Friday, April 7th, 2006
US state runned Mafia/Terror/Drug traficking/Weapon trading and Money laundering Syndicate.
Ground breaking documentary work and life changing stories that reveal the truth of what the CIA does to promote its budgets and increase its influence globally. Few people will ever learn the dangers and illegal powers that this organization has over the honest and
democratic ideals of life in America. The CIA must be exposed and democracy brought to this organization or its abuses will continue to grow and put our country in more danger. Gandhi was right…..Institutional violence is wrong.
Engaging profiles of 5 former CIA agents which includes the varied experiences encountered during they’re recruitment, frightening top-secret operations, eventual disillusionment and defection. A remarkable look at the lengths our government has gone to manipulate public opinion, radically undermine civilizations in other countries, and commit crimes against humanity. An exceptional expose.
A must see for every world citizen to better understand the history of war
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On War #316: Last exit before Quagmire
William S. Lind
22 September 2009
The Washington Post yesterday made available an unclassified version of General Stanley McChrystal’s long-awaited report on the war in Afghanistan. Politically, the report is bold, in that it acknowledges the enemy has the initiative and we have been fighting the war – for eight years – in counterproductive ways.
The report’s message can be summarized in one sentence: we need to start doing classic counterinsurgency, and to do so, we need more “resources,” i.e. troops. In a narrow, technical sense, that statement is valid. Classic counterinsurgency doctrine says we need hundreds of thousands more troops in Afghanistan.
Past that syllogism, the report’s validity becomes questionable. Defects begin with the study’s failure to address Fourth Generation war’s first and most important question: Is there a state in Afghanistan? At times, the report appears to assume a state; elsewhere, it speaks of the Afghan state’s weaknesses. It never addresses the main fact, namely that at present there is no state, and under the current Afghan government there is no prospect of creating one.
The failure to acknowledge the absence of a state leads the rest of the report through the looking glass. For example, it puts great emphasis on expanding the Afghan National Security Forces (army and police). But absent a state, there are no state armed forces. The ANSF are militiamen who take a salary paid, through intermediaries, by foreign governments. How many Pashtun do you find in the ANSF?
Similarly, the report laments that Afghanistan’s prisons have become recruiting centers for the Tailban. It calls for getting the U.S. out of the prison business and turning it all over to the Afghan government. But who will then run those “state” prisons? The Taliban, of course, just as they do now.
What we’re doing in Iraq and Afghanistan is not counter-insurgency but some form of occupation. The governments of those countries can do COIN, and we can also do COIN but only in our country and its territories — where we are the government, in other words.
The history of occupations since the end of WW II is not replete with success. Even the mighty Soviet Union was not able to continue to occupy Eastern Europe (let alone Afghanistan), the French failed in Algeria and Vietnam, and we failed in Vietnam.
If you count Iraq as a success, show me where our goals included installing a corrupt Shi’ite theocracy that has become a close ally of Iran, ethnically cleansing Baghdad, and eliminating women’s rights (which were among the most advanced in the Arab world under Saddam’s regime, for all its brutality) in much of the country. We have also virtually eradicated the Christian community in Iraq, and the Sunnis are getting restless again in al-Anbar. Some success, despite some 4,000 US fatalities and roughly $1 trillion (and counting) down the drain.
The history of real COIN, however, is different. Legitimate governments can often quell insurgencies in their midsts usually by one of two methods:
[Speaking of Afghanistan, Victor Sebestyen had a piece in Thursday's NYT that vividly illustrates the folly of letting chimera such as "not appearing weak" lock orientations into a tar-baby strategy:
The history of occupations since the end of WW II is not replete with success. Even the mighty Soviet Union was not able to continue to occupy Eastern Europe (let alone Afghanistan), the French failed in Algeria and Vietnam, and we failed in Vietnam.
If you count Iraq as a success, show me where our goals included installing a corrupt Shi’ite theocracy that has become a close ally of Iran, ethnically cleansing Baghdad, and eliminating women’s rights (which were among the most advanced in the Arab world under Saddam’s regime, for all its brutality) in much of the country. We have also virtually eradicated the Christian community in Iraq, and the Sunnis are getting restless again in al-Anbar. Some success, despite some 4,000 US fatalities and roughly $1 trillion (and counting) down the drain.
The history of real COIN, however, is different. Legitimate governments can often quell insurgencies in their midsts usually by one of two methods:
- Co-opt the rebels and make other political changes to defuse the insurrection
- Wipe out the rebels along with much of the population that hides and supports them
Here in the state of Chattisgarh, Maoists dominate thousands of square miles of territory and have pushed into neighboring states of Orissa, Bihar, Jharkhand and Maharashtra, part of a so-called Red Corridor stretching across central and eastern India.
Violence erupts almost daily. In the past five years, Maoists have detonated more than 1,000 improvised explosive devices in Chattisgarh. Within the past two weeks, Maoists have burned two schools in Jharkhand, hijacked and later released a passenger train in West Bengal while also carrying out a raid against a West Bengal police station.
After trying option 1, political reform / co-option, which has no appeal for the Maoist Naxalites, the Indians now appear ready for option 2:“It may take one year, two years, three years or four,” predicted Vishwa Ranjan, chief of the state police in Chattisgarh, adding that casualties would be inevitable. “There is no zero casualty doctrine,” he said.
This will not be pretty, but if pressed to completion, history suggests that it will be successful. This is real COIN, and those who support our make-believe version in Iraq and Afghanistan might pay heed.[Speaking of Afghanistan, Victor Sebestyen had a piece in Thursday's NYT that vividly illustrates the folly of letting chimera such as "not appearing weak" lock orientations into a tar-baby strategy:
The Soviets saw withdrawal as potentially fatal to their prestige in the cold war, so they became mired deeper and deeper in their failed occupation. For years, the Soviets heavily bombarded towns and villages, killing thousands of civilians and making themselves even more loathed by Afghans. Whatever tactics the Soviets adopted the result was the same: renewed aggression from their opponents. The mujahideen, for example, laid down thousands of anti-tank mines to attack Russian troop convoys, much as the Taliban are now using homemade bombs to strike at American soldiers on patrol, as well as Afghan civilians.
“About 99 percent of the battles and skirmishes that we fought in Afghanistan were won by our side,” Marshal Akhromeyev told his superiors in November 1986. ]
Related post from a blog which has much to say about the 'wars' )
What would your reaction be if Saudi Arabia decided that sharia law is what America needs and proceeded to do everything in it's power(missionaries, economic aid, mosques, financial inducements, let alone withholding oil supplies) to ram it down your throat? ICECAP
Nov 11, 2009
Arctic Heats Up. Spitsbergen 1919 to 1939 By Arndt Bernaerts Excerpts from Introduction: Arctic Warming - What Warming?
The claim that the summer of 2007 was apocalyptic for Arctic sea ice has recently gone around the globe, because the coverage and thickness of the sea ice in the Arctic has been declining steadily over the past few decades. For many scientists this situation appears to be related to global warming (Bronnimann, 2008). In 2003 a USA research center formulated it this way already: “Recent warming of Arctic may affect worldwide climate”. Not everyone agreed but quarrel: What Arctic Warming?
Although there is hardly a convincing reason to neglect the recent warming in the Arctic and the extent of ice melt during the summer season, it is not necessarily clear yet, whether the current discussion is based on a sound and comprehensive assessment. Climate research should not only deal with Arctic warming based on observations made during the last few decades, but at least be extremely interested in other climatic events that occurred in modern times, especially if somehow in connection with the situation in the Arctic. Why?
On the 2nd of November 1922, The Washington Post published the following story: Arctic Ocean Getting Warm; Seals Vanish and Icebergs Melt”. The corresponding report in the Monthly Weather Review of November 1922 had also stated that the ice conditions in the Northern North Atlantic were exceptional; in fact, so little ice has never before been noted. Only 16 year later the meteorologist C.E.P. Books thought it necessary to explain the situation more complex:
In recent years attention is being directed more and more towards a problem which may possibly prove of great significance in human affairs, the rise of temperature in the northern hemisphere, and especially in the Arctic regions. (Brooks, 1938) At the time of the writing of these lines in 1938, the Arctic had got as warm as in the first decade of the 21st Century. How much do we know about the mechanism that caused the previous arctic warming? Not very much, as Bronnimann et a. acknowledged: “Our understanding of the climate mechanism operating in the Arctic on different timescales is still limited” (Bronnimann, 2008). Is it reasonable and fair to dramatize the shrinking sea ice during a recent time period, if one is not fully aware of what happened in the early years of the last century?
The focus is clear: What role did the ocean play? The investigation will prove that it had been substantial, by time, intensity and duration. But once these aspects have been thoroughly elaborated, the discussion will be extended to the question: Why? After all, the first arctic warming began at the end of the World War One in the winter of 1918-19, and died away when the Second World War began on the 1st of September 1939. That is worth a discussion, even if it is not the purpose of this paper to offer conclusive evidence in this respect.
The Existentialist Cowboy
Restore Democracy: Abolish the Electoral College

If the 'President' is elected to represent the people of the United states, then he/she should be elected directly by the people. The Electoral College, in which electors represent states --not people --must be abolished and the 'office' of President elected directly. The voice of the people needs no proxy. The voice of the people must be be heard directly, loudly and often. Fears that the 'college' might elect a minority President are not merely speculative should the nation be so deeply divided that three or more candidates split the electoral votes among them --no one getting a necessary majority. Precisely that happened in 1824, attempted in 1948 and again in 1968. There are but two resolutions should it happen again:
- either one candidate could throw his electoral votes to the support of another before the meeting of the Electors, or
- the U.S. House of Representatives would select the president in accordance with the 12th Amendment.
Krugman looks at how the teapartying far right acolytes of Beck and Limbaugh could literally gain enough power to do what Republicans in California have done, saying, "In California, the G.O.P. has essentially shrunk down to a rump party with no interest in actually governing — but that rump remains big enough to prevent anyone else from dealing with the state's fiscal crisis. If this happens to America as a whole, as it all too easily could, the country could become effectively ungovernable in the midst of an ongoing economic disaster.Abolishing the electoral college and electing the 'President' directly is essential if these fatal flaws are to be addressed.
--Rob Kall, Top-down blowback: The GOP Discovers that the Grassroots Bites Back,
Owelympics gets a sonic crowd control device the LRAD500X
CBC : Vancouver police get sonic crowd control device
Vancouver police have a new crowd control device capable of emitting painfully loud blasts of sound, just in time for the 2010 Winter Olympics, CBC News has learned.
The medium-range acoustic device (MRAD) can use sound as a weapon, emitting piercing sounds at frequency levels that cross the human threshold of pain and are potentially damaging to hearing, say audio experts.
But it is primarily designed as a communications device that's clearly audible up to a kilometre away, say police.
Province : Vancouver police deny sonic gun bought for Olympics protests
Vancouver Police Const. Lindsey Houghton admitted the machine has the capacity of sending out a "pulse-like noise" at adjustable volumes of up to 150 dB, and he couldn't rule out police using it as a crowd-control measure — which is how the LRAD is marketed by the manufacturer.
"Any suggestions that this device will be used as a weapon or characterizations of it as a 'sonic gun' are ridiculous. As you can see it looks nothing like a gun," said Houghton as he held the machine at a press conference Tuesday.
Sun : Vancouver police say new acoustic device could be used as weapon
Houghton said no special training is needed because the device is not complicated and involves just plugging in a microphone and pushing a button.
“There’s been talk about the pulsating noise,” he said. “Our sirens on our police cars emit a pulsating noise.”Asked if police would ever rule out using the noise to control crowds, responded, “This device could be used if the situation arose. ... We can’t rule out anything.”
The device was designed for the American military and first used publicly in North America in September as police in Pittsburgh tried to control anti-G20 demonstrators.
American Technology Corporation :
The LRAD 500X can be mounted on a variety of military vehicles including the HMMWV, LMTV, FMTV and MRAP, providing soldiers the critical capability of clearly broadcasting information, instructions and warnings to distances in excess of 2,000 meters from within their vehicles.
The system can also transmit powerful deterrent tones to influence behavior or determine intent of a threat.
The directionality of the LRAD device reduces the risk of exposing nearby personnel or peripheral bystanders to harmful audio levels.
"We continue to support our armed services in their peacekeeping missions around the world through increasing LRAD shipments," remarked ATC president and CEO, Tom Brown.
Yup, the 2010 Games is all about going downhill on slippery slopes really really fast.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Reflections in a Petri Dish
Let’s take a man who went to war in Vietnam or Iraq under the illusion that he was fulfilling some patriotic duty to a democratic country. We’ve since learned that the Vietnam War and the Iraq War, like nearly all wars, were the brain child of bankers who initiated them for profit. Let’s consider that the so-called democratic country is not, in fact, a democratic country but a serf nation in fealty to a collection of bankers called The Federal Reserve. All of the representatives of this serf nation are employed by the bank and serve at the pleasure of the bank. John Steinbeck illustrated the nature of the bank in his wonderful novel, “The Grapes of Wrath”. Today you see the reality of ‘the bank’ at work in wars for profit, in foreclosures and corporate thefts as well as the tightening of counterfeit, fiat currency flow into the economy.
This man who went to Vietnam has bought into his own sense of sacrifice and whatever idea of manhood he thought he got out of it. He even wallows in the injustice of his state, given how the war ended and the public’s view of it. It defines him to himself. He’s listening to Bruce sing, “Glory Days” on the bar stool of his dotage. He went from soldier to college graduate and into a field that relied on the serf nation for his employment. He bought into the system and served the system, continuing to believe that there are good wars and that his nation is a democratic one. He seeks justice in the system believing that the public interest is served. In reality, the poor usually go to jail and the rich stay out or spend their time in a country club. If he looks clearly at it he cannot justify his position with his conscience so he becomes philosophical and interprets everything that happens within a fantasy construct the same way he did with Vietnam.