I originally set up Opit's LinkFest! as Oldephartteintraining to provide a timeline and history of my online wanderings. When 2 years of work at WordPress went up in smoke when the files were archived - they own the site, remember - I transferred to a European webhost because at the time I was paranoid about my popularity making me a target of online hackery /censorship ; trashing the record of events provided.
Opit's LinkFest! on My Opera
It was where I stashed basic ideas for novice surfers to access online tools and services : online orientation. I came from a country modem that took forever to load. RSS just looked like too much of a miracle not to share on a basic service without bells and whistles.
I'm sure today using computers at work, cellphones, or living in the country are still a pain in the nether regions. Nor is all the world serviced efficiently. Otherwise...things have progressed. I use a computer that was built for me almost 5 years ago...with a new board and Operating System!
This is my toy and recreation. I hope I can help you to find things of interest to you. I know the stuff I list isn't everybody's choice.
That's the kicker. You can make your own choices without being technically able. The Web is one fantastic public library : but, Windows users. Kindly do not surf as Administrator.
I've tried to start things off so as to give you a chance to pick up tips as you go...and hopefully start the order of presentation as to give coherent order where you get basics first.
Collections forwarded to Blogger
- Readers & Gadgets
- Essay Collections - Opit
- News Services
- Blogs
- Opit Online - Websites,Bookmarks and Groups
Answers,Dictionaries,etc. - Alternative News & Videos - i.e. May Not Be Not Paid Nonsense
Blogs - Politics - Indexes - Blogs, Portals,Writers' Communities +
- Notable Posts
- Blogging News Sites ( and some MSM )
- Corporate Farming - Environment + NWO
Perception Alteration - formerly 'Overton Window'
Water* - Wealth and Power - Environment + NWO
Magazines - Context and Intel
- Documents
- Online Library
- Societies
- Mileposts
- Police State
- Curiosities
- Uranium - Mining and 'Depleted' - 'Agent Orange' for the Ages
Web 2.0 - Tech, tools, tips - Social Movements
- Not 'P.C.' | NWO
- Energy - Enviro and 'Scorched Earth'
Education - Science
- Military
- Health & Wellness - Environment, Food,Drugs,Meditation
Green - News and Groups