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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Friday, July 29, 2011

29 July - RSS SnapShot! Pt I

To Do

Supporters of a renewable energy law that has faced stumbling blocks since being approved by Missouri voters in 2008 said Thursday they are examining whether to propose another initiative petition for next year's election. PJ Wilson, the director of ...
The Republic
By ALEX KUFFNER - The Providence Journal NARRAGANSETT, RI - The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has approved a Rhode Island ocean zoning plan that designates waters off the state's coast for renewable energy development. ...
By Andrew Mayeda - Thu Jul 28 21:25:15 GMT 2011 Canada won't commit new funding to a C$1.4-billion ($1.47 billion) program used by companies such as Suncor Energy Inc. (SU) and TransAlta Corp. to fund renewable-energy projects, Natural Resources ...
Charleston Regional Business
By Chuck Crumbo From the Upstate to the Pee Dee to the Lowcountry and points in between, South Carolina's foray into creating green, renewable energy jobs is on a roll. “Clean energy is not something we talk about in South Carolina, but it's something ...
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Human Habitat

San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
StormwateRx LLC, a provider of industrial stormwater treatment and filtration systems, today announced that the Aquip® Enhanced Stormwater Filtration System has been approved by the Washington Department of Ecology with a Conditional Use Level ...
Minneapolis Star Tribune
The DNR said the higher fee would generate long-term money it needed to control, especially, zebra mussels -- which can dramatically change a lake's ecology. Republican legislators balked at the fee idea, instead allocating about $7 million this fiscal ...
PR Newswire (press release)
Ecology Coatings was nominated, based on its GRAS (generally regarded as safe) coatings, which can be applied to food or used in food packaging. Ecology's GRAS coatings not only protect food from outside elements, but are safe for human consumption, ...
BBC News
Simply protecting land and sea won't be enough to stem the loss of nature, according to a study just out in the Marine Ecology Progress series. Read it one way, and it's one of the most depressing things you'll have seen, if you're concerned about the ...
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Water Power

Los Angeles Times
By Molly Hennessy-Fiske, Los Angeles Times At that time, the average hexavalent chromium level in Hinkley's water was 1.19 parts per billion (ppb). The new state goal was set Wednesday at 0.02 ppb, the level of the element that does not pose a ...
By Edward McAllister NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York state may have enough natural gas to spark an energy boom, but it could lack the inspectors needed to ensure drilling won't foul its other prized resource -- water. Home to a portion of the Marcellus ...
The Corps still needs to release a lot more water before winter. And today, engineers announced their plan to deal with it. State and local leaders say the Corps was considering eight plans, and none of them would`ve been good for residents, ...
Entertainment News from AP The extremely high demand for water is putting a lot of stress on the city's aging water mains. INDIANAPOLIS - The water company is asking US to wait at least another week before we water our lawns. The extremely high demand ...
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