatic when President Obama had $8 billion for high speed rail put into the stimulus bill. His administration planned to make HSR one of the cornerstones of its infrastructure investment program. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood visited Europe to check out HSR there in ...
GM Watch
- Rothamsted cuts to agroecology "Swimming again ...NOTE: More on Rothamsted: --- --- Rothamsted Cuts to Agroecology "Swimming Against the Tide" GM Freeze, 15 July 2011 The decision by Rothamsted Research to close three major departments central to their agroecological research base has bee ...
- Rothamsted cuts to agroecology "Swimming again ...NOTE: More on Rothamsted: --- --- Rothamsted Cuts to Agroecology "Swimming Against the Tide" GM Freeze, 15 July 2011 The decision by Rothamsted Research to close three major departments central to their agroecological research base has bee ...
- Rothamsted cuts to agroecology "Swimming again ...NOTE: More on Rothamsted: --- --- Rothamsted Cuts to Agroecology "Swimming Against the Tide" GM Freeze, 15 July 2011 The decision by Rothamsted Research to close three major departments central to their agroecological research base has bee ...
- Enquêtes de la WDR sur le World Wide Fund for ...Enquêtes de la WDR sur le World Wide Fund for Nature Le WWF et l'industrie / Le pacte avec le panda[1] Par Lars Langenau[2] Média [Original allemand:] 22 juin 2011, 19h00 Quels sont les véritables liens entre le WWF et l'industrie? À l'heure du cinquant ...
- Enquêtes de la WDR sur le World Wide Fund for ...Enquêtes de la WDR sur le World Wide Fund for Nature Le WWF et l'industrie / Le pacte avec le panda[1] Par Lars Langenau[2] Média [Original allemand:] 22 juin 2011, 19h00 Quels sont les véritables liens entre le WWF et l'industrie? À l'heure du cinquant ...
- Lib-Con family policy: Maggie meets Mary PoppinsThe coalition’s family policy is an unholy marriage of Thatcher-style traditional moralism and New Labour-style therapeutic interventionism.
- Why is the government wrecking homes?The new effort to clamp down on ‘sham marriages’ is, in fact, a mean-spirited attack on free movement.
- Britain’s uncreative approach to designA preoccupation with social engineering hampers the innovative and wealth-generating potential of design.
- How to avoid being one of those womenAll hail Caitlin Moran, the edgy and real Times columnist who has declared a one-chick war against cultural yobbery.
- Lesbians: not as much fun as you hopedDespite the in-your-face advertising, Five’s Candy Bar Girls had little to offer in the way of Sapphic frolicking.
- Flood Berm Collapses at Nebraska Nuclear PlantVia: AP: A berm holding the flooded Missouri River back from a Nebraska nuclear power station collapsed early Sunday, but federal regulators said they were monitoring the situation and there was no danger. The Fort Calhoun Nuclear Station shut down in early April for refueling, and there is no w ...
- Greece: ‘A Sovereign Debt Crisis of Soph ...Via: Telegraph: The essence of ancient Greek tragedy is that the audience knows it will end in disaster, but feels compelled to watch the horror unfold. And so it is with the modern version, a sovereign debt crisis of Sophoclean dimensions. Themes of the great dramatist’s finer works are all the ...
- Threat of $100 Billion Hit if U.S. Top Rating LostI definitely wouldn’t assume that the impact of a credit rating cut would be limited to $100 billion. I doubt there is any way to know what the impact will be because so many derivatives have been struck off the underlying debt. In other words, this $100 billion number may be just the tip of [...]
- Fukushima Residents’ Urine Now RadioactiveVia: Japan Times: More than 3 millisieverts of radiation has been measured in the urine of 15 Fukushima residents of the village of Iitate and the town of Kawamata, confirming internal radiation exposure, it was learned Sunday. Both are about 30 to 40 km from the Fukushima No. 1 power plant, whi ...
- Friend of British Prime Minister Found Dead in ...Via: Belfast Telegraph: Detectives are hoping toxicology results will shed light on the death riddle of a senior Tory in a Glastonbury Festival VIP toilet. Christopher Shale, 56, a close friend of David Cameron, was discovered slumped in a cubicle in the backstage area on Sunday morning. The Pri ...
The Economic Collapse
- Drought Of 2011: The Southern United States Is ...2011 sure has been a wild year for America so far. First we had unprecedented tornado outbreaks, then we had horrific flooding along the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, then we had record setting wildfires and now we are facing a crippling drought all over the southern United ...
- 10 Signs That The American People Are Starting ...All over America, restlessness and frustration are growing. It has now been almost three years since the great financial crash of 2008, and yet the U.S. economy is still a complete and total mess. In fact, there are all sorts of signs that things are about to get even worse, an ...
- If The U.S. Government Loses Its AAA Rating It ...For decades, the U.S. government has had a AAA rating. On the scales used by the big three credit rating agencies, that is the highest credit rating that a government can get. Moody's scale actually uses lettering that is a little different from the other two big agencies ("Aa ...
- 15 Examples That Show Many Americans Have Beco ...More Americans than ever are desperate for money and many of them will do just about anything to get it. The crumbling U.S. economy has pushed millions of ordinary Americans to the brink of utter desperation. When it comes time to choose between being able to survive or breaki ...
- Outcasts: Tonight Tens Of Thousands Of Formerl ...Economic despair is beginning to spread rapidly in America. As you read this, there are millions of American families that are just barely hanging on by their fingernails. For a growing number of Americans, it has become an all-out battle just to be able to afford to sleep und ...
- Garden Up ! (Google / Seasonal Wisdom)Read at : Google Alert – desertification Book Review: Garden Up! (Vertical Gardening) by Teresa O’Connor on July 18, 2011 Whatâs the best way to maximize outdoor spaces, hide eyesores and create drama in your garden? ...
- Maximize your yard’s potential by growin ...Read at : Google Alert – desertification Grow up! Maximize space with vertical gardening Associated Press Big on ideas but short on space? Maximize your yard’s potential by growing up â not out â with vert ...
- Substances in Dry Onion Skin Beneficial to Hea ...Read at : ScienceDaily (July 14, 2011) â More than 500,000 tonnes of onion waste are thrown away in the European Union each year. However, scientists say this could have a use as food ingredients. The brown skin and … Continue reading →
- Iran to Hold 2nd National Confab on Combating ...Read at : Google Alert – desertification
- Kubuqi International Desert Forum (Google / Tu ...Read at : Google Alert – desertification Events & News-GTI News-Kubuqi International Desert Forum to … The forum aimed to act as a platform to discuss the challenges and measures to combat desertification. Under the theme of âDesert-T ...
The Paper Trail
- Center staff honored with awardsSpring is journalism awards season and we’re delighted that the Center for Public Integrity and partner NPR have received a prestigious Dart Award for the story “Seeking Justice in Campus Rapes.” The award is bestowed by the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma at Columbia University.
- A new site, a new eraMake iWatch News your daily source for investigative and accountability news from around the corner – and across the globe.
- Accountant gets $4.5 million from IRS for whis ...PHILADELPHIA — An accountant who tipped off the IRS that his employer was skimping on taxes has received $4.5 million in the first IRS whistleblower award.
- Hey Congressman! How many federal workers are ...When Republican Mike Pence stood in front of a crowd of conservative activists at the end of March, he left no question as to his views on a possible government shutdown.
- E-mails allege strife within ATF over Grassley ...An employee of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives alleged that he was “called to the carpet” by supervisors, accused of lying and ordered to write down everything that was said in meetings that were held with Senate staffers conducting an inquiry, according to newly release ...
- Canada’s startups get the flagBy Mark Evans Canada’s startup landscape is healthier than ever, as evidenced by the recent International Startup Festival in Montreal. Putting aside the ambitious name (I would have selected something like the Canadian Startup Festival), the fact that it was well-organized and well-attend ...
- Where is James Moore?By Frank Moher Two weeks ago in this space I wrote about the Conservative government's politically-motivated decision to withdraw funding from the Toronto theatre and arts festival, SummerWorks. To recap: Last year, the company presented a play, Homegrown, that the Prime Minister's Office dec ...
- The A wordBy Alison@Creekside The Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Anti-Semitism has released its Final Report -- two years in the making -- on what co-chair and former Lib MP Mario Silva refers to as the "wave of anti-Semitism we are witnessing in our nation". A 71% increase. Yet a mere ...
- Have a cupcake, St. Joe’sBy Jodi A. Shaw Mayor Rob Ford may have been conspicuously absent from Toronto's Pride Parade last weekend, but 16-year old Leanne Iskander more than made up for it as parade co-Grand Marshal (along with Michael Bach of Pride at Work Canada). Iskander made headlines in March when she was p ...
- No WikiLove for Canada DayWikipedia is working on a new feature to allow visitors to express appreciation for the poor beleaguered editors. Visitors will have the opportunity to click on a Wikilove icon (a heart), which will allow them to send a message of appreciation. Seems that editors get a lot of ...
- Hackney school teachers to strike.untitled.JPG Teachers at Cardinal Pole school in Hackney are set to strike this week over suspected victimisation of a union rep. Last week Hackney NUT announced that staff at ...
- Samsung workers in Mexico on hunger strike - S ...Huelga de hambre.jpg Four female workers, unfairly fired and victims of workplace abuse, have caged themselves and sewn their lips shut as they launch a hunger strike and one threatens to burn hersel ...
- Industrial Workers of the World Migrant Cleane ...cleaners-strike--fnv.jpg A participant's report on Friday's strike and picket by cleaners at Guildhall (City of London), in protest at late and unpaid salaries going back months. ...
- Southampton: Britain's Wisconsin?southampton strike.jpg Public sector workers in Southampton are reaching the end of a week of strike action, organised in response to swingeing cuts and job losses being implemented by the Conservati ...
- Brisbane Food Not Bombs Kitchen vs Talisman Sa ...Press statement from Brisbane Food Not Bombs, Australia in resistance to the Talisman Sabre War Games. Join us at the Food not Bombs kitchen, Brisbane Square, Brisbane CBD, 1pm on Saturday the 16th of July- to voice our opposition to ...
Free Range International
- The Plot ThickensI meant to get this post up sooner, but a 48-hour bout with the flu left my brain too cooked to come up with any sort of cogent analysis regarding the assassination of Karzai ally Jan Mohammad Khan (JMK). To tell you the truth, I don’t have one theory on whose behind the killing – [...]
- AWK WhackedSo it seems that Ahmed Wali Karzai (aka AWK or A-wak, as it’s pronounced), was whacked by one of his own guards yesterday, sending everyone in the US and Afghan governments into a tizzy as they try to figure out how to fill the power vacuum created by his demise. I really can’t say for [...]
- FRI Rides AgainAs a devoted follower of FRI for the past few years, I was as disappointed as the rest of you readers to hear that Baba Tim was going dark on the site. So, given the fact that I’m currently in a position to continue providing dispatches from the freeranger perspective in [...]
- FabFi on the front page of New York TimesHere’s an update in an attempt to counteract the thoroughly depressing news of Tim going silent. (Anyone who knows Tim in person knows that you can’t actually silence him; he’s still ranting but we’ve turned off the blog-mike). With Kanani’s help, I’ve put this post in Babatim format. This wee ...
- There’s FireFighting season is now on. This year the villains strategy appears to involve deliberate attacks on aid projects and let me tell you something we (the outside the wire aid community) are getting hammered. Â In the last week a majority of us have had to deal with murders, intimidation, shootings, ...
The Story Behind the Story
- Edgar Steele Story PART IISex, Lies & Audiotape (Part II) by Edgar J. Steele Here Come de Fix I had an inkling that the fix was in on the morning of the second day of the pretrial hearing concerning our forensic audiology eperts. The lead prosecutor, Assistant US Attorney Traci Whelan, was smiling, humming to herself and ...
- FBI Stings Edgar Steele — Conviction App ...Attorney Edgar Steele was clearly on the B’nai B’rith ADL hit list. He represented Aryan supremacists and actually promoted their rhetoric – exposing to the best of his ability the “Khazarian” agenda.  He was eloquent and believable in his presentations. So, the FBI supplied an undercover m ...
- Murd – Och = Mur – Der = Genocide!Murdoch and Vaccines: Exposure of Crimes Reveals a Much Larger Story By William Newton “… the evidence of sleazy and scandalous behavior of the Murdoch papers has expanded geometrically.” Michael Collins Rupert Murdoch’s news empire faces intense media and legal scrutiny. Current revelations fo ...
- Ritual Murder – MUST WATCH VIDEO!!!Ritual Murder is not just a “Jewish” problem. It is a Mormon problem, and a Roman Catholic “Problem” as well. On July 19, 1990, a “General Authority” of the LDS “Mormon” Church named Glen Pace wrote a memo that he eventually leaked to the Utah Media concerning Satanic Ritual Abuse. In this m ...
- Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?? Kapparot ...Animal Sacrifice is clearly a precept and mainstay of the Khazarian “Jewish Religion”.   Is it just animals such as chickens and goats that are “sacrificed” in this obviously Satanic ritual, or do the Khazarian “global elite” prefer human beings – especially children for their bloody sacri ...
du la bab - Now is the Time
- Downsizing – downscaling? See these tiny ...Here’s a great company doing inspiring work The company creator, Jay Shafer started off making a super small mobile home for himself measuring just 89 square feet! Their video is a testament to less being more – they’re now selling ready made mobile cabins and the plan ...
- Air powered environmentally friendly car being ...Sounds a little strange right – an air powered car – why isn’t this big news I wonder… There’s a great company in France operated by a former Formula 1 engineer now producing cars running on compressed air. They’re not great to look at, super fast, or I’m guessing really comfortable, but they’re ...
- Deforestation – environmental & human ef ...There are many types of forest in the world from Temperate Forest to Tropical forest. The one thing all forests have in common is that the trees in them act as the lungs to our planet converting CO2 to Oxygen. In addition, forests provide a canopy or shading of the earth which helps maintain te ...
- Could cancer be Fungus? If so, maybe here̵ ...Recently I visited a dear friend who has been dealing with breast cancer for over ten years. After a long attempt to avoid surgery and medication, she was forced to have a double mastectomy. She has chosen to avoid the chemo treatments. This takes a lot of courage given that the standard thing t ...
- Doctors Warn about GM Food RisksIt’s barely been a week since I wrote about the dangers of genetically modified (GM) foods and now the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has released a strongly-worded warning about the health dangers associated with Frankenfoods. Calling for a moratorium on GM foods, the AAEM sa ...
Mansbridge One on One - CBC
- Bob McDonald Part 2 (Apr 9, 2011)Part two of our annual show where CBC's Science Correspondent answers your questions about the mysteries of the world that have always puzzled you.
- Milos Raonic, ATP Tennis Player (Apr 2, 2011)The Canadian tennis star and his power serve are making waves around the world. Peter talks with Raonic about childhood ambition, focus and the sport he loves.
- Almas Jiwani, Women's Rights AdvocatePresident of National Committee of UN Women in Canada on the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day and the state of women around the world.
- Prime Minister Stephen Harper (Jan 22, 2011)Highlights of the conversation with Peter originally broadcast Jan 17 and 18, 2011.
- Olivia Chow, NDP MP (Jan 15, 2011)Jack Layton and Olivia Chow: Ottawa’s political power couple -- he’s a party leader, she’s one of his backbenchers. But only one of them makes the cut for this week’s program, and its not him! Olivia Chow is our guest and there’s lots to talk about.
Scotts Contracting
- US Chamber’s history,and the stuff we fo ...Dear friends, What is the US Chamber of Commerce hiding? Our team recently decided to dig into the US Chamber’s history–and the stuff we found is not pretty. You’ve got to see it to believe it: Visit With the final installment of the Harry Potter movie series premierin ...
- Solar economics- A whole new ball gameOne of the things that drives alternative energy advocates up the wall about trying to explain the benefits of these energy sources is that some people simply don’t understand the economics of alternative energy. Nowhere is this more obvious than with solar power. The average solar panel is actu ...
- Insulation ROI- Be Energy Smart and Money WizeMisunderstood Payback Periods of Proper Insulation: This is a huge mistake people make. I had a consumer recently tell me that 2 years was too long to get all his money back. If he understood Payback periods, he’d understand that he was turning down a 50% return on his money. Now, investments th ...
- Petition to Stop Ameren UE-Coal Ash Utility Wa ...Petition: We, the undersigned, are opposed to placing a coal ash utility waste landfill in the Labadie Bottoms floodplain of the Missouri river as proposed by AmerenUE. The proposed landfill will store harmful quantities of toxic heavy metals and other contaminants. Despite Ameren’s assurances o ...
- six neighborhood factors that affect the envir ...The Greenest Building Is The One That’s Already Built ⦠Sometimes Posted June 20, 2011 by Kaid Benfield copied from: Iâ ...
The View From Abroad
- Western Imperialism Strikes AgainThe invasion of Libya is about imperialism not protection of civilians.
- What Obama Should Have SaidAs I was reading President Obama's speech last week, I dozed off into a glorious daydream.
- “Where’s the Beef”?After Osama bin Laden was killed, why wasn't his body displayed for verification.
- Bernanke is Still CluelessBen Bernanke has been consistently wrong in the past. Why does anybody listen to him anymore?
- Dangers are Inherent in the War with QaddafiLibya could become the next quagmire for American forces.
Foreign Policy in Focus - Military (US)
- Myanmar May Be Closer to Becoming Burma Again ...The time may be at hand when Myanmar's ethnic minorities can overwhelm the Myanmar army.
- Is China's String of Pearls Real?China is modernizing its navy, but is it really about to build a network of overseas bases?
- Afghanistan Bleeding U.S. Financially Even Mor ...The United States is spending even more of its GDP on Afghanistan than did the Soviet Union.
- Obsolete Pentagon Programs Among Beneficiaries ...Increase in defense spending a symptom, in part, of bad economy.
- Will Iraqi Commandos Trained by U.S. Be Turned ...The U.S.-trained Iraqi commando corps -- arguably one of the Iraq War's few success stories -- may be misused or dissolved when the U.S. leaves.
- Latest Chevron Outtake: 'They're All Corrupt!'Donziger muses 'The judicial system is so utterly weak' in Corporate Counsel's latest release of outtakes from the documentary Crude.
- Minus Kagan, Supreme Court Lets 'Don't Ask' Po ...In an order Friday, the Supreme Court denied a motion aimed at allowing a worldwide ban on enforcement of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays in the military to take effect.
- MGA Loses Effort to Stall Trial in Fee Fight W ...A Los Angeles judge issued a tentative ruling Friday denying toymaker MGA Entertainment's efforts to stay a lawsuit that was filed by its former lawyers at O'Melveny & Myers.
- Proskauer and English Firm End Their Merger Di ...Proskauer Rose and SJ Berwin said Friday they had decided against merging, putting to an end months of speculation about a possible trans-Atlantic tie-up between the two law firms. The firms in a joint statement said "we recognized that the timetable necessary to reach the agreements that would ...
- IRS Throws In Towel on Closely Watched Interna ...
- ارگان سپاه پاسداران در دفاع از سوریه به دولت ت ...قیام مردم سوریه علیه بشار اسد، دو نیروی خاورمیانه یعنی ایران و ترکیه را در برابر هم قرار داده است. "ارگان سپاه پاسداران" میگوید که ایران در دفاع از رژیم سوریه تردیدی به خود راه نمیدهد و این را به ترکیه اعلام کرده است.read more
- اعلام موجودیت " شورای دانشجویان و جوانان چپ ..."شورای دانشجویان و جوانان چپ ایران" هدف خود را دفاع از یک خط انقلابی متشکل از نیروها و واحدهای سوسیالیستی، کمونیستی، فمینیستی و دیگر نیروهای مترقی و ایجاد یک بلوک سیاسی چپ در سپهر سیاست امروز، جهت مداخله در تعیین سرنوشت جامعه میداند، جامعهای که از حاکمیت سیاسی استبدادی و مناسبات اقتصادی استثم ...
- مصوبات دومین همایش «اتحاد برای پیشبرد سکولار د ...دومین همایش «اتحاد برای پیشبرد سکولار دموکراسی درایران» در روزهای دوم و سوم ژوئیه ۲۰۱۱ در شهر ارواین ایالت کالیفرنیا برگزار شد. در این همآیش قطعنامه «دیدگاه اتحاد برای پیشبرد سکولار دموکراسی درباره جنبش سبز»، و سند «چشم انداز ما برای همکاری با نیروهای دموکرات» نیز به تصویب رسیدند.متن این دو سند ...
- The Politics of Iran's Space Programread more
- پستان ز زنان گرفتن آموخت!ایرج میرزا شاعر بسیار بیتربیتیست. هر وقت به ظهیرالدوله می روم و به سنگ قبر عجیب غریب او می رسم، بدون این که سه انگشت ام را روی سنگ اش بگذارم و آن ها را تکان تکان بدهم، با غیظی آمیخته به طنز می گویم "ایرج!read more
Most Revolutionary Act
- Global Capitalism: a House of CardsThis is the first of a series of posts discussing the likelihood that capitalism is on the verge of collapse and what a post-capitalistic world might look like. Fatal Debt Contagion As the global recession and debt crisis worsens, even mainstream analysts are starting to speculate that global c ...
- Reinventing Rank and File UnionismSpanish general strike Sept 2010 In my view, the failure of the Obama administration and Congress to prevent Republican states from stripping workers of all union protections – as well as their threats to repeal Medicare, Medicaid and Social – leave American workers no choice but to follow the e ...
- The Destruction of American UnionsThe effect of the 1947 Taft Hartley Act on union membership was almost immediate. In 1946 the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) had 6.3 million members. By 1954, when it merged with the AFL, this number was 4.6 million. This steady drop continued. In 1954 34.7% of American workers bel ...
- Selling Books – Excerpt from Interview“Selling Books” recently did a fantastic interview about my young adult novel The Battle for Tomorrow: a Fable Tell us something about yourself: I’m a 63 year old, recently retired child and adolescent psychiatrist, single mother and activist, who emigrated to New Zealand 8 ½ years ago after ...
- How Taft Hartley Restricts Labor RightsSit down strike The US union movement was built during the last serious recession (the Great Depression, which started in 1929). Then, as now, employers took advantage of the economic downturn to cut wages, pile on work and force employees to work under sweatshop conditions. In the 1930s organiz ...
Michael Moore - Must Read
- Franklin D. Roosevelt: Address at Forbes Field ...ROOSEVELT: Mr. Chairman, Governor Earle, my friends of Pennsylvania: A baseball park is a good place to talk about box scores. Tonight I am going to talk to you about the box score of the Government of the United States. I am going to tell you the story of our fight to beat down the depression ...
- Revolution Truth releases Wikileaks filmRevolution Truth Primary Contact: Tangerine Bolen, Executive Director Phone: 1-503-887-0773 Email: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Revolution Truth releases Wikileaks film 13 July 2011 - On the day that Julian Assange begins his appeal against extradition to Swe ...
- On Nataline Sarkisyan's 21st BirthdayLast night in Los Angeles, while the Prince and Princess (William and Kate) – or is it now the Duke and Duchess? – were gathering all the media attention for their glamorous evening among the stars, a very different yet equally glamorous night was unfolding just a few miles away. On the sales f ...
- Exclusive: Wikileaks Cable Al ...Wikileaks Cable Allegedly Leaked by Bradley Manning Caught Bush Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson Discussing Outsourcing to India That May Have Cost Manning's OWN FATHER His Job "The afternoon I reached Brian Manning, he was at home in Oklahoma City, in a room in his ranch house that Bradley had ...
- Glenn Beck on Muslims, Obama and Michael Moore ...From Glenn Beck's radio show, June 2, 2011: ... PAT GRAY: How does a guy who immigrated here from -- was it India? I think India. He's got Muslim parenthood and he comes here and he enjoys incredible success. The guy's a national television host and a best-selling author. He probably makes ...
- The antiwar movement isn't deadTodd Gitlin writes a convincing obituary for an antiwar movement killed by a thousand blows: crushed by Bush's pigheadedness, dumped in the media's black hole, rendered invisible by a volunteer army and drones, overshadowed by more urgent financial crises, chastened by the "unpleasantness" of ...
- Corporate America's sunshine patriotsWe went to Mount Vernon in Virginia a few weeks ago. It was the first time I'd been to George Washington's family estate since a whirlwind day tour of Washington, D.C., when I was a high school freshman. Our guide then was a fast-talking cabdriver who interlaced his rapid-fire wisecracks with ...
- "Obama donor" Pakistani agent gave $10,000 to ...The FBI arreased two U.S. citizens for being unregistered agents of the Pakistani government. Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai and Zaheer Ahmad ran a "Kashmiri organization" that was actually controlled by the Pakistani military intelligence service, according to the Bureau. The organization was designed ...
- The victimhood myths of Palin fansJournalism is a funny business. The "worthy" articles and essays that you spend days, weeks or even months laboring over sometimes are the ones that get the least attention. On the other hand, a throwaway blog post that might have taken you an hour or two to write goes viral, generating tens ...
- How to sell Big Oil on the Web[UPDATED BELOW]
SMB News
- Indonesian volcano rumbles as president visits ...For SMB News Indonesian volcano rumbles as president visits camps PURWOBINANGUN: Indonesia’s Mount Merapi volcano spewed more deadly heat clouds Wednesday as President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono visited some of the 50,000 evacuees in shelters. Searing gas billowed from the crater of the 2,914-metr ...
- Kasaba throws spit on the camera\Kasaba throws spit on cameraMUMBAI: Ajmal Kasaba webcam spit on Tuesday during a hearing in the Bombay High Court for confirmation of the death penalty, which led the court strictly tell him to behave properly. Judjes a warning when they Kasaba altercation with the police and spit at the camera ...
- K’taka Speaker disqualifies 16 MLAsFor SMB News KBANGALORE: Hours ahead of the trust vote for beleaguered Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa in the Assembly, Speaker K G Bopaiah disqualified sixteen rebel MLAs, including eleven from ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), legislative sources said on Monday. Bopaiah signed the ...
- Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8For SMB News Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8 KARACHI: Eight people including two children were killed and over 65 others suffered injuries when two suicide bombers blew themselves up outside Abdullah Shah Ghazi’s shrine in Clifton, official sources said here Thursday. Two heads, beli ...
- Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakeFor SMB News Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakes’ LONDON: Former president Gen. (Retd.) Pervez Musharraf Friday admitted that political mistakes were committed in the twilight years of his regime and sought apology from Pakistani nation for the same. “These mistakes caused damage ...
Toronto Star - Editorials
- Murdoch lost sight of wrongRupert Murdoch fails to shed much light on wrongdoing that his shaken his News Corp. empire.
- Mandela, still givingNelson Mandela, the remarkable man who became South Africa's first black president, turns 93 still building a better future.
- Public must have its sayToronto residents worried about losing public services need to speak out, before it’s too late, and make their concerns known.
- Old scourges resurface Syphilis and gonorrhea, two diseases thought to have been almost eradicated, have returned because people are ignoring safe sex methods.
- Raining on Ford’s paradeMayor Rob Ford finds himself talking about tax hikes, of up to 3 per cent, as high-priced consultants fail to find much "gravy."
Energy Collective
- Energy Implications of a Federal Debt DefaultMuch of the attention concerning a possible failure to increase the US debt ceiling by month-end has focused on the government's ability to borrow, and on how individuals might be affected, whether as recipients of social security, pay or pensions from various branches of the federal government, ...
- Meat: Bad For You, Bad For The Climate�Of all the things that an individual can do to help slow the process of climate change�change lightbulbs, turn down the AC, ride a bike�few if any have as much impact as eating less meat.
- I Just Got Taken for a (Quiet) Ride!If someone says, “electric car” to you, what image pops into your head? For most folks I have spoken to, images like the tiny Smart Car or a two-door roadster usually come to mind first. But yesterday at the first day of Plug In 2011 that image changed in my mind when I saw first-hand that the e ...
- Is an "Oil Shockwave" America's Biggest Energy ...War games have long been used to prepare the military for battle, but what about the national threat of a global energy crisis? According to an advocacy group called Securing America’s Future Energy (SAFE), Middle East turmoil, a shaky national economy, and heavy dependence on foreign oil have c ...
- Heat, Public Health, And Air ConditioningIn the face of spreading heat waves, more and more people will need air conditioning, not as a matter of comfort, but for health related reasons. Efficiency will not supply the electricity for an air conditioned world.
EU Times
- South Sudan becomes an independent nationSouth Sudan has become the world’s newest nation, the climax of a process made possible by the 2005 peace deal that ended a long and bloody civil war. Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon are among international dignitaries attending celebrations in the capital, ...
- Sea of voices at Tahrir Square protestThere were men on stages calling for faster trials for ministers associated with the regime. A separate stage featured a speaker chanting anti-Israel phrases. A musician with an amplifier began to sing revolutionary anthems. And then there were the conversations of tens of thousands of people. “ ...
- Marine Le Pen ahead of Sarkozy in presidential ...Marine Le Pen the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen recently became leader of the National Front succeeding her father. She is turning out to be a slick operator. With the French presidential elections less than a year away she is polling ahead of President Sarkozy. She doesn’t deny that there used ...
- House Amendments Defunding Libya War FailFollowing yesterday’s votes, the House once again rejected an Amendment offered by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D – OH) which would have defunded the war in Libya. The vote failed 169-251 and saw solid Republican support, but coupled with overwhelming opposition from Democrats. The new vote would have ...
- China warns U.S. officials not to meet Dalai LamaChina’s Foreign Ministry warned U.S. officials on Thursday not to meet with visiting exiled spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, saying it hoped Washington “appropriately dealt” with Tibet-related issues. China reviles the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Dalai Lama, saying he supports the use of violence ...
Stonecipher News
- Symptoms and Treatments of Diabetes InsipidusDiabetes Insipidus ( or DI ) is a health condition that is often distinguished by extreme thirst along with excessively diluted urination . DI is similar in characteristics to untreated Diabetes ( or Diabetes Mellitus) but without the onset of blood glucose elevation. One of the major differ ...
- Natural Acne RemediesThere are several health conditions that hinder many people’s lives and outlook everyday. Acne is a condition which can affect your self esteem and your life. I’ve known several friends and family members with terrible cases of acne. They would purchase expensive remedies prescribed by docto ...
- Linguistic Observations: Mendoza's Gang Girls ...Homegirls by Norma Mendoza Denton is a fascinating, and yet, perplexing, view of gangs in the San Francisco Bay area. Over the course of the next few weeks, I'll be providing you incites on the inner workings of the gangs, symbolism of certain material items, and other such related details. ...
- Normal Structure and Function of the Musculosk ...Mr. Ghaz says: Muscular dystrophies refer to a group of more than 30 genetic diseases which are characterized by progressive weakness and degeneration of the skeletal muscles..Studies and estimation show that after sustaining a hip fracture (as a result of osteoporosis) 20% of patients die withi ...
- Reasons to Donate BloodHave you ever donated blood? If you have why did you do it? It may have been for a loved one or a friend. It could have been for the free coupons and gift certificates blood centers provide for donations. Maybe you’re required to donate blood being that you’re in the medical field. In actua ...
Liquida : Worldwide News & Opinion
- Apple FYQ3 Blows Away Estimates; Shares Rise 7%Apple ( AAPL ) this afternoon reported fiscal Q3 revenue and earnings per share well ahead of expectations. Apple revenue in the June-ended quarter rose 82%, year over year, to $28.6 billion , yielding earnings per share of $7.79 per share. Analysts on average were expecting $25 billion in reve ...
- How the iPad is driving Apple’s businessWhen Apple released its third-quarter 2011 earnings results today the numbers were, as is becoming almost customary for the Cupertino crew lately, a huge blow-out. Success was spread over many parts of the business, particularly the company’s flagship products, the iPhone and the Mac. Both are ...
- Verizon launching LTE-toting Samsung Galaxy Ta ...Android’s best tablet to date, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, is destined to get a LTE version for Verizon in the near future. Pre-orders for the device went live early last month and rumor has it that we may see the tablet land on store shelves later this week. Thursday, to be specific. Apparent ...
- Isis Gets Agreements from Visa, MasterCard, Am ...Isis, the national mobile commerce joint venture between AT&T Mobility, T-Mobile USA and Verizon Wireless, today announced that Visa, MasterCard and American Express will potentially work with Isis, in addition to Discover, to provide payment and transaction services. The move, and the language ...
- A Look at the Future of Apple’s BuisnessApple has held its earnings call for the third business quarter , and there’s plenty of new information and speculation to glean from what was said. The rumor mills are always churning, but rarely does the industry get as much actual hard data from Apple as it does during one of these earnings ...
- Novell/Xamarin Partnership around MonoToday together with SUSE, an Attachmate Business Unit, we announced: - Xamarin will be providing the support for all of the existing MonoTouch, Mono for Android and Mono for Visual Studio customers. - Existing and future SUSE customers that use the Mono Enterprise products on their SLES ...
- FLOSS: Accept no substitutesFauvet seems to have hit a wall when trying to approach Google about this, which is aiding and abetting this activity, whether they know it or not. Fauvet would like the search company to block ads from these counterfeit sites and has not gotten any response. Fauvet figures that since the counte ...
- Internet Activist Charged in M.I.T. Data TheftAaron Swartz, a 24-year-old programmer and online political activist, has been indicted in Boston on charges that he stole more than four million documents from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and JSTOR, an archive of scientific journals and academic papers. (Read the full indictment b ...
- Scribd provides news reading experience for iP ...The app, called Float, will pull the relevant text, images, title, and byline from a news article and present it to the user without links or ads embedded. The article's text is formatted to fit the small screen of the iPhone to make for easy reading....Float is available now for the iPhone for ...
- No evidence of third party involvement in whis ...Just a week ago, Hoare made new allegations in The New York Times about journalists making payments to the police, and about the use of "pinging," the illegal use of mobile phone signals to locate people.... Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper quoted an unnamed friend as saying Hoare "thought that ...
- Tony Farrell On The WideShut Webcast: 7/7 & 9/ ...Tony Farrell, former Principal Intelligence Analyst for South Yorkshire Police, discusses why he believes 7/7 & 9/11 were inside jobs and how that led to his dismissal.
- Sun Newspaper Picks Up On Tony Farrell StoryFormer police intelligence analyst victim of subtle mainstream media hit-piece.
- Al Qaeda Using Old Friends At CIA In Facebook ...Al Qaeda are gonna get you on Facebook! But who founded Facebook, and who founded Al Qaeda?
- July 12, 2011, WideShut WebcastRecent 7/7 developments, Mandelson's meeting with Rothschild, and the phone hacking scandal. All on this week's WideShut Webcast.
- Former Police Intelligence Analyst Sacked For ...A Police Intelligence Analyst turns in threat assessment claiming the New World Order is the main terror threat and gets fired.
Politics in the Zeros
- Five states are worse off than California, app ...Maryland, South Carolina, New Mexico, Tennessee and Virginia may be downgraded by Moody’s due to their dependence on federal money, should the federal debt ceiling not be raised.
- Steve Wynn has epic anti-Obama rant on confere ...Wynn, one of the biggest casino owners in Las Vegas, describes himself as a Democrat, a supporter of Harry Reid, and also rants about TSA making it hard for foreign visitors and immigrants to come to Vegas as well as about how Obama is stifling business. Transcript You watch television and see w ...
- Murdoch gobsmacked that such horrid things went onRupert Murdoch just told Parliament that he is not ultimately responsible for “this fiasco” and instead projected blame to the people he “trusted and the people they trusted”. They promise a speedy internal investigation to get to the bottom of this (but wait, aren’t they already at the bottom, ...
- I just got one of the first Spotify accounts in USAnd have NO IDEA why. (They sent it to me!) Spotify is a music sharing service with social networking. Millions of songs available and it’s free. Go to Spotify and see if you qualify
- Latest on phone hacking and MurdochRumors are that Rupert Murdock may be replaced at News Corp CEO. Maybe. But will he go gently? And if he’s still Chairman of the Baord and his CEO replacement is a long-time aide, then what has changed? Not much that I can see. Interestingly, Rupert Murdoch has been doing rather badly during tes ...
TVNZ - Top Stories
- One dead in truck crash in Hawke's BayOne person is dead and another is in a serious condition after a truck accident tonight.
- Power cut to thousands in Christchurch after s ...Around 12,000 Christchurch households were plunged into darkness tonight.
- Gun held to employee's head in Wellington arme ...Wellington police are hunting two men who robbed an Indian restaurant and held a gun to an employee's head
- Aussies outraged after Kiwi tourist throws bri ...A New Zealand tourist almost killed a crocodile after he threw bricks into its enclosure at an Alice Springs reptile centre, the centre's owner says
- Dozens evacuated in Hawke's Bay as wild weathe ...Dozens of people have been evacuated as the North Island continues to be battered by strong winds and rain.
Just World News
- New e-book soon: 'War Diary: Lebanon 2006'Today is the fifth anniversary of the beginning of that terrible march of folly, the Israel-Lebanon war of 2006. So I'm delighted to announce today that my publishing company, Just World Books, will shortly be publishing as a short e-book War Diary: Lebanon 2006, by the Lebanese social activist ...
- Afghanistan, logistics, geopolitics, war, peaceThe WaPo's Craig Whitlock has an informative piece in today's paper about the many continuing challenges the U.S. military has faced as it attempted to provide logistic support to the "surged" U.S. troop presence in very distant Afghanistan. Supplying these troops is particularly hard, due to t ...
- Speaking about out recent Gaza/Cairo trip: Cha ...Bill the spouse and I will be speaking about our recent trip to Gaza and Cairo at an event sponsored by my Quaker meeting in Charlottesville, on July 11. Details are here.
- My piece on Egypt and Gaza, at ME Channel... is here. I rather like the title they put on it, "Tahrir's journey to Palestine". In fact, the journey that the "spirit of of the Tahrir uprising" has to make before it gets to Palestine is just about as long and difficult as the journey that anyone needs to make to get from the outside wor ...
- Reactions to Gaza Flotilla 2Nine boats of siege-busting 'Freedom Rider' activists are now gathering in the Mediterranean, preparing to challenge the longrunning siege that is one of the main tools through which Israel continues to stifle the lives and livelihoods of all of Gaza's 1.6 million people. An act of collective p ...
- My conversation with Tevita MaraThis morning I had a good talk with Tevita Mara, the Fijian colonel who split from Bainimarama, about how to speed up the return to democracy to Fiji.
- The Libyan messIn March the Greens came out in opposition to the NATO air operations over Libya. We said they would probably prolong Gaddafi’s Arab League stay in power by allowing the dictator to present himself as a nationalist, fighting foreign intervention. Four months later we’ve been proved right. The ...
- General debate, July 17, 2011
- Warming up Re-OrientationI’m on the road touring New Zealand’s universities for Re-Orientation Week talking to students about the issues facing them. I’m also investigating cold flats in various towns and hosting “flat warming parties” to talk about my warm healthy rental campaign. I love getting out and about talking t ...
- 60,000 people are not wrong about cuts to earl ...The 60,000 strong early childhood education (ECE) petition presented to Parliament this week represents a heartfelt message to the Government to invest in the best for our youngest citizens.
Patronus Analytical
- Greek aid worker kidnapped in Pakistan
- Aid worker killed in Iraq
- Update on kidnapped Greek aid worker
- NGO worker beaten to death in Dhaka
- Canadian aid worker murdered in Honduras
J Kozy
- Disintegrating Economic RecoveryThe word 'recover' always has the connotation of "getting back." But who is going to get back what when the economy "recovers"? Few at most. So what does an economic recovery look like? No one knows. The word 'recovery' can not be applied to objects willy-nilly. A sick person goes into the ...
- Humanity at the Crossroads: Business and JobsWhat's known as the economy has not only had horrid consequences, it is ultimately unsustainable. In two centuries, it has turned human beings into beasts of burden and their rulers into mere teamsters, it has polluted the Earth, extinguished uncounted species and exterminated millions of people ...
- (Land of the Fee and the Home of the Knave) Mo ...President Obama has said that he will not allow people-programs to be cut so that the wealthy can receive tax cuts because our nation is "better than that." But what America is cannot be distinguished from its economy which exists merely to accumulate money. It's why the maxim is let the buy ...
- The Supreme Court, the Constitution and the Fi ...The Supreme Court's First Amendment opinions result not from interpreting the First Amendment but from deliberately and insidiously changing its diction in ways that make the Amendment unrecognizable. The Court's arguments in these opinions are pure cant and do nothing but turn the Justice ...
- Liberty's Easy Slide into TyrannyHuge conspiracies aren't what destroys people's freedom, the accumulation of errors, failed policies, and little and big unfairnesses do. It happens because The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men/ Gang aft agley,/ An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain. The FED, CIA, Executive Privilege, The ...
MoJo - Kevin Drum
- Are You Smarter Than a 12th Grader?The latest NAEP results in geography were released today. So how did the youth of America do? You know the drill: Geography Report Card Finds Students Lagging Roger that. But with the pro forma wailing out of the way, how did our kids really do? Answer: fourth graders did better than i ...
- Chart of the Day: Our 80-Year Love Affair with ...Austin Frakt posts the chart on the right today, which shows healthcare spending as a function of GDP. The line is ramrod straight, which basically says that for 80 straight years, the more money we make, the more we spend on healthcare. Austin suggests there's a lesson here: If, by actio ...
- Tide Turning on Debt Ceiling Fight?Greg Sargent rounds up some evidence today that the tide of public opinion is finally shifting on the debt ceiling. This doesn't surprise me. It's easy to casually say "hey, maybe we should just default and see what happens," as a friend of mine did on July 4th, but it gets a lot harder to say ...
- How the Game is PlayedJonathan Bernstein writes today about the Republican Party's big discovery of the past couple of decades: The GOP practice, for the last twenty years or so, has been to play the "game" of politics in part by looking through the rule book for strategies that go beyond the norms of politics but ...
- Understanding Bachmann's MigrainesComments | Post Comment����
Insanity Report
- 2012 Idiot Watch: Herman Cain Doesn’t Like Mu ...Herman Cain said Sunday that Americans should be able to ban Muslims from building mosques in their communities. “Our Constitution guarantees the separation of church and state,” Cain said in an interview with Chris Wallace on âFox News Sunday.â “Islam combines church and state. They’re using th ...
- IC 258: The Joy of Being a RedneckTopics: Wearing heels to a wine festival When classless people come to a classy event Kriss & Kev discover an amazing show on Rednecks and guns Netflix raises its rates A dumb woman tries to kill a woman who “looked” like Casey Anthony Woman dies from having sex with dog…that she’s allergic to T ...
- So This Dumb Bitch……Some people are so stupid I swear they shouldn’t be allowed to breathe… CHOUTEAU, Oklahoma — An Oklahoma woman believes outrage over the Florida murder case almost cost her her life. The 26-year-old says a crazed woman tried to kill her because the woman thought she was Casey Anthony. It happen ...
- They’re Letting a Pedophile Do What?From the “We Need More Common Sense In Our Laws” Department: TACOMA, Wash. — A strange quirk in the law is allowing an accused child rapist to watch child pornography inside the Pierce County Jail. Marc Gilbert is accused of sexually assaulting young boys and videotaping the abuse. Under the law ...
- FacePalm of the Week: She Died From What?So the first FacePalm of the Week in a long time and I had to find something that really made me put my head in my hands in shame. Well, thanks to H2oKev and what he tweeted yesterday, I have just the right story: A MAN HAS appeared before Limerick District Court charged with ordering [...]
Simple Climate
- Warming puts species at one in ten extinction ...Comparing predictions and measurements of the effects of climate change on plants and animals over the past five years shows predictions are accurate, and possibly optimistic, according to the University of Exeter's Ilya Maclean.
- Chinese pollution postpones temperature risesSulphur emissions countered greenhouse gases to cause the much-debated “pause” in warming trend from 1998-2008, but only temporarily, Boston University's Robert Kaufmann told Simple Climate.
- Sea-level rise is the fastest in 2,000 yearsUniversity of Pennsylvania's Benjamin Hortonand colleagues show that sea level has risen at an average of 2.1 mm per year since around 1900, after having stayed roughly stable for the previous two millennia.
- Shrinking Arctic ice area is just the tip of t ...Old, thicker, ice cover has suffered extreme losses, says the University of Colorado's James Maslanik, providing more evidence of how humans are changing the planet.
- Climate rhythm shift brings early calvingChillingham cattle, which are able to breed all year round, are having more calves in winter due to earlier springs, reducing their chances of surviving a year, find Sarah Burthe of the UK's Centre for Ecology and Hydrology and colleagues, showing that even mammals with breeding flexibility are ...
e!Science News
- HIV patient care by clinic nurses rather than ...Transferring care of HIV patients from doctors in hospitals to nurses in primary health clinics is both clinically successful and cost effective read more
- Time and numbers mix together in the brainClocks tell time in numbers—and so do our minds, according to a new study which will be published in an upcoming issue of Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. In two experiments, scientists found that people associate small numbers with short time interv ...
- Heavy metal hardens battleThe French may have had a better chance at the Battle of Agincourt had they not been weighed down by heavy body armour, say researchers. read more
- Stated calories on menus of certain restaurant ...An examination of the calorie content of food from about 40 fast-food and sit-down restaurants in 3 states finds that overall the stated calories of items on the menus of the restaurants are accurate, although there was substantial inaccuracy for some individual foods, with understated calorie f ...
- Report offers new framework to guide K-12 scie ...A report released today by the National Research Council presents a new framework for K-12 science education that identifies the key scientific ideas and practices all students should learn by the end of high school. The framework will serve as the foundation for new K-12 science education stan ...
- Unplugged: DOE Approves Codes for Residential ...All states will review and upgrade energy efficiency requirements Today, the Department of Energy announced new energy efficiency�for all low-rise residential buildings (like houses, row-houses, and small apartments). �This means ...
- Historic Numbers of Americans Call for Clean AirMore than 600,000 people say power plants should keep it clean Supporters of strong mercury standards for power plants could fill up Fenway 17 times over. Photo: Jared Vincent/Flickr ...
- OMG, GMOs: Organic Seed Farmer Frank Morton"Genetic engineering is of no benefit to me. It's nothing but a threat." Frank Morton is an organic farmer in Oregon's Willamette Valley. (This is the third ...
- Friday Finds: Schmuck HuntConservative face off, hot climate deniers, big coalâs big misstep The hunting and fishing crowd is increasingly unhappy with GOP efforts to slash conservation spending. Photo courtesy of ...
- OMG, GMOs: Pesticide Expert Charles Benbrook"It's a technology custom-designed to promote the emergence of weed resistance." Scientist Charles Benbrook is a pesticide policy expert and weed resistance specialist. ...
Brave New Climate
- For climate’s sake, nuclear power is not an ‘o ...[This is an abridged amalgam of writings by me on nuclear power and climate change that I've published on BNC and elsewhere over the last two years. It has been updated with some commentary on recent events - the Fukushima Daiichi crisis, Germany's announced withdrawal from nuclear energy, and s ...
- Climate change update by the numbersHere are some figures to illustrate the latest global data on global warming. Data are from NCDC and GISS. First, a 12-month running mean of global surface temperature anomalies since 1980 (i.e. for each month, an average is taken of the previous 12-month period – ‘calendar year’ is irrelevant): ...
- Why pro-nuclear environmentalism has failed wh ...With George Monbiot on the debating warpath against Greenpeace and in support of nuclear power as a serious mechanism for tackling climate change, and Mark Lynas’ new book on planetary boundaries and techno-fixes, “The God Species“, now out (despite some weird problems on the launch day), it r ...
- Carbon tax in Australia in 2011Australia is set to introduce a carbon tax (details to be released on Sunday 10 July 2011). This post is the place to discuss this policy — the good and the bad. A description, from the Australian Parliamentary Library: A carbon tax is a tax on energy sources which emit carbon dioxide. It is a [...]
- Lacklustre results from the Colorado Integrate ...A common lament of those analysts wishing to get to grips with the real-world performance of solar thermal power plants has been, well… an absence of data. Trainer noted, in ‘Solar Thermal Questions‘: It would be great to get some actual data on their year round performance. I have found it fien ...
Indigenist Opinion
- Reading the Maps: New Zealand's slaving historyReading the Maps: New Zealand's slaving history: "Murray Deaker’s recent use of the phrase ‘working like a nigger’ on Sky Television won him many detractors and a few defenders. The Race Relations Conciliator and a slew of media commentators have damned Deaker for using the phrase; Michael Laws ...
- Imprisonment of Leonard Peltier a “stain on US ...Imprisonment of Leonard Peltier a “stain on US human rights record” « Frontlines of Revolutionary Struggle 05 November 2010 Today, the United States submitted to a review by the United Nations Human Rights Council as part of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), an assessment of a government’s c ...
- 4 Republican congresspeople ‘pledge’ to hold W ...4 Republican congresspeople ‘pledge’ to hold West Bank: [] "According to a rightwing Israeli news site, settler lobbyist David Ha'Ivri met with four Republican congresspeople and got them to 'pledge' to support settlements in the West Bank (language is vague). The congresspeople in ...
- Murdoch scandal: hypocritical warmongers expos ...Murdoch scandal: hypocritical warmongers exposed | Green Left Weekly: "By Tony Iltis Murdoch-owned tabloid gloating over the sinking of Argentine ship ARA General Belgrano during the Falklands War in 1982. More than 300 lives were lost in the attack. The scandal engulfing Rupert Murdoch and his ...
- Dr. Fidel Castro: Lo que debe demandarse a Est ...Lo que debe demandarse a Estados Unidos | Cubadebate: "Costa Rica's meeting did not lead or could lead to peace. The people of Honduras are not at war, only use weapons coup against him. They should demand an end to its war against the people. Such a meeting between Zelaya and the coup would onl ...
Republicans are a Disease
- Entitlement Reform? Sure! Corporate EntitlementsWhat pisses me off most is the nonsensical discussion of how we balance our budget, or reduce our deficit. The MSM narrative is the Democrats won’t stand for “entitlement” cuts and the Republicans won’t stand for any tax increases anywhere, anytime, for any reason. Deadlock. This whole argument ...
- Jim DeMint – Fuck YouFuck you Jim. You want to slam the poor, the sick, and the elderly to “balance the budget” and won’t even consider cutting corporate welfare, or having the billionaires, or the companies they own stock in pay their fair share. I pray that there is justice in this world and some day you will be [...]
- Van Jones = Reboot the American Dream“We’re not broke, we’ve been robbed. Someone has our money”
- Exxon Gets 20 Billion a Year in Corporate WelfareThe amount of taxes we don’t collect from Exxon plus their handouts equals around 20 billion dollars a year. And this is just one company. Spending isn’t the problem. Corporate welfare, and billionaire welfare is the problem.
- Politifact – Jon Stewart Was RightHow hard did your dishonest organization have to twist into a pretzel to name Stewart’s factual statement about Fox News viewers as false? Misinformed, uninformed, and lied to. Fox lemmings.
Appalachia Rising
- Day of Action and Conference Vision StatementsAppalachia Rising: Day of Action September 25 – 27, 2010, Washington DC Appalachia Rising is a mass mobilization in Washington DC on September 27, 2010 calling for the abolition of mountaintop removal and surface mining. It is a culmination of the national movement against surface mining and a f ...
- Press Conference to be Held on June 15Thousands to March in DC Calling for the Abolition of Mountaintop Removal Press Conference June 15 in Charleston, WV Announces Mass Mobilization Appalachia Rising WHEN: June 15, 10:00 AM WHERE: WV State Capitol Back Steps Near Fountain, Charleston, WV CONTACTS: West Virginia Bo Webb – 304-237-26 ...
- Press InquiriesAll media inquiries should be sent to Bo Webb Set up interviews via email. Previous Press Releases and Media Public Launch Press Conference Report Back, with video Press Conference Held on June 15 Announces Appalachia Rising Video June 15 Appalachia Public Launch Press Conferen ...
- New Flier for Appalachia Rising
- Appalachia Rising Uniting Celebrities, Appalac ...Appalachia Rising Uniting Celebrities, Appalachians, and Scientists for the Abolition of Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Ashley Judd, Woody Harrelson, Gloria Reuben, Kyra Sedgewick, Kevin Bacon, Ed Begley Jr., Kathy Mattea, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, James Hansen, and Darryl Hannah rallying behind co ...
Amped Status
- How Your Social Security Money Was Stolen R ...Introduction by David DeGraw, Reports by Dr. Allen Smith The Social Security Trust Fund should currently have $2.5 trillion in surplus. Q: So how is it that these checks could stop being issued if the debt ceiling isn't raised? A: Republicans, Democrats and the mega-wealthy stole your Social S ...
- Financial Terrorism Analysis: How Global Banke ...By Andrew Gavin Marshall Greece is a microcosm of the global economy: mired in excessive debt, economically ruined, increasingly politically repressive and socially explosive. What is happening in Greece is happening in the US - the implementation of a systematic program of 'social genocide' in ...
- Obama Is A Bankster Puppet “Who Brought ...By Michael Hudson Only a Democrat posing as a left-winger could support the anti-labor, anti-wage, pro-Wall Street policies that his advisors have been pressing. The economy’s going under because Wall Street and investors realize that it’s a done deal. That Mr. Obama is going to succeed in pushi ...
- The Great Game: Robbing the US Population to E ...By Charles Hugh Smith Here's the Great Game: mask the nation's rising wealth inequality with Central State spending that keeps the debt-serfs passive – all funded by debt, of course. Earned incomes for the bottom 95% are falling and wealth is accumulating in the top 1%. [Read More]
- Obama and Congress to Complete Their Financial ...By Steve Lendman It's a done deal to slash Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other social spending while leaving outsized military budgets and generous handouts to corporate favorites in place. Only revolutionary change and routing of bipartisan criminals can stop them. It's high time pu ...
- Last Arab-Jewish public school in Israel may c ...Coexistence in Jaffa is under attack, as the Ministry of Education and the Tel Aviv municipality refuse to ensure parity in classrooms of the “Weizmann” mixed Jewish and Arab school By Issa Edward Bourseh The Weizmann school, a mixed Jewish and Arab elementary school in Jaffa, is facing anothe ...
- Human rights NGO’s response to attack by ...Following a written assault against B’Tselem in Commentary Magazine, accusing it of being a “wolf in sheep’s clothing,” B’Tselem press officer Sarit Michaeli refutes his arguments point by point, showing that B’Tselem is widely regarded as essential to Israeli society By Sarit Michaeli There is ...
- In the West Bank, there is no justice, even fo ...Hundreds of Palestinian minors were arrested for weeks and even months by Israel in the last five years. Those children – including 34 of them under the age of 14 – were tried in military courts. Only one was acquitted. A new report by human rights NGO B’tselem shed light on one of the occupatio ...
- All is calm on the western frontYou got to love IDF spokesperson (my bold): @IDFSpokesperson #Israel Navy calmly boarded #dignite, which illegally attempted to break lawfully imposed naval blockade on #Gaza
- Rightist blog’s ridiculous scoop: Palest ...US-based blog Elder of Ziyon has posted a somewhat Orwellian piece: The latest installment in the “there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza” Hasbara-project actually celebrates the fact that a new Gaza supermarket actually sells Israeli goods. ⦠if [passengers of the flotilla] do visit Metro [ ...
Sustainability,water,etc - Oz gov't
- Governor General awards 2011 Antarctic Medal Leading Antarctic Marine Biologist, Dr Stephen Nicol, and a Master of Australia's Antarctic research and resupply vessel, Captain Murray Doyle, have been awarded the 2011 Antarctic Medal.
- $100 million for stormwater harvesting and re ...Parliamentary Secretary for Sustainability and Urban Water, Senator Don Farrell, today announced the opening of a third stormwater grants round to ease pressure on drinking water supplies and improve the quality of our urban waterways.
- $118 million for Coorong and Lower Lakes reco ...The Gillard Government will provide an additional $118 million to ensure a healthy and sustainable future for South Australia's Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth region.
- Nominations open for Prime Minister's Water W ...Commercial and industrial companies that can demonstrate recent water savings are encouraged to nominate for the 2011 Prime Minister's Water Wise Award.
- Gillard Government delivers first sustainable ...The Gillard Government today released the nation's first ever dedicated sustainable population strategy which sets out the framework, backed by new funding for a sustainable Australia.
Matt Weidner Blog
- IT IS A CRIME! (WITH NO PUNISHMENT, NO CONSEQU ...From Today’s AP story: Mortgage industry employees are still signing documents they haven’t read and using fake signatures more than eight months after big banks and mortgage companies promised to stop the illegal practices that led to a nationwide halt of home foreclosures. It is a federal crim ...
- Reuters- RoboSigning All Over Again…and ...Good lawyers and judges all over this county recognized the dangers if we just sat back and let the banks continue with the same sloppy and improper practices that got us in this mess in the first place. The pushback was the first fight against Robo Signing. Despite all the attention, keep in m ...
- Lawsuit Alleges Banks Are Playing Dirty Pool, ...Trust me, I speak from direct and first hand experience. I’m muzzled right now, but if I get pushed much further they’re going to leave me in a position of nothing left to lose…then they had better really watch out. Considering the circumstances, I’ve been very, very restrained thus far while st ...
- The Florida Bar Speaks- Lawyers Must Disclose ...You really must read the entire release, and especially the statements from the member of the Bar that reviewed the Opinion…..the implications here are quite huge…. FLORIDA BAR Share and Enjoy: Scridb filter
- The Devastating Jobs Picture And Why We’ ...In some ways, it was better when talk of catastrophe and Financial Armageddon was isolated to nutjobs out there on the internet. But details on Financial Armageddon are now trickling out into mainstream media sources. Unfortunately, too many Americans just don’t get it. The corporate titans ...
abelard - news
- german reasoning for fossil fuels | fun news a ...When Green dogma overwhelms scientific numeracy.
- is there any madness humans won't try? | fun n ...Being really 'close up and personal' with some of nature.
- more on news international | politics uk news ...The "collective desire for absolute transparency" has led toseeing some warts that have turned to cancer.
- the screws is mostly a big non-'story' - we're ...Things are as they are because we have yet to evolve to a better state. It isn't a plot. It certainly isn't exciting, let alone interesting.
- at last, a reporter concentrates on the real c ...Murdoch's irrrelevant. This is what is really relevant.
The Parallel Parliament
- Citizenship – “Dangerous Citizens& ...You likely never heard of Edward Bernays, but his ideas have shaped your life in more ways than you can imagine. The nephew of Sigmund Freud, Bernays lived in the U.S., attempting to work out a living prior to World War One. He achieved fame by creating an overnight sensation. Approached by toba ...
- Citizenship – The Democratic Death GeneAlmost 50 years ago, economic guru Milton Friedman made an observation that was destined to have dramatic results: “Every act of government intervention limits the area of individual freedom directly and threatens the preservation of freedom indirectly.” Thus began the great campaign to undermin ...
- Citizenship – “Wandering Between T ...I’m a citizen attempting to discover methods and models of empowerment within my community. Unlike many, I have a great respect for the place of politics in the shaping of the national character and its ability for change through effective legislation and economic innovation. I believe the true ...
- Citizenship – “Dumb and Dumber”I don’t think I ever learned so much as the almost five years I served in Parliament. It was like having a university come to you and teach some of the most important research, data and social trends in a manner purposefully dedicated to assist in passing better legislation. So much of it has st ...
- Citizenship – “If Only I’d B ...I was joking to a neighbour last week that getting out of politics is a lot harder than getting in … well, sort of. Part of it’s true though. There are a lot of details to transition through as you move back to private life and one of the more difficult aspects is what to [...]
Vaccine Awakening
- What You Should Know About Meningococcal Disea Barbara Loe Fisher Today, pediatricians give American babies as many as 33 doses of 13 different vaccines by 12 months of age.1, 2 Now, federal public health officials are considering recommending that doctors give four more doses of a new vaccine – meningococcal vaccine – to babies between ...
- Vaccines & Liberty: Let Freedom Ringby Barbara Loe Fisher My country, ’tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing: Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrims’ pride, From every mountain side, Let freedom ring.[1] What is liberty? Webster’s Dictionary defines Liberty as “the quality or state of being free,” ...
- In Memoriam: Infant Deaths & Vaccinationby Barbara Loe Fisher Memorial Day is for remembering those, who have fought and died to defend America and preserve our civil liberties, including freedom of thought, speech, religious belief and conscience. So every Memorial Day I remember the children, who have died after receiving state ma ...
- Whooping Cough Outbreaks & Vaccine FailuresUPDATE: CLICK HERE TO VIEW NVIC'S PERTUSSIS VACCINE & DISEASE PAGE by Barbara Loe Fisher Reports of whooping cough outbreaks in California1,2 and in other states this summer are nothing new. Every four to five years – no matter how high the vaccination rate is - there are reports of w ...
- Using Fear & Prejudice to Attack Vaccine Exemp Barbara Loe Fisher This summer, inaccurate and misleading information about B. pertussis whooping cough and the pertussis vaccine is being put out there by medical doctors, who should know better. Media campaigns designed to create fear about infectious disease are nothing new. This ...
2020 Science
- Is nanotechnology suffering from “silent rave” ...I couldn’t resist finishing the August in the Archives series with this piece on “silent rave” syndrome, which I am sad to say still seems to inflict the emerging technologies community! Originally posted October 5 2008 The silent rave might seem a rather bizarre social phenomenon; a group of st ...
- Rethinking nanotechnology – responding to a re ...Back in July, the US National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) posted a Request For Information in the Federal Register for input to the next NNI strategic plan – to be published later this year. The closing date for comments was a couple of weeks ago now. I got mine in in the nick of time. ...
- What do people think about synthetic biology?The fifth Hart survey of what American adults think about emerging technologies like nanotechnology and synthetic biology was released today by my former colleagues at the Woodrow Wilson Center – the first since I left the group earlier this year. Each summer for the past five years, the Wilson ...
- Lost in the MaizeWell I guess it had to happen one day – after hanging out in QUACs (QUasi Academic Concerns) for more years than I care to remember, I am finally a bona fide academic! Last week I shed my visiting professor status at the University of Michigan and took up the mantles of Professor of Environmen ...
- Could precisely engineered nanoparticles provi ...This is an extremely quick and dirty blog post, as I really need to be somewhere else. But while traveling to the World Economic Forum meeting in China today, I came across a new paper that piques my interest. The paper is by David Keith at the University of Calgary (published in the Proceeding ...
Reader Supported News
- Anonymous Raided by FBI; Hacker Group Claims t ...Joe Coscarelli reports: "A day after the online sect LulzSecurity pulled their own hack on Rupert Murdoch, members of the most the widely-known hacking collective Anonymous, from which LulzSec spun off, have been raided by the FBI. Anonymous claims to be in possession of emails from News Interna ...
- Obama Praises 'Gang of Six' Budget PlanCarrie Budoff Brown and Jennifer Epstein report: "President Barack Obama hailed a proposal offered Tuesday by Republican and Democratic senators as 'a very significant step' that represents 'the potential for bipartisan consensus' on resolving the impasse over cutting the deficit and lifting the ...
- Elizabeth Warren Considering Run for SenatePeter Schroeder reports: "Elizabeth Warren for the first time Monday indicated she was considering a Senate bid against freshman lawmaker Scott Brown (R-Mass.) next year in what would become one of the closest-watched races of the 2012 cycle. If the architect of the Consumer Financial Protection ...
- AUDIO: The Politics Behind New Voter ID LawsPam Fessler reports: "Voters going to the polls next year - and even some this year - will encounter a lot of new rules. Photo ID requirements and fewer options for early voting are among the biggest changes. They're part of a wave of new laws enacted by Republican-controlled legislatures this y ...
- After BP's Oily Assault, Fishermen Struggle to ...Excerpt: "The oil is not gone; it keeps coming in places like Grand Isle, LA, and Biloxi,MS, rolling in with the tides as globs of tar balls and sheen. Louisiana beaches near Port Fouchon and parts of the rich fishing grounds in Barataria Bay remain still closed due to oil contamination." The ...
War Resisters League
- WRL Organizers Criss-cross the CountryThe following are several brief reports from organizing coordinator Kimber Heinz and field organizer Ali Issa on their travels across the country from Chicago to New Mexico, and Pittsburgh to Detroit. On May 31st, field organizer Ali Issa made a trip to Chicago where he took part in a joint stra ...
- No Surprises from the War-Makers!Well, Obama made it clear on Wednesday. His war in Afghanistan will go on through 2014 and probably far beyond. While some may have hoped for a shift in his approach, many of us didn’t expect much, and we certainly didn’t get much. The change in Afghanistan that he spoke about, meant to be heard ...
- In Afghanistan Speech, Obama Offers Token Troo ...President Obama passed up an opportunity to recognize our democracy and respect the views of the vast majority of the American people. June 22, 2011 President Obama’s speech tonight violated one of his most important campaign promises: to “end the mind-set that leads to war.” To the contrary, hi ...
- Money for Our Communities, Not for War!Take Action! It’s very encouraging that the US Conference of Mayors just passed a strong resolution initiated by CODEPINK for bringing our “war dollars home” (read press release or NY Times article on this). Unfortunately, later this week the House of Representatives is poised to pass the Defens ...
- Not Justice, Not Victory: Just Another Murder ...“I keep thinking of how awful it was to hear that there were people actually celebrating on 9-11. Now I look at the TV and see the same thing.” -Family member of a man killed in the World Trade Center of September 11, 2001. The reported killing of Osama bin Laden by a CIA operation [...]
Center for a Livable Future
- Carnivores and Climate ChangeYou know what you ate this week—but do you know how it will affect climate change and the planet? As of today, you can use the Environmental Working Group (EWG)’s newly launched website to get information on food carbon footprints.
- Hen Party: Historic Agreement to Promote Stand ...United Egg Producers (UEP) has partnered with the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), agreeing to work together toward legislation of national standards to be used in egg production.
- TIME Magazine: Spotlight on IFAP and “Conceale ...When looked at through the lens of public health, the abuse that we see in the Mercy for Animals video constitutes not only cruelty to animals, but cruelty to humans as well, including the dehumanizing influence on workers forced to labor under conditions that ultimately breed contempt for the a ...
- Focus on Food Day: The Consequences of MeatEarlier this week, CLF’s Robert S. Lawrence, MD, and Keeve Nachman, PhD, kicked off the Center for a Livable Future’s countdown to Food Day with a webinar, “Industrial food animal production and the high-meat American diet: health and environmental consequences.” (Audio; slides). October 24, 20 ...
- Puget Sound Food Network Connects Locally Grow ...June 9-12, Amanda Behrens and I journeyed to Missoula, Montana for the joint annual meetings of the Agriculture Food and Human Values Society (AFHVS), Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS) and the Society for Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (SAFN). The conference, entitled Food ...
A special project of Foreign Policy and the New America Foundation
- Leaving AfghanistanSeven Afghanistan experts review the president's plans for ending the war.
- Raging at RawalpindiAmerican leaders are furious with Pakistan’s military in the wake of Osama bin Laden’s killing. But twisting arms will only backfire.
- The FP Salon: Peter Bergen's The Longest WarAn FP round-table discussion on counterterrorism expert Peter Bergen's latest book. A decade after 9/11, is the war on terrorism a war we can win?
- Crazy Like a FoxIn a fit of anger, Hamid Karzai axes his director of intelligence, Amrullah Saleh. But is there method to his madness?
- Addicted to ContractorsThe United States is hooked on privatized warfare in Afghanistan. And it's more costly than you think.
Field Notes - Alberta Environment
- Is natural gas a climate change solution for C ...New report finds numerous problems with push to expand natural gas production Pembina Institute David Suzuki Foundation ...
- Request for Ambient Air Quality Objectives Sta ...Initiative: Ambient Air Quality Objectives Stakeholder Advisory Committee (AAQO SAC) Position: Four ENGO delegates and four ...
- Ambient Air Quality Objectives - Stakeholder A ...Initiative: Ambient Air Quality Objectives Position: Four ENGO delegates and four Alternates Request for A ...
- Edmonton Bicycle Commuters July 2011 NewsletterEdmonton Bicycle Commuters (EBC) The July 2011 issue of the Edmonton Bicycle Commuters newsletter. You'll find information about EBC's summer urban cycling & mechancs courses, volunteer opportunities, �upcoming events, and a call to acti ...
- Responses to the AUC approval of the Milner Co ...On June 30, 2011— the day before the Canada Day long weekend— the Alberta Utilities Commission approved Maxim Power Corp.'s 500-megawatt coal-fired Milner Power Plant expansion proposal. This move has been viewed by some as a cynical attempt to bypass the new proposed federal coal plant regula ...
- Arrian: Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya And The Fate ...Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts Arrian From The Campaigns of Alexander Translated by Aubrey de Sélincourt Alexander…in one day’s march reached Anchialus, a town supposed to have been built by Sardanapalus the Assyrian. It is clear from the extent of the surrounding w ...
- Updates on Libyan war/Stop NATO news: July 19, ...===== NATO’s Libya War: Attack Helicopters, Bombers, Predator And Reaper Drones U.S. Marines Lead War Games In Georgia New NATO Commander Faces Riskiest Situation In 10-Year Afghan War France, Germany, Poland Push EU Military Headquarters In Brussels Combat Forces’ Effectiveness: NATO Joins EU D ...
- Gustave Flaubert and George Sand: Monstrous co ...Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts Gustave Flaubert and George Sand Correspondence Translated by A.L. McKensie ***** To George Sand Wednesday evening 1870 What has become of you, dear master, of you and yours? As for me, I am disheartened, distressed by the folly of my c ...
- Updates on Libyan war/Stop NATO news: July 18, ...==== Libyan War: 15,540 NATO Air Missions, 5,858 Strike Sorties West’s “Political Solution” Is No Solution For Libya Neighboring Niger Fears Somalia-Like Danger In Libya U.S. Recognizes Its Future Stooges In A Divided Libya Three NATO Soldiers Killed In Eastern Afghanistan Ice Wars: Huge Oil, Mi ...
- Stephen Spender: Ultima Ratio RegnumAnti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts Stephen Spender Ultima Ratio Regnum (1939) The guns spell money’s ultimate reason In letters of lead on the spring hillside. But the boy lying dead under the olive trees Was too young and too silly To have been notable to their importan ...
Before It's News
- Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner: American ...
- ‘I’ve been forward to Shen Yun for years!’ Say ...
- Arkansas Storms: Tornadoes Wreak Havoc Across ...
- Eats on Feets
- Introducing "Canadas Alex Jones", Dr. Judy Janzen
Intel Hub
- B.O. Barackas Poster – Original ArtThe Intel Hub Mdel747 © 2011. All Rights Reserved. July 19, 2011 Mdel747 Editors note: A perfect explanation of just how corrupt the entire governmental system has become, our forefathers would be turning over in their graves if they saw what has transpired with this once great prosperous nati ...
- Rain Threatens to Spread Radiation from Los Al ...Washington’s Blog July 19, 2011 As I previously noted, radioactive waste was dumped into open pits for decades in and around Los Alamos National Lab – including in surrounding canyons. As I also pointed out, radioactive waste has been stored in canvas tents onsite at the National Labs, and there ...
- Whistleblower’s Death: James Corbett On ...RussiaToday July 19, 2011 The whistleblower who exposed the News Of The World phone-hacking scandal, has been found dead. Sean Hoare was a journalist at the shamed newspaper and claimed Editors knew what was happening, and encouraged reporters to do it. He was found dead at his home near London. ...
- Dangerous Levels Of Radiation Recorded In Cana ...The Intel Hub By Alex Thomas July 19, 2011 Multiple videos have been released showing high levels of radiation in Canada as the corporate media continues to cover up the real dangers posed by the Fukushima nuclear disaster. The tests were taken in multiple places in Canada including Lake Louise ...
- Death Loving Media Attacks ChildrenYouTube July 19, 2011 The Ultra Powerful want the Planet all to themselves,so they brainwash the public to think it is cool to roll over and die. Well I see you and I will not bend over and take it Control freak scum. If people are so bad let’s start with you, stop having 5 [...]
- Nepal: Maoist Party Chairman losing controlYes, he is being challenged July 18th, 2011 By The Next Front Yes, he is being challenged and this time more formidably. He is slowly but surely losing his ground. The central committee meeting of the ‘Unified’ Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) resumed on Sunday. But the meeting was postponed 1 ...
- Solidarity with the Pelican Bay Prison Hunger ...
- Philippines: Communist rebels attack mining firmMANILA : Suspected communist rebels in the Philippines attacked a mining company compound, while in another incident the rebels clashed with soldiers, the military said on Thursday. GMA News reported that Major John Andrada, spokesman for the Army’s 3rd Infantry Division, said about 40 New Peopl ...
- UK: Campaigners Seek Arrest of Former CIA Lega ...Arrest of ex-CIA lawyer sought over drone use Human rights lawyers seek warrant against John Rizzo for approving drone strikes in Pakistan that killed hundreds. 17 Jul 2011, Al Jazeera Human rights lawyers in the UK and Pakistan are seeking the arrest of the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) ...
- US drive-by drone attacks: Gunboats and gurkh ...A complicit government in Pakistan, enabled by US interlocutors, continues to support US drone strikes. by Muhammad Idrees Ahmad, in an opinion piece in Al Jazeera 14 Jul 2011 Meet Resham Khan. The 52-year-old shepherd was brought on a stretcher to a psychiatric hospital in Islamabad in January, ...
Ken O'Keefe
- Announcing the Gaza to Ireland Youth Exchangeam beyond excited to announce that we are formalising a partnership that will ensure one of my fondest goals shall be achieved, that of a youth exchange between the children of Gaza and those of Europe. I am even more excited because we are focusing on the youth of Gaza as well as Belfast and F ...
- One for the WomenIt is said that behind every great man you will find a great woman. I do not look at myself as a great man per se, but I do see the greatness of the women in my life, and if I do indeed succeed in my ultimate goals, you can thank these women every bit as much as me. They have played the essent ...
- Samouni Inter-Trade Palestine, Trade Not AidOur Mission Samouni Inter-Trade Palestine (SIP) is a social enterprise international trade mission. We endeavour to catalyse the end of Gaza’s charitable dependency through import and export trade. We do not seek simply to alleviate the suffering of the people in Gaza. Our ultimate objective i ...
- Slander vs. SanityLesson number one, the actual agents who direct slander campaigns, those working for MI6, CIA, Mossad and other so-called “intelligence” agencies, they and their tactics are rendered useless without the presence of the most important element for successful subversion, and that would be… the idio ...
- NO FLY ZONE OVER PALESTINEOn Thursday April 21st we shall make a human chain with the children of Gaza to spell out NO FLY ZONE OVER PALESTINE so as to tell the world that Israel’s bombings of Gaza must stop. We intend to remind the world how the children of Palestine are terrorized and murdered by Israeli air power [...]
- A little more reading with today's piece...To read the piece, go here. To follow the long and winding case of Tim Doe v. St. Francis�Hospital�here. Michael McAndrews' photo for The Courant
- Report: Eliminate co-pays for contraceptivesThe Institute of Medicine of the National Academies released a report today that recommends contraceptives be fully covered by health plans. You can read the report here. It says, in part, that women's preventive services include: improved screening for cervical cancer, counseling for sexuall ...
- Lentils vs. lambThe greenhouse gas emissions of various meals, here. Flickr photo
- Harry Potter is the devilIf you think certain folks have given up decrying the wizardry of the mega-hit books/movie/cottage industry that is Harry Potter, think again. And thanks, Right Wing Watch, for the link.
- Diamonds (and millionaires) are a girl's best ...A new course offered in China teaches women how to snag a rich man. Because why should the U.S. be alone in striving? (And I hadn't watched this clip in years. Look! Women as chandeliers!)
Associated Content
- Escaping the Heat as Searing Temperatures Hit ...As temperatures reach record temperatures across the United States, here are the signs of heat exhaustion and the best ways to survive the searing heat.Contributor: K.C. Dermody Published: Jul 18, 2011
- Honoring the Great Nelson Mandela on His 93rd ...Celebrating Nelson Mandela's 93rd birthday, here is a look back at the highlights of this great man's life.Contributor: K.C. Dermody Published: Jul 18, 2011
- 3 Crucial Mistakes Cost USA Women's World Cup ...The United States suffers a heartbreaking loss to Japan in the final match of the 2011 FIFA Women's World Cup. Three crucial mistakes during the game cost Team USA the win and the championship.Contributor: Kathryn Walsh Published: Jul 18, 2011
- Missed Opportunities Mar U.S. Women's World Cu ...Japan stunningly defeated the United States Sunday to become champions of the 2011 Women's World Cup. Though coming down to penalty kicks, the Americans appeared to have the game under control for much of the contest.Contributor: Jeff Briscoe Published: Jul 18, 2011
- Ivanka Trump Tweets about Childbirth, Joins Ra ...There is an overwhelming surge in Internet oversharing when it comes to childbirth. As a not-yet mom, I plan to keep my details on the down low. Read on to learn about my objections to putting everything out there.Contributor: Bex Barker Published: Jul 18, 2011
Popsci - Science
- Killing Mosquitoes With a Genetic Trick that M ...In trying to curb malaria, biologists and epidemiologists have pulled some dirty tricks on mosquitoes (some quite literally dirty; remember the dirty sock trap from last week?). But after all the genetic tinkering to make mosquitoes disease resistant and the laser and nano-attacks that kill the ...
- The Atmospheric Signature of the Japan Tsunami ...The tops of tsunamis glow red, it turns out Researchers from around the globe using data captured by a camera on a Hawaiian mountaintop, have photographically captured the dim red atmospheric glow caused by the March 11 tsunami issued by the Japan earthquake that devastated that country and tra ...
- Scientists Discover Two Never-Before-Seen Kind ...Of all the things in the physical world we think we know a lot about, water is definitely among them. Nonetheless, by precisely shaking a shallow container of water, researchers have now observed two new types of waves that have never been observed before in water--and one that has never been o ...
- The Best Measurement Yet of Earth's Radioactiv ...Scientists measuring the subatomic particles flowing from Earth’s interior have taken the most precise measurement ever gathered of the home planet’s radioactivity. It turns out nearly half of the Earth’s total heat output comes form decaying radioactive elements like thorium and uranium in the ...
- Big Science: The 10 Most Ambitious Experiments ...These ten awe-inspiring science projects range from the world's largest undersea observatory to the "ultimate microscope" to a Jupiter orbiter on a suicide mission--but they're all massive, often in both size and scope To improve our view of a vast and complex universe, scientists are creating ...
Veterans Today
- Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – July ...In June, VA’s Women Veterans Call Center started to contact women Vets to educate them on VA health care and gender-specific services available at VA facilities. In the first month, the Call Center reached over 1,000 female Vets.
- Nuclear Weapons and Hypocrites in High PlacesNuclear Ambiguity is an Israeli-American policy for without the West's agreement, there would be no ambiguity. Israel and the United States have also worked in collaboration in targeting Iran, but Washington is eager for ‘plausible deniability.’ There’s no denying the hypocrisy in high places.
- Coming Together To Fight For A Troubled VeteranWhen the standoff began on a humid August night, it seemed destined to become one more case of a returned soldier pulled down by a war he could not leave behind.
- Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Homeless Veterans ...Edward H. Seiler, Director of the Huntington VA Medical Center, extends an invitation to Veterans, their families and members of the community to attend a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the new Homeless Veterans Resource Center, located at 624 9th Street in Huntington on July 29, 2011 at 11 a.m.
- VA Announces Blue Button Prize CompetitionThe Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced today it is offering a $50,000 prize to the first team that builds a personal health record (PHR) using the Blue Button℠ download format, and arranges to install the PHR on the websites of 25,000 physicians across America.
War is Business
- Inside Look At Yet Another Religious Group Wit ...If the state of Oregon believes the board of Akal Security is led by untrustworthy people, then why do the departments of Defense and Homeland Security continue to award contracts to the company?
- China-Pakistan Port Deal Another Sign Of Wanin ...Buy Baluchistan Buy Baluchistan • Read more at World News
- Temptations Of The Flesh: GOP Freshmen CanR ...Sell promises Sell promises • Read more at National Security on iWatch News
- CJ Chivers Examines Libyan Rebels’ Seabo ...Buy scarcity Buy scarcity • Read more at NYT > Home Page
- Afghan Soldier Says ‘The Quality Of Ever ...Buy bad apples Buy bad apples • Read more at The Killid Group website - News on Afghanistan reports analysis pictures cartoon
Hudson's Weather & Climate
- Rest of July heading for a washoutMost parts of the country have enjoyed a fine summers day today, with plenty of sunshine. But although it's the last thing the UK tourist industry wants to hear, the message is enjoy it while it lasts. By the weekend low pressure will again be dominating our weather as the jet stream moves fu ...
- Global temperatures: Up sharply in June. The latest global temperature has been released and according to the UAH satellite measure June's anomaly was 0.314C above the running 30 year mean, up from +0.133C in May Adjusted to the more standard time period used by the Met Office and the WMO, the anomaly is now +0.567C above the 1961-199 ...
- Unsettled June weather to extend into JulyDespite the warm and sunny conditions in the last few days, the unsettled weather which plagued much of June looks set to return. June turned out to be wet across the UK, dominated by low pressure. Averaged across England & Wales, 122% of average rainfall was recorded. In our region, for a ch ...
- Storms follow hottest day since July 2006Thunderstorms have continued to affect parts of East Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, East Anglia and the Southeast of England this afternoon, following yesterday's heat. Temperatures across Yorkshire and Lincolnshire on Monday reached 32C (90F) for the first time since July 2006. Both Robin Hood ai ...
- A sleeping sun could have a big impact on the ...News from scientists in America claiming that the sun is about to enter a prolonged quiet period in its history has caught the headlines this week. Whether this particular prediction comes true remains to be seen, as some scientists, including those at NASA, have consistently been proved wron ...
Internat'l Political Economy
- Karamoja, UN's Grand Experiment in Weaning Off AidGive a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime The terrible drought situation in East Africa is once again causing a reappraisal of modern aid along the contours of the oft-quoted line above. Having been asked by our local parish to cont ...
- Detours on Yuan's Road to Global Currency StatusOr so the folks at the Wall Street Journal say, at least. In principle, there is much to be said about the Chinese yuan becoming a global currency. After all, isn't it odd that trading which involves the currency of the world's second largest economy is a mere rounding error in global foreign ex ...
- Study a BA in Football Business [!] at Burnley ...The best way to make a small fortune in football (soccer) is to start with a big one I must confess having taken my share of fluff courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels. You've probably come across those: academically lightweight elective subjects typically offered during the summer ...
- Indonesia and the Ultimate Tobacco Ban ProtestJust look at the size of that sucker. Philip Morris, eat your heart out! I am genuinely of two minds over cigarette smoking bans being imposed throughout the world. The Emmanuel that wants to live a reasonably healthy lifestyle abhors the practice and the many diseases it gives rise to. But, the ...
- 40 Years Ago: Ping-Pong Diplomacy & China's RiseHere's a timely scenario for you given the fortieth anniversary of ping-pong diplomacy between the US and China: What if the Cold War never ended, the Iron Curtain never fell, and the US failed to exploit the growing ideological divide between China and Russia? In general, international relation ...
Economic Collapse Blog
- Drought Of 2011: The Southern United States Is ...2011 sure has been a wild year for America so far. First we had unprecedented tornado outbreaks, then we had horrific flooding along the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, then we had record setting wildfires and now we are facing a crippling drought all over the southern United ...
- 10 Signs That The American People Are Starting ...All over America, restlessness and frustration are growing. It has now been almost three years since the great financial crash of 2008, and yet the U.S. economy is still a complete and total mess. In fact, there are all sorts of signs that things are about to get even worse, an ...
- If The U.S. Government Loses Its AAA Rating It ...For decades, the U.S. government has had a AAA rating. On the scales used by the big three credit rating agencies, that is the highest credit rating that a government can get. Moody's scale actually uses lettering that is a little different from the other two big agencies ("Aa ...
- 15 Examples That Show Many Americans Have Beco ...More Americans than ever are desperate for money and many of them will do just about anything to get it. The crumbling U.S. economy has pushed millions of ordinary Americans to the brink of utter desperation. When it comes time to choose between being able to survive or breaki ...
- Outcasts: Tonight Tens Of Thousands Of Formerl ...Economic despair is beginning to spread rapidly in America. As you read this, there are millions of American families that are just barely hanging on by their fingernails. For a growing number of Americans, it has become an all-out battle just to be able to afford to sleep und ...
Infoshop - Alt Media
- Need Tech Help? Offering it? Put a free ad in ...Are you part of a cool hacking, DIY, or tech project that needs more volunteers, users, or testers? Are you part of a radical project that needs...
- A Fake Image: About the Fraud of the Void Netw ...The social revolt of December 2008, triggered, among other things, an increased interest abroad about the struggles in Greece. For this reason, ...
- New Fringe Fest Musical Inspired by Union Figh ...When a coworker at Starbucks approached barista Ted Dewberry about forming a union at their workplace, his initial reaction was fear. Working 17 ho...
- BMedia Collective Variety Show #3: Earth Day Inc.This episode explores the connections between environment destruction and the economic and cultural systems that enable it.�Movements a...
- Submit to BUSTING BOREDOM! A zine about house ...House arrest is used in the kanadian (in)justice system often as a punitive bail condition. It's very isolating and used by the state as an atte...
E U Times
- South Sudan becomes an independent nationSouth Sudan has become the world’s newest nation, the climax of a process made possible by the 2005 peace deal that ended a long and bloody civil war. Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon are among international dignitaries attending celebrations in the capital, ...
- Sea of voices at Tahrir Square protestThere were men on stages calling for faster trials for ministers associated with the regime. A separate stage featured a speaker chanting anti-Israel phrases. A musician with an amplifier began to sing revolutionary anthems. And then there were the conversations of tens of thousands of people. “ ...
- Marine Le Pen ahead of Sarkozy in presidential ...Marine Le Pen the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen recently became leader of the National Front succeeding her father. She is turning out to be a slick operator. With the French presidential elections less than a year away she is polling ahead of President Sarkozy. She doesn’t deny that there used ...
- House Amendments Defunding Libya War FailFollowing yesterday’s votes, the House once again rejected an Amendment offered by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D – OH) which would have defunded the war in Libya. The vote failed 169-251 and saw solid Republican support, but coupled with overwhelming opposition from Democrats. The new vote would have ...
- China warns U.S. officials not to meet Dalai LamaChina’s Foreign Ministry warned U.S. officials on Thursday not to meet with visiting exiled spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, saying it hoped Washington “appropriately dealt” with Tibet-related issues. China reviles the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Dalai Lama, saying he supports the use of violence ...
Voiceless Victim
- Imagine How It FeelsHow many people talk about the issue of Catholic Church enabled child sexual abuse without a thought for how it feels to be the victim of such abuse? This issue is, after all, about children. Yesterday’s children whose lives were irreparably damaged by their abuse and who are still being re-abus ...
- Lies, Damn Lies, and Catholic Church Funded St ...I used to think the John Jay College of Criminal Justice was a well meaning independent organisation exploited by the Catholic Church into giving credence to Catholic lies, distractions and excuses on the issue of endemic child rape within its ranks. But with the release of the latest dangerous ...
- Vatican Guidelines Just Another PR StuntThis weeks’ latest Vatican guidelines on child sexual abuse continue efforts over recent years to appear as if things have changed, while actually doing everything possible to avoid being forced to take effective action. The Vatican love to pretend they are doing the right thing in dealing wi ...
- Top 10 Reasons Why John Paul II Is No Saint &# ...Here is the first part of my Top 10 Reasons Why John Paul II Is No Saint. This list refers only to the child rape epidemic. There are many more issues on which the Patron Saint of Paedophiles has left the world a far, far worse place than he found it, and many instances where [...]
- Catholic Sainthood – More Expediency Tha ...The former Cardinal Ratzinger, now known as Pope Benedict XVI, may be criminally culpable, disgracefully neglectful, deliberately deceitful, and horribly, horribly wrong in his approach to the child rape epidemic within the ranks of the Catholic Church, but there is some truth to the claims made ...
WL Central
- 2011-07-19: Wall Street Journal's Murdoch-Shil ...TweetThe Wall Street Journal - a News Corporation outlet - is again engaging in aggressive damage control for the Murdoch empire by attacking Wikileaks. WL Central addresses the mendacity. It appears that the Wall Street Journal - which publishes from News Corp's Celanese Building headquarters i ...
- 2011-07-19 WikiLeaks Notes: Latest News on #Ca ...Tweet This is a "WikiLeaks News Update", a daily news update of stories that are obviously related to WikiLeaks and also freedom of information, transparency, cybersecurity, and freedom of expression. All the times are GMT. * Updated: Fourteen people arrested in the U.S., suspected of being in c ...
- 2011-07-19: No Prosecution of Morgan TsvangiraiTweetMorgan Tzvangirai will not be prosecuted, a Zimbabwean panel has determined, in connection with comments he made to US diplomats, revealed in cables published by the Guardian. The Financial Gazette, a Zimbabwean English-language news weekly, reports: A PANEL set up early this year to probe ...
- 2011-07-19 @Lulzsec does not forgive, The Sun ...Tweet The international community was once again surprised by the action of @Lulzsec after the reporter Sean Hoare, the first person to blow the whistle on the News of the World editor Andy Coulson, who was linked to the paper's phone hacking scandal, was found dead in his home Watford, England ...
- 2011-07-18 Sean Hoare, #NOTW whistleblower, fo ...TweetSean Hoare, the reporter who first blew the whistle on News of the World editor Andy Coulson for the publication's phone hacking scandal, was found dead at his home in Watford, England on Monday according to reports in the Guardian and Hollywood Reporter. The report follows the recent arres ...
U N News
- Senior UN official deplores murder of third Me ...The head of the United Nations agency tasked with defending press freedom has condemned the killing of a Mexican journalist, the latest addition to what she called "the long list of victims sacrificed at the altar of freedom of expression."
- Ban congratulates Brazilian-Argentine agency f ...Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today congratulated the Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials (ABACC) for its 20 years of working for nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
- UN and national police launch anti-crime opera ...The United Nations and the Haitian National Police (HNP) have launched a joint security operation to crack down on criminal activity in key areas of the capital, Port-au-Prince.
- Independent UN expert on torture calls for unr ...The United Nations independent expert on torture today voiced concern over restrictions imposed by the United States on access to detainees, stating that it is vital for him to have unmonitored access to Bradley Manning, the US soldier detained for allegedly leaking classified information to the ...
- UN through the lens: Looking back on a year in ...UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon re-appointed Edmond Mulet to his former post of Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations in March 2011.
Conspiracy Reality TV
- 2012 – Science or Superstition – End Times Pre ...December 21, 2012, the end date of the sophisticated long count calendar created by the ancient Maya in Central America. Countless books and websites, magazine articles and newspaper headlines debate its meaning, with enthusiasts in two camps; those for casting apocalypse, the end of time, and t ...
- A Machine To Die For: The Quest For Free EnergyThere's a thing called the classified patent system which hardly anybody knows about. And every time you apply for a patent it goes through a screening by someone from the Department of Defense here in this country as well as other countries. And if this device has any kind of defense associated ...
- A Machine To Die For: The Quest For Free EnergyThere's a thing called the classified patent system which hardly anybody knows about. And every time you apply for a patent it goes through a screening by someone from the Department of Defense here in this country as well as other countries. And if this device has any kind of defense associated ...
- Geneticists Reveal E. Coli Super Bug O104 Was ...Their scientists broke down the genetics of this E. coli strain it's call O104, and if you look at it you can read the history, and the history doesn't lie. This strain was exposed repeatedly to all the 8 major classes of antibiotics that are sold by the drug companies today. This practically gu ...
- Geneticists Reveal E. Coli Super Bug O104 Was ...Their scientists broke down the genetics of this E. coli strain it's call O104, and if you look at it you can read the history, and the history doesn't lie. This strain was exposed repeatedly to all the 8 major classes of antibiotics that are sold by the drug companies today. This practically gu ...
Rewilding Institute
- Congratulations to The Center for Biological D ...What terrific news from our friends at the Center! We appreciate their efforts and hope you do, too. Please show them your support with your thanks and a donation. Check out the Center’s Historic Victory website for more on this breaking agreement. I’ve been waiting years to write these w ...
- Trekking for Rewilding – Exploring Strands of ...Text and photos by John Davis Wildlands Network/TrekEast Dave Foreman summarized brilliantly in his latest Around the Campfire why we need an Eastern Wildway and what basic steps need to be taken to achieve it. As a Rewilding Fellow, and co-founder of the Wildlands Project with Dave and other s ...
- Around the Campfire with Uncle Dave – Rewildin ...Part One For nigh onto fifteen years, I’ve been talking and writing about a North American Wildlands Network anchored by four Continental Wildways (at first named MegaLinkages). The North American Wildlands Network is rooted in the conservation pathway of Rewilding, an offshoot of the scientifi ...
- Around the Campfire with Uncle Dave – Rewildin ...Part One For nigh onto fifteen years, I’ve been talking and writing about a North American Wildlands Network anchored by four Continental Wildways (at first named MegaLinkages). The North American Wildlands Network is rooted in the conservation pathway of Rewilding, an offshoot of the scientifi ...
- Record Big Game Die-offs in Northern RockiesWinter die-offs are always characteristic of ungulate populations that have exceeded natural carrying capacity, usually because of management efforts to increase numbers for the benefit of hunters. In areas where wolves and other large predators are well established, ungulates seldom perish from ...
Asia Sentinel
- Malaysia's Sub Scandal ResurfacesFrench prosecutors edge closer to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak
- China's Thirst for WaterOn July 18, Asia Sentinel printed a story on how China’s construction of major dams is causing chaos in Burma. This is why they are going ahead despite opposition.
- Cambodia Seeks to Rein in the NGOsThe government promotes a draft law that critics say is designed to mute criticism
- China Ignores Own Irrawaddy Dam StudyChina Power Investment’s assessment calls for Burma’s Myitsone Dam to be scrapped
- Murdoch's Long GoodbyeThe Empire crests against the digital era
We Know the Lies
- 'Democracy' Is Not Freedom... Ron Paul
- CONFIRMED... Facebook IS in Fact Aiding Govern ...
- Avoiding Court Trials and Tickets!... 5 Words ...
- WARNING!!! E.O. 13575...The Next Land Grab... ...
- Exposed... Secret Location of New Federal Reserve
- Saudi-Iran Conflicts Benefit US-UK-Israel; Is ...Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. PressTV July 17, 2011 [download video]
- Hillary Clinton Recognizes the Al Qaeda-Based ...Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. PressTV July 16, 2011 �
- Tea Party Lunatics Demand US Default; Wall Str ...Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. PressTV July 14, 2011 Audio Only [download audio]
- ItalianoInternational Main Menu Arabic Ceské Dansk Deutsch Español Français Italiano Greek Nippon Polski Português Russki Svenska Türk Zhongwén 1 2 > >| page: 1 of 2 total items: 15 Misure urgenti per difendere lâeconomia italiana contro lâattacco coordinato degli speculatori inter ...
- July 14, Bastille Day: Quelle Honte!Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. PressTV July 13, 2011 [download audio]
Modern Survivalism
- Sudden Death of Murdoch Empire WhistleblowerThe headlines read, News of the World phone-hacking whistleblower found dead. A report in the ‘’ reads, “Death of Sean Hoare â who was first named journalist to allege Andy Coulson knew of hacking â not being treated as suspicious”. Conspiracy? Yes Plausible conspiracy? Yes, sure i ...
- World’s Biggest Hedge Fund Founder Says& ...…watch out for economic collapse during the end of 2012. The exact words were, âThere hasnât been a case in history where they havenât eventually printed money and devalued their currency,â âPeople concentrate on the particular thing of the moment, and they forget the larger underlying forces,â ...
- A Survival Kit To Keep Your Car GoingWhile many offer opinions about survival kits to be kept in your vehicle, tailored towards keeping you, the human, going… here is a twist on that thought while considering keeping your CAR going. A survival kit to help keep your car keep going (except after an EMP event), may include some of the ...
- Globalization is Killing UsAs I was driving the hour commute back home this evening from visiting my wife in the hospital, I was in somewhat of a melancholy mood, and got around to thinking of the sad state of the US economy with respect to the average working person. What I mean by that, (average), is the majority [...]
- Government-Gone-Wild Benefits-PerksIn the US, both political parties are often indistinguishable. Democrat or Republican these days, could be renamed to Democans and Republicrats. They’re basically one in the same, with ‘most’ of them primarily concerned about feathering their own nests. The ‘feathers’ come from big business, pri ...
Fast Company
- Apple's Astonishing Earnings Aren't The Full S ...Apple's spectacular rise continues. The company's latest financial report reveals that 20.34 million iPhones were sold in the last quarter alone, which is 142% growth on the same quarter in 2010. And iPad sales are even more impressive, running at 9.25 million for the same period, which is a 183 ...
- Midtown In Motion Could Eliminate NYC Traffic JamsUsing a system of sensors and cameras, the new program lets city engineers control traffic signals in real time in response to changing road conditions. Sitting in traffic isn't just unpleasant; it also wastes gasoline and is a major trigger for heart attacks, among other health problems. And o ...
- Against Geopolitical And Engineering Odds, Pla ...Meet the next great gonzo engineering project: A 20-mile Red Sea-spanning bridge connecting Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The bridge has been spoken about for years and multiple attempts to begin work on it have fallen through; overcoming the odds now will be a feat of both political finesse and engin ...
- Solar Electric Cells Have A Surprising Benefit ...Solar panels give you clean energy, yes, but it turns out that's not all. Just by putting them on the roof, you'll start saving cash on your cooling and heating bills.Installing photovoltaic solar cells is a great way to easily tap into an environmentally sustainable energy source, and in sunnie ...
- Zipcar's Impact On How People Use Cars Is EnormousAfter a year of Zipcar availability in Baltimore, a survey finds that Zipcar membership means less driving, more public transportation, more exercise, and better quality of life for everyone.Zipcar debuted in Baltimore a year ago. The company has since gathered feedback from the new Zipcar drive ...
- Trafficking and Foreign Labor in the Gulf: An ...Earlier this month, the US State Department released its annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report, an inventory of the world�s efforts at combating the global trade in people.�The 2011 report marks a turning point of sorts for US foreign policy. For the first time ever, the new TIP inc ...
- Trafficking and Foreign Labor in the Gulf: An ...Earlier this month, the US State Department released its annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report, an inventory of the world�s efforts at combating the global trade in people.�The 2011 report marks a turning point of sorts for US foreign policy. For the first time ever, the new TIP inc ...
- Jadaliyya's iPhone/iPad/iPod/iNama Kuntum App ...We tried to resist for a almost a year, but we were constantly asked "When will you have an app for Jadaliyya?" So we developed an App for the iPhone and iPad! شو بدنا نعمل؟ This would be the Beta version as we are trying to get your feedback as to what you'd like to see on there. You c ...
- To Die For[This is the seventh part of Amal Hanano's diary of her trip back to Aleppo. You can read the previous parts�here] Like most acquaintances in our wired world, a certain �friend of a friend� had become a �friend.� I had admired her for months from afar, inspired by her bold status up ...
- Culture XIVAlthough counterrevolutions are in full swing, our weekly section brings some hope, nominally and otherwise. Amal Hanano continues her meditations about Aleppo. Gaelle Raphael translates Amal Dunqul's powerful poem, "A Special Interview with Noah's Son." Suneela Mubayi translates Sargon ...
- Facebook and the Epiphanator: An End to Ending ...Paul Ford / New York Magazine: Facebook and the Epiphanator: An End to Endings? — I do not enjoy Facebook — I find it cloying and impossible — but I am there every day. Last year I watched a friend struggle through breast cancer treatment in front of hundreds of friends. She broadcast her ...
- Metro Publisher: Building a CMS for Hyperlocal ...Steven Jacobs / Street Fight: Metro Publisher: Building a CMS for Hyperlocals — Two years ago, publishing consultancy firm Vangaurdistas saw a demand by small and medium-sized publishers for a CMS capable of integrating more dynamic digital content. In response, it created Metro Publisher, ...
- Microsoft Said to Drop Out of Hulu Auction (Bl ...Bloomberg: Microsoft Said to Drop Out of Hulu Auction — Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) is dropping out of the bidding for Hulu LLC, the online video service put up for sale by its media-company owners, according to a person with knowledge of the matter. — Microsoft, based in Redmond, Washington …
- Reporter Accosted After Bachmann Comments on M ...Michael Crowley / Swampland: Reporter Accosted After Bachmann Comments on Migraines — It's not easy to get to Michele Bachmann. Her appearance at a rally on Tuesday in Aiken, South Carolina, attended by perhaps 150 people, featured three uniformed police officers and two body guards in plain ...
- Tackable, BANG collaborate on a location-based ...Martin Langeveld / Nieman Journalism Lab: Tackable, BANG collaborate on a location-based digital newspaper — Ever since he was a beat reporter at the Palo Alto Daily News and the Contra Costa Times, Luke Stangel has been thinking about how to improve finding and consuming news by adding more ...
Chemtrail News
- How to Collect Rainwater Sample for Chemtra ...How to Collect Rainwater Sample for Chemtrail Heavy Metal
- Chemtrails are a real concern for readerOne is of the chemtrails being spread at 8: 15 am July 4 across Mission and Abbotsford's blue skies. If you are unfamiliar or don't believe chemtrails exist ...
- UFO,HAARP,Chemtrail ??? VideoWeitralord's video about UFO HAARP Chemtrail documentary on
- CHEMTRAIL DISCLOSURE: UK PETITION - PLE ... 1178307-mass-aerosol-spraying-of-the-sky-s-?
- Fake Chemtrail plan hologram - YouTubeThis looks nothing like an airplane because it is NOT an
World News - Top Stories
- Zoo's elephant reserve gains three female ...FAIRHOPE, Pa. -- Three female African elephants are the newest additions to the Pittsburgh Zoo's elephant program, making it one of the largest in the nation. Thandi, Seeni and Sukiri are all 18 to 20 years old, and they traveled from Botswana to their...
- Guinea president survives rocket attack GUINEA'S newly installed president has survived a rocket attack on his residence that left one dead and led to the arrest of the coup-prone country's former army chief. A group of rogue soldiers opened fire on Alpha Conde's residence overnight, sparking a two-hour gun battle that rattled th ...
- US housing data helps crude oil prices hi ...Crude oil prices were higher Tuesday on new data showing US housing starts up in June, raising hopes that the economy is on the way to recovery, which could help oil demand. August contracts for West Texas Intermediate crude were up...
- More Chrysler Workers Suspended For Drink ...For the second time in less than a year, workers on Chrysler manufacturing lines have been caught on camera — and subsequently suspended for — drinking (and possibly smoking a controlled substance) during...
- Teacher necessities for a prepared classr ...For many new teachers, stocking a classroom with necessary materials can be a daunting task.� For some veteran teachers, remembering what needs to be restocked or purchased for the next year can also be a frustrating chain of events.� Below is a suggested list of items that teachers should ...
no frakking consensus
- Al Gore’s Shameful New CampaignWhy is Al Gore linking greenhouse gas emissions to natural disasters when experts in that field say no such link exists?
- About My BookMy book has a new title - and will be available in September.
- Looking for Examples of the Hockey Stick GraphCan you point me to science textbooks, government documents, or websites of reputable organizations where the Michael Mann hockey stick graph appears?
- IPCC Bigwigs Spout Political, Childish NonsenseThe Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is supposed to stick to the science. But not only do its leaders make political pronouncements - these pronouncements are startlingly unsophisticated.
- Chris Landsea and the Moral MidgetsThe scientific community expects us to trust its judgment on the question of whether global warming is the fault of human beings. But its response to the Chris Landsea affair demonstrates that that judgment is impaired.
Anna's News
- Polar Shifts on Rising SeasHow high will the oceans rise in response to our warming global climate, and how fast will it happen?Climate scientists have been unable to answer these basic questions with any confidence, mainly because they can't really tell how the ice caps at the....Submitted by Anna Smith to Environment � ...
- Haji Ali: A Popular Pilgrimage for all FaithHaji Ali Dargah in Mumbai is a popular pilgrimage destination for devotees of all faith. Many devotees visit Dargah from different walks of life. It is situated 500 yards off shore in the middle of Worli Bay in Mumbai. The mosque was built in 1431 by a...Submitted by Anna Smith to World �|� �No ...
- Green energy investment hits record global highGlobal investment in renewable energy sources grew by 32% during 2010 to reach a record level of US$211bn (£132bn), a UN study has reported.The main growth drivers were backing for wind farms in China and rooftop solar panels in Europe, it said. Submitted by Anna Smith to Green Lifestyle �|� � ...
- News of the World staff shocked at closureStaff at the News of the World have reacted with shock to news that it will be closed after this Sunday's edition.The paper's political editor, David Wooding, said the closure came as a "bombshell". Submitted by Anna Smith to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- 10 Ridiculous But Compelling Twitter FeudsLike all social networking sites, Twitter can be a wonderful outlet to share your feelings and views, but it also leaves plenty of room for offensive comments and bullying. Whether it's the empowerment of being behind a computer or the wide-reaching......Submitted by Anna Smith to World �|� �No ...
Medical Marijuana
- 7/14/11 - Wisconsin became the 49th state to a - On July 8, 2011, Wisconsin became the 49th state to allow concealed carry. Wisconsin citizens who go through training and obtain a permit will be able to carry a concealed handgun in most public buildings and private businesses (including bars and churches) unless esta ...
- 7/14/11 - On June 21, 2011 the US Drug Enforce - On June 21, 2011 the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) denied an Oct. 9, 2002 request to reclassify marijuana out of the most restrictive Schedule I category where heroin, LSD, and peyote are also classified, ruling that marijuana "has a high potential for ab ...
- 7/13/11 - What Do Teens Drink? High School Stu - NEW: What Do Teens Drink? High School Student Beverage Consumption by Race and Sex - As of spring 2010, milk remains the most popular teen beverage after water except among black teens where it ranks behind water, fruit juice, and soda. Our new chart, based on a June 17, 2011 C ...
- 7/1/11 - 24 Constitutional Challenges to Feder - UPDATED: 24 Constitutional Challenges to Federal Health Care Laws: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) Under Fire - On June 29, 2011 a three-judge panel of the US Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit ruled (2-1) to uphold the insurance mandate of the ...
- 7/1/11 - Jail, Prison, Parole, and Probation P - NEW: Jail, Prison, Parole, and Probation Populations in the US, 1980-2009 - The total correctional population in the US grew from 1,840,400 in 1980 to 7,255,800 in 2009. In 1980 there were 319,598 people in prison, and by 2009 that population had expanded to 1,524,513 i ...
Truth About Our World
- We Can Rule the World
- Mind Manipulations
- The Real You
- The End of The Schism, Moving Out Of Mind Into ...
- Cymatics – Bringing Matter To Life With ...Changing sound frequencies , in what way could that be used to change us? Both in a good and a BAD way by those who have this knowledge?
Gyrovague's Raves
- Can food be art?Helen Lewis-Hasteley Nathan Myhrvold was Stephen Hawking’s researcher and Bill Gates’s right-hand man at Microsoft. Now, he’s written a £395 cookbook A cutaway image of a pot roast from Nathan Myhrvold’s Modernist Cuisine. Photo: The Cooking Lab, LLC How’s this for a CV? Nathan Myhrvold graduat ...
- A whiff of historyWhen smells vanish, we lose a whole dimension of the world. Now thereâs a movement to change that. By Courtney Humphries Think of some of your most powerful memories, and thereâs likely a smell attached: the aroma of suntan lotion at the beach, the sharpness of freshly mown grass, the floral tra ...
- Finding good information on the internetKevin McCluney Have you heard about the highly endangered tree octopus of the forests of the Pacific Northwest? "Ridiculous," you say? But I found a whole webpage devoted to saving them, so they must exist, right? This website has been used to intentionally mislead students (see news article) a ...
- Probiotics May Save Your LifeBy Rob Dunn (especially if you are like a mouse, which you are) Scientists seem to care a great deal about the Probiotics are living species (typically bacteria, though I will argue for a broader definition) taken in one form or another by animals (typically though not always humans) in order t ...
- Lingering LiesThe Persistent Influence of Misinformation The brain holds on to false facts, even after they have been retracted By Valerie Ross After people realize the facts have been fudged, they do their best to set the record straight: judges tell juries to forget misleading testimony; newspapers publish ...
In Verbena | Royal Society
- Engineering public engagementFROM EMMA WOODS IN THE SCIENCE POLICY CENTRE What is so unusual about geoengineering? What sets it apart from other controversial technologies? One thing that strikes me as particularly atypical is that the social dimensions of geoengineering are being addressed well ahead of the development of ...
- Frontiers of Science UK-Germany: is sound fast ...FROM RUTH COOPER, SENIOR POLICY ADVISER Last week 35 early career British scientists met with their German counterparts in the UK, for the third UK-German Frontiers of Science meeting. The meeting was co-organised with the Junge Akademie with logistical support from the Alexander von Humbold ...
- Frontiers of Science UK-Germany: is sound fast ...FROM RUTH COOPER, SENIOR POLICY ADVISER Last week 35 early career British scientists met with their German counterparts in the UK, for the third UK-German Frontiers of Science meeting. The meeting was co-organised with the Junge Akademie with logistical support from the Alexander von Humbold ...
- Opening up scientific information: a shared hi ...There are two parts to the story of the birth of the internet. Networked computers exchanging packets of information have existed since the 1960s, facilitated largely by a government project in the USA. Â Â The interface that allows anyone to share anything with anyone, anywhere – the combinatio ...
- Opening up scientific information: a shared hi ...There are two parts to the story of the birth of the internet. Networked computers exchanging packets of information have existed since the 1960s, facilitated largely by a government project in the USA. Â Â The interface that allows anyone to share anything with anyone, anywhere – the combinatio ...
NAU Resistance
- U.S. Ambassador Says Perimeter Security Deal W ...- Joint Border Inspection Facilities | Relocation Of U.S. Food Inspectors At Canadian Plants And Vice-Versa |Greater Sharing Of Intelligence & Harmonizing Regulations | Greater Use Of Biometrics To Track Travelers In Real Time
- Senate “Reform”, or Destruction of Democratic ..."If a Prime Minister tries to turn Parliamentary responsible government into unparliamentary irresponsible government, only the Crown can stop him; only the Crown can keep government responsible to Parliament and Parliament to the people; only the Crown can prevent the Prime Minister, prime serv ...
- Senate “Reform”, or Destruction of Democratic ..."If a Prime Minister tries to turn Parliamentary responsible government into unparliamentary irresponsible government, only the Crown can stop him; only the Crown can keep government responsible to Parliament and Parliament to the people; only the Crown can prevent the Prime Minister, prime serv ...
- VIDEO: “THE CONFEDERATION OF CANADA AS A WAR M ..."Let the Fathers of Confederation explain to you why Canada cannot be annexed to the United States of America"- KM
- VIDEO: “THE CONFEDERATION OF CANADA AS A WAR M ..."Let the Fathers of Confederation explain to you why Canada cannot be annexed to the United States of America"- KM
Gaea Times
- Indian?s fight against child marriage in focus ...ABU DHABI - The spotlight was once again on India at the Abu Dhabi Film Festival, courtesy a British filmmaker. Kim Longinotto in “Pink Saris” depicted the evils of child marriage and the caste conflict in the interiors of northern India - and a woman’s fight to bring about change. In her doc ...
- Rebel JD-U MP warns against Nitish?s return to ...PATNA - A day ahead of the first round of the six-phase Bihar assembly elections, a rebel leader of the ruling Janata Dal-United (JD-U) Wednesday appealed to farmers not to vote for Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. In an appeal published in local Hindi dailies, Rajeev Ranjan Singh alias Lalan Sin ...
- Agra offers world class recording studio to Bo ...AGRA - Studio Wave, a new recording studio here, is being endorsed by top names in Bollywood music but the sound engineer who set it up is also hoping it will help local talent thrive. Satish Gupta, who founded it, told IANS: “The main motive of this studio is to promote local talent in music ...
- Pete Doherty creating jewellery for menLONDON - Singer Pete Doherty is creating his own range of jewellery. The 31-year-old crooner has collaborated with former Cartier designer Hannah Martin to create “Albion Trinketry”, a luxury range of rings, chains, cufflinks and pins. Petes been obsessed with antiques and trinkets for years, ...
- Low testosterone ?may raise risk of early death?WASHINGTON - A new research has linked low testosterone levels to a heightened risk of premature death from heart disease and all causes. The finding refutes received wisdom that the hormone is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Researchers base their findings on 930 men, all of whom h ...
TruthNews Australia
- No Carbon Tax Protest: photosSome random thoughts as we steam towards the biggest social and economic blunder of the millennium. Calculations about what people will pay on average per week are speculative and have no guarantees attached. That’s clearly just a marketing gimmick. What we should be more concerned about is wh ...
- TVO Canada interviews Gage, Zwicker, Zarembka ... Written by AE911Truth Staff | 17 may 2011 Canadian Public Broadcasting TV Station TVO Interviewed AE911Truth's Richard Gage, AIA, Barrie Zwicker (Towers of Deception), Author Paul Zarembka on the program "The Agenda" wi ...
- A green tide sweeps CanberraOn 4th July 2011 the Greens will control nine seats in the Federal Senate, giving them the balance of power and ushering in a new era of enviro-politics. Tonight Josh Jackson and I wade into the battle over carbon taxes and attempt to restore some sanity to the debate. In particular we take ...
- 9/11 Troll AlertCoinciding with the approaching 10th anniversary of 9/11, it seems we are experiencing a new campaign to undermine and destroy the 9/11 truth movement. Truther groups have been buzzing over the past two days with news about the "defection" of Love Police founder Charlie Veitch from the 9/11 t ...
- TSA’s assault on human dignity continues ...There has been the usual hand wringing and a flood of TV reports over the latest TSA outrage: the "grope down" of a six year old girl, daughter of Todd and Selena Drexel, at an airport in New Orleans. I present below some of the recent coverage: "Right now at Armstrong International ...
- Ocean Acidification Threatens Global Food SecurityImage via Wikimedia Commons. It makes sense that ocean acidification is bad for marine life. But who knew it could have far-reaching effects on human health as well? A new report by scientists at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) shows that ocean acidification is threatening glob ...
- Get Your Fins on an Official Shark Week Party KitWe�ve got Shark Week fever early this year and it is contagious! Or at least, we hope so, because we�ve got 10 official Shark Week party kits on our hands. Want to get a hold of one? It�s pretty simple. Before noon tomorrow, Tuesday July 19, pop over to Twitter and send this tweet: I want ...
- Last Day in Washington: Techno-Colored Crabs© Oceana This is part of a series of posts about our Pacific Hotspots expedition. Today's highlights: On their last day in Washington, the team saw an orca, spiny dogfish, techno-colored crabs and more. Washington Leg, Final Day As we prepped the ROV for its first dive, an orca slowly ma ...
- 3 Ways to Get Ready for Shark WeekOn July 31, Shark Week is back!� Need some ideas on how to celebrate this, the sharkiest time of year? We're here for you: 1.��� Share the Shark Week Love Have your friends over for a watch party. Check out the programming schedule. I recommend "Jaws Comes Home" on July 31, but there's a fu ...
- Ranger Discovers Deep-sea Coral Reef in Medite ...News from the deep: Oceana's crew aboard the Ranger has discovered a previously undocumented coral reef in the Alboran Sea in the high seas of the Mediterranean. The reef, which is located more than 1,300 feet below the surface and covers over 1 million square feet, is formed primarily by white ...
Civilian Military Intelligence Group
- And Now For Something Distinctly Feminine.Click here to view the embedded video. � Lady Smith S&W .38 Cal 5 [...]
- 19th Century Cane Shotguns.Ah the Europeans, in particular the 19th century French aristocrats who first created a panoply of hidden firearms. Barrels and bullets or shot shells all decoratively esconced in anything from 19th Century Imperial ring guns to pipes that fird a bullet to walking canes that acted as swords or g ...
- What If The Sniper In Saving Private Ryan Fire ...Click here to view the embedded video. (The following discussion is fascinating to me if not a complete answer, since I still don’t know if a sniper round would have cooked off an 88mm round with a head on hit). As a former M1A1 Abrams tank crewman, please accept that I do have knowledge o ...
- Very Cool Photos of Women Building Weapons Dur ...German Women Making Barrage Balloons Women Making A-20 Attack Bombers in Douglas Aircraft's Longbeach California Plant Women Building Weapons Women Building B-17s Women Building Fighters � � Source: X- Planes, Blogrolled here, [...]
- Fantastic Black And White Photos Of American I ...Hoop On The Forehead, Crow One Blue Bead, Crow Porcupine, Cheyenne Tsaasi-Mis-Salla Or "Crow With Necklace" Sarsi Alchise, Apache � Source: MHQ Blog [...]
Taylor Marsh
- House Republicans Remove Any Doubt They’re SaneCut, cap and… baloney passed. Shocker, the Tea Party crazies are running the congressional asylum. Passing anything that has no chance of getting through the Senate, let alone a veto by Pres. Obama, is such a waste of energy. Watching some of Cantor’s bloviating on the House floor makes me wonde ...
- Queer Talk: Obama endorses the Respect for Mar ...Joyce L. Arnold: Liberal, lesbian, Independent, equality activist, writer. Tomorrow the Senate, for the first time ever, will hold hearings on repealing DOMA: “S.598, The Respect for Marriage Act: Assessing the Impact of DOMA on American Families.” It begins at 10 AM ET, and will include testimo ...
- HIT PIECE: Michele Bachmann’s ‘Stress-Induced’ ...Aw, come on, boys. If John F. Kennedy can do it on all the drugs he chugged, so can Michele Bachmann. The Daily Caller headline is the tell: Stress-related condition ‘incapacitates’ Bachmann; heavy pill use alleged. It cannot possibly be a coincidence that with Rep. Michele Bachmann surging we n ...
- Obama: Gang of 6 Offer Deal, ‘Modification’ to ...**UPDATED BELOW** While the Tea Party amateurs in the House pretend to be congressmen and women by enjoying their political theater on Cup, Cap and Balance, because Speaker Boehner is powerless to stop them. It’s a real low for Mr. Boehner, but even Pres. Obama understands he’s screwed, as our H ...
- Parliament Testimony Begins by Murdoch’s Being ...**UPDATED** “This is the most humble day of my life.” – Rupert Murdoch The hearings begin with Rupert Murdoch & his son James Murdoch asking to make opening statement, but were denied. Guardian has statement of Rupert Murdoch: Mr. Chairman. Select Committee Members: With your permission, I would ...
Hudson New York
- Why Do Palestinians Bite the Hand That Feeds Them?For the past six decades, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for [UNRWA] has been helping hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and a number of Arab countries, providing them with various services, including
- Venice: City of DreamsVenice is more than a city; it is the embodiment of the human spirit. Each day nature sends rising tides to test the resilience of this remarkable place. Barriers have been placed at sea to guard the land, but nature is relentlessly testing Venetian
- Israel Defense Officials Want Turkish Ties Rep ...Israel's defense establishment wants to see ties with Turkey repaired, even supporting an apology to Ankara for a bloody 2010 raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla, Israel's Haaretz Daily reported Sunday. Relations between the former allies have been in
- Should You Trust Jim Cramer?You know Jim Cramer. He's the star of Mad Money, the guy who tells you how to make lots of dough by taking his advice about hot stocks (such as Bear Sterns just before it crashed). Before that he made lots of money for himself and his clients by running
- Questions About "The Arab Spring"Reports and the analyses filed by members of the American media during the hubbub of the Khomeinist "revolution" have been, for most Iranians, painfully unforgettable. Remember the holy man called Khomeini? Today the people of the Middle East who are
Urban Survival
- Lights Out by 2013?Lead item in the news this morning is really simple: Go read the John Cassidy article coming in the July 25th New Yorker under the heading “Mastering the Machine here. In it, Ray Dalio who runs the world’s biggest hedge … Continue reading →
- Coping: With Product Migrations (Flash Me, II)Old joke in our family was (is) “Don’t ask George what time it is, because he’ll build you a watch…” This morning, we go to watch-making school., since it’s a topic I’m well versed in and can whip out in … Continue reading →
- $1,600 Gold!!! The Tightrope ProblemWe begin the week casting a jaundiced eye toward Washington, where once again, the Budget High Drama continues like a never-ending rerun of some TV game show, with about as much plot. If there was any question about why the … Continue reading →
- Coping: With Travel and Other UnpronounceablesThe trouble with travel is what? Keeping ‘life on the road’ and ‘life in the office’ all working together seamlessly. Because, sure as hell, when I don’t, that auditor in the back of my mindwill wake me up in the … Continue reading →
- Where’d “the Trust” Go?We’ll get to this morning’s CPI report in a sec, but first thing out of the box this morning you might want to click over to the Forbes story “What Happened to the $2.6 Trillion Social Security Trust Fund?“ I … Continue reading →
Trends & Forecasts
- Webster Tarpley Geopolitics Update July 16, 20 ...Investigative journalist and Geopolitcs expert... [[ Please visit for the full story ]]
- Rupert Murdoch Attacked With PieRupert Murdoch one of the world's most powerful... [[ Please visit for the full story ]]
- How the CFR controls the media in AmericaThe CFR is the secret Government in the United... [[ Please visit for the full story ]]
- Britain on the verge of Bankruptcy !!!UK gov is focused on 'fiscal stimulation' bailing... [[ Please visit for the full story ]]
- Tim Alexander : Rupert Murdoch is a Mossad ope ..." Rupert Murdoch is an Israeli citizen widely... [[ Please visit for the full story ]]
Radical Chic
- MIND CONTROL 77: More Warnings About PastorsThe warnings continue. Matt 16:6-12 6 “BE CAREFUL,” JESUS SAID TO THEM. “BE ON YOUR GUARD AGAINST THE YEAST OF THE PHARISEES AND SADUCEES.” 7 They discussed this among themselves and said, “It is because we didn’t bring any bread.” 8 Aware of their discussion, Jesus asked, “You of little faith, ...
- PLANKING AND THE CELEBRATION OF MINDLESSNESS & ...What is happening to my generation? Are we getting dumber every day? I get peeved every time I hear or read about this stupid game called ‘planking’. It is one of the most popular trends in social media circles right now so I guess it needs no introduction. But think about it again. You lie [...]
- MIND CONTROL 76: Bad TeachersLets take a look at a few more things that Jesus had to say about menâ¦. More specificallyâ¦.. pastors. Matt 15:1-20 1 Some Pharisees and other Jewish leaders now arrived from Jerusalem to interview Jesus. 2 “Why do your disciples disobey the ancient Jewish traditions?” they demanded. “For they ...
- FIRE BOMB – By: Hamidat PopoolaGunfire left a hole in the tank losing gasoline… Smile babe. You always said my smile made you smile. I’m smiling boo. Smile with me. No? Okay babe. I remember your smile vividly when you sang me lyrics from LL Cool J’s ‘Love you better’. How ironic. Laugh together, cry together, God willing w ...
- DARING TO UNDERSTAND FAITH: The IntroductionBelieve me when i say i understand your position. Just like me you were born into a  family that believed something. You were taught what to think and shown how you should live your life. You didn’t ask too many questions because at first you had no sense of comparison. As a child your world [...]
Boston Blog ( Nature Network)
- Marc Hauser resigns from Harvard: News, backgr ...The Globe is the place to go for details on the resignation of Harvard psychology researcher Marc Hauser: Marc Hauser, a well-known Harvard psychology professor who has been on leave since an internal investigation found him guilty of eight counts of scientific misconduct, is leaving the univ ...
- No reaction to NYTimes story on cancer gene ma ...Gina Kolata at the NYTimes has two recent pieces on the limits -- let's say "failure" -- of much-touted personalized medicine. No comment on the page itself and not much on Twitter, blogs, etc... We wonder. Mass General has been promoting their research in this area. (Here's a story from the ...
- MIT's Particles and Nuclei International Conf ...More here: The 19th Particles and Nuclei International Conference (PANIC11) will take place in Cambridge, Massachusetts at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) from Sunday July 24th through Friday July 29th 2011. The PANIC conference, which is held every ...
- Knight Sci News: Reporting on Dr. Church's DNA ...The scientists put it this way: "Our methods treat the chromosome as both an editable and an evolvable template, permitting the exploration of vast genetic landscapes." The news review site links to stories in New Scientist, Wired and the NYTImes. A new report from MIT, Yale, and Harvard d ...
- Science, history and literature meet at New Be ...Boston Day Trip: The Science of Whales and Whaling Cmbine science, history and literature with a trip to this - to use a cliché - hidden gem. Science Tuesday at the New Bedford Whaling Museum Date: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 1:00 pm Join our teen apprentices in the Jacobs Family Gallery as ...
NRDC Switchboard
- Smog Lawsuit Spurs Self Reflection for the LA ...Adrian Martinez, Project Attorney, Southern California Air Team, Santa Monica Today, the LA Times reported on a lawsuit filed by health, environmental and environmental justice groups filed yesterday in the Los Angeles region. Later in the day, L ...
- Weirdness on the Web: Odd Little Online Piece ...Deron Lovaas, Federal Transportation Policy Director, Washington, D.C. As NRDC’s federal transportation director, I spend my days urging lawmakers and others in Washington to help move us away from Big Oil and all the problems (spills, tax breaks, ...
- NRDC in the News 7/19: Whitebark pine, smog, c ...NRDC News, NRDC News Team, NRDC Offices Worldwide Louisa Willcox spoke with the Associated Press about the federal government’s decision to forego endangered species protections for the ailing whitebark pine due to a lack of funding; Louisa was al ...
- Record Bay-Delta Water Exports = 80% of Maximu ...Doug Obegi, Staff Attorney, Western Water Project, San Francisco 2011 has been an amazing year for California’s water supply. California’s upstream reservoirs are still nearly full in mid-July, and the San Luis Reservoir south of the Delta is sto ...
- Most Anti-Environment House of Representatives ...Frances Beinecke, President of NRDC, New York City Tea Party leaders in the House have dramatically stepped up their assault on America’s environmental and public health safeguards. Last week alone they used about 50 floor votes and more than 30 p ...
Injustice Everywhere
- National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Reca ...Here are the 13 reports of police misconduct tracked in our National Police Misconduct News Feed for this Monday, July 18, 2011: Tacoma WA police are the subject of a legal claim, the precursor to a lawsuit in this state, filed by a man who was wanted for vehicular assault and for shooting his [...]
- Police Misconduct NewsFeed Weekend Recap 07-16 ...Before I start on this weekend’s reports I wanted to mention an interesting report about how few law enforcement agencies track how many of their officers are convicted of criminal misconduct by Alia Wong from the Honolulu Civil Beat. She did a good job trying to present both sides of the issue ...
- Why we pulled the 7/16 San Francisco shooting ...Around 4:45pm on Saturday San Francisco police fatally shot a young man who fled after being detained for jumping fare on a light rail vehicle. Initial reports were that police insisted the young man was armed and had opened fire and officers returned fire without being injured. However, police ...
- National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Reca ...Here are the 12 reports of police misconduct tracked in our National Police Misconduct News Feed for this Friday, July 15, 2011: Lake View IA police chief & a fellow cop subject of suit alleging they helped cover up racially motivated beating by falsely arresting the victim [3] ...
- National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Reca ...Here are the 21 reports of police misconduct tracked in our National Police Misconduct News Feed for this Thursday, July 14, 2011: Houston TX cop suspended after caught on video, shown above, walking up to cuffed suspect & punching him in the face [0] Washington DC police o ...
Total Collapse
- Iran to send enemies to morgueIran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the Islamic Republic will continue resisting its arrogant enemies, including Israel, until their total annihilation. The resistance would last until the country âsends them [its sworn enemies] to the morgue,â Ahmadinejad said on Tuesday, the official web ...
- Rupert Murdoch hit in face with foam pie durin ...Rupert Murdoch was today attacked by a protester as he gave evidence to a parliamentary select committee examining phone hacking. The 80-year-old media tycoon was protected by his wife Wendi and a woman lawyer who leapt to his defence as the assailant – identified as comedian Jonnie Marbles – hu ...
- China: ‘Pakistan is our Israel’When a US delegate once confronted a Chinese diplomat about Beijing’s uncompromising support for Pakistan, the Chinese reportedly responded with a heavily-loaded sarcastic remark: “Pakistan is our Israel”. But judging by China’s unrelenting support for some of its allies, including North Korea, ...
- Radioactive beef sold in TokyoJapan’s second-biggest retailer has sold nuclear-contaminated beef in the capital Tokyo’s market and suburb area, raising great concern among the people. Aeon Co said it had sold beef from 132 cattle that ate nuclear-contaminated feed at a store in Tokyo and at more than dozen stores in the surr ...
- News Of The World Whistleblower Found DeadThe Guardian is reporting that Sean Hoare, a former News of the World reporter who was first to allege that former editor Andy Coulson was aware of phone hacking by his staff, has been found dead. “Hoare, who worked on the Sun and the News of the World with Coulson before being dismissed for dri ...
Daily Dose
- 5 Things to Do to Prepare for Mac OS X LionMac OS X Lion is only hours away, and it’s a great time to set aside a few hours to get your system in shape for the update. Here are five things we recommend you get out of the way in that time so you can help smash Apple’s servers the minute Lion drops. 1. Check your machine’s compatibility. ...
- How to find that culprit tab or extension slow ...Over the last few months, we’ve had a number of questions from people wondering how to check which tab or extension is causing Chrome to slow down. If you’re a Chrome user you’ve undoubtedly had moments were you’ve tried to figure this out yourself. For the most part, Chrome’s pretty good: in t ...
- 16-year-old leading member of LulzSec reported ...Following this morning’s FBI raids in New York on the homes of suspected Anonymous members, London’s Metropolitan Police E-Crime Unit says it has arrested one of the suspected leading members of hacking group LulzSec, according to Fox News. The arrests were part of an internationally coordinate ...
- Google warns users of widespread Windows-only ...Google is warning users who appear to be infected with a widespread malware infection when they use Google’s search product, the company said today. Google engineers noticed suspicious search data recently and worked with IT security at affected companies to find the cause: malware that re-rout ...
- RIM loses another top employee to SamsungWith all of the restructuring of leadership going on at Research in Motion these days, it looks as if some of the bigger players in the company are jumping off what very well may be a sinking ship. According to a report from Mobile Syrup, Ryan Bidan, Senior Product Manager at RIM, has left to j ...
Beyond Zero Emissions
- Carbon Price Scheme – No Longer a Mystery PackageUpon the release of Prime Minister Julia Gillard�s carbon price package (to take effect July 1, 2012), there has been talk aplenty of her plummeting popularity. The PM has dismissed the commentary in favour of the scheme�s necessity, saying, �Polls will come and go�� I�m absolutely convinced wh ...
- BZE Executive Director pictured on front of 20 ...Beyond Zero Emissions is pleased to have been awarded the prestigous opportunity to be pictured on the front of the Sydney Whitepages by Telstra owned directory publisher Sensis. BZE Executive Director is pictured on top of the Sydney Theatre Company with their new largescale rooftop solar ...
- Carbon Price Response: A Small Step Forward, B ...Climate and energy security think tank Beyond Zero Emissions welcome the Labor government�s carbon price package negotiated with The Greens and lower house independents Rob Oakshott and Tony Windsor. The proposed legislation will start the process of transitioning Australia from a 19th Century f ...
- Climate Policy unFiT for getting Rooftop Solar ...The Gillard government has ignored the most successful policy in the world for rolling out renewables deployed and reducing carbon emissions: the German renewable energy Feed-in Tariff. Internal analysis by Beyond Zero Emissions shows that the use of a Feed-in Tariff to get solar panels onto ev ...
- Clarification Needed on ‘Clean Energy’ – Scarc ...Beyond Zero Emissions welcomes the establishment of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC). The Greens have been successful in striking forest burning out of the definition of renewable energy but have failed to negotiate the end to the practi ...
Monga Bay ( News )
- How to Save the TigerWe are losing the tiger. Two hundred years ago, Asia’s great cat numbered in the hundreds of thousands and inhabited virtually the entire continent, from Siberia to Turkey, and Afghanistan to Bali. Today there are, at best, around 3,200 wild tigers left. The tiger is extinct in at least 14 count ...
- Animal picture of the day: world's biggest lan ...Even the African elephant, the world's largest terrestrial animal, looks small from the air. African elephants (Loxodonta africana) range throughout southern, central, and western Africa, as far north as Mali. A highly social and intelligent species, African elephants live in herds headed by mat ...
- Amazon drought and forest fire prediction syst ...Researchers have devised a model to anticipate drought and forest fires in the Amazon rainforest.
- Despite moratorium, soy still contributes indi ...Soy expansion in areas neighboring the Amazon rainforest is contributing to loss of rainforest itself, reports a new study published in Environmental Research Letters.
- Fish use toolsA blackspot tuskfish (Choerodon schoenleinii) has been photographed picking up a clam in its mouth, swimming over to a rock, and then using the rock as an anvil by smashing the clam against it until it breaks open. In the journal Coral Reefs scientists argue this is the first conclusive evidence ...
Sierra Express
- Mr. Idiot: First Lady’s threat to my editor…Mr. Idiot’s attention is drawn to threats supporters of the First Lady, Mrs. Sia Nyama Koroma, have been making against the Editor of Sierra Express Media. “Samura,” the caller fumed, “nar u dae behind First Lady. If you nor lef we go kill you.” This to Mr. Idiot sounds strange and uncalled for. ...
- Searchlight 6/20/11Castrate rapists! The incidence of rape of young girls, sometimes even baby girls, by adult males, has become so rampant that it has become very frightening, and if urgent and stringent measures are not put in place to arrest the situation there is every indication that it will get out of hand t ...
- EPA boosts NRA with refrigerant identifiersThe Environmental Protection Agency S/L (EPA) has completed distribution of refrigerant identifiers to the National Revenue Authority (NRA) Customs Entry post at the Gendema-Mano River Union bridge-Pujehun and the Gbalamuya Customs Post-Kambia. According to officials of EPA the refrigerant ident ...
- As UNIDO & YEN boost youth employment Presiden ...The Messeh Partnership Trust (MPT), a leading not-for-profit development foundation, announces that President Ernest Bai Koroma’s Private Sector Advisor, Mr. Oluniyi Robin-Coker (in photo) will speak at High Level Consultative Meeting on Youth Entrepreneurship, to be held in the Ministry of Soci ...
- Freetown filth won’t go away easily!It was in April this year when the Freetown City Council in collaboration with her partners including patriotic citizens of Freetown made frantic efforts to get rid of the mighty filth in this god damn city ahead of our 50th independence anniversary. Anyone visiting Freetown at this time, especi ...
Dairy Industry - NZ Herald
- World dairy prices slump 5pc overnightAverage prices of dairy products fell to their lowest level since early December in Fonterra's latest online auction, adding to evidence the steam in coming out of global commodity prices.The GDT-TWI Price Index fell 5.1 per cent...
- New Fonterra CEO tipped to bring fresh approachEvolution not revolution lies behind the appointment of Dutchman Theo Spierings as the boss of dairy giant Fonterra, says chairman Sir Henry van der Heyden.Spierings will take over from Andrew Ferrier on September 26 as chief...
- Fonterra plans third dairy farm in ChinaFonterra is to build a third dairy farm in China and plans for more as it develops a milk supply model that can be replicated.The farmer co-operative has signed an agreement with the Government of Yutian County to develop a dairy...
- Fonterra sinks US$40m into third Chinese dairy ...Fonterra, the New Zealand dairy cooperative, will spend US$40 million developing a new 40 hectare dairy farm in Yutian County, Hebei province, marking its third farm in China.The move is the latest by Fonterra to build a fresh...
- A2 eyes NZX step as Aussie sales growKiwi milk company A2 Corporation is eyeing a listing on the NZX main board as it starts building its first processing plant, bucks an Australian price war and hunts for its next international market.The NZAX-listed company has...
The Bovine
- Radioactive rain falls in B.C. on June 16In response to silence from government and the media, here’s citizen science: Lake Louise: Kelowna: And in Red Deer, Alberta: Watch more videos from this citizen scientist.
- What do raw milk and lemonade have in common? ...From Tiffany Gabbay, on The This story was all over the internet yesterday and today it’s even in the Toronto Star. Here’s the scoop: “MIDWAY, Ga. (AP/The Blaze) â Police in Georgia have shut down a lemonade stand run by … Continue reading →
- The “Milkman” — an agent for ...From Kimberly Hartke, on her “Hartke is Online” blog: “I remember the milkman. Most of you maybe are too young to have such a memory. Every week, he delivered fresh milk, cream, cottage cheese to an insulated metal container on … Continue reading →
- From Kiwi petunias to GMO lawn grass, USDA ope ...From Paul Voosen, of Greenwire, in the New York Times: “A few years back, several New Zealand scientists began tinkering with petunias, the elegant flowers blooming in many gardens. Playing with pigment genes, they developed biotech varieties with lush dark … Continue reading →
- Twinkies vs Raw Milk — Joel SalatinFrom Karen DeCoster, writing on the LRC blog (Lew Rockwell): “Here’s Joel Salatin at the 2:50 mark of the video, stating that he thinks it is pretty amazing that we have a government that decides it is perfectly safe to … Continue reading →
Mish's Global Economic Trends
- Obama Embraces Deficit-Cutting Plan of Gang-of ...Six senators, three from each party had been working for months to come up with a bipartisan proposal to reduce the deficit. The gang broke up in May when Republican Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma abandoned the talks over an impasse on Medicare cuts. Those differences have now been worked out a ...
- Larry Summers on How to Save the Rich: "No Big ...Larry Summers has a mistitled as well as horrendously flawed op-ed in the Financial Timed on How to save the eurozone. A more appropriate title would be "How to save the rich". Please consider a few galling snips.US policymakers were applauded for about 12 hours for their willingness to let Leh ...
- Gold Reacts With "Big Yawn" to ECB AnnouncementEarlier today the ECB Caved in on "Temporary" Defaults and Collateral. It is important to note that the ECB did not "allow" a default, rather the bond market forced the ECB to accept default. The stock market reacted as if the announcement meant something, but gold gave a big yawn. Gold Daily ...
- ECB Caves in on "Temporary" Defaults and Colla ...As Greek 2-year debt yields hit 39.15% the bond market finally forced the ECB's hand, and Trichet comes out looking foolish, not only on his "we say no to default" stance, even temporary defaults, but also on his ridiculous bluff repeated for the nth time just 2 days ago regarding the acceptance ...
- Treasury Spreads Widen on Debt Concerns; Bond ...The long-end of the treasury curve is acting sick, smack in the face of a clearly slowing global economy. Please consider Treasury Five-to-30 Spread Near Widest This Year on Debt Ceiling ConcernThe spread between five- and 30-year Treasury yields was near the widest since November as U.S. offic ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
- BFP Select Nightly News & EditorialsHow Israel Offered to Sell South Africa Nuclear Weapons, DOJ Lawyers Contradict FBI Findings in Anthrax Case, USS Cole Bombing Case “Too Tainted” for Death-Penalty Trial, Predator Drones & the International Mafia, Austerity for Everyone, Except the DOD & More! Newsworthy US Rebuffs Russians Inge ...
- Part IV. POGO: Mastering the Art of Lap-Dancin ...Follow the Money …Even when it comes to NGO Mini Lap-Dogs We began our series with a snapshot of Mega Corporate Foundations extending their tentacles to organizations and entities involved in government watchdog practices and grassroots activism. We summarized the classic story of the transform ...
- BFP Select Nightly News & EditorialsIsrael-Made Weapons in Karachi, The Criminalization of the British Media, Former Senator: 9/11 âMajor Cover Upâ, Has America Become a Nation of Psychotics?, Do Banksters Run American Foreign Policy? & More Newsworthy Arrest of Ex-CIA Lawyer Sought Over Drone Use Crackdown, Intimidation & Torture ...
- BFP Select Nightly News & EditorialsFreedom of Speech in the age of Wikileaks, Pepe Escobar: Why US Wonât Leave Afghanistan, The Story Behind Permanent War, CIA Lies: TWA, Shadow Government in Yemen, Expansion of Drone Wars, Bipolar Federal Courts & More! Newsworthy Democracy in Steep Decline around the World Pepe Escobar: Why US ...
- Happy Birthday to My Girl; My SunshineWishing you a long happy life with love & liberty
bloody crossroads
- Today’s StoriesThe state of Islamic fundamentalism in Pakistan according to Shehrbano Taseer, a journalist whose father was the politician who was murdered for opposing extremism The journalist who exposed the Murdoch hacking scandal discusses the story Wendell Potter: Insurance exchanges tilted … Continue rea ...
- The Terrifying Christian RightThe gap between fundamentalist and fascist is narrowing: The Christian Rightâs assault on America is frightening, and, as someone who grew up in a world of religious fanaticism, my personal experience gives me a sharp sense of where this is … Continue reading →