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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

24 July - Too Much Information ?


Desktop app for liberal politics

AlterNet and RawStory, two pioneers in online independent news, have joined forces with UberMedia, developers of the world’s most popular Twitter app, to produce NewsForward –a mashup of the latest breaking news, investigative reports and political opinion from independent news sources, cable news outlets, liberal bloggers, top progressive tweeters, advocacy organizations, elected officials and political insiders.

Unlike other news and politics aggregators built on RSS feeds, NewsForward employs Twitter as a platform. “What the UberMedia platform allows us to do is mix curation with conversation …the future of news,” says Roxanne Cooper, Publisher of RawStory. “Because the Twitter audience is so diverse demographically, we’re excited about the opportunity to both deliver news and information to readers who don’t traditionally follow politics, as well as introduce social media to more conventional audiences.”

The app, available for free, includes the latest breaking news and opinion from thousands of curated sources, including MSNBC, Talking Points Memo, Current TV, Media Matters, Think Progress, SEIU, ACLU, Amnesty International, Obama for America, Daily Kos, Colorlines, Mother Jones, AlterNet, RawStory, The Nation, Firedoglake, Ms. Magazine, Christian Science Monitor, Guardian (UK), PBS, Washington Post, New York Times, Salon, Greenpeace, and MoveOn.
“NewsForward offers a personalized aggregation tool that allows me to connect to my favorite progressive news sources. Fantastic!” says Jo Ellen Kaiser, Executive Director of The Media Consortium.

Why influence on Google+ is more than a popularity contest

VentureBeat tapped Joe Fernandez, CEO and founder of social influence monitoring firm Klout, to talk about how users can measure their influence on Google+. Although Klout isn’t measuring Google+ influence (yet), Fernandez gives some solid advice on how to build a great reputation and “score” on the service.
Fernandez said that since Klout measures influence as the ability to drive action rather than pure popularity, Google+ users have to consider more than just how many Circles they’re in.
“It feels like there is rapid (almost inexplicable) follow growth on Google+ right now,” said Fernandez.

Cool Previews
In the eyes of the corporation, inmate labor is a brilliant strategy in the eternal quest to maximize profit. 
There is one group of American workers so disenfranchised that corporations are able to get away with paying them wages that rival those of third-world sweatshops. These laborers have been legally stripped of their political, economic and social rights and ultimately relegated to second-class citizens. They are banned from unionizing, violently silenced from speaking out and forced to work for little to no wages. This marginalization renders them practically invisible, as they are kept hidden from society with no available recourse to improve their circumstances or change their plight.
They are the 2.3 million American prisoners locked behind bars where we cannot see or hear them. And they are modern-day slaves of the 21st century. 

Obama Should Support Palestinian Statehood at the United Nations 

The "pro-Israel" lobby has cowboyed up for the fight against any Palestinian statehood bid at the United Nations this fall. It may have already convinced President Obama to issue a veto if a statehood resolution comes before the Security Council and to vote "no" if it gets to the General Assembly.

The lobby, of course, is taking its cues from the Netanyahu government, which appears terrified by the very idea of UN involvement. The Israeli government's position is contradictory. On the one hand it says a United Nations vote would be meaningless, while on the other that it would represent an "existential" threat to Israel itself.

The biggest contradiction of all is the assertion that the Palestinian attempt to resolve their conflict with Israel at the United Nations represents a threat to diplomacy -- rather than diplomacy itself.
After all, what is the United Nations other than an arena for conflict resolution by means of diplomacy? Having abandoned the effort to end the occupation through violence, the Palestinians are turning to the UN. What could be wrong with that?

In fact, there is nothing wrong with it. The Jews of Palestine (who would later become Israelis) knew that the United Nations was the only forum to achieve recognition of a state when they turned to it in 1947. As any Israeli will tell you, it was the United Nations General Assembly that granted Israel its birth certificate. Israel's own Declaration of Independence says as much:
On the 29th November, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution calling for the establishment of a Jewish State in Eretz Israel; the General Assembly required the inhabitants of Eretz Israel to take such steps as were necessary on their part for the implementation of that resolution. This recognition by the United Nations of the right of the Jewish people to establish their State is irrevocable.

Israel suspends MP for opposing Gaza blockade

U.S. delays final report on BP oil spill probe

reuters.com - By Ayesha Rascoe WASHINGTON | Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:14pm EDT WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. team probing the causes of last year's massive BP oil spill has delayed the release of its final report in or...

The Myths of Vietnam 

by: Yellow Dog

Sat Jul 23, 2011 at 17:00:00 PM CDT

This comes as a timely reminder that before liberals can rebuild the liberal consesnus from the grassroots, we have to kill the Myths of Vietnam. Chris Blattman:
I was always puzzled why someone did not do this paper sooner.
Males holding low lottery numbers became more antiwar, more liberal, and more Democratic in their voting compared to those whose high numbers protected them from the draft. They were also more likely than those with safe numbers to abandon the party identification that they had held as teenagers. Trace effects are found in reinterviews from the 1990s.

A new paper by Robert Erikson and Laura Stoker.

In other words, men who were more likely to be drafted into a jungle clusterfuck worse by far than Iraq and Afghanistan put together became more liberal, while conservative men who were unlikely to be drafted did not become less conservative. Which certainly explains the preponderance of draft-dodging chicken-hawks among the repug elite. The great crime and persistent victory of those chicken hawks was perpetuating the myth that anti-war liberals - including many highly-decorated combat veterans - were the bad guys of the war, and to blame for its results.

Nightowl Newswrap
There is a growing movement in America that equates godliness with hatred of our government in fact hatred of our country. 
( So long as we're worried, I take it, all is fine. Now that Muslims are effectively demonized - again - is it the time for the misnamed 'right' ?

The Anthrax Attack Was a Classic False Flag Operation Targeting Arabs

Anthrax Attacks: Justice Dept. Destroys FBI Case Then Does A 180 Reversal Days Later

Embarrassed Justice Department officials rushed on Tuesday to correct their own filing in a lawsuit over the 2001 anthrax letters after learning that it appeared to contradict the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s conclusion that Bruce E. Ivins, an Army scientist, prepared the deadly powder in his Army laboratory.
In the filing dated July 15, Justice Department lawyers noted that the Army’s biodefense center at Fort Detrick, Md., “did not have the specialized equipment in a containment laboratory that would be required to prepare the dried spore preparations that were used in the letters.”
In other words, Ivins’ lab, often referred to as the “hot suite”, did not contain the equipment needed to turn liquid anthrax into the refined powder that ended up being mailed to members of the Senate and reporters in the fall of 2001.
Former government biological weapons legislator Dr Francis Boyle shares Assaad’s view that Ivins has been used as a patsy in a larger cover up.
“Ivins is only the latest dead microbiologist.” Boyle has previously stated, “You also have to tie into this the large numbers of dead microbiologists that have appeared since around the summer before these events, when the New York Times revealed the existence of the covert anthrax weapons programs run by the CIA, and that too is in the public record.”

U.S. Department of Agriculture Approves Release of GE Trees

 Health Freedoms

Why USDA-Approved GE Eucalyptus In US Is Scary

The GE trees require heavy pesticide use and threaten bio-diversity. Their spores are already spreading in the US and exporting these trees could threaten the eucalyptus trees around the globe. Hey, USDA – we don’t want these or any other frankentrees on our soil!
Not listed among drawbacks are the implications of using GM eucalyptus in essential oils. Though these plantings are probably not intended for that use, the invasion could mean no more organically grown eucalyptus breeds. The commercial availability of the GE trees here could be tempting for E.O. manufacturers. It is very important that pesticides be absent from any plants used in essential oils. The effects of essential oils made from GM plants are so far unknown as genetic engineering hasn’t reached wild plant life used for therapeutic purposes. Allowing one GE tree breed opens the door to commercialize and genetically engineer many other tree breeds, domestic ones.

 Food Freedom



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Double-Sugar Gum: ArborGen modified eucalyptus trees release 2X sugars for biofuels conversion


"A Silent Forest" video

The threat we face from terrorism or environmental disasters such as the Gulf Oil Spill pale in comparison to the potential dangers of the "Frankenstein forests" created from the diabolical greed of Monsanto. While the other treats to our way of life are oft times front page news the crime that Monsanto perpetrates against nature and the unprecedented danger they have created to our health unfortunately go unnoticed by the general public.

Urgent Action Alert: Help Us STOP GMO Eucalyptus Trees!

January 26, 2010

This action alert is from the Global Justice Ecology Project
Urgent Update: The USDA has reopened the comment period for their Environmental Assessment of ArborGen’s proposal to plant 260,000 genetically engineered eucalyptus trees across the Southern U.S. Comments are needed by 18 February to oppose this dangerous and destructive plan.

'Super Congress': Debt Ceiling Negotiators Aim To Create New Legislative Body 

Hat Tip Hulabaloo Death Panel
by David Atkins ("thereisnospoon"


Remembering History 

Our wealthy elites really should start reading history books about the 1920's and 1930's. There's a reason why we call them the 'Roaring 20's.' A small elite was making a lot of money. Income disparity reached gigantic heights. Regulation was lax. Southern European (Catholic) immigration had caused a backlash and tens of thousands of KKK members marched on Washington. Then the world's stock markets crashed and sent everyone into a Great Depression with truly staggering levels of unemployment. Right-wing (fascist) parties gained traction in Europe, and the stage was set for the most inhumane fifteen years in modern human history. 

Harvard bioengineers identify the cellular mechanisms of traumatic brain injury

Their studies show that integrins, receptor proteins embedded in the cell membrane, provide the crucial link between external forces and internal physiological changes.
Integrins connect the structural components within the cell (such as actin and other cytoskeletal proteins) with the extracellular matrix that binds cells together into tissue. Collectively, this network of structural and signaling components is referred to as the focal adhesion complex.
Parker's research has demonstrated that the forces unleashed by an explosion physically disrupt the structure of the focal adhesion complex, setting off a chain reaction of destructive molecular signals within the nerve cells of the brain.
Inside the neuron, integrins normally mediate the activation of the proteins RhoA and Rho kinase (ROCK). When the focal adhesion complex is disturbed, the Rho-ROCK signaling pathway goes haywire: it directs the motor protein actin to retract the cell's arm-like axons, disconnecting the neurons from each other and collapsing the cellular networks that constitute the brain.


Signaling molecule identified as essential for maintaining a balanced immune response

MKP-1 serves as a bridge between the innate immune response that is the body's first line of defense against infection and the more specialized adaptive immune response that follows. 

Rick Perry’s Texas Mandated Vaccine Law

Under Rick Perry’s laws, every 6th Grader must be vaccinated for an STD (Sexually transmitted disease at the age of 11 years old and by September of the year he ordered this by Executive Order.
Mandated state government vaccines and forced on the public by the State of Texas government was never proposed for the other 50 states, just Texas.
Lobbyists were paid hundreds of thousands of dollars and Merck funded Perry’s election campaign for years.
The vaccinate cost $ 360.00 per vaccine and every vaccine must be forced onto 11 year old girls and later boys were added as some emergency measure to prevent cervical cancer. There was never an emergency outbreak of cervical cancer in the state of Texas either before or after Perry’s orders.


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