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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

26 July - iGoogle

Blog of Rights : ACLU
Opposing Birth Control In the Name of Feminism? Really?
Mother Jaywalking Faces More Prison Time Than Man Who Ran Over Her Son

Marriage For All Comes to New York!
AT&T offers more data to FCC for T-Mobile deal

Smart TVs in high demand, research finds
Home prices dip 4.5%
May home prices in 20 major cities dipped 4.5% from one year ago, marking a continued decline in the already battered housing market.

Low-tech Internet scams harvest billions of dollars
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
The cost of poverty in BC is way too high
Circle of Blue
The Stream, July 26: Astronomers Find the Biggest Mass of Water in the Universe

Federal Water Tap, July 25: Tar Sands Pipeline Review
Common Dreams
Wisconsin Two-Step

Feeding the Rich
Current News
Cenk Uygur "I Gotta Tell People The Truth! Which Is Democrats & Republicans Are Here To SCREW YOU!"
Far right domestic terrorism on par with foreign threat
GOP "Economic Principles" a Smokescreen for Racism
Daily Bell
GAO: Fed Issued $US16 Trillion During 2008 Crisis!

The Debt Crisis and the Fiscal Leviathan State
Daily Galaxy
Image of the Day: Lakes of the Sahara from the International Space Station
Is Colonizing Mars an Imperative? USA's New Space Strategy Points to "Yes"

Hubble Zooms in on the Oldest and Most Massive Galaxies in the Universe

"Auriga's Wheel" --Strange Ring Galaxy Discovered

The Red Square Nebula - Is a Future Colossal Hypernova Lurking There?
Image of the Day: Lakes of the Sahara from the International Space Station
Democracy Now!
Pioneering Comedian Roseanne Barr on Her Life on Screen as a “Working-Class Domestic Goddess”

Headlines for July 25, 2011
EXCLUSIVE: Fired Army Whistleblower Receives $970K For Exposing Halliburton No-Bid Contract In Iraq
Norway Attacks Reveal Growing Violent, Anti-Muslim Sentiment in Europe
Digital Blasphemy ( Wallpaper)
New Freebie!
Unstoppable Robot Eats Landmines for Breakfast
A giant spinning metal rototiller shreds bombs without flinching.

Could New Rover Find Fossils on Mars?
Jesse James and Kat Von D Are Dunzo

What Will Become of Amy Winehouse's Music and Millions?
Extraordinary Info
 Caristales - The most Colorful River in the world
  Hundred Percent Relationship - Short Story
  10 tips on how to be a successful husband
  Creative By MoneyGuardian UKAnders Breivik appears insane, says his lawyer
Lawyer of man who confessed to Norway killings says client claims he is part of international network and may be insaneThe lawyer defending Anders...

Scores killed in Morocco plane crash
 How To of the Day
Cowabunga! How to Live the Surfer Code
Constantly changing and never under our control, the ocean requires every surfer to learn fast how to read its changes and to move with them or to...

How to Draw Bugs Bunny
How to Migrate Your Facebook Account and Data to Google+ [Google+]

How to Make Any App Airplay Compatible [Video]
Bladder cancer survivor has new run-in with TSA (Harriet Baskas/msnbc.com)

O'Reilly Shreds Media for Calling Norway Terrorist 'Christian' (Robinson/nation.foxnews.com)
Mother Jones
Michele Bachmann's $4,700 Hair and Makeup Bill

Rep. Allen West's (Very, Very) Stealth Jihad
Teddybears: Enigmatic Troublemakers

China's Professional Queuers Paid To Stand Around
Morocco Says Scores Killed In Military Plane Crash

Revisiting That Default Deadline: Could Extra Tax Revenue Buy A Little Time?
 New Scientist
Why Bitcoin is not as anonymous as most users think

US science cuts pay for war – and we all suffer
Obama Conspiracy Theories
Taitz annoys judge: sanctions threatened
Open Secrets
Prior to Arrest, Kashmiri American Council Director Donated to Congress Members, Political Parties

Huntsman Campaign Manager Resigns, West Uses Insults to Solicit Donations and More in Capital Eye Opener: July 22
The ‘Forever 27 Club’

Something rotten in the state of Norway
Pesticide Action Network
Atrazine review is a much needed 'do-over'

Coming soon to a baseball field near you: GE grass
Psychology Today
How Can We Spot a Mass Murderer?

Stick To Your Guns—or Compromise?
Rescuing the Frog
My latest in The Globe and Mail: Oil sands monitoring plan a good step forward

Influences on the way to 10,000 Tweets
Congress deadlocked over debt as default looms

Analysis: The politics behind Boehner's two-step debt hike
Teddybears: Enigmatic Troublemakers

China's Professional Queuers Paid To Stand Around
Wall Street falls on debt gridlock worries

Soros to return outsiders' hedge fund money
 New home prices rise, consumers perk up
Science Daily
Enceladus rains water onto Saturn

Hubble constant: A new way to measure the expansion of the universe
Elliptical galaxies are not dead

Coho salmon at risk in U.S. urbanizing watersheds
Scientific American
An On-Off Switch for Sex and Violence

The Perils of Copy Protection
Physicists Claim Time Travel Is Impossible (This Time, They Mean It)

Now That Sierra Leone Has Its Own Draconian Copyright Law, It Too Can Create Its Own Akon
 Ten Percent
Friday! Alabama 3- Woody Guthrie

Let Them Eat Counter-terrorism
This Week in Science
Diamonds Are (Almost) Forever

Coupling of Coexisting Quantum States
USA Today
Texas bucks national unemployment trend

Sorrowful Norwegians spill into streets
Unexplained Mysteries
Has Atlantis been found in Spain ?

Homesick pigs swim a mile across the sea
War Room
The return of a zero-sum world
Reaganomics and Rubinomics are both doomed. What will replace them?

What Rupert Murdoch means for you personally
Web MD
Why Comfort Foods Are So Comforting
When we are feeling sad, many of us reach for comfort foods such as chocolate, ice cream, or chips. Now new research helps show how these foods...

Heart Disease Prevention Saves Lives and Money
Bus driver unaware his vehicle had no back wheels

Serbian man becomes 'human magnet' after doctors zap his heart
White House Press Office

President Obama Signs Kentucky Disaster Declaration