Facing South
- VOICES: 'This is what hope looks like'As a West Virginia native whose family battled coal companies, Tim DeChristopher understands the perils of life in a resource extraction colony. His experience led him to become an environmental activist who was arrested in 2008 for disrupting a federal government auction of oil and gas leases b ...
- Is Rick Perry getting cold feet over The Response?By Forrest Wilder, Texas Observer You've gotta wonder if Rick Perry may come to regret "initiating" The Response, his Christians-only prayer rally. As I documented in a cover story for the Observer, Perry has thrown in with a strange band of fundamentalists from the bleeding edge of American C ...
- EPA standards on mountaintop removal fall shor ...The Environmental Protection Agency has released its final guidance on mountaintop removal in an effort to improve standards for permitting surface mining operations in Central Appalachia. While environmental advocates say they appreciate the agency's effort to curb water pollution from mountai ...
- VOICES: The forgotten legacy of the excess pro ...By Phil Mattera, Dirt Diggers Digest Behind all the ideological posturing going on in Washington over the debt ceiling, there is a surprising amount of consensus on the wrongheaded proposition that corporations need more tax relief. The bipartisan Gang of Six plan that has recently been at ...
- Does new legislation to restore the Gulf go fa ...A bill introduced in the U.S. Senate last week directs Clean Water Act fines that BP and other companies will pay for last year's Gulf oil disaster to restoration efforts in the region. Environmental advocates say the introduction of the RESTORE Gulf Coast States Act -- an acronym for Resources ...
- Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Association with The Soufan Group Four Indicted for Drug Trafficking to Benefit Terrorism Federal prosecutors in New York unsealed indictments Tuesday against four men they say conspired to sell drugs and buy weapons for Hezbollah and the Taliban in … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Association with The Soufan Group In Arkansas, Man Accused of Killing Soldier Strikes Plea Deal A man on trial for shooting two U.S. soldiers, one of whom was killed, outside of a military recruiting station in 2009 reached a … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Association with The Soufan Group 93 Dead in Twin Attacks in Norway; Suspect to Appear in Court The suspect accused of killing 93 people in twin terror attacks in Norway on Friday is due in an Oslo courtroom Monday, … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Association with The Soufan Group Doubts Over Death of Senior Yemeni Qaeda Leader Yemenâs defense ministry said Thursday that a senior leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Ayed al-Shabwani, was killed earlier this week in fighting near … Continue reading →
- Today’s Terrorism NewsIn Association with The Soufan Group Fort Hood Shooting Suspect Arraigned Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, who is accused of a shooting rampage that killed 13 and wounded 32 others at Fort Hood in November 2009, was arraigned in a U.S. … Continue reading →
Short Sharp Science
- Unplanned babies aren't a problem – soci ...Children born after unplanned pregnancies develop more slowly than others – but the difference disappears once you figure in social disadvantage
- Today on New Scientist: 26 July 2011All today's stories on newscientist.com, including: Crowdsourced learning for robots, FIFA goal-line technologies, and an acorn-to-oak-tree time-lapse
- Moon-showers give Saturn an aquatic beltThe discovery resolves a 14-year mystery regarding the origin of water in the ringed planet's upper atmosphere
- Dead cryonics founder is frozen as plannedRobert Ettinger, founder of the cryonics movement, died on 23 July of unspecified causes
- Today on New Scientist: 25 July 2011All today's stories on newscientist.com, including: Fingerprint scanner to spot the living dead, anti-addiction drugs, and Stephen Hawking on existence
Tech Drive In
- Humble Indie Bundle 3 is Here, Pay What You Wa ...Humble Indie Bundle 3 is here folks! Grab your copy of 5 really good, cross platform, DRM free, Indie games at the price you decide! If initial statistics are any indication,�Humble Indie Bundle 3 is going to be an even bigger success.� Humble Indie Bundle 3 Video Intro Buy Humble I ...
- Chromium Browser Causing Significant Increase ...I recently noticed a strange bug while using Chromium web browser in Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal powered laptops and netbooks(Intel platform). There is an immediate spike in power usage whenever Chromium is running. Chromium Browser Causing Increase in Laptop Power Usage The way I found th ...
- Most Interesting Video on Google+ I Have Seen ...Google+ is Google's latest venture into social networking space. You all know that already. But what does it really do differently when compared to Facebook? Well, the video below is probably the simplest answer to that. Watch and enjoy. What is Google Plus? Sounds very�interesting� ...
- Joli OS Review: Is it the Best OS Available fo ...Joli OS 1.2 is a very interesting project. It is basically an Ubuntu based Linux distro optimized to work in netbooks and other older computer hardware. When you think about it, there is not much choice for netbook users as far as Linux distros are concerned. Joli OS is among the rare few. But i ...
- Firefox 8 is 20% Faster than Firefox 5, Instal ...Firefox 8 recently found its way into the nightly build channel. According to a recent study by extremetech.com, Firefox 8 is already 20% faster than Firefox 5 in almost every metric and has got a drastically reduced memory footprint as well. Key Points of the Study Firefox 8 is 20% faste ...
Case About Bird Flu
- Alex Jones: ‘Anders Behring was Masons’ Patsy’Check out the interview with Alex Jones on Anders Behring Breivik as a Masons’ patsy on RT. http://www.infowars.com/alex-jones-anders-behring-was-masons-patsy/ Breivik was a freemason belonging to the St Johannes lodge according to some media sources and  he also mentioned terror cells in Aus ...
- The Federal Reserve Made $16 Trillion In Secre ...The American Dream July 25, 2011 A one-time limited GAO audit of the Federal Reserve that was mandated by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act has uncovered some eye-popping corruption at the Fed and the mainstream media is barely even covering it. It turns out that the ...
- Police Knew Gunman’s Name Before Arrest� British news anchor questions how authorities were aware of Breivik�s identity in advance Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com Monday, July 25, 2011 Despite being portrayed by the media as inept due to the length of time it took them to reach the island of Utoeya, it has now emerged that police kne ...
- Evidence Shows Norway Terror Attack a False FlagKurt Nimmo Infowars.com July 23, 2011 Prior to the events in Norway, the Department of Homeland Security released a propaganda video characterizing white middle class Americans as terrorists and members of white al-Qaeda, a term designed to conflate the image of the CIA-created Islamic terror gr ...
- Murdoch’s Vaccine World – James Murdoch ...By Catherine J. Frompovich | July 22nd, 2011 | Everyone by now has heard about the phone tapping scandal that rocked both the British newspaper world and Rupert Murdoch’s business empire. But what needs to be spotlighted, I think, is the possible role that Murdoch’s London Times may have played ...
Invisible Opportunity
- One More Lone Gunman who wasn’t AloneBy Les Visible You would think they would have the numbers straight by now. I keep seeing the number 76 and then I see where it is over a hundred or in the high 90’s. There’s so much being written about it at the moment that you can’t keep up with it and, as the [...]
- GLADIO 2.0 : WHY THE WEST CAN’T RESIST THE NOR ...By Stone Pinkerton Gonzo Town How do you define bizarre in today’s every increasingly wacky world of terrorism? Ever since the Cold War was won and history ended, we have been inundated with a seemingly never ending succession of spectacularly staged terror attacks and carefully crafted psy-ops. ...
- Minority Rules: Scientists Discover Tipping Po ...Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always be adopted by the majority of the society. The scientists, who are members of the Social Cognitive Networks Academic Research Center (SCNARC) ...
- Israeli Art Students Lived in World Trade Cent ...Four of the so-called “Art Students”- (Mossad Agents) – did an “art installation” IN THE WORLD TRADE CENTER in 2001,before the attacks. In a radio interview,Jonathon Brown of “Core of Corruption” fame outlines his evidence and explains how his phone has been tapped since discovering this informa ...
- Norway MaydayBy Stewart Swerdlow A few weeks ago I wrote that you could expect terrorist attacks in North America and Europe in places where you would least suspect it. Oslo and the small island off the coast are such places. At least 91 people are dead after a bombing at government buildings and a shooting ...
Veterans Today
- The Oslo Attacks: More False Flag EvidenceThe memorable line from Gilbert & Sullivan's HMS Pinafore explains what's so often true, saying: "Things are seldom as they seem. Skim milk masquerades as cream."
- Arrests, a Murder and a Visit to Jenin CampAt 3:30 AM on 27 July 2011, heavily armed and masked Israeli Forces hurled blocks of stone into several windows of the Freedom Theatre in Jenin Refugee Camp and arrested two men. Juliano Mer-Khamis, established the Freedom Theater in 2006 and was murdered outside of it on 4 April 2011. I never m ...
- Follow-up to Divided Government As Being Our B ...Throughout history US politics have been fun to watch, but the belief that we need one-party rule is what got Germany into trouble (twice), Japan once, Russia continuously, and has sent Greece down the sewer.
- Secret Terror, The Price of IgnoranceHis Masonic friends in the police, the same police whose helicopters were disabled on "terror day," much as NORAD was mysteriously closed on 9/11, were looking out for him. Norway's police and security services are controlled by Freemasons and have a long history, dating back to 1957 when NIS D ...
- Expect Worsening Economy, More Unemployment, H ...Debt Ceiling Crisis: "The Cure is as bad as disease. Spending cuts could cost economy 1-Million jobs.
electric politics
- The Art of CourageA little voice in your conscience tells you something. You listen. You start to think maybe you're right and everybody else is wrong. You do something about it. Next thing you know you're in a life and death struggle against evil forces bent on world domination. Well, maybe that's a slight exag ...
- The Wild DollarBecause the public hasn't had what's happening properly reported, the Republicans think that, in the debt ceiling standoff, they can trample democratic norms and perhaps even go so far as to trigger another collapse of the world economy. What a bizarre strategy to pursue (supposedly) on behalf ...
- Göbekli TepeAt what point does an original idea engender action? And to what extent does that action set a lasting course? We can examine the social history of an idea, written, as it were, in stone, at G�bekli Tepe, an archeological site approximately 11,500 years old (or perhaps even older) in southern T ...
- The Athenian ZephyrNeoliberal bankers wants to turn the Greek public into chattel. The Greek public objects. It's a theoretically long-predicted fork in the road for the European Union: either Greece defaults (it could have been any one of certain member states) and the European debt crisis spreads — possibly/pro ...
- Forgetting VietnamAmerica's final retreat from Vietnam could have been a whole lot worse. Ambassador Graham Martin, mistakenly thought to be on the last chopper out, didn't follow through on the fact that he left a final contingent of Marine Security Guards on the Embassy's rooftop. Higher-ups in the military ch ...
PR News
- Calysto to handle PR, social media for Morega ...ATLANTA: Morega Systems, a provider of media mobility solutions for multi-channel operators and consumer electronic OEMs, has hired Calysto Communications to head up its PR and social media activities.
- Jaffe Communications acquires Campbell MediaNEWARK, NJ: Jaffe Communications has acquired Campbell Media to expand its healthcare PR practice in New Jersey.
- APCO taps former Porter Novelli CEONEW YORK: APCO Worldwide has hired Helen Ostrowski, former CEO of Porter Novelli, as a senior advisor to its healthcare practice.
- MWW hires Cohen to head global tech practiceNEW YORK: MWW Group has hired Ephraim Cohen as EVP and the first head of the firm's global technology and digital content practice.
- NYC & Co. launches Smurfs Week to boost family ...NEW YORK: NYC & Co., New York's marketing, travel, and tourism organization, kicked off Smurf's Week, a five-day event to increase family summer travel throughout the city.
The Story Behind the Story
- QUOTE OF THE DECADE!!The Quote of the Decade âThe fact that we are here today to debate raising America ‘s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government can not pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to [...]
- TRUTH REVEALED – 528 is the Frequency of ...This is a very complex and multi-faceted topic. It involves exposing something called “Kabalah” (the CUBE) as well as “Enochian Magic” and the darkest sorcery ever performed on Planet Earth.  It involves exposing demonology and inter-dimensional “conjuring” of entities called Nephilim or Ji ...
- AUDIT THE FED??? WHAT ABOUT STARTING WITH THE ...House Passes DeFazio’s Amendment to Audit the Pentagon. GREAT JOB CONGRESSMAN!!!! This is all about accountability in government – something that to date has BEEN SORELY LACKING. No More DUAL ISRAELI CITIZENS such as Dov Zackheim controlling the Pentagon’s purse strings!! Never forget the ...
- Edgar Steele Story PART IISex, Lies & Audiotape (Part II) by Edgar J. Steele Here Come de Fix I had an inkling that the fix was in on the morning of the second day of the pretrial hearing concerning our forensic audiology eperts. The lead prosecutor, Assistant US Attorney Traci Whelan, was smiling, humming to herself and ...
- FBI Stings Edgar Steele — Conviction App ...Attorney Edgar Steele was clearly on the B’nai B’rith ADL hit list. He represented Aryan supremacists and actually promoted their rhetoric – exposing to the best of his ability the “Khazarian” agenda.  He was eloquent and believable in his presentations. So, the FBI supplied an undercover m ...
k2p blog
- At least 8 more papers from biotechnology depa ...There is something that seems rotten at the biotechnology department at Kalasalingam University as 2 more papers are retracted and image manipulation is found in eight papers.
- Right-wing bloggers and the hate-politicians b ...Right-wing bloggers and hate-politicians are distancing themselves from Anders Behring Breivik as fast as they can but it is unlikely that they will ever concede that they may have fed and nurtured the actions of Breivik.
- The massacre was Breivik’s Plan BAnders Behring Breivik’s Plan A was to earn or save the 25 million kronor he needed to advertise and publicise his manifesto. But when he lost money, he became desperate and went on to Plan B: the massacre.But we cannot escape the fact that it was the world of the right-wing blogs and the extrem ...
- Measurements show climate models get the energ ...Settled science? Data from NASA’s Terra satellite shows that when the climate warms, Earth’s atmosphere is apparently more efficient at releasing energy to space than models used to forecast climate change have been programmed to “believe.”
- Could Paul Ray or Alan Lake be Anders Behring ...The English Defence League is the most likely home of Breivik's UK support. Paul Tay and Alan Lake are contenders as Anders Behring Breivik's UK mentor.
Left Foot Forward
- The three things Cameron should know about sic ...Drawing on ongoing analysis of benefit receipt due to be published this autumn, we can confront David Cameron’s ignorant narrative with some real-world evidence.
- Government and Labour should demand more innov ...Why isn’t the coalition (or the opposition) calling for more innovation in the energy sector? asks Charles Samuda.
- Another broken Tory promise: 31 Sure Start cen ...Thirty one Sure Start centres have closed since the election, despite David Cameron's pre-election pledges and post-election promises the centres would be protected.
- Calamity Spelman needs to start doing her job ...Is every policy environment secretary Caroline Spelman associates with a shambles? Natan Doron looks at her latest disster, meddling in planning laws.
- Government’s spin war on disabled continuesThe government keeps spinning against disabled people using the work and statistics of the discredited Atos organisation, reports Left Foot Forward’s Daniel Elton.
- Continental Cancels 24 Flights After Pilots Co ...Some sort of mysterious flu bug must be circulating the in cockpits of Continental flights. The airline has been forced to cancel 24 flights today because too many pilots called in sick. A rep for the United Continental Voltron, which has, coincidentally, been negotiating a contract with pilot ...
- Paperwork Shows GMAC Created Fake Document To ...Last summer, GMAC was looking to foreclose on a property here in Brooklyn. Only problem was, it didn't have documentation proving that it actually owned the mortgage and the original lender, Ameriquest, couldn't help because it had gone the way of the dodo a few years earlier. So what's a mortg ...
- Rushing To Buy NFL Tickets Now May End Up Sack ...With the NFL lockout no longer in place, fans have been rushing to scoop up tickets. But experts say that frugal football fanatics could save more by waiting out this first wave of ticket-buying. While the face value of many tickets hasn't changed since last year, resale prices have spiked fol ...
- Fox TV Putting New Episodes Behind Online PaywallBecause people don't hate Rupert Murdoch and News Corp enough right now, Fox TV has announced that the only way online users will soon be able to access new episodes of its shows is to prove that they are paying cable, Hulu Plus or satellite subscribers. From Ars Technica: The changes go into ...
- Macy's Leaves Security Tags On New Suit, Ruins ...Bill's wife had a final job interview scheduled for this morning, so earlier this week she popped into Macy's to buy a new suit so she could put her best foot forward. If only employers were looking for workers with security tags dangling from their clothes. After sifting through all the suits ...
Whistleblogger - GAP
- Development Agencies Fail to Take On Corruptio ...Canadian Press: Darling of Development World, Stung by Corruption Problems, Says Others in Worse Shape The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria – a $21.7 billion health fund backed by prominent celebrities – is responding to allegations that the fund has lost up to $34 millio ...
- Feds Subpoena Lawyer in CIA Leak Case: Whistle ...St. Louis Beacon: Feds Take Unusual Step of Subpoenaing Sterling's Lawyer The lawyer representing Jeffrey Sterling – the former CIA officer charged with leaking national security secrets to the press – was subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury in order to discuss Sterling’s case. Fed ...
- Teresa Chambers Case Highlights Limitations of ...Last week, the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) ordered the National Park Service to reinstate whistleblower Teresa Chambers as Chief of the U.S. Park Police, as well as to reimburse her for back pay and legal costs. Her case garnered national attention when she was removed by the Bush ...
- Orange County Register: Which Mystery Senator ...By Wikimedia user Markus Schweiss Orange County Register: Which Mystery Senator Killed Whistleblower Bill? This article details how the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act (WPEA) – a bill that would have strengthened protections for federal employees – was killed by one senator’s d ...
- Justice Department Leakers of Classified Info. ...Three months ago, journalist Michael Isikoff noted the disturbing "Double Standard" in White House Leak Inquiries. But now it's not just the Executive Branch. Josh Gerstein of Politico just published an article on how a judge ruled that the Justice Department can keep secret names of its own ...
UK Progressive
- CBO Should Score Everything! Budget Bills, FOX ...What if the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office were asked to score everything in life? Last evening, the CBO, a group that scores every piece of proposed legislation for its impact on the US national debt and fiscal spending prudence, came back with a scorecard saying Speaker John Boehner’ ...
- Organic Trade Association: Wolf In Sheep’s Clo ...In the US and Canada, the Organic Trade Association (OTA) claims there mission is to promote consumer ethics, protect and promote the benefit of organic trade environment, and promote the economy of the public and farmers as a whole. OTA is a member of the International Federation of Organic Agr ...
- Vicious Cycles: Why Washington is About to Mak ...We now live in parallel universes. One universe is the one in which most Americans live. In it, almost 15 million people are unemployed, wages are declining (adjusted for inflation), and home values are still falling. The unsurprising result is consumers aren’t buying — which is causing employer ...
- As The US Empire Spreads Abroad It Becomes A P ...As America’s empire spreads abroad, it becomes ever more the police state at home. The methods used for the suppression of foreigners by military force and violence are eventually mirrored in the âhomeland.â In an article last September 25th titled âIt Is Official: the US Is A Police State,â aut ...
- What’s the Deal With News Corp’s Other, US-Bas ...by Braden Goyette, ProPublica After testifying before the British Parliament this week, Rupert Murdoch returned to the United States to be greeted with more bad news: The Justice Department is opening up an inquiry into allegations of computer hacking by News Corp’s American advertising wing ...
- 'No porn or prostitution': Islamic extremists ...The Daily Mail
- Obama healthcare battle appealed to Supreme CourtReuters
- Skull & Bones Recorded Phone Call Yale UniversityDisclose T.V. Disclose.tv - Skull & Bones Recorded Phone Call Yale University Video
- The Convoy of no confidence is amassing toward ...Something beautiful is unfolding. From all over Australia, people whose businesses and jobs are being driven into the ground by spectacular government mismanagement are gathering to drive from the corners of the continent to converge on Canberra to demand an election. The productive class may no ...
- It wasn’t CO2: Global sea levels started risin ...Fans of man-made global warming frequently tell us seas are rising, but somehow forget to mention the rise started 200 years ago, long before our coal-fired electricity plants cranked up, and long before anyone had an electric shaver, or a 6 cylinder fossil-fuel-spewing engine. Something else wa ...
- Australian sea-levels respond to CO2 by slowin ...It’s worse than we thought. The models I mean — they are more hopeless at predicting things like regional sea-level rise than we had reckoned, and we thought they were god-awful. Remember the awe-inspiring, grant-inducing and legislation-bending Victorian report suggesting “up to 45,000 Victoria ...
- Monckton to Turnbull: Challenge to an absolute ...Christopher Monckton is toying with Turnbull. It would be beautiful to watch The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, following what the great Alan Jones has described as his “6-0, 6-0, 6-0 victory” over the director of the Australia Institute in a debate about the climate at the National Press Club ...
- This is why they want to stop skeptics speakin ...Christopher Monckton had no slides, no graphs, and only part of one hour, and was faced with tough questions from seasoned journalists, 100 stacked seats of activists who hate him, and yet in that time 9% of the people who saw the debate and thought we needed to act on CO2, changed their mind. T ...
ReNew America
- Congress agrees: Keep spending(Washington Times) - Congressional Democrats and Republicans waged a war of words on Monday over their debt-ceiling plans, but their agendas amount to pretty much the same thing. Washington just can't kick its spending habit. Both the blueprints cooked up by House Speaker John A. Boehner, Ohio R ...
- The 'economic conservative' compromise(Joseph Farah) - After more than 30 years of observing and covering politics, I wrote in "The Tea Party Manifesto" that there is a major misconception about a "divide" in the movement between so-called "social conservatives" and so-called "economic conservatives." What I found was that these lab ...
- Rupert Murdoch and the media wars: so what els ...(Wes Vernon, RA analyst) - "I think he's trying to destroy The New York Times," a newspaper editor opined to me shortly after worldwide media mogul Rupert Murdoch had acquired and poured money into upgrading The Wall Street Journal (WSJ)...
- Hill poll: Media unethical, biased toward Demo ...(Newsmax) - Journalists who need an ego boost about their chosen profession as a lofty endeavor won't like their reflection in a new poll from The Hill. Almost 70 percent of likely voters characterize the Fourth Estate as biased, and 57 percent contend that reporters are very unethical, or at le ...
- N.Y. gay marriage law faces first legal challenge(Washington Times) - The day after New York became the sixth U.S. state to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, a traditional-values law firm filed a lawsuit to overturn the law, saying that politicians used a "corrupt legislative process" to enact it...
Truth Offering
- Today's Quote"The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them." - George Orwell
- Poll: Are the Current E.coli Outbreaks False F ...This week, we wanted to get your thoughts on the current E. coli outbreaks. Are they random, unfortunate events? Or is there a depopulation agenda being carried out by the eugenicist global elite? Here's what you thought (click to enlarge):
- Today's Quote"When one does not see what one does not see, one does not see that one is blind" - Paul Veyne� �
- CIA Report: United States Account Balance = -$ ...Let me ask you something: if you're in a massive amount of debt, should you spend even more money? Sorry, stupid question, right? Of course, the answer is "no," you shouldn't. Believers in Keynesian monetary theory -- like Ben Bernanke and his predecessors, as well as past and present Presidents ...
- The Food Pyramid Becomes...MyPlate!Forget the Food Pyramid. The new government food propaganda comes to us in the form of "MyPlate."If you're anything like me, you grew up knowing -- because government said so -- that the way we should eat is as prescribed by the Food Pyramid. The Food Pyramid was "it," man! Everyone was using it ...
2012 Blog
- Google+ for 2012If you have a Google account, there’s a new way of sharing and spreading 2012 information at Google+. My profile is here if you want to add me to a circle: https://plus.google.com/109767201828606148490 If you want an invite ...Google+ for 2012 is a post from: 2012 Blog Related posts:201 ...
- Locked Gates by Howard WestThere are a few authors out there who have flown beneath the radar, yet their research is unique, interesting and meaningful in a 2012 way. You could blame self-publishing for their lack of fame, yet ...Locked Gates by Howard West is a post from: 2012 Blog Related posts:Giza Pyramids Mimi ...
- Buy A DishEver wanted to own a satellite communications dish? For post-SHTF reception or perhaps doing SETI work? Or just because it is cool owning a piece of history? This is the ground station that received the ...Buy A Dish is a post from: 2012 Blog Related posts:Doomsday Bunker News
- Tsunami Survival CapsuleTsunami Survival Capsule is a post from: 2012 Blog Tsunami Survival Capsule is a post from: 2012 Blog Found at TechFlash: …a tsunami escape capsule that could protect up to six people for as little as $1,000….The idea is simple: a 7-foot diameter ball, probably made ... ...
- Snow Falling on Atacama DesertSnow Falling on Atacama Desert is a post from: 2012 Blog Snow Falling on Atacama Desert is a post from: 2012 Blog One of the driest places on Earth was hit with a blizzard: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-14067245 Australian mining towns have their coldest ...
Facing South
- VOICES: 'This is what hope looks like'As a West Virginia native whose family battled coal companies, Tim DeChristopher understands the perils of life in a resource extraction colony. His experience led him to become an environmental activist who was arrested in 2008 for disrupting a federal government auction of oil and gas leases b ...
- Is Rick Perry getting cold feet over The Response?By Forrest Wilder, Texas Observer You've gotta wonder if Rick Perry may come to regret "initiating" The Response, his Christians-only prayer rally. As I documented in a cover story for the Observer, Perry has thrown in with a strange band of fundamentalists from the bleeding edge of American C ...
- EPA standards on mountaintop removal fall shor ...The Environmental Protection Agency has released its final guidance on mountaintop removal in an effort to improve standards for permitting surface mining operations in Central Appalachia. While environmental advocates say they appreciate the agency's effort to curb water pollution from mountai ...
- VOICES: The forgotten legacy of the excess pro ...By Phil Mattera, Dirt Diggers Digest Behind all the ideological posturing going on in Washington over the debt ceiling, there is a surprising amount of consensus on the wrongheaded proposition that corporations need more tax relief. The bipartisan Gang of Six plan that has recently been at ...
- Does new legislation to restore the Gulf go fa ...A bill introduced in the U.S. Senate last week directs Clean Water Act fines that BP and other companies will pay for last year's Gulf oil disaster to restoration efforts in the region. Environmental advocates say the introduction of the RESTORE Gulf Coast States Act -- an acronym for Resources ...
One News Page
- BURGLAR Puts Alex Trebek's Health In Jeopardy!!!!Filed under: Alex Trebek, Celebrity Justice, Deadline *Answer:* This 71-year-old game show host snapped his Achilles tendon while chasing a criminal through a San Francisco hotel this morning. *Question: *Who is *Alex 'MOTHER F**KING' Trebek*!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!!? Trebek ...
- Lamar Odom -- The Barber Shop TributeFiled under: Lamar Odom, Khloe Kardashian, TMZ Sports *Lamar Odom* is sporting a brand new celestial hairstyle -- and TMZ has learned ... the hair art is Lamar's personal tribute to his cousin ... whose funeral he attended last week in New York. *Khloe Kardashian* originally debuted ...
- Sensing win, Congress seeks BSY's headOn a day, the Lokayukta report indicted Karnataka chief minister B S Yeddyurappa, Congress raised its demand for his immediate sacking, alleging he is heading most corrupt state government of independent India.
- Style AmbassadorOn her maiden visit to India, Pakistan Foreign Minister, Hina Rabbani Khar has made fashion watchers in the country sit up with her elegant style.
- Depression study: AIIMS sent figures from just ...Indian officials on Wednesday said the figure did not represent the entire country.
Global Research TV
- The Revolution Business
- US is Making Enemies in Somalia
- This is Libya: On-the-Ground Scenes from Tripo ...
- Sarkozy, combien d'enfants as-tu tués cette nu ...
- Yugoslavia's Debt Enslavement
Daily Tech
- Exclusive: British Police Duped by LulzSec Int ...Chat logs, video evidence indicate that the arrest was misdirection
- U.S. Continues to Pour Resources Into Developm ...UAV technology includes smaller, quieter, and more dangerous unmanned vehicles able to engage enemies from a distance
- Carbon Disc Drive Material Could Increase Ener ...The diamond-like material could help farmers save money on fuel and increase the quality of their soil
- "Pwnies" are the Grammies of the Hacker WorldHeld at Black Hat, the awards celebrate security security expertise, incompetence
- Google Says Patents Killing Innovation; Reform ...Google's legal team insists that patent reform is necessary; but some reformists say it's hard to trust
Oriental Review
- Europe’s Quiet Corner Under Terrorist AttackThe September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the New York Trade Center left the world divided. The US Administration and its giant propaganda machine made huge efforts to convince their audiences that the terrorist act had been perpetrated by Al Qaeda, but the developments that followed pointed w ...
- Smashing Greater Central Asia (I)After ten years of raging warfare in Afghanistan, watching the fight slowly ooze across the invisible Durand Line into Pakistan, we have the right to wonder whether the war is any closer to ending today? It is perfectly reasonable to suspect that if we were allowed to know the truth we would u ...
- Chavez’s Health Problems and the Future ...Reports that Chavez underwent two surgeries in Cuba drew a mixed reaction in Venezuela. His supporters sound concerned and compassionate, while the radical opposition makes no attempts to disguise its heightened expectations. Over the past decades, Chavez has survived countless attempts on his l ...
- Who Decides On Nation-States?The national aspirations of peoples are governed by rank public relations schemes On July 9, the Republic of South Sudan became the newest internationally-recognized nation-state. As the result of a civil war truce and peace deal worked out five years previously, South Sudan and its former maste ...
- The West and SyriaUnlike other Arab leaders confronted to a protest movement such as former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak or Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad launched a wide political reform program coupled with a reasonable timetable extending until the end of 2011 at the most. ...
- BlogHer Book Club: We Love E-Books & Rules of ...Welcome to BlogHer Book Club's first e-book selection: Amor Towles' debut novel, Rules of Civility, which will be coming to BlogHer Book Club on August 17. As both readers and writers know, there's a lot to be said for setting up a scene well. Let us set the scene for you and get you in the mood ...
- My Picks for the Best Extreme Couponing ResourcesI was away from my keyboard an awful lot last week, due to a family emergency. This meant that when I did have time to sit down at my computer, I did not have time to read every feed in my feedreader. Since extreme couponing wasn't high on my "to do list," I marked my coupon blogs as read and ca ...
- Six Months SoberSix months sober. 180 days. Early recovery. Sobriety. Today I am very proud to say I am six months sober. Some people say six months is when you hit the first stage of early recovery while other people say you have now reached sobriety. I say I feel amazed, humbled and awesome. As I have mention ...
- Google Made Her Rich, Facebook Made Her A LegendSome people become famous for what they say. The outstanding ones make their quotes reality. Like Sheryl Sandberg. Woman, who has made it last year to #16 place of 50 Most Powerful Women in Business in the world selected by Fortune magazine.�In 2007, Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder of Facebook, ...
- PreCon Preview: The Experience TrackBlogHers are a creative, generous bunch, so it�s no wonder that when we put out the call for Room of Your Own ideas, you gave us much more than an arsenal of your best ideas�� you were also the catalyst for creating an entirely new track: Experience.Experience at BlogHer �11 is as much about lea ...
Health Freedom Alliance
- GMOs – AIDS Of The Plant World, Invasive ...“How can a mutated germ plasm be so vastly different that a patent can be obtained and, at the same time, be so substantially the same as the germ plasm it was derived from that ...
- The Theft of Health Rights – Can It Be S ...Are we wearily fighting the battles, but losing the war for our health freedoms? How should we address the burgeoning attack on our food and supplement rights? “The war is being fought on so many ...
- USDA Attacks Rural American With Smart MetersTraditional electronic meters measure usage and require a meter reader but smart meters measure in real time, alert consumer of usage, and can be remotely disconnected to control usage. Why did the Administration create the White ...
- Did A Trip To The Dentist Accelerate Columbo&# ...Do you know someone whose Alzheimer’s progression sped rapidly after surgery? Lieutenant Columbo, a hero to many, was portrayed by the talented Peter Falk, who in reality, battled severe Alzheimer’s for the last four years before ...
- USDA Wants Hipster FarmersYouth in their 20s and 30s are taking their hands to the plow, but what does the new trend in Hipster farming mean for the food future? It is true, many of the younger generation ...
Live News Wire
- Editorial: As The Country Mourned, Tucson Need ...Those who criticized the reaction of the crowd at Wednesday night's memorial have it ingrained that a perfect memorial is one with candles, flowers and tears. The citizens of Tucson and the American people have mourned for five days. Wednesday's event was not a time to mourn some more. It was a ...
- Police Made Visits To Loughner Home Before Sho ...The Tucson, Arizona family home of 22-year-old Jared Loughner had been visited by authorities before the shooting of a congresswoman and 18 others last Saturday, new information by the New York Times revealed Wednesday. It's unclear what the visits were about or what prompted the call to author ...
- Criminal Charges Filed Against Congresswoman’s ...Newly-released court documents offer a glimpse into the motive behind Jared Loughner's attempted assassination of Tucson Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords on Saturday. Recovered from Loughner's home was a letter addressed to Jared Loughner from Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Giffords mailed a ...
- “Unbelievable Tragedy:” Congresswoman Shot By ...At least fifteen gunshots rang out shortly after 10:10am Arizona Time Saturday, bullets fatally striking a Federal Judge and injuring a prominent Congresswoman. Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) of Arizona's Eighth District was wounded at a public meet-and-greet event outside a grocery s ...
- Queensland Facing Flood Of “Biblical” ProportionsThe worst floods in 50 years to hit Queensland, Australia are being described as nothing short of Biblical. More than 1,000 people have been evacuated, though officials say as the floodwaters get worse, as many as 4,000 residents could be asked to vacate their homes and businesses later this we ...
Coal Tattoo
- New study finds higher cancer rates near mount ...Coal River Mountain as seen from nearby Kayford Mountain. Photo courtesy of Coal River Mountain Watch. There’s another new study out from West Virginia University’s Michael Hendryx, this one reporting, based on a community survey in the Coal River area of Boone and Raleigh counties: Self-reporte ...
- Massey slurry case settledRussell Prince holds photographs on Monday Nov. 15, 2010 in Charleston, W.Va., of his 4-year-old daughter, Chasety, who died in 1996 of a kidney tumor he believes was caused by well water contaminated with coal slurry. (AP Photo/Vicki Smith) This just in from Vicki Smith at The Associated Press: ...
- Protesters continue tree-sitting at AlphaThe tree-sitting protest down at Alpha Natural Resources’ Bee Tree Mine along Coal River Mountain enters its second week today, and the two protesters – Catherine-Ann MacDougal and Becks Kolins — have issued an Open Letter to Alpha CEO Kevin Crutchfield: We are currently halting blasting on a po ...
- Sen. Manchin’s coal ties under scrutinyIt’s certainly no secret that Sen. Joe Manchin is a major “friend of coal,” but now his personal financial ties to the industry are under scrutiny by the national media. The headline today from Greenwire, via The New York Times, was Sen. Manchin Maintains Lucrative Ties to Family-Owned Coal Comp ...
- Friday roundup, July 22, 2011Pakistani Shazad Hayat, 9, and his sister Nooreen, 8, break coal as they work in a brick factory on the outskirts of Islamabad, Pakistan, Monday, July 4, 2011. (AP Photo/Muhammed Muheisen) Let’s start off the week with some different takes on EPA’s final water quality guidance for Appalachian co ...
Daniel Miessler
- Education in Americavia i.imgur.com Posted via email from danielmiessler.com | posterous Related PostsDon’t LikeDon’t Be a Cryptic AssAlphabet OptimizationEarth vs. Google EarthJoplin Tornado: Wood vs. ConcreteDrawing Created Using Bic Mechanical PencilsObama and Jesus | Imgur
- Anything Worth Saying is Worth OwningImage from complexification.net I’ve been coming repeatedly to a simple conclusion regarding content creation and the use of social services: If something is worth creating, it’s worth keeping within your own control. This includes quick little comments on the world, or sharing interesting links ...
- Smart People Drink Alcohol | Discover MagazineImage from Discover Magazine This is the chart of the day — easily. Notes 1Source article. Related PostsE. Coli and the Internet | DISCOVER MagazineThe Economist magazine pension issue | Philip Greenspun’s WeblogDo Smarter Workers Work Less?The Beverage Approachability ParadoxDeterminismWired: 1 ...
- Hitchens on the Catholic Churchvia youtube.com Eviscerating. Posted via email from danielmiessler.com | posterous Related PostsThe Known UniverseâªDu Hast as a Cappellaâ¬âBob’s Burgers SkitWhy Fight Religion?Google+ Circles ExplainedSam Harris Answers Reddit’s QuestionsMiss USA 2011 â Should Math Be Taught In Schools?
- All Non-Africans Part Neanderthal | Discovery NewsIf your heritage is non-African, you are part Neanderthal, according to a new study in the July issue of Molecular Biology and Evolution. Discovery News has been reporting on human/Neanderthal interbreeding for some time now, so this latest research confirms earlier findings. Damian Labuda of th ...
- Solidarity with Charlie GilmourPredictably there has been a lot of interest and comment on the sentencing of Charlie Gilmour to sixteen months for two counts of violent disorder. It has been both suggested this was lenient because he’ll only do eight months or less on a tag, and that it was a harsher sentence because of his p ...
- Report from the frontlines of the Ardoyne Oran ...Taken from the Workers Solidarity Movement Posted 2011-07-14 Rioting erupted in ‘nationalist areas’ across the North on Tuesday after the annual Orange Order parades. The worst of the trouble was in Ardoyne in North Belfast which left 16 police officers injured and with over 60 lethal plastic bu ...
- Plastic bullets used in Belfast riotsIt’s hard to comment on a situation when the only information you have is from BBC reports, but the riots that took place in nationalist / republican areas of Belfast after the 12th July Orange Order parades should probably get at least some mention here, and particularly the continued use of pl ...
- Free Francis Fernie. Resist political sentencingLast week, a 20 year old man was given twelve months for violent disorder relating to protests on March 26th outside Fortnum and Masons. He threw two placard sticks, neither of which hurt anyone nor were capable of causing harm. This man, pictured in one of Operation Malone's witch hunts, handed ...
- 30 Years Since the Liverpool 8 Uprising – ...It was July 1981 when the Liverpool 8 Uprising - or 'Toxteth Riots' as it became known - began. Following the typically aggressive and heavy-handed arrest of Leroy Cooper on Friday 3 July, anger erupted on the streets of one of Liverpool's most deprived areas in one of the most voracious display ...
Worldwide Hippies
- Off grid in suburbia – no power billby NICK ROSEN,.off-grid.net – AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND â I have been living off the grid for the past three years, however, my 13 year old daughter and I do not live in a rural or isolated setting, instead, we live in the middle of suburbia. It has been interesting to note the various reactions tha ...
- Japan’s food supply under threat as radiation ...Charles Digges, bellona.org – The Japanese government, anxious to restore the nuclear power supply, has also finally ordered stress tests of its reactors, some of which shut down automatically during the March 11 earthquake that devastated Fukushima Daiichi, others of which have not been restart ...
- DeChristopher sentenced to prison, 26 proteste ...BY BRANDON LOOMIS,The Salt Lake Tribune – Tim DeChristopherâs mouth â and not just his 2008 disruption of a federal oil and gas lease auction â landed him behind bars Tuesday, a judge said as he slapped the activist with a two-year prison term. The incarceration of the burgeoning folk hero among ...
- In My Mail: Letter To All CITIZENS Of The WorldJoe McEvoy, WWH – I get Emails from all sorts of people and websites each day. This week, they have been heavy with the hate. “Take yer meds …”, ” Your a Fuckin Hippy Shit.” ( What ever that means.) and others, you get the idea. One of the haters, I will share with you. [...]
- WWH News BriefsBeck compares Norway victims to ‘Hitler Youth’ He’s still around? msnbc.com – Conservative commentator Glenn Beck compared the victims of the shooting spree at a Norway summer camp to Nazi’s youth movement, drawing international ire. “There was a shooting at a political camp, which sounds a litt ...
reference frame
- NASA: astrophysics vs Earth science budgetNASA stands for "The National Aeronautics and Space Administration". You would associate it with astronauts, perhaps pilots, space research, and the Universe. Some young readers may even be ignorant about those things but NASA brought the first men to the Moon and has done lots of other fas ...
- Czech lands face a centennial heat wavePolice guards swimming pools Original URL (in Czech) July 25th, '11 - A heat wave reaching 40 °C chased out the citizens of Bohemia as well as Moravia to outdoor swimming pools and rivers. The swimming pools are overcrowded. An unusually high number of people drowned in the rivers. Othe ...
- AdS3: gravitational exclusion principleFirst, it's the last day of the EPS-HEP 2011 conference in Grenoble. See live stream video here. The final plenary talks combining the continental Higgs boson searches start at 3 pm French Summer Time. See the schedule. It seems to me that the most interesting hep-th paper today is The ...
- Klaus: National Press Club AddressThe Czech president is a source of some fun in the Australian media. For example, he canceled one of the numerous interviews because he refused to go through a metal detector in the Oz Parliament. :-) However, here's the 1-hour video of his National Press Club Address in Canbe ...
- CERN: CLOUD: Jasper Kirkby's talk in CanadaAs far as I remember, this 65-minute talk by Jasper Kirkby that he gave on March 23rd, 2011 at SFU in Vancouver hasn't been embedded on TRF pages yet. Here it is: Kirkby is the lead scientist in the CERN's CLOUD experiment that was scheduled to release the final papers within a ...
Tatumba 2.0
- The End of Fear – Follow in the steps of ordin ...Το τÎλος του φÏβου… The end of fear… by magiconteam Please recycle. Don't throw away your peels Related posts:Stop Living In Fear! Stop living in fear! It lowers your vibrations and helps... Gerald Celente on Follow the Money Weekly Radio 13 Aug 2010 Gerald Celente on Follow the Money Weekly Ra ...
- Darwin was right: Arrival of the Post-Petroleu ...Peak Moment 196: “Petroleum Man is dead. Infinite Growth Man is dead. Post Petroleum Human is alive,” announced Michael C. Ruppert on May 22, 2011. Members of this emerging “species” know they must live in balance with the Earth, while remembering the lessons of industrial civilization. The star ...
- Greek Revoultion is now LiveI am streaming the coverage of protests from Greece. It will run as long as the video feed keeps coming to me. Just so you know…Greece is 7 hours ahead of EST. LIVE STREAMING: Γενική Απεργία ενάντια στο… by News247 Please recycle. Don't throw away your peels Related posts:Postcards from the G ...
- Burzynski Cures Cancer – The Magic of Antineop ...THIS VIDEO WILL BE TAKEN DOWN BY THE OWNER ON JUNE 20 2011 Curing cancer is frowned upon big government and BIG PHARMA, especially when the patent for the cure is owned by a single doctor, and they can’t have a taste of the pie. So what do they do? They sick their hound dog, [...] Related p ...
- French Whistleblowers reaveal the set up of Do ...I saw this over at SGTReport.com and it is worth repeating here. French insiders reveal the reason why DSK had to be taken out. It was all about the missing gold baby. Watch this one explode before summer is out. Gold, The Real Reason for the Fall of Dominique Strauss-Kahn Commodities / Gold and ...
Truth About Our World
- Gunman Conspired With “Business and Political ...This picture reminds me of a highly sophisticated blow-up “dummy”. Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com Tuesday, July 26, 2011 Anders Behring Breivik said he conspired with âbusiness and political leadersâ in London years before he set about planning last weekâs massacre, an intruiging connection ...
- Inside LSD
- Norway Terror Attacks a False Flag: More Than ...by Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. TARPLEY.net Washington DC, July 24, 2011 � The tragic terror attacks in Norway display a number of the telltale signs of a false flag provocation. It is reported that, although the world media are attempting to focus on Anders Behring Breivik as a lone assassin in th ...
- Crazy People – We Are ONEIt is the crazy people who change the world for the better – it is the ‘sane’ ones that destroy it. ‘Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in a square hole; the ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules and they have no respect for ...
- OKA— KulchaThis album is a collection of live tracks from 2 different gigs, one in Australia and one Canada, no overdubs, just raw Oka tracks as they went down. If you have heard Oka live and enjoyed it this is definitely worth a listen. credits released 09 February 2011 Dub, Edits & The Jamaican Mule by O ...
- Can't Stop the Big MoHealthy spending and productivity add up to some good stock buys, says S&P's Kenneth Shea. Plus: His formula for a diversified portfolio
- Higher Gas Tax? Smart MoveRaising it to 50 cents or $1 per gallon would push conservation and send a signal to America's enemies. It's the surest way to cut oil dependence
- Merck: More Agony from Its PainkillerThe costly Vioxx verdict makes its plan to take on each claim individually more difficult. But a big settlement is no easy cure, either
- No Lull in the Airlines' HeadwindsThe industry isn't doing as badly as it was, but that's not saying much, according to S&P's Philip Baggaley
- IGN Entertainment: Where the Boys AreThe Web outfit has drawn a huge, male-dominated following and has an IPO in the works. But will a big Net player come calling?
- GAO to EPA: Improve Implementation of Safe Dri ...By Jason Rano, EWG Senior Legislative Analyst, Morgan Andersen, EWG Summer Government Affairs Assistant, and Alex Keller, EWG Summer Water Analyst A Government Accountability Office investigation released last week has found that the Environmental... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit ...
- New & Improved: Safe Cosmetics Act of 2011 By Jason Rano, EWG Senior Legislative Analyst The Safe Cosmetics Act of 2011, introduced June 24 by Reps. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.), Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.) has a simple aim: to give the federal Food and Drug Administration... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit m ...
- Think your Water Bottle is "BPA Free"? Better ...By Margot Pagan, EWG Summer Press Intern Is your reusable water bottle aluminum? In an effort to be more sustainable and protect my health, I made the switch from plastic water bottles to my reliable metal bottle that I carry... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full l ...
- U.S. Forest Service: Fracking Killed Trees By Justine Chow, Natural Resources Summer Researcher Chemical-laden wastewater generated by a natural gas hydraulic fracturing operation killed more than half a stand of trees in a field study at the Monongahela National Forest, according to a new report... [[ This is a content summary only ...
- On Conservation: Even your water can be reusedBy Alex Keller, EWG Summer Water Analyst When I was growing up in Pennsylvania, my mother used to admonish me to conserve water during droughts. "Turn off the faucet while you brush your teeth," she'd say, "and take a shorter... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full l ...
Quick Hits
- More Teachers Being Replaced By TechnologyThe neoliberal wetdream coming to fruition. From Fast Company: Districts all over are experimenting with teacher-less computer labs and green-lighting entire classrooms of adult-supervised children exploring the Internet--an Android powered tablet designed specifically for students. Teachers' u ...
- Food costs at record levels, likely to go higherMANILA/MILAN (Reuters) - World food prices hit a record in January and recent catastrophic weather around the globe could put yet more pressure on the cost of food, an issue that has already helped spark protests across the Middle East. Up for the seventh month in a row, the closely watched Food ...
- Shell makes $2,208,480 (£1.6m) an hour, [Clue ...http://www.guardian.co.uk/busi... The Guardian in Britain says calmly:Shell stoked up the heated debate about the high cost of fuel on the forecourt today after reporting it made profits of nearly £1.6m an hour over the last three months.A leading member of the road lobby said motorists would ...
- Gallup Helps Explain Egyptian/Tunisia UprisingsWellbeing in Egypt and Tunisia decreased significantly over the past few years, even as GDP increased. In Egypt, where demonstrations have prompted President Hosni Mubarak to give up power after elections this fall, the percentage of people "thriving" fell by 18 percentage points since 2005. In ...
- Wallace Shawn: Are You Smarter Than Thomas Jef ...The Grand Nagus speaks! At Tom Dispatch.com.
Capital - NYC
- Mets send Carlos Beltran and money to San Fran ...For those not paying close attention, the New York Mets’ decision to trade Carlos Beltran and cash to the San Francisco Giants for minor league pitcher Zack Wheeler could seem like a surrendering of the 2011 season, a reflection of the precarious financial ...
- The way of all third ways: Baker on Friedman t ...“For a movement to be successful, or even partially successful, you need to have a compelling figure identifying with it, whether Ross Perot or Sarah Palin or William Jennings Bryan, you need someone who can galvanize it.”What about Michael Bloomberg?“I th ...
- 'Post' plays defense against Nafissatou Diallo ...Each day, the New York tabloids vie to sell readers at the newsstands on outrageous headlines, dramatic photography, and, occasionally, great reporting. Who is today's winner? More
- Dreck ceiling: Bloomberg's centrist shtick is ...It's not clear whether the remarks that Michael Bloomberg delivered Monday night about the debt-ceiling showdown were dishonest or merely ignorant. Either way, they were definitely not helpful.With a potentially catastrophic default now less than a week aw ...
- A Koch endorsement, explained: House Repubs ar ...This morning, 86-year-old former mayor Ed Koch crossed party lines (as he periodically�does) to endorse Republican candidate Bob Turner for Congress at a press conference this morning.Koch has said that he is mostly doing so in order to register his disple ...
Views & News from Norway
- Premier hopes for a stronger NorwayNorwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg told reporters on Wednesday that he hopes last week’s attacks on the government and a Labour Party summer camp will make Norway stronger, and he thinks the response from Norwegians so far indicates it will. Stoltenberg, meeting with reporters Wednesday a ...
- Tourists not scared offThe summer tourism is at its height in Norway and the vast majority haven’t been scared off by last Friday’s bombing in downtown Oslo, or by a subsequent massacre on an island outside of town. Officials in the tourism industry haven’t seen any mass cancellations and some visitors have even exten ...
- Commission to examine attacksAs Norway starts the healing process after last Friday’s terrorist attacks, the government announced it was forming a special commission to examine exactly what happened and gauge emergency response. The commission will be independent and later report its results to Prime Minister Jens Stoltenbe ...
- Police reveal new arrest detailsPolice who finally tracked down the lone bomber and gunman who killed 76 persons in Norway last Friday said they found him in a forest glen on the island of Utøya “with his hands over his head.” He surrendered and was arrested without further incident. Before that, though, the gunman dressed li ...
- Florists ran short, or out, of rosesWith huge demand for roses from grieving Norwegians, flower shops have been doing brisk business and some ran out of stock after memorials were held all over the country on Monday. Demand was heaviest in Oslo, where several hundred thousand roses have since found their way onto the streets and e ...
Permaculture Research Institute - Australia
- Rob Hopkins: Transition to a World Without OilRob Hopkins, founder of the Transition movement, gives a great TED Talk.
- Support This Film – Regenerative AgricultureMany advanced civilizations vanished because they did not take care of their soil. This film is about a new, progressive, and advanced practice of agriculture, that will regenerate the soil. With Regenerative Agriculture we create healthier food, build communities, and, most importantly, in ...
- The Making of the Urban Permaculture DVDby Frank Gapinski Editor’s Note: A few days ago I shared the latest on the Urban Permaculture DVD. Frank, who is the video genius behind our DVDs, gives his own inside view of working with Geoff in this latest creation, below. It’s been a whirlwind trip over the last six months putting the piece ...
- Shifting to Community-Scale Food ThinkingThis week I received all our yearly seed catalogs, and, as usual, started planning feverishly. How many is too many weird and wonderful heirloom watermelon varieties? And then I paused. Wait a minute, we’re aiming for community scale in our vegetable production this year. This shifts the goalpo ...
- Rwanda – Forests of HopeMany of you will remember the inspiring and encouraging example of earth restoration found in the story of the Loess Plateau in China (see links at bottom). John Liu was the man heavily involved in this amazing and very large scale initiative. In this new video, below, you’ll see Mr. Liu turning ...
- You gotta have a sense of humour …You look at stuff and you wonder. Maybe you donât, maybe a lot of people donât, maybe they never do. Well, I do. I suppose itâs just me being an awkward cuss but at this stage in the game, Iâm pretty reconciled to that. You are what you are, so just chaw down and get … Read more
- Words of wisdom from the Goracle of Helpme.Alâs fallen on hard times. Long gone are the days of the $100,000 appearance fee at speaking engagements. Most of that all went into that Chicago Carbon Exchange thingy which didnât turn out to be such a smart investment after all. Anyway, you canât keep a good man down so heâs working on a come ...
- The Al Gore Climate Reality Event : A call to ...Thereâs an interesting proposal being made at Anthony Wattâs site WUWT to fight the upcoming Al Gore Climate Reality Event scheduled for Sept. 14th 2011. In essence, it suggests setting up a central resource which will contain quotes by global warming high priests. Whatâs being called for is yo ...
- Internet Security 3: The Worst Sort Of Predator.This is a nasty, distasteful and distressing area to post a topic on but if it saves the happy childhood of one kid, itâll be worth it. If you’re a parent, which I am, anything like this is tough going but Iâd encourage you to read on. I think it was Will Rogers who said … Read more
- Line of Descent Chapter 27Chapter 27 Drayton waited with Krupmeyer amid the ruins of the summer house. He sat on the floor, resting his injured back against the wall. It throbbed with a steady nagging ache that the drugs could not quite mask. Beside him on the floor, Krupmeyer lay in a stretcher. About them, the team of ...
Journalists' Toolkit
- The best video export optionsHow do you choose the best settings for exporting your video, after you have edited it? I remember how confusing this was for me when I started working with Web video several years ago. With the slower computers we had back then, I would wait for what seemed like forever while exporting a small ...
- Video Resources updatedThe new Video Resources page has been added to this site. This is a carefully curated page with links to good tutorials for video editing software, video shooting tips, and the like. It’s intended for beginners, particularly journalism students and journalism educators who are teaching video in ...
- Flash Journalism updatesI have been hard at work updating the Flash Journalism website. New tutorials for ActionScript 3.0 and for working on the Timeline in CS4 and CS5 have been added. The old pages from the original site (created to support the book I wrote about Flash journalism in 2004) are still online, and all t ...
- New tutorial: Windows Live Movie MakerAs an aid to a journalism training session I agreed to give, I created a short PowerPoint that is aimed at journalism students. Windows Live Movie Maker Tutorial Windows Live Movie Maker is quite different from its predecessor — Windows Movie Maker (not “live”). It is less versatile in several w ...
- Convert WMA files with SwitchSwitch Sound File Converter is a free program from NCH Software. You can download it here (Mac or Windows). I have been using this program and recommending it widely for about two years. It’s easy to use, and it’s especially useful for converting WMA format files to WAV so that we can edit them ...
Justice Roars - Louisiana
- Highlights in Local Activism Against the Priso ...Here on the Louisiana Justice Institute blog, we have been following developments in the Danziger Bridge investigation and other police violence and corruption cases, as well as activism against abuses at Orleans Parish Prison and other aspects of the Prison Industrial Complex, since early on th ...
- Prosecution Rests in Danziger TrialThe article below originally appeared on the New Orleans Tribune/Tribune Talk website The prosecution rested its case this week in the Danziger Bridge police violence trial with one final witness testimony, perhaps the most moving. Lesha Bartholomew, who was 17 at the time of the incident, b ...
- Rethinkers Speak Out on Childhood Obesity and ...From our Friends at ReThink: Candy Bars, Prison Bars How Schools Can Reverse the Major Youth Epidemics of Our Times The unstoppable Rethinkers - school reformers, aged 8-18 - want to interrupt what they call "the two biggest youth epidemics of our time," childhood obesity and the school-to-p ...
- Moving Forward With the Status QuoA Response to Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal’s Veto of Senate Bill 67, by Families and Friends of Louisiana's Incarcerated Children: When Governor Bobby Jindal vetoed State Senate Bill 67 (SB 67), he failed to protect the right to education for thousands of Louisiana school children. Each y ...
- Danielle Metz, A Prisoner of the US Drug WarIn 1993, at the age of 26, Danielle Metz was sentenced to serve three life sentences plus twenty years for conspiracy to distribute cocaine. It was her first conviction. Evidence suggests that Danielle never knew that her husband, Glenn, was involved in drugs. When they married, he was 30 years ...
Information Underground
- Current News / News of an Immediate & Urge ...Moe Foe: I don't know if this has been reported outside Scandanavia but one of the kids killed was the Crown Princess' step-brother. That nips the masonic angle in the bud immediately for me at least. RE: As you might well gather, I am mostly guessing and don't know anything for sure. If ...
- Current News / News of an Immediate & Urge ...Found this on the tragedy. Not from a most trustworthy source though: In his Manifesto, Breivik, who as it turned out was an active Freemason, paid tribute to the founder of neo-Chekhism (pre- war name of the Russian terrorist secret police, called CheKa- chrezvyshainaya kommisiya -"Emergency ...
- Technology, Energy, Genetically Modified or En ...Thank for reminding me to NOT watch TV.Statistics: Posted by -Pas- — Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:58 pm
- Current News / News of an Immediate & Urge ...Things that make you go, hmmm. Here's a pic of the scene of the accident : Source :http://www.pzc.nl/regio/zeeland/9124781/Dodelijk-ongeluk-bij-Serooskerke.ece The car is said to be a Volvo V70, but this is unconfirmed. This Volvo is known as the most safests of cars.And if you compare the ...
- Crimes of Israel, IDF, Zionists, Mossad or &qu ...Great post and great blog, thanks.Statistics: Posted by -Pas- — Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:14 pm
- Landslide hits S.Korea mountain resort, 13 deadA landslide killed at least 13 after crashing into a South Korean resort.
- Suicide blast kills mayor of Kandahar cityThe mayor of Kandahar city was killed in a suicide bomb attack.
- Oslo station evacuated due to suspicious suitcaseOslo's central station was evacuated after a suspicious suitcase was discovered on a bus.
- Traumatised Norway tries to return to normalityCabinet minister to make a symbolic return to her bomb-damaged office.
- McDonald's downsizes Happy Meal fries, adds applesMcDonald's in the US said it will soon tweak its Happy Meals, reducing the French fry portion by more than half and automatically adding apples to the popular children's meals
environment 360
- Model of Rapeseed Plant Metabolism Yields Insi ...U.S. scientists have developed a model for analyzing the metabolic processes of rapeseed plants, an innovation that they say may provide insights into more optimal Brookhaven National LaboratoryRapeseed embroyos production of biofuels and alternatives to petrochemicals for some industrial uses ...
- Dow Targets Large-Scale Production of Plastics ...Dow Chemical is planning construction of a bioplastics plant in Brazil that the company says will produce plastic from sugarcane in volumes competitive with Dow ChemicalBrazilian sugarcane plastics generated from petroleum. Later this year Dow, in a partnership with the Japanese firm Mitsui & ...
- U.S. Land in Flood Plains Could Increase 45 Pe ...The amount of U.S. land located within flood plain zones is expected to increase by 40 to 45 percent by the end of this century, according to a study of the impacts of climate change on the federal flood insurance program. The study, which will be released later this summer, projects that a wide ...
- Hillary Clinton Advocates For Clean Cookstoves ...Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged India to rapidly adopt inexpensive, clean-burning cookstoves and said that two major Indian trade federations had agreed to help disseminate the technology throughout the country. Clinton, who last year launched a $50 million U.S. program to expand clean ...
- Extreme North Pole Heat Contributing to Rapid ...North Pole temperatures that have been 11 to 14 degrees F higher than normal, coupled with an early melting of sea ice and low snow cover in the Far North, have caused a swift retreat of sea ice this summer and could mean that the Arctic Ocean in 2011 will have the smallest sea ice extent ever r ...
- Neptune 911!Tags: ocean trash plastics pollution pesticides seafood
- Corporate Accountability InternationalTags: accountability water tobacco food
- The Oldspeak JournalTags: news oligarchy usa Doublethink talking_points
- Flickr: Creative CommonsTags: flickr photos copyright stock photography creative_commons
- GloriaGilbere.comTags: holistic food_poisoning immune_system chemical_poisoning
- Stockwell Day: The result of insane, extreme r ...By Alison@Creekside CBC Power & Politics on the Oslo massacre, at noon Friday, edited: Evan Solomon: This raises again the spectre of international terrorism. Stockwell Day: As recently as July 8th in Norway there was a dragnet for al-Qaeda suspects related to the Manchester bombing. Whethe ...
- Bob Rae, Super-Elite!By Frank Moher Oh, grow a sense of humour, already. Canadian novelist Kenneth J. Harvey's piece in today's Globe, "Thank you, Bob Rae, for stealing my plane seat," is inspiring an unseemly fuss among my facebook and twitter peeps. Harvey's article, a funny and typically shrewd account of his ...
- Canada’s startups get the flagBy Mark Evans Canada’s startup landscape is healthier than ever, as evidenced by the recent International Startup Festival in Montreal. Putting aside the ambitious name (I would have selected something like the Canadian Startup Festival), the fact that it was well-organized and well-attend ...
- Where is James Moore?By Frank Moher Two weeks ago in this space I wrote about the Conservative government's politically-motivated decision to withdraw funding from the Toronto theatre and arts festival, SummerWorks. To recap: Last year, the company presented a play, Homegrown, that the Prime Minister's Office dec ...
- The A wordBy Alison@Creekside The Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Anti-Semitism has released its Final Report -- two years in the making -- on what co-chair and former Lib MP Mario Silva refers to as the "wave of anti-Semitism we are witnessing in our nation". A 71% increase. Yet a mere ...
Daily Beast
- Balancing America’s CheckbookAmerica may have to rely next week only on incoming revenues. What that means for which programs stay open.
- George Soros Quits the Silver Fox ClubBill Coles on why wealthy men work into their eighties—and regret retirement when they finally take it.
- Huntsman Bets on BoehnerThe GOP's 2012 contender came out swinging against the Democrats' debt-ceiling plan. By Andrew Romano.
- The Detective Who ForgetsDebut novelist Alice LaPlante talks about what lead her to write a mystery with a detective suffering from Alzheimer's.
- Mogul Mansion Mystery DeepensTwo weeks after Rebecca Zahau was found hanging, her death is more baffling than ever.
- Alan Colmes Has Heated Exchange With Director ...Spencer’s anti-Jihad (some, not Spencer, would say “anti-Muslim”) writing was cited 64 times in the manifesto of the terrorist Anders Behring Breivik.
- In Defense of Demonization: Frontpage’s lame d ...This attack highlights the demonization of Muslims by anti-Muslim bloggers we have profiled.
- Loonwatch Has Been Warning about an Anders Beh ...We have been warning about the nexus of anti-Muslim Islamophobia and violence for years now.
- In response to Norway attacks, right-wing blog ...Right-wing bloggers such as Robert Spencer are crying "nuance."
- Robert Spencer in Damage Control After Terror ...Robert Spencer and fellow anti-Muslim loons are trying to disassociate themselves from one their greatest fans, the Oslo bomber Anders Behring Breivik.
Energy News
- U.S. commander in Japan says “the reacto ...U.S. wasn’t fully prepared for radiation risks following Japan earthquake, top ...Read More
- Professor: Nuclear scientists claiming radioac ...Interview with Karl Grossman, July 27, 2011: [...] “A lot of ...Read More
- Reactor No.3 requiring more water than No. 1 a ...TEPCO seeks new ways to reduce contaminated water, NHK, July 27, ...Read More
- Document: 1600 Fukushima Workers Thought to Be ...Document: 1600 Fukushima Workers Thought to Be Exposed to High Radiation, ...Read More
- World’s most dangerous nuke plant locate ...SPECIAL REPORT-Fukushima long ranked Japan’s most hazardous nuclear plant, Reuters, July ...Read More
Japan Times
- Fukushima towns won't let summer go by without ...To boost the spirits of locals in a tsunami-hit area of Fukushima Prefecture, a group of volunteers led by a Shinto priest is planning to hold a fireworks event Aug. 27 in the city of Iwaki's Hisanohama beach — just about 30 km from Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s radiation-spewing nuclear plant. C ...
- Miyazato paired with Wie at BritishEvian Masters champion Ai Miyazato has been paired with last season's money title winner Choi Na Yeon and Michelle Wie for Thursday's first round of the Women's British Open. Miyazato will attempt to win the final major on the 2011 calendar at the Carnoustie Golf Links, on the heels of her fir ...
- Matsuda wins silverTakeshi Matsuda came up short in his bid to dethrone Michael Phelps, settling for the silver medal in the 200-meter butterfly at the world swimming championships on Wednesday. Phelps touched the wall in 1 minute, 53.34 seconds, 0.67 seconds ahead of Matsuda. Wu Peng rounded out the podium for ...
- No sign of a summer break for The HiatusAs the guitarist and vocalist of Japanese pop-punk band Ellegarden, Takeshi Hosomi toured throughout the country, played in the United States and South Korea, and even opened for Foo Fighters. When Ellegarden announced in 2008 that they were taking an indefinite break from making music togethe ...
- Ibaka to help Spain defend Euro titleOklahoma Thunder forward Serge Ibaka says he is ready to help his adopted country Spain defend its European championship. "I have to give all my energy on the court, that's my job," Ibaka said. "I will do everything I can to help the team."
Alexander Higgins
- Cover Up Caught On Camera: 6 Police Officers T ...Video footage of 6 Fullerton, CA police officers tasering and beating a homeless man to death exposes a cover up that local officials refuse to answer questions about.
- Citizen Spies And Brutal Torture Foreshadow Wh ...An innocent European, who was sold to U.S. military by a citizen spy, spent nearly five years in Guantanamo Bay prison without charges exposes the brutality of torture. With the DHS anti-terror apparatus now turned inward, do American citizens face the same treatment?
- Police Beat, Taser, And Mace, Handcuffed Man L ...The FBI is launching an investigation into the cover up of a police brutality case involving a Tennessee man who was stripped naked, maced and tasered while handcuffed and beaten in the snow for over 10 minutes.
- There’s Only One Way to Avoid a Downgrad ...The United States only has one course of action to take to avoid a U.S credit downgrade but only if we immediately take these steps, but there is a better chance of hell freezing over.
- Congress In Secret Talks To Chop Social Securi ...Social Security, Medicare & Public Education Now on the U.S. Government Chopping Block As Secret Deals are Made by President Obama & Members of the U.S. Congress In An Attempt To Avoid An Apocalyptic Debt Default
Macleans - Central
- Got news to leak? Get lost.Whatever happened to the Wikileaks revolution?
- Mind the infrastructure gapDaryl Copeland argues the federal government’s priorities have left little room to deal with...
- Science that dare not speak its nameThe Privy Council Office bars a salmon researcher from speaking with reporters. Science, one...
- Under Her Majesty’s watchful eyeJohn Baird redecorates the Foreign Affairs building. A pair of historic paintings by Quebec...
- What do we need to know about Jack?Jack Layton is a public figure, but the nature of his medical challenges remains private
Making It Count - CCPA
- Understanding Québec’s Orange Wave Part Two: W ...Simon Tremblay-Pepin is a researcher at IRIS, a Montreal-based progressive think tank. In my previous post, I addressed how Québec was not reinventing itself as a socialist haven. I will now attempt to show that the NDP’s impressive showing in Québec does not indicate a rejection of sovereignty. ...
- Understanding Québec’s Orange Wave Part one: a ...Simon Tremblay-Pepin is a researcher at IRIS a Montreal-based left-wing think tank. From an outsider’s point of view, the last federal election may give the impression that a majority of Québécois(es) has converted to social democracy and asymmetrical federalism. This analysis aims to demonstrat ...
- Financial Crisis as a Way of LifeBy Ellen Russell (as appeared in Rabble, July 14, 2011) From Wall Street to Iceland to Greece to Ireland, the world is lurching from one financial crisis to the next. The financial panic of 2008 has morphed into the era of financial crises. If you think you live in an oasis away from financial ...
- Family Values and Budget CutsOnce again, in the middle of summer, the anti-government government has unleashed more anti-policy policy via a compliant Statistics Canada. Who needs data when you’ve got family values? The Harper team knows what you need. (Hint: tax cuts. Oops! Not for you sister, if you’re a single mom.) The ...
- Crime, Poverty and the Mistake of the Conserva ...Kudos to Iglika Ivanova for her effort to quantify the costs of poverty in British Columbia. Included in her analysis is a consideration of the relationship between crime and poverty. She correctly points out that poverty is not a cause of crime, but is rather a risk factor for crime. As one exa ...
- Norway's monster and the poison of Zionist pro ...How much was the mind of Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik conditioned and warped by Zionist propaganda as peddled with the assistance of Christian fundamentalism by much of the Western mainstream media and many websites?
- Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik's fello ...Gilad Atzmon views an article by Zionist writer and former Trotskyite David Horowitz, written on the eve of the Utoeye Island massacre in Norway, "which could well have provided mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik with all the motivation he needed to commit his crime".
- Was Norway massacre a reaction to boycott Isra ...Gilad Atzmon highlights Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik's enthusiastic support for Israel and the sympathy he has received from Israelis and, in the light of this, asks whether Breivik might have been a "Sabbath Goy" responding to the Norwegian Workers Youth League's - to which al ...
- Rupert Murdoch's intellectual terrorismPaul J. Balles views the corrupting influence of Rupert Murdoch and his media empire on the politics, culture and media of the English-speaking world.
- Murdoch is not the only maggot in the rotten appleStuart Littlewood argues that the rot in the British body politic goes much deeper than those whose reputations have been tarnished through complicity with Rupert Murdoch's empire, and that the British people must mobilize to reclaim their institutions that have been hijacked by Israel's stooges ...
Physics Today
- India commits to nuclear power despite oppositionNational Geographic: India's plan to build the world's largest nuclear power plant at Jaitapur, a port city 250 miles south of Mumbai, faces vigorous, sometimes violent opposition from the city's inhabitants. And as National Geographic's Rebecca Byerly, the power plant serves as a focus for a wi ...
- The problem with in-state tuitionChronicle of Higher Education: Roger Pielke Jr of the University of Colorado's Center for Science and Technology Policy Research argues that deeply discounted tuition fees for in-state students do not serve the interests of his state or his university. Low in-state fees deprive the university of ...
- Graphene could speed up computersIndependent: Cell phones, computers, and other electronic devices could run much faster if they were made with graphene, the world’s thinnest material. Writing in the journal Nature Physics, Nobel laureates Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov from Manchester University, and their coworkers, have re ...
- Arctic ice melt is releasing pollutants, warn ...Guardian: The warming of the Arctic is releasing toxic materials such as pesticides and industrial chemicals that have been trapped in ice and cold water. Called persistent organic pollutants (POPs), the manmade compounds, which can cause cancers and birth defects, were banned under the 2004 Sto ...
- Russian space telescope finally launchesScience: On 18 July the Russian orbital radio telescope Spektr-R was finally launched, writes Daniel Clery for Science. Originally designed in 1982, the satellite was put on hold following the collapse of the Soviet Union. The goal of the Russian satellite is to work with ground-based radioteles ...
Revolutionary Politics
- FF News: 'The Omar Abdulla Show-29,'by footprints (Posted Sun, 24 Jul 2011 10:22:36 GMT) Episode 27-Season Four Filmed November 11 Duration-45 Minutes Omar Abdulla: Welcome to The 'Omar Abdulla,' SHOW produced by Footprints Filmworks...We have a 'power-packed-presentation,' today as we have one of Canada's leading men-Prime Mi ...
- Focus on Rupert Murdochby rev111 (Posted Sat, 23 Jul 2011 22:07:21 GMT) Rupert Murdoch’s intellectual terrorism. … Murdoch has now admitted to have controlled the political systems in Britain and America for two decades. He has had the power to choose national leaders, make policy, pass laws at will.” Murdoch’s me ...
- NeoCons are the culpritsby Rev333 (Posted Fri, 22 Jul 2011 20:54:03 GMT) Where are the neo-conservatives who brought on this economic and political mess? --- By Helen Thomas … It was the neo-cons who decided America should have an empire in the 21st century. Their design for the world has caused hundreds of t ...
- Oil price and Iran warby katsung47 (Posted Thu, 21 Jul 2011 20:01:56 GMT) 12. Financial tsunami created to stabilize the dollar (12/16/08) On 7/4, I wrote "556. Petro-dollar, the cause of Iran war (7/4/08)". I think it touches the core. From 7/5 to 7/8, the oil price dropped for four days from $145 to $136 a barrel. ...
- America addicted to Warby Rev333 (Posted Thu, 21 Jul 2011 16:11:06 GMT) >>> My view: Diversify out of your dollar holdings! Trim down your savings account. Invest the proceeds in shares of unglamorous companies that serve basic consumer needs, such as: Target, General Mills, Tyson, etc ….. Shares of such ...
- Will China’s designs on the Brahmaputra leave ...“With climate change leading to the decreased inflow of water into the Himalayan rivers, water disputes among the countries sharing waters of the Himalayan rivers is expected to assume serious proportions in the years ahead. Not long back, Sardar Asef Ali, an adviser to the Pakistan Prime Minist ...
- The Geopolitics of Water in the Nile River Basin“In Africa, access to water is one of the most critical aspects of human survival. Today, about one third of the total population lack access to water. Constituting 300 million people and about 313 million people lack proper sanitation. (World Water Council 2006). As result, many riparian countr ...
- AT&T fined over San Jose fuel spill“AT&T will pay $40,490 in fines for violating California water pollution and hazardous waste laws after an equipment failure at its San Jose facility caused 1,300 gallons of diesel fuel to spill into the Guadalupe River, officials announced Thursday. The Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Of ...
- Super-foam Makes Contaminated Water Fit to Drink“It started as an experiment to create an absorbent material for the next generation of diapers, but it turned out to be so much more. Using by-products from the lumber industry and crushed sea shells, a team of scientists at North Carolina State University came up with a foam substance with abs ...
- Oklahoma Cattle Ranchers Pray For Rain“Extreme heat and drought are spreading across 14 states in the US. From Arizona all the way to Florida, it’s as if the entire South of the country were burning from below, adding pressure to states and towns already struggling to recover from the financial crisis and high unemployment. We just ...
D. Kucinich
- Kucinich: UN Mandate to Protect Libyan Civilia ...Kucinich Renews Call for Ceasefire and Political Solution Washington D.C. (July 26, 2011) � Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), a longtime proponent of peace, today wrote to United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon expressing his concern �that the United Nations is selectively applying i ...
- Kucinich: White House Now Conceals Plan to Cut ...Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today released the following statement: �Last Friday, the President told the nation that he offered a plan that would cut $650 billion from Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Last night in his address to the nation, the President didn�t want to �bore� Ame ...
- Kucinich Moves to Protect American Consumers f ...Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) will offer an amendment tomorrow to the North American-Made Energy Security Act, HR. 1938, that will require an analysis of the effect of the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline from Canadian tar sands to the Gulf of Mexico on manipulation of oil markets and increase ...
- Kucinich: Protect Social Security; Numbers Sho ...Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), who has ardently defended Social Security, today released the following statement regarding attempts to inject Social Security into an unrelated debate about the debt and the deficit. �Social Security is strong. It is not a government piggy bank and it is 100 ...
- Kucinich Asks Tough Questions About FBI Invest ...Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today wrote to Attorney General Eric Holder asking tough questions about the Federal Bureau of Investigation�s large commitment of resources to investigate small, local groups of individuals whose primary concern is peace.� Congressman Kucinich also asked for a ...
Authentically Wired
- …Somebody’s lying…⦠Somebody’s lying ⦠you thinkâ¦? Retrieved from the memory hole… Here is C-SPAN footage of Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta telling the 9/11 Commission in 2003 that when he arrived in the Presidential Emergency Operations Centre (PEOC) in the basement of the White House around 9:20A ...
- never leave the comfort of your Lazy boy Arm c ...BLOG SITE ⦠www.authenticallywired.com ⦠Spying ⦠Killing ⦠made easy ⦠never leave the comfort of your Lazy boy Arm chair ⦠Here’s a spooky video by AUVSI, the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International. Video: http://www.forbiddenknowledgetv.com/page/4311.html Filed ...
- put your $pin on thi$ for u$ …BLOG SITE �� www.authenticallywired.com �� Mr. House $peaker John Boner & Senator Mitch McConnell �� put your $pin on thi$ for u$ �� Ezra Klein: A tale of two presidents and their deficits � Posted: 25 Jul 2011 03:45 PM PDT �� Posted by AzBlueMeanie: ��http://www.blogforarizona.com/blog/2011/07/ ...
- we’ve got your back …⦠How dare you think for yourself ⦠too dangerous ⦠corporate knows whatâs best for you ⦠FDA: You Must Not Dissent From the Medical Establishment Posted by Karen De Coster on July 25, 2011 09:02 PMâ¦http://www.lewrockwell.com/blog/lewrw/archives/91984.html The Medical Establishment is a ...
- Reckoning day is around the corner …!� �� For Arizona the rob Peter to pay Paul budget balancing has been SOP for the past 12 years �� Blame and responsibility can be shared equally by Republicans & Democrats �� Red & Blue �� Male & Female �� Reckoning day is around the corner ��! � States have no place to hide [...]
Popular Technology
- Correcting misinformation about the journal En ...A frequent source of contention in the global warming debate is the existence of skeptical peer-reviewed papers. These have been overwhelmingly proven to exist. Once confronted with this inconvenient truth, alarmists have desperately tried to discredit the journals that dare publish these papers ...
- Origin of the Popular Technology.net Peer-Revi ...There are various myths floating around online about where the Popular Technology.net peer-reviewed paper list originated, falsely giving credit to people who copied earlier versions of my list and published it as their own. The following is a brief history,Back in February 2007 I began compilin ...
- 900+ Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticis ...WARNING: Do not accept any criticisms of this list without reading the notes or emailing, populartechnology (at) gmail (dot) comRead: The following papers support skepticism of AGW or AGW Alarm defined as, "concern relating to a negative environmental or socio-economic effect of AGW, usually exa ...
- Who is Deep Climate?A new climate alarmist blog appeared on October 18, 2008 from an "unknown" Canadian setting out to both "follow the money" and "follow the science" of the "climate science 'skeptic' movement in Canada". Who in the great Northwest of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada would undertake such a daunt ...
- Are Skeptical Scientists funded by ExxonMobil?In an article titled, "Analysing the ‘900 papers supporting climate scepticism’: 9 out of top 10 authors linked to ExxonMobil" from the environmental activist website The Carbon Brief, former Greenpeace "researcher" Christian Hunt failed to do basic research. He made no attempt to contact the sc ...
Monga Bay ( Articles )
- Is Indonesia losing its most valuable assets?Deep in the rainforests of Malaysian Borneo in the late 1980s, researchers made an incredible discovery: the bark of a species of peat swamp tree yielded an extract with potent anti-HIV activity. An anti-HIV drug made from the compound is now nearing clinical trials. It could be worth hundreds o ...
- Indonesia's moratorium disappoints environment ...The moratorium on permits for new concessions in primary rainforests and peatlands will have a limited impact in reducing deforestation in Indonesia, say environmentalists who have reviewed the instruction released today by Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. The moratorium, which too ...
- FSC mulls controversial motion to certify plan ...Members of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), meeting in Malaysia this week for its General Assembly, will consider various changes to the organization, including a vote on a controversial motion that would open the door—slightly at first—to sustainable-certification of companies that have be ...
- Unpaved road through Serengeti to progressAfter a week of confusion, the Tanzanian government has finally clarified its position on the hugely-controversial Serengeti road. The Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism, Ezekiel Maige, confirmed that a paved highway will not be built through the northern Serengeti National Park, however ...
- Richard Leakey: 'selfish' critics choose wrong ...The controversial Serengeti road is going ahead, but with conditions. According to the Tanzanian Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism, Ezekiel Maige, the road will not be paved and it will be run by the Tanzanian park authority who will have the power to monitor traffic to 'ensure no harm ...
Science - NZ Herald
- Study: Earth shares its orbit with tiny asteroidLike a poodle on a leash, a tiny asteroid runs ahead of Earth on the planet's yearlong strolls around the sun, scientists report.The discovery of this companion, which measures only about 300 meters across, makes Earth the fourth...
- John Langley: Govt's sensible response to chil ...For as long as I have been alive we have lamented the dreadful hurt and death we inflict on our children. But nothing has changed.We have had promotions, public relations campaigns and an incessant diet of exposure dished up by...
- Cryonics pioneer frozen at 92The idea of freezing human beings in the hope of bringing them back to life in decades to come has given scores of science fiction writers licence to come up with ever more unlikely storylines.Now Robert Ettinger, the man who almost...
- Prostate cancer report a life saverThe Prostate Cancer Foundation says many men could get a second chance at life after an inquiry into the early detection and treatment of the disease recommended major changes to the advice doctors give their patients.About 3000...
- Gary Taylor: Opportunities for NZ in Australi ...The Australian government has just announced its Clean Energy Future Plan. This package includes a carbon tax on the 500 biggest emitting companies as well as billions to be invested in renewable energy, energy efficiency and agricultural...
Truth Survival + RSS
- NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS AND VISITORSAs of today this website will be inactive by webmaster. there will be no further reports or updated information of any kind. however all information that is currently on the website will remain as an archive for the purpose of … Continue reading →
- AARON MCCOLLUM’S FINAL MESSAGEhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/universaltruthevolution/2011/07/07/a-special-announcement-by-aaron-mccollum-on-ute Exist Free…. Thank you Aaron Filed under: Black Projects, Common Purpose, Current Events, Dis-Information, Economic Collapse, Elite, Extraterrestrial, Festival of Enlightenment, Forb ...
- SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM AARON MCCOLLUM ON UT ...This Thursday I will be the guest on Universal Truth Evolution Radio to discuss some extremely important information and make a special announcement. I ask that everyone who takes the information provided on Truth Survival tune in to this … Continue reading →
- WHY WE WON’T CELEBRATE THE 4TH OF JULY * ...Simply put…The celebration of a holiday that we see as now dead is pointless. Think of this what you will but can YOU honestly say that the people of this country are still truly free? Should we as a nation … Continue reading →
- DISARMAMENT OF THE ELITEReport written by Roma AKA A2B The Elite want to disarm us, they don’t want us to use our tools and weapons against their tyrannical selves. How about turning the tables… we disarm them, what … Continue reading →
Hit & Run | Reason
- Matt Welch & Nick Gillespie Roll in to LA, ...Attention, Los Angeles Reasonoids: On Friday, July 29, Matt Welch and Nick Gillespie will discuss their new book, The Declaration of Independents: How Libertarian Politics Can Fix What's Wrong with America, at Los Angeles's famed Book Soup. Details: Friday, July 29 7PM PT ...
- Debt Plan Gimmicks Are Go!So much for devastating debt-deal cutbacks: House Republicans are pointing to news reports noting that the debt deal proposal put forth by Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid fails to meet his stated deficit reduction target of $2.7 trillion. According to the Congressional Bu ...
- New at Reason: David Harsanyi on Obama the Imm ...Whenever President Obama or one of his allies moans and groans about how Washington isn't "working," or that the system is "broken," the truth is that the system is probably working just fine. What’s really happening, observes David Harsanyi, is that the president’s agenda keeps crash ...
- Reason Writers Around Town: Nick Gillespie and ...In a mini-excerpt from their book The Declaration of Independents: How Libertarian Politics Can Fix What's Wrong with America, Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch blast Republicans and Democrats for the decade-long binge in federal spending, and then sketch out a solution. Excerpt: ...
- The Police Say David Lee Turner's Shooting Was ...Former NFL player David Lee Turner, whose funeral was on Saturday, appears to have been acting in self-defense when he was shot and killed by a Kern County, California, sheriff's deputy outside a Bakersfield convenience store on July 10. As Mike Riggs noted last week, a Kern Co ...
Mercury Rising
- Coming soon to your community: corporate (or c ...Adrienne (via Brother John) links this on Honduras’ “Charter Cities,” in which Hondurans cede control over their own territory to… whoever! It’s not out of the question to have a “Charter City” for each of the narcotics cartels. But in many ways, Honduras’ “Charter Cities” is done under better c ...
- Important information on understanding the lin ...Amy Goodman did a stunning show on the links between the Breivik mass assassination and the mainstream conservative movement. The links to anti-feminism are particularly interesting. Updated with excerpts. Jeff Sharlet (famous for C-Street House): sometimes—he says he’s lifting from a lot of sou ...
- Putting “Balance” Over Truth: The ...The other day, Paul Krugman said this: We have a crisis in which the right is making insane demands, while the president and Democrats in Congress are bending over backward to be accommodating — offering plans that are all spending cuts and no taxes, plans that are far to the right of public opi ...
- The fix was inHooboy. Brooke Masters, Caroline Bingham, and Megan Murphy, FT report that lawyers have warnd UBS, Bank of America, Citigroup and Barclays to expect “dawn raids” from regulatory authorities. UBS has turned state’s evidence that the London-Tokyo collusion in setting yen rates, as well as fixing t ...
- We gotta have a debt deal or the markets will ...Truly our political dialogue is insane. Adding: this is not to say that default would leave the markets–or the economy–unscathed. It would be a disaster. But the markets are clearly convinced that the politicians will work it out. We don’t have a market crisis. We have a political crisis.
Reality Sandwich
- Space Weather: A Talk with Susan Joy RennisonThe gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials. --Confucius � read more
- Sex in the NewsJocelyn Elders "ABCD"s of AIDS prevention, male contraception that goes beyond the condom, the rise of sex toy sales in a sinking economy, and Hitler's "gynoid" sex dolls are all in this week's Sex in the News. MUST READ: Jocelyn Edlers explains the ABCD of AIDs prevention (Abstinence, Be faith ...
- Medicine Hunter in LAThis Friday, July 29th, Evolver Los Angeles welcomes Medicine Hunter Chris Kilham for “The Shaman’s Pharamacy,” a rare, intimate discussion of plant medicines and shamanic cultures. read more
- Of Dogs, Dreams, Death, and Dying� read more
- Strange Attractions� read more
- EAST AFRICA: Massive Aid Needed to Stave off D ...International donors have given more than one billion dollars to ease the famine in Somalia and elsewhere in the Horn of Africa, but U.N. officials say another billion will be needed to prevent the situation from deteriorating in other areas.
- Eleven Million at Risk in Horn of Africa"I have never seen anything like it. Many mothers have lost three or four children. It's a tragedy out here," Austin Kennan, regional director for the Horn of Africa for Concern Worldwide, told IPS from within the crisis zone.
- UN: Somalia Is 'Worst Humanitarian Disaster'The head of the United Nations refugee agency has described the situation in drought-hit Somalia as the "worst humanitarian disaster" in the world, after meeting with those affected at the Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya.
- Dam Project in Turkey Breeds ControversyThe tranquillity and mystery of this town on the banks of Tigris River will not last long. The millennia-old town will be nearly totally destroyed once the nearby Ilisu dam, built for energy and irrigation, is complete.
- AFRICA: Eco-Labels "Greenwashing" Forest Explo ..."Eco-label fatigue" is setting in as green logging certification schemes are undermining proper government management of forest resources while "greenwashing" private ownership of these public resources, critics say.
IPS - Inter Press Services
- India-Pakistan Rivalry Afghanistan's "Gordian ...U.S. hopes to withdraw forces and leave behind a stable Afghanistan may rest on whether Pakistan and India can lower bilateral tensions and refrain from using Afghan territory for a new proxy war.
- EL SALVADOR: Growing Tension Between Funes and ...Two years into his term, El Salvador's first-ever leftwing president, Mauricio Funes, finds himself more and more distanced from the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) that brought him to power and from the promises of change that got him elected, analysts say.
- U.N. Agency Slams Nuclear Rogue NationsThe International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Wednesday identified three U.N. member states - Iran, North Korea and Syria - as virtual nuclear rogue nations for their continued refusal to comply with international obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
- China Advances a Grip on IMFThe IMF's new Chinese deputy chief Zhu Min is known by many in the financial capitals in the West for warning as early as 2007 about the dangers of the U.S. sub-prime mortgage market and its dire consequences for the global economy.
- EAST AFRICA: ‘It's Not a Heartless Mothe ...On the road between the Kenyan and Somali border lie the dead bodies of children who have succumbed to the famine and the hardships of making the journey from their drought-stricken villages to Kenya.
Scoop - NZ
- Thatcher’s biographer: the left may be rightIt has taken me more than 30 years as a journalist to ask myself this question, but this week I find that I must: is the Left right after all? You see, one of the great arguments of the Left is that what the Right calls “the free market” is actually a set-up. The rich run a global sys ...
- Amy Goodman: Questions hanging over Murdoch, USAThe contagion affecting News Corp has spread rapidly in the US. The FBI is investigating potential criminal hacking of the voicemails of victims of the 9/11 attacks. Lawmakers and grassroots groups are also calling for an investigation into whether the bribing of police was a violation of the Fo ...
- Galloway: Murdoch empire sinking beneath the s ...David Cameron is slowly sinking into the Murdoch quicksands for several reasons. His relations with Murdoch's top-brass, now under investigation, have turned out to be almost comically close. He was a "riding partner" of Rebekah Brooks, Murdoch's British CEO, who was arrested by police on Sunday ...
- 'Bewildered' Rupert Murdoch suffers a close s ...If it hadn't been for the presence at the hearing of his son James, News Corp and its News International subsidiary would have lost what little credibility they have left. If it wasn't for his wife Wendy's right hook, he would have lost what little dignity he has left too, under a pile of shavin ...
- Politico: Rupert Murdoch could be replacedA leadership change at News Corp., currently headed by CEO Rupert Murdoch, is being considered, Bloomberg and CNBC reported Monday. On Monday some members of News Corp.’s board of directors weighed a move that would put COO Chase Carey in the chief executive slot, Bloomberg reported, citing s ...
Independent - London
- PM says Norway will not be brokenPrime Minister Jens Stoltenberg vowed today that Norway will fight back against the twin terror attacks with "more democracy" and said an independent commission is being formed to investigate the massacre and to help survivors and relatives.
- Norway to form independent commission to probe ...Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg vowed today that Norway will fight back against the twin terror attacks with "more democracy" and said an independent commission is being formed to investigate the massacre and to help survivors and relatives.
- UK expels all Libya diplomatsBritain today sought to ratchet up the pressure on dictator Muammar Gaddafi with the announcement it was recognising the rebel National Transitional Council (NTC) as "sole governmental authority" in Libya.
- Syrian troops kill eight near DamascusSyrian troops opened fire today on scores of people in a Damascus suburb, killing at least eight people who were trying to halt the soldiers' advance by throwing stones and burning tires, activists said.
- Ukraine court moves not to detain ex-PM Yulia ...A Ukrainian court today dismissed a request by state prosecutors to detain former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, now standing trial for alleged abuse of office.
Rogue Government.com
- Ben Bernanke Makes Insane Comments On Gold Ben Bernanke who today was testifying in front of a Congressional Committee made the assertion that gold is not money during an exchange with Congressman Ron Paul. He even went as far to say that central banks only hold gold because of tradition
- UK Energy bills ‘to double in five years’ as ...Energy bills are likely to double within five years as the Government drives a move to green power and building nuclear power stations, it is claimed.
- ATF’s Fast and Furious Seems Colored With Sha ...The acting head of ATF (the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) has seemingly blown the cover of both DEA and FBI informant operations in order to spare his own neck and to deflect blame away from a badly flawed operation undertaken by his own agency.
- Blackwater’s New Director: Bill Clinton’s Law ...Blackwater’s rebranding continues at a torrid pace. Danger Room has learned the latest Washington greybeard hired to spruce up the image of the world’s most infamous private security firm is Jack Quinn, a top Washington lobbyist and former White House counsel to President Bill Clinton.
- EU calls emergency meeting as crisis stalks I ...European Council President Herman Van Rompuy has called an emergency meeting of top officials dealing with the euro zone debt crisis for Monday morning, reflecting concern that the crisis could spread to Italy, the region's third largest economy.
Innovation Canada
- Always wear sunscreenAs the summer signals hot weather and long days at the beach, doctors, cosmeticians and mothers everywhere rally to proffer their standard warning: “Always wear sunscreen.” But for people who are allergic to sunblock, like Elda Scaiano, it is impossible to wear commercial sunscreens. Fortunately ...
- Virtual practice makes perfectFor Halifax-based neurosurgeon David Clarke, the Monday-afternoon surgery session of Aug. 17, 2009, was anything but routine. For starters, his patient’s brain tumour was located in a tricky spot, close to the delicate part of the brain that controls speech. A small slip of the scalpel either wa ...
- A powerful elixirThe good news is that there are more than a million cancer survivors in Canada. The bad news is that they live with the long-term effects of treatment, including extreme fatigue, memory and attention problems, bone density loss, leading to fractures, and a sometimes debilitating anxiety over can ...
- No more slipping through the cracksAt any given time, some 19,000 children are in foster care in Ontario, placed there for their protection by one of the province’s 53 Children’s Aid Societies (CAS). While CAS caseworkers write meticulous reports on the children who pass through the system, the details contained in the thousands ...
- Back home on the rangeIt’s a little-known fact: Half the Earth’s surface is foraged by domesticated animals, which has enormous impacts on our increasingly precious fresh water. In British Columbia alone, about 50 percent of mostly crown land is licensed to ranchers who need forage and water for their 400,000 head of ...
Signs of the times
- Mind-Controlling Parasite May Increase Brain C ...Mind-altering parasites already linked to neurosis and schizophrenia might also be linked to brain cancer, scientists now find. The germ, found worldwide, is known as Toxoplasma gondii. The parasites ultimately want to end up in cats, where they breed, but until then they can live in the cell ...
- Interview with Psychiatryland Author Phillip S ...Phillip Sinaikin, MD, is a Florida psychiatrist who has been in practice for 25 years. Author of Get Smart About Weight Control and co-author of Fat Madness: How to Stop the Diet Cycle and Achieve Permanent Well-Being, his new book focuses on excesses and industry influence in the field of psy ...
- Flap Flop: Earth's First Bird Not a Bird After AllThe legendary winged creature long known as the earliest bird, Archaeopteryx, might have just been dethroned, scientists reveal. Instead, a newfound fossil from China suggests Archaeopteryx was not a bird after all, but one of many birdlike dinosaurs, a finding that could force scientists to ...
- Pesticides in Your ToothpasteMost people know by now that the orgy of antibacterial dish, body and laundry soaps that emerged in the 2000s do less to protect people from germs than to build new and better germs via antibiotic resistance. They also know that such bacterial overkill (soap and water work just as well) is at th ...
- Wall Street steps up pressure for deal on budg ...Key agencies of the American financial aristocracy are beginning to assert themselves directly and openly in the mounting political crisis in Washington, demanding a deal that would combine raising the federal debt ceiling with trillions of dollars in cuts in social spending. The Obama administ ...
The Galloping Beaver
- Hold your breath . . .IF YOU DRIVE THROUGH NORTH DAKOTA, keep the windows rolled up, and maybe change the air filters in the HVAC system, if it has them. Why? According to Annalee Newitz at io9, those roads can kill. Her article, "The roads in North Dakota are giving people cancer" is worth checking out. In Dunn Coun ...
- Folk wisdom . . .WHEN YOU'RE HOLDING A HAMMER, everything looks like a nail. Written by Bryan Glover, a Tennessee middle school football coach — who got fired for writing it. I don't like the Obama-bashing, but the lyrics are entertaining.
- Christian terrorism . . .WILLIAM SALETAN has a fine article in SLATE about the massacre in Norway, "Christian Terrorism", where he asks a cogent question, "If Muslims are responsible for Islamic terrorism, are Muslim-bashers responsible for the massacre in Norway?"On Friday, anti-Islamist blogger Pamela Geller pounced o ...
- Marty's perspective . . .Like a bastard in the sand, indeed — thanks, Marty.
- Awesome . . .CATHERINE DESTIVELLE is unique. Amazing!
Media Matters for America
- "Healthy Meal": The Right-Wing Media Rages Aga ...Following McDonald's decision to offer "more nutritionally-balanced" Happy Meals and First Lady Michelle Obama's praise of its move, the right-wing media jumped to attack McDonald's for supposedly bending to the will of the "fat police" and making Happy Meals "less happy." However, numerous stu ...
- Following Norway Attack, Right-Wing Media Advo ...Following the July 22 attack on Norway's Utoya Island by Anders Breivik, right-wing personalities have begun to advocate for more lenient gun laws, claiming that "if somebody did [have a gun], they might have been able to take this crazy guy out before he did all of this damage." In fact, Norwa ...
- Predictable: Right-Wing Media Strain To Attack ...Following President Obama's July 25 address on the default crisis, the right-wing media attacked Obama's speech as a "hard left" campaign speech, and complained he "blame[d] Bush" for the deficit. The right-wing media has a long history of attacking Obama's speeches and addresses.Right-Wing Med ...
- Right-Wing Media Attack Obama For Calling For ...Right-wing media have repeatedly attacked President Obama for calling for a "balanced" approach to solving the deficit crisis. In fact, polls have repeatedly shown that the majority of Americans favor such an approach to lowering the deficit, which would involve a combination of spending cuts a ...
- Kilmeade Falsely Claims "51% Of The Country [A ...On�Fox & Friends, co-host Brian Kilmeade falsely claimed "51% of the country [aren't] paying any taxes at all." In fact, while the bottom 50 percent of wage earners pay little federal income tax, they still pay payroll and sales taxes, and in many cases, state and local taxes as well.Kilmeade F ...
Global Research.ca
- Propaganda and the War on TruthFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- VIDEO: Fukushima: Minimize Exposure to Radiati ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- NATO's Support for Pro-Islamist Rebels and Wo ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- The Sentencing of Tim DeChristopher Highlights ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Wall Street Steps Up Pressure for Deal on Budg ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- Re: Obama's Deficit Strategy in April. I Would ...The following was posted on April 13, when President Obama gave his big deficit-reduction speech. What would you change here to distinguish his leadership of the past three weeks from the following characterization of it in regard to the same matters four months ago? For an elaboration on what h ...
- And You Thought All the Recent Crazy Has Been ...As a foreign policy complement to the main insanity over the debt ceiling (see David Brooks' analysis), we have a flurry of ideological and self-indulgent Republican amendments last week to the House Foreign Affairs Committee's authorization bill (see Josh Rogin's reporting). Here's the money qu ...
- A White House Reverie at 5 Minutes to MidnightObama tells Boehner and McConnell: "Your party set out three decades ago to deepen our deficit problems [see the post just below], and brought us the economic near-meltdown of 2008. And now that you've forced the crisis into the political arena openly again and have Americans' undivided atte ...
- The Debt Crisis' Greedheads, Fountainheads, Go ...Ronald Reagan's inauguration in 1981 marked the debut of a strategy to "starve the beast" of big government by ballooning its deficits and the national debt. That would generate a crisis severe enough to force drastic rollbacks of Social Security, Medicaid, and other programs that most Americans ...
- Presented By:
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- Boycotting fascism? (Mark LeVine, Al Jazeera)By a variety of legal and economic mechanisms the growing Palestinian population was squeezed out of Jaffa's remaining neighbourhoods like Ajami and Jebaliya, which were quite desirab ...
- UN: Palestinians ready for statehood (Ma'an N ...The Palestinian Authority is ready to govern a nation but deadlock with Israel has made a two-state solution far from certain, the UN special envoy for the Middle East peace process s ...
- Israeli Minister admits state subsidizes publi ...Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz confirmed Monday that the state subsidizes bus tickets within West Bank settlements, causing them to be cheaper than tickets for rides within the ...
- Undercover Forces Captured On Film Kidnapping ...
- The PA and PLO are flirting with irrelevancy ...Ultimately, statehood is not the panacea for independence. It is but one step of many that the Palestinian leadership has failed to take for the past two decades. These missed, but st ...
Water - AlterNet
- Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline Incoming? House ...Forcing a vote on a matter that may bind the United States' fate to fossil fuels for decades to come is the most irresponsible aspect of all in this debate.
- Environmental Activist Tim DeChristopher Sente ..."In these times of a morally bankrupt government that has sold out its principles, this is what patriotism looks like." Read his words to the court.
- Heat, Drought, Famine All Part of Coming 'Expo ...Climate change will "exponentially" increase the scale of natural disasters -- so when are we going to take this threat seriously?
- Millions Facing Misery in Somalia FamineConflict-ridden Somalia is the worst affected nation, but the drought has hit parts of Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and Djibouti, with 12 million people needing emergency aid.
- The World at 7 Billion People: How Much More G ...With global population expected to surpass 7 billion people this year, the staggering impact on an overtaxed planet is becoming more and more evident.
Public Citizen in Texas
- Coal ash contaminates groundwater at some TVA ...A report by the Tennessee Valley Authority’s (TVA) Office of Inspector General found that the groundwater at some coal ash sites is contaminated with arsenic and other toxic pollutants and is a health hazard. Levels at the Gallatin plant site in Sumner County and at the Cumberland site, 50 miles ...
- Congress should vote against reducing a review ...The Terry-Greene Tar Sands Resolution Would Allow Hasty Decision to Be Made Regarding an Oil Pipeline Through Texas The Terry-Greene Tar Sands Resolution (H.R .1938), which is scheduled for a vote Tuesday, would expedite the approval for construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, requiring a dec ...
- Nelson new Chair of PUCAccording to the Austin Business Journal, Donna Nelson has been appointed by Gov. Rick Perry to be chairman of the Public Utility Commission of Texas. Ms. Nelson will replace Barry Smitherman in that position. Smitherman resigned earlier this month and Gov. Rick Perry quickly appointed him to t ...
- “The Rick Perry Primer”Review Highlights of a Decade of Texans for Public Justice’s Perry-related Research Texas Governor Rick Perry is unknown to much of America. Texans for Public Justice (TPJ) has followed this politician since he became governor in late 2000, publishing numerous reports on Perryâs politics and p ...
- A Perry EPA, brrrrr . . . cold shivers down my ...The EPA under Perry . . . what would that look like? I don’t know about you, but that thought sends cold shivers down my spine, even on a 104 degree day. The Austin American Statesman takes a look at what the EPA might become with a Perry White House. Public Citizen’s own “Smitty” weighs [...]
Unexplained Mysteries
- Belgium UFO a fake ?A famous photograph of a triangular UFO over Belgium taken 20 years ago is allegedly a hoax. A man who identifies himself only as Patrick has come for...
- Army plans to turn soldiers into telepathsSoldiers may one day communicate with one another on the battlefield with the power of thought. This bold idea could be made possible through the tech...
- Man attempts DIY hernia surgeryA 63-year-old man made headlines this week by trying to fix his own hernia using a butter knife. Police who arrived at his home were shocked to discov...
- Has Atlantis been found in Spain ?Scientists believe that have finally discovered the whereabouts of the fabled lost city of Atlantis. Satellite imagery was used to survey a submerged ...
- "Malnourished monkey" mistaken for alienA monkey created quite a stir in one Chinese province when it was mistaken for an alien creature. Housewife Mao Xiping first encountered the monkey wh...
- Losing Jerusalem, Piece by Piece snaking_wall.jpg In Bir Nabala, a neighborhood in East Jerusalem, Israel’s separation Wall provides a concrete backdrop to what was once a view of the old city. On a stormy afternoon, Bir Nabala’s head of counsel Haj Tawfik Nabeli guided m ...
- Taking on TIAA-CREF, with pain and outrageOutside Author Info Outside Author Bio:� Alice Rothchild is a Boston-based physician, a Grassroots International supporter, and author of "Broken Promises, Broken Dreams: Stories of Jewish Trauma and Resilience." Her website is www.alicerothchild.com. ...
- Funding Global Movements… one grant at a timemexico201012--139.jpg By Alicia Tozourread more
- Up Against the Wall: Beehives of Resistance an ...palestine201105-16.jpg Eight years ago this month, the International Court of Justice ruled in an advisory opinion that �the construction of the wall, and its associated régime, are contrary to international law.��While neither the state o ...
- The Landless Workers Movement wins the Food So ...mst_youth.jpg The International Links Committee of Community Food Security Coalition (CFSC) announced the Landless Workers Movement (MST) of Brazil as the recipient of the 2011 Food Sovereignty Prize.�Grassroots International congratulates ...
- Cadbury Invests $780,000 in African Solar ProjectSource:� PV Tech Cadbury Cocoa Partnership is looking to bring photovoltaics to West Africa by installing solar lanterns and panels in Ghana. The scheme will see lanterns given to cocoa farmers and panels installed in rural sc ...
- A123 Scores Battery Deal for Wind Power in ChinaSource:� CNET News Lithium ion battery maker A123 Systems said it will supply an energy storage system attached to a wind turbine in a test that could lead to further grid business in China.
- How Smart Gid Fought Off the U.S. Heat WaveSource:� CNET News Grid operators called on demand response -- or cutting back on power in multiple spots -- and shed the equivalent of multiple power plants to manage peak demand during last week's heat wave.
- Recusal Policy Reveals Oil Industry-Gov't TiesSource:� AP Ties between oil and gas companies and the agency that regulates them persist, nearly a year after the White House announced an overhaul of ethics rules to deter such cozy relationships. �
- UK Sails Ahead in Offshore Wind PowerSource:� Guardian The UK has sailed ahead in offshore wind power generation in the past six months, building more offshore windfarms than any other country in the world.
- FIrst Takes: What Does an EV Sound Like? White ...In today's heavily automobile-focused news roundup, Ford's efforts to define a sound for electric vehicles, the White House may have reached common ground with automakers on fuel efficiency standards, and others news.
- Building Owners Get Help Staying Ahead of New ...New tools from the Institute for Market Transformation and CB Richard Ellis can help cities and companies stay ahead of the curve when it comes to the benchmarking and disclosure of energy performance by existing buildings.
- 4 Reasons Why Cloud Computing is Also a Green ...As cloud computing continues its meteoric rise, companies are taking advantage of the many economic and technological benefits of outsourced IT. But there are also significant -- and often-understated -- green benefits to cloud computing.
- Climate Corps 2011: Social Networking's Role i ...At Facebook, the idea that energy efficiency is profitable is old news. But social networks have the power to move companies and individuals alike that are slower to adopt efficiency as a goal toward much greater achievements.
- First Takes: Sony Slashes CO2 Emissions 31%, t ...Sony's progress toward environmental goals, the struggle to reduce use of plastic shopping bags, the Army's work to recycle more than 3,000 tons of contaminated steel made green headlines today.
Reuters Global
- The power of a soccer ballAnyone who watched the women's World Cup final might have wondered if it's possible to harness that pure human energy. Turns out, it is.
- On the Afghanistan-Pakistan border : cutting o ...Pakistan's defence minister has threatened to move forces away from the Afghan border, where they are deployed to fight al Qaeda and the Taliban, if the United States cuts off aid to the cash-strapped country
- Drone strikes are police work, not an act of war?Launching an air strike in another nation would normally be considered an act of aggression. But advocates of America's rapidly expanding unmanned drone programme don't see it that way.
- Pakistan’s Shamsi base : a mystery wrapp ...Pakistani defence minister's remarks that U.S. had been shut out of a base used for drone aircraft have touched off a new controversy in their troubled relationship.
- Will the Arab Spring bring U.S.-style “c ...One signpost of the shift from the old collective way of approaching politics toward the new and more individualistic one is a change in slogans. “Dignity is the new slogan,”
Booman Tribune
- Climate Change Cause of Triassic ExtinctionFrom the latest issue of Science comes a study by paleoecologists at the University of Copenhagen's Nordic Center for Earth Evolution, that the Triassic extinction event was caused by global climate change, first brought about by CO2 emissions from volcanic activity that then warmed the oceans s ...
- Casual ObservationPerhaps it is impossible for the media to get any lower than Sally Quinn being interviewed by Bill O'Reilly. That seems to be the approximate nadir of all possible combinations. The outcome is probably worse than anything that can be conceived by you, me, God, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster. ...
- Heckuva Job, Boehner I've noted this before but it seems to me that the Republican Party as it has developed since the Great Depression is much more comfortable with being in the minority than the majority. They don't want to get things done or expand the role of government in any way, so actually governing is a bur ...
- I Worry About Angry Teabaggers With GunsThat was a comment I left in a Dkos diary last night, The heat is on: Bloomberg.com decimates Boehner and the republicans. It was in response to this comment by slippytoad: Imagine thousands of people who have barely hung on in this tsunami of an election now unemployed and with lots of fre ...
- Name that QuoteWho said this: We haven't gone nuts -- but the "conversation of democracy" has become so deeply dysfunctional that our ability to make intelligent collective decisions has been seriously impaired. Throughout American history, we relied on the vibrancy of our public square -- and the quality o ...
Environmental Graffiti
- 10 Amazing Images of Splashes of WaterFantastic images of water splashing by excellent photographers. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- 10 Ways to Avoid Being Eaten By a LionDid you ever wonder how to avoid being eaten by a lion? Now we tell you all about it and learn some fascinating facts about them as well. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- Thousands of Squid Surround PhotographerFinding himself surrounded by thousands of red squid, Jon Schwartz took some incredible photographs of the experience. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- The Invasion of the American North-East by the ...The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, an insect native to Asia, invaded the United States in the 20th century. It now attacks and kills Eastern Hemlock trees. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- An Amazing Sequence of Fireball ExplosionsAn incredible set of fireballs in the night sky read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
Foreign Policy in Focus
- Bottom of the "Bucket" List: the Manhattan Pr ...What could be more tasteless and less profitable than a national park system commemorating the development of nuclear weapons?
- The Dual Failure of Night Raids and Drones The military thinks it has a winning combination, but night raids and drones are actually helping to lose the war in Afghanistan.
- Afghanistan: Anatomy of a HitThe assassination of Ahmed Wali Karzai is certain to destabilize Kandahar, making the need for talks with the Taliban evermore likely.
- Don't Believe Defense Cuts Until You See ThemThe Nation's Robert Dreyfuss has been a little too optimistic about the imminence of defense cuts.
- South Sudan's New DemocracyWhat does it mean to be a citizen of the new Republic of South Sudan?
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there will ...
- President European Commission Advocated World ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Curre ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in t ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare p ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government ...
Al Jazeera
- Serbs torch border post in northern KosovoIncident follows seizure by Kosovo police units of border crossing post in northern region manned by Serbs.
- UK recognises Libyan rebel governmentUK officially says rebel council is "sole governmental authority", as Gaddafi government terms move "illegal".
- Gridlock as US debt limit deadline nearsRepublicans and Democrats remain dangerously split over rival plans on debt limit compromise.
- Norway to evaluate police responseIndependent commission to review and assess country's security measures after period of national grieving.
- UN begins food aid airlift to SomaliaPlane carrying 10 tonnes of nutritional paste for malnourished children was the first to land in Mogadishu.
Green Inc. - NYT
- A Battery That Squeezes More Miles Out of GasolineIoxus is testing a hybrid battery that marries an ultracapacitor with a conventional battery to provide a quick charge for a hybrid car when the light turns green.
- Group Skewers Sustainable Logging EffortA World Wildlife Fund seeks to protect vulnerable forests by promoting global trade in sustainable timber. But an investigative group says that the effort lacks transparency and accountability and that its monitoring and enforcement is seriously inadequate.
- Spent Fuel Pools as a Bright Spot in Fukushima ...A task force of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission did not recommend that spent fuel be moved out of pools at a faster pace, or that evacuation zones be expanded.
- Volleys Fly in House Debate on E.P.A. and InteriorThe fiercest debate over an appropriations bill seemed to center on 39 riders that would hobble the regulation of big polluters and prevent the Department of Interior from listing new endangered species.
- Biting the Bullet, Vermont Yankee Orders FuelWith a nuclear plant's future in doubt, its owner orders $50 million worth of fuel for a reactor, betting that things will go its way in court.
Dot Earth News
- A Killer (Wasp) in the Back YardA killer hauls her victim across an exurban back yard.
- Where Can You Hide 12 Volcanoes? (Hint: It's B ...A survey of a remote stretch of the South Atlantic reveals a chain of volcanoes.
- Varied Views of Obama's Environmental RecordHow would you grade President Obama's approach to environmental and energy issues?
- Living With the Greenhouse EffectNew hotter norms for American summers mesh well with old climate forecasts.
- On Green Dread and Agricultural TechnologyA Greenpeace raid on a wheat trial in Australia prompts a discussion of paths to feeding 9 billion.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- Bernie Sanders causes exposure of $16,000,000, ...The criminal banker syndicate which has captured much of our federal government has finally had some of its inner mechanics exposed thanks to Bernie Sanders, one of a handful of legit people in Congress today.... The Full Bernie post is well earned: The Fed Audit - Newsroom: U.S. Senator Bernie ...
- Minnesota Government Shutdown Over: threat of ...This was a pretty good edit I thought (we really crafted a nice mix) but hasn't gotten too many views yet :-/ The official 2011 special session budget omnibus bills are here. LYRICS: Minnesota legislators time to get things done We've been losing everything and you think this is fun first you ...
- Charles Blair Hill, bleeding to death at hands ...It's a grim world out there... caught a couple videos worth reviewing. SFPD wastes this guy & then he bleeds to death. The guy was alleged to have a firearm, and defenders of the police are already claiming bystanders snagged the gun. In any case it is an excellent sign the people are angry & in ...
- By Anon request: A few loose ends on foreign e ...Time to check in with the Big Weird! I was requested by some anonymous person to post this. I don't personally conclude that 9-11 was triggered by Mini-Nukes but it's interesting that videos featuring a Russian guy with that view named Dimitri Khalezov are automatically blocked from upload on yo ...
- "Creating an atmosphere of fear for journalist ...Glenn Greenwald nails this one. Journalists have nowhere to run under the nightmarish corrupt DOJ regime -- and the lickspittles are not the ones subject to the special operations & continuous COINTELPRO patterns. Big ups to seeing our local repression campaign against antiwar activists duly not ...
Daily Censored
- Trillion dollars debt ceiling lies: Americans ...source: Carl Herman In our current debt-based monetary system, we’re never going to pay off the national debt. The debt-deal political theater is a tragic-comedy and essentially lies of omission and commission costing Americans trillions of their dollars every year. The heart of the lie is Orwel ...
- Virtual learning as the next con job – The Kah ...I first became aware of The Kahn Academy, its plans for ‘reforming education’ and its ebullient Executive Director, Sal Kahn when I was sent a video of Kahn speaking at a TED conference (you can see the twenty minute video at http://www.khanacademy.org/ along with other videos of Kahn speaking a ...
- The Other Face of Terrorism� �When was it that multi-culturalism ceased to be an ideology designed to deconstruct a European culture, traditions, identity and nation-state?� Those are the words of Norwegian right-wing extremist turned terrorist Anders Behring Breivik. Now here are the words of a young, but becoming increa ...
- The War You Don’t SeeFRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 7:30PM First Congregational Church 2345 Channing, Berkeley Movie – PLUS Peter Phillips & Mickey Huff of Project Censored talking with John Pilger via Skype © Adam for Dailycensored.com, 2011. | Permalink | No comment | Add to del.icio.us Post tags: Berkeley, first congregatio ...
- Joel Klein Meets Joel Klein to Discuss Rupert ...From a guest: NYC’s former Chancellor, Joel Klein, now works for Murdoch, and has been put in charge of his “internal investigation” of this scandal. At the same time questions have been raised surrounding several no-bid contracts that the NY State Education Department and the NYC Department of ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- Dave Zirin on NFL Players' â€&oelig ...
- Landslides kill 28 after downpours in S. Korea
- Bit By Bit, Afghanistan Rebuilds Buddhist Statues
- List of possible U.S. post office closures rel ...
- S.C. Focus on the Family affiliate says Perry& ...
Institute for Policy Studies
- Norway: The Enemy WithinThe Oslo terrorist took aim at multiculturalism, not Muslims.
- The Lineup: Week of July 25-31, 2011Marge Baker sums up the Supreme Court's tendency to rule in favor of corporations in an op-ed accompanied by a Khalil Bendib cartoon.
- America Doesn't Need a Tax-Dodging Industry If the companies that offshore their profits and design tax scams paid their fair share, we might not have a budget crisis.
- From Oslo to Oklahoma It is a time to mourn, and also to organize against the wars that depend on this kind of hatred.
- Driving Immigrants UndergroundThe worst way to make the immigration debate more constructive and more likely to lead to a rational shift in national policy is to dwell on issues like driver's licenses.
- Pakistan removed spy from US at CIA’s requestA Pakistani intelligence officer was quietly removed from the United States last April, after the director of the CIA complained about him to his Pakistani counterpart.
- News you may have missed #549Taiwan general who spied for China gets life. Did German intelligence protect world's most wanted Nazi criminal? Analysis: New Czech spy law will not curtail abuse.
- IT worker gave secrets to FBI agent posing as ...An American employee of a major information technology firm has pled guilty to providing inside economic information about his employer to an undercover FBI agent posing as an Israeli intelligence officer.
- News you may have missed #548 (China edition)China detains Korean spy officers. US intelligence on China declassified. IMF investigators see China behind computer hacking.
- Iran revises earlier reports of nuclear scient ...The government of Iran has revised earlier reports of a nuclear scientist’s assassination, saying the murdered man was a university student, and not a nuclear physicist, as it was first announced.
War is a Crime.org
- How would you spend the federal budget?Time to take out the good ol' fashioned paper and pen and create your budget. As George Lakoff once wrote, a budget is a value document. So enter numbers based on your values. When you're done, scroll down to compare your budget with the one governing United States federal spending. Directions:� ...
- Air Force Cites New Testament, Ex-Nazi, to Tra ...by: Jason Leopold, Truthout | Report Wernher Von Braun, a former member of the Nazi Party who used Jews imprisoned in concentration camps to help build the V-2 rocket for Hitler's Third Reich, is cited in an Air Force PowerPoint presentation about the morals and ethics of launching nuclear w ...
- Chart Keeps Track of Which Congress Members Wi ...Here's the chart.
- "Harbor Workers Demand Transparency!" read more
- Tim DeChristopher's Statement to the CourtPeaceful Uprising Thank you for the opportunity to speak before the court.� When I first met Mr. Manross, the sentencing officer who prepared the presentence report, he explained that it was essentially his job to �get to know me.�� He said he had to get to know who I really was and why I did w ...
Grist - News
- GOP: Why can’t we mine for uranium in th ...by Jess Zimmerman. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar has extended the moratorium on uranium mining near the Grand Canyon through the end of the year, and House Republicans are grumpy. I mean, there's uranium there ... the hole is already mostly dug ... it's basically a perfect mining ...
- Attack of the evil killer algae!by Sarah Laskow. Sickening amounts of green algae, fed by nitrous waste from French farms, have been growing on the Brittany coast, where French and British people go for vacation. When the algae decomposes, it gives off hydrogen sulphide, a poisonous gas. Two years ago, a man died from i ...
- Could you use the internet to heat your house?by Jess Zimmerman. Servers generate so much heat that they have to be kept in super-cooled rooms, lest the entire Cloud collapse. People's houses need heat, at least in the winter months. Two great tastes that go great together? Microsoft is researching whether they can keep servers in ...
- A dress with a built-in air purifierby Jess Zimmerman. The Centre for Sustainable Fashion's "catalytic clothing" strips pollutants out of the air and breaks them down harmlessly. Here's an atmospheric (ha) video of an air-purifying dress, but they've also got jeans, which significantly improves the chances of getting eno ...
- Why China’s winning the cleantech contestby Sarah Laskow. One Block Off the Grid, a company that organizes collective purchasing for green home improvements, put together a very loooong infographic about, in their words, "Why China is Kicking Our Ass in Clean Tech." Fast Company very helpfully chopped that infographic up into di ...
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
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- How a Bill Becomes Law — Updated for 2011A stark civics lesson.
- Oscar & Emmy Watch: Kids PlayIn Bridgehampton this past Saturday was one of America’s hottest photographers, Tamara Lackey, shooting two of America’s hottest actresses—2011 Emmy nominees Mariska Hargitay and Edie Falco
Time - Top Stories
- Why Schwarzenegger Changed His Tune on Spousal ...Why Schwarzenegger Changed His Tune on Spousal Support
- Caretakers Needed: Rent Luxury Homes at Half t ...Caretakers Needed: Rent Luxury Homes at Half the Price
- Inside the Debt Dance: House GOP Rushes to Rep ...Inside the Debt Dance: House GOP Rushes to Repair Coalition
- The Sex-Abuse Scandal Divides Ireland and the ...Relations between Ireland and the Catholic Church are at an all-time low, with the Vatican recalling its ambassador after the Prime Minister's scathing criticisms of the institution. Why one of the church's most loyal nations is starting to rebel
- Kandahar Mayor's Killing Another Blow to U.S. ...The latest victim in a string of killings of local officials loyal to President Hamid Karzaai, Ghulam Haider Hamidi tried to build good governance against the odds
Digg Green
- Remind Me Again, Why Isn't Pluto a Planet ...Last week, news broke that a team of astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope had discovered a new moon in orbit around Pluto. They were actually looking for signs of a ring system when they stumbled across another tiny object -- now imaginatively called "P4" -- bringing Pluto's moon co ...
- Megabugs: The World's Largest Insects Insects are often tiny enough to go unnoticed by humans as they go about dominating our planet. But not these. Check out our collection of the world's biggest cockroaches, bees and other bugs.
- New experiment shows that time travel is ...A recent experiment stomps on the dreams of many theoretical physicists, hopeful children, and Star Trek IV fans.
- Weird Twisted Ring Discovered in Center o ...A twisted ring of gas at the heart of the Milky Way has been observed in its entirety for the first time by the Herschel telescope. It has a strange kink in it, giving it the appearance of an infinity symbol.
- Digital Tattoo Gets Under Your Skin to Mo ...Maybe tattoos aren't just for Harley riders or rebellious teens after all. In a few years, diabetics might get inked up with digital tats that communicate with an iPhone to monitor their blood.
Invisible Opportunity
- One More Lone Gunman who wasn’t AloneBy Les Visible You would think they would have the numbers straight by now. I keep seeing the number 76 and then I see where it is over a hundred or in the high 90’s. There’s so much being written about it at the moment that you can’t keep up with it and, as the [...]
- GLADIO 2.0 : WHY THE WEST CAN’T RESIST THE NOR ...By Stone Pinkerton Gonzo Town How do you define bizarre in today’s every increasingly wacky world of terrorism? Ever since the Cold War was won and history ended, we have been inundated with a seemingly never ending succession of spectacularly staged terror attacks and carefully crafted psy-ops. ...
- Minority Rules: Scientists Discover Tipping Po ...Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always be adopted by the majority of the society. The scientists, who are members of the Social Cognitive Networks Academic Research Center (SCNARC) ...
- Israeli Art Students Lived in World Trade Cent ...Four of the so-called “Art Students”- (Mossad Agents) – did an “art installation” IN THE WORLD TRADE CENTER in 2001,before the attacks. In a radio interview,Jonathon Brown of “Core of Corruption” fame outlines his evidence and explains how his phone has been tapped since discovering this informa ...
- Norway MaydayBy Stewart Swerdlow A few weeks ago I wrote that you could expect terrorist attacks in North America and Europe in places where you would least suspect it. Oslo and the small island off the coast are such places. At least 91 people are dead after a bombing at government buildings and a shooting ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware.George Green will be a featured speaker.September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CAClick here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to pu ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging C ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-op ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to fo ...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- Amy Winehouse: Reflections from Two Drug Polic ...While speculation is rife about a possible drug overdose, it doesn't really matter. Winehouse was haunted with struggles none of us will understand.
- Debunking the Myth of a Link Between Marijuana ...Despite media claims that marijuana can cause psychosis or schizophrenia, there's no science to back it up.
- Why Marijuana Legalization Isn't a Taboo Idea ...The idea that the public supports harsh drug laws and will punish politicians who deviate from it is starting to fade.
- NJ Governor Gives Okay to Medical Marijuana Pr ...Medical marijuana patients across the state will have access.
- The Truth About America's Oxy EpidemicAs the White House prepares to launch a billion-dollar anti-Oxy war, here are some crucial facts about who gets addicted—and why.
Twilight Earth
- Cartoon caption contestTake a look at the cartoon below and enter your caption idea in the comment section (more ifo on prize, etc. below the cartoon). Eligible captions will be those posted on my site, Elephant Journal, Wend Magazine, PlanetSave, Eco-Snobbery Sucks, Ecolutionist, Ecopolitology, and Twilight Earth. Wi ...
- Exposed: Why the GOP wants to eliminate Clean ...Whether we can believe this see-through-elephant-trunk footage or not, the possibility that elephants have a triple fitration system within their trunks has to have some credence. Otherwise, why on earth would leading Republicans try to make it easier for big polluters to further pollute the air ...
- Apples may lose trees [cartoon]The rest of Joe Mohr’s cartoons, and cartoon updates and other green news on Twitter @GreenCartoons. Related posts:The Aging Activist Monsanto Gets BeatâMay Lose Beets (cartoon) Eco-Snobbery Sucks: The Cartoon Related posts:The Aging Activist Monsanto Gets BeatâMay Lose Beets (cartoon) Ec ...
- Mixed message from USDA chief Vilsack [cartoon]US Ag Secretary, Tom Vilsack tells us to eat more natural foods a few days after fully deregulating GMO alfalfa…I’m confused. Confused as well? Read the links below and try to figure out this mess. From The New York Times: Governmentâs Dietary Advice: Eat Less From Elephant Journal: The USDA cav ...
- BREAKING: Deleted Monsanto cartoon panel, leaked!Unlike the former Monsanto cartoon on this subject, this version shows a bit more clearly who surrendered the future of organic agriculture to Monsanto. There’s been a lot of talk from both sides (organic and biotech) about compromise. That is misleading and almost laughable (read: cryable). Dea ...
- Sonnenschiff: Solar City Produces 4X the Energ ...Read the rest of Sonnenschiff: Solar City Produces 4X the Energy it Consumes Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: german green home, green development, green housing, green mixed use, green nieghborhood, passivhaus, rainwater catchement, rainwater recycling, Rolf Disch, solar design, ...
- The Narrabeen House is a Flood-Resistant Home ...To look at it, the Narrabeen House by Choi Ropiha Fighera might not seem like your typical home in the suburbs, but the way the house operates is completely suburban. The minimalist home’s central courtyard acts as the main organising element around which the family living spaces are arranged. T ...
- S. African Designer Heath Nash Builds Shade St ...Read the rest of S. African Designer Heath Nash Builds Shade Structure Out of Recycled Bottles Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | digg Post tags: "sustainable architecture", eco design, found materials, green architecture, Green Building, green design, Harare, harare international festival of the ...
- 6 Easy Eco Escapes from New York CitySummer may quickly becoming to an end, but that doesn’t mean you’ve missed your chance to take a vacation. Too busy to take off a whole week? We understand. And that’s why we’ve rounded up six relaxing and easy-to-get-to eco getaways to let you escape from the hustle and bustle of New York City, ...
- Canadian Artist Roadsworth Builds an Eco-Syste ...Visiting Montreal’s Eaton Centre mall, one will be met with fish made of bubble wrap swimming beneath lily-covered ponds formed with plastic bottles, cardboard trees adorning the walls, and water, made of yet more empty bottles, pouring down the sides of escalators. In a new installation by arti ...
Pogue's Posts
- A Roar for Mac OS X Lion E-MailAmong the useful new features and abilities of Mac OS X Lion is an overhauled Mail application.
- Why Netflix Raised Its PricesEven at $16 a month, Netflix still gives you more than anyone else.
- How to Design a Hot ProductNasahn Sheppard, the designer of the Flip camcorder, describes the thought process of designing the popular, but now extinct, product.
- An App for Hunting MoviesMoviesHunt finds movies across the Web.
- Just How Many Android Tablet Apps Are There?Google just won't say how many apps there are for Android tablets. It is a low number and it shows the glaring downside of Android's openness: a splintered mishmash of different versions.
WIRED Magazine | Science
- Supermassive Black Hole Sucks In Hot GasA supermassive black hole pulls in hot gas, offering astronomers clues about the growth of black holes and the behavior of matter under their gravitational clutches. Previous findings have shown black holes pulling material toward them, but this black hole, at the center of large, lens-shaped g ...
- Archaeopteryx Knocked From Roost as Original BirdArchaeopteryx’s status as the forerunner of modern birds is crumbling in the face of a new, closely-related fossil. The new discovery, a feathered, chicken-sized dinosaur named Xiaotingia, has prompted a fresh look at the dinosaur family tree, casting Archaeopteryx as a bird-like dinosaur rathe ...
- Polar Dwellers Have Bigger Eyes, BrainsBy Mark Brown, Wired UK Humans who live further from the equator have rapidly evolved bigger eyes and larger brains to better process the low light levels at those lofty latitudes. Anthropologists at Oxford University collected 55 skulls, dating from the 1800s, that represented 12 different p ...
- Marvelous Destroyers: The Fungus-Farming BeetlesAll images: Jiri Hulcr See Also: Gorgeous Jeweled Beetle Reveals Its Tricks Beetles Turn Western Forests From Carbon Sink to Carbon Source Amazing World of Insect-Wing Color Discovered Ecologists: Time to End Invasive-Species Persecution Foreign Turtles Don't Smell Dangerous to Tadpoles 6 Super ...
- How the Heat Wave StartedThe recent, record-setting heat wave appears to have been triggered by a little-noticed patch of storm activity off the western coast of Central America. Descriptions abound of the so-called heat dome, a zone of high atmospheric pressure that pushed warm air down over the central and eastern U ...
- New York Times Caught Publishing CIA Propagand ...An American investigative journalist uncovers how the New York Times tried to link the Norway attack to a Muslim group that doesn’t exist and then how it quietly pulled the story later from its online edition, without offering an apology. Alexander Higgins, also uncovers how two other news outle ...
- Predictive Programming: Captain America blockb ...We have seen it before… Movies, and pop culture eerily “predicting” world events BEFORE they actually happen. This is generally regarded with a wary eye, and chalked up as “coincidence” – BUT what if something more sinister were occurring? Could billion dollar film, record, or book companies be ...
- Oslo False Flag: Now Everyone’s A Suspect!“It’s Norway’s Oklahoma City”…”right wing connections”…”Christian fundamentalist”. I get it – everyone’s a suspect. it’s the mainstream Mr. and Mrs. Normal we need to beware of–or so they’ll twist it. Uh, by the way, that’s most of YOU!
- Was Sinking the Titanic an Insurance Scam?In 1908, financier J.P. Morgan planned a brand new class of luxury liners that would enable the wealthy to cross the Atlantic in previously undreamed-of opulence. The construction of the giant vessels, the 'Olympic', the 'Titanic' and the 'Britannic,' began in 1909 at the Harland and Wolff ship ...
- Qaddafi the Jew, the Rothschilds & the MossadColonel Gaddafi’s close ties to the Rothschild family and the Mossad make complete sense when we consider the fact that he is a Jew, the son of a Jewish mother, according to a report aired on Israeli television. How much oil money has the brutal Libyan dictator secretly stashed away in Israeli ...
Andy Worthington
- Video: Ex-Guantánamo Prisoner Murat Kurnaz Tel ...In an 11-minute interview with Russia Today (see below), former Guantánamo prisoner Murat Kurnaz recalled how he was seized in Pakistan in November 2001, and his experiences in US custody in Afghanistan and at Guantánamo. Born in Germany, but only regarded as a resident because his parents are T ...
- WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Release ...Please support my work! In late April, WikiLeaks released its latest treasure trove of classified US documents, a set of 765 Detainee Assessment Briefs (DABs) from the US prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Compiled between 2002 and January 2009 by the Joint Task Force that has primary respon ...
- Hellhole: The Most Devastating Article About L ...With contested claims that the three-week long hunger strike in California’s prisons has come to an end (as I discussed in a recent article, The California Prison Hunger Strike Opposing Solitary Confinement as Torture â and the Insulting Response of Prison Officials), the horrendous human rights ...
- The California Prison Hunger Strike Opposing S ...On Thursday July 21, as the widespread hunger strike in California’s prisons — primarily aimed at highlighting the abusive conditions in which prisoners are held in long-term solitary confinement in Security Housing Units (SHUs) — reached the three-week mark, Matthew Cate, the Secretary of the C ...
- Support the Hunger Strikers of Pelican Bay, Ca ...On July 5, I received a press release from the Prison Hunger Strike Solidarity Coalition in Oakland, California. Under the heading, “Prisoners Across at Least 6 California Prisons Join Pelican Bay Hunger Strikers: Strike Could Involve Thousands of Prisoners,” it read: More than 100 hours into an ...
Environment _ National Geographic
- Gulf Spill's Effects Unknown For Years?More than a year after the Deepwater Horizon spill, scientists say it could take a decade to figure out how the oil affected the Gulf of Mexico's environment. Video.
- Photos: Thick Green Algae Chokes Beach—Swimmer ...NoneMats of bright green algae have again coated miles of shoreline in eastern China—and locals act like it's a day at the beach.
- Heat Wave Due to "Exceptionally Strong" Air MassA stubborn high-pressure system is causing sweltering temperatures in much of the U.S—and there's no relief in sight, experts say.
- India Maps Out a Nuclear Power Future, Amid Op ...India’s government sees nuclear power as essential for meeting its growing energy needs, but public mistrust runs deep.
- "Extinct" Toad Thrives in LabA tiny Tanzanian toad that all but disappeared after a dam reduced its waterfall habitat is being bred successfully in Syracuse, New York. Video.
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- Don't Turn Your Back on the Bankers for Even a ...The ink on the legislation is still drying and, already, the mortgage mill industry is trying to gut the little things that might help to hold them accountable for their bit part in the complete economic collapse of this nation: Dodd-Frank requires that lenders retain five percent of every loan ...
- Sarah Palin: Mayor of New Milford?Is this a parody or real life? You decide. Citizens of New Milford: I want you to know that I'm on the job 24/7. Twenty four hours a week, seven months a year. But even with this strict time commitment, I can't be expected to keep up with everything going on in this vast metropolis. That's why ...
- Much like the "conservative" GOP...The conservative Blue Dogs acted as Bush's domestic poodles, helping to move a dangerous right wing agenda. They were owned by the right wing and corporations and there is no big surprise why more than half of the Blue Dog caucus (28 of 54 members) were slaughtered in the 2010 elections. So f ...
- Stop Drinking and Start Doing, Dem Dumb DumbsSober up, Dems. You started sucking suds when you captured the Congress in 2006. Since 2008 you've been binge drinking with Congress and the Prez. You even nibbled on some hot wings and pub nuts. Burp! And now the bartender just cut your drunk, lazy, liberal, progressive, leftie ass off. Y ...
- The People Have Spoken. And Their Message Is ...So. What the heck happened last night? The GOP picked up 60 seats in the House, effectively reversing their losses there from 2006 and 2008, and returning control of that body to them. The GOP picked up some 6 seats in the Senate, but the Democratic Party retains control there. The GOP picked u ...
SPL Center
- News Roundup for July 27, 2011A white supremacist Connecticut blogger convicted for making death threats is asking for charges over some of his more extreme comments to be thrown out. Harold “Hal” Turner is currently serving three years for making death threats against federal judges in Illinois. A Georgia man who attempted ...
- Ken Mieske, Skinhead Murderer of Ethiopian Stu ...Ken Mieske – who lived up to his heavy-metal-music moniker “Ken Death” by savagely beating an Ethiopian immigrant to death with a baseball bat in Portland, Ore., in 1988 – died Tuesday in an Oregon hospital. Mieske and two other members of a racist skinhead group called East Side White Pride (ES ...
- Neo-Nazi Bill White Back in the Real Estate Bu ...Neo-Nazi Internet gossip and budding real estate magnate Bill White has had a busy couple of months. Just recently out of prison after spending over two years for making various threats, White has already contributed several articles to the American Free Press, an anti-Semitic weekly founded by ...
- American Blogger Praises Oslo ShooterWhile most people who found their words or sentiments echoed in Anders Breivik’s screed raced to distance themselves from him, an obscure American blogger named Brett Stevens was practically giddy to learn that Breivik, who murdered more than 70 people this past Friday in an anti-Muslim murder s ...
- News Roundup for July 26, 2011A man accused of sending several threatening letters to chapters of the NAACP and black churches was released to a mental health facility yesterday. Jeffery Smith, 46, was sent there as part of a plea bargain in which Smith was credited for time served and then moved to the facility in exchange ...
change: org.
- Stopping Dolce and Gabbana's Killer JeansThe Situation Sandblasting, which gives jeans a 'worn' or used look, is known to kill workers in garments producing countries like Turkey and Bangladesh where jeans sandblasting is done manually. When workers fire sand under high pressure at jeans, dust then enters the environment, expo ...
- Apple Removes iTunes from "Christian Values Ne ...Apple has removed their iTunes store from the “Christan Values Network” (CVN.org) after more than 22,000 people signed a petition on Change.org started by Ben Crowther, a student and Apple customer concerned about CVN’s funding of anti-gay, anti-women organizations like Focus on the Family and ...
- Here's How We Can Bring Back Starry Nights to ...My name is Romic, and I am a teenage Houstonian who loves astronomy. I can clearly remember when I first became interested in astronomy, not too long ago in November, 2010. We had just finished up our astronomy unit in Science and there was a lot of hype about Jupiter making it’s closest app ...
- Raquel Nelson Offered New Trial, Following Out ...This morning, Raquel Nelson went to her sentencing hearing facing the prospect of three years in jail from a judge who held her future in her hands. This afternoon, in a thrilling turn of events, Raquel emerged from the courtroom allowed to go home with her two children, after an outpouring of ...
- Bob Evans: Not As "Farm Fresh" As You ThinkBack in the day when the real Bob Evans was around, he and his wife, Jewell, raised their six kids in a large, brick farmhouse that they affectionately called "Homestead." It was here that the family opened a sausage shop in their front yard and later went on to open the first Bob Evans Restaura ...
Common Dreams -News
- Iraq Needs US Training Past 2011, Says Foreign ...All American forces are scheduled to leave Iraq by the end of this year, in line with a 2008 security deal agreed to by Baghdad and Washington. But privately many Iraqi and American officials say Iraq's nascent military will still need American military assistance. Zebari and Prime Minister Nour ...
- Democrats Seek Permanent Repeal of Global Gag ...Yesterday, Congresswoman Nita Lowey introduced the Global Democracy Promotion Act of 2011, a bill that would permanently repeal the Global Gag Rule (GGR), a policy that has been applied and revoked via executive order at each change in the White House, beginning with Ronald Reagan and leading mo ...
- Breaking: New Study Links Mountaintop Removal ...Among the 1.2 million American citizens living in mountaintop removal mining counties in central Appalachia, an additional 60,000 cases of cancer are directly linked to the federally sanctioned strip-mining practice. read more
- US-Pakistan Spy Wars Hit Flood Relief as Aid W ...Last summer aid workers in Pakistan battled with epic floods that affected 20 million people, destroyed crops and inundated one-fifth of the country. A year later they find themselves in a very different imbroglio: the escalating spy war between the US and Pakistan. ...
- ALEC Exposed: Warming Up to Climate ChangeAs the U.S. suffers through catastrophic tornadoes, heat waves, and other climate extremes - no doubt just a small taste of what the climate crisis will bring in the future - polluting industries and the politicians that serve them want to convince you that excess carbon dioxide in the atmospher ...
- Give Your Desktop an Extreme Close-Up with the ...Some things look pretty neat when you explore them really close up. They also happen to make great wallpapers. Here are a some awesome macro and close-up shots for your desktop. More��
- The Best File Management App for iPhone [App D ...iOS doesn't exactly allow for much file browsing, as the file system is pretty locked down, but there are some great apps for management. We love Air Sharing because it supports practically every protocol you'd ever need and works with to ...
- How Can I Get Genius-Like Radio Stations on Sp ...Dear Lifehacker, Spotify just updated with a new "Artist Radio" feature, but it's pretty limited. Is there any way I can get a more control over those recommendations, like in iTunes Genius or Pandora? More��
- Which Dealer-Installed Car Options You Should ...Car dealers don't have a great rep for honesty or looking out for the consumer, but there actually are add-ons they may try to sell you that you should consider. Financial blog MainStreet helps sort out the worthwhile features from the one ...
- Alfred for iPhone Learns Your Dining Preferenc ...iOS: Alfred is a very intelligent robot that can find your next new favorite restaurant after learning where you like to eat now, kind of like a Pandora for restaurants. The free app is a nice alternative to reading through a bunch of revi ...
Water Privatization
- China Ambassador To Greece: Must Push Forward ...China Ambassador To Greece: Must Push Forward With Reform, Privatization - Xinhua
- Additional news "Automotive News"The new program of state property privatization of Kabardino-Balkaria takes into account past experiences.
- Commission urges privatization, changes to pub ...PHOENIX — Arizona should have a private firm run the Lottery, make it easier to fire public workers and even changing how the state funds public schools, a special commission recommended Thursday to the governor.
- Ethiopia: Privatization Agency Slaps Company W ...Saba Engineering has been sued by the Privatization and Public Supervising Agency (PPESA) for defaulting on a payment of 8.6 million Br from the purchase of Bole Bulbula Construction Stone Production SC.
- Gazette.Net: Scholar questions Frederick Count ...A government scholar at the University of Maryland is questioning the proposal to privatize parts of Frederick County's government, saying that "no county in the country has shifted to private contracting on as large a scale as quickly as is being proposed."
- China train crash inquiry ordered as public ou ...China's premier promises train crash report in response to dissent over propaganda directives to journalistsPropaganda authorities in China have failed to stem the torrent of public outrage over last Saturday's high-speed rail crash amid continuing aggressive media reporting and angry online pos ...
- Teenager found guilty of Rebecca Aylward's murderJury in Swansea crown court delivers 10-2 guilty verdict against Joshua Davies, who attacked ex-girlfriend in wood last OctoberA teenager has been found guilty of luring his ex-girlfriend to a secluded wood and battering her to death with a rock.Rebecca Aylward, 15, from Maesteg, near Bridgend i ...
- Chris Huhne speeding points file passed to CPSPolice pass on file after reviewing tape recording on day energy minister is cleared of wrongdoing over election expensesPolice have handed a file to the Crown Prosecution Service following an investigation into allegations that the energy secretary, Chris Huhne, avoided speeding points to escap ...
- Times editor agrees NI's handling of phone hac ...James Harding says some readers cancelled subscriptions in wake of revelations about News of the World's alleged activitiesThe editor of the Times, James Harding, has admitted that News International's handling of the phone-hacking crisis was "catastrophic" and that it impacted on the paper's sa ...
- Ed Miliband undergoes nose operation for sleep ...Hour-long NHS operation carried out at Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear hospital in LondonThe Labour leader, Ed Miliband, has undergone a successful operation to treat his sleep apnoea.The hour-long NHS operation was carried out at the Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear hospital in central L ...
- Judge: U.S. must show 'good cause' to revise a ...WASHINGTON — A federal judge has blocked, at least temporarily, a Justice Department attempt to back away from court admissions that appeared to undercut previous FBI assertions that an Army researcher was responsible for the 2001 anthrax attacks.
- After 102 years, storied Walter Reed Army hosp ...WASHINGTON — A solemn final moment came for Walter Reed Army Medical Center on Wednesday, when Army commanders rolled up maroon and green flags, symbols of the soul of the military unit that ran the hospital, and placed them in cloth cases, never to be unfurled again.
- Torture still rampant in post-revolution Egypt ...CAIRO — Egyptian human rights activists say they've documented hundreds of cases of civilians tortured by police and army forces since the revolution that toppled Hosni Mubarak, but that none have yet gone to trial.
- As debt threat grows, Congress keeps running i ...WASHINGTON — With stocks tanking and next Tuesday's debt-default deadline looming for the country, no sign of compromise between Democrats and Republicans emerged Wednesday in Congress.
- Could Obama raise the debt ceiling by himself? ...WASHINGTON — With time running out to avoid Tuesday's debt-default deadline, two Democratic leaders of the House of Representatives renewed calls Wednesday for the president to resolve the standoff all by himself by invoking an obscure provision in the U.S. Constitution.
Afghanistan Sun
- Kandahar mayor assassinated in troubled Afghan ...KANDAHAR, Afghanistan (AFP) - The mayor of Kandahar, a close ally of Afghan President Hamid Karzai, was assassinated in a suicide attack Wednesday -- the latest in a string of political murders in ...
- Kandahar mayor killed in another blow to U.S. ...KABUL, Afghanistan - A suicide bombing that killed the mayor of Afghanistan's second largest city Wednesday is the latest in a rash of high-level assassinations that have cast doubts over ...
- Marine Earns Afghan People's FriendshipBy Marine Corps Cpl. Colby BrownRegimental Combat Team 1 HELMAND PROVINCE, Afghanistan, July 27, 2011 It looks like Marine Corps Sgt. Jose Hernandez is teaching an anatomy class, but he's ...
- Taliban claim assassination of Kandahar mayorKABUL -- The Taliban on Wednesday claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing that killed the mayor of Kandahar, the group said in a text message to AFP.The murder of Ghulam Haidar Hameedi is the ...
- Blast kills Kandahar mayor, wounds another in ...Explosion killed Kandahar Mayor and wounded another in southern Afghanistan on Wednesday, an official said."An explosion ripped through in Municipality department of Kandahar city, the capital ...
- Personal Information: episode 24Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness! Share and Enjoy:Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness!
- Arguments against life extensionVia Michael Anissimov, here’s a spectacularly empty diatribe against “deathhackers” by TechCrunch‘s Paul Carr. Carr objects to the idea of radical life extension as advocated by transhumanists, which is fair enough, but as written here most of his objections seem to boil down to personal distate ...
- Daddy, where does innovation come from?Plenty of folk have been linking to this excerpt from Matt Ridley’s new book The Rational Optimist, and with good reason – it’s a provocative piece that plays to advocates (and opponents) of free trade, open exchange, copyright reform and much more. The basic thesis? The one persistent factor th ...
- Replacement arms: mechanical or biological?Prosthetic limbs are still in their infancy, but there’s a lot of progress being made: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is working with Darpa (who else?), and has a research grant for trying out their mind-controlled modular prosthetic arm on five test subjects over the next couple of ye ...
- How to be a futuristThe irrepressible Scott “Basic Instructions” Meyer has the lowdown if you’re thinking of a career in futurism: Click through for the whole thing. But take it from me, being a futurist is a lot of work for no money. Or maybe that’s just the way I do it… and I’ve never been featured in a [...]Foll ...
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
- Legal Battle Finally Over for an "American Hero"The NWC is pleased to announce that whistleblower hero Bunnatine “Bunny” Greenhouse has finally won a six-year legal battle against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In 2005, Ms. Greenhouse blew the whistle on the Army Corps for extensive contractor fraud in which they were awarding secret, non- ...
- Whistleblower Center in NYCThe NWC is preparing for a full day of whistleblower events in New York City today. Join the NWC staff and Executive Director Stephen M. Kohn at two events teaching the public about whistleblower rights and the latest whistleblower protection laws. First, come learn about the latest whistleblo ...
- NWC seminar on Dodd-Frank a huge successDavid Colapinto, Stephen Kohn, Sean McKessy and Michael Kohn. Photo by Lindsey Williams. Yesterday, the National Whistleblowers Center (NWC) road trip of seminars came to ...
- Last Call for July 20th Whistleblower SeminarThe NWC is gearing up for our special seminar tomorrow in Washington, D.C. at the Willard Intercontinental Hotel, entitled “The NEW Corporate Whistleblower Protections and Rewards Provisions.” The entire NWC staff and I are looking forward to attending this open discussion on the newest whistle ...
- Environmental whistleblowers' options while wa ...My colleague, Lindsey Williams, is today's guest blogger on Bridge the Gulf. Bridge the Gulf is a citizen journalism project dedicated to saving communities on the Gulf Coast. Today, Lindsey is marking the one-year anniversary of the day the Deepwater Horizon oil well was finally capped. Yet ...
Science Express
- Fermi maps an active galaxy's 'smokestack plumes'If our eyes could see radio waves, the nearby galaxy Centaurus A (Cen A) would be one of the biggest and brightest objects in the sky, nearly 20 times the apparent size of a full moon. What we can't see when looking at the galaxy in visible light is that it lies nestled between a pair of giant r ...
- Pollution from Asia circles globe at stratosph ...The economic growth across much of Asia comes with a troubling side effect: pollutants from the region are being wafted up to the stratosphere during monsoon season. The new finding, in a study led by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, provides additional evidence of the ...
- After growth spurt, supermassive black holes s ...Supermassive black holes found at the centers of distant galaxies undergo huge growth spurts as a result of galactic collisions, according to a new study by astronomers at Yale University and the University of Hawaii. Their findings appear in the March 25 edition of Science Express.
- Research team finds structure of 'swine flu' virusA team of scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and other institutions has solved the structure of a key protein from the virus that caused last year's "swine flu" influenza epidemic. The structure reveals that the virus shares many features with influenza viruses common in the early 20 ...
- New approach precisely tracks evolution's foot ...(PhysOrg.com) -- Fossils may provide tantalizing clues to human history but they also lack some vital information, such as revealing which pieces of human DNA have been favored by evolution because they confer beneficial traits - resistance to infection or the ability to digest milk, for exampl ...
- Writer Explains How Copyright Has Prevented He ...Glyn Moody points us to yet another story of copyright law gone mad. Laurel Russwurm explains how there are numerous creative projects that she's worked on, including TV shows that she's written, that she's never seen and probably will never see, due to copyright. In the years since writin ...
- Do You Have Property Rights Over Your DNA?Eriq Gardner has a great and very detailed article over at ABA Journal exploring questions about the legality of collecting someone's DNA and using it. Apparently, right now, there is a hodgepodge of state laws, with more on the way, and a lot of these issues are likely to end up in court. Rea ...
- Blue Cross / Blue Shield Says Study Pointing O ...Don't mean to sound like a broken record, but the purpose of trademark is consumer protection from confusion. The idea is that someone shouldn't be able to sell you "Bob's Cola," while labeling it "Coca Cola," because that's a form of fraud on consumers. Tragically, over the last few decades, ...
- Fox Decides To Drive Fans To Piracy, Rather Th ...It appears that the Fox Network hasn't learned a damn thing from well over a decade of evidence concerning how you deal with people infringing your works. Rather than providing a legitimate and authorized option as part of a business model, Fox has decided to block or delay web access to many o ...
- Idea/Expression Dichotomy Is Dead; Judge Allow ...Well, this is unfortunate. Back in February, we wrote about what seems like a positively ridiculous lawsuit from photographer David LaChapelle, against the singer Rihanna for her video S&M. LaChapelle claims that scenes in the video infringe on certain photographs he's taken. You can see some ...
- Murdoch’s Vaccine WorldEveryone by now has heard about the phone tapping scandal that rocked both the British newspaper world and Rupert Murdoch’s business empire. But what needs to be spotlighted, I think, is the possible role that Murdoch’s London Times may have played in the professional evisceration of respected B ...
- The FDA Approved New DPT Vaccine For SeniorsIt has been announced that a new vaccine has been approved by the FDA for the over 65's. GlaxoSmithKline’s Boostrix vaccine is said to be able to protect the elderly from diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough). The vaccine was originally approved for use in adolescents in 2005.
- What Is It You Don’t Get About Vaccines?Public health: Not vaccinated? Not acceptable. “What does society do when one person’s behavior puts the greater community at risk? We make them stop."
- Why Isn’t ‘Herd Immunity’ Working?Californians have a new law regarding vaccination of children: Effective July 1, 2011, all students in grades 7 through 12 will be required to get a booster DTP [Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (Whooping Cough)] due to outbreaks and increases for Pertussis in children. Something doesn’t make s ...
- Research Shows Vaccinations Are Causing Surge ...According to the organization ‘Children & Asthma in America’ there are at least 7 million children in the USA who suffer from the debilitating illness asthma. Are vaccines a major trigger?Vactruth.com