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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

21 July - RSS SnapShot! Pt I

Clean energy projected growth 2007-2017. Based...Image via Wikipedia

To Do

Renewable energy company Covanta Holding Corp. posted an $18 million second-quarter profit on Wednesday, topping Wall Street's expectations amid what it said is an improving market. Net earnings for the three months ended June 30 amounted to 13 cents ...
MarketWatch (press release)
"Interfacing with the Electrical Grid," co-authored by Ken Allen, chief operating officer, Principal Solar, and Ron Seidel, PE, board of directors, Principal Solar, outlines the interconnection of power sources with renewable generation and the roles ...
Syracuse.com (blog)
By The Post-Standard Editorial Board “Renewable fuel” is the preferred energy source for environmental stewards. Power generated from water, the sun, the wind and geothermal deposits, and bio-based ethanol in gasoline taps into virtually inexhaustible ...
By SUSAN MONTOYA BRYAN New Mexico's largest electric utility has a plan for meeting future demand, and it includes new natural gas power plants, more renewable energy and greater efficiency. Public Service Company of New Mexico filed its latest ...
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Human Habitat

(AP) — The Washington Department of Ecology reports that in the first 2 1/2 years, the state e-cycle program has collected over 100 million pounds of unwanted TVs, computers and monitors. The program has more than 250 collection sites statewide. ...
The Seattle Times
Kittitas County is investigating whether the Washington state Department of Ecology violated the law as the agency was working to impose groundwater well restrictions there in 2009. The Associated Press This is just another example of the Seattle/King ...
Bowdoin News
The three-day workshop brings together specialists in medicine, neurology, toxicology, epidemiology, ecology, oceanography and limnology from medical, academic, research, federal and state institutions from across the US and abroad, to discuss the ...
By Kenrya Rankin Years after a three-minute teaser hit the Internet in 2004, the short film “Ecology of Love” is finally available. The 17-and-a-half-minute project stars Pharrell as Andre, a heartbroken actor who finds himself stranded in the desert ...
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Water Power

As a result, overall circulation revenues at the company are now treading water, which is an improvement from the declining revenues last quarter. Circulation revenues were $235 million, up exactly 0 percent, stemming the previous decline. ...
San Francisco Chronicle
Ng Han Guan / AP From left, gold medalists United States' Andrew Gemmel, Ashley Grace Twichell and Sean Ryan stands at attention as the US national anthem is played during the medal ceremony for the 5km Team open water swimming event at the FINA ...
Pioneer Press
By Julie Forster Ecolab, the St. Paul-based cleaning giant, is deploying its hefty cash for its biggest purchase ever: an Illinois-based company that makes chemicals used in water treatment, pollution reduction and the oil and gas industry, ...
Washington Post
By Darryl Fears, Environmental Protection Agency audits show that many states are failing to accurately note health violations such as elevated levels of arsenic and chlorine in drinking water, according to a new report . ...
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