Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog Guy Harvey Save Our Gulf | Gulf of ...
3 Jun 2011 by Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill BlogIn April 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil spill dumped an estimated 5 million barrels of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico, adversely impacting one of the most ecologically sensitive areas in the world. ... Participants created an original work of art depicting the oil spill's impact on marine life in the Gulf. The response was overwhelming, with hundreds of submissions from students of all ages and abilities demonstrating their appreciation of marine life ...Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog Apalachicola Bay Corexit Poisoning ...
16 Mar 2011 by Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill BlogINCREASED TOXICITY TO ALL MARINE LIFE by contact to these LIFE THREATENING TOXINS AND BIO-HAZARDS. Contact to TOXINS by AIR, WATER (including rain). Apalachicola Bay Corexit Poisoning ... University of Georgia researcher Samantha Joye(JOY) says she and her colleagues have found oil as much as 80 miles from the Deepwater Horizons well. She says the latest sample was taken early Monday and the oil covered newly dead creatures, such as shrimp and deep-sea ...- ReferencesGulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog Fort Walton Beach Corexit Poisoning ...
6 May 2011 by Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill BlogA historical compendium covering the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill. Open to contributors. Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill News of Oil Spill Jobs, New Business, Oil Spill Specials/Benefits, Personal Stories and Recovery Organizations. Skip to content ... Even when Hurricane Bonnie came along, a minor hurricane, it waltzed right through the oil field where the Maconda Deepwater Horizon rig used to stand. The fields were evacuated and the spraying then took place. ...- ReferencesGulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog Corexit Components | Gulf of Mexico ...
24 Jan 2011 by Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill BlogBP OIL SPILL: Corexit–SLOW DEATH AND DISEASE GALORE!! by roblorinov. COREXIT this is the stuff used to “disperse” the oil in the Gulf of Mexico. Here are some facts about this dispersant as posted recently on —up to 95% of gulf oil sunk to ... Dolphins, turtles, and sell life internally bleeding. 40 million people poisoned. —Corexit is a cruel, slow-kill genocidal depopulation Agenda 21 tool, aimed at people, their water supply, food, and land. ...Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog OSE II Corexit Dispersants | Gulf of ...
23 Mar 2011 by Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill BlogA historical aggregation service covering the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill. Open to contributors. Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill News of Oil Spill Jobs, New Business, Oil Spill Specials/Benefits, Personal Stories and Recovery Organizations. Skip to content .... “When properly used, Corexit products are of very low toxicity to marine life and humans.” OSEI Corporation Comment: See Section III – 2 – C on Toxicity. With toxicity values of 4.49 and 2.61 with No. ...Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog Reader Email | Gulf of Mexico Oil ...
12 Dec 2010 by Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill BlogOn April 20th 2010 the largest man made disaster in history occurred in the Gulf of Mexico. The Explosion of the Deep Water Horizon murdered 11 men and injured 17 others. This was not just your ordinary spill, ... Then these words, that I shall never forget in my life and in retrospect haunt me – “Lady”, he said, “if you know anything about this disease, you start screaming, you keep screaming, because if you don't and something happens to you, ...Gulf of Mexico oil Spill Blog Oil Remains in Gulf of Mexico | Gulf ...
13 Nov 2010 by Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog4, U.S. officials said only 52.7 million gallons of oil were left in the Gulf — about 31 percent of the 172 million gallons that spewed into the water from the broken BP well. Government scientists also said they have not found any ... Arctic Sunrise spent three months looking for oil and marine life in trouble after it arrived in the Gulf following the April 20 explosion of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig. Over that period, the Greenpeace vessel also ...Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog Biggest Cover-up in the History of ...
12 Jan 2011 by Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill BlogIn October 2010, Truthout tested several water and soil samples from the Gulf of Mexico for chemicals in BP's crude oil and toxic dispersants. One sample of dead marine life was also tested. Truthout also obtained and had analyzed a sample of pure Corexit 9500, one of the toxic dispersants used to sink the crude oil. The dispersants BP has used in the Gulf of Mexico are banned in at least 19 other countries. BP has used at least 1.9 million gallons of the ...Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog Black Coral | Gulf of Mexico Oil ...
31 Mar 2011 by Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill BlogBP's well leaked more than 200 million gallons of oil after the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded April 20, killing 11 workers. Black corals, which resemble deep-sea bushes or trees, are found throughout the world and ... Most of the Gulf's bottom is muddy and the coral colonies that pop up every once in a while are vital oases for marine life in the chilly ocean depths. The USGS study was part of a larger federal survey of fragile reef ecosystems. ...- ReferencesGulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog Liver Damage | Gulf of Mexico Oil ...
27 Dec 2010 by Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill BlogA historical aggregation service covering the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill. Open to contributors. Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill News of Oil Spill Jobs, New Business, Oil Spill Specials/Benefits, Personal Stories and ... Five months after crude oil stopped gushing from the broken BP wellhead into the Gulf of Mexico, the federal government has reopened more than 90 percent of fishing waters that were in danger of contamination from the broken Deepwater Horizon rig. ...- ReferencesGulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog BP Sued Respiratory Ailments ...
2 Apr 2011 by Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill BlogMore than 4.1 million barrels of crude spilled into the Gulf of Mexico after Transocean Ltd.'s Deepwater Horizon rig exploded and sank while drilling a BP well off the Louisiana coast last April. More than 1.8 million gallons of chemical dispersants were sprayed over or injected into Gulf waters to break up the oil, according to the complaint. Units of Transocean, BP and BP's co-owners in the well, Anadarko Petroleum Corp. and Mitsui & Co., ...- ReferencesGulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog Marine Life Dead For 80 Square Miles ...
7 Dec 2010 by Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill BlogThe water in most places appears to be clear, a stark contrast to the oil that covered miles of ocean after the April 20 Deepwater Horizon rig explosion, which killed 11 workers. But Joye said what was once on the surface has ..... Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog Stomach Discomfort Liver Kidney Damage Unconsciousness Tiredness Lethargy Irritation of the Upper Respiratory Tract Hematological Disorders Death May 23, 2011. Stomach Discomfort Liver Kidney Damage ...Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog Gulf Divers Polycyclic Aromatic ...
16 Mar 2011 by Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill BlogThe diving was done over the summer and early fall of 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico Main Pass, Mississippi Canyon and Grand Isle areas. EcoRigs is a small, self-funded Non-profit Corporation that studies the marine life on offshore platforms. ... Water saturated with BP oil and Corexit contains a number of carcinogenic compounds. The blood VOC analysis only detects 10 organic compounds associated with oil and solvent exposure. It is the compounds associated ...- ReferencesGulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog Gulf of Mexico Sea Desert | Gulf of ...
7 Mar 2011 by Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill BlogThe Gulf of Mexico is becoming a sea desert. We do not know the full effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil leak in the Gulf of México. Most of the surface oil deposits have been cleaned up and many of the coats have been cleaned up, but we cannot clean up the deep part of the ocean and indeed we are only just beginning to see how the oil spillage has affected the life that lives in this part of the ocean, known as the benthos. Sea cucumbers, worms corals ...Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog Gulf Shores Battered By Image | Gulf ...
14 Nov 2010 by Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill BlogA few were building lumpy-looking castles in the snowy-white sand, and a number of them were wading knee-deep in the warm, bluish-green waters of the Gulf of Mexico. ... Several local charter boats offer the chance to get an up-close look at marine life. On a Cetacean Cruises dolphin cruise (; 1-251-550-8000), we watched more than a dozen of the playful mammals popping in and out of Wolf Bay, and during a nature tour with Sailaway ...Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog Gulf Blue Plague Pandemic | Gulf of ...
20 Jan 2011 by Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill BlogTHE GULF BLUE PLATE (BP) SPECIAL. Fill a large bowl with saline ocean water, add a generous proportion of thick crude oil, then pour in a cup of liquid Correct-it (available from Nalco under the brand name Corexit) making sure you don't spill any on yourself, stir gently, .... “DNA mutations are occurring within the Gulf of Mexico at a microscopic cellular level. The obvious effect this has on marine life as well as humans is a Pandora Box of unknowns.” ...Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog Red Snapper Lesions | Gulf of Mexico ...
14 Jun 2011 by Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill BlogLast year, it was the massive Deepwater Horizon oil spill that dominated the news and changed life styles. This year, we await the outcome of the Mississippi River flood waters and what the overall impact will be in the Mississippi Sound. ... The Mississippi Department of Marine Resources in Biloxi said all anglers may fish without a license in the marine waters in Mississippi (south of 1nterstate 10).But all size and possession limits will be enforced. ...Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog Indian Creek Eastpoint Wastewater ...
19 Mar 2011 by Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill BlogPhotographs and videos taken of white orange slime coming into the creek when compared with photos of verified Corexit in the Gulf waters produces a definite match. Toxins flowing into the creek from the ... What causes the increase of these bacteria and disease inducing conditions was cited as changes in the aquatic environment (such as a change in salinity or water temperature) cause Ai to undergo rapid asexual reproduction. During this time thousands of ...- ReferencesGulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog Florida Pensacola Beach Truth | Gulf ...
4 May 2011 by Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill BlogA historical aggregation service covering the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill. Open to contributors. Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill News of Oil Spill Jobs, New Business, Oil Spill Specials/Benefits, Personal Stories and Recovery Organizations. Skip to content ... The episodes of beached and dying marine life has increased tremendously. If you are in this business, be the best. If you are a minion of the controlled mass media, don't do any more than you have to. ...- ReferencesGulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog Mississippi | Gulf of Mexico Oil ...
21 Oct 2010 by Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill BlogBut a report issued on October 6 by the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling sharply criticizes the administration for repeatedly underestimating the amount of oil flowing into the gulf and cites the work of independent researchers who have determined that as much as half of the oil remains in the water, in the seafloor, and in coastal sludge. This endangers birds in various ways. They may get soaked in oil as ...
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Blog
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