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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

31 July - My Yahoo!

News For You

  • Searching for Sharia - 1 day agoA recent presentation held by the Center for American Progress (CAP) discussed the often heated and controversial topic of Sharia law in the United States in lieu of recent anti-Sharia bills that have...
  • CAP & SEA - 1 day agoAt the event held by the Center for American Progress (CAP) and the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), CAP Vice President Cynthia Brown gave an overview of the joint report of the potential roles of...
  • The New Lilliputians - 1 day ago“Gulliver (the United States) can’t get up because the Lilliputians (the government) are tying him down.”—Mike Morris, chairman and CEO, American Electric Power Company, Inc., July 19, 2011, The Atlan...
  • Education Reporting Gets Boost - 1 week agoHard-hitting reporting of higher education has been so abysmal for so long that when newspapers cut back on their coverage of it, readers seldom notice. Too many reporters were inclined to merely pa...
  • AIA DINNER: NO TENURE! WITH NAOMI RILEY - 1 week agoWASHINGTON, July 21, 2011 – Accuracy in Academia is pleased to announce that veteran journalist and author Naomi Riley will discuss tenure in Academia at the next AIA Author’s Night on July 26, 2011. ...
( You can tell the UN didn't read Mother Jones. Then again, it's a fair bet they're science 'deniers.' )

AllBusiness.com - Home Page Top Stories

  • Coin of the Realm - 2 hours agoAs long as there are constitutional law professors we'll never be short of laughter
  • Why It's Time to Speak about God Again - 2 hours agoAmerica is living under an illusion: the idea that we can expunge God from our national and public belief system and still operate a moral and accountable government.
  • Stop the Atheists at Ground Zero - 2 hours agoWhat the murderous butchers of 9/11 could not bring down with exploding airliners and crumbling skyscrapers, a rabid group of atheists are attempting to bring down with a lawsuit.
  • American by Birth, Exceptional by Choice - 2 hours agoWe do not think we are cut from a different cloth; we know we are. Liberals, take note.
  • Animal Husbandry for People - 2 hours agoNontraditional childbearing has been around now for decades, so the shock value has worn off. Except for gay marriage, that is, which has expanded the designer-baby universe exponentially.
  • Syrian army begins Hama assault - 25 minutes agoThe Syrian army begins an operation in the city of Hama, with troops moving into the city amid reports of intense gunfire.
  • US parties hopeful for debt deal - 3 hours agoDemocrats and Republicans express cautious optimism about the chances of raising the US debt limit by Tuesday, as White House talks continue.
  • Six killed in China knife attack - 1 hour agoTwo knife-wielding men kill six people in an attack in China's ethnically tense Xinjiang region, official media say.
  • Five drown in Moscow boat sinking - 36 minutes agoA pleasure boat sinks on the Moscow river in Russia's capital, drowning five people and leaving five more missing, officials say.
  • Plane crashes at Guyana airport - 8 hours agoA plane carrying 163 people crashes as it lands in Guyana after a flight from New York, causing injuries but no deaths.
  • NHS funds 'moved to rich areas' - 2 hours agoLabour accuses the government of switching health spending in England away from poorer areas towards richer parts of the country.
  • DVT linked to video gamer's death - 15 hours agoA 20-year-old Sheffield man died after playing computer games for up to 12 hours, according to his father.
  • Round-the-world yachts leave city - 3 hours agoTen identical yachts are set to sail off from Southampton to begin the 40,000-mile Clipper round-the-world race.
  • Ex-jockey injured halting horse - 14 hours agoA man is hurt trying to stop a loose horse at Glorious Goodwood races in West Sussex.
  • Man describes plane crash ordeal - 16 hours agoA man describes the moment a light aircraft crashed into his house in Salford, leaving two men critically ill in hospital.
  • What cleantech should know about chasm crossing - 5 days agoIf there’s really a significant gulf, as onetime marketer Geoffrey Moore put it, between selling to early adopters and the majority of technology buyers, what does this mean for companies in cleantech...
  • Back to the Future - 1 week agoAs posted previously, one of the big challenges the cleantech community faces is the reliance of many pivotal technologies on rare earth minerals that are mainly located in China and increasingly subj...
  • Solar Parking Canopies – Serious Power, Cool Shade - 2 weeks agoIt takes a lot of electricity to run Dow Jones, one of the world’s largest publishers and information providers. Dow Jones is now generating 3.6 MW of its own electricity with Solaire Generation Solar...
  • Home Energy Management: Premature Jocularity - 2 weeks agoOne of the hottest cleantech investment segments in recent years has been home energy management (HEM).  HEM technologies enable households to remotely and/or more wisely manage their energy use, enab...
  • Google’s 70 Charging Stations for Employee’s 100 EVs - 3 weeks agoGoogle, Inc. has deployed more than 70 Coulomb Technologies charging stations at its worldwide headquarters in Mountain View, CA. Over 100 employees who own electric cars use the charging stations. Th...
  • Why Libertarians Aren’t just Republicans Who Smoke Pot - 1 day agoBecause we also think this kind of intrusion by the state is offensive . Yesterday, the House Judiciary Committee voted 19-10 for H.R. 1981, a data-retention bill that will require your ISP to spy o...
  • Ridiculing the Innocent - 1 day agoSheriff Joe Arpaio has a web site where he encourages the public to poke fun at the ugliest or most odd-looking mug shots taken by his officers.   He has a mug shot of the day contest, where citizens ...
  • Using Computer Models To Launder Certainty - 1 day agoFor a while, I have criticized the practice both in climate and economics of using computer models to increase our apparent certainty about natural phenomenon.   We take shaky assumptions and guesstim...
  • Restraint of Trade - 2 days agoPrivate actors are often accused of collusion to restrain trade and decrease competition, and certainly there are a number of examples of this in history.  However, all such private arrangements are u...
  • Only in Washington - 2 days agoOnly government workers could consider this proposed spending profile to be a “cut” .  Below is Boehner’s discretionary spending plan (numbers exclude programmed spending such as entitlements). Th...
  • What to do when Stopped by Police (End the Drug War) - 4 days agoWe’ve been told from a young age that the police are there to protect us, and we should do what they say. But should we? It’s easy to be intimidated by cops, they want you to be intimidated by them,...
  • Budget Hero - Balance the Federal Budget and Save America! - 2 weeks agoBudget Hero Budget Hero is an engaging and journalistically sound game that encourages players to think through the complexities and challenges of the federal budget. It frames the policy debate ...
  • US Ran Fake Vaccine Project in Hunt for Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda - 2 weeks ago US intelligence launched a fake vaccination drive in the Pakistan town where it believed Osama bin Laden was hiding in an effort to gather DNA from members of his family, the Guardian reported Tue...
  • Obama Executive Orders Impose New Gun Rules - 2 weeks agoA few days ago, the Blaze reported on the low-key plans of the Obama administration to increase the penalties for certain gun law violations, and add steps to the background checks for legal gun o...
  • Hangover Cure Contest (21 and Over ONLY!) - 2 weeks ago Expires: 08/25/2011 The morning after parties can be tough: waking-up is hard, even painful; and sometimes comes with promises of "never again". So, how can hangovers be avoided? Mod...
  • After Democracy - 20 hours agoCan democracy still be saved? Can we address the shortcomings of representative democracy – failing political parties, increasing distrust of government – within the current system or are we set to em...
  • Mexico’s Drug War - 1 day agoViolence is running out of control in Mexico as rival drug cartels battle over the smuggling routes to America. Mexico’s president has declared war on the gangsters but the only result appears to be a...
  • Is Religion A Force For Good In The World? - 2 days agoWho doesn’t love a good old-fashioned showdown between an atheist and a religious convert? The possibilities for awkward silences, blasphemy and overturned tables are endless, plus one of them used to...
  • Through The Wormhole: Are There Parallel Universes? - 3 days agoSince the ancient Greeks first speculated that everything they observed in reality was the result of the interaction of tiny particles they called atoms, great thinkers have tried to find a single mat...
  • Blood and Guts: A History of Surgery - 4 days agoDocumentary series looking at the brutal, bloody and dangerous history of surgery. Michael Mosley recounts the history of surgery through its catastrophes and successes. 1. Into the Brain. Just over 1...
  • Drones Week of Action – Briefing Now Available - 3 days agoGround the Drones:  A Week of Action: 1st – 8th October 2011 Over the past few years we have witnessed the increasing use of unmanned aerial vehicles, commonly known as drones, to undertake armed a...
  • NATO asks US for Drones “to find stuff to blow up” in Libya - 1 week agoNATO commanders have asked the US to send more Predator drones to Libya to enable them to find more targets . After four months of airstrikes, NATO forces are having trouble locating new military targ...
  • TBIJ uncovers civilian deaths in US drone strikes - 1 week agoA man holds a piece of a Hellfire rocket in his hands after five homes were destroyed by US drone strike in August 2010, killing 20 people. Photo: Noor Behram/Reprieve The Bureau of Investigative Jo...
  • Turning away from the drone evolution - 1 week agoResponding to a parliamentary question from Caroline Lucas about the civilian victims of UK drone strikes in Afghanistan last week, David Cameron said “I do not think that the answer is to turn our fa...
  • The search for truth in the war over drones - 3 weeks agoAn  ‘opinion’ piece’ for Defence Management Journal I was asked to write this week :    The news this week that four Afghan civilians had been killed and two injured in a British Reaper UAV strike h...
  • The end of the Norwegian fairytale - 2 days agoThe well worn tourist route between Norway's quaint capital of the Middle Ages, Bergen, and its modern day equivalent, Oslo, is one of the most enchanting on the globe. The 12-hour journey via her...
  • Hoping for civility, hearing words of hate - 2 days agoIt has been widely reported that John Howard, Australia's second-longest serving prime minister, was favourably cited by the right-wing terrorist in Norway who, last weekend, murdered a large numb...
  • Tarin Kowt and the battle for minds - 2 days agoThe Taliban is fighting a full-spectrum war - in the media and on the ground. Yet the ADF, so quick to rush its leaders out for a media briefing when an Australian soldier gets killed, seems to have s...
  • The growing power of Egypt's Islamists - 2 days agoThe pro-democracy Egyptian revolution is heading towards producing results contrary to the expectation of those who spearheaded it. The Islamist parties now stand a good chance to win an absolute majo...
  • Privacy breaches closer to home - 2 days agoWho hasn't had a chuckle over a public figure caught with their 'pants down'? Going by the gags that follow pictorial accounts of politicians, celebrities and members of the Royal Family c...
  • Space hall of fame: nominate your technology for 2012 - 3 days agoNumerous life-changing technologies have emerged from space. Now it’s time to promote European spinoffs to enter the 'Space Technology Hall of Fame' honouring the scientists, engineers, innova...
  • New uses for Space Station - 3 days agoFor more than a decade, the International Space Station has been a busy orbiting research lab. But it could soon take on a new role as a testbed for ambitious missions deeper into space.
  • First joint European Space Tweetup in Cologne - 4 days agoThe DLR German Aerospace Center and the European Space Agency are inviting 60 Twitter followers to the first joint European Space Tweetup as part of German Aerospace Day on 18 September in Cologne, G...
  • Enceladus rains water onto Saturn - 4 days agoESA’s Herschel space observatory has shown that water expelled from the moon Enceladus forms a giant torus of water vapour around Saturn. The discovery solves a 14-year mystery by identifying the sou...
  • Horn of Africa drought seen from space - 1 week agoDrought in Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti is pushing tens of thousands of people from their homes as millions face food insecurity in a crisis visible from space. ESA’s SMOS satellite shows tha...
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  • Google's In-House Philosopher - 7 hours agoGoogle's In-House Philosopher / Director of Engineering, Damon Horowitz, joins our new Philosophy Board which he helped launch.
  • Web designer/graphic artist available for hire - 1 day agoFrank D. Smith, who launched our InfoPreserver wiki, is available for hire. He has been a web designer and graphic artist since 1998, mostly serving the art and science community. He is also a...
  • Randal Koene joins our blog team - 4 days agoRandal A. Koene joins our blog team with the post "The Darwin Escape".
  • Transcendent Man Live with Ray Kurzweil - 4 days agoJoin Ray Kurzweil in your local movie theater on August 3, 2011 at 8:00pm ET/ 7:00pm CT/ 6:00pm MT and 8:00pm PT as he gives a special presentation on accelerating technology and its effects on our fu...
  • Eight Grand Challenges - 1 week agoRead "One Response to the Eight Grand Challenges" by our Richard Yonck.
  • Daily Roundup: July 29, 2011 - 1 day agoOn the Run: Two sea lions whose necks are ensnared in wire have thwarted four rescue attempts by wildlife officials. The pinnipeds dodged boats and "led rescuers in low-speed chases around San Fr...
  • Beyond the Meat Dress: Fish Plastic and Milk Fashion - 1 day agoFranc Fernandez shocked the world when he designed Lady Gaga's infamous " meat dress ,"  but he's not the only one who's found an unexpected use for a protein source . The lifecy...
  • How to Make a Keyboard Into a Wallet - 1 day agoInside every keyboard is the perfect material for a wallet: a flexible yet durable circuit sheet with intriguing metallic designs and colors. Using scissors and packing tape, you can make a futuristic...
  • Movie Review Friday: Water Wars - 1 day agoEscape to the movies with one of our  Movie Review Friday  selections. Each week we review a film with an environmental theme. Seen a good eco-flick lately?  Send us a short review  and look for it in...
  • Daily Roundup: July 28, 2011 - 1 day agoCracking Down:  The EPA has proposed standards to regulate oil and gas production, including fracking.  Reuters   Getting Hot In Here:  For the first time, a leading climate research institute relea...
  • Opinion: Hospital Cuts Demand Sharp Instruments - 1 day agoAs hospital leaders wonder how they can stomach another round of cuts on top of the $155 billion already sacrificed to support health reform, they must focus on eliminating unnecessary or ineffective ...
  • HHS Officials Explain $47.9B in Improper Medicare Payments - 1 day agoOfficials from the Department of Health & Human Services tell a House subcommittee that billing, coding, and eligibility errors contributed to billions of dollars in improper Medicare payments in 2...
  • CHS to Buy Tomball Regional Medical Center - 1 day agoCommunity Health Systems did not provide financial terms of the deal to buy the assets of the Tomball, TX operation. This is the for-profit hospital chain's second acquisition announcement in 10 d...
  • MGMA: Proposed HIPAA Disclosures Rule 'Unworkable' - 1 day agoIn its proposed form, the proposed "accounting of disclosures" HIPAA privacy rule would be a disincentive for physicians to install electronic health record systems, a Medical Group Manageme...
  • MD Cardiologist Convicted in Cardiac Stent Scam - 2 days agoA Maryland cardiologist has been convicted of fraud after federal prosecutors showed that he inserted unnecessary cardiac stents into more than 100 patients as part of a scheme to defraud the governme...
  • Is Obama an Environmentalist? - 1 day agoAs a candidate for president, Barack Obama often said a top priority for his administration would be to address the interrelated environment, energy and climate change issues. In his first months in o...
  • In Defense of U.K. Journalists - 2 days agoI write from London, where throughout July those of us who deplore Rupert Murdoch's Death Star empire were able to gorge ourselves on journalistic éclairs nearly every morning. Given the utterly d...
  • A ‘Real Christian’ Boyhood - 3 days agoAt one point in history, Frank Schaeffer was an heir apparent to Christian Right leadership. As the only son of evangelical kingpin Francis Schaeffer--whose Whatever Happened to the Human Race? (co-wr...
  • The State of the Welfare State - 4 days agoIn July of 1956, my new young husband and I, with two Scottish folksinger friends, were driving south after a year at a New England university. We stopped for gas in Alabama and asked the attendant, f...
  • To Despair or Not to Despair? - 5 days agoWe asked and you answered. In our June issue's cover story, "Despair Not," Sandra Steingraber argued that humans must confront "well-informed futility syndrome" if we are to ov...
  • Come and be inspired at the Let Nature Feed Your Senses National Conference on Tuesday 6th September - 5 days agoThe Let Nature Feed Your Senses project organises free sensory rich farm visits for people who do not have the opportunity to visit the countryside, because of age, disability or social circumstance. ...
  • Sustainable, Profitable Potatoes - 1 week agoRecently, Philip Case wrote for Farmer’s Weekly on the recent comments from Eric Anderson, senior agronomist at Scottish Agronomy, about the carbon footprint of potato crops. Urging potato growers to ...
  • Valuing Biodiversity - 1 week agoAs increasing pressure is placed on addressing food security, there are growing fears that the environment will lose out. Biodiversity underpins a wide range of services, many of which are currently u...
  • Accolade for LEAF Farmer! - 2 weeks agoProducing great food with a passion for wildlife and the countryside has always been at the heart of Rob Kynaston’s approach to farming. Earlier this week, he was named as the winner of the RSPB Midla...
  • Tracking Interesting Species on the Farm - 2 weeks agoOne of the most fun aspects of LEAF farming is keeping track of all the interesting species that live on your farm. I spent the first decade of my farming life concentrating on crops and marketing, so...
  • Complete vs Finished (comedy) - 1 week agoCOMPLETE vs FINISHED No English dictionary has been able to explain the difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED in a way that’s easy to understand. Some people say there’s no difference between COMPL...
  • ICC issues Gaddafi arrest warrant - one month agoLibyan leader, his son Saif al-Islam and his spy chief Abdullah Senussi indicted for crimes against humanity. The judges said the indictments and arrest warrants were not proof of guilt, which must be...
  • The Real Truth About the CIA & HAARP - one month agoClick here to visit the Beyond Top Secrets home page and discover a lot more. Filed under: 2012 End of World, Conspiracy, Fact, Fiction, Illuminati Tagged: Conspiracy, High Frequency Active Auroral Re...
  • Comet Elenin JUNE 2011 (Update) By Russian Reports - one month ago1st collector for ELENIN UPDATE JUNE 2011 (RUSSIAN REPORTS WARN C… Follow my videos on vodpod After watching this video, it’s actually then that I realized how serious this stuff really is. At the mom...
  • The Cure to Cancer is now becoming a Business Ordeal. - one month agoThe World and Its Society are now becoming something else. While certain people are fighting for the good and progress of others, the hatters obviously have their negative roles in destroying the good...
  • Nuclear assassinations belie Zionist desperation"...Pakistan needs to be extra careful, at home as well as in its diplomatic overtures to its neighbors. The Israelis will not countenance Washington “giving” Saudi Arabia any kind of nuclear tec...
  • Palestinians unite and move toward Statehood"Israel's current leaders are firmly opposed to Palestinian independence under any circumstances. The bi-monthly report of the Foundation for Middle East Peace cites a recent interview in the...
  • All systems are on go for Palestine's march to the UN"...the Palestinians only non violent option is to go to the highest international body, the UN, and seek their help in ending the 44-year Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands."
  • The New Anti-Semitism"Many of the Islamophobic parties and groups remind one of the atmosphere of Germany in the early 1920s, when “völkisch” groups and militias were spreading their hateful poison, and an army spy c...
  • White-Christian Terrorism"...the media labelled the act in Norway as a product of a mad man, but clearly the culprit gives ample justification making his political motivations clear. It is generally accepted that terrori...
  • Every Blog Post Is A Sales Post - 1 day ago “And there is no such thing as a no sale call. A sale is made on every call you make. Either you sell the client some stock or he sells you a reason he can’t. Either way a sale is made, the only ...
  • You Suck At Twitter - 2 days agoI still see a lot of guides popping up online on how to effectively use Twitter for business or personal gain.  I find most of them comical because they are written by people who have no idea on how p...
  • 5 Random Things About Blogs & Bloggers That Annoy Me - 3 days ago Let me get this out in the open right quick: Sometimes I love to complain.  When I’m feeling whiny and insignificant in what I do, nothing beats pointing out what I consider faults in other people’s...
  • WordPress Firewall 2 Adds More Security To Your Blog - 4 days ago I’ve been testing out the WordPress Firewall 2 plugin for a little while now, and so far I think it’s been a good addition to my site. This plugin provides a layer of security to your site by inve...
  • 3 Simple Features Of The Thesis Theme - 5 days agoI often get asked how to do some of the basic setup steps in the Thesis theme.  Some of these questions pop up more frequently than others, so I decided to take 3 of the most frequent questions I rece...
  • Lawmakers race clock to clinch debt limit deal - 1 hour ago WASHINGTON (Reuters) - American lawmakers raced against the clock on Sunday to forge a last-minute deal that could raise the U.S. debt ceiling by $2.8 trillion and provide assurance to financial mar...
  • Anxiety in Afghanistan over troops pay if U.S. defaults - 1 hour ago KANDAHAR, Afghanistan (Reuters) - It is unclear if the United States will be able to pay troops on time in the event of a debt default, the top U.S. military officer told troops in Afghanistan on Sa...
  • Two killed in crash of Wright brothers replica plane - 1 hour ago COLUMBUS, Ohio (Reuters) - Two men were killed in Ohio on Saturday while testing a replica of a Wright brothers biplane. The fabric-covered aircraft went down three to four miles south of the Spring...
  • Three dead as heavy rains lash Japan - 1 hour ago Heavy rains continued to lash northeastern Japan on Sunday with the death toll rising to three in the hardest-hit region of Niigata, police and medical officials said. Three others were missing in N...
  • CIA’s Pakistan chief leaves country - 1 hour ago The CIA's Islamabad station chief, who oversaw the intelligence team that uncovered Osama bin Laden's hideout, has left Pakistan for medical reasons, a US official said. The CIA declined to ...
  • Handling of Drake Leak Case was “Unconscionable,” Court Said - 1 day agoThe government’s treatment of former National Security Agency official Thomas Drake was abusive and akin to acts of British tyranny in pre-Revolutionary War days, said Judge Richard D. Bennett at the ...
  • Former ISOO Director Seeks to Challenge Secrecy of Drake Document - 1 day agoAlthough the indictment of Thomas Drake on charges of mishandling classified information has been dismissed, the case continues to generate significant new ripples. Today, the Drake defense team fil...
  • ACLU: Congress Must Act to Curb Secrecy - 2 days ago“Congress must take the lead in challenging the laws and practices that have allowed excessive secrecy to become the dominant feature of our national security culture,” the American Civil Liberties Un...
  • Book: Defending Congress and the Constitution - 2 days agoPublic cynicism about politics in general and about Congress in particular should not be allowed to obscure an appreciation of the vital role of Congress in our system of government, writes constituti...
  • NSA “Declassified” Publicly Available Text on Cryptology - 3 days agoLast month the National Security Agency announced the declassification of various historic records as evidence of its “commitment to meeting the requirements” of President Obama’s policy on openness a...
  • Posts of Note Around the Gam – July 28th, 2011 - 2 days ago We here at the Gam always like good news and sometimes in the environmental field, it’s quite hard to come by. But Ya Like Dags describes the Win with PCS Phosphate’s expansion here in eastern NC. A...
  • Crude Rage – A Sea in Flames reviewed - 4 days agoIn the year since the Deepwater Horizon sunk, killing 11 people and pumping untold millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, much has been revealed about the causes and effects of this disas...
  • PCS Phosphate: Participation is necessary, whether or not it’s required - 5 days agoSince finding out about PCS Phosphate’s plans to build  a sulfur melting facility at the Morehead City Port, the community has been swift to organize in opposition of the plant. Some of the reaction i...
  • PCS Phosphate: Air quality permit sees light of day, stinks - 6 days agoWe’re continuing to dig through the permits and background pertaining to the recent revelation the PCS Phosphate has nearly completed the permitting process for a new sulfur processing plant at the Mo...
  • A primer for climate change - 1 week agoSea level rise. Desertification. Ocean acidification. Climategate. Permafrost. Greenland ice sheet. Hockey stick. The language of global climate change can be overwhelming. Every year, as we learn mor...
  • Whistleblower Trial Against Blackwater Begins - 1 day agoIn 2008, two former employees brought a whistleblower lawsuit against the security firm once known as Blackwater (now named Xe Services). On July 27, the trial began in Alexandria, Virginia and is ex...
  • NWC joins in NLRB amicus to preserve collective actions - 2 days agoThe National Whistleblowers Center (NWC) joined with 26 other organizations to submit an amicus brief to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). At stake is the right of employees to join together ...
  • Legal Battle Finally Over for an "American Hero" - 3 days agoThe NWC is pleased to announce that whistleblower hero Bunnatine “Bunny” Greenhouse has finally won a six-year legal battle against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In 2005, Ms. Greenhouse blew the w...
  • Whistleblower Center in NYC - 5 days agoThe NWC is preparing for a full day of whistleblower events in New York City today. Join the NWC staff and Executive Director Stephen M. Kohn at two events teaching the public about whistleblower rig...
  • NWC seminar on Dodd-Frank a huge success - 1 week ago David Colapinto, Stephen Kohn, Sean McKessy and Michael Kohn. Photo by Lindsey Williams. ...

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