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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Friday, July 22, 2011

22 July - Squawk 'Liberty' and 'Freedom'

Web MD

Respiratory Disorder Seen in Iraq, Afghanistan Veterans

Study Shows Some Service Members Return From the Middle East With Constrictive Bronchiolitis

The research suggests that exposure to unknown toxins in the Middle East may be behind unexplained breathing problems in otherwise healthy veterans.
Researchers found evidence of constrictive bronchiolitis in 38 of 49 soldiers who reported shortness of breath during exercise.
Constrictive bronchiolitis is a respiratory disorder in which the small airways in the lungs become compressed and narrowed by scar tissue or inflammation. The condition is non-reversible and there are few effective treatments available.
Reports of breathing problems in soldiers returning from the Middle East have been common since the 1990s. But researchers say respiratory conditions such as pneumonia, asthma, and allergic rhinitis do not completely explain the increase in respiratory symptoms, such as shortness of breath and exercise limitations.

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They Gave Us a Republic

Challenging the Haters and the Stoopits

Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) took on a representative of the conservative group Focus on the Family for mischaracterizing a study on "nuclear families" at a hearing on a bill which would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).At a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday, Sen. Franken noted that the group's testimony listed the benefits of children "living with their biological and/or adopted mothers and fathers" as surpassing those of children "living in any other family form." He observed they listed a Department of Health and Human Services study as backing that up.
"I actually checked it out," Franken said in reference to the study FOF's Thomas Minnery has cited. He then observed it uses the term "nuclear families" without specifically mentioning "opposite sex married families."
Back in September, Steve Benen wrote about the epidemic of false equivalence:.....
It's been one of the most glaring flaws in major American media for far too long -- news outlets can tell the public about a story, but they won't tell the public's who's right. Every story has to offer he-said/she-said coverage, and every view has to be treated as entirely legitimate. ("Republicans today said two plus two equals five; Democrats and mathematicians disagree.")To tell news consumers about a controversy is fine. To tell news consumers who's objectively correct is to be "biased."
For the public that wants to know who's right, and not just who's talking, it creates a vacuum filled by online outlets. For journalists who want to "tell readers directly what's going on," it creates an incentive to abandon news organizations that demand forced neutrality.

Who are 'Liberals' in your world ? 
I see you as reinforcing a false equivalency by taking the word to mean something totally unrelated to its roots. In fact, the 'right' - they aren't - complains that irrelevancy and false comparisons dominate supposed alternatives to hatemongering drivel. 
'Conserve-ative' would mean defender of past valuable practices and 'rights'...not promulgator of repression. But 'rights' without rigorous enforcement mechanisms are as meaningless as 'trickle down' economics. 
Which 'side' is correct in a world where labels trump reportage ? Or where that reportage is itself systemically incomplete to wrong ? 
So where would one put Kucinich, Ron Paul and Ralph Nader ? 
As it stands, on display and safely irrelevant to exercise of power. The elephant in the room : 
Climate of Fear: Jim Risen v. the Obama administration 
The Obama DOJ's effort to force New York Times investigative journalist Jim Risen to testify in a whistleblower prosecution and reveal his source is really remarkable and revealing in several ways; it should be receiving much more attention than it is.  On its own, the whistleblower prosecution and accompanying targeting of Risen are pernicious, but more importantly, it underscores the menacing attempt by the Obama administration - as Risen yesterday pointed out - to threaten and intimidate whistleblowers, journalists and activists who meaningfully challenge what the government does in secret.

So Al Franken appears valuable and principled....in a corrupt setting which lies incessantly.
BTW The topic is one of foreign policy - war - on nations attempting peaceful use of nuclear power generating technology. That's what Iraq died from....again.
'Leading to War' exposes Cheney's use of lies about yellowcake and the reason why Brewster-Jennings/Valerie Plame-Wilson had to go : disinfecting truth not to be tolerated.
It isn't just PNAC and the Long War, either.
The NPT and the Nuclear Power TRAP


( The 'Climate in Contention' comedy I didn't think to include :

Greenhouse gas theory of global warming is refuted in momentous Mexican lab experiment. Results mean epic fail for doomsaying cult and climate taxes.

Professor Nahle of Monterrey, Mexico backed by a team of international scientists has faithfully recreated a famous experiment from 1909 to confirm that the greenhouse effect cannot cause global warming.

Astonishingly, the 1909 greenhouse gas experiment first performed by Professor Robert W. Wood at John Hopkins University hadn’t been replicated for a century. This despite over $100 billion spent by the man-made global warming industry trying to prove its case that carbon dioxide is a dangerous atmospheric pollutant.

http://climaterealists.com/index.php?id=8073  )

Liberals [0.00 / 0] Replies: 
posted by: opit on Fri Jul 22, 2011 at 20:50:32 PM CDT
attached to: Challenging the Haters and the Stoopits
2)Fracking [0.00 / 0] Replies: 
posted by: opit on Thu Jul 14, 2011 at 20:31:58 PM CDT
attached to: Natural Gas Fracking Will Fuck Up Your World
3)Liberalism [0.00 / 0] Replies: 
posted by: opit on Wed Jul 13, 2011 at 21:19:02 PM CDT
attached to: Reality-Based Democrats in Denial
4)Religious People [0.00 / 0] Replies: 
posted by: opit on Sun Jun 12, 2011 at 13:51:36 PM CDT
attached to: Happiness is a Socialist Hellhole
5)Marshall Plan [0.00 / 0] Replies: 
posted by: opit on Sun Jun 12, 2011 at 13:39:50 PM CDT
attached to: When the Only Tool You've Got is an Army, Every Problem Looks Like a War
6)Divide and Conquer [0.00 / 0] Replies: 
posted by: opit on Sun Jun 12, 2011 at 11:06:09 AM CDT
attached to: Happiness is a Socialist Hellhole
7)Socialist Hellhole [0.00 / 0] Replies: 
posted by: opit on Sun Jun 12, 2011 at 10:23:29 AM CDT
attached to: Happiness is a Socialist Hellhole
8)Riverbend [0.00 / 0] Replies: 
posted by: opit on Thu Apr 28, 2011 at 00:49:16 AM CDT
attached to: The Nightowl Newswrap
9)correction [0.00 / 0] Replies: 
posted by: opit on Fri Mar 11, 2011 at 01:07:26 AM CST
attached to: The Nightowl Newswrap
10)Feedback [0.00 / 0] Replies: 
posted by: opit on Fri Mar 11, 2011 at 00:49:19 AM CST
attached to: The Nightowl Newswrap
11)Political Will and Demonstrated Results [0.00 / 0] Replies: 
posted by: opit on Sat Feb 19, 2011 at 11:57:02 AM CST
attached to: Keep Your Filthy Deficit-Cutting Claws Off My Social Security
12)Take that path [0.00 / 0] Replies: 
posted by: opit on Thu Feb 03, 2011 at 14:34:52 PM CST
attached to: How Egypt Is Not Iran
13)Beware what you wish for [0.00 / 0] Replies: 
posted by: opit on Mon Jan 31, 2011 at 14:54:06 PM CST
attached to: The Nightowl Newswrap
14)al CIA-da [0.00 / 0] Replies: 
posted by: opit on Mon Jan 31, 2011 at 14:26:32 PM CST
attached to: Afghan Banksters_Mentored Well By Wall Street Black Belts
15)Real Alternative Representation [0.00 / 0] Replies: 
posted by: opit on Wed Jan 26, 2011 at 20:14:36 PM CST
attached to: Nice Speech. So now what?

A Cult of Uncommonly Angry Minds
the kafkatrap is a form of argument that is so fallacious and manipulative that those subjected to it are entitled to reject it based entirely on the form of the argument, without reference to whatever particular sin or thoughtcrime is being alleged. I will also attempt to show that kafkatrapping is so self-destructive to the causes that employ it that change activists should root it out of their own speech and thoughts.

Inside Obama’s “Orwellian World” Where Whistleblowing Has Become Espionage: The Case Of Thomas Drake

”In this supposed era of “hope” and “change” and “transparency in government”, truth tellers are catching hell. Why has the Obama Administration prosecuted more whistleblowers (who’ve dutifully reported waste, mismanagement and criminal activity) THAN ALL OTHER PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS COMBINED?! Why have laws been passed to protect the lawbreakers?! Thomas Drake is facing 35 years in prison for telling the truth, but bankers who lied and stole and crashed the U.S. economy are walking around free and with your money. Change I can’t believe in.”
By Amy Goodman @ Democracy Now:
 During the Bush years, in the wake of the NSA scandal, I used to write post after post about how warped and dangerous it was that the Bush DOJ was protecting the people who criminally spied on Americans (Bush, Cheney Michael Hayden) while simultaneouslythreatening to prosecute the whistle-blowers who exposed misconduct.  But the Bush DOJ never actually followed through on those menacing threats; no NSA whistle-blowers were indicted during Bush's term (though several were threatened).  It took the election of Barack Obama for that to happen, as his handpicked Assistant Attorney General publicly boasted yesterday of the indictment against Drake.
Aside from the indefensible fact that only crimes committed by high-level Bush officials -- but nobody else -- enjoy the benefits of Obama's "Look Forward, Not Backward" decree, think about the interests being served by this prosecution.  Most discussions yesterday suggested that Drake's leaks to The Baltimore Sun's Sibohan Gorman were about waste and mismanagement in the "Trailblazer" project rather than controversial NSA spying activities, but that's not entirely accurate.  
Just consider this May 18, 2006, article by Gorman, describing how and why the NSA opted for the "Trailblazer" proposal over the privacy-protecting "Thin Thread" program, in the process discarding key privacy protections designed to ensure that the NSA would not eavesdrop onthe domestic calls of U.S. citizens (h/t ondelette).  In that article -- which really should be read to get a sense for the whistle-blowing that is being punished by the DOJ -- Gorman described at length how then-NSA head Michael Hayden rejected technologies that could "rapidly separate and encrypt U.S.-related communications to ensure privacy" and "that monitored potential abuse of the records."  As she put it: "Once President Bush gave the go-ahead for the NSA to secretly gather and analyze domestic phone records -- an authorization that carried no stipulations about identity protection -- agency officials regarded the encryption as an unnecessary step and rejected it."
It's not hyperbole to say that Bush's decision to use the NSA to spy domestically on American citizens was one of the most significant stories of this generation. 
John Cole, proving once again that one can be an enthusiastic Obama admirer without reflexively excusing and justifying everything he does, writes today:
The message is clear- you torture people and then destroy the evidence, and you get off without so much as a sternly worded letter.
If you are a whistle blower outlining criminal behavior by the government, [] you get prosecuted.
Cole is referring to the revelation today that, once he learned it was done, then-CIA-Director Porter Goss approved of the destruction of CIA interrogation videos (an act which the co-Chair of the 9/11 Commissions said constituted an obstruction of justice), and the message Cole describes is exactly the one being sent by the Drake prosecution.
Squib for GlennHis next book is titled "With Liberty and Justice for Some: How the Law Is Used to Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful."

A Citizen's First Defense Against Tyranny
 Only with stratification do we find the socioeconomic integration of large regions embracing millions of people; this shift from local resource utilization and self-sufficiency to production for regional markets seems to be associated with increased resource depletion and ecological instability

Len Hart's Feeds- The Existentialist Cowboy

reclaim the media

Victory! 3rd Circuit Court overrules FCC on media consolidation

Wikileaks Australian Citizerns Alliance*

* Not Wikileaks...blogging the leaks

Framing The Narrative: Murdoch v. Assange

Rupert Murdoch employs thousands and thousands of people, many of them on excellent salaries. His empire includes movie studios, book publishers, and other avenues to public perception. He has a backdoor entry pass to the UK PM’s office, dictates US political discussion on a daily basis, and holds politicians around the world in thrall. Meanwhile, wealthy advertisers queue up to give him money in exchange for favourable reporting (or non-reporting) of their business interests.
In Murdoch’s empire, talking points from above dictate the news delivered to the masses. Yet Rupert’s writers need only scan the front pages to discern how best to please their boss and get prominently featured. It’s a culture of corruption, as countless recent articles have documented, designed to maximise profits and political power.
But the media landscape is changing. Why should we ordinary citizens of the world keep paying for news, when we can get it online for free? But then, if media organisations are not making a profit, how can they afford to keep supplying news for free? This remains the great unresolved Catch-22 of the C21st Fourth Estate.
News Corporation is planning more firewalls to protect media content, despite the previous failure of such models at organisations like the New York Times. The UK Independent newspaper is now running an online survey asking readers to tell them how the paper can deal with the shifting media paradigm. The Economist prominently features an on-going debate on the subject.
There’s more sympathy for your problem than people like to realize. A look at the history of the pamphleteers and fiscal war on independent media will show that not much has changed from ‘Poor Richard’s Almanack’ over the years.
Well-paid assholes with opinions versus poorly-paid assholes with opinions
I read it when it came out at Pandagon. Amanda had a short post as blogger for John Edwards…something quickly proven politically risky due to ‘sharp tongue’ and vulgarity.

President Obama's War on Whistleblowers

Thomas Drake is a whistleblower, a former senior official with the National Security Agency (NSA) who exposed the fact that the agency was illegally spying on millions of Americans with a budget-busting data-mining program that was ultimately shut down. He embodies everything about the principles of “transparency” and “open government” in which the president claims to believe. So why then is the Obama administration threatening to put him in jail for the rest of his life?
By any measure, what Drake did was a public service, providing the kind of check an agency with a classified budget undoubtedly needs from time to time. From 2006 to 2007, he reportedly provided information to a journalist with the Baltimore Sun showing that the agency was wasting millions of dollars in taxpayer money on a massively over-budget initiative that also happened to be facilitating widespread violations of Americans’ constitutional rights.
But in Washington, medals are reserved for incompetent FEMA directors and war criminals; doing the right thing is a tried-and-true ticket to early retirement and maybe even a prison term. And sure enough, in April 2010 Drake’s whistle-blowing was rewarded with an indictment under the Espionage Act by Attorney General Eric Holder’s Justice Department (DOJ). Treated as if he were some Cold War era spy, Drake faces 35 years in prison.

U.S. Federal Reserve Audit Reveals $16 TRILLION In Secret Loans To Bailout U.S. And Foreign Bankers

Pentagon Looks To Social Media As New Battlefield

Why The Wealthiest Americans Are the Real ‘Job-Killers



Middle East Revolts? Orchestrated by whom? **
Don't Vote Obama
Road Trip to Ground Zero : Get on Board
Following is my short list --not of mere improbabilities --but fatal impossibilities any one of which utterly destroys the Bush 'official conspiracy theory of 911'! All the impossibilities listed may be verified against the laws of physics, logic and empirical observation. If the official conspiracy theory of 911 is impossible, then it is a lie.
911 Forum UK
( With Global Research.ca front and centre ! ? )
A list of the propaganda techniques used by Sarah Palin