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- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 42 seconds agoResearchers from Texas A&M University have returned from a trip to examine the scope and size of this year's "dead zone" in the Gulf of Mexico and have measured it currently to be about 3,300 square miles,...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 42 seconds agoBritons love to lecture the world about integrity and the rule of law, but the News of the World phone hacking scandal has laid bare a web of collusion between money, power, media and the police. Far from...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 42 seconds agoWhen former astronaut Story Musgrave addresses an expected huge throng of UFO believers in California next week, he'll delight the crowd when he tells them he believes we're not alone in the universe. But...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 42 seconds agoAt first glance, that may sound like a crazy question. The two giants of the global economy appear to be heading in opposite directions. China is the world's up-and-coming superpower, propelled forward by ...
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 7 minutes agoPC World and many others bring us some great news about the future methods of transportation. Cars have become obsolete and they consume too much energy. So the EU has started an official EU project My...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 34 minutes agoThe Fish and Wildlife Service determined Monday that whitebark pine, a tree found atop mountains across the American West, faces an “imminent” risk of extinction because of factors including climate change...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 34 minutes agoLamb, beef and cheese generate the most greenhouse gases of 20 popular meat, fish, dairy and vegetable proteins, according to a new study from the Environmental Working Group. The Meat Eater's Guide, relea...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 34 minutes agoMassive global greenhouse gas pollution is changing the chemistry of the world's oceans so much that scientists now predict it could severely damage shellfish populations and the nations that depend on the...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 34 minutes agoSuzanne B. McLaren, the collection manager in the Carnegie Museum of Natural History's section of mammals, extends the wing of an approximately 3-inch specimen of a Seminole bat, rare in Pennsylvania, whic...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 34 minutes agoDiscovery Channel is set to announce a potentially controversial new series: A docu-soap reality show set in the country’s largest medical marijuana distributorship and starring a pot reform activist. This...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 34 minutes agoFrench President Nicolas Sarkozy will fly into Berlin today for a summit with Angela Merkel aimed at forging a common stance on the Greek rescue package as the eurozone lurches closer to collapse. Chancel...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 34 minutes agoThieves made off with more than $20,000 worth of copper wire from two far southwest suburban businesses sometime between Monday afternoon and early Tuesday. The theft happened sometime between 4:30 p.m. o...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 34 minutes agoA family friend has been arrested for allegedly molesting a 10-year-old girl while living with the victim's uncle. A family friend, 50-year-old Johnny Connor, is suspected of performing a lewd act that c...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 34 minutes agoLee Lewis, the owner of the tricked-out hearse loaded with an arsenal of fake weapons and abandoned in Miami Gardens, was slapped late Monday with an additional felony charge. The count: a rarely used stat...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 34 minutes agoRiots have broken out in cities in Malawi as opposition groups protest against President Bingu wa Mutharika's government. At least one person has died in the northern city of Mzuzu and protesters are bur...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 34 minutes agoA Prince William county man openly admits he shot at a neighborhood dog in front of other neighbors. Some of those neighbors say they support the man’s actions. The 59-year-old man says he did it to pro...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 34 minutes agoThe global economic crisis which originated in the sub-prime debacle in the United States, and has been characterised by stagnation or anemic economic growth in Europe and Japan, remains in contrast to the...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 34 minutes agoEurope is now burning. FIRE is the combination of the initials of the three words - Finance, Insurance and Real Estate. The cradle of the large-scale finance and real estate accident is the United States, ...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 34 minutes agoPartisan tensions could hardly be worse in the House, but on Friday afternoon Speaker John Boehner walked into Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s Capitol suite for a cordial session with his Democratic counter...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 35 minutes agoWonder why the Greek 2 Year bond just plunged, sending its yield to a laughable all time high 39.09% (a 312 bps move today alone)? Wonder no more. According to the ECB’s Ewald Novotny the central bank has ...
- posted by KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago*Middle-Man and the Debt Ceiling Debacle* [*Don't forget to click to enlarge.*] *by Ken* Well, Tom, that's pretty much where I am on the Events of the Day. Sick to death, tired of it all, and . . . and . ...
- posted by Irene Klotz at Discovery News - Top Stories - 3 hours agoThe Empire State Building will be decked out in red, white and blue lighting tonight to welcome home the last space shuttle, NASA said Wednesday.
- posted by Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 3 hours agoRelated: America Is A Failed State The erosion of the American republic has been a long historical process that has reached its final stages. The erosion didn't begin with President Barack Obama, or Geo...
- posted by David Vance at Biased BBC - 5 hours agoHere is an interesting question; "Does the BBC DG have knowledge of and take responsibility for the BBC journalist who has been barred from Parliament? 'Gobby (Paul Lambert) has had his Pass withdrawn, re...
- posted by PC at Not PC - 5 hours ago*INTRODUCTION: How to roll back the state using environmental judo* *When New Zealand first announced it had made up the new position of Minister for the Environment, his professor at UC Berkeley told him...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours ago[image: Link]A magnitude 6.2 earthquake has struck Solomon Islands at a depth of 54.5 km ( 33.9 miles), the quake hit at 22:05:02 UTC Wednesday 20th July 2011. The epicenter was 28 km (17 miles) ENE of Kir...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours agoEvery child has written their names on the beach at some point. But whereas most people's 'sandwriting' is washed away, one super-rich Arab sheikh has ensured that his doodles will last a little longer. H...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours agoParts of southern Somalia are suffering from famine, a UN official said Wednesday, and tens of thousands of Somalis have already died in the worst hunger emergency in a generation. The Horn of Africa is s...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours agoThe International Monetary Fund (IMF) has urged eurozone leaders to take immediate action over the region's debt crisis, warning it could prove "very costly" for the world. Europe's policymakers must pres...
- posted by Nima Shirazi at Wide Asleep in America - 6 hours agoAlarmist editorializing about Iran, its regional influence, and its nuclear energy program has picked up considerably in the past few weeks. In the wake of the latest IAEA report this past Spring which rev...
- posted by Suzan at Welcome to Pottersville 2 (U.S. Says "Huh?") - 6 hours agoStolen from that Well-Armed Lamb! (Do yourself a favor and watch this very short, smart video.)There Are 630 "Private" Contractors, & 170 "Mercenary" Companies At Work In IraqWhen you outsource your military...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours agoFor millions of people enduring this week's extreme heat and humidity, it feels like they're living in a pressure cooker. And in a sense, they are. Much of the United States is trapped under a heat "dome" ...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours agoFalling mail volume and soaring red ink may soon doom Saturday mail delivery and prompt three-day-a-week delivery within 15 years, Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe warns. Donahoe's forecast is based o...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours agoThe Board of Supervisors on Tuesday agreed to approve an ordinance giving animal control officers the right to declare a dog “vicious,” a designation that can potentially lead to the animal being euthani...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours ago"When a country is indebted to the degree that we’re indebted, the country always defaults. We will default because the debt is unsustainable," Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) said on the House floor today. "If we d...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours agoDozens of police departments nationwide are gearing up to use a tech company's already controversial iris- and facial-scanning device that slides over an iPhone and helps identify a person or track crimina...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours agoRecent protests in Israel highlight the differences between the country's religious and secular Jewish communities. Hundreds of right-wing Jews have taken part in demonstrations outside Israel's Supreme ...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours agoOntario forest fires may force as many as 7,000 First Nations people from their homes as Canadian Forces hurry to get people out of their remote communities before the flames arrive. "There are worries th...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours agoHurricane Dora grew stronger offshore on Wednesday as it brought rain to the Mexican coast. The fourth hurricane of the eastern Pacific season was forecast to move parallel to the shoreline for several d...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours agoAstronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope have identified another moon around the dwarf planet Pluto. It becomes the fourth object known to be circling the distant world after the long-recognised Charo...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours agoIran has brought down a U.S. "spy drone" flying near its Fordo nuclear enrichment plant in Qom province, state-run media reported Wednesday. The date of the incident has not been disclosed, and three U.S. ...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours agoPlans to get people to adopt healthier lifestyles will not work unless the government is more prepared to use legislation, peers believe. The House of Lords science and technology committee said ministers...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours agoIn the nine years Mark Stroman has been on death row in Texas, he says he has watched 208 people walk past him on the way to be executed. This week it is his turn. But fighting to save his life is the man...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours agoNearly everything that eurozone leaders have done in response to the euro crisis has been done in the name of preventing contagion. But guess what. It's already here. Because (nearly) everything those lea...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 6 hours ago"We are heading towards fiscal union or break-up," said David Bloom, currency chief at HSBC. "Talk is no longer enough as the fire threatens to leap over the firebreak into Spain and Italy. "What the mark...
- posted by Geezer Power at GEEZERPOWER - 7 hours agoNY Cop Says Murdoch Tabloid Offered Her Cash For 9/11 Victims Phone Numbers Murdoch Won't Deny 911 victims Were Phone Hacked - NOTW Phone Hacking ZZZZZzzzzzz.....
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 7 hours agoThe technique could create replacement organs faster than previously tested methods
- posted by Eric Niiler at Discovery News - Top Stories - 7 hours agoThe vehicle is designed to protect against terrorists posing as recreational watercrafts or swimmers.
- posted by David Vance at Biased BBC - 7 hours agoYes I know this is a bit overdue but better late than never! Off you go.... Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.
- posted by David Vance at Biased BBC - 7 hours agoOn Today we had 'Thought for the Day' presented by Abdal Hakim Murad, a Muslim. He's a regular, unsurprisingly. A reader writes; "As usual with nearly all Muslims he slips in a bit of anti Christian rhet...
- posted by Anon at aangirfan - 7 hours ago*Website for this image* On 14 July 2011, Wayne Madsen suggested that the *Christopher Shale "murder" could be linked to that of Dr. David Kelly** *"A well-placed UK source has informed Wayne Madsen Rep...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 7 hours agoThere hasn't been a poll, at least as far as I know, that asks Americans if they think life imprisonment for banksters who, carried away with greed and avarice, tanked the economy, is too lenient. Nor ha...
- posted by David Vance at Biased BBC - 7 hours agoSome interesting observations here from a B-BBC reader.... "Anyone hear John Pienaar on the BBC this morning getting over excited and giving us his version of events?Cameron says he had no inappropriate ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 7 hours agoA magnitude 5.4 earthquake has struck Ryukyu Islands, Japan at a depth of 51 km ( 31.7 miles), the quake hit at 19:18:14 UTC Wednesday 20th July 2011. The epicenter was 132 km (82 miles) from Naha, Okinawa,...
- posted by Lorene (just Lu) at Housewife Eclectic - 7 hours agoIt's summer... so who wants to be inside on the computer when we can be outside enjoying the sun? Or at least enjoying the sun as long as it stays tolerable... so in the mornings and evenings... Anyway, i...
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 8 hours agoResearch suggests that we no longer remember facts, because we know the web will do it for us.
- posted by Katherine Noyes at Discovery News - Top Stories - 8 hours agoWhen you've got a device to unload, uSell will search multiple buyer sites for the best offer.
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 8 hours agoResearch suggests that we no longer remember facts, because we know the web will do it for us.
- posted by David Preiser (USA) at Biased BBC - 8 hours agoHere's one for you: Report: Obama top recipient of News Corp. donations Political donations by News Corp., its employees and their families were evenly split between Democrats and Republicans, with Presid...
- posted by Megaan at Current news updates, World current news - 10 hours ago[image: Democratic leaders] President Barack Obama summoned top Democratic lawmakers back on the way to the White House Wednesday to resume negotiations on prevention a potentially crippling government de...
- posted by Ray Villard at Discovery News - Top Stories - 10 hours agoDespite nearly a half-century of intensive exploration by human and robots, the moon still has strange secrets for us to solve.
- posted by derekshowerman at Contaminated Nation - Water Contamination, Land Pollution & Hazardous Waste locations - 10 hours agoBy Duane Craig Perhaps it is time for Asarco to catch a break on the environmental front and its latest action of filing a lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency for lying under oath about le...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 10 hours agoScott Walker and his army of right-wing zombies in the Wisconsin Republican Party were eager to accomplish several things affecting elections before the recall votes expected to end his absolute power in ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 10 hours agoA nurse held on suspicion of murdering patients at a hospital in Stockport has been named as Rebecca Leighton. The 27-year-old was arrested at her home in Heaviley, Stockport, at 6am. Crime scene investi...
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 10 hours agoThe US Air Force is ready to switch to biofuels to help power its warplanes but the price of alternative fuels remains too high.
- posted by Rossella Lorenzi at Discovery News - Top Stories - 11 hours agoA female skeleton, also known as "Ötzi’s girlfriend," has been lying on her side for 5,000 years in the Italian Alps.
- posted by Irene Klotz at Discovery News - Top Stories - 11 hours agoPluto may have been demoted to dwarf planet status, but it's queen bee to a clutch of moons that now number four.
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 11 hours ago[image: A KWS ranger stands guard next to the ivory pile that was set ablaze at the Tsavo West National Park on 20 July 2011. Amos Rono / kws.org] July 20 (KWS) – Lusaka Agreement Task Force and Kenya Wi...
- posted by Robin Horbury at Biased BBC - 11 hours agoI have often wondered about the tone to adopt in writing posts here about the BBC's reporting of climate change. Are my thoughts about Richard Black and Roger Harrabin too waspish, and should they be toned...
- Discovery News - Top Stories - 11 hours agoMuch of Iceland's controversial whale hunt is driven by tourism, which is why anti-whaling activists are demanding the country ban the practice.
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 11 hours ago[image: Map of countries' actions and commitments on climate change. The Smith School at Oxford has rated each country's actions and commitments on climate change. Dark green is ‘Very good’, dark orange ...
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 11 hours ago*A Victory for Protection of Sogorea Te* *July 20, 2011* *http://www.protectglencove.org* ** After 98 days and nights of a continuous prayer vigil, the Committee to Protect Glen Cove is pleased to announce...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours agoThe Lion Fire burning in the Golden Trout Wilderness of Sequoia National Forest has grown to approximately 3,000 acres. A plume of smoke could be seen east of Porterville again Tuesday afternoon. As the ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 11 hours agoA federal team has taken over management of a wildfire burning more than 8 square miles in northeast Wyoming. The Whoop Up fire is burning on federal land 10 miles south of Newcastle and has prompted the ...
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 11 hours ago[image: Apa Sherpa, world record holder for climbing Mount Everest 21 times, at the inauguration of an artificial climbing wall on the eve of the 10th Girimitra Sammelan (mountaineer’s meet) in Mumbai on...
- posted by Jim at Desdemona Despair - 12 hours ago[image: Fetching water in the Borena zone in Ethiopia's Oromiya region. For Abdha Aso, a 20-year-old mother of five, it involves a four-hour round trip to a muddy pond. Only a year ago, she could reach a...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoA magnitude 5.4 earthquake has struck South of Panama at a depth of 17.6 km ( 10.9 miles), the quake hit at 15:51:30 UTC Wednesday 20th July 2011. The epicenter was 150 km (93 miles) South of David, Panama ...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoThe United Nations declared a famine Wednesday in parts of southern Somalia as the east African nation suffers the worst drought in half a century. Thousands of Somalis have fled in search of food and wate...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoAt a morgue in Pakistan's largest city, five linen pouches -- each the size of a loaf of bread -- line the shelf of a walk-in freezer. Wrapped inside each small sack is the corpse of an infant. The babi...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoThe people out here are tough, and so are their animals. But there is a limit to how much any human can take, and people like Alfon Abdulahi Mohamed have reached it. We met Alfon as we drove towards wha...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoThe Chinese government, the top international investor in U.S. Treasuries, urged the U.S. government to get its debt under control or its credibility will suffer. "We hope the U.S. government will take re...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoEuropean officials are scrambling to resolve the debt crisis in Greece amid signs the contagion is spreading, but a comprehensive solution remains elusive ahead of a crucial summit on Thursday. The leader...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoTim Kelsey, No 10's director of transparency, said that schools and doctors should use the web to cut down paperwork and reduce their costs. Mr Kelsey said: "We don’t want to have schools spending money on...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoLibyan government forces in trucks disguised with rebel flags have shelled opposition positions near the strategic eastern oil town of Brega, killing 13 rebel fighters and wounding dozens more, officials s...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoSyrian troops and armed groups described by one resident as "death squads" have laid siege to the city of Homs since Monday night, sources said. Syrian rights activist Rami Abdulrahman, director of the Lon...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoTwenty protesters from China's minority Uighur community were killed in a clash with police in the ethnically tense northwestern region of Xinjiang, a Uighur exile group has said. State media quoted an of...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoRepublicans and Democrats are still debating a deal to lift the US debt ceiling in order to avoid defaulting on its payments. Congress must raise the $14.3 trillion limit on US borrowing by August 2 or t...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoFears are growing that Italy could become the latest victim of the Eurozone's debt crisis. Worries over the euro currency are growing and plans for a second Greek bailout remain deadlocked. Also the Eur...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoThe eastern state of Odisha in India is pitting small farmers against international business interests in a battle that threatens the Indian government's idea of development. "POSCO go back!" is a common ...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoPakistani spies have been operating a front organisation in London to exert political pressure on the government, it was claimed on Tuesday. Details of the organisation emerged as two alleged spies were ch...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoTens of millions of dollars in urgently-needed US aid for Somalia are being withheld even as parts of the country are set on Wednesday to be declared a famine zone. Conditions in the country, hit first by...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoThe American presidential credentials of Tea Party favourite Michele Bachmann came under damaging scrutiny on Tuesday, when former aides claimed she repeatedly suffered from "incapacitating" migraines and ...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoHave you noticed that a really bad mood seems to have descended on world financial markets? Fear and pessimism are everywhere. The global economy never truly recovered from the financial crisis of 2008, an...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoSan Jose budget cuts aren’t hurting all businesses, and in fact, one group in particular seems to be cashing in on the city’s economic woes: prostitutes. Prostitution has made a rapid comeback to San Jose...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoLaw enforcement representatives are planning to endorse a proposed federal law that would require Internet service providers to store logs about their customers for 18 months, CNET has learned. The Nation...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoAs a livelihood strategy, migration is increasingly coming into the forefront of academic and policy discussions. In developing countries, migration is crowned as the linchpin of the economic wheel. There ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoA U.S. drone has been shot down while flying over a nuclear facility in Iran, according to Iranian media reports. Ali Aqazadeh Dafsari, a member of the parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Co...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 12 hours agoPakistan's spy agency spent millions in a secret effort to influence Congress and the White House, it has been claimed. The FBI has charged two men with illegally lobbying politicians, including Presiden...
- posted by Tim Wall at Discovery News - Top Stories - 12 hours agoSoybeans and sugarcane crops have increased deforestation of the Amazon in Brazil, but not directly.
- posted by Jennifer Viegas at Discovery News - Top Stories - 12 hours agoBioelectrical patterns are detected on an embryonic tadpole, outlining where its eyes, nose, mouth will later appear.
- posted by New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 12 hours agoCorps of Engineers LA Coastal Area science office to close over a patronage fight with the Jindal admin ~Mark Schleifstein~Hat Tweet and Title @skooks ~Also~Louisiana coastal authority to review status of r...
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 12 hours ago*His News Corp launched Climategate* Steve McIntyre of Climate Audit has been writing about the links between the University of East Anglia and the recently arrested Neil Wallis, a former editor of the no...
- posted by Katherine Noyes at Discovery News - Top Stories - 13 hours agoIf the new Olympus PEN E-P3 camera is priced out of your reach, you can still look like you own one.
- posted by Katherine Noyes at Discovery News - Top Stories - 13 hours agoDrivers of 90 million older vehicles can soon enjoy OnStar's safety and security services.
- posted by Irene Klotz at Discovery News - Top Stories - 13 hours agoThe shuttle names Columbia, Atlantis and Discovery may ring a bell. But ever hear of OV-95? Few have and now it, too, will be retired.
- posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 13 hours ago*Living the Peoples Movements Assembly in the Southwest organizing tour **The People’s Movement Assembly Southwest Organizing tour, the Conclusion* *By Alba Mota * *The People’s Movement Assembly Southwest ...
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 13 hours ago-by Noah *“These actions do not live up to the standards that we aspire to.”* - James Murdoch, son of Rupert, Parliament July 19th. Kinda brings new mean...
- posted by Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 13 hours agoYup, India and Pakistan have joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organization! I have lots of ground to cover here, so sit a spell. First, Pakistan and geez I haven't covered that country for a bit.... It is a h...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 13 hours agoLink Sent in by Reader: At least 13 people have been reported dead in a earthquake of magnitude 6.1 in Central Asia. Uzbekistan's emergency ministry said the quake in Kyrgyz border area had also left 86 ...
- posted by All Seeing Eye at Biased BBC - 14 hours agoOne of the worrying things about the BBCs current wall-to-wall coverage of the Murdochalypse* is that when the Eurozone utterly collapses your average BBC viewer will ask themselves "*when did that start?*...
- posted by killing Mother at killing Mother - 14 hours agoChandelle is walking the walk she talks in a small house on an amazing acreage somewhere in California. Check out her latest blog post. It is inspirational. http://www.chicken-tender.com/2011/07/mistaken-...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 14 hours agoA European has been killed in a car bomb in Yemen, according to local officials. The vehicle appears to have been rigged to explode when the driver turned on the engine, according to a police official in ...
- posted by Nic Halverson at Discovery News - Top Stories - 14 hours agoCornell professors created a hole in time using the temporal equivalent of an invisibility cloak.
- posted by Jennifer Viegas at Discovery News - Top Stories - 14 hours agoThe fish swims along the surface using one set of eyes, each with two sections.
- posted by calgarygrit at CalgaryGrit - 15 hours agoAs we learned last election, when the political wave rises, it's hard to avoid it. If ever you wanted evidence of just how powerless local campaigns are, look no further than some of the quality men and wo...
- posted by Orwell's Bastard at Orwell's Bastard - 15 hours agoCritics accuse Mayor Ford of getting all Shock Doctrine-y | Ford Focus | torontolife.com Writing in Toronto Life, John Michael McGrath draws the comparison but then appears to soften it: ... but given th...
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 16 hours agoToronto City Councillor Doug Ford thinks his city has more libraries than donut shops. In fact: When the Urban Affairs branch closes, Toronto will have 3.9 libraries per 100,000 people, which is what Vanc...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours agoA magnitude 4.9 earthquake has struck the Kermadec Islands Region at a depth of 34.8 km ( 21.6 miles), the quake hit at 11:54:51 UTC Wednesday 20th July 2011. The epicenter was 129 km (80 miles) East of R...
- posted by John D. Cox at Discovery News - Top Stories - 16 hours agoAirborne dust has so many different influences on basic Earth processes large and small that no single science has a clear understanding of it.
- posted by Tim Wall at Discovery News - Top Stories - 16 hours agoWhat's driven vipers to evolve a deadly venom? A need to defend themselves against opossums.
- posted by DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 16 hours agoBy Noah One of the first voices to blow the whistle on the phone hacking, former *News Of The World* journalist Sean Hoare, was found dead Monday in Watford, about 25 miles northwest of London. Police sa...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 16 hours agoA magnitude 4.6 earthquake has struck off the Coast of Costa Rica at a depth of 23.2 km ( 14.4 miles), the quake hit at 11:01:08 UTC Wednesday 20th July 2011. The epicenter was 191 km (118 miles) SSW of Le...
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 17 hours agoFurther to my last post, how can we build a world without hate when the people in power are moving in the opposite direction? Last year I stumbled on a CPAC broadcast of hearings being held in the Canadia...
- posted by laura k at wmtc - 18 hours agoIn Texas, the survivor of a vicious hate crime is campaigning to spare the life of his assailant, who murdered two other people and is scheduled to be executed today. I collect these kinds of stories, and...
- posted by éminence grise at Cherchez la Verite - 18 hours ago------------------------------ Permalink Cherchez la Verite
- posted by éminence grise at Cherchez la Verite - 18 hours ago------------------------------ Permalink * * *How Your Social Security Money Was Stolen – Where Did the $2.5 Trillion Surplus Go?* July 19th, 2011 Introduction by David DeGraw, Reports by Dr. Allen Smit...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoLink Supplied by Reader: Assam government on Tuesday sounded an alert across the state after flood waters breached embankments and submerged roads and houses in Lakhimpur, Dhemaji and Sonitpur districts,...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoA WALKER got a monster surprise when she encountered a gruesome sea creature curled up on the sand. Margaret Flippence, 55, stumbled upon the scary beast while strolling along the beach with her husband ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoA British man has been shot dead and his brother injured during an apparent robbery while on holiday in Venezuela, a family friend has confirmed. Thomas Ossel, 28, from Bedfordshire, was fatally shot in th...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoA nurse has been arrested in connection with the saline poisoning deaths at a hospital in Stockport. Greater Manchester Police said the 26-year-old woman is being held on suspicion of murder. Her arrest...
- posted by Anon at aangirfan - 19 hours ago* Sir Clement Freud.* *Sir Clement Freud*, grandson of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, had a holiday home in Praia da Luz, in Portugal. In July 2007, Clement Freud helped the parents of missing child *Madele...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 19 hours agoTHREE pupils from different schools in the Shiselweni region died mysteriously, forcing parents to suspect an outbreak of the deadly meningitis disease. However, the ministry of health has allayed fears o...
- posted by Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 19 hours agoYour time is over. You only had 4 hours 30 minutes for the 3 problems of the second day. The TRF problem was this one: *Q5*: Let \(f\) be a function from the set of integers to the set of positive integ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 20 hours agoA magnitude 4.4 earthquake has struck Southwest of Sumatra, Indonesia at a depth of 30.8 km ( 19.1 miles), the quake hit at 05:52:38 UTC Wednesday 20th July 2011. The epicenter was 300 km (186 miles) SSW o...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 20 hours agoA magnitude 4.8 earthquake has struck the Taiwan Region at a depth of 28.2 km ( 17.5 miles), the quake hit at 06:12:18 UTC Wednesday 20th July 2011. The epicenter was 66 km (41 miles) East of Hualien, Taiwa...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 20 hours agoA magnitude 4.7 earthquake has struck the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge at a depth of 10.5 km ( 6.5 miles), the quake hit at 02:46:14 UTC Wednesday 20th July 2011. The epicenter was 1256 km (780 miles) South...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 20 hours agoA magnitude 4.8 earthquake has struck off the East coast of Honshu, Japan at a depth of 11.1 km ( 6.9 miles), the quake hit at 21:07:40 UTC Tuesday 19th July 2011. The epicenter was 327 km (203 miles) East...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 20 hours agoIceland's gotten all the press of late, but there are other volcanoes in the world. One of the more famous ones, Italy's Mount Etna, spent Monday night into Tuesday morning sending up cascading fountains o...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 20 hours agoCivil defence officials say floods and mudslides caused by heavy rains have killed at least 10 people and forced more than 20,000 to leave their homes in northeastern Brazil. The Civil Defence Department...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 20 hours agoA large and powerful typhoon lashed Shikoku Island and parts of the Kinki region in western Japan early Wednesday, leaving one people missing and 50 injured in 15 prefectures, according to China's Xinhua n...
- posted by DB at Biased BBC - 21 hours agoNewsnight gave the pie-thrower the briefest of mentions last night: "There was an attack by a member of the public… A man was led away in handcuffs." A bit coy about identifying him there. In January Ne...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 21 hours agoScientists off South Africa's Cape use crane and ropes to get disoriented half-ton shark back into sea. Marine researchers in South Africa had a narrow escape after a three-metre-long great white shark br...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 21 hours agoAn avalanche in southwestern Colombia affected 30 families and left a 50-year-old woman temporarily stranded Monday night. The mudslide tore through the town of El Aguilla in the Valle del Cauca departme...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 21 hours agoFive more cattle have been claimed by the ‘mysterious disease’ that spread in and around the Makhan village of Manipur’s Senapati district even as state Veterinary Department is still has no clue about the...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 21 hours agoThe remains of a 14-year-old girl missing for four months have been found in the wilderness near her home in Portland, Oregon. Yashanee Vaughn was last seen at a Taco Bell in March. Just days later police...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 21 hours agoAuthorities have identified the four Colorado family members killed after being swept down a raging creek, when their vehicle plunged off a section of a washed out highway. Thirty-nine-year-old Laurel Con...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 21 hours agoFBI agents have raided three homes in New York in the hunt for suspected members of the computer hacking group Anonymous. More than 10 officers stormed the home of Giordani Jordan in Baldwin on Long Isla...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 21 hours agoAn ongoing criminal investigation into claims that the principal of a private charter school in California has been molesting pupils since 1997 has led to the school's closing. Robert Adams, the 60-year-o...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 21 hours agoThis is the horrifying moment a fully grown leopard pounces on a forestry department official in a village in deepest India. The big cat mauled six people after straying into the village from a nearby nat...
- posted by Robin Horbury at Biased BBC - 21 hours agoI was away yesterday and have just caught up with the news that the BBC Trustees are due to publish their long-delayed report on science coverage today. The Mail says that geneticist Steve Jones - who beli...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 21 hours agoThe latest victim of the intense heatwave that is crippling the country is the nation's concrete. There are grave concerns that sidewalks and roads in cities across the U.S. may start exploding under the ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 21 hours agoA producer claims he met with Casey Anthony in Palm Springs today to discuss a $1million television deal, the MailOnline can exclusively reveal. Al Taylor, who on Sunday said Anthony's first interview was ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 21 hours agoJenny Roderick has posted thousands of fliers about her missing granddaughter in in northern Kentucky cities. A pretty 17-year old girl, Paige Johnson disappeared last September and police have no leads i...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 21 hours agoThe 17-year-old boy who 'brutally and mercilessly' killed his parents before having a house party while their bodies were still inside a bedroom confessed to his best friend, told him he was possessed by t...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 22 hours agoAn 'extremely dangerous' rapist was freed only two months into his sentence - because he was prosecuted for a crime that doesn't exist. Top judge, Mr Justice Maddison, slammed the CPS's mistake as 'a woefu...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 22 hours agoA drunkard postman neglected his rounds and hid 31,000 undelivered parcels and letters at his home because he was regularly too trollied to deliver them. Steve Tasker, 43, who would often have a few pints...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 22 hours agoA Network Rail whistleblower was silenced minutes before an employment tribunal could hear her claims that safety records of several level crossings were falsified. The Times reported that Maryanne Rosse,...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 22 hours agoWhile Westminster fiddled over the phone-hacking frenzy, the European economy was burning last night. World financial watchdogs issued an extraordinary warning of a global economic ‘earthquake’ triggered ...
- posted by Lynsey at The Coming Crisis - 22 hours agoThe Murdoch empire continued to pay the legal fees of the two men jailed for phone hacking Prince William even after they were convicted. James Murdoch revealed yesterday that News International is still f...
- posted by Pippa at Pippa's Place - Environmentally Speaking - 23 hours agoPhoto courtesy: Daniel Morrison via TreeHugger I haven't been this grossed out since I blogged about meat being made from the protein in human fecal matter and/or sewage sludge. It's one of those truths ...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoTo lunch with Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon where the talk is of little other than the proposed United Nations vote on full recognition of a Palestinian state as proposed by President Abbas...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoWhen Americans think of poverty, we tend to picture people who can’t adequately shelter, clothe, and feed themselves or their families. When the Census Bureau defines “poverty,” though, it winds up paintin...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoWhen career criminal Vaughn Matthews decided to snatch a woman's purse and run from a stopped El train last Wednesday, he perhaps thought Lindsay O'Brien - who is nearly three months' pregnant - would be a...
- posted by Matthew at The Coming Crisis - 1 day agoThe man who launched the entire phone hacking scandal had become a paranoid recluse who believed someone was out to get him, a friend has revealed. Sean Hoare, who was found dead at his flat in Watford, He...