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Thomas Paine

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.

Friday, November 13, 2009

13 Nov - Suggestions for those who wonder WTF is going on

anti-Image by solidstate_ via Flickr


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List Of Underground Bases In The US

by pakalert

3 Votes

This is a list of known or suspected U.S. Underground Bases, the purpose of each , how they’re set up and any other info known about them. Although most of these are supposed to be a secret, this list is culled from publicly available records and of course people who worked in them, live by them or those who have retired and offer info. Some wish to remain anonymous. Some have written to me with stories that have been terrifying – just to tell me things – not meaning for me to put them up.
I found some interesting stats in my digging – the Government (federal and/or federal and state) is the biggest landholder/owner in the states that the underground bases are purported to be in.
Top 10 ranked in order of % of state land owned (acres) by federal – states governments:
% of state acreage federally owned
% owned by federal and state gov. combined
Nevada – 87.8%
Alaska – 96.8%
Utah – 67.9%
Nevada – 89.2%
Alaska – 67%
Utah – 75.2%
Idaho – 65.2%
Idaho – 70.4%
Oregon – 55.5%
Oregon – 60.4%
California – 49.9%
Arizona – 56.8%
Wyoming – 49.7%
Wyoming – 56%
Arizona – 44.3%
California – 52.1%
Colorado – 38.9$
New Mexico – 47.5%
New Mexico – 36.2%
Colorado – 43.3%
Much of the US is honeycombed with naturally occurring caves and caves systems, sinkholes and abandoned mines – especially in the West – so it’s not all that far-fetched when you think about it. Presented for your perusal is the whole mess, for your own conclusions. I thank those who sent info in. All email addresses on file and rabidly protected as I do everyone’s privacy. Any others with info, you’re cordially invited to dish the goods, too.

1. Brooks Range, Alaska

2. Delta Junction, Alaska

2a. Fort Greeley, Alaska (reported by Peachy)
In the same Delta Junction area
1. Arizona (Mountains) (not on map)
Function: Genetic work.
Multiple levels
2. Fort Huachuca, Arizona (also reported detainment camp)
Function: NSA Facility
Notes: (I lost the name of who sent me this..let me know..)
“Having spent the better part of my life there I can assure you of only one thing, it is THE communications command central for the entire US Army (and rumored to be for the entire US forces) No phone call, two way radio transmission, satellite transmission, fax, etc., within the Army goes undocumented and un “cleared” by this facility. It is VERY high on the “first to be hit in a nuclear war” list, (as supposedly most communications with the Army are actually routed though there) thus all the missile silos that were (not really) deactivated around Tucson, some 75 miles to the NW”.

“As for any underground activity, I have no idea, but I do know this, they also do “radar testing” there. They put “planes” on a tower and fire a radar at them to “get a reading”(?) from a HUGE (I’d say 10 story) microwave radar dish. (it was visible from the highway several miles away). The whole facility sat out in the middle of a several hundred (or possibly thousands) acre field, oddly devoid of most all naturally occurring groundcover, bushes and trees for the area except for wild grass, and even that was very seldom green. HMMMM. My Dad used to work the crane lifting these “planes” onto the tower, a duty they only allowed each person to do for a few weeks and then only one or two rotations in a lifetime – can you say radioactive sickness? By the way, he recently went though his THIRD fight with cancer in 8 years). He had to have the highest level clearance ever given to any civilian in his branch of the civil service. He said many times these “planes” were under tarps, (which were never lifted while he was present) and didn’t have any shape he recognized as an airplane at all, but when they did put an actual plane up there, they were usually older and even many times, out of service models. Now why would they need radar info on those? Can you say smokescreen?
I was constantly amazed how many times my friends and I would go out 4-wheeling MILES in the opposite direction of the Fort, and would run into locked gates with “No Entrance, Govt Property” signs on them! Needless to say, the Govt owned much of the land around the Sierra Vista/Ft Huachuca area.
Just thought you’d like to know.”
2. Luke Air Force Base
3. Munds Park, Arizona highway rest stop (reported by Dumpgoddess. Verified by Sid and also Becky, who says she was almost arrested asking what the hell they were doing there when they were building this thing)
Dumpgoddess told me she used to work at a highway rest area known as Munds Park. One day some military trucks and men pulled in and pretty much said OK, thanks for working here, we’re closing the place, Buh-bye!” They spent years expanding the site and then left. The rest stop is still closed to any traffic and the entrance and exit road to it from the highway have been ripped up. Another person I know in that area said there are unmarked military trucks and vehicles parked in the back now and the place “is huge” compared to what it was, and looks quite deserted in spite of the construction.
“I live 20 miles out of Flagstaff AZ. .There is a rest area 1/2 mile away. When the government was building this rest area it took almost 3 1/2yrs to complete, and there were tall fences with dark canvas-like tarps all the way around the area so no one could see what was going on .There were also big army looking trucks pulling in and out all night, every night. Everyone in Munds Park could hear them coming and going. Now the govt. is closing the rest area for good. I’m told the fences will be put back up. I would bet my life on the fact that there is something under this rest area. You see I worked at Christensen (name of rest area) up untill a week ago.
4. Page, Arizona
Tunnels to: Area 51, Nevada Dulce base, New Mexico
5. Sedona, Arizona (also reported detainment camp)
Notes: Located under the Enchantment Resort in Boynton Canyon. There have been many reports by people in recent years of “increased military presence and activity” in the area. A local resident, Deana, told me her and her husband are thinking of moving because it’s gotten so intrusive. Sedona is felt to be a very spiritual area and was (is) a cultural and holy area for Native Americans and is stunningly gorgeous.
6. Wikieup, Arizona
Tunnels to: Area 51
7. Yucca (Mtns.), Arizona
1: 29 Palms, California
Tunnels to: Chocolate Mts., Fort Irwin, California (possibly one more site due west a few miles)
Notes: Some Alien autopsies said to have been performed at 29 Palms.
2: Benicia, California
3. Catalina Island, California
Tunnels to: I was told by someone who worked at the Port Hueneme Naval Weapons Division Base in Oxnard that they have heard and it is ‘common rumor’ that there is a tunnel from the base to this Island, and also to Edwards Air Force Base, possibly utilizing old mines. .
4. China Lake Naval Weapons Testing Center
5. Chocolate Mountains, California
Tunnels to: Fort Irwin, California
6. Death Valley,California
Function: The entrance to the Death Valley Tunnel is in the Panamint Mountains down on the lower edge of the range near Wingate Pass, in the bottom of an abandoned mine shaft. The bottom of the shaft opens into an extensive tunnel system
7. Deep Springs, California
Function: Supposed home to alien species working with government
Tunnels to: Death Valley, Mercury, NV, Salt Lake City
8. Edwards AFB, California
Function: Aircraft Development – antigravity research and vehicle development
Levels: Multiple
Tunnels to: Catalina Island Fort Irwin, California Vandenburg AFB, California
Notes: Delta Hanger – North Base, Edwards AFB, Ca. Haystack Buttte – Edwards, AFB, Ca.
9. Fort Irwin, California (also reported detainment camp)
Tunnels to: 29 Palms, California Area 51, Nevada Edwards AFB. California Mt. Shasta, California
10. Helendale, California
Function: Special Aircraft Facility
Helendale has an extensive railway/shipping system through it from the Union Pacific days which runs in
from Salt Lake City, Denver, Omaha, Los Angeles and Chicago
11. Lancaster, California
Function: New Aircraft design, anti-gravity engineering, Stealth craft and testing
Levels: 42
Tunnels To: Edwards A.F.B., Palmdale
12. Lawrence-Livermore International Labs, California
The lab has a Human Genome Mapping project on chromosome #19
and a newly built $1.2 billion laser facility
13. Moreno Valley, California
Function unknown
14. Mt. Lassen, California
Tunnels to: Probably connects to the Mt. Shasta main tunnel.
Notes: Two alien races living inside mountain.
15. Mt. Shasta (click for photo of rays coming out of cave).
Function: Genetic experiments, magnetic advance, space and beam weaponry.
Levels: 5
Tunnels to: Ft. Irwin, California North (maybe to Klamath Falls or Crater Lake, or both.
16. Napa, California
Functions: Direct Satellite Communications, Laser Communications. Continuation of Government site.
Levels: Multi-level
Tunnels to: Unknown
Notes: Located on Oakville Grade, Napa County, Ca. 87 Acres
17. Needles, California
Function unknown
18. Palmdale, California
Function: New Aircraft Design, anit-gravity research
19. Tehachapi Facility (Northrop, California – Tejon Ranch
Function: Levels: 42
Tunnels to: Edwards, Llona and other local areas
Notes: 25 miles NW of Lancaster California, in the Tehachapi mountains.
20. Ukiah, California
Function unknown
1. Near Boulder, Co. in the mountains
Function unknown
2. Cheyenne Mountain -Norad -Colorado Springs, Colorado
Function: Early Warning systems – missile defense systems – Space tracking
Levels: Multiple
Tunnels to: Colorado Springs,
Function: Early warning systems, military strategy, satellite operations
Levels: Multiple
NORAD is a massive self-sustaining ‘city’ built inside the mountain
Tunnels to: Creede, Denver, Dulce Base, Kinsley
3. Creede, Colorado
Function unknown
Tunnels to: Colorado Springs, Colorado – Delta, Colorado – Dulce Base, New Mexico
4. Delta, Colorado
Function unknown
Tunnels to: Creede Salt Lake, Utah
5. Denver International Airport (also a detainment camp)
Function: Military research, construction, detainment camp facilities
Levels: 7 reported
Tunnels to: Denver proper, Colorado and Rocky Mountain “safehousing”, Colorado Springs, Colorado (Cheyenne Mtn.), Riverton, Wyoming Notes: Constructed in 1995, the government and politicians were hell bent on building this airport in spite of it ending up vastly overbudget. Charges of corruption, constant construction company changes, and mass firings of teams once they had built a section of their work was reported so that no “one” group had any idea what the blueprint of the airport was. Not only did locals not want this airport built nor was it needed, but everything was done to make sure it was, period. Masonic symbols and bizarre artwork of dead babies, burning cities and women in coffins comprise an extensive mural as well as a time capsule – none of which is featured in the airport’s web site section detailing the unique artwork throughout the building. DIA is reported to serve as a cover for the vast underground facilities that were built there. There are reports of electronic/magnetic vibrations which make some people sick and cause headaches in others. There are acres of fenced-in areas which have barbed wire pointing into the area as if to keep things in, and small concrete stacks that resemble mini-cooling towers rise out of the acres of nowhere to apparently vent underground levels.
See site article and photos at Denver Airport
6. Falcon Air Force Base, Falcon, Colorado
Function: SDI, Satellite Control
Levels: Multiple
Tunnels to: Colorado Springs, possibly more.
7. Fort Collins, Colorado
Function: Suspect high precision equipment manufacturing for space.
8. Grand Mesa, Colorado
Function unknown
9. Gore Range Near Lake, west of Denver, Co.
Function: Library and Central Data Bank
10. San Juan Valley, Colorado
Hidden beneath and in an operating Buffalo Ranch
Function unknown
11. Telluride, Colorado
Function unknown
12. University of Denver, Co (Boulder area)
Function: Genetics, geology/mining as related to tunneling and underground construction.
13. Warden Valley West of Fort Collins, CO
Function Unknown
Tunnels to: Montana
Dobbins Air Force Base, Marrietta GA
Function: test site for plasma and antigravity air craft, experimental crafts and weapons
Kokomo, Indiana
Function Unknown
Notes: for years people in that area have reported a “hum” that has been so constant that some have been forced to move and it has made many others sick. It seems to come from underground, and “research” has turned up nothing although it was suggested by someone that massive underground tunneling and excavating is going on, using naturally occurring caverns, to make an underground containment or storage facility.
1. Hutchinson, Kansas
Function unknown
Tunnels to: Kinsley, Nebraska
2. Kansas City, Kansas
Function unknown
Notes: Entrance near Worlds of Fun
3. Kinsley, Kansas
Function unknown
Tunnels to: Colorado Springs, Colorado; Hutchinson, Kansas; Tulsa Kokoweef Peak, SW California
Notes: Gold stored in huge cavern, blasted shut. Known as the “midway city” because it’s located halfway between New York and San Francisco
Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland (from Don)
Martins AFB, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland
Don wrote: I was just looking at your satellite photo of the chem trails over the East Coast (Maryland in particular), and I noticed a strange coincidence. I’m from Maryland and I noticed that the two streaks over the state seem to run next to major military installations. The more eastern of the two runs over Aberdeen Proving Ground, Edgewood Arsenal, and Martins AFB. The more western of the two runs near Ft. Meade. Aberdeen Proving Ground and Edgewood Arsenal seem to have a lot of strange or peculiar things about them as well. I live near both and often can hear the weapons testing. I know for a fact that there are large storages of chemical weapons at Edgewood. In high school, we had to do pressurization drills once a month where the entire school would pile into the gym and we would seal the gym and pressurize it to keep the gas out. There are sirens all over the community they test once a week (every Wed. at 4) that are to alert of potential chemical weapons leaks. There is constant military air traffic all over the area, and chemtrails are a regular occurrence (until I was about 18, I thought it was normal for contrails to stay for at least 6 hours!). These two bases are always heavily guarded and secured, even before 9/11. One of my friend’s dad is an army chemist out there, and he is not allowed to even discuss what he does. The only way I knew that he was a chemist was because he is a doctor and the insignia on his uniform is from the chemical corps. He is very secretive and often disappears late at night to go to work, apparently at a moment’s notice (he has two pagers, a govt. one and his regular one). Aberdeen Proving Grounds is the United States’ largest military testing facility, and Edgewood Arsenal is it’s largest store of arms. I could fill a book with the peculiarities of these two installations.
Bozeman, Mont.
Function: Genetics
Area 51 – Groom Lake – Dreamland – Nellis Air Force Base
Area 51 was said to exist only in our imaginations until Russian satellite photos were leaked to US sources and it’s amazing how you can get photos all over now of it, and even posters. It’s also amazing how much they’ve been busy little bees building this base up.

Function: Stealth and cloaking Aircraft research & development
“‘Dreamland (Data Repository Establishment and Maintenance Land)
Elmint (Electromagnetic Intelligence), Biological weapons research and genetic manipulation/warfare storage, Cold Empire, EVA, Program HIS (Hybrid Intelligence System),BW/CW; IRIS (Infrared Intruder Systems), BI-PASS, REP-TILES,
back engineering of captured space craft propulsion systems, holding area of all alien materials and bodies/prisoners,
Security: Above ground cameras, underground pressure sensors, ground and air patrol
Notes: Operating rooms on several floors, – Complete hospital, fully staffed and has everything imaginable. – The person who gave this info worked as a locksmith in Area 51 for 12 years. He did not see any creatures while on any of the levels, but admits that there were many closed areas that he was not allowed into and he talked to others who said they had seen either actual captured UFOs or own own UFOs and that some thought they had been given freely in an exchange program as it wasn’t possible so many UFOs could n’t have crashed and been recovered in such pristine condition.
Tunnels to: Ft. Irwin, California – Page, Arizona – Tonopah, Nevada – Wiciup, Arizona
S-4 Area in Area 51 Function unknown
Addendum: I have been told by many people (all military) that Area 51 isn’t really where much is going on – or at least the whole “aliens/crashed saucers are there” mystique is a bit hyped because the area is able to be so secured. That illusion is “allowed” and encouraged to focus the energy of the “Conspiracy” people on it and divert snooping into the real hub of action elsewhere (most say Dulce).
The Air Force recently managed to withdraw 3,972 acres of public land from the surrounding desert and absorbed it into the Groom Lake area, making it prohibited to civilians and under military protection. This was in answer to the (government’s) endless battle to keep people from sitting on a ridge that was 10 miles away with telescopic lenses “spying” on the goings-on of the Area and trying to see what all the massive paranoia was about. Double Dog dares, you know….
Also, a bit bizarrely for a place where “nothing is going on”, after the New York 9-11 attack, President Bush the Second issued a statement that would exempt this installation “from any Federal, State, Interstate, Local or hazardous waste laws that might require the disclosure of calcified information concerning that operating location to unauthorized persons…information concerning activities at the operating location near Groom Lake have been properly determined to be classified and disclosure would be harmful to national security. Continued protection of this information is in the paramount interest of the United States”.
2. Blue Diamond, Nevada
Function unknown
3. Fallon Air Force Base area (the flats, near Reno)
“American City”
restricted military sites southwest of Fallon
Function: Suspected Underground UFO Base
Levels: At least seven underground levels
4. Henderson, Nevada – Naval Base
This one’s interesting. I was in Henderson on May 3-4, 1988 on one of my Death Valley/Ghost Town/Photography/Screw the World jaunts. (I love Death Valley). I remembered it vividly because I just got tired of driving and happened to turn off for the night and there I was in Henderson. It was a sleepy, dusty town. I ended up in this strange hotel that seemed like part of an old 1940s horror movie, run by the nicest people you’d want to meet. I love stuff like that. They were so surprized to see a visitor they gave me the room for a few bucks. The next morning (May 4) I left and was about two hours from town, trying to get anything on the radio but static, when I heard a news report that there had been a terrible accident in Henderson and the “marshmallow factory” had blown up, killing several people and causing a massive fire. I couldn’t believe it…I was just there! I just missed it. If I had been my usual Never In A Hurry self, I’d still be there. I saw the smoke not too long after, still driving; Henderson burning hours away.
Then I heard that what had in fact blown up was a government chemical/bomb plant. I was stunned. This sleepy little dusty town had a bomb plant? Huh? I couldn’t find a thing online about the original lie that it was a marshmallow plant. I KNOW they said that – in fact I had called home a few hours after this happened to let them know I was OK because I had called the night before and they knew I’s stayed there. I asked them, now – if they remembered me calling and this story? and they did. It made no sense at all to me. What also doesn’t make sense is how 4,500 tons of ammonium perchlorate can be in the middle of a town and now it’s surrounded by homes. In May, 1991 a huge release of chlorine occurred in Henderson – are we that expendable?
Brian sent me this:
“…. Do you know anything about a NAVAL base out in the middle of the Nevada desert? I want to say Hawthorn, or Henderson, or something like that? About half way between LV and Reno. I was up that way a couple years ago helping out with tech inspection for while making the drive from Vegas to Reno, out in the middle of nowhere, is this damn NAVAL base! Wow, that’s strange I think, so I go though the little town of the same name, and then I see a HUGE lake, also “in the middle of nowhere” and not really looking developed for “public use”. What really weird is that the entire lake looks as if it could be only a few feet deep, VERY slightly angled shores (no steep inclines, like a boat ramp, except from the cliffs of the mountain it sits against) and actually could almost pass for simply a rain or run off”pond” if its acreage wasn’t so big. Yet, out in the middle of this “shallow” lake (starting at the shore of the shallowest looking end), is an almost perfectly straight, dead centered, dead calm “strip” of water (you now the “still waters run deep” expression, its true). Coincidentally enough, this entire end of the lake (about 80% of the lake in fact) is posted,,,yep, you guessed it,, “OFF LIMITS” with the familiar red and white govt issue signs.
Well, the guy that was riding with me to Reno grew up in the Vegas area, and says the rumor is that the Naval base designs/builds super secret submarines, and the “trench” at the end of the lake is in fact the opening of a long underground water tunnel leading back to the base, so they can test the subs in the lake, and “supposedly” this is the deepest lake in the US, or maybe the world”.

Function: Alien interface, Research of mind related functions, genetic experiments, mind control training and reprograming
Levels: 7 Known -
Level 1 – garage for street maintenance
Level 2 – garage for trains, shuttles, tunnel-boring machines and disc maintenance
Level 3 - everyone is weighed, in the nude, then given a jump suit uniform. The weight of the person is put on a computer I.D. card each day. Change in over three pounds requires a physical exam and X-ray.
Level 4 - Human research in ‘paranormal’ areas – mental telepathy, mind control, hypnosis, remote viewing, astral traveling – etc. The technology is apparently here to allow them to know how to manipulate the ‘Bioplasmic Body’ Development of a laser weapon that can remotely cause burns and discomfort on it’s target. They can lower your heartbeat with Deep Sleep ‘Delta Waves,’ induce a static shock, then reprogram, Via a Brain- Computer link.
Level 5 - Alien housing . “…The room is circular for the (electro- magnetic) generator is nearly 200 feet diameter and covers the fifth and sixth levels (extreme west south wing). There (are) five entrances (plus an escape trap door on the sixth floor) on each floor. Each portal has double door. The security is severe. Armed guards patrol constantly, and in addition to weight sensitive areas there (are) hand print and eye print stations. Here, is the device that powers the transfer of atoms.
Level 6 - Level 6 is privately called ‘Nightmare Hall’. It holds the genetic labs. Experiments done on fish, seals, birds, and mice that are vastly altered from their original, forms. There are multi- armed and multi-legged humans and several cages (and vats) of humanoid bat-like creatures up to 7- feet tall. Aliens have taught the humans a lot about genetics, things both useful and dangerous. Level 7 – Humans in cages here, usually drugged or dazed, sometimes crying out for help.
Level 7 is the worst. “Row after row of 1,000’s of humans & human-mixture remains in cold storage. Here too are embryos of humanoids in various stages of development. Also, many human children’s’ remains in storage vats. Who are (were) these people?”
Below Level 7 – Unknown other levels unexplored by humans. Aliens here. Exits into a vast underground cavern series, unexplored by humans, but suspected to be a huge alien culture area.

Tunnels to: Colorado Springs, Colorado Creed, Colorado Datil, N.M. Los Alamos. Page, Arizona Sandia Base Taos, NM
Notes: The Dulce installation (upper levels) was originally constructed by the RAND corp. There are reported to be over 3000 cameras at various high-security locations. Deep sections of the Complex may connect into a natural and extensive underground cave system, which is common in most of these locations

Greenbrier Facility, West Virginia – White Sulfer Springs, W. Va
under the
Greenbriar Resort,
They don’t even hide this one, and it’s even a daily tourist “fun joke”. The Underground vault was built to meet the needs of a Congress-in-hiding – in fact the hotel is a replica of the White House. The underground area has a chamber for the Senate, a chamber for the House and a massive hall for joint sessions. Although the hotel says it gives tours of the 112,000 square area daily, the installation still stands at the ready, its operators still working under cover at the hotel. The secrecy that has surrounded the site has shielded it both from public scrutiny and official reassessment.
From an article by Ted Gup: “House Speaker Thomas Foley, one of the very few in Congress who has been briefed on the Greenbrier facility, declined to comment for this article. But former speaker Thomas P. “Tip” O’Neill says the evacuation plan always seemed “far-fetched” to him. “I never mentioned it to anybody,” O’Neill recalls. “But every time I went down to the Greenbrier — and I went there half a dozen times — I always used to look at the hill and say, ‘Well, that’s where we’re supposed to live in the event something happens, and that’s where we’re going to do business, maybe under the tennis courts.”
Riverton, Wyoming
Function unknown
Tunnels to: Salt Lake, Utah Denver, Colorado
An interesting story:
Sudden Valley, WA - from Sid
“Sudden Valley is a private community with it’s own security, golf course, spa, rec. facilities, etc.
We moved there in 1992. got a job as office manager at the resort headquarters. I got close to all the security force personnel…just cause that’s what I do ;-) I had noticed that an airport was shown on the resort map right next to the road leading to Bellingham. I went past this area almost daily. All I saw was a dirt strip that looked like it had never been used. I was curious!”
“A fellow employee and woman who became a good friend of my wife told us that the CIA had come to her when she was employed at the phone company and requested all the phone records of: Santo Trafficante, Jr, who was an infamous Mafia boss. WHAT? says I. Seems he was living openly in Sudden Valley under his own name and his children going to school in Bellingham. This was at the time the CIA and FBI were seeking him desperately for questioning concerning JFKs murder. No surprise that those diligent agencies were unable to locate the fugitive.I later found out from a friend who moved to Sudden Valley at it’s inception that there were high ranking military folks, including a 4-star Ret. General and ‘many Mafia types living there incognito.’”
“I never could get any answers out of the old timers about this airport. Most told me they were unaware of it’s existance.
Well, what finally happened is that we decided to move in 1996 and we wanted to sell our classic Mercedes-Benz 280 SL before we left. Our neighbor across the street handled the sale of our home and told me that the owner of this airport that no one heard of collected classic Mercedes. He suggested that I go see him. How?, says I. Oh, theres a dirt road off the main highway that takes you to it. It’s not marked.”
“Well, off I went. Sure enough, I found it and followed it about 1/2 mile into the forest. There before me was a fully equipped land and sea plane facility. There were approx. 20 aircraft parked there.I proceeded to the private home that was at the end of the road. Went up to the door and rang…then knocked…then tooted my horn. NADA! Someone was in one of the hangers pounding on a plane. I went there and shouted.No response, but the pounding stopped. I waited for maybe 10 minutes, then left. Next time I went by the dirt road, it was chained off with a big sign saying NO Trespassing. I was told that shortly after we moved, this whole airport and dock port was sold to a private citizen. Keep in mind the caliber of *some of the folks* that reside in SV and it’s proximity to Canada. Perhaps 20 mins away by air.”

The Council of Canadians

Media releases:

[30-Oct-09] Afta NAFTA: Competing Visions for North America
[23-Oct-09] Thumbs up for climate justice
[22-Oct-09] CRTC Fails to Protect Canadians
[22-Oct-09] European consumers warned that trade deal with Canada could be used to weaken GMO regulations
[22-Oct-09] Unprecedented number of Canadians to take part in world's largest political demonstration against climate change

RSS Action Alerts:

Demand the immediate, safe and orderly withdrawal of Canadian troops from Afghanistan
Oppose the Canada-US procurement deal now being negotiated
The Climate Change Accountability Act needs your ongoing support!
Freshwater lakes, not 'tailings impoundment areas
Oppose BC’s Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act

Come celebrate Water Watch’s 10th anniversary with a “Blue Summit” in Ottawa November 27-29.

This is a free event.
Visit www.canadians.org/bluesummit for further details and to register now!
Organized by the Canadian Union of Public Employees and the Council of Canadians.

Ontario Trade Tour October 13 - November 19. Find out when Maude Barlow and Sid Ryan speak in your community »

Take Action for Fair Trade! Here are some sample letters and motions that you can use to get better – and fairer – trade policies in your community. More »
Say bye to buy local - A primer on trade deals impacting Ontario, CUPE Ontario and the Council of Canadians, October 2009

Celebrating Seattle and ten years of working for democracy

Today marks the one-month countdown to the tenth anniversary of what many will remember as N30.
To help celebrate this anniversary of the 'Battle in Seattle', please see this special resource section on our website here.
10 Years Later: The Battle in Seattle and beyond
By Maude Barlow

December 7-18 marks a significant moment in time for global action on the climate crisis. Representatives from 200 countries will be meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark with the aim of getting agreement on common action to address the climate crisis.
The Council of Canadians will be on the ground in Copenhagen, providing updates on negotiations inside the conference and taking part in numerous events and climate justice movement activities happening outside. Read more »

2010 Olympics Should Stand for More

Read about the social, environmental and democratic impacts of the 2010 Olympic Games in our new factsheets here.
Olympics blog postings by Brent Patterson, Director of Campaigns and Communications at the Council of Canadians.

The “Buy America” Boogeyman

Why we’re more concerned with Harper’s solution than we are the alleged problem of spending public money locally. Read more »
NEWS: Barlow criticizes proposed procurement deal with the US » MEDIA: Show us the "Buy American" deal before signing it, demands Council of Canadians »

Council of Canadians opposes Canada-EU trade deal

In May 2009, negotiations were launched for a Canada-European Union trade agreement.
Canadian corporations are looking for better access to the European market without having to meet stricter EU rules. European negotiators want Canadian services contracts, with the aim of transferring the $22-billion our local governments spend annually on public priorities into corporate profits.
An agreement with the European Union would put pressure on provincial governments to privatize public services, including in areas such as water, transportation, child care and public health care.
We need to stop this proposed deal before negotiations can conclude in 2011. Read more »

'Passé the bottled water'

Learn more about how your community can become a Blue Community by resisting public-private partnerships, promoting water as human right at the local level, and banning bottled water in public spaces.
Council of Canadians asks Saint John to be a ‘blue community’, Brent Patterson, October 21, 2009 Take the Tap Water Pledge »

Meera Karunananthan and Angela Giles of the Council of Canadians drink the water in Sandy Pond, NL

Meera and Mike Manning (CoC St. John's chapter contact) hike back from Sandy Pond, followed closely by a Vale Inco ATV.

Action Alert: Save Newfoundland’s Sandy Pond

Q: When is a lake not a lake?
A: When the Canadian Government says it should be a dump for mine waste.
Lakes that would normally be protected as fish habitat by the Fisheries Act are now being redefined as “tailing impoundment areas” according to a 2002 “schedule” added to the Metal Mining Effluent Regulations of the Act. Once added to Schedule 2, healthy freshwater lakes lose all protection and become dump sites for mining waste. In 2006, two lakes in Newfoundland were added to Schedule 2 and more recently two lakes in Nunavut were approved for destruction.
Take Action! Sandy Pond, near Long Harbour, N.L., is next on the hit list. The mine tailings that Vale Inco plans to dump into the lake will destroy the lake, causing irreversible damage. Save Newfoundland's Sandy Pond and tell our government that lakes should not be used as dump sites.
Click here for Environment Canada’s list of 11 lakes proposed for destruction.

WIN! Nova Scotia government announces plans for legislated ban on uranium mining and exploration

The Nova Scotia government has just announced its intention to formalize a provincial ban on uranium mining and exploration in law. The decision is welcome news to Council of Canadians' members and activists who, along with other Nova Scotia residents and organizations, have been pushing the government for a legislated ban to replace a cabinet policy statement that has been in place since 1981. Read more »
Photo: Council of Canadians board member and chapter activist Marion Moore points to a “Uranium: Leave it in the ground!” bumper sticker, which were used in the push for a legislated uranium mining ban in Nova Scotia.

WIN! Simcoe County council votes "to cease construction and all further development of Site 41"

On Tuesday, September 22 councillors heard the echoes of opposition and protest that have resonated across the country and voted 93-13 to cease construction and all further development for the controversial landfill known as Dump Site 41, which threatened to pollute the Alliston Aquifer. This is a tremendous win to stop Site 41 and has been acknowledged as a huge victory in our ongoing battle to protect water. Congratulations everyone!
Read updates from the sessions on our campaign blog.
View photos and read more on Site 41 »
PHOTO: Maude Barlow and and Meera Karunananthan wave goodbye to the equipment leaving Site 41.


SusanThur's Blog : I have my own little world, but it's okay-they know me here


OCTOBER 22, 2009 3:29PM
THE RELIGION OF FEARPDF file --Essay by Jason C. Bivins
When planes failed to fall from the sky, when global computer networks did not unravel, when hordes did not take to the streets, pitchforksand torches raised, to battle over canned goods, much of the United States breathed sighs of disinterest. With the passing… Read full post »
OCTOBER 22, 2009 1:46PM
Congresssional Report- America sold to the High Bidderhttp://www.house.gov/hinchey/AmericaForSale.pdf
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OCTOBER 21, 2009 3:00PM
Taylor Branch discusses his book The Clinton Tape/VideoTaylor Branch discusses his book The Clinton Tape/charlierose video

http://www.charlierose.com/ Read full post »

OCTOBER 22, 2009 3:29PM
THE RELIGION OF FEARPDF file --Essay by Jason C. Bivins
When planes failed to fall from the sky, when global computer networks did not unravel, when hordes did not take to the streets, pitchforksand torches raised, to battle over canned goods, much of the United States breathed sighs of disinterest. With the passing… Read full post »
OCTOBER 22, 2009 1:46PM

OCTOBER 16, 2009 3:15PM
Why is New Orleans important to America?The Port of New Orleans is one of the busiest ports in America. The city is the home of major shipbuilding facilities, a naval base, the nation’s Marine reserve headquarters and the world’s first World Trade Center.
More than 6,000 vessels move through New Orleans annually along the Missi… Read full post »

OCTOBER 1, 2009 11:44AM
Poisonous Politics /Where did'We' Go? by T.FriedmanExcerpts:I hate to write about this, but I have actually been to this play before and it is really disturbing.
The American political system was, as the saying goes, “designed by geniuses so it could be run by idiots.” But a cocktail of political and technological trends have converged i… Read full post »
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OCTOBER 1, 2009 11:29AM
( Dare I say that, off the top of my head, Freidman is to journalism what Lieberman was to the 'Democratic' party )
Contractors That Could be Defunded in Anti-Acorn Bill1 Oct 2009 // Last week, the House inadvertently took a large step forward in protecting taxpayers from misbehaving contractors. The House passed the "Student Aid" bill (H.R. 3221) that also included a ban on entities receiving any federal contracts or grants if they have "filed a fraudulent form wit… Read full post »

SEPTEMBER 26, 2009 1:55PM
ACORN, Blackwater and the accountability disparityThe U.S. House of Representatives voted yesterday to cut off federal funds to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now or ACORN, a national grassroots group that advocates for poor and modest-income families. The House vote of 345 to 75 came three days after the Senate cut off Housin… Read full post »

 Am I Not Human: Taser Justice
The Blogging day on December 4 demanding Taser Justice is timely, and direly needed. The first day of blogging event opened a lot of eyes, but there are more minds that need to be aware of the serious lows taser abuses plummet to on what appears to be a regular basis.
The amounts of murders by taser over the past few years and this year alone is astounding. Calls for congressional hearings have been made in the Afrosphere, and we're still waiting. Can we trust officers to stand for justice or is the overwhelming majority of law enforcement intent on killing with unnecessary deadly force? Aren't officers subjected to Mental Health screenings before they're given positions? And if yes, how is it possible so many have taken blood-thirsty action against innocent citizens?


Make sure your demands for justice are heard?
There are a few actions we can currently take. Please visit the information beyond the links to see which you're able to lend energy to:

Sign the petition demanding a congressional investigation into Taser Torture

Join the March for Dignity (to protest the non-punishment decision of Police renegade Stephanie Phillips who murdered Michael Jacobs. A march for 10,000 people is being called and organized.

Join the December 4th Day of Blogging for Taser Justice.

On behalf of the victims of taser torture who cannot ask on their own because they have been murdered.

Ruins of EmpireA blog for those interested in politics,news,military matters, sci-fi and the world at large. Discussions have a strong leftist bent. Buyer beware....

Thursday, November 05, 2009
New row over Colombia-US accord [Photo]clipped from news.bbc.co.uk
President Uribe's deal with the US has caused concern in the region
Colombian opposition groups have reacted angrily after details of a controversial military deal with the US were made public.
Under the 10-year deal, the US military will not only have access to military bases, but also be able to use major international civilian airports.
US personnel and defence contractors will also enjoy diplomatic immunity.
President Alvaro Uribe says the agreement will help rid Colombia of drugs gangs and left-wing rebel groups.
But leading opposition senator Gustavo Petro, of the left-wing PDA party, said the deal amounted to a virtual US occupation of Colombia.
They reveal that the US military will have access to seven Colombian army, navy and air force bases and also be able to use civilian airports under conditions that have still not been made clear.
The deal has led to a worsening of already strained ties between Colombia and Venezuela.

Venezuela has broken off diplomatic relations with Bogota and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has warned that Colombian military bases could be used by the US to attack his country.

Other countries in the region, including Brazil and Chile, have also expressed concern.

The BBC's Jeremy McDermott, in Colombia, says Colombia is increasingly isolated in the region, but does not seem to care, just so long as it has US support.

Saudi Royal Air Force carries strikes against Yemeni rebels clipped from www.huffingtonpost.com
SAN'A, Yemen — Saudi Arabia sent fighter jets and artillery bombardments across the border into northern Yemen on Thursday in a military incursion apparently aimed at helping its troubled southern neighbor control an escalating Shiite rebellion.
The Saudis – owners of a sophisticated air force they rarely use – have been increasingly worried that extremism and instability in Yemen could spill over to their country, the world's largest oil exporter. The offensive came two days after the killing of a Saudi soldier, blamed on the rebels.
The offensive immediately raised concerns of another proxy war in the Middle East between Iran and Saudi Arabia, a key U.S. ally. Shiite Iran is believed to favor the rebels in Yemen while Saudi Arabia, which is Sunni, is Iran's fiercest regional rival.
The same dynamic has played out in various forms in Lebanon, where Iran supports the Shiite militant Hezbollah and Saudi Arabia favors a U.S.-backed faction, and in Iraq, where Saudi Arabia and Iran have thrown support to conflicting sides in the Sunni-Shiite struggle.

A top Saudi government adviser confirmed "a large scale" military operation underway on the Saudi-Yemeni border with further reinforcements sent to the rugged, mountainous area.

"It is a sustained operation which aims to finish this problem on our border," he said, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue. He said Saudi troops were coordinating with Yemen's army, but Yemen's defense ministry denied the Saudis were inside the country.

The northern rebels, known as Hawthis, have been battling Yemeni government forces the past few months in the latest flare-up of a sporadic five-year conflict. They claim their needs are ignored by a Yemeni government that is increasingly allied wit
Posted by Rafael at 2:59 PM postCount('757358643590299319'); Comments | postCountTB('757358643590299319'); Trackback   [Photo] Links to this post

Monday, November 02, 2009
Jon Krakauer: McChrystal's Explanation For Pat Tillman Cover-up Is "Preposterous" [Photo]
Little attention has been paid to Gen. Stanley McChrystal's back-story and his rise to the height of military command of U.S. troops in Afghanistan. Before becoming the voice of gravity and a champion of higher troop levels in the eight-year long war, McChrystal's resume was sullied by a controversy in that same theater: the misclassified death of Pat Tillman.
McChrystal was the head of Special Operations command in Afghanistan during Army Ranger (and former football star) Pat Tillman's death. McChrystal was the one who approved paperwork awarding Tillman a Silver Star despite knowing (or at least suspecting) that he had died in fratricide and not, as originally determined, enemy fire.
This was once a big embarrassment for the army and, to a lesser extent, McChrystal himself (though he has copped to making an innocent mistake). But when the general was elevated to top spot in Afghanistan this past spring, relatively few publications revisited the affair.

That may change. On Sunday, journalist Jon Krakauer joined the Meet the Press panel to discuss his new book on Tillman's death called Where Men Win Glory. Krakauer offered a harsh assessment of McChrystal's conduct during that period and even stressed that the General's explanations upon reflection were "preposterous" and "unbelievable."

Red and Gold added to Free Gallery


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India's Mahabharata is 2300 years old and the longest book in the world. If you have never read it this one verse sums it up nicely
"Yudhishthira has a vision of the age to come: “I see the coming of another age, where barbaric kings rule over a vicious, broken world; where puny, fearful, hard men live tiny lives, white hair at sixteen, copulating with animals, their women perfect whores, making love with greedy mouths. The cows dry, trees stunted, no more flowers, no more purity; ambition, corruption, the age of Kali, the black time”

This one by the Dog Poet who may soon overshadow Mark Twain!
I am frightened for you, humanity. I wouldn’t wish on you what you are going to get; in your indolence, as your Kentucky Fried ass melds with the plether of your Lazy-boy recliner.
Stories Of Interest From Around The Web I Consider Worth Reading

Veterans Today A Difficult Dilema & Not Much Time To Explain It
Reincarnation Of The Soviet Union
Veteran Mike Gaddy On Fort Hood
3 People Involved In Fort Hood Shooting
Burgenmeister Not Allowed To Speak In Austria But Allowed On TV In Europe
Saudi Wahabbis Using White Phosphorous In Yemen
French People Launch Felony Lawsuit Against Vaccine Murder Contre X
Abomination Of Desolation: Copper Deficiency
Ft Hood Shooter Bush Advisor: Duffster Veteran's Today
Jeff Gates Criminal Nation
I Feel Like I'm Fixin To Die, Country Joe And The Fish
Dynamite Info On the Flu From Euro-Med
190 Swedes In Hospital After Shot, 1 Dead So Far
Johnny Punish
Stewart Rixon I Am Going With Him On The Fort Hood Killings
Veteran's Today On Fort Hood Killings
Urgent Health Bulletin
Restless Vagina Syndrome? Big Pharma Can Fix It! LOL
Veteran's Today On Fort Hood Killings
Sorcha's Take On Fort Hood Shooting
Flu News from Poland, Greece,  Finland and Czechoslovakia
Reisistance to flu shot is growing, 90% of nurses refuse
From Fort Hood To Ramakrishna
The Golden Age
Shooting At Fort Hood (November the 5th) Very Odd
Veteran's Today Sounding Like Rense.com
Moshe The Psychic
Ukraine Calls For Help One Million Infected With Hemorrhagic Pneumonia
Tenn Nurse: Patients Faces Sagging After Shot
Two More Swedes Drop Dead After Flu Shots
Mexico Is Buying Their Vaccine From China
20 Year Old Norwegian Woman Dies After Flu Shot
Queen Elizabeth Is Hitler's Niece
Baxter Works On AIDS Settlement In Japan, Ya Can't Stop Them
J. Edgar Steele Is Still Alive
Reflictions In A Petri Dish
Vaccinations Caused 1918 Spanish Flu
Passing through the Kingdom of the Prince of the Air
Pilot Aspartame Alert
Yamantau Mountain
Urbansurvival Swine Flu
Pravda.ru America Declines Into Marxism
Model Arrives In Moscow Only To Have Her Organs Sold
Babes With Bullets
Severe Hemmorhagic Pneumonia In Ukraine, Lungs Fill With Blood
Unknown Flu In Ukraine 70 Dead 258,000 Affected So Far
Russia Simulates Nuclear Attack On Poland
Graphic Footage Of Squalene Damaged Fetus
1976 Swine Flu Shot, On TV Once & Never Seen AgainThe
Dresden Holocaust
Walmart Cutrate Funerals (Cradle To Grave Service)
Whose Your Daddy Angie? Is It Der Fuhrer?
New Form Of Energy Collection
Smart Choices Believes You Are A Froot Loop
Terrahertz Waves Tear Apart DNA
Half Of All Americans Want New Party, Well Golly Gee
Chems Knockout Passengers On British Airways
Body Parts Still Washing Up On Canada Beaches
Israelis Descend On Al Aqsa Mosque
More On Lady Gaga
Pakistan Blames Blackwater For Market Blast
Plague Locusts At Biblical Proportions In Australia
Turkey Tilts Toward Iran And The East
Napolitano Cuts Ribbon For New Cyber Center, NSA Domestic Monitoring
Ukraine Schools Close Swine Flu Deaths 700 In One Week
Nuke Gaza
Dees Illustration
Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor
The War For Muslim Gold
News From The West
Treason Betrayal And Deceit
The Media Death Spiral More Good News To Follow
UFOs Filmed In Iraq
Kenny's Side Show A Soldier's Revolt
Israeli Thought Police Declare War On The Web
Time For Adults To Run The World
Cancer Therapy When The Man Gives Up On You
Where Are The Missing Trillions
Veteran's Moving Wall Comes To Middle Tennessee
Belfast Boy Rushed To Hospital After Swine Flu Shot
Walmart Nation: Fluoride, Aspartame, Vaccines, Teflon, Mercury, MSG
Prisoners To Be Vaccinated: Prison Overpopulation 
Are Americans Ignorant About U.N. Agenda 21?
Japan Allying With China: Good bye $, Toiyotas And PNA
Western Astronomy Fraudulent: Electric Sun Verified, (Thunderbolts)
Three Shot Killer Vaccine Created By WHO
N.Y. Forced Vac Halted Linked To Goldman & Sachs Scheme
Veterans Today: 911 Deception
The Shot Heard Round The World
Pravda Says EU Brainwashed By Corp News
List Of Obama Czars
Hate Speech On Parade
Brit Expert On Iran Nukes Slips 120 Feet To Death Oops!
All Scots To Get The Jab Return Of Long Shanks
He Kept Breathing
Anxiety VaccineSoon $$$$$$$$$
The Red Sky Prophecy
The Cloud Buster
Doctors Won't Give Swine Flu Shot
Fluoride Killing The Brain Of Babies
Aspartame In Drinking Water
Secret Prison Diego Garcia: Are Your Neighbors Missing?
American Propaganda
Selling The AIDS Virus
Cell Phones Worse Than Smoking: The Great Dying Continues
NASA Moon Spy Busted By The FBI
The 17th Amendment
V. Markovnikov Discovers Thimersol In 1928 Russia
Organ Theft From Moldava to Palestine
The Rise Of The Stupids And The Fall Of Rome
The Anti Christ
Kaminski: The Ship That Saved The World
No HIV/Aids Another Big Pharma Scam
Russia & India To Develop Invincible Missile
The Yellowstone Super Volcano
Obama To Cede U.S. Sovereignty
War Is Peace 2+2 Is 5 O'Brien
Czar Depopulation Through Vaccine
Is Baxter Preparing Nano Chips For The Vaccine?
Plato's Cave
Media Silence On Another Topic
Bolivia Summit: Drops The Dollar, New Currency
Financial Armageddon
Obama Calls Biush's Entire Life An Inspiration
Our Sacred Trust And The Greater Promise
Sexual Diversity To Be Prmoted: The Great Dying Continues
Gardasil For Boys: The Great Dying Continues
No Increase For Retirees: The Great Dying Continues
Vietnam The Soldier's Revolt
Young House Wife Crippled By Flu Vaccine (Video)
Lucifer Rising
Counter Currents ( Caroyln Baker )
The Irish Vote Was Rigged
North Pole Ice Cap Gone In 10 Years
German Army Refuses Flu Vac: Contains Nano Microchips
Cellphones Cause Brain Tumors
MadCow In CA Raccoon Population (The Great Dying Continues)
Vaccine Biggest Scam In History Of Medicine
Marine Veteran No Humiliation Americans Will Not Accept
Nurses To Sue N.Y. Over Vaccine
Sex And The Single Mind
Godmen And The Sheeple
Science For The Heretics
Hitler's Buddy Putzi Hanfstaengl A British Agent
Donar Organs: Cancer, Madcow, Hepatitus
Becoming Easier To Sue Forced Vaccine Psychopaths
Red Bull Drink=Instant Death
Gun Free America
Giant Database
Telecom Spying Arm Of The Government
Celestial Time and EM Fields
Lawsuit To Block Swine Flu Vaccinations
Organ Harvesting
The Nobel Prize
The Not So Nobel Prize
When The Man Comes Around
The British Rise Up Against Vaccine
Vaccinated Pets Contracting Rabies
Internet Threatens Europe TV Channels
Vaccine Kills Another Girl In Britain
First Move EU, Secret Police State Setup, What A Surprise
The Great Dying Begins
Cliff High Alert
Nobody To Vote For
Obama Angry At McChrystal
IAEA Says Israel #1 Threat To Peace
America Is Seething
1st Soldier Dies of Swine flu: 1 in 3 Pregnant Women Die
Vaccines Laced With Anti-Fertility Drugs
More Body Bags To The Indians
French Telecom Workers Commit Suicide wearing WIFI Phones All Day
No Shot No School In New Jersey As In N.Y
Margarine Causes Severe I.Q. Decline In Children 
YucatanEvidence Of Rapid Sea Rise
New Schwabenland
New Berlin In Antarctica?
Safeway Stores Join Depopulation Effort
Vaccine Adjuvant Squalene Will Sterilize You
Monster With Unknown DNA Captured In Mexico
Baking Soda Maple Syrup Cancer Treatment
Gregori Rasputin & Dark Forces
The Cancer Cure Has Been Found!
Nato Builds Global Army
Running With The Devil
The History Of The Rothschilds
As far as rumormillnews goes let the buyer beware, a story is a story
Norwegian Politician: 2 Million To Go Underground, Nibiru Incoming
Stewart Rixon Pin Points The Anti-Christ (I am stumped!)
Dr. Mercola On The Vaccine
Czar Says Constitution Allows For Compulsory Abortion 
Jospeph Moshe Claims Swine Flu Vaccine Is Bioweapon
Cyber Army Attacks The Web
The Seeds Of Destruction
Death by Wifi
Bail out Newspapers or blogs will run the world
Chikungunya virus is spreading
Dr. Andrew Moulden: Avoid all shots, clogged vessels and strokes
Organ harvesters again caught in the act in Algeria
Venezuela threatens to shoot down drug planes
Israel losing trust in the United States
This one from Sorcha but is it true or not? The missile shield was dropped and meetings did take place
Obama pleads for Russian help says Israel out of control
New Study Says Fish Can Get Mad Cow Disease


WIN! The SPP has been defeated!

The North American leaders summit – where Canada, the United States and Mexico met to discuss progress on the Security and Prosperity Partnership – took place August 9 and 10 in Guadalajara, Mexico and Canadians knew almost nothing about it.
The SPP is dead, Stuart Trew, Rabble.ca, August 19, 2009
The SPP has been defeated! Campaign blog post by Brent Patterson, August 14, 2009
Watch videos of the protest and updated factsheets at www.IntegrateThis.ca.

WATCH: The Council of Canadians: 2009 In Review video
WATCH: The re-broadcast of the Council of Canadians AGM
On Oct. 23, rabbletv broadcast live the opening session of the Council of Canadians' Annual General Meeting. Watch speeches from Maude Barlow, John

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