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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

24 July - Test post in Safari

Ice island the size of Manhattan floating towards Canada
Home is where the protest is: Spain’s eviction-busting 'flashmobs'

Hacking attacks aren't the only headaches for the digital side of Rupert Murdoch's empire. New Firefox and Chrome additions allow...
‎'It is unconscionable that extremist groups circulate letters which accuse me of horrific things, saying that I am a traitor. These lies have circulated for almost 40 years, continually reopening the wound of the Vietnam War.' Jane Fonda, Reader Supported News
The most news and entertainment portal from a Canadian perspective. Television, major newspapers across Canada, health, sport, entertainment, lifestyle, free email and more.
MurdochAlert warns you whenever you visit one of the 100+ Murdoch Family-controlled websites. If you're not ready to block them all, MurdochAlert can warn you instead. Also it's handy for identifying news sources controlled by the Murdoch Family.
The United Nations has declared a state of famine in some parts of southern Somalia where the worst drought in over half a century is already being blamed fo...
That the horrible terrorist attacks in Oslo on Friday that left some 90 persons or more dead– a bombing of the prime minister’s office and shootings at a Labor Party youth camp– were allegedly committed by a blonde, far right wing Norwegian fundamentalist Christian rather than by a radical Musli
King’s College London, Newcastle University and Warwick University, pictured, were granted licences to carry out the research after the 2008 Human Fertilisation Embryology Act came into force.
‎''When you open your eyes in the morning, sit for a moment and appreciate the gift of a new day, create a peaceful thought and enjoy some moments of silence throughout the whole day.'' What you continually give to your body with your beliefs or strong feelings, you receive in...
The men who buy sex are your neighbors and colleagues. A new study reveals how the burgeoning demand for porn and prostitutes is warping personal relationships and endangering women and girls.' Leslie Bennetts, Newsweek

..the crux of it is this: for the United States Government to borrow more money, Congress has to pass a law raising the debt ceiling. Since the US government currently borrows 40 cents for every dollar it spends, that is unavoidable. Without such a law, then by August 2nd, the US will literally run out of money. If that happens, it will either enter a technical default by missing interest payments, or more likely, be

‎[caption id="attachment_100098465" align="alignnone" width="460" caption="America - increasingly looking like Greece (photo: Reuters)"][/caption] That seems to be the news this morning, anyway. Speaker John Boehner, who was negotiating on behalf of the Republicans on how to cut the US deficit, has d