Largest Anglo-Saxon hoard ever found
The Staffordshire Hoard, the largest collection of Anglo-Saxon treasure ever found, has been valued at £3.28 million.
Baghdad Diary: Tech frustrations in Iraq
a Doha-based company announced earlier this month that it was going to establish a fibre-optic landing in Iraq.Iraqis who can afford the Internet in their homes (less than a tenth of the population) either get online via satellite or a version of WiMax technology, both of which are expensive and not particularly fast. A fibre-optic landing, however, will connect Iraq to the information super-highway and dramatically reduce the cost of surfing the web.
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's assertive counsel to stay the course in Afghanistan or risk 'catastrophic consequences' under an emboldened Taliban could play a decisive role in President Barack Obama's final determination about his new strategy in the region.
( Oh, by all means : strafe villages and towns and kill wedding parties...they're still getting married in the chaos of foreign fighters raising havoc ? The Nerve ! )
( They live there...and figure meddling outsiders will eventually get tired of being shot at and leave the shooting gallery they have made of their place )
Two of Germany's highest military officials resigned and a former defence minister came under severe pressure, accused of covering up their knowledge of civilian casualties of a bombing raid two months ago.
( Eradicate extreme poverty & hunger Support Concern Worldwide : This Google ad makes fine counterpoint. i.e. Afghans have been starving for years. There is nothing troops shooting up the place will do to improve that...except make fewer live hungry people. )