RSS Feeds Update from
Opit's LinkFest! on My Opera
IPS - Inter Press Services
- BOLIVIA: Women Clamour for Right to LandLA PAZ, Nov 27 (IPS) - Despite major advances in land distribution in Bolivia, single, widowed and undocumented women in this South American country have little chances of owning rural lands due to the patriarchal traditions and customary practices of indigenous peoples, in violation of interna ...
- HONDURAS: Miracle in the Mangrove Forest GUAPINOL, Honduras, Nov 27 (Tierramérica) - The beating sun in southern Honduras doesn't stop a group of women from throwing themselves into the task of protecting and recuperating a mangrove forest on the Pacific coast.
- BALKANS: Apologising to Sterilised Roma Women - ...BRATISLAVA, Nov 27 (IPS) - Rights activists are hoping a landmark announcement by the Czech government regretting forced sterilisation of Roma women in the past will push politicians in neighbouring Slovakia to follow suit.
- HONDURAS: Miracle in the Mangrove Forest GUAPINOL, Honduras, Nov 27 (Tierramérica) - The beating sun in southern Honduras doesn't stop a group of women from throwing themselves into the task of protecting and recuperating a mangrove forest on the Pacific coast.
- BALKANS: Apologising to Sterilised Roma Women - S ...BRATISLAVA, Nov 27 (IPS) - Rights activists are hoping a landmark announcement by the Czech government regretting forced sterilisation of Roma women in the past will push politicians in neighbouring Slovakia to follow suit.
Scoop - NZ
- Blackwater's Secret War in PakistanAt a covert forward operating base run by the US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in the Pakistani port city of Karachi, members of an elite division of Blackwater are at the center of a secret program in which they plan targeted assassinations of suspected Taliban and Al Qaeda operatives, "s ...
- Monbiot: Finally, proof of global warming scam.It's no use pretending this isn't a major blow. The emails extracted by a hacker from the climatic research unit at the University of East Anglia could scarcely be more damaging. I am now convinced they are genuine, and I'm dismayed and deeply shaken by them.Yes, the messages were obtained illegally ...
- Chinese credit tightening chills Asian marketsThe move amounts to monetary tightening in China's state-run banking system. The news triggered a sell-off on Asian stock markets and raised broader concerns about the strength of the global rally. The Shenzen index fell by 4.5pc on Wednesday."For practical purposes, the recovery in risk assets sinc ...
- S&P: Most global banks still unsafeEvery single bank in Japan, the US, Germany, Spain, and Italy included in S&P's list of 45 global lenders fails the 8pc safety level under the agency's risk-adjusted capital (RAC) ratio. Most fall woefully short.The most vulnerable are Mizuho Financial (2.0), Citigroup (2.1), UBS (2.2), Sumitomo Mit ...
- Damn ! We have to stop breathing in 2023we run out of our allocation of carbon emissions by then ..and we have to hold our breath til 2050 ! » PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
Independent ( London )
- Iraq invasion was of questionable legitimacy, says ...The invasion of Iraq was of "questionable legitimacy", Britain's ambassador to the United Nations at the time of the war said today.
- Abuse: why did the Vatican remain quiet?Victims campaigners have reacted with anger and disbelief after it emerged the Vatican and papal nuncio in Ireland ignored repeated requests from investigators for information on clerical sexual abuses cases.
- UN ambassador threatened to quit over IraqThe former British ambassador to the United Nations warned his superiors he might have to resign if the UN Security Council failed to pass a resolution on Iraq, the inquiry into the war heard today.
- Man charged with murder of BrtionsDetectives investigating the deaths of British art curator Nick Waterlow and his daughter Chloe today charged his 42-year-old son with their murders.
- Reality TV crew filmed White House gatecrashersThe couple who gatecrashed a White House state dinner were being filmed by a reality TV show camera crew, the network said today.
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- IAEA passes anti-Iran resolutionSummary: IAEA governors have reportedly passed a new resolution against Iran over a nascent enrichment facility outside Tehran, which was fully inspected and cleared by UN nuclear officials in October. source: Press TV read more
- US aides pressured China on IranSummary: Dennis Ross WASHINGTON — Senior US officials traveled to China two weeks before President Barack Obama's trip there to pressure Beijing to further isolate Iran, The Washington Post reported Thursday. source: AFP read more
- China considers supporting IAEA on Iran - ministerSummary: China is "in principle" considering supporting an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) resolution demanding Iran immediately mothball a uranium enrichment site it hid for years, a vice foreign minister said. source: Reuters read more
- Iran threatens minimum co-operation with IAEASummary: Iran will reduce co-operation with the IAEA to a minimum if the UN atomic watchdog passes a resolution condemning its nuclear programme, an Iranian official. source: AFP read more
- "Iran: facts against Western propaganda"Summary: Elsaesser RT interviews German journalist Jurgen Elsaesser, author of the book "Iran: facts against Western propaganda". He thinks Tehran has every right to produce nuclear energy. source: Russia Today read more
The Daily Galaxy
- Stephen Hawking on "The Great Silence" (A Holiday ...In his famous lecture on Life in the Universe, Stephen Hawking asks: "What are the chances that we will encounter some alien form of life, as we explore the galaxy?" If the argument about the time scale for the appearance...
- The 1.8 Gigayear Technology Lead (A Holiday Classi ...Are we the lone sentient life in the universe? So far, we have no evidence to the contrary, and yet the odds that not one single other planet has evolved intelligent life would appear, from a statistical standpoint, to be...
- Stephen Hawking on "The Great Silence" (A Holiday ...In his famous lecture on Life in the Universe, Stephen Hawking asks: "What are the chances that we will encounter some alien form of life, as we explore the galaxy?" If the argument about the time scale for the appearance...
- The 1.8 Gigayear Technology Lead (A Holiday Classi ...Are we the lone sentient life in the universe? So far, we have no evidence to the contrary, and yet the odds that not one single other planet has evolved intelligent life would appear, from a statistical standpoint, to be...
- Our Pale Blue Dot - A Thanksgiving (VIDEO)
Natural News
- Chemotherapy for testicular cancer causes long-ter ...(NaturalNews) The November 25 issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute contains a report about the long-term side effects experienced by men who received cisplatin-based chemotherapy for testicular cancer. Severe neurological side effects, discoloration of the hands and feet when expose ...
- FDA Warns on Overdose Risk for Darvon and Darvocet ...(NaturalNews) The FDA has issued a warning about the high overdose risk from the opiate painkillers Darvon and Darvocet, but has stopped short of banning the drugs as the United Kingdom has done. Darvon and Darvocet contain a mix of an over-the-counter painkiller (either aspirin or acetaminophen) an ...
- Mediterranean diet cuts risk of breast cancer in o ...(NaturalNews) A recent French study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology has revealed that a "Mediterranean" diet rich in fruits and vegetables, fish, and olive and sunflower oils will reduce the risk of post-menopausal women developing cancer. Findings implicated the "Western" diet as ...
- 100 things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving ho ...(NaturalNews) There are millions of things to be thankful for, and this week, we ask our NaturalNews Facebook team ( to suggest what things they're thankful for. We were flooded with suggestions! I didn't get a chance to add my own suggestions to the list, so let me s ...
- Stop eating processed and fried foods and you'll r ...(NaturalNews) There's a drugless and side effect-free way to reduce inflammation in the body, restore the body's natural defense system, lose weight, possibly increase lifespan and improve or prevent diabetes, cardiovascular disease and kidney disease. What's more, you can get the benefits from this ...
- Skullduggery aboundsTHE NEW YORK TIMES has a report about what has been called a "computer hack" into the University of East Anglia’s Hadley Climatic Research Centre. Why should you care? Well, according to the Times, the revelations: are causing a stir among global warming skeptics, who say they show that climate sc ...
- Shoes droppingColvin's testimony was alarming and the Conservative Party response, true to form, abysmal and disgusting. But there are shoes yet to drop regarding Afghan prisoners. So far the discussion seems to be around what happens to prisoners after Canada hands them to the ANP or ANA. The next shoe to drop w ...
- GOP goes nuts over ACORNTPM HAS A REAL THIGH-SLAPPER — Poll: Majority Of Republicans Think Obama Didn't Actually Win 2008 Election -- ACORN Stole It! According to Eric Kleefeld, The new national poll from Public Policy Polling (D) has an astonishing number about paranoia among the GOP base: Republicans do not think Presi ...
- Agora AgonyLast Rites: Even with God's help, this shopping center in Pahrump, Nevada, probably cannot be revived. THE DESIGN OBSERVER is one of the more thoughtful web sites dedicated to the appreciation of design of all kinds. Mark Dery has an article, titled " Dawn of the Dead Mall ", where he proclaims " T ...
- Ineedadinnerjacket strikes againTHE LA TIMES HAS A DISTURBING REPORT: According to Alexandra Sandels in Beirut, less than a year after authorities stormed the offices of Iranian human-rights lawyer Shirin Ebadi , taking sensitive documents and her computer, unidentified authorities have now allegedly taken the Nobel Peace Prize ...
Media Matters for America
- Quick Fact: Fox News' Scott claims hacked emails ...On Fox News' Happening Now , co-host Jon Scott stated that climate scientists' emails that were apparently stolen by hackers from the UK's Climate Research Unit (CRU) suggest that "some scientists manipulate data on global warming." Scott then quoted an email sent by Phil Jones, head of the Cl ...
- Quick Fact: Reviving "born alive" falsehood, Beck ...Glenn Beck falsely claimed that President Obama "suggested that [it] was OK" to "go into those pregnant women and pull the babies out of them and put a spike in the baby's head," echoing the oft-repeated right-wing falsehood that Obama did not support protecting babies who survived botched abortion ...
- Hannity's not even close on 2009 temperaturesIn three separate instances over two weeks, Sean Hannity has baselessly asserted that "this is one of the coldest years on record" to claim that climate change is a "hoax" or not "real." In fact, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), NASA's Goddard Institute for Space St ...
- misleads on FY09 spending to attack O ...A graphic posted on suggested that President Obama is responsible for all of the $3.5 trillion in federal outlays for Fiscal Year 2009. In fact, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has stated that "much" of the 2009 increase in spending "results from legislation enacted in calen ...
- Quick Fact: Drudge, Washington Times fa ...The Drudge Report suggested that global warming is "junk science," by linking to a Washington Times editorial that falsely claims a series of emails that were reportedly stolen from the UK's Climate Research Unit [CRU] show that global warming is an "unproven theory." In fact, the validity of ...
- Award Winning Movie: "SUPERPOWER": For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- The Iraq War ‘Inquiry’: ‘Revelations’? Wha ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Russia opposes change in Bosnia-Herzegovina consti ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- America and Russia: Has the Cold War Really Ended? ...US nuclear doctrine, missile defence in Europe and NATO expansion
- Should Obama Fire Gen. McChrystal?For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- Settlement Freeze Scam: Hillary Thinks, "Fool Me ...Prime Minister Netanyahu today announced a partial 10-month settlement freeze. And, understanding that Netanyahu's freeze is meaningless, the far right is backing him 100%. According to the New York Times, "A statement from Mr. Netanyahu's office said the moratorium would... Israel - West Bank ...
- Gratitude, AgainJim Carroll's column (or poem, or blessing) for Thanksgiving. It is too lovely to link to. Here are his words in full: THANKSGIVING IS THE preferred American holiday not just because it is free of commercial pressures, denominational exclusiveness, and... Thanksgiving - United States - Holiday ...
- The Shalit Case: One Israeli Prisoner Vs. 10,000 P ...It is horrific to contemplate what Gilad Shalit and his family have been subjected to for over three years. Not only has he been imprisoned but the ups and downs of the prisoner exchange negotiations must be torture for his... Gilad Shalit - Hamas - Israel - Middle East - Warfare and Conflict
- It's Lonely At The TopBoth Anne Applebaum and Dan Drezner have pinpointed Barack Obama's overarching foreign policy problem: sitting at the apex of the international pecking order brings a lot of headaches and apparently very little camaraderie. Neither of them quite hits the mark,... Barack Obama - United States - ...
- Maureen Dowd on Obama, Loyalty, and Greg CraigThis is definitely worth reading. But this piece by Steve Clemons of New America Foundation is even better. I have been in Washington since I volunteered for the McGovern campaign. Gregory Craig -- who was essentially dumped for trying to... Greg Craig - Maureen Dowd
- Joseph L. Galloway | It's Hard to Get Into the Hol ...It's traditional to count our blessings at this time of year, but given the general state of affairs and Washington's whole lot of talk and no action, it's hard to get into the holiday spirit. It's harder still if you're one of the many in the unemployment lines or one of the many who are cleanin ...
- Thanksgiving Day: Pilgrims Were a Surprisingly Wor ...Leiden, The Netherlands The first Pilgrims of the first American Thanksgiving in 1621 were unusually devout – even by Puritan standards. They crossed the ocean on a conviction that "the Lord has more truth and light yet to break forth out of his holy Word," as pastor John Robinson said before t ...
- Obama Has a Hard Sell on Afghanistan Troop Increas ...Will a commitment to "finish the job" end up ringing just as hollow as "mission accomplished? Boston - When President Obama announced Tuesday night that he will “finish the job” in Afghanistan and the White House began its hard sell to the media on the idea of a troop increase of approximatel ...
- A Jane Goodall ThanksgivingGive thanks. Because this isn't one of those Thanksgiving lists of things for which we should be grateful - although health, family, friends, laughter etc. would certainly all be on mine. And Jane Goodall. read more
- Tax Credit Gives Temporary Boost to Home Sales, Pr ...There continues to be enormous excess supply in the housing market; the overall vacancy rate is at an all-time high. Existing home sales jumped 10.1 percent in October, while the Case-Shiller 20-City Index showed a rise of 0.3 percent for September, its fourth consecutive monthly increase. (The C ...
- Rare Butterfly Rediscovered in MaineThe Spicebush Swallowtail butterfly species was identified in September by Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Department biologists. 1934 was the last Maine sighting of the butterfly. The recent finding was in the hardwood swamps of Berwick and Wells. Read more of this story »
- Caveman Thanksgiving: Prehistoric Man Roasted Bird ...New findings, published in the October issue of the Journal of Archaeological Science, indicate early Europeans enjoyed a much broader diet than first suspected. We have known for a long while that early man hunted big game such as mastodons, now prehistoric bone findings show that early man also ...
- Some Restaurant Sushi Contains Endangered SpeciesA recent study has produced some astonishing and disturbing results. Tuna was ordered from 31 sushi restaurants. Genetic tests were then used to identify the species of fish ordered. Nineteen of the restaurants surveyed incorrectly described or could could not indicate which species of fish they ...
- Happy Thanksgiving: Turkey Facts as a Tribute to T ...Whether you are eating turkey or tofurkey this Thanksgiving, you cannot deny the great sacrifice that turkeys are making to fill dinner plates across the nation. I figured I would honor their sacrifice here on the eve of thanksgiving, with some fun turkey facts. More than 45 million turkeys ar ...
- Invasion of the Fish Snatchers?Bighead carp are one of two non-native species of Asian carp causing widespread concern among Great Lakes advocates. The other is silver carp. Great Lakes advocates are calling it a “ conservation emergency ” now that non-native Asian carp have been detected within seven miles of Lake Michigan ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- it’s a bit like busses…Opportunities I mean – you wait forever for the one you want and then 2 come along at the same time…
- Green Lawns Recently I was charged with researching whether towns could regulate the use of fertilizer on lawns.
- Events in Ballona-landTree planters, grab your shovels and head out to Ballona Creek and Cochran Avenue tomorrow morning
- The Urban Coast comes to lifeThursday saw the launch of a new research and policy journal, Urban Coast, put out by my friends and
- Home Water Purification Secrets To Keep You Safe a ...If you are looking to get a water purification device then it pays to learn which type to look for a
Public Citizen in Texas
- Green-up Your Life- Black Friday Edition! Reduce, ...By Kirsten Bokenkamp The chance that Congress will pass a US climate change bill before the global summit in Copenhagen is looking increasingly slim, but that does not stop us from individually minimizing our own impact on the earth. Green-up Your Life! is all about reminding us that as individuals ...
- Your Representatives Spending Taxpayer Money Trave ...Texas Representatives, Senators, and other statewide elected officials, both locally and nationally, receive reimbursements for their on-the-job travels. They travel quite frequently to conduct business that benefits their constituents. Or at least that is what we hope they do. Some representatives ...
- Send Citizen Sarah to CopenhagenIf you haven’t heard, has a contest to send a citizen journalist to Copenhagen called the “Hopenhagen Ambassador Contest”. HuffPost in conjunction with is sending one person to Copenhagen for the UN Climate Change Conference to both represent concerns of peopl ...
- You CAN teach an old dog new tricks . . .Las Brisas Energy Center, a proposed pet coke power plant, is still in the midst of a protracted permitting process which most recently has taken the form of a state hearing. Opponents have claimed that projected pollution from the proposed plant has been under-estimated by engineers. Testimony ...
- EPA Should Use Clean Air Act to Address Climate Ch ...Statement of Tyson Slocum, Director, Public Citizen’s Energy Program *Note: Tyson Slocum is delivered this statement today at a public hearing held by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on regulating greenhouse gas emissions from new and existing industrial facilities under the Clean Air Act ...
Press TV
- Karzai calls Taliban to lay down weaponsAfghan President Hamid Karzai has renewed his call on the Taliban to enter peace negotiations with his government.
- Iran summons Norwegian envoy over Ebadi remarksIran's Foreign Ministry has summoned the Norwegian Ambassador over Oslo's 'meddlesome' support for the 'illegal acts' of Iranian activist Shirin Ebadi.
- Russia 'will' deliver S-300 to Iran in 2 monthsRussia has ensured that it will honor a deal providing Iran with the S-300 sophisticated anti-aircraft system, Tehran's envoy to Moscow says.
- Florida man kills 4, injures 1 on ThanksgivingMiami police is in search of a man who shot dead four of his family members including a child and injured another relative on Thanksgiving Day.
- Saudi faces strong resistance in Yemen frontHouthi fighters say they are putting up a strong resistance against the Saudi Arabian army in northern Yemen and claim to have delivered heavy blows to the Kingdom's army.
Axis of Logic
- Eid, ODSG, Walls & Water and The One State Solutio ...
- Brother of Afghan Leader Is Said to Be on C.I.A. P ...
- Eid, ODSG, Walls & Water and The One State Solutio ...
- Brother of Afghan Leader Is Said to Be on C.I.A. P ...
- Tell me where it hurts: A Message to a Whacky Neig ...
They Gave Us a Republic
- Pig Nation: Americans Waste 40 Percent Of Food Pro ...Here's a day-after-Thanksgiving thought. According to a new study, 40 percent of all food produced in the United States is thrown out. The waste, per person, has gone up by 50 percent since 1974. Here's the news link. It's bad enough to have wasted 26 or 27 percent of U.S. food back in '74 -- that's ...
- The Nightowl NewswrapHas anyone else noticed that every time a moron makes the news they are angling for a reality show? That was the deal with the "balloon boy" hoax, and it was also the motivation for the White House party crashers. Dubai delays payments and sparks fears of defaults After Dubai moved to delay repaymen ...
- Happy ThanksgivingHappy Thanksgiving to you and yours from us and ours. I am thankful for many things - and near the top of that list is you, the readers, who keep us doing what we do. I am thankful that Travis is in Germany instead of Iraq. I am thankful that Matthew is home from his second tour and has a healthy ...
- Yulia Tymochenko and the Phantom (flu) MenaceHere is something to be thankful for today - be thankful that Sarah Palin is lazy and stupid and nothing at all like Prime Minister Yulia Tymochenko of the Ukraine. If Palin had half the energy, smarts and political cunning of Tymochenko, we wouldn't be mocking her, we would be genuflecting to her. ...
- A Better Thanksgiving "Prayer"Today, before you dig into that turkey and stuffing, instead of the usual futile plea to an invisible sky wizard, bless your family and your meal by reading this story aloud: Sleeping in an Army tent near the Pakistani border, Maj. Kenny Harryman awoke when the mortar rounds started exploding. A sui ...
Care 2
- China Australia PandasThree-year-old female panda Fu Ni eats bamboo at the Bifengxia Giant Panda Breeding Center in Ya’an, China’s Sichuan province Thursday Nov. 26, 2009. Fu Ni and four-year-old male panda Wang Wang will start their journey to the Adelaide Zoo on Friday and Submitted by Simone D. to Animals | Note ...
- ACTION ALERT: Urge Pennsylvania to take a firm sta ...A new Mercy For Animals undercover investigation reveals unconscionable cruelty to mother pigs and their young piglets at a Hatfield Quality Meat supplier - "Country View Family Farms," in Fannettsburg, Pennsylvania. The hidden camera video provides Submitted by Simone D. to Animals | Note-it! ...
- Update on Toledo's Puppy Killing Dog WardenIn a Tuesday morning meeting, the Toledo, OH Commissioners unanimously voted to put a muzzle on Dog Warden Tom Skeldon's penchant for killing puppies. The Dog Warden's resignation last week was cause for celebration, but every day he remains on the job - Submitted by Simone D. to Animals | Note- ...
- ACTION ALERT: Ban Greyhound Racing in the US!!!At commercial racetracks across the country, thousands of dogs live in warehouse-style kennels, confined for long hours each day in cages barely large enough for them to stand up or turn around. Every year, thousands of dogs are seriously injured while Submitted by Simone D. to Animals | Note-it ...
- Nepal: Now the Nepalese Government Climbs Above th ...There are some great animal campaigning groups within Nepal; the only problem is their government lacks just about everything. Well now this senseless, gutless and animal abusing government in Nepal have literally entered their country into history Submitted by Simone D. to Animals | Note-it! ...
- The World's Looming 'Water Gap'In the face of even more widespread water shortages and scarcity that already affect more than a billion people worldwide, there is some good news in the form of cost-effective, sustainable solutions to address water needs for everyone.
- Sears, Kmart Among Latest Companies Swearing Off ' ...The addition of three new retailers last week brought the total of signatories aiming to reducing mining's environmental and social impact to 60, with more than $1.3 billion in U.S. jewelry sales represented by companies involved.
- Mobile Communications Industry Sets Energy, Emissi ...The mobile communications industry has released its Green Manifesto, setting out industry-wide goals for reducing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions while proposing policy recommendations for the upcoming U.S. conference in Copenhagen.
- The Case for Water DisclosureThis report details the rationale for the Carbon Disclosure Project's new program, the CDP Water Disclosure, an initiative aimed at helping institutional investors better understand the business risks and opportunities associated with water scarcity.
- Carbon Disclosure Project Launches CDP Water Discl ...Seeking to replicate its success in increasing voluntary reporting by companies on carbon emissions, the CDP develops a mechanism for corporate reporting on water use.
Reuters Global
- India and Pakistan: the missing piece in the Afgha ...Last year's Mumbai attacks torpedoed hopes of a peace deal between India and Pakistan that might underpin a regional settlement for Afghanistan. Has President Barack Obama picked up the pieces? And if not, what is his back-up plan?
- Opposition needs a wizard in OzOn the surface, Australia's opposition leader Malcolm Turnbull won the endorsement of his party when he put his job on the line over his bipartisan support for the PM's carbon trade plan. But dig deeper and the picture looks much bleaker.
- Germany: a tale of two foreign ministersGerman media have become gripped by a popularity contest between new foreign minister Guido Westerwelle, and conservative defence minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, whose globe-trotting has earned him the nickname "the other foreign minister".
- For Rudd, now it’s personalAustralian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd may be a shoo-in to return to office late next year, but this week his reputation as a transformative leader will be on the line
- Haider’s heirs disown troubled Hypo bankThe Austrian province that enjoyed a big payout from the part sale of Hypo Group Alpe Aldria during the reign of hard-right leader Joerg Haider now refuses to put more cash into the ailing bank.
Ezra Klein
- Happy ThanksgivingNo tab dump today. It's Thanksgiving! Barring any unforeseen news breaks, this blog will return Monday. In the meantime, I'm thankful for all of you, my long-suffering, much-appreciated readers.
- Making turkey the starI'm a well-known turkey skeptic, but this reader's Thanksgiving menu is enough to convert me: For the last three years, turkey has gone from the least interesting part of our meal to the star. We get a heritage bird from a local farm – red bourbon, I think. About 10 pounds. We use a Weber Grill ...
- The filibuster has gone from affecting 8 percent o ...Over at U.S. News and World Report, Robert Schlesinger attaches some more numbers to the rise of the filibuster: The fact of the matter is that the frequency of filibusters has increased by a factor of 50 since the days of (then-Democrat) Strom Thurmond jaw-jacking for 24 hours to stop a civil righ ...
- Thanksgiving menuIn the comments beneath my column applying behavioral economics to Thanksgiving, a couple of folks accuse me of trying to pretty much ban eating during the holiday, which is pretty obviously not the point of the column. In any case, it's a good excuse to post my Thanksgiving menu, and invite you all ...
- The possibility of deficit reductionIt didn't fit in the last post, but I also wanted to quote this bit from David Leonhardt's column : Complaining that Congress and the White House aren’t doing enough to reduce the deficit is always a popular pundit game. So it’s no surprise that the last few weeks have been filled with knowin ...
Booman Tribune
- Serious Question Do you feel it is your patriotic duty to shop?
- Froggy Bottom Cafe
- Odd NewsHere's something straight out of Porky's: A British woman lost her appeal Tuesday against a ban on her noisy sex sessions, after a court heard how her marathon romps that kept neighbours awake sounded like someone being murdered. Caroline and Steve Cartwright's "howling" lovemaking sounded "unna ...
- Casual Observation I was enjoying my Thanksgiving Day until I got home and turned on the Giants game. God, they are putrid. I hope the second half is not as depressing as the first.
- Happy ThanksgivingEnjoy your family today and try not to think of a Sarah Palin-Glenn Beck ticket in 2012. Gobble gobble.
European Tribune
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 27 ...A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in history:1885 – Liviu Rebreanu,...
- Thursday Open ThreadLamb or Turkey?...
- How come Ireland's public finances are so bad?Something I don't understand: we're constantly told here that our public finances are unsustainable, while...
- Obstruction of justice?On the night from 3 to 4 September 2009, near the Afghan city of Kunduz,...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 26 ...A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in history:1731 – Birth of...
- Battered avatars – feminist statement or misogyn ...With its ability to allow us to take on new forms, appearances and identities, the metaverse is opening up as a whole new arena for discussions about cultural perceptions. Here’s a fresh example: a Second Life avatar skin designer released a collection of skins named “Battle Royale” on to the ...
- Can fictional characters be libelous?Hey, writers – ever based a character on a friend, no matter how loosely? Well, you’d best be careful to stay friends with them if you get published, because there’s now a legal precedent for a character in a novel being considered as libel: A Georgia jury has ruled that Haywood Smith, author ...
- The retail show-down: will online trump big-box?Economic slump + increasing ubiquity of internet = ruthless tit-for-tat price war between Amazon and Wal-Mart: The tussle began last month as a relatively trivial but highly public back-and-forth over which company had the lowest prices on the most anticipated new books and DVDs this fall. By last w ...
- The greying of WikipediaDespite continued growth as one of the most-visited sites on the web, Wikipedia has a problem – it’s losing editors faster than it’s gaining new ones. Cue lots of veiled “told you so” from the Wall Street Journal [via /message]: … as it matures, Wikipedia, one of the world’s largest cr ...
- Of vapor and violence: Do gasoline fumes fuel aggr ...Here’s the agenda for this item: I distinctly remember that when I was a kid, sometimes–not always–the smell of gasoline would get me what one would today call high. It’s been a long time since it had that effect on me, but I also remember looking forward to those visits to the gas station. ...
Therapy News
- Thinking During Fights May Improve Health, Marriag ...A News Headline When experiencing a marital conflict, many people may be prone to simply speaking their minds, without putting too much thought into their words. But aiming towards the incorporation of greater introspection and through fullness during argumentsmay greatly improve phy ...
- H1N1 Causing Anxiety among Clients, Diverting Soci ...A News Headline The outbreak of the H1N1 virus has received ample coverage in the news lately, with stories about a shortage of the vaccine reaching the public and causing significant concerns about personal health and safety, as well as the safety of children. In response to clinic ...
- Canadian Study Helps get Homeless with Mental Heal ...A News Summary Experiencing a mental health concern, whether manageable most days and only occasionally disruptive or entirely debilitating, can be a remarkable challenge in its own right. But addressing such concerns while being subjected to the unique demands and stresses of homele ...
- Afghanistan Troops to Receive Boost of Mental Heal ...A News Headline The need for a greater range of mental health services, and for greater access to such services, among US veterans, especially those returning from the wards in Iraq and Afghanistan, has become increasingly clear in recent months. As concerns over incidences of suicid ...
- How To Create A Loving Relationship You Can Sustai ...By Jennifer Lehr, MA, MFT Once upon a time there was a princess. She dreamed of her prince charming. She waited and waited. One day, he finally arrived on his white horse. They fell in love and rode off into the sunset, and lived happily ever after. This is pretty much the romantic myth we have [... ...
Mountaintop Removal
- Moore wraps up tour with Mockingbird - Staunton Ne ...Moore wraps up tour with Mockingbird Staunton News Leader Many of the people at the conference were opposed to mountain-top removal for coal strip mining operations. "I always appreciate people that are trying to ... and more »
- Mountaintop Removal Mining Protests Go National - ...Chattarati (blog) Mountaintop Removal Mining Protests Go National Common Dreams (press release) Over the objections of the local community, the site has been granted permits for mountaintop removal . Massey Energy began dynamiting peaks this week, ... End Mountaintop Removal : Sit-ins, Zombies, Pro ...
- Mountaintop Removal Mining Protests Go National - ...Chattarati (blog) Mountaintop Removal Mining Protests Go National Common Dreams (press release) Over the objections of the local community, the site has been granted permits for mountaintop removal . Massey Energy began dynamiting peaks this week, ... End Mountaintop Removal : Sit-ins, Zombies, Pro ...
- Judge sides with environmental groups in coal case ...Judge sides with environmental groups in coal case Plain Dealer ... violated federal environmental laws by failing to give the public enough of a say before issuing permits for two mountaintop removal coal mines. ... Mountaintop mining: Judge sides with opponents Bluefield Daily Telegraph all 76 n ...
- BTL:Civil Disobedience Actions Launched to Stop Mo ...BTL:Civil Disobedience Actions Launched to Stop Mountain Top Removal Bay Area Indymedia by Distributed by Squeaky Wheel Productions http Mountaintop removal is the process of literally blasting the tops off mountains, primarily used in southern ... Coal Tattoo investigates: Is there a MTR permit cr ...
- Soviets' Afghan War Informs Surge Debate (Yaroslav ...Yaroslav Trofimov / Wall Street Journal : Soviets' Afghan War Informs Surge Debate — KABUL — The future of the war in Afghanistan was on the line as Gen. Stanley McChrystal met with Defense Secretary Robert Gates in a secret rendezvous at a Belgian airbase in August. — Gen. McChryst ...
- Taxing the Speculators - Should we use taxes to de ...Paul Krugman / New York Times : Taxing the Speculators — Should we use taxes to deter financial speculation? Yes, say top British officials, who oversee the City of London, one of the world's two great banking centers. Other European governments agree — and they're right. — Unfor ...
- Lobbyists pushed off advisory panels (Dan Eggen/Wa ...Dan Eggen / Washington Post : Lobbyists pushed off advisory panels — White House initiative to limit influence could affect thousands — Hundreds, if not thousands, of lobbyists are likely to be ejected from federal advisory panels as part of a little-noticed initiative by the Obama adm ...
- Obamas' Uninvited Guests Prompt an Inquiry (New Yo ...New York Times : Obamas' Uninvited Guests Prompt an Inquiry — WASHINGTON — The Secret Service is investigating how a couple aspiring to be reality-show celebrities managed to appear at President Obama's first state dinner without being on the guest list, provoking questions about security ...
- Lobbyists pushed off advisory panels (Dan Eggen/Wa ...Dan Eggen / Washington Post : Lobbyists pushed off advisory panels — White House initiative to limit influence could affect thousands — Hundreds, if not thousands, of lobbyists are likely to be ejected from federal advisory panels as part of a little-noticed initiative by the Obama adm ...
Energy & Environment News
- China Joins U.S. in Pledge of Hard Targets on Emis ...President Obama and Prime Minister Wen Jiabao will attend the Copenhagen climate talks and have pledged new greenhouse gas emission targets.
- U.S. Is Unlikely to Use All the Ethanol Congress O ...When Congress mandated in 2007 that refiners blend a rising volume of ethanol into gasoline, fuel consumption had been growing for years. Then came the recession.
- Obama to Go to Copenhagen With Pledge of Emissions ...President Obama will offer to reduce greenhouse gas emissions “in the range of” 17 percent below 2005 levels by 2020, White House officials said.
- California Takes Step to Limit EmissionsWith proposals to reduce emissions tied to climate change stalled in Congress, a state works on its own cap-and-trade plan.
- U.S. to Set Emissions Target Before Climate TalksPresident Obama will announce a near-term target for reducing emissions “in coming days,” a senior official said.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.0, Trinidad, Trinidad and TobagoSunday, November 22, 2009 22:51:02 UTC Sunday, November 22, 2009 06:51:02 PM at epicenter Depth : 42.60 km (26.47 mi)
- M 6.2, Kermadec Islands regionSunday, November 22, 2009 22:47:28 UTC Monday, November 23, 2009 10:47:28 AM at epicenter Depth : 438.90 km (272.72 mi)
- M 5.9, off the coast of Los Lagos, ChileSunday, November 22, 2009 22:07:53 UTC Sunday, November 22, 2009 05:07:53 PM at epicenter Depth : 43.50 km (27.03 mi)
- M 6.3, Fiji regionSunday, November 22, 2009 07:48:20 UTC Sunday, November 22, 2009 07:48:20 PM at epicenter Depth : 523.10 km (325.04 mi)
- M 5.0, Solomon IslandsSunday, November 22, 2009 00:31:11 UTC Sunday, November 22, 2009 11:31:11 AM at epicenter Depth : 85.80 km (53.31 mi)
China Dialogue
- The iceman of LadakhChewang Norphel has pioneered a simple method of creating artificial “glaciers” to irrigate farmland in high-altitude deserts. Athar Parvaiz reports from northwest India. In December 1997, when world leaders assembled in Kyoto to put in place the first treaty to address climate change, Chewang N ...
- Our disappearing worldAs new plant and animal species are discovered, others are vanishing. Many are threatened by climate climate, while others fall at the hand of man. Maryann Bird asks what future generations won’t ever see. Some extraordinary finds have been made recently in the natural world. Among them: a remarka ...
- Commitments and compromisesAs crucial climate talks at Copenhagen approach, a growing gap has emerged between rich and poor nations. Tan Copsey spoke to Lumumba Stanislaus-Kaw Di-Aping, chair of the G77 group of developing countries. As the world approaches December’s crucial global climate-change summit in Copenhagen, the ...
- An optimist on CopenhagenFrom failed US presidential candidate to planetary crusader, Al Gore is a rock star of the climate debate. He talks to Oliver Burkeman about optimism, civil disobedience and Obama’s next move. Perhaps the best way to understand the extraordinary transformation of Al Gore is to study the changing r ...
- Putting innovation into reverseCompanies from the developed and the developing world face threats from growing “green” protectionism. John Elkington looks at how one corporation hopes to address the problem. The great American inventor Thomas Edison said: “Restlessness is discontent and discontent is the first necessity of ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- State Dinner Crashers: Reality Show Dupes Secret S ...Michaele and Tareq Salahi weren't invited to the White House dinner. But they got in anyway. Threats to Obama's life are four times those faced by Bush -- so how did this happen?
- Republican Playbook on Immigration Debate Long on ...Senate Republicans have “thoughtfully’ provided immigration advocates with their strategy for opposing immigration reform in 2010.
- Irish Commission: "No Doubt" Catholic Ch ...The welfare of the children "was not even a factor to be considered" as complaints came in against clerics.
- Disney Apocalypse: Why 2012 SucksEven by the popsicle-stick standards of its genre, the disaster movie 2012 is so dumb you actually want everyone to die.
- Glenn Beck Scoffs at Palin/Beck 2012 Ticket, Doesn ...The Beck/Palin dream ticket is not to be? NOOOOO!!!
Threat Level
- Obama Wants Computer Privacy Ruling OverturnedThe Obama administration is seeking to reverse a federal appeals court decision that dramatically narrowed the government’s search-and-seizure powers in the digital age. Solicitor General Elena Kagan and Justice Department officials are asking the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to reconsider it ...
- Wikileaks Says It Has Half-a-Million 9/11 Pager Me ...The document-leaking site Wikileaks says it’s preparing to release 500,000 intercepted wireless pager messages from a 24-hour period encompassing the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Site operators say they plan to start rolling out the texts beginning at 3:00 a.m. New York time, paced to ...
- Court Kills ‘Round-The-Clock’ Surveillance Cas ...Welcome to the tinfoil hat club. That’s what a federal appeals court is telling Scott Tooley of Kentucky in dismissing his civil rights lawsuit. Tooley believes the government put him under blanket surveillance after he said the word “bomb” to an airline agent. Tooley sued the government on ...
- Prosecutors Drop Plans to Appeal Lori Drew CaseFederal prosecutors in Los Angeles have filed a notice that they do not intend to pursue an appeal in the Lori Drew cyberbullying case, thus ending the controversial and lengthy case. “We have a notice with the 9th Circuit that we are withdrawing our notice of appeal in the case,” a spokesman f ...
- MPAA Says Copyright-Treaty Critics Hate HollywoodIf you don’t back a copyright treaty being negotiated in secret, you must want to destroy Hollywood, its blockbuster movies and all the jobs they create. At least that’s the message from the Motion Picture Association of America. It’s spelled out in a Thursday memo to the Senate Judiciary Com ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Bank of Japan checks rates, but intervention unlik ...TOKYO (Reuters) - The Bank of Japan stepped closer to currency intervention on Friday than at any time in the last five years by checking exchange rates with commercial banks as the yen rallied to a 14-year high against the dollar.
- US shoppers hit Black Friday sales with pared budg ...NEW YORK, Nov 27 (Reuters) - Americans headed to department stores in droves in the dead of night on Friday to kick off the holiday shopping season, though many said they had pared back how much they would spend on family members and on themselves.
- Shoppers hit Black Friday sales with pared budgetsNEW YORK (Reuters) - Americans headed to department stores in droves in the dead of night on Friday to kick off the holiday shopping season, though many said they had pared back how much they would spend on family members and on themselves.
- TAKE-A-LOOK-Dubai seeks debt delay for flagship fi ...Debt problems in Dubai weighed on stocks, helped lift bonds and roiled currency markets on Friday after the emirate said two companies planned to delay repayment on billions of dollars of debt as a first step toward restructuring Dubai World, the conglomerate that spearheaded Dubai's break-neck econ ...
- Dubai debt delays revive fear of financial crisisDUBAI/TOKYO (Reuters) - Investors recoiled from risky assets on Friday and dumped shares in Asian banks and builders, fearing a Dubai debt default could reignite the financial turmoil of the credit crisis.
Pine River World News
- Is Headley an American agent who turned rogue?The following article is from The Times of India. Is Headley an American agent who turned rogue? © The Times of India November 27, 2009 NEW DELHI - It's a plot that could be straight out of the bluff-and-double-bluff worlds created by John le Carre and Frederick Forsyth. Only, it seems to have p ...
- F. William Engdahl: Are Ukraine Black Death Cases ...The following commentary is reprinted with permission from Global Research. Are Ukraine Black Death Cases the result of IMF Loans? © Global Research By F. William Engdahl November 26, 2009 The Ukraine Government has declared a state of emergency and medical examiners describe results of autopsie ...
- The Palestinians and the perspective of Permanent ...The following perspective is reprinted with permission from World Socialist Web Site. The Palestinians and the perspective of Permanent Revolution © World Socialist Web Site By Chris Marsden November 26, 2009 Repeated attempts by Mahmoud Abbas and the Fatah leadership to restore their flagging a ...
- BURMA: Wa, Mongla: Don't mess with the beehiveIntelTrends - The following article is reprinted with permission from Shan Herald Agency for News (S.H.A.N.), Thailand. Wa, Mongla: Don't mess with the beehive © S.H.A.N. November 25, 2009 11:49 Following a 4-day meeting between top leaders of the United Wa State Army (UWSA) and National Dem ...
- Paul Craig Roberts: A Trial That Will Convict Us A ...The following column is reprinted with permission from Paul Craig Roberts. A Trial That Will Convict Us All © Paul Craig Roberts November 24, 2009 Republican members of Congress and what masquerades as a "conservative" media are outraged that the Obama administration intends to try in federal cou ...
- Before You Carve that Turkey: All In for Bernie Sa Donna Smith | PDA Co-Chair, Healthcare NOT Warfare Campaign Those millions of us who support a Medicare for All, single-payer, reform for the healthcare crisis in this nation have some work to do over the ...
- Put Marcy’s Ad on Olbermann & Maddow – ...Now that a filibuster in the Senate is no longer an issue, some kind of health care bill is likely to pass and be signed into law. The fight to protect the right ...
- Pennsylvania and Illinois Faculty Unions Endorse H ...Pennsylvania and Illinois Faculty Unions Endorse HR 676 Two faculty unions affiliated with the National Education Association (NEA) have endorsed HR 676, single payer healthcare legislation introduced by Congressman John Conyers (D-MI). In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, the Legislative Assembly ...
- Tim Carpenter on the Nick and Paul ShowTim Carpenter, PDA National Director appeared on the Nick and Paul show out of Santa Barbara CA. Hear Tim discuss his recent trip to DC and the on-going organizing by PDA members for Healthcare ...
- IOT: Accountability & Justice November CallAndy Worthington was our Guest Star. Andy wrote The Guantánamo Files: The Stories of the 774 Detainees in America's Illegal Prison and writes a blog at
Marler Blog
- Larry King and E. coli O157:H7 DeathsA friend sent me the below Youtube videos of Larry King's visit with me and the mothers, and one grandmother, of children killed from eating E. coli O157:H7-tainted hamburger that ran last month. This first video - the first ten minutes of the show - it then got a bit off-track as the hour went alo ...
- Secrecy in Food Poisoning Settlements - Is it Time ...I took the time today to read the Seattle Times article by Maureen O’Hagan, “Seattle lawyer turns into healthy food crusader,” and I was struck by a discussion I had with the reporter: Marler, … says he and his firm, Marler Clark, have pried $500 million in settlements out of companies that ...
- Coming to an Iphone near you - Food Safety News
- CDC Reports on California, Connecticut, Massachuse ...State health departments, CDC, and the United States Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service (USDA-FSIS) are investigating a multi-state outbreak of Escherichia coli O157:H7 infections. On October 31, 2009, FSIS issued a notice about a recall of approximately 545,699 pounds of ...
- I do not believe in the death penalty for selling ...The big news in China after I got home from this year's China Food Safety Conference is "Pair Executed Over China Tainted Baby Milk" that is running in paper's around the world this morning (not actual photo): Two men have been executed for their part in China's tainted milk scandal. Both men faced ...
- AutoblogGreen for 11.27.09VIDEO: Chevrolet Volt tests driver controlled audio warning system with the blind Beep! Electric Smart Fortwo gets shot in Berlin Just off the production line, the Smart Ed is already a star. ...
- AutoblogGreen for 11.25.09Quick Spin: Nissan Leaf the tip of mass market EV spear Ghosn's plan of attack makes sense, especially when the first shot is this silver (blue) bullet. Volt battery life affected by hot weather, but 10 y ...
- Quick Spin: Nissan Leaf the tip of mass market EV ...Filed under: Hatchback , Nissan , Electric , Quick Spin Nissan Leaf - Click above for high-res image gallery Nissan has gone into a back room, pulled out its Ouija board and decided that the time is right to make a huge bet. The Japanese automaker, along with its partner Renault, wants to be the w ...
- AutoblogGreen for 11.24.09Prediction: In 2015, fuel cell vehicles "will be cheaper than a Rolls-Royce" Not for everyone, then? Chevy Volt to address America's school children in nationwide show-and-tell H ...
- AutoblogGreen for 11.23.09Aptera Update: Backstory uglier than we knew? Unanswered questions run deep, by the looks of it. POLL: Is the Tesla IPO for you? Money maker or bad idea? ...
Rafe's Radar
- Asana promises workplace nirvanaHeavy on vision but light on the details, new workplace apps company emerges from Facebook tech talents. Originally posted at Webware
- Reporters' Roundtable Podcast: Tech biz turkeysWhy is it that as Thanksgiving approaches, when we should be focusing on the good things in our lives, journalists take the opportunity to talk about what's bad? I don't know, but I do know that I'm not immune to the trend. This week on the Reporters' Roundtable: tech business turkeys! Unlike t ...
- Liveblog today: Google Chrome OS press conferenceStarting at 10 a.m. PST, Google plans to reveal technical details and launch plans for its upcoming operating system. CNET's Rafe Needleman will have a running commentary. Originally posted at Webware
- Going rate for acquisitions at Intuit: $170 millio ...When selling a company, it helps to know the buyer's sweet spot. We know Intuit's.
- Six Apart releases tiny blog tool, TypePad MicroNew Chroma theme, designed for short posts, available for free under the new TypePad Micro brand. Originally posted at Webware
Camera Obscura
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes. September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so frequ ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and the ... September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces of ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion in ... September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigorous ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmine's ... September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of pro ...
- Dangerous spaces: Safe. September 1, 2004... For me, the problem is always in content; we want to define the perspective of a film solely through its content, and not through its form. --Todd Haynes No matter how much we desire, wit ...
Democracy Now!
- Books, Not BombsCalifornia campuses have been rocked by protests this past week, provoked by massive student fee increases voted on by the University of California Board of Regents. After a year of sequential budget cuts, faculty and staff dismissals and furloughs, and the elimination of entire academic department ...
- Mail Tribune of Southern Oregon news story on Amy ...The Mail Tribune newspaper of Southern Oregon published a story on Amy Goodman’s tour stop in Ashland, Oregon. Reporter Paris Achen wrote, "Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now! , told a crowd of about 300 people at Ashland’s Southern Oregon University Sunday night that print and TV media h ...
- Hungering for a True Thanksgiving“In the next 60 seconds, 10 children will die of hunger,” says a United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) online video. It continues, “For the first time in humanity, over 1 billion people are chronically hungry.” The WFP launched the Billion for a Billion campaign this week, urging the 1 ...
- Lou Dobbs Resigns From CNNThe controversial TV anchor has resigned from CNN amid a campaign to force him off the air due to his reporting on Latinos and immigrants. Past Democracy Now! Coverage of Lou Dobbs: Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez’s 2007 interview with Lou Dobbs Amy Goodman’s column ‘The Dubious Mr. ...
- The Man Who Put the Rainbow in 'The Wizard of Oz'Thanksgiving is around the corner, and families will be gathering to share a meal and, perhaps, enjoy another annual telecast of “The Wizard of Oz.” The 70-year-old film classic bears close watching this year, perhaps more than in any other, for the message woven into the lyrics, written during ...
Farming Pathogens
- Breeding Influenza: The Political Virology of Offs ...What better way to medicate against a holiday’s genocidal origins and the hunger now swelling worldwide in the wake of a related banker-brought recession than with a bellyful of turkey, stuffing, yams, and pumpkin pie? Despite its rotten ambiguities Thanksgiving remains my favorite American holida ...
- A Visitation of the InfluenzaIn seeping through the world’s every nook and cranny, pandemics have a way of forcing themselves into our lives as a lurking presence. Even the most insular of functionaries, who typically makes his living solving problems by ignoring them, straightens up and takes notice. Â Â As an epidemic ...
- I Do Like Green Eggs and HamMuch of what we’ve addressed on this blog has focused on the epidemiological failures of industrial farming. But what of the alternatives? Can we farm in another way? Is another world possible? Â Â It’s only since I’ve moved to the Midwest that I’ve learned that not only is that world p ...
- Heart of ModelingGreed is often mistaken for humanity’s heart of darkness. Look instead to the rationalization that transforms the most rapacious pillaging into an act of benevolence. A one-ton bomb dropped on a peasant wedding party is dissembled into regret without responsibility or, baser yet, a tough love offe ...
- Bird Flu’s Industrial RevolutionPublic talks can be private affairs. In sharing our work we bare the triumphs and limits of a thinking born in long hours alone or with a few fellow conspirators sworn to secrecy. But in breaking our oaths we are able to take the next step. In talking bird flu twice this past month I learned [... ...
Digg Green
- World's First Osmotic Power Plant OpensMix salt water with fresh water and there you have it: instant carbon-neutral energy. The process is called osmotic power, and a company called Statkraft has just opened the world’s first osmotic power plant in Norway.
- SuperFreakonomcs: GeoengineeringFind out what authors Levitt and Dubner have to say about solutions to global warming.
- Photos of Strange Deep Sea Creatures from Marine C ...Simply astonishing. The diversity of species that live beyond any hint of sunlight has astounded the team of international scientists as they near the end of a ten year deep sea census of marine life. The team has finally released a treasure trove of new photos and video from the deep sea census tha ...
- San Francisco's Green Business Program Rewards Big ...Thanks to yet another of Newsom's pre-governor's-race-dropout "green" programs, San Francisco taxpayers have actually paid to greenwash a major toxic polluter. I'm not making this up.
- How 16 Ships Create as Much Pollution as All Cars ...From piece: As 50 giant oil tankers lurk off the British coast, we reveal an even more scandalous threat to the global environment...16 of the world’s largest ships can produce as much lung-clogging sulphur pollution as all the world’s cars.
Invisible Opportunity
- I’m going to Copenhagen but I can’t ta ...By Les Visible The Manchurian President, Barak Obama (rhymes with Osama) is going to Copenhagen because Lord Rothschild and his vampire and werewolf brotherhood needs financing for the government, which they intend to utilize to enslave the human race. They don’t actually need the money because ...
- Climategate: this is our Berlin Wall moment!By James Delingpole I’ve just had a great, very sympathetic interview about Climategate on LBC radio (London’s main commercial news and talk station) with Petrie Hosken. She told me she has been simply inundated with callers, all of them utterly unconvinced that human influence has made any sign ...
- Canada: The Killer H1N1 VaccineBy Michel Chossudovsky “It is a serious thing [vaccine] that has the potential to kill” according to Dr. Neil Rau, an infectious disease expert, in a CTV interview, but do not worry: “leading experts insist, the benefits of the H1N1 vaccine vastly outweigh the risks” (Swine Flu Support Cent ...
- Video – World Trade Center AttackThis is the second talk by Joe, the Webmaster,in a three-part series regarding the lies and deceptions of the 9/11 Commission. This talk is about the controlled demolitions of the World Trade Center towers and World Trade Center 7.
- Video – Pentagon AttackThis is the third talk by Joe, the Webmaster,in a three-part series regarding the lies and deceptions of the 9/11 Commission. This talk is about the attack on the Pentagon.
Care2 Picks
- Vaccinations are causing impaired blood flow,illne .... The entire vaccine industry, as it turns out, has been experimental. We did not know that we were causing damages – for us all.Clinically silent ischemic brain and body damages will happen Submitted by John Farnham to Health & Wellness | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- GM 'Foods'Stories noted by the Care 2 GMO group : more links in 'France Finds Monsanto Guilty of Lying comments Submitted by John Farnham to Health & Wellness | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Biodiversity loss is Earth's 'immense and hidden' ...Problem of biodiversity loss has been 'eased off centre stage' by focus on climate change, according to Prof Edward Wilson, the ecologist described as 'Darwin's natural heir' Submitted by Simone D. to Science & Tech | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Will our views on gm food be 'modified?' // Curren ...Stand by for yet another attempt to persuade a resistant British public to consume genetically modified food. The Food Standards Agency - the same quango that constantly condemns the organic produce that people really do want - is about to organise, at mi Submitted by Karen S. to Science & Tech | ...
- Beware: Genetically modified omega 3 oils to appea ...Monsanto, the company which spent an astounding eight million dollars last year on lobbying, is planning to flood the food market with poor quality omega 3 oils from its genetically modified (GM) soy beans. Submitted by Karen S. to Science & Tech | Note-it! | Add a Comment
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afg ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency ? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in Afghanistan Sri Lanka ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United Press ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan , Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more »
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA new ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more »
- An Evolving Afghan Policy - American ChronicleAn Evolving Afghan Policy American Chronicle ... triumph for the forces of Islamic extremism, al-Qaeda would once again gain a foothold, and the return of the Taliban would likely destabilize Pakistan . ...
- Schools close in Pakistan following university bom ...Schools close in Pakistan following university bombings Emirates Business 24/7 ... in Pakistan after suspected militants bombed a university close to the capital, sowing fear across the country as the army presses a major anti- Taliban ... and more »
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- Republican Playbook on Immigration Debate Long on ...Senate Republicans have “thoughtfully’ provided immigration advocates with their strategy for opposing immigration reform in 2010.
- Whatever Happened to the CIA Black Sites?The CIA ordered its secret prisons closed, but lawyers for terrorism suspects want them preserved as possible evidence -- and the CIA won't say what's going on.
- Sex, Beer, Heroin and Cocaine: How Prosecutors Pay ...All too often, prosecutors aid and abet the crimes of their informants. And that's just one disheartening outcome of American law enforcement's bungled dealings with snitches.
- Citing "National Defense Needs," Obama A ...Stephen Goose, director of Human Rights Watch's arms division, called the decision to keep the Bush-era policy "an appalling decision."
- Murder at Guantanamo? The Mysterious, Unsolved Dea ...Mohammad Saleh al Hanashi was found dead inside a psych ward at Guantanamo. It was ruled a suicide. But disturbing evidence suggest the truth may be far uglier.
Sideways News
- Ancient Acropolis theatre to be restoredAn ancient theatre beneath the Acropolis, believed to be the birthplace of modern drama, is to recover some of its former glory thanks to a £5.4 million restoration project. The Theatre of Dionysos in Athens will be rebuilt by extending and modernising surviving stone seats, although no new perform ...
- Creature of the weekWe all need a perk during the seemingly neverending last few hours of the afternoon. Take a look at our favourite animals for some light relief.
- Cause of the month: The Angry MermaidThe UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen is rapidly approaching. Thousands of international business representatives will be attending. But do they really want to tackle climate change or does money remain their motivation? The Angry Mermaid thinks the latter is true.
- Hacked off: bad PR or climate conspiracy?Hackers broke into the email server of the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia (UEA) last Friday 20th November, stealing 1,079 emails and over 3,800 documents. The material was posted onto an anonymous server in Russia, as well as on climate sceptic blog Air Vent .
- The people vs. katrinaThe devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, along the Gulf Coast of the USA and most catastrophically in New Orleans, Florida, has led to it being classed as one of the deadliest hurricanes to have been recorded – and the scale and cost of the damage caused has caused some to classify it ...
Fabius Maximus
- How long will all American Presidents be War Presi ...Summary: President Obama has decided to expand the Af-Pak War and accept the Nobel Peace Prize, certifying himself to future generations as hypocritical scum, we must remember that he promised exactly this outcome. And we elected him, so the responsibility is ours. Like so many things, this w ...
- FM newswire for 27 November, hot articles for your ...Today’s broadsheet from the FM website pressroom. There are 3 sections, all with hot news. Also — you can now subscribe, receiving posts by email — see the box on the upper right. Links to interesting news and analysis Doomster nonsense of the day: China May Demand Physical Gold Feature ...
- What will America look like after this recession?A holiday classic from the archives of the FM website, originally posted 18 March 2008. Timely, if not relevant to the Thanksgiving holiday. This series of articles speculations about our future based on history and the almost inevitable re-balancing of global economy (i.e., end of unconstraine ...
- More about the swine flu pandemic: about Cassandra ...Summary: Another in a series of posts about the swine flu hysteria (links to other chapters appear at the end). This is an apt time to look at another would-be Cassandra, as the World Health Organization has noted “Signs That Swine Flu Has Peaked” (New York Times, 21 November 2009). The ...
- Don’t read this about Blackwater! Why ruin y ...I strongly recommend reading this in full. It’s a long and well-documented (as such things go) article. Why should foreigners be the only ones to know the truth about America’s wars? “Blackwater’s Secret War in Pakistan“, Jeremy Scahill, The Nation, 23 November 2009 — Excerpt: At ...
sibeledmonds - tweets
- sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs: “Mr.President, ...sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs: “Mr.President, please give these human beings half as much value as you give to your Turkey(s).”
- sibeledmonds: RT @officialwire - Boiling FrogsR ...sibeledmonds: RT @officialwire - Boiling Frogs’ 09 Thanksgiving Note To The President
- sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Post’s Thanksgiv ...sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Post’s Thanksgiving Note to the President: Freedom & Life: Of Turkeys & Men
- sibeledmonds: Help us expose th ...sibeledmonds: Help us expose the Puppets & Puppet Masters. The Facts on States Secrets Privilege
- sibeledmonds: Come & Help us expose the Puppets & ...sibeledmonds: Come & Help us expose the Puppets & Puppet Masters. Time to Get the Facts Straight on States Secrets Privilege
WIRED Magazine | Science
- Video: The Chemistry of ThanksgivingIf you want to arm yourself with some nice science trivia for tonight’s dinner conversation, check out this lecture by Diane Bunce, a professor of chemistry at The Catholic University in Washington, DC. She gets off to a slow start, so you may want to skip the first two minutes. See Also: Top 10 ...
- Industrial Thanksgiving: Science Takes Mom’s Rec ...Thanksgiving is about eating, and though local, organic food might be what the cool kids are eating, most people are still eating products of the industrial food system. Whether you’re talking turkey, cranberries or potatoes, industrial-scale processes have been developed to drive down food costs ...
- DIY Botox Seller Busted by Texas Attorney GeneralThe Texas attorney general filed charges Monday against Laurie D’Alleva for allegedly selling prescription drugs like Botox from websites she owned, including Agents descended on her Mansfield, Texas home and carried out boxes, computers, and other possible evidence for the ca ...
- Pacific Northwest Earthquakes Could Strike Closer ...Major earthquakes occurring along the Cascadia subduction zone off the coast of Washington state could strike closer to the state’s urban areas than some models have suggested, a new study notes. GPS data gathered at dozens of sites throughout western Washington hint that slippage along the inter ...
- The Gruesome Power of Raptor TalonsThe most thorough study to date of raptor talons reveals their feet to be extraordinarily specialized hunting tools, perfectly suited to their gruesomely amazing killing strategies. “Despite the ubiquity of raptors in terrestrial ecosystems, many aspects of their predatory behavior remain poorly ...
The Progressive Realist
- Circular Reasoning in AfghanistanYesterday’s New York Times glossed one reason why some U.S. officials think we need to stay in Afghanistan in force: But for years, throughout the Bush administration and into the Obama administration, American officials have been making trips to Pakistan to reassure its government that the United ...
- Alarming Rise in Military SuicidesJohn Donnelly of Congressional Quarterly has a disconcerting piece out today noting that more US military personnel are dying from suicide than from either of the US military engagements in Iraq or Afghanistan. Donnelly writes: More U.S. military personnel have taken their own lives so far in 2009 ...
- Obama Going to CopenhagenNews this morning that Obama will attend the climate change meeting in Copenhagen next month, armed with a kind-of-sort-of-commitment-like statement that the U.S. will reduce carbon emissions in the range of 17% below 2005 levels by 2020. Good times. I'm a bit nervous that, like his ill-fated attemp ...
- Obama Administration Won't Join Landmine TreatyAccording to CNN, administration officials just announced that after a "review" of US landmine policy, they will maintain the policy of previous administrations in refusing to sign the Ottawa treaty. According to State Department spokesperson Ian Kelly: "We made our policy review and we determined ...
- Is Pakistan Serious about the U.S.?Convened for the first time by the Canadian Ministry of National Defense and the German Marshall Fund – a think tank established by the German government in honor of Gen. George Marshall and the plan for European recovery that bore his name – the Halifax International Security Forum met over the ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Lightning Round: The Limits of Presidential Prerog ...President Obama has pledged to committing the U.S. to reducing carbon emissions to 17 percent below 2005 levels in advance of traveling to Copenhagen Dec. 7 for the international climate conference, but between the parochial interests of individual senators and the energy industries they represent, ...
- Lessons from Argentina.In the wake of the highest unemployment rate in 25 years, The Roosevelt Institute asked historians, economists and other public thinkers to reflect on the lessons of the New Deal and explore new, big ideas for how to get America back to work. TAPPED will be cross-posting the 10-part series with the ...
- What Color Was That Again?Can you spot the glaring problem in this AP story about last night's state dinner? First lady Michelle Obama chose to wear a gleaming silver-sequined, flesh-colored gown Tuesday night to the first state dinner held by her husband's administration. She was tending to her hostess duties in a strap ...
- Keeping Score.Dana Perino has some thoughts on terrorism, in particular the Ft. Hood shootings: PERINO: And we had a terrorist attack on our country. And we should call it what it is. Because we need to face up to it so that we can prevent it from happening again. HANNITY: I agree with you. And why wonâ ...
- Trying to Kill Social Security.Atrios has the correct response to Kevin Drum 's rather odd claim that Social Security could somehow be "taken off the table" by instituting some benefit cuts and tax hikes: thinking that Social Security could ever be "reformed" to Fred Hiatt 's long-term satisfaction will work out about as well as ...
Andy Worthington
- Andy Worthington Discusses “Outside the Law: Sto ...Last week I was delighted to talk to Linda Olson-Osterlund on KBOO FM in Portland, Oregon, for her show, “A Deeper Look,” which was broadcast on Wednesday. The show is available online here, and Linda and I discussed the new documentary film, “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo” (dire ...
- Andy Worthington Discusses “Outside the Law: Sto ...Last week I was delighted to talk to Linda Olson-Osterlund for KBOO FM in Portland, Oregon, for her show, “A Deeper Look,” which was broadcast on Wednesday. The show is available online here, and Linda and I discussed the new documentary film, “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo” (dir ...
- UK Judges Compare Binyam Mohamed’s Torture To Th ...Binyam Mohamed is a British resident, seized in Pakistan in April 2002, who was held in Pakistani custody, supervised by US agents, until July 2002, when he was sent by the CIA to be tortured for 18 months in Morocco, and was tied in with a “dirty bomb plot” that never even existed. After his [. ...
- Iraq Inquiry: Sir Christopher Meyer Confirms That ...No matter how it ends up being spun, Sir Christopher Meyer’s testimony to the Chilcot Inquiry today demonstrated, without a shadow of a doubt, how “regime change” in Iraq was agreed between George W. Bush and Tony Blair in April 2002, and how the rush to war by the US meant that furious attemp ...
- Andy Worthington Discusses Obama’s Failure To Cl ...Following up on my US tour promoting the new documentary, “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo†(directed by Polly Nash and myself) and my appearance on ABC News, plus the slew of developments in recent weeks regarding Guantánamo — federal court trials for Khalid Sheikh Mohamm ...
- What Germany's Robin Hood Banker Can Teach Us Abou ...BUZZFLASH NEWS ANALYSIS by Meg White Just when you'd heard about enough about the halfhearted non-apology from Goldman Sachs Chair Lloyd Blankfein and the attempts by Wall Street and big banks to quash new reforms that might save us from the recklessness that could lead to yet another meltdown, here ...
- Something Different To Celebrate? -- Verse-Case Sc ...My wife Kathy recently announced that She would not be bereft over A new holiday after Thanksgiving where Each guest brought a leftover. We agreed it's a little like Boxing Day The English have on behalf Of tradespeople and laborers as well As postal workers and staff. We're going to try and do this ...
- Danny Schechter: Will Christmas Shopping Save the ...BUZZFLASH GUEST COMMENTARY by Danny Schechter Funny how, back in 1929, we had Black Thursday and then Black Friday as the market crashed, plunging the country into a depression. Now we have every retailer in every mall in America on their knees praying for a prosperous Black Friday this week. Here's ...
- Dee Evans: Google's Offensive Michelle Obama Image ...BUZZFLASH GUEST COMMENTARY by Dee Evans [Editor's note: The following is in reference to a story about Google's purchase of online ads to explain why an offensive image of Michelle Obama keeps appearing in its Google Image search results, and how high it ranks. The story can be found here , but the ...
- George Lakoff: Give Thanks to Kathleen Sibelius Fo ...BUZZFLASH GUEST COMMENTARY by George Lakoff Cost-benefit analysis can kill. The failure to distinguish statistics from arithmetic can kill. In the current debate over mammograms, the number of women projected to be at risk of death due to cost-benefit analysis is about 47,000. That is the approximat ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- A key British official reminds us of the forgotten ...Britain is currently engulfed by a probing, controversial investigation into how their Government came to support the invasion of Iraq, replete with evidence that much of what was said at the time by both British and American officials was knowingly false, particularly regarding the unequivocal in ...
- Tough-guy John Bolton, hiding under his bed(updated below) John Bolton is the prototypical right-wing pseudo-tough-guy: cheering on every war he can find without ever getting near any of them. And as usual for this strain of play-acting, chest-beating warrior, all of the belligerence and craving of vicarious power masks a deep and p ...
- Phil Carter's resignation from key detainee policy ...Phillip Carter is a lawyer, a former Army Captain, a veteran of the Iraq War and a very harsh critic of the Bush administration's detention and interrogation policies. He was a vigorous supporter of Barack Obama's campaign, and in 2008, became the Obama campaign's National Veterans Director. In A ...
- Greg Craig and Obama's worsening civil liberties r ...(updated below) Over at Daily Kos , Barbara Morrill complains that The Washington Post 's Richard Cohen "is Karl Rove dressed up in pseudo-sadness" because -- according to her -- Cohen today "whines that the Attorney General announced that the United States follows the rule of law" by giving ...
- The extreme secrecy of the federal courtsOnce conservatives became embarrassed by their cowardly warnings that we would all be killed if we held a 9/11 trial in New York, they switched to a new argument: trials in a real court would lead to the disclosure of classified information that would help the Terrorists. In advancing this cla ...
The BiPartisan Report
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- Dennis Kucinich: Enemy of the good, pursuer of the ...
- Betsy’s Bullshit, Round 2
- The difference between politics and governing
- Absolute chemical headlinesA wide range of stories again in this week’s Alchemist column on Absolute configurations reveal themselves through NMR spectroscopy using residual dipolar couplings in small molecules, according to an international team who have put it to work on an anticancer compound. Discussed also ...
- Recognisable scientists versus artistsAccording to the promoters of a new exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery in London aimed at UK Scientific Heritage: “Scientists are no longer unrecognisable boffins” thanks to the Science in Focus exhibition, which runs until 17 January 2010. Well…I take issue with that remark! Which o ...
- Homeopathy really doesn’t workA couple of years ago, I re-posted an old article of mine about homeopathy discussing its ludicrous claims, its feeble attempts to provide a scientific explanation for those claims, and basically pointing out that no solid evidence has ever been found that infinitely diluted solutions of spurious in ...
- Latest science headlinesTime to bring you up to date on the latest science headlines I’ve put together for other sites this last couple of weeks, so here’s a quick round-up: On the SpectroscopyNOW site, this issue, I covered natural chemicals that can help sunflowers soak up toxic cadmium from the soil (another example ...
- Genetically engineered heavy metal fansThe wastewater released from industry often contains high levels of toxic heavy metals, which can kill organisms, damage ecosystems, and accumulate in the foodchain. Electroplating, lead smelting, mining, and countless other processes produce enormous volumes of such wastewater. In a perfect world, ...
change: org.
- Yes Virginia, There Are Gay Men in Professional Ho ...Professional sports can be a bit of a breeding ground for homophobia. Hockey, in particular, has come under the microscope lately as being a sport with a particularly brutal homophobic culture . That's why this week's story of hockey magnate Brian Burke's son coming out of the closet -- and his dad' ...
- Animal Rights and Gratefulness, for the Animals an ...Note: This is twice as long as it should be. And at times awfully mushy. Sorry. But it's what came out. And although I usually include the image attribution at the end of the post, this time I want to be sure to give credit and thanks right here at the top. The lovely image at left comes courtesy of ...
- Reconciliation May Not Help Against Senate Healthc ...When we last took a look at the weekend’s Senate happenings , basically Joe Lieberman, Ben Nelson, Blanche Lincoln and Mary Landrieu had decided to wait to ransom the healthcare reform process until after Senate debate began on December 1. So we got our 60 votes on the procedural motion to move a ...
- A Thanksgiving Marred By An Archaic Immigration Sy ...As we spend this Thanksgiving with our families, showing gratitude for bearing through what has probably been the worst economic year in recent times, we can't help but remember the thousands of families still separated by an archaic immigration system. It is ironic that many of us choose to celebra ...
- Shop for Change Holiday Gift Guide: Part 1, Where ...In the U.S. and many other parts of the world, the December holiday season has become synonymous with the three S's: shopping, spending, and stuff. We spend millions of dollars on sweaters and iPods and toys made in overseas factories by exploited workers, children, and slaves. But this holiday seas ...
Common Dreams -News
- Designs for New UK Nuclear Reactors are Unsafe, Cl Terry Macalister Britain's main safety regulator threw the government's energy plans into chaos tonight by damning the nuclear industry's leading designs for new plants. The Health and Safety Executive said it could not recommend plans for new reactors because of wide-ranging concerns about their ...
- Australian Camel Cull Plan Angers Animal Welfare G Adam Gabbatt Animal welfare groups have accused the Australian government of being "trigger happy" over plans to shoot 6,000 camels that invaded an outback town in search of water. read more
- Obama's State Department Backpedals on Landmine Tr Jim Lobe WASHINGTON - One day after the State Department announced that the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama will not sign the 10-year-old treaty banning anti- personnel landmines, it insisted that Washington's policy on the issue was still being reviewed. read more
- Americans Toss Out 40 Percent of All Foodby Robert Roy Britt U.S. residents are wasting food like never before. While many Americans feasted on turkey and all the fixings yesterday, a new study finds food waste per person has shot up 50 percent since 1974. Some 1,400 calories worth of food is discarded per person each day, which adds up to ...
- U.S. Military Unveils Huge New Prison in Afghanist Feraidoon Khwazoon KABUL - The U.S. military has announced the opening of a new prison on Bagram Air Base. The prison, costing 60 million dollars, will hold up to 1,100 prisoners at any one time. U.S. Brig. Gen. Mark Martins, a U.S. Army lawyer who undertook an examination this year of Afghan and ...
- 61 Free Apps We're Most Thankful For [Downloads] As we prepare to stuff our faces with a bountiful Thanksgiving feast, we turn our Thanksgiving spirit to the gobs of free software we love to say thank you to the developers, and to give our computers a feast of their own. Earlier this week we asked you to share the free apps you're most thankful fo ...
- The Mega-Mousepad Office [Featured Workspace] Having a mouse pad that won't stay put is a pain. Today's featured workspace circumvents the problem of the too-small and slide-around mouse pad by making a custom pad big enough for the mouse, keyboard, cup of coffee and more. Lifehacker reader Pak-Kei Mak was sick of tiny mouse pads. The solution ...
- Use Sand to Hold Awkward Objects During Repairs [ ...Ever need to repair an awkwardly shaped object but have trouble keeping it steady while you work? The always-clever Martha Stewart suggests getting some assistance from sand, using it to hold odd-shaped objects at just the right angle while your glue dries. Push the piece far enough into the sand so ...
- WhitePages Adds Phone Number Search to Android Ap ...Android: WhitePages' automatic Caller ID function was one of the earliest and most helpful of Android apps. Its newest version puts's search powers on your phone, along with offering a seven-day preview of its caller ID service. I couldn't quite pinpoint whether caller ID was previous ...
- Google Adds Improved Movie Listings, Trailers for ...When you're traveling around your own town or a distant city, Google's mobile search now offers you way more movie listing information and mobile-formatted trailers . Just search "movies" from your phone to check out Google's fuller, better movie results, complete with trailers, nearby theaters wh ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- The Anti-torture canaries are dyingBy Dave Anderson: The Obama Administration pinched several excellent bloggers for mid-level staff positions earlier this year. I approved of those decisions as I had read Phil Carter and the Balkinization crew for years and I trusted both their judgment and their integrity, especially on the matter ...
- Blackwater in Pakistan: But What Did The I.S.I. Kn ...By Steve Hynd Our good friend Jeremy Scahill broke a truly massive story yesterday at The Nation. At a covert forward operating base run by the US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in the Pakistani port city of Karachi, members of an elite division of Blackwater are at the center of a secret p ...
- 34,000 Troops and the Wuss FactorBy Steve Hynd McClatchy has the scoop - President Obama will announce on Dec 1 that he will order 34,000 additional troops sent to Afghanistan. As it now stands, the plan calls for the deployment over a nine-month period beginning in March of three Army brigades from the 101st Airborne Division at F ...
- Blackwater in Pakistan: But What Did The I.S.I. Kn ...By Steve Hynd Our good friend Jeremy Scahill broke a truly massive story yesterday at The Nation. At a covert forward operating base run by the US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in the Pakistani port city of Karachi, members of an elite division of Blackwater are at the center of a secret p ...
- 34,000 Troops and the Wuss FactorBy Steve Hynd McClatchy has the scoop - President Obama will announce on Dec 1 that he will order 34,000 additional troops sent to Afghanistan. As it now stands, the plan calls for the deployment over a nine-month period beginning in March of three Army brigades from the 101st Airborne Division at F ...
Water Wars
- Water wars: Costly Lake Lanier options may pressur ...The task force created by Gov. Sonny Perdue found that it would take at least eight years and hundreds of millions of dollars to bring new reservoirs online. And aggressive new conservation measures would not alone make up for the 280 million gallons a day the Atlanta area would lose if its supply f ...
- Tiger Bay Club debates oil drilling - The Observer ...The Sarasota Tiger Bay Club’s monthly meeting Nov. 19, which centered on the topic “Drilling for Oil,” fostered a heated debate among oil-drilling supporters and opponents — essentially economy versus the environment.
- Georgia businesses could lose $26 billion annually ...Metro Atlanta would be hardest hit by water losses
- GA task force: Water Wars defeat means $26(B) loss ...ATLANTA (AP) — Georgia’s water task force has learned that losing Lake Lanier as source for drinking water could mean an annual loss of more than $26 billion for businesses.
- Water Wars Defeat Could Mean $26B Loss (WXIA-TV At ...Georgia's water task force has learned that losing Lake Lanier as source for drinking water could mean an annual loss of more than $26 billion for businesses.
WordPress | Economics
- The Reagan Tax Cuts, Budget Forecasting, and Gover ...While perusing the Internet, I saw an article by Iwan Morgan, who is the author of The Age of Defici
- Interesting News From ElsewhereJames Hamilton and Paul Krugman are having a discussion about the deficit. As an avid reader of Krug
- The Financial Bubble is ReadyStanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove [ The music is We'll Meet Again by Vera Lynn] Dubai is the l
- Is America's Decline Inevitable?The recent economic disaster has raised the old questions about the fall of empires. Now, the questi
- How To Get Debt Reduction HelpIt is simple for you to get debt reduction help. You do not accept to feel as admitting you are a vi
- Pakistan's president facing military anger over hi ...ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Suspicions by Pakistan's powerful army that the country's civilian leadership is growing too close to the United States are fueling a political crisis that analysts here believe threatens the survival of the government and could divert attention from the battle against Islami ...
- Commentary: Border speed pass program isn't workin ...Drug dealers in Mexico apparently are taking full advantage of a United States program that's supposed to speed passage at border checkpoints. The program, called the Custom-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism, maintains a registry of trucking companies that agree to do background checks on employee ...
- Commentary: Ramping up in AfghanistanThe process would not be rushed, the White House said, and it wasn't. President Obama and his national security team met, discussed, deliberated for what seemed like forever as they wrestled with the strategic options centered on Afghanistan.
- Some question scale of Chinese drywall problemMANATEE — As the Chinese drywall saga unfolded during the past year, one figure has been widely and often repeated: 100,000.
- Commentary: San Quentin should be sold, not rebuil ...State Treasurer Bill Lockyer last week pulled back on issuing $590 million in bonds to pay for the reconstruction of San Quentin's crumbling death row.
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch
- China completes the climate circleA fair bit of the doubt and confusion surrounding next month's UN climate summit has suddenly cleared, with the world's two biggest greenhouse gas emitters - the US and China - announcing pledges on curbing greenhouse gas emissions. As is set out in the Bali Action Plan - the agreement made at the ...
- China completes the climate circleA fair bit of the doubt and confusion surrounding next month's UN climate summit has suddenly cleared, with the world's two biggest greenhouse gas emitters - the US and China - announcing pledges on curbing greenhouse gas emissions. As is set out in the Bali Action Plan - the agreement made at the ...
- Copenhagen Countdown: 17 daysIf you've spent the week following every change of direction in the political winds about the likely outcome of the forthcoming UN climate summit, you'll have seen more twisting than the average Chubby Checker song. Extending borrowing from the arts and entertainment world: "To bind or not to bind" ...
- Climate: A defining issueA couple of weeks ago, the cat came well and truly out of the bag: there would not be a legally binding treaty at the UN climate summit in Copenhagen next month. Or will there? During his meeting on Tuesday with China's President Hu Jintao, President Obama appeared to indicate that some sort of co ...
- Copenhagen Countdown: 24 daysHere in London, we've reached that time of year when the Sun rises after you do and sets comfortably before you leave the office. And the hours in between are filled with grey, malevolent drizzle. Have the week's diplomatic moves shed more light than the Sun is currently doing here on the likelihoo ...
Afghanistan Sun
- Taliban decides not to talk with USThe US proposal to hold talks with the Afghan Taliban leadership, with Pakistan and Saudi Arabia playing the role of mediators, has fallen apart.
- German minister quits over Afghan cover-up scandalBerlin, Nov 27 (DPA) Former German defence minister Franz Josef Jung resigned his post as labour minister Friday over an alleged cover-up of civilian casualties in an airstrike in Afghanistan earlier this year.
- Pak Taliban regrouping in remote South WaziristanIslamabad, Nov.27 : Pakistan taliban are reportedly regrouping in remote areas of South Waziristan inspite of the Pakistan Army's offensive in area, which has so far claimed the lives of about 500 insurgents.
- NATO allies may commit 6,000 troops for Afghan warBRUSSELS — A NATO official says alliance nations may increase their fighting force in Afghanistan by up to 6,000 soldiers in response to President Barack Obama's expected call for 30,000 additio...
- The tangle of the Taliban | Jeremy BinnieMuch has been written about the Afghan insurgency in the mainstream media, but little about the insurgents. The popular impression that the Kabul government and its international allies are battling a...
- Battered avatars – feminist statement or misogyn ...With its ability to allow us to take on new forms, appearances and identities, the metaverse is opening up as a whole new arena for discussions about cultural perceptions. Here’s a fresh example: a Second Life avatar skin designer released a collection of skins named “Battle Royale” on to the ...
- Can fictional characters be libelous?Hey, writers – ever based a character on a friend, no matter how loosely? Well, you’d best be careful to stay friends with them if you get published, because there’s now a legal precedent for a character in a novel being considered as libel: A Georgia jury has ruled that Haywood Smith, author ...
- The retail show-down: will online trump big-box?Economic slump + increasing ubiquity of internet = ruthless tit-for-tat price war between Amazon and Wal-Mart: The tussle began last month as a relatively trivial but highly public back-and-forth over which company had the lowest prices on the most anticipated new books and DVDs this fall. By last w ...
- The greying of WikipediaDespite continued growth as one of the most-visited sites on the web, Wikipedia has a problem – it’s losing editors faster than it’s gaining new ones. Cue lots of veiled “told you so” from the Wall Street Journal [via /message]: … as it matures, Wikipedia, one of the world’s largest cr ...
- Of vapor and violence: Do gasoline fumes fuel aggr ...Here’s the agenda for this item: I distinctly remember that when I was a kid, sometimes–not always–the smell of gasoline would get me what one would today call high. It’s been a long time since it had that effect on me, but I also remember looking forward to those visits to the gas station. ...
geopolitics | geoeconomics
- Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or ...
- The Fake Oil Crisis of 1973
- Fossiles Erdöl
- Confessions of an “ex” Peak Oil Believer
- Oil & First World War
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
- Indonesian activists suffer police investigationMy counterpart in Indonesia, Emerson Yuntho, has been swept up in a flurry of police activity associated with the Third Conference of State Parties (CoSP) of the United Nation Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC). I just met Emerson last month when he visited our offices at the National Whistlebl ...
- International Whistleblower News (November 23, 200 ...[Canada] MacCharles, Tonda, Richard Colvin: Portrait of a whistleblower, , November 21, 2009. Talk to people who know Richard Colvin and a few key traits emerge. Driven, committed to Canada's mission in Afghanistan. Knows his stuff. Takes copious notes. Sociable, yet discreet. Above all, ...
- International Whistleblower News (November 16, 200 ...[UK] Develin, Kate, “NHS whistleblower ‘sacked for revealing dumped x-ray scans’,”, November 14, 2009. Dr Otto Chan, a consultant radiologist, believes that he was labelled a troublemaker after the revelations about the Royal London. He claims that hospital bosses decided to ...
- CIA to pay $3 million so Horn will not oppose vaca ...The CIA has decided to pay Richard Horn $3 million for a unique settlement of a fifteen (15) year-old spying case. The government not only wants Horn to dismiss the case and release the CIA and State Department officials who spied on him, but the government also wants Horn to promise that he will no ...
- Bad Apples in a Rotten BarrelIn the United Kingdom, a former investigator of the Royal Military Police (RMP), speaking anonymously, alleges that Senior British army commanders in Iraq refused to investigate Iraqi civilian abuse claims. According to BBC News on October 11 th , the whistleblower claims that while he has seen d ...
Defense and the National Interest
- On War #323: MilestoneWilliam S. Lind 23 November 2009 One of the ongoing themes of this column has been gangs and the role they play in a Fourth Generation world. Here in the United States they already serve as an alternative primary loyalty (alternative to the state) for many urban young men. Gangs will likely be a m ...
- DNI to close — update23 November 2009 Many thanks to everyone who wrote in. Â My wife and I are deeply touched. We’ll try to find someone to at least take over the site as it is and keep the links intact. Â Several people have contacted me with ideas. Â In the meantime, I’ll leave everything up unless we start ...
- DNI to closeProbably on Monday, November 23, depending on how my travels work out. Please go ahead and download any thing you’d like to keep — I’d particularly recommend Boyd’s briefings and the 4GW manuals. I have great faith in the growing number of bloggers and commentators who cover many of the s ...
- On War #322: What Is “Political Correctness?”William S. Lind 18 November 2009 In response to the killing of 13 American soldiers at Ft. Hood by an Islamic U. S. Army major, a number of senior officials have expressed their fear, not of Islam, but of a possible threat to “diversity.” “Diversity” is one of the many false gods of “Poli ...
- What should we do with terrorists?Security guru Bruce Schneier has the right idea: We should treat terrorists like common criminals and give them all the benefits of true and open justice — not merely because it demonstrates our indomitability, but because it makes us all safer. Once a society starts circumventing its own laws, th ...
Science Express
- Researchers discover key to vital DNA, protein int ...( -- A researcher at Iowa State University has discovered how a group of proteins from plant pathogenic bacteria interact with DNA in the plant cell, opening up the possibility for what the scientist calls a "cascade of advances."
- UCSB physicists move one step closer to quantum co ...Physicists at UC Santa Barbara have made an important advance in electrically controlling quantum states of electrons, a step that could help in the development of quantum computing. The work is published online today on the Science Express Web site.
- Research sheds light on workings of anti-cancer dr ...( -- The copper sequestering drug tetrathiomolybdate (TM) has been shown in studies to be effective in the treatment of Wilson disease, a disease caused by an overload of copper, and certain metastatic cancers. That much is known. Very little, however, is known about how the drug works a ...
- New Laser Technique Advances Nanofabrication Proce ...( -- The ability to create tiny patterns is essential to the fabrication of computer chips and many other current and potential applications of nanotechnology. Yet, creating ever smaller features, through a widely-used process called photolithography, has required the use of ultraviolet ...
- Novel technique shrinks size of nanotechnology cir ...( -- A University of Colorado at Boulder team has developed a new method of shrinking the size of circuitry used in nanotechnology devices like computer chips and solar cells by using two separate colors of light.
- Stop Wallowing And Start Doing Cool Stuff With Bus ...We gently knocked Wil Wheaton recently for saying some things that we thought were a bit wrongheaded in terms of dealing with people copying his work -- while noting that for the most part he absolutely seemed to "get" where things were heading and had a long history of embracing that. Whatever you ...
- Researchers: Copying And Imitation Is Good For Soc ...When we talk about intellectual property issues, many maximalists on both the copyright and patent side of things have this inherent sense that "copying" is "bad." Not just "bad," it's downright immoral. You hear words like "freeloading," "parasites," "pirates," "thieves," "copycats," etc. Yet, t ...
- Steve Jobs Tells Startup Startup To Change Names, ...Reader mick alerts us to the story of a small eight-person startup that makes a popular app for backing up your iPod music, which had been called "iPodRip" until Steve Jobs and Apple's lawyers got involved , demanding the company cease using the name and hand over its domain. It's even told the guy ...
- Profitable 'Pay Us Or We'll Sue You For File Shari ...Remember ACS:Law? The shakedown organization that appears to have taken over where Davenport Lyons left off (including using some of the identical documents), and who has "partnered" with DigiProtect, the company that gleefully admits that it purposely puts files on file sharing networks just to co ...
- UK Police Arresting People Just To Add To DNA Data ...We were just talking about how pretty much any government database will get abused by government employees eventually. But it's not just on the accessing or revealing of data that this can happen. How about the collection of data as well? Jabberwocky alerts us to the news that police in the UK ha ...
- China expert warns of pandemic flu mutation"This is something we need to monitor, the change, the mutation of the virus. This is why reporting of the death rate must be really transparent."
- Two-Month-Old Babies Now Being Used as Guinea Pigs ...It is also planned that 14 other bergen babies will be part of the experiment.
- Teen Has H1N1 Vaccine Reaction, Diagnosed with Gui ...H1N1 Flu shot cripples teenager.
- Military planning for possible H1N1 outbreak since ...The U.S. military wants to establish regional teams of military personnel to assist civilian authorities in the event of a significant outbreak of the H1N1 virus this fall, according to Defense Department officials.
- Girl has stroke after chickenpox. Can vaccines pro ...If anti-bodies cause a stroke to the brain from chickenpox, why can't vaccines?
Blacklisted News
- America and Russia: Has the Cold War Really Ended? ...US nuclear doctrine, missile defence in Europe and NATO expansion
- New e-Passport Issued; Facial Recognition & Digita ...Countries that have historically friendly relations with the United States on Thursday will begin issuing passports to residents traveling abroad complete with facial-recognition software and digital chips.
- Stock Exchange crippled as technical hitch halts t ...Trading ground to a halt on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) for several hours today after its electronic trading system was hit by a major technical hitch.
- Obama’s Science Czar John Holdren involved in un ...Obama Science Czar John Holdren is directly involved in CRU’s unfolding Climategate scandal. In fact, according to files released by a CEU hacker or whistleblower, Holdren is involved in what Canada Free Press (CFP) columnist Canadian climatologist Dr. Tim Ball terms “a truculent and nasty m ...
- Blair knew Iraq had no WMD before war, inquiry hea ...British Prime Minister Tony Blair was told ten days before the invasion of Iraq that Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction programs likely remained "dismantled," but the prime minister continued to insist that Iraq was producing chemical and biological weapons, a British inquiry heard Wednesd ...
The Intelligence Daily
- Christmas 2009: U.S., NATO To Expand New Millenniu ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article
- Lies and StatisticsFor more details, please click on the link to read the article
- How to Inflation-Proof Your Portfolio: Shield your ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article
- German politicians, media warn about the next glob ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article
- The Decline of the Wage SystemFor more details, please click on the link to read the article
My AntiWar
- IAEA passes anti-Iran resolutionSummary: IAEA governors have reportedly passed a new resolution against Iran over a nascent enrichment facility outside Tehran, which was fully inspected and cleared by UN nuclear officials in October. source: Press TVread more
- US aides pressured China on IranSummary: Dennis RossWASHINGTON ? Senior US officials traveled to China two weeks before President Barack Obama’s trip there to pressure Beijing to further isolate Iran, The Washington Post reported Thursday. source: AFPread more
- Mossad’s Fake Bomb Causes Panic at Tel Aviv ...
- Thursday: 9 Iraqis Killed, 54 Wounded
- World Powers Demand Iran Mothball Nuclear Site
- WTO Director General: Global Governance Based On ...
- Goodbye jobs, hello mom and dad, say young adults ...Faced with limited job options, many young adults are turning to an old standby to weather the recession: moving back in with mom and dad.
- GlaxoSmithKline pulls swine flu vaccines in Canad ...Pharmaceuticals company GlaxoSmithKline PLC said Tuesday it has advised medical staff in Canada to not use one batch of swine flu vaccines in case they trigger life-threatening allergies.
- The Cultural Impact Of World Of Warcraft
- Support for legalizing marijuana grows rapidly ar ...The same day they rejected a gay marriage ballot measure, residents of Maine voted overwhelmingly to allow the sale of medical marijuana over the counter at state-licensed dispensaries.
Innovation Canada
- Green GrowersDeborah Henderson likes to think about the Cuban capital of Havana when she goes in to work. Not the music or the beaches, per se, but the vegetables and the gardens. “Over 75 percent or more of the vegetables consumed in Havana are produced within the city,” claims Henderson. As the director of ...
- Building better bridges(Reprinted with permission from ResearchLife, Summer 2009 issue, University of Manitoba, It was 1952 when Aftab Mufti, a 12-year-old boy living in Karachi, Pakistan, began building bridges. His mother planted a vegetable garden that summer and to help her water it Aftab and hi ...
- Viral controlDepending on whom you ask, the H1N1 flu virus that is making its way around the globe could be anything from a particularly virulent form of influenza to the next worldwide pandemic. As virologists scramble to understand the virus and develop vaccines against it, a Halifax facility is already on the ...
- Fear factorLet’s say you’re wandering through a deserted alley late one foggy October night. You turn a corner, and lo and behold, you’re surrounded by a crowd of brain-thirsty zombies. Your pulse quickens, your amygdala fires, your respiration is off the charts. You try to run, but you trip and fall. As ...
- Fuels of the future?A recession-related dip in flight demand might actually be considered a green blessing. Just a small one, mind you. The David Suzuki Foundation estimates that aviation is responsible for up to nine percent of the total global climate-change impact of human activity, so it would take a huge drop to ...
Signs of the times
- Asia-Pacific Construction Shares Fall on Dubai Wor ...Construction stocks in the Asia- Pacific region fell, led by Leighton Holdings Ltd., Kajima Corp. and Obayashi Corp., on concern Dubai World's proposal to delay debt payments may lead to losses and project cancellations. Leighton, Australia's biggest construction company, tumbled the most in more ...
- Climategate's Perry Mason MomentWhat's the real smoking gun among the emails allegedly "hacked" from the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit? We'll get to that in a moment, but let's first address the alarmists' first line of defense - that the emails were stolen, and more than likely by some dastardly skeptic. Si ...
- Japan's Nikkei Slumps Most in 8 Months on Dubai Co ...Japanese stocks fell, dragging the Nikkei 225 Stock Average to its biggest drop in eight months, on concern Dubai will fail to pay construction companies and the dollar's weakening to a 14-year low will hurt exporters earnings. Kajima Corp.'s 14 percent plunge led the drop in the Nikkei 225 after ...
- FLASHBACK: Portrait of the CIA as an artistAccording to Frances Saunders, in her well-documented book, The CIA and the Cultural Cold War, the CIA financed and groomed the avant-garde art movement from which abstract expressionism, performance art and the other freak shows of the art world emerged. In the 1950s, at the height of the Cold War, ...
- Lending Declines as Bank Jitters PersistU.S. lenders saw loans fall by the largest amount since the government began tracking such data, suggesting that nervousness among banks continues to hamper economic recovery. Total loan balances fell by $210.4 billion, or 3%, in the third quarter, the biggest decline since data collection began ...
Threat Level
- Obama Wants Computer Privacy Ruling OverturnedThe Obama administration is seeking to reverse a federal appeals court decision that dramatically narrowed the government’s search-and-seizure powers in the digital age. Solicitor General Elena Kagan and Justice Department officials are asking the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to reconsider it ...
- Wikileaks Says It Has Half-a-Million 9/11 Pager Me ...The document-leaking site Wikileaks says it’s preparing to release 500,000 intercepted wireless pager messages from a 24-hour period encompassing the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Site operators say they plan to start rolling out the texts beginning at 3:00 a.m. New York time, paced to ...
- Court Kills ‘Round-The-Clock’ Surveillance Cas ...Welcome to the tinfoil hat club. That’s what a federal appeals court is telling Scott Tooley of Kentucky in dismissing his civil rights lawsuit. Tooley believes the government put him under blanket surveillance after he said the word “bomb” to an airline agent. Tooley sued the government on ...
- Prosecutors Drop Plans to Appeal Lori Drew CaseFederal prosecutors in Los Angeles have filed a notice that they do not intend to pursue an appeal in the Lori Drew cyberbullying case, thus ending the controversial and lengthy case. “We have a notice with the 9th Circuit that we are withdrawing our notice of appeal in the case,” a spokesman f ...
- MPAA Says Copyright-Treaty Critics Hate HollywoodIf you don’t back a copyright treaty being negotiated in secret, you must want to destroy Hollywood, its blockbuster movies and all the jobs they create. At least that’s the message from the Motion Picture Association of America. It’s spelled out in a Thursday memo to the Senate Judiciary Com ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- Republicans Give Thanks for Short MemoriesFormer Bush press secretary Dana Perino's jaw-dropping statement Wednesday that "we did not have a terrorist attack on our country during President Bush's term" didn't merely serve to confirm President Obama's terrible judgment in appointing her to the Broadcasting Board...
- Sarah Palin's Willing ObjectifiersAs Sarah Palin travels the country filling her coffers, the debate rages as to whether the former Alaska Governor is a victim or beneficiary of sexism (or possibly even both). But while her allies and Palin herself have left little...
- Sarah Palin's Willing ObjectifiersAs Sarah Palin travels the country filling her coffers, the debate rages as to whether the former Alaska Governor is a victim or beneficiary of sexism (or possibly even both). But while her allies and Palin herself have left little...
- 2009 Democratic Deficit Cutters vs. 2003 GOP Budge ...A funny thing has happened on America's way to health care reform. As Republicans promise a "holy war" to block supposed "government-run" health care that would "break the bank", Democrats in the House and the Senate offered reform plans that...
- Joan of Palin Leads the Republican War on ScienceEarlier this year, the Pew Research Center published survey findings which revealed that only 6% of American scientists identify themselves as Republicans. There can be little doubt as to why conservatives are now an endangered species within the scientific community....
Blackspot News Feed
- Keiser Report 2: Markets! Finance! Scandal!Dandelion SaladRussiaTodayNovember 26, 2009Keiser Report is a no holds barred look at the shocking scandals behind the global financial headlines. From the collusion between Wall Street and Capitol Hill to the latest banking crime wave, from bogus government economic statistics to rigged stock marke ...
- Republican Playbook on Immigration Debate Long on ...Senate Republicans have “thoughtfully’ provided immigration advocates with their strategy for opposing immigration reform in 2010.
- Obama, Harper and CopenhagenDandelion SaladTheRealNewsNovember 26, 2009Tzeporah Berman: Canada far behind even the US when it comes to renewable energy more about “Obama, Harper and Copenhagen“, posted with vodpodseeClimate change email claims rubbishNaomi Klein on ClimateDebt Refuse Allegiance to Coal by ChrisHedges Globa ...
- The Time of Jacobs Trouble by Art KatzDandelion SaladArt Katz MinistriesDrawing on the prophetic scriptures, Art brings to the church a framework of understanding of what it will take for present-day Jacob to become the Israel of God.1 hour 6 mins***Read it online: ...
- Amy Goodman calls the Afghan Peace VigilDandelion Saladhttp://ourjourneytosmile.comNov. 26, 2009Winter & the cold have arrived in AfghanistanAmerican Thanksgiving and our Afghan winter; Afghan vigilers telephone conversation with Amy GoodmanTo our American friends, have a meaningful and warm Thanksgiving!We especially thank Douglas Mackey ...
Consortium News
- How Bugliosi Met the Bush CensorsProsecutor Vincent Bugliosi was shocked that his book about prosecuting George W. Bush was ignored, says David Swanson. November 25, 2009
- A Jane Goodall ThanksgivingMichael Winship gives thanks for anthropologist Jane Goodall and her groundbreaking studies of chimpanzees. November 25, 2009
- KSM Trial Helps Restore US PrinciplesPutting confessed 9/11 plotter Khalid Sheikh Mohammed on trial is a step toward restoring the Constitution, says Ivan Eland. November 24, 2009
- Obama's Profile in Courage MomentLike JFK in 1963, President Obama is at a crossroads on a foreign war. Does he have the courage? asks Ray McGovern. November 24, 2009
- Why Afghans Dig Empire GraveyardsThere's a long dark history of what Afghans do to foreign armies that overstay their welcome, recalls Nicolas J S Davies. November 23, 2009
- Vijay Prashad : Mumbai in the Shadow of Kashmir
- Greg Moses : We Remember the Popol Vuh
- Jayne Lyn Stahl : How About a War on Poverty Inste ...
- Jeff Cohen : Get Ready for the Obama / GOP Allianc ...
- John Blair : The Gasification of Indiana
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- A desperate throw of the dice (Ben White, The Ele ...Thirty years ago, Israel minister Ariel Sharon told Knesset members that while they "shouted" about the settlements, "we lay another foot of pipe, another mile of road and build another house." Successive Is ...
- Effects of Ariel's sewage outflow on a Palestinian ...
- Settlers have been working for months to undermine ...The analysis of the situation on the ground suggests that there will be nearly no change in settlement construction, at least not in the coming months. According to Defense Ministry data, there are currently ...
- For Gaza's homeless, holiday is time for despair ...In the days leading up to Eid al-Adha, Zaid Khadar would usually be buying new clothes for his children and stocking up on traditional foods to celebrate one of the most important dates on the Muslim calenda ...
- Palestinians urge US to raise pressure on Israel ...Palestinians appealed to the United States on Thursday to raise pressure on Israel, saying an Israeli plan to halt new construction in the West Bank was insincere. Yasser Abed Rabbo, a top presidential advis ...
Water - AlterNet
- The War on Soy: Why the 'Miracle Food' May Be a He ...Vegetarians aren't the only ones who should be concerned; there's soy in just about everything you eat these days -- including hamburgers, mac 'n cheese and salad dressing.
- Poseidon's Financial Shell Game: Why Is a Private ...After years of claiming that they needed no public support to build this plant, this claim has finally been proven false.
- How Limousine Liberals, Water Oligarchs and Even S ...A group of water oligarchs engineered a disastrous privatization scheme to make a fortune out of California's most precious natural resource.
- Mystery of World's Worst Mass Arsenic Poisoning Fi ...The culprit are tens of thousands of man-made ponds excavated to provide soil for flood protection.
- Is California's New Water Legislation Better Than ...Despite the happy face being put on by some of the bill's supporters, including Governor Schwarzenegger, I doubt anyone is truly happy with the end result.
- Nobel Peace Prize ConfiscatedIranian leaders are so insecure that the peace efforts of one of its own are a threat to their masculinity. Robbing Shirin Ebadi of her internationally recognized Nobel Peace Prize, is really tacky. This is not the first time Amadinejad, and the counsel that controls him, have acted out like the ...
- Texas Progressive Alliance Weekly Round Up Nov 23, ...The Texas Progressive Alliance as Thanksgiving week begins brings you this week’s highlights from the blogs. The Texas Cloverleaf clues you in on why you can’t breathe in Denton County– gas drillers! WCNews at Eye On Williamson has some Thoughts on Straus’ Interim Charges – including topic ...
- Barbara Ann Radnofsky Announcment TourIt is certain that Barbara Ann Radnofsky will be on the ballot for the Democrats in 2010; we don’t know who will be on the ballot for the Republicans. Radnofsky will formally announce her candidacy for Texas Attorney General and her December 3 filling for the primary election in a five-city tour. ...
- Texas Progressive Alliance Round Up Nov 16, 2009The Texas Progressive Alliance is starting to feel an odd craving for can-shaped servings of cranberry sauce as it brings you this week’s highlights from the blogs. TXsharon continues to follow the abuses of Aruba Petroleum in a Barnett Shale backyard and Wednesday the Wise County Messenger picked ...
- To Dave Cashin Re: ProselytizingTo Dave Cashin Re: General Order Number One, Forbid Proselytizing Before I answer all of Dave’s points, I will say that Humanitarian Missionary work has achieved wonderful results by helping people through hunger, poverty, education and displacement. Whether they are victims of war or natural di ...
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Refuse Allegiance to Coal by Chris Hedgesby Chris Hedges Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Truthdig Nov. 23, 2009 There are some 614 coal-fired
- Former Soviet States: Battleground For Global Domi Rick Rozoff Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Stop NATO 22 November
- Three cheers for women behaving "badly" - Malalai Cindy Sheehan Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox Blog Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbo
- Refuse Allegiance to Coal by Chris Hedgesby Chris Hedges Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Truthdig Nov. 23, 2009 There are some 614 coal-fired
- Former Soviet States: Battleground For Global Domi Rick Rozoff Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Stop NATO 22 November
Unexplained Mysteries
- Regrowing body parts: the futureScience has come a long way in the quest to help patients who are in need of replacement body parts but now research has placed us on the verge of...
- Solar tsunamis are real, says NASAUp until now the powerful waves of plasma observed on the surface of the sun known as "solar tsunamis" were thought to be the result of an optical...
- Farting pig sparks gas leak emergency15 firefighters rushed to a property in Victoria, Australia on Tuesday night following reports of a gas leak. What they found instead was a 120-ki...
- Intel wants brain implants by 2020Putting new meaning to the slogan "Intel Inside", Intel researchers are planning to develop brain implants that can be used to control different g...
- Martian meteorite returns to spotlightThe same NASA team which discovered the famous Martian meteorite thought to contain evidence of microbial life has re-elevated the research follow...
- Insights - Fall 2009Cooling the Earth with Food Sovereignty Agriculture ... will likely be a pivotal issue when the world’s leaders meet in Copenhagen this December to finish negotiating a global climate treaty. Grassroots International and our partners and allies are working hard to show that sustainable agriculture ...
- Cooling the Earth with Food SovereigntyAgriculture ... will likely be a pivotal issue when the world’s leaders meet in Copenhagen this December to finish negotiating a global climate treaty. Grassroots International and our partners and allies are working hard to show that sustainable agriculture can play a big role in stopping climate ...
- Why Food Sovereignty Is the New Food SecurityIMG_2759.JPG read more
- Resource Rights and the Right to Food at the World ...wfs-pic09.jpg In 1996 the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) organized the first World Food Summit in Rome to, in their own words, “renew global commitment to the fight against hunger. The FAO called the Summit in respons ...
- Grassroots Signs Call for U.S. Leadership at the W ...unitedstates200604-015.jpg As a founding member and part of the ad hoc steering committee, Grassroots International proudly announces the following Call from the US Working Group on the Food Crisis. The statement coincides with the World Food ...
- November 26, 2009China Announces CO2 Targets Based on GDP (Guardian) China announced plans today to reduce the world’s biggest carbon footprint per unit of gross domestic product 40-45% from 2005 levels by 2020. Because of its economic growth rate, China's emissions will continue to rise rapidly, but the targ ...
- November 25, 2009California Unveils Draft Cap-and-Trade Rules (Reuters) California on Tuesday released draft rules for its cap-and-trade plan that will be the most ambitious U.S. effort to use the market to address global warming. US and India Pledge Common Action on Climate Change (Guardian) America and In ...
- November 24, 2009U.S. to Present Emissions Target Before Copenhagen (New York Times) The U.S. will propose a mid-term target for reducing CO2 emissions before Copenhagen next month, an administration official has said. Pres. Obama will announce the target "in coming days." EU: Climate Deal Hinges On US, China ...
- November 23, 200965 Leaders to Attend Climate Summit (Financial Times) At least 65 world leaders have agreed to attend the Copenhagen summit, including leaders of most of the world's biggest economies, raising the stakes on a deal being reached. Scientist: Leak of Climate E-mails Appalling (AP) A leading cl ...
- November 21-22, 2009Obama Ready to Offer Target for Cutting CO 2 (Guardian) The Obama administration has been consulting international negotiators and key players on Capitol Hill about signing up the U.S. to a provisional CO2 target in Copenhagen, now less than three weeks away. White House Adviser Rejects Idea o ...
- Tomgram: 'This Administration Ended, Rather Than ...[ Note for TomDispatch Readers: On Friday evening, TomDispatch will be switching to an updated version of this site. It's possible that you might not be able to reach TD for some hours. If so, we expect to be back up on Saturday morning. Tom ] The Afghan Speech Obama Should Give (But Won't) ...
- Tomgram: Pratap Chatterjee, Afghanistan as a Patr ...It's now a commonplace of the Afghan War. Western leaders in London , Berlin, Amsterdam , and Washington , as well as on flying visits to Kabul or even Kandahar , excoriate Afghan President Hamid Karzai for the "corruption" of his government. In return for their ongoing support, they repeatedly ...
- Tomgram: Max Blumenthal, How Palin Became a RogueIt can't get better than this, can it? A first printing of 1.5 million copies sent out into an otherwise dead book market. Possibly as much as $7 million dollars going to the author, who already has interviews lined up with Oprah Winfrey and Barbara Walters. A bus tour of the "real America" tha ...
- Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, Surveillance State, U.S.A.Wars come home in strange, unnerving ways -- as Americans have just discovered at Fort Hood. Even before Major Nidal Malik Hasan went on his killing spree, that base, a major military embarkation point for our war zones, was already experiencing the after-effects of eight years of war and repeate ...
- Tomgram: Droning On[ Note for TomDispatch Readers : A number of you have recently written in for clarification on contributing to this site through your purchases at Here's my best shot at a useful explanation: If you click on any book image at this site -- like the book-cover image of The End of Vict ...
Smirking Chimp
- Phantom America, Thanks For Nothing!The heart that struggles with disappointment and sadness believes too easily that hope is a lie, a fraud, another hustler's pitch to the next sucker walking down the street. Disillusionment with Obama and the Democrats can turn dark in just this way. The audacity of hope is really the asperity of ...
- Call it Ecocide: Babies With No Heads, 2 Heads or ...In the cradle of civilization, young women have become terrified about having children. This is the news I take with me into Thanksgiving and the season of gratitude and family togetherness: that doctors in Fallujah, the Iraqi city we devastated in two military assaults in 2004, have begun documenti ...
- Unhappy ThanksgivingThe calendar has come around again to Thanksgiving, and families all over the country will be gathering around dinner tables to celebrate. Or try to, anyway. With unemployment above ten percent, and with actual unemployment closer to twenty percent, with foreclosures all over the place, with wages d ...
- Rise Of The Young Codgers (a.k.a., Return of the G ...DAYTON, OHIO--I'm a cartoonist, columnist, writer and editor. So most of my friends are cartoonists, columnists, writers and editors. And a few publishers. One topic towers all over all others in my circle of friends: the future of journalism. Print media is in trouble; online media is ascendant. Bu ...
- Fear MerchantsSeriously, I'm starting to think some people have watched too many Die Hard movies. OK, so for years we hear about how if everyone were armed, there'd be a lot less crime in this country, because either the criminals would be afraid of the armed people, or they could be shot by those armed people in ...
Ten Percent
- GlurbleIn a new wrinkle instead of breaking, this time the storms just bring my connection speed down to dialup like levels (and intermittent flicking off and on at that). So talk amongst yourselves, as far as today is concerned I give up.
- Socialist Party of Wales Report on EDL’s Wrexham ...The people of Wrexham were already hostile to the EDL, but tensions increased after the racist demonstrators unfurled a large English flag, sang God Save The Queen, and chanted racist slogans such as “kill the Muslims”. One woman, laden with shopping bags, summed up the feelings of the whole tow ...
- Cruel BritanniaHuman Rights Watch- British Complicity in the Torture and Ill-treatment of Terror Suspects in Pakistan Guardian on it (ht2 D-Notice) • It is inconceivable that the UK government was unaware of the systematic use of torture in Pakistan. • UK officials engaged in acts that virtually required they ...
- Curiouser and Curiouser, Dr Aafia SiddiquiDeclan Walsh in the Guardian has done some more reporting on Dr Aafia Siddiqui, I would not say he has come to any definitive answers and reports official sources too uncritically (quite why you would take the word of US medical personnel when we know doctors & psychologists have been an integral p ...
- Tax & Human Rights In GuatemalaGUATEMALA: A Tax Code by and for the Oligarchs? Eli Clifton (IPS) – Taxation and government spending are the targets of a new report on Guatemala that argues the government is failing in its fiscal commitments to food, health and education. The report, issued earlier this month by the Guatemala-ba ...
Paul Krugman
- Deficits: the causes matterThe source of the current deficit matters when you try to figure out what kind of problem we have.
- Rashomon in the desertDubai or not Dubai -- that is the question.
- Rashomon in the desertDubai or not Dubai -- that is the question.
- The meaning of ThanksgivingWednesday Addams explains it all.
- Ramsay MacDonaldWhy am I thinking about this historical episode? I'll leave that as an exercise for readers.
No Quarter
- The Right Speech Barack Obama Won’t Give on Afgh ...Reprinted from my blog, The Washington Note. The White House Office of the Press Secretary A New Way Forward: The President’s Address to the American People on Afghan Strategy Oval Office For Immediate Release — December 2nd8:01 P.M. EDT My fellow Americans, On March 28th, I outlined what I ca ...
- Forty Jobs for India* Bumped up * Michelle Obama made a stunning appearance last night at the State Dinner for Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his wife, Gursharan Kaur. The gown is beautiful. She is a striking image of both strength and grace. Our American Queen. So what’s my problem? I never like it ...
- Forty Jobs for India* Bumped up * Michelle Obama made a stunning appearance last night at the State Dinner for Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his wife, Gursharan Kaur. The gown is beautiful. She is a striking image of both strength and grace. Our American Queen. So what’s my problem? I never like it ...
- Forty Jobs for India* Bumped up * Michelle Obama made a stunning appearance last night at the State Dinner for Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his wife, Gursharan Kaur. The gown is beautiful. She is a striking image of both strength and grace. Our American Queen. So what’s my problem? I never like it ...
- The Worm Turns * Open ThreadLarry Johnson sent me these cartoons, via friends of the blog, with the remark that it is notable that when the cartoonists are all going after you, it’s evident that reality has supplanted the romantic wishful thinking that kept so many 2008 voters from using their brains before they voted. By ...
Environmental Graffiti
- 5 Most Colossal Nuclear Explosions Ever Captured O ...
- The Most Terrifying Effect of Global Warming in Pi ...
- How We Duped the Nazi Postal Service into Sending ...
- Dead Cassette Tapes Reincarnated As Skeletons
- 5 Most Alien Looking Spiders
Foreign Policy in Focus
- Bush-Style Military Spending Not Over YetObama's plans for change in defense spending are still mostly unrealized.
- Postcard From...TawangThe two emerging economic giants India and China still have some unfinished border business.
- Hitting the Brakes on AfghanistanFPIF's weekly update.
- Obama Takes a Bow?Critics lambasted Obama's deferential style. They missed the real story of the president's Asia trip.
- Fort Hood: The War at HomeThe tragic effects of the policies that motivate those abroad to attack U.S. soldiers have finally hit home in a direct and devastating way.
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Gov ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there wil ...
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s ...
Al Jazeera
- IAEA censures Iran over atomic siteUN nuclear watchdog rebukes Tehran over secret development of uranium enrichment site.
- German minister quits over raidFormer defence minister resigns amid claims of cover-up over Nato air raid in Afghanistan.
- Iran denies seizing Nobel medalTehran rejects claims it confiscated prize awarded to Iranian human rights campaigner.
- IAEA censures Iran over atomic siteUN nuclear watchdog rebukes Tehran over secret development of uranium enrichment site.
- Iran denies seizing Nobel medalTehran rejects claims it confiscated prize awarded to Iranian human rights campaigner.
Green Inc. - NYT
- Water Funds Proliferate in Latin AmericaFrom Colombia to Brazil, new funds are combining private contributions and state money to help protect the watersheds around cities.
- Heinz Tallies Cuts in EmissionsWith innovations such as burning leftover potato peels for natural gas and switching to alternative fuels, the food giant says it has made substantial cuts in emissions and waste, as well as energy and water use.
- Europe Reacts to Obama's Copenhagen TripPresident Obama's decision to appear at a United Nations climate conference in December is under scrutiny in Europe.
- Coal Plant Stirs Passions in CambodiaA proposed 100-megawatt coal plant has environmentalists, business interests and government officials facing off.
- Obama to Visit Denmark With CO2 TargetsPresident Barack Obama plans to deliver a speech at next months climate meeting in Copenhagen. The White House also revealed rough emissions targets for the United States on Wednesday.
Dot Earth News
- A Climate Scientist Who Engages SkepticsA climate scientist offers advice on how to assess and engage climate skeptics.
- Contestants in the 'Climate Slamdown'A cartoonist's vision of the teams vying for victory in Copenhagen climate talks.
- Head of Climate Panel Discusses Climate FilesThe head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says hacked emails don't undercut the panel's conclusions on a human-warmed world.
- Obama Confirms Copenhagen StopObama confirms his plan to visit the Copenhagen talks on a new climate treaty and offer a near-term target for United States emissions.
- Report Aims to Clarify Climate Risk for DiplomatsA team of climate scientists tries to address a disconnect between climate diplomacy and climate data.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- PETA sucks, but Lady Gaga and Rihanna are pawns fo ...PETA is a deeply bad organization which attempts to vanguard around some edgy cultural iconography and save some animals, which all basically translates to trashy soft-core porn style imagery. Because what we all need is a certain "Girls Gone Wild" edge to social progress. This is a very good analys ...
- Linktastic: more climate change email lolz, even F ...In this season of thanks, we can always give thanks for leaks and lols. I really hate Secret Treaties . Secret Treaties Suck!!! The FDIC Is Broke - The Market Ticker . Oh noes! A coverup is needed immediately says Mishkin ! A hell of a story: Noted FBI provocateur Brandon Darby and a bullshit Grand ...
- Parallax View of the EU, G20 & climate change: The ...Creepy and unelected new EU President Von Rompuy talks about the delightful new role of the EU, the G20, climate control and Global Governance (or 'global management'). I definitely heard the sound of global governance over the LRAD at the G20, that's for sure! Some weirdo other stuff ...
- Katherine Fitts on Alex Jones: financial disorder, ...Previously: Negative Return on Investment Economy: Katherine Austin Fitts and the fake war on drugs Katherine Fitts on Alex Jones, I grabbed this post off which is a sturdy little new aggregator site. Nicely done everyone... The world divided into the pro-centralization and anti-central ...
- Robert Erickson punks Tea Party The Full Story HDHave a lol. My buddy Robert & I put a lil sequence together :) Please repost!! and TC Indymedia gives a new look at the infamous Robert Erickson Tea Party punk with crowd reactions and the assault on a counter-protester in HD. ...
Daily Censored
- The Thickening Sickening: charter schools as paras ...Charter school proponents and defenders like to argue that any charter schools on the ‘fraud and abuse’ chopping block, are just ‘bad apples’ in an otherwise fully transparent, innovative charter system; however the evidence wholly disagrees, pointing to mounting evidence of widespread ...
- The Thickening Sickening: charter schools as paras ...Charter school proponents and defenders like to argue that any charter schools on the ‘fraud and abuse’ chopping block, are just ‘bad apples’ in an otherwise fully transparent, innovative charter system; however the evidence wholly disagrees, pointing to mounting evidence of widespread ...
- The Real Price of OilBy Saul Landau From my window in Alameda overlooking San Francisco Bay, I watch hundreds of men and women in white suits, some with masks, busily uprooting slimy sea plants and gently grabbing birds with feathers coated in black grease. Abutting the public beach, this “bird preserve” became a di ...
- Charter Schools Excacerbate Ethnic, racial and cla ...In a study of ethnic and class stratification in fifty-five urban and fifty-seven rural charter schools in Arizona done for the Education Policy Analysis, a nonprofit think-tank some ten years ago, researchers noted that nearly half the charter schools studied exhibited evidence of substantial ...
- Venezuela/Colombia War Threat EscalatesTensions have heightened at the Venezuela/Columbia border, and the war threat has escalated. The Venezuelan ambassador to Columbia, Gustavo Marquez, warns that "there is a pre-war situation in the entire region".
AlterNet's Breaking News
- Howard leads NBA Magic over high-flying Hawks
- Packers feast on Lions in holiday NFL games
- Argentine couple ready for regionâ€&tra ...
- Claim: Pentagon tried to ‘intim ...
- Shuttle crew prepares for return to Earth
Institute for Policy Studies
- Bush-Style Military Spending Not Over YetObama's plans for change in defense spending are still mostly unrealized.
- Thanksgiving: Time to Consider Native Americans' P ...The nation needs to commit itself to lasting Native American advancement.
- Human Rights Abuses: Taking on ChevronA new powerful international campaign on Chevron presents an exciting new organizing model for corporate campaigners and human rights activists everywhere.
- Challenges to Native American Advancement: The Rec ...Despite some growth, many disparities remain among indigenous Americans.
- Panel Discussion: Mexico in 2010: A Year of Celebr ...A discussion on the governance and economic challenges facing Mexico in 2010.
- Daily Bible Readings For AdventThe beginning of Advent is only a few days away and I thought that it was a good time to post links to various forms of lectionary readings that you might like to read throughout Advent and Christmas. The readings vary depending on our tradition but all of them are intended to prepare us for [... ...
- Thanksgiving – Coming Home to the Banquet Fe ...Today is one of the busiest travel days of the year here in the U.S. as families move across the country and sometimes even around the world to be together for Thanksgiving. Tom & I are heading up to Camano Island this afternoon and will be giving ourselves an extra hour for the trip because [... ...
- Giving Thanks When We Are StrugglingAmerican Thanksgiving Day is on Thursday and many of my friends are preparing to get together with friends and family to celebrate and give thanks.  Some are struggling because they feel they have  very little to give thanks for this year – they have lost jobs and homes or loved ones.  Ma ...
- Monasticism Remix: Traditional & Neo-Monastic Spir ...Monasticism Remix: Traditional & Neo-Monastic Spirituality in the 21st Century Mustard Seed Associates invites you to an evening of prayers and explorations of Traditional & Neo-Monastic spirituality. In this event neo-monastic practitioners and traditional monastic sisters and brothers will come t ...
- Boundary Breaking BooksThanksgiving and Christmas are fast approaching and there is much to do & much that I want to say over this next week. One thing I realized is that I have not blogged much about the books that I am reading at the moment, partly because there are so many that I get a little [...]
Equality Trust
- Plans to force banks to reveal millionaire staffBanks will be forced to reveal how many of their staff earn more than one million pounds a year, under recommended reforms of the financial sector to be released today. Read more
- To tackle child poverty we must also address inequ ...Kate Green, Chief Executive of Child Poverty Action Group , writes for the TUC's Touchstone blog that "if we are to take seriously the issues of child poverty and child wellbeing then we need to tackle the high levels of inequality in this country." Read the rest of Kate's article
- We need tax reform, not tax and spendOver the last year we have watched as a bank-induced credit crunch morphed into debate on public services cuts. While the public have bailed out the bankers, whose flawed system led us into this mess, it is those least able to afford it who are facing the reality of having their pay and benefits fro ...
- Public sector incomes: what we pay themSix million people work for the state in Britain, in hundreds of professions. Find out how their incomes compare, from the top to the bottom. From the Guardian, Tuesday 17 November
- Discussion on the Today programme of a fairer syst ...The main party leaders have been setting out their visions of how to restore growth to the economy after the recession. A report by the left leaning pressure group Compass, criticises the policy of cutting public spending to curtail the recession. The group says gaps in public finances should instea ...
- Blackwater aids US covert assassination, kidnappin ...Private mercenary firm Blackwater (recently renamed Xe) is part of a covert US program in Pakistan that includes planned assassinations and kidnappings of Taliban and al-Qaeda suspects. In fact, its role in the program is so secretive and compartmentalized that “senior figures within the Obama adm ...
- NSA bugging more widespread than thought, says ex- ...A former NSA analyst and US Navy intelligence officer has alleged that the National Security Agency’s (NSA) domestic spying program was more widespread than originally thought, and that it was authorized by the Bush Administration prior to 9/11.
- News you may have missed #0196Legal problems facing CIA are no laughing matter. Aussie computer networks "most certainly" spied on. US still considering extraditing Philippine spy.
- Germany arrests Chinese informants for spying on e ...German federal and local detectives yesterday raided the homes of four Chinese residents of Munich, who are suspected of spying on the city’s Uighur Chinese community on behalf of the government in Beijing.
- News you may have missed #0195CIA releases massive collection of Soviet military documents. Did the CIA attempt to prevent Gagarin's lunar flight from happening? GCHQ head's holiday details leaked online.
After Downing
- Official Charged With Closing Guantánamo Quits Official Charged With Closing Guantánamo Quits By Elisabeth Bumiller | NY Times Gregory B. Craig, the White House counsel in charge of detainee policy for Mr. Obama, also announced his resignation this month. The Defense Department official in charge of closing the military prison at Guantánamo B ...
- Blair lied and lied again: Mandarins reveal that 1 ...By Tim Shipman , Daily Mail No chemical weapons: Tony Blair speaks to British soldiers The full extent of how Tony Blair misled the public about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction before and after the Iraq War was laid bare yesterday. read more
- Robert Jensen: How I Stopped Hating ThanksgivingJensen: How I stopped hating Thanksgiving Robert Jensen | Austin American Statesman I have stopped hating Thanksgiving and learned to be afraid of the holiday. Over the past few years a growing number of white people have joined the longstanding indigenous people's critique of the holocaust denial ...
- Jeremy Scahill Reveals Private Military Firm Opera ...Blackwater’s Secret War in Pakistan: Jeremy Scahill Reveals Private Military Firm Operating in Pakistan Under Covert Assassination and Kidnapping Program In an explosive new article in The Nation magazine, investigative journalist and Democracy Now! correspondent Jeremy Scahill reveals the privat ...
- Are Some Democrats Getting a Spine?Are Some Democrats Getting a Spine? By Editors Pick | Information Clearing House | Submitted by Michael Munk VIA Cord MacGuire | "We have been fighting for a year to try to pass health care - it costs about 900 billion dollars - and we are being told that we have to pay for ever ...
Grist - News
- Europe places outcome of Copenhagen squarely on Ob Brendan DeMelle The chief negotiator for the European Commission announced this afternoon in Barcelona that the failure of the U.S. Congress to pass legislation before December has doomed the chances for success in Copenhagen . A climate protest at the Barcelona talks: World leaders with \'big ...
- Cash for Clunkers brought us ... more clunkers!by Jonathan Hiskes So how did Cash for Clunkers work out from an environmental standpoint? You don’t want to know. The $3 billion federal program was kinda sorta supposed to send inefficient, high-polluting, belchy vehicles to an early grave. Instead it put a lot of new large, inefficient vehicle ...
- Senate Democrats push climate bill through committ Agence France-Presse WASHINGTON -- Senate Democrats on Thursday pushed through a sweeping climate change bill, maneuvering an end-run around opposition Republicans who continued their boycott of deliberations. The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee approved the Kerry-Boxer bill by a v ...
- Why developing countries cannot afford failure in Brendan DeMelle The African delegation insisted today in Barcelona that its decision to walk out on negotiations Tuesday was necessary in order to jolt the intransigent European Union and other developed nations to move forward with serious discussions, rather than obstruct progress by bringing ...
- U.S. puts onus on China for climate dealby Agence France-Presse WASHINGTON - The United States will not agree to targets cutting greenhouse-gas emissions unless developing countries, particularly China, make similar moves, U.S. climate envoy Todd Stern warned Wednesday. "No country holds the fate of the Earth in its hands more than China ...
Popular Bookmarks on
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- Blog Focus: Words From NFL Winners and Losers on T ...Three NFL teams looked great, three looked horrible on Thanksgiving.
- India and China to Face Severe Water Crisis by 203 ...So it is high time for developing countries to wake up, get into serious mode, chalk out some plans, and implement them to utilize water sensibly, stop wasting it and start conserving water.
- Don't Pay the "Sticker Price" for College Tuition Why you don't have to pay sticker price for college - especially during an economic crisis.
- New Moon: Not Just for the Tween and Teen SetNew Moon Blasts out of the gate on opening weekend. It's appeal not just for tweens and teens.
- Drobo S: Simply Overpriced?At $799, the new Drobo S storage solution does not offer twice the value of the existing Drobo
Time - Top Stories
- Holiday Movies: Previewing the Season's Hot Ticket ...TIME's Richard Corliss previews the season's best offerings and hottest tickets
- Is Gene-Therapy Medical Treatment Ready for Prime ...After years of complications and high-profile setbacks, a series of small but intriguing advances has suggested that gene therapy may hold real future potential for treatment
- Financial Reform: Will Dodd's Bipartisan Push Pay ...Senate Banking chairman Chris Dodd has reached across the aisle to the GOP to create bipartisan working groups to tackle the four hardest questions in financial regulatory reform
- Dearborn's Muslims Fear a Fort Hood BacklashIslamic communities nationwide are struggling to deal with the aftermath of the Fort Hood massacre. In America's most Muslim city, fears of a backlash
- U.N. Report: From Bad to Worse in War-Torn CongoThe U.N. has failed to stop rebels from smuggling gold out of eastern Congo or cut off the funding they receive from foreign charitable groups, a new report says. The result: unending violence in the region
Washington Independent
- Randall Terry Capitalizes on Tea Party Movement"We're going to re-define the pro-life debate in the 2010 election," said Terry.
- Randall Terry Capitalizes on Tea Party Movement"We're going to re-define the pro-life debate in the 2010 election," said Terry.
- Leaders Give Thanks for Obama’s Copenhagen D ...The White House sent out a press release last night cataloging statements of praise by leaders in various fields for President Obama’s decision, announced yesterday, to go to Copenhagen for the international climate talks next month. These leaders include politicians — Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) ...
- Muslim Soldiers See ‘Teachable Moment’ ..."The backlash towards our community is nowhere even close," Jamal Baadani said. "I attribute that to the intellect and the resiliency of the American people. And that's why I'm proud to be an American."
- Tea Party: The RapIt’s one of the year’s slower news days, a perfect time for this rap from Hi Caliber. The best line, in my opinion: The population of the march was over a million and I have a new hero, his name is Joe Wilson. Video after the jump.
CowBoss' Brain Food
- Tax those carbon gluttonsLEMME TELL YOU about a carbon tax you’re gonna love. Two such taxes, actually. I tell you, kid, Stephane Dion had the right idea, but the wrong sales pitch. The fun starts with the government giving you maybe $2,000 as a carbon dividend. Submitted by cowboss Left CareII to Society & Culture | ...
- Why do we hate? Academics seek answer in new fieldHate is everywhere, but the fundamental question of why one person can hate another has never been adequately studied, contends Jim Mohr of Gonzaga University, who is developing a new academic field of hate studies. Submitted by cowboss Left CareII to Society & Culture | Note-it! | Add a Comm ...
- 'Fat for cosmetics' murder suspects arrested in Pe ...Four people have been arrested in Peru on suspicion of killing dozens of people in order to sell their fat and tissue for cosmetic uses in Europe. Submitted by cowboss Left CareII to Society & Culture | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- 6 Ways Agriculture Impacts Global WarmingSure, agriculture provides us with the food we all eat every day. But do you know how those agricultural practices impact global warming? Turns out there's some pretty big impacts, on both the sustainable and industrial sides of the equation; employing su Submitted by cowboss Left CareII to Society ...
- We love ButchersFormer chef Josh Applestone and his wife, Jessica Applestone, are typical of the new butcher breed. He was a vegan, she was a one-time vegetarian when they founded Fleisher’s Grass-fed and Organic Meats in Kingston, N.Y., in 2004 Submitted by cowboss Left CareII to Society & Culture | Note-it! ...
- Iraq inquiry: deal might have been ‘signed in bl ...Tony Blair and George Bush might have “signed in blood” their agreement to topple Saddam Hussein a year before the Iraq war, according to Sir Christopher Meyer, Britain’s former ambassador to Washington. By Gordon Rayner, Chief Reporter, The Telegraph/UK, Nov 26, 2009 Link to th ...
- Iraq inquiry: deal might have been ‘signed in bl ...Tony Blair and George Bush might have “signed in blood” their agreement to topple Saddam Hussein a year before the Iraq war, according to Sir Christopher Meyer, Britain’s former ambassador to Washington. By Gordon Rayner, Chief Reporter, The Telegraph/UK, Nov 26, 2009 Link to th ...
- Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!I’m Thankful for You Thanksgiving is the appointed time for focusing on the good in our lives. In each of our days, we can find small blessings, but too often we overlook them, choosing instead to spend our time paying attention to problems. We give our energy to those who cause us trouble instea ...
- What New Veterans Are Grateful ForThis Thanksgiving, Hear What New Veterans Are Grateful For Huffington Post Paul Rieckhoff– Exec. Director of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) Posted: November 25, 2009 06:38 PM It’s time once again for that seasonal blend of gratitude and that deep longing for the familiar –fam ...
- Evening Jukebox- Last ChristmasWham- Last Christmas
- Giving ThanksThanksgiving Day, presently celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November, has been an annual tradition in the United States since 1863. It did not become a federal holiday until 1941. The first Thanksgiving was celebrated to give thanks to God for helping the pilgrims survive the brutal winter. Th ...
- Katherine Jenkins - I BelieveView at YouTube
- Community Call to PrayerSummer Moonrise by Dennis Sheehan The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. ~ ...
- More Independent Than EverBy David M. Halbfinger The Lou Dobbs-for-Senate rumor had barely crested when the Lou Dobbs-for-president rumor suddenly overtook it this week. Mr. Dobbs, the former cable television anchor of the sonorous voice and tough-talking immigration politics, parted ways with CNN on Nov. 11, reportedly rec ...
- Negative Equity MortgagesContinue reading CHART OF THE DAY: We’re Still Generating Too Many Negative Equity Mortgages
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware. George Green will be a featured speaker. September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CA Click here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
Insurgency Watch - Posts
- InsurgencyWatch moving to True/SlantIn the coming days, InsurgencyWatch will be moving to True/Slant, “an original content news network tailored to both the ‘Entrepreneurial Journalist’ and marketers who want a more effective way to engage with digital audiences.” (That’s what the official about page says.) It’s not a deci ...
- Kerry-Lugar’s First VictimIf true, this is total bullshit: After strong criticism on the Kerry-Lugar bill in Pakistan, the government has decided to replace Pakistan’s ambassador to the US Hussain Haqqani and the announcement in this respect is expected within the next two days. There’s nothing in the bill reasonable Pa ...
- Pakistan’s Civil War Heating UpIn the aftermath of this weekend’s assault on the Pakistani General Headquarters in Rawalpindi, the Taliban hit again in Alpuri, in the Shangla district east of Mingora in Swat. According to military sources who asked to remain anonymous because they weren’t authorized to talk to the press, a 1 ...
- At Home with a Swat LashkarI just finished up a few days in Swat and while I’m working on a story about it, I thought you might like to see a few pictures I took while there. Enjoy. Share/Save
- FACTBOX: Uzbek militant leader killed in Pakistan ...Washington PostFACTBOX: Uzbek militant leader killed in PakistanReutersBy this time he is thought to have fled the region for the safe haven of Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. * Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and Taliban leader ...Pakistan to Target Taliba...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- The War on Weed: Marijuana Is Basically Harmless - ...The war on marijuana is insane; our officials keep sacrificing tax dollars, lives, civil liberties, and their own credibility in this misguided and losing effort.
- When It’s Crunch Time at Colleg ...Can ADHD stimulants like Adderall be the answer for college students looking to increase academic performance? They think so.
- Did LSD Make a Baseball Pitcher's No-Hitter Possib ...Perhaps the greatest athletic achievement while on a psychedelic journey, No Mas and artist James Blagden proudly present the animated tale of Dock Ellis' legendary LSD no-hitter.
- In Historic Shift, the American Medical Associatio ...The country's largest physician group, the AMA, has reversed its long-held position that marijuana has no medical worth.
- The Relentless War on Drug Users Is Escalating Vio ...Hundreds gather in Albuquerque to celebrate a new dawn of wider acceptance of drug reform, while still feeling a little nervous about the path ahead.
Twilight Earth
- Please! Not Another Green Thanksgiving Article!thanksgiving, green, videos, charlie brown, adam sandler, addams family, johnny cash Related posts: Green Wont Be The Norm, Until We Stop Calling Things Green EPA Helps God go Green with an Energy Star Label What’s Greener than Green? Brown.
- Meet Peat. Third Largest Producer of Greenhouse Ga ...Peat Moss. It's drying out in Indonesia, making that country the third largest producer of Greenhouse Gasses behind the U.S. and China. Related posts: EPA Welcomes Public Comments – Do Greenhouse Gases Contribute to Air Pollution? Landmark Statement, EPA Finds Greenhouse Gases Pose Threat to Pu ...
- Boycott Black Friday and Celebrate Buy Nothing Day ...Twilight Earth is calling for a boycott of Black Friday on Nov. 27th, 2009. Black Friday is the largest shopping day of the year. Related posts: Boycott Black Friday and Celebrate Buy Nothing Day Nov 28th, 2008 Arbor Day – 2009, What Is It and Why Should We Celebrate it? Call For Entries: Wend M ...
- Interview with Ted Garber – Life, Inspiration an ...I recently had the opportunity to interview one of my favorite musicians, Ted Garber. Ted recently released his new album "American Rail." Related posts: Barack Obama CBS 60 Minutes Interview Transcript and Video from Nov. 16th, 2008 Consumerism – Chasing That American Dream! Inspiration from E ...
- Photo Sunday – WindPhoto Sunday - Wind Related posts: Photo Sunday – When its Raining on Sunday Morning Photo Sunday – Take Me Home Country Roads Photo Sunday – Sunday Morning Coming Down. A Tribute to Everytown USA
- ANNOUNCING THE 2009 INHABITAT GREEN GIFT GUIDE!THE INHABITAT GREEN GIFT GUIDE IS HERE! It’s that time of year again! Today is Black Friday, the most infamous shopping day of the year, and the official kickoff to the holiday shopping season. This year, instead of dragging your tryptophan-infused body up at the crack of dawn, blearily driving yo ...
- Happy Thanksgiving From Inhabitat!Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! We can’t be believe that Thanksgiving has already come round again, and as we savor the holiday with friends and family we’d like to take a moment to pause and give thanks for all of the great things that the past year has brought! It’s been an incredible year for ...
- Algae Could Be the Key to Ultra-Thin Biodegradable ...Algae is often touted as the next big thing in biofuels, but the slimy stuff could also be the key to paper-thin biodegradable batteries according to researchers at Uppsala University in Sweden. Eventually, the bio batteries could compete with commercial lithium-ion batteries.Conducting polymers ha ...
- The Green Façades of Édouard FrançoisInhabitat has done a lot of coverage of living walls, particularly those of French botanist Patrick Blanc. They are complicated things, requiring pumps, hydroponics and a lot of care. If they don’t get it right they can fail, like the Paradise Park Childrens Centre in London did. Edouard Franço ...
- BOOK REVIEW: Restoring a House in the CityIt was a great pleasure to step away from the computer and check out a fabulously beautiful book sent to us by Artisan publishers on the eco-friendly practice of restoring townhomes, brownstones and row houses. Written by Ingrid Abramovitch, Restoring a House in the City is a wonderful resource on t ...
Pogue's Posts
- A $25 Cellphone? That's Crazy Talk.This week, Palm released a follow up to the Pre, a cheaper, thinner, lesser phone called the Pixi. The official price is $100 with a two-year Sprint contract, but Amazon is selling the thing for - are you sitting down? - $25.
- Crowdsourcing Comedy on Amazon ReviewsSome unexpected humor can be found in the reviews of the world's largest online retailer.
- It's Q&A with DP!Why I use URL shorteners-even when not on Twitter.
- Verizon: How Much Do You Charge Now?Verizon's cellphones are designed in such a way that you can almost never avoid getting $1.99 charge on the bill for its mobile Web services, even if you immediately cancel the action.
- Fun With Google's Auto-Suggestion FeatureStart a phrase in a Google and who knows how the search engine will complete it?
Open Your Eyes News
- Government Sachs: Goldman’s Close Ties To Washin ...Huffington Post – No wonder it’s called “Government Sachs.” It seems that every few weeks, another Goldman Sachs executive goes to work for a government agency, with bankers landing in positions of power at the Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve, and pulling the levers of the massive t ...
- South Korean pre-marriage sex law treats women lik ...The Daily Telegraph – South Korea has overturned a law which banned men from luring women into bed with promises of marriage. Read Article
- Obama Shatters Spending Record for First-Year Pres ...Fox News – President Obama has shattered the budget record for first-year presidents — spending nearly double what his predecessor did when he came into office and far exceeding the first-year tabs for any other U.S. president in history. In fiscal 2009 the federal government spent $3.52 trillio ...
- Japan’s Scientists Attack Govt Research-cut Plan – In a rare joint press conference late Wednesday and comments Thursday, [top Japanese scientists] attacked a proposal to cut 26.76 billion yen (300 million dollars) in funds the science ministry has requested to subsidise a super-computer project. [This computer would] be used for cut ...
- CIA’s Lost Magic Manual ResurfacesWired – At the height of the Cold War, the Central Intelligence Agency paid $3,000 to renowned magician John Mulholland to write a manual on misdirection, concealment, and stagecraft. All known copies of the document — and a related paper, on conveying hidden signals — were believed to b ...
Monkey Smashes Heaven
- No thankkks… thankstakingPosted in ..Monkey and the Troublemakers, ..Shubel Morgan, Amerikkka, Communism, First Nations, Maoism, Maoism Third Worldism, Maoisme, Maoismo, North America
- British mining company on trial for torture of Per ...British mining company on trial for torture of Peruvians ( A British mining company, Monterrico Metals, is on trial in London, UK for torture of Peruvians that happened at the Rio Blanco mine in 2005. Protesters were detained and tortured at the outcast copper site ...
- New poll: Capitalism not too hotNew poll: Capitalism not too hot ( A recent poll has people talking. The results of the poll are a sharp contrast to the free-market triumphalism of the 1990s. Intellectuals were declaring the victory of capitalism. In the 1989 book, the End of History and the Last ...
- Cuba, ALBA Nations Condone Sri Lanka, Revisionism ...Cuba, ALBA Nations Condone Sri Lanka, Revisionism Further Exposed ( Revisionism was on display in recent events. Recently Cuba gave an official statement reassuring its international relations with Sri Lanka. Both countries claim to be socialist in some sense. Depu ...
- Smash the old world!Smash the Amerikkkan Dream and all First Worldist lies! From Politics Are Over Posted in ..Politics Are Over, Communism, Maoism, Maoism Third Worldism, Maoisme, Maoismo
- Dubai Debt Sends Panic: A Dangerous New Phase In T ...Fears of a dangerous new phase in the economic crisis swept around the globe yesterday as traders responded to the shock announcement that a debt-laden Dubai state corporation was unable to meet its interest bill. Reported by Patrick Hosking and David Robertson Work has been halted on th ...
- Zionist war on Islam is also a war on AmericaFrom Asia Times: “The other regional players [read China] are busily setting the stage for exploitation of Afghanistan’s natural resources, while the US remains bogged down with the war. This should change,” (former CIA Pakistan Station Chief Milton) Bearden said (to the U.S. Senate Foreign Re ...
- Review of financial markets: Investors Buy Gold…by Bob Chapman Investors buy gold when there is inflation and when there is a flight to quality. They buy gold when they no longer trust currencies, due to government or central bank profligacy. Due to those and other reasons gold has broken out to new highs. It could well be that gold may [... ...
- In His Gloomiest Prediction Yet, Marc Faber Sees B ...Business Intelligence -Middle East Marc Faber, the Swiss fund manager and Gloom Boom & Doom editor, said eventually there will be a big bust and then the whole credit expansion will come to an end. Before that happens, governments will continue printing money which in time will lead to a very hig ...
- Our Funny MoneyAtif F. Qureshi “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” – Henry Ford The curse of price inflation haunts us. There seems to be no respite for the common m ...
- Waste Heat Could Power Computers, Cell PhonesClose to 60 percent of the energy produced by burning fuels or generated by power plants is lost as excess heat. Computers, cars and cell phones all have to get rid of excess heat to run properly, creating a significant energy waste. Researchers at MIT believe they've developed a way to reclaim ...
- Radar Absorbing Turbines Prevent Aircraft Confusio ...The U.S. Military has recently expressed concern about Maryland offshore wind projects because radar could identify spinning turbine blades as low-flying aircraft, potentially disrupting its training missions in the area. Turns out the UK Military is blocking wind projects for similar reasons. ...
- Compressed Air Cars Less Efficient Than Electric C ...It has been assumed that compressed air cars are cleaner than battery electric cars, but the reality is they are quite inefficient. A new study published in the journal Environmental Research Letters reveals that while in theory compressed air cars seem like a potential competitor to EVs, when ...
- Wind Power Could be Stored as IceA perfect way of storing electricity generated by wind turbines has been elusive so far. Ideas like super-sized batteries , compressed air and hydroelectric storage have all been floated. One company though thinks the answer could be as simple as making ice. Calmac has come up with a storage sy ...
- Fastest Computer in the World Focused on Climate C ...The Jaguar XT5 computer, housed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Knoxville, Tenn. and owned by the Department of Energy was just named the fastest computer in the world by the TOP500 list . It has a performance speed of 1.759 petaflops or quadrillions of calculations per second and that po ...
Times Online - Science
- Evidence of life on Mars lurks beneath surface of ...Nasa scientists have produced the most compelling evidence yet that bacterial life exists on Mars.
- Blind man can read after implant at Manchester Roy ...A blind man fitted with a “bionic eye” in a trial at the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital has delighted doctors by being able to read simple words.
- Cardiologist will fight libel case ‘to defen ...A British doctor who is being sued for libel after criticising an American company’s research has pledged to turn the action into a test case for freedom of speech. Peter Wilmshurst, a consultant cardiologist at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, told The Times that he aims to use a public-intere ...
- Green and confused: The office offendersYou recently said that we should use energy-efficient light bulbs at home, but what about the huge office blocks that leave their lights on? Why is the householder the target of the eco-lobbyists and not the commercial sector?
- It's no joke, the robots really are taking overFor as long as anyone can remember, the Tokyo International Robot Exhibition has been a showcase for Japan at its wackiest: stern industrial machines lurked backstage as waltzing, noodle-making or ping-pong-playing humanoids stole the limelight.
Environment _ National Geographic
- Crime-Fighting Leech Fingers PerpPolice in Australia say a blood-engorged leech, through DNA testing, led them to a man responsible for the robbery eight years ago of a 71-year-old woman. Video
- Alligators Sing to Set Up Singles Clubs? (With Vid ...Only an alligator could truly understand the allure of this thunderous "chorus." But a new study says the song may be an invitation to reptilian romantic networking.
- Presented By:
- Leaves "Magnetized" by Air Pollution, Study FindsAlthough they wouldn't be physically attracted to a magnet, "magnetic" tree leaves along heavy traffic routes may offer a quick, cheap way to test for air pollution, a new study says.
- PICTURES: Best Mountain Photos of 2009 Announced A steam-shrouded bison, a bikini-clad diver, a seven-year-old shepherd, and other wild wonders stalk our selection of winning pictures from the latest Banff Mountain Photography Competition.
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- Valuable Lesson From Sarah Palin's BookTRex has extracted and documented the bulk of the knowledge that can be had from Sarah Palin's new book, Going Rogue. Trust me on this, there is a valuable lesson to be had from her book that every Blogger, journalist and pundit should be sharing with anyone that is truly interested in the politic ...
- Valuable Lesson From Sarah Palin's BookTRex has extracted and documented the bulk of the knowledge that can be had from Sarah Palin's new book, Going Rogue. Trust me on this, there is a valuable lesson to be had from her book that every Blogger, journalist and pundit should be sharing with anyone that is truly interested in the politic ...
- T-9 and Holding:About 8 minutes before the shuttle blasts off : At NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, space shuttle Atlantis and crew are nearing liftoff at Launch Pad 39A, prepared to begin the STS-129 cargo-delivery mission to the International Space Station. The countdown clock is holding at T-9 minutes. ...
- The more things change, the more they stay the sam ...I woke up today to the news that it has been a whole year that gay and lesbian couples have been allowed to share the same rights as everyone else in our State. The right to settle down, get married and live as a family has changed a lot of people's lives in Connecticut . I did a quick inventory o ...
- Windsock JoeWe really want to know which way the wind blows, Joe? The other day you were dead set against the Public Option, much to the chagrin of Connecticut voters. And now? Sen. Joe Lieberman has reached a private understanding with Majority Leader Harry Reid that he will not block a final vote on healthca ...
SPL Center
- Neo-Nazi Leader White Likely to Remain Jailed Unti ...An appeals court today overturned the decision of a federal judge who had released neo-Nazi leader Bill White on bond after setting several conditions. In making its decision, the three-member panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals characterized White as “a highly intelligent person appare ...
- Revealed! David Irving Can Be a JerkSo secretive is Holocaust denier David Irving that he often doesn’t reveal the locations of his lectures until hours before they’re scheduled to begin — and even then, he only tells vetted guests. It must have been a blow, therefore, when his private E-mails appeared on the Internet, courtesy ...
- From a Law-Enforcement Veteran, Common Sense About ...Why is it a bad idea for local law enforcement agencies to act as immigration cops? Because it undermines public safety. William J. Bratton, chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, explains why in this op-ed essay that ran last week in the Los Angeles Times. He also explains his decision not to ...
- From a Law-Enforcement Veteran, Common Sense About ...Why is it a bad idea for local law enforcement agencies to act as immigration cops? Because it undermines public safety. William J. Bratton, chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, explains why in this op-ed essay that ran last week in the Los Angeles Times. He also explains his decision not to ...
- Ex-Skinhead Leader Gets 3-1/2-Year Sentence for Ra ...The former leader of a violent racist skinhead group will serve nearly 3½ years in federal prison on a racketeering charge. Jeremy Robinson, 37, was sentenced on Oct. 15 after pleading guilty to a felony charge of interstate transportation in aid of a racketeering enterprise, according to court doc ...
Rio Times
- Thanksgiving in RioBy Felicity Clarke, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO - Carnival stands as Brazil’s great national holiday, but for all the music, dancing and dazzling spectacle it does fall short on one important holiday criteria: there’s no focus on food. In contrast, Thanksgiving, the major US national ho ...
- De Menezes Family CompensationBy Jaylan Boyle, Senior Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO - The family of Jean Charles de Menezes, the Brazilian national shot dead by London police in 2005, has settled ongoing litigation and been awarded damages, the sum of which is officially not being disclosed; some sources however are claiming the payme ...
- Partnerships at +Unidos WorkshopBy Bruno De Nicola, Senior Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO - On November 17th, USAID and +UNIDOS (Mais Unidos) held a Workshop on Social Responsibility Partnerships with more than 30 U.S. companies presenting over 50 of their social projects. The event was held at the American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM) i ...
- Expat Entrepreneur’s Fitness BusinessBy Doug Gray, Senior Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO – It is an oft-discussed subject amongst the international community of Rio - how to make money in a city not known for its ease of business practice or its ready acceptance of overseas workers. In a country understandably protective of its workforce a ...
- Smoke-Free Law Takes EffectBy Jaylan Boyle, Senior Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO - Rio’s anti-smoking state law 5.517/09, which took effect on the 17th of this month, has survived an eleventh hour challenge from a syndicate of bars and hotels, and appears to have met with overall compliance, with one exception reported. The law, ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- Internationally-Renowned Humanitarian Groups Suppo ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 23, 2009 ACLU The American Civil Liberties Union today filed a friend-of-the-court brief on behalf of the Carter Center, Human Rights Watch and several other human rights and humanitarian organizations in a case before the U.S. Supreme Court challenging the constitutio ...
- Internationally-Renowned Humanitarian Groups Suppo ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 23, 2009 ACLU The American Civil Liberties Union today filed a friend-of-the-court brief on behalf of the Carter Center, Human Rights Watch and several other human rights and humanitarian organizations in a case before the U.S. Supreme Court challenging the constitutio ...
- Global Day of Climate protest, 12th December 2008FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 23, 2009 Global Climate Campaign As hopes of a meaningful deal at the Copenhagen Climate Talks fade, a global protest is building against the failure of world leaders to make progress on this critical issue. There will be an initial ‘wave’ of protests on Saturda ...
- New Report Warns Against “Bubble” Economic Rec ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 23, 2009 Bread for The World A new report released today by Bread for the World Institute warns that unless the triple threats of hunger, unemployment, and climate change are addressed, any economic recovery will only lead to another bubble. read more
- FAMM Commends New Jersey Senate for Passing Mandat ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 23, 2009 Families Against Mandatory Minimums Families Against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM) commends Senators Raymond Lesniak and Sandra Cunningham for sponsoring and the New Jersey Senate Judiciary Committee for embracing the judicial discretion bill, which would provide ...
Common Dreams-Views
- Dubai: A Morally Bankrupt Dictatorship Built by Sl Johann Hari Dubai is finally financially bankrupt - but it has been morally bankrupt all along. The idea that Dubai is an oasis of freedom on the Arabian peninsular is one of the great lies of our time. Yes, it has Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts and the Gucci styles, but beneath these accoutrements ...
- Taxing the Speculatorsby Paul Krugman Should we use taxes to deter financial speculation? Yes, say top British officials, who oversee the City of London, one of the world's two great banking centers. Other European governments agree - and they're right. Unfortunately, United States officials - especially Timothy Geithner ...
- In Afghanistan and At Home, We're Being Driven Off Ron Smith Football fans have been quite taken by a recurring segment on ESPN's "NFL Countdown Show" called "C'mon man." Inspired by former wide receiver Keyshawn Johnson, botched plays from NFL action are highlighted, with the players involved being targeted for the "C'mon man" admonition. read m ...
- Accident Casts Fresh Doubt on Nuclear Safetyby Gwen L. DuBois On Nov. 21, there was a radiation leak at Three Mile Island nuclear power plant near Harrisburg, Pa., less than 100 miles north of Baltimore up I-83. One hundred and fifty workers were evacuated, and 20 people were exposed to radiation. read more
- A Key British Official Reminds Us of the Forgotten Glenn Greenwald Britain is currently engulfed by a probing, controversial investigation into how their Government came to support the invasion of Iraq, replete with evidence that much of what was said at the time by both British and American officials was knowingly false, particularly regarding ...
Karl Burkart
- What's up with Copenhagen, Obama?Obama administration makes a big announcement about Copenhagen.
- What's up with Copenhagen, Annex II?What the richest (Annex II) nations need to do to avoid another Africa walkout in Copenhagen.
- What's up with Copenhagen, Annex 1?World Resources Institute releases report on Annex 1 (developed) countries Copenhagen pledges.
- What's up with Copenhagen?This is the first in a series that examines both the promise and the pitfalls of the upcoming climate talks in Copenhagen.
- Carbon-sucking nanotubesPorifera may be the first to take new a nanotechnology to market, offering a viable solution for sequestering carbon.
Water Privatization
- Update-National Water Summit in Ottawa to Focus on ...OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Nov. 26, 2009) - Just one week before the UN climate conference in Copenhagen, a water conference taking place in Ottawa will highlight the need for better policies to protect water in Canada and around the world. Hundreds of participants from across Canada and allies ...
- VeoLIa goes to vote (Novato Advance)At its meeting Monday night, the Novato Sanitary District decided 5-to-0 to ask voters whether Veolia Water should operate the district’s new sewage-treatment plant.
- Who Wants to Buy CANDU's Risky Business? (in News) ...Canada is moving towards privatizing its federally owned reactor maker. Who might want in, and why? Second of two.
- Berlusconi Survives Confidence Vote Over Water Pri ...Nov. 18 (Bloomberg) -- Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi survived a confidence vote called to accelerate the passage of a law allowing private investors such as Suez SA to buy stakes in public water distribution companies.
- VeoLIa goes to vote (Novato Advance)At its meeting Monday night, the Novato Sanitary District decided 5-to-0 to ask voters whether Veolia Water should operate the district’s new sewage-treatment plant.
- Iraq invasion legitimacy questionable, says diplom ...Sir Jeremy Greenstock tells inquiry that war 'did not have backing of great majority' of UN states The invasion of Iraq was legal but of "questionable legitimacy" because the US and UK had failed to persuade other countries of the need for war, the then UK ambassador to the UN told the Chilcot inqui ...
- Dubai royals try to stem market panic• FTSE 100 opens down 70 points before clawing back losses • Air of calm in London despite yesterday's plunge • Japan's Nikkei closes down 3.2%; Hang Seng falls 5.3% The Dubai financial crisis continued to send shares and commodities falling around the world this morning, despite efforts by th ...
- Khmer Rouge boss asks for freedomKhmer Rouge prison boss Kaing Guek Eav tells war crimes trial that his 10 years already served is enough The Khmer Rouge prison boss who admitted responsibility for the torture and murder of more than 12,000 people has stunned a war crimes court by asking to be acquitted and released. On the last da ...
- Regulators slated for hospital failuresInitial inspections praised hospital despite evidence of unusually high death rates among patients and unsanitary conditions The regulatory system that inspects NHS hospitals is ineffective and in need of urgent reform, the Patients Association has warned, following the belated exposure of hygiene a ...
- Hacker's mother denounces JohnsonComputer hacker Gary McKinnon said to be at serious risk of suicide after home secretary allows his extradition to the US The mother of computer hacker Gary McKinnon has criticised the home secretary's decision to extradite her son to the US as "disgusting". McKinnon, who has Asperger's syndrome, is ...
Diigo | Green Community
- Free classified Ads - beatyourprice.comFree classified Ads. buy and sell pets, computers, real estate, cars, business at Comments: Free classified Ads. buy and sell pets, computers, real estate, cars, business at - alexander hampp Tags: green , investments , stocks , bond , mutual , funds , sustainable ...
- Green Finance for Eco-Friendly Products and Servic ...Green Finance for Eco-Friendly Products and Services, YatBo Newark Classifieds - Local classifieds for Newark - New Jersey, Posting a Classified Ad is FREE! - you can find almost everything on Comments: Green Finance for Eco-Friendly Products and Services, YatBo Newark Classifieds - Local ...
- Green Investments to Promote Sustainability - Fina ...Green Investments to Promote Sustainability, YatBo Auburn Classifieds - Local classifieds for Auburn - Alabama, Posting a Classified Ad is FREE! - you can find almost everything on Comments: Green Investments to Promote Sustainability, YatBo Auburn Classifieds - Local classifieds for Aubur ...
- Free classified Ads - beatyourprice.comFree classified Ads. buy and sell pets, computers, real estate, cars, business at Comments: Free classified Ads. buy and sell pets, computers, real estate, cars, business at - alexander hampp Tags: mutual , funds , green , investments , enterprises by: alexander h ...
- U.N. Talks in Spain Seek to Salvage Climate DealClimate negotiators from 175 nations meet in Spain next week for a final session to try to break deadlock between rich and poor and salvage a U.N. deal due in Copenhagen in December. Comments: Climate negotiators from 175 nations meet in Spain next week for a final session to try to break deadlock b ...
Electronic Intifada
- Book review: Post-September 11 "Homeland Insecurit ...After the 11 September 2001 attacks there have been many books and articles regarding the misuse of justice and harsh treatment of Arab Americans and Muslims in the United States. Louise Cainka ...
- Refugees remain skeptical of Nahr al-Bared reconst ...NAHR AL-BARED, Lebanon (IPS) - More than two years after their refugee camp was destroyed in a war between the Lebanese army and the Islamist militant group Fatah al-Islam, Nahr al-Bared refugees Wedn ...
- Palestinian trade unions unanimously support boyco ...In reaction to reports alleging that a Palestinian trade union official has stated his reservations about the Palestinian civil society campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), the ...
- "We will have to kill them all": Effie Eitam, thug ...Eitam, who since then has held several senior posts in the Israeli government, has recently toured the US as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's "Special Emissary" to the "Caravan for D ...
- Eid al-Adha highlights a Gaza family's struggle to ...Daoud Suleiman Ahmad, 48, an unemployed construction worker, has been unable to find work for almost three years due to the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip. Life for Ahmad and his family in the al- ...
CS Monitor - News
- October 16, 2009The UN Human Rights Council votes to adopt the Goldstone Report on Israel's military incursion into Gaza.
- October 19, 2009Saudi Arabia is wary of terrorists, especially from neighboring states.
- October 20, 2009How some TV insiders view parents and children on reality television.
- October 21, 2009How African Anglicans might respond to the Vatican's offer.
- October 23, 2009US-China economic relations, Microsoft and Wall Street, and September home sales.
The Wonk Room
- New Report: Existing Public Option Provisions Woul ...A new report from the Urban Institute argues that a “strong” public option triggered in the event that overall growth in national health spending exceeds a pre-determined target, may do more to control health care spending than the public option proposals offered in existing legislation: In the ...
- Perino: Politicize National Security? Never! What?Former-Bush-spokesperson/forever-Bush-flack Dana Perino made a pretty startling claim last night on Hannity in the course of questioning the Obama administration’s avoidance of the term “terrorism” in reference to the Fort Hood murders: PERINO: There is one thing that I would say about Fort H ...
- Obama Bringing Hope To Copenhagen, But Whither Hil ...The White House has announced that President Barack Obama will participate in the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 15) in Copenhagen, Denmark on Wednesday, December 9th, before accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Sweden. He will commit the United States to achieving greenhouse gas ...
- Bloomberg: Evaluating Teachers Without Student Dat ...An important facet of the Obama administration’s Race to the Top program (in which states compete for $4 billion in funding for innovative education reform efforts) is that, in order to qualify, states must remove their prohibitions on using student achievement data to evaluate teachers. Many stat ...
- Palin Suggests Canada Should ‘Reform’ ...Canadian comedian Mary Walsh (playing the character of Marg Delahunty) attended a Sarah Palin book signing in the Midwest and asked the “thriller from Wasilla, the Alaskan Aphrodite” if she had “any words of encouragement for the Canadian conservatives who have worked so hard to try to diminis ...
thwap's schoolyard
- Differences Between Today and the Great DepressionAnyone who thinks this crisis is past us is dreaming in technicolour. The root causes of the "Great Recession" remain: the real economy has been squeezed almost to the limit, and the financial sector remains an unbalanced balloon stretched so thin that it can be burst by the tiniest of pin pricks. ...
- Rick Hillier and Second-Hand Information ...Private Mann:"General Hillier, 'Amnesty International' has a scathing report about Afghan prison conditions." Hillier: "Those detestable peacenicks and bleeding-hearts! Why should I care about such second-hand information!!" Private Mann: "The PMO just called. Prime Minister Harper wants us conf ...
- Rick Hillier and Second-Hand Information ...Private Mann:"General Hillier, 'Amnesty International' has a scathing report about Afghan prison conditions." Hillier: "Those detestable peacenicks and bleeding-hearts! Why should I care about such second-hand information!!" Private Mann: "The PMO just called. Prime Minister Harper wants us conf ...
- Building On What Pogge Said:Here : I'm sure the Conservatives would love to see this whole issue of torture turn into a partisan free-for-all that the general public will then tune out as being simply more of the same nonsense that they've come to expect from the overgrown children in Ottawa. You're now helping them and making ...
- Is stephen harper a Snivelling Coward?Where was he while the intellectually unequipped Peter MacKay was casting apsersions at Richard Colvin's "third-hand information" from people MacKay knows are bad because he's read " third-hand information " about them? There he was. Taking a cheap photo-op with the National Men's Lacrosse Team. ...
Financial Sense Editorials
- Market Observation: How and Why China Will Flood t Chris Puplava. "Since the start of the decade gold has been in a strong secular bull market in which it has had only one negative year (2001) while the S&P 500 has had four. Gold’s strong performance has produced a cumulative return of 311.54% for an annualized return of 15.18% per annum this d ...
- How and Why China Will Flood the Gold Market by Jeff Clark. "The Chinese government is telling people gold and silver are good investments that will safeguard their wealth. After last year's meltdown in the stock market, people believe it. After all, Chinese citizens don't receive government retirement money... "
- Crunch Time for the Cartel by Deepcaster. "Its financial system had been revealed as insolvent under the weight of huge liabilities and worthless assets. The government refused to allow all the bankrupt institutions to fail, and thus permit the market to do its job of purging the rot from the system."
- Gold will Reach Mind-boggling Levels – for Good Arnold Bock. "We are staring at a nascent but potentially and probably startling increase in the price of gold and precious metals mining stocks and warrants. Gold will reach mind- boggling levels because the actions of our political leaders and their academic and credentialed enablers are virtua ...
- The Next Crisis: Spiraling Inflation - Part 2 by Nick Barisheff. "The investment world is a risky and confusing place right now. Part 1 of this article (The Next Crisis: Spiralling Inflation) detailed the reasons why the next stage in the financial crisis will almost certainly be spiralling inflation."
on Government Oversight
- Agencies Withhold Information from the GAOLast week, The Hill reported that federal agencies have not been completely forthcoming with information requested by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) as part of the congressional auditing group's investigations. In a letter to Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), acting GAO...
- And This Year's Qui Tammy Award Goes To...Popular music has the Grammys, pro wrestling has the Slammies, and Bay Area Music magazine used to honor the California music scene with the Bammies. So when the Department of Justice makes its annual announcement of how much money the...
- Morning Smoke: Do Wall Street Reformers Have the U ...Could Wall Street Actually Lose in Congress? [The Stash] Fed Said to Ask Banks to Submit Plans to Repay TARP [Bloomberg] AIG's Rescue Bedevils U.S. [The Wall Street Journal] Comeback for White House choppers? [Politico] Blackwater's Secret War in Pakistan...
- Morning Smoke: Stock Ownership in Congress Draws S ...Policy, portfolios and the investor lawmaker [The Washington Post] Republicans criticize dismissal of AmeriCorps watchdog [The Los Angeles Times] Lockheed Martin F-35 Fighter May Need More Money, Analyst Says [Bloomberg] Inquiries look into use of retired generals as advisers [Federal...
- Senate Re-Introduces Bill Closing Legal Loophole f ...Back in May, POGO blogged about the tragic case of Lt. Col. Dominic "Rocky" Baragona, who was killed in Iraq in 2003 when his Humvee was struck by a supply truck driven by a Kuwaiti transport company that had contracts...
Digital Journal
- One dead, two cling to life after boating tragedy ...Screams in the dark led to a massive search, rescue and recovery effort in an inland Gorge waterway in Victoria. Police found two unconscious in water. Third dead. Two flown to Vancouver General Hospital in critical condition
- 30 new deaths from Swine Flu as Canadian toll hit ...The Public Health Agency of Canada says 16 more people have died from Swine Flu in Ontario and 14 in other provinces to take Canada's collective toll to 309. Hospitalizations and deaths in Ontario remain some of the highest in the country.
- Nuclear "dead end" with Iran says Atomic Energy ch ...The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency says the U.N. nuke watchdog has reached a "dead end" in negotiations with Iran aimed at clearing up the real purpose behind the country's continued enrichment of Uranium.
- B.C. health officer predicts third wave of Swine F ...B.C.'s chief health officer, Dr. Perry Kendall is warning people not to get complacent over Swine Flu and "strongly" urges people to get vaccinated to avoid serious complications or at best a "nasty seven-day flu." He predicts a third wave in spring.
- UK student avoids prison after urinating on war me ...A student in the UK has avoided a prison term after causing nationwide outrage after he was pictured urinating on a war memorial in Sheffield city centre.
End Homelessness |
- Bluster and Indignation after Alleged NYC Charity ...There's something off about the recent vilification of a homeless charity in New York City. State attorney general Anthony M. Cuomo filed suit this week against the United Homeless Organization alleging fraud. Cuomo accuses the organization of taking advantage of "the good intentions of people ...
- Formerly Homeless Chefs Prepare a Thanksgiving Fea ...Twenty-four turkeys, 100 pounds of sweet potatoes, 50 pounds of collard greens and all the fixings. This is the feast being prepared in Brooklyn for over 400 homeless men in Brooklyn. But this meal isn't being fixed by just anybody. It is being cooked by 12 men who used to stand in the soup kitchen ...
- Homeless Youth: We Can Do Better Than ThisThis video needs no introduction. It was created by Jill Hardman and Chloe Noble. In May 2009, they began walking across America to raise awareness of the LGBTQ homeless youth epidemic in the United States. Their walk is called Homeless Youth Pride Walk 2009 and Operation Shine. This video depicts s ...
- Give Jeans a ChanceEverybody's talkin' bout denim. Donating denim, that is. The Volcom Give Back Series is collecting used-but-wearable jeans to donate to the National Coalition for the Homeless... and they need your help. Last months it was coats , now we're looking at you, denim. The rules are simple. Bring your gen ...
- Nearly Half of Homeless U.S. Veterans are BlackVeterans experience homelessness at a greater rate than non-vets in the United States. But a new study finds that minority veterans - particularly African-Americans - are disproportionately represented among the homeless veteran population. Today, a whopping 45 percent of the homeless veteran popula ...
- UN pulls half its staff out of AfghanistanOn November 5, 2009 the United Nations pulled half of the staff it had in Afghanistan out of the country. A total of 600 of the 1,100 foreign UN workers currently in Afghanistan will now temporarily depart until the situation gets better. The UN also threatened to permanently remove all staff if th ...
- Ethnic divisions in northern Iraq: bad news for mi ...Baghdad’s north is increasingly divided between Arabs and Kurds and, according to Human Rights Watch, is highly detrimental to the other minority populations living in Iraq. In a recent publication On Vulnerable Ground  the group explains that minorities remain vulnerable to attacks by Sunni ...
- Brown chides Karzai as questions rise about the fu ...In the wake of the killing of five UK soldiers by an Afghan police trainee, PM Gordon Brown has called on Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai to step up efforts to tackle rampant corruption in the Afghan government. Though he emphasized the point that Britain’s commitment to Afghanistan remained fi ...
- Is the West capable of fixing Afghanistan?  The highly-controversial election in Afghanistan has added to concerns that the international mission in that country is doomed to failure. It is indicative of the fact that, despite the perceived power of the United States, it has been unable to ensure that Afghanistan’s reconstru ...
- And so it begins - Canada starts to plan for Afgha ... With the end date of 2011, Canada’s Chief of the Defence Staff Gen. Walter Natynczyk has ordered the beginning of the planning phase of Canada’s military pull out of Afghanistan. The move comes in light of the Harper government’s intent to stick to its end date on Canada’s military ...
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