The world's largest search engine has detected a "large number" of Windows-based computers infected with a specific type of malicious software, Google Inc. announced in a blog post late Tuesday
( Malwarebytes : I just got rid of 8 infections and speed improved )
Alex Prud'Homme describes the drought gripping the southern United States as the creeping disaster in this essay for the New York Times: Floods,
With an entire planet being slaughtered before our eyes, it's terrifying to watch the very culture responsible for this - the culture of industrial civilization, fueled by a finite source of fossil fuels, primarily a dwindling supply of oil - thrust forward wantonly to fuel its insatiable appetite f

Why aren't corporations doing more to solve unemployment problem?

The Elders are an independent group of eminent global leaders, brought together by Nelson Mandela, who offer their collective influence and experience to support peace building, help address major causes of human suffering and promote the shared interests of humanity.

Princess Diana was going to start campaigning for Palestine, according to Annie Machon. Annie Machon is a former MI5 officer who blew the whistle on a false ...
Death of Sean Hoare – who was first named journalist to allege Andy Coulson knew of hacking – not being treated as suspicious
Breaking: The Feds just indicted Aaron Swartz, former exec director of civil liberties and Internet freedom group Demand Progress for downloading too many journal articles for his research.
Thanks to the kindness of a reader, we have a better translation of the interview that XanthiPress conducted yesterday with Defkalion GT President Alexandros Xanthoulis that we reported about yesterday which provides a clearer picture than could be gleaned from the Google translation. The new transl

The largest coordinated global engineering project in the history of our species. People across the world are noticing planes crossing back and forth in the ...
24/02/11 08:24 Spray good morning to Cheshire Wake up to geoengineering. Tag and share.
Length: 1:27
A Liberal government analysis showing Ontario jails incarcerate hundreds of dangerous criminals is poking holes in Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak’s pledge to release provincial inmates into chain gangs.
Canada's Politics and Government Newsweekly

For the first time, the United States’ top-notch debt rating is in jeopardy. Here's a look at the economic forces in investors' focus this week
Even for optimistic British Columbia cabinet minister Pat Bell, China's voracious appetite for B.C. softwood lumber "is nothing short of stunning."
OTTAWA - India is pursuing a potentially lucrative partnership with Canada to sell nuclear reactors ... - Breaking News - Winnipeg Free Press.
( http://wakeup2thelies.com/ ) IN FULL | National Press Club Debate Christopher Monckton v Richard Denniss 2011 Australia ABC 19/July/2011 Lord Christopher Mo...

Bounce in Gulf Tourism Fueled by BP’s Aggressive Marketing Not Real Signs of Recovery | Stuart H. Sm
www.stuarthsmith.comAstonishingly, just a year after the worst man-made environmental disaster in U.S. history swept through the Gulf of Mexico, it's business as usual on the Gulf
http://bit.ly/rcmU5i Oil-spill victims and officials say BP drags its feet paying out $20B
Crude oil continues to wash ashore along the Gulf of Mexico coast a year after BP Plc stopped the flow from its damaged Macondo well, which caused the worst U.S. offshore spill, government officials said.
Whale Gives Beautiful Thank You After Being Saved (NWO Programs Us-Harm/Kill)/ !! Info See show more
www.youtube.comTop Info Click Show More,Copy,paste,Reorganized to Word-Email,Flyer All (vid. elinoyes )Get info To Truth: blogs, Web Sites ! **CRITICAL INFO. ** 1. Satanist...
An advertising agency has come up with a bus shelter that allows commuters to charge up their portable devices before...

BELLE CHASSE, La. -- A public forum tonight will focus on a permit application that could expand operations at a Plaquemines Parish landfill -- something two environmental groups fiercely oppose. Tuesday, July 19, 2011.
(07-16) 09:26 PDT CAMINADA HEADLAND, La. (AP) -- Cleanup after the BP oil spill has turned up dozens of sites where archaeologists are finding human and animal bones, pottery and primitive weapons left behind by...
Frugal Canadian customers, low interest rates and stiff competition are putting a squeeze on the profits from loans made by the country’s big banks, a trend that’s likely to persist into 2012
The yellow metal, seen as a haven in times of economic turmoil, rallies to a peak of $1,600.40 a troy ounce on Monday morning
Former U.S. Treasury secretary Lawrence Summers outlines what must be done to solve a crisis that now threatens both European integration and the global recovery

Some say the 14 Liberals are stepping down because they fear an electoral rout Oct. 6. But the MPPs themselves say it’s simply time to move on.
Canada's Politics and Government Newsweekly
Two U.S. credit agencies have made moves that highlight the growing fiscal crisis faced by Washington as the U.S. Congress and the White House try to hammer out a deal on raising the U.S. debt ceiling.
A 25 per cent drop in immigration in the first three months of this year compared to last year has critics worried the Conservatives are restricting levels.
So Winnipeg has a gang problem? I'm guessing it has something to do with the illicit drug market, wh... - The View from the West - Winnipeg Free Press.
It is now conventional wisdom that the Harper Conservatives are transforming Canadian criminal justice, a fact which many pundits cite as evidence of the incremental Harperization of Canadian society. It's pretty hard to disagree.
Tens of thousands of Americans are being held in super-maximum-security prisons where they are deprived of contact and psychologically destroyed. Undocumented workers are rounded up and vanish from their families for weeks or months. Militarized police units break down the doors of some 40,000 Ameri...

Scientists from all over the world have come together in ITER to work toward a lofty goal: harness the energy produced by the fusion of atoms to help meet mankind's future energy needs. ITER is a large-scale scientific experiment intended to prove the viability of fusion as an energy source, and to

Gathering years of leaks and leads, in an adaptation from their new book, Anthony Summers and Robbyn Swan examine the connections between Saudi Arabia and the hijackers (15 of whom were Saudi), the Bush White House's decision to ignore or bury evidence, and the frustration of lead investigators -
Who really invented the microwave oven? Here is the Real History of the Microwave Oven
We are regular people who get up every morning to go to work or to college, or to search for a job. Some of us are more progressive, others are more conservative. Some have clearly defined ideologies,...


http://bit.ly/mKPiI9 - Futurist Ray Kurzweil details the technology timeline leading up to 2029 including the downsides to Singularity.

Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2009/10/22/Deepak_Chopra_How_to_Create_a_New_Self Author and spiritual guru Deepak Chopra remembers his first spiritual exp...
Guest Blog: Why Is Quantum Gravity So Hard? And Why Did Stalin Execute the Man Who Pioneered the Sub
www.scientificamerican.comWhat is the hottest problem in fundamental physics today? Physics aficionados most probably would answer: quantum gravity. Of all the fundamental forces of nature, only gravity still stands outside the rubric of the quantum theory. The difficulty of quant

Important words from Mr Icke. Taken from his lecture 'From The Ancient World To 2012' Musical backdrop: Dreadzone - Crazy Knowledge + Eat Static - Sands Of Time
For Stephen Harper’s Conservatives, it’s a gift like no other.
XCLUSIVE: FBI Raids Homes of Suspected Anonymous Hackers www.foxnews.com
The FBI is executing search warrants at two Long Island, NY, homes and one Brooklyn, NY, home of three suspected members of notorious hacking group Anonymous early Tuesday morning, FoxNews.com has learned.
The Department of Defense (DoD) Inspector General's (IG) office recently found that the Marine Corp allowed their contactors for a vital troop protection system to act as government employees, including directing and evaluating government employees' work, grading their own work and writing up requir...

WASHINGTON - July 20 - The latest idea to emerge in negotiations over a deficit-reduction package came from a group of senators that calls itself the Gang of Six. The proposal would be a disaster, Sen. Bernie Sanders warned. "The plan would result in devastating cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Me
Head of European Commission delivers sombre warning to EU leaders to find a solution to Greek crisis this week
As the deadline looms, here is what to expect today in negotiations to raise the U.S. government’s US$14.3 trillion debt limit by Aug. 2 and avoid a U.S. credit default
The federal government believes some 1,800 Canadian citizens have obtained their citizenship through fraudulent means and it intends to revoke their status, Postmedia News has learned.