Call for More Imports of GM Feed Ingredients into EU
UK - Ministers and farmers say that imports of genetically modified (GM) imports should be increased. To overcome the dilemma of dwindling global supplies on non-GM feed ingredients and the EU ban on growing GM varieties, the permitted maximum GM ingredient level in the EU may be raised.Debunking the meat/climate change myth _ Eliot Coleman
I am dismayed that so many people have been so easily fooled on the meat eating and climate change issue following the UN report. The culprit is not meat eating but rather the excesses of corporate/industrial agriculture. The UN report shows either great ignorance or possibly the influence of the fossil fuel lobby with the intent of confusing the public. It is obviously to someone’s benefit to make meat eating and livestock raising an easily attacked straw man (with the enthusiastic help of vegetarian groups) in order to cover up the singular contribution of the only new sources of carbon—burning the stored carbon in fossil fuels and to a small extent making cement (both of which release carbon from long term storage)—as the reason for increased greenhouse gasses in the modern era. (Just for ridiculous comparison, human beings, each exhaling about 1kg of CO2 per day, are responsible for 33% more CO2 per year than fossil fuel transportation. Maybe we should get rid of us.)
National Association of Manufacturers claims climate bill would crush economyIn shocking news, water is still wet, the sky is still blue, and the National Association of Manufacturers is still predicting economic catastrophe if the United States acts against climate change.
NAM, in partnership with the American Council for Capital Formation, released a new study on Wednesday of the climate and energy bill that the House passed in June, better known as Waxman-Markey. They predict that the “anti-energy, anti-growth, and anti-jobs bill” will “destroy growth.”
“Higher energy costs are bad for manufacturers and the 12 million Americans who work in the manufacturing sector,” said Jay Timmons, executive vice president of NAM, in a call with reporters. “After all, manufacturing uses a third of all the electricity generated in the United States.”
Rep. Hechler to Greens: We need more hellraisers
While Big Coal continues to bankroll the largest public relations campaign of “clean coal” denial in recent history, former US Representative and historian Ken Hechler has issued an urgent wake up call to Greens and liberal Democrats: Tragic lessons in history remind us that the coal crisis and its deniers call for more hellraisers, not compromise.This is the truth: While Democrats in Washington, DC tie themselves into knots over regulatory inaction and Big Coal slogans, it takes a 94-year-old hellraiser to sound the alarm on the most overlooked environmental and human rights violations today. Big Coal must be confronted, not coddled.
The Dairy Site
Dairy News Thursday, August 13, 2009
DairyCo at UK Dairy Event And Livestock Show
AFBF: Report Bearish for Corn, Neutral for Soybeans
Registration Opens for VIV China
In The Cattle MarketsWednesday, August 12, 2009
Feed Barley Supplies Likely to be Tight this Winter
EU Ministers Propose Additional Dairy Measures
Measuring the Pros And Cons Of TB-Free Status
CME: Choice Cattle Supply Could be Boosted
Weekly Roberts ReportTuesday, August 11, 2009
FMD NEWS: Plan to Vaccinate 4.10 Lakh Cattle
Merial: Combine Vaccination with Parasite Control
No End in Sight to High, Volatile Feed Grain Prices
Chemaphor and Elanco End Relationship
Call for More Imports of GM Feed Ingredients into EU
Award Winning Green Feed Technology Debuts in US
Cattle Disease Hits Gulu
Weekly Outlook: US Wheat Exports Off to Slow StartMonday, August 10, 2009
Carbon Footprinting Guide for All the Dairy Industry more Dairy news...
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