IPS - Inter Press Services
- ENVIRONMENT: 'Temperature Rise Guaranteed, Thank ...NEW DELHI, Nov 9 (IPS) - Regardless of success at the upcoming climate talks at Copenhagen this December, there will still be a 2.5 degree rise in temperatures.
- PHILIPPINES: Younger Prey in the World’s ...DAVAO CITY, Philippines , Nov 9 (IPS) - At 14, Ann is too young to be worrying about getting pregnant or acquiring AIDS. That is why she uses a condom whenever she has a customer.
- MIDEAST: The 'Unknown' Fight the IllegalOCCUPIED EAST JERUSALEM, Nov 8 (IPS) - "Make sure your father gets this," the municipal inspector tells a ten-year-old boy at the gate of the concrete house in an alleyway in the Al-Bustan quarter of Silwan, a Palestinian neighbourhood right under the shadow of the walled Old City.
- URUGUAY: White Concrete Block Replaces Mud, Wattl ...PUEBLO BARCELÓ, Uruguay, Nov 8 (IPS) - "If it weren't for the Mevir housing project, this would be a ghost town," says the local shopkeeper who supplies the basic needs of the families living in this remote hamlet in the middle of nowhere in the South American country of Uruguay.
- SRI LANKA: Gov’t, EU in Back-channel Talks ...COLOMBO, Nov 8 (IPS) - Sri Lanka has reacted strongly to a European Commission (EC) probe on its human rights record, saying it is politically motivated.
Scoop - NZ
- AfPak: Welcome to PashtunistanThere must be some way out of hereSaid the joker to the thiefThere's too much confusionI can't get no relief - Bob Dylan, All Along the WatchtowerPARIS - Something's happening in AfPak, but you don't know what it is, do you Mr Beltway think-tanker?As Washington mashes up the "Taliban" - be they Afgh ...
- US property to fall 49% from peak ..[Image]Price Trends / WAR OF THE WORLDS (Round # 2): If you use 120 years of data for your time horizon, and assume prices will return to the average, then our residential property bubble will fall 49% from the bubble peak to the long-run average (see above (A) aka "(X) - (Z) / 202" aka "Projected F ...
- Jamail: Growing US GI antiwar resistanceDahr Jamail, author of Beyond the Green Zone, brings us inside the movement of military resistance to the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. Since 2006, a majority in the United States have opposed the continued occupation of Iraq, and increasing skepticism surrounds the escalation in Afghanistan. ...
- UTube: Soldiers refusing to fight in Iraq/Afghanis ...Interview - Dahr Jamail - Soldiers Who Refuse to Fight in Iraq and Afghanistan » PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
- The United Nations: An Entertaining SideshowDoes the power of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council make the United Nations a hypocritical joke of good intention? » PLIGG_Visual_RSS_OriginalNews
Independent ( London )
- Hurricane Ida aims for Gulf of Mexico oil fieldsHurricane Ida roared through the Gulf of Mexico yesterday, where important oil fields are located, after triggering floods and mudslides that killed 124 people in El Salvador.
- Mayor killed in Taliban suicide bombingA Pakistani mayor who had made a stand against the Taliban was yesterday among a dozen people killed after a suicide bomber set off an explosion outside of the city of Peshawar.
- Dalai Lama angers China with visit to disputed are ...Thousands of Buddhist monks in maroon robes joined secular supporters of the Dalai Lama yesterday to welcome the Tibetan spiritual leader as he arrived in the Himalayas for a four-day visit that is testing already strained relations between India and China.
- Don't target Muslims, troops toldThe Fort Hood massacre could lead to an ugly "backlash" against the 3,000 Muslims who serve in the US Army, its chief of staff warned yesterday. General George Casey toured breakfast TV studios to emphasise that the mass shooting, in which 13 died and 29 were wounded, must not be used to excuse dis ...
- North Korea judges TV ads a step too farNorth Korea's leader Kim Jong-Il has fired his top TV official after state television aired a series of advertisements which apparently represented too much capitalist influence, a news report said yesterday.
CASMII - Campaign against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
- Iran 'proposes' two-staged uranium exchangeSummary: Diplomats close to nuclear negotiations between Iran and the West say the country seeks a two-staged, simultaneous exchange of enriched uranium with potential suppliers. source: Press TV read more
- Hezbollah gears up for new warSummary: Hezbollah is rapidly rearming in preparation for a new conflict with Israel, fearing that Benjamin Netanyahu's government will attack Lebanon again prior to any assault on Iran's nuclear facilities. source: The Observer read more
- Sanctions won't affect Iran bankSummary: KUALA LUMPUR - US SANCTIONS on the Malaysian unit of Iran's Bank Mellat will not affect its operation here, officials at Malaysia's offshore banking authority said on Friday. source: AFP read more
- Can Ahmadinezhad end the nuclear dispute?Summary: Despite years of negotiations, threats of a military strike against Iran during the previous US administration and the passing of three sanctions measures against Iran by the Security Council, the dispute appears to be as unresolved as when it first emerged eight years ago. But during t ...
- What Middle East Policy to Expect from the New Ger ...Summary: When promising ideas threaten to be buried in transatlantic waters source: e-International Relations read more
The Daily Galaxy
- Were There Once "Dark Stars" Powered by Antimatte ...Dark matter stars: not an attempt to destroy the rebels in Star Wars IX, but gigantic stars fueled by the annihilation of dark matter. That's the theory put forward by a team of scientists, with measurable effects which might offer...
- The World's Search for Elusive Dark Matter -A Gal ...The hunt for dark matter continues, with an awesome array of interstellar-range sensors being brought to bear on the search for this amazing, mysterious, missing (and maybe not there) matter. A lot of people really, really want to find some...
- Where Will We Find Life in the Solar System: Daily ..."One lifeforms deadly radiation may be another lifeforms lunch." David Grinspoon, member of the science team for NASA's Mars rover, and interdisciplinary scientist for the European Space Agency's Venus Express mission. Prominent astrobiologists have warned that we humans may be...
- Ancient Viruses Spurred Human Evolution - A Galaxy ...When the mapping of the human genome was completed in 2003, researchers discovered a shocking fact: our bodies are littered with the shards of retroviruses, fragments of the chemical code from which all genetic material is made. This discovery has...
- Beyond H20 -New Types of Water DiscoveredScientists are arguing about two new types of water, and we don't mean Dasani or Perrier - we're talking about entirely new phases like "liquid" and "solid." Which proves that researchers get to fight about far better things than regular...
Natural News
- Direct Democracy - Why the American People must di ...(NaturalNews) Given that the massive health care reform bill just passed by the House was one of the largest pieces of legislation in U.S. history, you might wonder why you didn't get to vote on it . When it comes to federal legislation, your vote doesn't count in America, didn't you know? You are d ...
- Genes Have "No Clinical Relevance" in Predicting D ...(NaturalNews) Genetic analysis is essentially useless in predicting a person's risk of cancer, heart attack or other common diseases, according to a set of commentaries published in the New England Journal of Medicine .The decoding of the human genome in 2003 led to a flood of research into the cont ...
- Synthetic DHA and ARA in Baby Formula is Causing I ...(NaturalNews) For years, baby formula manufacturers have been fortifying and reformulating their blends in an effort to poise their products as equal or superior to natural breast milk. Beginning in 2002, many producers began supplementing their mixtures with synthetic forms of docosahexaenoic acid ...
- Twelve better uses for the 1,990-page health care ...(NaturalNews) The health care reform bill just passed by the US House of Representatives is a walloping 1,990 pages weighing 19.6 pounds. As NaturalNews previously reported (http://www.naturalnews.com/027427_health_care_paper.html), it required the destruction of 319 trees just to print the 1,335 co ...
- Massive US health care reform bill contributing to ...(NaturalNews) If you want to save the world's forests, don't print out the health care legislation just passed by the US House of Representatives: It's 1,990 pages long and weighs 19.6 pounds, reports the Wall Street Journal , making it longer than the King James Bible. The U.S. Government Printing ...
- At The Going Down of The Sun...With condolences and respect to the families and friends of: Lieutenant Justin Boyes, 3rd Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, killed due to enemy action 28 October, 2009; and, Sapper Steven Marshall, 1 Combat Engineer Regiment, killed due to enemy action 30 October, 2009. ...
- Quarrelling Queens . . . .Today's Toronto Star has the in-depth account of beauty queens in England duking it out: Beauty queen busted for bar brawl with rival November 07, 2009 | Toronto Star You might expect pageant queens to demonstrate their talent, beauty and poise, but Miss England has added fisticuffs to her resumà ...
- Staring at Goats Dep't.WIRED'S DANGER ROOM covers all sorts of stuff that is of interest to those of us concerned about security. David Hambling has a very interesting report titled "Inside the Army’s Far-Out Acid Tests" that almost defies belief, if you aren't already acquainted with programs like MK Ultra . The C ...
- Marital relationships . . .
- "National Toast" or "So Long and Thanks for All th ...It looks like curtains for the Canada's most right wing national rag . As much as I bleed ink and hate the thought of another newspaper closing down, I will not shed a tear for the National Post - I only hope the courts refuse to allow the Aspers to tie this anchor around the collective neck of thei ...
Media Matters for America
- Breitbart fabricates smear that SEIU's Stern is " ...In November 8 comments posted on his Twitter account, Andrew Breitbart accused Service Employees International Union president Andy Stern of "sending SEIU goons" to "beat up innocent Americans." However, the article to which Breitbart linked offered no evidence to support the claim that Stern ...
- Contrary to polls, Luntz claimed IN, NE, AR voters ...On ABC's This Week , Republican pollster Frank Luntz claimed that voters in Indiana, Nebraska, and Arkansas "do not want" health care reform because of "the cost to the deficit." In fact, recent polling indicates that voters in all three states support or are split on creating the public option -- ...
- Drudge, WND distort health care bill to fearmonge ...Matt Drudge and WorldNetDaily.com both falsely asserted that, in Drudge's words, the House health care reform bill states that people must "buy a $15,000 policy or go to jail." In fact, as stated by the Joint Committee on Taxation letter on which Drudge's and WND's claims are based, the bill do ...
- On the eve of House vote, McCaughey spews falseh ...In a November 7 Wall Street Journal op-ed, serial health care misinformer Betsy McCaughey purported to provide "details you need to know" about the current version of health care reform legislation slated for a vote that same day in the House of Representatives. As with her previous descripti ...
- Media continue to misrepresent abortion provision ...Media figures continue to falsely claim that a proposed anti-abortion amendment to the House health care reform bill would only have the effect of prohibiting government money from being used to pay for abortions, echoing a myth previously advanced about a proposed amendment to a prior version ...
Global Research.ca
- Upsurge of Global Leveraged Speculation: The Finan ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Brother of Afghan Leader Said to Be Paid by C.I.A.For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- Energy Policy and the Environmental Movement For more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- It's Time to Rally for Financial ReformFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
- America The BetrayedFor more details, please click on the link to read the article.
TPM Cafe
- Fort Drum: It's Not Muslims It's Religious NutsYesterday Joltin Joe Lieberman tried to put the Fort Drum slaughter in a religious context, specifically in an Islamic context. Of course, as a "man of faith", he won't say that the problem is not Islam but fanatics of all... Muslim - Religion - Religion and Spirituality - Islam - Interfaith
- What Can Obama Do About Palestine, Meanwhile?My old friend Danny Rubinstein, who has covered the West Bank pretty much since the occupation began, came over Friday afternoon. He had covered this week's expulsion of Palestinian residents from their disputed home in Sheikh Jarrah. He had just... West Bank - Middle East - Palestine - Danny ...
- Proud To Be a Democrat TodayWhat a victory! And it is only the prelude to the now inevitable passage of a bill in the Senate. If Obama accomplishes nothing else in his term (and he has already accomplished plenty), he goes down in history for... Democratic - Barack Obama - United States Senate - United States - Senate
- Andrew Sullivan: Gaza War Was "Immoral and Counter ...Andrew Sullivan has been a life-long supporter of the State of Israel. His ardor for Israel was demonstrated weekly when, as a twenty-something, he edited The New Republic -- owned by Martin Peretz, one of the most extreme neocons in... Israel - Andrew Sullivan - Martin Peretz - New Republic - ...
- VIDEO: Media Matters on The Craziness of the GOP a ...This Media Matters video from Thursday's hate fest sums up the GOP today. Even Nixon and Goldwater would not recognize these whack jobs. And here is a Media Matters video on the racism of Fox news.... Republican - Richard Nixon - Barry Goldwater - United States - GOP
- South Asian Generals on US SojournsThe American public may have paid this little attention. But three prominent South Asian generals have just completed politically significant sojourns in the United States, raising dust and debates in this part of the world. The former Pakistan president, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, fueled at least two ...
- Palestinian President Abbas, Critical of Peace Pro ...Jerusalem - Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas says he's made up his mind once and for all: There will be elections in January – and he will not be a candidate in them. Mr. read more
- World's Citizens to Politicians: Get Serious on Gl ...On September 26th, a new day dawned for global democracy. On that date, nearly 4,000 people gathered in 38 countries spanning six continents to consider what should happen at the UN climate change negotiation this December in Copenhagen (COP15). read more
- Rethinking Afghanistan: Alternatives to WarPresident Obama is reviewing the way forward in Afghanistan. His decision will define his presidency much as Vietnam defined the legacy of President Johnson's presidency in the 1960s. At a time when so much opportunity and necessity for change is at stake from health care reform to climate change le ...
- Obama Leaning Toward 34,000 More Troops for Afghan ...Washington - President Barack Obama is nearing a decision to send more than 30,000 additional U.S. troops to Afghanistan next year, but he may not announce it until after he consults with key allies and completes a trip to Asia later this month, administration and military officials have told McClat ...
- Environmentalist, Conservationist, Or Neither?Darby Nelson, a member of a Minnesota state panel that advises the Legislature on fish, game and wildlife habitat spending, is a classic conservationist. Almost 40 years after the first Earth Day, the term environmentalist is in some disrepute. Once a badge of honor for public-spirited citizens se ...
- NASA to Irradiate Monkeys. Horrible Animal Experim ...When I first read the news that NASA was going to start experimenting on monkeys with radiation to study the effects of deep space travel, my heart sunk. As an anthropologist who has studied non-human primates I have seen up close the emotions, the feelings, and the physical qualities we share wit ...
- Great Lakes Get $475 Million in New Money, Questio ...Pollution from industrial facilities like this one at East Harbor in Indiana up to the 1970s left a legacy of contamination still in need of cleanup from new Great Lakes restoration funding. Giving President Obama a major victory, Congress on Thursday sent him a spending bill containing $475 milli ...
- Study Suggests Insecticide Causes Lupus and Arthri ...New research out of Philadelphia suggests a link between women’s exposure to household insecticides (including roach and mosquito killers) and the autoimmune disorders rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Previous research has shown a link of agricultural pesticides to higher risk of rheumatoid arthr ...
- An Ocean of EffortOcean trash is one of the problems photographed by Christopher Swain on his 1,000-mile ocean advocacy and education journey. As the Obama Administration’s Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force moves into its sixth public meeting on an interim report in Cleveland this week, one determined ocean adv ...
Water Quality - WordPress
- Streaming in from the blogosphereA couple of updates from the blogosphere: Meredith McKenzie posts an update at ArroyoLover from two
- The Sea Otter Stormwater Challenge: Great Success!Sea Otter at Dawn, flickr user chuqui Back when I was reading Stormwater Management Plans (SWMPs) fo
- November 2009 - IBM, EPA Ireland Team For Smarter ...IBM and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Ireland are teaming up to enable smarter water man
- New Study: Nitrogen Pollution Affecting Health of ...A new study on how air pollution is changing the health of Rocky Mountain National Park’s alpine lak
- Sponge FiltersMost breeders of Bettas use sponge filters in the tanks they raise their fry in. I use them in my 30
Public Citizen in Texas
- King Williams Parade Pics 062 [Flickr]Public Citizen Texas posted a photo:
- Public Citizen Texas Honors Texas’ Outstanding P ...AUSTIN – Public Citizen Texas will be honoring the recipients of this year’s Texas Outstanding Public Service (TOPS) Awards at the organization’s 25th anniversary dinner today. The awardees are local visionaries, recognized experts and celebrated advocates who have aided in the effort to help ...
- Dr. Al Armendariz named Region 6 Administrator of ...Environmental Groups Applaud EPA Choice New Regional Administrator could signal change in direction for polluted state DALLAS – Environmental advocates across several states are applauding the Obama Administration’s choice of Dr. Al Armendariz to lead Region 6 of the Environmental Protection Age ...
- Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Externalities of CoalCoal has been used by man for several centuries as a means of warmth, transportation (via Watt’s steam engine) and most recently electric power. It is currently used nearly exclusively for the generation of electricity in the US (in 2001: 86% of total US coal production). It has always been claim ...
- Green-Up Your Life! Walk more and drive smarterBy Kirsten Bokenkamp According to the Environmental Defense Fund, driving leads to more than 330 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year in the United States alone. This amounts to more than 20% of the nation’s carbon dioxide emissions! In an effort to cut down on greenhouse gases ...
Press TV
- Less people believe in capitalism: BBC pollA new survey conducted 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall shows nearly a quarter of people across 27 countries worldwide feel capitalism is gravely flawed.
- Belarus closes schools to contain swine fluBelarusian officials have temporarily closed schools in the country over fears of the rapid spread of the H1N1 flu virus.
- Yushchenko: No vote delay for flu outbreakUkraine's President Viktor Yushchenko has dismissed the idea that the presidential election should be delayed because of an alarming flu outbreak.
- Iran: Goldstone opponents responsible for Israel c ...Iran has lashed out at certain veto-wielding powers for opposing a UN report on the Gaza war, blaming them for the ongoing Israeli crimes in the region.
- 'Saudi fighter jets using phosphorous bombs'Houthi fighters in Yemen say Saudi fighter jets are using phosphorous bombs to back a deadly Yemeni government offensive against them.
Axis of Logic
- Australia’s Predatory Education
- Honduras: Communiqué No. 33. Message from the Nat ...
- Breaking News: Official US Air Force Document Reve ...
- In All Countries He Is Listening
- "Wattan" in Beijing and Baghdad
They Gave Us a Republic
- Losing the Battle Before It's FoughtAt No More Mister Nice Blog, Aimai explains just how stupid, unnecessary and self-destructive the Stupak amendment was: But it should never, ever, have come to any Democrats voting for the Stupak amendment once it was submitted to the floor. And, frankly, I don't think it should ever have come to al ...
- The Nightowl NewswrapFlooding kills dozens in El Salvador. "At least 91 people have been killed in El Salvador by flooding following days of heavy rain, the government says. Authorities have declared a state of emergency in five regions, Interior Minister Humberto Centeno said. Mr Centeno said the capital San Salvador a ...
- Survey Proves What Killed Deeds in Virginia was Pl ...It's been obvious for months that Creigh Deeds doomed his campaign for Virginia governor by trying to out-repug a repug, but now we have scientific data to back it up. From Down with Tyranny: Early yesterday, just as the debate was beginning, the PCCC released a poll of Virginia Democrats and Indepe ...
- "A Gentleman's Agreement"?: there ought to be a la ...This is the twenty-fourth post in an ongoing series as we file Missouri Sunshine Law (RSMo 610) requests and investigate the non-renewal of the contract of University of Central Missouri President Aaron Podolefsky. Links to previous coverage are below the fold. BG and MB There is a law. In Missouri ...
- "A Gentleman's Agreement"?: a grade for Accounting ...This is the twenty-third post in an ongoing series as we file Missouri Sunshine Law (RSMo 610) requests and investigate the non-renewal of the contract of University of Central Missouri President Aaron Podolefsky. Links to previous coverage are below the fold. BG and MB Uh, that grade would be "epic ...
Care 2
- A Child's Tears - a Poem - Associated Content - as ...I have wrote a poem about child abuse and would like to share it with you. Your comments are greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read it. Submitted by Kelli Stowe to Offbeat | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Korean woman's driving test joy... after 950 attem ...A woman in South Korea who has tried to pass the written exam for a driver's license with near-daily attempts since April 2005 has finally succeeded - on her 950th time. Having spent more than 5 million won ($4,200) on application fees, Cha Sa-soon, 68, Submitted by Suzybell H. to Offbeat | Note ...
- Help Save Endangered Animals ! TAKE ACTION !Rising temperatures due to Global Warming are threatening the animals of the Arctic. Let the Canadian Government know that you're concerned - Sign the petition!!! Submitted by Cher C. to Animals | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Teen girl stabbed to death at Daytona Beach BandSh ...A 16-year-old girl was stabbed to death and two other people were injured in an incident at the Daytona Beach BandShell early Sunday morning Submitted by Lone Wolf to Society & Culture | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Wife discovers allergy to husband's sperm on weddi ...An American couple are looking into other methods of having children after they discovered that she was allergic to his sperm – on their wedding night.Mike and Julie Boyde of Ambridge, Pennsylvania, went out for two years after meeting at university and Submitted by Suzybell H. to Offbeat | Not ...
- Nike Debuts Latest Collection of 'Considered Desig ...Nike will debut a new collection of athletic footwear Saturday made with environmentally preferred materials. A portion of revenue from the N7 line will support Native American youth sports through the N7 Fund.
- Diversey Ups Emissions Reductions Investments, Ear ...One year after setting a goal to cut corporate emissions by 8 percent before 2013, Diversey CEO today announced the company had already surpassed that target, and upped the goal to a 25 percent reduction in the same time frame.
- The Green Building Market and Impact Report 2009This second annual report, by Rob Watson and the GreenBiz.com editorial team, explores the impacts that LEED-certified buildings have already had on energy, water, waste and employee productivity -- and projects those impacts for the next 20 years.
- Business Owners Beware: Quick Fixes Can Cost More ...Looking to save a little money this fall and winter by turning down the thermostats in your offices? Think again before you fiddle with those temperatures settings. Doing that alone could cost you far more than you save, especially if employees take their workplace comfort into their own hands.
- Cadbury and Sprint to Save Tons of Waste with New ...Cadbury will abandon its customary round metal tins in favor of square, recyclable cardboard boxes for its Roses and Heroes chocolate lines, while Sprint's new recyclable casing for its wireless accessories will save the company about $2.1 million a year.
Reuters Global
- Getting to grips with the post-Cold War security t ...In the 20 years since the Berlin Wall fell, there are far more sources of insecurity than there were during the Cold War. The uncertainty this generates means that crises are more recurrent and the nature of the potential crises we face is constantly evolving. Are we prepared?
- The “hostile racket” that comes with North Kor ...North Korean leader Kim Jong-il (L) inspects eggs at a chicken farm in North Pyongyan province in North Korea in this undated photo released the the state's KCNA news agency.
- Forget about light bulbs! Iran wants a seat at the ...For years Mohamed ElBaradei, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and outgoing head of the U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency, has warned the United States and other Western powers against jumping to conclusions about Iran's nuclear program. While Washington, Israel and their allies see increasing indica ...
- Berlin Wall went down with a party — rather ...The Berlin Wall went down without bloodshed or a single shot being fired - one of the most amazing aspects about the evening in which the Cold War ended.
- The Berlin Wall 2.0As Germany prepares to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, we will be following a team of multimedia journalists as they report from across Berlin. They will be live blogging from the city as well as sending back video reports, pictures, audio clips and other social media ...
Ezra Klein
- Health care passes the HouseHealth-care reform passed the House, quite literally, at the eleventh hour. It passed with a slim, two-vote margin. But it passed. That is more than has ever happened before. More than Truman or Nixon or Carter or Clinton managed. More than Rayburn or O'Neill or Gingrich managed. It is success, at ...
- Can't follow the action without a Twitter accountLive coverage of the vote is happening over at my Twitter feed . Well, coverage may not be quite accurate. "Commentary" probably more like it. Other good live tweeters include Wonk Room , Dave Dayen , Jon Cohn, Jeff Young , Jesse Taylor , Matthew Yglesias , Brian Beutler , and many others. Live twee ...
- The gender politics of the abortion "compromise"It's sadly telling that the "compromise" proposal limiting abortion was offered by Bart Stupak, and seconded by a Republican male. The opposition was led by Diana DeGette, and seconded by Rosa DeLauro. Stupak's proposal has female supporters, to be sure, a decision that will mainly govern women is b ...
- The "debate" in the HouseWhen you watch C-SPAN, there's a little chryon across the bottom of the screen that say's "Today's Debate." You hear that word a lot when it comes to Congress. "Debate." The rules today allowed for four hours of "debate." The Senate is expected to have a couple weeks for "debate." But spend the day ...
- A very bad deal to pass a very good billThe final compromises before a bill comes to the floor are never very pretty. This one, however, is worse than I anticipated. Opposition from anti-abortion Democrats, driven in large part by aggressive activism from the Catholic Church, forced Democratic leadership to allow a vote on Bart Stupak's ...
Booman Tribune
- A Small Slice of Conservative SanityFor years I've wondered why climate change became a political issue, with conservatives jumping on the denialist propaganda offered up with gusto by the fossil fuel industry funded disinformation campaign. One conclusion I've been able to get my hands around is that many, many conservatives are al ...
- Froggy Bottom Cafe
- Something Less AnnoyingHave you seen Al Franken draw the United States from memory? That performance has inspired a contest: It's good to see a little uplifting, humorous news from Alaska's Senate delegation. According to Politico's "Click," in an effort to encourage American students to pay more attention to ge ...
- What If...Can you imagine what would have happened to Howard Dean if he had tried to pull this when he was chairman of the DNC? Last week, Republican National Committee Michael Steele warned GOP members of Congress that they will face tough consequences if they vote in favor of the health care bill. "So ...
- HCR is Still a Toss-UpThe way Joe Lieberman is talking, he's not leaving himself any room to support the Senate bill if it includes a public option. He's locking himself in as an opponent. WALLACE: So at this point, I take it, you’re a “no” vote in the Senate? LIEBERMAN: If the public option plan is in there, ...
European Tribune
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 9 ...A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in history:1885 – Birth of...
- Sunday Open Thread...
- The PS Finds A Voice?First Secretary of the French Socialist party (PS), Martine Aubry, has a two-page interview today...
- European Salon de News, Discussion et Klatsch - 8 ...A Daily Review Of International Online Media Europeans on this date in history:1888 – David Monrad...
- Saturday Open Threadyour turn...
- Detroit: the new frontier?Last time we mentioned Detroit here, it was in the less-than-cheerful terms of it becoming a growth region for private security patrols, and the web is full of similar stories charting the Motor City’s decline in lucid hand-wringing detail. But what if they’re ignoring the positives in favour of ...
- Designer drugs develop faster than designer legisl ...I’m not sure whether I’m supposed to be proud or ashamed of this one, but apparently Britain has been declared the “designer drugs capital of Europe” by the EU drug agency. [image by Greencolander] This new generation of online “head shops” is at the centre of a rapidly growing market in ...
- The Anonymous Hunters: corporate critics and whist ...Have you ever bad-mouthed a big company in an internet comments thread? If so, the Wragge and Co. law firm of Birmingham, UK may be hot on your tail (provided the comment is vitriolic enough to provoke the company to spend money, one assumes) – they’ve just announced a new legal “task force” ...
- Second Llife Enterprise: virtual worlds behind the ...Here’s an interesting development in the metaverse – Linden Lab, creators of Second Life, have announced the formal launch of their “Second Life Enterprise” platform, which is essentially a fragmented piece of the virtual world that runs on corporate servers behind the firewall. Private, her ...
- Transhuman equality? Athletes with a prosthesis do ...Remember all the fuss last year about Oscar ‘Bladerunner’ Pistorius, the amputee athlete who was banned from competing against able-bodied runners in the Olympics because the authorities were concerned that his prosthetics might give him an unfair advantage? Well, it turns out that the authoriti ...
Therapy News
- What Style of Hypnotherapy is Right for You?By Holly Holmes-Meredith, D. Min., MFT, Board Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Hypnotherapy Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Holly and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile There are several styles of hypnotherapy that are commonly adopted by practitioners and not all styles work well f ...
- Angry Because You Can’t Get What You Want?By Jeanette Raymond, Ph.D., Anger Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Jeanette and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile I do what you want, but you never let me do what I want! Duncan had his heart set on the new BMW sports car, but Estelle wondered whether it was the best way of spending ...
- The ABC’s of Apologizing to Your SpouseBy Pamela Lipe, MS, LP, Relationships & Marriage Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Pam and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile Somehow you have ended up on the wrong side of the “whose fault was it” argument with your spouse. You know it was your fault but you have lots of really goo ...
- In Crisis: Where to Begin When You’ve Just Found ...By Dana Vince, LMHC, Infidelity Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Dana and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile Where do you begin when you’ve just found out your spouse has had an affair? Or, what if you are the one who’s had the affair and your partner has just found out? If youâ ...
- EMDR As a Healing Tool in Traumatic GriefBy Beth S. Patterson, MA, LPC, Grief & Loss Topic Expert Contributor Click here to contact Beth and/or see her GoodTherapy.org Profile The intense and painful experiences of grief are generally considered “normal.” However, when those experiences are extremely distressing, unduly interfere with ...
Mountaintop Removal
- Gibson will carry powerful message about mountaint ...More than 14,000 people have visited Larry Gibson on Kayford Mountain to see the tragic moonscape surrounding what is left of his ancestral home. Coal companies have blasted away more than 12,000 acres of Kayford Mountain by the most destructive form of surface mining - mountaintop removal.
- Mike Roselle and 'Tree Spiker' (Los Angeles Times)In his book, Roselle details his work with Earth First! and other direct-action environmental groups. Mike Roselle is in his element -- fighting a controversial coal industry practice called mountaintop removal mining in the town of Rock Creek, W. Va. "I had to bail some people out of jail," the 55- ...
- Jeff Biggers: Cowed Interior to Consider Mountaint ...It's funny how these embarrassing announcements always come on late Friday afternoon. While anti-mountaintop removal protests spread across the nation and at the EPA headquarters...
- Interior Department Spins its Wheels on Mountainto ...Washington, D.C. -- The U.S. Department of the Interior intends to delay issuing a rule that would protect Appalachian streams and communities from mountaintop removal coal mining, giving even more urgency to the need for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to take action to address this destr ...
- Mountaintop Removal Mining Protests Going National ...by Vicki Smith MORGANTOWN, W.Va . - Activists with Mountain Justice, Rainforest Action Network and other groups planned protests at Environmental Protection Agency headquarters and across the country Friday to demand the end of mountaintop removal mining in Appalachia. An online map showed more than ...
- Obama Doesn't "Get" the Military He Commands (Cass ...Cassandra / Villainous Company : Obama Doesn't “Get” the Military He Commands … Life is full of mysteries, but chief among them in this Marine wife's mind at the moment is, “Just how stupid does this White House think we are?” If the events of the past few months have shown us anything, ...
- Lone GOP vote came after call from President Obama ...CNN : Lone GOP vote came after call from President Obama — Washington (CNN) - Rep. Anh “Joseph” Cao was the only Republican to vote in favor of the Democratic health care bill that passed the House late Saturday, a vote that came after President Obama called to personally to ask for his ...
- Fort Hood gunman had told US military colleagues t ...Nick Allen / Telegraph : Fort Hood gunman had told US military colleagues that infidels should have their throats cut — Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the gunman who killed 13 at America's Fort Hood military base, once gave a lecture to other doctors in which he said non-believers should be behea ...
- Anatomy of a Health Reform Deal (Amy Sullivan/Swam ...Amy Sullivan / Swampland : Anatomy of a Health Reform Deal — Don't the Democrats control Congress? How did Nancy Pelosi get to the point where she didn't have enough votes in her own caucus to pass health reform unless she paved the way for language that, as Jon Cohn puts it, “mak[es] it ...
- 64 Democrats on the Wrong Side of Stupak (Meteor B ...Meteor Blades / Daily Kos : 64 Democrats on the Wrong Side of Stupak — For future reference, here is the list of Democrats who voted “Aye” on the Stupak Amendment. — AL-2 Bright, Bobby; AL- 5 Griffith, Parker; AL-7 Davis, Artur; AR-1 Berry, Robert; AR-2 Snyder, Victor; AR-4 AR-4 Ro ...
Energy & Environment News
- Thirsty Plant Dries Out YemenEven as a water crisis threatens the very survival of Yemen, farmers are turning increasingly to growing a narcotic called qat because it is the only way to make a profit.
- Low Oil Prices and Poor Margins at Refineries Weig ...The company offset part of a sharp drop in energy prices by increasing its oil output and cutting costs during its third quarter.
- Green Inc. Column: Balancing Energy Needs and Mate ...Companies that make ultrathin solar panels using a toxic compound are watching nervously as the European Union considers expanding a ban on such materials in electrical components.
- Cleansing the Air at the Expense of WaterwaysThe pollutants that coal plants are scrubbing from their smokestacks are finding their way into water instead.
- Philadelphians Reap Rewards from New York’s ...About 2,500 tons of garbage from New York are dumped daily at a complex of landfills near Philadelphia, bringing with it host fees, donations and other perks.
5+ quakes - 7 days
- M 7.2, FijiMonday, November 9, 2009 10:44:54 UTC Monday, November 9, 2009 10:44:54 PM at epicenter Depth : 585.10 km (363.56 mi)
- M 5.5, Mindanao, PhilippinesWednesday, November 4, 2009 06:21:46 UTC Wednesday, November 4, 2009 02:21:46 PM at epicenter Depth : 110.00 km (68.35 mi)
- M 5.5, Bonin Islands, Japan regionTuesday, November 3, 2009 18:03:53 UTC Wednesday, November 4, 2009 04:03:53 AM at epicenter Depth : 86.70 km (53.87 mi)
- M 5.0, TongaMonday, November 2, 2009 17:06:50 UTC Tuesday, November 3, 2009 07:06:50 AM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
- M 5.0, south of TongaMonday, November 9, 2009 06:19:11 UTC Monday, November 9, 2009 06:19:11 PM at epicenter Depth : 10.00 km (6.21 mi)
China Dialogue
- “China needs time” On Thursday, Graciela Chichilnisky proposed that the carbon market is used to avoid a stand-off between the US and China at Copenhagen. Here, Simon Zadek responds. Graciela Chichilnisky’s proposal (see “ Saving Kyoto ”) offers food for thought, and an innovative mechanism of moving money elega ...
- Saving KyotoThe carbon market can be used to avoid a stand-off between the major emitters at Copenhagen and forge a consensus among nations. Graciela Chichilnisky sets out her proposal. As nations get ready for the climate-change showdown at Copenhagen in December, the pieces are falling into place for a major ...
- Corporate values, green governanceThe failure of companies to report environmental pollution in China exposes challenges for governments in the developed and the developing world, writes Tang Hao. Eighteen multinational and Chinese companies, all of them listed in last year's Fortune Global 500 or Fortune China 100 – including She ...
- “There’s no doubt it’s getting warmer” Receding glaciers increase the risks to already perilous lives and livelihoods high in the Himalayas. Joydeep Gupta reports from the mountains of north-west India. The annual monsoon that is the lifeline of south Asia stops at the 5,000-metre slopes of the Pir Panjal range in the Himalayas. The Tibe ...
- Hard times in SiberiaFor 1,000 years, Nenets people have herded reindeer on Russia’s Yamal peninsula. But their survival in the remote region is under serious threat as ancient permafrost melts, Luke Harding reports. It is one of the world’s last great wildernesses, a 700-kilometre-long peninsula of lakes and squelc ...
AlterNet Top Stories
- Atheists, It's Time to Stand Up to JesusCivility has its uses, but atheists should not be afraid to mock faith to undermine religious power.
- As Foreclosure Nightmares Increase, Will More Home ...The economic crisis revealed late-capitalism's central offense: Human beings are being transparently treated if they were mere transactions. And they're going postal over it.
- Lies About Marijuana Drive People to a Much More H ...Anti-pot propaganda drives most people to drink alcohol instead. But booze is far more dangerous than marijuana.
- Despite Censorship By Beef Magnate, Michael Pollan ...Pollan took on Big Ag and cheap food in a panel discussion, after the protests of a meat industry chairman led to his speech at a University being canceled.
- Pentagon Pouring Your Money Into Afghanistan: Are ...Forget the "debates" in Washington over Afghan War policy. Construction activity and the flow of money suggests that the Pentagon plans to be there for a long, long time.
Threat Level
- Report: Cyber Attacks Caused Power Outages in Braz ...Electrical blackouts impacting millions of people in Brazil in 2005 and 2007 were caused by hackers targeting control systems, according to the CBS news magazine 60 Minutes. In a show set to air Sunday night, CBS blames a two-day outage in Espirito Santo in 2007 on a hack attack. The blackout affect ...
- National Data Breach Laws Move Through SenateA national data breach law got closer to passage this week. The Senate Judiciary Committee approved two bills Thursday that address data security and breach notification, according to Government Information Security. The legislation was drafted in response to the plague of data thefts that have occu ...
- Lawsuit Accuses Facebook of Conspiring to Break Vi ...A Texas woman has filed a lawsuit against Facebook, claiming the company conspired with Blockbuster to violate a federal law protecting customer video-rental and sale records. The suit, filed by Cathryn Harris in U.S. District Court in Dallas, accuses Facebook of working with Blockbuster in violatio ...
- Here’s That Leaked Copyright Treaty DocumentThe secret Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement document we wrote about on Wednesday appeared on Wikileaks today, and our source has cleared us to publish it here as well. We wrote that the document, (.pdf) if true, amounted to policy laundering at its finest -– that the United States was pushing t ...
- Video: Raid on Romanian Bank Card Skimming RingPolice in Romania this week swooped in on 19 members of an alleged international credit and debit card skimming ring that’s been active in Switzerland, Italy, France, and the U.S., according to local reports. Romania’s national Directorate for Countering Organized Crime staged 23 coordinated ra ...
Reuters - Most Popular Articles
- Cadbury awaits Kraft bid deadlineLONDON (Reuters) - Cadbury's shares edged up in early trade on Monday as the clock ticked toward a 1700 GMT (12 noon EST) deadline for Kraft Foods to either make a formal takeover bid for the British confectionery group or walk away.
- UPDATE 1-Hurricane Ida threatens Gulf of Mexico oi ...Nov 8 (Reuters) - Hurricane Ida Sunday posed the first real storm threat of the 2009 hurricane season to Gulf of Mexico oil and natural gas production.
- GE, Comcast agree on NBC Universal valuation: sour ...NEW YORK (Reuters) - General Electric Co. and Comcast Corp have agreed on a valuation of around $30 billion for a joint venture between NBC Universal and Comcast, ironing out what has been a key obstacle in talks so far, a source familiar with the matter said on Sunday.
- Britney Spears "upset" over Australian tour compla ...CANBERRA, Nov 9 (Reuters Life!) - Britney Spears has done it again, hitting the headlines during her first Australian tour over a row about lip-synching and a lacklustre performance that her tour promoter said had left her "extremely upset".
- Witness: The news conference that toppled the WallVolker Warkentin, a correspondent for the German language service in Berlin, has worked for Reuters for 31 years. In the following story, he describes the East German government news conference on travel freedom that unexpectedly led to the opening of the Berlin Wall.
Pine River World News
- Rising Military Expenditure: The Coming U.S. Budge ...The following commentary is reprinted with permission from Global Research. Rising Military Expenditure: The Coming U.S. Budget Attack © Global Research By Shamus Cooke November 8, 2009 The United States is moving backwards...fast. State budget cuts are decimating essential health and social se ...
- Betrayal, Obama StyleThe following column is reprinted with permission from Stanislav Mishin. Betrayal, Obama Style © Stanislav Mishin Source: Mat Rodina November 8, 2009 German Chancellor Merkel had a surprise waiting for her, when she returned from what was a positive visit to the Americans and specifically the ...
- Paul Craig Roberts: The Evil EmpireThe following column is reprinted with permission from Paul Craig Roberts. The Evil Empire © Paul Craig Roberts November 6, 2009 The U.S. government is now so totally under the thumbs of organized interest groups that "our" government can no longer respond to the concerns of the American people ...
- Uganda opinion: By registering all Somalis, we're ...IntelTrends - The following commentary is from the Daily Monitor, Kampala, Uganda. By registering all Somalis, we're falling into the al-Shabaab trap © Daily Monitor By Bernard Tabaire November 7, 2009 The security services are happy that Somalis are turning out in big numbers to register in th ...
- Wall Street bonuses to rise by 40 percentThe following commentary is reprinted with permission from World Socialist Web Site. Wall Street bonuses to rise by 40 percent © World Socialist Web Site By Patrick Martin November 6, 2009 The authors of the biggest financial catastrophe in world history - executives and traders at U.S. investme ...
- Diagnostic tools for Maine’s controversial g ...This week, Maine rolled back gay marriage rights, just as California did last year with Prop 8. Many of our members have contacted us to request information on how to investigate the Maine election. Here ...
- REP. WEINER WITHDRAWS SINGLE PAYER AMENDMENT FROM ...Washington, DC – Today, Representative Anthony Weiner (D – Brooklyn and Queens), a member of the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee, released the following statement on his decision to withdraw his single payer amendment ...
- Chairman Waxman’s Statement on Rep. Weiner’s S ...WASHINGTON, DC — Today Chairman Henry A. Waxman released the following statement in response to Rep. Anthony Weiner’s decision not to offer a single-payer amendment to the House Democratic health care legislation: “Rep. Anthony Weiner has ...
- Rep. Conyers Applauds Rep. Weiner for Heroic Effor ...Washington, DC – Today, Representative John Conyers, Jr.(D – MI) released the following statement applauding the work of Representative Anthony Weiner (D- NY) to promote the cause of single-payer national health care: “I want to thank ...
- Pelosi Statement on Congressman Anthony Weiner’s ...Pelosi Statement on Congressman Anthony Weiner’s Single Payer Alternative Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement today on Congressman Anthony Weiner’s single payer alternative: “Within the next few days, the ...
Marler Blog
- Food Safety News Supported Third China Food Safety ...Despite postponing the Conference from late September until this week for the 60th anniversary of the Revolution, CIFSQ once again put on a quality Conference with several hundred in attendance for dozens of countries. Food Safety News – www.foodsafetynews.com was a presence – sponsoring the sp ...
- Comparing the Food Safety Record of Pasteurized an ...Part 1 and Part 2 of this series examined the historical context of the debate surrounding dairy product food safety, and the mechanisms by which pasteurized or raw dairy products may become contaminated with foodborne pathogens. Part 3 compared foodborne illnesses and disease outbreaks linked to ra ...
- Food Poisoning is Serious - Read Mari's Story of a ...I am in Beijing at yet another food safety conference. It is odd really that at each of these conferences - regardless the continent - all tend to talk about the victims of food safety failures in the abstract. Mari's story is jarringly real. Click on the below and read the three part story of a ...
- Lawsuits Filed in Multistate Outbreaks of E. coli ...I am heading to a food safety conference here in Beijing sponsored by the Chinese Government. However, we still had time to keep on top the food safety situation in the United States. The parents of Andrea Munro, 12, of Marshfield, say their daughter became infected with E. coli after eating Fairb ...
- E. coli O157:H7 Outbreak GrowsABC News Reports the growing E. coli O157:H7 Outbreak is spreading West after killing two and sickening dozens in the Northeast.
- AutoblogGreen for 11.09.09REPORT: Chrysler disbands ENVI group, EV development will continue Electric vehicle R&D will be integrated into Chrysler's overall organization. REPORT: Elon Musk says Fisker is "very far" from overcomin ...
- AutoblogGreen for 11.06.09LA Auto Show Design Challenge entrants reveal Youthmobile 2030 designs And you thought the Aptera looks futuristic... CAFE credits for EVs - will we repeat the E85 system? It's not a rule yet ...
- AutoblogGreen for 11.05.09Smart Fortwo: World's Most Fuel Efficient Drift Car? The iconic city car will get tested in a scene in Night and Day , starring Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz. SAM begins rebirth as Re-Volt in Poland ...
- AutoblogGreen for 11.04.09STUDY: Lots of local, green electricity possible for most of the U.S. Cost is an issue, but energy independence is totally possible. Driving for Economy: Suzuki Alto gets 117 mpg in Global Green Challenge ...
- AutoblogGreen for 11.03.09Editorial: Henderson's fuel cell 10X cost comments are out of context Why the cost of the Volt and the Equinox should not be compared directly. REPORT: Mini's future models roadmapped; big, small, efficie ...
Rafe's Radar
- Reporters' Roundtable 9: The business of app store ...This week on the Roundtable: the App Store revolution. Something funny has happened to software. While the model we all grew up with for the distribution of software was mostly to buy it through retail channels or other resellers, or maybe direct from manufacturers, another model emerged and has ...
- Personal services get business flavor: Xobni and S ...IT pros will often tell you that a lot of consumer technology isn't ready for the enterprise. It's not secure, it's not priced correctly, it can't be administered, yada yada. That doesn't stop businesspeople from using consumer tools in their jobs, though. It just stops ...
- BT's Ribbit releasing Google Voice competitorSure, Google Voice is cool, but it's not necessarily the best Web-meets-phone service one can imagine, is it? The field is still open, and switchboard-in-the-cloud company Ribbit (a division of BT ) will stir things up when users get their hands on Ribbit Mobile, a new telephony service for c ...
- Reporters' Roundtable: Future of the bookThis week: Books, future of . With the success of the Kindle and its store, and the announced upcoming release of the Barnes & Noble Nook, there are very interesting question for consumers and publishers: What is the future of the book? To discuss this on the Roundtable I have two experts on dig ...
- Let's kill the OS upgrade discI love upgrades. But I hate upgrade discs and upgrade pricing. Let's find a way to do away with both, or at least make the upgrade transaction a bit cleaner. Operating system upgrades The reason I'm writing this column won't be a surprise to anyone one who ...
Camera Obscura
- Pathos and pathology: the cinema of Todd Haynes.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935025/pathos-and-pathology-cinema.html September 1, 2004... Because infinity--for the eye--begins just a few meters away from the retina.... --Roger Caillois, "The Image" There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes's work that recur so frequ ...
- The incredible shrinking star: Todd Haynes and the ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935026/incredible-shrinking-star-todd.html September 1, 2004... Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes within the terms of what B. Ruby Rich described in 1992 as the "new queer cinema"--films whose style displayed traces of ...
- Written on the screen: mediation and immersion in ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935031/written-screen-mediation-and.html September 1, 2004... Recently, while engaging in one of my favorite forms of procrastination--using my computer to search for mid-century modern bargains on eBay rather than using it to engage in more rigorous ...
- Traumatic postmodern histories: Velvet Goldmine's ...http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935030/traumatic-postmodern-histories-velvet.html September 1, 2004... If modernity was characterized by and imagined itself in terms of a particular awareness of time and history--the unfolding of social, political, and technological projects of pro ...
- Dangerous spaces: Safe.http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-126935029/dangerous-spaces-safe.html September 1, 2004... For me, the problem is always in content; we want to define the perspective of a film solely through its content, and not through its form. --Todd Haynes No matter how much we desire, wit ...
Democracy Now!
- "First as Tragedy, Then As Farce": Philosopher and ...Dubbed by the National Review as “the most dangerous political philosopher in the West” and the New York Times as “the Elvis of cultural theory,” Slovenian philosopher and public intellectual Slavoj Žižek has written over fifty books on philosophy, psychoanalysis, theology, history and po ...
- The Tortured Logic Continues“Extraordinary rendition” is White House-speak for kidnapping. Just ask Maher Arar. He’s a Canadian citizen who was “rendered” by the U.S. to Syria, where he was tortured for almost a year. Just this week, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, in New York City, dismissed Arar ...
- The Late Clarence Kailin in his Own Words: "We've ...Clarence Kailin was one of the last survivors of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, a group of American volunteers who fought against fascism in the Spanish Civil War in the late 1930s. Kailin fought in defense of Spain’s democratically elected government against a military coup led by Gen. Francisco F ...
- Trick or Treat for Climate ChangeHalloween is around the corner, and children will soon be dressing up and chanting “trick or treat,” their demand for candy backed up by the threat of a prank. Climate-change activists, from pranksters to presidents, are doing the same. Read More Listen to this Column
- Lt. Choi Won’t Lie for His CountryLt. Dan Choi doesn’t want to lie. Choi, an Iraq war veteran and a graduate of West Point, declared last March 19 on “The Rachel Maddow Show,” “I am gay.” Under the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” regulations, those three words are enough to get Choi kicked out of the military ...
Farming Pathogens
- A Visitation of the InfluenzaIn seeping through the world’s every nook and cranny, pandemics have a way of forcing themselves into our lives as a lurking presence. Even the most insular of functionaries, who typically makes his living solving problems by ignoring them, straightens up and takes notice. Â Â As an epidemic ...
- I Do Like Green Eggs and HamMuch of what we’ve addressed on this blog has focused on the epidemiological failures of industrial farming. But what of the alternatives? Can we farm in another way? Is another world possible? Â Â It’s only since I’ve moved to the Midwest that I’ve learned that not only is that world p ...
- Heart of ModelingGreed is often mistaken for humanity’s heart of darkness. Look instead to the rationalization that transforms the most rapacious pillaging into an act of benevolence. A one-ton bomb dropped on a peasant wedding party is dissembled into regret without responsibility or, baser yet, a tough love offe ...
- Bird Flu’s Industrial RevolutionPublic talks can be private affairs. In sharing our work we bare the triumphs and limits of a thinking born in long hours alone or with a few fellow conspirators sworn to secrecy. But in breaking our oaths we are able to take the next step. In talking bird flu twice this past month I learned [... ...
- The Agro-Industrial Roots of Swine Flu H1N1Mexico appears ground zero for an outbreak of deadly human-specific H1N1. Of the over 1400 people that have been reportedly infected there so far, 86 have died. Short chains of transmission of the virus have also been reported in California, Texas, Kansas, Ohio, New York City, Canada and New Zeal ...
Digg Green
- Everything You Were Taught About The New World Was ...Before it became the New World, the Western Hemisphere was vastly more populous and sophisticated than has been thought—an altogether more salubrious place to live at the time than, say, Europe.
- NASA Turns Two Unmanned Warplanes Into Environment ...The Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is quite an impressive piece of hardware. It can stay in the air for more than a day, has a range of 3,400 miles, and at very high altitude (its record is 19,928 meters (65,380.6 ft)). Usually it's the military that would have contr ...
- Dow Chemical finally agrees to clean up dioxin pol ...U.S. EPA and Dow announced a deal they contend will finally address dioxin contamination from the company's chemical complex in Midland, about 200 miles from Chicago. Records show Dow has known since at least the mid-1960s that dioxins could sicken or even kill people, but the company insists the co ...
- Portrait of a Polluted Land: Huge Smog Bank Covers ...NASA's Aqua satellite captured this image of a massive smog bank smothering huge portions of China today. This blanket of pollution has been hovering over the country for over a week now, exacerbated by cool air and smoke from fires.
- Morning Glory PoolI am not sure what this is but it looks real cool.
Invisible Opportunity
- Maybe Sister Teresa could help to save us from Big ...SALON ESOTERICA SPECIAL SUNDAY EDITION We thought this is too important to wait until tomorrow. The good sister’s sermon should really be delivered on a Sunday… TERESA FORCADES, doctor in Public Health, reflects on the history, and gives scientific data, of A type flu and lists all the irregular ...
- From Fort Hood to Ramakrishna. Don’t be Dece ...By Les Visible Humanity how have you fallen so low. I saw on the S&MSM that Glenn Beck was the new Oprah. I saw that he resonates with people. Can you possibly be that stupid? You make me angry- or someone is lying about you- who can tell in these times? I am frightened for you, humanity. [...]
- “Recipe” that Fosters Higher Interest and and ...Here is part of a power point presentation from the CDC – the recipe for creating demand for vaccines. As you can see it is merely a marketing strategy with no limit to the lies and deception used. 1.Influenza’s arrival coincides with immunization “season†(i.e., when people can tak ...
- All schoolchildren may be vaccinated against swine ...By Owen Bowcott All healthy schoolchildren may be vaccinated against swine flu, the Department of Health revealed today, as it issued guidance on how to help pregnant women who catch the infection. Confirmation that the government is considering extending the vaccination programme came as the Conser ...
- Has Baxter Released A BioWeapon In Ukraine?Evidence appears to suggest that Baxter International may be responsible for a new deadly outbreak of viral pneumonia in Ukraine. (http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aTo3LbhcA75I) In February of 2009, Bloomberg reported that Baxter “accidentally” sent vaccine material contain ...
Care2 Picks
- The Evil EmpireHe promised change, but has delivered none. His health care bill is held hostage by the private insurance companies seeking greater profits. The most likely outcome will be cuts in Medicare and Medicaid in order to help fund wars that enrich the military Submitted by Pete M. to US Politics & Gov't ...
- RN reports increased adverse reaction to flu jabs ...Bell's Palsy,severe burning sensation in their hands and feet, headache, and nausea/vomiting,2 seasonal flu victims were healthy with no medical conditions, took no daily prescribed medicines, were elderly but fit and died with 2-3 days of vaccination Submitted by John Farnham to Health & Wellness ...
- ROGUE PROSECUTOR DECLARES WAR ON VETSSharon McCaslin, prosecuting attorney for the United States Department of Justice, officially declared war on America’s Veterans when she defiantly pronounced in federal court that it is “desecration” and a “crime” for a Veteran to hang the American... Submitted by Just Carole to US Politics & ...
- The ABCs (and Ks) of Vitamin DeficiencyIn the sixth grade, we spent a large portion of health class talking about nutrition. We learned about the food pyramid, cholesterol, and the mechanics of the digestive system. We also spent an inordinate amount of time discussing nutrition-related diseas Submitted by Daphna Yanez to Health & Wellne ...
- 16 Oct -News & AtriclesMany current articles focus on Afghanistan - where peace lovers need to understand what lies beneath the stories pushed onto people about the causes and progress of mass murder. Thanks to Brigitte T. for 'The Wrong House' Submitted by John Farnham to US Politics & Gov't | Note-it! | Add a Com ...
Insurgency Watch - Newswire
- Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afg ...BBC News Obama, us leaders should contemplate future of Afghan women Chicago Tribune Would nuclear-armed Pakistan become even more vulnerable to its own Taliban insurgency ? Will a defeat embolden America's enemies? That line of thinking must ... Vietnam syndrome has begun in Afghanistan Sri Lanka ...
- Officials: Campus blasts perplexing - United Press ...Officials: Campus blasts perplexing United Press International ISLAMABAD, Pakistan , Oct. 21 (UPI) -- The International Islamic University, where bomb blasts killed at least six people, is a unique Pakistani institution ... and more »
- Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing - GMA new ...Schools closed in Pakistan after bombing GMA news.tv An Associated Press reporter met three Taliban fighters Tuesday traveling in a car with darkened windows at Shaktoi, a town close to the border between ... and more »
- An Evolving Afghan Policy - American ChronicleAn Evolving Afghan Policy American Chronicle ... triumph for the forces of Islamic extremism, al-Qaeda would once again gain a foothold, and the return of the Taliban would likely destabilize Pakistan . ...
- Schools close in Pakistan following university bom ...Schools close in Pakistan following university bombings Emirates Business 24/7 ... in Pakistan after suspected militants bombed a university close to the capital, sowing fear across the country as the army presses a major anti- Taliban ... and more »
AlterNet - Rights and Liberties
- As Foreclosure Nightmares Increase, Will More Home ...The economic crisis revealed late-capitalism's central offense: Human beings are being transparently treated if they were mere transactions. And they're going postal over it.
- Claim: CIA Sent Prisoners Abroad to Be Boiled Aliv ...Former British ambassador alleges CIA relied on intelligence based on torture in prisons in Uzbekistan.
- "My Kids Want to Hide Their Identity; They're ...American Muslims, especially those who wear religious clothing such as hijabs, are often targets of hate crimes.
- NYC Marathon Raises Question of Who Is American En ...Who gets to choose who is American or American enough? And how will they choose?
- 23 CIA Agents Convicted in Italy for Kidnapping Eg ...The CIA's Milan station chief at the time, Robert Seldon Lady, was sentenced to eight years in prison and othersto five years, all in their absence in the landmark trial.
Sideways News
- All Brits 'should have carbon rations'The Environment Agency is set to announce a major new proposal which would see all Britons given an annual carbon "ration" today (9th November).
- Week in pictures: 9th NovemberA picture for every day, taking a snapshot view of what is happening in the world around us. Come and browse through our gallery of this week's most inspiring images.
- Dance show 'inspired by Darwin'A performance inspired by Charles Darwin's theories of evolution and natural selection has been created by one of the leading contemporary dance companies in the UK. The Comedy of Change is the latest offering from the Rambert Dance Company and illuminates Darwin's themes of the apparently paradoxic ...
- Winner of the Week: Kids get growingAlthough we might be told that most modern children prefer gaming to gardening, and wouldn't know a potato from a pear, the emergence of a growing tribe of eco-kids across the UK appears to be countering those perceptions. Spearheading the "grow your own" movement, these young ones are doing their ...
- Santa shortageAs Christmas approaches, it appears that the UK could this year be facing an acute Santa shortage.
Fabius Maximus
- Policy change for comments on the FM websiteA persistent problem in the comments on the FM website is the number of belligerent blowhards. They make big statements, usually laced with insults (sometimes nothing but insults). When called on their statements, they usually disappear (often to appear again on another thread, repeating thi ...
- A note about the recent elections (yes, we’r ...One core reality too-often ignored in post-election analysis: the role of the economy. Americans tend to vote their pocketbook in elections to Congress and the Presidency. This is nuts, on many levels. Who sets economic policy? How long between policy changes and results? How do policy-makers n ...
- Updates to posts past on the FM websiteSome articles you might find of interest, updates about matters discussed on the FM website. Contents About government efforts to control the news At last, sensible action to mitigate the housing crisis News about the financial crisis About the US dollar (1)Â About government efforts to control ...
- Recommended weekend readingSome posts you might find of interest. “How Complex Systems Fail“, Richard I. Cook (MD, Cognitive technologies Laboratory, U Chicago), 21 April 2000 — “A Short Treatise on the Nature of Failure; How Failure is Evaluated; How Failure is Attributed to Proximate Cause; and the Resulting New Un ...
- More media madness: rich fat bankers get flu vacc ...One reason the mainstream media is dying: they ignore hot stories (ACORN helping child prostitution rings) while garbling those they do report. Covering the first provides a useful service to society, which they pass up for partisan reasons. Their mob-like coverage of the swine flu distr ...
sibeledmonds - tweets
- sibeledmonds: Just Posted: An Analysis of NSA Warr ...sibeledmonds: Just Posted: An Analysis of NSA Warrantless Wiretapping- by 'Notes from the high lonesome' http://boilingfrogspost.com
- sibeledmonds: For Evening Twitters: Richard Armita ...sibeledmonds: For Evening Twitters: Richard Armitage Takes Over from Scowcroft- The New Chairman of American Turkish Council http://boilingfrogspost.com
- sibeledmonds: Just Out: Another Neocon is Cashing ...sibeledmonds: Just Out: Another Neocon is Cashing in & Makes Turkish Ties & Connections Official- Richard Armitage http://boilingfrogspost.com
- sibeledmonds: Breaking News:Richard Armitage is th ...sibeledmonds: Breaking News:Richard Armitage is the New Chairman of the Premier Turkish Lobby in the US-Cashing In Officially http://boilingfrogspost.com
- sibeledmonds: Coming Up Soon: Another Neocon Cashe ...sibeledmonds: Coming Up Soon: Another Neocon Cashes in, becomes an Agent for Foreign Lobby. Stay Tuned...http://boilingfrogspost.com
WIRED Magazine | Science
- Glow-in-the-Dark Shark Turned on by HormonesThe safe answer to how a lantern shark turns its luminescence on and off is: “Any way it wants.” Now researchers have looked into the belly of the beast and found that three hormones act as on-off switches for these glow-in-the-dark sharks. It is the first discovery of hormones controlling b ...
- Vet School 2.0: Stick Your Hand Up a Virtual Cow B ...There’s nothing tidy about sticking your arm deep into a cow’s backside, getting up to your elbows in warm and gooey bovine innards. digg_url ="http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2009/11/haptic-cow/"; But for new vet students, there’s no avoiding the procedure: To diagnose pregnancy or check f ...
- Signature of Antimatter Detected in LightningWASHINGTON, D.C. — Designed to scan the heavens thousands to billions of light-years beyond the solar system, the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has now recorded some more down-to-Earth signals. During its first 14 months of operation, the flying observatory has detected 17 gamma-ray flashes ass ...
- Close Encounter with Saturn Moon’s Fantastic Plu ...Earlier this week, NASA’s Cassini spacecraft took its deepest dive ever through the center of the icy plume shooting out from the southern pole of Saturn’s moon Enceladus. NASA reports that the spacecraft survived Monday’s flyby in good health, and is now transmitting eagerly awaited data and ...
- Out of the Blue: Islands Seen From Space> Islands are some of the most beautiful, peaceful, violent, desolate and unique places on Earth. While experiencing a tropical island from its sandy beaches, or a volcanic island from its towering peaks is wonderful, experiencing them from above [...]
The Progressive Realist
- Nidal Malik Hasan, Terrorphobia, and the Safe Have ...As soon as it emerged that the spree killer at Fort Hood was named Nidal Malik Hasan it was of course inevitable that people would start speculating about motives ( “This Was An Act of Jihad” wrote New Republic editor in chief Martin Peretz) and in some quarters we saw talk about the need to do ...
- Iranian Parliamentary Speaker’s Visit Raises Que ...The speaker of Iran’s parliament, Ali Larijani is currently on a four-day trip to Baghdad . His visit is raising questions about Iran’s role in the 2010 Iraqi elections, and Tehran’s continued support for militants. Iran was instrumental in the formation of the main Shiite coalition , the Iraq ...
- Afghanistan's Multifaceted Civil WarBack in 2006, a wise man said this: It’s time to admit that no amount of American lives can resolve the political disagreement that lies at the heart of someone else’s civil war. And yet, three years and a rather precipitous political ascent later, that same person – now President Barack Obam ...
- On U.S Middle East Policy and AmateurismThis was not a good week for the Obama administration's Middle East peace efforts. Speaking alongside Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in Jerusalem last Saturday, Secretary Clinton seemed to be praising the distinctively partial limitations that Israel was willing to implement on settlement non-exp ...
- America's New Partnership with Central EuropeIn his remarks in Bucharest, the U.S. Vice President Biden celebrated the democratic and economic development of Central and Eastern Europe since the fall of communism twenty years ago. The Vice President made very clear that the United States would not accept spheres of influence, would take no de ...
TAPPED - The American Prospect
- Whose Health Care Victory?I'm sure you've heard by now that the House passed a health-care reform bill last night. I got this lovely email from Barack Obama telling me what a victory this is: This evening, at 11:15 p.m., the House of Representatives voted to pass their health insurance reform bill. Despite countless attempt ...
- Lightning Round: It's a Center-Right Nation, and W ...Kevin Drum takes a look at the arduous process to extend unemployment benefits, noting that after weathering three filibusters, the legislation passed unanimously . It's a good example of modern Republican obstructionism, and a handy reminder that institutional reform is something Democrats in Cong ...
- Why Cost Control for Medical Devices Is Likely To ...As Ezra noted earlier this week, much of the reason that American health care is so expensive is because we pay so much per-unit of care, whether it's a prescription or a CT scan. In order to insure health care remains affordable and that reform is sustainable in the long term, these costs need to b ...
- Salam: Hasan's "Other Victims" Are "Millions Of Mu ...Reihan Salam weighs in on the Ft. Hood shootings: The danger is that Hasan 's despicable crime will subtly and slowly change these perceptions for the worse. Overnight, Twitter feeds and message boards pulsed with anti-Muslim anger. This kind of venting is important to a free society. But it could ...
- Adam Schiff, Ted Poe, Introduce HOPE Legislation.Mark A.R. Kleiman 's book, When Brute Force Fails , has been making the rounds in the blogosphere, from Matt Yglesias to The Economist to The Volokh Conspiracy . The book is about how to improve criminal justice policy so that America has "less crime and less punishment." A centerpiece of Kleiman's ...
Andy Worthington
- Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo – ...Following the successful launch of the new documentary film “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo†at the Cochrane Theatre, London, on October 21, 2009 – and the current mini-US tour of the film (with Andy Worthington showing it at the New America Foundation in Washington D.C. ...
- Bringing Guantánamo To New YorkSo it’s three days since I arrived in New York, at the start of a ten-day promotional tour (also taking in Washington D.C. and the Bay Area in California) to show my new documentary film, “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo” (co-directed with filmmaker Polly Nash) and to discuss Guant ...
- Italian Judge Rules “Extraordinary Rendition ...In an unprecedented ruling in a courtroom in Milan, at the end of a trial that — in fits and starts — has lasted for over two years, 22 CIA agents and a US Air Force Colonel received sentences of between five and eight years (and two Italian agents received three-year sentences) for their involv ...
- Military Commissions Revived: Don’t Do It, Mr. P ...I was so delighted that the Defense Authorization Act, signed into law by President Obama last Wednesday, included a hard-won concession that the administration can transfer prisoners from Guantánamo to the mainland to face trials (even though the legislation still bears the fingerprints of interfe ...
- Guantánamo Uighurs In Palau: First Interview And ...In the first interview with one of the six Uighurs recently released from Guantánamo to the Pacific nation of Palau, Radio Free Asia in Washington D.C. spoke by phone to Anwar Hassan, who revealed that, although the men were enjoying their new-found freedom, they were all concerned that they were u ...
- An 'authentic GOP': bamboozling swing voters, as a ...Body "President Obama and the Democratic leadership in Washington have rebranded themselves as the party of economic irresponsibility." Thus wrote, in a ruthless affront to recent history, Republican strategist Alex Castellanos. It came in the third paragraph of a rather compressed, poss ...
- All Opinions Are Not Equally RelevantBody The mainstream media has a tendency to talk about news sources as if they were just expressing opposing views of a given issue, even though it should be apparent by now that nothing of the sort is true. There are even those in the general population who acquiesce in some tortured se ...
- A short trip through the cyberland of right-wing d ...Body How much do we really know about Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the 39-year-old Army psychiatrist who went on a killing spree yesterday at Fort Hood, Texas? Not much. He was born and raised in Virginia, was medically trained by the Army, became disillusioned with his career and employer wh ...
- What Defeated Gay Marriage Advocates in Maine Coul ...BE ELECTED by Meg White No one should be surprised by voters in Breckenridge, CO voting for the decriminalization of marijuana at the polls yesterday. After all, the area strongly supported a failed effort in 2006 to legalize state-wide . But for those of us who have lived in Colorado, the fact that ...
- BuzzFlash Mailbag for November 4, 2009BUZZFLASH MAILBAG Want to join the conversation? Share your thoughts with other Mailbag readers by clicking here . You also may comment below; post articles yourself at BuzzFlash.net ; or send urls for BuzzFlash to post to: www.buzzflash.com/contact/newstip.html . Subject: Owens' good Omen The thing ...
Glenn Greenwald - Salon
- The universality of extremistsThe Washington Post 's David Ignatius today notes the irony that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is being criticized by his country's "hard-liners" for supporting a deal with the U.S. over nuclear issues: The prospect of a deal with the Great Satan produced a political frisson in Tehran. . ...
- Is using aid to Israel as leverage becoming a main ...Tom Friedman today has some very harsh words for both the Israelis and Palestinians, both of whom -- he claims -- are not serious about reaching a peace agreement. As a result, these are the principles which Friedman -- rather surprisingly -- advocates the U.S. should follow: Let’s just get ...
- A media orgy of rumors, speculation and falsehoodsLast night, right-wing blogger (and law professor) Glenn Reynolds promoted this media analysis from right-wing blogger (and Los Angeles Assistant District Attorney) Patterico regarding coverage of the Fort Hood shootings. Patterico wrote: "Whenever there is breaking news, it’s good to kee ...
- Pulsating diversity of views on the Post Op-Ed pag ..."I know many readers, particularly liberals, feel we have too many conservative voices on the page. On the other hand, I hear from a lot of conservative readers who think we have too many people they consider too liberal (Dionne, Robinson, Meyerson, Marcus, et al.). We try to provide a range of vi ...
- Criminal convictions of 22 CIA agents in Italy(updated below) The criminal conviction of 22 CIA agents (and 2 Italian intelligence officers) by an Italian court yesterday -- for the 2003 kidnapping of an Islamic cleric, Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr, off the street in Italy and his "rendition" to Egypt to be tortured -- highlights several vi ...
The BiPartisan Report
- Betsy’s Bullshit, Round 2
- The difference between politics and governing
- The GOP and Dems win, conservatives lose
- How the future of the GOP is being decided in New ...It’s kinda odd when you think about it. The future of the Republican Party is being played out in two places that look very different at first glance: liberal New York and conservative... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
- Time to boycott Rush Limbaugh sponsorsThe boycott of Glenn Beck’s sponsors seems to be effective. Last I heard the man was running out of advertising options. CNN, after getting rid of Beck, is now looking to dump Lou Dobbs for... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
- Alchemical AnomaliesIn the current issue of The Alchemist we learn how to stick methane molecules to metals without breaking carbon-hydrogen bonds and how to make impossible carbene catalysts without the usual prerequisite of an attendant metal centre. Another seeming impossibility comes to light: a new microscopy tech ...
- Twitter science list categoriesThe manually compiled Scientwists list of science people on Twitter grew from around 100 of my contacts in January 2009 to almost 700 members, who asked to join or who retweeted the link as of October. Justin Reid helped automate the inclusion of bios and photos and 2020science did some amazing anal ...
- My Whole Cell Twitter InterviewLaura Bonetta wrote and excellent article for the science journal Cell recently in which she quoted various science types who use Twitter on the subject of whether or not scientists should be tweeting. It’s a topic I’ve discussed more generally regarding scientists’ use of social media and onl ...
- Categories for science tweepsOkay. Okay. Pressure was on to categorise my scientwist list…so I’ve made a start. First off, the spillover (lots of tweeps in the T to Z group from the TweepML.org version of my scientwist list, which has 650 members of thereabouts) have now each been given a category as I cannot squeeze them i ...
- Scientists on TwitterRegulars will know that I’ve compiled and recompiled lists of science types on Twitter for mutual benefit. It started out as a list of 100 of my own Twitter friends back in January 2009, who happened to be in science and gradually grew to well over 600 members by November 2009. However, just as I ...
change: org.
- A Crash Course in Palestinian Presidential Politic ...For newcomers, here's a crash course in Palestinian presidential politics before the potential election on January 24th, 2010. It will help to demonstrate why the peace process is not only about Israel and Palestine, but also about internal debate. The Palestinian authority has two parties domin ...
- Obama Still Hasn't Appointed Leader to US Agency f ...The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) still doesn't have a confirmed leader. Issues that need a full-time voice lack the volume necessary to really move the White Hosue. All five previous administrations appointed someone quicker than President Obama, and confirmation hearin ...
- Al Gore: 'Civil disobedience has a role to play'Al Gore seems willing to try everything to highlight the threat of climate change, and to convince the public that firm action is essential. He likens the hardening tone of criticism by deniers to "the sunset phenomenon, where there's a spectacle just before the subsiding." But his critics are not t ...
- Rally Behind Palestine's Abbas, Israel's Best HopePalestinian President Mahmoud "Abu Mazen" Abbas has reached the apex of his value to the Middle East peace process. He knows it and he's betting everything he has. By threatening to quit. This week Abbas, the moderate Fatah party candidate who succeeded Yassir Arafat as head of the Palestinian autho ...
- Breaking: Bashir Cancels Turkey Visit, After AllWhat caused Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir to cancel plans to visit Turkey this weekend? The indicted war criminal was scheduled to fly to Turkey on Sunday for a meeting of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). The trip grabbed international headlines after human rights groups protest ...
Common Dreams-Progressive Newswire
- 100,000 Letters Support Protecting Grand Canyon Fr ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 5, 2009 Center for Biological Diversity In a resounding display of public support, tallies released today show that the public sent nearly 100,000 letters and emails to the Bureau of Land Management favoring new uranium-mining protections in the watersheds surrounding ...
- Report Exposes Campaign of Racial Attacks From Far ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 5, 2009 People For the American Way (PFAW) People For the American Way today released its latest report, "Right Plays the Race Card." The report covers the Right's continued use of racially charged rhetoric to excite its base and attack its opponents. It also explo ...
- Italian Court Convicts Operatives: What About the ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 5, 2009 Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA) SCOTT HORTON Horton is an attorney specializing in international law and human rights. He is also a legal affairs contributor to Harper's Magazine, where he writes the blog No Comment . read more
- CREW Asks for Investigation Into Why Wall Street I ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 5, 2009 CREW Today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) asked Health and Human Service (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to investigate why the Center for Disease Control (CDC) approved the distribution of the H1NI vaccine to Wall Street firms a ...
- Gulf Coast Communities Praise EPA Plan to Limit PV ...FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 5, 2009 Earthjustice Edgar Mouton, 74, has lived in Mossville, Louisiana for all his life and for most of those years he's lived near a PVC plant. In his community Mr. Mouton said there are unnatural rates of cancer, lung disease and asthma -- which he believes is dir ...
Common Dreams-Views
- Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Fairness Doctrine?by Steve Almond Of all the Big Lies told by the pooh-bahs of talk radio - that our biracial president hates white people, that global warming is a hoax, that a public health care plan to compete with private insurers equals socialism - the most desperate and deluded is this: that the so-called Fairn ...
- Where Will They Get the Troops?by Dahr Jamail & Sarah Lazare As the Obama administration debates whether to send tens of thousands of extra troops to Afghanistan, an already overstretched military is increasingly struggling to meet its deployment numbers. Surprisingly, one place it seems to be targeting is military personnel who ...
- Afghanistan’s Sham Armyby Chris Hedges Success in Afghanistan is measured in Washington by the ability to create an indigenous army that will battle the Taliban, provide security and stability for Afghan civilians and remain loyal to the puppet government of Hamid Karzai. A similar task eluded the Red Army, although the S ...
- President Obama Comes to School (And It Is Not Goo ...by Ruth Conniff It was a big, big day for the students at James C. Wright Middle School in Madison, Wisconsin, when the President came to town. "The President of the United States is here in the same place where you walk the halls, where you learn," Wright principal Nancy Evans told the students. " ...
- Reckoning With Ourselves: Malik Nadal Hasanby Falguni A. Sheth The news that a gunman who killed 12 people and injured 31 at the Ft. Hood Army Base in Texas sent me scurrying in anxiety for more information. In addition to the tragic deaths of so many servicemen and women, my fear was that it would be someone who was not Anglo, and even wor ...
Karl Burkart
- Mom and son face off with the law for biking to sc ...Saratoga Springs school district prohibits kids from biking to school, but a mom and her son defied the law. A state trooper was there to greet them.
- Plant some virtual carbon seedsA model for future carbon calculators, Bloom offers a wide array of 'carbon seeds' visualizing how little actions can add up to something big.
- Greyhound's eco-bus vs. flying...Which one is greener?
- Winds of Change in DenmarkAustralia ABC TV's in-depth look at how Denmark is going carbon neutral.
- Corporate watchdogs target Ronald McDonaldCorporate Accountability International launches 'Where's Ronald' scavenger hunt to document direct-to-child marketing of junk food.
Water Privatization
- Official warns against water privatization (The Da ...PELL CITY — A national food and water watch official says the city is moving in the wrong direction by hiring a private company to manage one of its vital resources — water.
- Decision could be made soon on water privatization ...PELL CITY — Mayor Bill Hereford said no decision about hiring a private company to manage the city’s water department was made, but the hiring process is moving forward.
- Privatizing water would cost city millions each ye ...Privatizing the Milwaukee Water Works could cost water customers at least $17 million more each year than the city would bring in from a long-term lease, says a study by privatization opponents. But that study assumes that the state would approve a rate increase of more than 50% above today's prices ...
- Flashback - Nov. 1999-2003 (Saipan Tribune)Gov. Pedro P. Tenorio issued fresh instructions to Cabinet officials to tighten public spending during a meeting he convened yesterday to assess the financial condition of the government amid the absence of a fiscal budget for year 2000. The Cabinet meeting-the first in more than two months-also dis ...
- Spin Cycle - Taking action in a ‘global economy ...Everything is spiritual. That was the thought stuck in my head after listening to a recent lecture at the University of Waterloo by Dr. Vandana Shiva, an “eco-feminist” who has fought for a democracy that doesn’t allow for the exploitation of food and water sources.
- Brown sorry for misspelling namePM's letter to mother of Grenadier Guardsman Jamie Janes, who died in Afghanistan last month, contained series of mistakes Gordon Brown has been criticised for writing a letter of condolence in which he misspelled a dead soldier's name. Jacqui Janes, mother of Grenadier Guardsman Jamie, who was kil ...
- Three held over fatal Cornwall blazeTeenagers detained in connection with Cornish blaze in which 59-year-old woman died after helping son escape Three teenagers have been arrested concerning a house fire, apparently started by a firework, in which a mother was killed after helping her youngest son to escape. Mary Fox, 59, died after h ...
- Nuclear fast-track plan to be unveiledGovernment will identify sites around Britain suitable for building nuclear plants as part of new energy policy Hélène Mulholland, David Teather and agencies Ed Miliband, the energy and climate change secretary, insisted today that nuclear power has a "relatively good" safety record in this countr ...
- Fall of the Berlin Wall, 20 years onSee the story of the wall from its construction to commemorations of its demise
- Murdoch may block Google searchesOver the summer, Murdoch had announced that he planned to introduce website charges by next year - but last week it emerged that his controversial plans had been delayed , saying that "I wouldn't promise that we're going to meet that date". Additionally, it emerged that MySpace, which has struggled ...
Diigo | Green Community
- U.N. Talks in Spain Seek to Salvage Climate DealClimate negotiators from 175 nations meet in Spain next week for a final session to try to break deadlock between rich and poor and salvage a U.N. deal due in Copenhagen in December. Comments: Climate negotiators from 175 nations meet in Spain next week for a final session to try to break deadlock b ...
- EU Agrees Final Stance For Copenhagen Climate Talk ...European Union leaders agreed an offer Friday to put on the table at global climate talks in Copenhagen in December after healing a rift over how to split the bill. Comments: European Union leaders agreed an offer Friday to put on the table at global climate talks in Copenhagen in December after hea ...
- French Firm Pushes Carbon Capture Solution at us C ...Eyeing lucrative markets in China, India and beyond, French firm Alstom on Friday unveiled the world's largest carbon capture facility at a coal plant -- a technology backers hope will fuel a new multi-billion dollar industry and keep the coal industry alive. Comments: Eyeing lucrative markets in Ch ...
- S.Africa's Tutu criticizes world leaders on climat ...Nobel peace laureate Desmond Tutu criticized European Union leaders on Friday for standing in the way of a global deal to combat climate change. Comments: Nobel peace laureate Desmond Tutu criticized European Union leaders on Friday for standing in the way of a global deal to combat climate change. ...
- Will U.S. go empty-handed to world climate talks?Without a new law requiring cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, the U.S. could end up going empty-handed to the international climate talks in December. Comments: Without a new law requiring cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, the U.S. could end up going empty-handed to the international climate talks i ...
Electronic Intifada
- Sussex University students vote to boycott Israeli ...Students at the University of Sussex, England have voted to boycott Israeli goods. The decision follows the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel, which calls up ...
- UN vote overwhelmingly supports Goldstone reportUNITED NATIONS (IPS) - A 575-page blistering report by Justice Richard Goldstone detailing war crimes in Gaza last winter is refusing to die despite an aggressive Israeli smear campaign to kill ...
- Gaza students organize for justiceIn order to find sustainable alternatives to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict a new group calling itself the Justice Makers has been formed across the law departments in Palestinian universitie ...
- Israeli soldiers, settlers violate Palestinian wom ...RAMALLAH, occupied West Bank (IPS) - Palestinian women continue to suffer abuse and denial of basic human rights at the hands of Israeli settlers and soldiers in the Occupied Palestinian Territ ...
- Interview: Living under constant fear of arrestMohammed Ahmed Issa Yassen, 20, lives in the occupied West Bank village of Bilin, where he works in his family's car garage business as a mechanic. He is also a student at the al-Quds Open University, ...
CS Monitor - News
- October 16, 2009The UN Human Rights Council votes to adopt the Goldstone Report on Israel's military incursion into Gaza.
- October 19, 2009Saudi Arabia is wary of terrorists, especially from neighboring states.
- October 20, 2009How some TV insiders view parents and children on reality television.
- October 21, 2009How African Anglicans might respond to the Vatican's offer.
- October 23, 2009US-China economic relations, Microsoft and Wall Street, and September home sales.
The Wonk Room
- In 220-215 Vote, House Passes Bipartisan Health Re ...Moments ago, the House of Representatives passed the Affordable Health Care for America Act by a vote of 220-215, with one Republican — Rep. Joseph Cao (R-LA) — voting for the measure. Once the bill reached the needed threshold of 218 votes, the chamber erupted in applause. Members excitedly cou ...
- How Did Stupak’s Gang-Of-40 Win On AbortionSources tell the Wonk Room that Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) and his 40 pro-life Democratic colleagues successfully won debate for a restrictive abortion amendment on the House floor by moving the goal posts on an earlier agreement. Stupak had agreed to keep the amendment from the floor if it received a ...
- House Democrats Will Consider Stupak’s Abort ...During yesterday’s all-night marathon hearing before the House Rules Committee to consider which amendments would be introduced during floor debate of the House health care bill, the Committee agreed to allow the full House to vote on Rep. Bart Stupak’s (D-MI) amendment to effectively ban plans ...
- Jon Stewart Joins Critics: The Science Of SuperFre ...The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart has joined the critics who found that SuperFreakonomics got climate science wrong. When economist Steven Levitt came on the show to promote the book on October 27th, Stewart defended his work, wondering if critics were just part of a “secular religion.” Levitt had ...
- Joe Wilson And GOP Colleagues Lie About Immigrants ...Today, Rep. Joe ‘You Lie’ Wilson (R-SC) staged a press conference with several other Republican congressmen during which Wilson and his colleagues repeatedly lied about taxpayers funding the health care coverage of 2.5 million additional undocumented immigrants under H.R. 3962. WILSON: I am so ...
thwap's schoolyard
- Making Things Easy for Ezra Levant ...... to understand. Ezra, imagine this: The Liberal Party of Canada returns to power. Traumatized by the years of cruel bullying they endured at the hands of the psychopathic harper, and determined to use their power to make sure they're never put in such a painful position ever again, they decide ...
- Life's a Bitch, and Then You DieThat is all.
- Jeffrey Simpson, Rick Hillier and Brian PlattI don't have a whole heckuva lotta time for Jeffrey "Public Healthcare is Expensive!!!!" Simpson, but yesterday he had something interesting to say. It seems there's a bit of a difference between how former CF head Rick Hillier sees his contribution to Canada's getting mixed-up in Afghanistan and ho ...
- I'm Not Even Sure if This is a Good VersionI'm just posting something for the sake of posting something ...
- Excellent Murray Dobbin EditorialI'm linking to this editorial at "The Tyee" so that I can find it more easily when I want to: " Canada Must Forge Its Own Economic Fate " I don't agree with everything in it, particularly some of his pessimism about the US economy, but the overall idea, .... that our geniuses in politics and busines ...
Financial Sense Editorials
- Ultimate Conditions For Recovery by Jim Willie. "With the steady stream of claims toward an economic recovery, one must do a reality check from time to time. The Gross Domestic Product for 3Q2009 reflected a solid temporary push from the absurdly inefficient and costly Clunker Car Program, and an inventory drawdown that finally arr ...
- The Long Bond by Gary Tanashian. "Against the backdrop of the long bond's uninterrupted rise from the 1980's, Alan Greenspan was able to portray himself as the great Maestro, always at the ready with inflationary policy when the market and economy needed it most."
- U.S. Jobs Report Sets The Tone For The day by Brewer Futures. "The U.S. Dollar is trading lower ahead of this morning’s U.S. jobs data report. Today’s Non-Farm Payrolls Report is expected to show losses in October of about 175,000 jobs. The key will be how investors react if the unemployment rate reaches or exceeds 10%. "
- Economy: No worries mate by Brian Bloom. "The only way that this analyst can reconcile the (apparently optimistic) behavior of US investors with the (neutral to negative) underlying facts is that investors are emotionally “comfortable” with what the Bernanke/Geithner team is doing."
- Thucydides in the Underworld by J. R. Nyquist. "The shade of Thucydides, formerly an Athenian general and historian, languished in Hades for 24 centuries; and having intercourse with other spirits, was perturbed by an influx into the underworld of self-described historians professing to admire his History of the Peloponnesian W ...
Blacklisted News
- What Happened To The Accomplice Shooters?
- Large Hadron Collider broken by bread dropped by p ...As it is, the LHC was only undergoing test firing . Full particle-smashing duties are scheduled to restart this month.
- Former employee opens fire at Orlando office towerUPDATE: 1 dead, 5 hurt in Orlando shooting; gunman caught
- Pelosi Breaks Pledge to Put Final Health Care Bill ...Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office tells THE WEEKLY STANDARD that the speaker will not allow the final language of the health care to be posted online for 72 hours before bringing the bill to a vote on the House floor, despite her September 24 statement that she was “absolutely” committed to doing ...
- Americans on food stamps tops 36 million, new reco ...The number of Americans receiving food stamp assistance soared above 36 million for the first time in August, the eighth month in a row that enrollment set a record, the U.S. Agriculture Department said on Wednesday.
The Intelligence Daily
- Hugo Chavez tells Venezuela's military to prepare ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article
- Details of U.S.-Colombia Military Deal Cause Outra ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article
- 7th Fleet readies for joint Japan exerciseFor more details, please click on the link to read the article
- Cheney blasts probe of CIA interrogationsFor more details, please click on the link to read the article
- Alice Margaret Childers was multilingual, musical, ...For more details, please click on the link to read the article
My AntiWar
- Obama Calls New Election Law a Milestone for Iraq
- Qassam Explodes West of Sderot
- Egypt: Police Officer Imprisoned for Torturing Sus ...
- Iraq Minister Says Three Oilfields to Pump 6 Milli ...
- Fort Hood Tragedy Rocks Military as It Grapples Wi ...
Rogue Government.com
- Former employee opens fire at Orlando office towe ...Officials searched Friday for a gunman who opened fire in a downtown office building. At least eight people were hurt.
- Gold Advances to Record in New York, London After ...Gold rose to a record in New York and London trading after a report showed U.S. employers cut more jobs than forecast in October, boosting demand for the metal as store of value.
- U.S. Army Psychiatrist Allegedly Carried Out Mass ...A senior officer who was playing golf Thursday near Fort Hood, Texas, told CNN he witnessed the arrest of one of the two surviving suspects of the shooting at the Army installation.
- Mission accomplished! ExxonMobil-led consortium n ...An ExxonMobil-led consortium has beaten rival Russian, French and Chinese groups to bag initial rights to develop Iraq’s West Qurna field, the Oil Ministry said, adding momentum to Iraq’s bid to unlock its oil riches.
- Counter-terror plans will be revised to reflect F ...A soldier turning on his comrades at Fort Hood, an Afghan policeman killing the British soldiers who trained him - two uncannily similar events in two days, but incidents which, across the Western world, security authorities have been planning for and dreading.
Innovation Canada
- Viral controlDepending on whom you ask, the H1N1 flu virus that is making its way around the globe could be anything from a particularly virulent form of influenza to the next worldwide pandemic. As virologists scramble to understand the virus and develop vaccines against it, a Halifax facility is already on the ...
- Fear factorLet’s say you’re wandering through a deserted alley late one foggy October night. You turn a corner, and lo and behold, you’re surrounded by a crowd of brain-thirsty zombies. Your pulse quickens, your amygdala fires, your respiration is off the charts. You try to run, but you trip and fall. As ...
- Fuels of the future?A recession-related dip in flight demand might actually be considered a green blessing. Just a small one, mind you. The David Suzuki Foundation estimates that aviation is responsible for up to nine percent of the total global climate-change impact of human activity, so it would take a huge drop to ...
- i2eye with Bif NakedThe last few years have been a roller-coaster ride for Bif Naked. After two years of touring, TV work and datelessness following her 2005 album Superbeautifulmonster, the Vancouver-based alt-rock singer-songwriter — whose real name is Beth Walker — met and married her husband, sportswriter Ian W ...
- Cultural evolutionWhen Jane Goodall reported her observations of tools use by chimps to famed anthropologist Louis Leakey, he responded by saying, “Now we must redefine tool, redefine man or accept chimpanzees as humans.” Leakey would have likely had a similar reaction to the current work of University of Calgary ...
Signs of the times
- Poppy Day and a war we won't want to rememberDavid Dimbleby mentioned in his TV commentary 'the unconscionable millions' killed in war during yesterday's Cenotaph service for our 'glorious dead'. Unconscionable, as in 'without conscience or scruples; outrageous; unthinkable; unreasonable; excessive'. Are the 230 military deaths in Afghanistan ...
- Music Improves Brain FunctionFor most people music is an enjoyable, although momentary, form of entertainment. But for those who seriously practiced a musical instrument when they were young, perhaps when they played in a school orchestra or even a rock band, the musical experience can be something more. Recent research shows t ...
- Frigid Antarctica Loaded with VirusesAntarctica's icy lakes are home to a surprisingly diverse community of viruses, including some that were previously unidentified, a new study finds. At first glance, Antarctica's freshwater lakes don't seem very hospitable to life. They remain frozen for a good nine months out of the year, and they ...
- Why fat angers the immune systemOverweight people get heart disease and diabetes - and more severe swine flu - because their fat triggers inflammation, an immune response meant to fight infection. Now the protein responsible for this sequence of events may have been found. Jerrold Olefsky and colleagues at the University of C ...
- Orlando shooter, US army Fort Hood shooter both li ...US Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan shot and killed 13 people and wounded 30 others in a violent attack at a Texas Army base this past week. He reportedly opened fire at the Fort Hood army base without any particular reason or motivation. In fact, as a psychiatrist, he had counseled many other soldiers ...
Threat Level
- Report: Cyber Attacks Caused Power Outages in Braz ...Electrical blackouts impacting millions of people in Brazil in 2005 and 2007 were caused by hackers targeting control systems, according to the CBS news magazine 60 Minutes. In a show set to air Sunday night, CBS blames a two-day outage in Espirito Santo in 2007 on a hack attack. The blackout affect ...
- National Data Breach Laws Move Through SenateA national data breach law got closer to passage this week. The Senate Judiciary Committee approved two bills Thursday that address data security and breach notification, according to Government Information Security. The legislation was drafted in response to the plague of data thefts that have occu ...
- Lawsuit Accuses Facebook of Conspiring to Break Vi ...A Texas woman has filed a lawsuit against Facebook, claiming the company conspired with Blockbuster to violate a federal law protecting customer video-rental and sale records. The suit, filed by Cathryn Harris in U.S. District Court in Dallas, accuses Facebook of working with Blockbuster in violatio ...
- Here’s That Leaked Copyright Treaty DocumentThe secret Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement document we wrote about on Wednesday appeared on Wikileaks today, and our source has cleared us to publish it here as well. We wrote that the document, (.pdf) if true, amounted to policy laundering at its finest -– that the United States was pushing t ...
- Video: Raid on Romanian Bank Card Skimming RingPolice in Romania this week swooped in on 19 members of an alleged international credit and debit card skimming ring that’s been active in Switzerland, Italy, France, and the U.S., according to local reports. Romania’s national Directorate for Countering Organized Crime staged 23 coordinated ra ...
PERRspectives : Blog
- Cheney Turns to Sgt. Schultz Defense in Plame CaseDuring the controversy over the Bush administration's prosecutor purge in 2007, former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales raised selective amnesia to an art form. In one single day of Congressional testimony, Gonzales uttered some variant of "I don't recall" 64 times,...
- The Hatch Truth: GOP Blocking Health Care to Preve ...A gaffe, Michael Kinsley famously mused, is what results when a politician inadvertently tells the truth. And so it was Monday when Utah Republican Senator Orrin Hatch came clean about his party's scorched-earth opposition to health care reform being championed...
- House GOP Reverses Role from 2003 Medicare Rx VoteWith its talking babies and warnings of government takeovers and terrified seniors, the grandstanding by House Republicans during Saturday's narrow 220-215 passage of the Democratic Affordable Health Care for America Act was entirely predictable. And if that vote count sounds...
- Bush's Iron Law of Bin Laden Still HoldsLike a broken clock, even George W. Bush can be right twice a day. And so it was with his pronouncement on the fate of Obama Bin Laden before a weekend conference of business leaders in New Delhi, "I guess...
- Jeb Bush's Brother and the GOP Attack on U.S. Capi ...On Wednesday, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush doubtless pleased his audience at the U.S Chamber of Commerce when he declared, "I think President Obama has used the bully pulpit as a way to attack capitalism." But in his knee-jerk assault...
Blackspot News Feed
- Love is how well ask for peace; seeding a global h ...13 year old AbdulaiDandelion SaladourjourneytosmileNovember 07, 2009more about “Love is how we’ll ask for peace“, posted with vodpod***Love is how well ask for peace; seeding a global heart-storm for peaceOur immediate goalWith love, we request the 2009 Nobel Peace Laureate, President Obama, t ...
- Pentagon Pouring Your Money Into Afghanistan: Are ...Forget the "debates" in Washington over Afghan War policy. Construction activity and the flow of money suggests that the Pentagon plans to be there for a long, long time.
- Despite Censorship By Beef Magnate, Michael Pollan ...Pollan took on Big Ag and cheap food in a panel discussion, after the protests of a meat industry chairman led to his speech at a University being canceled.
- Lies About Marijuana Drive People to a Much More H ...Anti-pot propaganda drives most people to drink alcohol instead. But booze is far more dangerous than marijuana.
- As Foreclosure Nightmares Increase, Will More Home ...The economic crisis revealed late-capitalism's central offense: Human beings are being transparently treated if they were mere transactions. And they're going postal over it.
Consortium News
- How Two Elections Changed AmericaSecret Republican operations around elections in 1968 and 1980 set the U.S. on today's troubled course, says Robert Parry. November 4, 2009
- Heeding George Kennan's Sage AdviceFamed diplomat George Kennan's early warning about Vietnam applies as well to Afghanistan today, writes Ray McGovern. November 3, 2009
- Will a Surge Work in AfghanistanWashington insiders are pressing President Obama to order a "surge" in Afghanistan, but Ivan Eland questions that wisdom. November 3, 2009
- Chomsky Doubts Change from ObamaNoam Chomsky says Barack Obama alone cannot change the course of U.S. foreign policy, Mamoon Alabbasi reports. November 3, 2009
- The Incredible Shrinking Public OptionCongressional concessions to the insurance industry have shrunk the public option to almost nothing, says Robert Parry. November 2, 2009
- Alexander Cockburn : Too Fat to Fight
- Mark Grueter : Inside the American University of I ...
- Dean Baker : Don't Touch the Banks!
- Jayne Lyn Stahl : Black Ops and Fort Hood
- Stephanie Westbrook : My Memories of Fort Hood
Institute for Middle East Understanding
- 'Worse than South African Apartheid' (Gideon Levy ...I thought they would feel right at home in the alleys of Balata refugee camp, the Casbah and the Hawara checkpoint. But they said there is no comparison: for them the Israeli occupation regime is worse than ...
- Pete Seeger's role in ending Israeli house demolit ...Anyone who owns a radio probably knows the song "Turn, Turn, Turn" (To everything there is a season) very well. A number of versions of this song have become permanent fixtures on the play lists of most popu ...
- Abbas may dissolve Palestinian Authority (Michael ...The Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas may declare the peace process dead and dissolve the Palestinian Authority. Officials in Ramallah say, however, he will not take these steps until he is certain that no ...
- Abbas produces a dubious twist (Mel Frykberg, Int ...U.S. and Israeli failure to take either Palestinian rights or Israeli settlement expansion seriously has placed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and his Palestinian Authority (PA) in an untenable situatio ...
- Israeli separation barrier cuts family from villag ...
Water - AlterNet
- Why Natural Gas Is Not a Clean Energy PanaceaNatural gas is "clean" only in contrast to coal -- just as a bacon cheeseburger can only be regarded as healthful compared with a double bacon cheeseburger.
- Three Gorges Dam: The World's Largest Boondoggle t ...After 27 million cubic meters of concrete have been poured, 1.3 million people have been displaced and up to $88 billion have been spent, it is now time to take stock.
- New Remarkable Numbers Released: Water Use in the ...It is possible to improve the efficiency of water use and such improvements eliminate the need for expensive and environmentally damaging new supply.
- Who Is Stealing California's Water?We must stop pretending that water is free and unlimited, available to anyone who can put a siphon in a river or drill another groundwater well.
- Water, Forests and Farms in New York State Threate ...The future of this ecologically rich area is now in the hands of oil and gas companies that have leased thousands of acres to drill in the Marcellus Shale.
- Health Care and The Brick WallSo, the wellness party is short lived. The Senate is drunk with its own power … regardless of the fact there are millions in health care distress. Senators are so busy posturing in front of cameras, to get elected. They continue to sabotage the current administration, ignoring mill ...
- Hooray for the HouseLet me ‘dis’ the local Austin news media. The 10PM news still says congress is still debating and repeats old news. CSPAN shows the vote passed at 8:15PM. Austin still lives in a bubble. We are very well versed about the Texas football dramas and Austin icon Leslie, but US ne ...
- The Economics of Polarization Focus on Nadal Malik ...American media is focusing on Hasan's religion more than the cause for his meltdown. Tragedies don't JUST happen.
- We Have One Twisted Health System, Living Organ Do ...The status quo for health insurers is minimalist investment in customers, maximum investment into political influence. Greasy palms are the face of public health insurance in congress. Genuine discussion about cost effectiveness and practical application take a back seat to the fears of equi ...
- Barbara Ann Radnofsky Launches New Campaign Websit ...For Immediate Release [...]
Dandelion Salad - Featured Writers' Posts
- Afghanistan’s Sham Army by Chris Hedgesby Chris Hedges Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Truthdig Nov. 9, 2009 Success in Afghanistan is meas
- How many countries do you have to be at war with t ...Submitted on Buzzflash by William Blum Featured Writer Dandelion Salad www.killinghope.org 4 Novembe
- Twenty Years After End Of The Cold War: Pentagon†...by Rick Rozoff Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Stop NATO http://rickrozoff.wordpress.com/2009/11/04/
- America the Betrayed by Richard C. Cookby Richard C. Cook Featured Writer Dandelion Salad richardccook.com November 4, 2009 If you want to
- The nerve of these guys! Karzai 'wins' anyway By W ...By William Bowles Featured Writer Dandelion Salad Creative-i 4 November 2009 Have you ever seen anyt
Unexplained Mysteries
- Iraq swears by "dowsing" bomb detectorsThe security forces in Iraq use a device to detect bombs and weapons that the US military believes to be useless, the ADE 651 device uses a telesc...
- Music improves brain functionNew research has revealed that learning to play a musical instrument can help improve brain function, not only in the area of musical training but...
- NASA probe reveals Mercury's secretsNASA's Messenger spacecraft has returned data revealing several things previously unknown about the nearest planet to the sun, including an abunda...
- Darwin theory to help find alien lifeDarwin's theory of evolution could prove vital in the search for alien life. NASA astrobiologists are using evolution as a basis in the search for...
- Bizarre plant root resembles boyScientists are attempting to understand the process that created a bizarre 12 lb root that was dug out of the ground by a farmer in China and whic...
- The U.S. Can Still Do the Right Thing in HondurasHonduras_detenidos_22_Sept.JPG Despite a press release from the office of Senator Jim DeMint yesterday evening declaring that he has secured a commitment from the Obama Administration to recognize the Nov. 29th elections in Honduras regardless ...
- Investing in Food Commodities = Betting on HungerCommodity_Casino.JPG As the food crisis showed us last year, adding food to the speculation market can have serious -- and sometimes deadly -- consequences when the bubble bursts. Surprisingly, the food and gas crises weren’t caused by a sho ...
- Congress, Accountability, and the Goldstone ReportME001_213.jpg read more
- Grassroots International partner Via Campesina rec ...Via-prize-small.jpg At a gathering of food and trade activists from around the United States and Canada, Grassroots International's partner, the Via Campesina, receieved the 2009 Food Sovereignty Prize for its relentless struggle for the right ...
- Judge Goldstone Refutes Allegations in Congression ...On Tuesday, November 3, a bipartisan resolution ( HR 867 ) cosponsored by Reps. Howard Berman (D-CA) and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) in the House will be likely voted on that condemns the Goldstone report released in September by the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict .read more
- November 7-8, 2009G20 Fails Again to Reach Finance Deal on Climate Change (Xinhua) The G20 policymakers urged to push forward climate change financing but failed to reach an agreement on how to fund policies to tackle climate change at their two-day meeting in Scotland. Lawsuit Targets AES Coal Ash for Birth Def ...
- November 6, 2009UN Climate Chief: Climate Deal May Take Another Year (Bloomberg) The deadline for a new global-warming accord may slip by as much as one year, as negotiators hold back on pledges to slash emissions or pay financial aid to poor nations, UN climate chief Yvo de Boer says. APEC to Call for Emissio ...
- November 5, 2009Senate Environment Committee Moves Climate Bill Without GOP (Hearst) The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee voted 10-1 to approve the Kerry-Boxer climate bill. Democrat Max Baucus was the lone no vote; the committee's Republicans refused to attend the session. US Chamber Backs Parts ...
- November 4, 2009Cost Analysis to Delay Senate Climate Vote (Hearst) Senate Leader Harry Reid has committed to requesting a cost analysis of the climate bill that could take five weeks — a plan that would delay full Senate debate on the proposal until after next month's international climate talks in Copenhagen ...
- November 3, 2009Sen. Boxer Starting Markup, but Offers Olive Branch to GOP (ClimateWire) Hoping to avert a partisan meltdown, Senate Environment and Public Works Chair Barbara Boxer extended a deadline for amendments to the climate bill and will suspend markup at 2 p.m. to hear EPA testimony. Climate Talks T ...
- Tomgram: Jamail and Lazare, Who Will Be Sent to A ...In a grim November 3rd Wall Street Journal piece (buried inside the paper), Yochi Dreazen reported record suicide rates for a stressed-out U.S. Army. Sixteen soldiers killed themselves in October alone, 134 so far this year, essentially ensuring that last year's "record" of 140 suicides will be b ...
- Tomgram: Nick Turse, In Afghanistan, the Pentagon ...In our day, the American way of war, especially against lightly armed guerrillas, insurgents, and terrorists, has proved remarkably heavy. Elephantine might be the appropriate word. The Pentagon likes to talk about its "footprint" on the geopolitical landscape. In terms of the infrastructure it ...
- Tomgram: Barbara Ehrenreich, Why Your Child May N ...This week, the Obama White House released a very partial record of those who had visited since January 20, 2009. This it hailed as "transparency like you've never seen it before" and as the beginning of a new White House visitor transparency policy. Unfortunately, the policy applies mainly to po ...
- Tomgram: Afghanistan as a Bailout State[ Note for TomDispatch Readers: Last week, at an event in Santa Fe sponsored by the Lannan Foundation , I interviewed TomDispatch regular Rebecca Solnit. You can catch the audio by clicking here . The event was, in part, in honor of her superb new book, A Paradise Built in Hell , a tiny version ...
- Tomgram: Dilip Hiro, Is Obama's Iran Policy Doome ...[ Note to TomDispatch Readers: Recently, I launched one of this website's little campaigns to get more subscribers. Thanks to so many of you who, in response to my pleas, urged others to sign up for the email notice that goes out every time TD posts a piece, we got hundreds of new subscribers. O ...
Smirking Chimp
- Unemployment Up Dramatically! Stocks Rise! Huh?Ordinary, average, struggling Americans might be scratching their heads over the news today, as the Labor Department reports that unemployment is up by four-tenths of a percent for the month to a record 10.2%, fully three-tenths of a percent higher than economists had been forecasting, and stocks do ...
- We Are What We Buy and How We Buy ItI write a lot about the importance of fair trade -- specifically, about the significance of making sure our international economic laws do not encourage job outsourcing, labor abuse, environmental degradation and other bad behavior. Often times, these trade issues seem esoteric, abstract, and caugh ...
- The Crazy October Surprise DebunkingPatently absurd reasoning in someone’s argument can often tell you about the strength of the underlying facts. If an argument is deceptive on its face, you might suspect the supporting facts are pretty fragile, too. Such was the situation in late 1992 as America reached an important turning po ...
- How to End WarsAround the United States, peace groups are engaged in effective campaigns against proposed new military installations, local funding of weapons companies, and the routine destruction of the environment and of workers' health by such companies. Activists are building better media outlets, educating y ...
- I'll Bet the 10.2 Percent Can't Keep What They've ...Hey There, Congress and Mr. President. It's your citizens. Lots of us are losing jobs and benefits. We cannot keep the benefits we've got when we lose our jobs. In fact it's really hard to keep paying all the bills without a job and an income. The new jobless numbers are alarming in so many ways. Yo ...
Ten Percent
- 63% Want UK Forces Out of AfghanistanPerhaps showing people have a better understanding of war and remembrance than our bloodthirsty leaders. Public support for the war in Afghanistan is falling, while more than 40 percent do not understand why British troops are fighting there, a poll released on Remembrance Sunday showed. Some 64 per ...
- 9 Out of 5,000Scotland Yard faced calls for an “ethical audit” of all officers in its controversial riot squad tonight after figures revealed that they had received more than 5,000 complaint allegations, mostly for “oppressive behaviour”. Details of all allegations lodged against the Metropolitan polic ...
- PredictableApparently people are still confused that war involves murder and insanity. Luckily morons, racist and imperialists can hang their denial on ideas of tribal loyalty because -their- god forbid they realise that if this is what a professional dealing with combat trauma does, then the ongoing wars in s ...
- Friday! Zachary Murray & Erika Fontana- The Advent ...It’s never too early to corrupt young minds! (ht2 Dangerous Minds)
- Candle In The WindIt is very apparent there is an underlying intermittent fault on my phone line that after years has never been repaired, so in times of high wind (like now) my connection is tenuous, flickering on and off. Intermittent faults are the most tedious to diagnose and solve thus BT Open Reach are in no ru ...
Paul Krugman
- Technology in daily lifeIf I had to make a guess, the fastest progress in the technology of daily life -- the biggest changes -- probably came between the 1880s and the 1920s.
- Nancy Pelosi deliversPretty impressive so far.
- Reagan! Reagan! Reagan!There's no measure I can think of by which the U.S. economy has done better since 1980 than it did over an equivalent time span before 1980.
- US tariff historyTariffs over the past 175 years.
- Why not a WPA?It might be worth discussing whether we shouldn't try to include a public option in stimulus, too.
No Quarter
- Larry Johnson on The John Batchelor Show Tonight a ...(Nov. 8 promo bumped down . visit next Sunday for our announcement of the next appearance of Larry Johnson on John Batchelor’s Sunday night radio show.) Tune in to John Batchelor’s West Coast show by 11:00 p.m. EDT. Rolling Thunder is the theme of John’s show tonight. If this is your firs ...
- Reminder: Larry Johnson on Batchelor’s Show at 1 ...Tune in to John Batchelor’s West Coast show by 11:00 p.m. EDT. Rolling Thunder is the theme of John’s show tonight. If this is your first time listening, you’ll want to visit the site early in case you need to download an easily installed program to hear the show.
- Ground Rules for Pet and Human Cohabitation **Open ...(This was emailed to me and it seemed perfect for sharing with the many pet loving NQ regulars. Author unknown. h/t BGD) THE FOLLOWING WAS FOUND POSTED VERY LOW ON THE REFRIGERATOR Dear Dogs and Cats: The dishes with the paw prints are yours and contain your food. The other dishes are mine and co ...
- No Quarter Radio’s Sense on Cents with Larry Do ...PROMO Bumped Down: November 8th’s show has concluded but you can listen via BlogTalkRadio.com or via iTunes (see our instructions in the right column). Who would have projected the twists and turns we have experienced on our global economic landscape? Who would have forecasted the ups and downs in ...
- In 15 Minutes, Join No Quarter Radio’s Sense on ...Who would have projected the twists and turns we have experienced on our global economic landscape? Who would have forecasted the ups and downs in the markets? Who has the global perspective to project where our economies and markets are headed? While the future is always uncertain, experience is a ...
Environmental Graffiti
- Sao Paulo’s Incredible Storm Drain Graffiti
- The Cutest Flying Animals on Earth
- 7 Most Massive Single Meteorites on Earth
- Sound As You’ve Never Seen it Before
- Mortal Combat: El Salvador’s Fireball Street Fig ...
Foreign Policy in Focus
- Underlying Causes of Insecurity in AfghanistanMuch of the Afghanistan debate has been centered in the U.S. But what do Afghans think?
- Review: 'Shopping for Bombs: Nuclear Proliferation ...The breadth of A.Q. Khan's nuclear proliferation is revealed in Gordon Corera's provocative expos�.
- UN Report Misleading on Afghanistan's Drug ProblemA new report gives the impression that the opium trade is the main reason why the Taliban are gaining in strength, absolving the United States and NATO of their own responsibility in fomenting the insurgency.
- Bipartisan Attack on International Humanitarian La ...A House resolution on the Goldstone report represents Bush's foreign policy legacy.
- Clash on InvestmentGuest columnist Sarah Anderson served on an Obama advisory group on economic policy. Here's the inside story.
Global Elite
- Fear, Intimidation & Media Disinformation: U.K Gov ...Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 20, 2009 An official UK government report –quoted extensively in Britain’s tabloid media– is warning the British public that there wil ...
- President European Commission Advocated World Gove ...Jurriaan Maessen. Infowars. July 24th, 2009 On September 7, 1992, two term President of the European Commission Jacques Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affa ...
- Billions of People Expected to Die Under Current C ...Barbara Minton, Natural News, July 21st, 2009 Your right to eat healthy food and use supplements of your choice is rapidly vanishing, but every effort has been made to keep you in the d ...
- Bioweapons, Dangerous Vaccines, and Threats of a G ...Stephen Lendman, Global Research, July 7th, 2009 Although international law prohibits the use of chemical and bacteriological weapons, America has had an active biological warfare progr ...
- Today we’re all prisoners in the USA Papers, Please! June 2, 2009 As of today, June 1, 2009, even U.S. citizens are officially prisoners in the USA, or exiles barred from entering our own country without the government’s ...
Al Jazeera
- Tsvangirai aide stands terror trialRoy Bennett's terrorism trial could endanger Zimbabwe's unity government.
- Berlin celebrates fall of WallGerman capital marks 20th anniversary of demise of structure that led to reunification.
- Pakistan denies US nuclear claim Magazine report says the US planned to secure Pakistani nuclear arsenal is denied.
- Floods ravage storm-hit El SalvadorHurricane Ida heads for Gulf of Mexico after leaving at least 124 dead in El Salvador.
- Leaders to mark fall of Berlin WallGerman capital to celebrate 20th anniversary of collapse that led to reunification.
Green Inc. - NYT
- More Readers Air Their (Clean) LaundryIn our fourth installment, Green Inc. readers respond to our post on efficiency, clothes dryers, and the resurgence of backyard line-drying with pictures of their clotheslines.
- Defining 'Sustainable' Palm Oil ProductionThe Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil upset some conservationists when it concluded its annual meeting this week without including greenhouse gas emissions standards in its certification process.
- Syngas With Carbon Capture at Cook InletAs the nation looks for ways to burn coal without producing so much carbon dioxide, developers, researchers, and environmentalists are looking at underground coal gasification, or U.C.G., with cautious optimism.
- Study: Managing Emissions IntensityA new World Bank study finds that some countries have managed to de-link economic growth and CO2 emissions.
- On Our Radar...The aesthetics of the Prius (or lack thereof) and other energy and environment stories from around the Web.
Dot Earth News
- New York State Official Moves to E.P.A.Judith Enck, Gov. A. Paterson's deputy secretary for environment has been appointed to the Environmental Protection Agency as the administrator of Region 2.
- Religion's Role in the Climate ChallengeLeaders of the world's major religions seek climate commitments at Windsor Castle.
- Al Gore's Climate ChoiceAl Gore's new book finds the core of the climate challenge, and solutions, in the human brain.
- E.P.A. Lawyers Challenge 'Cap and Trade' for Clima ...Two government environmental lawyers say global warming needs a big response, just not the one pushed by President Obama and Democrats in Congress.
- Fresh Warnings on Climate OverstatementScientists point to the risks of glossing over climate complexity in warnings on warming.
Doug Feith : Hong Pong
- Collapse, conspiracy, concern trolling, commidifie ..."I have heard much of the nefarious, and dangerous plan, and doctrines of the Illuminati, but never saw the Book until you were pleased to send it to me." "It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On t ...
- The new Boiling Frogs Post/Sibel Edmonds site; Joh ...Sibel Edmonds & co have set up a new website called Boiling Frogs Post and they're going to be looking at a lot of shady stuff. The podcasts that have been going for a while have been really good & detailed material from whistleblowers and journalists about what's going on. [BTW here is a good recen ...
- Ooky spooky Soviet bioscience: 1940 Soviet Zombie ...In all likelihood this Soviet propaganda video is fake, but it has a Zombie Dog head. I gotta say they should have had a better angle at the dog head, but it does kinda look real. Via this list of 25 scariest scientific experiments on io9.com. Tuskegee, Mengele and Unit 731 are all noted in the rund ...
- A time for truth: New York Times reports Brother K ...I was a bit surprised to see the New York Times report this evening that embattled Afghan President Hamid Karzai's brother has been taking mad CIA cash for some time. [Or rather, the three journalists who did the story are oddly emphasized, 'compartmentalized' on this risky exposure.] Earlier Willia ...
- A quick hit from the G20: Democracy 101 by Indymed ...I was proud to help contribute some footage to this video - soon enough there will be more video out from what happened at the G20. For now please just check this out. It's certainly a "rough cut" and needs some help in the narrative & so forth, but it's a great intro to the widespread police abuse ...
Daily Censored
- Smart meters raise privacy concernsNew electrical meters are being rolled out to help reduce energy use, but privacy concerns have risen over how much data is being sent in real time to utility companies. The devices send data on household energy consumption directly to utilities on a regular basis, allowing the firms to manage deman ...
- Democrats pass health care bill in the middle of t ...This is really insane. I cannot believe that we have gotten this far with the propaganda in this country. People, this bill provides no new insurer into the market place, yet forces people to buy insurance. How is this a good thing? The original program was to create a public option that was suppose ...
- Foreign Contributions and the Supreme’s Overdue ...Michael Collins The Supreme Court of the United States will soon announce a major decision on our lightly controlled system of campaign funding. Will it retain some limitations on corporate influence or will the court blow the lid off and cause a perpetual flood of unrestricted corporate co ...
- Lost in the Shuffle – A Marxist Analysis of the ...From the far right to the radical left, all sorts of analyses of the ongoing economic crisis have been put forward. These range from the claim on the far right that too many poor people were allowed to buy houses to the claim that the mere existence of the Federal Reserve Bank (the “Fed”) is [.. ...
- The Global Privatization of Education Policy: Lorn ...By Guest Writer, George Thompson Introduction The recent conflict of interest case of Lorna Earl in Ontario is merely the symptom of a growing trend in Canada and the rest of the world: the privatization of educational policy itself. Earl’s complete bafflement as to why her case was sent to the ...
AlterNet's Breaking News
- Two US chopper pilots die in 'hard landing': army
- Colts, Saints survive scares to remain on form
- Beckham's Galaxy advance to next round
- US seeks climate framework, not legal pact: expert ...
- GE, Comcast agree on valuing NBC Universal: report
Institute for Policy Studies
- Biggest Challenge to Climate Change in Congress: T ...A first-hand account of a House meeting on Copenhagen and climate change.
- Clash on Investment: Global Trade and an Opportuni ...Guest columnist Sarah Anderson served on an Obama advisory group on economic policy. Here's the inside story.
- Happy Anniversary, Obama. Now Sign a Climate Deal.Developed countries have an obligation to direct financial and technical support to developing nations to enable them to shift to low-carbon growth pathways.
- 'A World Without Nuclear Weapons' Might Still be P ...Real U.S. negotiations with Iran should begin with a call for a nuclear weapons-free zone across the Middle East — no exceptions.
- Talking Points: The Midwest, Mideast, and a New Bo ...The dangers of another, even greater, U.S. escalation in Afghanistan are rising; the continuing war in Iraq is exploding anew; the possibilities-but-still-dangers in U.S. engagement with Iran remain hopeful but tense; and U.S. diplomatic engagement in the Middle East is still designed to fail.
- Practicing everyday JusticeTom & I are just finishing off our time here at Eastern Mennonite University. We have enjoyed sharing with the students about how live on purpose in our consumer driven world. I have particularly been impressed with some of the green initiatives on the campus here. Their campus garden provides g ...
- What Would Jesus EatIt seemed appropriate that just after I added my last blog post I received this information from Mike Morrell. Â He and Kevin Beck are hosting a presentation with Lucas Land Thursday evening 8pm New York Time entitled What Would Jesus Eat Lucas is doing a full-immersion internship at a sustainable ...
- Junk Food Spirituality – Are We Addicted to ...Following my post yesterday Fruit That Will Last, my friend Andy Wade commented I wonder, what would the difference look like between highly processed fruit and whole foods w/o all the junk? What are the parallels between how our bodies respond to processed foods and how our souls respond? It was a ...
- Fruit That Will LastTom and I are now at Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg Virginia still trying to get our clocks turned around from the trip to Australia. This is definitely not the best way to model a balanced way of life though I am really looking forward to our time here. Part of my morning Bible rea ...
- Coming Challenges in the Global EconomyI realize that most of you do not live in the Seattle area but for those that do I would like to extend an invitation to join us for the first of MSA’s new Turbulent Times–Ready or Not! Conversation Series. Â We are planning to record the event so those of you who are not able [...]
Equality Trust
- Pressure builds for radical reform of tax system t ...A fierce debate within the government on how to tackle entrenched wealth inequality – possibly through a high pay commission or a tax on assets – is to be ignited by a report ordered by Harriet Harman, the Labour deputy leader and the minister responsible for equalities. Read the Guardian's repo ...
- Equality, not education, is the key to individual ..."Political parties fail to understand or address the root causes of the country's failing education system" writes Lynsey Hanley
- Interview: Why inequality is bad for youRead an interview with Kate Pickett in the Radical Anthropology Journal
- Sheffield: A city split for rich and poorDivisions between rich and poor in Sheffield are growing wider - with the situation today worse than it was 40 years ago, a shock new report reveals. Read more at www.thestar.co.uk
- Warren Buffett on Bonuses and EqualityInteresting thoughts from the Sage of Omaha here ...
- US prevented Israel from bombing arms ship, says p ...Israel wanted to bomb a German cargo ship, which allegedly carried tons of weapons from Syria and Iran to Lebanon, but the plan was “rejected” by US intelligence, according to a London-based Arabic-language newspaper.
- News you may have missed #0172Ex-Olympic Committee president was KGB agent: new book. Visual 'proof' of Monaco's Intelligence Service. Do we really need an NSA data center in Utah?
- News you may have missed #0171Kalmanovic was Shin Bet informant, says Ha'aretz. Court date for US couple accused of spying for Cuba. CIA responds to declassification request...20 years later.
- News you may have missed #0170CIA settles DEA agent's lawsuit for $3 million. US wants to set up spy base in Afghanistan, says Afghan lawmaker. UN to help Colombia sort through spy files.
- Israeli commandos seize ship allegedly carrying to ...A ship apprehended off the coast of Cyprus by Israeli commandos in a predawn raid on Wednesday was carrying hundreds of tons of weapons, according to the Israeli Navy. Israel insisted that the weapons, which include missiles and rockets, originated from Iran and Syria and were bound for Hezbollah.
After Downing Street.org
- Video: David Swanson Discusses "Daybreak" and Impe ...read more
- State Secrets Bill Passes House Judiciary, 18-12State Secrets Bill Passes House Judiciary, 18-12 | emptywheel The House Judiciary just passed Jerry Nadler’s bill reining in state secrets abuse by a vote of 18-12, with Adam Schiff as the sole Democrat voting against the bill. One thing Nadler has added to his bill since it was first introduced a ...
- Man Who Threatened Obama SentencedMan who threatened Obama sentenced By Jimmie E. Gates | Clarion Ledger Christopher said he never intended to harm Obama. He said he made the threat to gain attention for his cause that he is the second coming of Christ and the apocalypse is coming in 2012 and much of the world will be destroyed. A ...
- Don't repeat Vietnam in Afghanistan Part 2 More at The Real News read more
- Israel: Remote Control Occupation?
Grist - News
- Europe places outcome of Copenhagen squarely on Ob ...by Brendan DeMelle The chief negotiator for the European Commission announced this afternoon in Barcelona that the failure of the U.S. Congress to pass legislation before December has doomed the chances for success in Copenhagen . A climate protest at the Barcelona talks: World leaders with \'big ...
- Cash for Clunkers brought us ... more clunkers!by Jonathan Hiskes So how did Cash for Clunkers work out from an environmental standpoint? You don’t want to know. The $3 billion federal program was kinda sorta supposed to send inefficient, high-polluting, belchy vehicles to an early grave. Instead it put a lot of new large, inefficient vehicle ...
- Senate Democrats push climate bill through committ ...by Agence France-Presse WASHINGTON -- Senate Democrats on Thursday pushed through a sweeping climate change bill, maneuvering an end-run around opposition Republicans who continued their boycott of deliberations. The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee approved the Kerry-Boxer bill by a v ...
- Why developing countries cannot afford failure in ...by Brendan DeMelle The African delegation insisted today in Barcelona that its decision to walk out on negotiations Tuesday was necessary in order to jolt the intransigent European Union and other developed nations to move forward with serious discussions, rather than obstruct progress by bringing ...
- U.S. puts onus on China for climate dealby Agence France-Presse WASHINGTON - The United States will not agree to targets cutting greenhouse-gas emissions unless developing countries, particularly China, make similar moves, U.S. climate envoy Todd Stern warned Wednesday. "No country holds the fate of the Earth in its hands more than China ...
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Technorati - What's Hot in Blogs
- Blog Focus on Tech Misfits, Boo-Boos, and Practica ...Tech products and companies put together a clip show of bad behavior worthy of Santa's critical eye
- Blog Focus On Anh "Joseph" CaoThe lone Republican to vote for the Pelosi health care bill in the House is going under the national microscope.
- Prevention and Understanding the H1N1 VirusPrevention and Understanding the Swine Flu aka H1N1 virus
- Settlement Agreements Are Safe Havens?Are settlement agreements the new save haven for bad medical equipment?
- Why Haven't You Booked Wing Han Tsang for a Privat ...Move over Susan Boyle, there's a new "virtuoso" in town!
Time - Top Stories
- Fort Hood: Army Gains with Muslim Soldiers May Be ...Fewer than 1% of America's 1.4 million troops are Muslims -- and that number is really just the military's best guess, since just 4,000 troops have declared their faith in their service records
- Health-Care Passes the House, But Now Comes the Re ...Democrats on Capitol Hill spent some of the aftermath congratulating themselves on their historic achievement, but they knew as well as anyone that it was far too early to really celebrate
- Will Congress Pass Radical Bank Reform by Year-End ...What reform could dramatically remake America and become law by Christmas? Not health-care
- Why Some Countries -- But Not the U.S. -- Are Stop ...The different speeds with which economies are withdrawing economicstimulus programs spell more uncertainty for the global economy
- Mad Men Season Finale Hits the Reset ButtonSPOILER ALERT: Before you read this post, call up some old friends you haven't seen in a while and watch last night's Mad Men.
Washington Independent
- Texas Dem Calls Latest Stimulus ‘Corporate G ...“This bill," Rep. Lloyd Doggett said, "represents a textbook example of how not to deal with the economic challenges that our country faces.”
- FBI Interrogators Argued in 2002 That ‘Enhan ...As former Vice President Dick Cheney and some Republican lawmakers continue to debate whether torture works and was a legitimate interrogation technique during the Bush administration, it’s almost jaw-dropping to read some of the memos that were written by the real experts on interrogation techniq ...
- An Abortion Deal, and the House Health Reforms Pas ...After roughly 12 hours of debate — and no absence of GOP stalling — the House late last night passed an $894 billion proposal that would forever change the way the nation’s health care system operates. The vote was 220 to 215 in the lower chamber, where only a simple majority is required to pa ...
- Declassified Docs Reveal Pentagon Ignored FBI̵ ...The Justice Department released more documents — or, at least, less-redacted documents — late Friday to the American Civil Liberties Union as part of the government’s obligation in a pending Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. These latest documents provide a glimpse of the early struggles bet ...
- Democratic Congressman Demands Apology from Bachma ...Flush off of the upset Democratic victory in NY-23, which he had a big hand in, Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.), who is Jewish, is demanding that Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) apologize for sponsoring Thursday’s anti-health care reform rally, which brought to the hill signs comparing health reform to ...
CowBoss' Brain Food
- Ecosmackdown: Pets Versus Solar PanelsIt takes 17 times more land to feed American pets than would be required by solar farms producing enough electricity to meet all the demand in the United States. Why do we know this? Submitted by cowboss at wscc to Green Lifestyle | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- New Study Finds Canned Food Laced With Toxic Chemi ...Consumer Reports has unleashed its findings on toxic levels of Bisphenol A (BPA) in food packaging on a largely unsuspecting public. Before the report, many felt the BPA danger had passed with the introduction of BPA-free baby bottles and so-called microw Submitted by cowboss at wscc to Health & Wel ...
- Life and Death on the RanchWe prefer focusing on the enjoyable parts of farming but there are tough days, too. Even painful ones. Like last Friday. The morning started well. We began our chores as the sun burned through early fog, and moisture wafted up from the earth. Then we foun Submitted by cowboss at wscc to Society & Cu ...
- Meat needn’t mean murder to the planetIt felt like a political act to order an English breakfast last week after Lord Stern of Brentford’s remarks about a vegetarian diet being better for the planet. I happened to be staying at the Farmers’ Club, so the significance of the moment weighed heav Submitted by cowboss at wscc to Society & ...
- Toxic Chinese Drywall Creates A Housing DisasterAlong the Gulf Coast and across the country, it's being called a "silent hurricane." Between 2004 and 2007, an estimated 100,000 homes in more than 20 states were built with toxic drywall imported from China. Submitted by cowboss at wscc to Business | Note-it! | Add a Comment
- Bipartisan Attack on International Humanitarian La ...Professor Stephen Zunes, Foreign Policy In Focus, November 4, 2009 In a stunning blow against international law and human rights, the U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved a resolution on Tuesday attacking the report of the United Nations Human Rights Council’s fact-finding missio ...
- CIA agents convicted in Italy rendition trialMorning Star Online, Thursday 05 November 2009 by Paul Haste Prosecutor Armando Spataro speaking in court in Milan An Italian court’s conviction of 23 CIA agents for extraordinary rendition has been hailed by human rights campaigners as a “historic repudiation” of the US intelligence ag ...
- Hope, Change And One Year Later“The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even one term, but America — I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you — we as a people will get there. There will be [...]
- No titleAfghanistan: Heads You Lose, Tails You Lose Immanuel Wallerstein, Agence Global, November 1, 2009 The war in Afghanistan is a war in which whatever the United States does now, or that President Obama does now, both the United States and Obama will lose. The country and its president are in a situat ...
- Michael Hilton Broke And No Corporate Backing For .../h2> Hilton Admits: I’m Broke And Had No Corporate Backing for Jail Bid TPMMuckraker– Zachary Roth | November 2, 2009, 9:57AM “I’m out of the game. I’m done,” Michael Hilton has told the Associated Press in a phone interview. The California grifter had just testified in court that he ...
- Money & Markets - Week of 11.08.09Foreclosure Crisis Caused by Investors. And Lenders. And Politicians. And Buyers. St. Petersburg Times (8 Nov 09) New Bill Would Keep Public in the Dark About Threats to Financial System Huffington Post (6 Nov 09) Cash Crunch, Press Silence Newsbusters.org (5 Nov 09) Fannie Mae’s Sale of tax Cre ...
- Geopolitical - Week of 11.08.09Broader Measure of U.S. Unemploment Stands at 17.5% The New York Times (6 Nov 09) Where Will the Jobs Be in 2010 Financially Fit (6 Nov 09) Un-Skilled Workers Were Annihilated in October The Business Insider (6 Nov 09) The 20 Most Unemployed Cities In America The Business Insider (4 Nov 09) Defense ...
- Food & Health - Week of 11.08.09Victory at Codex! National Health Federation (8 Nov 09)
- Unemployment Rate Jumps to 26-year HighBy Timothy R. Homan Nov. 6 (Bloomberg) — The unemployment rate in the U.S. jumped to 10.2 percent in October, the highest level since 1983, casting a pall over the prospects for a sustained recovery and risking further erosion of President Barack Obama’s popularity. Payrolls fell by 190,000 las ...
- House Passes Health Care ReformBy Jason Leopold Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), who was the sponsor of an amendment that would have allowed individual states to create a single-payer system—essentially a Medicare-for-all bill—voted against the legislation. Kucinich’s amendment was stripped from the House bill at the ...
Global Insights
- Less Than a Week AwayWe encourage you to register for Awake and Aware. George Green will be a featured speaker. September 19th & 20th • Burbank, CA Click here for Tickets & Reservations
- The Georgia GuidestonesOn one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the Ame ...
- The CreationTHE CREATION (A recent message given to George Green from the "guys upstairs") We are pleased to bring understanding and clarification on what is the Creation. This is a challenge because your language of communication has not the words for describing this conception of Creation. So as not to put an ...
- The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catas ...In his previous books, James Kunstler focused on the shortsighted vision of suburban planning; now he expands that view to the country's urban growth challenges and the need to drastically change our current course of auto and oil dependency. The Long Emergency is filled with history plus eye-openin ...
- About George GreenDear Friends, Thank you for your interest in our catalog of unusual and informative materials. The knowledge gained will give you choices in the days ahead and lessons of discernment as the chaos increases. It is necessary for those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, to begin to focus ...
Insurgency Watch - Posts
- InsurgencyWatch moving to True/SlantIn the coming days, InsurgencyWatch will be moving to True/Slant, “an original content news network tailored to both the ‘Entrepreneurial Journalist’ and marketers who want a more effective way to engage with digital audiences.” (That’s what the official about page says.) It’s not a deci ...
- Kerry-Lugar’s First VictimIf true, this is total bullshit: After strong criticism on the Kerry-Lugar bill in Pakistan, the government has decided to replace Pakistan’s ambassador to the US Hussain Haqqani and the announcement in this respect is expected within the next two days. There’s nothing in the bill reasonable Pa ...
- Pakistan’s Civil War Heating UpIn the aftermath of this weekend’s assault on the Pakistani General Headquarters in Rawalpindi, the Taliban hit again in Alpuri, in the Shangla district east of Mingora in Swat. According to military sources who asked to remain anonymous because they weren’t authorized to talk to the press, a 1 ...
- At Home with a Swat LashkarI just finished up a few days in Swat and while I’m working on a story about it, I thought you might like to see a few pictures I took while there. Enjoy. Share/Save
- FACTBOX: Uzbek militant leader killed in Pakistan ...Washington PostFACTBOX: Uzbek militant leader killed in PakistanReutersBy this time he is thought to have fled the region for the safe haven of Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. * Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and Taliban leader ...Pakistan to Target Taliba...
AlterNet - DrugReporter
- Lies About Marijuana Drive People to a Much More H ...Anti-pot propaganda drives most people to drink alcohol instead. But booze is far more dangerous than marijuana.
- Letting the Science, Not the Politicians, Decide A ...The federal govt. is still blocking the process that would allow the marijuana plant to be brought to market as a prescription medicine.
- Pot Is More Mainstream Than Ever, So Why Is Legali ...Obama's drug czar has said "legalization" isn't in his vocabulary. Here's why it should be.
- The Case for Marijuana Legalization and RegulationAn exclusive look at the historic testimony prepared for a special hearing on legalizing marijuana to the California Assembly.
- Busted for Handing Out Clean Needles? Courageous A ...Two passionate drug reformers are looking at serious jail time for trying to save lives.
Twilight Earth
- Green Living Ideas and Twilight Earth Form New Maj ...Sean Daily, CEO of Green Living Ideas, Inc. and Adam Shake, founder of Twilight Earth, have teamed up to create online media company Simple Earth Media. Related posts: The Twilight Earth Green Friend Force – Weekly Greenosphere Picks Twilight Earth Aquires Another Green Website – Eco Tech D ...
- Massey Energy is Blasting on Coal River Mountain, ...Appalachia's West Virginians unite to stop Massey Energy Mountain Top Removal Related posts: Residents to Protest at Massey Energys Toxic Coal Sludge Dam Coal Country Film: Inside Modern Coal Mining West Virginians Come to DC to Protest Mountaintop Removal at the EPA
- Big Coals Effects on Your Families Air – Indoor ...130,000 people in the U.S. die every year from fine particulate matter from Coal burning power plants. How does it effect your families indoor air quality? Related posts: What Color Is Your Air Quality Today? Beefs Effects on People, the Environment and Society Foreclosures Effects on People and t ...
- German Chancellor says Take Down Those Walls of Gl ...On the eve of the anniversary of the opening of the Berlin Wall, German Chancellor Merkel is calling on the world to reach a deal to combat Global Warming. Related posts: The Global Warming Debate is Over Caribou Herds Getting Smaller as a Result of Global Warming We Must Start Adapting Now, to t ...
- Kilimanjaros Snows Melting at Accelerated PaceKilimanjaro has lost 85 percent of the snow and ice that makes up the mountaintop glaciers and could be completely bare in 15 years. Related posts: NASA Arctic Satellite About to Die? Here Comes Operation Ice Bridge Rising Sea Levels and Loss of Coastal Areas Report – Biofuel Industry Could Be ...
- India’s Barefoot Solar Engineers Are Building a ...Throughout India there are many rural villages that are completely removed from the grid. With no source of power for cooking, light, and heating they currently must rely on firewood, kerosene or diesel for fuel. Now green jobs are blossoming throughout these remote areas as the Orissa Tribal Empowe ...
- We Celebrate Ecouterre’s Official Launch With an ...The Ecouterrorists holdin’ it down. We kicked off the official launch of our eco-fashion site Ecouterre with a killer party. Check out all of the pics from this momentous night! READ MORE AT ECOUTERRE>Permalink | Add to del.icio.us | diggPost tags:
- Junk Dunks: Upcycled Nike Sneakers Made From Metal ...When it comes to kicks, the rarer the better. And if you’re looking for originality, we guarantee you won’t find another pair quite like these upcycled junk-metal Jordans by artist Gabriel Dishaw. He whips metal and electronic scraps from old computers into crazy DIY shoe sculptures that will ha ...
- Tara St. James’ Upcycled Zipper Jewelry Adds Zip ...Self proclaimed pack-rat and the design mastermind behind the eco-fashion line Study Tara St. James knows how to make upcycling look good. So we weren’t surprised to see that her latest endeavor takes something as mundane as old zippers and transforms them into objects of desire fit for the pages ...
- ANNOUNCING the Winners of the Inhabitat Green Hall ...DRUMROLL PLEASE… The results of our Green Halloween Costume Contest are finally in! Thank you to everyone who entered – we couldn’t be more psyched about the amazing homemade entries we got pouring in. It wasn’t easy, but we finally narrowed it down to 15 fabulous finalists and then left it ...
Pogue's Posts
- Cleaning Up the Clutter OnlineA new Web tool strips away all the flashing and the blinking and leaves you with clean, readable prose.
- Medical Apps for the iPhoneLast week, I spoke at the TED MED conference. My assignment was to speak for 18 minutes about medical apps for the iPhone. Sounds easy, right? Only one problem: there are about 7,000 medical apps.
- Return to SenderHave an amazing idea? Here's why Steve Jobs, Steve Ballmer and Sergey Brin don't want to hear about it.
- Are You Nice or Am I Famous?Do columnists or other prominent people get special white-glove treatment from customer-service reps? Hard to say, but anecdotally, the evidence is thin.
- Pogue Answers Reader Questions on Windows 7Whenever I review something that affects so many people, I can count on getting a lot of feedback - and I did, even though the review appeared only last night. Here's a sampling, with my responses.
Open Your Eyes News
- Pilger slams Australia’s handling of AboriginalsSydney Morning Herald – Since Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s formal apology to the stolen generations, Aboriginal poverty has gotten worse, the winner of the 2009 Sydney Peace Prize says.Delivering his peace prize lecture at the Sydney Opera House on Thursday night, journalist and filmmaker John Pi ...
- Outrage as Doctors’ Group Allows Coca-Cola to Sp ...Fox News – Advice about soft drinks and health from one of the nation’s largest doctors groups will soon be brought to you by Coke. The American Academy of Family Physicians has prompted outcry and lost members over its new six-figure alliance with the Coca-Cola Co. The deal will fund educationa ...
- Teenage obesity link to future MSBBC - Being obese as a teenager may be linked with an increased risk of multiple sclerosis as an adult, researchers say. Read Article
- Cambridge University study finds children too youn ...News.Com.Au – CHILDREN in New South Wales can start school as young as four but an international study says enrolment should be delayed until they are at least six years old. A Cambridge University study recommends children aged under six engage in a year of play-based learning before they start s ...
- The Benelux rat pack scrabbling for European presi ...The Independent – As history is celebrated on the streets of Berlin today, behind the scenes, another, though more discreet, chapter in European history may also be penned in that same city. The German Chancellor Angela Merkel will host her European counterparts for an evening banquet to mark the ...
Monkey Smashes Heaven
- Third World countries protest First World countrie ...Third World countries protest First World countries over climate change (monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) 50 African countries walked out of a UN working meeting on climate change in Barcelona, Spain. The African and 70 other Third World countries have been protesting U.N. climate negotiations th ...
- Lackeys in Iran: Help! Obama! Help!Lackeys in Iran: Help! Obama! Help! (monkeysmasheshheaven.wordpress.com) This week witnessed demonstrations in the streets of Tehran. According to reports, these are the first significant ones since the end of demonstrations surrounding the contested presidential elections months ago. The recent pr ...
- Sa Liyab ng Libong SuloSa Liyab ng Libong Sulo (amihanmalaya.wordpress.com) Ang “Sa Liyab ng Libong Sulo” ay isang bidyu-dokumentaryo na gawa nuong 1996 at hango sa librong, “Lipunan at Rebolusyong Pilipino,” ni Amado Guerrero. Inilalarawan nito ang kasaysayan ng pakikibaka ng sambayanang Pilipino magmula nuong ...
- The demolition of the Thälmann Memorial in Ziegen ...The demolition of the Thälmann Memorial in Ziegenhals (in Brandenburg, Germany, near Berlin) must be prevented! (www.mona-lisa.org) Declaration of human rights and peace prize bearers of the Society for the Protection of Civil Right and Human Dignity (GBM), and the circle of friends “Ernst Thà ...
- Sa pagkamatay ni Corazon Aquino.Sa pagkamatay ni Corazon Aquino. (amihanmalaya.wordpress.com and monkeysmashesheaven.wordpress.com) Namatay si Corazon Aquino nuong nakaraang lingo. Pinaguusapan ng buong bayan ang pagkamatay ng isang dating papet. Ang midya ay muli na namang nagsimula ng kampanya para purihin siya. Ginagampanan ng ...
- US Collapse: Economist Predicts Second Crises Wave ...Russian economist and academic Igor Panarin says that there is a strong possibility that the United States will break into six pieces by June 2010, which he says will be the result of a second economic crisis in late November. After Texas Governor Rick Perry mentioned the possibility of his state se ...
- Endgame: The rise of the police state, the RFID ch ...Endgame is a new song by Megadeth. This video illustrates the rise of the police state, the RFID chips and the ENDGAME. Here are the lyrics to the song: Attention! Attention! All citizens are ordered to report to their District detention centers! Do not return to your homes; do not contact anyone! ...
- Rotten Tree of Democarcy Must Be UprootedTalha Mujaddidi “Another such victory and we have had it”, King Pyrrhus of Epirus This ancient quote comes to mind after witnessing the latest run of CIA imposed democracy in Pakistan. The old crooks back with gloss and glitter. The biggest crook getting the biggest prize, the Presidency, the ...
- Dollar Will be Utterly Destroyed: Global Currency, ...The dollar will get “utterly destroyed” and become “virtually worthless”, said Damon Vickers, chief investment officer of Nine Points Capital Partners. Due to the huge wage disparities between the United States and emerging markets like China, Vickers said that may resolve itself in some typ ...
- In the Middle of Difficulty Lies Opportunity. Paki ...We are in the middle of difficulties. These difficulties are of a gargantuan nature. Never has Pakistan experienced so acutely, a vacuum of leadership with an all encompassing lack of credibility and trust deficit. Never have the masses had such complete lack of faith in its leaders because of their ...
- Desklamp Powered by a Phone JackFrom my perspective, they very fact that this is possible is the news here. It's a "reading" lamp that can be powered by a phone jack. That's right, your phone jack has a tiny amount of power that comes through along with the phone signal to power things like ringers and speakers and microphones. I ...
- US Government Surpasses Google for Geothermal Fund ...More than $300 million in funding for research and development of geothermal energy has been announced by U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu. This now pushes Google.org into second place behind the government in domestic geothermal R & D funding. The projects funded by this progra ...
- Solar Projects Battling for WaterConstruction of renewable energy projects has revealed some serious environmental issues that will have to be dealt with as we speed toward a clean energy future. We recently wrote about the conflict between land conservation efforts and renewable energy projects in deserts out west. Land that ...
- Bright Doling Out Advice to Army, AutomakersBright Automotive, best known for its 100-mpg IDEA plug-in utility van, announced a new $1.4 million contract with the U.S. Army to build a plug-in hybrid for non-combat use. The PHEV will be designed to cut Army fuel consumption as well as to demonstrate how an EV could potentially feed power ba ...
- Dell Plants Solar Trees in the Parking LotDell is doing it again, this time on-site, with a series of solar trees that will not only help power it's headquarters in Round Rock, Texas, but also serve to charge electric vehicles parked there. Of course, there aren't currently any electric vehicles parking in the Dell lot, but hopefully that w ...
Times Online - Science
- Cut-price genome readings point to tests for allThe cost of reading the human genome — the DNA sequence — has been more than halved by a new approach.
- Concerns raised over Marine Stewardship Council ...An eco-labelling scheme intended to encourage people to eat fish from sustainable sources is being criticised by conservationists.
- Sightings of water voles double, British Waterways ...A big increase has been reported in sightings of the water vole. British Waterways said 89 had been spotted on rivers and canals this year, twice as many as last year. Most sightings of the UK’s fastest declining mammal were on the Kennet and Avon Canal between Reading and Bath.
- Scientists in awe at sight of giant iceberg off Ma ...Researchers who live on Macquarie Island, a sub-Antarctic island in the Pacific Ocean where millions of seals, sealions, penguins and seabirds roam free, are used to some pretty amazing sights.
- Science Minister: Professor Nutt should not have b ...Alan Johnson should not have sacked David Nutt as his chief drugs adviser without consulting government colleagues responsible for science policy, the Science and Innovation Minister, said today.
Environment _ National Geographic
- Crime-Fighting Leech Fingers PerpPolice in Australia say a blood-engorged leech, through DNA testing, led them to a man responsible for the robbery eight years ago of a 71-year-old woman. Video
- Alligators Sing to Set Up Singles Clubs? (With Vid ...Only an alligator could truly understand the allure of this thunderous "chorus." But a new study says the song may be an invitation to reptilian romantic networking.
- Presented By:
- Leaves "Magnetized" by Air Pollution, Study FindsAlthough they wouldn't be physically attracted to a magnet, "magnetic" tree leaves along heavy traffic routes may offer a quick, cheap way to test for air pollution, a new study says.
- PICTURES: Best Mountain Photos of 2009 Announced A steam-shrouded bison, a bikini-clad diver, a seven-year-old shepherd, and other wild wonders stalk our selection of winning pictures from the latest Banff Mountain Photography Competition.
drinking liberally in new milford ( with beersphere feeds )
- Note to Simmons and McMahon: Crystal Balls and Tea ...Smash mouth political commentary from Linda McMahon and Rob Simmons : "Isn't it sad that after 30 years in Washington, Chris Dodd is still writing letters and putting out press releases after the fact,'' Ed Patru, spokesman for Linda McMahon, said in a press release. "The H1N1 shortage didn't just o ...
- Single Payer Activists Arrested at Lieberman's DC ...They came, they sat, they chanted : 8 Protesters backing a universal health care system briefly occupied Sen. Joe Lieberman's office this morning. Protesters were arrested, one by one, and dragged out of his office amid chants of "Everyone in and noone out, universal healthcare now!" and "Represe ...
- Lamont In - Rell Out There Somewhere?Still waiting on word from Rell on whether or not she will be running - presumably she is having trouble forming an opinion on whether or not to run without Dautrich first poll testing the ideas - but, via Paul Bass, it looks like Lamont is getting ready to run for Governor : Ned Lamont, who took o ...
- Banks - Breaking up is hard to do:Via the LA Times: Britain is forcing breakups of bailed-out major banks The British government -- spurred on by European regulators -- is forcing Royal Bank of Scotland, Lloyds Banking Group and Northern Rock to sell off parts of their operations. The Europeans are calling for more and smaller ba ...
- Free Marketeers Against Healthcare? Go Galt and ta ...“We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, …” I assume they were not discussing welfare payments for high ranking military officers when they mention " ...
SPL Center
- Lies, Betrayals and Self-Promotions: The Shawna Fo ...Shawna Forde, the anti-immigration crusader who has been accused of murder in the home-invasion killings of an Arizona man and his 9-year-old daughter, got the full treatment on Sunday from her hometown paper. The full treatment — more than 5,000 words of it by reporter Scott North in The Herald o ...
- Neo-Nazi Leader White Likely to Remain Jailed Unti ...An appeals court today overturned the decision of a federal judge who had released neo-Nazi leader Bill White on bond after setting several conditions. In making its decision, the three-member panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals characterized White as “a highly intelligent person appare ...
- New ‘Patriot’ Group Begins First ‘Border Wat ...The Patriots Coalition, a new antigovernment ‘Patriot’ group founded by the former vice president of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, is carrying out its first border vigilante operation targeting Latino immigrants and drug smugglers. Along with Patriots Coalition members, the month-long event ...
- UNC Chancellor Shuts Down Right-Wing Youth GroupThe chancellor of the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill has shut down the UNC chapter of the anti-immigrant group Youth for Western Civilization after its faculty adviser joked about his proficiency with a Colt .45 handgun. The adviser, professor of psychology Elliot Cramer, was responding to ...
- From a Law-Enforcement Veteran, Common Sense About ...Why is it a bad idea for local law enforcement agencies to act as immigration cops? Because it undermines public safety. William J. Bratton, chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, explains why in this op-ed essay that ran last week in the Los Angeles Times. He also explains his decision not to ...
Rio Times
- Barra de Tijuca’s New Cidade JardimBy Tricia L Chaves, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO - Any Realtor will agree that the location of your home or investment purchase is just as important as the property itself. With incredibly close proximity to the 2016 Olympic village combined with a grand neighborhood plan, Barra de Tijuca’ ...
- A New Name - The Rio TimesBy Doug Gray, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO - The Gringo Times will have a new name, but it is not a change that was taken lightly. Following last week’s story about the meaning of the word “Gringo”, and the survey participation of over 100 of readers, the polls are in, and Rio’s only ...
- Brazil Plans Another Nuclear PlantBy Jaylan Boyle, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO - A second Brazilian power station is to be built in the northeast of the country, at an as yet undisclosed location close to the coastline between the cities of Recife and Salvador, confirmed the president of the state-owned company Brazilian El ...
- Ilha Grande Eco EscapeBy Tricia L Chaves, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO - Ilha Grande (the Big Island), was a decades-long home of a prison before the structures were destroyed in the 1950s. Now, its remote location creates the ultimate natural respite from Rio‘s bustling intensity. This getaway is ideal for the ...
- Mangueira Samba SchoolBy Bruno de Nicola, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO - Pink and Green are the colors that represent the Estação Primeira de Mangueira, Rio de Janeiro’s most famous and infamous Samba School, home of many Brazilian music idols and TV celebrities. Certainly the most glamorous and advanced, ...
change: org.
- A Crash Course in Palestinian Presidential Politic ...For newcomers, here's a crash course in Palestinian presidential politics before the potential election on January 24th, 2010. It will help to demonstrate why the peace process is not only about Israel and Palestine, but also about internal debate. The Palestinian authority has two parties domin ...
- Obama Still Hasn't Appointed Leader to US Agency f ...The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) still doesn't have a confirmed leader. Issues that need a full-time voice lack the volume necessary to really move the White Hosue. All five previous administrations appointed someone quicker than President Obama, and confirmation hearin ...
- Al Gore: 'Civil disobedience has a role to play'Al Gore seems willing to try everything to highlight the threat of climate change, and to convince the public that firm action is essential. He likens the hardening tone of criticism by deniers to "the sunset phenomenon, where there's a spectacle just before the subsiding." But his critics are not t ...
- Rally Behind Palestine's Abbas, Israel's Best HopePalestinian President Mahmoud "Abu Mazen" Abbas has reached the apex of his value to the Middle East peace process. He knows it and he's betting everything he has. By threatening to quit. This week Abbas, the moderate Fatah party candidate who succeeded Yassir Arafat as head of the Palestinian autho ...
- Breaking: Bashir Cancels Turkey Visit, After AllWhat caused Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir to cancel plans to visit Turkey this weekend? The indicted war criminal was scheduled to fly to Turkey on Sunday for a meeting of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). The trip grabbed international headlines after human rights groups protest ...
Common Dreams -News
- Zelaya Says Honduras Crisis Deal Has FailedTEGUCIGALPA - Ousted Honduras President Manuel Zelaya said Friday a deal aimed at ending the country's months-long crisis had failed after the interim leader announced a government without his participation. "Practically speaking, we have decided not to continue with this theater of Mr Micheletti," ...
- Credit Card Firms Hurry to Raise Ratesby Megan Woolhouse Credit card companies are rushing to increase interest rates to historic highs of more than 30 percent, cut credit limits, and add new fees, even for customers who pay their bills on time. Lenders are making the moves in advance of tougher federal regulations for credit cards sche ...
- Report: 237 Millionaires in Congressby Erika Lovley Talk about bad timing. As Washington reels from the news of 10.2 percent unemployment, the Center for Responsive Politics is out with a new report describing the wealth of members of Congress. Among the highlights: Two-hundred-and-thirty-seven members of Congress are millionaires. Th ...
- Broader Measure of U.S. Unemployment Stands at 17. ...by David Leonhardt For all the pain caused by the Great Recession, the job market still was not in as bad shape as it had been during the depths of the early 1980s recession - until now. With the release of the jobs report on Friday, the broadest measure of unemployment and underemployment tracked b ...
- Noam Chomsky: 'US Foreign Policy is Straight Out o ...by Seumas Milne Noam Chomsky is the closest thing in the English-speaking world to an intellectual superstar. A philosopher of language and political campaigner of towering academic reputation, who as good as invented modern linguistics, he is entertained by presidents, addresses the UN general asse ...
- Top 10 Clever Fixes for Your Broken Stuff [Clever ...Buying a replacement at Target isn't always the necessary solution when your stuff goes on the fritz. Fix common problems or altogether broken gear with these clever repair methods. Photo by jeremyfoo . 10. Stripped screw holes I've moved a wall-mounted magnetic knife block between four different ho ...
- Make a Gift Bow Out of Any Paper [Gift Wrap] Sure, you can just go to the store and buy a bow. But why not make your gift show a bit more thought, and style? Recycle old maps, glossy ads, and other paper into creative bows with this guide. Design blog How about orange... put together a tutorial for turning a glossy magazine page into a gift bo ...
- From the Tips Box: Multiple Dropbox Accounts, Twi ...Readers offer their best tips for running multiple instances of Dropbox at once, using Twitter to jot down notes and ideas for yourself, and using Google Docs to manage money between friends. Don't like the gallery layout? Click here to view everything on one page. About the Tips Box: Every day we r ...
- Auto-Sealing Insulated Mug Keeps Your Drink Toast ...We love a good insulated travel mug, especially when the mercury starts to drop. This auto-sealing mug from Contigo keeps our warm beverage close by and ensures you don't spill it on your lap when driving or your keyboard while working. From weblog Cool Tools : Far and away the best travel mug I've ...
- TubeRadio Turns YouTube Into a Jukebox [Radio] YouTube's a quick source for hearing the occasional music track here and there. With TubeRadio, you can hunt down music on YouTube more efficiently, and even find entire albums, through a helpful search interface. Unlike the hunt-and-peck searching you get when you use YouTube's own search for music ...
Newshoggers - AfPak
- UK Independent's front page Remembrance Day call f ...By Steve Hynd It was inevitable that Remembrance Sunday would mean a lot of British soul-searching over continued military involvement in Afghanistan. That introspection was evident in national newspapers today, including in the London Times, where foreign correspondent Christina Lamb had a long and ...
- OccupiersBy Ron Beasley As Steve noted below Obama's National Security Adviser, James L. Jones has some serious doubts about sending additional troops to Afghanistan. As Jones said: "we can't want this more than the Afghans" Well increasingly the Afghans want it less. “What have the Americans done in eight ...
- James L. Jones: "Generals Always Ask For More Troo ...By Steve Hynd In a new interview with German mag Der Spiegel out today, Obama's National Security Adviser, Gen. James L. Jones, is sounding skeptical about the McChrystal escalation request for extra troops in Afghanistan. He says, dismissively, that "generals always ask for more troops". SPIEGEL: T ...
- New Afghan Compact Is A ClunkerBy Steve Hynd The Obama administration has a new so-called Afghan Compact which is designed to increase good governance in Afghanistan and reduce corruption. The main problem, though, is that any compact needs two sides agreeing to implement it. The success of the so-called "Afghanistan Compact" wil ...
- Full Spectrum Dominance and COINBy Dave Anderson: Robert Farley is optimistic and wrong in his argument that the US adapting a formal strategic emphasis on COIN will decrease the number of stupid wars that we get involved in. Here is his argument: Along these lines, I think it's important to push back on a particular line of COIN ...
Water Wars
- Water wars: Snake Valley issue is not as simple as ...SNAKE VALLEY — Jerald Bates climbs into his dusty Ford truck, drives a quarter mile up a winding dirt road, gets out and points to his lifeblood. The water bubbles up from the ground, surrounded by lush grass as it courses over rocks.
- California water bill falls short (Ventura County ...Winston Churchill paid tribute to the young fighter pilots who staved off Nazi Germany’s aerial assault on England during the Battle of Britain with characteristic eloquence: “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.” California politicians’ machinations ov ...
- Wolk upset with Delta plan (The Daily Democrat)While Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger made the rounds Wednesday, touting the water deal approved by the Legislature earlier that morning, representatives of the Delta area lambasted the entire package as a "boondoggle.
- Ingrid Newkirk: Come on Al, Steak or the Earth? (T ...Considering that the meat industry produces 40 percent more greenhouse gas emissions than all the world's transportation systems, we see no reason to back down in our criticism of Al Gore, among others.
- California water plan aims to change Gold Rush thi ...California legislators on Wednesday struck a truce in their water wars that could set off the biggest spending spree on water in half a century and aims to satisfy environmentalists, unemployed farmers and the cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco.
WordPress | Economics
- "Oh Lord!"--Of The Rings...HELLO GENTLE READERS, We were watching a show on “The History Channel” a few days ago on
- Murdoch On Google and Pay-To-ViewIn an interview with SkyNews Australia, Rupert Murdoch continued to insist that Google (and other se
- Another Drug_Stupid...70 percent of doctors treating Medicare patients flunked an exam on their knowledge of prescribing f
- NZRU idea - selling off Super 14 franchises### RNZ National Monday, 09 November 2009 07:53 Morning Report with Geoff Robinson & Sean Plunke
- The Swerve is RealAdam Smith was missing something from the whole picture. http://www.upenn.edu/pennnews/article.php?i
- Supreme Court to review cases of juveniles sentenc ...Death is different.
- Denali dog musher is rarest of government jobsIn the world of dog mushing, there aren't many jobs with a steady paycheck. Professional mushers live off the bounty of their race earnings, dog breeding skills and marketing savvy.
- Obama meets with Native American leadersLeslie Lohse, leader of a small band of Indians in Tehama County, recently found herself speaking directly to President Barack Obama — one chief of state to another.
- Alaska's gold production hits rate not seen since ...Miners are digging gold out of the ground in Alaska at a faster clip than they have in almost a century.
- Competing programs hamper Kentucky's prescription ...WASHINGTON -- Kentucky lawmakers are at the center of a political feud over how to best derail the so-called "pain-pill pipeline" from Florida to the Bluegrass State, a multi-state trafficking scheme that has contributed heavily to the state's crippling prescription drug addiction epidemic.
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch
- Copenhagen Countdown: 31 DaysMost of those concerned with climate have had their eyes on Barcelona this week, where delegates from 192 countries plus hundreds of observers, campaigners, lobbyists - and journalists - convened for the final session of preparatory talks before the UN climate summit in Copenhagen . As I've reporte ...
- All's fair in the climate blame gameAt the UN climate negotiations in Barcelona. It's a story that's been coming for the last few months; now that it's being written , the first cards of the blame game are being played. Remember the UN climate conference in Bali two years ago , and the road that stretched from there to Copenhagen? ...
- Climate talks: To the wire and beyondAt the UN climate negotiations in Barcelona. It looks like the UN climate summit in Copenhagen is shaping up to be another final-night, early-hours, last few seconds kind of affair. On the surface, what we're witnessing here at the final preparatory session in Barcelona is a stand-off between a pa ...
- Copenhagen countdown: 38 daysThis post - my second weekly round-up of political moves as we approach December's UN climate summit - is a little delayed, partly because the week's most important event took place on Thursday and Friday. "File on final whistle," as editors say to football correspondents - most of whom are much be ...
- Magnetic attraction of climate 'scepticism'There's been interest on this blog and elsewhere about a meeting organised on Wednesday by Piers Corbyn , the independent UK weather forecaster who argues that the sources of modern-day climate change lie in magnetic interactions around the Earth rather than greenhouse gas emissions on it. So - a g ...
Afghanistan Sun
- Military commanders consider abandoning Taliban st ...A radical shift in policy is being considered by the commanders of NATO forces in the northern part of Helmand in Afghanistan to pull British and American troops out of the towns of Musa Qala and Nawzad to focus on the more populated central areas of the
- Mayor was killed for opposing TalibanPeshawar, Nov 9 (IANS) Abdul Malik, the mayor of Adezai Union Council in Pakistan's northwest who was killed in a bomb blast in Peshawar Sunday, was targeted as he did not support Taliban militants, a media report said.
- NATO forces 'may abandon most of northern Hel ...London, Nov.9 : Western military commanders in Afghanistan are considering a radical shift in policy that would see British and US forces conduct a tactical pull-out from most of northern Helmand, including the town of Musa Qala.
- Karzai says he s addressing corruptionWASHINGTON: Afghan President Hamid Karzai said in an interview airing on Monday he is taking steps to root out corruption in his government, but he also said foreign money was making the problem worse...
- “We feel exposed to greater risks now” ...') } if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("load", startscroll, false) else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload", startscroll) else if (ie||dom) window.onload=star...
- Detroit: the new frontier?Last time we mentioned Detroit here, it was in the less-than-cheerful terms of it becoming a growth region for private security patrols, and the web is full of similar stories charting the Motor City’s decline in lucid hand-wringing detail. But what if they’re ignoring the positives in favour of ...
- Designer drugs develop faster than designer legisl ...I’m not sure whether I’m supposed to be proud or ashamed of this one, but apparently Britain has been declared the “designer drugs capital of Europe” by the EU drug agency. [image by Greencolander] This new generation of online “head shops” is at the centre of a rapidly growing market in ...
- The Anonymous Hunters: corporate critics and whist ...Have you ever bad-mouthed a big company in an internet comments thread? If so, the Wragge and Co. law firm of Birmingham, UK may be hot on your tail (provided the comment is vitriolic enough to provoke the company to spend money, one assumes) – they’ve just announced a new legal “task force” ...
- Second Llife Enterprise: virtual worlds behind the ...Here’s an interesting development in the metaverse – Linden Lab, creators of Second Life, have announced the formal launch of their “Second Life Enterprise” platform, which is essentially a fragmented piece of the virtual world that runs on corporate servers behind the firewall. Private, her ...
- Transhuman equality? Athletes with a prosthesis do ...Remember all the fuss last year about Oscar ‘Bladerunner’ Pistorius, the amputee athlete who was banned from competing against able-bodied runners in the Olympics because the authorities were concerned that his prosthetics might give him an unfair advantage? Well, it turns out that the authoriti ...
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