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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Environment & Sickening Practices ( Literally )

Peggys CoveImage via Wikipedia

HOME Project 2009 – Join the movement – Watch The Movie

THE PROBLEM - Politicians and Sewage Experts

“Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or
by imbeciles who really mean it.” - Mark Twain

Help for Sewage Victims requests that you please sign the petition to ban sewage sludge as a
fertilizer on cropland, parks, school grounds, home lawns and gardens. CDC's 2005 list of the
leading causes of death indicates the pollutants in sewage could have had a significant impact
on the cause of deaths.

"Whats Wrong With Our Food ... The Inconvenient Truths"

Monday, August 10, 2009

Open letter to Galen G Weston and Loblaws -- CFIA Warns US Feces Fed Beef Beef May Sicken Consumers -- Please Stop Selling US Beef!

US beef is often fed Poultry feces (manure) as a means for producers to lower their production costs and as a convenient method of disposing of this toxic waste product.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), who I am sure that you are aware of, and that you surely respect, has warned in their Feed Policy Doc. of pathogenic microbial contamination and chemical contaminants such as heavy metals ( eg; Arsenic from the roxarsone in feed) and pesticides...................
It is also of interest to note that one of the primary sources of Listeria is in the feces of animals (poultry)

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” by Upton Sinclair

ps -- I have searched in vain for an email address that I could send this letter to you at, BUT alas I have been totally unsuccessful so I will post it here and hope that you, or someone who knows how to get this to you, finds it.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Open Letter to Michael McCain and Maple Leaf Foods

"I just heard your One-n-One interview with Peter Mansbridge, and you are impressive. For “business” to admit culpability in an incident like your company experienced is unprecedented, in my view. Particularly when the customary approach is to deny, deny, deny!"
I was particularly interested in your statements that you are doing everything possible to ensure the safety of the food you are selling to consumers. How can this be when, if my info is correct, you are using US feces fed beef to manufacture your processed meats?

Friday, July 31, 2009

Planes, Trains, and Politicians

Cowboy humour - a zinger.

Friday, June 26, 2009

A Deadly Ingredient in a Chicken Dinner

By Douglas Gansler
From http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/06/25/AR2009062503381.html

Most people don't know that the chicken they eat is laced with arsenic. The ice water or coffee they enjoy with their chicken may also be infused with arsenic. If they live on or near a farm, the air they breathe may be infected with arsenic dust as well.

Why do our chicken, our water and our air contain arsenic? Because in the United States, most major poultry producers add an arsenic compound known as roxarsone to their chicken feed. Inorganic arsenic is a Class A carcinogen that has been linked to heart disease, diabetes and declines in brain function. Recent scientific findings show that most Americans are routinely exposed to between three and 11 times the Environmental Protection Agency's recommended safety limit.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Boycott Milk

Boycott Milk -- End the "Guantanamo" for Cows -- Ban the Use of Electric Shock Bars in Canada!
"Electric cow trainers are torture tools!" .... Lawrence Andres Co-founder of “Harmony Organic Dairy” at the Guelph Organic conference 2006.

Banned from use on dairy farms in Sweden since 1995.

Besides the Severe Psychological Stress to Dairy Cows "Shock Bars" have been Positively linked to increased incidences of culling due to, Silent heats, Mastitis, Ketosis, and lameness due to foot infections.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Swine Flu: Influenza A (H1N1) and Arsenic in Animal Feeds "The Smoking Gun"

What We Do Know Can Hurt Us -- "The ability to mount an immune response to influenza A (H1N1) infection is significantly compromised by a low level of arsenic exposure." This statement was made WRT when a "normal person or mouse is infected with the flu". I would suggest that this is equally true when a pig, chicken or turkey is infected with the flu. You and I know that Millions of pounds of arsenic is fed to poultry and pigs at the CAFOs of the world (and someone asks - Why is the pigs and chickens immune system compromised to the point that these viruses are allowed to overwhelm it and mutate???)

Fairs limit people contact to protect pigs from swine flu
State and county fairs in North Carolina and Virginia aren't taking any chances.
Each will limit people-to-piggy contact.
The H1N1 pandemic - the swine flu - fanned the worry.
"The concern is the fairgoers will give it to the pigs," said North Carolina State Veterinarian David Marshall.
Blackspot Blog

Insurrection Debated

Insurrection or revolution?
'District 9' is more than by-the-numbers sci-fi


August 13, 2009, 11:51 am

Do Single Women Seek Attached Men?

August 12, 2009, 9:50 am

Another Planet Smashup — Far, Far Away

Watch for Falling Meteors

Engineer the Climate?

John Tierney

In my Findings column, I note the growing support for research into climate engineering, even among scientists who are skeptical that it will work. Although some people remain opposed — and warn that talk of climate modification is a dangerous distraction from cutting emissions — others say that we need to at least consider back-up plans if political leaders fail to limit carbon emissions, or if global warming accelerates unexpectedly in the near future. On Friday the Copenhagen Consensus Center released the first of several reports it commissioned to answer this question: If the global community were to spend $250 billion over the next decade to diminish the adverse effects of climate change, what would be the best way to spend the money?

August 6, 2009, 3:28 pm

New See-All Eyeglasses: A Consumer’s Report

Synthetic Life

There is a growing consensus (at least in Silicon Valley) that the information age is about to give way to the era of synthetic genetics. That was underscored recently when Harvard geneticist George Church and J. Craig Venter — of the race to decode the human genome fame — gave lectures before a small group of scientists, technologists, entrepreneurs, and writers in West Hollywood. Read more…
July 31, 2009, 1:36 pm

Dangerous Cows

What your nails are telling you about your health

Your Guide to a DIY Medicine Cabinet

EcoSalon, CA
Thirteen Ways to Avoid Toxic Groceries
Foods That Beat the Blues
House-Swapping: The Cheap Route to Ritzy Travel

Eastern Himalayas reveals abundance of new species

Story Highlights
  • Over 350 new species discovered by ten year project in Eastern Himalayas
  • World's smallest deer and a "flying frog" among the animals found
  • Region studied by WWF report covered Nepal, China, Myanmar, Bhutan, India
  • The report describes more than 350 new species discovered, including 244 plants, 16 amphibians, 16 reptiles, 14 fish, two birds, two mammals and at least 60 new invertebrates.

  • COOLIRIS - FireFox Add-On
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