Weekend Edition

Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (in highway patrol $hades) and NY state a$$emblyman Dov Hikind with minor Muslim curiousity (Al Aqsa Mosque) in background (Menachem Kahane/AFP) IMEMC, November 18, 2009 A Democratic State Assemblyman from New York is leading a mission of 50 US citizens through Israeli settlements in the West Bank, encouraging the US citizens to move to the settlements in violatio
Suzie-Q • 12 hours ago

The theory of planetary formation is now being questioned. A discovery of a planet that orbits its parent star in reverse of its spin is certainly an oddity; only three have been discovered to date. Now planetary scientists are scratching their heads about how this phenomenon can occur: Astronomers have found an extrasolar planet with an “outlandish orbit” that circles its star either backwards, o
Dad2059's Blog of Science F... • 2 days ago

While I've always known that the rightwing Washington Times was owned by the self-proclaimed Messiah and "Dear Leader" of the Unification Church, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, I don't think I fully appreciated just how directly in control of the paper the Moonies actually were. Nor did I fully appreciate how desperate the wingnuts must have been to give the appearance of "conservative" points of view seen
The BRAD BLOG • 5 days ago
Remember when the wingnuts were so concerned (and therefore, naturally, the media were as well) about Barack Obama becoming "overexposed"? Why no such concern about that happening to Sarah Palin? I guess they just care about Obama more than her.
The BRAD BLOG • • 14 hours ago
The wingnuttery continues to devolve. Last night, Rachel Maddow covered, among other recently related points, the new Rightwing "Pray for Obama" movement supporting, and selling merchandise in support of, Psalms 109:8 which begins this way: "Let his days be few; and let another take his office," and continues with "Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow." Frank Schaeffer, repentant f
The BRAD BLOG • • 2 days ago
Guest blogged by David Swanson Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and the corporate "mainstream" media make quite a pair. We're hearing a very "balanced" debate over whether KSM should be tried in New York City, and whether the most insane objections to that proposal are really insane or not. But what are we not hearing? We're not hearing that trying criminals for the crime of 9/11 ought to have been what w
The BRAD BLOG • • 2 days ago
Guest blogged by Frank Schaeffer Sarah Palin's memoir is a perfect metaphor for what ails America and the Republican Party. Her book is published by the Zondervan publishing house, formerly an evangelical family-run religious publishing powerhouse now owned by Rupert Murdoch. (Back in the day my family's and many evangelical leader friend's books helped put Zondervan on the map, this was when I w
The BRAD BLOG • • 3 days ago
Video Gallery
Suzie-Q ★ 36 unread articles

This video was from yesterday, where student protesters sit around a van to block regents from leaving UCLA. The UC Regents voted earlier in the day on November 19, 2009, to raise student fees by 32% by next fall quarter. Here is today’s update: ktvu TV 36 Posted: 7:14 am PST November 20, 2009Updated: 11:08 am PST November 20, 2009 BERKELEY, Calif. — Four people, including at least two students
Suzie-Q • • 16 hours ago

Recently,former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski chaired RAND Corporation’s Middle East Advisory Board, and he had some choice remarks that do not exactly exude optimism. He stated clearly, Withdrawal is not in the range of policy options. Brzezinski then noted that within three months the war in Afghanistan will be the “longest war in US history,” and warned that the U.S. could be “b
Suzie-Q • • 2 days ago

Chinese censors block Obama’s call to free the Web By ALEXA OLESEN, Nov 16, 4:36 pm ET Associated Press BEIJING – President Barack Obama prodded China about Internet censorship and free speech, but the message was not widely heard in China where his words were blocked online and shown on only one regional television channel. China has more than 250 million Internet users and employs some of the wo
Suzie-Q • • 3 days ago
Dad2059's Blog of Science Fiction/Science Fact and Random Acts of Weirdness ★ 20 unread articles
More on renewable algae-fuel from NASA this time. From OnOrbit: NASA ARC: As a clean energy alternative, NASA invented an algae photo-bioreactor that grows algae in municipal wastewater to produce biofuel and a variety of other products. The NASA bioreactor is an Offshore Membrane Enclosure for Growing Algae (OMEGA), which won’t compete with agriculture for land, fertilizer, or freshwater. NASA’
Dad2059's Blog of Science Fiction/Science ... • • 22 hours ago
Next year the Air Force will launch atop of an Atlas V rocket an unmanned space plane code named “X-37″. It will have a 4′ x 7′ cargo bay and extensive improvements that was learned during the space shuttle era. But the X-37 has a deeper ancestry than the space shuttle that reaches back to the beginnings of the space program: The X-37 embodies other modifications of shuttle technology. All shuttle
Dad2059's Blog of Science Fiction/Science ... • • 1 day ago

For all you old ‘Trekkers’ out there, a remastered version of the original Star Trek has been found and will be sold on Blue Ray disk. As you know, if you’re a ST: TOS geek, “Where No Man Has Gone Before”, was the pilot version Gene Rodenberry managed to sell to NBC after they rejected the first version (“The Cage”) for being “too” progressive. “Captain’s log, Stardate 1312.4. The impossible has
Dad2059's Blog of Science Fiction/Science ... • • 4 days ago
ProgressiveIslam.Org ★ 6 unread articles
Pro-Israel lobby group bankrolling Tories, film claims (50% of MPs in the shadow cabinet are Conservative Friends of Israel members, according to Channel 4's Dispatches). Pro-Israeli organisations in Britain look set to see their influence increase if the Conservatives win the next election, a film scrutinising the activities of a powerful but little-known lobby warns today. At least half of the
ProgressiveIslam.Org • • 5 days ago
Pakistan's conspiracy cottage industry Blame for the recent spate of bombings is being laid at the door of foreign powers by many ordinary Pakistanis. Why? Although the Taliban have openly claimed responsibility for the recent epidemic of suicide bombings against civilian targets in Peshawar and Islamabad, many Pakistanis appear convinced that the real culprits are India or the United States. "
ProgressiveIslam.Org • • 5 days ago

I think this cartoon captures my feelings about the episode better than anything I've seen in print or any other media till now. People who join a military or militia are doing so for the purpose of taking part in armed combat. As far as I understand it, all forms of military training are designed to foster blind obedience and faith in the correctness of ones commanding officers' orders to kill pe
ProgressiveIslam.Org • • 9 days ago
EnviroLink News Service ★ 5 unread articles
In brutally simplistic terms, the essence of any deal will be to pay the developing countries of the world, led by China and India, to cut back on the carbon dioxide pouring out of their now-mushrooming economies.
EnviroLink News Service • 11 min
While it may be the U.S. metro in the worst environmental shape, Atlanta isn't the only place whose residents contend with contamination. Top spots for toxicity are distributed throughout the country, with Detroit, Houston, Chicago, Philadelphia, Cleveland and Los Angeles right behind it.
EnviroLink News Service • 11 min
A new test conducted for Consumer Reports magazine found bisphenol A leaching into food from nearly all cans, including those marked "BPA-free" and "organic." The levels detected were comparable to those found to cause cell damage and behavioral effects in animal studies.
EnviroLink News Service • 11 min
Prospects for Peace ★ 3 unread articles
This piece also appears in Haaretz Is the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) leadership, which is currently proposing to seek United Nations recognition of a Palestinian state along the pre-1967 border, about to shake up the Israeli-Palestinian paralysis in a game-changing way? The answer for now would appear to be "no." Both U.S. and EU officials were quick to distance themselves
Prospects for Peace • • 18 hours ago
This piece also appears in The Washington NoteThis was not a good week for the Obama administration's Middle East peace efforts. Speaking alongside Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in Jerusalem last Saturday, Secretary Clinton seemed to be praising the distinctively partial limitations that Israel was willing to implement on settlement non-expansion. During the following days in Morocco and Ca
Prospects for Peace • • 10 days ago
Green & White ★ 1 unread articles
Pakistan had its first broadband policy documented in 2001. According to that, the following implied the definition of broadband in the country: Broadband in Pakistan will be defined as “Always on Internet connection with a download speed of at least 128kbps connectivity”. This download speed target will be subject to an increase as the bandwidth prices reduce, local content becomes available
Green & White • • 21 days ago
Afro-Netizen ★ 9 unread articles

H/T to Francis Holland for this bold mind-reading experiment.
Afro-Netizen • • 10 days ago
By Sikivu HutchinsonGuest ContributorRecently on a popular Black Entertainment Network talk show R&B singer Monica pitched her new reality show and extolled the virtues of prayer. Suited up in hip-high boots like an emissary from God’s army, she credited God with guiding her through life and imbuing her with purpose. His word was her marching order, she proclaimed, as the rapt studio audienc
Afro-Netizen • • 15 days ago

The Black Matriarch as VillainBy Juell StewartRepublished courtesy of ColorLines.com"Precious" is a haunting film that stays silent on how the political realities of 1980s Harlem shaped women.Clareece ‘Precious’ Jones (Gabourey Sidibe) is the shining star of her own imagination in the new movie Precious, which hits theaters nationwide on November 6. Surrounded by bright lights and flashing camera
Afro-Netizen • • 15 days ago
Robert Scoble's shared items ★ 1 unread articles
bastard.logic ★ 7 unread articles

by matttbastard (Image: Tacoma Urbanist, Flickr) Sarah Palin is back — and, seemingly, everywhere, as she launches a book tour (and, perhaps, a run at the White House in 2012). Max Blumenthal: In a Republican Party hoping to rebound in 2010 on the strength of a newly energized and ideologically aroused conservative grassroots, Palin’s influence is now unparalleled. Through her Facebook page, she
bastard.logic • • 3 days ago

by matttbastard Sometimes even snark is superfluous. Recommend this post at Progressive Bloggers
bastard.logic • • 6 days ago

by matttbastard Yesterday, the office of Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan released the following statement, explaining why the Harpercons were blocking the release of a Canada Firearms Centre (CAFC) performance report on the Long Gun Registry: “Canadians don’t need another report to know that the long-gun registry is very efficient at harassing law-abiding farmers and outdoors enthusiasts, w
bastard.logic • • 15 days ago

by matttbastard Shorter 164 members of Parliament to the 14 victims of the 1989 École Polytechnique Massacre (and, by extension, every woman in Canada): Drop dead. Again. Via Devin Johnston, Dennis Gruending connects the blood-red dots that weave together antipathy for the gun registry and willful indifference towards deadly misogyny: It is ironic, to say the least, that this vote occurred just a
bastard.logic • • 15 days ago
Pardon My Paradox ★ 1 unread articles
An interesting post from Shalom Rav, comparing two arguments from 2004 and 1956.
Pardon My Paradox • • 13 days ago
Agitprop: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Propaganda ★ 9 unread articles

video Should I bleghoor? One last time! Fresh stuff here.
Agitprop: Or How I Learned to Stop Worryin... • • 2 days ago

video Is this bleg on? Anyway, stuff at my place, including, in the second post, in comments, a discussion on the use of a rude word.
Agitprop: Or How I Learned to Stop Worryin... • • 9 days ago

Remember, remember the fifth of November. Allison Kilkenny at Huffington Post says this year's Guy Fawkes Day protesters finally got it right: [T]he residents of the Houses of Power should not raise their brows in surprise when a flaming effigy floats by them.Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/allison-kilkenny/guy-fawkes-protesters-fin_b_346720.html&cpIt's just a sign that t
Agitprop: Or How I Learned to Stop Worryin... • • 15 days ago

video More port-royal here. Stuff at my place, you can find it if you want.
Agitprop: Or How I Learned to Stop Worryin... • • 16 days ago
Amygdala ★ 7 unread articles
video TERMINATE THIS. The Terminator franchise is up for sale: [...] An auction is set for January for Halcyon Co. to sell the rights to future "Terminator" pics, TV series, DVDs and merchandise as part of its bankruptcy process.An exec with FTI Capital Advisers, retained by Halcyon, issued a bullish outlook Monday, saying there's been strong interest building since the investment bankers began sending
Amygdala • • 9 days ago
video GET CLOSE. The new Ron Howard movie: give a minute and ten seconds of your time for it, please: Glenn Close on making the film. [...] But in her private life, she watched both her sister and nephew suffer from mental health disorders in silence. It was that silence, Close decided, that caused the most damage and shame to those living with psychological illness. Close: [...] I also have the challe
Amygdala • • 9 days ago

AND THE LAND OF THE FREE. A visual aid: More.Read The Rest Scale: 4.5 out of 5; it's your mandatory minimum. America: we're #1! We're #1!More, including: [...] One in 36 adult Hispanic men is behind bars, based on Justice Department figures for 2006. One in 15 adult black men is, too, as is one in nine black men ages 20 to 34.The report, from the Pew Center on the States, also found that one in 3
Amygdala • • 11 days ago
AREA 51. On November 5th, 1958, I came into the world, six weeks premature. I believe it was sometime early in the morning, between 5 a.m. and 6 a.m., though I could easily be confused in my memory of what my mother told me. My own memory of the event is a tad vague.I am now 51. Forgot to schedule anything special to do, although my options are rather limited, in any case. Probably I'll strol
Amygdala • • 15 days ago
infowarsnews at Yahoo! Groups ★ 43 unread articles
Obama Allies Want New Tax To Pay For Cost Of Protecting Afghan Opium Fields, Bribing Taliban Despite the fact that 36 per cent of income tax already goes to
infowarsnews at Yahoo! Groups • • 23 hours ago
MSNBC's Matthews Injects Phony Race Talking Point Into His Program AGAIN MSNBC's talking points underpin the ADL's baseless new report Steve Watson
infowarsnews at Yahoo! Groups • • 1 day ago
Geithner Savaged On Unemployment During Fiery Capitol Hill Hearing Burgess tells former New York Fed chief, "You should never have been hired" as Brady calls
infowarsnews at Yahoo! Groups • • 1 day ago
With Hurricanes At Thirty Year Low, Gore Turns To Photoshop The King of cap and trade simply airbrushes them in to his new book to create more scary earth Paul
infowarsnews at Yahoo! Groups • • 1 day ago
ArmsControlWonk ★ 31 unread articles
Michael Krepon, in both his recent ACW article and in the Stimson Center Occasional Paper on the 1990 Indo-Pak crisis , does a thorough job of discussing the problems associated with some the conclusions raised in Seymour Hersh’s past investigative work on nuclear weapons and Pakistan. Since I cannot add anything new to that discussion, I would like to talk about a related issue: just how effe
ArmsControlWonk • • 16 hours ago
Warhead replacement is dead. Or it should be. Several of us have been eagerly awaiting the release of the JASON report on Life Extension Programs, which reportedly concluded that Life Extension was preferred to warhead replacement. It’s here. Arms Control Wonk.com has an early copy of the full text of the unclassified executive summary of Lifetime Extension Program (LEP), JSR-09-334E. JASON
ArmsControlWonk • • 1 day ago

Seymour Hersh deserves every one of many awards for investigative journalism he has received, but not for his reporting on Pakistan, where his sourcing is weak and his conclusions are suspect. Hersh’s latest, Defending the Arsenal, Can Pakistan’s nuclear weapons be secured? (The New Yorker, November 16, 2009) has one headline grabbing assertion: Current and former officials said in interv
ArmsControlWonk • • 1 day ago
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