Left Foot Forward
- Boris’s call for Euro break-up would be ...The full scale of European debt is now becoming clear - as well as the UK's exposure to it. Default would massively damage Britain, eurobonds need to be introduced.
- Compass book puts to Labour-Green co-operationLabour and the Greens have much to learn from each other- if they can find a way to co-operate
- Fears government reforms could create a “big d ...Two of the Big Society's key reforms, police commissioners and free schools, could tear apart our communities, writes the Runnymede Trusts’s Kamaljeet Gill.
- Look Left – Just when you thought hackgate cou ...The News of the World phone hacking scandal plumbed new depths last night, with the news Sara Payne’s phone had been targeted, reports Shamik Das.
- Enterprise Zones are the dusting down of a fai ...Enterprise Zones, the dusting down of a failed Thatcherite policy, shows the government has no strategy for real growth, just ad hoc short termism.
- The Consumerist Tipster App: Open 7 Days A Wee ...Thousands of readers have already downloaded our free Consumerist Tipster App. Here are just a handful of the photos they've sent in. Remember that you can always see even more Tipster photos on our Facebook page. Jen: "Look carefully at the center book in the 'teaching zone.'" Larry ...
- Which Type Of Flier Are You -- And Which Airli ...Customer dissatisfaction with the airline industry continues to sink. It currently ranks last among the 47 industries tracked by the American Customer Satisfaction Index. But that doesn't meant you can't at least try to find the commercial carrier that will least annoy you. Over at SmartMoney. ...
- Could Free Internet Porn Lead To Higher Cable ...While mainstream content providers continue looking for ways to put their videos behind paywalls, there is no shortage of adults-only footage available online for absolutely no cost to the viewer (or so we've been told). But could this fleshy free-for-all end up causing your cable to company to ...
- Car Experiences Top List Of 10 Biggest Consume ...No wonder car salesmen get a bad rap: it's very much deserved! At least that's according to a new report by the Consumer Federation of America of the top 10 consumer complaints. "Misrepresentations in advertising or sales of new and used cars, lemons, faulty repairs, leasing and towing disputes ...
- Sony Has Been Trying To Fix My Laptop For 7 Mo ...John doesn't exactly have much love in heart for the people at Sony right now. He spent thousands of dollars on a laptop that broke after only three months. Then, he says, someone at the Sony store did further damage -- and passed the repair bill on to him, but the absolute last straw is that h ...
Whistleblogger - GAP
- Development Agencies Fail to Take On Corruptio ...Canadian Press: Darling of Development World, Stung by Corruption Problems, Says Others in Worse Shape The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria – a $21.7 billion health fund backed by prominent celebrities – is responding to allegations that the fund has lost up to $34 millio ...
- Feds Subpoena Lawyer in CIA Leak Case: Whistle ...St. Louis Beacon: Feds Take Unusual Step of Subpoenaing Sterling's Lawyer The lawyer representing Jeffrey Sterling – the former CIA officer charged with leaking national security secrets to the press – was subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury in order to discuss Sterling’s case. Fed ...
- Teresa Chambers Case Highlights Limitations of ...Last week, the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) ordered the National Park Service to reinstate whistleblower Teresa Chambers as Chief of the U.S. Park Police, as well as to reimburse her for back pay and legal costs. Her case garnered national attention when she was removed by the Bush ...
- Orange County Register: Which Mystery Senator ...By Wikimedia user Markus Schweiss Orange County Register: Which Mystery Senator Killed Whistleblower Bill? This article details how the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act (WPEA) – a bill that would have strengthened protections for federal employees – was killed by one senator’s d ...
- Justice Department Leakers of Classified Info. ...Three months ago, journalist Michael Isikoff noted the disturbing "Double Standard" in White House Leak Inquiries. But now it's not just the Executive Branch. Josh Gerstein of Politico just published an article on how a judge ruled that the Justice Department can keep secret names of its own ...
UK Progressive
- Don’t Fall for the GOP Lie: There is No Budget ...A friend who’s been watching the absurd machinations in Congress asked me “what happens if we don’t solve the budget crisis and we run out of money to pay the nation’s bills?” It was only then I realized how effective Republicans lies have been. That we’re calling it a “budget crisis” and worryi ...
- Marcus Bachmann at Center of Campaign Reimburs ...Ruh-roh, I smell trouble for the Bachmanns, and not only for what you’re about to read, but also because, as Paddy pointed out, it looks like the establishment GOP have it out for Michele. Previously, TPC has posted that Michele Bachmann used House money for a “press conference”. And by press co ...
- Washington vs. AmericaWashington is an island drowning in its own self-interest, surrounded by a hurting and unhappy nation of deeply patriotic citizens who hunger for shared national purpose but find our politics to be sickening, insulting and corrupted. Today huge numbers of the workers of our nation are jobless. T ...
- Ideology Trumps Accomplishment as 112th Congre ...The debilitating debt ceiling debate is par for the course — instead of compromising, House Republicans keep pushing bills they know can’t become law House Republicans have been known to sneer at government red tape. Before becoming speaker of the House, Ohio’s John Boehner dismissed Obama’s hea ...
- The Biggest Driver in the Deficit Battle: Stan ...If you think deficit-reduction is being driven by John Boehner or Harry Reid, think again. The biggest driver right now is Standard & Poor’s. All of America’s big credit-rating agencies — Moody’s, Fitch, and Standard & Poor’s — have warned they might cut America’s credit rating if a deal isn’t r ...
- Study Projects ObamaCare Will Cost More than D ...Conservative Commune
- Flashback: The Charmed Life of Jennifer Burke ...Ill. Governor Quinn is in the news for his nepotism. Quinn has hired Jennifer Burke, daughter of Chicago Mob linked Alderman Ed Burke. Quinn is in hock big time to Alderman Burke. But, it's time for a flashback. It 's time to look once again at the charmed life of Jennifer Burke. Here's a reveal ...
- What's the Difference Blago and Gov. Pat Quinn ...Chicago Magazine dares to ask a politically incorrect question about Pat Quinn.
- Improving Mexican economy draws undocumented i ...The Sacramento Bee reports:There are fewer undocumented immigrants in California – and the Sacramento region – because many are now finding the American dream south of the border. "It's now easier to buy homes on credit, find a job and access higher education in Mexico," Sacramento's Mexican co ...
- Mayor Rahm Emanuel Attacks the Daley EraThe Chicago Sun-Times reports on Mayor Rahm Emanuel attack on the Daley legacy:Though he never mentioned Daley by name, Emanuel pointed a finger of blame at his predecessor for a decade of deficit spending. “If you run a deficit in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 . . . “ Emanuel said. “You get it. All t ...
- We need a free market in climate scienceThis weekend, I’ve got another article in The Weekend Australian. It’s a credit to the Murdoch News team that they are willing to print both points of view. This point is one that resonates with many people — a consensus can be bought with monopolistic science funding. It explains why research ...
- We need a free market in climate scienceThis weekend, I’ve got another article in The Weekend Australian. It’s a credit to the Murdoch News team that they are willing to print both points of view. This point is one that resonates with many people — a consensus can be bought with monopolistic science funding. It explains why research ...
- BREAKING Australian Carbon Tax Legislation Rel ...The Carbon Tax legislation has been released finally: The draft from the Climate Change Department. It’s supposed to be a simple tax on every ton of pollution. But nothing is simple when you try to tax a basic element of life. In a true free market you only need a buyer, a seller and a [...]
- BREAKING Australian Carbon Tax Legislation Rel ...The Carbon Tax legislation has been released finally: The draft from the Climate Change Department. It’s supposed to be a simple tax on every ton of pollution. But nothing is simple when you try to tax a basic element of life. In a true free market you only need a buyer, a seller and a [...]
- Speedy – better than the real thingSpeedy posted this skit in the comments thread here at #85. From that sequestered position, it’s taken two weeks but it’s going viral and Oops!, the satire of Clarke and Dawe is being credited to Clarke and Dawe. I’ve had 6 emails in the last couple of days. Let’s give Speedy some credit! Aust ...
ReNew America
- New York Times reader kills dozens in Norway(Ann Coulter) - The New York Times wasted no time in jumping to conclusions about Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian who staged two deadly attacks in Oslo last weekend, claiming in the first two paragraphs of one story that he was a "gun-loving," "right-wing," "fundamentalist Christian," oppo ...
- Ice age threat should freeze EPA global warmin ...(Washington Examiner) - Rather than spiraling into a global warming meltdown, we may be heading into the next ice age. The U.S. National Solar Observatory, the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory and astrophysicists across the planet report that the nearly all-time low sunspot activity may result ...
- NASA study: Global warming alarmists wrong(Newsmax) - NASA has released a new study that may prove global-warming alarmists have been wrong all along. Data from NASA's Terra satellite covering the period 2000 through 2011 shows that when the earth's climate heats up, the atmosphere appears to be better able to channel the heat to outer ...
- Judge sides with Obama administration, nixes s ...(Associated Press) - A lawsuit that had threatened to end the Obama administration's funding of embryonic stem cell research was thrown out Wednesday, allowing the United States to continue supporting a search for cures to deadly diseases over protests that the work relies on destroyed human emb ...
- Sharron Angle rips 'maverick' John McCain(Politico) - Hours after Sen. John McCain dropped bombs on the tea party and took her name in vain on the Senate floor, former Nevada Senate candidate Sharron Angle on Thursday hammered the 2008 GOP presidential nominee as a conservative turncoat...
Truth Offering
- Diet Myths THEY Don’t Want You To KnowMyPyramid.....of DEATH!I've been studying health and nutrition for about six years now. In fact, I credit my nutritional awakening with spurring on my awakening in all other aspects of life, from economics to politics. And I'll tell you the crux of what sparked my craving for the truth: Going ba ...
- Original Music Created for TruthOffering.com b ...Talented singer and musician Chris Phenom has created two tracks for TruthOffering.com, and we want to share them with you. Chris's tracks feature some amazing lyrics that relate directly to what we're trying to get at here at TruthOffering.com: the Truth! Listen to what he has to say, and check ...
- Levi's: All-American or Neo-CommunistIt seems that everywhere I go recently, I see these massive Levi's billboards along the side of the road. At first, I thought nothing of them. After all, they're just billboards, right? Plus Levi's is an all-American company, right? Visually, these ads are quite striking; mostly black and white, ...
- US Falls In Level of Overall Economic Freedom ...The Heritage Foundation just released its annual Economic Freedom List. The list "measures ten components of economic freedom, assigning a grade in each using a scale from 0 to 100, where 100 represents the maximum freedom. The ten component scores are then averaged to give an overall economic f ...
- Did J.P. Morgan Sink the Titanic!?1st Row: JP Morgan, Joseph Bruce Ismay, John Jacob Astor and Benjamin Guggenheim. 2nd Row: The Federal Reserve and the TitanicAs youngsters, we're all told the infamous story of the Titanic, the supposedly indestructible ship that sunk on its maiden voyage. We're all familiar with the story: the ...
2012 Blog
- The Ancient Bunkers of CappadociaColleagues accuse me of thinking every ancient underground structure was a bunker, and I mostly do. This is one of my favourites. You can do your own research, this is just to let you know ...The Ancient Bunkers of Cappadocia is a post from: 2012 Blog Related posts:5000+1 Bunkers for Mosc ...
- Google+ for 2012If you have a Google account, there’s a new way of sharing and spreading 2012 information at Google+. My profile is here if you want to add me to a circle: https://plus.google.com/109767201828606148490 If you want an invite ...Google+ for 2012 is a post from: 2012 Blog Related posts:201 ...
- Locked Gates by Howard WestThere are a few authors out there who have flown beneath the radar, yet their research is unique, interesting and meaningful in a 2012 way. You could blame self-publishing for their lack of fame, yet ...Locked Gates by Howard West is a post from: 2012 Blog Related posts:Giza Pyramids Mimi ...
- Buy A DishEver wanted to own a satellite communications dish? For post-SHTF reception or perhaps doing SETI work? Or just because it is cool owning a piece of history? This is the ground station that received the ...Buy A Dish is a post from: 2012 Blog Related posts:Doomsday Bunker News
- Tsunami Survival CapsuleTsunami Survival Capsule is a post from: 2012 Blog Tsunami Survival Capsule is a post from: 2012 Blog Found at TechFlash: …a tsunami escape capsule that could protect up to six people for as little as $1,000….The idea is simple: a 7-foot diameter ball, probably made ... ...
Facing South
- VOICES: Hope in MississippiBy Joe Atkins, Labor South A hardened, intransigent right-wing has taken over the Republican Party and proved its willingness to take the nation to the economic brink to protect its well-heeled financial backers. Legislators have targeted government workers and immigrants as the source of th ...
- INSTITUTE INDEX: The apartheid of wealthPercent by which the net worth of white U.S. households fell from 2005 to 2009: 16 Of black households: 53 Of Hispanic households: 66 Number of times by which the median wealth of white households now surpasses that of Hispanic households: 18 Of black households: 20 Amount of weal ...
- Lessons of Tennessee coal ash disaster lost in ...An Inspector General's review done in response to the 2008 coal ash disaster at the Tennessee Valley Authority's Kingston plant in eastern Tennessee has turned up widespread groundwater contamination from coal ash disposal sites at the company's power plants around the South, with some of the po ...
- VOICES: 'This is what hope looks like'As a West Virginia native whose family battled coal companies, Tim DeChristopher understands the perils of life in a resource extraction colony. His experience led him to become an environmental activist who was arrested in 2008 for disrupting a federal government auction of oil and gas leases b ...
- Is Rick Perry getting cold feet over The Response?By Forrest Wilder, Texas Observer You've gotta wonder if Rick Perry may come to regret "initiating" The Response, his Christians-only prayer rally. As I documented in a cover story for the Observer, Perry has thrown in with a strange band of fundamentalists from the bleeding edge of American C ...
One News Page
- Wall Street rises after Obama speechNEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. stocks pared sharp losses and moved higher on Friday as President Obama called for compromise on debt ceiling talks in Washington and Republicans planned to revise a bill to raise the nation's debt limit.
- Petra Ecclestone -- I'm Not Spoiled, I'm Privi ...22-year-old BILLION-heiress *Petra Ecclestone* -- the chick who just bought *Candy Spelling*'s mansion for $85 MILLION -- says she's NOT spoiled ... she's privileged -- and there's a HUGE difference. Ecclestone spoke with 'Good Morning America' -- and explained why she decided to purchase ...
- Seattle mayor signs medical pot regulationsSEATTLE (Reuters) - Seattle's mayor signed into law on Wednesday a licensing system for medical marijuana distribution, with the city's attorney vowing to show that pot regulation can be done 'safely and humanely.'
- Kirstie Alley - Kirstie Alley Embarasses David ...Kirstie Alley finally got revenge on David Letterman last night for the 'fat jokes' he told about the actress during her time on Dancing With The Stars. Appearing as a guest on Letterman's talk show, Kirstie surprised him by reciting his harsh words regarding...
- Jennifer Lopez’s Hubby Didn’t Trust HerJENNIFER Lopez‘s marriage to Marc Anthony crumbled because he “never really trusted her” — sources say. The couple — who raise twins Max and Emme together — recently announced their split. And sources say the stars are to divorce because Lopez was fed with Anthony’s behavior. ...
Global Research TV
- Occupation of Freedom Plaza 2011: Why I Will B ...
- The Revolution Business
- US is Making Enemies in Somalia
- This is Libya: On-the-Ground Scenes from Tripo ...
- Sarkozy, combien d'enfants as-tu tués cette nu ...
Daily Tech
- Dell's Honeycomb Streak 10 Launches in China f ...America will have to wait to get the latest and greatest Android tablet
- Tesla Model S Starts Beta ProductionBeta models will be used for testing and for marketing
- Human Brains Age Differently From Closest Livi ...This study could shed light on human evolution and how to develop treatments for diseases associated with age like Alzheimer's disease
- Redbox Puts Video Games Into an Additional 5,0 ...Total locations with game rentals is now about 27,000
- New Study: No Cell Phone/Cancer Link Found in ...Yet another study finds no link between cell phone radiation and cancer in children and adolescents
Oriental Review
- Blond Beast and the Future of TerrorNorway tragedy of the last week would apparently make a tectonic shift in global social processes. It will significantly affect European politics and influence the ideological schemes of the Western world. As always, the mainstream trend describing Anders Behring Breivik as mentally insane solo ...
- Norway’s Bloodbath Reflects Mental Balka ...The avalanche of comments in the wake of the twin terrorist attack in Europe’s exemplary Norway range from expressions of belief that the terrorist at the epicenter of the disaster must be insane and the possibility of recurrences of the situation can be safely discounted to claims that the plot ...
- Norway’s Enigmatic «Lone Terrorist»Anders Breivik already seems to have emerged as one of the XX century’s top-famous terrorists. Day by day his popularity visibly grows not only in the ranks of the European radical right but also among the Europeans with otherwise mainstream views. Grabbing the media headlines, the Oslo and Utoy ...
- Europe’s Quiet Corner Under Terrorist AttackThe September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the New York Trade Center left the world divided. The US Administration and its giant propaganda machine made huge efforts to convince their audiences that the terrorist act had been perpetrated by Al Qaeda, but the developments that followed pointed w ...
- Smashing Greater Central Asia (I)After ten years of raging warfare in Afghanistan, watching the fight slowly ooze across the invisible Durand Line into Pakistan, we have the right to wonder whether the war is any closer to ending today? It is perfectly reasonable to suspect that if we were allowed to know the truth we would u ...
- Summer Internships and the Price of PrivilegeWhen Benjamin Franklin said, �An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest,� I am pretty sure he didn�t mean forking over thousands of dollars so your kid could participate in a fancy (unpaid) internship. But that is exactly what parents of privilege are doing this summer.�What?� you ...
- Taking Your Kids to BlogHer: What's It Like?With BlogHer '11 just one week away (woo hoo!), many parents are gearing up to leave their kids behind for two days of conference chaos. However, as BlogHer has once again paired up with KiddieCorp, some parents choose to bring their kiddos along for the ride. Still others bring the whole family ...
- Poverty and Promise in KiberaToday, we visited Kibera, a huge slum located in Nairobi, and the largest slum in Kenya. In preparation for this trip, I did considerable online research about Kibera, and much of the information that I found was contradictory: I heard that Kibera is the second-largest slum in Africa, and third- ...
- Sims3 Packs: How to Convert, Decrapify and Com ...[Editor's Note: Amy Tucker's instructions for how to convert .Sims3Packs and then go about decrapifying and compressing them are invaluable help from the Sims 3 Gamer -Virginia.] Tutorial: How To Convert .Sims3Packs Then Decrapify and Compress When I’m installing custom content, I want .packag ...
- Breast Cancer Under Age 40: What You Might no ...Although the percentage of women diagnosed with breast cancer under the age of 40 is much lower (only about 7%) than the overall rates of breast cancer diagnosis, sadly, these cancers are often not found in their early stages and can prove to be much harder to treat.� One reason these early onse ...
Health Freedom Alliance
- Walnuts Are ‘Officially’ Drugs  ...Last year, the FDA hassled Diamond Foods Walnuts about claims on the packaging that stated omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and some types of cancer. ...
- Kenya Allows GMO Corn While Hungary Destroys ItHungary’s government recently discovered and destroyed around 1,000 acres of corn there grown using genetically modified seeds. GMOs are currently illegal and somehow, Monsanto and Pioneer biotech seeds wound up in the crops. Unfortunately, the ...
- ‘Gateway’ Drug May Actually Break ...Incredible to believe: that the “smoke of hell,” that reefer madness condemned for almost a century might actually be the new big anti-addiction therapy. The study announced in Nature Neuroscience found that the component in marijuana ...
- Schedule Negative Time & Worry LessIf you tell worriers to “quit worrying,” it is counterproductive; but tell them to “pencil it in” and they can enjoy their day. Netherlands researchers find that compartmentalizing the worry – saving it for one block ...
- GMOs – AIDS Of The Plant World, Invasive ...“How can a mutated germ plasm be so vastly different that a patent can be obtained and, at the same time, be so substantially the same as the germ plasm it was derived from that ...
Live News Wire
- Editorial: As The Country Mourned, Tucson Need ...Those who criticized the reaction of the crowd at Wednesday night's memorial have it ingrained that a perfect memorial is one with candles, flowers and tears. The citizens of Tucson and the American people have mourned for five days. Wednesday's event was not a time to mourn some more. It was a ...
- Police Made Visits To Loughner Home Before Sho ...The Tucson, Arizona family home of 22-year-old Jared Loughner had been visited by authorities before the shooting of a congresswoman and 18 others last Saturday, new information by the New York Times revealed Wednesday. It's unclear what the visits were about or what prompted the call to author ...
- Criminal Charges Filed Against Congresswoman’s ...Newly-released court documents offer a glimpse into the motive behind Jared Loughner's attempted assassination of Tucson Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords on Saturday. Recovered from Loughner's home was a letter addressed to Jared Loughner from Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Giffords mailed a ...
- “Unbelievable Tragedy:” Congresswoman Shot By ...At least fifteen gunshots rang out shortly after 10:10am Arizona Time Saturday, bullets fatally striking a Federal Judge and injuring a prominent Congresswoman. Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) of Arizona's Eighth District was wounded at a public meet-and-greet event outside a grocery s ...
- Queensland Facing Flood Of “Biblical” ProportionsThe worst floods in 50 years to hit Queensland, Australia are being described as nothing short of Biblical. More than 1,000 people have been evacuated, though officials say as the floodwaters get worse, as many as 4,000 residents could be asked to vacate their homes and businesses later this we ...
Coal Tattoo
- Friday roundup, July 29, 2011A rescuer rests during a break at Sukhodolskaya-Vostochnaya coal mine in Lugansk region, Ukraine, Friday, July 29, 2011. Eighteen miners died and another 20 were missing Friday after an explosion in the coal mine in eastern Ukraine known to be dangerous due to large methane build-ups, officials ...
- 20 killed in 2 Ukraine mining accidentsRelatives of dead miners react at Sukhodolskaya-Vostochnaya coal mine in Lugansk region, Ukraine, Friday, July 29, 2011. (AP Photo/Photomig) Here’s the latest from The Associated Press: KIEV, Ukraine (AP) â A blast at a coal mine in eastern Ukraine and an elevator collapse at another on Friday k ...
- UMWA blasts W.Va. state museumJust in from the United Mine Workers of America, this three-page letter to W.Va. Culture and History Commissioner Randall Reid-Smith, in which UMWA President Cecil Roberts raises major questions about the state museum’s portrayal of coal history: Over the past months, several members of the UMWA ...
- Results of latest MSHA ‘impact’ in ...This just in from the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration: The U.S. Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration today announced that federal inspectors issued 222 citations, orders and safeguards during special impact inspections conducted at 12 coal mines and two metal/no ...
- After optimistic MSHA report, 3 more coal deathsI’m always wary of news releases or statements that offer optimistic information about the count of coal-mining deaths in our country … and this week offers another example of why. Yesterday, the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration issued a news release saying: The U.S. Department of Labo ...
Daniel Miessler
- The Chart That Should Accompany All Discussion ...via theatlantic.com Habeas Data. Posted via email from danielmiessler.com | posterous Related PostsXKCD Radiation Dose ChartVisualizing Time with the Infinity Hour Chart | Doug McCuneUpdated Subnetting PostAll-time Data Breaches | Flowing DataA Digital IO WorkflowBrowser CombatEliminating Redund ...
- ROME | A Google Filmvia ro.me Un. F**king. Believable. Posted via email from danielmiessler.com | posterous Related PostsA Google+ Cheat-SheetHipster SharksEarth vs. Google EarthA Digital IO WorkflowDon’t LikeBrowser CombatDon’t Be a Cryptic Ass
- Why Some Notables Don’t Believe in GodEarlier this year, Andrew Zak Williams asked public figures why they believe in God. Now itâs the turn of the atheists â from A C Grayling to P Z Myers â to explain why they donât. via newstatesman.com Click through to the article to read concise explanations for why various notables do not beli ...
- Google Offers DNS-based Site Optimization Serv ...Page Speed Service is the latest tool in Google’s arsenal to help speed up the web. This service is also their most ambitious yet. When you sign up and point your site’s DNS entry to Google, they’ll enable the tool which will fetch your content from your servers, rewrite your webpages, and serve ...
- A Philosophical Reason for Preferring Apple Ov ...The horse is dead. Design, feel, features, openness, customizability — we’ve heard it all. The main arguments are well understood by anyone with an interest in this discussion. But there’s another one that I’ve not heard articulated yet — the argument for why both companies do what they do. Or, ...
- Solidarity with Charlie GilmourPredictably there has been a lot of interest and comment on the sentencing of Charlie Gilmour to sixteen months for two counts of violent disorder. It has been both suggested this was lenient because he’ll only do eight months or less on a tag, and that it was a harsher sentence because of his p ...
- Report from the frontlines of the Ardoyne Oran ...Taken from the Workers Solidarity Movement Posted 2011-07-14 Rioting erupted in ‘nationalist areas’ across the North on Tuesday after the annual Orange Order parades. The worst of the trouble was in Ardoyne in North Belfast which left 16 police officers injured and with over 60 lethal plastic bu ...
- Plastic bullets used in Belfast riotsIt’s hard to comment on a situation when the only information you have is from BBC reports, but the riots that took place in nationalist / republican areas of Belfast after the 12th July Orange Order parades should probably get at least some mention here, and particularly the continued use of pl ...
- Free Francis Fernie. Resist political sentencingLast week, a 20 year old man was given twelve months for violent disorder relating to protests on March 26th outside Fortnum and Masons. He threw two placard sticks, neither of which hurt anyone nor were capable of causing harm. This man, pictured in one of Operation Malone's witch hunts, handed ...
- 30 Years Since the Liverpool 8 Uprising – ...It was July 1981 when the Liverpool 8 Uprising - or 'Toxteth Riots' as it became known - began. Following the typically aggressive and heavy-handed arrest of Leroy Cooper on Friday 3 July, anger erupted on the streets of one of Liverpool's most deprived areas in one of the most voracious display ...
Worldwide Hippies
- A Portrait of Two Activist WomenWWH – Listen up hippies! You canât glance over an Alice Neel portrait. They scream out to be chewed over. Many exposed to her drawings and paintings think of her hip humanist portraits. The characters found at Warholâsâ factory or the social activists within her world. A stark black and white in ...
- San Francisco Hippies Lose Grip on Penis Prote ...gawker.com – The peen protecting crusaders who brought you the anti-Semitic Aryan comic book hero “Foreskin Man” are on the verge of losing their hard-fought campaign to get an anti-circumcision bill on the city’s November ballot, after San Francisco Superior Court Judge Loretta Giorgi yesterday ...
- No evidence of cancer-9/11 exposure in NY R ...WWH. Unless you count the dead and dying! By CRISTIAN SALAZAR – Associated Press Ground zero residents and first responders sick with cancer will continue to be excluded from receiving help from the federal government program created to aid victims of the Sept. 11 World Trade Center terror attac ...
- Special report: Is Israel Inc. too powerful? & ...By Tova Cohen and Ari Rabinovitch | Reuters – It took a two week-long cottage cheese rebellion to get Israelis to question the power of the country’s tycoons. Angry about high prices, consumers boycotted the beloved dairy product last month. As containers of cheese piled up on supermarket shelve ...
- Heads Up Hippies: Marie Hanson – Last s ...Find Marie Hanson – Sadly it has been three weeks since Marie Hanson was last seen, after disapearing from a Rainbow Gathering near Stevenson Washington sometime around the evening of July 6th. Marie never came back to the tent that she shared with her neighbors, leaving her purse, medicine and ...
reference frame
- Greenpeace has paid for a Volkswagen adThe company thanks Two days ago, James Delingpole discussed the topic how the environmentalists abuse little children. I agree with his important words but let me look at it from another perspective. During communism, Czech carmaker Škoda managed to export some cars to th ...
- HadCRUT3: raw data releasedMany climate blogs and media have reminded us that the Met Office has released the raw data from the weather stations that the HadCRUT3 dataset is based upon. (This dataset is co-managed by East Anglia University which was the main player of the Climategate.) I re-learned about the URL ...
- Main polar bear alarmist put on leave, investi ...Scientific misconduct almost certainly demonstrable You may have forgotten about it but one of the early stimuli that energized the recent wave of hysteria about the so-called "global warming" was a claimed observation of four dead polar bears floating on the sea after a thunderstorm i ...
- NASA: astrophysics vs Earth science budgetNASA stands for "The National Aeronautics and Space Administration". You would associate it with astronauts, perhaps pilots, space research, and the Universe. Some young readers may even be ignorant about those things but NASA brought the first men to the Moon and has done lots of other fas ...
- Czech lands face a centennial heat wavePolice guards swimming pools Original URL (in Czech) July 25th, '11 - A heat wave reaching 40 °C chased out the citizens of Bohemia as well as Moravia to outdoor swimming pools and rivers. The swimming pools are overcrowded. An unusually high number of people drowned in the rivers. Othe ...
Tatumba 2.0
- The End of Fear – Follow in the steps of ordin ...Το τÎλος του φÏβου… The end of fear… by magiconteam Please recycle. Don't throw away your peels Related posts:Stop Living In Fear! Stop living in fear! It lowers your vibrations and helps... Gerald Celente on Follow the Money Weekly Radio 13 Aug 2010 Gerald Celente on Follow the Money Weekly Ra ...
- Darwin was right: Arrival of the Post-Petroleu ...Peak Moment 196: “Petroleum Man is dead. Infinite Growth Man is dead. Post Petroleum Human is alive,” announced Michael C. Ruppert on May 22, 2011. Members of this emerging “species” know they must live in balance with the Earth, while remembering the lessons of industrial civilization. The star ...
- Greek Revoultion is now LiveI am streaming the coverage of protests from Greece. It will run as long as the video feed keeps coming to me. Just so you know…Greece is 7 hours ahead of EST. LIVE STREAMING: Γενική Απεργία ενάντια στο… by News247 Please recycle. Don't throw away your peels Related posts:Postcards from the G ...
- Burzynski Cures Cancer – The Magic of Antineop ...THIS VIDEO WILL BE TAKEN DOWN BY THE OWNER ON JUNE 20 2011 Curing cancer is frowned upon big government and BIG PHARMA, especially when the patent for the cure is owned by a single doctor, and they can’t have a taste of the pie. So what do they do? They sick their hound dog, [...] Related p ...
- French Whistleblowers reaveal the set up of Do ...I saw this over at SGTReport.com and it is worth repeating here. French insiders reveal the reason why DSK had to be taken out. It was all about the missing gold baby. Watch this one explode before summer is out. Gold, The Real Reason for the Fall of Dominique Strauss-Kahn Commodities / Gold and ...
Truth About Our World
- Gunman Conspired With “Business and Political ...This picture reminds me of a highly sophisticated blow-up “dummy”. Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com Tuesday, July 26, 2011 Anders Behring Breivik said he conspired with âbusiness and political leadersâ in London years before he set about planning last weekâs massacre, an intruiging connection ...
- Inside LSD
- Norway Terror Attacks a False Flag: More Than ...by Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. TARPLEY.net Washington DC, July 24, 2011 � The tragic terror attacks in Norway display a number of the telltale signs of a false flag provocation. It is reported that, although the world media are attempting to focus on Anders Behring Breivik as a lone assassin in th ...
- Crazy People – We Are ONEIt is the crazy people who change the world for the better – it is the ‘sane’ ones that destroy it. ‘Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in a square hole; the ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules and they have no respect for ...
- OKA— KulchaThis album is a collection of live tracks from 2 different gigs, one in Australia and one Canada, no overdubs, just raw Oka tracks as they went down. If you have heard Oka live and enjoyed it this is definitely worth a listen. credits released 09 February 2011 Dub, Edits & The Jamaican Mule by O ...
- Can't Stop the Big MoHealthy spending and productivity add up to some good stock buys, says S&P's Kenneth Shea. Plus: His formula for a diversified portfolio
- Higher Gas Tax? Smart MoveRaising it to 50 cents or $1 per gallon would push conservation and send a signal to America's enemies. It's the surest way to cut oil dependence
- Merck: More Agony from Its PainkillerThe costly Vioxx verdict makes its plan to take on each claim individually more difficult. But a big settlement is no easy cure, either
- No Lull in the Airlines' HeadwindsThe industry isn't doing as badly as it was, but that's not saying much, according to S&P's Philip Baggaley
- IGN Entertainment: Where the Boys AreThe Web outfit has drawn a huge, male-dominated following and has an IPO in the works. But will a big Net player come calling?
- GAO Flunks Some States on Tap Water Quality Mo ...By Morgan Andersen, EWG Summer Government Affairs Assistant and Alex Keller, EWG Summer Water Analyst A new report from the Government Accountability Office, Congress's investigative arm, shows that a number of states have made serious errors in tap... [[ This is a content summary only. Vis ...
- GAO Knocks EPA Tap Water MonitoringBy Morgan Andersen, EWG Summer Government Affairs Assistant and Alex Keller, EWG Summer Water Analyst A new report from Government Accountability Office, Congress's investigative arm, shows that a number of states have made serious errors in tap water... [[ This is a content summary only. V ...
- Reusing Your Gray Water: State Laws Vary for H ...By Alex Keller, EWG Summer Water Analyst Recently, we took a look at the water-saving potential of residential "gray" water, which, naturally, leads people to wonder: Can I use this technology in my home, too? The answer? It depends. Some... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my websi ...
- GAO to EPA: Improve Implementation of Safe Dri ...By Jason Rano, EWG Senior Legislative Analyst, Morgan Andersen, EWG Summer Government Affairs Assistant, and Alex Keller, EWG Summer Water Analyst A Government Accountability Office investigation released last week has found that the Environmental... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit ...
- New & Improved: Safe Cosmetics Act of 2011 By Jason Rano, EWG Senior Legislative Analyst The Safe Cosmetics Act of 2011, introduced June 24 by Reps. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.), Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.) has a simple aim: to give the federal Food and Drug Administration... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit m ...
Quick Hits
- More Teachers Being Replaced By TechnologyThe neoliberal wetdream coming to fruition. From Fast Company: Districts all over are experimenting with teacher-less computer labs and green-lighting entire classrooms of adult-supervised children exploring the Internet--an Android powered tablet designed specifically for students. Teachers' u ...
- Food costs at record levels, likely to go higherMANILA/MILAN (Reuters) - World food prices hit a record in January and recent catastrophic weather around the globe could put yet more pressure on the cost of food, an issue that has already helped spark protests across the Middle East. Up for the seventh month in a row, the closely watched Food ...
- Shell makes $2,208,480 (£1.6m) an hour, [Clue ...http://www.guardian.co.uk/busi... The Guardian in Britain says calmly:Shell stoked up the heated debate about the high cost of fuel on the forecourt today after reporting it made profits of nearly £1.6m an hour over the last three months.A leading member of the road lobby said motorists would ...
- Gallup Helps Explain Egyptian/Tunisia UprisingsWellbeing in Egypt and Tunisia decreased significantly over the past few years, even as GDP increased. In Egypt, where demonstrations have prompted President Hosni Mubarak to give up power after elections this fall, the percentage of people "thriving" fell by 18 percentage points since 2005. In ...
- Wallace Shawn: Are You Smarter Than Thomas Jef ...The Grand Nagus speaks! At Tom Dispatch.com.
Capital - NYC
- The sad story of Steinbrenner-scarred Hideki I ...Each day, the New York tabloids vie to sell readers at the newsstands on outrageous headlines, dramatic photography, and, occasionally, great reporting. Who is today's winner? More
- Another whipping from Manchester United, but t ...HARRISON, N.J.—Two men, both in Manchester United garb, were talking as they walked toward Wednesday night's match between the Red Devils and a Major League Soccer All-Star team at Red Bull Arena.“They wanted me to buy things that said 'Manchester United’ ...
- Silicon Island? Often-fractious Roosevelt Isla ...Roosevelt Island wants to have a research and engineering campus, very badly. And so a number of local officials joined councilmember Jessica Lappin, whose district includes the 2.5-mile long stretch of Roosevelt Island, in a press conference that was a pi ...
- Soarin'! Already! Santonio Holmes breaks out t ...Each day, the New York tabloids vie to sell readers at the newsstands on outrageous headlines, dramatic photography, and, occasionally, great reporting. Who is today's winner? More
- Mets send Carlos Beltran and money to San Fran ...For those not paying close attention, the New York Mets’ decision to trade Carlos Beltran and cash to the San Francisco Giants for minor league pitcher Zack Wheeler could seem like a surrendering of the 2011 season, a reflection of the precarious financial ...
Views & News from Norway
- Terror threat unchanged, confessed gunman unde ...Norway’s special police intelligence unit PST announced that the overall threat of terror from extreme groups on both the right and left side in Norway hasn’t changed as a result of last week’s attacks. Meanwhile, the man behind those attacks underwent a second full day of questioning at the mai ...
- All attack victims identifiedNorwegian police and forensic specialists have now finished identifying all the victims of last Friday’s bombing of government headquarters in Oslo and a subsequent massacre at the Labour Party youth organization’s summer camp on Utøya, an island in the Tyri Fjord. The final death toll was set ...
- Bombed buildings may be savedNorway’s government headquarters, heavily damaged in last week’s terrorist bombing, looks likely to be restored. Workers placed an enormous tarp over the side of the high-rise that housed the prime minister’s office and the justice ministry, as clean-up and assessment efforts continue one week a ...
- Flowers to remain over the weekendCity officials in Oslo have said they’ll let all the huge floral memorials that have sprung up all over town lie where they are until next week. And then they’ll “take good care” of the symbols of grief laid down with the flowers. The flowers started piling up outside the Oslo Cathedral last Sat ...
- Sun starts shining on a ‘new Norway’The skies cried again over Oslo on Friday, when a torrential downpour hit the capital one week after a bomb ripped through its heart and scores of the country’s youth were gunned down by a lone terrorist. But then the sun came out, and most Norwegians hope that’s what will happen with their soci ...
Permaculture Research Institute - Australia
- Permaculture Featured on New York TimesWe all know the world is looking for answers to very pressing questions — so it’s high time the mainstream media started to share them! As such, it’s great to see the following article on the New York Times website. Thanks to New York Times writer Michael Tortorello, and well done to Wayne Weis ...
- Why Have Permaculture Design Courses for Women?What: Permaculture Design Course for Women When: 30 October — 12 November, 2011 Where: Just up the road from the PRI’s Zaytuna Farm, at Eternity Springs Art Farm Cost: AU$950 Why set up permaculture design courses just for women? There are both practical and historical reasons to do so. L ...
- Letters from Slovakia – Contemplating the Roma ...In a world of decreasing energy excess, will ancient hostilities get reignited or defused? What will peak oil and economic collapse mean for our human relationships if we fail to prepare for the stress ahead? “It was a dark and misty night…” So begins many a dramatic work of fiction. I am not ...
- Rob Hopkins: Transition to a World Without OilRob Hopkins, founder of the Transition movement, gives a great TED Talk.
- Support This Film – Regenerative AgricultureMany advanced civilizations vanished because they did not take care of their soil. This film is about a new, progressive, and advanced practice of agriculture, that will regenerate the soil. With Regenerative Agriculture we create healthier food, build communities, and, most importantly, in ...
- On murderous madmen.The tragic events of last week in Norway do give you pause for thought. How could anyone do that and especially to defenseless young people? Does it say something about us all? Are we all capable of doing something like that? The answer is no and thatâs not just my subjective opinion, itâs a fac ...
- You gotta have a sense of humour …You look at stuff and you wonder. Maybe you donât, maybe a lot of people donât, maybe they never do. Well, I do. I suppose itâs just me being an awkward cuss but at this stage in the game, Iâm pretty reconciled to that. You are what you are, so just chaw down and get … Read more
- Words of wisdom from the Goracle of Helpme.Alâs fallen on hard times. Long gone are the days of the $100,000 appearance fee at speaking engagements. Most of that all went into that Chicago Carbon Exchange thingy which didnât turn out to be such a smart investment after all. Anyway, you canât keep a good man down so heâs working on a come ...
- The Al Gore Climate Reality Event : A call to ...Thereâs an interesting proposal being made at Anthony Wattâs site WUWT to fight the upcoming Al Gore Climate Reality Event scheduled for Sept. 14th 2011. In essence, it suggests setting up a central resource which will contain quotes by global warming high priests. Whatâs being called for is yo ...
- Internet Security 3: The Worst Sort Of Predator.This is a nasty, distasteful and distressing area to post a topic on but if it saves the happy childhood of one kid, itâll be worth it. If you’re a parent, which I am, anything like this is tough going but Iâd encourage you to read on. I think it was Will Rogers who said … Read more
Journalists' Toolkit
- The best video export optionsHow do you choose the best settings for exporting your video, after you have edited it? I remember how confusing this was for me when I started working with Web video several years ago. With the slower computers we had back then, I would wait for what seemed like forever while exporting a small ...
- Video Resources updatedThe new Video Resources page has been added to this site. This is a carefully curated page with links to good tutorials for video editing software, video shooting tips, and the like. It’s intended for beginners, particularly journalism students and journalism educators who are teaching video in ...
- Flash Journalism updatesI have been hard at work updating the Flash Journalism website. New tutorials for ActionScript 3.0 and for working on the Timeline in CS4 and CS5 have been added. The old pages from the original site (created to support the book I wrote about Flash journalism in 2004) are still online, and all t ...
- New tutorial: Windows Live Movie MakerAs an aid to a journalism training session I agreed to give, I created a short PowerPoint that is aimed at journalism students. Windows Live Movie Maker Tutorial Windows Live Movie Maker is quite different from its predecessor — Windows Movie Maker (not “live”). It is less versatile in several w ...
- Convert WMA files with SwitchSwitch Sound File Converter is a free program from NCH Software. You can download it here (Mac or Windows). I have been using this program and recommending it widely for about two years. It’s easy to use, and it’s especially useful for converting WMA format files to WAV so that we can edit them ...
Justice Roars - Louisiana
- Devastating Report Exposes Feinberg's Unequal ...Kenneth Feinberg, administrator of the Gulf Coast Claims Facility (GCCF) set up in the aftermath of the BP Drilling Disaster, has broken with his own past practices - as well as the evidence compiled by scientists and the experience of Gulf Coast residents - to deny all health claims filed by Gu ...
- Highlights in Local Activism Against the Priso ...Here on the Louisiana Justice Institute blog, we have been following developments in the Danziger Bridge investigation and other police violence and corruption cases, as well as activism against abuses at Orleans Parish Prison and other aspects of the Prison Industrial Complex, since early on th ...
- Prosecution Rests in Danziger TrialThe article below originally appeared on the New Orleans Tribune/Tribune Talk website The prosecution rested its case this week in the Danziger Bridge police violence trial with one final witness testimony, perhaps the most moving. Lesha Bartholomew, who was 17 at the time of the incident, b ...
- Rethinkers Speak Out on Childhood Obesity and ...From our Friends at ReThink: Candy Bars, Prison Bars How Schools Can Reverse the Major Youth Epidemics of Our Times The unstoppable Rethinkers - school reformers, aged 8-18 - want to interrupt what they call "the two biggest youth epidemics of our time," childhood obesity and the school-to-p ...
- Moving Forward With the Status QuoA Response to Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal’s Veto of Senate Bill 67, by Families and Friends of Louisiana's Incarcerated Children: When Governor Bobby Jindal vetoed State Senate Bill 67 (SB 67), he failed to protect the right to education for thousands of Louisiana school children. Each y ...
Information Underground
- History and Philosophy of Zionism/Judaism/&quo ...No problem Statistics: Posted by Shiksa Rage — Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:55 pm
- History and Philosophy of Zionism/Judaism/&quo ...Ok thanks, I must have made a mistake obviously, sorry about that SR.Statistics: Posted by bluejelly — Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:45 pm
- History and Philosophy of Zionism/Judaism/&quo ...Below is a link to the show in which Yeager makes the half Jewish claim about Eichmann. She says it at about 36 minutes into the show. http://reasonradionetwork.com/20110314/ ... itler-liesStatistics: Posted by Shiksa Rage — Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:41 am
- History and Philosophy of Zionism/Judaism/&quo ...bluejelly: please re-read my post and you'll see that what I wrote was Yeager said Eichmann was half Jewish, not Hitler. she said in one of her VOR podcasts but I cannot remember which one off hand.Statistics: Posted by Shiksa Rage — Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:25 am
- Current News / News of an Immediate & Urge ...Travis wrote : I think one the most interesting points that have been overlooked is that this event is no longer being referred to as a terrorist attack in the media, and the suspect is not been tried for terrorist acts. Good point you make here. Attacks are only terroristic, when it involv ...
- Air France crash pilots 'ignored warnings'A report into a fatal plane crash in 2009 has found pilots ignored warnings and appeared to defy the manual.
- First funerals held for Norway attack victimsNorwegians were united in mourning a week after 77 people were killed by an extremist.
- Backlash against China leaders after train crashDemand for accountability in China is outrunning traditional top-down controls.
- 16 killed in Ukrainian coal mine blast16 miners were killed and nine were missing after an explosion at a Ukrainian coal mine.
- US police foil army terror plotterA US Army soldier has been arrested with suspected bomb-making materials near Fort Hood, Texas.
environment 360
- New Fuel Economy Standard Agreed to by White H ...The Obama administration and U.S. automakers have agreed on a new fuel economy standard that would require cars and light trucks to achieve an average of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025, a target that officials say will reduce U.S. fuel consumption 40 percent below today’s levels and cut greenhous ...
- ‘Land Grab’ in Africa Threatens Continent’s Fo ...China, India, Libya, Saudi Arabia and other countries are buying up vast amounts of farmland in Africa, threatening the food security of millions of impoverished people on the continent, according to a new study. The Worldwatch Institute reports that to ensure the food security of their own peo ...
- UK Offshore Wind Sector is Fastest-Growing in ...The vast majority of new offshore wind turbines built in European waters this year have been installed in the UK, according to the European Wind Energy EWEA Association. Of 108 new turbines installed off the European coast during the first half of 2011, 101 were built in the UK. But so far only ...
- Warming Arctic Temperatures Cause Release of L ...Warming temperatures in the Arctic are causing the release of toxic pollutants long trapped in the region’s ice, snow, and ocean waters, a new study says. In an analysis of air-monitoring data collected at sites in Norway’s Svalbard archipelago and the Canadian province of Nunavut, researchers s ...
- Arctic Blog: A Place for Wildlife In the Natio ...In the third in a series of blogs from the Arctic, biologist Steve Zack, of the Wildlife Conservation Society, explains how he and other scientists are assessing key Steve Zack blogs from the Arctic for Yale e360. The third in a series. wildlife habitats within the 23-million-acre National ...
- GVFI.org | Global Viral Forecasting InitiativeTags: health research global virology initiative
- Neptune 911!Tags: ocean trash plastics pollution pesticides seafood
- Corporate Accountability InternationalTags: accountability water tobacco food
- The Oldspeak JournalTags: news oligarchy usa Doublethink talking_points
- Flickr: Creative CommonsTags: flickr photos copyright stock photography creative_commons
- Booking GrannyBy Alison@Creekside There's just so much wrong with this news story about the Canada Border Services Agency arresting and jailing a 66-year old woman for 12 days, for trafficking, possessing, and importing heroin, because their swab-test of a jar of motor oil in her vehicle incorrectly iden ...
- Stockwell Day: The result of insane, extreme r ...By Alison@Creekside CBC Power & Politics on the Oslo massacre, at noon Friday, edited: Evan Solomon: This raises again the spectre of international terrorism. Stockwell Day: As recently as July 8th in Norway there was a dragnet for al-Qaeda suspects related to the Manchester bombing. Whethe ...
- Bob Rae, Super-Elite!By Frank Moher Oh, grow a sense of humour, already. Canadian novelist Kenneth J. Harvey's piece in today's Globe, "Thank you, Bob Rae, for stealing my plane seat," is inspiring an unseemly fuss among my facebook and twitter peeps. Harvey's article, a funny and typically shrewd account of his ...
- Canada’s startups get the flagBy Mark Evans Canada’s startup landscape is healthier than ever, as evidenced by the recent International Startup Festival in Montreal. Putting aside the ambitious name (I would have selected something like the Canadian Startup Festival), the fact that it was well-organized and well-attend ...
- Where is James Moore?By Frank Moher Two weeks ago in this space I wrote about the Conservative government's politically-motivated decision to withdraw funding from the Toronto theatre and arts festival, SummerWorks. To recap: Last year, the company presented a play, Homegrown, that the Prime Minister's Office dec ...
Daily Beast
- Lights, Camera, CocktailsA tequila and rye whiskey cocktail to match the genre-busting 'Cowboys & Aliens.' By Brody Brown.
- The Ugly Husbands ClubHow common is an attractiveness gap in American couples? From Quasimodo to Jay-Z, a warts-and-all report.
- The Other Royal WeddingZara Phillips, the Queen’s granddaughter, will marry tomorrow, but this royal wedding will be a modest affair.
- Teen Moms’ Graduation TriumphA school in Detroit that lets young mothers bring their kids narrowly escaped the chopping block.
- Who’s to Blame for Flight 447?Clive Irving looks at who’s really to blame for flight 447’s disappearance in the South Atlantic seas.
- Pamela Geller Edits Post to Conceal Violent Rh ...Google’s cache also has a copy of Geller’s page, captured on June 30, 2011 — and the line about “stockpiling weapons” was still there at that time.
- Pamela Geller’s Followers Go Nuts (Or Ar ...Geller's wacked out fans call Jeffrey Goldberg a "secret Muslim."
- FBI ‘Islam 101′ Guide Depicted Muslims as 7th- ...The FBI thought its agents ought to know the following crucial information about Muslims: they engage in a “circumcision ritual”...
- Daily Show with Jon Stewart: In the Name of th ...The Fox rapid-response team makes a plea to distinguish violence in the name of a religion from the practitioners and tenets of that religion as long as it’s Christianity.
- 17,000 “Islamic terrorist” Attacks Exist in Fe ...17,000 Islamic terror attacks? Sheila Musaji responds.
Energy News
- Gov’t says 1,500 tons of highly radioact ...1,500 tons of radioactive sludge cannot be buried, NHK, July 29, ...Read More
- Nuclear plant workers developed cancer despite ...Nuclear plant workers developed cancer despite lower radiation exposure than legal ...Read More
- Ft. Calhoun nuke plant can’t be inspecte ...Nuclear plant will wait to reopen, AP, July 28, 2011: Officials ...Read More
- Japan gov’t told power company to deceiv ...Chubu Electric: NISA tried to deceive public forum, NHK, July 29, ...Read More
- NHK: TEPCO doesn’t know where melted fue ...TEPCO to extract air from troubled reactors, NHK, July 29, 2011 ...Read More
Japan Times
- The creeping crud on my handsRecently, I have had this creeping crud on my hands. I get it every year. It looks like poison ivy — except that it isn't. How cruel to have only the effects of something and not the actual something. At least if I had poison ivy, when someone asked, "What is that creeping crud on your hands?" ...
- Irabu dead in apparent suicideThe Japanese baseball fraternity was shocked and saddened by Friday's news that former New York Yankees pitcher Hideki Irabu was found dead in a Los Angeles suburb after an apparent suicide. "He was a great pitcher in Japan but I got the sense his attitude changed when he went to New York," sa ...
- Renesas to sell audio processing chip biz to M ...Renesas Electronics Corp. plans to sell its money-losing audio processing chip business to Murata Manufacturing Co. by the end of this year to focus on its key businesses, including microprocessors for automobiles, sources said Friday. Murata is expected to keep about 650 workers involved in t ...
- Japan Tobacco buys Sudan firm Haggar Cigarette ...Japan Tobacco Inc. will pay $450 million for a cigarette maker that operates in Sudan and oil-rich South Sudan, which gained independence this month after a rebellion that lasted almost 50 years. Haggar Cigarette & Tobacco Factory Ltd. controls 80 percent of the market in Sudan and is also "we ...
- Energy policy revised to cut nuclear roleThe government officially shifted its energy policy away from nuclear power Friday with the release of an interim report vowing to pare reliance on atomic energy. Friday's report is in line with an earlier pronouncement by Prime Minister Naoto Kan that the nation should reduce its dependence o ...
Alexander Higgins
- Alert From Ron Paul: DEBT CEILING BETRAYAL IMM ...With the White House determined to tack on TRILLIONS more to our national debt, Ron Paul needs your IMMEDIATE help to send a critical message to the Republican congressional leadership.
- Police on Alert After Political Activist ̶ ...Police are on alert because a political activist liked a Facebook article about the right to resist illegal police authority with the sensational title "When Should You Shoot A Cop"
- Police Were Warned About Oslo Norway Terrorist ...Police ignored warning of neighbor who reported Breivik’s suspicious behavior reading his manifesto stating he was planning the Oslo, Norway terrorist attacks and after reporting him for sealing the truck used to make the bomb.
- The Wall Street Pentagon Papers: Biggest Scam ...What if the greatest scam ever perpetrated was blatantly exposed, and the US media didn’t cover it? Does that mean the scam could keep going? That’s what we are about to find out.
- Oslo Terror Attacks Being Used To Justify Sini ...European regulators are now demanding increased domestic spying on citizens online internet activities in the wake of the Oslo terror attacks according to several online news reports.
Macleans - Central
- The centre in crisisBob Rae draws lessons from the U.S. debt crisis. The deep partisanship that has...
- It was about Michael IgnatieffI’m a bit late to finding this, but here is Michael Valpy on the...
- I’ve seen the future, and it’s And ...The tablet is a great invention, but it will ultimately be rendered generic
- ‘That this is even a debate in the 21st ...Brian Dunning responds to Elizabeth May’s wi-fi concerns. For a politician to be frightened...
- King of the Hill Revisited: “The Arrowhe ...Season 2, Episode 3: “The Arrowhead” Written by Jonathan Aibel & Glenn Berger There’s...
Making It Count - CCPA
- Decarbonizing Homes and the Price of GasOur climate justice framework for BC is to eliminate fossil fuels by 2040. In the household sector, this poses a significant challenge, not so much in terms of technology and knowledge, but because natural gas is much cheaper than electricity per unit of energy. Even though BC has among the lowe ...
- Understanding Québec’s Orange Wave Part Three: ...Simon Tremblay-Pepin is a researcher at IRIS, a Montreal-based progressive think tank. In my previous two posts I discussed how neither a rise in left-wing sentiment nor a surge in support for the federalist option caused the “orange wave” in Québec during the last federal election. I will now o ...
- Understanding Québec’s Orange Wave Part Two: W ...Simon Tremblay-Pepin is a researcher at IRIS, a Montreal-based progressive think tank. In my previous post, I addressed how Québec was not reinventing itself as a socialist haven. I will now attempt to show that the NDP’s impressive showing in Québec does not indicate a rejection of sovereignty. ...
- Understanding Québec’s Orange Wave Part one: a ...Simon Tremblay-Pepin is a researcher at IRIS a Montreal-based left-wing think tank. From an outsider’s point of view, the last federal election may give the impression that a majority of Québécois(es) has converted to social democracy and asymmetrical federalism. This analysis aims to demonstrat ...
- Financial Crisis as a Way of LifeBy Ellen Russell (as appeared in Rabble, July 14, 2011) From Wall Street to Iceland to Greece to Ireland, the world is lurching from one financial crisis to the next. The financial panic of 2008 has morphed into the era of financial crises. If you think you live in an oasis away from financial ...
- Death and contradiction: the case of Iran’s nu ...Lawrence Davidson considers two contradictions underlying US policy towards Iran: on the one hand an anti-Iranian, anti-Muslim and pro-Israel worldview manifested in, among other things, the murder of Iranian nuclear scientists on the pretext that Iran represents a nuclear threat, and on the oth ...
- Norway's monster and the poison of Zionist pro ...How much was the mind of Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik conditioned and warped by Zionist propaganda as peddled with the assistance of Christian fundamentalism by much of the Western mainstream media and many websites?
- Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik's fello ...Gilad Atzmon views an article by Zionist writer and former Trotskyite David Horowitz, written on the eve of the Utoeye Island massacre in Norway, "which could well have provided mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik with all the motivation he needed to commit his crime".
- Was Norway massacre a reaction to boycott Isra ...Gilad Atzmon highlights Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik's enthusiastic support for Israel and the sympathy he has received from Israelis and, in the light of this, asks whether Breivik might have been a "Sabbath Goy" responding to the Norwegian Workers Youth League's - to which al ...
- Rupert Murdoch's intellectual terrorismPaul J. Balles views the corrupting influence of Rupert Murdoch and his media empire on the politics, culture and media of the English-speaking world.
Physics Today
- Black hole collision may have set off firework ...Science: Evidence suggests that the now quiescent, supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way experienced a period of intense activity a few million years ago that produced some of the highest-energy radiation in the universe. A pair of gamma ray-emitting gas bubbles that seem to ha ...
- Detecting a driver's brain waves can cut braki ...BBC: Benjamin Blankertz and his colleagues at the Berlin Institute for Technology have demonstrated in the lab that it's possible to detect a driver's intention to brake before he or she actually brakes. In their experiment, volunteers drove an arcade-like simulator and were given the task of ke ...
- Huge Arctic fire had big impact on carbon cycleBBC: A paper published today in Nature warns of a feedback mechanism that could accelerate the impact of global warming in the Arctic region. The unusually dry summer of 2007 helped to fuel the Anaktuvuk River fire, which destroyed as much Alaskan tundra as did all previous fires since 1950. Led ...
- Artificial cilia spontaneously act in concertMSNBC: Zvonimir Dogic of Brandeis University and his colleagues have performed an experiment that helps solve a biological mystery: how cilia, the microscopic hairs that sprout from certain cells, beat together to perform such useful tasks as expelling mucous from lungs and ferrying eggs from ov ...
- India commits to nuclear power despite oppositionNational Geographic: India's plan to build the world's largest nuclear power plant at Jaitapur, a port city 250 miles south of Mumbai, faces vigorous, sometimes violent opposition from the city's inhabitants. And as National Geographic's Rebecca Byerly, the power plant serves as a focus for a wi ...
Revolutionary Politics
- Norway massacre is a false flagby katsung47 (Posted Wed, 27 Jul 2011 20:00:26 GMT) It's a false flag attack. The killer said he hates Muslims but what his target were the sons and daughters of the government elites. He was born in Norway and chose as his targets not Muslims whose presence he detests, but the Labor Party ...
- Oil price and Iran warby katsung47 (Posted Wed, 27 Jul 2011 19:52:53 GMT) 13. Harassment from Feds (12/28/08) I said oil price started to drop after my article of July 4th. When the planed Iran war went soured in August, the Inside group planed a financial crisis to stabilize the dollar. It started on 9/14, when Lem ...
- The Fake Osama Bin Laden Imageby katsung47 (Posted Wed, 27 Jul 2011 19:49:57 GMT) Two years ago I predicted the Feds would use Bin Laden, Al Qaida and Pakistan to activate false flag nuclear bomb attack. Operation Geronimo was exactly the practise of that plan. 587. A nuclear bombing to justify Iran war (2/10/09) For the ...
- CIA Spy Captured Giving Nuclear Bomb To Terroristsby katsung47 (Posted Wed, 27 Jul 2011 19:42:36 GMT) 675. Virus attack and boat sinking (7/19/2011) In web site unforumzed.com, a man kept on suggesting me to stop post the revelation article. Cake Balls by Autumn: “Maybe if you stopped posting crap all over the internet, the FBI wouldn't be ...
- News media won't reportby katsung47 (Posted Wed, 27 Jul 2011 19:38:52 GMT) Quote, "Late Night Snack: Arrested in Orlando for Feeding the Homeless July 2, 2011By Sarah Jones Food Not Bombs activists get arrested for feeding the homeless, chanting “Food is a right, not a privilege”. Twice a week, these activists gat ...
- LAOS: Villagers brace for relocation as dam pr ...“I don’t have any power over this decision,” said Ting, 50, who like other Lao villagers, goes by only one name. He earns a living ferrying passengers across the Mekong River in a motorized skiff and lives in Pakmon, a village of 150 families just 30km upstream from the proposed US$3.8 billion d ...
- Can water end the Arab-Israeli conflict?“Around three weeks ago on a late Tuesday morning, Israeli soldiers armed with a truck and a digger entered the Palestinian village of Amniyr and destroyed nine water tanks . One week later, Israeli forces demolished water wells and water pumps in the villages of Al-Nasaryah, Al-Akrabanyah and ...
- Water Woes, Tensions And Wars“The water spring lies in our area and you dare connect pipes and take away all our water?” shouts Rajesh Thapa, a resident of the upper Tara at Sita Ram Dahal, a resident from the lower Gadhi. “There’s not enough water for us. Our water mills are drying up and if this continues, we don’t [...]
- Santa Cruz City Council OKs studying water swa ...“The council unanimously agreed to join a study with regional water agencies for swapping supplies, an idea explored but abandoned 21 years ago. In recent years, however, the county had laid the groundwork for a new study funded by a state grant that will evaluate trading water between Santa Cru ...
- Kalamazoo River Oil Spill One-Year Anniversary“The Lakehead Line 6B re-opened in September, and today carries 1,020,600 gallons per day of medium to heavy grades of crude oil from Griffith, Ind., to Sarnia, Ontario, traversing southern Michigan under communities such as Niles, Mendon, Marshall and Howell, according to the company’s websit ...
D. Kucinich
- “The American People Do Not Want Us to Burn Do ...Washington D.C. (July 29, 2011) – Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today delivered the following speech on the floor of the House of Representatives. See video here. “Here’s how we can take a couple steps back from the brink of default: “First, raise the debt ceiling until December 31, 2012 ...
- “We are the United States of America, the grea ...Washington D.C. (July 28, 2011) � Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today went to the House floor to outline the steps we can take to avoid default and lead America out of debt. See the video here. The full text of Congressman Kucinich�s remarks follow: �Here is what we should do to avoid def ...
- Kucinich: UN Mandate to Protect Libyan Civilia ...Kucinich Renews Call for Ceasefire and Political Solution Washington D.C. (July 26, 2011) � Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), a longtime proponent of peace, today wrote to United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon expressing his concern �that the United Nations is selectively applying i ...
- Kucinich: White House Now Conceals Plan to Cut ...Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today released the following statement: �Last Friday, the President told the nation that he offered a plan that would cut $650 billion from Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Last night in his address to the nation, the President didn�t want to �bore� Ame ...
- Kucinich Moves to Protect American Consumers f ...Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) will offer an amendment tomorrow to the North American-Made Energy Security Act, HR. 1938, that will require an analysis of the effect of the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline from Canadian tar sands to the Gulf of Mexico on manipulation of oil markets and increase ...
Authentically Wired
- egg on his face⦠It would appear that Mr. Beohnerâs ⦠âzippity-do-da-dayâ ⦠ended for with egg on his face ⦠‘It’s A Zippity-Do-Da Day!’ Posted: 28 Jul 2011 01:14 PM PDT Posted by AzBlueMeanie: The TanMan, Weeper of the House John Boehner, told media villagers this morning ‘It’s A Zippity-Do-Da Day!’ ...
- JUNK FOOD⦠JUNK FOOD INGREDIENTS ⦠INTERESTED ⦠www.NaturalNews.com â¦. just published an up-to-date A-to-Z list of the worst ingredients you’ll find in food. Click here to see the list for yourself: http://www.naturalnews.com/033162_food_ingredients_chemicals.html Filed under: Blogroll
- To Shed Pounds� �� To Shed Pounds Posted By Dr. Mercola �� July 29 2011 ��http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/07/29/foods-that-keep-you-thin.aspx?e_cid=20110729_DNL_art_1 To be thin, you need to make smart food choices, watch your portion sizes and stay active. Yahoo Shine has made a list ...
- How to Get Off the Grid⦠Perhaps this is something to consider � Open-Source Blueprints Explain How to Get Off the Grid http://www.good.is/post/open-source-blueprints-explain-how-to-rebuild-civilization?utm_campaign=daily_good&utm_medium=email_daily_good&utm_source=headline_link&utm_content=Open-Source%20Toolkit%20 ...
- Yet another “off-the-books” war�� Yet another �off-the-books� war perpetrated by America and we have the temerity to wonder why folks in the Middle East do not trust us ��? War crimes� � Stephen Lendman���Date: July 30, 2011 �� Subject:�WAR: About that War� �� http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/Article/Print-Page.htm?EdNo=001&Inf ...
Popular Technology
- Correcting misinformation about the journal En ...A frequent source of contention in the global warming debate is the existence of skeptical peer-reviewed papers. These have been overwhelmingly proven to exist. Once confronted with this inconvenient truth, alarmists have desperately tried to discredit the journals that dare publish these papers ...
- Origin of the Popular Technology.net Peer-Revi ...There are various myths floating around online about where the Popular Technology.net peer-reviewed paper list originated, falsely giving credit to people who copied earlier versions of my list and published it as their own. The following is a brief history,Back in February 2007 I began compilin ...
- 900+ Peer-Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticis ...WARNING: Do not accept any criticisms of this list without reading the notes or emailing, populartechnology (at) gmail (dot) comRead: The following papers support skepticism of AGW or AGW Alarm defined as, "concern relating to a negative environmental or socio-economic effect of AGW, usually exa ...
- Who is Deep Climate?A new climate alarmist blog appeared on October 18, 2008 from an "unknown" Canadian setting out to both "follow the money" and "follow the science" of the "climate science 'skeptic' movement in Canada". Who in the great Northwest of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada would undertake such a daunt ...
- Are Skeptical Scientists funded by ExxonMobil?In an article titled, "Analysing the ‘900 papers supporting climate scepticism’: 9 out of top 10 authors linked to ExxonMobil" from the environmental activist website The Carbon Brief, former Greenpeace "researcher" Christian Hunt failed to do basic research. He made no attempt to contact the sc ...
Monga Bay ( Articles )
- Is Indonesia losing its most valuable assets?Deep in the rainforests of Malaysian Borneo in the late 1980s, researchers made an incredible discovery: the bark of a species of peat swamp tree yielded an extract with potent anti-HIV activity. An anti-HIV drug made from the compound is now nearing clinical trials. It could be worth hundreds o ...
- Indonesia's moratorium disappoints environment ...The moratorium on permits for new concessions in primary rainforests and peatlands will have a limited impact in reducing deforestation in Indonesia, say environmentalists who have reviewed the instruction released today by Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. The moratorium, which too ...
- FSC mulls controversial motion to certify plan ...Members of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), meeting in Malaysia this week for its General Assembly, will consider various changes to the organization, including a vote on a controversial motion that would open the door—slightly at first—to sustainable-certification of companies that have be ...
- Unpaved road through Serengeti to progressAfter a week of confusion, the Tanzanian government has finally clarified its position on the hugely-controversial Serengeti road. The Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism, Ezekiel Maige, confirmed that a paved highway will not be built through the northern Serengeti National Park, however ...
- Richard Leakey: 'selfish' critics choose wrong ...The controversial Serengeti road is going ahead, but with conditions. According to the Tanzanian Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism, Ezekiel Maige, the road will not be paved and it will be run by the Tanzanian park authority who will have the power to monitor traffic to 'ensure no harm ...
Science - NZ Herald
- Virus kills fifth horse in New South WalesA fifth horse has died from the Hendra virus in New South Wales. The horse died at a property near Mullumbimby on the NSW north coast, the Department of Primary Industries confirmed. Four other horses on the quarantined property...
- China's deep sea sub probes ocean's richesChina has boldly gone where few nations have gone before. It has sent a manned submersible vessel to a depth of 5000m below the sea in its attempt to dominate the scientific exploration of the mineral-rich seabed.The Jiaolong, China's...
- Owen Glenn: Use science, technology to be inno ...In the second of a series leading up to the election, Owen Glenn says exporters' form matters even more than the All Blacks'. Every four years, rugby puts New Zealand on the world stage. Our exporters do the same every day.Unlike...
- Study: Earth shares its orbit with tiny asteroidLike a poodle on a leash, a tiny asteroid runs ahead of Earth on the planet's yearlong strolls around the sun, scientists report.The discovery of this companion, which measures only about 300 meters across, makes Earth the fourth...
- John Langley: Govt's sensible response to chil ...For as long as I have been alive we have lamented the dreadful hurt and death we inflict on our children. But nothing has changed.We have had promotions, public relations campaigns and an incessant diet of exposure dished up by...
Truth Survival + RSS
- NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS AND VISITORSAs of today this website will be inactive by webmaster. there will be no further reports or updated information of any kind. however all information that is currently on the website will remain as an archive for the purpose of … Continue reading →
- AARON MCCOLLUM’S FINAL MESSAGEhttp://www.blogtalkradio.com/universaltruthevolution/2011/07/07/a-special-announcement-by-aaron-mccollum-on-ute Exist Free…. Thank you Aaron Filed under: Black Projects, Common Purpose, Current Events, Dis-Information, Economic Collapse, Elite, Extraterrestrial, Festival of Enlightenment, Forb ...
- SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM AARON MCCOLLUM ON UT ...This Thursday I will be the guest on Universal Truth Evolution Radio to discuss some extremely important information and make a special announcement. I ask that everyone who takes the information provided on Truth Survival tune in to this … Continue reading →
- WHY WE WON’T CELEBRATE THE 4TH OF JULY * ...Simply put…The celebration of a holiday that we see as now dead is pointless. Think of this what you will but can YOU honestly say that the people of this country are still truly free? Should we as a nation … Continue reading →
- DISARMAMENT OF THE ELITEReport written by Roma AKA A2B The Elite want to disarm us, they don’t want us to use our tools and weapons against their tyrannical selves. How about turning the tables… we disarm them, what … Continue reading →
Hit & Run | Reason
- "The greatest increase in poverty and hardship ...For the vigilant apocalypse watchers, Robert Greenstein, a budget analyst at the liberal Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, is warning that John Boehner's proposed debt plan “could well produce the greatest increase in poverty and hardship produced by any law in modern U.S. h ...
- New at Reason: Veronique de Rugy on the Facts ...Raising the debt limit might put off a downgrade disaster in August, but that still isn’t enough—as Standard & Poor’s recent warning made clear. Perhaps the most important shot not heard around the world was S&P’s other admonition: Namely, that the U.S. bond rating will ...
- British Ad Nannies Acknowledge That Julia Robe ...British ad regulators have banned a makeup ad featuring Julia Roberts, who, thanks to some digital touch-up work, was apparently too pretty to be in the ad. PC Magazine has the story: Buying a certain type of foundation won't make you look like Julia Roberts, and Julia Roberts ce ...
- Matt Welch, Nick Gillespie on Seattle NPR stat ...Matt Welch and I are plugging our book, The Declaration of Independents, right now on Seattle's NPR station, KUOW. Listen live here.
- Atlanta's Job-Killing Street Vendor MonopolyThe Institute for Justice filed a lawsuit yesterday challenging Atlanta’s grant of an exclusive vending franchise to a single company, which now enjoys monopoly powers over all street vending on public property. Among the many losers in this sweetheart deal are longtime street vendors ...
Mercury Rising
- Friday Cat BloggingAlexander sleeps very cute.
- Dripdripdrip: the water torture of Rupert MurdochJust when you think the Murdoch phone hacking scandal can’t get uglier, it does. Nick Davies and Amelia Hill, The Guardian: Sara Payne, whose eight-year-old daughter Sarah was abducted and murdered in July 2000, has been told by Scotland Yard that they have found evidence to suggest she was targ ...
- No titleHe published it just before he was murdered, perhaps by Pakistani security forces who feared he was too close to the ISI-Al Qaeda links.
- Coming soon to your community: corporate (or c ...Adrienne (via Brother John) links this on Honduras’ “Charter Cities,” in which Hondurans cede control over their own territory to… whoever! It’s not out of the question to have a “Charter City” for each of the narcotics cartels. But in many ways, Honduras’ “Charter Cities” is done under better c ...
- Important information on understanding the lin ...Amy Goodman did a stunning show on the links between the Breivik mass assassination and the mainstream conservative movement. The links to anti-feminism are particularly interesting. Updated with excerpts. Jeff Sharlet (famous for C-Street House): sometimes—he says he’s lifting from a lot of sou ...
Reality Sandwich
- Trending DissentWe all remember "Change" so well, possibly because it has collapsed on itself with an embarrassing irony that characterizes the monstrous absurdities and doublespeak throughout modern Americanism. Now, nearly four years since the Bush Administration, "#fuckyouwashington" has become a trending ...
- Has Burning Man Reached Its Limits?� The sell out of this year's Burning Man, for the first time ever, has created a firestorm of debate across the burner community. The sight of tickets being sold on eBay at around $1000 each has shaken up the burner ethos of participation and radical inclusion. For the first time, Burning ...
- A Manifesto at the Burner Apocalypse"I support irresponsible optimism." -- Gallactik Flleet Komander "When life gives you lemons, make art." -- Surface Taktical Advizor � Dearest Burner community, read more
- Tantric Giveaway[Reality Booty] • RS is giving away 3 Ananda Nidra’s Tantric Meditation albums. Share your thoughts on how tantra has changed your life, or why you deserve a copy to win a CD. The Reality Sandwich editorial crew will select their 3 favorite entries on August 4. --- read more
- Sacred Economics: Chapter 5, "The Corpse of th ...� read more
- EAST AFRICA: Massive Aid Needed to Stave off D ...International donors have given more than one billion dollars to ease the famine in Somalia and elsewhere in the Horn of Africa, but U.N. officials say another billion will be needed to prevent the situation from deteriorating in other areas.
- Eleven Million at Risk in Horn of Africa"I have never seen anything like it. Many mothers have lost three or four children. It's a tragedy out here," Austin Kennan, regional director for the Horn of Africa for Concern Worldwide, told IPS from within the crisis zone.
- UN: Somalia Is 'Worst Humanitarian Disaster'The head of the United Nations refugee agency has described the situation in drought-hit Somalia as the "worst humanitarian disaster" in the world, after meeting with those affected at the Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya.
- Dam Project in Turkey Breeds ControversyThe tranquillity and mystery of this town on the banks of Tigris River will not last long. The millennia-old town will be nearly totally destroyed once the nearby Ilisu dam, built for energy and irrigation, is complete.
- AFRICA: Eco-Labels "Greenwashing" Forest Explo ..."Eco-label fatigue" is setting in as green logging certification schemes are undermining proper government management of forest resources while "greenwashing" private ownership of these public resources, critics say.
IPS - Inter Press Services
- MEXICO: The Long March to Justice for MigrantsFor the second time in a little over a month, Wilfredo, a 26-year-old Salvadoran construction worker, is trying to make it into the United States without papers to join his sister in Arlington, Texas.
- PERU: Humala Promises Boom Will Reach PoorThe new president of Peru, retired lieutenant colonel Ollanta Humala, promised to make the fight against poverty and marginalisation the top priority of his administration. But his inaugural address was short on specifics, according to activists and analysts.
- MALAWI: Concerns of Protesters Need to be Take ...Unless Malawi's government does something to find solutions to its economic and governance problems, the country will see more nationwide protests like the ones last week where 18 people were killed and 275 arrested, analysts say.
- AFRICA-DEVELOPMENT: Governments Need to Reach ...Governments, especially in Africa, need to have strong accountability measures in place in order to effectively reach women in rural areas through gender responsive budgeting.
- BURKINA FASO: In Dogged Pursuit of L'Affaire ...Opposition members of parliament in Burkina Faso have called on France to open its archives to look for evidence of involvement of the French secret services in the 1987 death of Thomas Sankara.
Scoop - NZ
- Are cancers newly evolved species ?Cancer patients may view their tumors as parasites taking over their bodies, but this is more than a metaphor for Peter Duesberg, a molecular and cell biology professor at the University of California, Berkeley. Cancerous tumors are parasitic organisms, he said. Each one is a new species that ...
- IT giants 'ripping off Whitehall'Government departments have been ripped off by an "oligopoly" of IT giants, a damning report by a committee of MPs has found. Some were paying as much as 10 times the commercial rate for equipment and up to £3,500 on a single desktop PC. The public administration committee said an "obscene ...
- US report: end loan guarantees to Israel by 2012An internal report of the Office of Inspector General for the U.S. Department of State recommends terminating the U.S. loan guarantee program to Israel at the end of 2011.
- Thatcher’s biographer: the left may be rightIt has taken me more than 30 years as a journalist to ask myself this question, but this week I find that I must: is the Left right after all? You see, one of the great arguments of the Left is that what the Right calls “the free market” is actually a set-up. The rich run a global sys ...
- Amy Goodman: Questions hanging over Murdoch, USAThe contagion affecting News Corp has spread rapidly in the US. The FBI is investigating potential criminal hacking of the voicemails of victims of the 9/11 attacks. Lawmakers and grassroots groups are also calling for an investigation into whether the bribing of police was a violation of the Fo ...
Independent - London
- Norway mourns 76 victims of massacreNorway has begun burying the dead a week after an anti-immigrant extremist killed 76 people in a bombing and shooting rampage.
- Time is running out for debt deal, says ObamaWith four days remaining until the United States hits its debt limit, US President Barack Obama told deeply divided Republicans and Democrats to stop bickering and find a way "out of this mess."
- Now Kenya stands on brink of own famineWhile the world focuses on Somalia and the starving refugees pouring across the Kenyan border, Kenya is on the brink of its own famine.
- Now Kenya stands on brink of its own famineWhile the world focuses on Somalia and the starving refugees pouring across the Kenyan border, Kenya is on the brink of its own famine.
- Republicans try again to pass debt billDemoralized House Republicans are trying for a third straight day today to pass a bill on raising the country's borrowing authority that has almost no chance of surviving the Senate, even as the clock ticks closer to next week's deadline for avoiding a potentially calamitous government default.
Rogue Government.com
- Ben Bernanke Makes Insane Comments On Gold Ben Bernanke who today was testifying in front of a Congressional Committee made the assertion that gold is not money during an exchange with Congressman Ron Paul. He even went as far to say that central banks only hold gold because of tradition
- UK Energy bills ‘to double in five years’ as ...Energy bills are likely to double within five years as the Government drives a move to green power and building nuclear power stations, it is claimed.
- ATF’s Fast and Furious Seems Colored With Sha ...The acting head of ATF (the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) has seemingly blown the cover of both DEA and FBI informant operations in order to spare his own neck and to deflect blame away from a badly flawed operation undertaken by his own agency.
- Blackwater’s New Director: Bill Clinton’s Law ...Blackwater’s rebranding continues at a torrid pace. Danger Room has learned the latest Washington greybeard hired to spruce up the image of the world’s most infamous private security firm is Jack Quinn, a top Washington lobbyist and former White House counsel to President Bill Clinton.
- EU calls emergency meeting as crisis stalks I ...European Council President Herman Van Rompuy has called an emergency meeting of top officials dealing with the euro zone debt crisis for Monday morning, reflecting concern that the crisis could spread to Italy, the region's third largest economy.
Innovation Canada
- Always wear sunscreenAs the summer signals hot weather and long days at the beach, doctors, cosmeticians and mothers everywhere rally to proffer their standard warning: “Always wear sunscreen.” But for people who are allergic to sunblock, like Elda Scaiano, it is impossible to wear commercial sunscreens. Fortunately ...
- Virtual practice makes perfectFor Halifax-based neurosurgeon David Clarke, the Monday-afternoon surgery session of Aug. 17, 2009, was anything but routine. For starters, his patient’s brain tumour was located in a tricky spot, close to the delicate part of the brain that controls speech. A small slip of the scalpel either wa ...
- A powerful elixirThe good news is that there are more than a million cancer survivors in Canada. The bad news is that they live with the long-term effects of treatment, including extreme fatigue, memory and attention problems, bone density loss, leading to fractures, and a sometimes debilitating anxiety over can ...
- No more slipping through the cracksAt any given time, some 19,000 children are in foster care in Ontario, placed there for their protection by one of the province’s 53 Children’s Aid Societies (CAS). While CAS caseworkers write meticulous reports on the children who pass through the system, the details contained in the thousands ...
- Back home on the rangeIt’s a little-known fact: Half the Earth’s surface is foraged by domesticated animals, which has enormous impacts on our increasingly precious fresh water. In British Columbia alone, about 50 percent of mostly crown land is licensed to ranchers who need forage and water for their 400,000 head of ...
Signs of the times
- US, Wisconsin: Another Mysterious Creature SpottedCreature Found Dead Last Week In Juneau County There's yet another claim that a mysterious, unknown creature is roaming around south-central Wisconsin. Last week, a Juneau County man claimed he found a hairless, mysterious looking creature along side a highway just outside Elroy. A debate e ...
- Trail of crumbs discovered from potentially ha ...The February Eta Draconids appear to originate from a long-period comet that passes close to Earth's orbit. The Central Bureau issued a telegram July 10 for Astronomical Telegrams of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) announcing that a stream of dust from a potentially dangerous comet i ...
- Behind the mask of sanity: Bush says slow reac ...Former President George W. Bush says his apparent lack of reaction to the first news of the September 11 2001 attacks was a conscious decision to project an aura of calm in a crisis. In a rare interview with the National Geographic Channel, Bush reflects on what was going through his mind at th ...
- 'Brain Cap' Technology Turns Thought Into Moti ..."Brain cap" technology being developed at the University of Maryland allows users to turn their thoughts into motion. Associate Professor of Kinesiology Jos� 'Pepe' L. Contreras-Vidal and his team have created a non-invasive, sensor-lined cap with neural interface software that soon could be u ...
- UFO Found on Ocean Floor?An ocean exploration team led by Swedish researcher Peter Lindberg has found what some are suggesting is a crashed flying saucer. Lindberg's team, which has had success in the past recovering sunken ships and cargo, was using sonar to look for the century-old wreck of a ship that went down car ...
The Galloping Beaver
- Doesn't flounder . . .ARKIVE is a site devoted to life on earth. An amazing BBC video of an osprey doing what ospreys do so well.ARKive - Osprey video - Pandion haliaetus - 00The Encyclopedia of Life is another great site, too.
- Hold your breath . . .IF YOU DRIVE THROUGH NORTH DAKOTA, keep the windows rolled up, and maybe change the air filters in the HVAC system, if it has them. Why? According to Annalee Newitz at io9, those roads can kill. Her article, "The roads in North Dakota are giving people cancer" is worth checking out. In Dunn Coun ...
- Folk wisdom . . .WHEN YOU'RE HOLDING A HAMMER, everything looks like a nail. Written by Bryan Glover, a Tennessee middle school football coach — who got fired for writing it. I don't like the Obama-bashing, but the lyrics are entertaining.
- Christian terrorism . . .WILLIAM SALETAN has a fine article in SLATE about the massacre in Norway, "Christian Terrorism", where he asks a cogent question, "If Muslims are responsible for Islamic terrorism, are Muslim-bashers responsible for the massacre in Norway?"On Friday, anti-Islamist blogger Pamela Geller pounced o ...
- Marty's perspective . . .Like a bastard in the sand, indeed — thanks, Marty.
Media Matters for America
- Right-Wing Media Mount Last-Ditch Effort To "H ...Days before a potential default crisis, right-wing media are engaged in a full-throated lobbying effort against a compromise to avoid default, urging Republicans to "hold the line" and act like "winners."Right-Wing Media Lobbies GOP To Risk Default And Refuse A Deal Limbaugh: "Winners Do Not ...
- Conservative Media Myths About Fuel Economy St ...Conservative media are promulgating the myths that higher fuel economy standards are unattainable with current technology, will cost consumers and will increase traffic deaths. In fact, automakers have said they will be able to meet the standards, consumers will net thousands in fuel savings, a ...
- O'Reilly Can't Find The "Shadowy Figures" Behi ...Bill O'Reilly made the argument to Fox News contributor Laura Ingraham that there are no "shadowy figures ... behind the tea party," unlike with progressive movements, which have "guy like Soros and these MoveOn people" with "so much power behind the scenes." In fact, the tea party movement h ...
- The Bigotry Of Pat BuchananPat Buchanan wrote in his recent syndicated column that accused Norway mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik may be "evil," but when it comes to his reported belief that there's a coming "climactic conflict between a once-Christian West and an Islamic world ... Breivik may be right." Buchanan, w ...
- Limbaugh Advocates Massive Cuts Under The Guis ...Rush Limbaugh proposed that the government institute a "spending freeze," which he claimed would be demagogued as a "draconian cut." In fact, according to federal budget experts, such a proposal would lead to "a massive reduction in the services provided by government to a growing population" a ...
Global Research.ca
- Propaganda and the War on TruthFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Absurdities and Atrocities: The Threat of Worl ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- The US-Al Qaeda Alliance: Bosnia, Kosovo and ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Bosnia, Kosovo, and Now Libya: The Human Costs ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- The War on Libya: Divisions within The Transit ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- How to Assess Obama´s LeadershipPresident Obama´s mishandling of the Republican-generated debt-ceiling crisis cannot be excused by comparing his fine motives and principles, which enjoy the support of most Americans, with the Republicans´ all-too-obvious, increasingly wild, lack of the same. What we face is not the questio ...
- The Real Gems of the Republican Talking PointsIf nothing else, you have to give the Republicans credit for sheer gall in the debt ceiling debate, and they've been at their best worst in the last few days. I'd like to take this moment to examine some of my personal faves. Let's start with the charge that President Obama isn't showing any ...
- Re: Obama's Deficit Strategy in April. I Would ...The following was posted on April 13, when President Obama gave his big deficit-reduction speech. What would you change here to distinguish his leadership of the past three weeks from the following characterization of it in regard to the same matters four months ago? For an elaboration on what h ...
- And You Thought All the Recent Crazy Has Been ...As a foreign policy complement to the main insanity over the debt ceiling (see David Brooks' analysis), we have a flurry of ideological and self-indulgent Republican amendments last week to the House Foreign Affairs Committee's authorization bill (see Josh Rogin's reporting). Here's the money qu ...
- A White House Reverie at 5 Minutes to MidnightObama tells Boehner and McConnell: "Your party set out three decades ago to deepen our deficit problems [see the post just below], and brought us the economic near-meltdown of 2008. And now that you've forced the crisis into the political arena openly again and have Americans' undivided atte ...
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- Controversy surrounds West Bank tunnel (Al Ja ...A separation barrier being built by Israel in the West Bank, the occupied Palestinian territory, will further isolate the village of al-Wallaja from the outside world, Palestinians sa ...
- Palestinian 'ghosts' keep the Israeli economy ..."We built Israel," says Abbas, a young migrant worker from Salem. A decade ago, he began travelling illegally from the northern West Bank to Tel Aviv to work in construction. "We have ...
- US to oppose Palestinian UN bid (Al Jazeera)The US is to oppose Palestine's application to the UN for full membership status when the body's General Assembly convenes in September. Rosemary DiCarlo, the US deputy ambassador to ...
- Fuel shortage threatens Gaza hospitals (Ma'an ...The director of public medical supplies in the Gaza Strip warned Thursday of an impending "humanitarian catastrophe" in Gaza hospitals due to fuel shortages. Bassam Barhum, who overse ...
- Israeli bulldozers edge ever closer to... Al B ...Yesterday there were more arrests in al Walaja, the village west of Bethlehem which is being enveloped by The Wall, as people protested against the destruction of village land. Once a ...
Water - AlterNet
- Why Does Massey Energy Get Away With Murder Wh ...They violated the Clean Water Act over 4,500 times in a six year time period and are responsible for the deadliest coal mining accident in over 40 years.
- Why Governments Are on the Hook to Ensure Clea ...The right to water and sanitation are living documents waiting to be used for transformational change around the world.
- Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline Incoming? House ...Forcing a vote on a matter that may bind the United States' fate to fossil fuels for decades to come is the most irresponsible aspect of all in this debate.
- Naomi Klein: The Real Reason Why Exxon's Oil S ...Global warming's possible role in a Montana environmental disaster.
- Environmental Activist Tim DeChristopher Sente ..."In these times of a morally bankrupt government that has sold out its principles, this is what patriotism looks like." Read his words to the court.
Public Citizen in Texas
- All the world’s a “fracking” stage, and all th ...Seems like everyone is jumping onto the “Fracking” bandwagon. In an earlier blog we talked about the US Department of Energy’s entrance into the “Fracking” fray with Secretary Steven Chu appointing an Energy Advisory Board subcommittee on natural gas, led by former CIA director John Deutch, who ...
- German low-level radioactive waste – could thi ...Earlier this week, NPR reported on the anticipated arrival of nearly 1,000 tons of nuclear waste from Germany at Oak Ridge, TN. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission approved a plan in June for an American company to import and burn low-level nuclear waste from Germany. The radioactive residue left ...
- DOE weighing in on the fracking debateUS Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Chu may play a role in sorting out the entangled mess of misinformation and spin about the environmental impacts of gas drilling. U.S. gas producers are looking to ramp up industrialization in rural areas outside of some of the nation’s largest cities. Â S ...
- Coal ash contaminates groundwater at some TVA ...A report by the Tennessee Valley Authority’s (TVA) Office of Inspector General found that the groundwater at some coal ash sites is contaminated with arsenic and other toxic pollutants and is a health hazard. Levels at the Gallatin plant site in Sumner County and at the Cumberland site, 50 miles ...
- Congress should vote against reducing a review ...The Terry-Greene Tar Sands Resolution Would Allow Hasty Decision to Be Made Regarding an Oil Pipeline Through Texas The Terry-Greene Tar Sands Resolution (H.R .1938), which is scheduled for a vote Tuesday, would expedite the approval for construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, requiring a dec ...
Unexplained Mysteries
- Paleontologist: sea monsters are plausibleDr Darren Naish believes that there have been too many sightings for the Loch Ness Monster to be a hoax. The debate over the possible existence of lar...
- Scientists create glowing dogScientists in Korea have created a glowing dog using a cloning technique that could help cure diseases. The dog is said to glow fluorescent green when...
- Missing man found in chimney 27 years onThe remains of a man who went missing in 1984 were discovered lodged in the chimney of a bank. Joseph Schexnider had been due to appear in court over ...
- Nations compete in new space raceAs NASA's shuttle program ends other countries are moving forward with their own spaceflight plans. Later this year China is hoping to launch the firs...
- Goldfish survive 134 days without foodIn a heartwarming story of survival, two goldfish survived 4 months without food after an earthquake. The two fish were left trapped in their tank in ...
- Monsanto NationSubheadline:� Taking Down Goliath Outside Author Info Outside Author Bio:� Ronnie Cummins is a veteran activist, author, and organizer. He is the International Director of the Organic Consu ...
- Losing Jerusalem, Piece by Piece snaking_wall.jpg In Bir Nabala, a neighborhood in East Jerusalem, Israel’s separation Wall provides a concrete backdrop to what was once a view of the old city. On a stormy afternoon, Bir Nabala’s head of counsel Haj Tawfik Nabeli guided m ...
- Taking on TIAA-CREF, with pain and outrageOutside Author Info Outside Author Bio:� Alice Rothchild is a Boston-based physician, a Grassroots International supporter, and author of "Broken Promises, Broken Dreams: Stories of Jewish Trauma and Resilience." Her website is www.alicerothchild.com. ...
- Funding Global Movements… one grant at a timemexico201012--139.jpg By Alicia Tozourread more
- Up Against the Wall: Beehives of Resistance an ...palestine201105-16.jpg Eight years ago this month, the International Court of Justice ruled in an advisory opinion that �the construction of the wall, and its associated régime, are contrary to international law.��While neither the state o ...
- IEE: Smart Grids Depend on Consumers for SuccessSource:� CNET News Utilities stand to save money in operational costs after an initial large investment in smart-grid infrastructure, but the rest of the savings will depend on consumers, finds a new report.
- Lao Forests Feeding Vietnam Industry, Group SaysSource:� AP Despite an export ban, Vietnamese companies are smuggling logs from the once rich forests of Laos to feed a billion-dollar wood industry that turns timber into furniture for export to the Europe and the United Stat ...
- Australia: Farmers Claim Wind Turbines Made Th ...Source:� AAP For Prime Minister Julia Gillard, wind farms are the stars of Australia's clean energy future, but health problems from the turbine noise are forcing some neighbouring residents off the land.
- Australia: Carbon Price Sell Ready to Roll OutSource:� The Sydney Morning Herald The Gillard government will start next week to blitz households with a $4 million mail-out to explain and sell its carbon price.
- Subsidies Deadline Drives UK Solar Power BoomSource:� Guardian Despite gloomy skies over much of the country this summer, Britain has experienced a sunshine boom -- solar power capacity has risen by more than 18-fold since last year as homeowners and businesses rush to t ...
- 6 Things You Need to Know to Get Certified Und ...During a webcast organized by GreenBiz.com this week, representatives from the US Department of Energy and Underwriters Laboratories walked through the details of the just-released energy management standard, and how companies can get on board, quickly.
- First Takes: Budget Cuts May Kill Gov't Green ...Automakers agree to 54.5 mpg by 2025; budget cuts likely to doom green government spending; China moves forward with climate change strategy, and more ...
- Climate Corps 2011: Taking the Temperature of ...After a successful lighting retrofit study at Hospital Corporation of America last year, an EDF Climate Corps fellow seeks a way to more efficiently heat and cool medical facilities and warehouses.
- Leaders in Energy Star Buildings Challenge Cut ...Half-way through the EPA's yearlong challenge to spur energy efficiency in existing buildings, the University of Central Florida and Scientific Instruments have both hit the 30 percent mark for energy savings to date.
- Can the Cleaning Industry Design a Concentrate ...When will manufacturers rise to the occasion and rethink their designs to help consumers adopt concentrates?
Reuters Global
- Video: DSK accuser press conferenceLive video: DSK accuser press conference
- India and Pakistan: moving out of intensive careThe Birkin bag was amusing but irrelevant. The direction of policy on India and Pakistan is to be found in the joint statement, for all its caution and unanswered questions.
- The power of a soccer ballAnyone who watched the women's World Cup final might have wondered if it's possible to harness that pure human energy. Turns out, it is.
- On the Afghanistan-Pakistan border : cutting o ...Pakistan's defence minister has threatened to move forces away from the Afghan border, where they are deployed to fight al Qaeda and the Taliban, if the United States cuts off aid to the cash-strapped country
- Drone strikes are police work, not an act of war?Launching an air strike in another nation would normally be considered an act of aggression. But advocates of America's rapidly expanding unmanned drone programme don't see it that way.
Booman Tribune
- Praying for the End of Stupid It is my sincere hope that this weekend will represent Peak Stupid. To borrow from Hunter S. Thompson, I hope that five years from now we'll be able to stand on a tall hill in Maryland and look down into Washington DC and see the highwater mark where the Stupid crested before it began to reced ...
- Kabuki to Create 'Work Product' I watched Rep. David Dreier (R-CA) chairing the Rules Committee as he reluctantly created a rule to allow a vote on Boehner's latest plan. He said he was unhappy about having to introduce the crappy bill, but he doesn't want to take a chance of Social Security checks not getting to his constitu ...
- Why Tea Party Wants ChaosIt's often difficult to understand why people behave the way they do, even people we know well. It's often far more difficult to understand why people who are very different from us act in ways that we consider inexplicable, particularly when those actions threaten harm to large numbers of peo ...
- Serious QuestionAssuming a deal is struck and actually passes both houses of Congress, how many House Republicans will have voted for it? Keep in mind that the minimum is about twenty-three. Discuss
- Get ReadyWe're about to collectively lose a shit-ton of money in our retirement accounts. The stock market is going to hemorrhage value today and there aren't too many safe places to hide. Bonds will go down, too. Gold will go up. The dollar will lose value. And an outright panic is not out of the q ...
Environmental Graffiti
- The Deadly Eyelash Pit Viper Strikes!Watch a deadly pit viper strike at its target! read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- Three Drastically Different Approaches to Mana ...The United States, Australia and Great Britain are all facing the challenges of managing wild horse populations but are doing so in very different ways... read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- 3 World Changing Effects of La NiñaLa Niña dances with El Niño, following a cycle of weather patterns driven by changes in temperature in the Pacific Ocean. This dance has far-reaching effects. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article ...
- The Chapel in a 1000-year-old Oak TreeChene Chapelle is a beautiful live old oak in a village in France with two chapels inside it. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
- 10 Amazing Images of Splashes of WaterFantastic images of water splashing by excellent photographers. read more This is just a brief summary, please visit Environmental Graffiti to see the full, formatted version of the article
Foreign Policy in Focus
- A Question of FriendshipWill the Israel/Palestine issue come between friends?
- Cluster"Strange fruit" of a different kind, but similarly chilling, hangs in Gaza
- U.S. Arms Sales to Repressive Regimes Overloo ...Arms control in a U.S. context tends to evoke more discussion about domestic gun ownership than, say, arms sales to repressive regimes.
- An Easy Way to Improve U.S.-Latin American Rel ...Brazil is a front-runner for a seat in a restructured UN Security Council.
- Dissecting Iran's Economic JihadDespite international sanctions imposed by the West, Iran's socioeconomic position has improved greatly as it takes advantage of high oil prices to build relationships with growing powers.
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there will ...
- President European Commission Advocated World ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Curre ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in t ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare p ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government ...
Al Jazeera
- 'Deaths' in Syria mass protests Rights group say government forces shot dead at least 20 civilians in attacks on protesters across the country.
- US Senate kills Republican debt plan The move continues a standoff over the debt limit but could set the table for talks this weekend on compromise plan.
- Thousands protest in Yemen amidst tensionsTens of thousands gather for prayers and protests both for and against President Ali Abdullah Saleh's three-decade rule.
- Libya rebels to probe commander's killingMystery continues to surround the circumstances of the killing of General Abdel Fattah Younes.
- UN tribunal names suspects in Hariri killingSpecial Tribunal for Lebanon releases names, photos, and details of four men suspected of having killed former PM.
Green Inc. - NYT
- How to Pick a Site for a Nuclear Waste DumpA blue-ribbon commission recommends a new process for choosing a permanent repository for the nation's nuclear waste based on sound science and local consent.
- Projecting Our Nature Onto Ravenous BearsThe bears that have been wandering into backyards or homes, looking for food and sometimes attacking people, have in some ways been shaped by humans. But in a broader, wilder way, they are simply being bears.
- On Hudson Pollution, Back to Routine WorriesNow that a sewage discharge caused by a fire has passed, officials call their attention to a perennial cause of contamination: storm water that overwhelms the treatment system.
- Literacy and the Population ProblemCompared with illiterate young women, educated ones desire smaller families and generally manage to achieve that goal, an article in the journal Science states.
- U.S. Regulator Says Fukushima Lessons Can Perc ...A nuclear regulatory commissioner becomes the third of five to officially urge that the American agency proceed slowly in revising its rules and procedures in response to Japan's nuclear disaster.
Dot Earth News
- Radiation's Role in (Safely) Feeding the PlanetAfter recent outbreaks of deadly food-borne illness, the notion of irradiating food gets a bit of traction.
- Polar Bear Science and the Spin CycleAn investigation into the integrity of a federal wildlife biologist spins into a debate over Arctic science and energy politics.
- Cars and Fuel: What Constructive Compromise Lo ...Obama unveils deal on vehicles, fuel and CO2.
- Innovation from the Bottom UpA foundation tries an innovative approach to finding places to use its money to foster progress -- through innovation.
- A Killer (Wasp) in the Back YardA killer hauls her victim across an exurban back yard.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- Bernie Sanders causes exposure of $16,000,000, ...The criminal banker syndicate which has captured much of our federal government has finally had some of its inner mechanics exposed thanks to Bernie Sanders, one of a handful of legit people in Congress today.... The Full Bernie post is well earned: The Fed Audit - Newsroom: U.S. Senator Bernie ...
- Minnesota Government Shutdown Over: threat of ...This was a pretty good edit I thought (we really crafted a nice mix) but hasn't gotten too many views yet :-/ The official 2011 special session budget omnibus bills are here. LYRICS: Minnesota legislators time to get things done We've been losing everything and you think this is fun first you ...
- Charles Blair Hill, bleeding to death at hands ...It's a grim world out there... caught a couple videos worth reviewing. SFPD wastes this guy & then he bleeds to death. The guy was alleged to have a firearm, and defenders of the police are already claiming bystanders snagged the gun. In any case it is an excellent sign the people are angry & in ...
- By Anon request: A few loose ends on foreign e ...Time to check in with the Big Weird! I was requested by some anonymous person to post this. I don't personally conclude that 9-11 was triggered by Mini-Nukes but it's interesting that videos featuring a Russian guy with that view named Dimitri Khalezov are automatically blocked from upload on yo ...
- "Creating an atmosphere of fear for journalist ...Glenn Greenwald nails this one. Journalists have nowhere to run under the nightmarish corrupt DOJ regime -- and the lickspittles are not the ones subject to the special operations & continuous COINTELPRO patterns. Big ups to seeing our local repression campaign against antiwar activists duly not ...
Daily Censored
- Stupid empire prevails – the nation losesBy Saul Landau “The reason we have a Department of Defense is to break things and kill people. The problem we have now is that so much of the money is not going to the people who are breaking things and killing people.” -Ret. Marine General Arnold L. Punaro, Member of the Defense Business Board ...
- The Corporate Education Act Becomes Law: Good ...Is this true? Or is it simply sardonic realism? Progressive Avenues www.progressiveavenues.org info@progressiveavenues.org 415-702-9682 July 27, 2011 By Luke Hiken Republican lawmakers were ecstatic today to announce passage of the Corporate Education Act (CEA). The President expressed h ...
- Congressional Criminal Conspiracy! Defaulting ...If we defaulted on our debt when we were perfectly capable of paying it, we would be be prosecuted for fraud. But when Congress does it, they call it politics. The crazies in the United States House of Representatives would have you believe it were so. They say fix that budget before we’ll raise ...
- Trillion dollars debt ceiling lies: Americans ...source: Carl Herman In our current debt-based monetary system, we’re never going to pay off the national debt. The debt-deal political theater is a tragic-comedy and essentially lies of omission and commission costing Americans trillions of their dollars every year. The heart of the lie is Orwel ...
- Virtual learning as the next con job – The Kah ...I first became aware of The Kahn Academy, its plans for ‘reforming education’ and its ebullient Executive Director, Sal Kahn when I was sent a video of Kahn speaking at a TED conference (you can see the twenty minute video at http://www.khanacademy.org/ along with other videos of Kahn speaking a ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- Norway's Johan Galtung, Peace & Conflict P ...
- Ads In Britain Banned For Too Much Retouching
- British comedian convicted of Murdoch pie assault
- 17K low-income Colorado households will lose e ...
- Raquel Nelson and the Aggressive Prosecutions ...
Institute for Policy Studies
- White House Cornered by Its Own Immigration En ...Faced with a moral call to action, Obama responds with a tired political message.
- Maceo Protests at Deficit Talks in WashingtonA 10-year-old's perspective of the debt ceiling debacle.
- Unconventional Wisdom: Scorching the BudgetThe rhetoric around the budget and the debt ceiling simply can't get any hotter without melting down the country.
- Will The Real Terrorist Please Stand Up: Upris ...This new documentary weighs the convictions of the Cuban 5 against the crimes of anti-Castro Cubans, and examines the historical context that motivated all parties.
- Norway: The Enemy WithinThe Oslo terrorist took aim at multiculturalism, not Muslims.
- News you may have missed #552Some US intel analysts believe al-Qaeda near collapse. South Korea arrests five for spying for North. Russia and Ukraine commemorate legendary Soviet spy Nikolai Kuznetsov.
- Nixon White House may have bugged Pentagon lea ...Nearly 40 years after the Watergate scandal erupted, new information suggests that the Richard Nixon White House may have bugged the Pentagon telephones of senior American military officials.
- News you may have missed #551Analysis: The fallout from the CIA’s vaccination ploy in Pakistan. China warns US to halt spy plane flights. South Sudan dissolves intelligence and security bodies.
- CIA report sees Russia behind bombing of US em ...A classified US intelligence report indicates that Russian intelligence is behind an ongoing string of bombings in the former Soviet republic of Georgia, which have included an attack on the US embassy in Georgian capital Tbilisi.
- News you may have missed #550Chinese fighters chased US spy plane into Taiwan. Israel arrests four of its soldiers for sabotaging spy gear. Turkish national convicted for spying in Ukraine.
War is a Crime.org
- Congress and White House are Making Things Wor ...� read more
- Congress� The latest from ThisCantBeHappening!: read more
- Antiwar Activists Explain "Why I Will Be There ...If you haven't heard, a group of antiwar activists is organizing a nonviolent occupation of Washington, D.C.'s Freedom Plaza this October. Tied to the tenth anniversary of the Afghanistan war (October 6), the October 2011 action draws its inspiration from the massive occupations and protests in ...
- Infrastructure and Alternative Energy = Good S ...No money for infrastructure? Get ready to crumble! � July 28: Ed Rendell, former governor of Pennsylvania, talks with TRMS guest host Melissa Harris-Perry about the litany of benefits that would come with more investment in US infrastructure and the certain disaster if Republicans succeed in sla ...
- Daily NATO War Crimes in Libya��Daily NATO War Crimes in Libya - by Stephen Lendman � Among them is waging war on truth, Western managed news calling lawless imperial wars liberating ones. No wonder John Pilger says journalism is the first casualty of war, adding: � read more
Grist - News
- Your next plastic cup could be made out of fishby Jess Zimmerman. Plastic is actually a pretty revolutionary material -- we wouldn't want to go back to a time before it existed (just a time before people started throwing it in the ocean). But it's made from petroleum, and we haven't really got to spare. So viable plastic alternativ ...
- Federal biologist who reported polar bear deat ...by Sarah Laskow. Back in 2006, Dr. Charles Monnett published an article that included observations about polar bear deaths in the Beaufort Sea. In the report, co-authored with another scientist, Monnett reported seeing four dead polar bears in 2004. Monnett works for the federal governmen ...
- Dear skeptics: Here is more climate data than ...by Sarah Laskow. For the climate skeptics who dragged us all through Climategate on the conviction that climate scientists are lying jerks, here is the data you wanted to see. Here it is. The University of East Anglia put it online for all to access. This might make it harder for scientis ...
- New photovoltaic generator runs on heat instea ...by Sarah Laskow. Photovoltaic cells, the basic unit of solar power systems, turn light into electricity. But fueling photovoltaics with sunlight isn't always practical. MIT scientists came up with a way around this issue: They found a really efficient way to turn heat into light. Scient ...
- Tokyo is cutting electricity use by 15 percentby Sarah Laskow. Japanese people are already kicking Americans' butts when it comes to energy efficiency: They use half as much energy as we do already, despite their proclivity for gadgets like automatic toilets. But since the Fukushima meltdown, they've gotten even more hyper-aware of t ...
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- Our Incredible Shrinking BrainThought it was just your body that shrunk the older you get? Apparently, our minds get smaller too...
- Major League Baseball in Montreal? Look to Win ...Winnipeg's reacquisition of the Jets can yield important lessons for Montreal's quest to ressurect baseball
- Should You Include a Photo on Your Resume?The recruitment industry is torn over whether you should include a photo on your job application or not. The Graduate Recruitment Bureau (GRB) firmly believe you should not.
- If Breivik is a Christian, Then What is a Chri ...Mass murder suspect considers himself to be a Christian. That raises the question, what is a Christian?
- Facebook vs Google + Becomes the New Mac vs PCFinally someone comes along to give Facebook a hard time, but G+ & FB can coexist
Time - Top Stories
- Air France Report Points to Pilot ErrorAir France Report Points to Pilot Error
- A Grim GDP Report: Could the Debt Debate Make ...A Grim GDP Report: Could the Debt Debate Make It Worse?
- New Life Forms Discovered: Behold Exploding Ba ...New Life Forms Discovered: Behold Exploding Bacteria
- Greener Cars: Fuel Standards to Nearly Double ...Many of President Obama's progressive supports have soured on him in recent months, as the debt crisis and a Republican House has forced him to embrace deep spending cuts, and environmentalists are among them
- Senate Tables Boehner's Doomed Debt Bill Short ...Senate Tables Boehner's Doomed Debt Bill Shortly After House Passage
Digg Green
- When Lightning Strikes Out of a Blue Sky An 11-year-old girl was struck by lightning on a bright, clear day. How does that happen?
- Dolphins have ability to sense electrical ...In a new study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, researchers reveal the discovery of how the Guiana dolphin, Sotalia guianensis, is able to sense electric fields of prey in the water using structures found on the animals head.
- The science and magic of beer Unlike wine, beer is often gulped down without a moment's thought for the skill of the maltsters and brewers who created it
- Warming climate could give exotic grasses ...Californias native grasses, already under pressure from invasive exotic grasses, are likely to be pushed aside even more as the climate warms, according to a new analysis from the University of California, Berkeley.
- UFO Found on Ocean Floor? Is an object on the ocean floor a UFO flying saucer, or a natural formation?
Invisible Opportunity
- Microsoft lays out plans to unleash ‘altered p ...You could not make this up. This is not the business that humanity wants Bill Gates in… by POPEYE Filed under Eugenics (SLASHDOT) In its just-published patent application for Adapting Parasites to Combat Disease, Microsoft lays out plans to unleash âaltered parasitic organismsâ on humans, incl ...
- One More Lone Gunman who wasn’t AloneBy Les Visible You would think they would have the numbers straight by now. I keep seeing the number 76 and then I see where it is over a hundred or in the high 90’s. There’s so much being written about it at the moment that you can’t keep up with it and, as the [...]
- GLADIO 2.0 : WHY THE WEST CAN’T RESIST THE NOR ...By Stone Pinkerton Gonzo Town How do you define bizarre in today’s every increasingly wacky world of terrorism? Ever since the Cold War was won and history ended, we have been inundated with a seemingly never ending succession of spectacularly staged terror attacks and carefully crafted psy-ops. ...
- Minority Rules: Scientists Discover Tipping Po ...Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always be adopted by the majority of the society. The scientists, who are members of the Social Cognitive Networks Academic Research Center (SCNARC) ...
- Israeli Art Students Lived in World Trade Cent ...Four of the so-called “Art Students”- (Mossad Agents) – did an “art installation” IN THE WORLD TRADE CENTER in 2001,before the attacks. In a radio interview,Jonathon Brown of “Core of Corruption” fame outlines his evidence and explains how his phone has been tapped since discovering this informa ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware.George Green will be a featured speaker.September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CAClick here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to pu ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging C ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-op ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to fo ...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- New Drugs, Same Mistakes: Congress Chooses Cri ...Lawmakers are forging ahead with proposals to ban synthetic drugs before scientists could better evaluate the products for health risks and benefits.
- Medical Marijuana Momentum -- Next Stop: OhioTwo different initiative efforts aimed at the November 2012 ballot are getting underway in Ohio and a bill is pending in the state legislature.
- Amy Winehouse: Reflections from Two Drug Polic ...While speculation is rife about a possible drug overdose, it doesn't really matter. Winehouse was haunted with struggles none of us will understand.
- Debunking the Myth of a Link Between Marijuana ...Despite media claims that marijuana can cause psychosis or schizophrenia, there's no science to back it up.
- Why Marijuana Legalization Isn't a Taboo Idea ...The idea that the public supports harsh drug laws and will punish politicians who deviate from it is starting to fade.
Twilight Earth
- Cartoon caption contestTake a look at the cartoon below and enter your caption idea in the comment section (more ifo on prize, etc. below the cartoon). Eligible captions will be those posted on my site, Elephant Journal, Wend Magazine, PlanetSave, Eco-Snobbery Sucks, Ecolutionist, Ecopolitology, and Twilight Earth. Wi ...
- Exposed: Why the GOP wants to eliminate Clean ...Whether we can believe this see-through-elephant-trunk footage or not, the possibility that elephants have a triple fitration system within their trunks has to have some credence. Otherwise, why on earth would leading Republicans try to make it easier for big polluters to further pollute the air ...
- Apples may lose trees [cartoon]The rest of Joe Mohr’s cartoons, and cartoon updates and other green news on Twitter @GreenCartoons. Related posts:The Aging Activist Monsanto Gets BeatâMay Lose Beets (cartoon) Eco-Snobbery Sucks: The Cartoon Related posts:The Aging Activist Monsanto Gets BeatâMay Lose Beets (cartoon) Ec ...
- Mixed message from USDA chief Vilsack [cartoon]US Ag Secretary, Tom Vilsack tells us to eat more natural foods a few days after fully deregulating GMO alfalfa…I’m confused. Confused as well? Read the links below and try to figure out this mess. From The New York Times: Governmentâs Dietary Advice: Eat Less From Elephant Journal: The USDA cav ...
- BREAKING: Deleted Monsanto cartoon panel, leaked!Unlike the former Monsanto cartoon on this subject, this version shows a bit more clearly who surrendered the future of organic agriculture to Monsanto. There’s been a lot of talk from both sides (organic and biotech) about compromise. That is misleading and almost laughable (read: cryable). Dea ...
- BMW Unveils Breakthrough i3 and i8 Electric Ve ...BMW just raised the stakes for electric vehicles by unveiling its new i Series concept cars. The runabout all-electric i3 is to debut in 2013, followed by the sporty i8 hybrid in 2014. Both 4-seater cars push the boundaries of design and technology with advanced drivetrains and breakthrough carb ...
- 100% Wool Rock Pillows are as Light as FeathersWhen we spotted these awesome rock pillows on designer Ronel Jordan‘s website, we instantly fell in love with their nod to nature and their use of natural materials. Handmade, hand-dyed and hand-felted from 100% wool, these cool, modern and distinctly zen rocks come in a variety of sizes ranging ...
- Long Island and Connecticut Launch Bike Share ...Bike share programs seem to be on the rise everywhere except New York City (curses!), but the trend is slowly inching closer to the Big Apple with shares popping up in the municipalities of Long Beach, Long Island and the other in Simsbury, Connecticut. The two municipalities are working on thei ...
- Urban Umbrella: UrbanSHED Competition Unveils ...New York City sidewalks are constantly covered with construction sheds and scaffolding, and, needless to say, they do little for the Big Apple’s looks. Always dark, somewhat sketchy, and magnets for graffiti, the sheds leave much to be desired, which is why the Department of Buildings hosted the ...
- Boston Rolls out its ‘Hubway’ Bike Share Program!Boston’s new bike-share program, dubbed the Hubway, officially launched yesterday with over 600 bicycles geared up and ready to rent. For those unfamiliar with the city’s narrow and winding roads, it has long been derided as one of the least bikeable cities. However, the popular support behind ...
Pogue's Posts
- Zen and the Art of ScrollingDavid Pogue seeks answers to a condundrum: Why does Apple have Lion users drag the scrollbar up to move the page up?
- A Roar for Mac OS X Lion E-MailAmong the useful new features and abilities of Mac OS X Lion is an overhauled Mail application.
- Why Netflix Raised Its PricesEven at $16 a month, Netflix still gives you more than anyone else.
- How to Design a Hot ProductNasahn Sheppard, the designer of the Flip camcorder, describes the thought process of designing the popular, but now extinct, product.
- An App for Hunting MoviesMoviesHunt finds movies across the Web.
WIRED Magazine | Science
- Your Genome Structure, Not Genetic Mutations, ...A new look at the human genome suggests that unappreciated variations in its fundamental architecture, rather than point-by-point mutations, may be responsible for most genetic difference among people. Point-by-point mutations, called single nucleotide polymorphisms, involve simple changes to D ...
- Spaceflight Psychology And The New “Right Stuff”With arguably the coolest job on or off the planet, astronauts need nobody’s pity of no one. Nonetheless, theirs is a life of extraordinary psychological demands: leadership, technical proficiency, split-second decision making and ironclad focus. And beyond fulfilling the “hero” requirements, a ...
- Sheer Numbers Gave Early Humans Edge Over Nean ...By Kate Shaw, Ars Technica Between 35,000 and 45,000 years ago, Neanderthals in Europe and Asia were replaced by the first modern humans. Why and how this transition occurred remains somewhat controversial. New research from the journal Science suggests that sheer numbers may have played a larg ...
- The Big Crunch: Physicists Make Time EndThis is the way the world ends: not with a bang but a higher harmonic generation. The same researchers who used exotic substances called metamaterials to make a benchtop Big Bang have mimicked the end of time, also known as the Big Crunch. Light traveling through metamaterials is described math ...
- Children Play Like Scientists WorkBy Katie Scott, Wired UK Young children play like scientists work, according to a new research project at MIT and Stanford University. The findings, which were published in the journal Cognition, reveal how four- and five-year-olds approached games methodically. They were given a specially des ...
- Russia Downs US Missile After Norway, Obama Se ...In actions more reminiscent of the Cold War than modern times the foreign military intelligence directorate of the Russian General Staff (GRU) is reporting today that the Northern Fleet’s Yekaterinburg nuclear powered submarine successfully fired a RSM-54 Sineva (SS-N-23 Skiff in NATO classifica ...
- Only a Domestic Terror Attack Can Rescue Brand ...Despite being hailed as a Christ-like savior when he was elected, a record number of Americans have lost faith in Barack Obama, with just 17 per cent believing the his administration is leading the nation in the right direction, figures that illustrate how Obama’s handling of the debt crisis has ...
- The End Of The False Flag WarsIt is easy and comforting, for some, to see the recent and current western "military adventures" in lower income, smaller, poorly armed countries as simply a neo-colonial rampage, perhaps with the initial aim of pillaging natural resources, but later on for the simple pleasure of trashing alread ...
- The Dual Failure of Night Raids and DronesAdapting to an unconventional war, the United States and its allies picked up some new tactics in Afghanistan and Pakistan. In the past few years, drone attacks and night raids have become staples of the effort to combat al-Qaeda and the Taliban. The announcement of a new counterterrorism strate ...
- New York Times Caught Publishing CIA Propagand ...An American investigative journalist uncovers how the New York Times tried to link the Norway attack to a Muslim group that doesn’t exist and then how it quietly pulled the story later from its online edition, without offering an apology. Alexander Higgins, also uncovers how two other news outle ...
Andy Worthington
- Guantánamo and the Death of Habeas CorpusLast month, the third anniversary of Boumediene v. Bush (on June 12) passed without mention. This was a great shame, not only because it was a powerful ruling, granting the Guantánamo prisoners constitutionally guaranteed habeas corpus rights, but also because, after that bold intervention, whic ...
- Video: Ex-Guantánamo Prisoner Murat Kurnaz Tel ...In an 11-minute interview with Russia Today (see below), former Guantánamo prisoner Murat Kurnaz recalled how he was seized in Pakistan in November 2001, and his experiences in US custody in Afghanistan and at Guantánamo. Born in Germany, but only regarded as a resident because his parents are T ...
- WikiLeaks and the Guantánamo Prisoners Release ...Please support my work! In late April, WikiLeaks released its latest treasure trove of classified US documents, a set of 765 Detainee Assessment Briefs (DABs) from the US prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Compiled between 2002 and January 2009 by the Joint Task Force that has primary respon ...
- Hellhole: The Most Devastating Article About L ...With contested claims that the three-week long hunger strike in California’s prisons has come to an end (as I discussed in a recent article, The California Prison Hunger Strike Opposing Solitary Confinement as Torture â and the Insulting Response of Prison Officials), the horrendous human rights ...
- The California Prison Hunger Strike Opposing S ...On Thursday July 21, as the widespread hunger strike in California’s prisons — primarily aimed at highlighting the abusive conditions in which prisoners are held in long-term solitary confinement in Security Housing Units (SHUs) — reached the three-week mark, Matthew Cate, the Secretary of the C ...
Environment _ National Geographic
- Pictures We Love: Best of JulyNoneSlimy seas, stormy skies, a bull's ear—National Geographic photo editors eye the month's best new pictures and find ten favorites.
- Bats Drawn to Plant via "Echo Beacon"A Cuban plant that depends on bat pollination evolved a special leaf that acts like a satellite dish for bats' sonar, new research says.
- Gulf Spill's Effects Unknown For Years?More than a year after the Deepwater Horizon spill, scientists say it could take a decade to figure out how the oil affected the Gulf of Mexico's environment. Video.
- Photos: Thick Green Algae Chokes Beach—Swimmer ...NoneMats of bright green algae have again coated miles of shoreline in eastern China—and locals act like it's a day at the beach.
- Heat Wave Due to "Exceptionally Strong" Air MassA stubborn high-pressure system is causing sweltering temperatures in much of the U.S—and there's no relief in sight, experts say.
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- Don't Turn Your Back on the Bankers for Even a ...The ink on the legislation is still drying and, already, the mortgage mill industry is trying to gut the little things that might help to hold them accountable for their bit part in the complete economic collapse of this nation: Dodd-Frank requires that lenders retain five percent of every loan ...
- Sarah Palin: Mayor of New Milford?Is this a parody or real life? You decide. Citizens of New Milford: I want you to know that I'm on the job 24/7. Twenty four hours a week, seven months a year. But even with this strict time commitment, I can't be expected to keep up with everything going on in this vast metropolis. That's why ...
- Much like the "conservative" GOP...The conservative Blue Dogs acted as Bush's domestic poodles, helping to move a dangerous right wing agenda. They were owned by the right wing and corporations and there is no big surprise why more than half of the Blue Dog caucus (28 of 54 members) were slaughtered in the 2010 elections. So f ...
- Stop Drinking and Start Doing, Dem Dumb DumbsSober up, Dems. You started sucking suds when you captured the Congress in 2006. Since 2008 you've been binge drinking with Congress and the Prez. You even nibbled on some hot wings and pub nuts. Burp! And now the bartender just cut your drunk, lazy, liberal, progressive, leftie ass off. Y ...
- The People Have Spoken. And Their Message Is ...So. What the heck happened last night? The GOP picked up 60 seats in the House, effectively reversing their losses there from 2006 and 2008, and returning control of that body to them. The GOP picked up some 6 seats in the Senate, but the Democratic Party retains control there. The GOP picked u ...
SPL Center
- News Roundup for July 29, 2011A Mississippi man has been convicted in the 2010 murder of a white supremacist leader. Vincent McGee was charged with capital murder in the death of Richard Barrett, the founder of the neo-Nazi Nationalist Movement. McGee claimed that Barrett made sexual advanced towards him, while the prosecuti ...
- Oslo Shooter Linked to British Anti-Muslim Org ...A noted European anti-racism organization reported Tuesday that it has uncovered emails between Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik and the English Defence League (EDL), a far-right anti-Muslim street-protest organization, sent just four months before the attack in Oslo Friday that le ...
- Pat Buchanan Says Oslo Shooter’s Views “May Be ...One-time presidential candidate and conservative television commentator Pat Buchanan, who is promoted as one of the faces of MSNBC, has somehow been able to say and do the kinds of outrageous things that more often than not get people booted out of mainstream venues. His latest outrage was publi ...
- News Roundup for July 28, 2011The judge of the trial of alleged Spokane MLK Day bomber Kevin W. Harpham has ruled that details of his anti-Semitic views are inadmissible as evidence. Harpham, 37, is charged with allegedly planting a backpack full of explosives on the route of the Spokane MLK Day parade, which was found befor ...
- FBI Suggests Anti-Muslim Ideologue As Recommen ...A recently released FBI training manual lists books by Robert Spencer, a prominent anti-Muslim figure in America, as recommended reading for field agents hoping to further their understanding of Islam. The revelation, first reported by Gawker, is particularly troubling considering Spencer’s posi ...
change: org.
- DC Comics: Not One Penny This Fan Until You Hi ...I'm a 20-year-old queer Canadian woman who has been reading comics since I was a kid. Comics mean a lot to me: the characters, the legacy, the expression through word and image --� graphic storytelling is a beautiful art. But the difficult thing about comics is its very "boys-only" attitude. ...
- Passing the Full California Dream Act: Actions ...On Monday, Governor Jerry Brown signed AB 130, one half of a package of bills known as the California Dream Act, into state law. That law, which grants undocumented students access to private scholarships, expands the definition of AB 540 (which granted in-state tuition to qualifying undocumente ...
- Fail to the V: Summer's Eve's Sexist and Racis ...Last year, Summer's Eve ran an ad in Women's Day magazine called "Confidence at Work: How to Ask for a Raise". The ad featured a list of ten tips and first on that list was the suggestion that women should make sure to start off every work day feeling fresh by using Summer's Eve products. After ...
- New York's Child Victim's Act- Change is NecessaryIn New York, the prosecution of child sexual abuse is a capped at a mere 23 years old, a common trend throughout the states. Perhaps the biggest reason why so many states still have statutes of limitations for the prosecution of child sexual abuse is because so few people truly understand the c ...
- Victory! Wyndham Signs Code of Conduct to Prev ...Wyndham Hotel Group will become the third major U.S. hotel company, along with Carlson Companies and Hilton Worldwide, to sign The Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism. Wyndham’s decision to sign The Code comes after nearly 14,000 travele ...
Common Dreams -News
- EPA Proposes New Rules on Emissions Released b ...Prohibited from regulating hydraulic fracturing under the Safe Drinking Water Act, yesterday the EPA took to the air, proposing federal regulations to reduce smog-forming pollutants released by the fast-spreading approach to gas drilling. ...
- Norway Prime Minister Urges Nation to 'Embrace ...The Norwegian prime minister, Jens Stoltenberg, has told a remembrance service for the 76 people killed by Anders Behring Breivik that his country had been "struck by evil", but urged his countrymen to respond by embracing democracy and freedom. Speaking as the first funerals were held for victi ...
- Safety of Tar Sands Pipelines Has Not Been Stu ...The agency that would be responsible for oversight of the Keystone XL pipeline has not studied the safety measures necessary for a pipeline that carries tar sands crude. The U.S. State Dept. is in charge of deciding whether to issue a permit for the proposed TransCanada pipeline because it would ...
- Tens of Thousands Rally for 'Unity' in Egypt Tens of thousands of people have packed Cairo's Tahrir Square on a day that representatives from Egypt's political parties have dubbed "The Friday of Unity and the People's Will". The rally comes as part of efforts by political parties to show a united front and the country's political forces re ...
- Tens of Thousands Rally for 'Unity' in Egypt Tens of thousands of people have packed Cairo's Tahrir Square on a day that representatives from Egypt's political parties have dubbed "The Friday of Unity and the People's Will". The rally comes as part of efforts by political parties to show a united front and the country's political forces re ...
- This Week's Most Popular Posts: July 23-29, 20 ...This week we hunted down the secrets in Mac OS X Lion, cut our energy bill in a third, migrated our Facebook data to Google+, and more. Here's a quick look back: More��
- How to Dual Boot Multiple ROMs on Your Android ...Whether you want to test out a new ROM for daily use or just keep an eye on one that's being developed, you can run multiple ROMs on your rooted Android phone with BootManager, and pick which one to use when you start it up. More�� ...
- Daily App Deals: Toggle Android Settings Easil ...The Daily App Deals post is a round-up of the best app discounts of the day, as well as some notable mentions for ones that are on sale. More��
- BookBook iPhone Case + Wallet Someone has finally made an iPhone case/wallet combo that's not only usable, but spacious and classy as well. If you've got limited pocket space, then this BookBook by TwelveSouth is tantalizing. More��
- Make Your Keyboard Keys Repeat Properly When H ...Among Mac OS X Lion's other fun/annoying iOS-like features is that when you hold down down a key, you're presented with alternatives. For example, holding down n will present you with ñ and ŗhandy if you need to type in accents, annoyin ...
Water Privatization
- Free Flowing: How to Keep Our Water Supply PublicThe debate around water privatization has been raging for a while, and the global voice to keep water a public good has been heard loud and clear in the last year or so. Just last month, 96 percent of Italian voters elected to keep their water supply in the public domain. The vote was in react ...
- Ramsey Board of Public Works rejects bids for ...RAMSEY - The Board of Public Works rejected all three bids submitted for the purchase of the borough's water and sewer systems at a public works meeting July 25, saying the bids, ranging from $10 to $13 million, were too low.
- China Ambassador To Greece: Must Push Forward ...China Ambassador To Greece: Must Push Forward With Reform, Privatization - Xinhua
- Additional news "Automotive News"The new program of state property privatization of Kabardino-Balkaria takes into account past experiences.
- Commission urges privatization, changes to pub ...PHOENIX — Arizona should have a private firm run the Lottery, make it easier to fire public workers and even changing how the state funds public schools, a special commission recommended Thursday to the governor.
- David Miliband takes first step to reconciliat ...Former foreign secretary accepts offer to act as party's unofficial ambassador on university and college campusesDavid Miliband has taken a tentative first step to rejoining frontline Labour politics by accepting an offer from his brother, Ed, to act as an unofficial ambassador for the party on ...
- Jon Sarkin: The man who couldn't stop drawing ...Jon Sarkin was working as a chiropractor when a stroke changed him. Suddenly, he was self-absorbed, rude and fighting a compulsive desire to create artJon Sarkin and Hank Turgeon had battled all afternoon on the Cape Ann golf course, Massachusetts. The time was about 3pm, Thursday 20 October 198 ...
- Negligence claims against GPs risingPayouts to patients or their families hit unprecedented levels according to Medical Defence UnionNegligence claims against GPs are soaring and payouts to patients or their families have hit unprecedented levels, according to the organisations that indemnify most of the country's family doctors.T ...
- Joanna Yeates murder: Daily Mirror and the Sun ...Articles on victim's landlord a 'risk to justice', judges rule as eight national newspapers pay libel damagesThe Sun and the Daily Mirror were found guilty of contempt of court for publishing a series of "extreme" articles about a suspect who had been arrested by police investigating the murder ...
- US disarray hits global stock markets�� President Obama pins hopes on Senate leaders �� Spain calls snap general election �� Italian bond yields hit 5.89%Barack Obama cleared his diary for the weekend last night to try to find a deal on the US debt crisis as Congress prepared to stay in session ready to vote on any last-gasp comp ...
- Tacoma copper thieves stripping wire from Old TownThieves have been targeting the old-style street lights in Tacoma's Old Town and other neighborhoods, stealing copper wire and darkening the streets.
- California's high gas prices this spring cut usageAs statewide gas prices soared to nearly $4.25 a gallon in April, California motorists cut back on gasoline use, according to statistics released today by the State Board of Equalization.
- Congress' proposed spending cuts could weaken ...WASHINGTON — Lawmakers trying to reach a deal on spending cuts in order to raise the nation's debt ceiling risk causing serious economic harm if they cut government programs too much in the near term, economists warn.
- 40 reels of copper stolen from N.C. Justice Ce ...Spools of copper weighing a total of 4,000 pounds were stolen from a construction site in downtown Raleigh overnight, according to Raleigh police.
- Merck to lay off thousands more by 2015Merck plans to slash up to 13,000 more jobs by 2015, the latest large pharmaceutical corporation seeking to offset slowing sales by cutting costs.
Afghanistan Sun
- Afghanistan's Warring Sides Seek Advantag ...For NATO and U.S. forces that means fresh offensive operations.For the Taliban - a series of assassinations and high profile attacks.Mohammad Stanekzai is the chief executive of the Afghanistan ...
- UN urges anti-drug measures for both Afghanist ...The head of the United Nations anti-drugs agency has called for strengthening border controls around ...
- UN imposes sanctions on Pakistani TalibanThis Nov. 26, 2008 photo taken in Orakzai tribal region of Pakistan shows Hakimullah Mehsud who has become the leader of Pakistani Taliban faction after death of Baitullah ...
- The tea party TalibanTen years ago, the Taliban in Afghanistan destroyed two gigantic figures of Buddha, carved into a hillside 18 centuries before. The world was aghast at this barbarian act taken in the name of ...
- Roadside Bombs Kill 19 Civilians in Southern A ...Afghan police say separate roadside bombs killed at least 19 civilians in southern Helmand province Friday.
- Personal Information: episode 24Personal Information is a new serial sci-fi webcomic from Sarah “Does Not Equal” Ennals. Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness! Share and Enjoy:Follow Futurismic on Twitter for more nuggets of near-future fun and weirdness!
- Arguments against life extensionVia Michael Anissimov, here’s a spectacularly empty diatribe against “deathhackers” by TechCrunch‘s Paul Carr. Carr objects to the idea of radical life extension as advocated by transhumanists, which is fair enough, but as written here most of his objections seem to boil down to personal distate ...
- Daddy, where does innovation come from?Plenty of folk have been linking to this excerpt from Matt Ridley’s new book The Rational Optimist, and with good reason – it’s a provocative piece that plays to advocates (and opponents) of free trade, open exchange, copyright reform and much more. The basic thesis? The one persistent factor th ...
- Replacement arms: mechanical or biological?Prosthetic limbs are still in their infancy, but there’s a lot of progress being made: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory is working with Darpa (who else?), and has a research grant for trying out their mind-controlled modular prosthetic arm on five test subjects over the next couple of ye ...
- How to be a futuristThe irrepressible Scott “Basic Instructions” Meyer has the lowdown if you’re thinking of a career in futurism: Click through for the whole thing. But take it from me, being a futurist is a lot of work for no money. Or maybe that’s just the way I do it… and I’ve never been featured in a [...]Foll ...
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
- Whistleblower Trial Against Blackwater BeginsIn 2008, two former employees brought a whistleblower lawsuit against the security firm once known as Blackwater (now named Xe Services). On July 27, the trial began in Alexandria, Virginia and is expected to last two weeks. The two whistleblowers allege that the company overcharged the federal ...
- NWC joins in NLRB amicus to preserve collectiv ...The National Whistleblowers Center (NWC) joined with 26 other organizations to submit an amicus brief to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). At stake is the right of employees to join together for collective and class actions. This long-recognized right is under attack by forced arbitrati ...
- Legal Battle Finally Over for an "American Hero"The NWC is pleased to announce that whistleblower hero Bunnatine “Bunny” Greenhouse has finally won a six-year legal battle against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In 2005, Ms. Greenhouse blew the whistle on the Army Corps for extensive contractor fraud in which they were awarding secret, non- ...
- Whistleblower Center in NYCThe NWC is preparing for a full day of whistleblower events in New York City today. Join the NWC staff and Executive Director Stephen M. Kohn at two events teaching the public about whistleblower rights and the latest whistleblower protection laws. First, come learn about the latest whistleblo ...
- NWC seminar on Dodd-Frank a huge successDavid Colapinto, Stephen Kohn, Sean McKessy and Michael Kohn. Photo by Lindsey Williams. Yesterday, the National Whistleblowers Center (NWC) road trip of seminars came to ...
Science Express
- Fermi maps an active galaxy's 'smokestack plumes'If our eyes could see radio waves, the nearby galaxy Centaurus A (Cen A) would be one of the biggest and brightest objects in the sky, nearly 20 times the apparent size of a full moon. What we can't see when looking at the galaxy in visible light is that it lies nestled between a pair of giant r ...
- Pollution from Asia circles globe at stratosph ...The economic growth across much of Asia comes with a troubling side effect: pollutants from the region are being wafted up to the stratosphere during monsoon season. The new finding, in a study led by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, provides additional evidence of the ...
- After growth spurt, supermassive black holes s ...Supermassive black holes found at the centers of distant galaxies undergo huge growth spurts as a result of galactic collisions, according to a new study by astronomers at Yale University and the University of Hawaii. Their findings appear in the March 25 edition of Science Express.
- Research team finds structure of 'swine flu' virusA team of scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and other institutions has solved the structure of a key protein from the virus that caused last year's "swine flu" influenza epidemic. The structure reveals that the virus shares many features with influenza viruses common in the early 20 ...
- New approach precisely tracks evolution's foot ...(PhysOrg.com) -- Fossils may provide tantalizing clues to human history but they also lack some vital information, such as revealing which pieces of human DNA have been favored by evolution because they confer beneficial traits - resistance to infection or the ability to digest milk, for exampl ...
- Hack Attack In South Korea Gets Access To Data ...We've talked about some massive data breaches in the past, but a recent hack attack in South Korea apparently resulted in personal information on 35 million people being copied. The country has a population somewhere around 49 million... meaning that over 70% of South Koreans had their personal ...
- Yet Another Judge Rejects Yet Another Righthav ...Another day and another loss for Righthaven, as yet another judge (this makes four) says that Righthaven has no standing to bring the suit, because it did not technically hold the copyright, since its agreement with Stephens Media only really transferred the right to sue, rather than any of the ...
- Could The Supreme Court Invalidate Software Pa ...Back when the Supreme Court ruled on the Bilski case, many people were upset that it so narrowly tailored the result, so that it didn't include any real statement on the patentability of business methods or software. Reading the tea leaves, it wasn't difficult to realize that Justice Scalia act ...
- Reports Claim That Pakistan Is Trying To Ban E ...As various governments have tried to clamp down, censor and/or filter the internet, all it's really done is increase interest and usage of encryption tools such as VPNs. Every so often we have commenters who insist that outlawing encryption is the obvious next step for governments, though that ...
- Why People Pay More For Access To Infringing C ...It's kind of funny to see the entertainment industry make totally contradictory statements about cyberlockers and usenet access providers in talking about infringement. On the one hand, they complain about how it's "impossible to compete with free" because "pirates just want everything for free ...
- Murdoch’s Vaccine WorldEveryone by now has heard about the phone tapping scandal that rocked both the British newspaper world and Rupert Murdoch’s business empire. But what needs to be spotlighted, I think, is the possible role that Murdoch’s London Times may have played in the professional evisceration of respected B ...
- The FDA Approved New DPT Vaccine For SeniorsIt has been announced that a new vaccine has been approved by the FDA for the over 65's. GlaxoSmithKline’s Boostrix vaccine is said to be able to protect the elderly from diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough). The vaccine was originally approved for use in adolescents in 2005.
- What Is It You Don’t Get About Vaccines?Public health: Not vaccinated? Not acceptable. “What does society do when one person’s behavior puts the greater community at risk? We make them stop."
- Why Isn’t ‘Herd Immunity’ Working?Californians have a new law regarding vaccination of children: Effective July 1, 2011, all students in grades 7 through 12 will be required to get a booster DTP [Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (Whooping Cough)] due to outbreaks and increases for Pertussis in children. Something doesn’t make s ...
- Research Shows Vaccinations Are Causing Surge ...According to the organization ‘Children & Asthma in America’ there are at least 7 million children in the USA who suffer from the debilitating illness asthma. Are vaccines a major trigger?Vactruth.com
- Things You Might Have MissedWork is still kicking my ass and keeping me away from the internets. But I have managed to read enough to be annoyed. This op-ed from the Council on Foreign Relations says that we need to raise the debt ceiling because, if we do not, then: 1. We will be forced to cut defense spending and [...]
- Things You Might Have MissedI suspect it will be another week before I can complete part two to that media post. I want to finish reading A Mixtape Manifesto first. And The Economist put out a whole media’ issue that I haven’t gotten around to yet. I’ll have something for you though. Related to Thursday’s post on the socia ...
- Deal BreakerI recently read The World That Never Was. I really liked it, despite the fact that it includes a gazillion people and can be hard to follow (even for someone who was familiar with many of the players). The book basically covers the period between Haymarket and WWI. There is one part of the book ...
- Things You Might Have MissedI spent the weekend at the Eastern Conference for Workplace Democracy. Had a really great time with more than 200 of the least pretentious people doing some of the most cool things. Red Emma’s did their usual bang up job with Friday night dinner at 2640. Great speakers at the dinner, especially ...
- Ciao Newsrooms. I Won’t Miss You.Chris Hedges recently wrote one of those sad obituaries for newsrooms. He longs for the old timey orgs like in All the President’s Men. But Iâm not buying all the chicken little stuff when it comes to news. I don’t think the death of newsrooms is such a tragedy. And I’m not just saying that [...]
Executive Intelligence Review - LaRouche
- Obama Sends ‘Agent of a Foreign Power’ To Defe ...EIR News Service press release.
- LaRouche Exposes Plan for U.S. DictatorshipEIR News Service press release.
- LaRouche Issues New General ForecastEIR News Service press release.
- Glass-Steagall Gains More SupportEIR News Service press release.
- What Max Planck Had Already Known: The True Hu ...by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, June 24, 2011, Vol. 38, No. 25
Armies of Liberation
- آليات ما بعد ثورة اليمن ينبغي أن تبدأ محلياً ...Mostakela: :: Ø¢ÙÙات ما بعد Ø«Ùرة اÙÙÙ…Ù ÙÙبغ٠أ٠تبدأ Ù…ØÙÙا٠(ترجمÙ) اÙÙاتبة اÙأمرÙÙÙØ© ÙÙÙا٠تبادر باÙØªØ±Ø§Ø Ø¢ÙÙات ما بعد اÙØ«Ùرة - 2011-ÙÙÙÙÙ(ØزÙراÙ)-19 Ø¢ÙÙات ما بعد Ø«Ùرة اÙÙÙ…Ù ÙÙبغ٠أ٠تبدأ Ù…ØÙÙا٠Ùتبت: جÙÙ ...
- Post-revolutionary mechanisms in Yemen should ...Post-revolutionary mechanisms in Yemen should begin locally by Jane Novak After three months of bloody protests, millions of Yemenis remain steadfast—and on the streets—throughout the nation. They want Saleh and his entire regime gone. In Sanaa, skirmishes have broken out between opposing tribes ...
- Post-revolutionary mechanisms in Yemen should ...Post-revolutionary mechanisms in Yemen should begin locally by Jane Novak After three months of bloody protests, millions of Yemenis remain steadfast—and on the streets—throughout the nation. They want Saleh and his entire regime gone. In Sanaa, skirmishes have broken out between opposing tribes ...
- Injuries and fatalities in Yemen after anti-go ...In what may be the bloodiest day yet since anti-government protests broke out in Yemen two weeks ago, residents around Aden are reporting numerous fatalities as security forces opened fire on protesters in many districts throughout the day and evening Friday. Human Rights Watch issued a statemen ...
- Game changer in Yemen as protests swellIn Egypt and Tunisia, the stance of the military was pivotal in the success of popular uprisings; in Yemen, it may be the tribes that are the determining factor. Anti-government protests across Yemen show no signs of abating. In Taiz, Yemen’s largest governorate, many who arrived last Friday are ...
Dark Politricks
- Establishment Exploits OKC Bombing Victims To ...
- Knee-Jerk No Fly Ban Discredits Global Warming ...Fearmongering by Met Office voodoo scientists about planes dropping out of the sky contradicted by numerous successful test flights Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Monday, April 19, 2010 With European governments coming under increasing pressure from airline groups to re-open airspace fo ...
- Air France, Lufthansa Press for Airspace Re-Op ...Gregory Viscusi and Brian Parkin Bloomberg April 19, 2010 Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Air France- KLM Group and industry groups pressed European governments to loosen the unprecedented closing of the region’s airspace from last week’s Icelandic volcanic eruption as losses from the grounding of aircra ...
- NPR and CNN worry that Global Warming may have ...John Lott’s Website April 19, 2010 This is just too bizarre: Diana Rehm (NPR): We do wonder whether there’s human involvement in all of these eruptions, earthquakes, storms - Elise Labott (senior State Department producer for CNN): – and how much global warming has a role in it. You know we’ve ...
- Poll: Americans’ distrust of federal governmen ...Steven Thomma McClatchy Newspapers April 19, 2010 Already wary of the federal government, Americans have grown even more critical, less trusting and even fearful of Uncle Sam since President Barack Obama took office, according to an exhaustive new study being released Monday. The in-depth poll f ...
food and water watch
- By: AprilPlease read Blue Gold and When the Rivers Run Dry....I am officially against the majority of desalination due to the fact that all the water we have now is all the water we will EVER have!
- By: Rich's coworkerIn an effort to de-spin your story, the real reason there were no muffins or treats of any sort was because the bearer of treats was absent, and had been gone for the past few days. Perhaps if you "wish real hard" again, parabens can turn into magical antioxidants that are part of a complete ...
- By: Top 50 Global Food Security Blogs[...] Food and Water Watch: Food & Water Watch works to ensure the food, water and fish we consume is safe, accessible and sustainable. [...]
- By: Online Degree 30 Best Water Conservation Blogs[...] Food & Water Watch: The Food & Water Watch site advocates strong conservation measures, promoting policies that'll result in quality drinking water for everyone. [...]
- By: Food and Water | Roland's Ramblings[...] would also like to suggest you go over to read the blog of Food & Water Watch. You should find that to be very [...]
- Water Filtration Meets Fine Art at Venice BiennaleAyşe Erkmen's 'Plan B.' Photo: Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV). Water-treatment plants might not seem to have much aesthetic potential. But Turkish sculptor Ayşe Erkmen is making a splash at the 54th International Art Exhibition of the
- Will Closing Food Banks Help End Hunger? Image: Walmart Stores via flickr CC Food banks first rose to prominence in the 1980's as an emergency measure to stave off hunger during a time of recession and high unemployment. While often very prominent in the community, these institutions are increasingly coming under fire from food ac ...
- World Resources Institute and Fortune 500 Comp ...Image: Arnob Alam via flickr The World Resources Institute has announced an initiative that it says will focus on business and finance models for sustainable, low-carbon economic growth in major markets like the U.S., China, Mexico, India and Brazil. The founding members of the Next Practic ...
- SolarCity to Offer Chargers for Electric Cars ...The conducting tread in this story is Elon Musk: The CEO of Tesla Motors is also the chairman of SolarCity, so it is any surprise that SolarCity would start to offer solar-powered chargers for electric cars? (In fact, it's not the first time they do this) Candace Lombardi w...Read the full s ...
- White House Unveils New 2025 Fuel Economy Stan ...Photo credit: Maia via Flickr/CC BY-SA It's official; cars sold in the U.S. are going to have to be quite a bit more efficient by 2025. I reported earlier in the week that the major automakers had agreed to new, stricter fuel efficiency rules, and today, President Obama announced the detail ...
- Drug Reverses Accelerated Aging in Human CellsThe drug rapamycin has been found to reverse the effects of Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome, a fatal genetic disease that resembles rapid aging, in cells taken from patients with the disease. Rapamycin, an immunosuppressant drug used to prevent rejection of transplanted organs, has already ...
- Oxygen on the BrainAN ANCIENT CELLULAR PROGRAM to protect cells when oxygen is low seems crucial for the production of new brain cells. For more than two billion years on this planet, O2 has been the go-to gas for generating efficient cellular energy. But life on Earth never takes oxygen for granted. “When it runs ...
- A Nanotube Patch to Help Heal the Heart Researchers create carbon nanotubes that mimic natural tissue and can regenerate heart cells in a dish. A conductive patch of carbon nanotubes can regenerate heart tissue growing in a dish, according to preliminary research from Brown University. The patch, made of tiny chains of carbon atoms th ...
- Dietary Supplement May Help Prevent PreeclampsiaAn inexpensive dietary supplement appears to help prevent the serious pregnancy complication preeclampsia in high-risk women, according to a new study. But researchers say the effect in lower-risk pregnancies remains to be determined. In the study from Mexico, women who ate daily food bars conta ...
- Tiny variation in one gene may have led to cru ...The human brain has yet to explain the origin of one its defining features — the deep fissures and convolutions that increase its surface area and allow for rational and abstract thoughts. An international collaboration of scientists from the Yale School of Medicine and Turkey may have discovere ...
- Not much pop to corn controversy
- The icky problem of sewage treatment
- CEI's Chris Horner on White House lawsuit
- Eco-Lifestyles becoming a regular part of campus
- Interview: House Resources on Healthy Forests
Ria Novosti Online News
- U.S. judge rules to release Richard Nixon's Wa ...After more than 36 years under wraps, former U.S. President Richard Nixon's testimony over the Watergate scandal is set to be released following a court order, the BBC said.
- Russians grab 2 golds, 1 bronze at Stockholm D ...Russian athletes won two golden medals and one bronze at a Diamond League track and field event in Sweden's Stockholm on Friday.
- U.S. House of Representatives approves Republi ...The US House of Representatives has narrowly passed a Republican bill providing a short-term $900-billion increase in the nation's debt ceiling.
- Libyan rebel commander killed by comradesGeneral Abdel Fatah Younes, the Libyan rebels' top military commander, has been killed by his comrades after being arrested by rebel security forces on suspicion of treason, media reports said, quoting a rebel minister.
- U.S. concludes 'constructive' talks with North ...U.S. and North Korean diplomats concluded on Friday their two-day talks in New York that both sides called "constructive."
Ria Novosti - Science & Technology
- Russian radio telescope makes first loop aroun ...Russia's Spectr-R spacecraft with a powerful radio telescope passed the lowest point of its highly elliptical orbit for the first time since its launch on July 18, the Russian Federal Space Agency, Roscomos, said on Thursday.
- ISS to be de-orbited and sunk in Pacific after ...The International Space Station (ISS) will be de-orbited and sunk in the Pacific Ocean after 2020 like its Russian predecessor Mir, Russian Space Agency (Roscosmos) Deputy Head Vitaly Davydov said on Wednesday.
- Chinese sub dives below 5,000 metersThe Chinese research deep-sea submersible Jiaolong with three people onboard dived to a depth of 5,057 meters in the Pacific Ocean on Tuesday, Xinhua said.
- China's Mars 'expedition' participant celebrat ...China's Wang Yue, who is currently participating in a 520-day simulation of an expedition to Mars, is celebrating his 29th birthday on Monday.
- ISS crew to launch mini-satellite on August 3Russian cosmonauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) will launch a mini-satellite during a spacewalk on August 3, mission control said on Friday.
Pruning Shears
- So, anything interesting going on?I’m getting away from it all this week, and it looks like I picked a fine week to do so.
- Protesting FedEx Tax Dodgery and Union BustingFedEx is notorious for union busting and tax dodging. So US Uncut and the Madison Socialist Alternative got some folks together, made some signs, and headed down to the local branch here in Madison, WI to let them know how we feel about that. Package handlers at the FedEx Ground warehouse in ...
- Did Wall Street Kill Rock and Roll? No, and ne ...Earlier this week Mother Nature paid us a harsh visit:There was pretty significant damage to our yard and no electricity for over a day. On the bright side, no one was hurt and our house was largely unscathed. And that’s a pretty darn bright side. However, there have also been calls and arran ...
- GOP Booze Cruise Protest FlotillaOn Sunday night, the Walworth County, WI GOP held a fundraiser/rich guy boat party in Lake Geneva. In attendance were Rep. Paul “Medicare Vouchers” Ryan and WI Lieutenant Governor Rebecca “Gay Marriage Is Like People Marrying Their Furniture” Kleefisch. So, of course, also in attendance were ab ...
- Weekend wrapupNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this postOur image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims. Also: Giving fake vaccines to poor people breaks the Evil Meter.And Reuters, you do not have to call the people getting killed suspected ...
Organic Consumers.org
- Warning: Santa Cruz Organic Supports GMOsA response from Santa Cruz Organic when one of our members inquired about their stance on GMOs.Click here to read this article
- Voluntary Non-GMO Verification Aids Consumer C ...Silk Soymilk and some of its other beverages recently completed the verification process of the Non-GMO Project.Click here to read this article
- Get Ready for World Food Day Actions 10/16/11On Sunday, October 16, 2011, the Organic Consumers Association's Millions Against Monsanto campaign is calling for World Food Day action to get genetically engineered organisms out of our food.Click here to read this article
- The Plastics Industry Will do Anything to Keep ...Plastic bags are the genital warts of litter -- they're incredibly widespread, nearly impossible to get rid of, and can lead to much worse problems down the line.Click here to read this article
- The Great Genetically Engineered Food Labeling ...After 16 years of bitter negotiations, the world reaches agreement on the labeling of genetically modified foods.Click here to read this article
Center for a Livable Future
- Nutrition Programs: How Many Spending Cuts Can ...In the midst of economic instability, it’s become clear that funding for major federal programs will be subject to cuts, and nutrition programs are no exception. Perhaps cuts are unavoidable, but it is essential that we examine their potential impact on public health. According to a recent USDA ...
- Roundup-Resistant Weeds Threaten U.S. Food Sec ...Roundup-resistant weeds are a rapidly emerging threat that puts U.S. agriculture in a terribly precarious position. The threat has evolved from farmers’ heavy use of the herbicide glyphosate, (aka Roundup, a Monsanto product) to control weeds, and farmers’ simultaneous reliance on crop varieties ...
- Preparing for Peak OilPeak oil is inevitable. At some point, global oil supplies will peak and then decline (it may be happening already), driving up the cost of oil and petroleum products. But what happens to our food systems, which rely heavily on oil, when oil becomes scarce?
- Carnivores and Climate ChangeYou know what you ate this week—but do you know how it will affect climate change and the planet? As of today, you can use the Environmental Working Group (EWG)’s newly launched website to get information on food carbon footprints.
- Carnivores and Climate ChangeYou know what you ate this week—but do you know how it will affect climate change and the planet? As of today, you can use the Environmental Working Group (EWG)’s newly launched website to get information on food carbon footprints.
Investigate - Breaking News
- BREAKING SILENCE: what the Coroner was not all ...FROM AN EXTRACT OF BREAKING SILENCE Published in the latest Investigate HIS/HERS magazine... What you are about to read has been described as the most controversial book ever published in New Zealand. It wasn’t supposed to be. But news sent...
- BREAKING SILENCE news releaseBREAKING SILENCE: THE KAHUI CASE By Ian Wishart $39.99, Howling At The Moon Publishing Ltd RELEASE DATE: Imminent Final opportunity to pre-order for delivery on Day One: www.howlingatthemoon.com The new book that shatters myths surrounding the Kahui murder case is...
- News release from Ian Wishart: Book will be pu ...NEWS RELEASE FROM IAN WISHART Major bookstore chains have today been forced to cancel orders for the explosive new book on the Kahui twins murders, BREAKING SILENCE In response, Author and publisher Ian Wishart has confirmed the book will go...
- News release on Ian Wishart's Kahui case book, ...NEWS RELEASE FROM IAN WISHART The Facebook page on Macsyna King is dishonest. They have known all along that Macsyna has neither sought nor been offered any money or compensation for the book Breaking Silence by Ian Wishart. Still, the...
- Sea-level study released - yawnMann, Ramstorf and other 'usual suspects' have released their 'it's worse than we thought' sea level "study". Newspaper paraphrases: Looking back in history, the researchers found that sea level was relatively stable from 100 BC to AD 950. Then, during...
My Care2 Picks
- The omnipotence of Al Qaeda and meaninglessnes ...Al Qaeda is always to blame, even when it isn't, even when it's allegedly the work of a Nordic, Muslim-hating, right-wing European nationalist.Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Action:FIGHT BACK: Big Banks Want To Crack Dow ...Oppose Congressman Michael Grimm's H.R. 2483 and any other proposals to reduce rewards for corporate whistle-blowers or penalize them if they don't report to their bosses before they go public.Submitted by Terry C. to Business �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- CorexitPolycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Blood Contamination EXTREME ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD In the waters of the GULF OF MEXICO at depths of 700 to 1,500 meters,Submitted by John Farnham to Environment �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- The United States Should Do More to Promote Sa ...Some forms of energy production are safer and pose fewer catastrophic consequences for environmental and public health than others...... learn about the most practical, environmentally-friendly, and cost-efficient ways to produce clean, renewable energySubmitted by John Farnham to Green Lifesty ...
- Monsanto War on FarmersMonsanto based in St. Louis, Missouri USA tried to prove the German government had no authority to ban its products or has authority over its own food supply, agriculture and protecting the health of German families.Submitted by John Farnham to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Angry Indian News
- Cubans Aren't Racist, But… - IPS ipsnews.netCubans Aren't Racist, But… - IPS ipsnews.net: By Patricia Grogg/ Credit:Patricia Grogg/IPSCredit:Patricia Grogg/IPSHAVANA, Jul 29, 2011 (IPS) - "I'm not racist, but at night, if I see three black men... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Venezuela Sends 50 Tons of Food Aid, Five Mill ...Venezuela Sends 50 Tons of Food Aid, Five Million Dollars, and Solidarity to Somalia | venezuelanalysis.com: Mérida, July 28th 2011 (Venezuelanalysis.com) - On Wednesday the Venezuelan government... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Bolivia: Evo fears US plot to frame him for dr ...Bolivia: Evo fears US plot to frame him for drugs | World War 4 Report: Speaking before a conference of campesina women in Cochabamba July 25, Bolivia's President Evo Morales said he fears a US plot... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Peru: peasant ecologists issue declaration aga ...Peru: peasant ecologists issue declaration against mineral export model | World War 4 Report: "Campesino communities affected by mining in Peru's Andean departments of Jun�n and Huancavelica, meeting... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Mapuche women are chained in the currency agai ...RADIO DEL MAR - Comunidad Local, Ciudadan�a Global Santiago, July 28, 2011. (Radio del Mar) - Two women chained themselves Mapuche this half-day to the bars of the second floor of the Palacio de La... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- Genetically engineered maize with synthetic to ...This maize was approved for usage in food and feed by the EU Commission on 17th of June. It produces a combination of three different insecticidal toxins, one of which is synthesised artificially. Further, the plants are made tolerant to the herbicide glyphosate (known as Roundup).
- Smart Meters – You don’t have to get one!VIDEO explaining what Smart (Spy) Meters actually do, and how to make sure that you do not get one of these.
- Feds to Grab Land for Homeland SecurityH.R. 1505: Another Federal land grab, with exemptions from environmental regulations, and a few more just for good measure. And just who has the authority over these lands? Why Homeland Security, of course.
- USDA Attacks Rural America with Smart MetersOn June 9, 2011, the Obama Administration Established the “White House Rural Council to Strengthen Rural Communities” via Executive Order. “Strengthening Rural Communities” is the spin. The real issue is control. Rural communities are where food is grown, and control of food is a main priority f ...
- Garden GooseWe have a goose that lives in our garden. Not just any goose, but a very special goose. His name is Dee Dee Dee, and this is his story.
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- The stupidity of crowds helps kill a planet - ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- Sex, death, and the noble American toad - Scot ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- How to save a fishery: owning, renting, and ex ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ‘Gossip Girl’ unethical because of threesome? ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ()Noted by user deleted on December 31, 1969 7:12 PM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- Speaker Boehner's debt-ceiling bill passes Hou ...ShareThisBreaking: Speaker Boehner's debt-ceiling bill passes House, heads to hostile Senate --House passes Tea Party-driven debt plan, 218 to 210 29 Jul 2011 Friday evening House Republicans passed Speaker John Boehner's two-step plan to raise the debt ceiling, 218-210. No Democrats voted for t ...
- Obama Approval Drops to New Low of 40 PercentShareThisThe more he surrenders to his Wall Street/GOP overlords, the lower he goes: Obama Approval Drops to New Low of 40% --Obama loses 7 points among Democrats in three weeks 29 Jul 2011 President Obama's job approval rating is at a new low, averaging 40% in July 26-28 Gallup Daily tracking. ...
- The Centrist Cop-OutShareThisThe Centrist Cop-Out By Paul Krugman 29 Jul 2011 ...President Obama initially tried to strike a "Grand Bargain" with Republicans over taxes and spending. To do so, he not only chose not to make an issue of G.O.P. extortion, he offered extraordinary concessions on Democratic priorities: ...
- 20 Primary Bond Dealers Invited to Secret Meet ...ShareThis20 Primary Bond Dealers Invited to Secret Meeting With U.S. Treasury --Meeting not publicly announced 29 Jul 2011 The U.S. Treasury Department is planning to meet with bond dealers at noon in New York today to discuss next month's quarterly auctions of notes and bonds and the debt ceili ...
- TSA readying new behavior detection plan for a ...ShareThisTSA readying new behavior detection plan for airport checkpoints 28 Jul 2011 The federal government is planning to introduce new behavior detection techniques at airport checkpoints as soon as next month, Transportation Security Administration chief John Pistole said Thursday. TSA alrea ...
Daily Loaf
- 5 books that are sure to heat up your kitchen lifeI like to read — a lot. I could make lists counting the hundreds of books that make great reads. Unfortunately, we don’t have the time and you may not have the attention span for that. To keep it short and sweet, here’s a list of five books that I feel add depth and meaning [...]
- Beer Review: Victory Hop Devil/Victory Hop WallopVictory Brewing Company opened up fifteen years ago in Downingtown, Pennsylvania, but only recently entered the Florida market. With such beers as their highly touted Prima Pils and Storm King Stout, Victory has earned a rightful place among the respected craft brewers in the United States. ...
- D’s nuts: Rays’ crazy defense feeds hitting, p ...Tampa Bay took the series victory against the Chicago with the win, getting back to .500 and improving to 2 games back in the American League East division. Rays look for sweep tomorrow.
- Interview with Michael Foley about the Florida ...The Florida Dance Festival provides a springboard for raw talent and fresh ideas.
- Just plain cheesy: Celebrate National Grilled ...April is National Grilled Cheese Month: an entire four weeks devoted to the American classic. The following sandwich recipe is from cheese expert and author Laura Werlin’s book, Great Grilled Cheese.
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- VRM: Gardasil/Cervarix Part 2 – Demyelination, ...Article is intended to be read in conjunction with Part 1: VRM: Gardasil/Cervarix â A Legacy Of Shame Vaccines, by their composite nature, inherently damage & disrupt the body’s delicate neurological network; the complex functioning of the brain in maintaining all systems of operation ...
- VRM: “One For All” Universal Flu V ...Part 2: Dissecting the Universal Flu Vaccine (continued from Part 1: Dissecting the Seasonal influenza Vaccine) To fully unravel the Biondvax Universal Flu Vaccine scandal, a top down approach is necessary. Professor Ruth Arnon, Ph.D, is the official “inventor of BiondVaxâs innovative synthetic ...
- VRM: “One For All” Universal Flu V ...Part 2: Dissecting the Universal Flu Vaccine (continued from Part 1: Dissecting the Seasonal influenza Vaccine) To fully unravel the Biondvax Universal Flu Vaccine scandal, a top down approach is necessary. Professor Ruth Arnon, Ph.D, is the official “inventor of BiondVaxâs innovative synthetic ...
- VRM: “One For All” Universal Flu V ...“The first century or two of the new millennium will almost certainly be a golden age for eugenics. Through application of new genetic knowledge and reproductive technologies the major change will be to mankind itself. Techniques such as genetic manipulations are not yet efficient enough t ...
- VRM: “One For All” Universal Flu V ...“The first century or two of the new millennium will almost certainly be a golden age for eugenics. Through application of new genetic knowledge and reproductive technologies the major change will be to mankind itself. Techniques such as genetic manipulations are not yet efficient enough t ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- You Know You're Getting Old When...A few weeks back we received our new high-efficiency front loading LG washer and dryer set and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed by them. The set was only around $1000 (on sale) but I felt like I'd gone from a Chevette to a Cadillac when compared to our old set.� A cute little luxury fe ...
- Control Your Home Thermostat On the Internet!Today a fellow from our natural gas company came by to install a new thermostat as part of the Peaksaver program that we signed up for.�If you haven't heard of Peaksaver, basically what it does is allow the Ontario government electricity provider to turn off your central air conditioner ...
- Happy Day!: The Water Bill Arrived!After being shocked a few months ago with a water bill of over $240 I decided to do a few things to cut down on our water use We converted our main toilet to a dual-flush and installed a water saving device on the second (haven't switched it over to a dual yet). We also installed a new ...
- Strawberry PickingOur family went strawberry picking this morning, it's a fun thing to do once in a while and I think it's a good way to help our 3-year old daughter realize where food comes from. While my wife picked berries with our oldest I went for a walk around the farm with our youngest in the stroller ...
- Pioneer Solar: PV System For Free?I received a flyer from Pioneer Solar in the mail the other day which claims to help people get a solar system installed on their house, farm, or business for free. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, like most things there's good and bad points about it and what might be a good deal f ...
Michael Yon
- More Flak from Military Public Affairs29 July 2011 � Over the past seven years, there has been a long string of issues flowing from military public affairs officers.� Most of the PAs have been professional, but on balance the experience has been extremely negative.� This is the opposite of what I've experienced with combat units, wh ...
- Taliban Attacking More Children26 July 2011 Zhari District, Kandahar Province, Afghanistan Over the past several days there have been news stories here in Afghanistan about the Taliban strangling an 8-year-old boy.�� The reports say that his father refused to turn over a police vehicle to the enemy, and so they murdered his ...
- A Fine Talk by Joe GallowayPublished: 23 July 2011 Joe Galloway, at the Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association, 2011Convention "Thanks to all of you for giving me the honor of speaking to you. I have got to tell you that looking out across this assemblage I must confess: I haven't seen this many bad boys collected in one ...
- INFERNO BOOK UPDATE-Election Day: Early Morning21 July 2011 I remember writing these words during my first month in Iraq. The war was full on and it was anybody's guess how that first election day would land. Here are some thoughts I penned during that time: Here on the ground, it is clear that Iraq already is embroiled in civil war. But ...
- Left of Bang14 July 2011 A few years ago, a British officer said to me they want to get as far left of bang as possible.� The farther left of bang, the better.� Right of bang is a crater and a memorial service. A main goal in staying left of bang is to disrupt enemy bomb-making cells.� In the early days ...
The Killing Train
- Tories would rather shut down the CBC than ans ...This is a video that should be watched widely. These are Harper voters.
- Watch out for election day fraudFrancis Fox Piven (who has had her own experiences recently with Harper's US mentors) and Richard Cloward wrote a very interesting book called "Why Americans Don't Vote", which showed how a key electoral strategy in the US has always been demobilizing opposing voters, a strategy just as importan ...
- Today's election thoughtsToday's election thoughts, and a couple of photos. Jon Elmer sent me this amusing Vintage Voter site. Vincent Pang sent me this photo album of protests against Harper's second proroguing back in 2010. read more
- 36% is apparently a majority, but not for a wh ...The daily polling is suspicious. Every day the media publishes what the electoral outcome is going to be. And every day it changes. They keep saying there's going to be a Harper majority. Saying it won't make it so, but it might contribute to it. Earlier today I saw an article on CityTV.ca throu ...
- Canadians are annoyed - deliberation vs. engin ...Pollsters now get people to press buttons about how they are feeling as they watch debates, and have discovered that Canadians are annoyed. This then feeds back to politicians, who try to, presumably, be less annoying, or, perhaps, try to blame other politicians for the annoyance. read more
- Water Filtration Meets Fine Art at Venice BiennaleAyşe Erkmen's 'Plan B.' Photo: Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV). Water-treatment plants might not seem to have much aesthetic potential. But Turkish sculptor Ayşe Erkmen is making a splash at the 54th International Art Exhibition of the
- Will Closing Food Banks Help End Hunger? Image: Walmart Stores via flickr CC Food banks first rose to prominence in the 1980's as an emergency measure to stave off hunger during a time of recession and high unemployment. While often very prominent in the community, these institutions are increasingly coming under fire from food ac ...
- World Resources Institute and Fortune 500 Comp ...Image: Arnob Alam via flickr The World Resources Institute has announced an initiative that it says will focus on business and finance models for sustainable, low-carbon economic growth in major markets like the U.S., China, Mexico, India and Brazil. The founding members of the Next Practic ...
- SolarCity to Offer Chargers for Electric Cars ...The conducting tread in this story is Elon Musk: The CEO of Tesla Motors is also the chairman of SolarCity, so it is any surprise that SolarCity would start to offer solar-powered chargers for electric cars? (In fact, it's not the first time they do this) Candace Lombardi w...Read the full s ...
- White House Unveils New 2025 Fuel Economy Stan ...Photo credit: Maia via Flickr/CC BY-SA It's official; cars sold in the U.S. are going to have to be quite a bit more efficient by 2025. I reported earlier in the week that the major automakers had agreed to new, stricter fuel efficiency rules, and today, President Obama announced the detail ...
Democratic Voice of Burma
- Travel restrictions for Muslims loosenedMuslims in Arakan state allowed to travel outside of their designated regions after decades of tight state-enacted restrictions
- The lives of othersView Photo Album As Australia signs off on a controversial deal to send 800 asylum seekers to be processed in Malaysia, Reuters photographer Bazuki Muhammad documents the lives of a group of Burmese refugees living in Kuala Lumpur. With Malaysia yet to ratify and international treaty on the trea ...
- Burmese fans pelt winning oppositionWorld Cup qualifying football match between Burma and Oman ends prematurely after Burmese fans riot in the stands
- At a critical juncture, Burma’s governme ...Three-part essay explores Burma's problematic relationship with China and the potential for Naypyidaw to build closer ties with another global powerhouse
- Armed groups urge Suu Kyi mediationOffer of negotiating role from opposition leader garners support among leaders of ethnic armies currently engaged in fighting
Telegraph - Climate Change
- Can Prof Rajendra Pachauri really survive 'Gla ...The head of the UN panel on climate change, Prof Rajendra Pachauri, is still adamant that one famously exaggerated report should not cost him his job , says Peter Stanford.
- Steve Jones tells the BBC: don't give 'deniali ...In his report for the BBC Trust, Steve Jones actually attacks Auntie for having too little global-warming bias, writes Christopher Booker.
- Horn of Africa drought: African desperationTelegraph View: In the 1980s rich nations reacted far too slowly to mass starvation in Ethiopia. The same mistake must not be repeated.
- Queensland floods and Russian heatwave will be ...Chris Huhne's 'carbon saving' measures could double energy bills within nine years - so Australian floods might help to wash down the British voter's bitter pills, says Christopher Booker.
- The Phoenix dust storm shows that, whatever th ...Rain or shine, drought, flood or dust-storm, the warmist faith decrees that all 'freak weather events' are man-made, says Christopher Booker.
National Geographic | Environment
- Pictures We Love: Best of JulyNoneSlimy seas, stormy skies, a bull's ear—National Geographic photo editors eye the month's best new pictures and find ten favorites.
- Bats Drawn to Plant via "Echo Beacon"A Cuban plant that depends on bat pollination evolved a special leaf that acts like a satellite dish for bats' sonar, new research says.
- Gulf Spill's Effects Unknown For Years?More than a year after the Deepwater Horizon spill, scientists say it could take a decade to figure out how the oil affected the Gulf of Mexico's environment. Video.
- Photos: Thick Green Algae Chokes Beach—Swimmer ...NoneMats of bright green algae have again coated miles of shoreline in eastern China—and locals act like it's a day at the beach.
- Heat Wave Due to "Exceptionally Strong" Air MassA stubborn high-pressure system is causing sweltering temperatures in much of the U.S—and there's no relief in sight, experts say.
Jurist - Legal Research
- Federal judge allows Lehman Brothers lawsuit t ...[JURIST] A federal judge on Wednesday ruled [opinion, PDF] that most claims in a lawsuit against former Lehman Brothers Holdings [corporate website] officials could proceed. The plaintiffs, a group of investors, contend that Lehman's former officers, directors, and auditors, as well as security ...
- Canada Supreme Court rules against tobacco ind ...[JURIST] The Supreme Court of Canada [official website] issued rulings in two major tobacco products cases Friday relieving the federal government of liability for tobacco-related health problems and allowing the provinces to sue the tobacco industry for damages for tobacco-related health care c ...
- Mumbai terror attack gunman appeals death sentence[JURIST] Pakistani national Mohammad Ajmal Amir Kasab [NDTV profile], convicted [JURIST report] in May 2010 for murder and waging war against India for his role in the November 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks [BBC backgrounder; JURIST news archive] that killed 166, filed an appeal Friday challengi ...
- North Carolina Senate overrides veto on aborti ...[JURIST] The North Carolina Senate [official website] Thursday voted 29-19 to override a veto [roll call vote] by Governor Beverly Perdue [official website] on legislation [HB 854 materials] that would require a 24-hour waiting period before receiving an abortion [JURIST news archive]. The vote ...
- New Mexico Supreme Court allows environmental ...[JURIST] The New Mexico Supreme Court [official website] ruled unanimously Wednesday that environmental groups may intervene in state administrative hearings over greenhouse gas emissions standards. New Energy Economy (NEE) [advocacy website], a non-profit organization working to reduce greenhou ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- Washington Wants to Avoid Default, but It Can' ...With time running out, lawmakers still haven't crafted any bill that can raise the debt limit. Will they manage to pass one by Aug. 2? APThe aspirations don't match the situation.To hear them talk, the White House and every key player on Capitol Hill wants to avoid the first-ever default ...
- Boehner: Tough to Revive Bipartisan 'Humpty Du ...The House Speaker said Republicans would press ahead with their own proposal should Obama continue to reject a two-tier plan With Asian markets set to deliver a verdict within hours on the U.S. debt crisis, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said on ...
- Progress Toward a Debt Deal?With the clock ticking down to the reopening of the markets, Congressional leaders try to patch together a two-step agreement ...
- Let Them Eat Cake Alive & Well in Beverly HillsI love Los Angeles (I know -- few seem to want to admit it), but I love Washington, DC more. I love DC's intrigue and policy banter -- the passionate debates about Israel and Palestine, about nuclear vs. renewables, about Grover Norquist vs. big government Republicans (& MoveOn), about whethe ...
- How to Be a Right-Leaning JournalistA libertarian guide for young reporters tells us how media, ideological or otherwise, should work in the digital age With the rise of ideological journalism over the past decade, a period when opinionated bloggers, Web journalists, and muckraking activists have changed the face of the profess ...
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] WikiLeaks on Canada in Iraq War - coat
- [COAT] CANSEC Arms Bazaar Protest, June 1, Ott ...
- [COAT] Put a SNAG in CANSEC: Spring Nuremberg ...
- [COAT] WikiWeapons Cda Exposes 18,888 Export C ...
- [COAT] Latest on Cda's Arms Exports & CANSEC r ...
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious b ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's en ...
- More tritium found at Vt. Yankee, NRC plans cl ...
Tikun Olam
- Settler MKs Welcome Russian Neo-Nazi Holocaust ...When an Israeli reader sent this story to me I couldn’t believe the headline summarized above. Â Further, in this day and age of Norwegian neo-Nazi, anti-jihadi attacks which wrap themselves in the Israeli flag, this story is simply mind-blowing. It begins with a visit from a Russian neo-Nazi de ...
- Truthout Publishes My Latest Piece on Possible ...I’ve distilled my reporting on Iran in the past month and added some new material in this new piece published today at Truthout:Â Senior Israeli, US Intelligence Figures Warn of Israeli Attack Against Iran. Â The heading above the title says it has 108,000 Facebook Likes. Â Given that Truthout i ...
- Iran Assassination: Melman Hints Israel Killed ...In reporting on the recent assassination of Iranian electrical engineering graduate student, Darioush Rezaeinejad, I’ve noted the possibility of the Lillehammer-like mistake by which the Mossad may’ve killed the wrong man. Â The reason is that at first the news media reported the victim was nucl ...
- Geller, Anti-Jihadi Blogs Have ‘Very Real Bloo ...“People like Fjordman and Pamela Geller and the right-wing blogosphere who spew apocalyptic rhetoric and refuse to denounce the extremists among them now have the very real blood of children on their hands.” OK, let take a quiz: who wrote that? Â Glenn Greenwald, perhaps? Â Andrew Sullivan? Â Or ...
- Emil Grunzweig’s Assassin: ‘I Killed the Israe ...Maariv has scored the first media interview (Hebrew) with Yona Avrushmi, the murderer of Peace Now co-founder, Emil Grunzweig. Avrumi was freed from prison several months ago after serving his full 27 year sentence for the assassination that shocked all Israel for its brazenness. In the interv ...
If Americans Knew
- Denying Nazi-Zionist collusion: The Sacramento ...In an inversion of journalistic ethics, the Sacramento Bee reported on opposition to an event before and after it took place, but didn't cover the event itself. It featured an entire report on accusations against a flier, but didn't include a response from the flier's authors.
- Media omissions on Itamar: Murdering babies is ...US media widely and repeatedly reported on the horrific March 11th murder of three small Israeli children and their parents. While no one yet knows who committed this grotesque act, reports presume that the murderers were Palestinian, and for this reason the incident is receiving major attention ...
- Critical Connections: Egypt, the US, and the I ...Minimally explored in all the coverage of the momentous Egyptian uprising taking place over the last 10 days [Jan-Feb 2011] are the Israeli connections.
- Gabrielle Giffords, Tom Hurndall and Palestini ...Alison Weir, CounterPunch - There is something particularly horrifying when someone is shot in the head. Perhaps it's the gruesome image, the destruction of the brain, the clear intent to kill. The recent shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is made even more nightmarish by the l ...
- As Israel kills and maims, Outrage is directed ...Whenever Israel commits yet another atrocity, its defenders are quick to redirect public attention away from the grisly crime scene. Currently, there are headlines about allegedly anti-Semitic comments made by senior White House correspondent Helen Thomas. Pundits across the land evince outrage ...
David J. Gregory
- Help to overcomeSIGLER/Chronicle David Gregory has a condition that causes him to need a van equipped with a chair lift so he can access it from the driver’s seat of his vehicle. The van he currently uses is in poor shape, so he is in need of a new van. Friends have opened a bank account to [...]
- USA PATRIOT Act: The Myth of a Secure European ...The U.S. is home to the world's largest technology companies, offering cloud services from simple storage to complex web applications to users across the world. But data held even in European datacenters, protected by strict European data laws, may still be vulnerable to inspection by U.S. autho ...
- FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PLEASE REPOSTby David Gregory on Tuesday, June 14, 2011 at 1:56pm For those who may not know, my name is David Gregory, I have Osteogenesis imperfecta (O.I.), a brittle bone disease. I use a Jazzy electric wheelchair and a 1993 Ford van. Both the chair and especially the van are on the last legs of years [...]
- My PredicamentFor those who may not know, my name is David Gregory, I have Osteogenesis imperfecta (O.I.), a brittle bone disease. I use a Jazzy electric wheelchair and a 1993 Ford van. Both the chair and especially the van are on the last legs of years of service. Unfortunately, because I work I do not quali ...
- High Time in the Old town TONIGHT, MAYBE/O.K., most of you have heard of all the doomsayers that have been around the last few years and all have heard in one form, or another, about the 2012 Mayan prophecy, so you put it all in a sack and shake it up. What do you get? Well, whether, or not, any of these [...]