Science Express
- Fermi maps an active galaxy's 'smokestack plumes'If our eyes could see radio waves, the nearby galaxy Centaurus A (Cen A) would be one of the biggest and brightest objects in the sky, nearly 20 times the apparent size of a full moon. What we can't see when looking at the galaxy in visible light is that it lies nestled between a pair of giant r ...
- Pollution from Asia circles globe at stratosph ...The economic growth across much of Asia comes with a troubling side effect: pollutants from the region are being wafted up to the stratosphere during monsoon season. The new finding, in a study led by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, provides additional evidence of the ...
- After growth spurt, supermassive black holes s ...Supermassive black holes found at the centers of distant galaxies undergo huge growth spurts as a result of galactic collisions, according to a new study by astronomers at Yale University and the University of Hawaii. Their findings appear in the March 25 edition of Science Express.
- Research team finds structure of 'swine flu' virusA team of scientists from The Scripps Research Institute and other institutions has solved the structure of a key protein from the virus that caused last year's "swine flu" influenza epidemic. The structure reveals that the virus shares many features with influenza viruses common in the early 20 ...
- New approach precisely tracks evolution's foot ...( -- Fossils may provide tantalizing clues to human history but they also lack some vital information, such as revealing which pieces of human DNA have been favored by evolution because they confer beneficial traits - resistance to infection or the ability to digest milk, for exampl ...
- Demand Media Threatens Critic BlogThere are a ton of so-called "sucks sites" out there, set up to critique or just ridicule a particular company. Early on, companies often tried to sue such sites out of existence using questionable trademark claims. These efforts mostly (though not always) failed. But, more importantly, the p ...
- China Shutting Down Some (But Not All!) Fake A ...With all the attention paid last week to the news of completely fake Apple stores popping up in China, you figured Chinese officials had to do something. Apparently, they started investigating, and shut down some of the fake Apple stores that were found in Kunming city. Perhaps most interestin ...
- Associated Press Carelessness Reaches Boiling ...Recently, we were all very proud when the Associated Press finally figured out how to use hyperlinks (sort of). But perhaps we shouldn't have been surprised that it took them so long to master such advanced technology, since it turns out they are still struggling with thermometers:Northeast brac ...
- If Your Comment Section Is Awesome, It's Your ...Meek Barbarian informed us that veteran blogger Anil Dash wrote a piece recently discussing websites having open and anonymous commenting on their sites. I'll preface this with a quick anecdote. I discovered Techdirt some three years back when my boss informed me that, as a technology consultant ...
- New Study: Piracy Increases The Quality Of ContentEric Goldman points us to a very, very interesting new research paper by Atanu Lahiri and Debabrata Day, showing all sorts of real examples about how "piracy" appears to increase the quality of the related goods that are being infringed upon. Of course, this counters the "common sense" argument ...
- Murdoch’s Vaccine WorldEveryone by now has heard about the phone tapping scandal that rocked both the British newspaper world and Rupert Murdoch’s business empire. But what needs to be spotlighted, I think, is the possible role that Murdoch’s London Times may have played in the professional evisceration of respected B ...
- The FDA Approved New DPT Vaccine For SeniorsIt has been announced that a new vaccine has been approved by the FDA for the over 65's. GlaxoSmithKline’s Boostrix vaccine is said to be able to protect the elderly from diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough). The vaccine was originally approved for use in adolescents in 2005.
- What Is It You Don’t Get About Vaccines?Public health: Not vaccinated? Not acceptable. “What does society do when one person’s behavior puts the greater community at risk? We make them stop."
- Why Isn’t ‘Herd Immunity’ Working?Californians have a new law regarding vaccination of children: Effective July 1, 2011, all students in grades 7 through 12 will be required to get a booster DTP [Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (Whooping Cough)] due to outbreaks and increases for Pertussis in children. Something doesn’t make s ...
- Research Shows Vaccinations Are Causing Surge ...According to the organization ‘Children & Asthma in America’ there are at least 7 million children in the USA who suffer from the debilitating illness asthma. Are vaccines a major trigger?
- Things You Might Have MissedI suspect it will be another week before I can complete part two to that media post. I want to finish reading A Mixtape Manifesto first. And The Economist put out a whole media’ issue that I haven’t gotten around to yet. I’ll have something for you though. Related to Thursday’s post on the socia ...
- Deal BreakerI recently read The World That Never Was. I really liked it, despite the fact that it includes a gazillion people and can be hard to follow (even for someone who was familiar with many of the players). The book basically covers the period between Haymarket and WWI. There is one part of the book ...
- Things You Might Have MissedI spent the weekend at the Eastern Conference for Workplace Democracy. Had a really great time with more than 200 of the least pretentious people doing some of the most cool things. Red Emma’s did their usual bang up job with Friday night dinner at 2640. Great speakers at the dinner, especially ...
- Ciao Newsrooms. I Won’t Miss You.Chris Hedges recently wrote one of those sad obituaries for newsrooms. He longs for the old timey orgs like in All the President’s Men. But Iâm not buying all the chicken little stuff when it comes to news. I don’t think the death of newsrooms is such a tragedy. And I’m not just saying that [...]
- Things You Might Have MissedI try to keep my petty problems out of the blog, but I have this issue with my upstairs neighbor. She is whiny, hyper-sensitive, and dateless on weekends. This has led to her complaining about us to management. We, of course, are trying to figure out how to be as loud and obnoxious as possible [...]
Executive Intelligence Review - LaRouche
- Drumbeat Over Libya: Obama Faces His Watergateby Jeffrey Steinberg and Edward Spannaus Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, June 24, 2011, Vol. 38, No. 25
- On the Edge of Impeachment: Sing: ‘Sleepers Aw Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, June 24, 2011, Vol. 38, No. 25
- Obama White House Caught Planning Massive Dirt ...EIR News Service press release.
- 1776 to Today: Mobilizing for Independenceby Nancy Spannaus Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, June 17, 2011, Vol. 38, No. 24
- America’s Historic Mission: 1776 & 1936Reprinted from Executive Intelligence Review, June 17, 2011, Vol. 38, No. 24
Armies of Liberation
- آليات ما بعد ثورة اليمن ينبغي أن تبدأ محلياً ...Mostakela: :: Ø¢ÙÙات ما بعد Ø«Ùرة اÙÙÙ…Ù ÙÙبغ٠أ٠تبدأ Ù…ØÙÙا٠(ترجمÙ) اÙÙاتبة اÙأمرÙÙÙØ© ÙÙÙا٠تبادر باÙØªØ±Ø§Ø Ø¢ÙÙات ما بعد اÙØ«Ùرة - 2011-ÙÙÙÙÙ(ØزÙراÙ)-19 Ø¢ÙÙات ما بعد Ø«Ùرة اÙÙÙ…Ù ÙÙبغ٠أ٠تبدأ Ù…ØÙÙا٠Ùتبت: جÙÙ ...
- Post-revolutionary mechanisms in Yemen should ...Post-revolutionary mechanisms in Yemen should begin locally by Jane Novak After three months of bloody protests, millions of Yemenis remain steadfast—and on the streets—throughout the nation. They want Saleh and his entire regime gone. In Sanaa, skirmishes have broken out between opposing tribes ...
- Post-revolutionary mechanisms in Yemen should ...Post-revolutionary mechanisms in Yemen should begin locally by Jane Novak After three months of bloody protests, millions of Yemenis remain steadfast—and on the streets—throughout the nation. They want Saleh and his entire regime gone. In Sanaa, skirmishes have broken out between opposing tribes ...
- Injuries and fatalities in Yemen after anti-go ...In what may be the bloodiest day yet since anti-government protests broke out in Yemen two weeks ago, residents around Aden are reporting numerous fatalities as security forces opened fire on protesters in many districts throughout the day and evening Friday. Human Rights Watch issued a statemen ...
- Game changer in Yemen as protests swellIn Egypt and Tunisia, the stance of the military was pivotal in the success of popular uprisings; in Yemen, it may be the tribes that are the determining factor. Anti-government protests across Yemen show no signs of abating. In Taiz, Yemen’s largest governorate, many who arrived last Friday are ...
Dark Politricks
- Establishment Exploits OKC Bombing Victims To ...
- Knee-Jerk No Fly Ban Discredits Global Warming ...Fearmongering by Met Office voodoo scientists about planes dropping out of the sky contradicted by numerous successful test flights Paul Joseph Watson Prison Monday, April 19, 2010 With European governments coming under increasing pressure from airline groups to re-open airspace fo ...
- Air France, Lufthansa Press for Airspace Re-Op ...Gregory Viscusi and Brian Parkin Bloomberg April 19, 2010 Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Air France- KLM Group and industry groups pressed European governments to loosen the unprecedented closing of the region’s airspace from last week’s Icelandic volcanic eruption as losses from the grounding of aircra ...
- NPR and CNN worry that Global Warming may have ...John Lott’s Website April 19, 2010 This is just too bizarre: Diana Rehm (NPR): We do wonder whether there’s human involvement in all of these eruptions, earthquakes, storms - Elise Labott (senior State Department producer for CNN): – and how much global warming has a role in it. You know we’ve ...
- Poll: Americans’ distrust of federal governmen ...Steven Thomma McClatchy Newspapers April 19, 2010 Already wary of the federal government, Americans have grown even more critical, less trusting and even fearful of Uncle Sam since President Barack Obama took office, according to an exhaustive new study being released Monday. The in-depth poll f ...
food and water watch
- By: AprilPlease read Blue Gold and When the Rivers Run Dry....I am officially against the majority of desalination due to the fact that all the water we have now is all the water we will EVER have!
- By: Rich's coworkerIn an effort to de-spin your story, the real reason there were no muffins or treats of any sort was because the bearer of treats was absent, and had been gone for the past few days. Perhaps if you "wish real hard" again, parabens can turn into magical antioxidants that are part of a complete ...
- By: Top 50 Global Food Security Blogs[...] Food and Water Watch: Food & Water Watch works to ensure the food, water and fish we consume is safe, accessible and sustainable. [...]
- By: Online Degree 30 Best Water Conservation Blogs[...] Food & Water Watch: The Food & Water Watch site advocates strong conservation measures, promoting policies that'll result in quality drinking water for everyone. [...]
- By: Food and Water | Roland's Ramblings[...] would also like to suggest you go over to read the blog of Food & Water Watch. You should find that to be very [...]
- Think Big! Arizona Solar Tower 2X Taller Than ...Image: Enviromission 2625 Feet Tall! Solar towers, which are kind of big funnels that generate electricity by using the fact that hot air rises, are too often forgotten when we discuss solar energy. Solar PV and CSP get all the press, but solar towers have attractive power-generating chara ...
- With the Climate Bill Long Dead, Key Players M ...It's been a year or so now since the climate bill died its quiet, agonizing death. Bad as that was, few would have predicted it would have gotten so much worse, so quickly ... but it did. Anywho, you might be curious to see what all of the chief architects and key players in the climate bill ...
- Eco Activist Tribute/Recruiting Video Goes ViralStunning, high-def scenes of natural beauty fade in and out of one another, dramatic landscapes and colorful ecosystems flash past, and the beat of some sort of tribal-nouveau tuneage sets the mood. It could be the trailer for the next Avatar movie, but instead, it seems more like a modern-d ...
- Boston Metro Area to Get 150 ChargePoint Elect ...Photo: Chargepoint I Wonder What Santa Drives... Coulomb Technologies, the electric vehicle infrastructure company, has announced that it will install 150 'ChargePoint' EV charging stations around the Boston metropolitan area. The money for this comes from a $37 million loan from the U.S. ...
- Rush Limbaugh Says Heat Index is a Gov't Consp ...As fringe climate skepticism was being pushed into the cultural mainstream over the last few years, it left many environmentalists and scientists scratching their heads. How could this be happening? w...Read the full story on TreeHugger
- Drug Reverses Accelerated Aging in Human CellsThe drug rapamycin has been found to reverse the effects of Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome, a fatal genetic disease that resembles rapid aging, in cells taken from patients with the disease. Rapamycin, an immunosuppressant drug used to prevent rejection of transplanted organs, has already ...
- Oxygen on the BrainAN ANCIENT CELLULAR PROGRAM to protect cells when oxygen is low seems crucial for the production of new brain cells. For more than two billion years on this planet, O2 has been the go-to gas for generating efficient cellular energy. But life on Earth never takes oxygen for granted. “When it runs ...
- A Nanotube Patch to Help Heal the Heart Researchers create carbon nanotubes that mimic natural tissue and can regenerate heart cells in a dish. A conductive patch of carbon nanotubes can regenerate heart tissue growing in a dish, according to preliminary research from Brown University. The patch, made of tiny chains of carbon atoms th ...
- Dietary Supplement May Help Prevent PreeclampsiaAn inexpensive dietary supplement appears to help prevent the serious pregnancy complication preeclampsia in high-risk women, according to a new study. But researchers say the effect in lower-risk pregnancies remains to be determined. In the study from Mexico, women who ate daily food bars conta ...
- Tiny variation in one gene may have led to cru ...The human brain has yet to explain the origin of one its defining features — the deep fissures and convolutions that increase its surface area and allow for rational and abstract thoughts. An international collaboration of scientists from the Yale School of Medicine and Turkey may have discovere ...
- The clear-cutting facts about the rainforestAre we really losing one football field every minute?
- New predictions of warming lack scientific basisWorst-case scenairos do not paint accurate picture of climate
- Cloudy days ahead for global climate modelsComputers still not reliable in predicting climate
- Corn dogs: A New Eco-Villain?Controversy is latest in biotech battle
- Examining China's emissions claimsEvidence suggests China not cutting greenhouse emissions
Ria Novosti Online News
- No permanent bases in Afghanistan after 2014 - ...The new U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, Ryan Crocker, said on Monday that the United States would not maintain permanent bases in the Central Asian country after the withdrawal of U.S. troops in 2014.
- Norwegian authorities failed to act on Breivik ...Norway's intelligence services failed to act on a report that the man charged with the country's worst ever act of terrorism had illegally bought chemicals that could be used to create a bomb, media reports said on Monday.
- Russian organized crime 'significant threat' t ...Russian and Eurasian organized crime networks represent a significant threat to economic growth and democratic institutions in the United States, a report released by the U.S. presidential National Security Staff on Monday.
- Saving Tonna the lioness in St. PetersburgA young lioness was found in a van in St. Petersburg. The cat had been chained to the backseat for at least two days and was trapped inside the hot vehicle.
- Norway falls silent in honor of massacre victimsHundreds gathered in downtown Oslo at noon on Monday to observe a minute’s silence in honor of the victims of Friday’s bombing and shooting that left several dozens dead. People in Sweden, Iceland, Finland and Denmark also paid their respects to the victims.
Ria Novosti - Science & Technology
- China's Mars 'expedition' participant celebrat ...China's Wang Yue, who is currently participating in a 520-day simulation of an expedition to Mars, is celebrating his 29th birthday on Monday.
- ISS crew to launch mini-satellite on August 3Russian cosmonauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) will launch a mini-satellite during a spacewalk on August 3, mission control said on Friday.
- Shuttle Atlantis to make final landingThe U.S. shuttle Atlantis will on Thursday make its final landing at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, completing NASA's 30-year Space Shuttle program.
- HIV up 20% in Russia in first half of 2011The number of HIV cases in the first six months of 2011 rose 20% year on year, Russia's consumer rights watchdog Rospotrebnadzor said.
- Weather forecast favorable for last shuttle la ...Weather forecasts are favorable for the last landing under the Space Shuttle program.
Pruning Shears
- Protesting FedEx Tax Dodgery and Union BustingFedEx is notorious for union busting and tax dodging. So US Uncut and the Madison Socialist Alternative got some folks together, made some signs, and headed down to the local branch here in Madison, WI to let them know how we feel about that. Package handlers at the FedEx Ground warehouse in ...
- Did Wall Street Kill Rock and Roll? No, and ne ...Earlier this week Mother Nature paid us a harsh visit:There was pretty significant damage to our yard and no electricity for over a day. On the bright side, no one was hurt and our house was largely unscathed. And that’s a pretty darn bright side. However, there have also been calls and arran ...
- GOP Booze Cruise Protest FlotillaOn Sunday night, the Walworth County, WI GOP held a fundraiser/rich guy boat party in Lake Geneva. In attendance were Rep. Paul “Medicare Vouchers” Ryan and WI Lieutenant Governor Rebecca “Gay Marriage Is Like People Marrying Their Furniture” Kleefisch. So, of course, also in attendance were ab ...
- Weekend wrapupNo Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this postOur image in the Muslim world would probably improve if we stopped killing so many Muslims. Also: Giving fake vaccines to poor people breaks the Evil Meter.And Reuters, you do not have to call the people getting killed suspected ...
- Taking Wisconsin nationwide: The Rebuild The A ...No Associated Press content was harmed in the writing of this postWhen the protests in Wisconsin erupted over the winter I remember having an exchange with Athenae. She had been holding her breath every single day because she was sure at any moment it would fall apart. There was good reason to ...
- Center for Food Safety is Looking for the "Nat ...[The Center for Food Safety is] looking for [consumers] who have purchased any of the following cooking oils in the last few years sold under the Wesson brand name: Canola Oil, Vegetable Oil, Corn Oil, and Best Blend. If you have purchased these products believing them to them to be "100% Natura ...
- Midwest Rising 2011: An Anti-Corporate ConvergenceWe are writing to invite you to participate in a historic, multi-faceted, cross-movement convergence this August. Midwest Rising is collaboration between Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE), Rising Tide, the Instead of War Coalition, the Little Village Environmental Justice ...
- The First Lady and the Monsanto-Washington Uni ...Click here to read this article
- Monsanto Accidentally Sues Pennsylvania FarmersMonsanto accidentally sued Pennsylvania farmers over allegedly saving genetically-modified seeds.Click here to read this article
- Advocates for Labeling of Genetically Engineer ...WASHINGTON -- A coalition of organizations, businesses and individuals announced today a bold mobilization plan to raise awareness and pressure the government about the lack of labeling of Genetically Engineered foods people unknowingly consume.Click here to read this article
Center for a Livable Future
- Roundup-Resistant Weeds Threaten U.S. Food Sec ...Roundup-resistant weeds are a rapidly emerging threat that puts U.S. agriculture in a terribly precarious position. The threat has evolved from farmers’ heavy use of the herbicide glyphosate, (aka Roundup, a Monsanto product) to control weeds, and farmers’ simultaneous reliance on crop varieties ...
- Preparing for Peak OilPeak oil is inevitable. At some point, global oil supplies will peak and then decline (it may be happening already), driving up the cost of oil and petroleum products. But what happens to our food systems, which rely heavily on oil, when oil becomes scarce?
- Carnivores and Climate ChangeYou know what you ate this week—but do you know how it will affect climate change and the planet? As of today, you can use the Environmental Working Group (EWG)’s newly launched website to get information on food carbon footprints.
- Carnivores and Climate ChangeYou know what you ate this week—but do you know how it will affect climate change and the planet? As of today, you can use the Environmental Working Group (EWG)’s newly launched website to get information on food carbon footprints.
- Hen Party: Historic Agreement to Promote Stand ...United Egg Producers (UEP) has partnered with the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), agreeing to work together toward legislation of national standards to be used in egg production.
Investigate - Breaking News
- BREAKING SILENCE news releaseBREAKING SILENCE: THE KAHUI CASE By Ian Wishart $39.99, Howling At The Moon Publishing Ltd RELEASE DATE: Imminent Final opportunity to pre-order for delivery on Day One: The new book that shatters myths surrounding the Kahui murder case is...
- News release from Ian Wishart: Book will be pu ...NEWS RELEASE FROM IAN WISHART Major bookstore chains have today been forced to cancel orders for the explosive new book on the Kahui twins murders, BREAKING SILENCE In response, Author and publisher Ian Wishart has confirmed the book will go...
- News release on Ian Wishart's Kahui case book, ...NEWS RELEASE FROM IAN WISHART The Facebook page on Macsyna King is dishonest. They have known all along that Macsyna has neither sought nor been offered any money or compensation for the book Breaking Silence by Ian Wishart. Still, the...
- Sea-level study released - yawnMann, Ramstorf and other 'usual suspects' have released their 'it's worse than we thought' sea level "study". Newspaper paraphrases: Looking back in history, the researchers found that sea level was relatively stable from 100 BC to AD 950. Then, during...
- Where's my global warming dude?Temperature trend from HadCRUT for the past decade says it all, really: Hat tip: Steve Goddard
My Care2 Picks
- WAR IN AFGHANISTAN BEING LOST BY KINGDOM CRUS ...Boykin�s efforts to infiltrate every level of the officer corps with Christian Zionists was a tremendous success. Winning our war depends on winning the hearts and minds of a Muslim population seeing the absolute worst America has to offerSubmitted by John Farnham to Society & Culture �|� �No ...
- Monsanto War on FarmersMonsanto based in St. Louis, Missouri USA tried to prove the German government had no authority to ban its products or has authority over its own food supply, agriculture and protecting the health of German families.Submitted by John Farnham to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Monsanto-Resistant Weeds Take Root, Raising Fo ...The same selection pressure creating bacteria resistant to multiple antibiotics is leading to the rapid evolution of plants that survive modern herbicides. If the trend continues, yields could drop and food costs climb as weeds grow more difficult to uproSubmitted by John Farnham to Business �| ...
- The Terrifying Christian RightThe Christian Right�s assault on America is frightening, and, as someone who grew up in a world of religious fanaticism, my personal experience gives me a sharp sense of where this is heading. Submitted by Carrie ILL B. to US Politics & Gov't �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Greenhouse Gas Theory Trashed in Groundbreakin ...Professor Nahle of Monterrey, Mexico backed by a team of international scientists has faithfully recreated a famous experiment from 1909 to confirm that the greenhouse effect cannot cause global warming.Submitted by John Farnham to Science & Tech �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Angry Indian News
- Women slam Aquino for deepening poverty and ma ...Women slam Aquino for deepening poverty and marginalization - Bulatlat “Aquino promised change, but the conditions of women and our families have worsened. Just a little over a year into his... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- - U.S. prisoners continue hunger - U.S. prisoners continue hunger strike: HUNDREDS of prisoners incarcerated in California are on hunger strike to protest their isolation, torture and other abuse, but the news is barely... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- How a clueless "terrorism expert" set media su ...How a clueless "terrorism expert" set media suspicion on Muslims after Oslo horror | The Electronic Intifada: Immediately after news of the bombing of government buildings in Norway’s capital Oslo,... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- China Worker: Malaysia: Frightened government ...China Worker: PSM draws parallels with crackdown on Reformasi movementSocialistworld.netAt the end of this week, the six leading PSM members arrested in Penang during a pro-democracy demonstration... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
- Latin American Housing Rights Movement Holds S ...Latin American Housing Rights Movement Holds Summit in Caracas | "Merida, July 22nd 2011 ( – On Thursday housing rights activists from across Latin America... [[Continue reading Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo...]]
Farm Wars
- Feds to Grab Land for Homeland SecurityH.R. 1505: Another Federal land grab, with exemptions from environmental regulations, and a few more just for good measure. And just who has the authority over these lands? Why Homeland Security, of course.
- USDA Attacks Rural America with Smart MetersOn June 9, 2011, the Obama Administration Established the “White House Rural Council to Strengthen Rural Communities” via Executive Order. “Strengthening Rural Communities” is the spin. The real issue is control. Rural communities are where food is grown, and control of food is a main priority f ...
- Garden GooseWe have a goose that lives in our garden. Not just any goose, but a very special goose. His name is Dee Dee Dee, and this is his story.
- GM Crops Farmer to Farmer – The Truth about GM ...
- The Great Gulf Coast Holocaust Pt 3there is good evidence that the holocaust in the Gulf is just beginning and is now moving up the food chain and has already made its way into your local supermarket. And if you think you can dodge the obvious danger by merely avoiding the Gulf seafood, think again, as this catastrophe is permeat ...
True/Slant Headline Grabs
- The stupidity of crowds helps kill a planet - ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- Sex, death, and the noble American toad - Scot ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- How to save a fishery: owning, renting, and ex ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ‘Gossip Girl’ unethical because of threesome? ...Noted by Jeff McMahon on July 31, 2010 11:07 PM
- ()Noted by user deleted on December 31, 1969 7:12 PM
Citizens for Legitimate Government
- Report: US transport funds end up with TalibanShareThisTerrorists 'R Us: Report: US transport funds end up with Taliban 24 Jul 2011 Money from a multibillion-dollar U.S. transportation contract in Afghanistan has made its way into the hands of the Taliban, The Washington Post reported Sunday, citing an unreleased investigation by the U.S. m ...
- Justice Department retracts court filings that ...ShareThisJustice Department retracts court filings that undercut FBI's anthrax case 19 Jul 2011 Rushing into court to undo a major gaffe, Justice Department lawyers defending a civil suit Tuesday retracted statements that seemed to undercut the FBI's finding that a former Army microbiologist mai ...
- 70% in Japan support PM's nuclear-free future: ...ShareThis70% in Japan support PM's nuclear-free future: poll 24 Jul 2011 Seventy percent of the Japanese public supports centre-left Prime Minister Naoto Kan's policy to make the country nuclear free in future but most people still want him to quit, a poll said Sunday. The weekend survey conduct ...
- CIA spreads its tentacles in S PunjabShareThisCIA spreads its tentacles in S Punjab 25 Jul 2011 The Americans have increased their contacts with local influential figures in South Punjab to establish a network of their secret service operatives there, informed sources have revealed. The renewed efforts at extension of their clandes ...
- Norway: SV allows for military force against I ...ShareThisNorway: SV allows for military force against Israel --In a proposal to congress by a unanimous editorial committee would allow the international community to intervene militarily against Israel if the country goes to the attacks on Gaza. 27 Mar 2011 [Translated version.] The proposal de ...
Daily Loaf
- 5 books that are sure to heat up your kitchen lifeI like to read — a lot. I could make lists counting the hundreds of books that make great reads. Unfortunately, we don’t have the time and you may not have the attention span for that. To keep it short and sweet, here’s a list of five books that I feel add depth and meaning [...]
- Beer Review: Victory Hop Devil/Victory Hop WallopVictory Brewing Company opened up fifteen years ago in Downingtown, Pennsylvania, but only recently entered the Florida market. With such beers as their highly touted Prima Pils and Storm King Stout, Victory has earned a rightful place among the respected craft brewers in the United States. ...
- D’s nuts: Rays’ crazy defense feeds hitting, p ...Tampa Bay took the series victory against the Chicago with the win, getting back to .500 and improving to 2 games back in the American League East division. Rays look for sweep tomorrow.
- Interview with Michael Foley about the Florida ...The Florida Dance Festival provides a springboard for raw talent and fresh ideas.
- Just plain cheesy: Celebrate National Grilled ...April is National Grilled Cheese Month: an entire four weeks devoted to the American classic. The following sandwich recipe is from cheese expert and author Laura Werlin’s book, Great Grilled Cheese.
Vaccine Resistance Movement
- VRM: Gardasil/Cervarix Part 2 – Demyelination, ...Article is intended to be read in conjunction with Part 1: VRM: Gardasil/Cervarix â A Legacy Of Shame Vaccines, by their composite nature, inherently damage & disrupt the body’s delicate neurological network; the complex functioning of the brain in maintaining all systems of operation ...
- VRM: “One For All” Universal Flu V ...Part 2: Dissecting the Universal Flu Vaccine (continued from Part 1: Dissecting the Seasonal influenza Vaccine) To fully unravel the Biondvax Universal Flu Vaccine scandal, a top down approach is necessary. Professor Ruth Arnon, Ph.D, is the official “inventor of BiondVaxâs innovative synthetic ...
- VRM: “One For All” Universal Flu V ...Part 2: Dissecting the Universal Flu Vaccine (continued from Part 1: Dissecting the Seasonal influenza Vaccine) To fully unravel the Biondvax Universal Flu Vaccine scandal, a top down approach is necessary. Professor Ruth Arnon, Ph.D, is the official “inventor of BiondVaxâs innovative synthetic ...
- VRM: “One For All” Universal Flu V ...“The first century or two of the new millennium will almost certainly be a golden age for eugenics. Through application of new genetic knowledge and reproductive technologies the major change will be to mankind itself. Techniques such as genetic manipulations are not yet efficient enough t ...
- VRM: “One For All” Universal Flu V ...“The first century or two of the new millennium will almost certainly be a golden age for eugenics. Through application of new genetic knowledge and reproductive technologies the major change will be to mankind itself. Techniques such as genetic manipulations are not yet efficient enough t ...
B.C. Preppers Network
- You Know You're Getting Old When...A few weeks back we received our new high-efficiency front loading LG washer and dryer set and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed by them. The set was only around $1000 (on sale) but I felt like I'd gone from a Chevette to a Cadillac when compared to our old set.� A cute little luxury fe ...
- Control Your Home Thermostat On the Internet!Today a fellow from our natural gas company came by to install a new thermostat as part of the Peaksaver program that we signed up for.�If you haven't heard of Peaksaver, basically what it does is allow the Ontario government electricity provider to turn off your central air conditioner ...
- Happy Day!: The Water Bill Arrived!After being shocked a few months ago with a water bill of over $240 I decided to do a few things to cut down on our water use We converted our main toilet to a dual-flush and installed a water saving device on the second (haven't switched it over to a dual yet). We also installed a new ...
- Strawberry PickingOur family went strawberry picking this morning, it's a fun thing to do once in a while and I think it's a good way to help our 3-year old daughter realize where food comes from. While my wife picked berries with our oldest I went for a walk around the farm with our youngest in the stroller ...
- Pioneer Solar: PV System For Free?I received a flyer from Pioneer Solar in the mail the other day which claims to help people get a solar system installed on their house, farm, or business for free. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, like most things there's good and bad points about it and what might be a good deal f ...
Michael Yon
- A Fine Talk by Joe GallowayPublished: 23 July 2011 Joe Galloway, at the Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association, 2011Convention "Thanks to all of you for giving me the honor of speaking to you. I have got to tell you that looking out across this assemblage I must confess: I haven't seen this many bad boys collected in one ...
- INFERNO BOOK UPDATE-Election Day: Early Morning21 July 2011 I remember writing these words during my first month in Iraq. The war was full on and it was anybody's guess how that first election day would land. Here are some thoughts I penned during that time: Here on the ground, it is clear that Iraq already is embroiled in civil war. But ...
- Left of Bang14 July 2011 A few years ago, a British officer said to me they want to get as far left of bang as possible.� The farther left of bang, the better.� Right of bang is a crater and a memorial service. A main goal in staying left of bang is to disrupt enemy bomb-making cells.� In the early days ...
- Iraq: Inside the Inferno – Foreword by CSM Jef ...13 July 2011 Below is the Foreword that Command Sergeant Major Jeff Mellinger wrote for INFERNO. Jeff is a true warrior. We met in 2005 as I wrote about in the dispatch series, WALKING THE LINE. Since then, CSM Jeff Mellinger and I have traveled thousands of miles together across some rough Ir ...
- Rule of LawPartners in Law 13 July 2011 Kandahar, Afghanistan Most Afghans hate warlords.� Most Afghans hate the Taliban.� When the warlords ruled Afghanistan it was lawless, and so many people welcomed the Taliban who beat back the warlords and installed crude justice.� Soon, the Taliban, staggered by t ...
The Killing Train
- Tories would rather shut down the CBC than ans ...This is a video that should be watched widely. These are Harper voters.
- Watch out for election day fraudFrancis Fox Piven (who has had her own experiences recently with Harper's US mentors) and Richard Cloward wrote a very interesting book called "Why Americans Don't Vote", which showed how a key electoral strategy in the US has always been demobilizing opposing voters, a strategy just as importan ...
- Today's election thoughtsToday's election thoughts, and a couple of photos. Jon Elmer sent me this amusing Vintage Voter site. Vincent Pang sent me this photo album of protests against Harper's second proroguing back in 2010. read more
- 36% is apparently a majority, but not for a wh ...The daily polling is suspicious. Every day the media publishes what the electoral outcome is going to be. And every day it changes. They keep saying there's going to be a Harper majority. Saying it won't make it so, but it might contribute to it. Earlier today I saw an article on throu ...
- Canadians are annoyed - deliberation vs. engin ...Pollsters now get people to press buttons about how they are feeling as they watch debates, and have discovered that Canadians are annoyed. This then feeds back to politicians, who try to, presumably, be less annoying, or, perhaps, try to blame other politicians for the annoyance. read more
- Think Big! Arizona Solar Tower 2X Taller Than ...Image: Enviromission 2625 Feet Tall! Solar towers, which are kind of big funnels that generate electricity by using the fact that hot air rises, are too often forgotten when we discuss solar energy. Solar PV and CSP get all the press, but solar towers have attractive power-generating chara ...
- With the Climate Bill Long Dead, Key Players M ...It's been a year or so now since the climate bill died its quiet, agonizing death. Bad as that was, few would have predicted it would have gotten so much worse, so quickly ... but it did. Anywho, you might be curious to see what all of the chief architects and key players in the climate bill ...
- Eco Activist Tribute/Recruiting Video Goes ViralStunning, high-def scenes of natural beauty fade in and out of one another, dramatic landscapes and colorful ecosystems flash past, and the beat of some sort of tribal-nouveau tuneage sets the mood. It could be the trailer for the next Avatar movie, but instead, it seems more like a modern-d ...
- Boston Metro Area to Get 150 ChargePoint Elect ...Photo: Chargepoint I Wonder What Santa Drives... Coulomb Technologies, the electric vehicle infrastructure company, has announced that it will install 150 'ChargePoint' EV charging stations around the Boston metropolitan area. The money for this comes from a $37 million loan from the U.S. ...
- Rush Limbaugh Says Heat Index is a Gov't Consp ...As fringe climate skepticism was being pushed into the cultural mainstream over the last few years, it left many environmentalists and scientists scratching their heads. How could this be happening? w...Read the full story on TreeHugger
Democratic Voice of Burma
- Govt and Suu Kyi ‘satisfied’ with talksMore meetings lined up for near future as both sides give reserved assessments on first talks since new govt came to power
- Anger at Indian arms sales to BurmaProtestors accuse India of fuelling conflict in border region as Delhi refuses to bow to activists' demands to cease arms sales
- Murder suspect claims Burma police linksSuspect in Mandalay stabbing tells court he was paid a fee by a senior police commander to murder estranged wife
- Opposition opens office in war-torn northNational Democratic Force to attempt a mediating role in conflict between Burmese government forces and Kachin army
- Suu Kyi to hold first talks with new govtAung San Suu Kyi to meet with Labour Minister Aung Kyi, who had acted as liaision between the Nobel laureate and former junta
Telegraph - Climate Change
- Steve Jones tells the BBC: don't give 'deniali ...In his report for the BBC Trust, Steve Jones actually attacks Auntie for having too little global-warming bias, writes Christopher Booker.
- Horn of Africa drought: African desperationTelegraph View: In the 1980s rich nations reacted far too slowly to mass starvation in Ethiopia. The same mistake must not be repeated.
- Queensland floods and Russian heatwave will be ...Chris Huhne's 'carbon saving' measures could double energy bills within nine years - so Australian floods might help to wash down the British voter's bitter pills, says Christopher Booker.
- The Phoenix dust storm shows that, whatever th ...Rain or shine, drought, flood or dust-storm, the warmist faith decrees that all 'freak weather events' are man-made, says Christopher Booker.
- £50 trillion needs to be spent on going green ...Almost £50 trillion must be spent on green technology over the coming decades if the world is to avert a "major planetary catastrophe", the United Nations has claimed.
National Geographic | Environment
- Heat Wave Due to "Exceptionally Strong" Air MassA stubborn high-pressure system is causing sweltering temperatures in much of the U.S—and there's no relief in sight, experts say.
- India Maps Out a Nuclear Power Future, Amid Op ...India’s government sees nuclear power as essential for meeting its growing energy needs, but public mistrust runs deep.
- "Extinct" Toad Thrives in LabA tiny Tanzanian toad that all but disappeared after a dam reduced its waterfall habitat is being bred successfully in Syracuse, New York. Video.
- Longest Polar Bear Swim Recorded—426 Miles Str ...A polar bear has swam a record nine days straight, covering the distance between Washington, D.C., and Boston, a new study says.
- Pictures—Ten Oldest U.S. Nuclear Plants: Post- ...NoneAs U.S. authorities weigh a safety overhaul, here’s a look at the risks unearthed at post-Fukushima inspections of the ten oldest U.S. nuclear reactors.
Jurist - Legal Research
- Hadzic refuses to plead at ICTY[JURIST] Accused war criminal Goran Hadzic [ICTY backgrounder] on Monday refused to enter a plea before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) [official website]. Hadzic was extradited to The Hague [JURIST report] last Friday, where he now awaits trial for war crime ...
- Turkish court sentences assassin of Turkish-Ar ...[JURIST] A Turkish court on Monday sentenced Ogun Samast for murdering Turkish-Armenian author Hrant Dink [BBC obituary; JURIST news archive], journalist and former editor of the newspaper Agos [media website, in Turkish], who was shot and killed [JURIST report] in Istanbul in January 2007. Sama ...
- Trial of former Egypt interior minister delayed[JURIST] An Egyptian criminal court on Monday postponed the trial of former interior minister Habib el-Adly until August 3. El-Adly and Egypt's former president Hosni Mubarak [Al Jazeera profile; JURIST news archive] face charges of killing pro-democracy protesters during the demonstrations in E ...
- Syria law to allow political party formation[JURIST] The Syrian government on Sunday approved a draft law that would allow the formation of political parties to oppose the ruling Baath Party, led by President Bashar al-Assad [Al Jazeera profile]. The law would permit a political party to be established [AP report] so long as it is not bas ...
- Bahrain commission begins investigation of pro ...[JURIST] An independent commission on Sunday began investigating human rights violations related to the ongoing pro-democracy protests in Bahrain [BBC backgrounder]. The chairman of the five-person Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry (BICI), Cherif Bassiouni [academic profile], announced t ...
Atlantic | Mark Ambinder
- Washington Wants to Avoid Default, but It Can' ...With time running out, lawmakers still haven't crafted any bill that can raise the debt limit. Will they manage to pass one by Aug. 2? APThe aspirations don't match the situation.To hear them talk, the White House and every key player on Capitol Hill wants to avoid the first-ever default ...
- Boehner: Tough to Revive Bipartisan 'Humpty Du ...The House Speaker said Republicans would press ahead with their own proposal should Obama continue to reject a two-tier plan With Asian markets set to deliver a verdict within hours on the U.S. debt crisis, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said on ...
- Progress Toward a Debt Deal?With the clock ticking down to the reopening of the markets, Congressional leaders try to patch together a two-step agreement ...
- Let Them Eat Cake Alive & Well in Beverly HillsI love Los Angeles (I know -- few seem to want to admit it), but I love Washington, DC more. I love DC's intrigue and policy banter -- the passionate debates about Israel and Palestine, about nuclear vs. renewables, about Grover Norquist vs. big government Republicans (& MoveOn), about whethe ...
- 'We Have Run Out of Time'President Obama shows his anger as negotiations break down after reports that a deal could be near Negotiations over a major $3 trillion deficit-reduction package imploded Friday evening in an angry burst of recrimination between the White House and GOP leaders. "Can they say yes ...
COAT - Coalition to oppose the Arms Trade
- [COAT] WikiLeaks on Canada in Iraq War - coat
- [COAT] CANSEC Arms Bazaar Protest, June 1, Ott ...
- [COAT] Put a SNAG in CANSEC: Spring Nuremberg ...
- [COAT] WikiWeapons Cda Exposes 18,888 Export C ...
- [COAT] Latest on Cda's Arms Exports & CANSEC r ...
Bulletin of American Scientists - News
- US and Vietnam sign nuclear energy agreement | ...
- SKorea on alert after ship hit by mysterious b ...
- Obama administration may send U.S.-Russia arms ...
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu on the nation's en ...
- More tritium found at Vt. Yankee, NRC plans cl ...
Tikun Olam
- Breivik’s Neo-Nazi Manifesto, Latter-Day Mein ...Hitler had his Jewish problem. Anders Breivik, his Muslim problem. The more I read of Breivik’s manifesto, A European Declaration of Independence, the more it appears to me a latter-day version of Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Remember that when the dictator-to-be wrote his magnum opus he had not yet dev ...
- Anders Breivik, Norwegian Terror Suspect, Admi ...The death toll from the savage attack in Norway has risen to 92 today. Anders Breivik, a radical rightist who posted regularly to a neo-Nazi internet forum, is the only suspect arrested so far in the killings. Electronic Intifada published excerpts of a 1,500 page magnum opus written by Breivi ...
- Breivik, Rightist Mass Murderer, ‘Atlas Shrugg ...A far-right Norwegian nationalist with ardent anti-Muslim views levelled savage blows at the mainstream political culture of his countrywith massive attacks on the government building housing the prime minister’s office and a summer camp at which young followers of the ruling Labor Party played. ...
- Netanyahu’s Security Agents Disrobe Female For ...You know, here in the U.S. they often talk about how much certain presidents detested the press and how the press office had a confrontational or hostile relationship with journalists. Â They’ve got nothing on Israel, where Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Shabak-appointed security detail routinely di ...
- Israel Will Apologize to TurkeyI must admit that I actually feel a slight twinge of sympathy for poor Yvet Lieberman. Â He was abandoned by his boss, the prime minister, in today’s Knesset vote rejecting putting human rights NGOs on the hot seat for their work in Israel. Â The foreign minister had hoped to put the screws to g ...
If Americans Knew
- Denying Nazi-Zionist collusion: The Sacramento ...In an inversion of journalistic ethics, the Sacramento Bee reported on opposition to an event before and after it took place, but didn't cover the event itself. It featured an entire report on accusations against a flier, but didn't include a response from the flier's authors.
- Media omissions on Itamar: Murdering babies is ...US media widely and repeatedly reported on the horrific March 11th murder of three small Israeli children and their parents. While no one yet knows who committed this grotesque act, reports presume that the murderers were Palestinian, and for this reason the incident is receiving major attention ...
- Critical Connections: Egypt, the US, and the I ...Minimally explored in all the coverage of the momentous Egyptian uprising taking place over the last 10 days [Jan-Feb 2011] are the Israeli connections.
- Gabrielle Giffords, Tom Hurndall and Palestini ...Alison Weir, CounterPunch - There is something particularly horrifying when someone is shot in the head. Perhaps it's the gruesome image, the destruction of the brain, the clear intent to kill. The recent shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is made even more nightmarish by the l ...
- As Israel kills and maims, Outrage is directed ...Whenever Israel commits yet another atrocity, its defenders are quick to redirect public attention away from the grisly crime scene. Currently, there are headlines about allegedly anti-Semitic comments made by senior White House correspondent Helen Thomas. Pundits across the land evince outrage ...
David J. Gregory
- Help to overcomeSIGLER/Chronicle David Gregory has a condition that causes him to need a van equipped with a chair lift so he can access it from the driver’s seat of his vehicle. The van he currently uses is in poor shape, so he is in need of a new van. Friends have opened a bank account to [...]
- USA PATRIOT Act: The Myth of a Secure European ...The U.S. is home to the world's largest technology companies, offering cloud services from simple storage to complex web applications to users across the world. But data held even in European datacenters, protected by strict European data laws, may still be vulnerable to inspection by U.S. autho ...
- FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PLEASE REPOSTby David Gregory on Tuesday, June 14, 2011 at 1:56pm For those who may not know, my name is David Gregory, I have Osteogenesis imperfecta (O.I.), a brittle bone disease. I use a Jazzy electric wheelchair and a 1993 Ford van. Both the chair and especially the van are on the last legs of years [...]
- My PredicamentFor those who may not know, my name is David Gregory, I have Osteogenesis imperfecta (O.I.), a brittle bone disease. I use a Jazzy electric wheelchair and a 1993 Ford van. Both the chair and especially the van are on the last legs of years of service. Unfortunately, because I work I do not quali ...
- High Time in the Old town TONIGHT, MAYBE/O.K., most of you have heard of all the doomsayers that have been around the last few years and all have heard in one form, or another, about the 2012 Mayan prophecy, so you put it all in a sack and shake it up. What do you get? Well, whether, or not, any of these [...]
Unsuitable Blog
- London 2012: Crass, Commercial and Completely ...The Olympic Charter reads as follows: Fundamental Principles of Olympism 1. Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of eff ...
- Why So Few Unsuitablogs?I’ve been looking at the main page at pondering on the lack of recent posts. There is a reason for this – not the pondering, but the lack of posts – and it stems from the tension that arises between the part of an activist that writes about what is going on with the world [...]
- Money for Nothing and Your Soul for FreeWe, the media and I, have an interesting relationship. They leave me alone for the most part, and I give them hell because for the most part they are an industry dedicated to anti-life propaganda. Sometimes, though, they will contact me for a quote, an interview and some advice on how to keep th ...
- Lush’s Dirty Laundry [by Cory Morningstar]In an unlikely alliance, Lush Cosmetics joins the Indigenous Environmental Network against the Canadian tar sands. The Lush campaign targets the tar sands, yet the CEO of Lush fails to target his own family’s dynasty built on the continued exploration of oil, gas and mining. Today, the environme ...
- Dispatches: Conservation’s Dirty SecretsJUST-WATCH-THIS… Dispatches reporter Oliver Steeds travels the globe to investigate the conservation movement and its major organisations. Steeds finds that the movement, far from stemming the tide of extinction that’s engulfing the plane ...
Subalternate Reality
- Keith Ellison’s Tears And Epistemic ClosureRep. Peter King’s hearings looking into the “radicalization” of the American Muslim community, and the suggestion that the community doesn’t cooperate with law enforcement, was largely a waste of time and tax dollars. The affair didn’t produce a single insight into the actual and urgent issue of ...
- Praying On Qasr al-NilOne of the more memorable scenes of the Egyptian revolution will surely be that of ordinary Egyptian’s praying on Cairo’s Qasr al-Nil Bridge as members of Egyptian state police direct their water cannons at them. Truly a remarkable sight. via Al Jazeera Filed under: Middle East Tagged: Al-Jazeer ...
- “I Support Democratization, But…&# ...The Atlanticâs Jeffrey Goldberg â one of the key proponents of the disastrous invasion of Iraq â has some serious misgivings about the fledgling pro-democracy movement thatâs taken over the streets of Egypt. âI support democratization, but,â he cautions, âthe democratization we saw in Gaza (cour ...
- All That Happens In The Middle East Can’ ...Uncertainly rules the day in Tunisia. Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, the countryâs strong-armed and authoritarian ruler since 1987, is in Saudi Arabia while the interim government struggles to restore some semblance of order. âConfusion, fear and horror in Tunisia as old regime’s militia carries on ...
- Newt Comes Out As A Muslim-BaiterEarly this week, disgraced former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich warned that “a commitment to religious freedom and God-given rights is being replaced by a secular oppression…” Just hours after those words appeared on Human Events, Gingrich issued a statement forcefully opposing the constr ...
Idea Lab | Technology
- Dotspotting + Embeds = Great Maps of Prisons, ...There are three basic parts to working with online representations of urban civic data in Dotspotting: collating the data, manipulating it, and then sharing and publishing it. Up until now, we've been focused on the first two, which makes sense. Obviously you need to be able to gather and work w ...
- How Social Networking Can Help Neighbors Durin ...Can social-networking sites be used by neighbors to help each other during disasters, as well as with more pedestrian issues the rest of the time? NPR recently covered political scientist Daniel Aldrich's work looking at how neighbors help each other during disasters. From NPR: Aldrich's ...
- Stop Yammering and Start Hammering: How to Bui ...Over the next four weeks, a very interesting experiment is going to unfold. The most exciting part about it is that it’s entirely open source: You can observe it, interact with it, and improve it. We’re calling this experiment the “learning lab.” It’s the second stage of the Knight-Mozill ...
- How TileMill Improved Ushahidi Maps to Protect ...In May I worked with Plan Benin to improve its Violence Against Children (VAC) reporting system. The system uses FrontlineSMS and Ushahidi to collect and visualize reports of violence against children. Ushahidi develops open-source software for information collection, visualization and interacti ...
- When Moral Systems Miss the Point in NewsgamesIn "Newsgames: Journalism at Play," we argue that the news quiz "is an incredibly simple type of game, but one that nevertheless can transmit factual information in a refreshing way." Perhaps our favorite example is an op-ed suite from The New York Times called "Turning Points, 2008 Edition," wh ...
Cutting Edge News
- Egypt after Mubarak - Egypt’s Enduring Challen ...This country is 7,000 years old. It has seen so many transitions … and our last transition was through the assassination of our former president [Anwar Sadat], and yet we were able to steady the course.— Former Egyptian prime minister Ahmed Nazif, September 29, 2010For the past thirty years, Was ...
- The Race for Connectivity - Politically-connec ...When the Federal Communications Commission granted LightSquared Inc. expedited approval to launch a new wireless Internet service, some powerful voices in Washington expressed alarm, including the Pentagon and one-third of the U.S. Senate.LightSquared’s bold $14 billion plan, its detractors said ...
- Travel South of the Border - Mexico's Tourism ...Back in the summer of 2010, Mexican Tourism Secretary Gloria Guevara stood before a crowd in Beverly Hills and proclaimed a new strategy to recapture US visitors. In a speech, Guevara stressed the myriad cultural amenities her country offers tourists.“Mexico has 29 sites that are patrimonies of ...
- Economy on Edge - CFPB Wish Lists Urge Action ...The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has opened for business. Its mailbox is already piled high with wish-lists from consumer advocacy groups about what the new agency should tackle first.While consumer groups cheer the arrival of the CFPB, the banking industry and other financial services p ...
- Russia on Edge - Russia’s Perfect Storm … of H ...The rain was light. The winds were moderate, And the waves were only one meter high.Russia’s mid-July shipping tragedy was a perfect storm—of human error.The Volga riverboat Bulgaria was designed to carry 140 people, but it was loaded with 208. Most of the 59 children seem to have been waved on ...
High Country News
- The Global West: how foreign investment fuels ...China's insatiable energy appetite is fueling a natural resource boom in the West.
- Milestone in Cobell Indian trust caseElouise Cobell's long-running lawsuit over Indian trust accounts appears to be finally reaching a settlement.
- In search of diversity in our national parksOne man's quest to understand why people of color are underrepresented in outdoor recreation and the conservation movement.
- Montana's stream access law stays strongThe Montana Legislature abandons an attempt to tighten the state's permissive stream-access laws.
- A former energy company lawyer now fights for ...Attorney Lance Astrella represents landowners coping with oil and gas development on their doorsteps.
- Set Title HereEnter Text Here
- Fear And Loathing In The Housing Market- The G ...By William HicksContinuing the recent run of bad economic news, an S&P/Case Shiller report on Tuesday confirmed that U.S. home prices in most major markets have resumed falling after stabilizing for a couple of years
- Disastrous US Jobs Report Points To Deepening ...By Barry GreyUS payrolls grew by a paltry 54,000 in May and the official unemployment rate rose to 9.1 percent, an increase of 0.3 percent since March, according to the monthly employment report released Friday by the Labor Department
- A State For JewsBy William James Martin Why are we providing almost incalculable support and sustenance to a state - Israel- which is a state for Jews, and exclusively for Jews, at the expense of the indigenous native Palestinians
- Israelis Rush For Second PassportsBy Franklin Lamb Several studies in Israel and one conducted by AIPAC and another by the Jewish National Fund in Germany show that perhaps as many as half of the Jews living in Israel will consider leaving Palestine in the next few years if current political and social trends continue. A 2008 s ...
Contagious Love Experiment
- Kill Team: The Bigger PictureSorry to have been slacking on the blog. Here’s an article I wrote and forget to post… better late than never! Kill Team: The Bigger Picture
- Dear Mr. Beck, I Shook Hands with the AntichristDear Mr. Beck: I Shook Hands with the Antichrist Earlier this week, Michael Lind wrote an article for Salon about the misplaced energy in demeaning alarmists like Glenn Beck.1 Having friends and family who often revere the inflammatory rhetoric of Beck, Palin, Limbaugh, and others as a light in ...
- Practicing Peace in the New YearA friend, Frank Swift, that I met on my first journey has passed along some great practical steps towards peace for the new year. Frank has written a children’s book to help young people see an alternative to the competition and forcefulness that can too easily get instilled in our young people. ...
- Sharing the writing of another StieberMy younger brother, Zack, has been fascinated by the Chinese practice of Falun Gong and is hoping that this post could be used to spark a further discussion about it. � Thoughts on Falun Gong by Zack Stieber � Most of us are aware that in China things work differently then here. The main thing o ...
- Article in FORThe following is the rough draft for an article I wrote, reflecting on the war in Iraq, that was published in the recent edition of the Fellowship of Reconciliation’s magazine. For more info on getting the full magazine, check out:Â Rhetoric and Re ...
Yid With Lid
- New Operation Fast and Furious Revelation Conv ..."Project Gunrunner" (A.K.A Fast and Furious) was a project of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Fireworks where basically some "geniuses" high up in ATF (and possibly the DOJ) thought it would be a great idea to sell assault weapons to the violent Mexican drug cartels. Yes, that's right, t ...
- Mr. President The Debt Ceiling is More Importa ...A few news sources this morning (including the Atlanta Constitution Journal and Byron York at the Washington Examiner) claimed that John Boehner and Harry Reid worked out a resolution to the debt crisis yesterday only to have it rejected by the president because would interfere with hi ...
- MSNBC's New Low: Hiring Murderous Al Sharpton ...When CNN hired Elliot Spitzer many complained that hiring the disgraced former governor was a new low in cable news. Allow me to submit to you that with the hiring of "Reverend" Al Sharpton to be their 6pm host, MSNBC has smashed through CNN's record and established a record for pulling a host o ...
- Da Lid On Da Tech Guy Radio ShowThis weekend I had the absolute joy of being a guest on Da Tech Guy show our conversation went from Media Matters attack on the Jews, to the budget debate and even a discussion with a moonbat who decided that tea partiers should take responsibility for the horrible terrorist attack that took pla ...
- What Went Wrong: Analyzing How the Left Hijack ...By Barry Rubin It is remarkable how little serious research and analysis there has been about the political earthquake that has shaken American politics out of all recognition. Earthquake? That�s a serious understatement. The situation is more akin to the scariest scenarios of global ...
The Real Agenda
- Electromagnetic Bomb…… A Weapon of Electronic Mass Destruction by Carlo Kopp Defense Analyst High Power Electromagnetic Pulse generation techniques and High Power Microwave technology have matured to the point where practical E-bombs (Electromagnetic bombs) are becoming technically feasible, with new applications in ...
- Sustainability in All Except Rational ThinkingSartre July 25, 2011 Few words stir up passion and polarization like sustainability. The EPA offers up this description. “The traditional definition of sustainability calls for policies and strategies that meet societyâs present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to mee ...
- Ataque Terrorista em Oslo Possível Falsa-bandeiraPor Luis R. Miranda The Real Agenda 25 de julho de 2011 Como The Real Agenda alertou na quinta-feira passada, a probabilidade de um ataque terrorista de falsa bandeira era cada vez mais possível. Em nosso artigo publicado na quinta-feira 21 de Julho, se concentrou em um novo vídeo divulgado pelo ...
- ¿Podemos creer en cualquier cosa que Breivik dice?Por Luis R. Miranda The Real Agenda 25 de julio 2011 Es Anders Behring Breivik, el presunto terrorista que voló un edificio gubernamental en Oslo, Noruega, una fuente confiable para el público para saber por qué y cómo se llevó a cabo el ataque? Su conocido y colega Ulav Andersson, dice que a Br ...
- Despite Debt Deal, Greece Set to DefaultMerkel and Sarkozy’s window dressing appearances were only that. No aid package will save Greece from defaulting. Lining up now Portugal, Spain and the U.S. Reuters July 25, 2011 Moody’s cut Greece’s credit rating further into junk territory on Monday and said it was almost certain to slap a def ...
Wind Watch
- Protestors target turbine test centerAttempts to clear a forest to make way for a wind turbine test centre in northern Jutland were abandoned on Thursday after interference by protesters. Nine police officers accompanied the Danish Nature Agency�s tree felling machines into the �stersild dune plantation but were stopped when approx ...
- A shift in the wind in Southwest VirginiaWestern Virginia, with its prominent ridgetops, is attracting more wind-energy scouts trying to site the state’s first wind farm. A formal request to place turbines on Poor Mountain in southwest Roanoke County is expected later this year or next. In addition, wind energy executives are evaluatin ...
- Spanish bird protection group halts Iberdrola ...SPAIN: The Supreme Court of Castile and León has ordered a provisional freeze on the building at the 21MW Curueña II project, developed by a consortium led by Iberdrola, due to irregularities by the regional administration during the environmental impact assessment of the project. The ruling is ...
- Wind power wants U.S. oil tax break used by KK ...Wind-power companies want to follow KKR & Co. and Blackstone Group LP in tapping a Reagan-era tax break for oil and gas companies when U.S. renewable energy tax credits start expiring at the end of this year. Developers of wind farms and solar power plants have begun lobbying for legislation tha ...
- Developers and protestors clash at wind projec ...Lincoln – The contrast was as clear as day. “Maine as a Vacation Land is gone,” said tourist, Rainer Egle. One group celebrating by barbeque. “It’s a good day,” said First Wind CEO, Paul Gaynor. The other protesting their success. “Yesterday our camp went up for sale and we came here for nature, ...
Tippers News
- Three men helped starve kids, court tolThree men helped starve five children in Adelaide until they looked like they had came from a famine-affected Third World country, a court has been told.Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Chinese sex traders challenge verdictThe three Chinese nationals who were jailed by an Accra Circuit Court for transporting 10 Chinese girls into the country and engaging them in sex trade have appealed against the verdict. Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- DNA testing a proven weapon in fight against h ...DNA testing is a proven aid in solving child trafficking cases in the country, a well-known international research institute says.Submitted by Rose NoFWDSPLZ to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
- Be a Voice for Coastal Louisiana's Wildlife ! ...Coastal Louisiana provides habitat to hundreds of wildlife species, including sea turtles, migratory birds, and manatees. But unfortunately, right now Louisiana is also experiencing the highest rate of land loss in the United States Submitted by Cher Away C. to Environment �|� �Note-it! �|� �Ad ...
- Confused cat found wandering streets of of Lin ...This hungry kitty thought she was the cat that had got the cream when she found a half-full tin of pet food as she prowled for snacks in bins behind a supermarket.Submitted by Maria Oniga to Animals �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
The Freeman
- U.S. Taxpayers Finance Taliban“A year-long military-led investigation has concluded that U.S. taxpayer money has been indirectly funneled to the Taliban under a $2.16 billion transportation contract that the United States has funded in part to promote Afghan businesses.” (Washington Post) They canât keep track of what they s ...
- Jitters over Debt-Ceiling Deadlock Continue“As Congress and President Obama failed yet again to break their stalemate over the debt limit, Wall Street and Washington turned their attention to a critical question: How long will investors give them?” (New York Times) Why do people never say with respect to government, âToo big to fail is t ...
- Question of the DayWhy do people never say with respect to government: “Too big to fail is too bigâ?
- Gouging, Free Markets, and the Psychology of FuelBy promoting the individual development and harnessing of fuel, we can avoid the pitfalls posed by centralized control.
- Gang of Six’s Debt Plan Rises from the Ashes“President Obama seized on the re-emergence of an ambitious bipartisan budget plan in the Senate on Tuesday to invigorate his push for a big debt-reduction deal, and he summoned Congressional leaders back to the bargaining table this week to âstart talking turkey.â The bipartisan proposal from t ...
Teaching Online Journalism
- Getting a journalism degree, getting a journal ...This is an endorsement I like to see: I have never once regretted studying journalism. And I am not alone. That comes from Elana Zak, writing at 10,000 Words on June 24. According to her post, she received a journalism degree in June 2007, got a job three months later, and has “been gainfully ...
- Journalists, take another look at TumblrFor a long time I had trouble appreciating Tumblr, but I think I finally understand its strengths — and I must not be the only one. Tumblr is now one of the top 25 websites in the U.S., according to data from Quancast, as reported in a new article at TechCrunch. It gets close to 5,000 pagevie ...
- Branding: Should journalists build a personal ...If you’re teaching journalism today, you must be aware of the discussion that surrounds branding. If you’re a young journalist, or someone planning to enter the field of journalism, you need to understand what personal branding means. On June 23, Washington Post columnist Gene Weingarten wrote ...
- Journalists: How to get started with TwitterIf you haven’t yet found any value in using Twitter, here’s what you should consider. On the topic of WHY to get started, John Robinson (the editor of the News & Record, in Greensboro, North Carolina) wrote a very good piece for ASNE this week. If youâre not on Twitter, youâre making your job ...
- Tune up your skills this summerLooking over my Google Analytics data today, I found that these are some of the most-visited pages on this blog: How to shoot video interviews Why does anyone major in journalism? A few words about digital audio recorders Recording phone calls: For reporters Now printable! Reporterâs Guid ...
Facing South
- VOICES: The forgotten legacy of the excess pro ...By Phil Mattera, Dirt Diggers Digest Behind all the ideological posturing going on in Washington over the debt ceiling, there is a surprising amount of consensus on the wrongheaded proposition that corporations need more tax relief. The bipartisan Gang of Six plan that has recently been at ...
- Does new legislation to restore the Gulf go fa ...A bill introduced in the U.S. Senate last week directs Clean Water Act fines that BP and other companies will pay for last year's Gulf oil disaster to restoration efforts in the region. Environmental advocates say the introduction of the RESTORE Gulf Coast States Act -- an acronym for Resources ...
- Republican redistricting strategy limits publi ...Texas took its newly drawn political maps to federal court this week, asking a panel of judges to review the proposed congressional, legislative and state Board of Education districts for compliance with the Voting Rights Act. Section 5 of the Act, which bans racial discrimination in voting pra ...
- Class-action suit filed after Katrina hospital ...By Sheri Fink, special to ProPublica A New Orleans judge gave preliminary approval today to a settlement agreement that would end a class-action lawsuit against one of the nation's largest publicly owned health care companies. Under the terms of the deal, Ten ...
- INSTITUTE INDEX: Gang of Six takes from poor, ...Under the Senate's so-called "Gang of Six"* debt plan unveiled this week, percent of deficit reduction that comes through spending cuts to social programs including health care, education and environmental protection: 100 Amount by which the plan cuts Medicare, the health care program for senio ...
Worldpress - Africa
- Living with Disabilities in UgandaThe plight of persons with disabilities in Uganda and other parts of Africa is exacerbated by the fact that PWD are discriminated against and not protected by the law.
- Women's Struggle in Sierra LeoneThe struggle for equal opportunities for women in all aspects of Sierra Leone's socio-economic life is as crucial for our country's future as it is for women.
- South Sudan: Safeguarding IndependenceThe world's newest nation has reason to look positively as its future, but South Sudan must work hard to safeguard its hard-won independence.
- AIDS at 30: Lessons LearnedFor the last 30 years, the battle against AIDS is one that we have been both winning and losing on a global scale.
- Nigeria: Ten Unavoidable IssuesOver the next four years, Nigeria's leaders have an opportunity to address a host of issues that have plagued the country both domestically and in terms of foreign policy.
Telegraph UK - oil
- Hope for motorists as oil price tumblesDrivers can finally expect some relief at the petrol pump, after the price of oil dropped sharply.
- Oil refinery blast: Chevron site has excellent ...The safety record at the Chevron oil refinery in Pembroke has been praised following the fire and explosion which killed four contractors.
- Petrol retailers told to help motorists as oil ...Petrol retailers are under pressure to cut the cost of motoring after oil prices plummeted on the world market.
- Chris Huhne needs a lesson in economicsPlundering the profits from North Sea oil will only hold back Britain's recovery, argues Jeremy Warner.
- The Gulf of Mexico is not as clean as they sayAssessing the true toll of the Deepwater Horizon blow-out is only starting, says Geoffrey Lean.
Ian Welsh
- More Notes on the Debt Ceiling “Negotiation”If Obama didn’t want it to happen, if he didn’t want to “negotiate”, he would have: 1) raised the debt limit during the lame duck Congress. He could have raised it enough to get him through 2 years. 2) Accepted the clean debt-ceiling bill, offered by McConnell, as noted by Stewart M. 3) simply ...
- EarbugsThis blog isn’t exactly known for casual posts, but I thought I’d make an exception and share the music I’m currently enjoying. The first one is via Samuel Smith at Scholars and Rogues: The next one is a bit monotonous but the strings and the buildup suit my mood. A good blood-pumper. This next ...
- Thank God for our enemiesthough it’s a pity about our leaders. I feel bad for the Anonymous hackers who were arrested today, but it’s also a good thing, in that it will radicalize the hacker community even further and force them to adapt and change their tactics. They are the bleeding edge of real resistance, and they ...
- If anything like the Gang of Six austerity pla ...It is a recipe for another 10 years of depression. Yes, this is another episode of obvious things Ian wonders why he has to point out.
- Marcy Wheeler, aka. Emptywheel, has a new homeYou can find Marcy’s new home here. Her goodbye post from FDL is here. Bmaz is going with her. I have added their new home to my blogroll. If you haven’t read Marcy in the past, you should start, she’s able to dig down into stories and find what matters. Bmaz’s legal analysis is also [...]
Media Consortium
- Top 6 Mistakes to Avoid in Mobile Usability | ...Mobile applications are important for providing users with an alternate means of accessing your web page, as well as keeping connected anywhere and at any time. The programs are an integral part of staying competitive within your market, so they should be created wisely.
- 1.4 million fans can’t be wrong: NPR’s Faceboo ...But Carvin also emphasized the importance of audience expectations. “They still see our site as mainly dedicated to consuming news,” he said. Facebook, on the other hand, is a web venue in which people are used to chatting with their family and friends. ..NPR’s Facebook page is a complement to, ...
- The Newsonomics of 2011 news metrics to watch ...
- Gallery: 15 iPad news appsThinking about creating an iPad app for your newsroom? Want to see what other news media have come up with? Below are screengrabs of several news apps from newspapers, magazines radio, television, and online-only news websites.
- Five Months on Tumblr as Seen Through Pummelvi ...
Reality Asserts Itself
- Drug Wars in Juarez Fuels Boom in El PasoMy colleague Malak Behrouznami recently returned from Juarez Mexico where she grew up as a child. She as a wonderful heritage - her father is Iranian and her Mother is Mexican. She went Juarez for family and journalistic reasons. One of her objectives was to find out why Juarez has become a terr ...
- PALESTINIAN-ISRAELI NEGOTIATIONS TO NOWHERE NO ...A few months ago when shooting a documentary in the Middle East, we met Zeina, a 13-year-old Palestinian living in a Beirut refugee camp. She was traumatized as she watched the Israeli Gaza war on television. It changed her life. She now thinks of revenge and cannot understand the Israeli childr ...
- FROM JOE McCARTHY TO GLEN BECK – TIME TO END F ...I listened to Glen Becks "Restoring Honor" speech today hoping to find something of substance to write about. I found a stringing together of such empty phrases it does not bear discussion. The more important issue is why a man whose megalomania seems to have no bounds can become such a phenome ...
- PAKISTAN FLOODS AND A FAILED POLICY - UN Sec. ...Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, says of the flooding in Pakistan "The world has never seen such a disaster. It's much beyond anybody's imagination". At least 20 million people have lost their homes, more than 1600 have died, and disease and hunger will claim many, many mo ...
- China and the end of the end of historyMany economists and political analysts think the current recovery, as it's being called, is a rather temporary phenomenon. Many expect the recession to kick back in, and perhaps within a few years get much more serious. What does that mean in terms of the future of the world economy and world po ...
Great Beyond ( Nature )
- Assassination of Iranian scientist sparks rumo ...A man assassinated in Tehran on Saturday 23 July appears not to have been a nuclear scientist, as initially claimed by some Iranian officials and media. The latest information suggests that Dariush Rezaei-Nejad was an electrical engineering student pursuing a masters degree at Khajeh Nasireddin ...
- Oscar Wilde, Napoleon’s toothbrush, tabloid ta ...Today is the 75th birthday of the Wellcome Trust, one of the world’s biggest biomedical research funders. While most Nature readers are probably familiar with the Trust’s work, fewer are probably aware of the interesting life of the man who game his name to the charity: Henry Wellcome. We ...
- HEP-2011: A whiff of Higgs at the Tevatron?Geoff Brumfiel is at the Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics in Grenoble, France. Yesterday, a report on the BBC announced that the Tevatron, America's particle collider, had seen a very faint signal that could be the Higgs particle. That would be remarkable, as it would seem to conf ...
- Report calls for better ecological data manage ...Biodiversity and ecosystem data gathered by US environmental monitoring programs need to be better centralized, according to Sustaining Environmental Capital: Protecting Society and the Economy, a report released today by the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), an ...
- Canada releases tar sands monitoring planThe Canadian government has released a comprehensive plan for monitoring the environmental effects of the tar sands, including impacts on water, air, and biodiversity. “It is thorough, but very complex and costly,” wrote ecologist David Schindler of the University of Edmonton, Alberta, in an ...
new geography
- India Conquers the WorldFrom the exclusive Club Lounge on the 19th floor of Singapore’s Mandarin Oriental, Anish Lalvani gazes out at the city’s skyline, a dazzling array of glass and steel and vertical ambition. The Lalvani family has come a long way since the days when Anish’s paternal grandfather, Tirath Singh Lalva ...
- Permeable Pavement: Looking Below The SurfaceHow can we prevent situations where environmental 'solutions’ end up in failure? The tale of problems encountered with the misuse of pervious pavers (also known as porous or permeable pavers), used as an eco- friendly option, provides some answers. Low impact sidewalk and street installations ...
- Citizen Bloomberg - How Our New York Mayor has ...This piece originally appeared in the Village Voice. After a charmed first decade in politics, Mayor Mike Bloomberg is mired in his first sustained losing streak. His third term has been shaky, marked by the Snowpocalypse, the snowballing CityTime scandal, the backlash to Cathie Black and "g ...
- Why America’s Young And Restless Will Abandon ...For well over a decade urban boosters have heralded the shift among young Americans from suburban living and toward dense cities. As one Wall Street Journal report suggests, young people will abandon their parents� McMansions for urban settings, bringing about the high-density city revival so fe ...
- The Evolving Urban Form: ChicagoLooks can be deceiving. No downtown area in the western world outside Manhattan is more visually impressive than Chicago. Both the historic Loop and the newer development north of the Chicago River, especially along North Michigan Avenue have some of the most iconic structures outside of eme ...
GM Watch
- Federoff declares war against EPA over GMNOTE: More about pro-GM zealot Nina Federoff here: --- --- Scientists protest EPA proposal to expand biotech regulation By Stephen Clapp Friday July 22 2011, Volume: ...
- Rothamsted cuts to agroecology "Swimming again ...NOTE: More on Rothamsted: --- --- Rothamsted Cuts to Agroecology "Swimming Against the Tide" GM Freeze, 15 July 2011 The decision by Rothamsted Research to close three major departments central to their agroecological research base has bee ...
- Rothamsted cuts to agroecology "Swimming again ...NOTE: More on Rothamsted: --- --- Rothamsted Cuts to Agroecology "Swimming Against the Tide" GM Freeze, 15 July 2011 The decision by Rothamsted Research to close three major departments central to their agroecological research base has bee ...
- Rothamsted cuts to agroecology "Swimming again ...NOTE: More on Rothamsted: --- --- Rothamsted Cuts to Agroecology "Swimming Against the Tide" GM Freeze, 15 July 2011 The decision by Rothamsted Research to close three major departments central to their agroecological research base has bee ...
- Enquêtes de la WDR sur le World Wide Fund for ...Enquêtes de la WDR sur le World Wide Fund for Nature Le WWF et l'industrie / Le pacte avec le panda[1] Par Lars Langenau[2] Média [Original allemand:] 22 juin 2011, 19h00 Quels sont les véritables liens entre le WWF et l'industrie? À l'heure du cinquant ...
- Good healthcare for all? Not on the NHSUnder new local NHS plans, smokers and obese people - the undeserving sick - will be made to wait months for operations.
- Murdochphobia is not as radical as you thinkWhatever you think of Rupert Murdoch (I’m not a fan), you should be concerned that bashing him has become the only political game in town.
- ‘Of course I support a free press, but&# ...All-party support for regulating the media threatens to reverse the historic gains of the struggle for press freedom.
- My PAIN at being hacked by the tabloidsA politician-cum-celeb says only a sharp-fanged regulator can stop the scuzzy press from invading voicemails.
- Lib-Con family policy: Maggie meets Mary PoppinsThe coalition’s family policy is an unholy marriage of Thatcher-style traditional moralism and New Labour-style therapeutic interventionism.
- Flood Berm Collapses at Nebraska Nuclear PlantVia: AP: A berm holding the flooded Missouri River back from a Nebraska nuclear power station collapsed early Sunday, but federal regulators said they were monitoring the situation and there was no danger. The Fort Calhoun Nuclear Station shut down in early April for refueling, and there is no w ...
- Greece: ‘A Sovereign Debt Crisis of Soph ...Via: Telegraph: The essence of ancient Greek tragedy is that the audience knows it will end in disaster, but feels compelled to watch the horror unfold. And so it is with the modern version, a sovereign debt crisis of Sophoclean dimensions. Themes of the great dramatist’s finer works are all the ...
- Threat of $100 Billion Hit if U.S. Top Rating LostI definitely wouldn’t assume that the impact of a credit rating cut would be limited to $100 billion. I doubt there is any way to know what the impact will be because so many derivatives have been struck off the underlying debt. In other words, this $100 billion number may be just the tip of [...]
- Fukushima Residents’ Urine Now RadioactiveVia: Japan Times: More than 3 millisieverts of radiation has been measured in the urine of 15 Fukushima residents of the village of Iitate and the town of Kawamata, confirming internal radiation exposure, it was learned Sunday. Both are about 30 to 40 km from the Fukushima No. 1 power plant, whi ...
- Friend of British Prime Minister Found Dead in ...Via: Belfast Telegraph: Detectives are hoping toxicology results will shed light on the death riddle of a senior Tory in a Glastonbury Festival VIP toilet. Christopher Shale, 56, a close friend of David Cameron, was discovered slumped in a cubicle in the backstage area on Sunday morning. The Pri ...
The Economic Collapse
- Drought Of 2011: The Southern United States Is ...2011 sure has been a wild year for America so far. First we had unprecedented tornado outbreaks, then we had horrific flooding along the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, then we had record setting wildfires and now we are facing a crippling drought all over the southern United ...
- 18 Signs That Global Financial Markets Smell B ...Can you smell it? There is blood in the water. Global financial markets are in turmoil. Banking stocks are getting slaughtered right now. European bond yields are absolutely soaring. Major corporations are announcing huge layoffs. The entire global financial system appears ...
- Too Big To Fail?: 10 Banks Own 77 Percent Of A ...Back during the financial crisis of 2008, the American people were told that the largest banks in the United States were "too big to fail" and that was why it was necessary for the federal government to step in and bail them out. The idea was that if several of our biggest bank ...
- 10 Signs That The American People Are Starting ...All over America, restlessness and frustration are growing. It has now been almost three years since the great financial crash of 2008, and yet the U.S. economy is still a complete and total mess. In fact, there are all sorts of signs that things are about to get even worse, an ...
- If The U.S. Government Loses Its AAA Rating It ...For decades, the U.S. government has had a AAA rating. On the scales used by the big three credit rating agencies, that is the highest credit rating that a government can get. Moody's scale actually uses lettering that is a little different from the other two big agencies ("Aa ...
- Food security’s true foundation (UNCCD)Read at : by Luc Gnacadja UNCCD Executive Secretary In 2010 we launched the International Decade for Deserts and the Fight against Desertification. We featured agroforestry in a previous issue of UNCCD News, marking the January 2011 launch of … Continue reading →
- UNCCD News Alert No 13/07/2011 (UNCCD / IISD)Read at : Land Degradation Announcement List
Alert No. 13/07/2011 11 â 22 July 2011 Notification: e-survey To participate in the e-survey assessment on how to organize international, interdisciplinary scientific advice as part of the ongoing efforts to implement … Continue ... - Eurosoil 2012One more time and on behalf of the Programme Committee, we cordially invite you to submit abstracts to the session: “Pedodiversity in space and time: concepts, measurements, applicationsâ (Topic Soil Genesis, Evolution and Classification, Session S2.3 – Eurosoil 2012 (Bari, … Continue reading →
- A live dam to stop erosion (Willem Van Cotthem)In July 1993, our small team of the University of Ghent (Belgium) participated in the reforestation and community garden project of the FIFTY ONE Service Club in Northern Ivory Coast (close to the city of Ferkessedougou). Besides installing a community … Continue reading →
- Reforestation and community gardens in Ivory C ...In 1993, the FIFTY ONE Service Clubs of Belgium and Ivory Coast decided to sponsor one of the projects of the Botany Department of the University of Ghent (Belgium) : “Reforestation and community gardens in drought affected Northern Ivory Coast”. … Continue reading →
The Paper Trail
- Center staff honored with awardsSpring is journalism awards season and we’re delighted that the Center for Public Integrity and partner NPR have received a prestigious Dart Award for the story “Seeking Justice in Campus Rapes.” The award is bestowed by the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma at Columbia University.
- A new site, a new eraMake iWatch News your daily source for investigative and accountability news from around the corner – and across the globe.
- Accountant gets $4.5 million from IRS for whis ...PHILADELPHIA — An accountant who tipped off the IRS that his employer was skimping on taxes has received $4.5 million in the first IRS whistleblower award.
- Hey Congressman! How many federal workers are ...When Republican Mike Pence stood in front of a crowd of conservative activists at the end of March, he left no question as to his views on a possible government shutdown.
- E-mails allege strife within ATF over Grassley ...An employee of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives alleged that he was “called to the carpet” by supervisors, accused of lying and ordered to write down everything that was said in meetings that were held with Senate staffers conducting an inquiry, according to newly release ...
- Stockwell Day: The result of insane, extreme r ...By Alison@Creekside CBC Power & Politics on the Oslo massacre, at noon Friday, edited: Evan Solomon: This raises again the spectre of international terrorism. Stockwell Day: As recently as July 8th in Norway there was a dragnet for al-Qaeda suspects related to the Manchester bombing. Whethe ...
- Bob Rae, Super-Elite!By Frank Moher Oh, grow a sense of humour, already. Canadian novelist Kenneth J. Harvey's piece in today's Globe, "Thank you, Bob Rae, for stealing my plane seat," is inspiring an unseemly fuss among my facebook and twitter peeps. Harvey's article, a funny and typically shrewd account of his ...
- Canada’s startups get the flagBy Mark Evans Canada’s startup landscape is healthier than ever, as evidenced by the recent International Startup Festival in Montreal. Putting aside the ambitious name (I would have selected something like the Canadian Startup Festival), the fact that it was well-organized and well-attend ...
- Where is James Moore?By Frank Moher Two weeks ago in this space I wrote about the Conservative government's politically-motivated decision to withdraw funding from the Toronto theatre and arts festival, SummerWorks. To recap: Last year, the company presented a play, Homegrown, that the Prime Minister's Office dec ...
- The A wordBy Alison@Creekside The Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Anti-Semitism has released its Final Report -- two years in the making -- on what co-chair and former Lib MP Mario Silva refers to as the "wave of anti-Semitism we are witnessing in our nation". A 71% increase. Yet a mere ...
- South Africa: ANC Frame-Up of Abahlali baseMjo ...AbM_logo_big.jpg The 12 Abahlali baseMjondolo activists arrested after the attack on the movement in late 2009 have all been fully acquitted in court - and the state excoriated from the bench for its ...
- Italy: NO TAV / Genoa / Naples / Other NewsAn update on the last few weeks in Italy - NO TAV protests, Genoa 10 years after the G8, and more. NO TAV read more
- Hackney school teachers to strike.untitled.JPG Teachers at Cardinal Pole school in Hackney are set to strike this week over suspected victimisation of a union rep. Last week Hackney NUT announced that staff at ...
- Samsung workers in Mexico on hunger strike - S ...Huelga de hambre.jpg Four female workers, unfairly fired and victims of workplace abuse, have caged themselves and sewn their lips shut as they launch a hunger strike and one threatens to burn hersel ...
- Industrial Workers of the World Migrant Cleane ...cleaners-strike--fnv.jpg A participant's report on Friday's strike and picket by cleaners at Guildhall (City of London), in protest at late and unpaid salaries going back months. ...
Free Range International
- The Plot ThickensI meant to get this post up sooner, but a 48-hour bout with the flu left my brain too cooked to come up with any sort of cogent analysis regarding the assassination of Karzai ally Jan Mohammad Khan (JMK). To tell you the truth, I don’t have one theory on whose behind the killing – [...]
- AWK WhackedSo it seems that Ahmed Wali Karzai (aka AWK or A-wak, as it’s pronounced), was whacked by one of his own guards yesterday, sending everyone in the US and Afghan governments into a tizzy as they try to figure out how to fill the power vacuum created by his demise. I really can’t say for [...]
- FRI Rides AgainAs a devoted follower of FRI for the past few years, I was as disappointed as the rest of you readers to hear that Baba Tim was going dark on the site. So, given the fact that I’m currently in a position to continue providing dispatches from the freeranger perspective in [...]
- FabFi on the front page of New York TimesHere’s an update in an attempt to counteract the thoroughly depressing news of Tim going silent. (Anyone who knows Tim in person knows that you can’t actually silence him; he’s still ranting but we’ve turned off the blog-mike). With Kanani’s help, I’ve put this post in Babatim format. This wee ...
- There’s FireFighting season is now on. This year the villains strategy appears to involve deliberate attacks on aid projects and let me tell you something we (the outside the wire aid community) are getting hammered. Â In the last week a majority of us have had to deal with murders, intimidation, shootings, ...
The Story Behind the Story
- TRUTH REVEALED – 528 is the Frequency of ...This is a very complex and multi-faceted topic. It involves exposing something called “Kabalah” (the CUBE) as well as “Enochian Magic” and the darkest sorcery ever performed on Planet Earth.  It involves exposing demonology and inter-dimensional “conjuring” of entities called Nephilim or Ji ...
- AUDIT THE FED??? WHAT ABOUT STARTING WITH THE ...House Passes DeFazio’s Amendment to Audit the Pentagon. GREAT JOB CONGRESSMAN!!!! This is all about accountability in government – something that to date has BEEN SORELY LACKING. No More DUAL ISRAELI CITIZENS such as Dov Zackheim controlling the Pentagon’s purse strings!! Never forget the ...
- Edgar Steele Story PART IISex, Lies & Audiotape (Part II) by Edgar J. Steele Here Come de Fix I had an inkling that the fix was in on the morning of the second day of the pretrial hearing concerning our forensic audiology eperts. The lead prosecutor, Assistant US Attorney Traci Whelan, was smiling, humming to herself and ...
- FBI Stings Edgar Steele — Conviction App ...Attorney Edgar Steele was clearly on the B’nai B’rith ADL hit list. He represented Aryan supremacists and actually promoted their rhetoric – exposing to the best of his ability the “Khazarian” agenda.  He was eloquent and believable in his presentations. So, the FBI supplied an undercover m ...
- Murd – Och = Mur – Der = Genocide!Murdoch and Vaccines: Exposure of Crimes Reveals a Much Larger Story By William Newton “… the evidence of sleazy and scandalous behavior of the Murdoch papers has expanded geometrically.” Michael Collins Rupert Murdoch’s news empire faces intense media and legal scrutiny. Current revelations fo ...
du la bab - Now is the Time
- Downsizing – downscaling? See these tiny ...Here’s a great company doing inspiring work The company creator, Jay Shafer started off making a super small mobile home for himself measuring just 89 square feet! Their video is a testament to less being more – they’re now selling ready made mobile cabins and the plan ...
- Air powered environmentally friendly car being ...Sounds a little strange right – an air powered car – why isn’t this big news I wonder… There’s a great company in France operated by a former Formula 1 engineer now producing cars running on compressed air. They’re not great to look at, super fast, or I’m guessing really comfortable, but they’re ...
- Deforestation – environmental & human ef ...There are many types of forest in the world from Temperate Forest to Tropical forest. The one thing all forests have in common is that the trees in them act as the lungs to our planet converting CO2 to Oxygen. In addition, forests provide a canopy or shading of the earth which helps maintain te ...
- Could cancer be Fungus? If so, maybe here̵ ...Recently I visited a dear friend who has been dealing with breast cancer for over ten years. After a long attempt to avoid surgery and medication, she was forced to have a double mastectomy. She has chosen to avoid the chemo treatments. This takes a lot of courage given that the standard thing t ...
- Doctors Warn about GM Food RisksIt’s barely been a week since I wrote about the dangers of genetically modified (GM) foods and now the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has released a strongly-worded warning about the health dangers associated with Frankenfoods. Calling for a moratorium on GM foods, the AAEM sa ...
Mansbridge One on One - CBC
- Mellissa Fung, Kidnapped in Afghanistan (May 1 ...CBC Journalist and author of Under an Afghan Sky tells Peter about her kidnapping in Afghanistan.
- Bob McDonald - Part 1 (Mar 26, 2011)Time for our annual show where you ask CBC's Science Correspondent about the mysteries that have always puzzled you!
- Dan Bjarnason (March 19, 2011)Former CBC Correspondent and author of Triumph at Kapyong talks about the critical battle won by Canadians in the Korean War.
- Don TapscottBest-selling author Don Tapscott on the "wiki-revolutions" in the Middle East and how mass collaboration is changing our world.
- Roberta JamiesonRoberta Jamieson, head of the National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation talks about her commitment to the education and success of aboriginal youth.
Scotts Contracting
- Thank you for standing up for Medicare and Soc ...Subject: Tell Senate Republicans: It’s crazy to cut Medicare and Social Security Dear Friend, No matter how dire the situation, Senate Republicans seem determined to prove they can act irresponsibly. Senate Republicans are unanimously supporting a draconian constitutional amendment that they cla ...
- US Chamber’s history,and the stuff we fo ...Dear friends, What is the US Chamber of Commerce hiding? Our team recently decided to dig into the US Chamber’s history–and the stuff we found is not pretty. You’ve got to see it to believe it: Visit With the final installment of the Harry Potter movie series premierin ...
- Solar economics- A whole new ball gameOne of the things that drives alternative energy advocates up the wall about trying to explain the benefits of these energy sources is that some people simply don’t understand the economics of alternative energy. Nowhere is this more obvious than with solar power. The average solar panel is actu ...
- Insulation ROI- Be Energy Smart and Money WizeMisunderstood Payback Periods of Proper Insulation: This is a huge mistake people make. I had a consumer recently tell me that 2 years was too long to get all his money back. If he understood Payback periods, he’d understand that he was turning down a 50% return on his money. Now, investments th ...
- Petition to Stop Ameren UE-Coal Ash Utility Wa ...Petition: We, the undersigned, are opposed to placing a coal ash utility waste landfill in the Labadie Bottoms floodplain of the Missouri river as proposed by AmerenUE. The proposed landfill will store harmful quantities of toxic heavy metals and other contaminants. Despite Ameren’s assurances o ...
The View From Abroad
- We Can’t Afford to Raise the Debt CeilingObama was correct to reject raising the debt ceiling in 2006.
- Western Imperialism Strikes AgainThe invasion of Libya is about imperialism not protection of civilians.
- What Obama Should Have SaidAs I was reading President Obama's speech last week, I dozed off into a glorious daydream.
- “Where’s the Beef”?After Osama bin Laden was killed, why wasn't his body displayed for verification.
- Bernanke is Still CluelessBen Bernanke has been consistently wrong in the past. Why does anybody listen to him anymore?
Foreign Policy in Focus - Military (US)
- The Courtship of Iran and Pakistan Will U.S. miscalculations drive these two occasional adversaries closer together?
- Pakistan's K -- as in Kashmir -- StreetA Washington nonprofit funnels money from Pakistan's ISI to lobby Congress on Kashmir.
- U.S. and Mexican Governments Continue to Brush ...If the U.S. and Latin American governments don't respond to outraged reactions to the Drug War, they may have another war on their hands -- with their own enraged citizens.
- What Does Lowballing the Number of Dead Iraqi ...American officials and media found any number of reasons to scoff at the famous Johns Hopkins study that revealed 650,000 dead Iraqi citizens as of 2006.
- Review: The Wars of AfghanistanThe Obama administration can still learn from the errors of its predecessors in Afghanistan.
- Latest Chevron Outtake: 'They're All Corrupt!'Donziger muses 'The judicial system is so utterly weak' in Corporate Counsel's latest release of outtakes from the documentary Crude.
- Minus Kagan, Supreme Court Lets 'Don't Ask' Po ...In an order Friday, the Supreme Court denied a motion aimed at allowing a worldwide ban on enforcement of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays in the military to take effect.
- MGA Loses Effort to Stall Trial in Fee Fight W ...A Los Angeles judge issued a tentative ruling Friday denying toymaker MGA Entertainment's efforts to stay a lawsuit that was filed by its former lawyers at O'Melveny & Myers.
- Proskauer and English Firm End Their Merger Di ...Proskauer Rose and SJ Berwin said Friday they had decided against merging, putting to an end months of speculation about a possible trans-Atlantic tie-up between the two law firms. The firms in a joint statement said "we recognized that the timetable necessary to reach the agreements that would ...
- IRS Throws In Towel on Closely Watched Interna ...
- China and Iran plan oil barterTehran and Beijing are in talks about using a barter system to exchange Iranian oil for Chinese goods and services, as US financial sanctions have blocked China from paying at least $20bn for oil imports. The US sanctions against Iran, which make it extremely difficult to conduct dollar-denomina ...
- پگاه آهنگرانی آزاد شدپگاه آهنگرانی بازیگر و مستندساز بعد از ۱۵ روز از زندان آزاد شد. به گزارش کلمه، این بازیگر سینما که روز گذشته جشن تولد ۲۷ سالگی اش بود امروز با قرار وثیقه از زندان اوین آزاد شد.read more
- اژهای: پرونده سعید مرتضوی باز استآقای اژهای گفته که پرونده قاضی سعید مرتضوی همچنان مفتوح است. سعید مرتضوی اخیراً با رد اتهاماتش در ارتباط با پرونده بازداشتگاه کهریزک، اعلام کرده بود که تبرئه شده است.
- گفتوگو با پدر سه نفر از بازماندگان ایرانی حاد ...دو روز بعد از حملات مرگباری که نروژ را در بهت فرو برد، مراسم سوگواری برای کشته شدگان، برگزار شد. پلیس نروژ می گوید مظنون اصلی حملات را دستگیر کرده اما تجسس برای یافتن سرنخ های بیشتر همچنان ادامه دارد. read more
- Iraq, Iran, Syria Sign $10 Billion Gas-Pipelin ...The oil ministers of Iraq, Iran and Syria Monday signed a preliminary agreement for a $10 billion natural-gas-pipeline deal, the official Iranian News Agency IRNA and other Iranian media reported.
Most Revolutionary Act
- Life After CapitalismLike many sustainability activists, I strongly believe that with advanced planning and preparation, the demise of capitalism could be an extraordinarily positive change for most of humankind. As I have blogged previously (see ...
- TEOFWAWKIT: The End of the World as We Know ItNew dollar bill from This is the third of a series of posts discussing the likelihood that capitalism is on the verge of collapse and what a post-capitalistic world might look like. Marx predicts that the collapse of capitalism will be followed by ei ...
- America’s Proxy Energy WarsMy last blog suggested that the current US wars in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia are really proxy wars with China over oil and gas resources. I continue the discussion by outlining the crucial Chinese and US alliances in the region. The prime ministers of China and ...
- Global Capitalism: a House of CardsThis is the first of a series of posts discussing the likelihood that capitalism is on the verge of collapse and what a post-capitalistic world might look like. Fatal Debt Contagion As the global recession and debt crisis worsens, even mainstream analysts are starting to speculate that global c ...
- Reinventing Rank and File UnionismSpanish general strike Sept 2010 In my view, the failure of the Obama administration and Congress to prevent Republican states from stripping workers of all union protections – as well as their threats to repeal Medicare, Medicaid and Social – leave American workers no choice but to follow the e ...
Michael Moore - Must Read
- Letter from Environmental Leaders on the Perse ...Dear Friends, On July 26th 2011, climate activist Tim DeChristopher will be sentenced at the Salt Lake City federal courthouse. On March 3rd, Tim was found guilty of two felony counts for participating in a peaceful act of civil disobedience. A bright, charismatic young man could face up to ...
- Franklin D. Roosevelt: Address at Forbes Field ...ROOSEVELT: Mr. Chairman, Governor Earle, my friends of Pennsylvania: A baseball park is a good place to talk about box scores. Tonight I am going to talk to you about the box score of the Government of the United States. I am going to tell you the story of our fight to beat down the depression ...
- Revolution Truth releases Wikileaks filmRevolution Truth Primary Contact: Tangerine Bolen, Executive Director Phone: 1-503-887-0773 Email: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Revolution Truth releases Wikileaks film 13 July 2011 - On the day that Julian Assange begins his appeal against extradition to Swe ...
- On Nataline Sarkisyan's 21st BirthdayLast night in Los Angeles, while the Prince and Princess (William and Kate) – or is it now the Duke and Duchess? – were gathering all the media attention for their glamorous evening among the stars, a very different yet equally glamorous night was unfolding just a few miles away. On the sales f ...
- Exclusive: Wikileaks Cable Al ...Wikileaks Cable Allegedly Leaked by Bradley Manning Caught Bush Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson Discussing Outsourcing to India That May Have Cost Manning's OWN FATHER His Job "The afternoon I reached Brian Manning, he was at home in Oklahoma City, in a room in his ranch house that Bradley had ...
- The Week in UppersSure, there's been an unfortunate surfeit of bad news this week. But that doesn't mean there wasn't anything good going on. We've collected some of the week's more charming, adorable or otherwise heartwarming news items, and present them below for your perusal:
- Could Karl Rove politics save Obama in '12?No two elections are the same. But some are more alike than others, and the 2012 campaign is already showing some intriguing similarities with 2004: a vulnerable incumbent, an opposition party base desperate to drive him from office, and an unimpressive field of would-be challengers devoid of ...
- Amy Winehouse is dead at 27Amy Winehouse, the beehived soul-jazz diva whose self-destructive habits overshadowed a distinctive musical talent, was found dead Saturday in her London home, police said. She was 27.
- If the New York Post actually covered the News ...One of the great shames of the News Corporation phone-hacking scandal is that the New York Post has been totally unwilling to cover it. New York's scrappy, offensive, right-wing tabloid is a News Corp. property, and so it's let weeks of outrage pass it by.
- Obama's escalating war in YemenThe Obama administration has in recent months intensified its bombing campaign in the unstable Gulf nation of Yemen, where Islamic militants have been the target of U.S. airstrikes for several years.
SMB News
- Indonesian volcano rumbles as president visits ...For SMB News Indonesian volcano rumbles as president visits camps PURWOBINANGUN: Indonesia’s Mount Merapi volcano spewed more deadly heat clouds Wednesday as President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono visited some of the 50,000 evacuees in shelters. Searing gas billowed from the crater of the 2,914-metr ...
- Kasaba throws spit on the camera\Kasaba throws spit on cameraMUMBAI: Ajmal Kasaba webcam spit on Tuesday during a hearing in the Bombay High Court for confirmation of the death penalty, which led the court strictly tell him to behave properly. Judjes a warning when they Kasaba altercation with the police and spit at the camera ...
- K’taka Speaker disqualifies 16 MLAsFor SMB News KBANGALORE: Hours ahead of the trust vote for beleaguered Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa in the Assembly, Speaker K G Bopaiah disqualified sixteen rebel MLAs, including eleven from ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), legislative sources said on Monday. Bopaiah signed the ...
- Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8For SMB News Twin bombing at Shah Ghazi’s shrine kills 8 KARACHI: Eight people including two children were killed and over 65 others suffered injuries when two suicide bombers blew themselves up outside Abdullah Shah Ghazi’s shrine in Clifton, official sources said here Thursday. Two heads, beli ...
- Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakeFor SMB News Musharraf seeks Pak nation’s apology for ‘mistakes’ LONDON: Former president Gen. (Retd.) Pervez Musharraf Friday admitted that political mistakes were committed in the twilight years of his regime and sought apology from Pakistani nation for the same. “These mistakes caused damage ...
Toronto Star - Editorials
- Need knows no season Toronto’s food banks could use a burst of midsummer generosity. Their stocks are running low.
- Norway defiesthe hatersPrime Minister Jens Stoltenberg spoke for millions when he vowed that mass murder won't shake Norway's open spirit and efforts to better the world.
- Norway defies the hatersPrime Minister Jens Stoltenberg spoke for millions when he vowed that mass murder won't shake Norway's open spirit and efforts to better the world.
- A crackdown isn’t reformJason Kenney’s fixation on fraud blinds him to critical demographic challenges.
- Ford’s third railMayor Rob Ford needs a strong, experienced manager to run the TTC, not a crony.
Energy Collective
- It’s All Connected – How the EV Will Integrate ...In the words of Mike Rowand, Duke Energy, “The electric vehicle (EV) is not just a question of connecting a car to a power grid. It is about connecting it to the customer; connecting it to the continuous development of the technology surrounding EVs; and, finally, connecting it to our society’s ...
- The Way Back to 280 ppmTwo feebates can separately, yet complimentary, get emissions cut 80% by 2020 and carbon dioxide on the way back to 280 ppm.
- A Golden Opportunity to Please Conservatives a ...The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a golden opportunity to opt for a smart, low-cost approach to fulfilling its mandate under a Supreme Court decision to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions linked with global climate change.
- Wind Energy is ExpensiveBalancing plants accommodate wind energy to the grid and thereby help maintain voltage and frequency at target values, i.e., they ramp down corresponding to an incoming wind energy surge and ramp up� corresponding to a wind energy ebbing.� �
- The Energy Storage Hand Gets More InterestingThe cards dealt to the energy storage industry are looking better now than in the past. Here are three of them, all played because of the growing presence of Smart Grid technologies that enable solutions and policies that encourage energy storage markets. One wild card is also listed here, and i ...
EU Times
- Norway Premier “Begged” Putin To Stop Massacre ...A startling Federal Security Service (FSB) report on the 22 July massacre in Norway states that two-days prior to this catastrophic attack Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg [photo top right with Putin] placed an “urgent” call to Putin “begging” Russia’s leader to help stop the events tha ...
- Mullen: North Korea ‘Very Real’ ThreatSpeaking today in Seoul, South Korea, Admiral Michael Mullen declared North Korea a ‘very real threat’ to peace, and pressed for China to move into a “leadership role” against the North Korean government. “North Korea shows no signs of relenting in pursuit of its nuclear capabilities,” insisted ...
- United States recognizes Libyan rebels as legi ...The United States granted Libyan rebel leaders full diplomatic recognition as the governing authority of Libya on Friday, a move that could give the cash-strapped rebels access to more than $30 billion in frozen assets that once belonged to Moammar Gaddafi. The rebels’ Transitional National Coun ...
- Report: 1,300 children killed in Mexico’s drug warNearly 1,300 children and teenagers have died in Mexico since the beginning of the drug war in December 2006, the Network for the Rights of Children (Redim) said on Wednesday. CNN reported that the children have died as a result of the fight against organized crime that began when Felipe Calderó ...
- Turkey says EU ties will “freeze” if no Cyprus ...Turkish relations with the European Union “will freeze” if Cyprus takes over the EU presidency in July 2012 without a solution to the divided island, Turkey’s foreign minister said Wednesday. Ahmet Davutoglu made his comments as the European Union’s enlargement chief said in a visit to Ankara th ...
Stonecipher News
- Symptoms and Treatments of Diabetes InsipidusDiabetes Insipidus ( or DI ) is a health condition that is often distinguished by extreme thirst along with excessively diluted urination . DI is similar in characteristics to untreated Diabetes ( or Diabetes Mellitus) but without the onset of blood glucose elevation. One of the major differ ...
- Natural Acne RemediesThere are several health conditions that hinder many people’s lives and outlook everyday. Acne is a condition which can affect your self esteem and your life. I’ve known several friends and family members with terrible cases of acne. They would purchase expensive remedies prescribed by docto ...
- Linguistic Observations: Mendoza's Gang Girls ...Homegirls by Norma Mendoza Denton is a fascinating, and yet, perplexing, view of gangs in the San Francisco Bay area. Over the course of the next few weeks, I'll be providing you incites on the inner workings of the gangs, symbolism of certain material items, and other such related details. ...
- Normal Structure and Function of the Musculosk ...Mr. Ghaz says: Muscular dystrophies refer to a group of more than 30 genetic diseases which are characterized by progressive weakness and degeneration of the skeletal muscles..Studies and estimation show that after sustaining a hip fracture (as a result of osteoporosis) 20% of patients die withi ...
- Reasons to Donate BloodHave you ever donated blood? If you have why did you do it? It may have been for a loved one or a friend. It could have been for the free coupons and gift certificates blood centers provide for donations. Maybe you’re required to donate blood being that you’re in the medical field. In actua ...
Liquida : Worldwide News & Opinion
- Libya As the Libyan rebels move closer to the Tripoli citadel of Muammar Gaddafi informal plans between the rebels and UN are now being devised and arrangements rapidly put in place for post-Gaddafi Libya. The rebels have welcomed the UN envoy, Abdul Elah al-Khatib to the east ...
- Admiral Mullen Admits that NATO is in a “Stale ...Which must be a difficult admission for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to make, although he goes on to opine that he believes that Gaddafi will eventually be driven from power : Top US officer Admiral Michael Mullen on Monday acknowledged NATO was in a “stalemate” in its Libya campai ...
- Obama Caves, Backs Harry Reid’s Debt Deal With ...ABC News reports on Reid’s deal : At 2:30 Monday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will unveil his plan – increase debt ceiling until 2013, cut spending by $2.7 trillion including gimmicks that make the number look bigger than it really is. The biggest of these is factoring in savings from dra ...
- Amy Winehouse, Nafissatou Diallo, Anders Behri ...She's Come Out! Nafissatou Diallo on US tv HuffPo Outdoes Microsoft, Esquire in Shameless Use of Amy Winehouse's Death Blogger: Singer's Death a 'Wake-Up Call for Small Business Owners' Norway: A Firsthand Account of the Massacre in Utøya Compiled from various sources including Solana Larsen f ...
- Verizon Getting Ready for iPhone 5 by Clearing ...We’re all waiting for the next iPhone announcement, with the smart money on a release date of late August to late September, depending on which rumor you subscribe to. The latest information coming out of the Apple rumor mill points to the same release window, with news that Verizon is beginnin ...
- How not to handle open source feedbackThis is nice example of how *not* to deal with feedback on your software: An end user that gives a very detailed and complete report about a *major* issue in a piece of software gets given the runaround to produce 'test code' whereas the example given is perfectly clear without any test code. ...
- Why proprietary relicensing is unacceptable fo ...What I would like to add to the debate is the point of view of a Free Software enthusiast, not unlike yours truly. I contribute to Free Software not because it is superior to proprietary software in either its software products or in its development methodology. (It actually is superior in many ...
- HP TouchPad (webOS) review from IntoMobileWe take a look at the HP TouchPad and see how the world's first webOS tablet stacks up to the competition. Can this device go head-to-head with the iPad and the Android tablets? - IntoMobile, YouTube
- Hands-on: Toshiba Thrive Android tablet - Is i ...We go hands-on with the Toshiba Thrive Android 3.1 tablet and it sports a 10.1-inch display, Tegra 2 processor, full-sized ports for USB, SD card and HDMI. Will you picking one up? - IntoMobile, YouTube
- Watch DebConf11 online[Schedule listed for tomorrow.] - DebConf11
- Princess Diana Death: French Authorities May A ...French judge could arrest British police for hiding document where Diana predicts her death via car crash. WideShut re-examines the case.
- Every Good Mother Deserves FoeticideSteve Power looks at the push for paid and forced sterilisation at the hands of Project Prevention.
- Tony Farrell On The WideShut Webcast: 7/7 & 9/ ...Tony Farrell, former Principal Intelligence Analyst for South Yorkshire Police, discusses why he believes 7/7 & 9/11 were inside jobs and how that led to his dismissal.
- Sun Newspaper Picks Up On Tony Farrell StoryFormer police intelligence analyst victim of subtle mainstream media hit-piece.
- Al Qaeda Using Old Friends At CIA In Facebook ...Al Qaeda are gonna get you on Facebook! But who founded Facebook, and who founded Al Qaeda?
Politics in the Zeros
- Norway memorial“Norway chooses LOVE and ROSES.” Music and lyrics by Warfare Legacy, written after the killings.
- Tragedy strikes. Obama, Biden forced to cancel ...Poor babies, and surely many members of Congress are also being forced to cancel fundraisers because they must stay in DC to deal with some foolish emergency affecting the entire country. Oh, the indignity of it all. It is deeply tragic that the reality of the debt crisis is interfering with the ...
- Norway must somehow still be the fault of Musl ...Lenin’s Tomb is spot on. However, if you want to understand the attitude of the punditocracy to fascist terrorism, consider the query put by BBC News to the former Norwegian Prime Minister yesterday: “Do you think not enough attention was paid to those unhappy re immigration?” Or, consider this ...
- Google+ as a primary news source, and moreI first learned about the Norway bombing and murders on Google+. So did Scoble. So did lots of people. Images and videos appear as part of the feed, unlike Twitter, and there’s no 140 character limit. On Facebook, what you see is filtered, so you may not see all of someone’s posts. This doesn’t ...
- Hawaii has problems of abundance with solar powerMore people want solar on their roofs yet the grid can barely handle that much fluctuating power yet. High levels of customer-generated solar power on the grid can be problematic for utilities because the generation systems are outside their control, and the source of the energy — the sun — fluc ...
TVNZ - Top Stories
- One dead in truck crash in Hawke's BayOne person is dead and another is in a serious condition after a truck accident tonight.
- Power cut to thousands in Christchurch after s ...Around 12,000 Christchurch households were plunged into darkness tonight.
- Gun held to employee's head in Wellington arme ...Wellington police are hunting two men who robbed an Indian restaurant and held a gun to an employee's head
- Aussies outraged after Kiwi tourist throws bri ...A New Zealand tourist almost killed a crocodile after he threw bricks into its enclosure at an Alice Springs reptile centre, the centre's owner says
- Dozens evacuated in Hawke's Bay as wild weathe ...Dozens of people have been evacuated as the North Island continues to be battered by strong winds and rain.
Just World News
- Nurturing that better futureAll my wonderful longtime readers here at JWN may wonder why I've been so silent recently. Two reasons, mainly. I've been deep immersed in the most wonderful forms of family life; and I've also been racing against the clock on the 'War Diary: Lebanon 2006' project. In the past three months, we' ...
- New e-book soon: 'War Diary: Lebanon 2006'Today is the fifth anniversary of the beginning of that terrible march of folly, the Israel-Lebanon war of 2006. So I'm delighted to announce today that my publishing company, Just World Books, will shortly be publishing as a short e-book War Diary: Lebanon 2006, by the Lebanese social activist ...
- Afghanistan, logistics, geopolitics, war, peaceThe WaPo's Craig Whitlock has an informative piece in today's paper about the many continuing challenges the U.S. military has faced as it attempted to provide logistic support to the "surged" U.S. troop presence in very distant Afghanistan. Supplying these troops is particularly hard, due to t ...
- Speaking about out recent Gaza/Cairo trip: Cha ...Bill the spouse and I will be speaking about our recent trip to Gaza and Cairo at an event sponsored by my Quaker meeting in Charlottesville, on July 11. Details are here.
- My piece on Egypt and Gaza, at ME Channel... is here. I rather like the title they put on it, "Tahrir's journey to Palestine". In fact, the journey that the "spirit of of the Tahrir uprising" has to make before it gets to Palestine is just about as long and difficult as the journey that anyone needs to make to get from the outside wor ...
- Ohariu: deal or no deal?There’s been a lot of talk lately on electorate deals and I’d like to put myself on the record as the Green Party candidate standing in Ōhariu.
- Norway massacre: Key points finger in wrong di ...I almost fell of my chair when I heard John Key use the Norway massacre to justify New Zealand’s military involvement in Afghanistan. He said the killings were part of global terrorism and why New Zealand is in Afghanistan “trying to make the world a safer place.” The problem is that right-winge ...
- General debate, July 23, 2011Gosh the weather sucks, do keep warm and dry.
- Israeli SAR leader had worked in intelligenceOne bit of information that hasn't come out yet is that Hilik Magnus, who led the private Israeli search and rescue team which arrived in Christchurch shortly after the February 22 quake had previously worked for Israeli intelligence.
- More information needed on spy storyIt’s good that the PM finally backed down on his position that he couldn’t say anything about whether Mossad spies had been operating in New Zealand, for “national security” reasons. Pressure from the Greens, Labour and the media certainly helped the PM shift his stance. However, there are still ...
Patronus Analytical
- Greek aid worker kidnapped in Pakistan
- Aid worker killed in Iraq
- Update on kidnapped Greek aid worker
- NGO worker beaten to death in Dhaka
- Canadian aid worker murdered in Honduras
J Kozy
- Disintegrating Economic RecoveryThe word 'recover' always has the connotation of "getting back." But who is going to get back what when the economy "recovers"? Few at most. So what does an economic recovery look like? No one knows. The word 'recovery' can not be applied to objects willy-nilly. A sick person goes into the ...
- Humanity at the Crossroads: Business and JobsWhat's known as the economy has not only had horrid consequences, it is ultimately unsustainable. In two centuries, it has turned human beings into beasts of burden and their rulers into mere teamsters, it has polluted the Earth, extinguished uncounted species and exterminated millions of people ...
- (Land of the Fee and the Home of the Knave) Mo ...President Obama has said that he will not allow people-programs to be cut so that the wealthy can receive tax cuts because our nation is "better than that." But what America is cannot be distinguished from its economy which exists merely to accumulate money. It's why the maxim is let the buy ...
- The Supreme Court, the Constitution and the Fi ...The Supreme Court's First Amendment opinions result not from interpreting the First Amendment but from deliberately and insidiously changing its diction in ways that make the Amendment unrecognizable. The Court's arguments in these opinions are pure cant and do nothing but turn the Justice ...
- Liberty's Easy Slide into TyrannyHuge conspiracies aren't what destroys people's freedom, the accumulation of errors, failed policies, and little and big unfairnesses do. It happens because The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men/ Gang aft agley,/ An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain. The FED, CIA, Executive Privilege, The ...
MoJo - Kevin Drum
- Home AloneDerek Thompson explains why he chooses to work in an office even though he could telecommute from home if he wanted to: For me, it comes down to people. The best social technology increases social connections. Facebook keeps us in touch with far-flung friends. Twitter broadcasts our inter ...
- Getting to NoFor the past few months President Obama has been open to nearly any proposal to curb spending and raise the debt ceiling. There's only one thing he's said he categorically won't accept: a short-term increase that kicks the can down the road and forces us to replay this entire battle next yea ...
- A Fresh Idea on the Debt CeilingHey, I have an idea. How about if Congress just passes a bill to raise the debt ceiling and sends it to the president? That would work, wouldn't it? I wonder why no one's thought of this before? Comments | Post Comment����
- What's Behind the Deficit KabukiThis chart is from the New York Times, and shows in lovely, vibrant colors that George Bush was responsible for far more of our current deficit than Barack Obama has been. It's pretty dramatic, and in any case, probably understates the difference since the vast majority of Obama's contributi ...
- Quote of the Day: How Not to Play an Important ...From Paul Waldman, reacting to Cornel West's peculiar ideas about making a difference: If I said, "Last weekend I was at Clooney's, and we ate sushi off Jessica Alba's naked body, then later I gave him some notes on a script he's working on. That's an important role I'm playing," you'd th ...
Insanity Report
- Cenk Uygur Gets Sand in His AnusSo Cenk Uygur is trying to say that he’s no longer a host on MSNBC because he was “challenging Obama” too much. Sir…let me explain something to you. You aren’t at MSNBC anymore because: YOU SUCK I get it. You have a really popular Internet show where people watch when they want to get conf ...
- IC 260: Hoodlum WeatherTopics: The current heatwave People don’t know how to dress in the heat Skinny boxers Amy Winehouse dies The cycle of watching celebrity train wrecks then crying when they die continues Religious fanatics Kriss thinks up the new religion: The Church of Insanity The debt ceiling debate Reid and P ...
- FacePalm of the Week: It’s Not Sexist…But Sti ...For this Week’s FacePalm I have 2 separate incidents but they have something in common. Both incidents involve people having an opportunity to address a problem but failing to do so by focusing on something that isn’t the issue. First up….Migraine-Gate starring Michele Bachmann. Apparently GOP ...
- Need For Speed…Amish EditionCONEWANGO — A 17-year-old Amish youth faces a host of charges after Cattaraugus County sheriff’s deputies said they saw him driving a buggy while holding an open can of beer and then led police on a brief chase. Deputies said they were patrolling Route 62 about 1 a.m. Monday when they saw the bo ...
- IC 259: Gospel Time With Herman CainTopics: Herman Cain has a gospel album Herman Cain doesn’t care about Muslim people Racism and us Liberals and hippies are annoying Paying student athletes The Breast feeding doll baby Share with your friends:
Simple Climate
- Aerosols paint clearer warming slowdown pictureContributions to climate change from “stratospheric aerosols” vary more than realised, Ellsworth Dutton and his NOAA colleagues find, potentially providing a partial explanation for slower warming from the late 1990s.
- Warming puts species at one in ten extinction ...Comparing predictions and measurements of the effects of climate change on plants and animals over the past five years shows predictions are accurate, and possibly optimistic, according to the University of Exeter's Ilya Maclean.
- Chinese pollution postpones temperature risesSulphur emissions countered greenhouse gases to cause the much-debated “pause” in warming trend from 1998-2008, but only temporarily, Boston University's Robert Kaufmann told Simple Climate.
- Sea-level rise is the fastest in 2,000 yearsUniversity of Pennsylvania's Benjamin Hortonand colleagues show that sea level has risen at an average of 2.1 mm per year since around 1900, after having stayed roughly stable for the previous two millennia.
- Shrinking Arctic ice area is just the tip of t ...Old, thicker, ice cover has suffered extreme losses, says the University of Colorado's James Maslanik, providing more evidence of how humans are changing the planet.
e!Science News
- Minority rules: Scientists discover tipping po ...Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always be adopted by the majority of the society. The scientists, who are members of the Social Cognitive Networks Academic Research Center (SCNARC) ...
- Antibiotic appears more effective than cranber ...In premenopausal women who have repeated urinary tract infections (UTIs), the antibiotic trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) appeared more effective than cranberry capsules for preventing recurrent infections, at the risk of contributing to antibiotic resistance, according to a report in the ...
- Sexual anxiety, personality predictors of infi ...People with sexual performance anxiety are more likely to cheat on their partners. That's just one of the curious findings of a new study by a University of Guelph professor on the factors that predict infidelity. read more
- Sandia's CANARY software protects water utilit ...Americans are used to drinking from the kitchen tap without fear of harm, even though water utilities might be vulnerable to terrorist attacks or natural contaminants. read more
- Study: Climate change to increase Yellowstone ...An increase in wildfires due to climate change could rapidly and profoundly alter the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, according to a new study authored by environmental engineering and geography Professor Anthony Westerling of the University of California, Merced. read more
- Congress Puts Polluters in the Rider's SeatHijacking our democracy to attack our environment Part of The Procession of the Trojan Horse in Troy (1773) by Domenico Tiepolo. If you've ever suspected t ...
- Next Time You Sneeze, Turn Off The CarRagweed's bad for allergies, but so is climate change It happens to me every spring. The flowers start to bloom, and the days become warm and full of sunshine. ...
- Greetings From "Frackistan"Across the U.S., people are rising up against "fracking" for natural gas Up and down the Rockies, in Texas, across much of the northeast, and perhaps soon in y ...
- Good News--YOUR Voice Is Being HeardMore than 20,000 messages on PA pipeline catch EPA attention If--as an Earthjustice supporter and activist--you ever wondered whether your letters and emails t ...
- Polluters Saddle Up In Washington, D.C.Congress gives industry free ride on back of environmental protections Perhaps inspired by the triple-digit heat afflicting Washington D.C., the House of Repre ...
Brave New Climate
- Fukushima, IFRs and an MIT debateBack in May, I published a critique of an MIT report on the future of the nuclear fuel cycle (MIT FNFC), on behalf of Yoon Chang and the Science Council for Global Initiatives. Since that time, SCGI member Steve Kirsch (a MIT alumnus and benefactor) has been trying to get MIT to engage with thei ...
- Radiation hormesis?At the height of the Fukushima Daiichi crisis, there was a lot of discussion in the comments of this blog about the impact of radiation on human health. In particular, there was a debate about whether the linear no-threshold hypothesis (LNT) or the hormetic dose response (RH) was more scientific ...
- For climate’s sake, nuclear power is not an ‘o ...[This is an abridged amalgam of writings by me on nuclear power and climate change that I've published on BNC and elsewhere over the last two years. It has been updated with some commentary on recent events - the Fukushima Daiichi crisis, Germany's announced withdrawal from nuclear energy, and s ...
- Climate change update by the numbersHere are some figures to illustrate the latest global data on global warming. Data are from NCDC and GISS. First, a 12-month running mean of global surface temperature anomalies since 1980 (i.e. for each month, an average is taken of the previous 12-month period – ‘calendar year’ is irrelevant): ...
- Why pro-nuclear environmentalism has failed wh ...With George Monbiot on the debating warpath against Greenpeace and in support of nuclear power as a serious mechanism for tackling climate change, and Mark Lynas’ new book on planetary boundaries and techno-fixes, “The God Species“, now out (despite some weird problems on the launch day), it r ...
Indigenist Opinion
- Jim Crow in Palestine | SocialistWorker.orgJim Crow in Palestine | "'As a people who survived the Middle Passage and Jim Crow segregation--and organized successful struggles against those forms of oppression--we have a responsibility to speak out about the occupation of Palestine and share with Palestinians the lesso ...
- Political prisoners start fasting until Aquino ...Political prisoners start fasting until Aquino’s Sona - Bulatlat By RONALYN V. OLEA MANILA – Hundreds of political prisoners in various detention cells nationwide have started fasting today up to President Benigno S. Aquino III’s State of the Nation Address (Sona) on Monday. Drama ...
- Anger erupts over fatal shooting of youth by S ...Anger erupts over fatal shooting of youth by SF police: ( - A coalition of San Francisco activists, youth and religious leaders held a “No More Stolen Lies” press conference at the intersection of Third Street and Oakdale Avenue in the Bay View Hunters Point neighborhood to demand ...
- Policing the borders means policing Canadian j ...Policing the borders means policing Canadian journalism? | "While awaiting an important, far-reaching speech by Canada's Immigration Minister Jason Kenney on Tuesday, I was chatting to a fellow reporter when organizers kicked me out moments before it began -- despite having a press in ...
- Reading the Maps: New Zealand's slaving historyReading the Maps: New Zealand's slaving history: "Murray Deaker’s recent use of the phrase ‘working like a nigger’ on Sky Television won him many detractors and a few defenders. The Race Relations Conciliator and a slew of media commentators have damned Deaker for using the phrase; Michael Laws ...
Republicans are a Disease
- Entitlement Reform? Sure! Corporate EntitlementsWhat pisses me off most is the nonsensical discussion of how we balance our budget, or reduce our deficit. The MSM narrative is the Democrats won’t stand for “entitlement” cuts and the Republicans won’t stand for any tax increases anywhere, anytime, for any reason. Deadlock. This whole argument ...
- Jim DeMint – Fuck YouFuck you Jim. You want to slam the poor, the sick, and the elderly to “balance the budget” and won’t even consider cutting corporate welfare, or having the billionaires, or the companies they own stock in pay their fair share. I pray that there is justice in this world and some day you will be [...]
- Van Jones = Reboot the American Dream“We’re not broke, we’ve been robbed. Someone has our money”
- Exxon Gets 20 Billion a Year in Corporate WelfareThe amount of taxes we don’t collect from Exxon plus their handouts equals around 20 billion dollars a year. And this is just one company. Spending isn’t the problem. Corporate welfare, and billionaire welfare is the problem.
- Politifact – Jon Stewart Was RightHow hard did your dishonest organization have to twist into a pretzel to name Stewart’s factual statement about Fox News viewers as false? Misinformed, uninformed, and lied to. Fox lemmings.
Appalachia Rising
- Day of Action and Conference Vision StatementsAppalachia Rising: Day of Action September 25 – 27, 2010, Washington DC Appalachia Rising is a mass mobilization in Washington DC on September 27, 2010 calling for the abolition of mountaintop removal and surface mining. It is a culmination of the national movement against surface mining and a f ...
- Press Conference to be Held on June 15Thousands to March in DC Calling for the Abolition of Mountaintop Removal Press Conference June 15 in Charleston, WV Announces Mass Mobilization Appalachia Rising WHEN: June 15, 10:00 AM WHERE: WV State Capitol Back Steps Near Fountain, Charleston, WV CONTACTS: West Virginia Bo Webb – 304-237-26 ...
- Press InquiriesAll media inquiries should be sent to Bo Webb Set up interviews via email. Previous Press Releases and Media Public Launch Press Conference Report Back, with video Press Conference Held on June 15 Announces Appalachia Rising Video June 15 Appalachia Public Launch Press Conferen ...
- New Flier for Appalachia Rising
- Appalachia Rising Uniting Celebrities, Appalac ...Appalachia Rising Uniting Celebrities, Appalachians, and Scientists for the Abolition of Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Ashley Judd, Woody Harrelson, Gloria Reuben, Kyra Sedgewick, Kevin Bacon, Ed Begley Jr., Kathy Mattea, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, James Hansen, and Darryl Hannah rallying behind co ...
Amped Status
- The Kleptocratic Eurozone “Fix” Wi ...By Charles Hugh Smith The only way out of the Eurozone end-game is massive debt forgiveness and a return to national currencies. The first will destroy the banks, the second will destabilize the German export economy. "Extend and pretend" is an endgame, not a fix. [Read More]
- Who Rules America? An Investment Manager Break ...By G. William Domhoff An investment manager who works with very wealthy clients shares his concerns on extreme wealth inequality: "A highly complex and largely discrete set of laws and exemptions from laws has been put in place by those in the uppermost reaches of the U.S. financial system. Ordi ...
- Austerity and Deficit Hawks Say, “Let Th ...By David DeGraw The vultures are circling above the debt ceiling, along with the austerity and deficit hawks, ready to pounce on what little remains. No matter how technocratically skilled the ruling class is, at some point 250 million Americans are going to become aware that they have been thro ...
- How Your Social Security Money Was Stolen R ...Introduction by David DeGraw, Reports by Dr. Allen Smith The Social Security Trust Fund should currently have $2.5 trillion in surplus. Q: So how is it that these checks could stop being issued if the debt ceiling isn't raised? A: Republicans, Democrats and the mega-wealthy stole your Social S ...
- Financial Terrorism Analysis: How Global Banke ...By Andrew Gavin Marshall Greece is a microcosm of the global economy: mired in excessive debt, economically ruined, increasingly politically repressive and socially explosive. What is happening in Greece is happening in the US - the implementation of a systematic program of 'social genocide' in ...
- Rick’s Weekly Wrap: From tents to land theftWhat scared a departing army general? What will Netanyahu do with the Tent Protest? And what’s so wrong with supporting museums? Raging Rechavia âRickâ Berman gives you the weekâs top stories as they ought to be told. A new weekly feature on +972 By Rechavia âRickâ Berman Welcome ladies and gent ...
- State using rogue means to subdue Tent City pr ...The policy of arresting protestors and then banning them from protests is a severe violation of freedom of speech and protest After Saturday night’s rally, when it became clear that all those arrested were banned, whether for seven 15, or 30 days, from engaging in the tent protest, it occurred ...
- Brievik couldn’t have said it better: Jp ...Is it only me that find this quote particularity sick? This is from the Jerusalem Post’s editorial, no less (my bold): Perhaps Brievikâs inexcusable act of vicious terror should serve not only as a warning that there may be more elements on the extreme Right willing to use violence to further th ...
- This sick glee in the face of a terrorist attackMany Israelis find “educational” value in horrifying attacks, as long as they happen to others Following the terrorist attack in Norway, before the Israeli media had to reluctantly admit it was actually carried out by a Norwegian neo-Nazi (and yesterday 7th Eye, a news watchdog, noted the media, ...
- Puerta del Ha’bima: The Spanish revoluti ...Five weeks after seeing the demonstrations in Madrid, Hagai El-Ad is filled with hope that the passion is finally coming to Israel By Hagai El-Ad The people were ecstatic. The energy was left. The air – and the crowds – were hot. It was one of the most uplifting demonstrations I’ve ever pa ...
Sustainability,water,etc - Oz gov't
- Large scale environmental water release for M ...More than 150 gigalitres of water recovered for the environment will be delivered to hundreds of wetlands along the Murrumbidgee River, benefiting the Murray system as far downstream as South Australia's Lower Lakes and Coorong.
- Deadline extended for West Kimberley National ...Environment Minister Tony Burke has extended the deadline for a decision about National Heritage listing of the west Kimberley until the end of August to allow further community consultation and further consideration of whether the proposed heritage values are sufficiently comprehensive.
- $118 million for Coorong and Lower Lakes reco ...The Gillard Government will provide an additional $118 million to ensure a healthy and sustainable future for South Australia's Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth region.
- Nominations open for Prime Minister's Water W ...Commercial and industrial companies that can demonstrate recent water savings are encouraged to nominate for the 2011 Prime Minister's Water Wise Award.
- Gillard Government delivers first sustainable ...The Gillard Government today released the nation's first ever dedicated sustainable population strategy which sets out the framework, backed by new funding for a sustainable Australia.
Matt Weidner Blog
- Robo Signing And Desecration of Our Courts- Th ...You would have thought the banksters would have gotten the message…they were after all given a total pass. Not even a slap on the wrist, it was just a collective dodge….they were permitted to moonwalk away from the crime scenes. Did they learn any lesson? You bet, the lesson is we can just k ...
- Fraudclosure in Florida, A Survey and The Cris ...Florida was well into the acute phase of the foreclosure crisis during the dark days of fall 2008 when Bush and Paulson wrote the blank checks that bailed out the banks, Wall Street institutions and the criminals that brought our country to the brink of economic Armageddon. Bush wrote the check ...
- BOMBSHELL- Listen to This Rally on The Steps o ...The First Annual Rally in Tally! Share and Enjoy: Scridb filter
- LYTTLE v. BANKUNITED- Another Headscratcher of ...Here goes another spellbinding appeal written by that masterful author George Gingo. You really must sit down and study the attached appellate brief which reads more like a nail biting crime novel than some dry academic appeal. I mean, seriously. Put yourself in the moment, picture the courtroom ...
- Brand New, Hot Off The Presses MERS Policy Bul ...After years of claiming that assignments don’t matter and the date of assignment certainly doesn’t matter, the MERS Monster has finally changed its tune, effective July 21, 2011: The Certifying Officer must execute the assignment of the Security Instrument from MERS before initiating foreclosure ...
abelard - news
- october 1939 - the phoney war is under way, an ...Some exceptions to the rule - smoking kills. How the cigarette indusctry used to entice new customers, and addicts.
- ambrose is back - some background notes on uk ...From a perceptive columnist, together with commentary from abelard.
- german reasoning for fossil fuels | fun news a ...When Green dogma overwhelms scientific numeracy.
- is there any madness humans won't try? | fun n ...Being really 'close up and personal' with some of nature.
- more on news international | politics uk news ...The "collective desire for absolute transparency" has led toseeing some warts that have turned to cancer.
The Parallel Parliament
- Citizenship – “From Self to Selfis ...By the 1990s the revolution to the “self” was almost completed, perhaps best symbolized by Edward Bernays’s television appearance on the David Lettermen show celebrating his 100th birthday and his role as the master of modern advertising. It was readily accepted that the acquisition of goods was ...
- Citizenship – “Retail Therapy”Marilyn Monroe’s death in 1962 came as a profound shock, but what the public never knew was that she was under intense psychoanalysis from Anna Freud and her friends. Her former husband and well-known writer Arthur Miller went public, proclaiming that psychoanalysis was imprisoning people rather ...
- Citizenship – “Add an Egg”With the arrival of the Cold War in the 1950s, a dark cloud appeared to hover over western democracies. Everything became a giant chess game between the Soviets, China and the West. Sigmund Freud’s ideas about the troublesome nature of humankind once again gained traction, but this time there wa ...
- Citizenship – “Tearing Citizenship ...Walter Lippmann was the most highly regarded political writer in America and Freud’s conclusions about the beastliness of the average citizen profoundly affected him. World War One had proven what could happen when citizens gathered in crowds and got out of control. That experience, and Freud’s ...
- Citizenship – “Dangerous Citizens& ...You likely never heard of Edward Bernays, but his ideas have shaped your life in more ways than you can imagine. The nephew of Sigmund Freud, Bernays lived in the U.S., attempting to work out a living prior to World War One. He achieved fame by creating an overnight sensation. Approached by toba ...
Vaccine Awakening
- What You Should Know About Meningococcal Disea Barbara Loe Fisher Today, pediatricians give American babies as many as 33 doses of 13 different vaccines by 12 months of age.1, 2 Now, federal public health officials are considering recommending that doctors give four more doses of a new vaccine – meningococcal vaccine – to babies between ...
- Vaccines & Liberty: Let Freedom Ringby Barbara Loe Fisher My country, ’tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing: Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrims’ pride, From every mountain side, Let freedom ring.[1] What is liberty? Webster’s Dictionary defines Liberty as “the quality or state of being free,” ...
- In Memoriam: Infant Deaths & Vaccinationby Barbara Loe Fisher Memorial Day is for remembering those, who have fought and died to defend America and preserve our civil liberties, including freedom of thought, speech, religious belief and conscience. So every Memorial Day I remember the children, who have died after receiving state ma ...
- Whooping Cough Outbreaks & Vaccine FailuresUPDATE: CLICK HERE TO VIEW NVIC'S PERTUSSIS VACCINE & DISEASE PAGE by Barbara Loe Fisher Reports of whooping cough outbreaks in California1,2 and in other states this summer are nothing new. Every four to five years – no matter how high the vaccination rate is - there are reports of w ...
- Using Fear & Prejudice to Attack Vaccine Exemp Barbara Loe Fisher This summer, inaccurate and misleading information about B. pertussis whooping cough and the pertussis vaccine is being put out there by medical doctors, who should know better. Media campaigns designed to create fear about infectious disease are nothing new. This ...
2020 Science
- I’m breathing in nanoparticles, so why aren’t ...This was based on a piece I originally wrote for Nano Today – the blog was a slightly extended version of what was published. Although it was written two years ago, it’s still surprising how few people realize that breathing in nanoparticles is an everyday fact of life, and that to make sense ...
- Enough meetings already!I couldn’t resist reposting this piece, as it captured so well my frustration at the time of spending so much time in meetings – usually for someone else’s benefit. Sadly, I didn’t learn the error of my ways – my travel schedule has, if anything, got worse since then! Originally posted May 8 2 ...
- Decoupling “nanotechnology”Even though it was written a couple of years ago, this post remains very relevant as people continue to make sense of nanotechnology. Maybe it’s time to revisit yellow-technology! Originally posted May 17 2008. Nanotechnology as an overarching concept is great for sweeping statements and sound ...
- Synthetic biology, ethics and the hacker cultureWhile the DIY Biotechnology community has grown considerably since this post, the piece still captures something of what is still a young movement, and one that challenges assumptions about top-down technology innovation. Originally posted June 13 2008 Read Thomas L. Friedman’s “The World is Fla ...
- Nano-sunscreens leave their markMost manufacturers of nanomaterial-based sunscreens try to make sure that the material they use doesn’t generate harmful chemicals in the presence of sunlight. But the paper this piece was based on suggested that some photoactive materials might be slipping through the net. Originally posted J ...
Reader Supported News
- Justice Department Preparing to Subpoena News ...Intro: "The Department of Justice (DoJ) is preparing subpoenas as part of an initial investigation into whether News Corp violated the Foreign Corrupts Practices Act (FCPA) when its British subsidiary allegedly bribed police officers in the UK." News Corporation Chief Rupert Murdoch leaves hi ...
- Justice Department Preparing to Subpoena News ...Intro: "The Department of Justice (DoJ) is preparing subpoenas as part of an initial investigation into whether News Corp violated the Foreign Corrupts Practices Act (FCPA) when its British subsidiary allegedly bribed police officers in the UK." News Corporation Chief Rupert Murdoch leaves hi ...
- Norway Attacks: Oslo Bombing, At Least 80 Shot ..."A homegrown terrorist set off a deadly explosion in downtown Oslo before heading to a summer camp dressed as a police officer to commit one of the deadliest shooting sprees in history, killing at least 80 people as terrified youths ran and even swam for their lives, police said Friday." Nils My ...
- Norway Attacks: Oslo Bombing, At Least 80 Shot ..."A homegrown terrorist set off a deadly explosion in downtown Oslo before heading to a summer camp dressed as a police officer to commit one of the deadliest shooting sprees in history, killing at least 80 people as terrified youths ran and even swam for their lives, police said Friday." Nils My ...
- The Press Is Not Covering Anti-War DissentIntro: "The national news media almost totally ignore homefront protests of the Afghanistan war, killer drones, torture, and more, regardless of their newsworthiness. By its lack of coverage, isn’t the press thus helping perpetuate an endless war?" British Lance Corporal Joe Glenton addresses ...
War Resisters League
- WRL Organizers Criss-cross the CountryThe following are several brief reports from organizing coordinator Kimber Heinz and field organizer Ali Issa on their travels across the country from Chicago to New Mexico, and Pittsburgh to Detroit. On May 31st, field organizer Ali Issa made a trip to Chicago where he took part in a joint stra ...
- No Surprises from the War-Makers!Well, Obama made it clear on Wednesday. His war in Afghanistan will go on through 2014 and probably far beyond. While some may have hoped for a shift in his approach, many of us didn’t expect much, and we certainly didn’t get much. The change in Afghanistan that he spoke about, meant to be heard ...
- In Afghanistan Speech, Obama Offers Token Troo ...President Obama passed up an opportunity to recognize our democracy and respect the views of the vast majority of the American people. June 22, 2011 President Obama’s speech tonight violated one of his most important campaign promises: to “end the mind-set that leads to war.” To the contrary, hi ...
- Money for Our Communities, Not for War!Take Action! It’s very encouraging that the US Conference of Mayors just passed a strong resolution initiated by CODEPINK for bringing our “war dollars home” (read press release or NY Times article on this). Unfortunately, later this week the House of Representatives is poised to pass the Defens ...
- Not Justice, Not Victory: Just Another Murder ...“I keep thinking of how awful it was to hear that there were people actually celebrating on 9-11. Now I look at the TV and see the same thing.” -Family member of a man killed in the World Trade Center of September 11, 2001. The reported killing of Osama bin Laden by a CIA operation [...]
Center for a Livable Future
- Roundup-Resistant Weeds Threaten U.S. Food Sec ...Roundup-resistant weeds are a rapidly emerging threat that puts U.S. agriculture in a terribly precarious position. The threat has evolved from farmers’ heavy use of the herbicide glyphosate, (aka Roundup, a Monsanto product) to control weeds, and farmers’ simultaneous reliance on crop varieties ...
- Preparing for Peak OilPeak oil is inevitable. At some point, global oil supplies will peak and then decline (it may be happening already), driving up the cost of oil and petroleum products. But what happens to our food systems, which rely heavily on oil, when oil becomes scarce?
- Carnivores and Climate ChangeYou know what you ate this week—but do you know how it will affect climate change and the planet? As of today, you can use the Environmental Working Group (EWG)’s newly launched website to get information on food carbon footprints.
- Carnivores and Climate ChangeYou know what you ate this week—but do you know how it will affect climate change and the planet? As of today, you can use the Environmental Working Group (EWG)’s newly launched website to get information on food carbon footprints.
- Hen Party: Historic Agreement to Promote Stand ...United Egg Producers (UEP) has partnered with the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), agreeing to work together toward legislation of national standards to be used in egg production.
A special project of Foreign Policy and the New America Foundation
- Leaving AfghanistanSeven Afghanistan experts review the president's plans for ending the war.
- Raging at RawalpindiAmerican leaders are furious with Pakistan’s military in the wake of Osama bin Laden’s killing. But twisting arms will only backfire.
- The FP Salon: Peter Bergen's The Longest WarAn FP round-table discussion on counterterrorism expert Peter Bergen's latest book. A decade after 9/11, is the war on terrorism a war we can win?
- Crazy Like a FoxIn a fit of anger, Hamid Karzai axes his director of intelligence, Amrullah Saleh. But is there method to his madness?
- Addicted to ContractorsThe United States is hooked on privatized warfare in Afghanistan. And it's more costly than you think.
Field Notes - Alberta Environment
- Urban Lakes & Wetlands WorkshopAlberta Lake Management Society 30 Sep 2011 - 00:00 - 1 Oct 2011 - 00:00 18th Annual ALMS�Workshop Urban lakes are unique, and as such pose unique management issues. The focus of ...
- Job Opportunity: Executive Director, Oldman W ...Position:� Executive Director Organization:� Oldman Watershed Council ...
- Volunteer Opportunity: Youth Ambassadors, Yout ...Position:� Youth Ambassadors Organization:� Youth Challenge International ...
- River Rally 2011Alberta Ecotrust 23 Sep 2011 - 00:00 - 25 Sep 2011 - 00:00 Don't m�iss the boat! River Rally 2011 Early Bird Registration coming to a�close! Alberta Ecotrust is extending the Ear ...
- Is natural gas a climate change solution for C ...New report finds numerous problems with push to expand natural gas production Pembina Institute David Suzuki Foundation ...
- Updates on Libyan war: Stop NATO news: July 25 ...==== NATO Air Attacks Shake Libyan Capital, Environs NATO’s Air Assault On Libya: 16,281 Missions, 6,142 Strike Sorties NATO Troops Shoot Dead Afghan Female Doctor, Family Members Taiwan Urges NATO, U.S. Navy To Pay Compensation To Slain Captain’s Family Ex-NATO, U.S. Military Chief Shalikashvil ...
- Aristides on the two types of war: Bad and worseAnti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts Aristides From Panathenaic Oration Translated by C.A. Behr [T]here are two varieties of war: aggression and self-defence. The former is unjust, and the latter, by being subject to compulsion also, inglorious, because determination is by ...
- Updates on Libyan war/Stop NATO news: July 23, ...==== NATO Air War Over Libya: 16,156 Flights, 6,086 Strike Missions Libya: NATO Strikes Civilian Targets NATO Attack Helicopters Intensify Raids Along Libyan Coast Jordanians Hold Demonstration Against U.S. Interference In Region Georgia: U.S. Marines Train “High-Quality Combat Units” Iraqi, Afg ...
- George Meredith: On the Danger of WarAnti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts George Meredith On the Danger of War Avert, High Wisdom, never vainly wooed, This threat of War, that shows a land brain-sick. When nations gain the pitch where rhetoric Seems reason they are ripe for cannon’s food. Dark looms the issue ...
- Updates on Libyan war/Stop NATO news: July 22, ...==== Britain Prepares Aircraft Carrier To Prolong Libyan War Into 2012 NATO’s Core Tasks After Summit: Waging World’s Two Wars 126-Day War: Over 16,000 NATO Air Missions, Over 6,000 Strike Sorties Libyan War: Pentagon Considers NATO Request For More Drones Libya: Bishop Laments NATO’s Rejection ...
Before It's News
- Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner: American ...
- ‘I’ve been forward to Shen Yun for years!’ Say ...
- Arkansas Storms: Tornadoes Wreak Havoc Across ...
- Eats on Feets
- Introducing "Canadas Alex Jones", Dr. Judy Janzen
Intel Hub
- The Future of JournalismThe Intel Hub Avalon July 25, 2011 On a scale of magnitude of 1 to 100, a magnitude of 100 describes the violation of trust and responsibility to report the Truth which is evidenced by the complete failure of the Corporate Media to honestly report on the 9/11 WTC Events and facts surrounding th ...
- Mossad, CIA and NATO Attack Democracy in Oslo, ...The Excavator By Saman Mohammadi July 24, 2011 As usual, new evidence and new information is emerging about the terror attacks in Oslo, Norway on Friday, July 22, that raises suspicions that the event was orchestrated by secret Mossad, CIA and NATO forces. I call them the coalition of the killin ...
- TIP: Armored Military Equipment Movements In CONUSThe Intel Hub Shepard Ambellas July 24, 2011 The tips are already coming in. Here is one regarding armored equipment (tanks) moving in South Carolina. TIP: I live in North Charleston SC, just northwest of the old Navy Base. CSX Track is 100 feet from my front door. I don’t know my tanks but I [...]
- Predictive Programming: Captain America Blockb ...By Jack Blood July 24, 2011 We have seen it before… Movies, and pop culture eerily “predicting” world events BEFORE they actually happen. This is generally regarded with a wary eye, and chalked up as “coincidence” – BUT what if something more sinister were occurring? Could bill ...
- Analyzing The Oslo Attacks Part Three: More In ...By Madison Ruppert Editor of End the Lie And Contributing Intel Hub Writer July 24, 2011 After Anders Behring Breivik claimed responsibility for the atrocious killing spree in Norway and his manifesto was discovered and published, the facts we are presented continue to be quite strange. First it ...
- NAPO/MXGM statement on the passing of our Comr ...Jun 11, 2011 The New Afrikan Peoples Organization and the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement salute the life of our brother and comrade Geronimo ji Jaga. The life of Geronimo, or “G” as he was affectionately known, represents a freedom fighter that sacrificed and loved Afrikan people and humanity. Ge ...
- Norway massacre suspect aired anti-Muslim, pro ...[This article on the Norway massacre appeared today in the leading English-language Israeli newspaper The Jerusalem Post. Many Western media outlets initially spread unfounded claims that the bombings and shootings were by "Islamic terrorists." Later accounts have focused on the perpetrator as ...
- The California Prisoner’s Hunger Strike ...[While the strike at Pelican Bay Prison has concluded, the struggle for justice there and throughout the California Prison System contines. In several prisons, the hunger strike continues. Here is a letter from a hunger striker at Tehachapi Prison, reporting on the hunger strike there. -- Fr ...
- Egypt: A discussion on the “Foreign Poli ...[At the point when the Egyptian uprising is incomplete, continuing, and under attack, AlJazeera assembled a group of activists, journalists, and several key sectors to discuss the "foreign policy" of the "new Egypt." While it is clear that the "new Egypt" has yet to emerge from the powers and r ...
- From Cairo: Insights from the Walls, Outlooks ...“Beware when fighting monsters, lest you become one of them“ July 22nd, 2011
Ken O'Keefe
- Announcing the Gaza to Ireland Youth Exchangeam beyond excited to announce that we are formalising a partnership that will ensure one of my fondest goals shall be achieved, that of a youth exchange between the children of Gaza and those of Europe. I am even more excited because we are focusing on the youth of Gaza as well as Belfast and F ...
- One for the WomenIt is said that behind every great man you will find a great woman. I do not look at myself as a great man per se, but I do see the greatness of the women in my life, and if I do indeed succeed in my ultimate goals, you can thank these women every bit as much as me. They have played the essent ...
- Samouni Inter-Trade Palestine, Trade Not AidOur Mission Samouni Inter-Trade Palestine (SIP) is a social enterprise international trade mission. We endeavour to catalyse the end of Gaza’s charitable dependency through import and export trade. We do not seek simply to alleviate the suffering of the people in Gaza. Our ultimate objective i ...
- Slander vs. SanityLesson number one, the actual agents who direct slander campaigns, those working for MI6, CIA, Mossad and other so-called “intelligence” agencies, they and their tactics are rendered useless without the presence of the most important element for successful subversion, and that would be… the idio ...
- NO FLY ZONE OVER PALESTINEOn Thursday April 21st we shall make a human chain with the children of Gaza to spell out NO FLY ZONE OVER PALESTINE so as to tell the world that Israel’s bombings of Gaza must stop. We intend to remind the world how the children of Palestine are terrorized and murdered by Israeli air power [...]
- Alright, genius. YOU fix the budgetCrystal sends this, an interactive chart that allows you go fix the federal budget. Have at it. And when you're finished there, you can start on my household budget. Thanks. Flickr photo
- We're still at war, by Mother JonesYou can read more here.
- Spotted it on FacebookHabitat for Humanity is starting to get land, permits, and the like, to do precisely that, rebuild Joplin. You can sign up here. I'm going, and it would be awesome to serve as your hillbilly interpreter, if you want to go, too. I love you, Joplin. And when we get out there, we can hunt down th ...
- Want to be happy?Go on vacation. Need support on that? Read this: VB_&_Gilo.pdf Flickr photo
- You should eat less meatAnd yes. That emphatically includes Bacon, according to the 2011 Meat Eaters Guide, from Environmental Working Group. The guide says, among other things: All meat is not created equal. Different products have different environmental impacts.Most greenhouse emissions come during production.Waste ...
Associated Content
- New NFL Agreement Good for Bengals, All Pro TeamsNFL players and owners agreed unanimously to a new labor deal Monday, ending the almost five-month lockout. Here are three things I find notable about this new agreement.Contributor: Jeanne Rose Published: Jul 25, 2011
- Failing to Raise Debt Ceiling Makes Hostages o ...Failing to raise the debt limit would not only cause enormous economic damage through a downgrade of our credit rating and an increase in debt service cost but would involve the almost impossible task of defunding and ceasing most federal functionsContributor: Ben Kassel Published: Jul 25, 2011
- What Amy Winehouse Didn't Die FromThe coroner reports that the preliminary autopsy on retro rocker Amy Winehouse proved inconclusive. We do know a few things she did not die from.Contributor: Angie Mohr Published: Jul 25, 2011
- Grieving Mother Could Serve More Time Than Dru ...Raquel Nelson could serve more time than the drunk hit-and-run driver who killed her child.Contributor: Isa-Lee Wolf Published: Jul 25, 2011
- Jay Cutler Dumps Kristin Cavallari Just Before ...Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler broke his engagement off with Kristin Cavallari just before the NFL lockout ended and in the middle of planning her dream wedding. Here is a look at the couple's relationship and subsequent breakup.Contributor: K.C. Dermody Published: Jul 25, 2011
Popsci - Science
- Universe's Largest Water Reservoir Discovered ...Lurking in a distant supermassive black hole there exists a reservoir of water as big as 140 trillion oceans, the largest repository of water in the universe and 4,000 times more than exists in the Milky Way. Two teams of astronomers discovered this mass of water 12 billion light years away, wh ...
- Is Trypophobia a Real Phobia?We investigate the fear of creepy clustered holes If you’re like me and you have a visceral reaction to the image above—if it makes your skin crawl, your hair hurt, and your stomach turn—you can count yourself among the trypophobic. According to its Facebook page, which is more than 4,000 membe ...
- Fresh Data From CERN and Tevatron Gives A Glim ...A picture starts to emerge from the fog We know, we’ve been hearing rumors about interesting “data bumps” for months now, but this is big news — over the weekend the world’s two greatest particle smashers announced tantalizing hints that the Higgs boson may soon be within reach. Again, no one i ...
- UK Researchers Urge Rules Governing Creation a ...A new regulatory group should be formed to oversee experiments that mix animal and human DNA, British researchers said Friday. While the experiments themselves don’t necessarily need stricter regulation, there are a few types of experiments that could “approach social and ethically sensitive ar ...
- Some Mice Have Become Immune to Poison Through ...Mice are great (see: high-endurance mice, mice with lab-grown artificial organs, Israeli bomb-sniffing security mice) but sometimes you just don't want them in your apartment/house/bakery/kitchen/New York subway station, which is why you might buy some warfarin, a common rodent poison. Some mic ...
Veterans Today
- Ford “Blue Angels” Mustang Salutes 100 Years o ...The engineering and design teams at Ford Motor Company have produced a truly unique “Blue Angels” edition 2012 Ford Mustang GT. This one-of-a-kind vehicle will be sold at the Gathering of Eagles charity auction Thursday, July 28, during the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) 2011 AirVenture ...
- One Party Rule Bad for Veterans; Split Party R ...Sad state of affairs in US politics
- Churches are Tax Exempt: But Why?While Americans are forced to move from their homes, due to the inability to pay real estate taxes, churches should not be allowed to ride the "no taxes" gravy train.
- Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – July ...Not everyone responds to PTSD treatments the same way – that’s why new methods provide important options for Veterans.
- Toronto Hearings: A strange cast of characters ...Caption Professor Steven Jones of BYU (standing second from left) officially appointed in 1989 by the President of the United States, George H.W. Bush Sr., as an establishmentarian scientist to lead the DOE investigation into the potentially revolutionizing discovery of Cold Fusion.
War is Business
- Inside Look At Yet Another Religious Group Wit ...If the state of Oregon believes the board of Akal Security is led by untrustworthy people, then why do the departments of Defense and Homeland Security continue to award contracts to the company?
- China-Pakistan Port Deal Another Sign Of Wanin ...Buy Baluchistan Buy Baluchistan • Read more at World News
- Temptations Of The Flesh: GOP Freshmen CanR ...Sell promises Sell promises • Read more at National Security on iWatch News
- CJ Chivers Examines Libyan Rebels’ Seabo ...Buy scarcity Buy scarcity • Read more at NYT > Home Page
- Afghan Soldier Says ‘The Quality Of Ever ...Buy bad apples Buy bad apples • Read more at The Killid Group website - News on Afghanistan reports analysis pictures cartoon
Hudson's Weather & Climate
- Arctic Ice extent heads for satellite record lowExceptionally warm weather across the North Pole during the first half of July, with temperatures up to 8C above normal, could lead to record low ice extent this year according to experts, based on data collected by satellites which started in 1979. Arctic sea ice is already lower than at the ...
- My experience with solar panelsI thought I might share a recent personal experience of mine. Having considered the idea of generating my own electricity by way of solar photo voltaic panels on my roof for the last few months, I have finally taken the plunge. My house is directly south facing, so the roof is in a prime posi ...
- Rest of July heading for a washoutMost parts of the country have enjoyed a fine summers day today, with plenty of sunshine. But although it's the last thing the UK tourist industry wants to hear, the message is enjoy it while it lasts. By the weekend low pressure will again be dominating our weather as the jet stream moves fu ...
- Global temperatures: Up sharply in June. The latest global temperature has been released and according to the UAH satellite measure June's anomaly was 0.314C above the running 30 year mean, up from +0.133C in May Adjusted to the more standard time period used by the Met Office and the WMO, the anomaly is now +0.567C above the 1961-199 ...
- Unsettled June weather to extend into JulyDespite the warm and sunny conditions in the last few days, the unsettled weather which plagued much of June looks set to return. June turned out to be wet across the UK, dominated by low pressure. Averaged across England & Wales, 122% of average rainfall was recorded. In our region, for a ch ...
Internat'l Political Economy
- New Labour* on Restoring Faith in GlobalizationYou will have noticed that I have placed an asterisk after New Labour. For, today's mea culpa on the shortcomings of New Labour in hindsight are largely courtesy of Lord Mandelson--formerly the EU trade commissioner and the de facto prime minister during the last days of the ill-fated Gordon Bro ...
- WTO Heresy: D-G Pascal Lamy Warms to PTAsLet's get the obvious out of the way: the WTO Doha Development Agenda still looks as unsalvageable as it did at the start of this year. Being the guy who inherited the stillborn negotiations, failed to get them done during his first term, and likely will pass it on to someone else the way things ...
- HMS Ark Royal: Floating PRC 'Disco of Doom'?When at anchor here I ride, my bosom swells with pride, And I snap my fingers at a foeman's taunts-- And so do his sisters and his cousins and his aunts! They say the truth is stranger than fiction, and I surely couldn't have made up a dafter story: "China buying the [decommissioned] Ark Royal ...
- IMF Harps on PRC Yuan Undervaluation (Again)Here we go again: with China being the country with the world's largest external surplus, its role in the resolution of global economic imbalances is always going to loom large. Given the past and continuing Western dominance of international financial institutions alike the IMF-witness the Chri ...
- Vatican vs. China or the Excommunication BluesBlessed are those persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 5:10) Aside from the increasingly tenuous connection between today's rather bourgeois "Chinese Communist Party" and Marxist-Leninist thought, two other relationships that give budding Sinologists ...
Economic Collapse Blog
- Drought Of 2011: The Southern United States Is ...2011 sure has been a wild year for America so far. First we had unprecedented tornado outbreaks, then we had horrific flooding along the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, then we had record setting wildfires and now we are facing a crippling drought all over the southern United ...
- 18 Signs That Global Financial Markets Smell B ...Can you smell it? There is blood in the water. Global financial markets are in turmoil. Banking stocks are getting slaughtered right now. European bond yields are absolutely soaring. Major corporations are announcing huge layoffs. The entire global financial system appears ...
- Too Big To Fail?: 10 Banks Own 77 Percent Of A ...Back during the financial crisis of 2008, the American people were told that the largest banks in the United States were "too big to fail" and that was why it was necessary for the federal government to step in and bail them out. The idea was that if several of our biggest bank ...
- 10 Signs That The American People Are Starting ...All over America, restlessness and frustration are growing. It has now been almost three years since the great financial crash of 2008, and yet the U.S. economy is still a complete and total mess. In fact, there are all sorts of signs that things are about to get even worse, an ...
- If The U.S. Government Loses Its AAA Rating It ...For decades, the U.S. government has had a AAA rating. On the scales used by the big three credit rating agencies, that is the highest credit rating that a government can get. Moody's scale actually uses lettering that is a little different from the other two big agencies ("Aa ...
Infoshop - Alt Media
- Anarcho-punk zine PunkWay #6, 2011...
- Need Tech Help? Offering it? Put a free ad in ...Are you part of a cool hacking, DIY, or tech project that needs more volunteers, users, or testers? Are you part of a radical project that needs...
- A Fake Image: About the Fraud of the Void Netw ...The social revolt of December 2008, triggered, among other things, an increased interest abroad about the struggles in Greece. For this reason, ...
- New Fringe Fest Musical Inspired by Union Figh ...When a coworker at Starbucks approached barista Ted Dewberry about forming a union at their workplace, his initial reaction was fear. Working 17 ho...
- BMedia Collective Variety Show #3: Earth Day Inc.This episode explores the connections between environment destruction and the economic and cultural systems that enable it.�Movements a...
E U Times
- Norway Premier “Begged” Putin To Stop Massacre ...A startling Federal Security Service (FSB) report on the 22 July massacre in Norway states that two-days prior to this catastrophic attack Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg [photo top right with Putin] placed an “urgent” call to Putin “begging” Russia’s leader to help stop the events tha ...
- Mullen: North Korea ‘Very Real’ ThreatSpeaking today in Seoul, South Korea, Admiral Michael Mullen declared North Korea a ‘very real threat’ to peace, and pressed for China to move into a “leadership role” against the North Korean government. “North Korea shows no signs of relenting in pursuit of its nuclear capabilities,” insisted ...
- United States recognizes Libyan rebels as legi ...The United States granted Libyan rebel leaders full diplomatic recognition as the governing authority of Libya on Friday, a move that could give the cash-strapped rebels access to more than $30 billion in frozen assets that once belonged to Moammar Gaddafi. The rebels’ Transitional National Coun ...
- Report: 1,300 children killed in Mexico’s drug warNearly 1,300 children and teenagers have died in Mexico since the beginning of the drug war in December 2006, the Network for the Rights of Children (Redim) said on Wednesday. CNN reported that the children have died as a result of the fight against organized crime that began when Felipe Calderó ...
- Turkey says EU ties will “freeze” if no Cyprus ...Turkish relations with the European Union “will freeze” if Cyprus takes over the EU presidency in July 2012 without a solution to the divided island, Turkey’s foreign minister said Wednesday. Ahmet Davutoglu made his comments as the European Union’s enlargement chief said in a visit to Ankara th ...
Voiceless Victim
- Imagine How It FeelsHow many people talk about the issue of Catholic Church enabled child sexual abuse without a thought for how it feels to be the victim of such abuse? This issue is, after all, about children. Yesterday’s children whose lives were irreparably damaged by their abuse and who are still being re-abus ...
- Lies, Damn Lies, and Catholic Church Funded St ...I used to think the John Jay College of Criminal Justice was a well meaning independent organisation exploited by the Catholic Church into giving credence to Catholic lies, distractions and excuses on the issue of endemic child rape within its ranks. But with the release of the latest dangerous ...
- Vatican Guidelines Just Another PR StuntThis weeks’ latest Vatican guidelines on child sexual abuse continue efforts over recent years to appear as if things have changed, while actually doing everything possible to avoid being forced to take effective action. The Vatican love to pretend they are doing the right thing in dealing wi ...
- Top 10 Reasons Why John Paul II Is No Saint &# ...Here is the first part of my Top 10 Reasons Why John Paul II Is No Saint. This list refers only to the child rape epidemic. There are many more issues on which the Patron Saint of Paedophiles has left the world a far, far worse place than he found it, and many instances where [...]
- Catholic Sainthood – More Expediency Tha ...The former Cardinal Ratzinger, now known as Pope Benedict XVI, may be criminally culpable, disgracefully neglectful, deliberately deceitful, and horribly, horribly wrong in his approach to the child rape epidemic within the ranks of the Catholic Church, but there is some truth to the claims made ...
WL Central
- 2011-07-25 WikiLeaks Notes: Latest News on #Ca ...Tweet This is a "WikiLeaks News Update", a daily news update of stories that are obviously related to WikiLeaks and also freedom of information, transparency, cybersecurity, and freedom of expression. All the times are GMT. New Cables were released today. 10:40 AM A diplomatic cable from 2009 ...
- 2011-07-24 Interview #WikiLeaks Cambodian Cabl ...TweetThe following interview was conducted with a Cambodian American that the interviewer knows personally as someone who has written extensively on Cambodian issues and is a very active member of the Cambodian community in the United States and elsewhere. The interviewee asked to remain anonym ...
- 2011-07-24 WikiLeaks Notes: Latest News on #Ca ...Tweet This is a "WikiLeaks News Update", a daily news update of stories that are obviously related to WikiLeaks and also freedom of information, transparency, cybersecurity, and freedom of expression. All the times are GMT. * Two cables dating from 2007 and 2009 show inflexibility of U.S. and Ok ...
- 2011-07-23 WikiLeaks Notes: Latest News on #Ca ...Tweet This is a "WikiLeaks News Update", a daily news update of stories that are obviously related to WikiLeaks and also freedom of information, transparency, cybersecurity, and freedom of expression. All the times are GMT. * Julian Assange, John Pilger and Noam Chomsky have added their names to ...
- 2011-07-23 From the Metroon to #WikiLeaks: Peo ...TweetWhat is an archive? What is its purpose? Has the kind of archive that has evolved in 20th and early 21st century Western civilisation remained consistent with the underlying principles of the contract struck between the people and the State in a democracy, whereby the State establishes th ...
U N News
- UN human rights officials voice concern at clo ...United Nations human rights officials today urged Haitian authorities to ensure that the closure of camps for people displaced by last year's catastrophic earthquake is done in a planned way as part of a broader plan to improve access to adequate housing.
- UN official urges positive social legacy' fro ...The upcoming World Cup soccer tournament and Summer Olympics in Brazil should be harnessed to deliver a "positive social legacy" for the South American country and beyond, the United Nations envoy for sports and peace has said.
- Ban asks Iberoamerican artists for help in sol ...Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today asked television producers and artists in Spain, Portugal and Latin America to use their imaginative talents to find new ways to help solve challenges related to the environment, women's empowerment, organized crime and drug trafficking.
- Honduras: UNESCO deplores murders of two journ ...The head of the United Nations agency that works to defend press freedom spoke out today at the recent slayings of another two journalists in Honduras, where at least a dozen reporters have been killed in the past 18 months.
- Senior UN official deplores murder of third Me ...The head of the United Nations agency tasked with defending press freedom has condemned the killing of a Mexican journalist, the latest addition to what she called "the long list of victims sacrificed at the altar of freedom of expression."
Conspiracy Reality TV
- Population Control – Eugenics Depopulation AgendaEugenicists who have still caught on to the discredited principles of eugenics, now attach these ideas to environmentalism and population control in an attempt to carry on eugenics in a more veiled form. Malthusian population control was now emphasized.
- CAMP FEMA: American LockdownThe martial law portions of Rex 84 were outlined in a 1982 memo, written by FEMA deputy John Brinkerhoff. Martial law was to be declared in the event of a national crisis, yet the plan did not define the term "national crisis". The plan allowed FEMA to take control of both federal and state gove ...
- 2012 – Science or Superstition – End Times Pre ...December 21, 2012, the end date of the sophisticated long count calendar created by the ancient Maya in Central America. Countless books and websites, magazine articles and newspaper headlines debate its meaning, with enthusiasts in two camps; those for casting apocalypse, the end of time, and t ...
- A Machine To Die For: The Quest For Free EnergyThere's a thing called the classified patent system which hardly anybody knows about. And every time you apply for a patent it goes through a screening by someone from the Department of Defense here in this country as well as other countries. And if this device has any kind of defense associated ...
- A Machine To Die For: The Quest For Free EnergyThere's a thing called the classified patent system which hardly anybody knows about. And every time you apply for a patent it goes through a screening by someone from the Department of Defense here in this country as well as other countries. And if this device has any kind of defense associated ...
Rewilding Institute
- Congratulations to The Center for Biological D ...What terrific news from our friends at the Center! We appreciate their efforts and hope you do, too. Please show them your support with your thanks and a donation. Check out the Center’s Historic Victory website for more on this breaking agreement. I’ve been waiting years to write these w ...
- Trekking for Rewilding – Exploring Strands of ...Text and photos by John Davis Wildlands Network/TrekEast Dave Foreman summarized brilliantly in his latest Around the Campfire why we need an Eastern Wildway and what basic steps need to be taken to achieve it. As a Rewilding Fellow, and co-founder of the Wildlands Project with Dave and other s ...
- Around the Campfire with Uncle Dave – Rewildin ...Part One For nigh onto fifteen years, I’ve been talking and writing about a North American Wildlands Network anchored by four Continental Wildways (at first named MegaLinkages). The North American Wildlands Network is rooted in the conservation pathway of Rewilding, an offshoot of the scientifi ...
- Around the Campfire with Uncle Dave – Rewildin ...Part One For nigh onto fifteen years, I’ve been talking and writing about a North American Wildlands Network anchored by four Continental Wildways (at first named MegaLinkages). The North American Wildlands Network is rooted in the conservation pathway of Rewilding, an offshoot of the scientifi ...
- Record Big Game Die-offs in Northern RockiesWinter die-offs are always characteristic of ungulate populations that have exceeded natural carrying capacity, usually because of management efforts to increase numbers for the benefit of hunters. In areas where wolves and other large predators are well established, ungulates seldom perish from ...
Asia Sentinel
- Thaksin Promises He'll Forgive EverybodyBut he still wants his money back, and he doesn’t believe he needs to serve time for corruption.
- Taiwan's Astonishing Abortion RateThe island’s terminations appear to vastly outnumber live births
- AirAsia Moves Corporate HQ from KL to JakartaPutting regional office in Indonesia is a blow for Prime Minister Najib
- French Lawyer Detained in Kuala LumpurLeader of a team investigating kickbacks to Malaysian and French politicians is taken off a plane at KLIA
- South Korea's Naval BuildupSeoul wants a blue-water navy
We Know the Lies
- 'Democracy' Is Not Freedom... Ron Paul
- CONFIRMED... Facebook IS in Fact Aiding Govern ...
- Avoiding Court Trials and Tickets!... 5 Words ...
- WARNING!!! E.O. 13575...The Next Land Grab... ...
- Exposed... Secret Location of New Federal Reserve
- Norway: Don’t Be Hypnotized by the Fake ...Webster G. Tarpley on the Alex Jones Show
- Norway Terror Attacks a False Flag: More Than Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. Washington DC, July 24, 2011 – The tragic terror attacks in Norway display a number of the telltale signs of a false flag provocation. It is reported that, although the world media are attempting to focus on Anders Behring Breivik as a lone assassin in th ...
- Letter to Congressman Van Hollen on Solutions ...Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. July 21, 2011 My dear Congressman – The American people are not interested in Obama’s Grand Bargain or the Gang of Six plan, which are cowardly and dishonest attacks on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, jobless benefits, and other vital programs. Cuts in ...
- Tea Party GOP Drives US Towards Catastrophic D ...Italian Prosecutor Michele Ruggiero Building Case Against Corrupt Ratings Agencies – Obama Justice Department Out to Lunch Webster G. Tarpley on the Alex Jones Show
- Saudi-Iran Conflicts Benefit US-UK-Israel; Is ...Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. PressTV July 17, 2011 [download video]
Modern Survivalism
- State Income Tax ComparisonState Income Tax Table 2010 Individual Tax Rates (percentage) Rounded to the nearest tenth Not including whatever state deductions that may exist Although New Hampshire and Tennessee are listed as zero income tax, they do tax on interest and dividend income at 5% and 6% respectively. Three incom ...
- 10 Year Anniversary Terrorist Attack on US Inf ...We (in the US) are now suddenly hearing new warnings from ‘Big Sis’ Janet Napolitano and the Department of Homeland Security that “violent extremists have, in fact, obtained insider positions,” and that “outsiders have attempted to solicit utility-sector employees” for damaging physical and cybe ...
- China: Cutting Edge EMP WeaponsChina’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) are developing state of the art cutting-edge EMP weapons (electromagnetic pulse) to ensure supremacy in that area, reported by ‘Focus Taiwan News Channel’. The China Times also reveals that China’s Ministry of National Defense is developing non-nuclear high ...
- Heat Stress, Exhaustion, StrokeHeat stress is the buildup in the body of heat generated by the muscles during work and of heat coming from a hot environment. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke result when the body is subjected to more heat than it can cope with. When the body becomes overheated, less blood goes to the muscles, b ...
- Sudden Death of Murdoch Empire WhistleblowerThe headlines read, News of the World phone-hacking whistleblower found dead. A report in the ‘’ reads, “Death of Sean Hoare â who was first named journalist to allege Andy Coulson knew of hacking â not being treated as suspicious”. Conspiracy? Yes Plausible conspiracy? Yes, sure i ...
Fast Company
- Why Airbnb May Be Worth A $112M InvestmentThe site that lets you crash in a stranger�s house closed a huge round of funding today. But it's not just houses and rooms that lured the boatload of cash. Andreessen Horowitz tells us why Airbnb is worth the investment--and how it�s going to help you make money on stuff you already own.Airbnb ...
- Infographic: How China's Clean Tech Industry C ...China may be the world's biggest polluter, but they're also investing heavily in clean and renewable energy solutions--and far surpassing the U.S.'s puny attempts in the process. It can, at times, seem like a new report comes out every day discussing how China is beating the U.S. in the clean e ...
- (Re)growing A Wood-Based Economy Could Slash E ...Cutting down forests sounds like a bad way to reduce CO2, but new information shows that--if done right--making wood our primary building material (instead of steel or concrete) would be a boon for the environment.Where you see a steel and concrete office building, Bruce Lippke perceives a plume ...
- It's Time To Cut Back On "Hack"In light of the News of The World scandal, let's re-examine how we use the term "hack."Over the years I've published tens of thousands of words on "hackers." I wrote "Hacking Bhabha," a story about the "hack" of an Indian atomic research station, when gangs of computer miscreants went wilding th ...
- How Google's New Face Recognition Tech Could C ...Google just bought a high-tech face recognition unit called Pitt Patt. Built into Google products, it could change everything about the web. Yes, everything.Pitt Patt was founded in 2004 as a spin-off firm built upon a decade of research into object recognition by scientists at Carnegie Mellon U ...
- Oppression 2.0: Iranian Discontent in CyberspaceThe state of Iranian cyberspace is yet another example of the repressive relationship between the Islamic Republic's government and the people of Iran. A report by Freedom House this April ranked Iran last in regards to Internet freedom. This dismal ranking is based on Iran's "extens ...
- نهاية ”الولائم الدسمة“ للأسرى السياسيين عش�ة ح��� ا�ذ�ر� ا�س���ة ا�خامسة ����ع ج�د� ��ات ا�إحت�ا� ا�إسرائ��� ج�عاد ش��ط� �� ا�أسر �ا�ذ� صاد� �� 23 م� ش�ر حز�را�� صرح �تا��ا�� بأ� "عصر ا�إمت�ازات" ��أسر� ا�س�اس��� ا���سط����� �ا�عرب �� ا�سج�� ا�إسرائ���ة� �ا�ذ�� ت��� أعداد�م ا�سبعة ا�أ�ا�� �د ��� �ا�ت��. �م� ضم� �ا�إمت�ازات� ا� ...
- دروس في العـودةاعت�� ا�م�بر مست�دا� إ�� ع�از�� ����� ا�تح�ة ع�� جمع م� اب�اء ا�شعب ا���سط��� �ع�� ا�جرح� �أ�ا�� ا�جرح�. �� ��مت� ا�م�تضبة ��م ع�د مؤتمر صحا�� �� ب�ر�ت �ت�ر�م ا�ش�داء �ا�جرح� �أ�ا���م� حا�� ا� �ج�ب ع�� سؤا� را�د �ث�ر��� �أ�ا ��ت مم� طرح� ع��� ع�دما زرت� �� ب�ت� ��� طر�ح ا��راش: ما ا�ذ� د ...
- Their Revolution and Ours[Originally published as an�editorial�in�Al-Masry Al-Youm, July 23, 2011.] Today marks 59 years since the July Revolution, an event that has defined the last half century of Egyptian history. Coming on the heels of another revolution, one popular in nature, this anniversary invites more ...
- The Corrections[This is the eighth part of Amal Hanano's diary of her trip back to Aleppo. You can read previous posts here] By coincidence, I was reading Jonathan Franzen�s The Corrections while in Aleppo, although it may not have been pure coincidence, as sometimes books seem to possess magically pe ...
- What publishing can learn from tech startups ( ...Jenn Webb / O'Reilly Radar: What publishing can learn from tech startups — Todd Sattersten (@toddsattersten), founder of BizBookLab, argues in his new book “Every Book Is a Startup” that authors and publishers need to be more entrepreneurial and treat each book like a startup business.
- It's Time To Cut Back On "Hack" (Adam Penenber ...Adam Penenberg / Fast Company: It's Time To Cut Back On “Hack” — In light of the News of The World scandal, let's re-examine how we use the term “hack.” — Over the years I've published tens of thousands of words on “hackers.” I wrote “Hacking Bhabha,” a story about the “hack” of an Indian ...
- No, Actually, News of the World Won't Happen H ...Dean Starkman / CJR: No, Actually, News of the World Won't Happen Here — In a recent spasm of radio and TV interviews about #hackgate the last couple weeks, everyone wanted to know whether a News of the World scandal could happen here. — I mean, we're just as bad, aren't we?
- For the Texas Tribune, "events are journalism" ...Andrew Phelps / Nieman Journalism Lab: For the Texas Tribune, “events are journalism” — and money makers — When Evan Smith helped launch the nonprofit Texas Tribune in 2009, he set out to get people engaged in their government again, especially in places where newspaper coverage has dwindled ...
- Second Sudanese reporter jailed for rape artic ...Reuters: Second Sudanese reporter jailed for rape article — KHARTOUM (Reuters) - A northern Sudanese court on Monday sentenced a second female journalist to one month in prison for writing an article about the alleged rape of an activist by security forces, her lawyer said.
Chemtrail News
- Chemtrail Pilots Are Guilty Of Terroris ...They do this willingly. It amounts to deliberately trying to harm someone. At . Watch Video about Pilots,Chemtrail,Chemtrails by
- I have seen a real chemtrailDiscussion about I have seen a real chemtrail!!! at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. Our topics include Conspiracy Theory, Secret Societies,
- Chemtrails They Have VANISHEDDiscussion about Chemtrails: They Have VANISHED! at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. Our topics include Conspiracy Theory, Secret Societies,
- Heavy Chemtrail Activity off California ...This video shows a massive amount of chemtrail cloud seeding activity off the coast of California on July 21,
- CHEMTRAIL SPRAYING OVER CAPE COD Massac ...CHEMTRAIL SPRAYING OVER CAPE COD JULY 17 2011 - HORRIBLE DIRTY SKY'S This was just one of the worst Ive seen on the Cape as
World News - Top Stories
- India, South Korea sign nuclear cooperati ...SEOUL: South Korea and India signed an agreement on Monday to cooperate in nuclear power, providing a legal basis for the South's future participation in atomic...
- SAS has the highest customer satisfaction ...Following last autumn's decision to expand, SAS has started 13 new routes this year and an additional four new routes will be introduced this coming autumn. SAS will also launch its second long haul route within a year next March with Copenhagen-Shanghai. At the same time, the customer sati ...
- Hundreds of ill cats recovering in Fla. w ...GAINESVILLE, Fla. - Hundreds of cats rescued from a north Florida cat sanctuary in June are recovering in a Gainesville warehouse. Alachua County Animal Services Director David Flagler tells The Gainesville Sun that 50 of the 697 ill and emaciated cats seized at the Haven Acres Cat Sanctuar ...
- Thousands rally amid Filipino leader's ke ...MANILA, Philippines - Thousands of mostly left-wing protesters have marched in the Philippine capital to demand higher wages, farmland and the prosecution of President Benigno Aquino III's predecessor for alleged graft ahead of the president's annual state of the nation address. Officials s ...
- Spanish media sure that Fabregas will joi ...Madrid - The Spanish media seemed more convinced than ever on Monday that Cesc Fabregas was about to depart Premier League club Arsenal for European champions Barcelona. Fabregas left the Barca youth program in 2003, aged just 16, and gradually became the fans' favourite and the...
no frakking consensus
- Calling Skeptics Stupid Doesn’t Convince ...How does calling me stupid and equating me with a Holocaust denier advance the debate? Is the fate of the planet really at stake - or are we just playacting in a sandbox?
- Greenpeace Disses ‘Covert Calculations&# ...Greenpeace has seen the light. Years after it became the norm in climate science to hoard & hide data, Greenpeace is now complaining about such behaviour.
- Al Gore’s Shameful New CampaignWhy is Al Gore linking greenhouse gas emissions to natural disasters when experts in that field say no such link exists?
- About My BookMy book has a new title - and will be available in September.
- Looking for Examples of the Hockey Stick GraphCan you point me to science textbooks, government documents, or websites of reputable organizations where the Michael Mann hockey stick graph appears?
Anna's News
- South Sudan becomes an independent nationSouth Sudan has become the world's newest nation, the climax of a process made possible by the 2005 peace deal that ended a long and bloody civil war.Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon are among international dignitariesSubmitted by Anna Smith to World �|� �No ...
- Polar Shifts on Rising SeasHow high will the oceans rise in response to our warming global climate, and how fast will it happen?Climate scientists have been unable to answer these basic questions with any confidence, mainly because they can't really tell how the ice caps at the....Submitted by Anna Smith to Environment � ...
- Haji Ali: A Popular Pilgrimage for all FaithHaji Ali Dargah in Mumbai is a popular pilgrimage destination for devotees of all faith. Many devotees visit Dargah from different walks of life. It is situated 500 yards off shore in the middle of Worli Bay in Mumbai. The mosque was built in 1431 by a...Submitted by Anna Smith to World �|� �No ...
- Green energy investment hits record global highGlobal investment in renewable energy sources grew by 32% during 2010 to reach a record level of US$211bn (£132bn), a UN study has reported.The main growth drivers were backing for wind farms in China and rooftop solar panels in Europe, it said. Submitted by Anna Smith to Green Lifestyle �|� � ...
- News of the World staff shocked at closureStaff at the News of the World have reacted with shock to news that it will be closed after this Sunday's edition.The paper's political editor, David Wooding, said the closure came as a "bombshell". Submitted by Anna Smith to World �|� �Note-it! �|� �Add a Comment
Medical Marijuana
- 7/22/11 - Should flavored milk be available in - UPDATED: Should flavored milk be available in schools? - The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Board of Education voted 5-2 to remove chocolate, strawberry, blueberry, rootbeer, and all flavored milks from LAUSD schools. Over 95% of US school districts still offer the ...
- 7/20/11 - Obama administration to support repe - Obama administration to support repeal of Defense of Marriage Act. The announcement follows President Obama's decision on Feb. 23, 2011 to instruct the Justice Department to stop defending DOMA, the federal law that defines marriage as a legal union between a man and wom ...
- 7/20/11 - Obesity Drugs Timeline - Read the hi - NEW: Obesity Drugs Timeline - Read the history of drugs used to treat obesity from the late 1800s to 2011 including thyroid extract, rainbow pills, and Redux. Our new chart shows which drugs were rejected by the FDA, discontinued by the manufacturer, and remain on the market ...
- 7/20/11 - Is there an age by which people real - UPDATED: Is there an age by which people realize their sexual orientation? - Read pro and con arguments from the American Psychological Association (pro), the Traditional Values Coalition (con), the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (pro), Pare ...
- 7/15/11 - was highlighted in the Co - On July 6, 2011, was highlighted in the Congressional Record when Congressman Rob Andrews (D-NJ) honored by reading a glowing statement about the organization on the floor of the US House of Representatives. His statement said in part: "It is my distinct p ...
Truth About Our World
- OKA— KulchaThis album is a collection of live tracks from 2 different gigs, one in Australia and one Canada, no overdubs, just raw Oka tracks as they went down. If you have heard Oka live and enjoyed it this is definitely worth a listen. credits released 09 February 2011 Dub, Edits & The Jamaican Mule by O ...
- OKA— PANDANUSDub, Edits & The Jamaican Mule by OKA
- OKA—Music Makes Me HappyDub, Edits & The Jamaican Mule by OKA
- OKA—- Totem (Live)Dub, Edits & The Jamaican Mule by OKA
- OKA— Chuckie DubChuckie Dub from Album: Dub, Edits & The Jamaican Mule by OKA This album is a collection of live tracks from 2 different gigs, one in Australia and one Canada, no overdubs, just raw Oka tracks as they went down. If you have heard Oka live and enjoyed it this is definitely worth a listen. credits ...
Gyrovague's Raves
- A bookshelf the size of the worldInside the vision for the largest library in history (Pat Greenhouse/Globe Staff) Robert Darnton, director of the Harvard University Library, and others are working to create a worldwide digital public library. Richard Beck As the digitization of human culture accelerates, publishers and academi ...
- Big Content’s latest antipiracy weapon: ...Timothy B. Lee As major American copyright holders continue their long war on file-sharing, the focus of the debate has increasingly shifted overseas. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has begun seizing the domain names of so-called rogue sites based overseas. And copyright interests ar ...
- Judge calls $1.5M file-sharing judgment "appal ...slashes to $54,000 Nate Anderson | Published 2 days ago Thong underwear sold by Jammie Thomas-Rasset after her first trial to pay her legal bills Jammie Thomas-Rasset, the first US resident to have the file-sharing lawsuits against her go all the way to trial and verdict back in 2007, âlied in h ...
- If you care about your sperm,watch out for secondhand smoke Kate Shaw Listen up, guys! There are plenty of rumors that tight pants can decrease your sperm count, and that keeping your cell phone in your pocket can contribute to cancer in some delicate areas. As if you didnât have enough worry about down there, now thereâs a ...
- The future of lightingwalls of light, LEDs, and glowing trees James Holloway The London Eye upgraded to color-changing LEDs in 2006 Light bulbs haven’t been sexy tech since Thomas Edison’s day, but innovation has come to an industry that has seen relatively little of it for a century. Today, the lighting industry is ...
In Verbena | Royal Society
- Open meeting on open science – some highlightsFROM NILS HANWAHR IN THE SCIENCE POLICY CENTRE We kicked off our Science as a public enterprise study with a public event at the Southbank Centre last month. The full recording of the first debate is now available. Download audio file (Apologies for the mixed quality – the audience mikes were ...
- Engineering public engagementFROM EMMA WOODS IN THE SCIENCE POLICY CENTRE What is so unusual about geoengineering? What sets it apart from other controversial technologies? One thing that strikes me as particularly atypical is that the social dimensions of geoengineering are being addressed well ahead of the development of ...
- Frontiers of Science UK-Germany: is sound fast ...FROM RUTH COOPER, SENIOR POLICY ADVISER Last week 35 early career British scientists met with their German counterparts in the UK, for the third UK-German Frontiers of Science meeting. The meeting was co-organised with the Junge Akademie with logistical support from the Alexander von Humbold ...
- Frontiers of Science UK-Germany: is sound fast ...FROM RUTH COOPER, SENIOR POLICY ADVISER Last week 35 early career British scientists met with their German counterparts in the UK, for the third UK-German Frontiers of Science meeting. The meeting was co-organised with the Junge Akademie with logistical support from the Alexander von Humbold ...
- Opening up scientific information: a shared hi ...There are two parts to the story of the birth of the internet. Networked computers exchanging packets of information have existed since the 1960s, facilitated largely by a government project in the USA. Â Â The interface that allows anyone to share anything with anyone, anywhere – the combinatio ...
NAU Resistance
- U.S. Ambassador Says Perimeter Security Deal W ...- Joint Border Inspection Facilities | Relocation Of U.S. Food Inspectors At Canadian Plants And Vice-Versa |Greater Sharing Of Intelligence & Harmonizing Regulations | Greater Use Of Biometrics To Track Travelers In Real Time
- Senate “Reform”, or Destruction of Democratic ..."If a Prime Minister tries to turn Parliamentary responsible government into unparliamentary irresponsible government, only the Crown can stop him; only the Crown can keep government responsible to Parliament and Parliament to the people; only the Crown can prevent the Prime Minister, prime serv ...
- Senate “Reform”, or Destruction of Democratic ..."If a Prime Minister tries to turn Parliamentary responsible government into unparliamentary irresponsible government, only the Crown can stop him; only the Crown can keep government responsible to Parliament and Parliament to the people; only the Crown can prevent the Prime Minister, prime serv ...
- VIDEO: “THE CONFEDERATION OF CANADA AS A WAR M ..."Let the Fathers of Confederation explain to you why Canada cannot be annexed to the United States of America"- KM
- VIDEO: “THE CONFEDERATION OF CANADA AS A WAR M ..."Let the Fathers of Confederation explain to you why Canada cannot be annexed to the United States of America"- KM
Gaea Times
- Indian?s fight against child marriage in focus ...ABU DHABI - The spotlight was once again on India at the Abu Dhabi Film Festival, courtesy a British filmmaker. Kim Longinotto in “Pink Saris” depicted the evils of child marriage and the caste conflict in the interiors of northern India - and a woman’s fight to bring about change. In her doc ...
- Rebel JD-U MP warns against Nitish?s return to ...PATNA - A day ahead of the first round of the six-phase Bihar assembly elections, a rebel leader of the ruling Janata Dal-United (JD-U) Wednesday appealed to farmers not to vote for Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. In an appeal published in local Hindi dailies, Rajeev Ranjan Singh alias Lalan Sin ...
- Agra offers world class recording studio to Bo ...AGRA - Studio Wave, a new recording studio here, is being endorsed by top names in Bollywood music but the sound engineer who set it up is also hoping it will help local talent thrive. Satish Gupta, who founded it, told IANS: “The main motive of this studio is to promote local talent in music ...
- Pete Doherty creating jewellery for menLONDON - Singer Pete Doherty is creating his own range of jewellery. The 31-year-old crooner has collaborated with former Cartier designer Hannah Martin to create “Albion Trinketry”, a luxury range of rings, chains, cufflinks and pins. Petes been obsessed with antiques and trinkets for years, ...
- Low testosterone ?may raise risk of early death?WASHINGTON - A new research has linked low testosterone levels to a heightened risk of premature death from heart disease and all causes. The finding refutes received wisdom that the hormone is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Researchers base their findings on 930 men, all of whom h ...
TruthNews Australia
- No Carbon Tax Protest: photosSome random thoughts as we steam towards the biggest social and economic blunder of the millennium. Calculations about what people will pay on average per week are speculative and have no guarantees attached. That’s clearly just a marketing gimmick. What we should be more concerned about is wh ...
- TVO Canada interviews Gage, Zwicker, Zarembka ... Written by AE911Truth Staff | 17 may 2011 Canadian Public Broadcasting TV Station TVO Interviewed AE911Truth's Richard Gage, AIA, Barrie Zwicker (Towers of Deception), Author Paul Zarembka on the program "The Agenda" wi ...
- A green tide sweeps CanberraOn 4th July 2011 the Greens will control nine seats in the Federal Senate, giving them the balance of power and ushering in a new era of enviro-politics. Tonight Josh Jackson and I wade into the battle over carbon taxes and attempt to restore some sanity to the debate. In particular we take ...
- 9/11 Troll AlertCoinciding with the approaching 10th anniversary of 9/11, it seems we are experiencing a new campaign to undermine and destroy the 9/11 truth movement. Truther groups have been buzzing over the past two days with news about the "defection" of Love Police founder Charlie Veitch from the 9/11 t ...
- TSA’s assault on human dignity continues ...There has been the usual hand wringing and a flood of TV reports over the latest TSA outrage: the "grope down" of a six year old girl, daughter of Todd and Selena Drexel, at an airport in New Orleans. I present below some of the recent coverage: "Right now at Armstrong International ...
- Kate Walsh: My Ocean Inspiration© Tim Calver I had the good fortune to spend quite a bit of time in and around the ocean and sea during the last few months of my hiatus from �Private Practice,� both for work and for pleasure. My love for the oceans is obvious, to be sure, but nothing reinvigorates my commitment to keepin ...
- Friday Infographic: Fishing WeaponrySince a lot of what happens in the oceans is hidden from view, the issues we discuss here on the blog can often be abstract and hard to visualize. That�s why starting today, I�ll be featuring an ocean infographic by artist Don Foley each week. These infographics also appear in Oceana board memb ...
- Photo of the Week: Long-finned Pilot Whales© Oceana/Carlos Minguell The Ranger crew spotted these gorgeous long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) off the coast of Calahonda, Spain. As you can see, these cetaceans have a bulbous head and short jaw, with flippers that almost look like elbows due to their sharp backward bend. L ...
- Victory: Court Rules in Favor of Oceana on Bycatch© Oceana/ Jesus Renedo Great news for the oceans: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia has ruled in favor of Oceana in a suit that will require commercial fisheries from North Carolina to the Canadian border to monitor and report the amount of bycatch, or untargeted marine ...
- Guest Post: The Ocean’s Invisible ThreatGuest blogger Jon Bowermaster is a writer and filmmaker. In this post, Jon reports on the dangers of ocean acidification. Of all the threats to the planet’s ocean, none may be more insidious or have longer-term impact than ocean acidification. It is also the least understood of all the pote ...
Civilian Military Intelligence Group
- The Day A Mitchell B-25 Medium Bomber Careened ...Empire State Building On Fire After B-25 Impact It was a foggy day in New York City on a Saturday morning, July 28th, 1945. Clouds festooned skyscrapers over the island in thick layers. Although it was a Saturday, a new six-day workweek brought on by the World War helped appoint many offices wit ...
- US Industrial Might In World War II By The NumbersLast night I watched a Netflix feature, on the US in World War II on The Story of Us. I have written extensively about this. The manufacturing numbers we put out were a first for industry and have barely been bested. There is a thick historical context that runs throughout these numbers as well. ...
- Winston Churchill’s Touching Tribute To ...Neville Chambelain There is perhaps no character more vilified than the former British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain who signed the Munich Accords with the Nazi High Command. His intentions were pure, and no one at the time knew that Hitler was using this as a ruse simply to buy time before ...
- The Big Killer In The Civil War Was Not The Bu ...Civil War Hospital 1865, Location Unknown The causes of death in the Civil War were not limited to soft lead bullets entering and shredding tissue, or cannon fire. The American Civil War was a tragedy of technological imbalances. The science of weaponry far outweighed the science of medicine at ...
- A Union Colonel Writes To His Parents Before A ...Union Colonel Elmer Ellsworth's Letter Home Head Quarters, First Zouaves, Camp Lincoln: Washington, D.C., May 23, 1861 My Dear Father and Mother—The Regiment is ordered to move across the river tonight. We have no means of knowing what reception we are to meet with. I am inclined to the opinion ...
Taylor Marsh
- Norway Domestic Terrorist Reportedly Influence ...Oh, the inconvenience of facts when met with ugly reality. Pamela Geller and Jihad Watch’s Robert Spencer are cited in today’s New York Times story: Marc Sageman, a former C.I.A. officer and a consultant on terrorism, said it would be unfair to attribute Mr. Breivikâs violence to the writers who ...
- Just Raise the Debt CeilingThis all started with Pres. Obama and the Democrats accepting the Republican demand that the debt ceiling include all sorts of austerity sweeteners. Then Obama went further, serving up entitlements on the reelection marketing theme that he was “strengthening” Social Security, Medicare and Medica ...
- Ezra Klein: Republicans have ‘Won’We don’t yet know what the final deal to raise the debt ceiling will be. But now that Harry Reid is developing a proposal with $2.5 trillion in cuts and nothing in revenues, it’s a safe bet that it won’t include any tax increases. Which means that whether Republicans realize it or not, they’ve w ...
- Steve Rattner’s Cheerleading on ‘Morning Joe’“Outsiders are cool, but we’re not, we’re insiders, we’re the establishment,” Griffin said, according to Cenk Uygur during his ouster at MSNBC. Love him or hate him, watch him or not, Mr. Uygur consistently offered a progressive viewpoint and challenged the White House, while taking it to Republ ...
- Progressive Notes: Latest Debt Ceiling Deal Ma ...Art offers his perspective as a movement progressive activist. Here is the latest debt ceiling deal mayhem. It is hard to tell what is going on and it appears chaotic at best on the Hill with Boehner moving to push his own “deal” though the House and Reid ready to push perhaps some “counter deal ...
Hudson New York
- Demonstrations in Iraq: More Democracy or Less?Thousands of Iraqis have already taken part in the demonstrations there since February 2011. These demonstrations, apparently inspired by the Arab revolutions sweeping the Arab and Muslim world since the end of 2010, have not attracted much attention
- Muslim Brotherhood: "Impose Islam...Step by Step"Things are looking good for Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, the grandfather of all Islamist groups. Despite the organization's hegemonic aspirations—which include "eliminating and destroying the Western civilization … so that it is eliminated and God's
- "Another Kind of Israel"As most Arab countries continue to impose severe travel restrictions on Palestinians, Israel authorities announced this week that tens of thousands of Palestinians from the West Bank territories would be granted permits to visit Israel as tourists by the
- Trying to Avoid Pakistan's War on IndiaIn the aftermath of the Mumbai attack of July 13, which killed 21 and injured 140, India is trying not to escalate the tension with Pakistan. Despite the feeling that behind the triple blasts there is once again the shadow of the Pakistani intelligence
- Iraqi Kurds Inspired by Secession of South Sudan"There is a lot of inspiration from southern Sudan," said Barham Salih, Iraqi Kurdish leader on the first day South Sudan has borned, on his twitter account On the day the newest African nation was born, Barham Salih, an Iraqi Kurdish leader, used his
Urban Survival
- Gold’s Next Jump(Payson, AZ) Although I won’t be able to comment on the action in Gold this morning once this gets posted, please note that the Kitco quote this morning topped $1,622 for a few minutes, and near as I can figure … Continue reading →
- Coping: With George’s Gambling Lessons(Payson, AZ) There is nothing to compare with travel for the broadening of the mind – and this past week, kicking around the Southwest, going to Elaine’s reunion up in the hinterlands, and then meeting what seemed like a zillion … Continue reading →
- Bernie’s Bombshell(Snowflake, AZ) Oh oh, Senator Bernie Sanders (Vermont’s lucky) has issued a major statement on how the Fed engineered $16 trillion to bail our not only US but also foreign banks. His website reports in part: “The first top-to-bottom audit … Continue reading →
- Coping: The Case of the Disappearing BraceletAfter writing most of this week about the “WuJo” stories, we had one of those daman curious little event critters show up in our car yesterday. We’d just come out of “power shopping” the Rainbow Forest and Painted Desert National … Continue reading →
- The Drought of ‘11(Albuquerque, NM) As we looked out the window of our hotel room here last night, it was a rare feast of ‘eye treats’ as much needed summer thunderstorm came down from the north, played around with the mountains east of … Continue reading →
Trends & Forecasts
- FALSE FLAG - Operation Gladio - Worldwide CIA ...Operation Gladio False Flag attacks by European... [[ Please visit for the full story ]]
- Webster Tarpley: Norway Terror Attacks a False ...Webster Tarpley : half a mile from the place of... [[ Please visit for the full story ]]
- Links for 2011-07-24 []David Morgan : silver beats gold two to one in capital gain | SILVER SHORTAGE David Morgan : silver beats gold two to one in capital gain Alex Jones Predicted The Staged Oslo Terror The Day Before | Alex Jones Infowars Blog Alex Jones Predicted The Staged Oslo Terror The Day Before ...
- FALSE FLAG - Operation Gladio in Western Europ ...NATO Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and... [[ Please visit for the full story ]]
- Illuminism : The Great Television and Music RitualThe TV is the most powerful social conformance... [[ Please visit for the full story ]]
Radical Chic
- MIND CONTROL 79: Discerning The Voice Of StrangersFor some reasonâ¦â¦ there is this illusion that Pastors are representatives of Godâ¦.. appointed by Godâ¦â¦ in order to tell us the truth about God. But the fact remainsâ¦â¦ the truth about Godâ¦.. came through âone personâ. Jesus Christ. John 10:1-18 1 “I TELL YOU THE TRUTH, THE MAN WHO DOES NO ...
- MIND CONTROL 78: An Errand Boy Named JesusThis is probably one of my favorite things that Jesus ever saidâ¦..because it has had such an impact on my life. It is one of those statements that comes in conjunction with the sayingâ¦.. âput your money where your mouth isâ. It is shortâ¦.. and to the point. Jesus says: John 7:16-18 16 “MY TEA ...
- BODY CAMOUFLAGE – By: Liu BolinFiled under: CREATIVITY Tagged: creativity, painting
- UNDERWATER SCULPTURES – By: Jason de Cai ...Filed under: CREATIVITY Tagged: art, creativity, sculptures
- DEFYING GRAVITY – By: Li WeiFiled under: CREATIVITY Tagged: creativity
Boston Blog ( Nature Network)
- PCAST Report: Better data needed to monitor bi ...Daniel Schrag, director of Harvard Center for Environment, contributed to new report citing the need for better data on biodiversity and ecosystem data. Nature News reports: Biodiversity and ecosystem data gathered by US environmental monitoring programs need to be better centralized, accordi ...
- Green chemistry, birds of Cape Cod and other ...We've loaded up our expanded vacation calendar with science-tinged events in Boston and beyond, including Cape Cod, Rhode Island and New Hampshire. Lots of things to do with the kids, but plenty for adults, including a bird watching cruise, a talk about green chemistry, a beach biology worksho ...
- National Weather Service, MOS offers heat wave ...National Weather Service offers some technical details on today's heat wave. The Museom of Science,Boston also has an exhibit. For example, we don't need to worrry about the Mesoscale Convective System -- a cluster of thunderstorms that will pass north of New England. The Museom of Scie ...
- Boston U paper on genes and longevity retractedFrom the Globe: The paper, originally published online last July by the journal Science, analyzed the genes of centenarians and found genetic markers that appeared to be unusually strong predictors of whether a person was likely to live a very long life. But outside researchers raised seriou ...
- Journal editors: GOP relies on flawed medical ...The editors of three major medical journals concluded that two studies weighing the impact of FDA regulation on medical device innovation are "unfit for a peer-reviewed journal." Editors of the New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the American Medical Association and the Archives ...
NRDC Switchboard
- Race to Rio: 2012 Earth Summit News -- July 25 ...Jacob Scherr, Director, Global Strategy & Advocacy, Washington, DC SECRETARY-GENERAL LINKS CLIMATE CHANGE TO SUSTAINABILITY AT SECURITY COUNCIL, SAYS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WILL BE TOP PRIORITY In his opening statement at a historic UN Security ...
- West Virginia update: new reports of a frack f ...Amy Mall, Senior Policy Analyst, Washington, D.C. There is a lot of natural gas production in West Virginia, and there have been many reports of environmental damage, including drinking water contamination, streams destroyed, and dangerous air pol ...
- Our Radio Ad: 60 mpg makes sense for America a ...Roland Hwang, Transportation Program Director, San Francisco In order to provide balance to the Automobile Alliance radio ad that have been playing for weeks in Washington, D.C., the Go60MPG coalition is launching a radio advertising campaign enco ...
- Federal Appeals Court Rejects Attack on Great ...Thom Cmar, Attorney, Chicago On Friday, we won another legal battle in the fight to bring protective ballast water standards to the Great Lakes! The federal appeals court in Washington, DC denied a legal challenge by ports and shipping interests ...
- Atrazine Use Rises While EPA Twiddles Its ThumbsAndrew Wetzler, Director, Land & Wildlife Program, Chicago It’s been a good year for Syngenta, the maker of the endocrine-disrupting chemical atrazine. Last week, the company reported double-digest growth in sales and net income for the first ...
Injustice Everywhere
- Police Misconduct NewsFeed Weekend Recap 07-23 ...Here are the 10 reports of police misconduct tracked in our National Police Misconduct News Feed for this weekend of July 23-24, 2011: Washington Twp PA police officer was arrested on homicide, conspiracy and possession of stolen goods charges after his father was arrested on homicide charges in ...
- National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Reca ...Here are the 17 reports of police misconduct tracked in our National Police Misconduct News Feed for this Friday, July 22, 2011: San Francisco CA cop who cost city over $400k in multiple brutality claims is fired 4yrs after put on desk duty [1] US Marshals settle suit for $3 ...
- National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Reca ...Here are the 21 reports of police misconduct tracked in our National Police Misconduct News Feed for this Thursday, July 21, 2011: Philadelphia PA police are being sued by a man claiming cops used excessive force when they left son in coma after beating and tasering him in an incident that witne ...
- National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Reca ...Here are the 20 reports of police miscoduct tracked in our National Police Misconduct News Feed for this Wednesday, July 20, 2011: Charlotte NC family wins $10mil jury judgment against Taser Int after son died when tasered by police [0] Sevierville TN cop gets deferred sente ...
- National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Reca ...Here are the 15 reports of police misconduct tracked in our National Police Misconduct News Feed for this Tuesday, July 19, 2011: Parkersburg WV settles suit for $70k to a man claiming cops beat him while he was cuffed when they arrested him, then again at the station and then yet again while he ...
Total Collapse
- Norway Premier “Begged” Putin To Stop Massacre ...A startling Federal Security Service (FSB) report on the 22 July massacre in Norway states that two-days prior to this catastrophic attack Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg [photo top left with Putin] placed an “urgent” call to Putin “begging” Russia’s leader to help stop the events that ...
- Israel PM guards tell women reporters to remov ...Foreign journalists on Friday spoke of their distress after being asked to remove their bras for a security check before being allowed into the offices of Israel’s prime minister. The three women were told by security personnel to undress and take off their bras for x-ray in two separate inciden ...
- Anders Behring Breivik – Knights Templar 2083 ...New surreal details are emerging about Breivik… The killer claims to be a Knights Templar… Wrote a 1,500 page document detailing his preparations… From the Daily Mail: Breivik’s confession comes as details of a 12-minute video entitled ‘Knights Templar 2083′, which briefly appeared on YouTube, h ...
- Iran may deploy warships in AtlanticThe Iranian navy plans on deploying warships to the Atlantic Ocean as part of a programme to ply international waters, Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayari said in statements published Tuesday. But the commander of the navy, quoted by Kayhan newspaper, said he was waiting for “final approval” before l ...
- Erdogan to Israel – “Apologise for flotilla de ...In announcing his intention to visit the Gaza Strip, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish prime minister, has raised the stakes in an ongoing crisis with Israel, observers say. Quoting unnamed foreign ministry sources in Ankara, the Turkish daily Radikal reported yesterday that Turkish diplomats ha ...
Daily Dose
- Scientific study confirms that Mondays suckFile this under things that we already knew, but a confirmation by science doesn’t hurt. A scientific study by Marmite has revealed that Mondays do indeed suck. The findings fo the study, as reported by The Telegraph, indicate that many people don’t smile on Mondays until 11:16 am, and that hal ...
- Here’s what Apple’s gorgeous new store in Gran ...Apple is planning a new retail store inside Grand Central Station in New York. The company paid the current tennants of the spot $5 million to leave their slot early and will pay $1.1 in rent, the Wall Street Journal reports. Now the Metropolitan Transit Authority has released some renderings t ...
- How do I insert a CD to the iPad 2?We Apple users fall into 2 groups: Those who will gladly help you with problems and those who will gladly make fun of you because of them. Both groups appear here, in a thread on the Apple Support forums. You just can’t make this stuff up, folks. Unless this is fake, which is entirely possible. ...
- 10 Marketing Tips for Every StartupYou’ve got a great idea and you’ve built an even better product. Now that the hard part’s over and your product is ticking along nicely, what’s next? It’s time to let people know about what you’ve done. The fact remains that if nobody’s using your product, it’s going to be pretty hard to move f ...
- TNW’s Daily Dose – 24 hours of tech news in 5 ...RIM cuts over 10% of its workforce, some customers in the Japanese Apple App Store appear to have had their accounts hacked, and Facebook has an iPad app hiding in (almost) plain sight. It’s all in today’s Daily Dose. You can catch The Daily Dose every Monday through Friday right here on The Nex ...
Beyond Zero Emissions
- Solar Thermal a Key Driver of Renewable Energy ...New data released by Bloomberg New Energy Finance shows that, over the last financial quarter, a staggering $US41.7billion of new capital was invested globally in the renewable energy sector. Investments in the innovative concentrating solar thermal (CST) industry were identified as a key drive ...
- Carbon Price Scheme – No Longer a Mystery PackageUpon the release of Prime Minister Julia Gillard�s carbon price package (to take effect July 1, 2012), there has been talk aplenty of her plummeting popularity. The PM has dismissed the commentary in favour of the scheme�s necessity, saying, �Polls will come and go�� I�m absolutely convinced wh ...
- BZE Executive Director pictured on front of 20 ...Beyond Zero Emissions is pleased to have been awarded the prestigous opportunity to be pictured on the front of the Sydney Whitepages by Telstra owned directory publisher Sensis. BZE Executive Director Matthew Wright is pictured on top of the Sydney Theatre Company with their new largescale ...
- Carbon Price Response: A Small Step Forward, B ...Climate and energy security think tank Beyond Zero Emissions welcome the Labor government�s carbon price package negotiated with The Greens and lower house independents Rob Oakshott and Tony Windsor. The proposed legislation will start the process of transitioning Australia from a 19th Century f ...
- Clarification Needed on ‘Clean Energy’ – Scarc ...Beyond Zero Emissions welcomes the establishment of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC). The Greens have been successful in striking forest burning out of the definition of renewable energy but have failed to negotiate the end to the practi ...
Monga Bay ( News )
- US House Republicans propose to eliminate migr ...The US House of Representatives has proposed an environmental spending bill that strips funds from many environmental agencies, including eliminating altogether the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act. The vote has been denounced by House Democrats.
- Pictures of the day: pink animalsAs a follow up to last week's popular "Unusually Blue Animals" post, here are some animals that are pretty in pink.
- Yellowstone burning: big fires to hit world's ...An icon of conservation and wilderness worldwide, Yellowstone National Park could see its ecosystem flip due to increased big fires from climate change warn experts in a new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS). A sudden increase in large fires—defined as over 200 h ...
- U.S. park to reopen after massive peat forest ...Authorities are reopening Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge in Georgia five weeks after the 402,000-acre swamp was closed due to a massive forest fire sparked by a lightning strike during the state's severe drought.
- Pictures: Researchers to track proboscis monke ...Researchers with the Sabah Wildlife Department and Danau Girang Field Center in Malaysia have become the first to fit a proboscis monkey with a satellite tag.
Sierra Express
- A special wish to the world at largeVoice of Silence � The world�s rushing racing and falling Vicious clamor for wealth like power The helpless falling no time for caring Poverty is crime or wealth mere vanity? Kids shirked as crime a scary epidemic Is prosperity God�s ticket to glory? Please listen to the voice of silence. � Whil ...
- NEC headquarters transformedThe NEC headquarters at Tower Hill, Freetown has been transformed. The new ultra-modern building now accommodates both the electoral commission and the Human Rights Commission Sierra Leone. The building was erected by the Overseas Trading Construction Company’s architectural and engineering ser ...
- Ports Authority striker departs for Norwegian ...After helping his club, Ports Authority win the Sierra Leone premier league, striker, Donald Wellington aka ‘Kobor Kobor’ today departs the shores of Sierra Leone to commence a two weeks trial with Norwegian top division club Stabæk Fotball. The trial which was scheduled for July 15 is expected ...
- SLPP Chairman/Leader responds to Lawyer Eke Ha ...SIERRA LEONE PEOPLE’S PARTY NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS 15 WALLACE JOHNSON STREET Eke A. Halloway Inner Chamber 2nd Floor, Spiritus House Howe Street Freetown July 21st 2011 Dear Lawyer Eke Halloway, I am in receipt of your Legal Opinion dated 20th July 2011 but which I only received today 21st July ...
- Pa Dembo faces stiff competitionGambian international goal poacher, Pa Dembo Touray will now face stiff competition for the position of a starting role at Djurgården’s goal after Coach Magnus Persson captured the signature of Sierra Leonean goalkeeper of Lebanese origin Mehdi Khalil (in photo). The Swedish Allsvenskan league s ...
Dairy Industry - NZ Herald
- US report backs Fonterra pricingAs the dairy industry waits to see if the Commerce Commission will hold an inquiry into retail milk prices, a report commissioned by Fonterra says the way the dairy giant sets the farm-gate price is sound.Fonterra has been coming...
- Dairy prices to fall, but not milkThe price of butter and cheese will drop next month in line with falling international dairy prices - but milk will stay the same.Weakening demand in China has caused international dairy commodity prices to drop, although Fonterra...
- Dairy America joins Fonterra auction siteInternational dairy company DairyAmerica will begin selling its products on Fonterra's online auction site GlobalDairyTrade in October.The company's participation has been described as a significant development in what was already...
- DairyAmerica joins Fonterra online auctionDairyAmerica, a marketing company for four US dairy cooperatives, will begin selling milk products through Fonterra's GlobalDairyTrade platform in October, as the auction site opens to outside participants.Starting on October 4,...
- $51,000 in fines for dirty dairyingThe Environment Court has fined two Northland dairy farmers $51,000 between them for discharging effluent into waterways despite repeated warnings and notices to upgrade their systems.Anthony Joseph Schluter of Pekerau, about...
The Bovine
- The Atlantic joins a pilgrimage to Joel Salati ...From Andrea Gabor, in The Atlantic: “Two weeks ago, I joined about 1,700 farmers, foodies, and families from across the U.S. for a pilgrimage to Joel Salatin’s Polyface Farm, home of his iconic model of local, sustainable agriculture. Salatin, the … Continue reading →
- Raw milk repression, FDA propagandaFrom Karen De Coster on Lew “On the raw milk front, has some interesting survey results on comparative raw milk regulations on a state-by-state basis. To summarize, thirty states allow consumers to transact with raw milk producers while twenty states … Continue read ...
- Why does the FDA pay extra to spread the bad n ...From David E. Gumpert on Health Impact News Daily: “Thereâs news about a possible outbreak of campylobacter from raw milk in North Carolina, that likely affected three people, and possibly affected as many as eight. Now, chances are youâve read … Continue reading →
- New Gen 5 raw milk blue bus now in service on ...From Michael Schmidt:
- Hungary destroys Monsanto GMO cornFrom Shellee Tyler, on Planet “In an effort to rid the country of Monsantoâs GMO products, Hungary has stepped up the pace. This looks like its going to be another slap in the face for Monsanto. A new regulation was introduced this March which … Continue reading →
Mish's Global Economic Trends
- Fiat Money Produces Endless Sea of Wars, Debt, ...My friend Dominic Frisby put together an interesting video on the rationale for a gold standard. link if above video does not play: Gold: Independent Money A gold standard will not cure every social ill in the world, nor will it stop all senseless wars. Nothing will. However, by now it shoul ...
- Spanish Government Bonds Hit 6% Again; Yields ...With most eyes focused on the smoke and mirrors debt ceiling fiasco in the US, inquiring minds note that sovereign debt yields in Europe are once again climbing with 10-Year Spanish government bonds touching 6% once again. Spain 10-Year Government Bonds Bloomberg Quote: Spain Italy 10-Year ...
- Boehner, Cantor Attack Obama's $2.4 Trillion " ...Four players must agree to do a debt ceiling resolution or nothing gets done. Those players are House Speaker John Boehner, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and President Obama. Many have House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in that group. However, Pelosi ...
- Sea of Red in Asia, China Down Nearly 3 Percen ...In the wake of a budget ceiling impasse, markets in Asia are down sharply with China leading the way, down nearly 3 percent. Seriously, does anyone think Congress will not pass something? The US is not going to default and everyone knows it. Of course there are plenty of reasons for the glob ...
- Reid, Pelosi Push Smoke and Mirrors Debt Plan ...In what amounts to nothing more than smoke and mirrors, At White House, Reid, Pelosi Push Debt Plan With $2.5T in CutsSenate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., met at the White House for a meeting at 6 p.m. that lasted a little more than an hour ...
Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs
- BFP Food for Thought: Trying to See the Forest ...…and Finding Some Ones Can we just step back for a few minutes, put aside all the little meddling points showcased by the propaganda machine media and political showmen, take a look at the following facts, and try to see the forest despite the trees? An ‘alleged’ Mastermind executes a terror att ...
- BFP Select Nightly News & EditorialsDARPA’s Secret Afghan Spy Machine, Hell-Bent on War, John Brennan’s False Drone Claims, U.S. Blocks Oversight of its Mercenary Army in Iraq, Central Asia-Caucasus Cyber Censors Tactics, Financial Sectors Score Big Money for Obama, Which Side of American Torture Are You On? & More! Newsworthy U.S ...
- Jamiol Presents
- BFP Select Nightly News & EditorialsDubai Murder-Accused Had Kiwi Link?, How to Lobby for a Foreign Government & Not Get Arrested, Yemen Conflict: Generating More Child Soldiers, Obama Top Recipient of Murdoch’s News Corp Donations?!, Religious Wars in the Balkans was Orchestrated by USA & NATO, Idle Kingdom: Saudi Arabia & More! ...
- A “Moment” of reflection for Hamid & Ahmed Wal ...“The Diem Moment” for Karzai Brothers? And so the notorious Ahmed Wali Karzai (A.W.K) is dead, killed by a (formerly) trusted bodyguard who had worked closely with U.S. Special forces and the C.I.A. The assassination of a C.I.A. strategic asset, alleged Kandahar drug boss and tribal “fixer” for ...
bloody crossroads
- Today’s Stories21st-Century Slaves: How Corporations Exploit Prison Labor Union worker replaced with prison labor under Scott Walker’s collective bargaining law 100 hours in an Israeli prison Wendell Potter: How our health care system cripples small business How the debt ceiling debate … Continue reading →
- Today’s StoriesThe state of Islamic fundamentalism in Pakistan according to Shehrbano Taseer, a journalist whose father was the politician who was murdered for opposing extremism The journalist who exposed the Murdoch hacking scandal discusses the story Wendell Potter: Insurance exchanges tilted … Continue rea ...
- The Terrifying Christian RightThe gap between fundamentalist and fascist is narrowing: The Christian Rightâs assault on America is frightening, and, as someone who grew up in a world of religious fanaticism, my personal experience gives me a sharp sense of where this is … Continue reading →