IPS - Inter Press Services
- LEBANON: Migrant Women Dying on the JobBEIRUT, Nov 21 (IPS) - October and November have been bloody months for Lebanon's migrant domestic workers - over the last five weeks nine women have died. Most deaths have been reported as suicide.
- POLITICS: U.N. in Final Push for 2015 Development ...UNITED NATIONS, Nov 20 (IPS) - A special U.N. summit of world leaders, scheduled to take place next year, is expected to make "a final push" to help reach the world body's widely-touted development goals by the targeted date of 2015.
- CLIMATE CHANGE: Health at RiskHAVANA, Nov 20 (IPS) - The impacts of climate change on human health will require new approaches to development, based on mitigation and adaptation programmes in line with policies that ensure equal access to health care.
- RIGHTS-MEXICO: State Held Responsible for Three J ...MEXICO CITY, Nov 20 (IPS) - The families of three young women murdered in Ciudad Juárez, in the northern Mexican state of Chihuahua on the border with the United States, had to wait eight years for justice, which they finally obtained through the inter-American system.
- BOTSWANA-POLITICS: I Lost the Election, But I Am ...GABORONE, Nov 21 (IPS) - When Kgomotso Mogami threw her name into the hat to contest the Gaborone Central parliamentary seat it was easy for many people to write her off.
Scoop - NZ
- Maori Party looking at the big picture ?As far as the public's concerned, Hone Harawira is the Maori Party's biggest political management problem at the moment. But the party's facing a bigger, more important decision at the moment than whether the MP for Te Tai Tokerau should stay or go. It's deciding whether it should vote yes or no on ...
- Nat petroleum strategy: Drill, baby, Drill !National has released its petroleum strategy. It appears they plan to further lower our already low royalties to encourage foreign oil companies to come here, dig up our finite our reserves as fast as they can and make off with huge profits. Just about the dumbest attitude you can have to irreplacea ...
- UK: Youth Unemployment TimebombFear of youth unemployment rising above 1 million in the new year yesterday prompted Gordon Brown to use the last Queen's speech of the parliament to promise more money to ease the impact of the recession on the young.Some of the money will come from £2bn the Treasury has saved because the overal ...
- GEAB39: Systemic crisis - inflation, taxation, or .....in the absence of major reappraisal of the international monetary order, the world is now entering the phase of geopolitical dislocation of the global systemic crisis. In 2010, as protectionism and the economic and social depression will gain momentum, a large number of States will be compelled to ...
- Google challenges Skype in VoIPGoogle is about to challenge Skype for the global "free" internet phone call crown.The giant of search has bought, for a reported $30 million, Gizmo5, the VoIP technology developed by Michael Robertson, famed during the dotcom boom for his controversial free music site, MP3.com.Skype, now owned by a ...
Independent ( London )
- Italian police arrest two linked to Mumbai attacksItalian police today arrested a Pakistani father and son accused of helping fund and providing logistical support for last year's terrorist attacks in Mumbai.
- Kercher murder accused could face life sentencesProsecutors are expected to request life in prison for an American student and her former boyfriend accused of killing a young British woman in Italy.
- Sri Lanka to release 136,000 war-displaced TamilsSri Lanka will release 136,000 ethnic-minority Tamil war refugees on 1 December, allowing the civilians to leave squalid and overcrowded government camps after a half-year detainment, a top official said today.
- China mine explosion kills 42 and traps 66At least 42 miners were killed and 66 remain trapped 500 metres underground following a gas blast at a mine in China early today.
- Chavez praises Carlos the JackalHugo Chavez has defended the alleged terrorist mastermind Carlos the Jackal, saying the Venezuelan imprisoned in France was an important "revolutionary fighter" who supported the cause of the Palestinians.
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- Ahmadinejad rejects threats, embraces talksSummary: While embracing more talks over Iran's nuclear issue, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad rejects threats as part of a continuing campaign of psychological warfare against Tehran. source: Press TV read more
- IAEA Hopes to Rescue Third Party Enrichment Deal W ...Summary: The persistent reports of Iran’s final rejection of the draft third party enrichment proposal has been greatly exaggerated, it would seem, and officials are scrambling to put forth a last ditch effort to rescue the proposal. source: AntiWar.com read more
- US behavior contradicts its change motto: Rafsanja ...Summary: Rafsanjani TEHRAN (ISNA)-The recent behavior by the US government is in contradiction with its President's change motto, said Chief of Iran's Expediency Council. source: ISNA read more
- Zionist Control of Britain’s Government: 1940-20 ...Summary: Cook This week the British people listened to the Daily Mail’s Peter Oborne present, on Channel 4, his devastating account of the Jewish lobby’s control of their government. Now we know that virtually all the principal politicians in the UK of both parties, like their brothers acros ...
- In Brussels, P5+1 discusses Iran nuclear programSummary: Solana Western powers leading nuclear negotiations with Iran have met in Brussels to discuss Tehran's latest reaction to a proposal for enriched uranium exchange. source: Press TV read more
The Daily Galaxy
- Buried Antarctica "Alps" Point to Hyper-Speed Glob ...An international team of experts have mapped a huge, incredibly old location, mentioned in the notes of a Russian explorer from half a century ago, buried under hundreds of meters of ice. In an amazing break with tradition this process...
- Titanic Thirty-Meter Telescope 12 x's Hubble To Pr ...We're building a billion dollar telescope and it isn't just aimed at the stars: it's looking for the first ones. The new Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) proves that sometimes bigger really is better and will be elements in the optics...
- Will Dark Energy Fuel Spaceships of the Future? -A ...The internet was amazed by images of the world's first warpship recently, and if you're wondering how science got past the fiction so quickly, remember how Leonardo is credited with inventing the helicopter? Despite not knowing any of the relevant...
- 'Hobbits' a New Human Species -- Statistical Analy ...Professor Mike Morwood created an international storm with his discovery of Homo floresiensis -- dubbed the Hobbit because of its small size and big feet -- on Flores, an Indonesian island, in 2003. The archaeologist said the Hobbits, who were...
- Will NexGen AI Have Unintended Consequences? -A Ga ...What could a criminal do with a speech synthesis system that could masquerade as a human being? What happens if artificial intelligence technology is used to mine personal information from smartphones? AI is becoming the stuff of future scifi greats:...
Natural News
- Twenty-one questions about mammograms, cancer scre ...(NaturalNews) There's a lot of talk about mammograms and cancer screenings this week. A U.S. government task force altered its recommendations, saying that women under 50 should receive no mammograms at all because the risk of harm far outweighs any promise of saving lives. This, in turn, led to a v ...
- Aspirin kills 400% more people than H1N1 swine flu(NaturalNews) The CDC now reports that nearly 4,000 Americans have been killed by H1N1 swine flu. This number is supposed to sound big and scary, motivating millions of people to go out and pay good money to be injected with untested, unproven H1N1 vaccines. But let's put the number in perspective: ...
- It's already too late to shut the door on GM foods(NaturalNews) A report from the British Royal Society has been released that urges support for genetically-modified foods by the British public in order to address what it deems the world's growing demand for food. The report also reveals the disturbing reality about just how far genetically-modifie ...
- Making Mouths Smile: Green Tea may Help Prevent O ...(NaturalNews) Green tea lovers like to grab a steaming hot cup of the stuff because it tastes so good in their mouth; now, they can grab it because it's so good for their mouth. According to a study recently published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research , people with precancerous oral lesions ...
- Cancer industry desperately needs mammogram screen ...(NaturalNews) Any time you threaten to take away repeat customer from the businesses that make up the cancer industry, you're in for a political fight. After the United States Preventive Services Task Force released new recommendations advising against mammograms for women under 50 (and recommending ...
- Shoes droppingColvin's testimony was alarming and the Conservative Party response, true to form, abysmal and disgusting. But there are shoes yet to drop regarding Afghan prisoners. So far the discussion seems to be around what happens to prisoners after Canada hands them to the ANP or ANA. The next shoe to drop w ...
- Jalopnik would like to know . . . .JALOPNIK WOULD LIKE TO KNOW — and so would I — just what is that woman doing in the back seat of her $524,000 (US) Maybach Zeppelin? Sorry to be a fountain of ignorance, but I haven't the faintest idea. What do you think? Coke? Crank? Crack?
- GOP goes nuts over ACORNTPM HAS A REAL THIGH-SLAPPER — Poll: Majority Of Republicans Think Obama Didn't Actually Win 2008 Election -- ACORN Stole It! According to Eric Kleefeld, The new national poll from Public Policy Polling (D) has an astonishing number about paranoia among the GOP base: Republicans do not think Presi ...
- Agora AgonyLast Rites: Even with God's help, this shopping center in Pahrump, Nevada, probably cannot be revived. THE DESIGN OBSERVER is one of the more thoughtful web sites dedicated to the appreciation of design of all kinds. Mark Dery has an article, titled " Dawn of the Dead Mall ", where he proclaims " T ...
- Be Careful What You Ask For . . . .It appears members of the GLBT community in Texas will be enjoying a bit of schadenfreude in the near future. You're gonna love this one, gang, via McClatchy today : Texas' gay marriage ban may have banned all marriages Dave Montgomery | Fort Worth Star-Telegram | November 18, 2009 AUSTIN — T ...
Media Matters for America
- Quick Fact: Hannity falsely claimed Gore was wron ...In an interview with British filmmaker and climate change skeptic Phelim McAleer, Sean Hannity falsely claimed that Al Gore's statement that a 2007 ruling by a British judge about Gore's documentary An Inconvenient Truth , in Hannity's words, "favored his point of view" was "absolutely false." ...
- Quick Fact: Hannity falsely suggests Democratic he ...Sean Hannity responded to a statement by Democratic strategist Jacques DeGraff that "We're on the threshold of taking care of 31 million Americans who don't have health insurance" by claiming that "It's actually 12 million" who would get insurance. From the November 20 edition of Fox News' Hannity ...
- Quick Fact: Fearmongering about rationing, Baier f ...Special Report host Bret Baier falsely claimed that recently released cervical cancer screening guidelines were promulgated by a "federal panel," adding that those guidelines "open the door to this conversation about rationing." Additionally, Mara Liasson suggested that that the Senate health care ...
- Limbaugh distorts apparently stolen emails to fals ...Rush Limbaugh -- who had previously condemned the "thugs" who hacked then-Gov. Sarah Palin's email account -- joined right-wing bloggers in touting a series of emails that were apparently stolen from the UK's Climate Research Unit [CRU]. Limbaugh proceeded to distort at least one of the emails in o ...
- In LA video, O'Keefe and Giles expose their own di ...In making public a video he withheld for more than two months, right-wing activist James O'Keefe finally acknowledged that a Los Angeles ACORN employee "would not assist us obtain a house for our illegal activities" -- an admission that directly contradicts claims by his colleague Hannah Giles that ...
Global Research.ca
- CALGARY: Lecture on "War & the Global Economic Cri ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- MONTREAL: Conference by Malalai Joya, former Afgha ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Please Support Global ResearchFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- CANADA; Dangers of the H1N1 Vaccine Revealed: Mor ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Afghanistan's bravest woman calls on US to leaveFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- Obama's Mideast Failure: What's Going On?George Mitchell's job as Middle East Special Envoy has got to be terribly frustrating for a man whose life story has been one success after another. But the Israel-Palestine conflict tends to be a career destroyer. Former Secretary of State... Middle East - Israel-Palestine - United States - Am ...
- Levin and the War TaxLast week I related a fable about War, Taxes and the City State of Florence, the point of which is that when you start taxing the rich for the wars, the wars happen less often. Carl Levin gets behind the... Carl Levin - United States - Rush Limbaugh - Taxation - History
- What is Sarah Palin's Future in American Politics?A friend of mine who is the publisher of a very successful news site has a joke: In the future the Internet will consist entirely of Sarah Palin slide shows. Anyone who's ever had occasion to look at traffic statistics... Sarah Palin - United States - Alaska - Government - Executive Branch
- Palin's Blame GameSarah Palin did not write Going Rogue. And neither did her ghost writer, evangelical author Lynn Vincent. They may have put the words on the page, but they did not control the message of the book. It's obvious to anyone... Sarah Palin - Ghostwriter - United States - Author - Government
- The Great Disconnect Between Stocks and JobsHow can the stock market hit new highs at the same time unemployment is hitting new highs? Simple. The market is up because corporate earnings are up. Corporate earnings are up because companies are cutting costs. And the biggest single... Stock market - Business - Unemployment - Investing - S ...
- Protests Don't Stop UC Regents' 32 Percent Fee Hik ...Surrounded by campus police dressed in protective riot gear and armed with beanbag guns, hundreds of student protesters at UCLA Thursday chanted "Shame on You, Shame on You" toward the building where the UC Regents had just voted to raise tuition and fees by $2,500 over the next year. read more
- Depleted Uranium and the Medical Mismanagement of ...The United States insists that weapons containing depleted uranium (DU) pose no health hazards to exposed populations. This charade persists because an artful propaganda matrix has infiltrated and corrupted certain aspects of the radiation and biological sciences. The facts which follow will introdu ...
- Venezuela Blows Up Two Bridges Along Colombia Bord ...Venezuelan forces destroyed two pedestrian bridges that spanned the border with Colombia, further heightening tensions between the two countries that have been at odds since Colombia agreed to allow the US military to expand its presence on Colombian bases. read more
- Protests Don't Stop UC Regents' 32 Percent Fee Hik ...Surrounded by campus police dressed in protective riot gear and armed with beanbag guns, hundreds of student protesters at UCLA Thursday chanted "Shame on You, Shame on You" toward the building where the UC Regents had just voted to raise tuition and fees by $2,500 over the next year. read more
- Robert Reich | Harry Reid, and What Happened to th ...First there was Medicare for all 300 million of us. But that was a non-starter because private insurers and Big Pharma wouldn't hear of it, and Republicans and "centrists" thought it was too much like what they have up in Canada -- which, by the way, cost Canadians only 10 percent of their GDP and c ...
- Invasion of the Fish Snatchers?Bighead carp are one of two non-native species of Asian carp causing widespread concern among Great Lakes advocates. The other is silver carp. Great Lakes advocates are calling it a “ conservation emergency ” now that non-native Asian carp have been detected within seven miles of Lake Michigan ...
- MSNBC to Air 2 Hour Special on Animal Conservation ...Writing for GreenOptions I sometimes get contacted by PR firms wanting to promote projects. Sight unseen I usually shrug them off, I happen to only write about items that I have seen or used, and can feel good about endorsing. When MSNBC contacted me the other day with a preview of a new special o ...
- Green Holiday Gifts: CarbonFree Certified Coffee G ...If you’re looking for an easy gift idea that supports your ideals and is delicious while doing it, we recommend sending gift boxes from Grounds for Change to the coffee lovers on your list this year! Every single bean that they roast is Fair Trade Certified, Organic Certified, CarbonFree Certi ...
- The Western Lake Erie WaterkeeperOne of the leading voices in the campaign to rescue Lake Erie from dying again is a persistent, thoughtful, dedicated water protector promoting awareness of the Lake’s benefits, supporting lighthouse restoration, fighting resurgent algae and proposed new pollution sources, and seeking funding to ...
- Green Books Campaign: The Lazy Environmentalist on ...This review is part of the Green Books campaign . Today 100 bloggers are reviewing 100 great books printed in an environmentally friendly way. Our goal is to encourage publishers to get greener and readers to take the environment into consideration when purchasing books. This campaign is organized b ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- Rain gardensNow that’s practical conservation! Rain gardens for everyone.
- Robotic Showcase for Scottish Water in AlvaWater quality engineering firm Panton McLeod Forward-thinking officials at utility giant Scottish Wa
- ILE-affiliated professor part of $1.2 million gran ...[Source: The Coloradoan] The U.S. Department of Agriculture has awarded CSU $1.2 million in grants t
- Streaming in from the blogosphereA couple of updates from the blogosphere: Meredith McKenzie posts an update at ArroyoLover from two
- Events in Ballona-landTree planters, grab your shovels and head out to Ballona Creek and Cochran Avenue tomorrow morning
Public Citizen in Texas
- You CAN teach an old dog new tricks . . .Las Brisas Energy Center, a proposed pet coke power plant, is still in the midst of a protracted permitting process which most recently has taken the form of a state hearing. Opponents have claimed that projected pollution from the proposed plant has been under-estimated by engineers. Testimony ...
- EPA Should Use Clean Air Act to Address Climate Ch ...Statement of Tyson Slocum, Director, Public Citizen’s Energy Program *Note: Tyson Slocum is delivered this statement today at a public hearing held by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on regulating greenhouse gas emissions from new and existing industrial facilities under the Clean Air Act ...
- Austin has a dirty secret Happy Hour WednesdayWednesday afternoon from 5-7 pm, let’s get together to discuss how to make Austin’s Dirty Secret a secret no more! Join us at Spider House for our group’s first ever happy hour meet-up (complete with dirty drink specials!). We’ll discuss our plans for convincing City Council to phase out Fay ...
- Copenhagen Summit: The First Step to a Journey of ...Finally, Global warming is getting some international recognition. Since the Kyoto Protocol is about to expire in 2012, the UN, with help of the Danish government, is organizing an international summit about global warming. The summit will be held on December 7th through the 18th at the Bella Cente ...
- Texas Progressive Alliance Weekly Round UpThe Texas Progressive Alliance is starting to feel an odd craving for can-shaped servings of cranberry sauce as it brings you this week’s highlights from the blogs. TXsharon continues to follow the abuses of Aruba Petroleum in a Barnett Shale backyard and Wednesday the Wise County Messenger picked ...
Press TV
- Israel arrests 5 top PA intelligence officersFive senior Palestinian General Intelligence Service officers have been detained by Israeli forces near the West Bank village of Salfit in an overnight raid.
- Anti-Iran resolution draws criticism from NAM, OIC ...The Non-aligned Movement (NAM) and the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) have condemned a UN anti-Iran resolution on human rights violation.
- Iran to launch largest aerial defense maneuverIran is scheduled to launch a large-scale joint aerial defense maneuver in an attempt to prepare itself for any potential attack against the country.
- Iraqis demonstrate to slam election law vetoThousands of Iraqis have poured into the streets in the southern province of Basra as well as the holy city of Najaf in protest of a decision to veto the election law.
- China has no plan to cut oil imports from IranChina says it has no plan to decrease its oil imports from Iran -- the world's fifth largest crude exporter.
Axis of Logic
- Neoliberalism and the Dynamics of Capitalist Devel ...
- Revelation
- Why U.S. occupation cannot transform Afghanistan o ...
- The smell of misery and the sense of hope
- The Rhetoric of Change in Japanese Politics
They Gave Us a Republic
- The Long Climb BackThe damage done by the Bush administration to the rule of law occurred over a few years - relatively quickly in legal terms. Repairing it will be a much longer task, as repairing always is. For more on pruning back executive power see Pruning Shears . No Associated Press content was harmed in the ...
- The Nightowl NewswrapIf it does create a black hole that destroys the planet, at least we won't have to listen to Caribou Barbie anymore. "The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiment has been re-started after a hiatus of 14 months. Engineers have now made two stable proton beams circulate in opposite directions around th ...
- How to Save the Economy and Wrap Up 2010 Elections ...As Digby has repeatedly shown, people blame Obama for the financial crisis, even though he didn't cause it or approve the initial Wall Street bailout. This is accurate and fair for two overwhelming reasons: Tim Geithner and Larry Summers. Hiring those two Wall Street shills to oversee the U.S. eco ...
- "Torture for Tantrums"Juvenile program officials can lose millions in federal funding by failing to use carefully-taught passive restraints on children. But cops can tase them with impunity. The 10-year-old girl throwing a temper tantrum her mother was too lazy to deal with didn't actually die from the tasering, but tha ...
- Showing the Jihadis What We're Made OfGlenn Greenwald finds definitive proof for the torturing-people-hurts-our-cause argument he's been making for five years now. The British journalist Johann Hari has written an absolutely vital article for The Independent, examining a growing movement of former hardened Islamic militants who are now ...
Care 2
- Hackers target leading climate research unitThe e-mail system of one of the world's leading climate research units has been breached by hackers. E-mails reportedly from the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit (CRU), including personal exchanges, appeared on the internet on Thursday. Submitted by Katie Miller to World | Note ...
- Debt: And you think you've got it bad?Bankruptcy may seem like strong medicine, but debtors in the US have it relatively easy. Public humiliation, years of re-education, even jail await deadbeats abroad. Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to Business | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- The Cost of Dying - Watch 60 minutes this sunday - ...(CBS) One of the biggest problems in health care is that many Americans are "dying badly," says Dr. Ira Byock. He says many Americans spend their last days in an intensive care unit, relying on uncomfortable machines or surgeries to prolong their lives Submitted by Tierney Grinavic to Health & Well ...
- Copenhagen climate conference: key factsWhat you need to know about climate change and the Copenhagen climate conference. The Copenhagen summit aims to limit the global temperature increase by no more than 2C. Without action it will increase by 6-7C by the year 2100 Submitted by Katie Miller to World | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- "Obama Euphoria Officially Ends" - Public Debate - ...There is a widening gap occuring between President Barack Obama and his citizens in the United States and abroad, but there are those who still insist he is a viable political figure. This heated public debate has been created to reveal these issues. Submitted by SirRobert THE FIFTH KNIGHT to US Po ...
- Climate Counts and the Green Race to the TopIf climate regulation will burden businesses or increase costs, then why are so many companies strengthening their voluntary response to the climate crisis in the midst of an economic downturn?
- New, Green 'Safe Spoon' Goes Where Normal Utensils ...SpoonLidz has developed a new, paperboard spoon touted as an alternative to plastic or bio-based spoons and which cannot be used to cause harm.
- In a Rare NGO Merger, GreenBlue and Metafore Join ...GreenBlue, which focuses on facilitating sustainable product design and materials sourcing, has acquired Metafore, a nonprofit that specializes in sustainable paper purchasing, are joining forces to further influence sustainable design and procurement.
- US Uses Less Water Than It Did a Generation Ago As ...The United States is using less water than it did 35 years ago, which is a good thing given the rising concern about water issues among investors and stakeholders worldwide, new information released this week shows.
- SocialCycling Program Launched To Reuse Non-Recycl ...The new SocialCycling program from consultant firm DMD Green will route non-recyclable products and materials out of waste streams and toward companies and artisans that can reuse them to make new products.
Reuters Global
- Haider’s heirs disown troubled Hypo bankThe Austrian province that enjoyed a big payout from the part sale of Hypo Group Alpe Aldria during the reign of hard-right leader Joerg Haider now refuses to put more cash into the ailing bank.
- The two faces of Angela MerkelChancellor Angela Merkel was recently named the world's most powerful woman by Forbes magazine. But the German leader sometimes shys away from tough decision at home.
- Dream job or snake pit? UN appoints new spokesmanIt's not uncommon for journalists at some point in their careers to cross the barricades and become the people who dish out the news as spokespersons for an organization or firm, rather than being on the receiving end. It requires a different set of skills that can make the transition tough, and a s ...
- Does the EU need another president?The fact that European Union leaders have not yet reached a consensus on who should become president of the 27-nation bloc, with time running out before a summit on who should be given the post, has compounded my belief that they should scrap the idea all together. During the horse-trading of the ...
- Can the West salvage Karzai’s reputation?The election was the sort of travesty that can’t be easily swept under a rug. A U.N.-backed probe concluded that nearly a third of votes cast for Karzai were fake.
Ezra Klein
- Tab dump1) Sarah Palin's foreign policy doctrine, or lack thereof. 2) A small win for Ron Wyden and choice. 3) Brad DeLong is puzzled by America's political economy. 4) Paul Krugman on the "phantom menace," though not the one you're thinking of. Recipe of the day : My family won't go for this, but I alw ...
- Excise tax: 'a rare win-win opportunity'That's economist Jonathan Gruber's take, anyway. He's got a new analysis of the revised excise tax that's present in the Senate plan. The takeaway numbers are that the tax is expected to raise net worker wages from 2013 through 2019 by $234 billion, resulting in an average wage increase of $700 per ...
- The worst policy idea in the world gets a bit bett ...Harry Reid's bill has made a number of complicated changes to the free-rider provision, a.k.a. The Worst Policy Idea in the World . The Center for Budget and Policy Priorities says these tweaks make the free rider a bit better, although others disagree with that analysis, and the whole thing is so b ...
- Inflation and the FedIn general, the Fed's behavior tends to track the Taylor Rule , which is an economic formula based off a mixture of unemployment and inflation. Don't worry, there's not going to be a quiz. Suffice to say that the situation remains bad enough, and strange enough, that the Taylor Rule implies the Fe ...
- Mary Landrieu gets $100 million from health-care r ...It's nice to be an undecided senator in a 60-vote Senate: Sen. Mary Landrieu's state of Louisiana is still ailing years after Hurricane Katrina devastated its largest city. So Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid could be killing two birds with one stone by including in his health care bill $100 milli ...
Booman Tribune
- Be Classy, Chuck GrassleyYou know what would be classy? Max Baucus, the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, is in Montana caring for his ailing mother. That seems important to me. I think Max should stay in Montana for as long as he feels it is necessary. I think the Ranking Member of the Finance Committee, Chuck ...
- Are You Ready for the Health Care Debate?I generally agree with Jay Cost's analysis on where the health care bill stands right now. His analysis also supports what I've been saying about the general strategy of maintaining momentum by postponing the toughest votes as long as possible. It looks very likely that Harry Reid will get unanimi ...
- Wingnut of the DayYou might be a wingnut if you vote against a bill to prevent the transmission of the HIV virus from mother to baby because HIV-positive babies are a good way to teach mothers about the dangers of promiscuity. Making the following Tweet just confirms your wingnut status: "Don't for a second think ...
- Something to RememberThe Republican governors got together in some god-forsaken place called Lost Pines, Texas, to discuss their collective futures and the prospects for winning more state houses in the November 2010 elections. Adam Nagourney was there, and he wrote about it. AdNags was most impressed by the lack of e ...
- Selling ReformIf I can leap ahead a bit here, in anticipation of Harry Reid actually passing health care reform (something that is far from assured), the Democrats are going to have to defend their votes for this bill, while the Republicans will have to defend their votes against it. Because a lot of the provisi ...
European Tribune
- Feed-in Tariff Caps as a Rent-Creating ProgrammeFollowing Luis de Sousa's front-paged diary Adventures with Solar Micro-Generation, it is astounding to see...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 21 ...A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in history:1694 – Birth of...
- Friday Open ThreadHey, it's soon the week-end!...
- Europe is Doomed! Special 'Nobodies' Edition[Europe.Is.Doomed™ Alert] With the nomination of Herman van Rompuy and Catherine Ashton to the two...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 20 ...A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in history:1858 – Birth of...
- Publishing economics round-upOK, here’s another link-collection post, but there’s more of a theme to this one: I noticed I had a whole bunch of pieces about the economics of publishing, so why not shove ‘em together and see what juxtapositions we get? We’ll start with this article discovered at TechDirt, an impassioned ...
- 3D object scanning using an ordinary webcamJust in case you thought Tom Maly’s speculations about fabrication tech eradicating Fed Ex were a stretch too far, and that the technologies required are no where near ready… well, you might have a point. But even so, 3D technologies are developing rapidly and cheaply, as demonstrated by some pe ...
- Tomorrow’s world: the demise of Fed-ExThose of you in the States may not be aware (or even care) that the staff of Royal Mail were recently engaged in wildcat strikes as a protest against the machinations of their management. Much as a lot of us have sympathies with their plight, it’s hard not to see them supplying the nails for [...] ...
- IBM brain simulations reach cat equivalencyYou can’t so much as turn sideways without stumbling over this story, especially in the transhumanist and Singularitarian neighbourhoods of the web, and with good reason. So let’s just cut straight to the meat of it: Scientists, at IBM Research – Almaden, in collaboration with colleagues from ...
- The Surprising Range of RobotsI’ve been invited to join a panel on robotics at the upcoming Orycon Science Fiction Convention, so I decided to write about them here, too. I also have a story coming out soon in Analog, called “The Robots’ Girl,” which started when I read an article complaining about robots being develop ...
Therapy News
- Oklahoma Gears Up for New Certification Regulation ...A GoodTherapy.org News Summary In many different specific fields, counselors can provide their clients with valuable mental health services that can have a positive and profound impact on personal health and well-being. But sometimes, those without proper training, education, and experience are allo ...
- Study Examining Effects of Distress on Brain may H ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, has been gaining attention recently as its prevalence among military personnel becomes more widely known, but this mental health concern is certainly not limited to men and women in the armed forces. Able to effect people of al ...
- World Health Organization Expresses Concern over M ...A GoodTherapy.org News Summary The late summer and early fall seasons in the Philippines were especially cruel in terms of weather this year, inundating the region with a series of tropical storms and floods that killed scores of people and left many others in a state of devastation. That state, unf ...
- Review Finds Women More Prone to Post-Stroke Depre ...A GoodTherapy.org News Headline Having a stroke is an event that’s likely to cause mental and emotional difficulties; whether it’s apprehension at being hospitalized, loss of memory or function, or any number of associated issues, stroke can greatly impact mental well-being. In some cases, strok ...
- WHO Wants Better Mental Health Services for WomenA GoodTherapy.org News Headline The World Health Organization, in an effort to identify health issues in need of reform around the globe, has recently released a report on the state of women’s health, particularly in poor and middle-income countries. Citing broad instances of medical health issues ...
Mountaintop Removal
- Mountaintop removal mining protests going national ...Mountaintop removal mining protests going national Linex Legal (registration) ... protests at Environmental Protection Agency headquarters and across the country Friday to demand the end of mountaintop removal mining in Appalachia. ...
- Senator seeks pressure in mine permit battle - Bec ...Senator seeks pressure in mine permit battle Beckley Register-Herald “I used to think mountaintop removal might not be too good a project,” he said in a floor speech. “You tear up a lot of things and do a lot of blasting. ... and more »
- Coal Isn't Dead--By a Long Shot - ForbesCoal Isn't Dead--By a Long Shot Forbes ... it would immediately strengthen oversight of surface coal mining--a big step toward enacting a ban on the extreme practice known as mountaintop removal . ... and more »
- A Growing Climate Change Movement Emerges - trutho ...A Growing Climate Change Movement Emerges truthout “Coal is really just a symbol of what we have to do with all the fossil fuels, and if we can't win on mountaintop removal , then there's very little hope ...
- W.Va. coalfields residents criticize blasting - Th ...W.Va. coalfields residents criticize blasting The Associated Press The mountaintop removal mine site on Coal River Mountain has been the subject of intense dispute between Richmond, Va.-based Massey and environmentalists. ... and more »
- Bay Area not maverick enough to read Palin book (S ...Steve Rubenstein / San Francisco Chronicle : Bay Area not maverick enough to read Palin book — It might as well have cooties. Hardly anyone wants to touch the thing, or even get close to it. — The new autobiography by moose hunter and failed vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin i ...
- Utah lawmaker claims he doesn't 'mind' ... (Zaid J ...Zaid Jilani / Think Progress : Utah lawmaker claims he doesn't ‘mind’ gays, but 'I don't want ‘em stuffing it down my throat all the time.’ — Earlier this month, the Church of Latter Day Saints made headlines when it threw its support behind a measure in Salt Lake City that barred †...
- UC Berkeley students take over building (San Franc ...San Francisco Chronicle : UC Berkeley students take over building — (11-20) 12:56 PST BERKELEY — A group of about 60 UC Berkeley students and supporters barricaded themselves inside Wheeler Hall early this morning in the most dramatic display of disobedience on the campus since the UC rege ...
- The CRU hack - As many of you will be aware, a lar ...RealClimate : The CRU hack — As many of you will be aware, a large number of emails from the University of East Anglia webmail server were hacked recently (Despite some confusion generated by Anthony Watts, this has absolutely nothing to do with the Hadley Centre which is a completely separa ...
- SITE NEWS: Droid, iPhone, and Pre: meet the new Te ...Today we're introducing Techmeme Mobile , a new mobile version of Techmeme optimized for popular smartphones. Techmeme Mobile loads much faster on phones thanks to a sparser page format in which tabs and "Discussion" links load on demand. In addition, button-sized headline links make it nicely suite ...
Energy & Environment News
- Industrialized Nations Unveil Plans to Rein in Emi ...Prior to a climate change meeting scheduled for Copenhagen, industrialized countries, except the United States, are offering targets to curb greenhouse gases.
- National Briefing | Southwest: Texas: Plant Will N ...A southeast Texas industrial disposal facility has suspended its plan to import and incinerate up to 20,000 tons of hazardous waste from Mexico, a company official said.
- Ukraine Raises Fees on Russian GasKIEV, Ukraine — Ukraine announced on Wednesday that it would double the fees that Russia must pay to transport natural gas through Ukrainian territory to the rest of Europe, raising the possibility of a new feud between the countries that could lead to another disruption in the flow of gas this wi ...
- Seas Grow Less Effective at Absorbing EmissionsThe Earth’s oceans have recently grown less efficient at sopping up carbon dioxide from fuel emissions, new research suggests.
- Business of Green: Storm Over the ChamberThomas Donohue, the United States Chamber of Commerce’s president, expressed hostility toward climate legislation, which led several businesses to resign in protest.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 5.5, Halmahera, IndonesiaThursday, November 19, 2009 01:14:37 UTC Thursday, November 19, 2009 10:14:37 AM at epicenter Depth : 14.60 km (9.07 mi)
- M 5.0, Hokkaido, Japan regionSaturday, November 21, 2009 04:16:22 UTC Saturday, November 21, 2009 01:16:22 PM at epicenter Depth : 300.50 km (186.72 mi)
- M 5.0, Prince Edward Islands regionThursday, November 19, 2009 00:05:24 UTC Thursday, November 19, 2009 02:05:24 AM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 5.1, Kermadec Islands, New ZealandFriday, November 20, 2009 23:16:04 UTC Saturday, November 21, 2009 11:16:04 AM at epicenter Depth : 87.40 km (54.31 mi)
- M 5.6, north of Ascension IslandFriday, November 20, 2009 19:31:28 UTC Friday, November 20, 2009 06:31:28 PM at epicenter Depth : 15.00 km (9.32 mi)
China Dialogue
- Putting innovation into reverseCompanies from the developed and the developing world face threats from growing “green” protectionism. John Elkington looks at how one corporation hopes to address the problem. The great American inventor Thomas Edison said: “Restlessness is discontent and discontent is the first necessity of ...
- A watershed momentThe world’s largest hydropower project will soon reach its final dimensions. Peter Bosshard draws a number of conclusions from the experience of the Three Gorges. Later this year, the water level of the Three Gorges reservoir is scheduled to reach its final height of 175 metres. After 27 million c ...
- Can the US match China’s efforts?Dialogue between the two countries has produced some positive examples of green collaboration, but Obama still needs to show leadership on climate. Hou Yanli explains how. US president Barack Obama’s first state visit to China and his joint announcement with Chinese president Hu Jintao have renewe ...
- China debates the downturnDiscussions about the path to economic recovery expose a rift between the advocates of “rebalancing” and those who argue job creation should override green concerns. Leo Horn-Phathanothai reports. Dreadful as their consequences are, economic downturns are not always all bad news. For one, they t ...
- Obama’s China momentThe US president can use his first China trip to find new ways for the two countries to jointly build a low-carbon economy, writes Joshua Wickerham, but only if he focuses on common opportunities. As US president Barack Obama visits China, he has the opportunity to appeal to both countries’ growin ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- Naomi Klein: 'No Logo' RevisitedIn the new introduction to the re-release of her classic book, 'No Logo,' Klein explores how ad culture has thrived and adapted in the past decade.
- 20 Weird, Crazy Ideas for Helping the EarthMany ideas for stemming environmental catastrophe have turned out to be impossible, dangerous, or just … ridiculous.
- The War on Soy: Why the 'Miracle Food' May Be a He ...Vegetarians aren't the only ones who should be concerned; there's soy in just about everything you eat these days -- including hamburgers, mac 'n cheese and salad dressing.
- Dobbs' Resignation Was Long OverdueMy problems with Dobbs surfaced more than two years ago, during the debate over the last version of immigration reform.
- Army Sends Mom to Afghanistan, Infant to Protectiv ..."This would do irreparable harm to her child. I think they are doing this to punish her."
Threat Level
- Prosecutors Drop Plans to Appeal Lori Drew CaseFederal prosecutors in Los Angeles have filed a notice that they do not intend to pursue an appeal in the Lori Drew cyberbullying case, thus ending the controversial and lengthy case. “We have a notice with the 9th Circuit that we are withdrawing our notice of appeal in the case,” a spokesman f ...
- MPAA Says Copyright-Treaty Critics Hate HollywoodIf you don’t back a copyright treaty being negotiated in secret, you must want to destroy Hollywood, its blockbuster movies and all the jobs they create. At least that’s the message from the Motion Picture Association of America. It’s spelled out in a Thursday memo to the Senate Judiciary Com ...
- Hacked E-Mails Fuel Global Warming DebateAn online debate over global warming science has broken out after an unknown hacker broke into the email server at a prominent, U.K. climate research center, stole more than a thousand e-mails about global warming research and posted them online. Global warming skeptics are seizing on portions of t ...
- Feds Charge Three With Comcast.net HijackingThree alleged members of the hacker gang Kryogeniks were hit with a federal conspiracy charge Thursday for a 2008 stunt that replaced Comcast’s homepage with a shout-out to other hackers. Prosecutors identified Christopher Allen Lewis, 19, and James Robert Black, Jr, 20, as the hackers “EBK†...
- Judge Calls Bull on ‘Psycho-Acoustic’ Beatles ...A federal judge dealt what may be a death blow to a Santa Cruz, California, company marketing Beatles music and other tunes as 25-cent downloads, despite the company’s claim that the tracks were computer-generated cover versions produced by a process called “psycho-acoustic simulation.” EM ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Obama job approval rating drops under 50 percentWASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's job approval rating has dropped below 50 percent in a second major poll in an indication he is suffering from the long healthcare debate and weakness in the economy, Gallup said on Friday.
- BUY OR SELL-Can Dell rebound as PC spending return ...SAN FRANCISCO, Nov 20 (Reuters) - Dell Inc shares fell 9 percent on Friday after the company posted weaker-than-expected quarterly profit and sales, as it lost share in the global personal computer market.
- Canada money launderer shows holes in Vegas casino ...LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Las Vegas has cleaned up since its days as a magnet for ill-gotten mobster gains, but a Canadian insider trading scam has exposed the smaller-scale money laundering still going on in the desert city's casinos.
- ANALYSIS-Google phone strategy takes off, challeng ...* Android OS on 12 phones; 12,000 plus apps available
- Healthcare bill faces first Senate testWASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate will cast its first crucial test vote on healthcare reform on Saturday, with Democrats close to reaching the 60 votes needed to overcome Republican opposition and open debate.
Pine River World News
- Islamabad under pressure over Blackwater presenceIntelTrends - The following article is from Press TV, Tehran. Islamabad under pressure over Blackwater presence © Press TV November 20, 2009 19:11:30 GMT Islamabad is under pressure to meet a deadline to explain the alleged sanctioning of the presence of a notorious U.S. security contractor, ...
- PAKISTAN: Americans buying land around IslamabadIntelTrends - The following article is from the Daily Times, Lahore, Pakistan. Americans buying land around Islamabad, NA body told © Daily Times By Irfan Bukhari November 20, 2009 ISLAMABAD - The National Assembly Standing Committee on Human Rights was told on Thursday that American nationals ...
- Turkish military alleged to have used fake imams i ...[ Blogmaster note : Although this article pertains to Turkey, this type of activity is surely occurring in other countries as well.] IntelTrends - The following article is from Today's Zaman, İstanbul. Military plot aimed at exploiting religion © Today's Zaman By Yasemin Budak November 19, 20 ...
- What is Norway Oiling in Zanzibar?The following commentary is reprinted with permission from the author. The article appears in the current edition of The African Executive , Nairobi. What is Norway Oiling in Zanzibar? © Chambi Chachage November 18, 2009 Zanzibar is back on the national and international agenda. Of course it has ...
- 'Afghan quagmire negates U.S.-Iran war'IntelTrends - The following article is from The Jerusalem Post. 'Afghan quagmire negates U.S.-Iran war' © The Jerusalem Post By Yaakov Lappin November 18, 2009 The U.S. is too bogged down in Afghanistan to engage Iran militarily over its nuclear program, an ex-CIA South Asia expert and current ...
- IOT: Healthcare for All November CallIn this call Terry O' Neill from the National Organization of Women (NOW) joined us to talked about the Stupak amendment which was included in the heathcare bill in house. Also Mary Grace Farley joined ...
- Repeal the Hyde AmendmentBy Mary Grace Farley The “Repeal Hyde” Action Group supports adoption of Medicare for All with all abortions included and funded as the essential medical service it is. We work proactively, aggressively and creatively ...
- 2010: A progressive strategy to winBy Brent Budowsky | The Hill Progressives throughout the nation should rally around a strategy that could bring a surprise victory in the 2010 elections with a clear electoral plan and a program that is patriotic, ...
- Hackers Won’t Quit, Neither Will WeAuthor’s Site Hacked Following News of Gaza Book Release Just as news of the early release of a book about Gaza was made public, hackers mobilized, taking down the personal website of the prominent Palestinian ...
- KSM and MSMBy David Swanson | AfterDowningStreet.org Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and the corporate “mainstream” media make quite a pair. We’re hearing a very “balanced” debate over whether KSM should be tried in New York City, and whether ...
Marler Blog
- E. coli Lawsuit Filed in Maine Against Fairbank Fa ...
- Settlement Reached in Yet Another E. coli Raw Milk ...A confidential settlement was reached yesterday in the following outbreak: On May 12, 2008 the Lawrence County Health Department (LCHD) was notified of a case of HUS in a child with a history of bloody diarrhea. The health care provider reported that the child had consumed unpasteurized goat’s mil ...
- Alamosa Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Leaky Water ...A state report has indicated the city of Alamosa ignored a recommendation to have a deteriorating drinking water tank inspected years before the 2008 outbreak that sickened hundreds. The final Department of Public Health and Environment Report on the outbreak was released Wednesday along with an Ex ...
- Government Accountability Project (GAP) Speech of ...I am the Luncheon Speaker Friday (I always find it odd when I am asked to speak over a meal). Here is the outline of Speech at The Government Accountability Project (GAP) - videos can be found on right. The Government Accountability Project (GAP) is a 32-year-old nonprofit public interest group th ...
- S 510 - FDA Food Safety Modernization Act "Mark-up ...It has been a busy few days. I spent all day and evening Wednesday trying to resolve a number of E. coli O157:H7 cases involving the Barbecue Pit and Nebraska Beef in South Georgia - made some progress, but not there yet on all the cases. This morning was the deadline given to the insurers to reso ...
- REPORT: Tesla Motors planning IPO "soon"Filed under: Earnings/Financials , Tesla , Electric Tesla Roadster - Click above for high-res image gallery Rumors about Tesla's plan to go public have been circulating since 2008, but a down stock market seemed to put a damper on the start-up's IPO. Now, the word on the street from Reuters is tha ...
- AutoblogGreen for 11.20.09Greenlings: What's the difference between kW and kWh? The h makes all the difference. Japan EV Club creams Tesla range record with Tokyo to Osaka run How long will this one stand? ...
- AutoblogGreen for 11.19.09Officially Official: Aptera production pushed back to 2010 Not a surprise, but not good news, either. Tesla Roadster donates tire squeal sounds to two new video games Vroom. ...
- John Surtees pilots electric Ginetta G50EV through ...Filed under: Coupe , Performance , Etc. , UK , Celebrities , Electric Ginetta G50EV and John Surtees at the Channel Tunnel - click above for high-res gallery Electric cars have been around for over 100 years, and Britain's Beaujolais Burlington Run has been going on for 37. The Channel Tunnel betw ...
- Five Axis offers up Aerius body kit for 2010 Toyot ...Filed under: Aftermarket , Hybrid , Hatchback , Toyota Five Axis Aerius Prius - Click above for high-res image gallery If you don't win the charity auction for the Aemulus-modified Prius, but want something flashy for your 2010 model, take a look at the Aerius Prius that made its debut at SEMA thi ...
Rafe's Radar
- Reporters' Roundtable Podcast: Tech biz turkeysWhy is it that as Thanksgiving approaches, when we should be focusing on the good things in our lives, journalists take the opportunity to talk about what's bad? I don't know, but I do know that I'm not immune to the trend. This week on the Reporters' Roundtable: tech business turkeys! Unlike t ...
- Liveblog today: Google Chrome OS press conferenceStarting at 10 a.m. PST, Google plans to reveal technical details and launch plans for its upcoming operating system. CNET's Rafe Needleman will have a running commentary. Originally posted at Webware
- Going rate for acquisitions at Intuit: $170 millio ...When selling a company, it helps to know the buyer's sweet spot. We know Intuit's.
- Six Apart releases tiny blog tool, TypePad MicroNew Chroma theme, designed for short posts, available for free under the new TypePad Micro brand. Originally posted at Webware
- Crowdsourcing cartography with PublicEarth and Ope ...Can a crowd of amateur mappers create better guidebooks and maps than professionals? Signs point to yes. Originally posted at Webware
Camera Obscura
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so frequ ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and the ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces of ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion in ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigorous ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmine's ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of pro ...
- Dangerous spaces: Safe.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935029/dangerous-spaces-safe.html September 1, 2004... For me, the problem is always in content; we want to define the perspective of a film solely through its content, and not through its form. --Todd Haynes No matter how much we desire, wit ...
Democracy Now!
- Hungering for a True Thanksgiving“In the next 60 seconds, 10 children will die of hunger,” says a United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) online video. It continues, “For the first time in humanity, over 1 billion people are chronically hungry.” The WFP launched the Billion for a Billion campaign this week, urging the 1 ...
- Lou Dobbs Resigns From CNNThe controversial TV anchor has resigned from CNN amid a campaign to force him off the air due to his reporting on Latinos and immigrants. Past Democracy Now! Coverage of Lou Dobbs: Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez’s 2007 interview with Lou Dobbs Amy Goodman’s column ‘The Dubious Mr. ...
- The Man Who Put the Rainbow in 'The Wizard of Oz'Thanksgiving is around the corner, and families will be gathering to share a meal and, perhaps, enjoy another annual telecast of “The Wizard of Oz.” The 70-year-old film classic bears close watching this year, perhaps more than in any other, for the message woven into the lyrics, written during ...
- "First as Tragedy, Then As Farce": Philosopher and ...Dubbed by the National Review as “the most dangerous political philosopher in the West” and the New York Times as “the Elvis of cultural theory,” Slovenian philosopher and public intellectual Slavoj Žižek has written over fifty books on philosophy, psychoanalysis, theology, history and po ...
- The Tortured Logic Continues“Extraordinary rendition” is White House-speak for kidnapping. Just ask Maher Arar. He’s a Canadian citizen who was “rendered” by the U.S. to Syria, where he was tortured for almost a year. Just this week, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, in New York City, dismissed Arar ...
Farming Pathogens
- A Visitation of the InfluenzaIn seeping through the world’s every nook and cranny, pandemics have a way of forcing themselves into our lives as a lurking presence. Even the most insular of functionaries, who typically makes his living solving problems by ignoring them, straightens up and takes notice. Â Â As an epidemic ...
- I Do Like Green Eggs and HamMuch of what we’ve addressed on this blog has focused on the epidemiological failures of industrial farming. But what of the alternatives? Can we farm in another way? Is another world possible? Â Â It’s only since I’ve moved to the Midwest that I’ve learned that not only is that world p ...
- Heart of ModelingGreed is often mistaken for humanity’s heart of darkness. Look instead to the rationalization that transforms the most rapacious pillaging into an act of benevolence. A one-ton bomb dropped on a peasant wedding party is dissembled into regret without responsibility or, baser yet, a tough love offe ...
- Bird Flu’s Industrial RevolutionPublic talks can be private affairs. In sharing our work we bare the triumphs and limits of a thinking born in long hours alone or with a few fellow conspirators sworn to secrecy. But in breaking our oaths we are able to take the next step. In talking bird flu twice this past month I learned [... ...
- The Agro-Industrial Roots of Swine Flu H1N1Mexico appears ground zero for an outbreak of deadly human-specific H1N1. Of the over 1400 people that have been reportedly infected there so far, 86 have died. Short chains of transmission of the virus have also been reported in California, Texas, Kansas, Ohio, New York City, Canada and New Zeal ...
Digg Green
- 5 Major Companies Innovate By Going GreenMajor companies going green include Starbucks, Kimberly-Clark, Timberland, Nissan and Starbucks. These multinationals aren't without their problems or critics, but they seem to be trying to adopt greater corporate sustainability and responsibility.
- U.N.: Giving Out Free Condoms Can Help Stop Global ...That's the UN's plan; so what would you rather do - wear a Trojan or drive a Prius?
- Unbelieveable Underwater River - VideoFrom professional diver Anatoly Beloshchin in a cave at Cenote Angelita, Mexico: We are 30 meters deep, fresh water, then 60 meters deep – salty water and under me I see a river, island and fallen leaves… Actually, the river, which you can see, is a layer of hydrogen sulfide.
- Climatologists Baffled by Global Warming Time-OutGlobal warming appears to have stalled. Climatologists are puzzled as to why average global temperatures have stopped rising over the last 10 years. Some attribute the trend to a lack of sunspots, while others explain it through ocean currents.
- Cigarette Butts Toxic to Fish Need another reason to quit smoking? Cigarette butts, one of the most ubiquitous forms of garbage in the world, have been found to be toxic to saltwater and freshwater fish.
Invisible Opportunity
- The Hour of Judgment and the Hour of NeedBy Les Visible When I look at Obama; Hillary Clinton, Geithner, Bernake and most of the world’s leadership; the movers and shakers, the front guys and the puppeteers and elves, I don’t see human beings any more. I see reptile aliens moving under the elastic, plastic human simu-skin. I see what m ...
- Self Interest and the Keys to the KingdomBy Les Visible We know that those who create the wars are doing it for profit or some sort of gain including the actual financial end, which tends to follow in any case, whatever their other purposes may be. Actually these lives are sacrificed and the blood is spilled to gain the favor of invisible ...
- Unconfirmed reports of large numbers of deaths fro ...Unconfirmed reports are coming in that thousands of people in what appears to be a rural area under quarantine in the western Ukraine have been killed by vaccines. A Ukrainian woman who crossed into neighbouring Poland told people there that she had driven into the Ukraine to meet a friend but was ...
- Aspirin kills 400% more people than H1N1 swine fluBy Mike Adams The CDC now reports that nearly 4,000 Americans have been killed by H1N1 swine flu. This number is supposed to sound big and scary, motivating millions of people to go out and pay good money to be injected with untested, unproven H1N1 vaccines. But let’s put the number in perspective ...
- My boy’s agonising death after virus vaccina ...By ULRIKE REINHARDT and MARCUS HEYL With trembling hands, the distraught mother stroked the yellow bear which belenged to Finlay – her beloved son. The little boy died two weeks ago at the age of 21 months after having a vaccination against swine flu. // Doctors reported the case to the Paul Ehrli ...
Care2 Picks
- BAD BUSINESS--The palm oil scandal: Boots and Wait ...Retailers complicit in environmental damage caused by industry, World Wide Fund for Nature says Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to Business | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- CORPORATE CRIME IN ECUADOR: Oil Giant Is Gone, Leg ...The story began almost 40 years ago, but when filmmaker Joe Berlinger "saw villagers eating canned tuna fish because the fish in their rivers were too contaminated to eat, [he] knew [he] had to do something". Submitted by Cal Mendelsohn to Business | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Globalization: Diseases Spreading From Humans To A ...Globalisation and industrialisation are causing diseases to spread from humans to animals, a study has shown. Submitted by Simone D. to Science & Tech | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Toxic Junk: From Our Homes to Our LandfillsAre you like many of us? Holding on to that old T.V. or computer? Maybe you have cans of old paint you don't know how to get rid of. We all know we have to properly dispose of them, but what is the best way Submitted by Lone Wolf to Environment | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Native American veterans sought for ‘Words of War ...BOSTON – An anthropology professor at the University of Massachusetts Boston is inviting Native American veterans to participate in an anonymous online survey to track the relationships between Native American history, colonial wars, and U.S. military Submitted by Lone Wolf to Society & Culture | ...
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afg ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency ? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in Afghanistan Sri Lanka ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United Press ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan , Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more »
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA new ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more »
- An Evolving Afghan Policy - American ChronicleAn Evolving Afghan Policy American Chronicle ... triumph for the forces of Islamic extremism, al-Qaeda would once again gain a foothold, and the return of the Taliban would likely destabilize Pakistan . ...
- Schools close in Pakistan following university bom ...Schools close in Pakistan following university bombings Emirates Business 24/7 ... in Pakistan after suspected militants bombed a university close to the capital, sowing fear across the country as the army presses a major anti- Taliban ... and more »
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- Army Sends Mom to Afghanistan, Infant to Protectiv ..."This would do irreparable harm to her child. I think they are doing this to punish her."
- Dobbs' Resignation Was Long OverdueMy problems with Dobbs surfaced more than two years ago, during the debate over the last version of immigration reform.
- New Right-Wing Craze: Using Bible Quote to Pray Th ...A new slogan is making its way onto t-shirts and even teddy bears: 'Pray for Obama: Psalm 109:8,' which reads, 'Let his days be few; and let another take his office.â€
- Maddow: Anti-Muslim 'McCarthyism' Making Us Less S ...Wave of prejudice among Republican politicians may actually be frustrating anti-terrorism efforts Maddow says.
- Economic Crisis Is Getting Bloody -- Violent Death ...Despite ever rosier economic predictions and a surging stock market, the body count from the economic crisis is destined only to grow in the weeks and months ahead.
Sideways News
- Wastewater 'a valuable source of energy'Wastewater can be a valuable source of raw materials and energy rather than simply a by-product, according to one researcher.
- YouTube adds full-length TV showsYouTube today (20th November) introduced 4,000 full-length television shows to its online video-sharing site, including episodes from Peep Show, Father Ted and Hollyoaks. The new area, called Shows , will see the Google-owned site play full-length episodes of British content for the first time, foll ...
- New species of crocodile revealedA fearsome 20ft crocodile equipped with three sets of fangs that existed in northern Africa millions of years ago is one of three species revealed by researchers this week. The pre-historic animal was unveiled by Paul Sereno of the University of Chicago and Hans Larsson of McGill University in Montr ...
- Second chance for Hadron ColliderScientists are preparing to give the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) project a second chance, as the major experiment kicks off again today (20th November). It is hoped that the £6 billion instrument, which is based at Cern near Geneva, has recovered from the problems that blighted its original launch ...
- Andrew Motion to chair Booker Prize panelThe Man Booker Prize for Fiction for Fiction judging panel will next year be chaired by former Poet Laureate Sir Andrew Motion , it has been announced. Sir Andrew said it was "an honour" to be asked to chair the panel, which this year gave the award to Hilary Mantel for her historical novel Wolf Ha ...
Fabius Maximus
- A phrasebook for translating Washington into Engli ...Here’s a helpful guide for American’s reading the latest news from Washington, provide by Lewis Lapham in his book Lights, Camera, Democracy! (2001) — a book I strongly recommend every American read. Although written many years ago, it’s still current because nothing significant ...
- FM newswire, 20 November – News you can useToday’s broadsheet from the FM website pressroom. There are 4 sections, all with hot news. Links to interesting news and analysis Quote of the Day — Goldman’s contempt for us Another quote of the day — Capitalism is dead Featured article of the day Plus, an Afterword (I) Link ...
- We destroy a secular regime in Afghanistan (& its ...Here is a fascinating interview with Mohammed Najibullah, President of Afghanistan from 1986 – 1992. See his Wikipedia entry for more information. The full article is worthwhile reading! “Revisiting Afghanistan: A Conversation with Najibullah“, Alan Brody (22 years with UNICEF), Virgin ...
- FM newswire for 19 November – news you can u ...Today’s broadsheet from the FM website pressroom. Links to interesting news and analysis Quote of the Day – seeing America more clearly from a distance Plus, an Afterword (I) Links to interesting news and analysis (a) After 8 years of war, somebody asks about the bills: “H ...
- Another look in the mirror at AmericaToday’s reading explains the origins of American’s dysfunctional public policy, from Lewis Lapham’s Lights, Camera, Democracy! (2001), a book I strongly recommend every American read. He paints portraits of us. Insightful, although they’re seldom pretty.   Let’ ...
sibeledmonds - tweets
- sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Show Presents Author & ...sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Show Presents Author & Journalist Joe Lauria on the latest involving UN, Afghanistan & More! http://boilingfrogspost.com
- sibeledmonds: Jamiol Presents - http://shar.es/ai3 ...sibeledmonds: Jamiol Presents - http://shar.es/ai34R
- sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Post asks YOU:Verizon' ...sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Post asks YOU:Verizon's Spamdetector: A kind of “No Fly” list for emails?Let us know what U think: http://boilingfrogspost.com
- sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Reports ‘How we ...sibeledmonds: Boiling Frogs Reports ‘How we discovered Verizon's Spamdetector could be twisted into a disguise for censorship’ http://boilingfrogspost.com
- sibeledmonds: Notes from the High Lonesome: US War ...sibeledmonds: Notes from the High Lonesome: US Warrantless Wiretap Program & the growing Surveillance Regime http://boilingfrogspost.com
WIRED Magazine | Science
- World’s Largest Earthquake-Safe BuildingThe world’s largest seismically isolated building, the new international terminal at Istanbul’s Sabiha Gökçen Airport, is now complete and open for business. Stretching over more than two million square feet, the terminal doesn’t sit directly on the soil, but rather on top of more than ...
- Sushi DNA Tests Reveal FraudA biologist walks into a sushi bar and orders some tuna. What does he get? Escolar, a nasty fish with buttery flesh that can cause bizarre episodes of diarrhea, accompanied by a waxy intestinal discharge. It’s not a joke. It happened five times to the same scientists during a brief research proj ...
- Ghostly Bones of Galactic Feast RevealedA new infrared image of the galaxy Centaurus A reveals the gassy, ghastly bones of a galaxy that it consumed several hundred million years ago. The parallelogram of stars leftover from the collision had been obscured by dust. But using new processing techniques in the near-infrared part of the spec ...
- When Good Rockets Go Bad> In the grand scheme of human space programs in Russia and the United States, catastrophic failures are relatively rare. But they are often quite spectacular and make a big impression on the public and on the funding for space exploration. The explosions in the videos we’ve ass ...
- Malaria Gaining Resistance to Best Available Treat ...WASHINGTON — Malaria that is resistant to the best available drug is more widespread in Southeast Asia than previously reported, new research shows. The worrisome finding poses a risk that travelers could carry this strain of the malaria parasite to other parts of the globe and unwittingly spread ...
The Progressive Realist
- What Leverage Does Ownership of US Assets Give Chi ...I agree with Stephen Walt’s overall point that part of what we’re seeing on Barack Obama’s Asia trip is that the Bush administration’s squandering of American national power has increased China’s status vis-a-vis the United States. That said, there’s a particular thread in his comments t ...
- Iran's Crisis of ResistanceThe "war on terror" was pretty great for Iran's hardliners. The Bush administration's 2002 inclusion of Iran in the "Axis of Evil" was a major blow to Iranian moderates, discrediting their calls for U.S.-Iran rapprochement and supporting the claims of Iran's hard-liners that engagement with America ...
- Yandex Provides Data on the Russian BlogosphereThe wildly popularly Russian search engine Yandex has released another useful report on the Russian blogosphere based on its search data. While it is nearly silent on methods, it is nonetheless helpful to have another data point out there on the Russian blogosphere, which we’ve also been digging ...
- The EU Chooses Continuity A couple quick thoughts on the "unknowns" named yesterday to the new Lisbon-created EU positions. To begin with, despite all the talk the last few months about the "EU president," it's clear that the EU heads of state decided to stick with the language of the treaty and name a president of the Europ ...
- Facing the Indian Conundrum: Obama's Date with Sin ...Although he has met President Barak Obama more than once in the recent past, Dr. Manmohan Singh’s forthcoming maiden state visit to the U.S. is assigned great significance and has New Delhi speculating about the likely nature and content of their dialogue. George Bush may have savoured his "Ind ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Lightning Round: Amazingly, Conservative Republica ...How is one to account for Barack Obama 's precipitous drop to 49 percent approval in the latest Gallup daily tracking poll? Is is the grave pronouncements printed in British blog posts? Democratic legislators throwing temper tantrums because Obama isn't doing their job for them? No, as always, for ...
- Friday Afternoon OH SNAP!So you don't normally expect a lot of snark about financial regulatory reform, but today is different, because House Financial Services Committee Spokesman Steve Adamske just sent out his fisking of a recent National Journal article on regulatory reform, which I've posted in full after the jump. Her ...
- A Devil of a Job for Democrats.Terence Samuel explains why Democrats need to focus on jobs: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will win his motion to proceed on a health-care reform package that should shave $127 billion off the federal budget deficit over the next decade -- the legislation will come to the floor of the Senate be ...
- What Can the Chinese Do To Our Economy? To Theirs?Matt Yglesias asks what, exactly, China is going to do to our economy if the U.S. government steps up its criticisms of their various human rights violations or lack of cooperation on issues like Iran or Afghanistan. The correct answer is, he notes, that they can do very little. I wrote about this i ...
- Three Strategies for Real Economic Recovery.With the unemployment rate the highest it's been in 25 years, The Roosevelt Institute asked historians, economists and other public thinkers to reflect on the lessons of the New Deal and explore new, big ideas for how to get America back to work. TAPPED will be cross-posting the 10-part series with ...
Andy Worthington
- Rep. Jerrold Nadler and David Frakt on Obama’s T ...In the wake of Attorney General Eric Holder’s announcement that five Guantánamo prisoners — including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed — will face federal court trials in New York, and five others will face trials by Military Commission, much of the media has been consumed with the whining of oppo ...
- Andy Worthington Discusses Guantánamo on VOA News ...On Monday November 9, after a screening of the new documentary film “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo” (co-directed by Polly Nash and myself) at the New America Foundation in Washington D.C., as part of a short US promotional tour, I was interviewed by Tabinda Naeem of UrduVOA News (the ...
- UK Judge Approves Use of Secret Evidence in Guantà ...Those of us who have been aware that the principles of open justice in the UK are being threatened in an unprecedented manner have, to date, focused largely on the use of secret evidence in cases related to terrorism — widely ignored by the general public, and by much of the media — and on [...]
- The Logic of the 9/11 Trials, The Madness of the M ...With just over two months to go until President Obama’s deadline for the closure of Guantanamo, the administration has finally woken up to the necessity of actually doing something to facilitate the prison’s closure by announcing on Friday that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other prisoners acc ...
- Guantánamo Comes To The United States: Andy Worth ...When I last visited the United States (in March 2008, on my first ever visit), I recall that, although there was fine spring weather, and life appeared to be proceeding as usual, those outside the Republican party — and I met many in New York and Washington D.C. — were struggling to cope with a ...
- The too-democratic Democratic PartyBody As this marathon health-care bill enters the uncertainty of semifinals tonight, we are left with one question of much broader philosophical scope: What in God's name are the likes of Joe Lieberman, Ben Nelson, Mary Landrieu and Blanche Lincoln doing in the Senate Democratic caucus? ...
- John Shadegg Uses Kidnapping to Scare Us, Yet He ' ...John Shadegg Many Republicans rose up to whine about the prospect of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed being tried in New York City. Of course, the United States has tried and convicted numerous terrorism suspects in this country with no problems, and Republicans such as Rudy Giuliani was for trying terrorism ...
- Watch What You Eat: New Report Proves that Genetic ...GREEN IS GOOD by Margaret Smith It's safe to say that one of the biggest annoyances for most farmers has to be weeds. Weeding their crops can be like an old school Looney Tunes cartoon. Just picture it: a farmer is working diligently in the field (with cute classical music in the background, of cour ...
- Hannity Hardly Hides His Conservative Agenda. Wil ...BUZZFLASH NEWS ALERT by Jeffrey Joseph It appears one of FOX's primary commentators, occasionally confused for a news man on a "News" channel, has committed to calling his radio show Conservative Victory for 2010 Radio. His radio work may be separate from his TV appearances, but Sean Hannity's poli ...
- Dr. J.'s Commentary: Palinoscopy So Going Rogue and its companion guide to the truth, Going Rouge (available right here on BuzzFlash), are both out. And so is Sarah Palin. She is like the cat that got out of the bag. Since leaving the Alaska governorship, she has been stoking the Palin Fires. In a state in severe economic and envir ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- The Washington establishment suffers a serious def ...Something quite amazing happened yesterday in Congress: the House Finance Committee -- in a truly bipartisan and even trans-ideological vote -- defied the banking industry, the Federal Reserve, the Democratic leadership, and mainstream Beltway opinion in order to pass an amendment, sponsored by GO ...
- The administration guts its own argument for 9/11 ..."What I'm absolutely clear about is that I have complete confidence in the American people and our legal traditions and the prosecutors, the tough prosecutors from New York who specialize in terrorism" -- Barack Obama, yesterday . "Holder said five other Guantanamo detainees would be tried by mi ...
- The Weekly Standard's smears indict only itselfEven for The Weekly Standard, this bitter, juvenile McCarthyite attack on the ACLU by Thomas Joscelyn sputters with so much fact-free, impotent, and self-defeating rage that it's hard to believe it was printed. Right in the headline, it oh-so-cleverly smears the ACLU as "Al Qaeda's Civil Liberties ...
- CNN on our new "huge, huge bomb" to use against Ir ...Here is Wolf Blitzer and Barbara Starr talking last night on CNN about the Iranians and what the U.S. might to do them; it's really pitch-perfect: BLITZER: Regarding Iran, a new report raises some disturbing possibilities about its nuclear program, and that's prompting fears from the United Sta ...
- Ex-Islamic radicals on what motivates -- and imped ...(updated below) The British journalist Johann Hari has written an absolutely vital article for The Independent , examining a growing movement of former hardened Islamic militants who are now devoted to teaching a more moderate and less fundamentalist Islam. Hari focuses on understanding wh ...
The BiPartisan Report
- Pesky facts spoil GOP’s mammogram arguments
- Those holier than thou Conservatives
- Dennis Kucinich: Enemy of the good, pursuer of the ...
- Betsy’s Bullshit, Round 2
- The difference between politics and governing
- Homeopathy really doesn’t workA couple of years ago, I re-posted an old article of mine about homeopathy discussing its ludicrous claims, its feeble attempts to provide a scientific explanation for those claims, and basically pointing out that no solid evidence has ever been found that infinitely diluted solutions of spurious in ...
- Latest science headlinesTime to bring you up to date on the latest science headlines I’ve put together for other sites this last couple of weeks, so here’s a quick round-up: On the SpectroscopyNOW site, this issue, I covered natural chemicals that can help sunflowers soak up toxic cadmium from the soil (another example ...
- Genetically engineered heavy metal fansThe wastewater released from industry often contains high levels of toxic heavy metals, which can kill organisms, damage ecosystems, and accumulate in the foodchain. Electroplating, lead smelting, mining, and countless other processes produce enormous volumes of such wastewater. In a perfect world, ...
- Juggling cancer nano newsLatest news reports from yours truly on Spectroscopynow.com Juggling matters on the brain – UK scientists have used magnetic resonance imaging to reveal that learning a complex task like juggling can causes changes in the white matter in the brain. The findings could have implications for developi ...
- Berlin Wall falls in AustraliaTwenty years ago today, my girlfriend (now my wife) and I lay on a bed in a cramped backpackers’ hostel in the Katherine Gorge National Park (now Nitmiluk), in Australia’s Northern Territory, watching news of the fall of the Berlin Wall (now rubble). Outside insects were buzzing ferociously, the ...
change: org.
- The Manhattan Declaration and the Right's Return t ...If you take a few dozen Catholics, mix them up with a large pack of conservative evangelicals, throw in a former Nixon official who went to jail for obstructing justice, and add the woman who is the leading activist trying to keep marriage rights away from LGBT people, you get what's now better know ...
- Developed nations reveal emissions targetsAhead of next month’s UN climate talks in Copenhagen, most of the world’s industralized countries have announced emissions targets that they will bring to the negotiating table. I say most, not all. Guess who’s lagging? If you guessed the good ol’ US of A is the laggard, you were right. Now, ...
- Students in California Fight Back Tuition HikesIn response to the failed anti-immigrant tea parties last week, more than 60,000 people joined the call for immigration reform with Rep. Luis Gutierrez this past Wednesday. The momentum is clearly on the side for reforming America's broken immigration system. Rep. Gutierrez reiterated his support fo ...
- Steve Russell Hates the Hate Crime BillWith the ink barely dry on the Matthew Shepard Act, State Senator Steve Russell of Oklahoma is already scrambling to preserve his right to openly hate gays. He is planning on introducing legislation that would exempt Oklahoma , and would disallow state prosecutors from entering hate crime evidence a ...
- For Health or Money: The Motivation Behind New Mam ...Women and health care professionals are confused and outraged by the mammogram guidelines released by the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) on Monday, denouncing the task force for prioritizing economy over health. Regular mammogram screenings have accounted for a 15 percent decr ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- Food Manufacturers and Organic Industry Lobbyists ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 19, 2009 Cornucopia Institute Two powerful lobby groups in the food industry, The Grocery Manufacturers of America and the Organic Trade Association, recently intervened as friends of the court in a federal consumer class-action lawsuit accusing the nation's largest su ...
- RFK Center Urges Spanish and Moroccan Officials to ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 19, 2009 RFK Center for Justice and Human Rights The Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights expresses grave concerns over the forced removal of Aminatou Haidar from her homeland in Western Sahara to the Canary Islands on November 14th 2009. Reportedly to ...
- National Lawyers Guild Stands by Longtime Member L ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 19, 2009 National Lawyers Guild (NLG) The National Lawyers Guild issues its continued support of longtime member and former veteran civil rights attorney Lynne Stewart, who was ordered to report to by 5pm to 500 Pearl Street in Manhattan. The U.S. Court of Appeals for ...
- Former Government Officials, Including Members of ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 19, 2009 Public Citizen More than 900 former federal employees, including 70 former members of Congress, have gone to work as lobbyists for the financial services sector in 2009, according to a Public Citizen report released today analyzing data provided by the Center ...
- CREW Calls for Probe Into Galbraith's Role in IraqFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 19, 2009 CREW Today, CREW sent a letter to Harold W. Geisel, acting inspector general of the U.S. Department of State, requesting that he open an investigation into the role former Ambassador Peter W. Galbraith played in the drafting of the Iraqi constitution on behalf ...
Common Dreams-Views
- Tiny Tims and Our Nation's Healthcare Scroogesby Donna Smith Some Americans will schlep into a local theater to check out Disney's latest 3-D version of "A Christmas Carol." They'll gather up the kids and worry about whether or not it's appropriate viewing or a little too scary for the wee ones. Other Americans are planning holiday travel and ...
- Split Up The Banks! Restore Glass-Steagallby Dave Zweifel Ten years ago, the Republican-controlled Congress - egged on by that champion deregulator, former Texas Sen. Phil Gramm - passed legislation that arguably did more to plunge the United States into our crippling great recession than anything else: It repealed the Great Depression era' ...
- Nobody Is Beyond Redemptionby Deena Guzder At the age of 13, Ishmael and his friends began sniffing "brown-brown"--a mix of cocaine and gunpowder--and wielding AK-47s. By the age of 16, Ishmael had killed "too many people to count" by his own admission. "All I knew was how to fight and loot," recalled Ishmael. If Ishmael ha ...
- Hell Comes Homeby Robert C. Koehler There's no armor, it turns out, for conscience. So our men and women are coming home from the killing fields wounded in their heads, used up, greeted only by the military's own meat grinder of inadequate health care and intolerance for "weakness." read more
- Nuclear Power’s Megafraudby Pierre Tristam Energy independence is the new creationism; nuclear power its deity. As the head glow for nuclear's new dawn, you can't do better than Aris Candris. He's president and CEO of Westinghouse Electric, the company aiming to build 14 of 25 new nuclear reactors planned in the United Stat ...
Karl Burkart
- '3D solar' panel works undergroundA research team at Georgia Tech make a game-changing breakthrough for the solar industry -- fiber optic solar cells that can work indoors.
- David All and the dark side of social mediaIntroducing Karl Rove 2.0 and his new post-propaganda 'astroturfing' industry.
- Become a Copenhagen ambassador Huffington Post partners with Hopenhagen to send one worthy citizen journalist to Copenhagen for the December climate talks.
- The simple power of social mediaMany people overcomplicate the world of social media. Here are 3 great examples of how social media works best. Less = More.
- OMG ... another Kindle killerBarnes & Noble announces the Nook, an e-Reader that matches the Kindle in price but includes full color.
Water Privatization
- Indians’ political awakening stirs Latin America ...JESUS DE MACHACA, Bolivia—In Ecuador, the Shuar are blocking highways to defend their hunting grounds. In Chile, the Mapuche are occupying ranches to pressure for land, schools and clinics. In Bolivia, a new constitution gives the country’s 36 indigenous peoples the right to self-rule. All over ...
- Subsidies to state firms up 4.5% to P14.5B (Philip ...GOVERNMENT subsidies to 35 state-owned and -controlled corporations and institutions were slashed by 37.6 percent in October as the budget deficit breached the full-year target limit with still two months to go.
- For World Toilet Day, News Outlets Examine Poor Sa ...In light of World Toilet Day Thursday, several news outlets examine the impact of poor sanitation on health. Reuters examines the challenges of poor sanitation in Mumbai, India, "where more than half its 18 million residents live in slums and where the average ratio of people to toilets is 81:1.
- Mailbox for Nov. 20 (Greeley Tribune)Season kicks off with Festival of Trees at UCCC For many in Greeley, the holiday season is wrapped in tradition and for most it begins the weekend after Thanksgiving. Perfect timing for the 23rd annual Festival of Trees scheduled for Nov. 28-Dec. 5. The Union Colony Civic Center hosts this extraordi ...
- Mailbox for Nov. 20 (Greeley Tribune)Season kicks off with Festival of Trees at UCCC For many in Greeley, the holiday season is wrapped in tradition and for most it begins the weekend after Thanksgiving. Perfect timing for the 23rd annual Festival of Trees scheduled for Nov. 28-Dec. 5. The Union Colony Civic Center hosts this extraordi ...
- Cumbria braces for more rainMet Office predicting up to 50mm and warns of waters rising again as county reels from evacuations and policeman's death Flood-damaged parts of the UK are bracing themselves for more heavy rain today after two days of downpours that inundated homes , swept away bridges, sparked evacuations and claim ...
- Liverpool v Manchester CityHit refresh for the latest news or tick the auto-update button below. Email any thoughts and suggestions to tom.lutz@guardian.co.uk 10 min: It was a terrifying atmosphere at the start of the game but Agger's injury has quietened the ground somewhat. Liverpool are playing with 10 men as we await Kyrg ...
- Tamiflu-resistant swine flu strain spreadingResistant strain discovered in Cardiff hospital, prompting concern among health officials Doctors in Wales have discovered a Tamiflu-resistant strain of swine flu that has been spreading from patient to patient in a Cardiff hospital. The emergence of an easily transmissible, resistant strain is a wo ...
- Guardian Daily: The road to CopenhagenToday we present a special edition of our daily news podcast focusing on next month's crucial United Nations summit on climate change . Many fear that if world leaders fail to reach a deal in Copenhagen, there will be years of wrangling without agreement. Activist and commentator George Monbiot is p ...
- Hovis to use only British wheat• Breadmaker to stop Canadian imports in the new year • Move welcomed by National Farmers' Union Britain's farmers were given a boost today when bread maker Hovis announced that it plans to use only British wheat across its entire range. The switch is due to take place early next year. At presen ...
Diigo | Green Community
- U.N. Talks in Spain Seek to Salvage Climate DealClimate negotiators from 175 nations meet in Spain next week for a final session to try to break deadlock between rich and poor and salvage a U.N. deal due in Copenhagen in December. Comments: Climate negotiators from 175 nations meet in Spain next week for a final session to try to break deadlock b ...
- EU Agrees Final Stance For Copenhagen Climate Talk ...European Union leaders agreed an offer Friday to put on the table at global climate talks in Copenhagen in December after healing a rift over how to split the bill. Comments: European Union leaders agreed an offer Friday to put on the table at global climate talks in Copenhagen in December after hea ...
- French Firm Pushes Carbon Capture Solution at us C ...Eyeing lucrative markets in China, India and beyond, French firm Alstom on Friday unveiled the world's largest carbon capture facility at a coal plant -- a technology backers hope will fuel a new multi-billion dollar industry and keep the coal industry alive. Comments: Eyeing lucrative markets in Ch ...
- S.Africa's Tutu criticizes world leaders on climat ...Nobel peace laureate Desmond Tutu criticized European Union leaders on Friday for standing in the way of a global deal to combat climate change. Comments: Nobel peace laureate Desmond Tutu criticized European Union leaders on Friday for standing in the way of a global deal to combat climate change. ...
- Will U.S. go empty-handed to world climate talks?Without a new law requiring cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, the U.S. could end up going empty-handed to the international climate talks in December. Comments: Without a new law requiring cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, the U.S. could end up going empty-handed to the international climate talks i ...
Electronic Intifada
- Tribute to terror leader Kahane planned by Israeli ...A plan by right-wing legislators in Israel to commemorate the anniversary this month of the death of Meir Kahane, whose banned anti-Arab movement is classified as a terrorist organization, risk ...
- Israeli forces shoot at Gaza bird-catchers, farmer ...On 15 November at 8:30am, a number of young men went as usual to the land near Gaza's northern border with Israel planning to catch birds. Amjad Hassanain, 27, was among the bird-catchers hunti ...
- The New York Mets and the business of terrorismWhen I first learned that the New York Mets were hosting a fundraiser for the nonprofit Hebron Fund in support of the Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron, I honestly assumed it w ...
- Book review: A Palestinian century in a poet's lif ...My Happiness Bears No Relation to Happiness bills itself as "A Poet's Life in the Palestinian Century." To better understand Adina Hoffman's biography of the Palestinian poet Taha Muhammad Ali, ...
- Bantustans and the unilateral declaration of state ...From a rumor, to a rising murmur, the proposal floated by the Palestinian Authority's (PA) Ramallah leadership to declare Palestinian statehood unilaterally has suddenly hit center stage. It's ...
CS Monitor - News
- October 16, 2009The UN Human Rights Council votes to adopt the Goldstone Report on Israel's military incursion into Gaza.
- October 19, 2009Saudi Arabia is wary of terrorists, especially from neighboring states.
- October 20, 2009How some TV insiders view parents and children on reality television.
- October 21, 2009How African Anglicans might respond to the Vatican's offer.
- October 23, 2009US-China economic relations, Microsoft and Wall Street, and September home sales.
The Wonk Room
- Why Rush Wyden’s Choices Amendment?Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has agreed to include a watered-down version of Sen. Ron Wyden’s (D-OR) ‘Choices Amendment’ in the merged Senate bill. Wyden, an ubiquitous presence on cable television, has been hawking his idea of instantly opening up the insurance exchanges to Americ ...
- Support Iran’s Opposition Or Bomb Iran: You ...Washington Times national security editor Barbara Slavin has an article on Iranian filmmaker and dissident Mohsen Makhmalbaf, who has become a spokesperson for Iran’s Green Movement in the wake of the June 12 elections. Makhmalbaf called upon President Obama to more explicitly support Iran’s opp ...
- Why Does The Senate Bill Establish Two Separate Ex ...Over at FiredogLake, Jon Walker points out that the merged merged Senate bill would “create two exchanges per state. There would be an exchange for individuals and a “Small Business Health Options Program†know as the SHOP exchange for businesses.” “This is, pure and simple, a dumb i ...
- Steve King Reminisces About The Days When Football ...Yesterday, Republican members of the House Immigration Reform Caucus (HIRC) dedicated a three and a half hour long pseudo-hearing in a nearly empty room in the Rayburn building to spewing their “well-worn rhetoric about the hordes of illegal aliens destroying the American way of life.” During t ...
- ClimateGate: Hacked Emails Reveal Global Warming D ...Thousands of “emails from the University of East Anglia webmail server” — a top climate research center in the United Kingdom — “were hacked recently” and dumped on a Russian web server. Global warming deniers are sifting through the illegally obtained letters of private correspondence f ...
thwap's schoolyard
- Hypocrisy and a LinkFirst, harpercon house leader, Jay Hill : Hon. Jay Hill (Leader of the Government in the House of Commons, CPC): Mr. Speaker, I rise today on a question of privilege in regards to the disturbance in the public gallery yesterday during question period and charge the member for Toronto—Danforth with ...
- The Faces - "I'm Losing You"I first heard of Rod Stewart when he was the lecherous solo singer of "Tonight's the Night" fame. Then he went disco ("Do Yah Think I'm Sexy?') then soft-rock, now soft-soul, now a "crooner" of pop classics. Some friends introduced me to his work with "The Faces." I'd read History of Rock n' Roll ...
- RCMP-CSIS: Jockeying for gloryI'm of mixed emotions about this National Post article [h/t C-C ]: OTTAWA -- The RCMP disrupted 14 suspected terrorist incidents in recent months, including several in which the alleged activities were interrupted without charges or publicity. The cases all involved suspected national security-relat ...
- From That Link ...Earlier post today provide a link to the Special Committee on Canada's Mission in Afghanistan. I've just started reading it and thought I'd share Paul Dewar's grilling of Stockwell Day: Mr. Paul Dewar (Ottawa Centre, NDP) : Thank you, Mr. Chair, and thank you, Minister. I want to start o ...
- Ezra Levant and Alberto GonzalesTwo doughy, pimply-voiced, stupid turds. I get the impression that Ezra Levant is trying to get sued by Maher Arar with his revolting assertions that Arar is a liar who was never tortured, and therefore stole 10 million dollars from Canadian taxpayers. He wants to get sued so that he can torture Ar ...
Financial Sense Editorials
- Market Observation: The Rally Livesby Tim W. Wood. "The rally out of the March low lives on. Cyclically, this is a higher degree move that is, thus far, still intact. From a Dow theory perspective, there was a short-term non-confirmation in place the week of November 13th, but this last week that was corrected and the uptrend was rec ...
- The FDIC Anesthesia Is Wearing Off by Robert Prechter. "Perhaps the single greatest reason for the unbridled expansion of credit over the past 50 years is the existence of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, another government-sponsored enterprise created by Congress."
- Stocks Still Overvalued by Carl Swenlin. "Stocks have been in the overvalued end of the normal P/E range since the early-1990s, and this condition shows no sign of abating. Below is an excerpt from our daily earnings summary that will offer readers a better perspective."
- What will drive the gold price in the days ahead? by Julian Phillips. "Gold is higher than ever before and is still climbing. Many investors are waiting for a fall in the gold price, because they are looking at the past market shape, that has not factored in the major sea-change in the shape of demand. Even many institutional analysts have not real ...
- Do the Feds sense a Wil-e Coyote moment ahead? by Tony Cherniawski. "Federal Reserve officials are stepping up scrutiny of the biggest U.S. banks to ensure the lenders can withstand a reversal of soaring global-asset prices, according to people with knowledge of the matter. "
on Government Oversight
- Senate Re-Introduces Bill Closing Legal Loophole f ...Back in May, POGO blogged about the tragic case of Lt. Col. Dominic "Rocky" Baragona, who was killed in Iraq in 2003 when his Humvee was struck by a supply truck driven by a Kuwaiti transport company that had contracts...
- Morning Smoke: Senators Re-introduce Bill Requirin ...Bill would allow foreign contractors to be sued in U.S. courts [Government Executive] McCain wants review on defense work by retired brass [USA Today] John Kerry vs. Blackwater Xe [The Washington Independent] House Attacks Fed, Treasury [The Wall Street Journal]...
- House Financial Services Committee Passes Paul-Gra ...The House Financial Services Committee voted 43-26 yesterday afternoon in favor of an amendment introduced by Reps. Ron Paul (R-TX) and Alan Grayson (D-FL) that would remove restrictions preventing the GAO from auditing the Federal Reserve. The amendment was modeled...
- Ineligible Firms Receiving Contracts Intended for ...Today, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report documenting lax oversight controls and fraud related to Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) and Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (VOSB) contracts. The GAO report was released at a hearing before the House Committee. ...
- What Happens When an Ethics Tree Falls in an Earle ...A recently sustained bid protest from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that a contractor did indeed get an unfair competitive advantage when they hired a former government employee to prepare their proposal and failed to disclose the information to...
Blacklisted News
- The New York Mets and the business of terrorismBy hosting an event in support of Hebron settlers at Citi Field, the New York Mets are supporting terrorism.
- ‘Glitch’ could cut jobless benefits for a mill ...About one million laid-off workers will see their unemployment benefits end in January unless Congress acts quickly to renew existing federally paid extensions, according to a new report and legislators and state officials.
- UK seeking new world order by Afghan war Despite reports of the UK’s plan for peace talks with the Taliban, Premier Gordon Brown defends Britain’s military involvement in the Afghan war, saying his country must play a full role in ‘changing the world’.
- Go to the Hospital in Illinois and Lose Your Gun R ...
- Osama bin Laden’s son wants to work for UN In an interview with the New Statesman, the fourth eldest son of the world’s most wanted man said that he “passionately wants to try to stop violence”.
The Intelligence Daily
- Our research has shown that child trafficking incr ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article
- Keep the "birds" away, please: CERN to restart big ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article
- European Union gets medieval with ultra-secret ele ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article
- Palestinians accuse Israel settlements of divertin ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article
- Choose a better day: Oprah Winfrey show will end o ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article
My AntiWar
- IAEA Hopes to Rescue Third Party Enrichment Deal W ...Summary: The persistent reports of Iran?s final rejection of the draft third party enrichment proposal has been greatly exaggerated, it would seem, and officials are scrambling to put forth a last ditch effort to rescue the proposal. source: AntiWar.comread more
- US behavior contradicts its change motto: Rafsanja ...Summary: RafsanjaniTEHRAN (ISNA)-The recent behavior by the US government is in contradiction with its President’s change motto, said Chief of Iran’s Expediency Council. source: ISNAread more
- ‘The Devil’s Pipe Ruins the Soul of Pr ...
- Lesbian US Soldier Wins Bid for Asylum in Canada
- Israel Halts Palestinian Soccer Stadium Constructi ...
Rogue Government.com
- Military experiment seeks to predict PTSD Two days before shipping off to war, Marine Pfc. Jesse Sheets sat inside a trailer in the Mojave Desert , his gaze fixed on a computer that flashed a rhythmic pulse of contrasting images.
- Senate Health Vote Set For Saturday Night The agreement to dispense with time-consuming procedural hurdles means that lawmakers will be able to catch flights back to their home states later in the evening on Saturday or early the next morning.
- Google's Chrome OS to be ready for 2010 holidays ...Consumers will have to wait until next year's holiday shopping season to find out if Google Inc. 's new operating system can deliver on its promise to make low-cost computers run faster.
- Judge allows secret services to hide evidence in ...MI5 , MI6 and the police will be able to withhold evidence from defendants and their lawyers in civil cases for the first time, the high court ruled today.
- EU Seeks Special Status At UN
Innovation Canada
- Building better bridges(Reprinted with permission from ResearchLife, Summer 2009 issue, University of Manitoba, umanitoba.ca/research) It was 1952 when Aftab Mufti, a 12-year-old boy living in Karachi, Pakistan, began building bridges. His mother planted a vegetable garden that summer and to help her water it Aftab and hi ...
- Viral controlDepending on whom you ask, the H1N1 flu virus that is making its way around the globe could be anything from a particularly virulent form of influenza to the next worldwide pandemic. As virologists scramble to understand the virus and develop vaccines against it, a Halifax facility is already on the ...
- Fear factorLet’s say you’re wandering through a deserted alley late one foggy October night. You turn a corner, and lo and behold, you’re surrounded by a crowd of brain-thirsty zombies. Your pulse quickens, your amygdala fires, your respiration is off the charts. You try to run, but you trip and fall. As ...
- Fuels of the future?A recession-related dip in flight demand might actually be considered a green blessing. Just a small one, mind you. The David Suzuki Foundation estimates that aviation is responsible for up to nine percent of the total global climate-change impact of human activity, so it would take a huge drop to ...
- i2eye with Bif NakedThe last few years have been a roller-coaster ride for Bif Naked. After two years of touring, TV work and datelessness following her 2005 album Superbeautifulmonster, the Vancouver-based alt-rock singer-songwriter — whose real name is Beth Walker — met and married her husband, sportswriter Ian W ...
Signs of the times
- Wet west Ireland: Hundreds forced to evacuate in f ...Hundreds of people were forced out of their homes in east and south Galway yesterday as flood levels continued to rise. In Ballinasloe, deteriorating conditions forced the Electricity Supply Board (ESB) to disconnect up to 400 homes and business premises in the centre of the town for safety reasons ...
- Sleep Apnea May Cause Heart Disease in Kidney Tran ...Sleep apnea is common in individuals who receive a kidney transplant and is associated with increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease or stroke, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Clinical Journal of the American Society Nephrology (CJASN). Researchers found that ...
- Ireland: Cork city under water after floodgates we ...A state of emergency was declared in Cork last night after the Electricity Supply Board (ESB) was forced to open dams which led to widespread flooding in the city. ESB chiefs defended their actions, claiming they prevented an even greater flood from occurring. But business and homeowners said they ...
- Satire: Heroin Addicts Pressure President To Stay ...Los Angeles - As the White House considers sweeping strategic shifts in the war in Afghanistan, heroin addicts across the nation called on President Obama Monday to stick with the current U.S. policy, which has flooded the world market with low-price narcotics.
- Canada: Lesbian U.S. deserter wins stay of deporta ...A lesbian soldier, who says she deserted the U.S. military because she was constantly harassed and threatened with death, won a reprieve from deportation Friday in a Federal Court ruling that ordered the Immigration and Refugee Board to reconsider her failed asylum claim. Pte. Bethany Smith, who a ...
Threat Level
- Prosecutors Drop Plans to Appeal Lori Drew CaseFederal prosecutors in Los Angeles have filed a notice that they do not intend to pursue an appeal in the Lori Drew cyberbullying case, thus ending the controversial and lengthy case. “We have a notice with the 9th Circuit that we are withdrawing our notice of appeal in the case,” a spokesman f ...
- MPAA Says Copyright-Treaty Critics Hate HollywoodIf you don’t back a copyright treaty being negotiated in secret, you must want to destroy Hollywood, its blockbuster movies and all the jobs they create. At least that’s the message from the Motion Picture Association of America. It’s spelled out in a Thursday memo to the Senate Judiciary Com ...
- Hacked E-Mails Fuel Global Warming DebateAn online debate over global warming science has broken out after an unknown hacker broke into the email server at a prominent, U.K. climate research center, stole more than a thousand e-mails about global warming research and posted them online. Global warming skeptics are seizing on portions of t ...
- Feds Charge Three With Comcast.net HijackingThree alleged members of the hacker gang Kryogeniks were hit with a federal conspiracy charge Thursday for a 2008 stunt that replaced Comcast’s homepage with a shout-out to other hackers. Prosecutors identified Christopher Allen Lewis, 19, and James Robert Black, Jr, 20, as the hackers “EBK†...
- Judge Calls Bull on ‘Psycho-Acoustic’ Beatles ...A federal judge dealt what may be a death blow to a Santa Cruz, California, company marketing Beatles music and other tunes as 25-cent downloads, despite the company’s claim that the tracks were computer-generated cover versions produced by a process called “psycho-acoustic simulation.” EM ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- Gingrich and Perry Tout Texas Health Care MessEverything, they say, is bigger in the Texas. So it is with the failure of the health care system. Leading the nation with a jaw-dropping 25% of its residents uninsured, Texas ranked 46th in the Commonwealth Fund's 2009 scorecard of...
- Pat Boone and the Right-Wing War on the AARPBack in 2003, Republican leaders praised the AARP for its support of President Bush's unfunded and deeply flawed Medicare prescription benefit. But now that the 40 million member organization has endorsed the House Democrats' health care reform bill, the GOP...
- Sarah Palin's Willing ObjectifiersAs Sarah Palin travels the country filling her coffers, the debate rages as to whether the former Alaska Governor is a victim or beneficiary of sexism (or possibly even both). But while her allies and Palin herself have left little...
- 2009 Democratic Deficit Cutters vs. 2003 GOP Budge ...A funny thing has happened on America's way to health care reform. As Republicans promise a "holy war" to block supposed "government-run" health care that would "break the bank", Democrats in the House and the Senate offered reform plans that...
- Joan of Palin Leads the Republican War on ScienceEarlier this year, the Pew Research Center published survey findings which revealed that only 6% of American scientists identify themselves as Republicans. There can be little doubt as to why conservatives are now an endangered species within the scientific community....
Blackspot News Feed
- Malalai Joya: A Woman Among Warlords Pt 1Dandelion SaladTheRealNewsNovember 20, 2009Joya: US backed fundamentalism is at the root of the Afghan problem; Foreign troops should get out nowMalalai Joya is an Afghan politician who has been called “the bravest woman in Afghanistan.” As an elected member of the Wolesi Jirga from Farah provin ...
- Direct DemocracyDandelion SaladTheLeftLibertarianNovember 20, 2009 more about “Direct Democracy“, posted with vodpodIf you would like a fully detailed sketch of the organization of direct democracy and how it would function, please see the following link: http://anarchism.pageabode.com/afaq/s…A great first st ...
- Army Sends Mom to Afghanistan, Infant to Protectiv ..."This would do irreparable harm to her child. I think they are doing this to punish her."
- Dobbs' Resignation Was Long OverdueMy problems with Dobbs surfaced more than two years ago, during the debate over the last version of immigration reform.
- The War on Soy: Why the 'Miracle Food' May Be a He ...Vegetarians aren't the only ones who should be concerned; there's soy in just about everything you eat these days -- including hamburgers, mac 'n cheese and salad dressing.
Consortium News
- Should Obama Fire Gen. McChrystal?Facing military pressure to escalate in Afghanistan, President Obama may need an inner Harry Truman, says Ray McGovern. November 20, 2009
- The Vision of "The Blind Side."The story of a Republican family that adopts a homeless African-American boy is a tale of human potential, writes Lisa Pease. November 20, 2009
- Learning the Wrong Vietnam LessonsA Newsweek retrospective on Vietnam extracts the wrong lessons and applies them to Afghanistan, says Douglas Valentine. November 19, 2009
- A Three-Step Afghan StrategyDecades of U.S. misjudgments on Afghanistan have left President Obama some difficult choices, states Bruce P. Cameron. November 18, 2009
- KSM and the MSMU.S. mainstream media is averting its eyes from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's declared motive for 9/11, writes David Swanson. November 18, 2009
- Fred Gardner : Mammography Pushes Back
- Jonathan Cook : Rabbi Followers 'Terror Cell in Pa ...
- David Macaray : A Hindu Version of the UAW Labor ...
- Alexander Cockburn : CounterPunch Diary It's Show ...
- Gareth Porter : New Light on the Qom Facility
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- Apathy, as Mahmoud Abbas abandons an irrelevant pr ...A political leader's decision not to seek re-election usually triggers fervent discussion about potential heirs. Yet, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' withdrawal from the presidential election scheduled ...
- Tunnels provide lifeline for Gazans (Al Jazeera)
- Israel building Jewish homes with one hand, destro ...The World Likud movement held a cornerstone-laying ceremony yesterday for the expansion of the neighborhood of Nof Zion, despite - or possibly because of - American pressure against building in East Jerusale ...
- Abbas confirms election delay (Al Jazeera)Palestinian presidential and legislative elections scheduled for January will be postponed, Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, has confirmed. Abbas made the announcement during a televised interview ...
- Peace or process? (Akram Baker, Bitterlemons.org)I am deeply hesitant to use the oft-unjustified phrase "a moment of truth" when referring to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. But I have the nagging sensation that we have finally arrived there nonetheless. ...
Water - AlterNet
- The War on Soy: Why the 'Miracle Food' May Be a He ...Vegetarians aren't the only ones who should be concerned; there's soy in just about everything you eat these days -- including hamburgers, mac 'n cheese and salad dressing.
- Poseidon's Financial Shell Game: Why Is a Private ...After years of claiming that they needed no public support to build this plant, this claim has finally been proven false.
- How Limousine Liberals, Water Oligarchs and Even S ...A group of water oligarchs engineered a disastrous privatization scheme to make a fortune out of California's most precious natural resource.
- Mystery of World's Worst Mass Arsenic Poisoning Fi ...The culprit are tens of thousands of man-made ponds excavated to provide soil for flood protection.
- Is California's New Water Legislation Better Than ...Despite the happy face being put on by some of the bill's supporters, including Governor Schwarzenegger, I doubt anyone is truly happy with the end result.
- Barbara Ann Radnofsky Announcment TourIt is certain that Barbara Ann Radnofsky will be on the ballot for the Democrats in 2010; we don’t know who will be on the ballot for the Republicans. Radnofsky will formally announce her candidacy for Texas Attorney General and her December 3 filling for the primary election in a five-city tour. ...
- Texas Progressive Alliance Round Up Nov 16, 2009The Texas Progressive Alliance is starting to feel an odd craving for can-shaped servings of cranberry sauce as it brings you this week’s highlights from the blogs. TXsharon continues to follow the abuses of Aruba Petroleum in a Barnett Shale backyard and Wednesday the Wise County Messenger picked ...
- To Dave Cashin Re: ProselytizingTo Dave Cashin Re: General Order Number One, Forbid Proselytizing Before I answer all of Dave’s points, I will say that Humanitarian Missionary work has achieved wonderful results by helping people through hunger, poverty, education and displacement. Whether they are victims of war or natural di ...
- Texas Progressive Alliance November 9, 2009The Texas Progressive Alliance hopes everyone had a happy Election Day last week, and is already looking forward to the next one. Here are this week’s highlights. TXsharon continues to report from a backyard in the Barnett Shale. Despite all the local and national press on drilling related toxins ...
- Health Care and The Brick WallSo, the wellness party is short lived. The Senate is drunk with its own power … regardless of the fact there are millions in health care distress. Senators are so busy posturing in front of cameras, to get elected. They continue to sabotage the current administration, ignoring mill ...
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Joe Lauria: Corruption within the Afghan governmen ...with Peter B. Collins and Sibel Edmonds Featured Writer Dandelion Salad originally published by Boil
- Rep. Jerrold Nadler and David Frakt on Obama’s T ...by Andy Worthington Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.andyworthington.co.uk 21 November 2009 In th
- Andy Worthington on The Peter B Collins ShowThe Peter B Collins Show Info on Podcast #69 with Andy Worthington Featured Writer Dandelion Salad w
- Military use of Drones, how it will change our wor ...by Bruce Gagnon featured writer Dandelion Salad Organizing Notes November 16, 2009 more about
- Ralph Nader: End the War on Drugs + Book Fair with ...Dandelion Salad “Only the Super Rich Can Save Us” with Ralph Nader C-SPAN Video Library
Unexplained Mysteries
- Large Hadron Collider back in actionThe $10 billion Large Hadron Collider is back in action after 14 months of repairs following its spectacular failure over a year ago, scientists a...
- Dung helps reveal why mammoths died outExamination of the fungus found in ancient mammoth dung has revealed new information about what might have brought them to extinction, ruled out a...
- Winston Churchill D-Day cigar discoveredA 33-year-old student has revealed a cigar that he was given by his grandfather at the age of 12 that would have been smoked by Winston Churchill ...
- Nasa and Esa sign Mars agreementBoth Nasa and the European Space Agency have signed a new agreement giving scientists the green light to plan joint missions to the Red Planet sta...
- Is there fish-size life on Europa ?For years astrobiologists have speculated over the possibility that life could exist right now under the frozen crust of Jupiter's moon Europa, if...
- Why Food Sovereignty Is the New Food SecurityIMG_2759.JPG read more
- Resource Rights and the Right to Food at the World ...wfs-pic09.jpg In 1996 the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) organized the first World Food Summit in Rome to, in their own words, “renew global commitment to the fight against hunger. The FAO called the Summit in respons ...
- Grassroots Signs Call for U.S. Leadership at the W ...unitedstates200604-015.jpg As a founding member and part of the ad hoc steering committee, Grassroots International proudly announces the following Call from the US Working Group on the Food Crisis. The statement coincides with the World Food ...
- Climate change and violence in Mexicomexico200601-003.JPG Cab drivers are often a good source of news information, or at least a good barometer of public opinion. Such was the case when I finally arrived in Mexico City this afternoon for visits with Grassroots International’s p ...
- Climate change in Mexicomexico200601-003.JPG Cab drivers are often a good source of news information, or at least a good barometer of public opinion. Such was the case when I finally arrived in Mexico City this afternoon for visits with Grassroots International’s p ...
- November 20, 2009UN Climate Chief Seeks $10 Bln Pledge from Rich Nations (Reuters) The UN climate chief has called on rich nations to pledge $10 billion a year for three years at next month's Copenhagen summit to help poor states begin to tackle climate change. Germany Calls for Binding Climate Deal in 2010 (A ...
- November 19, 2009EU: Russia Ready for Deeper Emissions Cut (AFP) Russia is ready to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 20 to 25 percent by 2020 from 1990 levels, raising its target from 15 percent just weeks ahead of a UN climate summit, the head of the European Commission says. Power Plant-Only Climate Bill P ...
- November 18, 2009Senate to Put Off Climate Bill Until Spring (Wall Street Journal) Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says the Senate will delay debate on a climate bill until “some time in the spring”. The EPA, meanwhile, is moving ahead with its greenhouse gas endangerment finding. Ministers Making Progres ...
- November 17, 2009Obama: Copenhagen Deal Should Have 'Immediate Effect' (Reuters) President Obama said today that climate talks in Copenhagen next month should fix a new deal which has "immediate operational effect", even if an original goal of a legally binding pact is out of reach. Senate Climate Bill Faces Na ...
- November 16, 2009US, China Cuts Now Key to Climate Pact (Washington Post) The scaled-back climate strategy endorsed by President Obama and other leaders could put pressure on the U.S. and China to resolve the biggest stumbling block to an agreement — how much they will cut emissions in the next decade. Obama ...
- Tomgram: 'This Administration Ended, Rather Than ...[ Note for TomDispatch Readers: On Friday evening, TomDispatch will be switching to an updated version of this site. It's possible that you might not be able to reach TD for some hours. If so, we expect to be back up on Saturday morning. Tom ] The Afghan Speech Obama Should Give (But Won't) ...
- Tomgram: Pratap Chatterjee, Afghanistan as a Patr ...It's now a commonplace of the Afghan War. Western leaders in London , Berlin, Amsterdam , and Washington , as well as on flying visits to Kabul or even Kandahar , excoriate Afghan President Hamid Karzai for the "corruption" of his government. In return for their ongoing support, they repeatedly ...
- Tomgram: Max Blumenthal, How Palin Became a RogueIt can't get better than this, can it? A first printing of 1.5 million copies sent out into an otherwise dead book market. Possibly as much as $7 million dollars going to the author, who already has interviews lined up with Oprah Winfrey and Barbara Walters. A bus tour of the "real America" tha ...
- Tomgram: Alfred McCoy, Surveillance State, U.S.A.Wars come home in strange, unnerving ways -- as Americans have just discovered at Fort Hood. Even before Major Nidal Malik Hasan went on his killing spree, that base, a major military embarkation point for our war zones, was already experiencing the after-effects of eight years of war and repeate ...
- Tomgram: Droning On[ Note for TomDispatch Readers : A number of you have recently written in for clarification on contributing to this site through your purchases at Amazon.com. Here's my best shot at a useful explanation: If you click on any book image at this site -- like the book-cover image of The End of Vict ...
Smirking Chimp
- Republicans Are Not So Funny After AllI've been writing roughly once a week for months now about the insane circus that is today's Republican Party, mostly to make fun of them. It's difficult to do otherwise; how does one write seriously about people like Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and GOP Chairman Michael Steele? Try it sometime: failure ...
- America on Trial: Right-Wingers Have Reasons to Wo ...NEW YORK--One of my favorite books is by a conservative. Every American should read Stephen L. Carter's 1996 primer on ethics, "Integrity." Carter writes that integrity requires doing the right thing, "even at personal cost." In the world of politics, the example of Al Gore's father comes to my mind ...
- Gross Failure of the MediaA new poll by Public Policy Polling shows that 52% of Republicans believe that Obama did not really win the 2008 election. You think that's absurd, get a load of why -- ACORN stole it for him. Yes, a majority of Republicans in the country believe ACORN flat out stole the election for Obama. Only 27% ...
- Creating the Jobs America NeedsWhile financial markets believe the great recession is over, millions of Americans continue to struggle. Unemployment is 10.2 percent and the more inclusive measure, underemployment, is at 17.5 percent . America's jobs crisis is both a short-term and long-term challenge. A combination of circumsta ...
- Obama Must Toss the Bums in Treasury Out, End the ...If you are sitting in class taking a test, and you've chosen to sit amongst your bone-headed, slacker friends, don't turn to them for help when you can't figure out of any of the answers. They may all tell you the same thing, but they'll all be wrong. That's the situation President Obama finds hims ...
Ten Percent
- Say No To Fascists In WrexhamFrom Proper Tidy:- Saturday Queens Square Wrexham 11am – 4pm Wrexham Communities Festival – Let’s show the EDL they are not welcome in Wales. Lots of music, dancing, food vans, kids fun-fair, percussion workshop, martial arts exhibition.
- Free Tom Waits Tracks!You want 8 free tracks off Tom Waits new album Glitter and Doom Live? Then Mr. Waits can help you.
- Despite Setback International War Criminal Still A ...Tony Blair will not seek another big international job after being rejected for the new post of “President of Europe”, his allies said yesterday. Close friends of the former prime minister said he was “entirely happy” with his current roles – lucrative public speaking engagements, wo ...
- Friday! Radiohead- No SurprisesA different reading of this song…a highly sensitised microphone, hooked up to a massive amp & speaker. It can pick up the slightest noise, even from far away and every signal can cause catastrophic feedback that destroys the entire system. So to survive it must be wrapped in protective, dampeni ...
- CostIn other words, there are conditions under which we can be more altruistic, more generous, and more aware. But those conditions are killed by the act of purchase, of engaging with the world and its problems as if those problems were commodities, rather than political challenges that will be solved n ...
Paul Krugman
- Interest rates: the phantom menaceWhat I think lies behind the surprising deficit squeamishness of the Obama administration, and why it's wrong-headed.
- Exterminate! Exterminate!Daleks and EU foreign policy.
- Invisible bond vigilantesIt would be a very, very bad thing if the administration is intimidated into passivity -- or, worse, into neo-Hooverism -- by the threat from invisible, probably imaginary enforcers.
- The AIG reportBy itself, the AIG story would be damaging enough. But it's part of a pattern -- and that pattern has ended up undermining the economy's prospects, big time.
- The madness of the inflation hawksMonetary tightening shouldn't be on the agenda for a long, long time.
No Quarter
- Obama May be Incompent, But He Cares* Bumped Up * I know some consider us a full-up Barack Obama hate site. We are not. I do not hate the man. I do think he is a good husband and a good father. His daughters clearly adore him, and it is tough to fake what teenage girls think about [...]
- Fatal Loose Lips60 Votes. Retiring Vermont Senator Judd Gregg was quoted in The Hill arguing in a sour fashion that the Democrats would pass some version of healthcare by moaning about 60 votes in the Senate and then constructing them afterall. The bill then will go to Conference, where all the progressive ...
- Apparently, Holder Has Other Things To DoThan look at ACORN. Yet, the hits just keep on coming. There is another tape out from James O’Keefe of filmmaker James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles going to ACORN offices in an expose of the lengths to which ACORN workers will go to assist in setting up an underage prostitution ring. Here [...]
- Another sign of Economic Recovery: Housing market ...Dropped off a cliff. A cliff. Things are fine! We PLANNED this! Honest! It’s part of the Recovery! Now go watch Survivor. The housing market dropped off a cliff in October, as the original Nov. 30th expiration date for the first-time home buyers tax credit approached, according to the Housing Ma ...
- Gaming Housing Statistics or Time Reveals TruthTime reveals truth. I love that pearl of wisdom shared by Danielle Park, my guest this past Sunday evening on No Quarter Radio’s Sense on Cents with Larry Doyle. I find it very applicable to the recently released economic report on housing starts. What did that report indicate? Housing starts in O ...
Environmental Graffiti
- Seven Gigantic Rock Figures Rising from Beneath th ...
- Divebombing Birds Catching Prey Underwater
- Did We Wipe Out the Prehistoric Hobbit Man?
- Life After Death: Taxidermy’s Most Macabre Creat ...
- When Small Animals Go Supersize
Foreign Policy in Focus
- Obama Takes a Bow?Critics lambasted Obama's deferential style. They missed the real story of the president's Asia trip.
- Fort Hood: The War at HomeThe tragic effects of the policies that motivate those abroad to attack U.S. soldiers have finally hit home in a direct and devastating way.
- Iraq Throws Obama a Curve Ball, Key 2010 Elections ...Obama has muddied the waters in his response to the current election crisis.
- The Battle for Angola's OilA new battle is underway between the United States and China over Angola's oil resources.
- Review: 'Daybreak: Undoing The Imperial Presidency ...David Swanson exposes the crimes of the Bush-Cheney regime and calls for a more perfect union.
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Gov ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there wil ...
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s ...
Al Jazeera
- Afghanistan announces army upgradePlan to boost force size to 240,000 unveiled as US politician calls Karzai unworthy partner.
- Arrests in Italy over Mumbai attackTwo Pakistanis accused of providing logistical help to perpetrators of last year's rampage.
- Sri Lanka 'to free Tamil refugees'Government official says last batch of inmates of detention camps to go home in December.
- Lula urges Israel settlement freezeBrazilian president vows to help Palestinian President Abbas in peace efforts.
- Match-fixing arrests across EuropeSeventeen people arrested in 'biggest ever football match-fixing scandal' in Europe.
Green Inc. - NYT
- Home Improvement, With Tax Collector as LenderNew York has joined more than a dozen other states in approving a fast-spreading new method of financing renewable-energy and efficiency improvements.
- On Our Radar...Climate change and national security, and other energy and environment coverage on the Web.
- India to Spend $900 Million on SolarThe Indian cabinet approved a plan on Thursday that would vastly increase the amount of solar power produced by the country.
- Green Builders' Study Forecasts Job GrowthBuilding green could add hundreds of billions of dollars to the economy, according to a new report released by the United States Green Building Council.
- Study Says Air Cars are InefficientA paper from the University of California, Berkeley, concludes that compressed-air energy storage is a relatively inefficient technology when it comes to personal transportation.
Dot Earth News
- Private Climate Conversations on DisplayMore than a decade of climatologists' private chatter gets a Web airing.
- Japan's Fleet Departs to Hunt 900 WhalesJapan's whaling fleet heads to sea, and a marine conservationist and scientist decries the impending kill.
- A Dim View of U.S.-China Electric Car PlanA specialist in energy and transportation says China needs efficient cities more than efficient cars.
- Innovative Countries, Energized CampusesReports examine countries and campuses for innovations focused on building a better world.
- No Free (CO2) Lunch for Frequent Fliers?A company promoting responsible travel cancels sales of "carbon offsets" to compensate for greenhouse gases from flying.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- Katherine Fitts on Alex Jones: financial disorder, ...Previously: Negative Return on Investment Economy: Katherine Austin Fitts and the fake war on drugs Katherine Fitts on Alex Jones, I grabbed this post off dprogram.net which is a sturdy little new aggregator site. Nicely done everyone... The world divided into the pro-centralization and anti-central ...
- Robert Erickson punks Tea Party The Full Story HDHave a lol. My buddy Robert & I put a lil sequence together :) Please repost!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rry_SlPW7oU and http://blip.tv/file/2859263 TC Indymedia gives a new look at the infamous Robert Erickson Tea Party punk with crowd reactions and the assault on a counter-protester in HD. ...
- Murs and Slug: Felt 3 is recommended immediately!It's time to listen - embedded flash player- Felt 3 is here. There was one track on the Current earlier tonight. Don't miss this. Felt 3: A Tribute to Rosie Perez drops soon... http://www.myspace.com/mursandslug Protagonists: Murs: "So fly should have been in Starfleet". This is it!
- The Vortex or authoritarian SingularitySorry there have been some tech glitches precluding me from posting more lately. But also a lot of neat things in the works :-) In response to The Agonist thread on 8 Thoughts on 2040 : Among the Kurzweil set there is a lot of happy talk about a Singularity describing a point where the rate of ch ...
- Collapse, conspiracy, concern trolling, commidifie ..."I have heard much of the nefarious, and dangerous plan, and doctrines of the Illuminati, but never saw the Book until you were pleased to send it to me." "It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On t ...
Daily Censored
- March against the terror and violence in Nicaragua ...You might have read my article on Nicaragua in Counterpunch, “Fear in Nicaragua”, http://counterpunch.com/weil11172009.html. As disturbing it was to write it, it was more disturbing to hear the voices of some of the vacuous ‘North American leftists’ who cling to a dream in face of a sordid ...
- The Dark Side Of Dairies: A Broken System That Lea ...Dairy industry workers face daily dangers from injury and illness on the job. Seven out of one hundred dairy workers were injured on the job in 2007, which is nearly double the normal injury rate for all private industries. Additionally, dairy workers breathe air laced with bacteria and manure dus ...
- Our children have entered a Dickensian World of Ni ...The postmodern conservative tragic-drama is orchestrating the realignment and advancement of the social and economic production of society that increasingly needs less and less people from which to extract surplus value. Within this grim portrait self is sullenly reduced to image--- an image define ...
- Dissidents Make Noise — oops, NewsU.S. government hypocrisy has grown so pervasive over the last decades that it provokes yawns and glazed looks. Senators denounce government interference in health care while partaking in their own top of the line government health insurance that they designed – at taxpayer expense. Secretary of S ...
- HHS Task Force Mammogram Recs SlammedIf you were seeking treatment for cancer or consultation on current treatment, would you consult anyone with the specialties listed? Not if you're concerned about your health. Cancer is not what these doctors treat.
AlterNet's Breaking News
- Fort Hood shooter talked with radical cleric: repo ...
- 'King' James scores 40 as Cavs down Pacers
- Jackson doctor 'waited over an hour' before 911 ca ...
- Senate Democrats eye key US health care victory
- Obama's Senate allies eye key health care victory
Institute for Policy Studies
- Panel Discussion: Mexico in 2010: A Year of Celebr ...A discussion on the governance and economic challenges facing Mexico in 2010.
- Forum: Africom, the Militarization of AfricaLearn about the U.S. military presence in Africa and how it will affect you.
- Dissidents Make Noise—Oops, NewsGovernment corruption no longer makes the mainstream media watchdogs bark.
- Iraq Throws Obama a Curve Ball, Key 2010 Elections ...Obama has muddied the waters in his response to the current election crisis.
- A Unified Security Budget for the United States, F ...Obama needs to shift away from his predecessor and usher in a new era of U.S. security policy.
- A Thanksgiving PrayerAmerican Thanksgiving is less than a week away and we are all looking forward to what is fondly called Turkey Day. It is my favourite American custom which I have embraced with great enthusiasm not just because I love good food and good fellowship but because I love the opportunity to think about ...
- Today was World Toilet DayDid you know that today was World Toilet Day. It sounds to most of us as though someone is cracking a joke, but the lack of toilets is no joke for the 2.5 billion people in our world who lack adequate sanitation The World Toilet Organisation themselves are encouraging website visitors to head over ...
- Living into God’s Time – The Story For ...My friend Tara Malouf has just produced an extraordinary calendar – not like your ordinary calendars that begin in January and go through the twelve months of the year as we know them but one that flows to the rhythm of the liturgical year. Â It begins in Advent and follows the seasons of the ye ...
- Walking with God – Why Is It So Hard?Several months ago I wrote a post in which I commented on the fact that in order for people to move from communities of poverty to the middle class they need to be willing to give up relationships for accomplishment and efficiency. Â I have thought about this a lot over the last few months – [. ...
- The Coming Of the Lord is Near – Advent Medi ...Here is my Advent meditation video for 2009. I have really enjoyed putting this one together as I have been meditating on What Am I Waiting for this Advent? A high quality version for use in large groups and churches can be purchased and downloaded here. You can see my videos from the last [.. ...
Equality Trust
- Archbishop of Canterbury: higher taxes "good for s ...A divine intervention from Dr Rowan Williams reported in today's Daily Telegraph .
- Thinking Allowed: Is an unequal society bad for yo ...Thinking Allowed on BBC Radio 4, broadcast Wednesday 16th July and available to Listen Again for 7 days . Laurie Taylor explores the latest research into how society works. Research has shown that health and social problems become more acute in an unequal society, where the gap between the ri ...
- Beware the liberal drift. Equality, alwaysRead Labour MP John Cruddas' comment piece in the Guardian. Which way forward for the left? We must tackle society's glaring wealth and income inequalities.
- The Spirit Level - recommended holiday readingThe Spirit Level has been picked by the Guardian as one of their best summer reads . The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better, by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett (Allen Lane, £20) For anyone whose morale has been sapped by all the recent revelations of greed and di ...
- Richard Wilkinson among social experts analysing C ...David Cameron's speech on poverty, the state and the mass engagement of a new generation of community activists on Tuesday set the direction of travel under a Conservative government. In the Guardian today a panel of social experts analyse the Tory leader's key points. Prof Richard Wilkinson, Direc ...
- Privacy concerns as NSA admits “helping” Micro ...Security experts raised privacy concerns after a US National Security Agency official revealed that the Agency collaborated with Microsoft during the development stage of Windows 7.
- News you may have missed #0191Peru-Chile spy dispute deepens. UN-Iran in secret nuclear negotiations, says paper. Analysis: The real spy war between CIA and DNI.
- News you may have missed #0190Indicted Liberian leader continues to allege CIA complicity. Debate on who should protect US computer networks continues. Case of Pakistani 'spy' arrested in India gets thicker.
- FBI kept tabs on Pulitzer-winning author Studs Ter ...The FBI, which acted as America’s political police during the Cold War, spent several decades watching Pulitzer Prize-winning author Studs Terkel, who died earlier this year at age 96.
- News you may have missed #0189Somali youths from Canada may have joined Al-Shabab militant group. New website examines intelligence contractors. MI6 chiefs to testify about Iraq War fiasco.
After Downing Street.org
- McChrystal Testing the LimitsMcChrystal Testing the Limits By Ray McGovern It is not too late for President Barack Obama to follow the example of Harry Truman, who fired Gen. Douglas McArthur in 1951 for insubordination. Then, as now, the stakes were high. Then it was Korea; now it is Afghanistan. No more slaps on the wrist ...
- You Should, TooYou Should, Too By Missy Comley Beattie The sign in the yard isn’t large, though its message is: Support The Troops They Want Victory You Should, Too Each time I travel to Kentucky to v ...
- Veto of Iraq’s Election Law Could Force Vote Del ...Veto of Iraq’s Election Law Could Force Vote Delay By Rod Nordland and Riyadh Mohammed | NY Times Iraq was thrown into a fresh political crisis on Wednesday after a vice president vetoed a newly passed election law, delaying the vote, setting off fresh sectarian wrangling and possibly complicatin ...
- Declare Victory, Leave AfghanistanDeclare Victory, Leave Afghanistan Obama's Decision On Afghanistan Expected Soon Helen Thomas Hearst White House columnist | WCVB The Nobel Peace crown lies uneasy on President Barack Obama’s head as he ponders the next U.S. move in Afghanistan, with hints and leaks showering down to tell us tha ...
- Woman Who Claims Sexual Assault Wins $3 Million Fr ...Woman Who Claims Sexual Assault Wins $3 Million From Former Halliburton Division Tracy Barker Says State Department Employee Assaulted Her in Iraq -- Feds Refused to File Charges By Drew Sandholm | ABC News Tracy Barker, who says a U.S. State Department employee sexually assaulted her in Iraq in 2 ...
Grist - News
- Europe places outcome of Copenhagen squarely on Ob ...by Brendan DeMelle The chief negotiator for the European Commission announced this afternoon in Barcelona that the failure of the U.S. Congress to pass legislation before December has doomed the chances for success in Copenhagen . A climate protest at the Barcelona talks: World leaders with \'big ...
- Cash for Clunkers brought us ... more clunkers!by Jonathan Hiskes So how did Cash for Clunkers work out from an environmental standpoint? You don’t want to know. The $3 billion federal program was kinda sorta supposed to send inefficient, high-polluting, belchy vehicles to an early grave. Instead it put a lot of new large, inefficient vehicle ...
- Senate Democrats push climate bill through committ ...by Agence France-Presse WASHINGTON -- Senate Democrats on Thursday pushed through a sweeping climate change bill, maneuvering an end-run around opposition Republicans who continued their boycott of deliberations. The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee approved the Kerry-Boxer bill by a v ...
- Why developing countries cannot afford failure in ...by Brendan DeMelle The African delegation insisted today in Barcelona that its decision to walk out on negotiations Tuesday was necessary in order to jolt the intransigent European Union and other developed nations to move forward with serious discussions, rather than obstruct progress by bringing ...
- U.S. puts onus on China for climate dealby Agence France-Presse WASHINGTON - The United States will not agree to targets cutting greenhouse-gas emissions unless developing countries, particularly China, make similar moves, U.S. climate envoy Todd Stern warned Wednesday. "No country holds the fate of the Earth in its hands more than China ...
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- Yahoo! Rolls Out All New Contacts FeaturesThe veteran webmail provider now makes their contacts features more useful for everyone.
- Blog Focus: Tim Lincecum Wins the National League ...Tim Lincecum won the Cy Young Award in the National League and bloggers react.
- Video: Scott Niedermayer's Stick Causes a BrawlScott Niedermayer tries to give a young fan a souvenir, igniting a brawl.
- 50 Cent's Posse is not Familiar With Marv Albert50 Cent's men have never heard of Marv Albert.
- The Moon at NoonHow much do we miss in our busy lives?
Time - Top Stories
- Tuition Hikes: Protests in California and Elsewher ...A combination of budget crises and the recession spark protests in GoldenState. But the problem plagues other public universities too
- Pap Tests: Another Revision of RecommendationsDays after a government task force rolled back its mammography screening recommendations, another influential group issued revised guidelines on Pap tests for young women
- Three Key Lessons from Obama's China TourWhat we learned from the American President's journey through the Middle Kingdom
- Michael Jackson Memorabilia Goes Up for AuctionMichael Jackson Memorabilia Goes Up for Auction
- The New Mammogram Guidelines: What You Need to Kno ...If the brouhaha over new mammogram guidelines has proved anything, it's that even modern medicine does not rely on statistics, scientific facts and clinical outcomes alone
Washington Independent
- Another Gitmo Detainee Wins in Federal Court; Scor ...Farhi Saeed bin Mohammed, an Algerian national who was captured in Pakistan and turned over to the U.S. military after fleeing from Afghanistan, was ordered released from the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay by a U.S. District Court judge yesterday, according to the human rights group CageP ...
- Gitmo Prisoner’s Death: Suicide or Murder?Jeffrey Kaye at Truthout has a good piece today on the suicide — or murder? — of Yemeni Guantanamo Bay prisoner Mohammad Ahmed Abdullah Saleh al Hanashi in June. It’s a powerful reminder of why human rights advocates, as well as U.S. military leaders, think it’s important to close that priso ...
- Reid, Baucus Approve Wyden’s ‘Free Cho ...Senate Democratic leaders have amended their newly released health reform bill to include a contentious provision allowing some workers to receive cash vouchers toward exchange coverage in lieu of enrolling in employer-based plans. Here’s an explanation from a statement released moments ago by the ...
- Wasserman Schultz: New Mammogram Guidelines ‘ ...Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), a breast-cancer survivor, has been busy on the news shows this week, attacking the new guideline that women seek routine mammograms later in life. Last night, she was at it again, telling MSNBC’s Chris Matthews that it’s “totally inappropriate” for a p ...
- Yes, Palin Backed the BailoutsWhy has MSNBC embedded one of its top on-air talents with Sarah Palin’s book tour? That’s a good question, but I thought Norah O’Donnell’s grilling of a young Palin fan was a fair use of the network’s time. O’Donnell asked Jackie (no last name given), who was wearing a T-shirt criticizin ...
CowBoss' Brain Food
- Skeptics claim global warming is fake after top sc ...Hackers recently broke into thousands of emails and internal documents from a leading climate research center and dumped them onto an anonymous Russian server. The hacked emails (160 MB worth, unzipped) came from the University of East Anglia’s Climatic R Submitted by cowboss at wscc to Environment ...
- Cow beaten to death with plankA farmer has condemned an attack in which a cow died after being repeatedly beaten around the head with a 4ft plank of wood. Submitted by cowboss at wscc to Society & Culture | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- ND food pantries reach halfway goal of 700 deerA North Dakota program that distributes venison to the needy is halfway to its goal of collecting 700 deer carcasses despite a hunting season that barely got off with a bang. "I was a little worried about the hunting season," said Ann Pollert, Submitted by cowboss at wscc to Society & Culture | ...
- Watch your Christmas dinner fatten up on 'Turkey C ...The days of the traditional visit to the village farm to pick out a tasty prize turkey a few weeks before Christmas dinner and then watch it fatten up through the autumn have become a distant rural memory for the vast majority. Submitted by cowboss at wscc to Society & Culture | Note-it! | Ad ...
- Consumer campaigns don't save endangered fish: rep ...Consumer campaigns to protect threatened fish species have failed, researchers warned Tuesday in a report underscoring the need for alternative ways to save threatened marine species. Submitted by cowboss at wscc to Society & Culture | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- American representatives promoting property in Jer ...Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (in highway patrol $hades) and NY state a$$emblyman Dov Hikind with minor Muslim curiousity (Al Aqsa Mosque) in background (Menachem Kahane/AFP) IMEMC, November 18, 2009 A Democratic State Assemblyman from New York is leading a mission of 50 US citizens through Isr ...
- Protests at UC Berkely as student fees increase 32 ...This video was from yesterday, where student protesters sit around a van to block regents from leaving UCLA. The UC Regents voted earlier in the day on November 19, 2009, to raise student fees by 32% by next fall quarter. Here is today’s update: ktvu TV 36 Posted: 7:14 am PST November 20, 2009 ...
- The Ongoing Saga of AfghanistanNovember 14, 2009 at 23:35:59 For OpEdNews: Sandy Shanks – Writer Due to recent reports, for those still clinging to the forlorn hope that America’s military involvement in Afghanistan would end reasonably soon, such hope has turned to despair. Perhaps some Americans, those interested in litera ...
- Obama’s Blackberry: How Tweet it is…Chinese censors block Obama’s call to free the Web By ALEXA OLESEN, Nov 16, 4:36 pm ET Associated Press BEIJING – President Barack Obama prodded China about Internet censorship and free speech, but the message was not widely heard in China where his words were blocked online and shown on onl ...
- Biggest State Party to Obama: Stop making war in A ...By Norman Solomon, ZNet, Nov. 17, 2009 There’s a significant new straw in the political wind for President Obama to consider. The California Democratic Party has just sent him a formal and clear message: Stop making war in Afghanistan. Overwhelmingly approved on Nov. 15 by the California Democrat ...
- Meet the Kings FirecrackersMeet the Kings Firecrackers
- Family WealthOn this week’s Solari Report, we will be talking about one of my favorite topics—preserving and growing family wealth—with attorney and family counselor James E. (Jay) Hughes, Jr. While Jay’s work has been focused on helping wealthy families preserve their fortunes, I believe his in ...
- Paulson To Invest $250m In New Gold FundBy James Quinn Mr Paulson, best known for making $3.7bn from bets on the collapse of the US sub-prime mortgage market, is believed to have told investors that the new fund, to be run by Paulson & Co, will invest not just in gold miners but also in other investments related to the precious metal. Al ...
- Belgian PM Named As EU PresidentMore than eight years after the idea was first mooted, Europe has finally got a President. Leaders of the 27 members of the European Union (EU) picked Herman Van Rompuy, the Belgian prime minister, as their choice for the post, late on Thursday evening. Baroness Catherine Ashton, currently the EUâ ...
- Europe Chooses a PresidentContinue reading Europe Chooses a President Stratfor (20 Nov 09) More than eight years after the idea was first mooted, Europe has finally got a President. Leaders of the 27 members of the European Union (EU) picked Herman Van Rompuy, the Belgian prime minister, as their choice for the post, late o ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware. George Green will be a featured speaker. September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CA Click here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
Insurgency Watch - Posts
- InsurgencyWatch moving to True/SlantIn the coming days, InsurgencyWatch will be moving to True/Slant, “an original content news network tailored to both the ‘Entrepreneurial Journalist’ and marketers who want a more effective way to engage with digital audiences.” (That’s what the official about page says.) It’s not a deci ...
- Kerry-Lugar’s First VictimIf true, this is total bullshit: After strong criticism on the Kerry-Lugar bill in Pakistan, the government has decided to replace Pakistan’s ambassador to the US Hussain Haqqani and the announcement in this respect is expected within the next two days. There’s nothing in the bill reasonable Pa ...
- Pakistan’s Civil War Heating UpIn the aftermath of this weekend’s assault on the Pakistani General Headquarters in Rawalpindi, the Taliban hit again in Alpuri, in the Shangla district east of Mingora in Swat. According to military sources who asked to remain anonymous because they weren’t authorized to talk to the press, a 1 ...
- At Home with a Swat LashkarI just finished up a few days in Swat and while I’m working on a story about it, I thought you might like to see a few pictures I took while there. Enjoy. Share/Save
- FACTBOX: Uzbek militant leader killed in Pakistan ...Washington PostFACTBOX: Uzbek militant leader killed in PakistanReutersBy this time he is thought to have fled the region for the safe haven of Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. * Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and Taliban leader ...Pakistan to Target Taliba...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- When It’s Crunch Time at Colleg ...Can ADHD stimulants like Adderall be the answer for college students looking to increase academic performance? They think so.
- Did LSD Make a Baseball Pitcher's No-Hitter Possib ...Perhaps the greatest athletic achievement while on a psychedelic journey, No Mas and artist James Blagden proudly present the animated tale of Dock Ellis' legendary LSD no-hitter.
- In Historic Shift, the American Medical Associatio ...The country's largest physician group, the AMA, has reversed its long-held position that marijuana has no medical worth.
- The Relentless War on Drug Users Is Escalating Vio ...Hundreds gather in Albuquerque to celebrate a new dawn of wider acceptance of drug reform, while still feeling a little nervous about the path ahead.
- Drug Policy Alliance Conference Comes at a Crucial ...More people than ever grasp the need to shift from criminalization to a public health model -- the Drug Policy Alliance's conference leads the way on this discussion.
Twilight Earth
- The Quinnipiac Bobcats get Top Rankings for Sustai ...Quinnipiac University is installing twenty-five Windspire vertical wind turbines at the first university micro-wind farm in the country. Related posts: Windspire Wind Turbine Generating Electricity at Michigan Governor’s House Mariah Power and Windspire Wind Turbine Featured on 20/20 Mariah Powe ...
- What Could be Finer than to be a Tweed Rider? DC T ...The first annual "tweed ride" took place in Washington DC on Sunday. Whats a Tweed Ride? It's a trend that's catching on in Europe and the U.S. Related posts: Cycling Clothing: No Shorts, Jerseys or Jackets – Just Pasties Busted! Coal Lobby Fakes Letters to Congress EPA Names Top 20 Green Power ...
- Hot Tip for a Cooler PlanetCooler Planet is a company created and run by passionate environmentalists to help consumers and small business owners reduce their carbon footprint. Related posts: Planet Green Announces New Green Materials Guide New Jersey to Double its Solar Power Generation – Second Only to California Introd ...
- Chrysler Electric Car Programs Dumped… Despite B ...Remember how much money Chrysler received from the federal government in bailout money? $12.5 billion, according to USA Today's DriveOn blog. Related posts: Chrysler’s Pea-Pod Electric Car for the Golf Cart Elite Electric Cars Run on Coal, But are They Cleaner than Gas? GM to Build Two More Elec ...
- Photo Sunday – Journey Through the Arctic IceLike the canary in the coal mine, the climate changes already evident in the Arctic are a call to action. Susan Collins Related posts: NASA Arctic Satellite About to Die? Here Comes Operation Ice Bridge Photo Sunday – When its Raining on Sunday Morning Photo Sunday – Sunday Morning Coming Dow ...
- Polar Bear Robots Replace Dead Bears at St. Louis ...Officials at the St. Louis Zoo are preparing for their holiday Wild Lights exhibit by installing electronic polar bear proxies in place of the deceased polar bears who died in their captivity. The gesture is rife with social commentary, given the fact that polar bears have become the iconic images o ...
- Power Your Music Player With Your Running PantsInstead of just burning calories, why not use all that energy from exercising to power your MP3 player? The Dancepants Kinetic Music Player, a shortlisted entry in Designboom’s Green Life competition, lets you do just that by converting kinetic energy from running, hopping, jumping, etc. into elec ...
- Construction Begins on Amazing Tunnel-Shaped Rotte ...Imagine having this sweet public market pop up in your town? Well the lucky residents of Rotterdam are actually getting one! This week, the mayor of the city announced the commencement of construction on the huge tunnel-shaped market hall which will flash images of gigantic fresh fruits and vegetab ...
- Modern Manifesto House Made From Wood Pallets and ...While not totally prefabricated, the Manifesto House by Infiniski utilizes pre-made materials like shipping containers and wooden pallets to create a totally rad modern house. Infiniski’s mission is to build homes cheaply and quickly using sustainable materials while incorporating renewable energy ...
- LivingHomes Delivers KieranTimberlake Prefab in Or ...LivingHomes had the honor of building the first LEED Platinum certified home in the US, and now they’re on schedule to deliver the first LEED Platinum certified home in Orange County. The new KieranTimberlake LivingHome 1.5 (KTLH1.5) was erected earlier this month in a single day. Located in the ...
Pogue's Posts
- A $25 Cellphone? That's Crazy Talk.This week, Palm released a follow up to the Pre, a cheaper, thinner, lesser phone called the Pixi. The official price is $100 with a two-year Sprint contract, but Amazon is selling the thing for - are you sitting down? - $25.
- Crowdsourcing Comedy on Amazon ReviewsSome unexpected humor can be found in the reviews of the world's largest online retailer.
- It's Q&A with DP!Why I use URL shorteners-even when not on Twitter.
- Verizon: How Much Do You Charge Now?Verizon's cellphones are designed in such a way that you can almost never avoid getting $1.99 charge on the bill for its mobile Web services, even if you immediately cancel the action.
- Fun With Google's Auto-Suggestion FeatureStart a phrase in a Google and who knows how the search engine will complete it?
Open Your Eyes News
- How Britain lied to put a killer in power in Indon ...The Independent – The world’s press was systematically manipulated by British intelligence as part of a plot to overthrow Indonesia’s President Sukarno in the 1960s, according to Foreign Office documents. The BBC, the Observer andReuters news agency were all duped into carrying stories manufac ...
- Australian state government wants right to detain ...Adelaide Now – HEALTH authorities want the power to detain people for up to three months if they refuse testing or treatment for infectious diseases.Under draft legislation proposed by the State Government, someone with swine flu, measles or meningococcal disease could be forcibly held, examined a ...
- Censored Irish Church Sex Abuse Report to be Publi ...The Irish Independent – THE High Court yesterday cleared the way for the publication next week of a damning report into the handling of clerical sex abuse in the Dublin Archdiocese that “will shock us all”. However, references to a second priest facing abuse charges are to be censored. Read Ar ...
- Obscured By War, Water Crisis Looms In YemenNPR – Lately, the news from Yemen has been dominated by an escalating rebellion along the border with Saudi Arabia. But for water experts, Yemen has been making news for decades because of its severe overuse of a rapidly disappearing water supply. In 1998, Abdul Rahman al-Eryani was a young local ...
- Sri Lanka Tamil refugee camps ‘to be opened next ...BBC – The Sri Lankan government says people living in special camps since the end of the conflict with Tamil Tiger rebels will be free to leave next month. The camps were set up in the north for Tamils fleeing the final stages of the civil war – which ended in May – and still [...]
Monkey Smashes Heaven
- Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist Movement – Se ...RAIM-Seattle forms (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) A new RAIM cell has formed in Seattle. MSH sends a red salute to RAIM-S. From the RAIM-S website: “- What does RAIM-Seattle want? A utopian society. We want a world free from oppression of groups by groups and people by people. A world withou ...
- Third World children starve, suffer stunted growth ...Third World children starve, suffer stunted growth, First World children suffer obesity (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) According to a new UNICEF report, 200 million children under 5 in poor countries have stunted growth due to insufficient nutrition. Of the 200 million, almost 90 percent live ...
- Frankly, we support our troopsPosted in ..Monkey and the Troublemakers, Communism, Iraq, Maoism, Maoism Third Worldism, Maoisme, Maoismo, Middle East
- First Worldism underneath the Beyonce controversyFirst Worldism underneath the Beyonce controversy (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) Pop diva Beyonce’s “I Am..” tour has so far made 53 million dollars, and generated controversy to boot. In giant posters that pepper the streets, Beyonce sports a revealing, flame covered outfit in th ...
- Fragging statement: MSH and Anwar al AwlakiFragging statement: MSH and Anwar al Awlaki (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) All the facts about the Fort Hood shootings are not in yet. The facts may never be fully known. After all, the bourgeois media, the accused’s handlers, and others, will try to craft their own narratives around the eve ...
- Zionism – The Worst Plague In The History Of Man ...By Ed Ward, MD 11-20-9 TO HELL WITH THE GODS OF ZIONISM! – FOR THAT IS WHERE THEY BELONG. Your rights end at the tip of my nose and vice versa. All else is zionist fascism and blasphemy of god, constitution and mankind. And if that ain’t good enough for you – Fa Q and See Below Me! Zionism [. ...
- The worst is yet to come: Unemployed Americans sho ...Top economic prognosticator says job seekers must face grim economic facts BY Nouriel Roubini Think the worst is over? Wrong. Conditions in the U.S. labor markets are awful and worsening. While the official unemployment rate is already 10.2% and another 200,000 jobs were lost in October, when you in ...
- Afghanistan’s bravest woman calls on US to leaveMalalai Joya, called the “bravest woman in Afghanistan,” is finishing up a U.S. tour where she has pressed the Obama administration to pull the military out of her country. She says nothing could be worse for women than what she sees as the current civil war. by Amy Littlefield (WOMENSENEW ...
- Movie: Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement â ...Considering the increased pace of the New World Order’s agenda — from cap and trade to increasing calls for world government — Alex Jones’ landmark documentary Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement is more important than ever. Please get the word out. See also: Population Reduction: Glo ...
- Plague or Plan? Wayne Madsen On Virus in UkraineBritish scientists suspect that swine flu virus has mutated in Ukraine. Some doctors say that flu in the country has shown unprecedented symptoms, creating the effect of burnt lungs, the Daily Mail reports. See also: ALERT AS MUTANT FLU VIRUS DEFIES DRUG TREATMENT The European BioWar Outbreak V ...
- Wind Power Could be Stored as IceA perfect way of storing electricity generated by wind turbines has been elusive so far. Ideas like super-sized batteries , compressed air and hydroelectric storage have all been floated. One company though thinks the answer could be as simple as making ice. Calmac has come up with a storage sy ...
- Fastest Computer in the World Focused on Climate C ...The Jaguar XT5 computer, housed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Knoxville, Tenn. and owned by the Department of Energy was just named the fastest computer in the world by the TOP500 list . It has a performance speed of 1.759 petaflops or quadrillions of calculations per second and that po ...
- Action on Climate Change Delayed: Copenhagen Won' ...As reports have indicated for the past several weeks, a binding agreement won't be reached in Copenhagen this December. Leaders attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation this past weekend met and decided that the Copenhagen conference would be used to come up with an interim "politically" b ...
- 203 MW Wind Farm Completed in UtahIt's great to see some of the large wind farm projects that were just ideas a couple of years ago become reality. First Wind's Milford Wind Corridor project has just seen the completion of its first phase - 203.5 MW in Millard and Beaver Counties in Utah, the largest renewable energy facility in th ...
- Solar Spacecraft to Launch in 2010The Planetary Society is planning to launch a solar-propelled space craft in 2010 after its first attempt landed in the ocean four years ago. The LightSail-1 would run on the pressure of light hitting its four triangular-shaped Mylar sails. The society sees the project as a way to achieve long sp ...
Times Online - Science
- Daniel White solves the Mandelbrot set with beauti ...It may look like an underwater cave but this is the image of a three-dimensional fractal, the result of years of work by a computer programmer.
- Sceptics publish climate e-mails 'stolen from East ...E-mails allegedly written by some of the world’s leading climate scientists have been stolen by hackers and published on websites run by climate change sceptics.
- Drilling into volcano will not make it erupt, scie ...After lying dormant for 4,000 years, one of Europe’s most powerful volcanoes, Campi Flegrei near Naples, is showing signs of life.
- Substitute skin could provide new treatment for bu ...Sheets of “substitute skin” have been grown from embryonic stem cells in research that promises to lead to new treatments for burns.
- Meet Boar, Rat and Pancake: the ancient, giant cro ...New species of giant ancient crocodiles, one with boar-like tusks another with a duck-like snout, have been unearthed in the Sahara desert, experts announced today.
Environment _ National Geographic
- Crime-Fighting Leech Fingers PerpPolice in Australia say a blood-engorged leech, through DNA testing, led them to a man responsible for the robbery eight years ago of a 71-year-old woman. Video
- Alligators Sing to Set Up Singles Clubs? (With Vid ...Only an alligator could truly understand the allure of this thunderous "chorus." But a new study says the song may be an invitation to reptilian romantic networking.
- Presented By:
- Leaves "Magnetized" by Air Pollution, Study FindsAlthough they wouldn't be physically attracted to a magnet, "magnetic" tree leaves along heavy traffic routes may offer a quick, cheap way to test for air pollution, a new study says.
- PICTURES: Best Mountain Photos of 2009 Announced A steam-shrouded bison, a bikini-clad diver, a seven-year-old shepherd, and other wild wonders stalk our selection of winning pictures from the latest Banff Mountain Photography Competition.
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- T-9 and Holding:About 8 minutes before the shuttle blasts off : At NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, space shuttle Atlantis and crew are nearing liftoff at Launch Pad 39A, prepared to begin the STS-129 cargo-delivery mission to the International Space Station. The countdown clock is holding at T-9 minutes. ...
- The more things change, the more they stay the sam ...I woke up today to the news that it has been a whole year that gay and lesbian couples have been allowed to share the same rights as everyone else in our State. The right to settle down, get married and live as a family has changed a lot of people's lives in Connecticut . I did a quick inventory o ...
- Windsock JoeWe really want to know which way the wind blows, Joe? The other day you were dead set against the Public Option, much to the chagrin of Connecticut voters. And now? Sen. Joe Lieberman has reached a private understanding with Majority Leader Harry Reid that he will not block a final vote on healthca ...
- Blue Dog Mike Ross Real Estate Scandal?Via TomP at dKos, Rep. Mike Ross is getting his first taste of promised push-back for going against what the majority of Americans want : ProPublica is reporting that Blue Dog Congressman Mike Ross (DINO-AR) "sold a piece of commercial property in 2007 for substantially more than a county assessment ...
- Boehner at CPAC calling all of Obama's Policies So ...Flushing out Boehner's lie on Meet the Press and a David Gregory that doesn't follow politics well enough to be able to call him out on the obvious: Boehner is no different then any other Bircher whackjob.
SPL Center
- Rise Up and Fight the Swine Flu Conspiracy, Says & ...Of all the fantastic musings and mutterings about the H1N1 flu and vaccine, few are more outrageous than the pronouncements of retired Army Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine III and his psychiatrist wife, Rima Laibow. They run a nonprofit organization called Natural Solutions Foundation, which warns of t ...
- Violate the Constitution? Christian Right Group Sa ...The American Family Association (AFA) usually frets about homosexuals and pornography, but in the aftermath of the shootings at Fort Hood last week, the ultraconservative religious right group has a new concern: Muslims in the U.S. military. Ban them, urges Bryan Fischer, AFA director of issues anal ...
- Lies, Betrayals and Self-Promotions: The Shawna Fo ...Shawna Forde, the anti-immigration crusader who has been accused of murder in the home-invasion killings of an Arizona man and his 9-year-old daughter, got the full treatment on Sunday from her hometown paper. The full treatment — more than 5,000 words of it by reporter Scott North in The Herald o ...
- Neo-Nazi Leader White Likely to Remain Jailed Unti ...An appeals court today overturned the decision of a federal judge who had released neo-Nazi leader Bill White on bond after setting several conditions. In making its decision, the three-member panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals characterized White as “a highly intelligent person appare ...
- New ‘Patriot’ Group Begins First ‘Border Wat ...The Patriots Coalition, a new antigovernment ‘Patriot’ group founded by the former vice president of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, is carrying out its first border vigilante operation targeting Latino immigrants and drug smugglers. Along with Patriots Coalition members, the month-long event ...
Rio Times
- Rio Gangs Look to Restaurant RobberyBy Doug Gray, Senior Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO – It is simply an unfortunate facet of life in Rio that after a few months of living here you are certain to know someone who has been on the wrong end of a street robbery. While any major city has its crime problems, Rio’s tend - rightly [...]
- Coca Cola Invests Big in BrazilBy Jaylan Boyle, Senior Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO - Representatives of the Coca Cola corporation said recently that the company intends to significantly increase it’s expenditure and investment in Brazil over the five years to 2014, to coincide with the FIFA football world cup of that year and the O ...
- Portela and the Majesty Of CarnivalBy Bruno De Nicola, Senior Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO - February may still be three months off, but the majority of those involved with Carnival have already been hard at work, the weekly rehearsals are underway, and Portela Samba School, founded on Rua Portela in the Madureira neighbourhood of Zona No ...
- Help Saga ContinuesBy Doug Gray, Senior Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO - Despite reports to the contrary over the last few weeks, months, indeed years, Help Discoteca in Copacabana is still open, and seemingly doing better than ever. It is testament to the global reputation of the huge club on Avenida Atlantica that so many ...
- Culinary Tourism in Santa TeresaBy Bruno De Nicola, Senior Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO - Though sometimes written off by the national press, businesses can undoubtedly flourish in Santa Teresa, the historical and truly bohemian neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro largely because it consistently captures visitors’ imaginations. Certainly ...
change: org.
- The Manhattan Declaration and the Right's Return t ...If you take a few dozen Catholics, mix them up with a large pack of conservative evangelicals, throw in a former Nixon official who went to jail for obstructing justice, and add the woman who is the leading activist trying to keep marriage rights away from LGBT people, you get what's now better know ...
- Developed nations reveal emissions targetsAhead of next month’s UN climate talks in Copenhagen, most of the world’s industralized countries have announced emissions targets that they will bring to the negotiating table. I say most, not all. Guess who’s lagging? If you guessed the good ol’ US of A is the laggard, you were right. Now, ...
- Students in California Fight Back Tuition HikesIn response to the failed anti-immigrant tea parties last week, more than 60,000 people joined the call for immigration reform with Rep. Luis Gutierrez this past Wednesday. The momentum is clearly on the side for reforming America's broken immigration system. Rep. Gutierrez reiterated his support fo ...
- Steve Russell Hates the Hate Crime BillWith the ink barely dry on the Matthew Shepard Act, State Senator Steve Russell of Oklahoma is already scrambling to preserve his right to openly hate gays. He is planning on introducing legislation that would exempt Oklahoma , and would disallow state prosecutors from entering hate crime evidence a ...
- For Health or Money: The Motivation Behind New Mam ...Women and health care professionals are confused and outraged by the mammogram guidelines released by the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) on Monday, denouncing the task force for prioritizing economy over health. Regular mammogram screenings have accounted for a 15 percent decr ...
Common Dreams -News
- Rage at UC Fee Hike in L.A., Berkeley Protests by Nanette Asimov and Jill Tucker LOS ANGELES - The UC regents are expected to put the final seal today on a hefty 32 percent tuition increase as students resume the protests that shut down their board meeting three times Wednesday and required campus police in riot gear to maintain calm. Students ...
- US Makes Debut Attendance at Hague War Crimes Cour ...by Aaron Gray-Block THE HAGUE - U.S. ambassador-at-large for war crimes issues Stephen Rapp made a debut appearance for the United States at the world's war crimes court Thursday and said the U.S. remained wary of politically driven prosecutions. The United States is not a signatory to the 2002 Rome ...
- Fine and Inquiry Possible for Blackwater Successorby Mark Mazzetti and James Risen WASHINGTON — The international security company formerly called Blackwater Worldwide is facing large government fines for unlicensed arms shipments to Iraq, as a key Congressional committee is asking for a separate investigation into whether the company bribed Iraq ...
- All Afghan Detainees Likely Tortured: DiplomatAll detainees transferred by Canadians to Afghan prisons were likely tortured by Afghan officials and many of the prisoners were innocent, says a former senior diplomat with Canada's mission in Afghanistan. Appearing before a House of Commons committee Wednesday, Richard Colvin blasted the detainees ...
- Senate Dems Close in on Reform: Details of Health ...by Ryan Grim Senate Democrats have posted the legislation on their web site . Senate Democrats made a big step toward comprehensive health care reform Wednesday night as Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) unveiled a bill that merges the two plans that passed the health and finance committee ...
- Before and After: The Loft Workstation [Featured ...It's bad enough having a super messy workspace, but when your workspace is lofted above the rest of your living space and all your cable clutter and your ugly desk become an eyesore something must be done. Lifehacker reader aloftindenver lives, shockingly enough, in a a loft in Denver. They've been ...
- The Complete Guide to Google Wave Preview Editi ...The preview edition of Gina and Adam's new book, The Complete Guide to Google Wave , is now available in PDF form for your offline, ebook-reading pleasure. Google Wave is a young tool that's not terribly easy to understand for a lot of folks, but at least a couple of your Lifehacker editors are comp ...
- Use a Paring Knife to Sharpen Your Vegetable Peel ...It's important to keep your knives sharp for a safe and efficient kitchen, but it's easy to neglect the other bladed tools, like your vegetable peeler. Food weblog Chow shows how to keep a sharpener's edge with a paring knife. By running the tip of a paring knife along each blade of your peeler ...
- ShopSavvy Prices and Locates Better Deals [Downlo ...Android/iPhone: ShopSavvy proved itself one of the most popular Android apps out of the gate , and it's easy to see why. Now on iPhones, the app lets you scan item barcodes, see who has it for less, and locate them. Beyond the simple price comparisons via barcode scanning, ShopSavvy saves a history ...
- Lock in a Fixed Schedule to Keep Work-Life Balanc ...Being attached at the hip to your smartphone doesn't mean you're productive, just attached. The I Will Teach You To Be Rich blog showcases how three workers put a real fence around their work time and ended up more free. Writer Ramit Sethi's first example, Jim Collins, might be familiar to those rea ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- How Do You Interrogate A Dead Man?Commentary By Ron Beasley The wingers are outraged. Why? Because Sen. Patrick Leahy said there was no reason to interrogate Osama bin Laden if he's captured. This was a stupid thing for Leahy to say but the outrage is just as stupid. The writers of fiction know it, movie makers know it and politicia ...
- Oh why are we waiting, why-y are we waaaiting?By Steve Hynd Dan Froomkin asks today what I asked yesterday: what's taking so long with Obama's AfPak decision? And he comes to the same answer: fear of the Wuss Factor. according to Paul R. Pillar, a Georgetown University professor who formerly served as the CIA's chief intelligence analyst for th ...
- King Karzai?This is a country ruled by kings. The king’s brothers, cousins and sons are all powerful. - Ahmed Wali Karzai, the President’s brother By Steve Hynd Hamid Karzai has survived his inauguration for a second term as Afghanitan's president, and has spoken like a King: he has promised to end graft, a ...
- Waiting For Obama To Solve The Gordian KnotAn Afghan policeman auditions for the role of Estragon By Steve Hynd Even those of us who oppose any kind of McChrystal Plan for troop escalation in Afghanistan are getting a bit antsy waiting for Godot Obama to make his mind up. I realise that its a complex set of issues - a real Gordian Knot, in f ...
- Hump Day Hoglets of FAILBy Dave Anderson: Just a few quick hits on institutional and governmental capture and failure. I would write more, but I have to change diapers and get to a play-date in a few minutes (I have my priorities.) Brad Delong on institutional failure and a Depression: In my estimation the chances of anoth ...
Water Wars
- High priced lawyer to handle Georgia's case in Wat ...Attorney charging $855 per hour to represent Georgia in water wars case.
- Georgia spares no water wars expense: Will pay new ...Fee is discount, normal fee $950 an hour
- Future water supply unclear (The Petaluma Argus-Co ...Published: Friday, November 20, 2009 at 3:00 a.m. Last Modified: Thursday, November 19, 2009 at 4:26 p.m.
- Lowndes County Judicial Complex hosts first event ...Issues pertaining to the upcoming legislative session that affect county governments were the topic at a meeting Wednesday of the Association of County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG) District 11 members at the new Lowndes County Judicial Complex.
- Gainesville council discusses future water options ...Maybe the new director of the state's Environmental Protection Division can help Gainesville and Hall County officials move forward on the development of Cedar Creek Reservoir.
WordPress | Economics
- Obama Must Toss the Bums Out of Treasury, End the ...Dave Lindorff over at After Downing Street is right on the money.. If you are sitting in clas
- The American Model at RiskAnd Obama’s carrying the hot stick. American social ethics are much different from the rest of
- Elinor Ostrom Nobel Prize Economics 2009I have just been introduced to the work of Elinor Ostrom, although she’s been around for a whi
- One more little touch on the stimulusHow about an audit, to pop those embezzlers in the government trunk? A congressman who famously shou
- A quick observation on cloud economicsI just finished reading about a panel on cloud economics and the enterprise. One quote in particular
- Commentary: Obama and the politics of AfghanistanPolitical factors, as much as military ones, appear to be shaping President Barack Obama's long-pending decision on the next phase of the U.S. effort in Afghanistan.
- Commentary: Mammogram debate and a false economyObviously, I am not more knowledgeable about breast cancer than a government-led panel of experts. Yet I know enough to look askance at advice that only women 50 and older get mammograms every two years and those in their 40s skip the test altogether.
- Commentary: Diplomacy still best in dealing with I ...Two days after Iranian students overran the U.S. embassy in Tehran, taking 66 Americans hostage 30 years ago this month, Pentagon brass met in a secret briefing room called "The Tank" to consider rescue options.
- Commentary: Obama wrong to be muted on human right ...President Obama's China trip may have proved to be a mere lesson in rhetoric.
- Levi Johnston's mother, Sherry, sentenced to priso ...Sherry Johnston was sentenced today to three years in prison for dealing OxyContin. Johnston, 43, is the mother of Levi Johnston, who is the father of Gov. Sarah Palin's grandchild, Tripp.
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch
- Copenhagen Countdown: 17 daysIf you've spent the week following every change of direction in the political winds about the likely outcome of the forthcoming UN climate summit, you'll have seen more twisting than the average Chubby Checker song. Extending borrowing from the arts and entertainment world: "To bind or not to bind" ...
- Climate: A defining issueA couple of weeks ago, the cat came well and truly out of the bag: there would not be a legally binding treaty at the UN climate summit in Copenhagen next month. Or will there? During his meeting on Tuesday with China's President Hu Jintao, President Obama appeared to indicate that some sort of co ...
- Copenhagen Countdown: 24 daysHere in London, we've reached that time of year when the Sun rises after you do and sets comfortably before you leave the office. And the hours in between are filled with grey, malevolent drizzle. Have the week's diplomatic moves shed more light than the Sun is currently doing here on the likelihoo ...
- Copenhagen Countdown: 31 DaysMost of those concerned with climate have had their eyes on Barcelona this week, where delegates from 192 countries plus hundreds of observers, campaigners, lobbyists - and journalists - convened for the final session of preparatory talks before the UN climate summit in Copenhagen . As I've reporte ...
- All's fair in the climate blame gameAt the UN climate negotiations in Barcelona. It's a story that's been coming for the last few months; now that it's being written , the first cards of the blame game are being played. Remember the UN climate conference in Bali two years ago , and the road that stretched from there to Copenhagen? ...
Afghanistan Sun
- Four Pakistani soldiers killed in Taliban rocket a ...Islamabad, Nov 21 (DPA) Four Pakistani soldiers were killed in a Taliban rocket attack on their camp in the troubled northwestern borderlands, while the forces killed six militants in retaliatory fire, officials said Saturday.
- Karzai govt will collapse within weeks of internat ...Kabul, Nov. 21 : British Foreign Secretary David Miliband has warned British opponents of the Afghan war that the Hamid Karzai-led government could collapse within weeks if NATO pulled out its troops now.
- Four Pakistani soldiers killed in Taliban rocket a ...Islamabad, Nov 21 : Four Pakistani soldiers were killed in a Taliban rocket attack on their camp in the troubled northwestern borderlands, while the forces killed six militants in retaliatory fire, of...
- MacKay, Gates talk about Afghan troop withdrawalCanadian Defence Minister Peter MacKay, left, and US.. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates answer questions at Citadel Hill in Halifax, Nova Scotia, November 20, 2009. The pair were meeting to discuss ....
- * Karzai wants local forces to take overTHE GUARDIAN , KABUL Saturday, Nov 21, 2009, Page 4 Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Thursday said he was determined that the Afghan army should be built up so it can take over responsibility from...
- Publishing economics round-upOK, here’s another link-collection post, but there’s more of a theme to this one: I noticed I had a whole bunch of pieces about the economics of publishing, so why not shove ‘em together and see what juxtapositions we get? We’ll start with this article discovered at TechDirt, an impassioned ...
- 3D object scanning using an ordinary webcamJust in case you thought Tom Maly’s speculations about fabrication tech eradicating Fed Ex were a stretch too far, and that the technologies required are no where near ready… well, you might have a point. But even so, 3D technologies are developing rapidly and cheaply, as demonstrated by some pe ...
- Tomorrow’s world: the demise of Fed-ExThose of you in the States may not be aware (or even care) that the staff of Royal Mail were recently engaged in wildcat strikes as a protest against the machinations of their management. Much as a lot of us have sympathies with their plight, it’s hard not to see them supplying the nails for [...] ...
- IBM brain simulations reach cat equivalencyYou can’t so much as turn sideways without stumbling over this story, especially in the transhumanist and Singularitarian neighbourhoods of the web, and with good reason. So let’s just cut straight to the meat of it: Scientists, at IBM Research – Almaden, in collaboration with colleagues from ...
- The Surprising Range of RobotsI’ve been invited to join a panel on robotics at the upcoming Orycon Science Fiction Convention, so I decided to write about them here, too. I also have a story coming out soon in Analog, called “The Robots’ Girl,” which started when I read an article complaining about robots being develop ...
geopolitics | geoeconomics
- Putin and the Geopolitics of the New Cold War: Or ...
- The Fake Oil Crisis of 1973
- Fossiles Erdöl
- Confessions of an “ex” Peak Oil Believer
- Oil & First World War
Whistleblowers Protection Blog
- International Whistleblower News (November 16, 200 ...[UK] Develin, Kate, “NHS whistleblower ‘sacked for revealing dumped x-ray scans’,” Telegraph.co.uk, November 14, 2009. Dr Otto Chan, a consultant radiologist, believes that he was labelled a troublemaker after the revelations about the Royal London. He claims that hospital bosses decided to ...
- CIA to pay $3 million so Horn will not oppose vaca ...The CIA has decided to pay Richard Horn $3 million for a unique settlement of a fifteen (15) year-old spying case. The government not only wants Horn to dismiss the case and release the CIA and State Department officials who spied on him, but the government also wants Horn to promise that he will no ...
- Bad Apples in a Rotten BarrelIn the United Kingdom, a former investigator of the Royal Military Police (RMP), speaking anonymously, alleges that Senior British army commanders in Iraq refused to investigate Iraqi civilian abuse claims. According to BBC News on October 11 th , the whistleblower claims that while he has seen d ...
- Whistleblower Film Festival Features Silkwood, spo ...Tomorrow, October 15th , The DC Labor Film Festival’s Whistleblower Film Series continues with a screening of Silkwood . The film is sponsored by the National Whistleblowers Center and recounts the true story of Karen Silkwood, the gutsy plutonium factory worker who took on her supervisor’s unet ...
- 2009 National Conference and AGM of Whistleblowers ...Whistleblowers Australia (WBA), an association of whistleblowers in Australia, will host 2009 National Conference and annual general meeting at Aquinas College of the University of Adelaide from December 5-6, 2009. The conference theme is “blowing the whistle in the workplace.” Shelley Pezy, con ...
Defense and the National Interest
- DNI to closeProbably on Monday, November 23, depending on how my travels work out. Please go ahead and download any thing you’d like to keep — I’d particularly recommend Boyd’s briefings and the 4GW manuals. I have great faith in the growing number of bloggers and commentators who cover many of the s ...
- On War #322: What Is “Political Correctness?”William S. Lind 18 November 2009 In response to the killing of 13 American soldiers at Ft. Hood by an Islamic U. S. Army major, a number of senior officials have expressed their fear, not of Islam, but of a possible threat to “diversity.” “Diversity” is one of the many false gods of “Poli ...
- What should we do with terrorists?Security guru Bruce Schneier has the right idea: We should treat terrorists like common criminals and give them all the benefits of true and open justice — not merely because it demonstrates our indomitability, but because it makes us all safer. Once a society starts circumventing its own laws, th ...
- Sun Tzu’s Art of WarA Modern Application For When Things Don’t Go Our Way James Gimian and Barry Boyce Presented by the Georgetown University, Edmund Walsh School of Foreign Service, Center for Peace and Security Studies (CPASS). November 18, 2009 Reed Alumni House 3601 O Street NW (Brick House with White Pillars) Wa ...
- On War #317: Keeping Our Infantry AliveWilliam S. Lind 29 September 2009 The headline of the September 23 Washington Post read, “Less Peril for Civilians, but More for Troops.” The theme of the article was that restrictions General Stanley McChrystal has imposed on the use of supporting arms in Afghanistan, with the objective of red ...
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